How to choose the right path in life. How to find your way in life? Thoughts systemo

Life is not a simple biological phenomenon, rather, it can be called an individual socio-historical fact, the cause of which is that every living creature on Earth is growing and developing. But here, a person is distinguished by an additional feature - it is also formed as a person, has its own claims, dreams, values, aspirations, achievements and its own worldview.

Achieve set goals, the individual goes his way in this world. However, not everyone is able to know this joy and understand what his calling is. Many people live aimlessly without asking themselves main question: How to find the right way in life?

Let us try to figure out what is the cause of such indifference, and what will help in determining their own significance.

To begin with, it is important to note the fact that human life is divided into five phases. Special attention Such a statement was given to the well-known German psychologist K. Bücher, who found out that the first two phases are fully referred to as a search for their place in life.

He told in his studies that the first phase lasts from 16-20 years, and is located outside the mission assigned to man. This time is assigned to self-subsection. The second phase occurs after this period and continues up to 25-35 years, when a person begins to look for himself in different areas of activity, faces obstacles, own insecurity, is aware of the responsibility for choosing a profession and is determined by what he really needs.

Problem of choice

Sometimes a person is confused and cannot find his own "I", which constantly requires self-realization. That is exactly that caseWhen you can not sit back and make yourself a failure, you need to act. And the first step is to eliminate the problem by how to find out the reasons that led to a loss of life.

Psychologists believe that the lost state of a person is associated with the following circumstances:

  • in connection with the loss (loss of close, status, work);
  • due to the inability to change the situation due to any restrictions (health, financial barriers, etc.);
  • due to the imposition of someone else's opinion by relatives or close people (for example: "You will never become a writer!", so p.);
  • as fully satisfied the comfort zone;
  • if there is no main goal;
  • with stunning success (mass recognition often responds to a dangerous depression);
  • due to the insecurity (the reason for this: the misunderstanding of what the desired can be embodied only due to efforts) and fear (which is able to paralyze consciousness, including in defending their own beliefs).
  • fear (able to paralyze any attempts to defend beliefs, move towards the goal or even expand the comfort zone).

Search for vocation

To sort out yourself, first need to listen to your desires, because it is desires that part of human nature. Often they are social in nature, but thanks to them begins conscious activities. And constant thinking relative to an unresolved question over time is reborn to the main life goals.

If confusion arose in desires, then you need to expand the sphere of interest, finding new connections, try new. The essence of its significance can be beyond its perception, but when a person covers Attention areas that were previously closed for him, from another angle, he begins to determine what he needed, and wants to implement it.

Also impossible to limit yourself. Many believe that effective work gives fruit only in one direction. It is not always so. Undoubtedly, there are goals requiring "complete immersion", however, it is not necessary to spend everything on their implementation. Psychologists recommend combining the main goal with other less time, they are distracted and perfectly harmonized with each other.

Find your way will be much easier if you analyze yourself, presenting that "I" is a source useful resources To pass a certain mission. To do this, you need to ask yourself the following questions:

  • What can I do?
  • What actions are I capable of?
  • How far can I go in pursuit of the meaning of life?

Abilities are of great importance, as they are the properties of the personality, which determine the implementation of the plan, its implementation and success.

In order to come to the "point of self-realization", you need to learn more important things about yourself:

  1. Who am I? Where is my place in life? - In the answers, these questions are awareness of the human spiritual nature and the functions assigned to it.
  2. What is the mission of a person on earth? Why did I come to this world? - It is important to find an understanding of life at the spiritual level, that is, to determine what is destined.
  3. What is my main goal? - What you need to achieve, the reason for this, the desired result.
  4. What are my values? - Personal ideas, principles and beliefs that are guided by people.
  5. What are my talents? - It may be the ability when something is well obtained as if by itself.
  6. Personal characteristics - important fair To admit itself both in shortcomings, and in virtues (these may be personal qualities, character traits, genetic deposits, desires, interests, etc.

When a man will "bring order" in these things - immediately understand how to choose the right path in life. It is also important to note that it is necessary to clearly formulate the answer, since all the elements of such self-analysis must be consistent with each other. Otherwise, various motivations will lead to an internal conflict.

Numerology. Number of life path

Determine your life Path Numerological characteristics will help. After all, what is destined to man is often hiding in his date of birth. Astrologers have long been learned to disclose personal characteristics, goals and objectives, which came to our time.

So, by consistent addition of the numbers of the full date of birth.

For example, date of birth 26. 12. 1982.

We fold:

  • day: 2 + 6 \u003d 8;
  • month: 1 + 2 \u003d 3;
  • year: 1 + 9 +8 + 2 \u003d 20 \u003d 2 + 0 \u003d 2;
  • the results obtained: 8 + 3 + 2 \u003d 13 \u003d 1 + 3 \u003d 4.

