Shirvindt sclerosis scattered in life. Alexander Shirvindt - Sclerosis, scattered in life

U-U-U-U-GU-GUG-GUU! Oh, look at me, I dare. The blizzard in the doorway roars to me, and I will be with her. I disappeared, disappeared. Scounding in a dirty cap - cook table of normal nutrition of the Central Council employees national economy - splashed boiling water and crushed me left side.

What a gadet, and also a proletarian. Lord, my God - how hurts! Before the bones, gladly boiled. I now cheat, I will, let them make help.

What did I prevent him from? Do I really find the Council of the National Economy, if in the garbage? Greedy creature! You look at it sometime on his face: after all, he across himself wider. Thief with copper muzzle. Ah, people, people. At noon, I treated me with a cap boiling water, and now it was dark, four approximately the afternoon, judging by the onion, it smells of a fire brainstone team. Firefighters dine porridge, as you know. But this is the last thing, like fungi. Familiar dogs from the Prechistenka, however, they said as if on Neglinnom in the restaurant "Bar" fir the duty dish - mushrooms, Pican sauce on 3r.75 k. Portion. This is the case on the amateur anyway that the calico lick ... U-U-U-y ...

Side hurts Nesterpimo, and the distance of my career is visible to me completely clearly: tomorrow ulcers will appear and, asks, what will I treat them?

In the summer you can go to Sokolniki, there is a special, very good grass, and besides, you will get free sausage heads, the citizens will squeeze the paper. And if it were not for Grymza somehow that she sings in the meadow under the moon - "Cute Aida" - so that the heart falls, it would be excellent. And now where do you go? Did not beat you with your boot? Beat. Rubram received bricks? Kusano enough. Everything experienced, I lass my fate and, if I pay now, then only from physical pain and cold, because my spirit is not yet ugas ... the lives of the dog's spirit.

But my body is broken, broken, the people have passed over him enough. After all, the main thing is that - how he cut it with boiling boiling, under the wool, and the protection, it became, for the left side there is no one. I can very easily get inflammation of the lungs, but by having received it, I, citizens, a fierce with hunger. With inflammation of the lungs, it is assumed to lie on the ground progress under the staircase, and who instead of me lying idle dogs will run on the sorting boxes in search of food? I will catch the light, I'm on my stomach, weaken, and any special knob hurts me to death. And wipers with blahs grab my feet and thrown out on the cart ...

The wipers from all proletarians are the most vile scum. Human cleaning is the lowest category. The cook comes across different. For example, the deceased Vlas with the Prechistenka. How many he saved life. Because most importantly during the disease intercept Cous. And so, it happened, the old dogs say, the Vlas bone wave, and on it with the oct of meat. The kingdom of heaven him for the fact that there was a real person, the Barsky Cook of Counts of Tolstoy, and not from the Council of Normal Nutrition. What they get out there in normal nutrition - the dog is incomprehensible. After all, they, the bastards, from Skyulyu, Salonina are boiled, and those, poor people, do not know anything. Run, crush, lacquer.

A different typist gets four and a half Chervonets on the IX category, well, however, the lover of her filming stocks will give. Yes, because how much the bullying for this filter game should be made. After all, he does not have it in some ordinary way, but exposes French love. With ... these French, between us speaking. Though the robes are beaten, and everything with red wine. Yes…

He will come running the typist, because for 4.5 Chervonz, you won't go to the bar. She is not enough for cinema, and the cinema of a woman has the only consolation in life. Coloring, wrinkles, but shovel ... Jump only: 40 kopecks of two dishes, and they are both of these dishes and the five-thousandn one, because the remaining 25 kopecks convoluted. Does she really need such a table? She and the top of the right light is not in order and the female disease in French soil, in the service with her, it was deducted, tukhlyatina in the dining room fed, so she, here she ...

Runs in a resident in lovers stockings. The legs are cold, in the stomach blows, because the wool on it like mine, and the pants she wears cold, one lace appearance. Range for lover. Innight she is flannel, try, he will grow up: what are you inevitable! My Matrion was tired of me, I suffered with flannel pants, now my time came. I am now the Chairman, and how much is not a latter - everything is on the female body, on cancer necks, on Abrau-Durso. Because I was glad in my youth enough, it would be from me, but there is no afterlife.

