Guinea language. Full description of Guinea

Geographical names of the world: toponymic dictionary. - M: AST. Pospelov E.M. 2001.


(Guinée, Guinea.), State-in Zap. Africa on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. Pl. 245.9 thousand km²; 8 provinces, the capital of Conakry; Others big cities: Cancan , Kindia, Labe, Nizrekore. From the first millennium AD. - As part of the Empire Ghana, in the VII-XIII centuries. - Mali (the legendary ruler of the Cate Sundayate). The penetration of Europeans began in the 2nd half of the XV century. Since 1904, Guinea as part French zap. Africa ; Since 1958 - Independent Guinea Republic Head of the President, the legislature - Nats. collection. The shores are cut, along the coast - a narrow band of the bottom, from which the ledge rises into the deep continent of the feet of Futa Jalon. On the SE. - Sev.-Guinea engaged. (Nimba, 1752 m); on sv. - Plain in Bass. top. flow r. Niger . Constantly wet and hot equatorial climate (even in a dry season humidity in Conakry 85%). Rivers a lot, they are short, full-flowered and thresholds; Shipping only the mouth of some. South. and center. The districts are strongly rescued secondary forests, on S. - Savannah, on the coast - plots of mangrove forests with palm trees (oilseed, refia). Elephants, hippopotams, boars, leopards, cheetahs, a lot of snakes, crocodiles. Among the insects are disseminandors of diseases (fever, malaria, "sleepy disease").
The population is more than 7.6 million people. (2001): Fulbe (35%), Malinka (30%), Susu (20%), etc., as well as Maur, French, Lebanese (Chap. Arr. In the capital). Officer Language is French, but languages \u200b\u200bof Fulbe, Malinka and Susu are more common; 8 languages \u200b\u200bannounced by Nats., For them, writing based on the Latin alphabet. 85% of the believing population - Muslims, 7% adhere to traditional animistic beliefs; 8% - Christians. The most populated the coastal bottom., Center. h. (Futa-jalon) and bass. Upper Niger. Urban population of 30% (1996). There are democrebers (especially among Fulbe). Sel. H-in the backward, does not satisfy the needs of the population in food. Coffee, tropical fruits (pineapples, bananas, citrus fruits, mango, papaya, avocado, guaiyava), palmist and chinny tree are grown on exports; For internal consumption produced rice, corn, millet, sorghum, maniacs, peanuts; There are cotton plantations, tobacco, tea. Cottle in the semi-oxide, low-productive; fish-in. Mining bauxite, diamonds and jerseys. ore. Text., Polygraph., Wooden, Cem., Met.-arr., Food. Prom-st. Crafts: wood carving (red and black) and bones, straw weaving (bags, fan, mats), weaving, blacksmith and pottery; Making art. leather, wood, metal, bones and stone; Rafia fiber weaving, Music production. Tools. Seaports: Conakry, Kamsar, Benti. In the capital of the International the airport. Festivals of folk art. Cash. - Guinea franc.

Dictionary modern geographical names. - Ekaterinburg: y-factor. Under the general edited by Acad. V. M. Kotlyakova. 2006 .

Encyclopedia Krugosvet. 2008 .


Guinea Republic
State in West Africa. In the north, it borders with Guinea-Bissau, Senegal and Mali, in the East and South-East - from Côte d "Ivoire, in the south - with Liberia and Sierra Leone. In the West is washed by the Atlantic Ocean. Square of the country, including Conakry Islands, 245857 CM2. Guinea has four main topographic regions: Lower Guinea is a coastal plain, stretching at 275 km long and 50 km wide; Middle Guinea (Futa-Ja-Lon) - Highlated Plateau height up to 910 m; Upper Guinea - Savanena with low Hills up to 300 m of height; Lower Guinea is the mountain part of the country where the Range of Nimba is located (the highest point of 1752 m). The main rivers - the Bafing and Gambia, in Guinea also take the beginning of the Niger River and Cute.
The population of the country (estimated for 1998) is about 74,77,100 people, the average population density is about 30 people per km2. Ethnic groups: Fulani - 35%, Malinka - 30%, Susu - 20%, other tribes - 15%. Language: French (State), Malinka, Susu, Fulani, Kisi, Basari, scrap, Coniage, Kpele. Religion: Muslims - 85%, Christians - 8%, pagans - 7%. Capital - Conakry. The largest cities: Conakry (1508000 people). Kankan (278000 people), Labe (273,000 people), Nisrecore (250,000 people). State device - Republic. Head of State - President Brigadier General Lansan Conte (in office from April 5, 1984). Head of Government-Prime Minister S. Type. Monetary unit, Gwinsky Frank. The average life expectancy (for 1998): 44 years old - men, 45 years old are women. Birth rate (per 1000 people) - 41.3. The mortality rate (per 1000 people) - 17.8.
The northern and eastern parts of the territory of modern Guinea were in due time were part of the Empires Mali and Songai. In the XVIII century, a theocratic Islamic state was created. In 1891, Guinea became a colony of France, in 1906, part of French West Africa. On October 2, 1958, Guinea received independence. In March 1984, the military arrived as a result of a bloodless military coup. Guinea is a member of the UN and most specialized agencies of this organization. Organizations of African Unity.
The climate of Guinea is poured in different topographic zones. In the coastal strip, the average annual temperature is about 27 ° C, in Futa-Jalon - about 20 ° C, in the upper Guinea - 21 ° C. The rainy season continues from April or May to October or November. The hottest month of the year - April, the most rainy - July or August. The vegetation of Guinea is very diverse: from dense mangroves along the shore of the ocean to Savannah in the upper Guinea and dense jungle of Lower Guinea. The fauna is represented by leopards, hypopotamus, wild boars, antilopes, cyvels. There are a large number of snakes and crocodiles in the country, as well as Parrots and Turako (bananoys).
One of the most significant attractions of Conakry is the National Museum with a rich collection of exhibits.

