Hexagram shock 51 interpretation of Sklyarov. Zhen

The symbol, consisting of five strong features and one weak line, demonstrates the need for a person to break out of the environment and decide on something.

Hexagram 43 is an interpretation of the situation of re-development, when the accumulation of creative energy requires one to show determination and make a breakthrough from the current form of creation. A full study of the sign explains that it is now necessary to show maximum fortitude in order to find from hazardous conditions correct exit.

Hexagram 43, Guai, Exit (Determination).


A bath should appear in the chambers with a loud warning of impending misfortune. Inform the townspeople that it is better not to use weapons. It's good to go somewhere.

The decoding of the symbol shows that the main condition for the exit is inner truthfulness. It appears only if a person speaks on his own behalf. If the individual uses the environment for pressure and aggression against other subjects, he forgets about self-education and invites trouble.

The outer trigram according to the Chinese book is represented by the Danger that arises from Creativity in the inner trigram. Therefore, it is important to get out of the current process, to stop it, otherwise regret is inevitable.

Hexagram 43, Guai, Exit is dominated by Yang energy. Therefore, a situation of a breakthrough of the accumulated forces is created. However, the sign gives only general characteristics way out, because in fact, no one knows what the soul of a person or his mind is filled with this moment. In any case, the symbol helps to understand what to do with things that have been stored for a very long time in the individual or in himself.

Characteristics of Yao according to Zhou Gong

  • Nine initial. Not coping with your work responsibilities means making a mistake. Therefore, one should not grab a good opportunity without proper experience and preparation. Now hard times can be arranged by someone from the outside. It is much more profitable to be a leader in a small company, rather than a middle manager in a large enterprise.
  • Second nine. You are prepared and you have nothing to fear. Finish the job to the very end, without falling off the half way. Do not believe the rumors, but monitor the situation yourself.
  • Nine third. The pictogram advises to show determination despite the rain and mud. Let your friends think that you are betraying them, but you must have your own cunning strategy. Do not give in to temporary pleasures, because after them there are consequences. Now the circumstances are reminiscent of a frantic stream of water breaking through a dam.
  • fourth nine. Working according to your own plan, you can face huge difficulties that would not be in a cohesive activity with colleagues. Now there are additional troubles that can be dealt with if you have good tools.
  • Nine fifth. It's time to decisively get rid of the weeds, including partners who deceived you. Come to terms with the fact that someone paid evil for kindness. But there is still a chance to make the necessary changes, having regretted the past plans in time.
  • Six at the top. Book of Changes 43 symbol in this Yao reduces to favorable conditions only in the east. In other places, disaster is inevitable because precautionary measures have not been taken.

Detailed meaning of the hexagram

  1. The great power accumulated as a result of past events and deeds is now only manifesting itself. Therefore, the outcome of the situation is not completely clear, and an unsuccessful outcome is also possible. Under such conditions, the active actions of the creative force can harm rather than help in achieving the goal. And if this happens, then misunderstanding of others cannot be avoided.
  2. The multidimensional perception of the symbol suggests that a new stage begins, associated with the image of evening twilight and the onset of night. Creative forces here act as an excellent weapon in the hands of a person, although they give rise to a little excitement and even fears. But the phobia of weapons at this stage is superfluous, because the individual is distinguished by poise.
  3. Now the previous conditions are no longer favorable, because time has been lost. Any action can cause damage, only a person should still decide on them, knowing about the dangers. Even if you have to perform alone and destroy, break all circumstances on your own, you will have to move forward. No one can convict a person of being wrong.
  4. According to the Yijing, strength is very often personified by hardness in the context of muscles. Therefore, at this stage, the image of the human sacrum, devoid of power, is given. It is very difficult to act, because the environment treats the individual with distrust. There is still an incorrect position of the subject before the final exit.
  5. This line represents the final preparation before the breakthrough. In the figurative row, it resembles a hill, which is covered with soft grass - a weak sixth feature. The right exit will be guaranteed only to those who are steadily on the right path.
  6. A large-scale resolution begins, to which the entire 43rd hexagram led. The book of changes reduces the interpretation of this final line to a form of speech - also a certain revelation, i.e. exit in external environment. Only the breakthrough is already coming to an end, so the monologue is replaced by silence. Now an unfavorable situation is brewing in a person's life, besides, a new hexagram of Contradiction is close.

