The smell of damp became. War of noses: how to get rid of the smell of damp? How to eliminate the smell of dampness of upholstered furniture

Items lost their form; Everything merged first in gray, then into the dark mass. The singing of birds gradually weakened; Soon they were completely silence, except for one stubborn, which, as if alternately, among the total silence, one monotonously tweet with intervals, but less and less and less, and she finally whistled weakly, uniformly, in last time , Introduced, slightly stirring the leaves around myself ... and fell asleep. All smalcot. Some grasshoppers are stronger in bulk. White couples rose from the ground and disseminated in the meadow and on the river. River also reconsidered; Some of the weather and in her suddenly someone splashed for another last time, and she became stationary. Smelled damp. It became even darker and darker. Trees were grouped into some monsters; It became scary in the forest: there someone suddenly creaks, exactly one of the monsters moves from his place to another, and the dry knuckle seems to crust under his foot. In the sky brightly flashed like a living eye, the first asterisk, and the lights were blocked in the windows of the house. Minutes of the universal, solemn silence of nature, those minutes, when the creative mind works harder, hotter boils the poetic Duma when the passion is fastened in the heart, and the tusca roses in the brutal soul, and the grain of criminal thought, and when ... In the crushing, everyone is so tight and deceased. "Let's go, Mom, walk," says Ilyusha. - What are you, God with you! Now walk, "she answers," the raw, the legs are waving; And scary: in the forest, the Leshel goes now, he takes young children. - Where does he carry? What happens? Where does it live? - asks the child. And the mother gave the will of his unbridled fantasy. The child listened to her, opening and closing his eyes, until, finally, sleep did not smalle him at all. Nannik came and, taking him with her knees, carried a sleepy, with her head her shoulder, in bed. - This is the day and passed, and thank God! - said Oblomovtsy, licking in bed, groachty and autumn himself with a congestion. - lived safely; Give God and tomorrow! Glory to you, Lord! Glory to you, Lord! Then, the Oblomov had a different time: he robbed to Nian to the infinite winter evening, and she whispering him about some unknown side, where there are no nights, no cold, where everyone is committed by miracles, where the honey and milk rivers flow, where nobody It doesn't do it all year round, and the day-day just know that all the good men are walking, such as Ilya Ilyich, yes beautiful, that in a fairy tale, not to describe in a fairy tale. There is also a good wizard, which is sometimes in the form of a pike, which will choose some pet, quiet, harmless - in other words, some lazy, whom everyone is offended, - and he ships him with any different Good, and he knows himself, he dresses into a ready-made dress, and then marries some unheard of beauty, Militis Kirtubaevna. The child, in the ears and eyes, passionately dug in the story. Nannik or legend so skillfully avoided in the story of everything that there is in fact that the imagination and the mind, penetrating the fiction, remained in his slave to old age. Nannika with good nature narrated the fairy tale about Emeyle-fool, this evil and insidious satir on our great-grandfather, and maybe also on us. Adult Ilya Ilyich Although after and learns that there are no honey and dairy rivers, there is no good wizard, although he is joking with a smile over the tales of nanny, but this smile is not sincere, she is accompanied by a secret sigh: a fairy tale blended up with life, and it is unconsciously It is sometimes sad, why is a fairy tale not life, and life is not a fairy tale. He unwittingly dreams of Militis Kirtubaevna; His everything pulls in the one way, where only they know that they walk where there is no worries and peasants; He is forever the location of him to lie down on the furnace, be in the ready, unrequited dress and eat at the expense of a good wizard. And the old man of brookoms and grandfather listened as a child the same fairy tales who were held in the stereotypical edition of the antiquity, in the mouth of nannies and unede, through the centuries and generations. Nanny Meanwhile already draws another picture of the imagination of the child. She tells him about the exploits of our Achilles and Ulov, about the remove Ilya Muromets, Dobryni Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich, about Polkano-Bogatira, about the crowliste, about how they wandered in Russia, they beat the unmeasant Hordes of Basurmans, as competed in One Spirit will drink the tea of \u200b\u200bgreen wine and does not crack; Then he spoke about evil robber, about sleeping princesses, petrified cities and people; Finally passed to our demonology, to the dead, to the monsters and to the shorten. She with simplicity and good-natured Homer, with the burning of the details of the details and the relief of paintings vague in children's memory and imagination or Before weers, and in front of Leshem, and Alyosha Popovich was looking for protection from the troubles around him, when both in the air, and in the water, and in the forest, and in the field they reigned wonders. Terrible and incorrect was the life of the then man; It was dangerous to go beyond the threshold of the house: His, of the time looking, stops the beast, will cut the robber, he takes all the evil Tatar, or a man will miss, without any traces. And then suddenly they are the signs of heaven, fiery pillars and balls; And there, over fresh graves, light flares, or in the forest, someone walks, as if with a lantern, and it is terribly laughing and sparkles in the dark. And with the person himself, so much incomprehensible: Lives, lives a man for a long time and good - nothing, let it suddenly speaks such a non-empty, or go on to scream not with his voice, or wander sleepy at night; The other will begin to be blocked and beat it from anyone. And before you become this, just that the chicken shouted the rooster and raven skyral over the roof. Rubbed weak person With horror looking around in life, and I was looking for a key to the sacraments of him surrounding it and my own nature. Or maybe a dream, the eternal silence of the sluggish life and the lack of movement and all sorts of valid fears, adventures and dangers forced the person to create another other, non-absenteeism among the natural world, and in it, to find rampant and fun in the idle imagination or rays of ordinary clutches of the circumstances and the causes of the phenomenon outside phenomena. Slap lived the poor ancestors ours; They did not get off and did not restrain their will, and then naive were naive or horrified by inconvenience, evil and interrogated causes of silent, unclear hieroglyphs of nature. The death of them had happened from the head made before the home of the dead man, and not legs from the gate; Fire - from the fact that the dog has taken out three nights under the window; And they worked, so that the dead man was taken out of the gate, and the same was all the same, they were as much as she slept on bare grass; The spelling dog was beaten or drone from the courtyard, and the sparks from the lady still dumped