Encyclopedia: Cities and Countries. 2008 .

Guinea is located in West Africa off the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, washing a 300-kilometer strongly rugged coastline. Area - 245.8 thousand sq.m. Until 1958, Guinea was the colony of France (cm. France)Now - the presidential republic with a population of about 9.5 million people. Official language is French. Most of Guinea lies in the subequatorial belt. The average monthly air temperatures - from 18 ° to 27 ° C, the hottest month - April, the coldest - August. The precipitates fall predominantly in the summer, but it is very unevenly distributed: on the coast for 170 rainy days a year, up to 4300 mm of precipitation falls, and in the inner areas separated by the ocean by a mountain massif - no more than 1500 mm.
The country's territory is located within an ancient African platform, broken by numerous faults, discharges with volcanic rock outputs. Deep river valleys and hilly lowland arrays make Guinea like a mountainous country. The largest hills - Highland Futa-Dzallon (the highest mountain - Tamga, 1537 m), limiting narrow coastal lowland, and the North-Guinea hill in the southeast of the country (with the highest mountain of Nimba, 1752 m above sea level). Plateau Futa-Dzallo called geographers of the "Water Tower of West Africa", since the largest rivers of the region begins here - Gambia and Senegal. At the North-Guinean elevation, the Niger River (here is called Jolib). Numerous Rivers of Guinea, as a rule, are uncomfortable due to numerous thresholds and waterfalls, as well as due to sharp fluctuations in the water level.
The traveler striking the bright red or red-brown color of the soil savanna and forests of Guinea, rich in iron oxides. Despite the poverty of these soils, impeding agriculture, natural vegetation is very rich. Along the rivers, gallery wet tropical forests were still preserved, although in most other places they are replaced by dry tropical forests and wooded savannahs. In the north of the country, you can see real high-solid savannahs, and on the ocean coast - Mangra. Along the coast of the ocean is common coconut palm trees, Guinea oil palm, other exotic plants that make even the streets of large cities like a botanical garden. Animal world Countries are still rich: elephants have been preserved, hippos, various types of antelopes, panthers, cheetahs, numerous monkeys (especially baboons living in large herds). It is also worth mentioning the forest cats, hyenas, mangown, crocodiles, large and small snakes and lizards, hundreds of bird species. Insects are numerous, among which there are many and dangerous carrying pathogens of the yellow fever and a sleepy disease (Tsetz fly).
Almost all of the population of Guinea belongs to the Negroid race. The most numerous people are Fulbe, inhabiting mainly Plateau Futa Jalon. Other nations belong to the Language subgroup Mande: Malinka, Korako, Susu. Official language, French, only a small part of the population owns, and the most common languages \u200b\u200bof Ful, Malinka, Susu. 60% of the population - Muslims, about 2% - Christians, the rest adhere to traditional beliefs. Most of the population are employed in agriculture (cattle breeding, as well as growing rice, maniacs, bathata, corn). The capital and largest city of Guinea - Conakry (1.8 million inhabitants). Other large cities - Industrial centers and transport hubs Kankan, Kandia, Laba.

Encyclopedia of Tourism Cyril and Methodius. 2008 .

Modern encyclopedia

  • Guinea on the map of Africa
    (All pictures are clickable)

    Geographical position

    Guinea - the state in West Africa washed by the waters of the Atlantic, the length of the coastal strip is 320 km. Areas adjacent to the coastal lines are located on lowlands; Along the Atlantic coast of Guinea there are many islands. Neighbors are:

    • in northwest - Guinea-Bissau;
    • in the north - Senegal;
    • in the north and northeast - Mali;
    • in the East - Côte d'Ivoire;
    • in the south - Liberia and Sierra Leone.

    The country area is 245.8 thousand km².

    Equatorial climate. The average annual temperature is +28 ° C.

    For Guinea, two brightly pronounced seasons are characterized - dry and wet, the last of which continues from May to October (for this period there are about 4300 mm of precipitation - almost all annual norm).

