What is wrong with physics in modern school. Physics: basic concepts, formulas, laws

How to prepare for the exam in physics? Yes, and is it necessary to a diligent disciple some special training?

"In school in physics five. We go to courses. What else does? After all, physics is not literature, where you need to read 100 books before writing an essay. Here everything is simple: to put the numbers in the formula - you will get your points. "

So usually the short-sighted parents and students are arguing. "For order" attend preparatory courses at the university. A month before the exam, they turn to the tutor: "Detack us before the exam and show how to solve typical tasks." And suddenly the thunder among the clear sky - low points on the exam in physics. Why? Who is guilty? Maybe a tutor?

It turns out that the School Five of Physics cost nothing! Get it easy - read the paragraph in the textbook, raise your hand in the lesson, make a report on Lomonosov's life, and ready. School is not taught to solve problems in physicsAnd the exam on this subject almost completely consists of tasks.

It turns out that there is practically no physical experiment at school. The student imagines a capacitor or a frame with a shock as a fantasy tells him. Obviously, every fantasy suggests something.

It turns out that in many schools in Moscow there are no physics at all. Often students report: "And our physics leads the historian. And our physician was sick for a year, and then emigrated. "

Physics turned out to be somewhere on the backyards of school education! She has long turned into a secondary subject, something like burdens or environmental education.
At school with physics - a real catastrophe.

The consequences of this catastrophe our society feels now. Acute shortage of specialists - engineers, builders, designers. Technogenic accidents. The inability of staff is controlled even with the equipment that is built in Soviet times. And at the same time - the oversupply of people with diplomas of economist, lawyer or "marketing manager".

For engineering specialties, many go only because there is a low contest. "In MGIMO will not work, we do not want to go to the army, it means that we will go to MAI, you will have to prepare for the exam in physics." So they are preparing with creak, walking classes and wondering: why are these tasks not solved?

This does not apply to you, right?

Physics is a real science. Beautiful. Paradoxical. And very interesting. It is impossible to "tackle" here - it is necessary to study the physics itself as science.

There are no "typical" tasks of the exam. No magical "formulas", in which you need to substitute something. Physics is an understanding at ideas. This is a slim system of complex ideas about how the world is arranged.

If you decide to prepare for the exam in physics and enter the technical university - set up a serious job.

Here are some practical advice:

Tip 1.
Begin to prepare for the exam in physics in advance. Two years, that is, 10 and 11 class - the optimal preparation date. For one academic year, you can still have time to do something. And you will begin two months before the exam - calculate the maximum of 50 points.

Immediately warned against independent training. Solve problems in physics is skill. Moreover, it is an art, to learn whom you can only under the guidance of the master - an experienced tutor.

Tip 2.
Physics is impossible without mathematics. If you have gaps in mathematical training - eliminate them immediately. You do not know if you have these gaps? Easily check. If you cannot decompose the vector according to the component, express the unknown value from the formula or solve the equation means to do with mathematics.

After all, the solution of many tasks of the exam in physics ends with a numerical response. You need an unprogrammed calculator with sines and logarithms. Office calculator with four actions or a calculator in a mobile phone - not suitable.
Buy an unprogrammed calculator at the very beginning of the preparation to master it at the automatism level. Each task you decisive, bring to the end, that is, to the correct numerical answer.

What books are best to prepare for the exam in physics?

1. Task Rymkiewicz.

It contains a lot of simple tasks, which is well fading with hand. After Rymkiewicz, the formulas are remembered by themselves, and the tasks of the part are solved without difficulty.

2. A few more useful books:
BenDrikov G. A., Bukhovtsev B. B., Kerzhentev V. V., Myakyshev G. Ya. Tasks in physics for entering universities.
Bakanina L. P., Belonuchkin V. E., Kozel S. M. Collection of tasks in physics: for 10-11 classes with in-depth study of physics.
Parfentieva N. A. Collection of tasks in physics. 10-11 class.