Thus, the number in which the human mission is laid - 4.

Values \u200b\u200bof numbers

Unit - Symbol of confidence. The owner of this number is the leader in everything. He is ambitious and independent, will always find a goal and will strive To her, not counting on the help from the side. Its a weak side is excessive self-confidence and errors in assessing their own capabilities. When choosing such people it is better to stick to the most convenient.

Two Speaks about the relationship with the outside world. Depending on how much these relationships are strong and harmonious, well-being is expressed. Life task is a perfect relationship with others. People of this number are friendly, contact with, discusses, objective. Weakness manifests itself in gullibility, uncertainty and inability to defend interests.

Troika. MOit is necessary to say, a brilliant number, bright, bringing joy. The holder of the troika is a magnificent narrator and a pleasant listener. He is talented in almost everything and the reason for this - to tell people about the fact that life is beautiful. Trying with such people you need everything, but choose to taste.

Four It is, at first glance, an unsuccessful number. But this look is superficial! This number is not about difficulties, but about hard work. The owner of the Four does not get anything just like that, but satisfaction from achieving the goals set.

Find a point of support in order to turn the world from the legs on the head, it is not possible not to all, but the owners of this number are under force, since these people feel a lot and hold it closer in hope. They are sincere, reliable, distinguished by life resistance, but often dissimilar life, as it seems to them that we are all around the arms, and their fate has tried in this, but this will not hurt to achieve the goal, because such people are "the owners of their destiny" .

Five- Parade of opportunities, festival of interests and abilities. These are people who are full of enthusiasm and are constantly being in moveThey love to risk and know how to go out of the water. Their vocation - travel and communicate with different peopleThat will undoubtedly benefit and pleasure.

Six - This is an equilibrium in everything: in relations with people, material well-being, talents. The holder of the sixths seeks not only to receive, but also to give, has the abilities of the twos and talents of the troika, however, the greatest satisfaction gets in the family.

Load seven - striving, research, privacy. Exactly this mysterious number. His owners are mysterious people, very intuitive, strive for the knowledge of all mysterious (phenomena, spirituality). Seven can achieve tremendous success in religion and mystics.

TO eight These are completed materialists. Their motto: "What I don't know about, no." They do not believe anything and demand evidence in everything. These are volitional, decisive, responsible and unreasonable people, the level of demanding from which not only to themselves, but also to others.

Nine Reflects in the owner of this number, the ministry of people and the main problem here: learn to serve them without requiring nothing in return. These are people who have great opportunities, in contrast to others who go along the road of self-improvement and share the experience gained with others.

The most important difficulty of nine is that it is not in everything can withstand in relation to a common culture, which only does, which is dominated by the concept of immediate exchange, even when you are infinitely generous. Therefore, it is important to learn how to people do not wait for immediate thanks, because they can persecute the same idea that the main target Not achieved, and all the works turned out to be in vain. This means that not everything is done, and the person did not realize that he was given a lot.

Number eleven It has strong intuition and the ability to use their internal reserves that are not so available to other people. The task of the owner of this number is to make important discoveries that will move forward all that is on earth. These are people with well-developed extrasensory abilities that receive some illumination (information) over. They have the ability to lead people and, thanks to a powerful intelligence with an unusual worldview, see phenomena and events under a different angle

When developing and improving their own abilities, which will be aimed at ministry and creation, such people have knowledge, how to enlighten humanity. But if the owner of the number could not realize his mission, as a number eleven and exhibits its essence in the fate of the twos, it will add only well-developed intuition and charisma to its characteristic.

Twenty two - The number is higher in its essence than eleven. If eleven reflects the enlightenment and wears constant new ideas of huge scales, then twenty two - brings new projects to the world and implements them.

Here you need to note outstanding abilities in all sectors. human feelings and knowledge, the ability to create and implement the most ambitious plans that are able to change the life of almost all people.

The mission lies in a deep awareness of the available opportunities, the ability to implement them and control.

If this number is manifested in the life of its owner more than four times, then fate enriches it with the necessary desire for its improvement and makes it takes to work on himself without giving hands, and also increases demands to itself.

ATTENTION, only today!

Each of us has a choice how to spend your life. Alas, most do not think about it. People just do something that surrounding them from them: parents, friends, acquaintances. And as a result, forget about their own desires and encourage themselves to endless regretful of dreams that failed to implement. How to find your purpose and become happier, tells the writer and artist El Moon in the book"Between I need and want".

A little about the author

El Moon is an artist who for ten years forgot about his destination. She had a good job. free timeBut once the girl felt: one career is not enough for happiness. It was necessary to change something.

Oddly enough, she began with the search for new housing. Another situation helped to gain the desired attitude and re-engage in creativity. El Moon with Eustice has begun drawing. A little later, the girl quit from work, because he decided to devote himself entirely to devote himself to his life.

