History of Tuva. The history of the ancient Tyva

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Subject Russian Federation

Tyva Republic
tuv. Tyva Republic




-% aqueous. Stand.

168 604 km²


- density

↗ 321 722 (2018)

1,91 people / km²

Total at current prices

52.2 billion rubles. (2016)

Per capita

164.7 thousand. rub.

Federal District


Economic district

East Siberian

Official language

Tuvinsky, Russian

Chapter and Chairman

Sholban Kara Ool

Supreme Huhura Republic of Tyva

Anthem Men - Tyva Men

Code of the subject of the Russian Federation

ISO 3166-2 code RU-TY.

OKATO code



MSK + 4.

Official site


Physical map of the Republic of Tyva

The merger of the Big and Small Yenisei by the city of Kyzyl

The city of Kyzyl from the mountain on the confluence of Kaa-Hem and Bii-Hem

Tyva Republic (briefly: Tyva, TuvaTuv. Tyva republic) - the subject of the Russian Federation, the republic in its composition. Included in the Siberian Federal District, part of the East Siberian Economic Area.

On August 17, 1944, the VII session of the Small Huurala Tuvinian People's Republic (TNR) adopted the Declaration on the entry of TNR into the USSR and applied to the USSR Supreme Council to adopt TNR into the USSR on the rights of the Autonomous Region of the RSFSR. Republic since 1991.


Tuva is a mountainous region with alternating mountain ranges and intermountain catlovin. About 80% of the territory of the republic occupy the mountains, and only the remaining part of it is the equilibin steppe plots.

Obelisk "Center of Asia"

In the capital of the Republic of Tyva is the Geographical Center for Asia. Obelisk "Center Asia" is installed on the embankment in 1 km below the confluence of Bii-Hem and Kaa-Hem on the left bank of the Yenisei and is the attraction of the city.



The climate is sharply continental. Summer is moderately warm in the mountains, and roast in the basins. In winter, the air temperature usually drops to -30-40 ° C; summer rises to + 25-35 ° C; Absolute minimum / maximum -59 / + 38 The average annual precipitation ranges from 200 mm in the basins, and up to 1000 mm in the mountains. The most favorable time of the year is late spring and early autumn. The growing season is 150-160 days. On the territory of Tuva, areas of many years of permissal are distributed.


Mountains Tad-Uula, Republic of Tyva, Chedi-Holly Kozunun

In its relief, the territory of the republic is a mining and a catlovinny country. Mountains occupy approximately 82% of its area and, and only the remaining part of it is the equilibin sections.

In the north and east of Tuva, the ridges and the spots of the Sayan Mountains with tops of 2000-3000 m above sea level are located above sea level. In the middle part, the ridge system of the Academician Obruchev is closed with East Sayan. Where Bii-Hem takes ( Big Yenisei), there is a high-altitude basalt plateau derby Taiga with 16 extinct volcanoes.

In the West of Tyva, there are ridges and spurs of the Altai Mountains with tops with a height of more than 3,000 m above sea level. The highest of them are mongun-taiga (3,976 m), AK-OYUK (3,608 m.), Monglele (3,485 m.), Kyzyl-Taiga (3 121 m.).

Mountains play the role of a wall, insulating from external influences, identifying the climate of the republic as a sharply continental, characterized by frosty, windless winter, in the basins of a minor.

Water resources

Landscape r. Small Yenisei (kaa-hem)

Tuva has a rich potential of fresh water. Almost all rivers belong to the Basin of the Upper Yenisei, and only the southern slopes of Tanna-Ola and Sangylene give their waters with the rivers of a small brand of large lakes - an extensive tectonic depression in the west and south of Tuva.

In Tyva, originates one of the largest rivers globe - Yenisei (Ulug-Hem). In the Tuvinian hollow, there are two rivers - a large Yenisei (Biyhem) and a small Yenisei (kaa-hem). The bulk of the water of the river is obtained during the spring-summer melting of snow and summer rains.

There are more than 430 lakes in the republic, most of which are of glacial origin. There are also 13 salted mud lakes and more than 50 healing sources, whose water is successfully used to treat various kinds of diseases. The Republic is rich in the underground and mineral waters of various groups, such as carbon dioxide (cold and thermal), siliceous thermal, radon, sulphide, acidic iron and without specific components. The largest of arzhanans, healing sources, - hot springs of the UR-Baddir (Northern Arzhan) and Tarys (South Arzhan) in the mountains of Eastern Tuva on the ridge of Academician Obcchev with water temperature from 52 to 85 ° C.

Seismic atmosphere

Tyva is a seismic region, in particular:

  • Tuvinian earthquake (2011)
  • Tuvinian earthquake (2012)
  • Earthquake December 27, 2012 at 19:22 Moscow time in the Kaa-Hem district (in 100 km east of Kyzyl) by force 9.5 points and magnitude 6.7. Later, a plurality of repeated jokes, which are Aftersoks that occurred on December 27 earthquakes. Of these, 7 jigsaw 4.8-4.1 magnitude. Because of the earthquake, more than 10,000 people in Kaa-Hemskaya Kozhene were left without electricity on the night from 27 to 28 December.
  • Also, the repeated earthquake was recorded on February 27, 2013. It was followed by a whole series of weaker jokes for two weeks, after which geological activity was sleeping.

Flora and fauna

Tyva has a unique and diverse flora and fauna. Amphibians are represented by six species of two detachments. Reptiles - seven types. Ornithofaun has more than 348 species of birds. Mammals noted 85 species of seven detachments.

Most of the Tyva territory are occupied by forests (83% of the area). On coniferous rocks accounts for 95% of the entire area of \u200b\u200bforests. About 3 million hectares of Tuva territory is covered with cedar forests, which is 11% of all cedar forests of Russia. The rest of the territory, except for flames and reservoirs, occupy the steppes.

In the spring, Rhododendron Dauri (called the local population of the richnik) blooms. Medicinal plants successfully apply in folk and Tibetan medicine. Sable, Squirrel, Fox, Speakers, Ermine, Lynx, Koslya, Kabarga, Iister, Elk, Cabar, Burent Bear in Taiga.

The dynamic development of trade relations with after the collapse of the USSR entailed changes in forestry and an environmental situation in the region. Based on ten-year observations, it was concluded that the cutting volume is multiple times exceeded by permitted and declared. This caused the concern of the World Fund wildlife. The sawmills and forest warehouses belonging to the Chinese play a key role in the distribution of illegal logging (p. 17). And in this business not last place OCG representatives. Poaching contributes to the reduction of rare animal species; And the main direction of smuggling was the export of parts and derivatives.


The population of the republic according to Rosstat is 321 722 person. (2018). Population density - 1,91 person / km² (2018). Urban population - 54,04 % (2018).

The fertility rate in the republic (23.8 in 2015, 23.2 in 2016) is the highest among the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The ratio of the natural growth of 14.4 in 2015, 11.5 in 2016, on this indicator the republic ranks third in Russia after Chechnya and Ingushetia.

Indigenous population

Tuvintsy-Tajunitsy - the indigenous people in the mountain-taiga part of the North-East and Southeast Republic of Tyva. Until recently, they were included in the Tuvinian ethnos. The indigenous peoples of the North are classified as a decree of the Government of the RSFSR in 1991.

Administrative division

According to the law of the Republic of Tyva "On the administrative-territorial device of the Republic of Tyva", the subject of the Russian Federation includes 2 cities of republican subordination (urban districts) and 17 leatowns (municipal districts) and in their composition 4 cities of the leather (district) subordination (urban settlements) and 120 sums (rural settlements).

As part of the municipal device, municipalities were formed within the borders of the administrative and territorial units of the Republic of Tyva: 2 city districts (the capital of the Republic of Kyzyl and the city) and 17 municipal regions (Kozhenov). City districts and areas are divided into 5 urban settlements and 120 rural settlements (sums)

Administrative map of the Republic of Tyva

  1. Bai Taiga Leather
  2. Barun-Hemchik
  3. Dzun-Chemchik
  4. Kaa-chemisheus
  5. Kyzyl Keliun.
  7. Ovuriye Keliun.
  8. Pee-chemis
  10. Tandinsky Konzhun.
  12. Twee-Hem
  13. Todhinsky Kozun.
  14. Ulug-Hemskoye Kozun
  15. Chaa-Holly Level
  16. Chedi Holly Leather
  17. Erzinsky Konzhun.

Regions of the Far North

MONGUN-TAYGINSKY KOZUUN, TORGINSKY KOZUUN, SHYNANA Rural Administration of the Kyzyl district belongs to the districts of the Far North.

City ; Districts (Kozhanny): Bai-Taigan, Barun-Hemchik, Dzun-Hemchik, Kaa-Hemsky, Kyzylsky (with the exception of the territory of the Shynan rural administration), Ovuri, Piy-Hemsky, Sut-Kholsky, Tandinsky, Twee-Hemsky, Ulug-Hemsky , Chaa-Kholsky, Chedi-Holsky, Erzinsky - equated to the districts of the Far North.


Populations with population of more than 3 thousand people
↗ 116 983
↗ 17 618
↘ 13 578
↗ 10 973
↗ 8991
↘ 4919
Turan ↗ 4922


Traditional culture

Children's Tuvinian National Clothing

The traditional culture of Tuvintsev, the main population of the republic is the culture of nomads. Due to its relatively isolated position - the absence of railways, the mountains surrounding the territory from all sides - the self-sufficient nomadic economy has been preserved in Tuva. Traditional for Tuvintsev is breeding sheep, horses, in Todhinsky Kozhene, reindeer herding and hunting as the main occupations of the population are preserved.