The most important thing. To successfully prepare for the exam in physics, it is necessary to clearly realize what you need it for. After all, not only to pass the exam, do and unscrew from the army?
A possible answer may be so. To prepare for the exam in physics, it is necessary to become a high-class, popular specialist in the future. Moreover, knowledge of physics will help you become a truly educated person.

Be interested in the world around the world and the patterns of its functioning and development is natural and correct. That is why it is reasonable to pay attention to natural sciences, for example, physics that explains the essence of the formation and development of the universe. The main physical laws are easy to understand. Already at a very young age, the school introduces children with these principles.

For many, this science begins with the textbook "Physics (Grade 7)." The main concepts and thermodynamics open before schoolchildren, they get acquainted with the core of the main physical patterns. But should the knowledge be limited to school bench? What physical laws should every person know? This will be discussed further in the article.

Science Physics

Many nuances described science are familiar with everyone from early childhood. And this is due to the fact that, in essence, physics is one of the areas of natural science. It tells about the laws of nature, the action of which has an impact on the life of everyone, and largely ensures it, about the peculiarities of matter, its structure and patterns of movement.

The term "physics" was first fixed by Aristotle in the fourth century to our era. Initially, he was synonymous with the concept of "philosophy". After all, both sciences had a single goal - to correctly explain all mechanisms for the functioning of the universe. But in the sixteenth century, as a result of the scientific revolution, physics became independent.

General law

Some of the basic laws of physics are used in a variety of science industries. In addition to them, there are those assumed by common to all of nature. This is about

It implies that the energy of each closed system when any phenomena in it certainly remains. Nevertheless, it is capable of transforming into another form and effectively change its quantitative content in various parts of the named system. At the same time, in an unlocked system, the energy decreases under the condition of increasing the energy of any bodies and fields that enter into interaction with it.

In addition to the above general principle, there is a physics of basic concepts, formulas, laws that are necessary for the interpretation of the processes occurring in the surrounding world. Their research can be an incredibly exciting occupation. Therefore, this article will consider the basic laws of physics briefly, and in order to understand them deeper, it is important to pay full attention to them.


Many basic laws of physics 7-9 school classes are opening with young scientists, where such a branch of science as mechanics are more fully studied. Its basic principles are described below.

  1. The law of relativity of Galilee (also refers to the mechanical pattern of relativity, or the basis of classical mechanics). The essence of the principle is that in similar conditions, mechanical processes in any inertial reference systems pass perfectly identical.
  2. The law of a bitch. Its essence is that the larger the impact on the elastic body (spring, rod, console, beam) from the side, the greater its deformation is.

Newton's laws (are the basis of classical mechanics):

  1. The Inertia principle reports that any body is able to conclude alone or move evenly and straightly only if any other bodies do not affect it, or if they compensate for each other. To change the speed of movement, it is necessary to influence the body with any force, and, of course, the result of the same force on different body by the magnitude will also differ.
  2. The main pattern of the dynamics argues that the more likely the forces that currently affect this body, the greater the acceleration they received. And, accordingly, the larger the mass of the body, the fact that this figure is less.
  3. The third Newton law reports that any two bodies always interact with each other according to an identical scheme: their forces have one nature, are equivalent in size and necessarily have the opposite direction along the direct, which connects these bodies.
  4. The principle of relativity argues that all phenomena occurring under the same conditions in the inertial reference systems are absolutely identical.


The school textbook, which opens up basic laws ("Physics. Grade 7"), introduces them with the basics of thermodynamics. Her principles we briefly consider further.

The laws of thermodynamics, which are basic science in this industry, are generally not associated with the details of the structure of a particular substance at the level of atoms. By the way, these principles are important not only for physics, but also for chemistry, biology, aerospace technology, etc.

For example, in the named industry, there is a rule that cannot be logical definition that in a closed system, the external conditions for which is constant, the equilibrium state is established over time. And the processes ongoing in it invariably compensate each other.