    Flora and fauna

    About 60% of the territory is occupied by the arrays of evergreen rainforests: they are covered by almost the entire southeastern part of the state.

    Among animals are common elephants and hippos, leopards and cheetahs, boys. Many snakes and crocodiles.

    State device

    Map Guinea

    Guinea is a unitary republic, divided into 33 prefectures and one special zone (Conakry). The head of state is the president, but in fact all power belongs to the military.

    Local currency - Guinean franc. The capital is the city of Conakry.


    The population is 11.5 million people. In total, about 30 peoples live in the country, the largest of them are Fulbe, Kish, Manda; A significant part is Europeans, Lebanese and Syrians. The official language is French, but mostly communicate in the languages \u200b\u200bof Fulbe, Malinka and Susu. About 75% of the inhabitants profess Islam, there are Christians and adepts of local traditional beliefs.


    Guinea - an agrarian state with a developed mining complex (it has the world's largest deposits of bauxite).

    In agriculture, about 80% of the able-bodied population is employed, nevertheless, the country cannot be absolutely to provide themselves with food, and is forced to buy it. Main Cultures - Rice, Manica and Corn; Basic export cultures - banana, chocolate tree, oilseed palm, pineapple and peanuts. Livestock is diverse, in priority. Cattle, sheep, goats and poultry. In industry, enterprises for the processing of agricultural raw materials are dominated.

    Before joining West Africa, these lands were owned by the Empires of Ghana and Mali. In 1892, the French Colonia was formed Guineawhich was part of French West Africa. Independence Country acquired in 1958 - two years earlier than all other states of West Africa.


    At the entrance to the country, a medical certificate is required, in which there is a marker about vaccination against yellow fever.

    From the country, the removal of handicraft production products from ivory, animal horns, wood and animal skins are prohibited.

    The main sights of Guinea are picturesque landscapes, exotic animals and plants that differ in variety. Of the architectural historical monuments, the ancient fortresses of the first European settlers, mosques and palaces are of interest.

    Information about the country:

    Capital: Conakry. Currency: Guinean franc.

    Guinea - West African country, bordering Senegal, Mali, Côte d'Ivoire Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea-Bissau and washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Guinea attracts guests with its picturesque elevated landscapes of Highland Futu-Dzallo, excellent on African standards by the road network (especially in the south-east) and impressive contrast between the dry northern valleys and endless jungle in the southern regions. It is of interest to tourists Conakry. Modern complex of office and banking buildings between Rou-du Niger and Ave de La-Republik. The National Museum of Guinea has a large collection of masks, sculptures and national instruments posted in a spacious exposure of the building in the style of Paris Louvre. Opposite the Presidential Palace (the former office of the OAU) there are about 50 picturesque villas in the Mauritan style used currently as offices of a number of international organizations. The huge People's Palace in the northern part of Ru-du-Niger is the place of traditional speeches of two local ballet theaters and a venue for numerous festive ceremonies.
    Guinea. Basic information
    Guinean Frank
    Entry by passport. Children: Power of Attorney from Parent (s) for children under 18. Dates of issuing visas to 3 days. It is recommended (not required) certificate of vaccination against yellow fever.
    Time lags behind Kiev for 2 hours.
    Guinea is a state in West Africa. It borders in the north with Senegal, in the north and northeast with Mali, in the East - with the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire (former. Ivory Coast), in the south with Liberia, in the southwest - with Sierra Leone, north -Waspad - with Guinea-Bissau. From the West is washed by the Atlantic Ocean.
    Chief partners of the country
    Cat "Dr. Ivoire, France, Belgium, China, South Africa, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Ukraine.
    National Park in the south of the country, in the mountain range of the same name, near the border with Liberia and Côte d "Ivoire. On the territory of the latter, the southern part (5 thousand hectares) of this internationally protected area is located, whereas the park area is 13 thousand on the Guinean side. ha.
    Mountains Nimba Biologists are called "Botanical Ram". More than 2 thousand plant species grows here, including many rare. However, from the point of view of zoology, this area of \u200b\u200bAfrica is also unique. Scientists have discovered more than 500 species of insects and other animals unknown earlier, 200 of which live only in the mountains of Himba.

