Mikhail Sespel is a poet and citizen. Zeçpĕl Mishshi (Mikhail Sespel) - poet and citizen

Kolosova Julia

2014 was in Russian Federation declared the year of culture. This event is dedicated to this research, which is also relevant because in 2014 it was 115 years since the birth of the outstanding statesman Chuvash Republic, poet and writer Mikhail Sespel.

What prompted me to write this work. Last year in the city of Cheboksary, in the museum dedicated to Mikhail Sespel, an excursion was held by the students of the class, which made a vivid impression. The museum contains letters written by Sespel to his beloved woman Anastasia Chervyakova. There was a desire to write this work in order to show the christomatical M. Sespel from a different romantic side. When you read his letters, it seems that this man has a long life behind him, but he lived only 22 years. This work is written exclusively on museum material, which is based on Sespel's letters.

The purpose of this work is to study the life path of Mikhail Sespel based on the materials of the Chuvash National Museum.





MIKHAIL SESPEL (1899-1921)


2014 was declared the year of culture in the Russian Federation. This research work is devoted to this event, which is also relevant because this year marks the 115th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding statesman of the Chuvash Republic, poet and writer Mikhail Sespel.

What prompted me to write this work. Last year I visited the museum dedicated to Sespel in the city of Cheboksary, and was deeply impressed by the letters that are kept there, the letters written by Sespel to the beloved woman Anastasia Chervyakova. I had a desire to write this work in order to show the christomatical M. Sespel from a different romantic side. When you read his letters, it seems that this man has a long life behind him, but imagine that he lived only 22 years. This work is written exclusively on museum material, which is based on Sespel's letters. Here are their photocopies, which museum workers kindly allowed to make. (Show sheets with these letters)

The purpose of this work isstudy of the life path of Mikhail Sespel based on the materials of the Chuvash National Museum.


Study the biography of Mikhail Sespel;

Explore the relationship between M. Sespel and A. Chervyakova through letters preserved in the museum;

Determine the role of M. Sespel in the development of culture and statehood of the Chuvash Republic.

The life and love of Mikhail Sespel

Mikhail Kuzmich Sespel was born on November 4 (16), 1899 in the village of Shugurov (Kazak - kasy), Tsivilsky district of the Kazan province (now Shikhazansky district of the Chuvash Republic), in the family of a poor peasant. Poverty, hunger and disease were inseparable companions of the poet's childhood. The boy grew frail and weak. He suffered from bone tuberculosis. And only in the autumn of 1910, the father took his son to the rural parish school.

In the autumn of 1917, M. Sespel entered the teacher's seminary, which had opened in Tetyushi, near Simbirsk. In December 1918, M. Sespel became a member of the Bolshevik Party. Sespel filled in the gaps in his education by reading Russian literature and thoughtfully studying the greatest Russian and Ukrainian writers and poets.

At 22, Sespel was appointed to the high post of Chairman of the Revolutionary Tribunal, and then he became head of the department of justice. Sespel fought against injustice. Direct and sharp, he told people the truth in the face.

We are accustomed to the image of Mikhail Sespel as a harbinger and fighter of the revolutionary spring. But in the life of M. Sespel there was not only a revolutionary struggle, not only political activity, but also a passionate, deep love for Anastasia Alexandrovna Chervyakova. This was the woman with whom the young poet fell in love, as they say, for life. We do not know such a Sespel. His letters to his beloved in a new way reveal the romantic soul of the poet.

Chervyakova Anastasia Alexandrovna (1889-1960) - the daughter of a peasant in the village of Astradamovka, the former Simbirsk province. She grew up and was brought up from a very young age in the house of her maternal grandfather, petty bourgeois Simbirsk Petr Ivanovich Syromyatnikov. In 1912, she married Nikolai Vissarionovich Chervyakov, a construction technician of the county zemstvo, but her married life was not entirely happy, in 1920 her husband died of tuberculosis

100 letters and notes of the poet to his beloved have been preserved. The revolutionary poet in them is highlighted by completely different qualities. He is “sometimes timid, sometimes tormented by jealousy, sometimes inspired to the sunny sky, sometimes cast down to useless skepticism.”