The traditional religion of Tuvintsev - Tibetan Buddhism, which is combined with elements of ancient shamanism. In September 1992, Dalai Lama XIV, which is a spiritual leader of Buddhists, committed a three-day visit to the republic.

Worldwide fame received Tuvinian throat singing, which became an informal symbol of the republic. In particular, this type of singing is performed by the National Orchestra.

Among other symbols are Tuvinian stone art.

The annual Tuvinian holiday of livestock breeders Naadym, the Festival of USTU-HUREE, Falilla Festival and the celebration of the National New Year Chagaa - Colorful and popular activities that tourists come from neighboring republics and distant countries come.

The archeology of Tuva acquired great popularity. The symbol of the ancient Tuva was the rolled ring bronze panther VIII century BC. e., found during the excavations of the Kurgan Argen-1. In 2001, during the excavations of Kurgan Argen-2, a rich burial was discovered, called the first archaeological sensation of the XXI century.

Tourism, sights


The main tourist attractions and cultural and ethnographic objects of Tuva include the Biosphere Reserve "UBSUNUR COLLOGNA", the Vest Summer Monument to Kurgan Arzhan-2, the remnants of Uygur fortresses, Verkhnechadan Khureel (USTU-HUREE), Akhono-Yenisei writing (about 150 stones with letters), rocks - "Camels", Road of Genghis Khan, Buddhist monasteries (HUREE), National Museum. Aldan Maadir.

Nature and reserves

In the Republic of Tyva, 16 reserves are located, 14 nature monuments and two reserves.

The State Natural Biosphere Reserve "UBSUNUR COLLOD" is a UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage Monument. Located in the most northern large closed water basin, which is included in the structure (district of Lake UBSU-Nur) and (Reserve of the Uncenur Basil) and is a conservation zone in both countries. The total area of \u200b\u200bnature conservation facilities in the UBSUNRA brand is 1,068,853 hectares.

The geographical location of Tuva at the junction of the East Siberian Taiga and Central Asian semi-desert landscapes determines the wealth of its flora and fauna. More than 90% of the territory is a hunting ground. Sable, Sayan squirrel, Lynx, Wolverine, Mountain, Bear, Wolf, Mountain Goat, Kabarga, live here. The snow leopard listed in the Red Book of Russia also lives here.

Since 2011, every summer, the archaeological and geographical expeditions "Kyzyl - Kuragino" are held.


National Museum named after Aldan-Madir

The city of Kyzyl is located the National Museum of the named after Aldan Madyr, which has the richest collection of archaeological finds. In 2008, a new museum building was opened, which is one of the most beautiful in the city. This allowed most of the collection to submit to exposure on the 4th floors of the complex. The Museum also stored "Gold Scythians" and other finds from the world famous Kurgan "Argen 2".

  • Archaeological collections of Scythian Kurgans "Arzhan" and "Arzhan-2"
  • Photonegatives V.P. Ermolaeva
  • Tuvinian ethnographic collections
  • Tuvinian women and male silver decorations
  • Stamper art of Tuva
  • Cult Collections of Shamanism, Buddhism and Orthodoxy
  • Documents and books of the Tuvinian People's Republic (1921-1944)
  • Natural scientific collection

The National Museum has several branches:

  • Museum of political repression.
  • Museum Nadi Rushevy - The Museum of Artist-Graphics Nadi Rusheva opened on August 11, 1993. In 1996, the exposition was postponed to the National Museum named after Aldan Madyr.
  • Museum of sporting glory.
  • Turanian Museum.


Music Drama Theater and Buddhist Prayer Drum, Arat Square

In the city of Kyzyl, the Music and Drama Theater named after Victor Shogzhapovich Kok Oola, where only Tuvinian troupe is currently working.

There is a Tuvinsky state theater of dolls; Established in 2013 - the first professional puppet theater in Tuva.


In the city of Kyzyl is the Tuvinian state philharmonic name of V. M. Khalilova, founded on April 1, 1969. Currently in the Tuvinian state philharmonic. V. Khalilova Work: the Symphony Orchestra named after Victor Toki, the pop-doll group "Theater Miniature", "Tuva Jazz Band", the ensemble "Kant", Rock Laboratory "Club of Living Music", soloists of the Tuvinian state philharmonic. V. Khalilov. The construction of the Tuvinian Philharmonic is recognized as an emergency and remained without a concert hall due to the earthquake that occurred in Tuva on December 27, 2011.

Science and education

Science and education in the Republic of Tyva is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education and Science. In the republic there is a Tuvinsky State University and about 500 educational institutions of various types. The municipal education system of the republic consists of preschool organizations, primary, basic, secondary schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, centers additional education.

In the Republic of Tyva at the beginning of 2015-2016 school year There are 180 general educational organizations, of which 170 day and 10 evening schools with a total number of 59.9 thousand people. In the urban area there are 37, in rural - 143 schools. Also 40 organizations of additional education of children, including 38 municipalities (Sports School - 17, multidisciplinary - 21), and state-owned issues of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tyva - 2.

Kyzyl Presidential Cadet School

In sphere vocational education Of the Republics - 20 educational organizations, of which 13 are in the department of the ministry. Number of students 12987 people, including educational programs higher education - 4241 people, secondary vocational education - 8746 people. In the field of science, seven state scientific organizations are involved, of which 3 institutions are located in the department of the Ministry. The number of scientists is 436 people, of which candidates of science 397, 39 doctors of science.

On August 14, 2014 by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of the Army General S. Shoigu No. 580 "On measures to implement in the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 9, 2014 No. 1487-R" was established by the Federal State Regional Commissioning Institution "Kyzyl Presidential Cadet School. " The solemn discovery took place on September 6, 2014 in the capital of the Republic of Tyva in the city. The school is designed for 150 places for orphans and children from low-income families.


National struggle "Hursh"

In Tuva, the most popular sports - the national struggle "Hursh" (Aas Mongush, Eres Kara-Sal), different types of freestyle struggle (Chechen Ool Mongush, Opean Sat, Loris Ouzzhak), archery (Mikhail Oyun), Boxing (Mergen Mongush), football, volleyball, table tennis.

  • Chechen-oole Mongush - Russia champion in weight up to 52 kg, bronze medalist of the World Cup (free struggle)
  • Opan Sat - Honored Master of Sports of Russia in freestyle wrestling, three-time champion in Europe
  • Loris Ouzhak - Three-time European champion, two-time vice-champion of the world, champion of Russia (free struggle)
  • Mikhail Oyun - Gold Medal in the team competition on Paralympicade 2012, bronze medal in a single standings on Paralympicade 2012 (archery)
  • Ayas Mongush - Honored Master of Sports of Russia, Two Sumo World Champion in Sumo, Semyt Champion of Europe for Sumo and Kүchүtein Republic of the Republic of Tyva, 17-fold champion Naadima
  • Eres Kale-Sal - Champion of Russia and two-time champion of Europe for the Combat Sumo, Master of Sports of Russia in the freestyle wrestling and master of sports of Russia of the International Class Combat Sumo
  • Mergen Mongush - boxer, kickboxer, seven-time world champion, multiple boxing champion in Russia, Honored Coach of Russia

Since July 22, 2013, the Governor's project "Sport - to the courtyards" was implemented. The purpose of the project is the development of infrastructure of sports and mass facilities at all levels, starting with the domestic courtyards of the capital, where the equipment of modern sports fields is assumed, the maximum attraction of the population to classes physical culture and sports. In the same year, 408 objects were built and restored, in 245 objects.

In Gaming Sports, Tuva was presented at the professional level with only one club - the volleyball "East" from Kyzyl. At the same time, more than 20 football teams existed in the republic (mainly based in Kyzyl), but not one of the third divisionally climb. Now there is only one football episode club in Tuva, representing kyzyl and playing in the Amateur Championship of Siberia.


According to the session of the Joint General Meeting of the Russian Academy of Sciences and RAMS for 2004, published in the "Bulletin Russian Academy Sciences ", only the Republic of Tyva fell into the number of low health areas, while all regions of Russia are located in groups with increased and middle health levels. There are currently 33 medical institutions, hospitals, dispensaries, medical centers, maternity hospitals, a sanatorium in the republic.

From May 22, 2014, the Governor's draft head of the RT "Health Route" was launched, the purpose of this project is to ensure accessibility to the rural population of medical services. As part of the route "Health Route" two brigades - adult and children's. In each of them - at 10 specialist doctors.

According to the Republican Hospital No. 1 Since the beginning of 2014, an adult service has carried out consultative and diagnostic reception of more than 7 thousand people, a children's service - more than 3.5 thousand children.