into the crack of the rotten gender. And today, the Russian man among his surrounding strict, deprived of the fiction of reality loves to believe the seductive legends of the old days, and for a long time, maybe not yet to renounce him from this faith. Listening to the nanny fairy tale about our golden rune - the fire-bird, about the obstacles and the caches of the magic castle, the boy was cheerful, imagining himself the hero of the feat, - and goosebumps ran from his back, he suffered for the failures of the brave. The story ruled by the story. The nanny narrowed with the fervor, picturesque, with passion, in places inspired, because herself herself believed to the stories. Eyes old women sparkled fire; The head was trembling from excitement; The voice risled to unusual notes. The child, embraced by unknown horror, strangled with tears in his eyes. Whether it was about the dead, rising at midnight from the graves, or about the victims, languishing in the captivity of the monster, or a bear with a wooden leg, which goes on the villages and the villages to find a natural foot from him, - the child's hair was cracking on the head of horror ; Children's imagination was frozen, he was boiling; He experienced a painful, sweet painful process; Nerves strained like strings. When the nurse gigarly repeated the words of the bear: "Corpipi, curtains, a leg of lipovaya; I walked around the villages, all the women sleep, one woman is not sleeping, it sits on my skin, my meat is cooking, my fur sweat", etc ; When the bear finally entered the hut and was preparing to grab the kidnapper of his leg, the child could not stand: he with a thrill and squeak rushed to the nurse; He splashes the tears of fright, and he laughs together with the joy that he is not in the claws at the beast, but on the lay, beside the nanny. The boy's imagination was settled by strange ghosts; Fear and melancholy sat down for a long time, maybe forever, in the soul. He sadly looks around and sees all the harm in his life, trouble, everything dreams about that magic side, where there is no evil, hassle, seals, where Militris Militris Kirbaevna lives, where they are so good and dress up ... The fairy tale is not over the children in the crushing But and over adults until the end of the life retains its power. Everything in the house and in the village, ranging from Barin, his wife and to the downtown of the Blacksmith Taras, - all the tremble of something in a dark evening: every tree turns into a giant, every bush - in the tips of the robbers. Stunches and wind fracturing in the pipe made pale and men, women, and children. No one in baptism will be released after ten o'clock in the evening one goal; Every night at Easter will be afraid to go to the stable, fearing to catch the house there. In the Oblomovka believed everything: both the restants and dead men. Whether they will tell them that the Sayna Pokna fell into the field, - they do not think and believe; Does anyone miss a rumor that this is not a ram, and something else, or that such a marfa or stepadide is a witch, they will be afraid of the ram and Martha: they will not come to mind to ask, why Baran has become not Baran, and Marfa became a witch, and they will also throw on someone who thought to doubt it, "So strong faith in a wonderful in a crushing! Ilya Ilyich will see after that the world is simply arranged that they do not get up dead from the graves, that giants, as soon as they start, immediately put in Balagan, and the robbers are imprisoned; But if the most faith in ghosts disappears, then there is some kind of fear of fear and varying longing. Ilya Ilyich found out that there are no troubles from monsters, and which there are - barely knows, and at every step everything is waiting for something terrible and afraid. And now, while remaining in a dark room or seeing the dead man, he trembles from ominous, as a child donated in the soul of longing; Laughing fear of her in the morning, he again pale in the evening. Next, Ilya Ilyich suddenly saw himself a boy of thirteen or fourteen. He studied in the village of Verlev, the versts in five from the crushing, at the local manager, German gallets, who started a small board for children of neighboring nobles. He had his own son, Andrei, almost one years with a broom, and he also gave him one boy who almost never studied, and more suffered from gold, all his childhood was constantly tied with blindfolded eyes or ears yes we cried all the secret things about what lives Not a grandmother, but in someone else's house, among villains, that it is no one who cares about him and nobody will bore him. In addition to these children, others still have not been in the guesthouse. There is nothing to do, father and mother planted Balovnik Ilyuly for the book. It was worth tears, screams, whims. Finally took. The German was a good man and strict, like almost all the Germans. Maybe he has Ilyusha and managed to learn something good, if the broom was the versets in five hundred from Verkhyshva. And how to learn? The charm of the Oblomovskaya atmosphere, lifestyle and habits extended to Verkhlovo; After all, it was also once a broom; There, except for the house of the gallery, all breathing the same primitive laziness, simplicity of morals, silence and immobility. The mind and heart of the child were fulfilled by all paintings, scenes and morals of this life before, rather than he saw the first book. And who knows how early the development of mental grain in the children's brain begins? How to keep track of the birth in the infant soul of the first concepts and impressions? Maybe when the child also barely spoken the words, and maybe he didn't yet speak at all, did not even go, but only looked at all the stronger silent children's glance, which adults are called stupid, it has already seen and guess the meaning and connection of the phenomena of it spheres, but just did not confess any or another. Maybe Ilyusha notice a long time ago and understands what they say and do under it: as a father, in plentic pantals, in a brown cloth jacket, day-day, only knows what walks out of the corner in the corner, having laid his hands back, sniffs tobacco and blowing his nozzle, and Mother goes from coffee to tea, from tea to dinner; What is a parent and does not think to never believe how much shock is bevelined or compressed, and to recover for omission, and I don't have a handkerchief soon, he will scribble about the riots and put the bottom home. Maybe his child's mind has long decided that so, and not otherwise you should live, as adults live near him. And how else would you order to solve him? And how did adults live in the crushing? Whether they did their question: why is life given? God is news. And how were they answered? Probably in no way: it seemed very simple and clear to them. They did not hear about the so-called man-ended life, about people who wear a wool care in the chest, which for some reason, from the angle into the corner of the Earth or giving the life of the eternal, endless work. Poorly believed broom and mental alarms; did not take for the life of the circulation of eternal aspirations somewhere, for something; They were afraid of fire, passion passions; And as in another place, the body of people quickly burned out of the volcanic work of the inner, spiritual fire, so