The development of relations between Sespel and Chervyakova is very interesting. In the first letters, Sespel begs her, a librarian, who came to Tetyushi from Simbirsk for some time to stay with her Bekshansky relatives, to become his friend. Perfectly realizing that they are different, like heaven and earth: "You are glorious, dear ... I am insignificant, unattractive ...". He is 20 years old, she, married, 30, he is a Chuvash, she is Russian, he is a "witch", she is beautiful. Sespel can't help it, because love is stronger than reason! One can only admire the fact that Sespel found so much strength in himself to write to her in any situation and was able to open up his soul, tell about his feelings. He wrote letters to her full of tenderness and passion: “As I remember the moment that a long, long time ago in a beautiful summer rushed into eternity, as I now remember the moment when painfully sweet and painful I felt you so dear, close, desired, like me I accidentally looked into your eyes, my heart sank, red dawns flashed in my heart, burning flowers bloomed in them, and wonderful sounds sang out in a heavenly and sultry tune: “She.” You didn't know me then. I was a stranger to you ... but I always dreamed of you, my heart was always filled with wonderful hymns when I met you, but I did not dare to dream that you would reveal to me your infinitely wonderful soul "... (45th letter).

Sespel's letters are poetic: "dear star", "holy, dear", "unforgettable, priceless friend" - this is how he addresses his beloved woman. There was not only gratitude, there was love, blinding by beauty, neatness, literacy and attention: “...among millions of people I found you. I walked around the world and searched for happiness, but all the women were so similar to each other, so boring - meaningless, like dolls, similar to one another ... I met you - dear, dear ... You are painfully dear to me ... "(54th letter).

I would like to present the most sincere lines from the letters of dear Nousa (as Sespel called Anastasia), which touched my soul: “How good it is that in my life I met you, that you entered my life and illuminated it with an even light, appearing on the horizon my gray life. Oh heaven, how good! After all, I could never see you, because circumstances could develop in such a way that you could not come, live where you lived. I would never have joyful tunes, thrills of life and friendship, an expensive image. Never, never would I see you...” (Letter 63)

Surprisingly frank, sincere letters. The closed, modest Misha gave his whole soul to the power of his beloved. Sespel's trust and gullibility in almost all letters to Chervyakova: "If they turned away, I would not have endured the suffering ...". Although the poet's brother Guriy Kuzmin and a friend of his youth Pavel Bekshansky consider these letters to be literary samples, a work in the form of a letter, it is difficult to agree with their opinion. When a conversation goes on between two hearts - in secret notes, crumpled leaves - impulsively, spontaneously, without cold calculation, from the heart, about what literary experiments maybe speech? After all, Sespel did not keep copies of his letters in order to process them later into a work of art.

After the death of her husband in December 1920, Anastasia Chervyakova, writes in her memoirs, “lived only with memories of Mita” (as Anastasia called Sespel), but they could not reunite. She preserved his writing for 25 years.

The tragic end of Sespelian love causes a lot of thought. Sespel passed away at the age of 22. There are many unsolved mysteries in the death of M. Sespel, as well as in his life. It is still not clear whether it was a suicide, or it was still a murder, as his friend F. Pokryshen believed.

Having received the news of Sespel's death, Nusya wrote to his friend Pakryshen: “... I still cannot wake up from the horror that has fettered my thoughts, my mind. Do you know that I am the main culprit in all this? Yes. I am Misha's killer. It is a fact. How unbearably hard it is to realize. If I don't go crazy, it will be a miracle... People like Misha are never happy, and their life is always a tragedy. Fate was pleased to push us in 1919, and this acquaintance did not pass without a trace for Misha. He loved me. I loved like no one else and can never love more. So they can only love perfectly good people, and there are so few of them in our age ... ".


The letters of two people reveal the complex fate of this surprisingly sensitive and intelligent woman Anastasia Chervyakova and the outstanding Chuvash statesman with a difficult fate, Mikhail Sespel. She managed to keep her love for Sespel until the end of her days and constantly lived in the memory of him, re-reading his letters burning with love dozens and hundreds of times. These letters and memories of Sespel's friends became practically the only source that showed us Sespel as a person, with his passions, dreams and experiences. The feelings that he had for Anastasia Chervyakova inspired Sespel to work and he began to write poetry.