Another term thermodynamics confirms the desire of the system, which consists of a colossal number of particles characterized by chaotic movement, to an independent transition from less likely for the state system in more likely.

And the law of gay-loustock (it is also called it says that for the gas of a certain mass under conditions of stable pressure, the result of dividing its volume to absolute temperatures is certainly becoming the magnitude of constant.

Another important rule of this industry is the first law of thermodynamics, which is also customary to be called the principle of preserving and turning the energy for the thermodynamic system. According to him, any amount of heat that was reported to the system will be spent exclusively on the metamorphosis of its internal energy and the work of work relative to any existing external forces. It is this pattern that has become a basis for the formation of a heat machine operation scheme.

Another gas pattern is the Charles Law. It states that the larger the pressure of a certain mass of the ideal gas in the conservation of constant volume, the greater the temperature.


Opens young scientists Interesting basic laws of physics 10 school class. At this time, the main principles of nature and patterns of electrical current, as well as other nuances are studied.

The AMPER Act, for example, claims that the conductors connected in parallel, according to which the current flows in the same direction is inevitably attracted, and in the case of the opposite direction of the current, respectively, repel. Sometimes the same name is used for the physical law, which determines the force acting in the existing magnetic field into a small portion of the conductor, at the moment conducting the current. It is called it - the power of the amper. This discovery was made by scientists in the first half of the nineteenth century (namely in 1820).

The law of preservation of charge is one of the basic principles of nature. It states that the algebraic sum of all electrical charges arising in any electrically isolated system is always preserved (becomes constant). Despite this, the title principle does not exclude and occur in such systems of new charged particles as a result of some processes. Nevertheless, the overall electric charge of all newly formed particles should certainly be zero.

The law of Kulon is one of the main in electrostatics. It expresses the principle of interaction force between fixed point charges and explains the quantitative calculus between them. The law of Kulon allows to substantiate the basic principles of electrodynamics experimentally. It says that fixed point charges certainly interact with each other with force, which is the higher, the greater the product of their values \u200b\u200band, accordingly, the less than the smaller the distance between the charges under consideration and the medium in which the described interaction occurs.

Ohm law is one of the basic principles of electricity. It states that the greater the power of a constant electric current acting on a certain section of the chain, the greater the voltage at its ends.

They call the principle that allows you to determine the direction in the current conductor moving in the conditions of the impact of the magnetic field in a certain way. To do this, it is necessary to place a brush of the right hand so that the magnetic induction lines figuratively touch the palm opened, and pull the thumb into the direction of the conductor. In this case, the remaining four straightened fingers will determine the direction of the induction current movement.

Also, this principle helps to find out the exact location of the magnetic induction lines of the rectilinear conductor conducted at the moment. This happens like this: Place the big finger of the right hand so that it indicates and the other four fingers shaped clamp the conductor. The location of these fingers will demonstrate the exact direction of magnetic induction lines.

The principle of electromagnetic induction is a pattern that explains the process of operation of transformers, generators, electric motors. This law consists in the following: in the closed circuit, the generated induction is the greater, the greater the speed of changing the magnetic flux.


The Optics industry also reflects part of the school program (basic laws of physics: 7-9 classes). Therefore, these principles are not as complicated for understanding, as it may seem at first glance. Their study brings with them not just additional knowledge, but the best understanding of the surrounding reality. The main laws of physics, which can be attributed to the field of study of optics, are as follows:

  1. Principle Gyanese. It is a method that allows you to effectively determine in each specific fraction of a second exact position of the front of the wave. Its essence is as follows: all points that turn out to be on the way at the wave front in a certain fraction of a second, in essence, in themselves become sources of spherical waves (secondary), while placing the front of the waves in the same fraction of a second is identical surface which envelopes all spherical waves (secondary). This principle is used to explain the existing laws related to the refraction of light and its reflection.
  2. The principle of Guigens-Fresnel reflects an effective method of resolving issues related to the spread of waves. It helps explain the elementary tasks associated with the diffraction of light.
  3. waves. It is applied equally for reflection in the mirror. Its essence is that both dropping beam and the one that has been reflected, as well as perpendicular, built from the point of falling the beam, are located in a single plane. It is also important to remember that with the angle under which the beam falls is always completely equal to the corner of refraction.
  4. The principle of refraction of light. This change in the trajectory of the movement of the electromagnetic wave (light) at the time of movement from one homogeneous medium to another, which is significantly different from the first in a number of refractive indices. The speed of propagation of light in them is different.
  5. The law of rectilinear light propagation. In essence, it is a law relating to the field of geometric optics, and is as follows: in any homogeneous medium (regardless of its nature) the light applies to strictly straightly, by the shortest distance. This law is simply and accessible explains the formation of the shadow.

Atomic and nuclear physics

The main laws of quantum physics, as well as the foundations of atomic and nuclear physics are studied in high schools and higher education institutions.

So, the postulates of Bora are a number of basic hypotheses that became the basis of the theory. Its essence is that any atomic system can remain stable exclusively in stationary states. Any radiation or absorption of energy atom certainly occurs using the principle, the essence of which is as follows: radiation associated with transportation becomes monochromatic.

These postulates relate to the standard school program that studies the basic laws of physics (grade 11). Their knowledge is mandatory for a graduate.

The main laws of physics that a person should know

Some physical principles, although relate to one of the branches of this science, are nevertheless common and should be known to everyone. We list the basic laws of physics that a person should know:

  • The Archimedes Act (refers to areas of hydro, as well as aerostatics). It implies that on any body that was immersed in a gaseous substance or into a liquid, acts a kind of pushing force, which certainly directed vertically upwards. This force is always numerically equal to the weight of the fluid or gas displaced body.
  • Another wording of this law is as follows: The body immersed in gas or liquid, definitely loses the weight of the liquid or gas in weight as it was immersed. This law has become the basic postulate of the theory of swimming tel.
  • The law of world community (opened Newton). Its essence is that absolutely all bodies are inevitably attracted to each other with force, which is the greater, the greater the product of the mass of these bodies and, respectively, the less than the smaller the distance between them.

This is the 3 main laws of physics that everyone needs to know, who wants to understand the mechanism of the functioning of the world and the peculiarities of the processes occurring in it. It is quite simple to understand the principle of their action.

Value of similar knowledge

The main laws of physics are obliged to be in the baggage of human knowledge, regardless of his age and the kind of activity. They reflect the mechanism of the existence of today's reality, and, in essence, are the only constant in a continuously changing world.

Basic laws, the concepts of physics open up new opportunities for studying the surrounding world. Their knowledge helps to understand the mechanism of the existence of the universe and the movement of all cosmic bodies. It turns us not to just begged daily events and processes, but allows you to realize them. When a person clearly understands the basic laws of physics, that is, all the processes occurring around him, he gets the opportunity to manage them in the most efficient way, making discoveries and thus making his life more comfortable.


Some are forced to in-depth to study the basic laws of physics for the exam, others - by the nature of the activity, and some are from scientific curiosity. Regardless of the purpose of studying this science, the benefit of the knowledge gained is difficult to overestimate. There is nothing more satisfying than the understanding of the main mechanisms and patterns of the existence of the surrounding world.

Do not stay indifferent - develop!

Scientists with the planet Earth use a mass of instruments, trying to describe how nature and the universe works in general. That they come to the laws and theories. What is the difference? Scientific law can be often reduced to mathematical approval, like E \u003d Mc²; This statement is based on empirical data and its truth, as a rule, is limited by a certain set of conditions. In the case of e \u003d Mc² - the speed of light in vacuum.