the soul of the ruble peacefully, was drowning in a soft body without interference. It did not mark their lives as others, nor premature wrinkles, nor moral devastating blows and ailments. Kind people They understood her not otherwise, as the ideal of peace and inaction, violated at the time of different unpleasant accuracy, somehow: diseases, losses, quarrels and between other labor. They demolished the work as a punishment imposed on our forefathers, but could not love, and where there was a case, always got rid of it, finding it possible and due. They never embarrassed themselves with any foggy mental or moral issues; therefore always and bloomed health and fun, because there lived there for a long time; Men in forty years were like young men; Old men fought hard, painful death. And, having lived to the impossibility, dying as if the furtively, quietly frozen and imperceptibly the emitting last sigh. Because they say that the people were stronger. Yes, in fact, stronger: I have not hurried to explain to the child the meanings of life and prepare it to her, as something wisdom and serious; They did not tear it over the books that born in the head of the darkness of questions, and the questions are given by the mind and heart and reduce life. The norm of life was ready and taught to them by their parents, and they accepted her, too, ready, from grandfather, and grandfather from the great-grandfather, with the covenant of the obstacles of its integrity and inviolability, like Fire Vesta. What was done at the grandfather and fathers, it was done at the father of Ilya Ilyich, so maybe it is still done and now in the crushing. What did they think and what to worry about what to find out what purpose to seek? Nothing needs: Life, like the late river, flowed past them; It remained only to sit on the shore of this river and observe the inevitable phenomena, which in turn, without call, appeared before each of them. And so the imagination of the sleeping Ilya Ilyich began the same in turn, like live paintings, first the three main acts of life, played as in his family, so relatives and acquaintances: homeland, wedding, funeral. Then the motley procession of fun and sad units was stretched: Captain, name day, family holidays, spending, talking, noisy dinners, related congresses, greetings, greetings, official tears and smiles. Everything went with such accuracy, so important and solemnly. He was even presented with familiar faces and mines of them at different rites, their caring and bustle. Give them what you want a delicate matchmaking, what kind of a solemn wedding or name day - will cope with all the rules, without the slightest omission. Whom where to land, what and how to file, to whom to go to the ceremony, will accept observe - in all this no one has ever done the slightest mistakes in the crushing. Doesn't you go out there? It is worth just to look, which pink and passionist Cupids are worn and water the mother's local. They are on that, so that the children were plump, white and healthy. They will retreat from spring, they will not want to know her if her lark is not baked at the beginning. How do they not know and do not fulfill it? Here our whole life and science, here all their grief and joy: because they are chasing any other concern and sorrow and do not know other joys; Their life of their eases exclusively by these indigenous and inevitable events, which asked endless food to their mind and heart. They were having a rite, a female, a ceremony, and then, the gossival, the march or a borony of a man, forgotten the person and his fate and immersed in ordinary apathy, from which he withdrew their new same case - named, wedding, etc. P. As soon as the child was born, the first concern of parents was as accurate as possible, without the slightest omissions, to sing over it all the required decency of rites, that is, set after the Picture christening; Then the caring cavity began. The mother asked himself a task: to go a healthy child, take it from a cold, from the eye and other hostile circumstances. Diligently worried that the child was always fun and eating a lot. Only put on the legs of a great thing, that is, when the nurse will become not needed, as in the heart of the mother, there is already a secret desire to make a girlfriend to him - also more thanks, referring to him. Again the era of rituals, peters, finally the wedding; On this and focused all the pathos of life .. then the repetition began: the birth of children, rites, feuds, while the funeral will not change the scenery; But for a while: some people are inferior to others, children become young people and, together with those grooms, marry, produce like themselves - and so life for this program stretches the continuously with a cloth, imperceptibly breaking at the grave. They were imposed on them, however, sometimes other concerns, but the Oblomovtsy met them for the most part with the standing immobility, and concerns, bothering them over their heads, rushed by, like birds that fly to a smooth wall and, not finding the township, they hurt in vain Near solid stones and fly further. For example, one day, part of the gallery on one side of the house suddenly collapsed and buried under the ruins with their chickens; Aksinier would get, the wife of Antipa, who sat down under the gallery with the Donets, and on the time, fortunately, went beyond the urine. In the house there was a guvot: everyone came running, from Mala to Velik, and were horrified, imagining that instead of the pins with chickens, a lady with Ilya Ilyich could be shot here. Everyone was abuned and began to reproach each other in the way it did not come to mind: one - to remind you, to the other - we can fix it, the third is to fix it. Everyone was given a diva, that the gallery collapsed, and on the eve they were divided as it was holding it for so long! There were care and more concerns, how to fix the case; I regretted the chickens and slowly separated in our places, but forbing Ilya Ilyich to put the setting to the gallery. Then, three weeks later, it was ordered to Andryushka, Parsushka, Vaska, the collapsed boards and the railing drag off to the sheds, so that they did not lie on the road. They were lying through spring. The old man of bugs every time he will see them from the window, it will be concerned about the thought about the amendment: will call a carpenter, it will begin to consult how it is better to do - whether to build or break the remnants to the gallery. Then he will release him home, saying: "Pour yourself, and I'll think about it." It lasted until the Vaska or Motka convey Barina, which is de, when he, Motka, in the morning I climbed to the remnants of the gallery, so the corners are completely behind the walls and, that's time, they collapsed. Then there was a carpenter at the final meeting, as a result of which it was decided to stop the remaining part of the surviving gallery as old wreckage, which was made by the end of the same month. - e! Yes Gallery will go again again! - said the old man to his wife. - Look, as Fedot beautifully broke the logs, exactly the columns from the leader in the house!
  • What is studied in word formation?
  • What morphems are allocated in the word?
  • What and with the help of what words are formed?
  • What ways to educate words are you known?