1 Zooetsnab Tyvinskaya GP Kyzyl
2 Infectious hospital Kyzyl
3 Consultative and diagnostic polyclinic Kyzyl
4 Kyzyl dental clinic Kyzyl
5 Medical Center LLC "Aldan"
6 Scientific and practical center of traditional medicine Kyzyl
18 Perinatal Center of the Republic of Tyva
7 Republican hospital number 1 Kyzyl
8 Republican hospital number 2 Kyzyl
9 Republican hospital number 3 Kyzyl
10 Republican Children's Hospital Kyzyl
11 Republican psychiatric hospital Kyzyl
12 Republican Medical Physical Dispensary Kyzyl
13 Republican leather-venereologic dispensary kyzyl
14 Republican Oncology Dispensary Kyzyl
15 Republican rehabilitation center for children Kyzyl
16 Sanatorium Cheder Kyzyl
17 Tywin Republican Anti-Station Kyzyl
19 Tyvinsky Republican narcological dispensary kyzyl
20 Tyvinsky Republican Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS Kyzyl
21 Medical Prevention Center Kyzyl
District hospitals
1 Ak-Ponewrakkaya Children's City Hospital Ak-Doverak
2 Bai Taiga Central District Hospital (CRH) with. Taeli.
3 Barun-Hemschika Interior Medical Center Ak-Doverak
4 Kaa-Hemskaya Central District Hospital (CRH) with. Saryg-sep
5 Piya Hemskaya Central District Hospital (CRH) Turan
6 Sut-Colish Central District Hospital (CRH) with. Sug-axes
7 Tandin Central District Hospital (CRH) with. Bai-Haak
8 Twee-Hem Central District Hospital (CRH) with. SAMALYTAY
9 Ulug-Hemskaya Central District Hospital (CRH) Shagodar
10 Central District Hospital P. Kaa-Hem
11 Cheder Sanatorium Resort
12 Erzinskaya Central District Hospital (CRH) Erzine

Treatment with mineral waters

The population of the republic is widely used by Cold Arzhana Svilig, Wourgailig, Kogen-Bulak, Chemchik, Kara-Sug, Torgalg, Ulatai, Mannailyig, and others. For therapeutic purposes, steppe labets are used with salty water: DUS-CHOL, CEDER. Mineral sources and lakes of Tuva possess unique healing properties and are in very picturesque places in the region.

We are explored and used for balneological use in the republican resorts Mineral waters of the Cedersky and ES-Beldirskoye deposits. The resort of Lake Cheder also use therapeutic dirt and ramps, the Balneological resort of the UR-Baddir is known for its unique hot springs. In addition, there are mineral waters suitable for bottling.


The main industry is the mining, which arose on the basis of non-ferrous metals, asbestos, coal, gold and other minerals. The food industry, the forest and woodworking industry is also significantly developed.

Effective regional development tools was the implementation of the Governor's project "One village - one product", which started in 2013. More than 178 million rubles amounted to the volume of production of project participants in the project for 9 months in 2015. Almost 16 million rubles in the form of taxes entered the budget of the republic, in 2014 for the same period, tax payments amounted to 7, 67 million rubles. The total trade turnover of the exhibition devoted to the results of 2016 amounted to more than 5 million rubles, in the past - 5.5 million rubles.

From the products presented the largest share occupies the products of the agricultural industry - 68%, industry - 23%, souvenir and other products - 9%.

Mining industry


The depths of the Republic of Tuva are rich in ores of non-ferrous and rare metals, stone coal, asbestos, iron ore, sapphire, chrysolite, gold, mercury, jade, and various construction materials.

On the territory of the republic is the Ulug-Hemsky coal pool And two large chrysotyl asbestos fields.

Between Torah-Kholsky district and Mongolia are nephite deposits, along the border of the Test-Hem district and the Tandinsky district are deposits of colored sapphire stones, chrysolites.


Agricultural land in the farms of all categories, according to the All-Russian agricultural census as of July 1, 2006, amounted to 1135 thousand hectares, or 7% of all land of the republic, Pashnya - 57 thousand hectares., Or 0.3%. In agriculture of the republic, meat cattle breeding, sheep, goat breeding and horse breeding are developed.

Tyva participated in the federal program "Development of dairy cattle breeding and an increase in milk production in RT for 2009-2012 G." The Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, within the framework of which a modern dairy farm was built in the village of Ilyinka Kaa-Chemisky Kozheu (MUP "Kaa-Hemsky") and a dairy shop in Turan Piy-Hemskoye Kozhene (Turanskoye LLC). Dairy farm MUP "Kaa-Hemsky" for 200 goals, opened in December 2010. For LLC "Turanskoye" in 2012, a line was built on the spill of milk into plastic bottles, it is planned to build new dairy farms.

In 2012, under the initiative of the head of the Republic of Scholban Kara-Ool, the program "Development of Pantha Mural" in the Republic of Tyva for 2013-2017 "was developed for the development of a cost-effective and socially significant industry. After a year in July 2013, the GUP "Maralovodic farm" Turan "was chosen by the Pii-Hem district was chosen.

At the end of February 2014, the first party purchased into the republic was arrived in the republic, in the amount of 182 heads - 121 calves and 61 Maraluhs 3 - 6 years of age. In July, male rogachi delivered in the amount of 61 heads. In total, as of September 29, 2014, there were 243 heads in Malallhoz "Turansky". The management plans of the economy - the acquisition of another 300 goals of tribal animals.

The project provides for the construction of a tourist health complex, a sanatorium with bathrooms for therapeutic and wellness procedures using manufacturing products, in particular, the adoption of naval baths. It is planned to build three guest houses, three baths and restaurant buildings.


On January 10, 2018, 7096 units of entrepreneurship were registered in a single register of small and medium-sized businesses in the republic, an increase from the beginning of 2017 amounted to 308 units of SMEs.

The average number of employees of small and medium-sized businesses on the tax service on January 10, 2018 amounted to 8423 units.

The prevailing share of the small business sector (98%) is a microbusiness, which ensures the implementation of goods and services.

Over the past 5 years, sharp fluctuations in the number of small and medium-sized businesses are fixed.

Due to the absence of large industrial production, small and medium-sized business occupies a special role in the development of the economy of the republic. Subjects of Logging Entrepreneurship are one of the most mobile and dynamically developing areas of the economy.

A state program for the support of entrepreneurship "Creating favorable conditions for doing business in the Republic of Tyva for 2017-2020"

Wood and Other Natural Resources

General stocks of wood in Tuva exceed 1 billion m³. There are more than 50 thermal carbonate sources of the republic. Most rivers are mountain in nature and has high hydroresources (more than 8 GW).

Investment attractive

Main article Investment passport of the Republic of Tyva.

The proportion of the region in all-Russian economic indicators is: according to GRP - 0.1% (for 2007). In 2008, in terms of industrial production - 0.0%, according to the volume of agricultural products - 0.2%, in terms of retail turnover - 0.1%, in terms of investment in fixed assets - 0.0%. The unemployment rate for the ILO methodology for 2008 is 19.2%.

Investment rating of the region - 3D, which means low potential - extreme risk. Among the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on investment risk, the region takes 81st place, on investment potential - 81st place. The smallest investment risk is the ecological, the largest is financial. The greatest potential is a natural resource.

According to the rating of financial stability, the region refers to the growth group, according to the rating of economic sustainability - to the group of stagnation, according to the rating of social sustainability - to the group of moderate recession and on a complex rating of anti-crisis sustainability - to the growth group.


The Federal Tattrass M54 "Yenisei" in the area of \u200b\u200bthe post "Shilig" towards Kyzyl. View of the Tourano-Utica Basin

The main type of transport of the Republic of Tyva is automotive. The main motorway is the Federal Automobile Road of the R-257 "Yenisei" (until December 31, 2017, the former Accounting Room is used at the same time - "M-54") - the automotive road of the federal value (- Abakan - - -). The abakan section - Kyzyl is also known as the historical name "EFINS TRACT". It is the main transport artery connecting Tyw with all regions of Russia. Passes through the Sayans.

In the capital of the republic, Kyzyl Airport is located through which airport is carried out with Moscow (since 2015), and, as well as a number of remote areas of Tuva.

It is assumed that after the upcoming integrated modernization of the airport in 2016 can obtain the status of international.

Tuva did not have a railway communication, so great importance It has for the Republic construction of the railway line Kuragin - Kyzyl in conjunction with the development of the mineral resource base of Tuva. The commissioning of the railway line is planned in 2020.

see also


  • Culyug Siberian Khan
  • List of monuments of cultural heritage of the Republic of Tyva in Wikigide