"I need" and "want"

"You need to get technical specialty" "You need to take a mortgage." "You need to build a career." These "need" in our life too much. But do we really need it all this? Often, we just listen to others and do not even try to look for your own way, which means we refuse true happiness.

If you can't exist without creativity, then the engineer's career will not bring you joy. At best, you will be satisfied with your salary and service successes. But deep satisfaction will come only when you do what you really would like to devote yourself.

Feel that they did not follow the path? Now set aside all things and think about who you are, why do you like and what to seek. What principles are important for you? What do you like to do in your free time? What brings joy? What would you be happy to get rid of? Do not attempt to match someone else's ideals, feel free to follow your own.

How to understand what you want

Do I follow my dreams? Or maybe all his life I am pleased with numerous "necessary"? And if the second is true, then what exactly is my destination? Is it not better to leave everything as it is? Sometimes it is difficult to answer these questions. El Moon offers several exercises that will help to sort out themselves.

1. Record so many phrases starting from the words "you need / don't need ...", how much will come to mind. Analyze each of these thoughts. Why did you have such installations? When did you decide to include them in your value system? What emotions do they cause you? Do you interfere with developing and feel happy? Is it worth getting rid of them?

2. Put two stools. Sit one of them and imagine yourself with a person who is going to live according to the principle of "necessary." Adjust this position, bring the arguments "for", tell about your plans.

Then move to another chair and apologize with the previous speaker. List all the desires that you do not, if you do not change anything. Explain what advantages are in search of your destination and what disappointment you will experience if you do not try to go through this path. Replant from place to place and lead the dialogue as long as possible.

3. Think about your children's dreams and hobbies. Do not remember yourself at a young age? Then ask parents or other relatives to tell, what child you were and what they loved to do. This will help you better figure out your own desires.

4. A bit shocking, but sobering task. Write two necrologists about yourself. In the first, tell us how to spend your life, obeying the installation "necessary". And in the second, let me know what you will succeed, if you follow your dreams. What text inspires you more?

5. Make a list of all that would like to learn. Every month, try something new one of it and delete the next item. Over time, you will understand which of these classes do you like more and why how they are related to each other and that can tell about your inclinations.

No "if"

Many people still have a few questions at this stage. El Moon responds to the most common of them.

How to be if your favorite thing does not bring money?You do not need to abandon the main work, especially if this is the only source of income. The main thing is that you still have time to do every day what you like. Only so you can achieve brilliant results.

And if there is no time?You can do your favorite thing in the evenings, on weekends, while standing in traffic, during a lunch break and in general at any free minute. If your job really does not allow to spend the forces on something else, try to find another place, even if there is a less high, but acceptable salary. Remember: There is nothing more important than the vocation.

What if nothing happens?IN In any case, it is better to try, than then regret the missed opportunities.

Take the courage and take the first step towards a dream. This will help the book "Between I need and want" .

Illustrations from the book

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You will not find your destination if you look for it!

Lot of books psychological tests, horoscopes and gadas are trying to tell us what our destination. I myself was fascinated by all this nonsense for a long time, but faith in fate and the purpose is a delusion. There is no news chain record anywhere that you have to live. There is also no record anywhere who you will work or what business will open, or how many children you have and who will be your life partner.

Everything develops on the basis of its own initial nature. This is the notion of Tao. It gives us a virtuous nature and provides the opportunity to live it and implement it in the form we choose. Thus, we are given a general direction - unity with Dao and virtue, thanks to our original nature. There are five basic principles Life (Unity, Navigation, Harmony, Yang and Yin's desolation) and our features that, as I think, there is a consequence of our past lives.

All that we can, this step by step to embody their nature with their actions, developing and cultivating their own characteristics, getting rid of delusions and oversities. But we can do it in many ways! The main thing is that they correspond to our nature and have not generated internal or external conflicts.

In this way, fate is not a chain of pre-specified events, but the form whose potential is laid in our nature. Our life force gradually grows and inflates our form (talents and features), as ballooniR. And we start shining around like a Chinese flashlight, with its own special color and pattern.

It is useless to ask others, what our destination and what we want 🙂 as it is inside us. It is useless to recognize in advance, since being at the stages of the acorns, we cannot imagine how we will become and what we will want. To find out this, we will have to grow a year after year, making decisions, what branches to grow and how to position them. Life will make their own adjustments and at the end of life, we can say what her meaning was

It is useless to try to find out who we will be, also because the meaning of life is not how much larger and strong oak we will become, but how much we will give all the way that we possess! How many people we give the shadow, on a hot sunny day, how many animals and insects we borrow, how many foul acorns, how will affect the spread of the forest around, how many new soil is formed from our leaves, how much oxygen will produce ...