    In the park you can meet several varieties of dwarf antelope-fuckers, a rare representative of the family of the willer, a relative of the Mangoste - a spotted gene and an amazing creature, refuting all the ideas about amphibious animals, is a knowledgeable toad.
    Plateau Futa-Jalon is one of the main attractions of the country, which attracts a large number of tourists. Just like attractions such as Bafar Waterfall and Fuyam's Thresholds. The plateau dissolves you with its emerald green vegetation covering picturesque hills, relative cool, charming villages with friendly residents and delicious folk cuisine. The most popular here are the towns of Mamu - `Gate Futa-jalon`.
    History of the country
    At the end of the XIX century. Guinea was colonized by France and from 1904 was part of the French West Africa federation. In the referendum of 1958, the Guinean people spoke in favor of independence, which was proclaimed on October 2. The country's president was elected A. Squa Tour. After his death in 1984, the government moved to the Military Committee of the National Revival. The president of the country became his head - Colonel Lancean Conte. In 2007, mass presentations were held with the requirements of the resignation of government and urgent measures to conclude a country from the crisis.
    How to get
    There is no direct message from Ukraine to Guinea. A transplant is required in one of the European or African airports.
    Equatorial monsoon, summer - wet, winter - dry. The average monthly air temperatures - from +18 C to +27 C, the hottest month - April (+30 c), the coldest - August (+26 c). The sediments fall predominantly in the summer, from May to October, but on the territory of the country is distributed very uneven: on the coast for 170 rainy days a year falls to 4300 mm. precipitation, and in the inner areas separated by the ocean by a mountain massive, not more than 1500 mm. In January-February, Harmattan blows - dry, dusty wind from the north, in the coastal areas of the country its influence is practically not felt.
    Credit cards
    Accepted only in international hotels and in the capital.
    For centuries, the material and spiritual culture of Guinean peoples was evolved. To a greater or lesser extent, all the peoples of Guinea have remained until recently or are still still the customs and traditions of the community-generic era.
    The main social cell in the village was (or is still) a large family, uniting under the control of the Head-Patriarch, several small families of his adult children and younger brothers.

    She collectively owned part of community land, together produced labor-intensive work; At the same time, every small family lived in its economy. In the new socio-economic conditions there is a quick process of decaying large families, allocating small families as independent cells of society. Residential and economic buildings of a large family - its number sometimes reached a hundred people (in Malinka, for example) - made up one estate, fenced with a clay wall, a shoulder, a lively hedge. Almost all the life of the peasant passes outdoors, in the dwellings only sleep at night, hide from the rain and sometimes from the sun. The dwellings of almost all the peoples of Guinea are similar: this is usually round in terms of structure (from clay, straw, sometimes a tree), without windows, with a cone-shaped or dome-shaped (in Fulbe) of the roof of straw or foliage.

    Visa in Guinea
    Address of the Foreign Embassy / Consulate in our country
    The Embassy of the Republic of Guinea in Ukraine is not. Part-time the embassy is in Russian Federation:
    Address: 119049 Moscow, Cow Val, 7, kV.101-102 Telephone: (+7 495) 238-10-85 Fax: (+7 495) 238-97-68
    Address of our embassy / consulate in the country
    Embassy of Ukraine in the Republic of Guinea:
    Republique de Guinee, Commune Calum, Corniche Nord, Quartier Camayenne B.p. 1350 Phone: (8 10 224 30) 46 87 92 (8 10 224 30) 46 88 75 Fax: (8 10 224 30) 46 87 92
    E-mail: [Email Protected] [Email Protected]
    Entrance to the country
    It is recommended (not required) certificate of vaccination against yellow fever.
    For kids
    Children under 16 fit into the visa of parents (mother). For a trip with a child under 18 years of age are required:
    1. Certificate of the birth of a child;
    2. The passport of the child or the passport of the parent, in which the child is inscribed;
    3. If the child travels, accompanied by one of the parents, requires a notarized power of attorney for departing a child from the second parent
    4. If a child travels, accompanied by third parties, a notarized power of attorney is required for the departure of a child from both parents
    Documents for visa
    1. 3 filled questionnaires (issued in the embassy)
    2. 3 color photos 3.5x4.5 cm, on a white background, without corners and ovals
    3. A request for a visa and the original invitation certified by the emblem seals of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the MFA Guinea.
    4. Help from the place of work on the company's branded form, indicating the post, salary and dates of starting work in the company.
    5. A copy of the filled pages of the Russian passport 6. Passport
    Border crossing
    When crossing the border of Guinea, it is necessary to present a passport with a valid entry visa and filled in French insert, which indicates: Full name, date and place of birth, citizenship, profession, address of the permanent place of residence in Guinea, passport numbers and visas, Departure item.
    Visa validity periods
    The validity of the visa to the entry is 30 days.
    Dates of registration of a visa
    from 2 business days
    Visa cost
    40 USD.