  1. Constitution of the Russian Federation
  2. Constitution of the Republic of Tyva
  3. The population of the Russian Federation on municipalities on January 1, 2018. Checked July 25, 2018. Archived July 26, 2018.
  4. Gross regional product according to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 1998-2016. (Rus.) (XLS). Rosstat.
  5. Gross regional product per capita in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 1998-2016. MS Excel Document
  6. The Constitution of the Republic of Tuva is the foundations of the constitutional system. Article 1. P 2. Names of the Republic of Tyva and Tuva are equivalent.
  7. L. Zhazhmsran. 1995.
  8. Partially recognized (Taiwan) before 2002 claimed Tuva as part of the continental territory of the Republic of China called Tanna-Uryanhai (see the potential of conflict in the zone of the Russian-Mongol border in Tuva)
  9. Lujin S. G. Russia - Mongolia - China in the first half of the 20th century. Political relations in 1911-1946 M.: Publisher "Lights", 2003. - 320 p. ISBN 5-9548-0001-4
  10. Tuva: Unknown War. // Russian newspaper
  11. Unknown ally. // Historical Pravda
  12. Adoption of the Declaration on the State Sovereignty of the Soviet Republic of Tuva (Rus.), Tuva.asia.. Checked on September 30, 2017.
  13. RSFSR law of May 24, 1991 No. 1326-I "On changes and additions to the Constitution (Basic Law) of the RSFSR"
  14. State symbols Tuva: history and modernity. National Museum of the Republic of Tyva (Inaccessible link - history) . Checked on September 30, 2017. Archived on February 23, 2010.
  15. Law of the Russian Federation of April 21, 1992 No. 2708-I "On changes and additions to the Constitution (Basic Law) of the Russian Soviet Federal Socialist Republic". This law entered into force from the moment of publication in Russian newspaper May 16, 1992.
  16. Law of the Republic of Tuva dated December 18, 1991 No. 237 "On the President of the Republic of Tuva" (Rus.). www.sibnews.info. Checked on September 30, 2017.
  17. Constitution of the Republic of Tyva 1993 Archival copy of October 16, 2008 on Wayback Machine (Inaccessible link from 10-3-2013 - history, copy)
  18. http://static.iea.ras.ru/neotlozhka/227-anayban.pdf p. 5.
  19. http://static.iea.ras.ru/neotlozhka/227-anayban.pdf pp. 6.
  20. State Anthem of the Republic of Tyva
  21. About the national festival of stepa - Official portal Republic of Tyva (Rus.) gov.tuva.ru. Checked on November 24, 2017.
  22. In Tuva, on May 6, the Day of the Constitution of the Republic of Tyva will be celebrated - the official portal of the Republic of Tyva (RUS.). gov.tuva.ru. Checked on November 24, 2017.
  23. Day of the Republic of Tyva: Plan of festive events - News (society) / Sibnovosti.ru. kyzyl.sibnovosti.ru. Checked on November 24, 2017.
  24. Tyva - Regcomment.RU / Regional Comments
  25. a brief description of Tyva - EMERCOM of Russia
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  33. Elena Alexandrovna Fedichina, Alexey Sergeevich Lankin. Analysis of the export of wood products with Far East Russia in 2015 - World Wildlife Foundation (WWF). - Vladivostok: Orange, 2016. - 50 s. - 200 copies. - ISBN 978-5-98137-045-8.
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  65. The head of Tuva sent the project "One village - one product" along the way of creating agrarian clusters - the official portal of the Republic of Tyva. gov.tuva.ru. Checked November 24, 2016.
  66. 1. Land area in farms of all categories // Tom 04. Land resources of the Republic of Tyva // Official results of the All-Russian agricultural census 2006 // Territorial body of the Federal State Statistics Service in the Republic of Tyva (Tyvastat)
  67. Galina Murygin. Comfortable accommodation for burenok. Tuvinskaya Pravda (February 4, 2010). - "Construction of a modern dairy complex based on the Kaa-Hemsky MUE" Caa-Hemsky district began in October 2009 ... In the construction of the farm, prefabricated national framework structures of the type "Spider-B" will be applied, which builders in their use call "Sandwich -Panese. ". Checked on December 11, 2013. Archived on December 11, 2013.
  68. Agriculture // Report of the Chairman of the Administration of the Kaa-Hemskaya Kozhene "On the values \u200b\u200bachieved indicators to assess the effectiveness of organs local governments For 2010. " Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tyva. "In December 2010, the Milk-Commodity Farm of MUP" Kaa-Hemsky "was commissioned for 200 heads of cattle.". Checked on December 11, 2013. Archived on December 11, 2013.
  69. Doloan Salchak, Anna Lacguin. Own products: Turansk milk. Asia Center (May 11, 2012). - "LLC Turanskoye" within the framework of the Republican target program "Development of agriculture and regulation of agricultural products, raw materials and food in the republic for 2011-2012" was assisted on reimbursement of part of the cost of acquiring dairy equipment in the amount of 765.5 thousand rubles . ". Checked on December 11, 2013. Archived on December 11, 2013.
  70. In Tuva received first calves of 2012. Tuva-online (January 17, 2012). - "The Government of Tuva instead of the reconstruction of obsolete barns planned the construction of a new milky-commodity farm on the basis of LLC Turanskoye, similar to the Kaa-Hemskoye MUE Farm in the village of Ilyinka Kaa-Hem district." Checked on December 11, 2013. Archived on December 11, 2013.
  71. Marals successfully arrived in Tuva - the official portal of the Republic of Tyva. gov.tuva.ru. Checked on December 1, 2016.
  72. Maralhoz will be a leisure base | "Tuvinskaya Pravda". tuvapravda.ru. Checked on December 1, 2016.
  73. Regions: Tyva Republic
  74. 1.5 billion rubles, the Siberian News Agency, September 10, 2013 will be allocated for the reconstruction of Tuva Airport
  75. Railway Kyzyl - Kuragina received the crutch from Putin // Dela.ru, 12/21/2011
  76. Over the past 10 years of transportation of goods in Krasnoyarsk railway Among almost 800 million tons - an independent news agency


  • Official website of the Republic of Tyva
  • Legislation of the Republic of Tyva
  • National Museum of the Republic of Tyva
  • Administrative transformations in Tuva
  • History of Tuva
  • Tuvinov studio
  • Center for Tourism of the Republic of Tyva
  • Map of the Republic of Tyva (in Tuvinsky) Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University
  • "Men - Tyva men." Tuva: Favorite fishing destination Vladimir Putin in photos and facts. Russia: Society. Lenta.Ru (July 29, 2013). Verified on July 30, 2013. Archived on August 13, 2013.

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The Republic of Tuva or Tyva is the subject of the Russian Federation. Tuva is located on the border with Mongolia, has the total area of \u200b\u200bthe territory of 168 thousand km², on which mountains and intermediate pita are located. At the same time, about 80% of the territory is the mountain ranges. The region refers to one of the poorest in Russia, but nevertheless there are among the population and wealthy people. The richest people of Tuva are not so famous as the millionaires of Russia, Europe or the richness of the United States. But this does not preliminarize them from year to year to competently improve their financial condition.

Facts about the welfare of the republic are not iris:

    in terms of unemployment in the country, Tuva ranks second;

    the average wage in residents of the republic in relation to the minimum basket of consumer goods is 1.11.

And this is despite the fact that Tuva is rich in natural resources region. On the territory of the republic, the richest deposits of coking coal, a lot of copper and nickel, cobalt and uranium. Thanks to stunning nature, there are all prerequisites for the development of tourism. Only the entire industry of this region is in a very poor condition, and the tourist market does not even try to attract the attention of potential visitors. But there are branches that allow some residents of the region to receive a good income.

Irgit Sholban-Ool Sovovovic on this moment He is a deputy chairman of the government in the republic. Before receiving the responsible post, a lot of posts changed. A few years after receiving higher education, Irgit worked on the Kyzyl poultry farm, held the post of deputy director. Then he passed to the position of director of Pluto LLC. After that, I also worked as executive director of APK "Uryanhai".

Since 2007, Sholban-Ool Sovovovic has been actively political. This is the year of his election by a deputy of the People's Council, after which a career growth is noted to the Deputy Chairman of the Government. The main income deputy receives from entrepreneurial activity.

Nevolin Anatoly Afanasyevich is currently the chairman of the world's largest artel dealers in the world. In the gold mining, he did not come immediately, before that he worked about 10 years by the editor in the media. In the Tuvinsky village, he arrived for his own book about the gold killers. Nevolin's labor book has many points:

  • brigadier

    shift Supervisor,

    chairman Artel.

Anatoly Afanasyevich is very responsible for work. Therefore, from the moment that I realized that gold mining is more interested in more than just for writing a book, I received the necessary education. During his studies, Nevolin realized that Tuva gold mining was behind the whole century from modern methods. But did not lower his hands, but began to gradually introduce innovations, improving the level of gold mining of the region, improving its methods and changing attitudes towards employees. And if in the 80s of the last century the Artel "Ohina" washed about 20 kilograms of valuable metal, now it occupies leading position among the leaders of the gold mining of the Russian Federation. Employee staff during the years of leadership Increases increased from 9 to 700 employees. Employees offer comfortable accommodation, and some even pay training in specialized universities.

Anatoly Afanasyevich was also a member of the Great Huhula of the Republic of Tyva. But his condition is the result of painstaking work in the artel "Ohina".

Sholban Valerevich Kara Ool of the Year occupies the post of head of the Republic of Tyvas 2007. He graduated from URGA, he has a specialty "philosopher-political scientist", and also studied at the full-time graduate school of Ural state University. Before his political career, he taught in DGU.

The deputy was elected in 1998, after which Sholban Valerevich reliably secured his position in politics. Since 2007, the post of Chairman of the Republic of Tyva has been held, and since 2012 re-elected to this post. The chapter is resigned, in 2016, but at the moment it is temporarily acting by the head of the republic before the emergence of a new candidate.

The spouse of the head of the republic is the general director of LLC "Datam", which brings a good income to the family.

Sergey Conviz

Conviz Sergey - a person famous in Tuva, who can also claim a noticeable place in the list of Tuva's richest people. Conviz is the publisher of the newspaper "RISK". In previous years, they led active political activities, but now more is known for scandalous tramps and acute articles. The Conviz is not afraid of expressing the pages of the newspaper.

In addition to the newspaper, Conviz owns a gas station, has a car dealership and a small but successful cafe. Entrepreneurial activity allows Sergey Semenovich successfully to keep afloat.

The deputy and chairman of the Legislative Chamber of the Verkhovna Huurala had been chairman of the Lower Chamber of the Great Huhura of the Republic of Tyva. Until 1993 Oyun Vasily was a zootechnology, but further decided to actively build a political career.