Sorry to me, sorry! But myself is even more sorry for me. Not from egoism I speak, oh no, but because we are really not in equal conditions. She is even warm at home, well, and me, and me ... where to go? U-U-U-U! ..

- Kut, junny, bunch! Ball, and the ball ... What do you whine, poor thing? Who hurt you? Wow ...

The witch dry blizzard raised the gate and the lady went on the ear of the young lady. The skirmon was whipped to his knees, exposed cream stockings and a narrow strip of poorly styled lace Belish, strangled the words and was offended by Psa.

My God ... What is the weather ... Wow ... and the stomach hurts. This is Solonin! And when will it end all?

Tilting his head, the young lady rushed into the attack, broke into the gate, and on the street began to tweer her, thrust, throw, then he clicked with a snow screw, and she disappeared.

And the dog remained in the gateway and, suffering from the worried side, pressed against the cold wall, the asshole and firmly decided that she would not go anywhere else from here, and he would die in the gateway. Despair threw it. He had in front of him, it was hurt and bitter, before one and scary that small dog tears, like pupils, got out of the eyes and immediately dressed.

The spoiled side was stuck in the rolled missing commits, and between them the red ominous rolling stains were gone. What are meaningless, stupid, cruel cooks. - "The ball" she called him ... What is he to hell "the ball"? The ball is that it means round, diluted, stupid, oatmeal eats, the son of noble parents, and he is shaggy, lanky and torn, stupid rushing, stray dog. However, thanks for good Word.

Winter 1924/25 Moscow. Professor Philipp Philippovich Preobrazhensky opened a way of rejuvenation of the body by means of transplanting people of the internal secretion of animals. In his seven apartment apartment in a large house on the Prechistenka, he is receiving patients. The house passes the "seal": in the apartment of the former tenants they instill new - "residents". Preobrazhensky comes Chairman of the Schwonder's houses with the requirement to free two rooms in his apartment. However, Professor, by calling one of his high-ranking patients by phone, receives armor on his apartment, and Schwonder has nothing to do with anything.

Professor Preobrazhensky and his assistant Dr. Ivan Arnoldovich Bormental dinner in the dining room from the professor. From somewhere on top there is a choral singing - this is the general meeting of the "residents". The professor is outraged by what is happening in the house: the carpet was stolen from the front staircase, the front door was stolen and now they go through a black move, all the kelos were disappeared from the ball stand in the entrance. "Destroyer," - notes Bormental and receives in response: "If I am instead of working, I will start to sing in my apartment, I will have breakdown!"

Professor Preobrazhensky picks up a powerful PSA, a patient and with encouraged wool, leads his home, instructs the housekeeper ZINE to feed him and care for him. After a week, a clean and well-fed ball becomes gentle, charming and beautiful dog.

The professor conducts operation - transplants the ball of the gland of the internal secretion of Klima Chugulkin, 25 years old, three times convicted of the theft playing on the balalaica on the Tractors who died with a knife. The experiment was a success - the dog does not die, but, on the contrary, gradually turns into a person: he adds in growth and weight, it falls wool, he begins to talk. Three weeks later, this is a man of a small growth, a non-fairing outfice, which played with the hobby on the balalaica, smokes and sprout. After a while, he demands that Philipp Philippovich, so that he prescribed it, for which the document is needed, and he has already chosen the name and surname: Polygraph of Polygraphovich Sharikov.

From the former dog life Sharicikov remains hatred for cats. One day, shutting up behind the cat, rolling into the bathroom, the balls snaps into the bathroom, accidentally turns the water tap, and all the apartment pours with water. Professor is forced to cancel the reception. Fedor's janitor caused to repair the crane, confusedly asks Philip Philippovich to pay for a broken window: he tried to hug a kitchen from the seventh apartment, the owner began to drive him. The balls in response began to flock into it with stones.

Philipp Philippovich, Bormental and Balls dinner; Again and again, the Bormental unsuccessfully teaches Sharicikov good manners. On the question of Philip Philippovich that the balls is currently reading, he replies: "Correspondence Engels with Kautsky" - and adds that he does not agree with both, but in general "everything should be divided", and then "one in seven rooms is rushed, but Another in weed boxes are looking for food. " The outrageous professor announces Sharicov that he stands on the lowest stage of development and nevertheless allows himself to submit advice space. The harmful book professor orders to quit in the oven.