If you are by the end of my life, give the world all that could, then you implemented our nature and fulfilled our destination. And the highest form of self-realization is when a person gives the universe itself, completely merging with the Dao and refusing the ego.

Stop looking for yourself by fixing your image with a specific description, throwing yourself into the shackles of goals and plans! Enough to imitate another, follow the other people's template tips and try to squeeze ourselves in the framework of any profession. Acting this way, you most often run for benefits and selfish desires, while implementing yourself and your way await you generosity and virtue.

Start walking there, where your heart pulls ... where sincere interest and the game (experiment) is born. Start right now to give the world around the world what is laid in your nature. Showing your virtuous qualities, you will begin to feel that it is worth trying to do next. Stop look around and compare your life with other people! This is a huge relief, stop chanting for some standards of successful life and finally, return to yourself ...

Stop fighting and achieve what is difficult

To walk on your way and not get involved in false goals and desires, you need to imitate water. Water always flows in lowland, staining with elevation, and uses gravity power. Thus, the water is not straining and does not exert itself, it is always modest and does not try to climb the surrounding hills, uses the power of the universe (gravity) and does not fight with anything.

When the wind blows, ripples appears on the water, when winter comes, the water is covered with ice when the sun warms the sun, the water evaporates, turning into the clouds. She always follows external changes and does not try to avoid their fate, does not ignore his nature. Her path is always simple and serene.

Water does not choose his way in its selfishly desire - it fills the emptiness that meets on its path, and chooses the most easily passable places, applying in this way minimal amount effort. Water does not fight with anything and occupies the space that no one needs, otherwise this space would not be empty. That is, she does not try to take possession of something that belongs to someone else, and takes only what is consistent with its nature.

At the same time, the water carries the life to the whole living, and thus it fully realizes its potential, its original nature, following the principle of harmony, notion and unity. She will not force anyone forcibly and does not refuse anyone, the highest virtue appears in this.

To get into the narrow slots and continue your way, water shows soft, that is, it is not selfish and does not cling to any principles, plans and goals. When water gets into the valley between the mountains, it does not try to pierce the stone with his pressure! She quietly waiting for the whole valley flooded and she will rise to the level where he can continue his path between the mountains in the next gorge or valley. If the rain and groundwater lacks to fill the entire valley, water does not show discontent that it cannot flow further, but humbly lives his fate, becoming a beautiful mountain lake.

When I worked in my first job, I knew several programming languages. And thinking about changing the work, posted a resume for PHP programmer, a java programmer, web designer and seems even for designer of games. Of course, I wanted to work where I would be interested (creating websites on PHP or design of computer games), but still the main thing for me was to make money on life, renting an apartment and to implement your projects.

Making money on food and housing, as well as creative self-realization is quite natural. If you do not put a frame and hard criteria. Because I started coming numerous suggestions on Java, and by the rest of the summary there was a sluggish response, I easily went to the Java programmer job, although Java language I knew worse all and did not really love him. It was my way, since life gave me a lot of vacancies Java programmer and they took me to work almost without experience and without knowing of English language. That is, from the outside of external circumstances there was no resistance to the fact that I went to Java, there was an emptiness in which I could take a step without much effort.

In the following two years, I read at least a hundred books about programming, learned English, changed 3 works and my income increased 20 times. I could not even dream of such dizzying changes! And at the same time, for two years I had to learn a lot, to do what I have never done before, and change. Thank God that I did not go on my ego and did not go to some kind of software development company. The vacancies for game designers were little and I would be stuck on such a job without the possibility of improving your position. Not to mention the fact that I would not have come to school Zhen Dao and would not get acquainted with Daoist practices.

All I did in those 2 years was not my desires or goals, but rather an acute necessity of the current moment. And I tried to act the easiest way for myself, since the intensity of change was too big to be distracted by something superfluous.

If you feel stress, something is given to you hard, you often fail or are in life deadlock at all - this means that you have to throw away more from your life. You are clinging for something and do not spend all the strength to fight, instead of seeing around and find your way. You need to throw out goals that do not match your nature or the current moment, or it is worth changing the way to achieve them so that it is agreed with your talents and features.

If you do not have a motivation to something, you do not need to force yourself and motivate! Relax, let yourself a breather. If the desires did not appear, it means that you need to change the form of action or their direction.

Modesty allows you to see new opportunities. Refuse the envy to someone else's life, stop chamfering for success, return to your current position. Start act without fighting external circumstances and you will see emptiness that are on your way. You will learn them because they allow you to move forward, where your heart pulls you, and at the same time do not require super-effort.

Naturalness instead of plans and templates

Most often, people rely on their plans and goals that are built on the basis of their selfish desires. The problem of this is that so we are trying to fix the future and we build it all forces, instead of just follow the current moment.