The source of any real, especially outstanding art is love. Wise poets say that love for a woman makes a man a true poet. There are many examples: Petrarch and Laura, Pushkin and Anna Kern, Mayakovsky and Lilya Brik. And now this list can be continued - Mikhail Sespel and Anastasia Chervyakova. Anastasia Chervyakova is an inseparable part of the poet's short but passionate love life.


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Municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary comprehensive school No. 11 named after the Hero Soviet Union V.F. Vetvinsky, Alatyr, Chuvash Republic Report The life and love of Mikhail Sespel

Completed by: Kolosova Yulia Sergeevna, student of the 8th grade Supervisor: Setyanova Elena Lvovna

Mikhail Sespel Museum Building The Mikhail Sespel Museum in Cheboksary opened on November 25, 2003. The exposition of the museum "Snowdrop in the middle of the storm" reveals the spiritual world of the poet, the formation of his personality. The basis of the museum's exposition is 101 Sespel's letters to Anastasia Chervyakova, her beloved woman, which she sold to the National Museum of the Chuvash Republic before her death.

Purpose: - to explore life path Mikhail Sespel based on the materials of the Chuvash National Museum

Tasks: - to study the biography of Mikhail Sespel; - explore the relationship between M. Sespel and A. Chervyakova through letters preserved in the museum; - to determine the role of M. Sespel in the development of culture and statehood of the Chuvash Republic.

Mikhail Sespel Sespel was born on November 16, 1899 in the village of Shugurovo, Tsivilsky district, Kazan province. After graduating from a two-year school in Shikhazany, he entered the teacher's seminary in Tetyushi. He studied in Moscow at the courses of agitators and propagandists.

The era in which Sespel lived and worked was for many peoples a time of national revival, a time of hope and search for ways to build a new life. It is no coincidence that the poet chose a pseudonym for himself - Sespel, which means snowdrop.

At 22, Sespel was appointed President of the Revolutionary Tribunal, head of the department of justice. On the road of life, the poet was measured out only 22 years (1899-1922).

M. Sespel's contribution to literature Sespel's first poems in the Chuvash and Russian languages ​​began to be published in 1919 in the newspapers Znamya Revolutsii, Tetyushskiye Izvestia, and Kanash. The poet's poems have been translated into 56 languages ​​of the peoples of the world. Books by M. Sespel "Sowing of the New Day"; "Steel Faith"; "Future".

Anastasia Chervyakova Chervyakova Anastasia Alexandrovna (1889-1960) - the daughter of a peasant in the village of Astradamovka, the former Simbirsk province. She grew up and was brought up from a very young age in the house of her maternal grandfather, petty bourgeois Simbirsk Petr Ivanovich Syromyatnikov.

People's House (Tetyushi), where the head. Anastasia Chervyakova worked as a library.

Mikhail Sespel and Anastasia Chervyakova met in Tetyushi in the house of a mutual friend Bekshansky

Sespel's letter to Anastasia Chervyakova

Nusya (in the film in the role of Anastasia - Nonna Terentyeva) and Sespel (Iosif Dmitriev). Filming of the Kiev film studio. A.P. Dovzhenko in Cheboksary in the summer of 1970

M. Sespel died on June 15, 1922 in the village of Starogorodka, Chernihiv region of Ukraine. “22 years of life ... for Sespel it turned out to be enough to have time to go through so much, to do even more ...” V.P. Stanyal Chernihiv region of Ukraine Crimea

The father's land is nailed by the executioner. Wounded by compassion, I want to pave the way to salvation with a verse... The sufferer's cross is lonely in the desert. Heavy eyes, dull look. Hot blood freezes on the sand. Not with water - they drink with a bitter potion. And around the wild rabble of adversaries, Laughter, mockery, whistling, commotion. The edge is crying, barefoot, crucified. A terrible darkness is coming. M. Sespel

Thank you for your attention!