After a week, the balls presents the document from which he follows that he, the balls, is a member of the residential department and he is relying a room in a professorship. In the same evening, in the office of Professor Sharikov, two Chervonians assign and returns at night completely drunk, accompanied by two unknown, which were removed only after calling the police, grabbing, however, with him a malachite ashtray, a cane and a beaper cap Filippovich.

The same night, in his office, Professor Preobrazhensky talks with a bormental. Analyzing what is happening, the scientist comes to despair from the fact that it from miley PSA He got such a scum. And all the horror is that he is no longer a dog, namely, human heart, and the most lousy of all that exist in nature. He is confident that in front of them - Klim Chugunkin with all his thefts and trigteles.

Once, coming home, the balls places Filippe Filippovich the certificate, from which it appears that he, the balls, consists of a head of the purification of the city of Moscow from the stray animals (cats and so on). A few days later, the balls brings the young lady, with whom, according to him, he is going to sign and live in the apartment of Preobrazhensky. Professor tells the lady of Baryshne about the past Sharicikov; She spares, saying that he gave the scar from the operation for a combat wound.

The next day, one of the high-ranking patients of Professor brings him written on him the balls of the Donos, which is mentioned and thrown into the furnace Engels, and "counter-revolutionary speeches" of professors. Philipp Philippovich offers Sharicov to collect his belongings and immediately remove from the apartment. In response to this one hand, the balls shows Professor Shish, and the other takes out a revolver from his pocket ... After a few minutes, the pale bornet cuts the wire wire, locks the front door and black and hiding together with the professor in the observation.

Ten days later, the investigator appears in the apartment with the search order and the arrest of Professor of Preobrazhensky and Dr. Bormental on charges of them in the murder of the head of the P. P. P. "What Sharicikov? - asks a professor. - Ah, PSA, whom I operated on! " And it presents a strange type of PSA: places bald, places with spots of growing wool, it goes on the hind legs, then rises all four, then rises again to the rear paws and sits in the chair. The investigator faints.

It takes two months. In the evenings, the dogs peacefully sleep on the carpet in the office of the professor, and life in the apartment goes to her!

AuthorBookDescriptionYearPriceType of book
"Why is this book written? From the usual vanity? From the feeling of unheard of its significance and the need to tell humanity something that he could not come to mind? From Grafoman ... - Foreign - Hummingbird,2019
830 paper book
Why was this book created? From the usual vanity? From the feeling of unheard of its significance and the need to tell humanity something that he could not come to mind? Yes, if you ... - Azbuka-Attikus, e-book2014
349 electronic book
Why is this book written? From the usual vanity? From the feeling of unheard of its significance and the need to tell humanity something like that he and the head can come to the head? Yes, if you feel honest ... - ABC-Attikus, Hummingbird, (format: 70x108 / 16, 312 p.)2015
584 paper book
Why is this book written? From the usual vanity? From the feeling of unheard of its significance and the need to tell humanity something like that he and the head can come to the head? From the graphoman thirst ... - Hummingbird, (format: 70x108 / 16, 312 p.)2015
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Why was this book created? From the usual vanity? From the feeling of unheard of its significance and the need to tell humanity something that he could not come to mind? Yes, if you ... - ABC-Attikus, (format: 70x108 / 16, 312 p.)
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Live stories of the modern Russian writer about life and death, how to preserve the dignity in a difficult situation, about gaping rifle in the memory of the post-Soviet community - return, (format: 60x84 / 16, 168 p.)2011
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Scattered sclerosis is a dangerous and unpredictable alert, which strikes a person in the heyday. Unfortunately, this disease is still applied to categories. However, due to the early ... - vector, (format: 84x108/32, 128 p.)2010
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Live stories of the modern recognized Russian writer about life and death, how to preserve the dignity in a difficult situation, about gaping rods in the memory of the company - Publishing decisions, (format: 84x108 / 32, 448 pp) e-book
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In the new book, the most famous Russian doctor, Professor Sergey Mikhailovich Bubnovsky, calls his reader to take a fresh look at the system called the human body not by the disease ... - Eksmo, (format: 84x108 / 32, 448 pp.)2015
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100 years of active life, or secrets of a healthy longevity. 1000 answers to questions how to return health. In this book, the most famous Russian doctor, Professor Sergey Mikhailovich Bubnovsky ... - Eksmo, (format: 70x108 / 16, 312 p.)2018
572 paper book
100 years of active life, or secrets of a healthy longevity. 1000 answers to questions how to return health. In this book, the most famous Russian doctor, Professor Sergey Mikhailovich Bubnovsky ... - Eksmo, (format: 70x108 / 16, 312 p.)2018
311 paper book
In the new book, the most famous Russian doctor, Professor Sergey Mikhailovich Bubnovsky, calls his reader in a new way to look at the system called the "human body" not from ... - Eksmo, (format: 84x108 / 32, 448 p.) E-book2015
249 electronic book