Before us right now there are some tasks that you need to decide. Stop flying into your pink dreams or act from fear, running away from change. Hearing here and now, as if you are again a child and went to the courtyard to take a walk: "What is there to be interesting, where should I go, what would such fun to do?"

For example, I once wanted to create my strategic computer game about space. And for this I read books about programming and design design. Before me was the task that I was interested. She was natural to me, since from the very childhood I did not like to sit and do nothing, I always liked to invent something, designed and invent. This is part of my nature 🙂

Therefore, when I read complex books and articles about programming or developing games, I did not have the feeling that I was doing something difficult and overcoming any obstacles. I did not have a goal, to create a game to such a term. I was easily (even despite the fact that I didn't understand everything and I did not work everything), because I played!

At work, we had forbidden the Internet (state enterprise) and I used expensive mobile Internet to read articles about programming. The pictures had to turn off to reduce traffic and pay less money. And these costs of money, even despite the fact that I had a meager wage, I was in joy - because I spent them on the game. I did not create my cosmic strategy, but I didn't regret anything, because I tried not for the sake of the goal ... I was pleasant way.

So when you imagine yourself with water and think what the next step to do, this step is always leading wherever you will not be resistance, where you have sincere interest, the game. And the resistance will not be because something that will require this step from you, matches your talents and current features! And for another person or observer from the side, it may seem monstrously complex and unpleasant. That is why, making such a step, you do not meet resistance, as none of the people want to go there and compete with you, because they have another set of talents!

If a person is on his way, he will not meet resistance not outside, not from circumstances, but from his ego. If the situation requires a refusal from any belief, it requires to show modesty, flexibility, politeness, discipline (denial of extra), then our ego may begin to fight. Difficulties on the way cleared us from all extra, but if we follow false goals and selfish desires, it continues to accumulate oversities and misconceptions, struggling with external circumstances and breathing themselves do not suit your affairs.

Following its way - you are striving for the benefits for others, like water, which carries the life to everything alive, and this is restored by harmony. And following the selfish goals, you are striving for the benefit, accumulate the harm and thereby destroy the harmony!

If you are tired of what you are doing, and caught yourself to think that you continue because of some ideas about right life- Throw it away! If all the same, the general direction is still interesting to you, it means that change the form of your actions. Remove what the suffering delivers you, and add more games and joy. Learn to use your talents and disadvantages, no neglect.

I'm tired of programming and I do not work as a programmer. But since I have this skill, I am a blogger who does not just write about Taoist practices, but also can add functions to your site that others do not have. In addition, I know how to structure information, build classifications and hierarchies, submitting information about Taoist practices as it has never yet served. I also suffer from excessive attention to detail, perfectionism is a form of pride. But I use it in order to improve my articles and video. Thus, I use my set of unique skills and deficiencies in order to move into those gaps that empty and which I can only take, using and realizing my potential most fully. This is my way ... After all, around him, I can only go through one 🙂

And this path requires me more and more flexibility, I am increasingly implemented by my potential, discarding "not yours": imposed goals, desires, rules and ideas from books, someone else's experience and success recipes. I do not know where my next step will lead me until I do it. I am not trying to fix my desires, they say "I go out in that valley" and if I do not get there, I will feel unhappy or disappointed. When I get into the valley and I do not know how and where I go further, I just wait, when I fill it to the edges (I study and clinging) and the next step will open before me. I'm not trying to break the stones or climb on the mountain just because it seems to me from below beautiful and tempting.

Being in a nizin (showing modesty and humility), we give life to send the rivers of opportunities to us. We get everything we need, without any effort. Achieving something with great difficulty, we show violence against themselves and the outside world. If we met external resistance, then we are trying to occupy space that is not empty for us and our talents, What leads to the embarrassment of forces on the struggle with circumstances and contributes to the accumulation of delusions that we can redo the world in our selfish plan.

When we go on your way, any work is pleasant and psychologically easy and any result will not bring disappointments. It looks like as in childhood I did a steam car from the designer and foil. The pressure in the boiler was small and she did not go. When I did a balloon - he caught fire and did not take off. But in both cases I was not disappointed with the result, since I was interested in and the game itself (creative process) is important. To enjoy life, you have to be grateful for what you have. And to be grateful for what you have, you need to discard selfish desires and choose your way, and not the achievement of goals. Then your life will be an interesting game, not a race for the result!

Always affect the potential of the situation

All things and phenomena are born in non-existence, where the original nature is rooted. At the time of birth, everything has a weakly pronounced characteristics that are easy to send to the desired side, it is easy to change or dissolve. Acting at this stage - we will most effectively use your current opportunities, whatever they are!

Our selfish desires make us fight what has already been manifested, as we want to get the desired here and now. It also makes us strive for benefit and luck, which is contrary to the law of harmony. The fact is that reaching the maximum benefit, good luck and happiness, we inevitably encounter a universal mechanism that restores the balance of Yin and Yang (harmony) and leads the situation to the middle. And this means that we lose some of the results achieved, we begin to fight this process, suffering and we can lose everything.