24. Indicate parts from which these words consist. (For the Development Procedure, see "Appendix") Compose complex offers with any of these words.

Obr .. Stretch, attached, cloudless, touched, Nag..s, cable (?) Nickname, right ..

25. Read entangle using text words. Write the words formed with: 1) consoles; 2) suffixes. Make their word-forming analysis (see the analysis plan in the "Appendix") and mark them.

Write the remaining words in which there are skipping or brackets.

Smelled damp. It became even darker and darker. Tree .. I went to KGRU (P, PP) in what (then) monsters (?), It became terrible in the forest: there who (that) suddenly ZASCR .. off, exactly one of the monsters (?) Transition .. at ) Your place to another and dry such .. as, Khahat (t, th), crumb under his foot.

On the sky .. brightly st .. ringed, like a living eye, the first stars (?) Ka, and in the windows of the houses of the deputy .. caliped the lights.

It is m .. a numerous T .. rally (n, nn) \u200b\u200boh silence pr .. however.

(I. Goncharov)

26. Are all the allocated words are single? Spish. In the words of the first sentence, underline all the orthograms.

      The kosar mowed a beautiful grass.
      She penetrated by strawberries
      Hid from braid him in the Rives,
      Fishering under the slope of Malina Wild.
      But did not hide, the proof lay down,
      Lit, fell, crumpled shatter.

(A. Prokofiev)

27. Spariate, denoting the conditions for choosing orfograms in the root of the word at the site of the pass. What kind of statements are simple sentences?

1. L .. the day of the dark dol. 2. G..r. in .. a new one. 3. The sky is breathing in the autumn, even less than the Sunny Bl .. Stretched. 4. Days of the summer CL.. were on the autumn. 5. Whole room Amber glitter. 6. Through the sample lifters .. the moon. 7. Under r..lubyhah .. there are gorgeous to, bl ... in the sun, snow l .. 8. Shields like glow, bl .. Stretch. 9. Already on the r..mann in x..lmam grams .. knut the guns. 10. He had a happy t ..latt without coordincing in a conversation to .. enough to just.

(A. Pushkin)

28. Compare words. Spish, opening brackets and denoting the conditions for choosing the fusion and defisy writing words.

South (West), something (what), north (Western), light (blue), ancient (Russian), iron (concrete), who (s), kone (c) than, blue (green), wagon (repair) , Postal (telegraph), agricultural (economic), therarian (green).