Book reviews:

Advantages: Everything. Comment: Oh. And I love I syllable Shirvindt! How cool he writes! Ironically delight.

Dudina Hope 0.

Advantages: Gorgeous Book Comment: Given parents, they are delighted! Excellent book- an extraordinary combination of humor, life, truth and kindness! A lot of quotes and already winged expressions in our life))))

Bought and do not regret !!! A wonderful syllable, a bunch of irony, humor, comic nipers, would have enough for one libretto ... in one word legend, and most importantly live legend! At work, he gave to to read our Corporate Balagoru, he had soaphed in her, which eventually wrote an instance of the book. After, I still wrote an instance and presented the chef for my birthday, now I hear the shirvindov notes in the conversation, or a quote from the book. Bravo, Alexander Anatolyevich !!!

Vasilyev Sergey 0.

And not to read those who can not distinguish pisdodupposition (by shirvindt - openness, sincerity, fragile latitude and native language) From splitting. Although personally, I believe that it is the combination of these wonderful qualities that constitutes the essence of the most Russian soul that is not understood by any place. As soon as a person begins to "grow on himself over himself," by eradicating the splitness, it automatically begins to decrease the pizdodu formation. And then he has one road - for the Borny, because he ceases to understand the surrounding reality. Here the Depardieu moved to us, as both qualities in it through the edge! I do not affirm that it is good. This is just a fact. Shirvindt is an optimist, despite the fact that it perfectly adequately perceives the unbearability of Soviet being. Life is us today today and now, and it is necessary to live in the buzz. I received nothing with any comparable pleasure when I read a book: Slim, with humor and self-irony, the events of his life are described, which are the events of my life. I just do not know what else to say about the read. More than half of my life was relevant called "Book - the best gift!". And anyone. Because no was. In this sense, this edition weighing in pure two kilos with beautiful archival photos, printed on the cooled paper - the best gift! And who does not like it - it can be encouraged.

At the end of the school, he was adopted in the theater troupe. Leninsky Komsomol (now the theater Lenkom), where he played in the performances "The first equestrian" Vsevolod Vishnevsky, "Goodbye, boys!" Boris Balter, "Holy John" Bernard Shaw, "Seagull" Anton Chekhov, "Moliere" Mikhail Bulgakov, "Everyone his" Samuel Aleshina, "104 pages about love" and "filming the movie" Edward Radzinsky and others.

In 1968, Alexander Shirvindt moved to the Moscow Drama Theater on the Small Bronnaya, where he served two years. In the theater on a small armor played in performances "Happy Days of Unfortunate Man" Alexey Arbuzov, "Romeo and Juliet" William Shakespeare and others.

From 1970 to the present, Alexander Shirvindt works at the Moscow Theater of Satira. In December 2000, he was appointed artistic director of the theater.

In the Moscow theater of Satira, he played more than 30 roles. The first role of Alexander Shirvindt in the theater was the Graph Almaviv in the famous Valentine's Studge formulation "Mad Day, or the marriage of Figaro" Boualershe (1970).

Among other performances - "Ordinary Miracle" Yevgeny Schwartz, "Auditor" Nikolai Gogol, "Klop" Vladimir Mayakovsky, "Mount from Wit" Alexander Griboedov, "Three-timed Opera" Bertold Brecht, "Happy lucky" Grigory Gorina, "Hello from Zureup "Fazil Iskander," Andryusha "Arkady Arkanova and Alexander Shirvindt," Ornithm "Jean Anuu and others.