Taoist masters try to avoid failure, and so achieve luck. Up the benefit and remove harm, and so benefit. In other words, they affect the potential of the situation!

Lao Tzu gives an example: you want to catch a bird, put a tree. By doing so, we bring the world to benefit, as another tree appears in it. Birds themselves fly to the tree to blame the nests and feed on its fruits or catch insects on it. And we easily catch them. As a result, we cultivate unity, as we do something useful for the world. We use the misunderstanding, since at first we do not have a bird and the potential of the situation in the fact that the bird will fly to where we are. We plant a tree and this cultivate the hidden potential of the situation in which the birds themselves flew to us. At the same time, we rely on natural mechanisms of nature, we use the power of bird instincts that live on trees. We also restore the harmony, cultivating the benefit (Yang) and removing the harm (yin): first we give housing, go and the opportunity to multiply, and then we take.

A selfish person takes a gun and goes to the forest to shoot birds. He will admire, inventing cunning plans for their capture, for example, a whistle that makes the sounds of ducks and attracts sprayes. Thus, he harms the world, but does not give any benefit that disrupts harmony. Explores its strength in the running on the forests, is not satisfied, if nothing is shot, harmful to your health. And most importantly, he violates the unity by separating himself from the world and not understanding that having harmed the world, he brings harm and herself, as it is part of this very world. In this way and achieving success, it fixes its selfish errors and emotional heart outcrops, and becomes blind in such situations.

This example is somewhat outdated, since we are no longer dependent on hunting and our life has changed much since Lao Tzu. But you can transfer this example to your work when you start something to demand from colleagues, suppliers or customers. Instead of doing something that people themselves do what you want, like birds that fly to a tree in their will, we most often show violence and trick to make them make the desired and profitable for us.

And all because it seems to us that the struggle and direct impact is currently the fastest way to get what we want. We simply do not realize that harm that cultivates in this way. And he, accumulating, or does not give us to achieve the desired one, or later destroys everything that we have achieved.

The benefit itself accumulates where the benefits are actively manifested. Where the benefit is actively accumulating, and harm accumulates with it. Therefore, wanting to get something, you should clean the harm that has not yet been manifested, and cultivate the benefit while she is small. And wanting to get rid of something from something, it is worth it to grow it, then it will begin to fade on his own. And while it grows, you can form a new thing that will come to shift.

For example, getting rid of a bad habit, you should not fight her, but it is worth growing a new useful habit. For example, instead of combating smoking, start engaged in Taoist Practices 🙂 Smoking, reaching the limit, will disappear independently ... and will be replaced by meditation or cigoon exercises.

And wanting to achieve material well-being, start doing something useful for those from whom you are waiting for this well-being 🙂 just that it is useful, and not profitable! The benefits and benefits are completely different concepts. The benefits appear where emptiness appears, and the benefit appears where something accumulates.

Impacting the potential of the situation, you will always achieve success, since the natural changes Yin and Yang will always help you, and not counteract. Like those birds that fly to you, in their will.

Give everything you have, and take everything that is given

Breeding, we seek acorn, which gradually turns into mighty oak. Someone fell to grow in a pure field, with fertile soil, water and sun. And someone will have to grow on a naked rock, clinging to the roots behind the gap and be satisfied with rare rains. And at least our original nature we have one, but these are different circumstances and talents. And we can give myself to the world in different ways.

If you are destined to grow on a rock, you will be crazy, dry, places, cored oak. And facing your fellow in the fields, you can make it egoistic to live as they, repeating them, listening to their advice, dreaming of their dreams. By doing so, you will change your nature and deviate from your way. Such people do not appreciate what they have, and over time they even cease to notice, since all their attention is focused on how others live.

But if you think about it, the most beautiful paintings depict those trees that are not symmetrical, have flaws and stand out, we cling to our eyes! Start get rid of envy, from the desire to achieve someone else's success, following their templates. They built their lives on their own terms and opportunities, and you will have your own way.

And even if it still seems to you that there is nothing to give a small root tree on the rock to the world, continue to cultivate your potential. Over time, when you learn how to remove the water from the narrow slots, learn to resist the powerful mountain wind, learn not to lose yourself in the morning fog, to appreciate every moment when the sun shines, you will tell you about others and what to give them to you.

You will bring our special benefit and harmony to the world, which no one else can never be. And the world will share with you those gifts that there is only in gray non-shine mountains!

In Western culture, numerology is known for a long time. Counting this teaching can be conducted from the famous Greek mathematics and mysticism Pythagora: he used them another 2500 years ago.
He even built a special numerological scheme, according to which everyone should live a life prepared by him. Like, if you do not (for ignorance or inability to hear your heart), your life path is just doomed to failure!
Sounds like some kind of madness, but you try. And tell us whether Pythagore was right about your natural talents!