Extended interpretation of the sign

Luck continues to pursue a person, so he has every opportunity to overcome the peak. Now a lot of courage and strength has been accumulated, so that any obstacle gives way. You can start new projects or follow old ideas, prosperity and benefits await everywhere.

The meaning of hexagram 43 is very positive, but there is always a chance to make a mistake during the period of such luck. This can happen due to the enormous power of a person, which causes damage to the environment. In addition, the cruelty and severity of an individual can alienate loved ones, become the cause of their resentment. Do not be stubborn, show tolerance and go first towards the one who has always helped you.

Now a crisis is possible in terms of disagreements with the life beliefs of others. You need to decide to stop contacts if you are able to give worthy arguments without aggression or hysteria. It is the showdown that will ensure a safe and secure future, as you will decide on like-minded people before reaching the goal. Subsequently, changing satellites on the road will no longer work, so be attentive to colleagues and friends.

According to the book of changes, personal life at such a moment promises a new love, which will be very unexpected and will correct the person’s further behavior. If you have already had one partner for a long time, whom you value very much, then now you can solve the most pressing problems, agreeing to changes and concessions. Just do not start a war of the sexes, because now well-being in all areas is very important.

During the period of success, the abuse of recreational activities should also be avoided. Do not gamble too often, lean on alcohol or food, get involved in carnal pleasures. Any excess will disrupt the ideal plan.

The career field will soon change significantly, and now you need to express your own ideas to the authorities and the team in as much detail as possible. Be brave, don't let fate decide for you. But don't be arrogant or rude. Even if colleagues are stubborn, scolding, and coming up with excuses, you should not succumb to disappointment.

So, you need to decide on the fidelity of your path, as the Yijing says. The Book of Changes connects the interpretation of this hexagram with the time of analysis of one's intentions. In such a situation, you need to be friendly, not infringe on other people's interests, but at the same time be able to defend your own views. As for the fulfillment of desires, now it seems impossible, but such an idea is erroneous. The book predicts the fulfillment of a dream in the coming period.

Associative reading of the hexagram

  • The central image is the flood dragon destroyed by the divine sword.
  • On the flag with a pole, under which lies a pile of money, the hieroglyph “Wen” (“Literature”) is drawn. The picture represents overcoming difficulties, gaining wealth and recognition in the end.
  • A couple of people travel, encountering trials of fire and water on their way to the final goal, as well as encountering a snake and a tiger. The book of Yijing, the interpretation of this plot reduces to the experience of all sorts of obstacles.
  • A man destroying a snake with a sword is an expression of an encounter with a courageous individual.
  • The main symbol is a decrease followed by an increase.

Interpretation of the sign by Wen-wang

  1. It is necessary to sincerely report all the news to the royal court. It's time to do something worthwhile.
  2. March pictogram is successful in autumn or summer, but dangerous in winter.
  3. Yin Yao leads 5 Yang Yao at once. According to the book of fate, this forms a Yin hexagram, in which the upper Yao resembles evil person. He is diligently kicked out by the rest of the lines.
  4. If you know what measures to take in the current situation, do not be silent and convince others that you are right.

How to interpret a symbol when divining

  • The interpersonal sphere of relationships is full of nebulosity. Development uncertainty is caused by a situation of misunderstanding, misbehavior and hostility. Family ties are weakening, intergenerational conflicts are observed.
  • Business requires great care. When working with the financial flow, special attention should be paid to the calculations and analysis of the subject of activity. Don't rely on instant luck.
  • The Chinese Book of Changes describes the meaning of the hexagram in the field of health as alarming. Immediate surgical interventions are now likely, as well as diseases of the circulatory system.
  • In love, failures follow each other. There is a risk of betrayal of a partner with a subsequent scandal. You should not start a family now with someone who is just an object of passion.
  • The political and public spheres require wise management, because now there is no success. The subject is alone in his work, he has no allies, so even small victories do not entail changes in the situation.

Hexagram 43 is an interpretation of urgent changes that will allow you to avoid overdevelopment of your own creative forces and vital energy. It is necessary to reconsider communication with the outside world, to achieve attention to yourself and your reasonable ideas. Try to communicate as closely as possible with society in order to receive a response.