In the list of the richest people of Tuva, not so much Oyun Vasily Malovich, how many of his spouse Chechen. At the moment, it is the head of the peasant farm, where there are no less than 3,000 heads of livestock.

Kyzylchanin Robert Dorry a few years ago became a "star small business". And in fact, this man today has a network of groceries, several department stores and cafes. Also pegs owns a gas station and has its own furniture production. Today, his small entrepreneur can hardly be called him, but a successful businessman is called easily.

Today, Robert Dermeevich is a deputy, and also holds the president of the judo federation and the head of the Chamber of Artisans of the Republic of Tajikistan.

Victor Nikolaevich is a politician and successful business in the Republic of Tuva. Before getting into the list of wealthy people of Tuva, the way from an ordinary master to the chief engineer of the construction company. At the moment, has its own business and is a deputy of the Kyzyl city hural. Previously served as head of Kyzyl.

The main income of Tunes receives from commercial real estate, which is his property, from the work of the new century and shop.

Deputy of the Verkhovna Huhrula RT Yuri Afanasyevich Tcheyeev is a co-owner of OJSC "Tawaagrosnab", thanks to which he receives the main income.

Viktor Vasilyevich Huysov has a prominent place in the list of richest people of Tuva. He is the general director of the large company "East". The construction company includes three asphalt plants, a huge park of cars and mechanisms, therefore pleases with excellent production facilities and, accordingly, high incomes.

Vladimir Alexandrovich Falaleev occupies the first issue of the Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Tyva. The rating was hit by what is the co-owner of Vodokanal LLC.

Eres Kyrgyzovich Chuldum is currently the Minister of Land and Property Relations of the Republic of Tajikistan. Its first significant income received from the activities of its own stores, which offered household appliances, food, building materials and shipped goods within the republic. At the moment, Chuldra gives a whole network of stores.

An excellent assistant Eres Kyrgyssov was always Margarita Mikhailovna - a favorite and loving spouse, which is the founder of the stores. At the moment, it is also successfully leading its political activities, being a deputy of the Supreme Hurala RT.

Tuvintsy - the people in the Russian Federation is the main population of the Republic of Tuva. The Tuvinians themselves are called "Tyva", in some villages there are more ancient names of the nation, for example, "Soyota", "Soyona", "Uryanhaians", "Tanna Tuvintsy".

Population size

Over 206 thousand Tuvintsev lives in the Russian Federation. About 198 thousand tuvintsev lives in the Republic of Tuva. In other countries, the percentage of tuvintsev is high enough, for example, in their over 40 thousand people, about 3 thousand people in China.

Tuvintsev shared on: Western and Eastern. All of them speak in the Tuvinsky language of the Turkic group of the Altai family. Dialects: Central, Western, Southeast, Northeast. Russian, in southern regions - Mongolian languages \u200b\u200bare also common. Writing on the basis of Russian graphics. Believers - mostly Lamaist Buddhists, dodddy cults, shamanism, are also preserved.

Tuvinsky people have formed from various Turkic-speaking tribes that came from Central Asia. In the territory of the modern Republic of Tuva, they appeared in about the middle of the middle of the first millennium and mixed with the keto-language, self-audio-speaking and Indo-European tribes.
In the middle of the 8th century, Turkic-speaking Uigurs, which created a powerful tribal union in Central Asia (Kaganat), crushed the Turkic kaganate, won its territory, including Tuva.

It can be safely argued that the tongue of Tuvintsev was formed as a result of the mixing of languages \u200b\u200band dialects of Uygur tribes with the language of local residents. Descendants of the Uigur-conquerors live in Western Tuva. The Yenisei Kyrgyz, who inhabited, in the 9th century subdued Uigurs. Later, the Kyrgyz tribes in Tuva finally mixed with the local population.

At the end of the thirteenth, the beginning of the fourteenth century, several tribes moved to Tuva, which were also mixed with the locals. At the end of the first millennium of our era in the mountain-taiga eastern part of Tuva - in Sayani (the current Tajinsky district), the previously self-founded, keto-language and, possibly tungs, tribes, penetrated the Turkic-speaking Tuba Tuba, related to Uiguram.

By the 19th century, all local tribes, the inhabitants of Eastern Tuva were fully mixed with Turks, and Tyva became the general self-esposport of all Tuvintsev. At the end of the 18th and early 19th century, when Tuva was ruled manchurian dynasty Qing, the addition of the Tuvinian ethnos ended.

In 1914, Tuva was adopted by Russia under full protection. In 1921, the People's Republic of Tanna-Tuva was proclaimed, since 1926 she began to be called the Tuvinian People's Republic. In 1944, the republic was included in the Russian Federation as an autonomous region, and from 1993 to the Republic of Tuva.

The geographical position of the villages of the Eastern and Western Tuvintsev influenced their classes. For example, the basis of the economy of Western Tuvintsev up to mid-20th century was cattle breeding. They raised small and cattle, including yaks, as well as horses and camels. At the same time, they led half-blooded lifestyle. In rare cases, Western Tuvinians have launched the Earth and grown some grain crops. But on a large scale, farming was not practiced.

Part of the male population of Western Tuvintsev was also a hunting fishery. The gathering of fruits and roots of wild plants played a significant role. Crafts were developed (blacksmith, carpentry, shore and other). By the beginning of the 20th century, there were over 500 kuznetsov jewelers in Tuva. Almost every family was made from felt coating for yurts, mats and mattresses.

Traditional classes of Oriental Tuvintsev, nomochesed in the mountain taiga of Eastern Sayan: hunting and reindeer herding. Hunting on wild hoofs was supposed to provide meat and seven skins throughout the year. The hunted also on the fur beast, whose skins went for sale. At the end of the autumn and the whole winter men hunted the maral, root, moose, wild deer, sable, squirrel, fox and so on.

An important type of economic activity of hunter-reindeer breeders was gathering (Saran bulbs, the reserves of which were reached in the family of hundred and more kg, cedar nuts, etc.). In household production, the mains were the processing of the skins and the production of leather, the dressing of the bark.

According to the old custom, the small monogamous family prevailed at Tuvintsev. But even at the beginning of the twentieth century, some rich people could break this custom and take into wives several girls from different kinds.
The Institute of Calma remained to this day. The wedding cycle consisted of several stages:

  • Collusion. As a rule, the parents of the bride and the bride agreed among themselves about the future marriage of their children, when the latter was eight - ten years (sometimes even earlier);
  • Watching - analogue of Russian walling or bobby;
  • A special rite for fixing the walling;
  • Marriage;
  • Wedding feast.

There were special wedding capes on the head of the bride, a number of prohibitions related to the customs of avoidance.

Among traditional holidays, Tuvintsev has to highlight the new year, community holidays on the occasion of the end household periods, wedding cycle, birthday child, hair haircut. No significant event in the life of the community did not take place without sports competitions - the national struggle, horse racing and archery.

Traditional dwellings of Eastern and Western Tuvintsev differ in the structure. For example, in Western Tuvintsev, the main housing served Yurt: the round in the plan, had a collapsible, easily folded lattice ease of jerdoms fastened with leather straps. At the top of the yurt, a wooden hoop was strengthened on sticks, over which there was a smoke hole that served simultaneously and the source of light.
The yurt was covered with felt mats and as well as the core, fastened with woolen belts. The door was made either wooden, or she served a piece of felt, usually decorated with a set. In the center of Yurts, an open sourdy was placed. Wooden chests were installed inside the huts, the front walls of which were richly decorated with painted ornaments. Yurt was divided into two halves: the female part was on the right, to the left of the entrance - male. The floor in the yurt was felt. Quilted rugs are scattered throughout the yurt.

The traditional dwellings of Oriental Tuvintsev-deerrevodov served the Chum, who had an ease of obliquely set poles. Its wings in the summer-autumn time with birchins, and in winter - dust or deer skins, stitched with each other. During the transition to settling in the newly created collective farm villages, many Eastern Tuvans have built permanent plague, which wings specially selected pieces of larch bark, as well as highly distribution received by typical houses of light frameworks with four, five or six corners. The economic buildings of Western Tuvintsev were mainly in the form of quadriginal pounds (from stories) for livestock.

Virtually all the clothes, including shoes, tuvintsy made from the skins and leather mainly homely, as well as wild animals, from various fabrics and felt. Shoulder clothes were swollen, stitched in the image of the tunic. Fabric fabrics are purple, blue, yellow, red and green.

In winter, Tuvunitsy wore long-grained fur coats with a clasp on the right side and a standing collar. In the spring and autumn wearing fur coats from sheepskin with short-cut wool. Festive winter clothing was a fur coat of young lambs, covered with colored cloth, often silk. Summer festive clothing consisted of a bathrobe, stitched from colored fabric (more often blue or cherry). Floors and gates were cited by several rows of stripes of colored fabric of various colors.

One of the most common hats of men and women is a sheepskin hat with a wide dome-shaped riding with headphones that were tied on the back of the head. They wore spacious felt hoods with an elongated protrusion, descended on the back of the head, also hats from sheepskin, skins of a lynx or lamb, covered with colored cloth.

Tuvintsev traditional shoes are leather boots with a bent and pointed cape, a multi-layer felt-leather sole. The shine was cut out of the raw material of cattle. Festive boots decorated with appliques from multicolored flaps. Another kind of traditional shoes of Tuvintsev - Soft boots. They had a soft sole of the skin of the cow without a bend of cape and the top of the treated skin of a home goat. In winter, the towrs wore felt stockings in boots with seamless soles.