So, here is a 60-second test that will help you learn how the life of the life you go.

Step 1: Fold all the numbers of your birthday together. Do not forget to write a full year of your birth (for example, 1969, and not 69).

Step 2: If the number turned out to be double-digit, fold the numbers from it. For example, if it turned out 27, then 2 + 7 \u003d 9. Continue as long as you eventually get one digit from 0 to 9.

Take for example March 29, 1969. Suppose someone from you was born that day. It turns out that the full date looks like this: 03/29/1969.

2+9+0+3+1+9+6+9 = 39
3+9 = 12
1 + 2 \u003d 3. So, your life path is number three!

Step 3: Find your number in this list and find out what you need to do in life!

Life path number 1:

People units - This is, first of all, original thinkers and creative minds. Of these, excellent purposeful leaders are often obtained, which prefer to do everything independently or be responsible for all and immediately.

Fitting your profession: freelancer / independent contractor; Business owner; manager; Sales Manager; marketer; advertising specialist; designer; quality engineer; trainer consultant; politician; developer or broker; Financial Consultant; creative director; athlete.

Life path number 2:

People-two First of all, the details are focused. They love to notice and see what others do not notice and do not notice. Usually it turns out excellent friends and educators, because no one can support so well as they.

They are usually quite cleverly controlled with life, because they used to trust their intuition. And they often fight for the empowerment of others.

Suitable profession for you: tutor; psychotherapist; healer; cook; negotiator / diplomat; politician; musician; artist; designer; Social worker; administrator; therapist; Alternative medicine specialist; accountant; masseur; actor.

Life path number 3:

Troika people Accustomed to talk for themselves: they love to express themselves and have creative nature. That is why they are usually so nice to communicate.

With his passion for the beautiful they can infect anyone. And the main thing for them is to reveal their "I": even in creativity, even in sports. Although in oratorical art; Although in the scientific community.

Here are the profession suitable for you: entertainer; artist; journalist; designer; cook; musician; dancer; trainer; writer; photographer; seller; architect; Graphic Designer; the hairdresser; cosmetologist; visagiste; Specialist in art.

Life path number 4:

Four people - these are those who are stronger of all of us appreciate the details and systemic, methodological approach. If you want to do something desperate and quickly with them, such people will not agree: they love when their plan is thought out to the smallest detail.

That is why there are such highly professional managers and organizers. Everywhere, no matter where the foursome man appeared, stability and order come for a long time.

Suitable profession for you: director; manager; Business owner; editor; auditor; accountant. doctor; engineer; Military or law enforcement officer; personal trainer; analyst; architect / urban planner; lawyer; official, business consultant; banker or specialist in finance and investment.

Life path number 5:

Five - These are people who are above all in life appreciate the diversity, novelty and excitement from uncertainty.

Of course, from nature they are gifted by society and strong analytical thinking. Friends appreciate them for always give good tips, know how to advertise and promote unpopular ideas and can be lawyers at least the devil!

Here are the profession suitable for you: project manager; Consultant manager in travel agency; organizer of festive events; investigator; Advertising and Marketing Consultant, Promoter, Pros Specialist, Hairdresser; Athlete or TV presenter.

Life path number 6:

People born under the sign 6Most often choose work in the service sector. They like to help others, advise and maintain others. Of these, excellent advisers, consultants and managers are obtained.

But the list of the most suitable professions for you: hairdresser; Fashion consultant; interior designer; therapist; teacher; Healer. decorator; chiropractor; model. visagiste; medical worker; cosmetologist.

Life path number 7:

Seven people possess contemplative character. They are not very active, they love to think to think well: Such is the nature of their analytical mind.

They quickly and well learn, know how to develop complex strategies for solving complex questions. And also adore technologies and stood in spiritual search. Their favorite science is psychology.

Here are the suitable profession to your soul: researcher / scientist; analyst; IT consultant; philosopher, psychologist. journalist. quality engineer; programmer; accountant. spiritual teacher; doctor; naturopath; biographer.

Life path number 8:

People eight - These are talented innovative executives, born in order to solve big problems. They rarely love to work on someone, especially if this someone is a dictator. That is why these people become most successful when they start their own business.

Accordingly, here are the profession suitable for you: business owner; independent contractor; Project Manager; banker; business consultant; broker; lawyer; surgeon; Politician, high rank official.

Life path number 9:

Nine - People-Unicums. Because they combine in themselves and creative principle, and the ability to work for the benefit of others. Therefore, they most often choose work in the service sector.

Such people often become talented teachers (such as students remember for life), healers, managers. Do you usually listen to your opinion, right?