You will go up to the royal court. Speak truthfully. (And if) there is danger, (then) speak from your city. It is unfavorable to take up arms. It's good to have somewhere to speak.

1. Power in the front (part) of the toes. (If) you speak out, (then) you will not win. - There will be blasphemy.
2. Cautiously proclaim. At dusk and at night (there will be) the action of weapons. - Do not be afraid.
3. Power in the cheekbones. - There will be misfortune, (but) a noble person decides to go out. (He) walks alone and meets the rain. If (he and) gets wet, (then) it will be annoying, (but) - there will be no blasphemy.
4. (Who has no muscles on the buttocks, he walks with great difficulty. (Let him better) pull, (like) a ram. Repentance will disappear. - (If) you hear speeches - do not believe.
5. Hill, (overgrown) with weeds. Decide to go out. - There will be no blasphemy to those who act steadily.
6. Silence.- In the end there will be misfortune.

In order to understand this hexagram, it is necessary to pay attention to its structure. Here, all features, except for the last sixth, are strong, and the sixth, weak feature, graphically expressed by an interrupted line, represents the ability to break out, get out, i.e. decide on something. The five strong traits below and up to the fifth position represent a large accumulation of creative forces, before which obstacles make way. In this sense, the name of the hexagram, which is conditionally translated by the word Exit, should also be taken as a determination and a breakthrough, because further texts show this term from these sides as well. Why can a breakout appear here? Because any multiplication that was indicated in the previous situation, if it continues further and further, can lead to overdevelopment, i.e. to the well-known crossing over the edge. Just as water in a vessel rises to the rim and overflows further, so here too we are talking about a great upsurge, but one that does not linger in the previous form, but breaks out of it. In order to in such a situation, a great tension of inner truthfulness is necessary. Every statement must be based on it. Only then in this perilous position can one find the right way. In order to find this inner truthfulness, it is necessary to start from oneself, to speak from one's own face. On the contrary, if a person, only using his own strength, his environment, aggressively attacked others, not caring at all about self-education, then this would lead him to the most negative consequences. In this sense, the text of this aphorism can be understood: Exit. You go up to the royal court. Speak truthfully. And if there is danger, then speak for your city. It is unfavorable to take up arms. It's good to have somewhere to go.
We have seen that the first five positions are all occupied here by strong features. Of course, they symbolize great power, but in the first position this power is still at the very beginning of its manifestation, and here both a favorable and an unfavorable outcome is possible. In any case, if any action is taken, only potentially wielding great creative power, then perhaps victory will not be achieved, although with a small action it could be achieved. If such a person does not secure victory for himself, then this will serve as a pretext for blaspheming him. Therefore, the text says: In the beginning, a strong trait. Power in the front of the toes. If you perform and do not win, there will be blasphemy.
The second position precedes the end of the first stage, which is outlined in the third. Therefore, for the second position, the image of twilight and night, which is mentioned in the text of this aphorism, is appropriate. But even if these twilight and night evoke a mood of fear, yet here, in the most harmonious way, creative forces are combined, which have already been indicated above. They, in fact, are the tool with which a person could act. However, it was stated above that the action of a weapon cannot lead to a favorable outcome. This can be very scary for a person. Since this position represents balance and harmony, the Book of Changes encourages here by pointing out the excess of fear. In the text here we read: Strong Trait In second place. Speak fearfully. At twilight and night there will be an action of weapons - do not be afraid.
What was good in the previous position is already becoming unfavorable in the next, because time has passed. In addition, if the first position, as the lower one in the first trigram, was associated with images of toes, then the upper one in the first trigram, i.e. the third, is associated with the image of the cheekbones. In the course of the situation itself, the actions here cannot be favorable. However, the whole situation must be filled with strength, determination. And therefore, even foreseeing the danger and unhappiness of the outcome, a noble person, i.e. an ethically sound person must decide to act here. Let him be completely alone, he must go through a period of certain destruction, the breaking of old circumstances and the creation of new ones. We have already met with the image of rain as the resolution of overhanging clouds. Here again this image is mentioned, but it is mentioned not as a fruitful rain, but as a rain, from which people who are ethically underdeveloped can be unpleasant to him. However, since he understands the possibility and necessity and necessity of such a situation and, nevertheless, acts as his moral convictions command, no one will dare to say that he is wrong. The text expresses this in the following words: Strong feature in third place. Power in the cheekbones. There will be misfortune. But a noble man decides to go out. He walks alone and meets the rain. If he gets wet, it will be annoying, but there will be no blasphemy.
The fourth feature is based on the first one by virtue of the law of correspondence of positions. Since the first feature is located much lower than the fourth, it is symbolized in our text in the form of the sacrum. The first position taken was a strong feature. Force is considered in the symbolism of the "Book of Changes" sometimes (as, for example, in this case) as hardness, i.e. applied to the human body as bones devoid of muscles. This will already help us understand the peculiar aphorism attributed to this position. It is given only to indicate the difficulty of operating in this position. A person here himself is unlikely to be able to act, because the fourth feature is only a transitional period to the next one, during which, in fact, the opportunity is reached to decide on that way out. Which is indicated in general, the aphorism of the hexagram. In addition, in order to understand the last phrase of this aphorism, one must take into account that the wrong position of a person characteristic of this position can hardly guarantee a trusting attitude towards him on the part of others. In the text here we read: Strong trait in fourth place. Whoever has no muscles on the sacrum walks with great difficulty. Let him be dragged like a ram, then repentance will disappear. If you hear these words, you will not believe them.
The fifth, highest trait among the strong traits, stands immediately before what symbolizes, breakthrough, determination and exit. She - this fifth trait - must be raised up on some hill. Its surface is covered with a sixth, weak feature, which is symbolized in the form of soft grass - spinach. In order to make this exit correctly, it is only necessary to preserve the quality that was characteristic of the previous one, namely, the ability to go steadily along the right path. Then only the whole situation can be directed to a favorable outcome. This is what the text says: Strong trait in fifth place. A hill overgrown with spinach. Decide to exit. There will be no blasphemy to the one who works steadily.
The top trigram here is "permission". Graphical analysis of the dui sign leads to the conclusion that a person with an open mouth was originally depicted here. Therefore, this sign in some contexts has the meaning “to speak”, “to proclaim”. This, of course, explains the fact that speech was indicated in general, aphorism, and here, in the feature upper trigram, again speaks of speech. However, it is not spoken about as it was said at the beginning, because here the whole process of determination and exit (and speech is also a certain revelation of oneself, i.e. an exit outside) comes to its end. Therefore, there can no longer be any proclamation here. From this side, this position is in contradiction with the whole course of this situation. And we can say about its unfavorability, in addition, it is precisely the following situation that is outlined in it, the situation of contradiction, contradiction. Therefore, the comparatively short text says here: Above is a weak feature. Silence. In the end there will be misfortune.