The clothes of the Eastern Tuvintsev somewhat differed from the national costume of Western Tuvintsev. In the summer of the favorite shoulder clothes, he served the "hash tone", which was cut from worn-out deer skins or autumn roar of Rudugi. He had a straight cut, expanding in the Podol, straight sleeves with deep rectangular prures. Headdresses of the Caudo-shaped cut sewed from the skins from the heads of wild animals. Sometimes used headborns, sewn from duck skin and feathers. In late autumn and in the winter, enjoyed Untes that wore the fur outside. Oleevoda, being on the fishery, washing the clothes with a narrow strap from the skin of the roofs with the empty at its ends.

Women tuvintsy trembled very trembled to decorations of any kind. Most of all were valued, rings, earrings, as well as ornamed silver bracelets. Silver decorations in the form of a plate, decorated with engraving, chasing, precious stones, as a rule, crowded into thick braids. Moreover, the braids wore both women and men. Men shake the front of the head, and the remaining hair was blocked into one braid.

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The Republic of Tyva from the ancient centuries to the XVI century.

The development of the territory began in the Stone Age of more than 20 thousand years ago. At different times, Scythian tribes, Huns, numerous Turkic tribes, Uigurs, Kyrgyz, in I thousand AD lived here. The formation of Tuvinian nationality took place. Throughout II thousand AD. Tuvinian land was part of the state formations of Genghisids, Jungarov and Manchurov. With vi in. Before the middle of the IX century. The territory of Tyva was part of the Turkic, Uygur and Kyrgyz kaganates; And from the beginning of the XIII, and until the end of the XIV century, the Mongol-Tatars was conquered and was ruled by Genghis Khan. The next two centuries had relative independence, but from the end of the XVI century he fell under the power of the North Mongolian states.

The Republic of Tyva in the XVII-XVIII centuries.

Decay Mongol Empire At the beginning of the XVII century. He led to the formation of several Khunni. The lands north of Cobdo up to the Sayan, and then from Altai in the West to the Copsee in the East belonged to the Tuvinian tribes that were found in the Western Monglock Khanate.
Tuvinian tribes, who were under the domination of Altyn-Khanov, nomaded not only on the territory of modern Tuva, but also south, up to Cobdo, and east - to Oz. Copse-hol.
The position of Tuvintsev in the composition of Altyn-Khanov was heavy. Being Albatu, they were obliged to pay natural taxes (cattle, fur, household goods, etc.), to carry a vantage (Yamskaya) service, military service.
The remarkable event is the appearance of "Tuvintsy" in Russian documents, which were called all Sayan tribes.
As a result of the war between the Jungian and Manchurian Khan, provoked by Manchules, most of the yasacha tuvints of the Irkutsk and Krasnoyarsk counties were again under the rule of the Jungan Khanov, and a somewhat later than the Khalha feudal of vassals of cins.
After the victory of the Manchurian troops over Jungari, Tuvinsky tribes were crushed and entered into various states. The main part of them remained in the jungaria, carrying military service; For example, in 1716, Tuvinian troops as part of the Jungarov army participated in the raid in Tibet.
Tuvinian tribes, nomadic territory-controlled territory from r. Chemchik to the Mongolian Altai, were under the authority of the Hotjoyt Prince Bube. These tribes that have been reconciled and militant, at the same time appreciated as excellent warriors, superior to the strength, dexterity and courage of the Mongols. Glory for them reached the Russian limits.
During the next campaign in 1720, Bubay captured 400 Tuvintsev, who then moved to the bayanjurh tract to Caesmankhanovsky Aimak. And in 1722, the recalcitrant tribe of Zaisan Lopsan-Shyyrapa is hijacked by Manchules far to the south, in Zhahahar possessions.
After the death of Emperor, Kansey waves rolled the uprisings of the desperate Tuvintsev settlers in Halha. With the first rise in the tribe of the Lopsan-Shyyrpa, Manchuri ruled quickly. However, the Tuvinian tribes were so strongly broken by the charges and military raids of Mongol-Manchurian troops that the emperor was forced to give an order to allocate livestock.
In 1725, Zaisan Khuralmai again raised his tribe to the fight against Manchus. This performance covered Tuvintsev who lived in Ulug-Hem and Hemchik. Bubay sent a son in chasing his son, and he moved to Ulug-Hem and Chemchik, where fiercely dealt with the rebels, execute all the accomplices of Huralma.
In 1726, Oratsky Khan Jvznravdan again demanded from the emperor to return the Jungaria of the Earth on Ulug-Hem and Khemchik. But he and this time he received a decisive refusal. Bubay was assigned to organize a security zone by r. TES in case of the invasion of Jungarov from the south-west.

The Republic of Tyva in the XVIII-XIX centuries.

In the late XVII - early XVIII century. Russia took care of the peaceful movement of his people east to the Great Ocean in order to master the territories of Siberia and the Dalnego of the East, looking for both good neighborly relations with Qing China.
According to Burinsky and Kyakhtin tracts, signed in 1727, trade relations are established between China and Russia, the status of the Russian spiritual mission in Beijing and the procedure for diplomatic interchanges through the Russian Senate and Qing Lifanuan are determined. As a result of the conclusion of these treatises, the border was demilitarized. Following the signing and ratification of Kyakhinskogo, the border guard of the Russian-Mongol border, the border guard were created by both parties.
The borderline regime in the region of Tuva finally decided as a result of the defeat and destruction of the Jungaria in 1755-1766. The troops of the Qing Empire, as a result of which Tuva fell under the authority of the Chinese Godman.
The Manchurian authorities were introduced in Tuva in 1760 a military administrative system of management, which included Khosnes (specific principalities), sums and arbans.
Under the domination of Mongolian khanov, Tuvinsky tribes were managed by the power of the feudalnogo right, the official crops of which were "their TsAs" of Genghis Khan, "Mongol-Ouras laws" and "Halha Jirum". Manyzhura, taking into account the Staromongoga laws, introduced a set of decisions and laws relating to all tribes that included the Empire of Bogdyman, - "Intication of the Chamber of External Relations". This arcade confirmed the hereditary right of the BepxOn the owner of the Emperor of the Qing Dynasty on the Earth of Tuva and the citizenship of Tuvintsev, endowed the Hanov and Nyonov of Mongolia and Tuva's right to concombate Tuvoy.
Back in the late 30s of the XIX century. Russian gold killers found the gold deposit in the rash hem and began the illegal developing. In the 70s, contrary to the prohibitions of the Tuvinian and Chinese authorities, gold planes were developed in Serlda and Siska. Already in 1883, nine clauses operated on Serliga, and in 1896 - eleven with 500 workers. Along with the Russians, tuvintsy, mainly farms and utility workers worked in the forecast. Some of the rich Tuvinian entrepreneurs would have long made their products on these fores, using the acute need of workers in food and some products. Russian-Tuvinian ties in this area have expanded even more by the beginning of the twentieth century., When gold mining grew, moved into the depths of Tuva, bringing big profits and with more than covering established for the royal treasury.

The Republic of Tyva in the first half of the XX century.

At the beginning of the twentieth century In the business circles of Russia, the question of the belonging of Uryanhai, which has an exceptionally important strategic importance for Russia. From 1903 to 1911, Uryanhai and adjacent territories of military intelligence and scientific expeditions were thoroughly studied, headed by V. Popov, Yu. Kyshelev, A. Baranov, V. Rodevich.
After the Chinese Revolution of 1911, the conditions were created for the conditions for the entry of Tuva to Russia. In January 1912, Ambin-Neuon first turned to the Russian king with a similar thing, then the Chemchik Khamby Lama Lopsan-Chamzy, Neyon Buyan Badanh, and then other Khosun rulers joined him. However, the royal authorities, afraid of complications of relations with China and European partners, were proclaimed with the decision of the issue and only on April 17, 1914 declared the highest will of the king - to take the Ubanesky region under his patronage.
The joining of Tuva to Russia did not take the form of the protectorate, for this were too big obstacles. After a long-term performed between diplomats of Russia, China and Mongolia on May 25, 1915, "three-sided agreement of Russia, China and Mongolia about autonomous external Mongolia was signed.
The revolutionary events of 1917 had an impact on the choice of Tudevi's further development path. On June 18, 1918, a joint meeting of the Tuvinian and Russian congresses took place in Tuva, which adopted an agreement on the self-determination of Tuva, friendship and mutual assistance of the Russian and Tuvinian population. But the civil war started in the same year, he pushed the implementation of self-determination and address the issue of the state structure of Tuva.
In 1921, the People's Revolution defeated Tuva. On August 13-16, Vtyuvinsky constituent hural of nine Khoshunov, who proclaimed the formation of the Tuvinian People's Republic and adopted the first constitution, took place in the area of \u200b\u200bSug-Baji district.
The Soviet delegation was insisted on consolidation in a special resolution that in international relations the republic is acting under the auspices of the RSFSR.
Since 1926, Tuva began to be called the Tuvinian People's Republic (TNR). Soviet Russia Has a huge ideological influence on the republic. TNR developed on a non-capitalist development path under the leadership of the Tuvinian People's Revolutionary Party.
In 1929, a course was determined to build socialism and the plan for collectivization of peasant farms was scheduled. At the same time, the 1930s. marked up wide repression against wealthy cattle breeders, found to the class of feudalists, Lamisian clergy, former political leadership.
The repression was authorized by TNRP. The USSR provided the TNR constant political, economic and cultural assistance.
In 1930-1931 The first census of Tuva's population was carried out. The creation of Tuvinian writing in 1930 was of great importance that contributed to the development of literature and art.