Scientific theory often seeks to synthesize a number of facts or observations of specific phenomena. And in general (but not always) it turns out a clear and verifiable statement on how nature functions. It is not necessary to reduce scientific theory to the equation, but it actually represents something fundamental about the work of nature.

Both laws and theories depend on the main elements of the scientific method, for example, the creation of hypotheses, conducting experiments, finding (or not being located) empirical data and conclusion of conclusions. In the end, scientists should be able to repeat the results if the experiment is destined to become the basis for a generally accepted law or theory.

In this article, we will look at ten scientific laws and theories that you can refresh in memory, even if you, for example, do not so often apply to the scanning electron microscope. Let's start with an explosion and finish uncertainty.

If you should know at least one scientific theory, then let it explain how the universe reached the current state (or did not reach,). Based on the research conducted by Edwin Habble, George Lemeter and Albert Einstein, the theory of a large explosion postulates that the universe began 14 billion years ago with a massive expansion. At some point, the universe was concluded at one point and covered the entire matter of the current Universe. This movement continues to this day, and the universe itself is constantly expanding.

The theory of the Big Explosion was widely supported in scientific circles after Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson discovered the space microwave background in 1965. With the help of radio telescope, two astronomers discovered space noise, or statics that does not dissipate over time. In collaboration with Princeton researcher Robert Dick, a couple of scientists confirmed the hypothesis of wild that the initial big explosion left behind the low-level radiation, which can be found throughout the universe.

Space Expansion Law Hubble

Let's stay by Edwina Hubble for a second. While in the 1920s, the Great Depression was raging, Hubble performed with an innovative astronomical study. He not only proved that there were other galaxies in addition to the Milky Way, but also found that these galaxies are bothering away from our own, and this movement he called the running.

In order to quantify the speed of this galactic movement, Habble offered the law of space expansion, he is the law of Hubble. The equation looks like this: Speed \u200b\u200b\u003d H0 x distance. The speed is the speed of galaxies; H0 is a constant Hubble, or a parameter that shows the expansion rate of the universe; The distance is the distance of one galaxy to the one with which there is a comparison.

Permanent Hubble was calculated at different values \u200b\u200bfor a sufficiently long time, but at present it froze at 70 km / s point on Mega Parts. For us, this is not so important. It is important that the law is a convenient way to measure the galaxy speed relative to our own. And it is still important that the law has established that the Universe consists of many galaxies whose movement is traced to a large explosion.

The laws of the Planetary Movement of Kepler

For centuries, scientists fought with each other and with religious leaders for the orbits of the planets, especially for whether they are rotating around the sun. In the 16th century, Copernicus put forward his controversial concept of a heliocentric solar system, in which the planets rotate around the sun, and not the land. However, only with Johann Kepler, who relied on work quietly Brage and other astronomers, there was a clear scientific basis for the movement of the planets.

The three law of the planetary movement of the Kepler, which established in the early 17th century, describe the movement of the planets around the sun. The first law, which is sometimes called the law orbits, claims that the planets rotate around the Sun along the elliptical orbit. The second law, the law of the area, says that the line connecting the planet with the Sun forms equal areas at equal intervals. In other words, if you measure the area created by the drawn line from the Earth from the Sun, and track the movement of the Earth for 30 days, the area will be the same, regardless of the position of the Earth regarding the beginning of the reference.

The third law, the law of periods, allows you to establish a clear relationship between the orbital period of the planet and the distance to the Sun. Thanks to this law, we know that the planet, which is relatively close to the Sun, like Venus, has a much more short orbital period than distant planets, like Neptune.

Universal law of gravity

Today it may be in the order of things, but more than 300 years ago, Sir Isaac Newton offered a revolutionary idea: two any object, regardless of their mass, have a gravitational attraction to each other. This law is represented by the equation with which many schoolchildren are faced in high schools of a physico-mathematical profile.