19 ... The Piece of the Pie, rather than the Pie, like an archaeologist, with pleasure drinking cracked wine from the shard of some thousand-year dishes. And the child watched everything and watched everything with his childhood, who did not miss anything. He saw, as it is useful and the troubled morning, the midday and lunch came. Noon sultry; the sky is clear. The sun stands motionless above his head and burn grass. The air stopped ripping and hangs without movement. Neither a tree nor water will be peeling; Above the village and the field is unmatched silence - everything seemed to extinct. Walking and far away is a human voice in emptiness. In twenty seats, heard how to fly and discovered the beetle, yes in the thick grass, someone snores everything, as if someone fell there and sleeps sweet sleep. And dead silence reigned in the house. There was an hour of universal afternoon sleep. The child sees that both the Father, and the mother, and the old aunt, and the retinue - all scattered in their corners; And who did not have it, he walked onto the Senov, the other in the garden, the third was looking for coolness in the Seine, and other, bothering his face with a handkerchief from Muh, fell asleep where I smored his heat and threw a bulky lunch. And the gardener stretched out under a bush in the garden, beside his walk, and Kucher slept on the stable. Ilya Ilyich looked into Human: everything was afraid in Human, on the legs, by the floor and in the Seine, providing the children themselves; The kids crawl around the yard and drove in the sand. And the dogs flew far away to the coneers, good to whom it was barking. It was possible to go throughout the house through and not to meet a soul; It was easy to beat everything around and be brought from the courtyard on the bass: no one would prevent, if there was only a thieves in that edge. It was some kind of all-consuming, uncompaired sleep, the true semblance of death. Everything is dead, only from all angles is a variety of snatching for all tones and frets. Occasionally, someone suddenly raise his head, looks meaningless, with surprise on both sides and will turn over to the other side or, without opening the eye, sprawling asking and, clutching lips or turning something under his nose, will fall again. And the other quickly, without any preliminary preparations, will jump with both legs from his bed, as if afraid to lose the precious minutes, grab the mug with kvass and, the mapping on the flies of flies there, so that they took them to another edge, why flies, until then Still, very beginning to move, in the hope of improving your position, wet her throat and then falls again on the bed as a confined. And the child was observed and watched. He with a nanny after dinner again went to the air. But nanny, despite all the rigor of Baryni's mugs and his own will, could not oppose the charm of sleep. She also became infected with this prevailing in a crushing to the pivot disease. At first, she looked cheerfully behind the child, did not go far away from herself, strictly grumbled for the supelness, then, feeling the symptoms of the approaching contagion, began to evoke not to go for the gate, not touched the goat, do not climb the dull or gallery. She herself sat somewhere in a chill: on the porch, on the threshold of the cellar or just on the grass, apparently, to knit stockings and look after the child. But soon she lured him lazily, nodding her head. "Wlipe, ah, of Togo and look, this yula will fit on the gallery," she thought almost through the sleep, "or even ... as if in the ravine ..." Here the head of the old woman kneaded the knees, stocking fell out of her hands; She lost sight of the child and, opening a little mouth, emitted a slight snatching. And he looked forward to this moment, with whom his independent life began. He was as if one in the whole world; He flew on tiptoe from nanny; examined everyone who is sleeping; will stop and inspecting intently as someone finds, plot and flushes something in a dream; Then, with a dying heart, buried on the gallery, ran along the creaky boards around, climbed into the dovel, climbed in the wilderness of the garden, he listened to how the beetle was buzzing, and his eyes fleeing his flight; Listening like someone all shifting in the grass, I was looking for and caught the violators of this silence; I will catch a dragonfly, torn her wings and looks that it will be, or the straw and watches it and follows how it flies with this adding; With pleasure, fearing to die, watches spider as he sucks the blood caught flies, as a poor victim beats and buzzes in his paws. The child will end in that he will kill both the victim and the tormentor. Then he will take it into the ditch, it rushes, I find out some kind of roots, cleanses from the bark and eats outstand, preferring to apples and jam, which Mama gives. He will run out for the gate: he would like to be in the birch; He seems so close to him that he would get to him in five minutes, not around, on the road, and directly, through a ditch, plentores and pits; But he is afraid: there, they say, both the debt, and robbers, and terrible beasts. I want to run in the ravine: it all seats fifty from the garden; The child has already resorted to the edge, climbed his eyes, wanted to look like a volcanic crater ... But suddenly, all the senses and legends about this ravine were rebelled: His horror was unaware, and he, nor alive, rushes back and trembling Fear, rushed to the nurse and woke up the old woman. She poured out of sleep, corrected the handkerchief on his head, picked up the shafts of gray hair under him and, pretending that she didn't sleep at all, suspiciously glances for Ilyusha, then on the Barski windows and begins to poke one to another knitting knitting fingers lying on her on the knees. Meanwhile, the heat began to fall asleep; In nature, everything was agreed; The sun has already moved to the forest. And the silence was broken in a little in the house: in one corner, the door creaked somewhere; heard in the yard of someone's steps; On the haymaker someone sneezed. Soon of the kitchen hurriedly carry a man, bending away from gravity, a huge samovar. Started to gather to