Book of Changes Rave I Ching

This interpretation is especially evident during the transits of the planets in the 43rd hexagram.

Solution. Breakthrough. Illumination.

Critical moment, breakthrough; act clearly and decisively; clear and bring to light.
Hieroglyph (Exit): choose; resolute, firm, clear, definite; to divide, separate, divide in two, cut off.

The sky is reflected in the pond. Exit. A noble person distributes good deeds for the benefit of the small. A noble person is in strength and virtue, and therefore remains aloof from others.

Human Design: 43 gate

Gate of Conceptual Crystallization- spontaneous resolution of the concept (voice of the Muse, inner ear).
Gate of Fear- Fear of Rejection.
Gate of Anxiety— Anxiety about Assimilation.
Gate of Melancholy melancholy due to inefficiency.
Other Keys- Gate of efficiency, gate of deafness (43, 38, 39), Muse. Opposite hexagram - 23 RUIN

The 43-hexagram enters the flow of Knowledge through the Structuring channel 43-23. It is located in the Mental realm and in the Transformation quarter. In the flow, its role is the Possibility of Illumination. The Knowledge Circuit is connected to our hearing. Breakthrough should not be confused with the so-called "Third Eye" or "sight" in insight.

This is the gate of the Inner Ear. There is nothing more difficult for individuals with this gate than to listen. These are the most difficult people to train. This is not a flaw (not a defect) or a problem, but their genetic protection from inappropriate influence. To teach such a person, one must be simple and start from the beginning. The Inner Ear only listens to its own "inner" voice.