The shipping company Teplohod.ru invites you to spend holidays on the ship "Mikhail Sespel". Rent of the ship "Mikhail Sespel" on the official website of the owner at the best price, with the official conclusion of the contract. Below you will find Full description, current prices and photos of the ship. We will promptly send a preliminary calculation and show the ship at a convenient time for you.

Description of the ship Mikhail Sespel

Motor ship "Mikhail Sespel" is a compact two-deck comfort-class pleasure boat-restaurant, designed for medium-duration cruises along the Moscow River and reservoirs of the Moscow region. The vessel is 42.5 meters long and 7.12 meters wide. The maximum draft of 1.25 meters and a speed of 20 km per hour allow the vessel to make fairly long passages over long distances, and to moor at any green parking along the route. The ship is operated by an experienced captain and a crew of five sailors. A convenient bow ladder is provided for boarding and disembarking passengers.

Interior and layout

The ship is able to take on board up to 150 people, and is completely converted into a restaurant. The vessel has two decks, a wardroom, a rest cabin, a galley, two bathrooms, a shower room, and an air conditioning system.

The upper promenade deck is protected by a translucent awning from the sun and rain, equipped as a summer cafe and can accommodate up to 100 people. At the stern there is a small open area for recreation.

The lower deck is divided into two banquet halls. In the bow there is a music salon for 30 people with a bar, comfortable oak interior trim, upholstered furniture, LCD TV, sound system, karaoke and panoramic view. In the central part of the vessel there is a large European-style banquet hall for 60 seats (100 people in a banquet format) with its own bar, panoramic windows, comfortable wooden furniture, air conditioning and a sound system.

The preparation of dishes of European, Russian and Caucasian cuisine on the ship is carried out by a large galley, which is operated by a team of experienced chefs. The ship has its own stewards to serve banquets. If necessary, a brazier for barbecue and barbecue can be installed, there is a set of equipment for picnics in green parking lots.

Issues of organizing banquets, ordering banquet and buffet menus leading to holidays and musical arrangements are discussed with each customer individually. There is a possibility of festive decoration of the banquet hall.

Advantages of the ship Mikhail Sespel

Ordering the ship "Mikhail Sespel" has a number of advantages:

  • maneuverability and cross-country ability;
  • choice of cruise routes and green stops;
  • two banquet halls (30 and 60 people);
  • the possibility of organizing receptions for 100 people.

Similar boats:

Answers IKCh (Vasiliev).docx

  1. Zeçpĕl Mishshi (Mikhail Sespel) is a poet and a citizen.

Mishshi Sespel, or Mikhail Sespel Zeçpĕl Mishshi Birth name: Mikhail Kuzmich Kuzmin

Occupation: public figure, poet Date of birth: November 4 (November 16), 1899 Place of birth: der. Kazakkasy Kanashsky district, Kazan province, Russian Empire now Chuvashia Date of death: June 15, 1922 (age 22) Place of death: Starogorodka village, Chernigov province, Ukrainian SSR now Kozeletsky district, Chernihiv region

Brief description of life: Born on November 16, 1899 in the village of Kazakkasy, Tsivilsky district (now the village of Sespel, Kanashsky district of Chuvashia). After graduating from a two-year school in Shikhazany, he entered the teacher's seminary in Tetyushi. He studied in Moscow at the courses of agitators and propagandists. Member of the RCP(b) since 1918. After the formation of the Chuvash Autonomous Region in 1920, he, an employee of the Chuvash Regional Committee of the RKSM, was elected chairman of the Revolutionary Tribunal of the Chuvash Autonomous Region. Thus, he became the first "Chief Prosecutor" of this national-territorial formation. He worked in the education department in the commission of translators. On a false charge, he was arrested, released on bail by his comrades after 3 months. In 1921, due to illness, he strengthened his health in a sanatorium in the city of Evpatoria. After the cure, he entered the Kiev Art School, was drafted into the Red Army. After being commissioned due to an exacerbation of bone tuberculosis, he lived with his Ukrainian friend, worked in the city of Oster in the county land department of the Oster district. Grave in Ostra. He committed suicide on June 15, 1922 in the city of Oster in Ukraine. On November 5, 1954, Sespel's ashes were reburied in the park of Oster, where a tombstone was erected for him. In 1969, Mishsha Sespel's native village was renamed in his honor.