tea: who has a face of the expansion and eyes swim with tears; He put his red spot on his cheek and temples; The third speaks from sleeping not by his voice. All this sniffs, whips, yawns, scratches his head and warm up, barely coming to himself. Lunch and sleep gave birth to an uncomfortable thirst. Thirst palette throat; Cups drinks on twelve tea, but it does not help: Ohnetary, Szyanne hears; They resort to lingonberries, to pear water, to kvass, and other and to the medical manual, so that only pour drought in the throat. Everyone was looking for liberation from thirst, as from some punishment of the Lord; Everyone is moving, all languishing, exactly the traveler caravan in the Arabian steppe, which is not popular anywhere. The child here, beside Mama: He peers into strange people around him, listens to their sleepy and sluggish conversation. It's fun to look at them, it seems to him all sorts of nonsense. After tea, everyone will deal with something: who will go to the river and quietly wanders along the shore, pushing the pebbles into the water; The other will sit down to the window and catches every fleeting phenomenon: whether the cat runs in the yard, whether the daw will fly, the observer and the one and the other pursues the view and the tip of his nose, turning his head to the right, then to the left. So sometimes dogs love to sit for all days on the window, putting the head under the sun and carefully looking around all the passerby. Mother will take the head of the Ilyushi, puts his knees to his knees and slowly combs his hair, admiring them softly and forcing him to admire and Nastasya Ivanovna and Stepanut Tikhonovna, and talks to them about the future of Ilyushi, puts him by the hero of any brilliant epic. Those the golden mountains promise him. But it begins to try out. Fire cracks again in the kitchen, a fractional knife knock is heard: a dinner is preparing. The courtyard gathered at the gate: Balalaika, laughter hears there. People play burners. And the sun was descended for the forest; It threw a few slightly warm rays, which dispersed the fiery stripe through the entire forest, brightly dining the top of the top of the pine. Then Raychi Gasli one by one; The last beam remained long; He, as a thin needle, stuck in the branches; But that ground. Items lost their form; Everything merged first in gray, then into the dark mass. The singing of birds gradually weakened; Soon they are completely silent, except for one stubborn, which is alternating everything, among the total silence one monotonously tweet with intervals, but less and less often, and she finally whistled weakly, unituck, for the last time, it was growing up, slightly pesting the leaves Around yourself ... and fell asleep. All smalcot. Some grasshoppers are stronger in bulk. White couples rose from the ground and disseminated in the meadow and on the river. River also reconsidered; Some of the weather and in her suddenly someone splashed for another last time, and she became stationary. Smelled damp. It became even darker and darker. Trees were grouped into some monsters; It became scary in the forest: there someone suddenly creaks, exactly one of the monsters moves from his place to another, and the dry knuckle seems to crust under his foot. In the sky brightly flashed like a living eye, the first asterisk, and the lights were blocked in the windows of the house. Minutes of the universal, solemn silence of nature, those minutes, when the creative mind works harder, hotter boils the poetic Duma when the passion is fastened in the heart, and the tusca roses in the brutal soul, and the grain of criminal thought, and when ... In the crushing, everyone is so tight and deceased. "Let's go, Mom, walk," says Ilyusha. - What are you, God with you! Now walk, "she answers," the raw, the legs are waving; And scary: in the forest, the Leshel goes now, he takes young children. - Where does he carry? What happens? Where does it live? - asks the child. And the mother gave the will of his unbridled fantasy. The child listened to her, opening and closing his eyes, until, finally, sleep did not smalle him at all. Nannik came and, taking him with her knees, carried a sleepy, with her head her shoulder, in bed. - This is the day and passed, and thank God! - said Oblomovtsy, licking in bed, groachty and autumn himself with a congestion. - lived safely; Give God and tomorrow! Glory to you, Lord! Glory to you, Lord! Then, the Oblomov had a different time: he robbed to Nian to the infinite winter evening, and she whispering him about some unknown side, where there are no nights, no cold, where everyone is committed by miracles, where the honey and milk rivers flow, where nobody It doesn't do it all year round, and the day-day just know that all the good men are walking, such as Ilya Ilyich, yes beautiful, that in a fairy tale, not to describe in a fairy tale. There is also a good wizard, which is sometimes in the form of a pike, which will choose some pet, quiet, harmless - in other words, some lazy, whom everyone is offended, - and he ships him with any different Good, and he knows himself, he dresses into a ready-made dress, and then marries some unheard of beauty, Militis Kirtubaevna. The child, in the ears and eyes, passionately dug in the story. Nannik or legend so skillfully avoided in the story of everything that there is in fact that the imagination and the mind, penetrating the fiction, remained in his slave to old age. Nannika with good nature narrated the fairy tale about Emeyle-fool, this evil and insidious satir on our great-grandfather, and maybe also on us. Adult Ilya Ilyich Although after and learns that there are no honey and dairy rivers, there is no good wizard, although he is joking with a smile over the tales of nanny, but this smile is not sincere, she is accompanied by a secret sigh: a fairy tale blended up with life, and it is unconsciously It is sometimes sad, why is a fairy tale not life, and life is not a fairy tale. He unwittingly dreams of Militis Kirtubaevna; His everything pulls in the one way, where only they know that they walk where there is no worries and peasants; He has forever the location to lie down on the furnace, be in prepaid,