    On a plot with strongly rugged banks. Along the coast, a narrow lowland strip stretched, and the further into the maintenance of the continent, the higher the relief becomes, rising uneven ledgers, called Futa-Dzallo Plateau. The entire southeast of the country occupies the North-Guinea hill, where the mountains of Nimba and the highest peak of the country are located. In the northeast, the plain in the basin of the upper current of the Niger River. Rivers in the country are generally a lot, but all of them are short, rapid and bother with rapids, which is why shipping only in the mouth, and even somewhat.
    All year round in Guinea is hot and humid, and so much so that even in the dry season, the humidity in the capital does not fall below 85%.
    Guinea vegetation is noticeably changed: over the centuries, cutting down of forests for shipbuilding and simply on firewood. As a result, in the south and in the center there were strongly rarefied secondary forests.
    North - Zone Savannan, and on the coast, stretched areas of mangrove forests.
    The animal world of Guinea is represented by large mammals (elephant, hippopotamus, leopard, cheetah), there are many snakes, and the Beach of these places - insects, spreading fever, malaria and a "sleepy disease". The latter circumstance was the reason that the development of local places by European colonialists was quite slow.
    While science does not have data about ancient history countries. It is known exactly that in the VIII-XI centuries. Most of the northeast of modern Guinea was part of Ghana. Already then, the gold mining was carried out here, which was exported to the north, in the state of the Sahel, where they exchanged the salt and other goods from North Africa.
    In the XII century The Ghana Empire broke up, an Empire of Mali, founded by the People Malinka, originated in her place. Then, in the XII century, the territory of modern Guinea penetrated and waslaced. In the XV-XVI centuries. The massive penetration of Islam from the territory of the current Mauritania and other countries of Maghreb began.
    This stage of the history of the current Guinea coincided with the appearance on its coast of Portuguese, British and French workers. They were attracted by numerous bays and bays, where and after the ban of slavery was hiding the unfinished court from the British military frigates.
    The basis of the current statehood of Guinea and its borders laid the people of Fulbe, at the beginning of the XVIII century. Futu-jalon created on the territory of Plateau (where they live today) the strong Islamic state.
    In the middle of the XIX century. The slave trade went on a decline, Europeans began to trade with local tribes, purchasing peanuts, pepper Malagetta, palm oil, wild animal skins and rubber. Mostly it was the French who had a pepper shore place. At first they built for their own protection of the forts, then refused to pay tribute to the Tsarka local tribes, and when they took up the weapon, in 1849, France proclaimed all this land with its protectorate, and then the colony as part of the French West Africa.
    Only in 1958, the forces of folk resistance were able to hold a referendum for the independence of the country in Guinea, which was proclaimed in the same year.
    The Republic of Guinea is located on the West African Coast of the Atlantic Ocean; Deep river valleys and hilly lowland arrays make Guinea like a mountainous country. Heights smoothly increase from coastal lowlands to the plateau in the depth of the country with a height of over one and a half kilometers.
    Mande and Fulbe are two people who make up the majority of the country's population. The relations between them are far from simple, and the reasons for that are lies in the lifestyle and history of both peoples.
    Most of the Guinean's population are three people: Fulbe (partially preserved a nomadic lifestyle), Malinka (Mandinka) and Susu. Fulbe's cattle workers inhabit mainly the central part of the country, Malinka burned internal areas, mainly in the Niger pool, and Susu - the Atlantic coast. Inter-ethnic contradictions between the rural population speakers Manda, and Fulbe's Cattlers, and Fulbe's Celebrations. Thanks to the efforts of international organizations, they abandoned armed conflicts and are now fighting for political power in the country.
    The cities survived the communities of the few descendants of the French settlers. The legacy of colonial times - frenchwho became the language of interethnic communication for the three main peoples of the country, although it owns them a relatively small part of the population. The country has a study support policy national languages (officially, eight), for which writing based on the Latin alphabet is even created.
    The overwhelming majority of the population are Muslims, but the traditions of animism and faith in the pests of the ancestors are very strong and are distributed even in cities.
    Guinea is the global center of mining boxites (the country has the largest stocks of bauxite in the world), large deposits of diamonds found here, iron Ore and other metals. However, all this is an export product, and the country itself applies to one of the poorest in the world.
    Most of the local working-age population is occupied in agriculture, the products of which are consumed right there in the country. Therefore, the bulk of the population is concentrated in the Futa-Dzallon Plateau area, where a large cattle, sheep and goats graze, and in fertile valleys, various agricultural crops are growing in fertile valleys.
    The economy of Guinea is experiencing great difficulties caused by the barbaric cutting of the forest, disadvantage drinking water, the spread of the desert from north to south, significant fracture fish and the destructive effects of mineral development for ambient. The country's development is also hampered by political instability and dissemination of diseases that are epidemic. The measures taken by the government to solve these problems of the proper effect are not allowed.
    Country Country - Conakry - large port On the Atlantic Ocean coast. He has an unusual location: it is located on the Peninsula Kalum and Tombo Island (Melbo), connected by the Dambia with the mainland, and the island - central District cities. The main economic center of the country, the majority of industrial enterprises are concentrated here.
    Conakry - the city is relatively young, modern buildings appeared here only in the 1960s. The main attraction of the city is the Great (Big) Mosque, one of the largest in West Africa, where the burials of National Heroes of Samori are located (about 1830-1900), the second of the tour (1922-1984) and Alpha Mo Labe (1850-E- 1912). A particularly revered place in the whole country - a monument to the victims installed in the city on November 22, 1970, when the Portuguese army was put on conakry occupied.
    The political situation in the country remains unstable, the leaders tribes share power by creating their own political partiesMilitary arrange coups, mass strikes and speeches of the population periodically ride around the country.

    general information

    Location: West Africa.
    Administrative division: 8 provinces (bokeh, Conakry, Faran, Kankan, Kindia, Labe, Mom and Nzerkener), 33 prefectures.