Alexander Shirvindt as a director and stager worked on performances "Wake up and sing!" (joint production with Mark Zakharov), "Little Comedy of the Big House" (joint statement with Andrey Mironov), "We are 50!" (in collaboration with Gregory Gorin, a joint statement with Margarita Mikaelyan), "Nepalm", "Her Excellency", "Concerto for the Theater with Orchestra" (in collaboration with Gregory Gorin), "Silence, sadness, silence ..." (stager and director ), "Passion of the Black Sea", "Benefis. Spartak (Mishulin) - Spectator (national team)", "Andryusha" (in collaboration with Arkady Arkanov), "Too married taxi driver", "Women without borders", "Sewing, or anthem idiocy " and others.

Special place in the work of Shirvindt is the stage. In the 1960s, Shirvindt in the company with their young and older colleagues organized a "cabbage" group, which arranged the famous "cabbagers" in the house of the actor. He also took part in the organization and holding of the anniversary evenings of Rostislav Kattat, Leonid Rockov.

Alexander Shirvindt - author and director-director of the anniversary evenings of actors Satira Tatiana Peltzer, George Tusovov, Valentina Pleuke, George Menglet, Olga Aospeva, and evenings dedicated to the 60th, 70s and 75th anniversary of the Moscow Theater of Satira.

The program of the 60th anniversary of the theater subsequently followed the basis of the Furniture-coming "scene" silence, sadness ... ".

On the stage, Shirvindt performs in several amplua: as director, entertainer, author and performer. They are invented by the famous duet - Avdota Nikitichna (Boris Vladimirov) and Veronika Mauriciyevna (Vadim Thinks). He also worked with a cockroach and plug, the world and Novitsky, Lvir Shimelov, Vladimir Vinokur, Dr. Alexander Shirvindt wrote monologues for many artists (faith in Maretskaya, Mikhail Pugovkin, Vsevolod Sanaeva, etc.), which then sounded from pop. For many years, he himself performs on the stage, his duet with Mikhail Derzhavin enjoys greatly popularity.

In the cinema, Alexander Shirvindt is removed since 1956 ("She loves you"). Among his filmmaker - Roles in films "Come tomorrow" (1963),

"Once again about love" (1968), "Irony of fate, or with a light steam!" (1975), "Heavenly swallows" (1976), "Three in a boat, not counting the dogs" (1979), "Mnimymaya Patient" (1980), "Winter Evening in Gagra" (1985), "The most charming and attractive" ( 1985), "Million in the marriage basket" (1986), "Forgotten Melody for Flute" (1987), "Bestnik" (1990), "Hi, foolie!" (1996). In 2007, starred in the film "Irony of Fate. Continued.

Shirvindt led cycles on television "Seven US and Jazz", "Terem Teremok"; "Theatrical Meetings" from the house of the actor - television programs about Mikhail Zharov, Leonid Utösov, Nikita theologian.

From 1958 to the present, Alexander Shirvindt teaches the skill of the actor in the theater school. B.V. Schukina, since 1995 - Professor.

Book of memories "(2006)," Busy Biographies "(2013).

Alexander Shirvindt - People's Artist of Russia, Member of the Union of Theater Workers, Member of the Union of Cinematographers, Actual Member of the Russian Film Academy, Co-Chair of the Moscow English Club.

He was awarded the Order of the Friendship of Peoples (1994), the Order "For Merit to Fatherland" II (2009) and IV degrees (2004), honorary "Public Recognition" (1998), has a number of theatrical awards, including the "Crystal Turandot" award (2009), Winner of the National Award "Russian Year" in the nomination "Star of Russia" (2005).

Alexander Shirvindt is married, his wife Natalia Belousova is an architect. Son Mikhail - actor, director, TV host.

Yes! It is probably the term-

It's time to succumb to temptation

And life summarize,

So as not to flirt with the slaughter.

Unknown poet

(Is it unknown, is the poet?

It is known that not a poet. My poem)

Patchwork blanket Thoughts

The senile thoughts come during insomnia, so the blanket here is not an attempt of aphorism, but a natural coating. We must have time to reach the sheet of paper. If the route via the toilet - writing gone. That is, lost what I wanted to write.