Any smell causes certain feelings: the smell of hot baking awakens appetite, the smell of perfume creates pleasant associations, the smell of gasoline is associated with the machines. And what is the smell of dampness, is often referred to as the smell of humidity? As a rule, nothing is good: if the edge raw smell appeared in the apartment, then he does not cause anything other than discomfort. Why appears and how to bring the smell of dampness in the house, an apartment or room that it causes it and how to influence it - now we'll figure it out.

The main reasons for the appearance of the smell of dampness:

  • basement with outdated engineering communications;
  • old housing fund (cracked walls);
  • flooded neighbors;
  • roof leakage, attic;
  • non-working ventilation.

If the plumbing pipes in the basements do not change for quite a long time, and, as a rule, it happens, then the pairs created by them passes through the cracks in the walls, it falls into the apartments and in the form of condensate it settles on the walls. But this reason is suitable rather for the first floors of houses, since the condensate from pipes in basements, as a rule, does not leave.

With the upper floors of the building there may be the same problem, only the reason for the roofs in the roofs here, and accordingly flow through them. The raw attics pass condensate to the apartments - and they smell like dampness.

On the middle floors of the building, the problem of the sharp smell appears due to cracks in the walls and discrepancies of the seams between the plates - rain and snow pass into these cracks and thereby bring the smell of dampness to the room.

One of the most frequent reasons for the appearance of the smell of dampness are the negligent neighbors, accidentally flooded you and your apartment. The longer the water will be flushing from above, the greater the likelihood of the appearance of a long-term smell of dampness. Seeing the entire apartment after this event is a rather heavy and laborious process. But in the summer this situation is not as terrible, in contrast to the cold period of the year. If the house is weak or not at all, the smell of dampness will also spread to all apartments much faster and more intense, since the natural movement of the air flow is disturbed, moisture increases, the mold and fungus arises, and in the apartment or house smells like dampness.

As a result, the aroma of freshness of the woven things, smells of freshly prepared dishes or new furniture - all these beautiful little things can be damp with dampness, because if its smell appeared in the house, it will spread quickly and throughout the room, will penetrate into the cabinets, and hence All things in the chest will smell perfectly. In addition, the smell of dampness contributes to frequent colds, challenges with joints, chronic bronchitis and other diseases. How to remove the smell of damp, which methods exist and how to apply them? Let's deal with further.

Anyone who faced the problem of an unpleasant fragrance from things and in the house is wondering: how to get rid of the stale smell. The very first I. logical decision - elimination of the reason for the appearance of the smell of dampness in the apartment. Resect the cause, draw prevention: change or fix the pipes in the basement, deposit cracks in the roofs, check the attic, placing the walls in the seams of seams, close the cracks with a construction foam, check all the ventilation, call special services for its repair and cleaning in case of malfunction.

If all measures are taken and the main reasons are verified, we turn to the prevention: here, frequent is the most important means. Periodic streams of fresh air prevent the appearance of the smell of dampness. If the deficit of free time or the lack of desire is hampered to make regular ventilation on schedule, you can install, which will timely and automatically serve fresh air into the room without your participation, supporting a healthy microclimate.

If all these ventilations do not particularly help, it is worth checking the surfaces for the presence of mold fungus. If he immediately caught his eyes, then he was hiding in the corners of the walls, under the wallpaper or inaccessible to the eye. What will help him in the fight? Now there are many diverse and fungus, and in addition, there are non-nell folk remedies: bleach, ammonia, borax, food soda, hydrogen peroxide, vinegar - based on the same chemistry. However, whatever means you choose, simply process the fungus detection sites and get a clean surface and the destroyed source of the appearance of the smell of dampness. But on folk remedies we will stop a little more.

How else can you remove the smell of damp in the house, room or apartment? Cannot be written off with accounts and folk methods of struggle. By discarding the most dense and delusional, it is possible among the "grandmother recipes" to find funds based on scientific laws and quite effective.

The most popular of them is a mixture of salt and ground activated carbon. These ingredients are known to absorb moisture well, and with it and the smell. You can pour a mixture into a decorative vase and make it part of the interior. Change contents will have to change about once a week. However, in this case, the folk mixture can be replaced with modern Sychaghel, if you do not want to mess around with vases and salt. The absorbent is well suited for weathering the smell of damp from the closet and chest. First you need to pull out all things from them and carefully examine the presence of fungus. Then, if there is, it is, to process it with all the above methods (except for ammonic alcohol), dry the inner walls with a heating device. Then put a mixture of coal and salt inside. After the smell of dampness will weaken, place inside the flavors or fragrant herbs like lavender, and the problem will be solved.