    Capital: Conakry - 1,886,000 people. (2014).

    Large cities: Kankan - 472 112 people. (2014), Nzerkener - 280,256 people. (2012), Kindia - 181 126 people. (2008), Farana - 119 159 people. (2013), Laba - 107 695 people. (2007), Mamu - 88 203 people. (2013), bokeh - 81,116 people. (2007).

    Languages: French (Official), National (Fula, Mandinka, Susu, Bug, Basari).
    Ethnic composition: Fulbe - 40%, Malinke - 26%, Sousse - 11%, other - 23%, just more than 20 ethnic groups (2013).
    Religions: Islam - 85%, Christianity (Catholicism, Evangelism) - 8%, Animism - 7% (2013).
    Currency unit: Guinean franc.
    Large rivers: the origins of Niger and the Gambia, as well as the Bafing, Cogon, Compex, Tomin, Fatala, Forepar.

    Airport: GBESSIA International Airport (Conakry).

    Neighboring countries and water areas: In the north-west - Guinea-Bissau, in the north - Senegal, in the north and northeast - Mali, in the East - Côte d, Ivoire, in the south - Liberia and Sierra Leone, in the West - the Atlantic Ocean.


    Area: 245 857 km 2.

    Population: 11 474 383 people. (2014).
    Population density: 46.7 people / km 2.
    Occupied in agriculture: 76% (2014).

    Lower poverty: 47% (2006).
    The length of the land border: 4046 km.

    The length of the coastline: 320 km.

    The highest point: Mount Richard Mare (Nimba Mountain, 1752 m).

    Climate and weather

    Equatorial, wet and hot.

    Seasons: Monsons - June-November, Dry - December-May.
    Mid annual temperature: On the coast + 27 ° C, in the center (Futa-jalon plateau) + 20 ° C, in the upper Guinea + 21 ° C.

    The average annual amount of precipitation: The Atlantic Coast is 4300 mm, the inner areas are 1300 mm.

    Relative humidity: 80-85%.
    Dusty wind Harmathan (West African Passat).


    GDP: $ 15.31 billion (2014), I inflate $ 1300 (2014).
    Minerals: Boxitics, diamonds, iron, uranium, cobalt, manganese, copper, nickel, pyrite, platinum, lead, titanium, chrome, zinc, stone salt, granite, graphite, limestone.
    Industry: Metalworking, Food (Fish Consumer), Chemical, Textile, Woodworking, Cement.
    Sea ports: Conakry, Kamsar, Benti.

    Agriculture: Crop (rice, corn, millet, sorghum, maniacs, peanuts, bananas, coffee, pineapples, apples, citrus fruits, strawberries, mango, papaya, avocado, guyayava, frying tree), animal husbandry (semi-bed, finely horny cattle).

    Marine fishing (Kefal, Macrel, Sea Skat, Sardinell).

    Traditional crafts: Wood carving (red and black) and bones, straw weaving (bags, fan, mats), weaving, ceramics, leather goods, metal and stone, rafiy fiber weaving, making musical instruments.

    Field of services: tourist, transport, trading.


    Natural: Plateau Futa Jalon and national Park Futu-jalon, Waterfalls Marie, Tinkiso and Bafar, Fuyam's thresholds, Cavebon Caves, Islands Il de Los, Rippers Rivers Niger and Gambia, Mountains Nimba, Tanga and Gangan, Natural Nature Reserve, River Milo, Biosphere Reserve Tinkiso River, Ecological region Guinea Lesosavan, Tombo Island.
    City Conakry.: Great (Big) Mosque (1982), Monument to Victims on November 22, 1970, Cathedral of Saint-Marie (1930s), named after November 8, National Museum, Botanical Garden, Presidential Palace, Museum of National Arts, People's Palace, March Madina and Niger Markets, Stadium September 28, University of Conakry Gamal Abdel Nasser.