Works: In the literary path since 1916. Having streamlined, in a sense, even establishing the norms of stress, he introduced syllabo-tonic versification into Chuvash poetry. Mishshi Sespel began publishing his first poems in Chuvash and Russian in 1919 in the newspapers Znamya Revolutsii, Tetyushskiye Izvestia, and Kanash. The collection of poems "Khurçă shanchăk" (Steel faith) was first published in 1927. Famous books: "Çĕn Kun aki" (Russian: Sev of the New Day); "Hurçă shanchăk" (Russian: Steel Faith); "Pulassi" (Russian Future). Zyrnisen pukhkhi and Shupashkar, 1959; Steel faith. Poems, M., 1957. The poet's poems have been translated into 56 languages.

Memory: Museum of Mikhail Sespel, Kanashsky district of Chuvashia, Sespel village. Museum of M. Sespel, Cheboksary, Palace of Justice. Bust of the poet, Cheboksary, Lenin Avenue. Museum of local lore, M. Sespel's corner, Tatarstan, Tetyushi, Pedagogical school. The grave of the poet and the department of the local history museum in the city of Oster (city) of the Chernihiv region. Museum of Misha Sespel in Oster Gymnasium No. 1, which bears his name. Streets in Cheboksary and Ostra. Park of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Mishsha Sespel in Ostra. Cinema "Sespel", Cheboksary Plant for the production of trailers and tanks "Sespel", Cheboksary

2. Chuvash folk pedagogy. Ethnopedagogics G.N. Volkov. "Chuvash ethnopedagogy" by Mr. N. Volkov in a modern school.

In the formation and regulation of the moral and ethical norms of the Chuvash people, the public opinion of the village has always played an important role (yal men kalat - “what the fellow villagers will say”). Immodest behavior, foul language, and even more rarely encountered among the Chuvash until the beginning of the 20th century, were sharply condemned. drunkenness. There was lynching for theft.

From generation to generation, the Chuvash taught each other: “Chavash yatne an sert” (do not shame the name of the Chuvash).

The people are great teachers

all great teachers are folk.

G. N. Volkov

The mind in Chuvash pedagogy was revered as the highest human value, as the best of the virtues. From an early age, the Chuvash taught children to live with the mind good people. And today this popular philosophical covenant excites modern educators and Russian scientists. Folk pedagogy as a science appeared in Chuvashia; G. N. Volkov is the creator of ethnopedagogy, the only and first such scientist in Russia.

The main thing in folk pedagogy is three loves: love for children, love for work, love for the Motherland. In the soul of G. N. Volkov, these three loves gave excellent results. His love is limitless. Much in folk life is connected with love for children, and how early folk pedagogy indicates that work in a child's life is the main assistant and ally. “Returning to the origins is both constructive and saving,” writes G. N. Volkov. “Without our roots, without ethnic spirituality, there is emptiness, vacuum, desert in the soul. What will be left without these roots? How to fill this vacuum?.. Only with culture, only with spirituality…”. Therefore, raising children modern school unthinkable without studying and applying the works of G. N. Volkov on ethnopedagogics.

One of G. N. Volkov's testaments says: "An example - both positive and negative - does not work on its own, it must be based on conscience." A modern teacher should also remember such a covenant of the soul of a great scientist: “In pedagogy, the main thing is nationality, humanity, decency, nobility, generosity.” And folk pedagogy is a product of the historical and social experience of the people. Indeed, “without (historical) memory there are no traditions, without traditions there is no culture, without culture there is no education, without education there is no spirituality, without spirituality there is no personality, without personality there is no people (as a historical community)”.

The deceitful and the truth is deceitful.

The mind of the old is like props.

A dream is like a clay pot - it breaks rather than comes true.

The world rests on the wisdom of the old and the strength of the young.

A thrifty person is reliable, decent, accurate.

Took a thing from people - threw out the soul.

When there is no order, there is no life.