The physical condition of the body provokes comprehension. Measurement to the formulations. The formulations begin to smoke the thought or, as a last resort, wisdom. Wisdom looks like an individual. In the morning you understand that all this old cowardice already has a centuries-old background and dictated by all sorts of geniuses. Dead end!

The years are going ... more and more often different media are treated with the requirements of personal memories of those who have left peers. Gradually become a comment on the book of other people's lives and destinies, and the memory is weakening, episodes are confused, for old age is not when you forget, and when you forget where I recorded not to forget.

For example, I recorded the previous idea in one of the three of my books that came out earlier. And forgot. I read now - as if for the first time. What I wish for those who read them too.

Sclerosis came as an insight.

... How often are we supposedly philosophically pronounce different words, not thinking about the essence of stupidity: "Time to scatter stones, time to collect stones." What is that? Well, you scattered on the young strength all the stones - and how to collect them in old age, if you get up - the problem, not to mention the break, and even with a cobblestone in your hand.

But once this is a curnt truth, then I also want to assemble the stones scattered in life, so that all the most expensive was not lying wherever neither fall, but was in the same heap; In order not to languish in time and space, sclerotically shooting in traffic jams when trying to move from one milestone to another.

And it turns out, I already wrote. True, since then has passed a few more milestones. And there is something to remember. Rather, there is something to forget.

Somehow I was asked: "What, in your opinion, should not be included in the book of memories?" Replied: "Everything, if you are afraid of exposure."

The memoirism displaces the Hogol's bookshelves, Gogol and Kozma Prutkov, and many graphicomans come up with documentary non-liberies.

The Satira Theater was Margarita Mikaelian director. Somehow at the meeting of the artistic council, she rose and said: "I have been working for many years, I have been working in the theater for a long time. I listen to me now discussion and think: how much is it possible? And I decided - from today not to lie. " Pleek says: "Mara, Late."

No need to fall into the temptation to write a monumental work within the framework of memoir stereotypes under the modest name "I am about myself", "myself about me", "they are about me" and, at thin, self-consistent end: "I'm about them ...

Today, birthday dishes are issued for the portion - hence a cheap menu of biographies and heartburn in the final.

Once I brought the formula that I am: Born in the USSR, which lives with socialism with a capitalist face (or vice versa).

I think that cloning came up with Gogol in the "marriage": "If Nican Ivanovich's lips were putting to Ivan Kuzmich's nose ..." So, if it were here, and this is here, "so unfortunately, it does not work. With the cloning of your own biography does not develop.

For 80 years, it did not happen seriously despair - just pretending. It preserved the hair, smooth skin face and infantilism of the old asshole.

Once I came across, it seems, Romen Gary (he is Emil Azhar) - sometimes it is painfully want to shine well, - on the phrase: "He reached the age when a person has a final face." Everything! There are no more prospects for growth and reincarnation - it is necessary to accept and live with this physiognomy.

Figure 80 - unpleasant. When they say it, somehow slipks. And when drawn on paper, I want to flick it. Recently caught myself thinking that I began to pay attention for years of life famous people. You read: died at 38, 45, 48 years ... - and overcomes sadness. But sometimes you look: I lived 92 years. A great weight off one's mind. Therefore, I have a desk book now - the calendar of the cinema house, which every month is sent to members of the Union of Cinematographers. On the first page - the heading "Congratulations to the Jubilees". Near women's surnames are dirty, and about male - round dates. But starting with 80 write and non-circular - just in case, because the hopes for congratulation with the next round date is not enough. And this calendarik is my consolation. True, sometimes the surnames are completely unfamiliar - some Boutaphor, the second director, the fourth pyrotechnic, the fifth assistant ... But what figures are: 86, 93, 99! Ichthyozavra hopes.

In large writers, it is customary to sum up, have a complete collected work. And when the essays for the life of only three, you can collect them together, to add something, and it will be "multi-volume" work for 300 pages.

I was always surprised why biographies and autobiographies are written from birth and on, and not the opposite. After all, it is obvious that the man is brighter and thoroughly discussed today's allegedly alleged life, and even then, gradually, together with the fading memory, go deep into its everyday period.

I turn on the reverse.

The congress of today's artisans of the theaters in the age approaches the Vatican.