F \u003d G × [(M1m2) / R²]

F is the gravitational force between two objects, measured in Newton. M1 and M2 are the masses of two objects, while R is the distance between them. G is a gravitational constant, currently calculated as 6.67384 (80) · 10 -11 or n · m² · kg -2.

The advantage of a universal law is that it allows us to calculate the gravitational attraction between two any objects. This ability is extremely useful when scientists, for example, launch a satellite into orbit or determine the moon rate.

Newton laws

Since we started talking about one of the greatest scientists, ever living on earth, let's talk about other famous Newton's laws. Its three laws of movement constitute a substantial part of modern physics. And, like many other laws of physics, they are elegant in their simplicity.

The first of three laws claims that the object in motion remains in motion if there is no external force on it. For a ball that rolls on the floor, the external force can be friction between the ball and the floor, or the boy who hits the ball in another direction.

The second law establishes the relationship between the mass of the object (M) and its acceleration (A) in the form of the equation F \u003d M x a. F is the force measured in Newton. It is also a vector, that is, it has a directed component. Due to the acceleration, the ball that rolls on the floor, has a special vector in the direction of its movement, and this is taken into account when calculating force.

The third law is quite meaningful and should be familiar to you: for each action there is equal countering. That is, for each force attached to the object on the surface, the object is repelled with the same force.

Laws of thermodynamics

British physicist and writer Ch. P. Snow once said that unacceptable, who did not know the second law of thermodynamics, was as a scientist who never read Shakespeare. Today, the well-known statement by Snow emphasized the importance of thermodynamics and the need for even people, far from science, to know him.

Thermodynamics is the science of how energy works in the system, whether it is the engine or core of the Earth. It can be reduced to several basic laws that Snow identified as follows:

  • You can't win.
  • You do not avoid losses.
  • You can't get out of the game.

Let's figure it out a little with it. Saying that you can't win, Snow meant the fact that because the matter and energy are saved, you cannot get one, without losing the second (that is, E \u003d Mc²). It also means that to work the engine you need to supply heat, however, in the absence of an ideally closed system, a certain amount of heat will inevitably go into the open world, which will lead to the second law.

The second law - losses are inevitable - means that in connection with increasing entropy, you cannot return to the former energy state. Energy concentrated in one place will always strive for places of lower concentration.

Finally, the third law - you cannot get out of the game - refers, the lowest theoretically possible temperature is minus 273.15 degrees Celsius. When the system reaches the absolute zero, the movement of molecules stops, which means entropy to reach the lowest value and will not even be kinetic energy. But in the real world it is impossible to achieve absolute zero - only to come close to him very close.

Power of Archimedes

After the ancient Greek Archimeda opened his way of buoyancy, he allegedly shouted "Eureka!" (Found!) And ran naked in the syardakuses. So read the legend. The discovery was so important. Also legend says that Archimeda discovered the principle when noted that the water in the bathroom rises when the body was immersed in it.

According to the principle of airborne airborne, the force acting on the immersed or partially immersed object is equal to the mass of the liquid that the object displays. This principle is essential in density calculations, as well as the design of submarines and other oceanic vessels.

Evolution and natural selection

Now that we have established some of the basic concepts about how the universe began and how physical laws affect our daily life, let's pay attention to the human form and find out how we reached this. According to the majority of scientists, all life on Earth has a common ancestor. But in order for such a huge difference between all alive organisms, some of them had to turn into a separate appearance.

In general, this differentiation occurred in the process of evolution. The population of organisms and their traits passed through such mechanisms as mutations. Those who have the features were more profitable for survival, like brown frogs, which are perfectly disguised in the swamp, were naturally elected for survival. Where did the term natural selection come from?

You can multiply two these theories for a lot of time, and actually did Darwin in the 19th century. Evolution and natural selection explain the vast variety of life on earth.