And how useful it is to see the staged stories and fairy tales of G. N. Volkov "Timerka", "Magic Chip", "Mother and Son", "Is the ruble expensive?" "! In them you can see such folk pedagogy:

If you honor the elderly, you yourself will live long; if you make the elderly needy, you will experience trouble yourself. Whoever forgets about this, does not know happiness in life.

With an angry - you will be angry, with an affectionate - you will be affectionate. Gifts - gifts - mutually.

Whoever brings his father into tears will not find happiness in life. Mother is a shrine, she herself is a goddess. If you forget God, remember your mother.

Laziness and deceit are two brothers. Only those who work until they sweat know the price of good.

Mom fed me salma today. Just like in childhood. And the smell is the same, and the color. One hundred years old bowl. Spoon left from his father, his work. There was a master! Mom ... What a happiness! ..

The writer G. N. Volkov also has works about the courage of the Chuvash, about love for the Chuvash land: “Golden Dust”, “The Shepherd and the Master”, “The Timid Chuvash and the Horse Dealer”

Ethnopedagogue, scientist, historian, journalist, academician, professor, doctor pedagogical sciences G. N. Volkov had to fight boldly more than once, defending the name and legacy of I. Ya. Yakovlev. Volkov was called the "enemy" of the people, and Yakovlev's name was forbidden to be pronounced. Indeed, the Chuvash people are both brave and courageous.

Thus, "Chuvash ethnopedagogy" by G. N. Volkov in a modern school is needed by teachers, parents, and students. Thousands of nursery rhymes, jokes, riddles, fairy tales, epics contain real pedagogy - the science of the proper upbringing of children. This is the correct mode of life of parents, based on the conscience of children and adults themselves.

Gennady Nikandrovich Volkov(October 31, 1927, Bolshiye Yalchiki, Chuvash ASSR - December 27, 2010, Cheboksary) - teacher; professor, doctor of pedagogical sciences, academician of the Russian Academy of Education, publicist writer, founder of ethnopedagogy.

Born on October 31, 1927 in the village of Bolshiye Yalchiki, Yalchik District, Chuvash ASSR, in the family of a mathematics and physics teacher.

Pedagogical activity began in 1948 in the men's secondary school No. 4 in Cheboksary, then he worked as a physics teacher in the men's seven-year school No. 78 in Kazan. V different years he happened to work as a teacher in schools in Kazan and Cheboksary, as a teacher in an orphanage, and as head of a labor and recreation camp in Moscow. He was friends and corresponded with Vasily Sukhomlinsky.

Graduated from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the Chuvash State Pedagogical Institute. AND I. Yakovlev (now a university), postgraduate study at the Kazan State Pedagogical Institute.

In 1952-1972. worked as a senior lecturer, assistant professor and head. Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, Senior Research Fellow, Vice-Rector for scientific work at the Chuvash State Pedagogical Institute. AND I. Yakovlev.

He was a member of the editorial boards of the leading pedagogical journals in Russia (“Pedagogy”, “People's School”, “Rural School”, “Education in the World - the World of Education”, “Home Education”, “Prestigious Education”, etc.)

Knowing many Turkic languages, he generalized and based on primary sources substantiated the spiritual and moral unity of the Russian people with the Turkic ones.

The founder of a number of ideas of national education in Russia. His ethno-pedagogical concept of the national school received state recognition.

Trained more than a hundred doctors and candidates of pedagogical sciences from representatives of more than thirty nationalities of Russia. His students, in turn, lead the directions of ethnopedagogy locally.

1962 - proposed the term "ethnopedagogy". TO beginning of XXI century, the term is widely used in the scientific world.

1967 - defended the monograph "Ethnopedagogy of the Chuvash people (in connection with the problem of the commonality of folk pedagogical cultures)" as a doctoral dissertation.

The book "Ethnopedagogy" - approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation as a textbook for universities and secondary specialized educational institutions.


  • 1 Biography
  • 2 Artworks
  • 3 Memory
  • 4 About the poet
    • 4.1 Books
    • 4.2 Motion pictures
  • Literature


Mikhail Sespel(Chuvash. Zeçpĕl Mishshi, official name until September 1921 Mikhail Kuzmich Kuzmin; November 16, 1899, village. Kazakkasy - June 15, 1922, the village of Starogorodka) - Chuvash poet.