I remember one of the congresses of the Union of Theater Workers a few years ago. We have nostalgia for congresses. This was held in some green hall of the city hall. "Turn on the first microphone ...", "Turn on the second microphone ...". I was sitting, listened, he listened, Swedearil, wake up, and I have a feeling that I am in a billiard room: a huge green cloth and billiard balls, just a lot. These are baldins. And Alexander Alexandrovich Kalyagin, sitting in the presidium, is also a powerful billiard ball. (Although, of course, this is the happiness that there are people of such an acting level, which at the same time want to be the main bosses.)

Many years have come unexpectedly. For some reason. Was fishing - brought friends. Friends are also not the most fresh, but still ten years and fifteen differences. There is going down to the lake. They are there and here, and I referred there, but I can't climb back.

In a straight screen, as Staire, and with the steps there is already a problem. Knees.

With age in man, everything concentrates - all the parameters of the mind and heart. But there is also physiology, she takes over all parameters by 80 years. When you eat or get up, then everything obeys it, and "physics" begins to dictate. When I got up, and the knee is not uninstalled, then you become a storm, and evil, and greedy. And simultaneously. And if the knee miraculously broke up, then everything is ready to give, nothing to regret.

For the first time, I understood the value of the expression "weak in the knees" of twenty years ago - it turns out, this is when they, firstly, hurt, secondly, they are poorly flex and, thirdly, they become weak. Approached two familiar luminaries on the knees - both gave diametrically opposite recommendations, and decided to keep the knees in this form as it is, for the new ones do not affect me.

I am treated with a special warming gel for the joints, which I buy in a veterinary pharmacy. Rider Friends advised. Here is the instructions for use: "Fasting from the knee to hoof. After the procedure, it is recommended to cover the horse at the opponent. It is advisable to refrain from work on soft soil. " Maja! Stunning effect! At the same time I refuse soft soil. Principled. I agree only on a solid coating. Like tennis players. One loves Hard, the second is grass. So I am now.

Why was this book created? From the usual vanity? From the feeling of unheard of its significance and the need to tell humanity something that he could not come to mind? Yes, if you feel honest, then all this is present, but to be honest to the end, then it is true that you want to consolidate your friends, your own home, and therefore your life.

Characteristics of the book

Speech Date: 2014
Name: Sclerosis scattered in life

Volume: 340 pp., 62 illustrations
ISBN: 978-5-389-09034-7
Rightholder: ABC-Attikus

Preface to the book "Sclerosis, scattered in life"

The senile thoughts come during insomnia, so the blanket here is not an attempt of aphorism, but a natural coating. We must have time to reach the sheet of paper. If the route via the toilet - writing gone. That is, lost what I wanted to write.

The physical condition of the body provokes comprehension. Measurement to the formulations. The formulations begin to smoke the thought or, as a last resort, wisdom. Wisdom looks like an individual. In the morning you understand that all this old cowardice already has a centuries-old background and dictated by all sorts of geniuses. Dead end!

The years are going ... more and more often different media are treated with the requirements of personal memories of those who have left peers. Gradually become a comment on the book of other people's lives and destinies, and the memory is weakening, episodes are confused, for old age is not when you forget, and when you forget where I recorded not to forget.

For example, I recorded the previous idea in one of the three of my books that came out earlier. And forgot. I read now - as if for the first time. What I wish for those who read them too.

Sclerosis came as an insight.

... How often are we allegedly philosophically pronounce different words, not thinking about the essence of stupidity: "Time to scatter stones, time to collect stones." What is that? Well, you scattered on the young strength all the stones - and how to collect them in old age, if you get up - the problem, not to mention the break, and even with a cobblestone in your hand.

But once this is a curnt truth, then I also want to assemble the stones scattered in life, so that all the most expensive was not lying wherever neither fall, but was in the same heap; In order not to languish in time and space, sclerotically shooting in traffic jams when trying to move from one milestone to another.

And it turns out, I already wrote. True, since then has passed a few more milestones. And there is something to remember. Rather, there is something to forget.

Somehow I was asked: "What, in your opinion, should not be included in the book of memories?" Replied: "Everything, if you are afraid of exposure."

The memoirism displaces the Hogol's bookshelves, Gogol and Kozma Prutkov, and many graphicomans come up with documentary non-liberies.