    Curious facts

    ■ In order not to confuse Guinea with Guinea-Bissau and Equatorial Guinea, the Republic of Guinea is sometimes called in the capital - Guinea-Conakry.
    ■ The name of the Guinea state comes from the name of the same-name of a large African geographic area, in the XIV century. Appeared on European maps. Presumably this name comes from the modified Berber Word "iguven" (silent), which Berbers called the Black population south of the Sahara, who did not understand their language.
    ■ In 1970, during the suppression of the struggle for the independence of the Portuguese Colony of Guinea-Bissau, which Guinea supported, the Portuguese army for one day seized her capital. The goal was to arrest the leadership of rebels and warehouses with weapons, as well as the liberation of Portuguese prisoners of war and the overthrow of the President of Guinea Ahmed Squet. The portuguese plan was partially partially: to overthrow the mode of the secret of the tour, they failed. This episode remains the only example in newest StoryWhen the regular army of the European state seized the capital of an independent African country, even if one day is alone.
    ■ Guinean Plateau Futa-Dzallo received in the environment of geographers scientists Nickname "West Africa": the largest rivers of the Region - Gambia and Senegal begin here.
    ■ Travelers celebrate a bright red or red-brown color of the soils of the savanna and forests of Guinea rich in iron oxides.
    ■ Rishar Mark Mountain is located directly on the border between Côte d "Ivoire and Guinea and is the highest vertex of both countries at the same time.
    ■ Guinean Pepper Malagetta - In fact, the plant of the family of ginger, whose unusually burning taste is combined with a sharp sharp aroma inherent in this pepper. From the XIII century. Malagetta began to be used as an independent or replacing black pepper spice in England, and later - in Canada, USA, Australia.
    To date, the pepper pushed out of the use of Malagett, now Guinean pepper is used only as local spices in Central Africa and in the USA as a spice for giving fragrance tinctures, vinegar and even English el.

    ■ Il-de-Los Archipelago is the six islands at the Atlantic Coast Guinea. The islands began to settle only at the beginning of the XX century. At first, the British were moved here, and then, in exchange for refusal of fisheries in Newfoundland and Labrador, the French moved here.

    Guinea (Guinea) or full name Guinea Republic Republic of Guinea) - One of the poorest countries in the world located in West Africa. States in the title of which there are words "Guinea" , there are several several in the world, however Guinea Republic only one. Despite all its natural wealth, the state is among the top ten of the poorest countries of our planet. Guinea - These are picturesque landscapes, exotic animals and plants, the vintage fortresses of the first European settlers, mosques and palaces. Despite the fact that international tourism is paid to a lot of attention, it is developed very badly. Before the coming of Europeans Western Africa, these lands were the property of the Empires of Ghana and Mali. In 1892, a colony was founded French Guineaincluded in the French West Africa. Independence Country acquired only in 1958

    Guinea (Guinea) - edge of picturesque landscapes

    1. Capital

    The capital of the Republic of Guineacity Conakry. (Conakry) , a large port of the country through which up to 65% of all goods, located on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean. The capital was founded in 1885 in place of two small fishing villages. The city was built as the center of the French colony in this part of West Africa. Today Conakry - It is a beautiful and successful developing seaside city, stretching on a narrow landline, with a developed industry, with higher educational institutions, administrative institutions, museums, parks and squares. The capital is divided into two halves - part is located on the Peninsula Kalum, the second half on the island of Tombo, the connecting dam runs between them.

    2. Flag

    Flag of the Republic of Guinea It is a rectangular cloth, with the aspect ratio of 2: 3, consisting of three vertical isometric bands: the strips are located from left to right in this order: red, yellow, green.


    These are Panfrikan colors, symbolizing the unity of African states: Red - "Work" Yellow - "Justice" Green - "Solidarity" .

    3. Coat of arms

    Coat of arms Guinea It is a composition in the center of which is depicted a golden shield. The base of the shield is painted in the colors of the national flag: red, yellow and green. Over the shield is a flying dove with a branch, and under it - a ribbon with a national motto: TRAVAIL, JUSTICE, SOLIDARITÉ ("Labor, Justice, Solidarity" ).


    • red color - the blood of the African people shed in the struggle for the independence of the country
    • yellow - symbol of the scorching African Sun, as well as an abundance of mineral resources
    • green - Agriculture, Nature Guinea, as well as a symbol of prosperity and fertile land of the country
    • pigeon - symbol of peace and order

    4. Hymn.

    listen to the hymn Guinea

    5. Currency

    National guinea currencyguinean Frank GUINEAN FRANC) (International designation GNF. ). Guinean Frank introduced on March 1, 1960 instead of Frank CFA. In circulation there are coins with a nominal value of 1, 5, 10, 25 and 50 francs, as well as banknotes of advantage of 100, 500, 1000, 5000, 10,000 and 20,000 francs. Course guinean Frank to ruble Or any other currency of the world can be found on the converter below:

    guinea banknotes

    Guinea - the state in West Africa, bordering in the north - with Senegal, in the north-west with Guinea-Bissau, in the north and northeast - from Mali, in the East - with Côte d'Ivoire, in the south - with Liberia and Sierra Leone, and in the West is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Area Guinea Republic make up 245 855 km² .

    Geographically, the country can be divided into 4 areas:

    • Primorskaya (Lower) Guinea Located in the west of the country and is a flat lowland width up to 32 km, with heights less than 150 m above sea level;
    • Middle Guinea - sandstone array of Futa-Jalon, crossing the country from north to south, with vertices of 1300 - 1400 m. It has a predominance of Savann landscapes, in the highest places there are mountain meadows;
    • Upper Guinea - Savannan area, located east of Massif Futa-Dzallon, on the plains in the Niger River's Basin;
    • Forest Guinea - This is the area of \u200b\u200bsavanna and tropical forests located in the south-east of the country, which occupies part of the North-Guinean elevation.