Here are the branches and professions suitable for you: a specialist in the field of health or education; artist; Professional writer; human rights activist; lawyer; actor; politician; civil activist; personnel specialist (HR); PR specialist, power engineering, graphic designer; fashion designer; photographer.


He lived, was a man who was always complained of life.

And everyone who turned out to be next to him, he showed his discontent and foam to unfair fate.

And once he walked along the path in the field. And to meet him slowly beat the sage. Ploying, the man began to complain and the wise men: "Life is so complicated ... there are some problems around ... people are bad ... the king can not lead ... There is nothing good anywhere ...".

The sage raised his eyes.

There was a fence nearby. The fence was strong, but low, so he was very clearly visible to the cow, who chewed herb.

Why does Cow look over the fence? - said the sage.

The man was surprised: "I don't know," he answered.

Think about. Why does Cow look over the fence? - repeated the sage. The complaint was silent.

Because through the fence is nothing visible. - Said the sage and went on.

What does this phrase mean? What does this story have to do with how to find your way in life?

Let's go back to this later. In the meantime, come on the other hand.

Usually people consider almost a feat to do what is unusual for their nature. This is the beginning of egoism, which speaks inside us: " You can be the one who you want in any field of life " That's what egoism is. Egoism means timewise.

  • More about egoism -

"Any cook can manage the state". Remember this phrase attributed to Lenin?

Each person gives his own nature. In the most general case there is a man's nature, there is a woman's nature. There is the nature of the head, there is the nature of the teacher. There is a businessman's nature, there is nature related to physical activity. These are different nature.

And your way - he is always within the framework of the nature that me Dana. My, not someone else's.

Search inside

therefore firstwhat should be understood by thinking how to find your way in life - you need to look for your way inside ourselves, and not beast. A look at the sight is an envy, when I compare myself with other people. As far as they are successful ... And I want to imitate them. This is how a person loses himself.

Nature is given to a person initially. She may not have woke up. And therefore many ask how to find their way in life. And most people, unfortunately, just not awake. Their nature was not manifested.

Judging by the body - a man, but there is no male nature. The body is female, but nature is not manifested. This is just a corporal shell, in which there is no content of the corresponding. Like an empty glass. This can be any other than an externally beautiful glass, but if you want to drink, why do you need it?

When we want to drink, we are not very interested in a glass. We are interested in that it is nalito.

Woman, man, leader, teacher - different nature. Search need inside yourself. This is first.

Communication with the highest start

Second. Nature comes from the highest source. Each is given a certain path in this world. We are all connected with the highest. Therefore, if there is no experience in the life of openness to the highest leadership, confidence in Him, it will be very difficult for him to find his way in life and find himself. If there is no connection.

In the most general case, a person who is far from spiritual practice will be difficult to understand who I am actually so really and what I do.

  • Read

So first - you need to look inside yourself. Second - you need to look for in these higher relationships. It is in this regard that nature is manifested.

➨ first. Try different activities. Because when we try, we explore different spheres, we begin to feel, where closer, where our.

➨ Second. If a person is not in Lada with himself, his emotions ... If he does not know how to feel and understand his needs, he will be difficult for him to find himself. Even if he will do everything that was written before.

Intended psychological scenarios distort the ability to recognize something. To understand yourself, you need to work out and some emotional block problems.

➨ Third. Communicate with other people and consult with them. Because sometimes another person is easier to understand us than to understand ourselves.

And now let's remember the story of the sage and cow.

In fact, just above, we have already revealed its meaning. Noticed?

If a person all the time pays attention only to problems ...

If he all the time discussing why everything is around, and not otherwise ...

If he rests on his eyes in a fat fence of his (let him be imposed, but adopted as their own) negative beliefs ...

Such a person is unlikely to understand how to find his way in life.

Remember the example of the consciousness of flies and bees? Fly is picking up in a negative and lives in it all his life. Revealed everything that is bad and tied to it. And when there are some problems around, tell me, is it time to think about really important things? Once - you need to suffer. Read more about the consciousness of the flies and consciousness of the bee.

How to avoid difficulties on this path

Cow knows exactly how to find his way in life. And you?)

In the eastern treatments it is said that most people do not learn anything. They suffer all their life by committing the same mistakes actions and getting reactions for it.

Few people think about why certain events come to their lives. Thinking about it, some people are gaining some experience and gradually change their lives. This is called "learn on their mistakes."

But there are other people. True, there are very few of them. They always learn. Because they take life like a loving leader, whose guide is unmistakable. Due to this, they avoid many distressed situations and are extremely quickly moving along the path of personal growth.

It follows from everything a lesson to remove. Think what the situation teaches me. This is the most real answer to the question of how to find your way in life. When everything that happens around is better to take your teachers. Even a cow that as if by chance looks over the fence.

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By lectures Ruzova V.O. and Gadetsky O.G.