: I have consciously defined the 43rd gate and this “deafness” is very familiar to me. One person can shout at least all my ears with a mega-class theory, and the other will only mention it - I’m immediately ready to listen to him in both ears. Three ears 😉 Theme correct teacher here is the key.

This is the only opportunity to transform the grounded (rationalized) inner truth into insight, a unique perspective. This is the gate of Individual Mental Knowledge. It is not based on facts and may just be a delusion. It takes fortitude (fortitude), strength, even courage to stand up for it.

Richard Rudd's Gene Keys: 43 Gene Keys

43 Shadow - Deafness

The 43rd Shadow affects you on a strictly individual level - in fact, you are only interested in fighting your own insecurities. So, you are trying to establish harmonious relationships, or earn enough money to be able to relax. Or you are trying to change your body or your lifestyle so that you feel content with yourself. Modern society built on the insane human desire to escape our way of feeling. The truth is, we are not actually deaf at all.

We're just too busy worrying to hear, or too busy "knowing what we're doing" to listen. Our dilemma is that by trying to break out of the loop of dissatisfaction, we are guaranteed to remain in it. Everything you do in an attempt to achieve satisfaction actually complicates your life (program partner 23rd Shadow of Complexity).

In fact, you have excellent hearing - it is simply drowned out by the internal noise in your head! In our modern world everyone expects to know what to do in life so that no matter what, everything is absolutely reliable. The truth is that everything is unreliable and deep down, no matter how you improve or improve your lifestyle, your body will always remind you of this.

Repressive nature - disturbed

Both aspects of the 43rd Shadow deal with noise. The repressed aspect is rooted in inner noise or the human tendency to worry. Worry is based on the mind fixated on trying to figure out a way to avoid worry. It presses us into any activity that we hope will put an end to worry.

However, in place of the anxiety suppressed by activity, another anxiety immediately arises without breaking the mental vicious circle. All anxiety is based on fear. In the case of the repressed 43rd Shadow, it is the person's fear of not finding their place in the world and becoming an outcast.

In essence, it is just fear, but when repressed, it becomes a monster that again and again pushes us into the world, to try to get away from the feeling of isolation through some external achievements. It is only by coming face to face with this fear that we finally understand how much creative power lies in our individuality.

Reactive nature - noisy

The reactive aspect of this Shadow manifests as outside noise or the human tendency to just keep talking. These are the people who don't speak to communicate anything, and they are the last thing they care about what anyone else has to say. They subconsciously try to deafen themselves so as not to hear the peculiarities of their real feelings that make them unhappy.

In addition to this, such people have a deep need to be accepted and understood by others, and therefore, without listening to themselves, they often speak inappropriately or at the wrong time. Thus, instead of being accepted, such people usually feel misunderstood and often completely rejected.

This dynamic can further reinforce this obsessive point of view and make them even more paranoid and annoyed at being so misunderstood. Going to extremes, people with this temperament may end up feeling so ostracized that they take out their anger either on their loved ones or on society as a whole.

Gift 43 - Insight

It is through the 43rd Gift that the rebel spirit is born. Every person is born to be a rebel in the sense of filling a space in the world that cannot be filled by anyone else. The miracle of the human being is his unpredictable, spontaneous, changing genius. As we as individuals awaken to our true creativity, the potential hidden in our DNA begins to rise and lift us above the frequency of survival.

We are entering the stage of service. The sound of the word "service" can create a preconceived notion of what it entails. However, service to the whole is not the same as service to society. The service that the 43rd Gift brings to the world is rebellion. Without creative passion and human insight, life would not only become dull, but would probably stop altogether.

At the frequency level of the Gift, the low frequency obstacle itself, deafness, actually becomes a real ally. Before you didn't hear yourself, now you stop listening to the status quo. This is the first law of the rebel - to trust your inner voice, no matter the consequences. This is the true meaning of the Gift of Insight.

Insight does not make the rebel a destructive force. He is not a reactionary venting his frustrations external world, or wasting time blaming and judging others, which is the game of the Shadow. The rebel, awakened by the 43rd Gift, appears as a creative person - he simply takes a short cut, not worrying about where he leads.

It's the deafness of a genius to completely forget the future and just be a conduit for creative insight. True Insight enjoys Simplicity (the 23rd Gift), which in turn leads to efficiency.