    River Network Guinea thick and multi-water. The largest rivers - Niger, third in length in Africa (4,180 km), Gambia and Senegal. About 60% of the country is covered with forests. The highest point Guinea - Mount Horba (1 752 m).

    7. What is it worth looking in Guinea?

    But small list of attractionson which attention should be paid when drawing up an excursion plan for Guinea:

    • Big Mosque Conakry
    • Botanical Garden Conakry.
    • Waterfall Marie
    • Tinkio waterfalls
    • Guinea Lesosavan
    • Mount Ganghan
    • Mountains Nimba
    • Leono-Liberian elevation
    • National Museum Conakry
    • Natural Reserve Mount Nimba
    • North Guinea

    8. The largest cities

    List of ten major cities Guinea:
    • Conakry (Conakry.) — the capital of the Republic of Guinea
    • Kindia (Kindia)
    • Bokeh (boke)
    • Kankan (Kankan)
    • Kisidugu
    • Heckedou
    • Commar (Kamsar)
    • Mama (MAMA)

    9. Climate

    Climate Guinea subexvatorial , with wet summer and dry in winter. In the north-east of the country, summer lasts 4-5 months, and in the south of 7-9 months. The average monthly air temperatures throughout the year is +20 ° C to +28 ° C, but during drought period, the temperature increases to 38 ° C - 40 ° C, the wind affects "HARMATTAN"Sugar blowing. The sediments fall predominantly in the period from May to October, but in the country the country is distributed quite uneven: 4000 - 4300 mm, and in the inner areas separated by the ocean mountain massif - no more than 1500 mm.

    10. Population

    Population of Guinea make up 13 663 578 A person, of which 96% is the African population, which has about 30 nationalities and ethnic groups. The largest representatives are Fulbe (40%), Malinka (30%) and Susu (20%), 10%. - Other small quantities ethnic groups. 4% of the country's residents are Europeans, Lebanese and Syrians. The average life expectancy of the female half of the population is 54 - 56 years old, and the male 52 - 54 years.

    Discover the population of the Guinea republic can

    11. Language

    Guinea - multilingual country in which there are about 40 languages, however official languagefrench . French is the language of state and official institutions, which actually owns only the fourth part of the Mill. Status "National" Languages \u200b\u200balso have languages: Fula, Malinka, Susu, Kisi, Kpella (Herze) and Tom.

    12. Religion

    Dominant religion in Guineaislam Sunni Sonley He is confirmed by 84% of the entire believing population. About 8% of the population - Christians (the main part is Catholics) and 8% of the country's residents are adherents of traditional African beliefs (animalism, fetishism, the cult of the ancestors and forces of nature).

    13. Holidays

    National Holidays Guinea:
    • January 1 - New Year
    • April 3 - Day of the Declaration of the Second Republic (1984)
    • movable date in March - April - Easter and Easter holidays
    • May 1 - Labor Day
    • May 25 - Day of Africa (Organization of African Unity)
    • August 15 - the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Virgin Mary
    • October 2 - Independence Day (a referendum on Independence of Guinea from Colonial France took place)
    • December 25 - Christmas
    • movable date in December - ID al-Fitr (the end of the month of Ramadan)
    • moving date in December - the birthday of the prophet Mohammed
    • moving date in December - ID al-Adha (feast of sacrifice)

    14. Souvenirs

    Here is small list The most common souvenirwhich tourists usually bring from Guinea:

    • african drums
    • clay jugs
    • picturesque canvas with bright African flavor
    • bead product
    • masks and figures from valuable trees
    • national clothes and shoes
    • dishes
    • figurines of animals: elephants, hippopots, giraffes, turtles and crocodiles

    15. "Not a nail or rod" or customs regulations

    Customs rules Guinea Do not limit the import of foreign currency, however, the declaration is mandatory. And export without a declaration - in the amount of up to $ 800. US dollars.


    A duty-free import of no more than 200 pcs. Cigarettes, 1 liter of strong alcoholic beverages, 2 liters of dry wines, as well as things and food for personal consumption - in the amount not exceeding $ 800


    Forbidden importation of drugs and psychotropic drugs and medicines, gold in ingots, in the form of plates or scrap, as well as precious stones (without the permission of the Ministry of Finance of Guinea). When exporting compulsory customs control, weapons, gold and precious stones are subject to use, as well as products of local wood masters, ivory, horns and leather. To explore them require special permission.

    16. Voltage in the electrical network

    Voltage in the electrical network: 220 volt, at a frequency in 50 Hertz. Type of sockets: Type C., a type F., a type K..

    Dear reader! If you were in this country or you have something to tell interesting about Guinea . Write! After all, your lines can be useful and educational for visitors of our site. "On the planet step by step"and for all lovers travel.