ISBN 5-02-030625-8 (t. I); ISBN 5-02-030636-3.


Tuvintsy is the indigenous population of the Republic of Tyva (Tuva) as part of the Russian Federation. On the territory of Tuva, located in the Basin of the Upper Yenisei (area of \u200b\u200b175.5 thousand km 2), 223 150 tuvintsev live, which is 67.3% of the total population of the republic ( total number 310 200 people). Part of ethnic tuvintsev lives in Mongolia (25 thousand), China (Xinjiang-Uigur Autonomous Area - about 5 thousand) and in the Krasnoyarsk Territory (p. Verkhneusyn).

In the early 1960s The first summary work "History of Tuva", which consisted of two volumes, was prepared for the publication, consisting of two volumes and covered the period from the Stone Age until 1962. The named work created by the team of scientists Tuvinsky Research Institute of Language, Literature and History (now - Tuvinsky Institute of Humanitarian Research) , based on a significant actual material, most of which was obtained by painstaking the study of various written sources, archival, field archaeological and ethnographic materials, as well as domestic and foreign literature. Scientific centers of Siberia, Moscow and Leningrad were attracted to the preparation of the publication.

However, the existing socio-political system and its ideological installations had a negative impact on the completeness and characteristic of historical facts: some of them were silent, others did not receive an objective interpretation, which could not not affect the content of this in general, very valuable labor.

In addition, a large number of archaeological, ethnographic materials, written and other sources have accumulated from the time of the "History of Tuva", which require introduction to scientific turns.

Currently, there is a need to reprint this work, so necessary to those who are sincerely interested in the centuries

howling the story of the Tuvinian people is one of the most ancient ethnic groups of Central Asia, and above all the Tuvinians themselves. The two-volume "Tuva History", published over thirty years ago, became a bibliographic rarity. According to the decree of the Government of the Republic of Tyva (Tuva), it was decided to repulse published previously published in Russian and Tuvinian languages \u200b\u200b"The history of Tuva", which significantly processing it and adds new data in the world modern Development Historical science. The author's team sought to eliminate the "white spots" in Tuva's history, it is possible to more objectively to reveal the essence of the historical process that occurred in it, which would be impossible in a relatively recent past.

The main difficulty with which the authors of this publication met, consisted of choosing a methodological position, work out scientific concept and approach to the assessment of individual historical phenomena weighing a debate. This is the periodization of the archaeological cultures of Tuva, the assessment of some public phenomena, including quite important problem The social building of Tuva (in the time under consideration), etc. In their vision of the historical process, the authors are based on the fundamental provisions of materialistic dialectics, a civilization approach to history, and the best traditions of them were the best traditions of domestic and world historical science. The authors of this fundamental work tried to objectively to reveal the originality of the historical path of the Tuvinian people - a representative of one of the numerous nomadic civilizations of the East. They do not share the positions of the complete denial of the values \u200b\u200bof the path traveled in lately Distribution in journalism. Historical facts and time proved that the Tuvinsky people chose the right way Development when he from the small ethnos turned into a vitality of a community capable of sustainable self-development and the development of the fruits of modern civilization. The chronological framework of this publication encompass an impressive historical era - from ancient times to the global event of the XX century. - October 1917 Revolution.

The difference of this publication is that a significant place in it is assigned to the formation of the Tuvinian ethnic volume. The concept of economic and cultural types in Tuvintsev was introduced during the preservation of traditional forms of management. Expanded the circle of used written sources, as well as arche

logical data, including relatively recently introduced into scientific turns. In this regard, the publication is complemented by several new chapters and sections.

Among the materials that the first and second edition of Tuva's history, the first and second edition, should first be noted archaeological monuments. Their study was started back in the 20th. XX century S.A. Headow, but the results of his work for a long time remained unpublished. In the early 1950s The expedition of the Tuvinian Research Institute of Language, Literature and History, which in 1951-1958 began to field research. Lead S.I. Weinstein, who published the first work on the archeology of Tuva. From 1960 to 1980, the archaeological expedition was headed by M.K. Mannai Ool, among the objects of the study of which the most famous "royal" Kurgan Argen. Several field seasons starting from the mid-1950s to 1982, worked in Tuva an archaeological expedition of Moscow State University under the direction of L.R. Kyzlasov. In publications S.I. Weinstein and L.R. Kyzlasov was proposed the first experience of the classification of Tuva's archaeological crops. In the late 1950s - early 1960s. Archaeological studies were conducted by several detachments (they led S.I.Vainshtein, A.D. Grac, V.P. Dyakonova) as part of the Tuvinian integrated expedition, headed by L.P. Potapov.

In 1959-1963 valuable research work According to the study of the mining and ancient metallurgy, I did it. Sunchugashev.

From the mid-1960s to the early 1990s. In Tuva, the Sayan-Tuvinian Archaeological Expedition of the Leningrad Branch of the Institute of Archeology of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, who worked until the mid-1970s was working. Under the direction of A.D. Graca, and then headed by S.N. Astakhov.

An important source of this work was the materials on ethnography, as well as spiritual culture, its genesis for centuries, ethnogenesis, including the resettlement and origin of individual tribal groups of Tuvintsev.

One of the most important sources of the history of Tuvintsev should recognize folk material, especially the heroic epic. The Tuwinsky Research Institute of Language, Literature and History, a significant work was carried out on the collection and publication of folklore works.

chinese chronicles collected in the work of the famous Russian Synologist N.Ya. Bichurin "Meeting of information about the peoples who lived in Central Asia ancient times" . Despite some drawbacks of this work, respect to comments, its source importance is very large and enhanced by the edition of the valuable additions learned from Chinese sources and translated by one of the largest Soviet Orientalists N.V. Kuner.

The publication of sources about the eastern and northern Turks - Tyuk, undertaken by Liu Mau-Tsam, has a well-known value.

In addition, information from the ancienturk ruunic written monuments published as sources was used as sources. Malovy, s.g. Pusher, E.R. Tenishev, I.A. Batmanov, ZB Aragach (Chadamb), A.Ch. Kunaa, D.D. Vasilyev, I.V. Kormushin, I.L. Kyzlasov and others.

To study the later periods of Tuva's history, medieval written monuments were used, including the Mongolian Chronicle of 1240. "Fair Tale", "Collection of Chronicles" Rashid-ad-Dina. The published documents on the Russian-Tuvinian relations of the XVII century have important. and about the Russian-Mongolian-Chinese relations associated with the history of Tuva XVII - the beginning of the XX century. , as well as publication of documents from the state archive of ancient acts, "Briefcases G.F. Miller "and others. Published and analyzed in labor B.O. Long on the history of the population of Siberia in the XVII century, they contain important information on the resettlement of some Tuvinian tribal groups.

A valuable material for writing a number of sections dedicated to the period of entry of Tuva to the Qing Empire was the manuscript of the unfortunately tuvinian author "The History of the Former Neuons of the Tuvinian People", written in Staromongol, which allowed to recreate the character of the administrative device, the order of inheritance by the Noyona of their Khosunov, the role of the Qing authorities and Dr.

Messages and news and news of Russian travelers were also used as sources (E. Pestereva, N. Potanina, V.V. Radlova, N.F. Katna, F.Ya. Kona, G. G. Grumm-Mramiahlo, etc.) , research of Soviet scientists, in which there is not only rich actual material, but also a serious scientific comment.

Among the works on the history of Tuva, containing significant actual material, but experiencing a significant methodological impact on the assessment of certain facts, it should be noted the book of P.M. Cabo, published in 1934. , and big work V.I. Dulova.

Finally, it is necessary to indicate another type of sources attracted to analyze ethnic processes flowing on the territory of Tuva since the antiquity. These are anthropological materials that are devoted to a number of works.

This work is prepared by the team of authors under the general scientific editors of S.I. Weinstein and M.Kh. Mannai Oola. Introduction - S.I. Weinstein, M.Kh. Mannai Ool, V.D. Mart Ool. Conclusion - M.Kh. Mannai Ool. Chapter I - S.N. Astakhov. Chapter II - V.A. Semenov. Chapter III - M.Kh. Mannai Ool. Chapter IV - S.I. Weinstein. Chapter V - L.P. Potapov. Chapter VI - L.R. Kyzlasov, Supplements S.I. Weinstein. Chapter VII - G.V. Dulzhnevskaya, Supplements S.I. Weinstein and M.Kh. Mannai Oola. Chapter VIII - MK Mannai oole, used materials L.R. Kyzlasov. Chapter IX - L.P. Potapov. Chapter X: Section "Capture of Tuva Zinc Empire" - V.I.Dulov; Section "Housekeeping, Culture and Life" - V.Dyakonov, Supplements of S.I. Winstein and M.H.mannay-oola; Section "Public Relations" - S.I. Weinstein, M.Kh.mannay-oole, supplemented with materials V.I.Dulova; Section "Trade and Economic Ties with Russia" - V.I. Dulov, additions M.Kh. Mannai Ool; Section "National Liberation Fighting Tuvintsev" - Yul. Aranchyn, used materials V.I. Dulova; Section "Completion of the formation of the Tuvinian Ethnic Sheet" - S.I. Weinstein and M.Kh. Mannai Ool. Chapter XI - Yu.L. Aranchyn, used materials V.I. Dulova.