General theory of relativity

Albert Einstein was and remains the most important discovery, which forever changed our view to the Universe. The main breakthrough of Einstein was a statement that space and time are not absolute, and gravity is not just the force attached to the object or mass. Rather, gravity is related to the fact that the mass itself is sparking itself and time (space-time).

To comprehend it, imagine that you are traveling through the whole ground in a straight line in the eastern direction, say, from the northern hemisphere. After a while, if someone wants to accurately determine your location you will be much south and east of your original position. This is because the earth is bent. To go straight to the east, you need to take into account the shape of the Earth and go at an angle of a bit north. Compare a round ball and a sheet of paper.

Space is largely the same. For example, for passengers a rocket flying around the Earth, it will be obvious that they fly in a straight line in space. But in fact, the space-time around them bend under the action of the gravity of the Earth, forcing them at the same time move forward and stay in the orbit of the Earth.

Einstein's theory had a huge impact on the future of astrophysics and cosmology. She explained the small and unexpected anomaly of the orbit of Mercury, showed how the light of the stars be bent and laid theoretical bases for black holes.

The principle of uncertainty Geisenberg.

The expansion of Einstein's relativity Theory told us more about how the universe works, and helped lay the foundation for quantum physics, which led to a completely unexpected confusion of theoretical science. In 1927, the realization that all the laws of the Universe in a certain context are flexible, led to the storm opening of the German scientist Werner Geisenberg.

By postulating your principle of uncertainty, Heisenberg realized that it was impossible to simultaneously know with a high level of accuracy two particle properties. You can know the position of the electron with a high degree of accuracy, but not its impulse, and vice versa.

Later, Nils Bor made a discovery that helped explain the principle of Heisenberg. Bor found out that the electron has qualities of both particles and waves. The concept became known as a corpuscular-wave dualism and formed the basis of quantum physics. Therefore, when we measure the position of the electron, we determine it as a particle at a certain point of space with an indefinite wavelength. When we measure the impulse, we consider the electron as a wave, and therefore we can know the amplitude of its length, but not the position.

Physics - accurate and fundamental science, which studies the general patterns of various natural phenomena, as well as the laws of the structure and movement of matter. All laws and concepts of physics form the foundations of the subject of natural science.

In high school, a separate item appears - physics, the main goal of which is the formation of the knowledge of the object, the style of thinking and scientific worldview. From the seventh of the ninth grade, schoolchildren study the basic course of physics, thanks to which the idea of \u200b\u200bthe physical picture of the world is being formed, basic physical concepts, terms and laws, as well as basic algorithms for solving problems, develop research and experimental skills. At the end of the ninth grade, students pass GIA in physics. On request in the search engine "Physics for free" on the Internet you can find various video tutorials, directories, books and articles , which will help prepare yourself .

Experimental and theoretical physics

It is very difficult to determine the face where the theoretical part of the course in physics ends and the experimental one begins, as they are very closely interrelated and complement each other. The purpose of experimental physics is to conduct various experiments to test hypotheses, laws, as well as the establishment of new facts. Theoretical physics is focused on explaining various natural phenomena based on physical laws.

Structure of the subject of physics

Structurally, the subject of physics is quite difficult to divide, as it is closely related to other disciplines. However, the basis of all its sections is the fundamental theories, laws and principles that describe the essence of physical processes and phenomena.

The main sections of physics:

  • mechanics - the science of motion and causing movement of power;
  • molecular physics - section studying the physical properties of bodies in terms of their molecular structure;
  • oscillations and waves - a section of physics, in which periodic changes in the movement of particles are considered;
  • thermal physics is a group of disciplines on theoretical basics of energy;
  • electrodynamics - section that studies the properties of an electromagnetic field, electrical and magnetic phenomena, electric current;
  • electrostatic - a section of physics, in which the electrostatic field is considered, as well as electrical charges;
  • magnetism - Science of magnetic fields;
  • optics studies properties and nature of light;
  • atomic physics - section of physics on the properties of atoms and molecules;
  • quantum physics - a section of physics, which studies quantum-mechanical and quantum-field systems, the laws of their movement.