Sergey Dobry

The persistence of negativity is a factor in human affairs; when you think that some major or minor evil has been uprooted, it will reappear, making its way through the cracks in the pavement of polite society. Evil must not take extravagant forms, such as those exhibited in Nazi Germany. A variety of lies and deceit are more common and persistent, but must also be rooted. Be determined against the forces of darkness - whether in your social or professional life, or in your own soul. But to be successful, certain rules must be followed.

First rule: don't compromise corruption. Malfunctions and shameful acts must be identified and quickly discredited. Second, you cannot successfully resist or overcome negativity on your own terms. Positive alternatives lead to a disruption of the nature of the problem, they are more successful and appropriate than an attempt to counteract corruption using raw energy. The third rule: the means used to deal with negativity must match the result you want to achieve.

By adding the situation to the positive elements, you automatically reduce the bad. This is the only way to tip the scales and effectively neutralize negativity over time. We remind you to maintain a constant level of self-awareness, share your benefits and virtues with others.

Line interpretation:

Line 1 (bottom line)

Continuing to move forward when the task at hand is beyond your strength suggests mistakes and misfortunes. Carefully consider and assess your strengths before embarking on a new initiative, and only do what you know you can confidently say that you have succeeded in. In the beginning, moving forward clumsily and blindly is contraindicated, because this is the time when an unexpected defeat can lead to the most disastrous results. Beware of self-confidence that is not very well founded.

To succeed, one must develop sensitivity, readiness and caution. Expecting surprises, move through life with the calm alertness of someone who drives through a mountain forest at night, following the movements of each new bend in the road. Be optimistic, but be careful. Strong character will prevail in the end.

This line indicates that someone is in an ambiguous situation, where existing relationships interfere with the fight against negative forces. To extricate yourself from such a situation, you may have to use all your powers, even if others doubt your motives, as a result, your reputation may be slightly shaken. But if you keep your motivation pure, even association with destructive influences will leave you guiltless in the end.

A restless person with a stubborn attitude meets adversity. Failure to listen to good advice when opposition to antagonistic forces is inevitable, it will lead to failure.

Preventing high-level corruption is difficult and can only be achieved through sustained and determined efforts. Just as weeds come back to life after being cut down, corruption tends to rebound even after initial efforts to eliminate it seem to have worked. Only by persistent efforts over a long period of time can success be achieved against ingrained negative forces.

Line 6 (top line)

The image of this line is someone who seems to have overcome adversity and is ready to start over. But be careful - the seeds of negativity are not dead, and a weak attitude will allow the destructive forces to reaffirm themselves. Care is required in preparing new soil so that the remaining seeds of past problems cannot germinate again. When you start new project after solving the problem, take care that the destructive tendencies in your personality are overcome or balanced at the beginning.

The appearance of the Zhen hexagram in a love scenario predicts that success awaits you very soon, and one that you have been waiting for a long time, but, unfortunately, someone really wants to prevent this, so you should gather your strength and be extremely careful in order to distinguish the threat in time and respond appropriately.

Now, more than ever, those who envy your love or your beauty, your success and so on can become more active. But in any case, their goal will be to denigrate you and prevent you from enjoying love happiness. And if you do not yet have a love relationship, then someone is trying very hard so that they do not arise. Be careful and prudent.

Also, the appearance of the Zhen hexagram indicates that in the very near future a certain event will occur in your life, which will become a reporting point for the beginning of success. The main thing is not to miss it, that is, to have time to react properly - not succumbing to the temptation to increase it, but also not to fall back into endless thoughts “what if ...”. Now more than ever, you just need to respond to a new chance of fortune in the best way that you can.

If you are waiting for love, then now a person will appear with whom you can find the fullness of love feelings - so do not miss him, do everything to connect your fate with him. And if you already have a love relationship, then there will be a chance to make them better, deeper and more saturated with tender feelings.

In a word, you are required to be attentive and active. And do not forget, as mentioned above, someone will constantly try to interfere with you, so at the first opportunity, do it in such a way as to completely neutralize his attempts to spoil everything for you. At a minimum, try to keep everything a secret until you are sure that nothing threatens your love.

© Alexey Korneev © Alexey Kupreichik