Another people's way to hide the smell of dampness - the so-called "Pomanders" - Citrus (Orange, Lemon, Grapefruit), in which the stalks of the cloves are a rather beautiful and pleasant smelling method working for one or two months. This design is very well neutralized by the smell of humidity.

How to eliminate the smell of dampness from upholstered furniture?

We talked about the cabinets, and how to eliminate the smell of dampness from upholstered furniture? We melt the smell of furniture more difficult, because the basis itself is usually foaming, is inside, it will dry for a long time and there is no guarantee that the smells will go to at all. In a good way, such furniture is put on fresh air for several days, for example, to the cottage. There, under the sun, it warms up on sufficient depth so that the smell of dampness disappeared. But, if there is no such possibility, you can dry the furniture with the help of household heaters and fan heaters. If it is possible - you can replace the upholstery to the new one. In the case when it is impossible, try pouring green tea, coffee (or other fragrant grass 🙂) for 8-10 hours - these ingredients have a rich and specific aroma capable of weighing the smell of dampness.

If we talk about protecting shoes and clothes, then again you need to return to the ventilation and dried cabinets and chests, since shoes, and clothing is stored there. Upper clothes, in case of unpleasant smell, you need to dry, and then wash. Hold it into the closet, smelling damp, naturally, is not worth it. The shoes are better to protect the special deodorant and good ventilating or wipe it with the ammonic alcohol, put the salt inside and leave for a day.

Text for dictation on the topic "SSC"

Grade 9.

Sleep Oblomov

And the sun was descended for the forest; It threw a few slightly warm rays, which dispersed the fiery stripe through the entire forest, brightly dining the top of the top of the pine. Then Raychi Gasli one by one; The last beam remained long; He, as a thin needle, stuck in the branches; But that ground.

Items lost their form; Everything merged first in gray, then into the dark mass. The singing of birds gradually weakened; Soon they are completely silent, except for one stubborn, which is alternating everything, among the total silence one monotonously tweet with intervals, but less and less often, and she finally whistled weakly, unituck, for the last time, it was growing up, slightly pesting the leaves Around yourself ... and fell asleep.

All smalcot. Some grasshoppers are stronger in bulk. White couples rose from the ground and disseminated in the meadow and on the river. River also reconsidered; Some of the weather and in her suddenly someone splashed for another last time, and she became stationary.

Smelled damp. It became even darker and darker. Trees were grouped into some monsters; It became scary in the forest: there someone suddenly creaks, exactly one of the monsters moves from his place to another, and the dry knuckle seems to crust under his foot.

In the sky brightly flashed like a living eye, the first asterisk, and the lights were blocked in the windows of the house.

Goncharov I.A.

Test on this topic

"Sophisticated syntax constructions"

Grade 9.

And the sun was so descended for the forest (1) it threw several (2) a little hot rays (3) who were dispersed by the fiery stripe (4) through the whole forest (5) pouring brightly (6) Gold tops of pines . Then rays(7) Gasli one by one(8) The last beam remained long(9) is he(10) like a thin needle(11) I went into the school branches(12) But that ground.

Items(13) losing their shape(14) everything merged first in gray(15) Then in the dark(16) Mass. Bird singing gradually weakened(17) soon(18) They are completely silent(19) except one(20) some kind of stubborn(21) that(22) Like all over all(23) Among common silence(24) One monotonously tweet(25) with intervals(26) But everything is less likely(27) and less(28 ) and that finally whistled weakly(29) Unnail(30) last time(31) Embedded(32) Slightly pesting leaves(33) around itself(34) And fell asleep.

All smalcot. Some grasshoppers are stronger in bulk. White couples rose from the ground(35) and dismissed in the meadow(36) And on the river. The river also came true(37) Some weather(38) And in her suddenly someone splashed(39) Last time(40) And she became motionless.

Smelled damp. It all became darker(41) And darker.The trees were grouped into some monsters (42) in the forest it became scary (43) there someone suddenly creaks (44) exactly one of the monsters goes from its place (45) to another (46) and dry bitch (47) it seems ( 48) crunches under his foot.

In the sky(49) Bright sparkled(50) like a living eye(51) First asterisk(52) and in the windows of the house(53) Wovel(54) Lights(55)

Goncharov I.A. "Sleep Oblomova"

Task to text for all

    Read the text. Think: whether the punctuation signs are needed on the spot number. What punctuation signs must be put? Put the necessary, in your opinion, the punctuation sign into the table in the column corresponding to the figure

(Table 1 in the answer letterhead).

    Explain the formulation of punctuation marks (Table 2 in the answer form).

Additional task

*** Produce a syntax and punctuation analysis of the dedicated sentence (one to choose).

Answer blank

When filling out the answer blank, do not forget that one cell corresponds to one letter, sign, space.



Table 1

Put the necessary, in your opinion, the punctuation sign under the appropriate digit.

























































table 2



Explanation of a punctuation mark

Score ________________________ Mark ______________________________