How to prepare for GIA in physics?

You need to repeat and explore the material in accordance with the requirements for GIA in physics. This will help various reference books, benefits and collections of test tasks. We will be useful physics are freeclasses with the analysis of Devarisants of GIA, which are presented on the site site.

You should be interested in additional materials and take part in trial testing. During the execution of test tasks, acquaintance with the features of issues. It is noted that the students who passed test classes eventually gained higher scores. It is necessary to make a plan for independent activities indicating those that are planned to be learned for GIA in physics. You can start with the most difficult and incomprehensible. You also do not need to try to learn the entire textbook immediately or revise all video tutorials. It is important to structure the material studied, make plans and tables that will help to memorize and repetition. It will not hurt to alternate classes and rest, as well as be confident in their abilities and do not think about failures.

First of all, you need to evaluate your current level of knowledge and understand what you want to achieve. If under "from scratch" is a complete ignorance of the subject, then before rushing to solve a bunch of tests from all kinds of phiPi books, you need to try to understand the processes and laws of physics, in my opinion, understanding should be the main point to be paid attention to . Understanding will strongly help you when solving a part where there is a choice of an answer (if it is still there, I do not know). And so, to start something to understand, you need to take a textbook, open sections of physics in order and read, several times, do not need to think that after reading once, you will be enough for it, you need to reread, so be patient. From books on theory, I would recommend the textbooks G. I. Mikishev, only a profile level, a separate book dedicated to each section. But not for permanent reading, but in case, in order to open incomprehensible places and read more details, the details of the presentation often solves the problem of understanding. And for the main study of the theory: Mathus.ru, there everything is in moderation briefly and intelligently painted. I do not see the point of reading something fundamental type of Landsberg, spend a lot of time to spend, it is not worth it for the exam. An excellent option can be educational videos, just not ababa. I strongly recommend the video of Mikhail Penkina (teacher of MFTI), there are a lot of them on the net and do not think better than you can find. His rollers may be able to replace all textbooks, even better if you start with them! Next to the score of the formulas, etc. Do not sharpen formulas, try to solve problems where these formulas are applied, with time you remember them; Learn to bring formulas yourself, knowing the basic laws, you can get almost anything. Of course, tell me, that it is difficult, from scratch, but still it is worth trying. At the expense of solving tasks with calculations and a detailed answer: start with simple, as soon as you can decide, complicate the level of tasks. To learn how to solve problems, first of all, it is worth disassembled already solved problems of those of those who are interested in, because methods, approaches and generally understanding what to do in any way will not arise from you, no matter how much time you did not sit on the task. I recommend the books "Tutor in Physics" Kasatkina I.L., a lot of disassembled tasks, read sample, try to solve similar. If you are ready to pay money, I do not advise you to go to the tutor, and I advise the portal http://foxford.ru/, this is not an advertisement. There you can go through training courses, teachers are unique. The most important thing is not to give up, and do not think that everything is difficult, as soon as you begin to understand, you will understand what you want to understand next. I warn on the bill of the pile of materials from the Internet, everywhere there may be mistakes, and a person who only started, practically unable to distinguish good materials for the preparation from it is not clear, do not take the first things on the faith, try to figure out, put everything in question, this is the key to Progress. And so, if you bring it hell:

1) try to understand

2) start to deal with simple

3) Do not focus on mashing simple tasks, if you understand - it will not fly out of the head

4) not tool

5) use good sources (those that I brought, verified by me personally)

Let it be better you will understand and confidently answer the exam, than nazbage and give up. It is not possible to understand everything for the year, you can believe, physics is not just an algorithm of action. But you must have the themes in which you are splashing to solve all of them with confidence, or almost everything. So, when "try" in all sections, it is worth paying attention to those that are better given. Good luck!