The editorial board expresses appreciation to the President of the Republic of Tyva S.D. Oarzhaku for financial support in the publication of this work, thanks the scientists of the Institute for Humanitarian Studies of the Republic of Tyva and all those who participated in his discussion.

History of Tuva. - M., 1964. - T. 1-2.

Heat, S.A. Execution report in Tanna Tuva in 1926: Manuscript // Archive GME, F. 3, op. 1, d. 84. Materials from excavations S.A. Heatheads are used in the works of a number of researchers of Tuva.

Weinstein S.I. Scythian time monuments in Western Tuva // Scientific. Zap. Tied. - 1955. - Vol. III; He is Archaeological studies in Tuva in 1955 // Academy. Zap. Tied. - 1956. - Vol. IV; He is Some results of the works of the archaeological expedition were in 1956-1957. // Academy. Zap. Tied. - 1956. - Vol. Vi; He is Medieval tremendous settlements and defensive structures in Tuva // Scientific. Zap. Tied. - 1959. - Vol. VII; He is Ancient pore-boxes // SE. - 1964. - № 6.

Mannai Ool M.Kh. Tuva in the Scythian time. - M., 1970; He is Mystery Kurgan Argen (on Tuv. Yaz.). - Kyzyl, 1995; He is Archaeological monuments of Tuva. - Kyzyl, 1964; MD Musnov, Mannai Ool M.Kh. Argen is the grave of the "king" of Ranneskih time // Scientific. Zap. Tied. - 1973. - Vol. Vi; MD Musnov, Mannai Ool M.Kh. Kurgan Argen on excavations 1973-1974. // Academy. Zap. Tied. - 1975. - Vol. XVII; Misnov M.P. Argen. Tsarsky Kurgan of Rainlyskiy time. - L., 1980.

Kyzlasov L.R. Stages of the ancient history of Tuva (in the summary) // Vesti. MSU. East.-Philol. Ser. - 1954. - № 4; He is A brief history of the archaeological study of Tuva // Vestn. MSU. Ser. History. - 1965. - № 3; He is History of Tuva in the Middle Ages. - M., 1969; He is Ancient Tuva. - M., 1979.

Proceedings of the Tuvinian complex archaeological and ethnographic expedition of the Institute of Ethnography of the USSR Academy of Sciences. - L., 1960-1966. - T. 1-3.

Sunchugashev Ya.I. Mountain and Metal Flap in the ancient Tuva. - M., 1969.

Grache A.D. The ancient Turkic mounds in the south of Tuva // KSIA. - M., 1968. - Vol. fourteen; He is Ancient Turkish sculptures of Tuva. - M., 1961; He is New data O. ancient history Tuva // Academy. Zap. Tied. - 1971. - Vol. XV; He is Ancient nomads in the center of Asia. - M., 1980; Astakhov S.N. Paleolith Tuva. - Novosibirsk. 1986; Dliznevskaya G.V. Monuments of the Yenisei Kyrgyz in Tuva (IX-X centuries): Author. dis. ... Kand East. science - L., 1985; Savinov D.G. Peoples Southern Siberia.
in the ancient Turkic era. - L., 1984; Semenov V.A. Periodization of the cultures of neolithic and bronze Tuva: author. dis. ... Cand. East. science - L., 1988.

Weinstein S.I. Tuvintsy-Tajunitsy: historical and ethnographic essays. - M., 1961; He is Historic ethnography of Tuvintsev: problems of nomadic economy. - M., 1972; He is The history of the folk art of Tuva. - M., 1974; He is The world of nomads of the center of Asia. - M., 1990; Dyakonova V.P. The funeral rite of Tuvintsev. - L., 1975; Potapov L.P. Essays of the national life of Tuvintsev. - M., 1969; Kenin-Lopsan M.B. Ritual practice and folklore of the Tuvinian shamanism. - Novosibirsk, 1987; Mongush M.V. Lamaism in Tuva. Historical and ethnographic studies. - Kyzyl, 1991.

Kuular D.S. On Tuvinian legends and legends // Scientific. Zap. Tied. - 1959. - Vol. VII; Baby Halyyr. Tyva Ulustun Toolchurgu Bulgarian Togu Chugalala. - Kyzyl, 1973; Greven L.V. Tuvinsky heroic epic. - M., 1960; "Tale of the heroes" / lane. and comments. L.V. Grebheva. - Kyzyl, 1960; Tuvinsky folk tales / Sost Z.B. Samdan. - Novosibirsk, 1994. See also: Tales and Traditions of the Altai Tuvintsev / Cons. E. Taube. - M., 1994; Kenin-Lopsan M.B. Tyva ~ Hamnarnun Algsyhatara. - Kyzyl, 1992; Taube E. Tales and Traditions of Altai Tuvintsev. - M., 1994; Tuvinian heroic legends / Sost. CM. Ool Ool. - Novosibirsk, 1997.

Bichurin N.Ya. (Jacinf). Meeting of information about the peoples who lived in Central Asia in ancient times. - m.; L., 1950. - T. I; 1953. - T. III.

Kuner N.V. Chinese news about the peoples of Southern Siberia, Central Asia and the Far East. - M., 1961.

Liu Mau-Tsai. Die Chinesischen Nachrichten Zur Geschichte Der Ost-Türken (TÜ-KUE). - Wiesbaden, 1958. - BD II. - S. 491-492.

Malov C.E. Monuments of ancient Turkic writing. - m.; L., 1951; He is Yenisei writing of the Turks. - m.; L., 1952; He is Monuments of the ancient Turkic writing of Mongolia and Kyrgyzstan. - m.; L., 1959; Pusher S.G. Ancienturk ruunic monuments as a source on the history of Central Asia. - M., 1964; Batmanov I.A. The language of the Yenisei monuments of ancient Turkic writing. - Frunze, 1959; Aragachi ZB New epigraphic finds in Tuva // Scientific. Zap. Tied. - 1963. - Vol. X; Batmanov I.A., Aragachi i.e. Modern and ancient Yeniseik. - Frunze, 1962; Vasilyev D.D. Corpus of the Turkic Road Monuments of the Basin of the Yenisei. - L., 1983; Kyzlasov I.L. Ancienturk writing (experience of paleographic analysis). - M., 1990; He is Runic writing Eurasian steppes. - M., 1994; He is Ancient writing Sayano-Altai Turks. - M., 1994; Kormushushin I.V. Turkic Yenisei epitaphy. (Texts and research). - M.: Science, 1997.

Kozin S.A. Fair Tale: Mongol Chronicle 1240 - m.; L., 1941. - T. 1.

Rashid Ad-Dean. Collection of chronicles. - m.; L., 1952. - T. 1, KN. one.

Russian-Mongolian relations. 1607-1636: Sat. documents. - M., 1959, etc.

For three centuries. Tuwinsky-Russian-Montgolian-Chinese relations (1615-1915): Archive, documents. - Kyzyl, 1995; Dubrovsky V.A. Establishing the patronage of Russia over Tuva in 1914: Archive, documents. - Kyzyl, 1994; Long B.O. The generic and tribal composition of the peoples of Siberia in the XVII century. - M., 1960.

Pedatery E. Notes on the inhabitants covered near the Chinese border, both Russian yasan tatars and Chinese Mungals and Soyoba, delivered by Egor Pediatev from 1772 to 1781 // New Even. op. - St. Petersburg., 1793. - C. LXXIX. - pp. 59-82; Radlov V. from Siberia. Diary page. - M., 1989; Katanov N.F. Essays of Uryanhayan land. 1889: Manuscript // Archive Mae (Kunstkamera), f. V. OP. 1, No. 526; Kon F. Expedition in Soyotia. For fifty years. - M., 1934. - T. III; GRAMM-MARSHYOHO Ie Western Mongolia and Uryanhai edge. - L., 1926. - T. III, Issue. I; L., 1930. - Vol. II.

The original manuscript "The History of the Former Neuons of the Tuvinian People" (volume is approx. 1 liter, for Staromong. Yaz.) Stored in the handwritten fund of the St. Petersburg branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In the handwritten fund of the Tuvan Institute of Humanitarian Research, there is a translation of this manuscript into Russian (RF 330).

Cabo P.m. Essays of the history and economy of Tuva. - T. 1: Pre-revolutionary Tuva. - m.; L., 1934.

Dulov V.I. Socio-economic history of Tuva. XIX - early XX century. - M., 1956.

Debets G.F. Craniological essay of Tanna Tuvintsev // Sest. Asia. - 1929. - № 5-6; He is To Paleoanthropology of Tuva // KSIE. - 1956. - Vol. 10; Levin MG To anthropology of Southern Siberia // Ksie.- 1954. - Vol. twenty; Yarkho A.I. Altai-Sayan Turks. Anthropological essay. - Abakan, 1947; Bogdanova. Some issues of the formation of the anthropological composition of modern tuvintsev // owls. ethnography. - 1978. - №6; Alekseev V.P., Gokman I.I. The anthropological composition and the origin of the population, which leaving the Kokel's burial ground. Problems of anthropology of ancient and modern population Soviet Asia. - Novosibirsk, 1986; Alekseev V.P. A summary of paleovoprosov // Anthropo environmental studies in Tuva. - M.: Science, 1984.