1. Biography

Born on November 16, 1899 in the village of Kazakkasy, Tsivilsky district (now the village of Sespel, Kanashsky district of Chuvashia). After graduating from a two-year school in Shikhazany, he entered the teacher's seminary in Tetyushi. He studied in Moscow at the courses of agitators and propagandists. Member of the RCP(b) since 1918. After the formation of the Chuvash Autonomous Region in 1920, he, an employee of the Chuvash Regional Committee of the RKSM, was elected chairman of the Revolutionary Tribunal of the Chuvash Autonomous Region.

He worked in the education department in the commission of translators. On a false charge, he was arrested, released on bail by his comrades after 3 months.

In 1921, due to illness, he strengthened his health in a sanatorium in the city of Evpatoria. After the cure, he entered the Kiev Art School, was drafted into the Red Army. After being commissioned due to an exacerbation of bone tuberculosis, he lived with his Ukrainian friend, worked in the city of Oster in the county land department of the Oster district.

Grave in Ostra. 50.955102 , 30.874865  /  50.9551017 , 30.8748651 (G)(O)

He committed suicide on June 15, 1922 in the city of Oster in Ukraine. On November 5, 1954, Sespel's ashes were reburied in the park of Oster, where a tombstone was erected for him. 50.955102 , 30.874865 50°57′18.36″ N sh. 30°52′29.51″ E d. /  50.9551017 , 30.8748651 (G)(O)

In 1969 home village Mishshi Sespel was renamed in his honor.

2. Works

In the literary path since 1916. He introduced syllabotonic versification into Chuvash poetry.

Mishshi Sespel began publishing his first poems in Chuvash and Russian in 1919 in the newspapers Znamya Revolutsii, Tetyushskiye Izvestia, and Kanash. The collection of poems "Khurçă shanchăk" (Steel faith) was first published in 1927.

Notable books:

  • "Çĕn Kun aki" (rus. Sev New Day);
  • "Khurçă shanchăk" (Russian. steel faith);
  • "Pulassi" (rus. Future).
  • Zyrnisen pukhkhi and Shupashkar, 1959;
  • Steel faith. Poems, M., 1957.

The poet's poems have been translated into 56 languages.

3. Memory

  • Museum of Mikhail Sespel, Kanashsky district of Chuvashia, Sespel village.
  • Museum of M. Sespel, Cheboksary, Palace of Justice.
  • Bust of the poet, Cheboksary, Lenin Avenue.
  • Museum of local lore, M. Sespel's corner, Tatarstan, Tetyushi, Pedagogical school.
  • The grave of the poet and the department of the local history museum in the city of Oster (city) of the Chernihiv region.
  • Museum of Misha Sespel in Oster Gymnasium No. 1, which bears his name.
  • Streets in Cheboksary and Ostra.
  • Park of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Mishsha Sespel in Ostra.

4. About the poet

4.1. Books

4.2. Movies

  • "Sespel" (Chuv.) Russian — 1970 film about Mishshi Sespel.


  • Sirotkin M. Ya. Essays on the history of the Chuvash Soviet literature. - Cheboksary, 1956.
  • The founder of the Chuvash Soviet poetry. - Cheboksary: ​​“Uch. app. Chuvash. Research Institute", 1971. - T. 51.
This abstract is based on an article from the Russian Wikipedia. Synchronization completed on 07/11/11 22:31:01
Similar essays: Sespel (village), Michael II, Michael IV,

Mikhail Kuzmich Kuzmin (Sespel) - poet-reformer, playwright, prose writer, statesman and public figure.

Born on November 16, 1899 in the village of Shugurovo, Tsivilsky district, Kazan province (now the village of Sespel, Kanashsky district, Chuvash Republic).

Studied in 1914-1917. at the Shikhazan second-class school.

In the autumn of 1917, Sespel entered the Tetyush Teachers' Seminary. There, with great joy, he received the news of the victory of the October Socialist Revolution, and already in December 1918 he joined the ranks of the Bolshevik Party. Sespel wrote in his diary: “After joining the Communist Party, I felt so free, strong, free from all prejudices. Together with the proletariat, I felt myself the master of life. Since then my mind has been clear. Thoughts are powerful. I am a communist."