The Satira Theater was Margarita Mikaelian director. Somehow at the meeting of the artistic council, she rose and said: "I have been working for many years, I have been working in the theater for a long time. I listen to me now discussion and think: how much is it possible? And I decided - from today not to lie. " Pleek says: "Mara, Late."

No need to fall into the temptation to write a monumental work within the framework of memoir stereotypes under the modest name "I am about myself", "myself about me", "they are about me" and, at thin, self-consistent end: "I'm about them ...

Today, birthday dishes are issued for the portion - hence a cheap menu of biographies and heartburn in the final.

Once I brought the formula that I am: Born in the USSR, which lives with socialism with a capitalist face (or vice versa).

I think that cloning came up with Gogol in the "marriage": "If Nican Ivanovich's lips were putting to Ivan Kuzmich's nose ..." So, if it were here, and this is here, "so unfortunately, it does not work. With the cloning of your own biography does not develop.

For 80 years, it did not happen seriously despair - just pretending. It preserved the hair, smooth skin face and infantilism of the old asshole.

Once I came across, it seems, Romen Gary (he is Emil Azhar) - sometimes it is painfully want to shine well, - on the phrase: "He reached the age when a person has a final face." Everything! There are no more prospects for growth and reincarnation - it is necessary to accept and live with this physiognomy.

Figure 80 - unpleasant. When they say it, somehow slipks. And when drawn on paper, I want to flick it. Recently caught himself to think that it began to pay attention to the years of the life of famous people. You read: died at 38, 45, 48 years ... - and overcomes sadness. But sometimes you look: I lived 92 years. A great weight off one's mind. Therefore, I have a desk book now - the calendar of the cinema house, which every month is sent to members of the Union of Cinematographers. On the first page - the heading "Congratulations to the Jubilees". Near women's surnames are dirty, and about male - round dates. But starting with 80 write and non-circular - just in case, because the hopes for congratulation with the next round date is not enough. And this calendarik is my consolation. True, sometimes the surnames are completely unfamiliar - some Boutaphor, the second director, the fourth pyrotechnic, the fifth assistant ... But what figures are: 86, 93, 99! Ichthyozavra hopes.

In large writers, it is customary to sum up, have a complete collected work. And when the essays for the life of only three, you can collect them together, to add something, and it will be "multi-volume" work for 300 pages.

I was always surprised why biographies and autobiographies are written from birth and on, and not the opposite. After all, it is obvious that the man is brighter and thoroughly discussed today's allegedly alleged life, and even then, gradually, together with the fading memory, go deep into its everyday period.

I turn on the reverse.

From 80 to 40

The congress of today's artisans of the theaters in the age approaches the Vatican.

I remember one of the congresses of the Union of Theater Workers a few years ago. We have nostalgia for congresses. This was held in some green hall of the city hall. "Turn on the first microphone ...", "Turn on the second microphone ...". I was sitting, listened, he listened, Swedearil, wake up, and I have a feeling that I am in a billiard room: a huge green cloth and billiard balls, just a lot. These are baldins. And Alexander Alexandrovich Kalyagin, sitting in the presidium, is also a powerful billiard ball. (Although, of course, this is the happiness that there are people of such an acting level, which at the same time want to be the main bosses.)

Many years have come unexpectedly. For some reason. Was fishing - brought friends. Friends are also not the most fresh, but still ten years and fifteen differences. There is going down to the lake. They are there and here, and I referred there, but I can't climb back.

In a straight screen, as Staire, and with the steps there is already a problem. Knees.

With age in man, everything concentrates - all the parameters of the mind and heart. But there is also physiology, she takes over all parameters by 80 years. When you eat or get up, then everything obeys it, and "physics" begins to dictate. When I got up, and the knee is not uninstalled, then you become a storm, and evil, and greedy. And simultaneously. And if the knee miraculously broke up, then everything is ready to give, nothing to regret.

For the first time, I understood the value of the expression "weak in the knees" of twenty years ago - it turns out, this is when they, firstly, hurt, secondly, they are poorly flex and, thirdly, they become weak. Approached two familiar luminaries on the knees - both gave diametrically opposite recommendations, and decided to keep the knees in this form as it is, for the new ones do not affect me.

Sclerosis, scattered in life - Alexander Shirvindt (download)

(Book Foreign Fragment)