By decision of the district party organization, Sespel was sent in January 1919 to Moscow for a six-week course for organizers and propagandists at the All-Russian Central Executive Committee. In Moscow, he was lucky to see and hear Lenin. After returning to Tetyushi on behalf of the party committee, he spoke to the peasants of the surrounding villages with reports and conversations on topical political topics, told them about Vladimir Ilyich with great excitement and inspiration, and took part in organizing cells of communists and sympathizers of the party.

The country was Civil War. In some places in the Tetyush district, the enemies tried to organize peasant protests against Soviet power. Sespel ruthlessly exposed gangs of kulaks and deserters. He was sent to work in the judicial-investigative commission of the county.

In August 1920, Sespel moved from Tetyush to Cheboksary. Here, too, he tirelessly fights for the strengthening of revolutionary legality. He is appointed chairman of the Revolutionary Tribunal of the Chuvash Autonomous Republic.

On December 27, 1920, he was arrested on false charges. Released on bail by comrades on February 7, 1921.

On May 12, 1921, he left for treatment in Evpatoria due to deteriorating health, and entered the Kiev Art School. Called to the Red Army. After the commission due to exacerbation of bone tuberculosis, he lived with his Ukrainian friend F. Pakryshnya. He worked in the Oster district land department.

As a poet, Sespel began writing early. Back in 1916, he, a seventeen-year-old youth, composed the poem "Soon", denouncing the imperialist war. “Thieves surround the royal throne in Petrograd,” the poet boldly castigates the autocratic system. “And when will the storm come down on the kings from heaven?” - the author asks and himself answers: "The people are rising in a formidable wave, they will wash away the dirty royal family with a black misfortune."

After October 1917, Sespel began to be published on the pages of the Kazan newspaper Znamya Revolutsii and in Tetyushskiye Izvestia. Here appeared his poems imbued with the spirit of the revolution.

He actively participated in the newspaper of the Chuvash department of the Narkomnats "Kanash" ("Council"), published from 1918 to 1921 in Kazan. In his poem "The Past Century", published on January 1, 1919, he describes the unbearably difficult living conditions of the Chuvash in the past and looks to the future with deep faith, calls "to build new house”Together with all the working peoples and illuminate it with the light of the sun.

The works of the tribune poet have a pronounced socio-political character. At the junction of two worlds - the old and the new - Sespel reveals the contradictions of society and thereby determines his point of view. He always had a desire to respond to some topical issue. For example, he was outraged by the powerless position of the Chuvash woman. With anger in his heart, the poet wrote: “Get up, women! From now on, you are equal with everyone. For great freedom, stand up boldly, together. Man is your name. You deserve it!" ("Chuvashka").

Sespel wrote poetry in Chuvash and Russian, was fluent in Tatar and Ukrainian languages. He, like a real internationalist, in 1921 wrote the poem "Arable land of the New Day."

Chuvashin, with the new century becoming different,

The sky will support the sky with its shoulders, a lot.

And the New Day will lower the bridge before him -

Blooming Rainbow International.

Further, the author describes the free, creative labor of the people after October 1917, depicts a new, creative attitude of a person to work for himself, for his people. This program poem of his has been translated into 50 languages ​​of the peoples of the world.

Sespel's well-known article "Position and stress rules" is a great contribution to the development of the theory and practice of the new Chuvash poetry. In this article, first published in the Kanash newspaper on November 17, 1920, the author writes: “The revolution breathed a new, life-giving spirit into our lives. Everywhere and in everything - the Renaissance. Chuvash poetry also began to develop, designed to illuminate the path of the Chuvash people and inspire them. More and more poems appear on the pages of newspapers and magazines. For our Chuvashia, this is a new thing. It is not enough to look for new ways. You have to draw the right line."

Mikhail Sespel passed away prematurely. On June 15, 1922, he committed suicide. Mikhail Sespel lived for less than 23 years. But this short term to the limit was saturated with active socio-political and creative activity. His works have remained, they live with us, as the poet himself lives for centuries.