Russian writing in its historical development. The history of writing in ancient Russia

The origin of writing in Russia, the time of her occurrence, its character is one of the most debate problems of Russian history. There was a traditional point of view for a long time, according to which writing was brought to Russia from Bulgaria due to the official adoption of Christianity in 988. But in the middle of the last century, scientists became known for individual facts, mainly literary nature, testifying to the presence of Christianity and writing In Rus long before official baptism.

In the testes of the black street of the brave "On Writers" (the end of the IX - the beginning of the second centuries) it is reported that "there are no books that do not have any books, but the devils and cuts of the Totex and Gadakh." The emergence of this primitive pictographic letter ("features and cuts") researchers are referred to the first half of the first one millennium. The scope of it was limited. These were, apparently, the simplest counting signs in the form of dackets and scubons, generic and personal signs of property, signs for divination, calendar signs that served to dating the timing of the beginning of various economic works, pagan holidays, etc. Such a letter was unsuitable for writing complex texts, the need for which appeared with the origin of the first Slavic states. Slavs began to use Greek letters to record their own speech, but "without disappointment", that is, without adapting the Greek alphabet to the peculiarities of the phonetics of Slavic languages.

It is mentioned about it all in the same "tale of the writings" of the brave. According to the Brave, the Slavs began to use Latin and Greek writing to record their speech after the adoption of Christianity, but before the introduction of ABC developed by Cyril. At the same time, the original Latin and Greek letter was used, according to the brave, "without dispensing", i.e., without replenishing it with new letters, necessary for the special sounds of Slavic speech. The brave attributes to the processing of Greek writing in relation to the phonetics of Slavic speech Kirill. However, in reality, it was more difficult. By the time of creating Cyril Alphabet, i.e., by the middle of the 9th century, the Greek letters were used to record the Slavic speech for a long time; This confirms the brave, pointing out that "Taco of Massaya Summer." But for such a long time, the Greek letter should have gradually adapted to the transfer of the Slavic language and, in particular, replenished with new letters. It was necessary for the accurate record of Slavic names in churches, in military lists, to record Slavic geographical names etc. Greeks - Teachers of Slavyan, in the IX century. Already adhered to a well-known system in the transfer of Slavic sounds with Greek letters. So, the sound of "b" was transferred to the Byzantine letter "Vita", the sound "sh" - "Sigma", "h" - a combination of "Takes" with "Dzeta", "C" - a combination of "Takes" with Sigma , "U" - a combination of "Oomikron" with "Ipsylon". So came the Greeks. Slavs undoubtedly advanced even further along the path of adapting the Greek letters to their speech. For this, ligatures were formed from Greek letters, the Greek letters were complemented by letters from other alphabets, in particular, from the Jewish, which was known to the Slavs through Khazar.

So, the "Protokyrille" letter was formed. If the letter did not exist in the Slavs long before the adoption of Christianity, it would be no unexpected flourishing of Bulgarian literature at the end of the IX early X century, and widespread literacy in everyday life. eastern Slavs. X - XI centuries, and high mastery, which has reached in Russia already in the XI century. The art of letters and book design (example - Ostromiro Gospel, rewritten for Novgorod Platinist Communion at 1055-1057).

There are guidance on the application of writing in Russia and the beginning of the X century. In the agreements of Russian princes of Oleg and Igor with Byzantia. Thus, in the agreement of Oleg and the Greeks (911) there is an indication of the existence of Russian written wills. In Igor's Treaty with the Greeks (944), the gold and silver seals are referred to, about messengers, which were awarded Russian ambassadors and guests departing in Byzantium. The inclusion in the contracts with the Byzantium of special points about the wills, messengers, guest certificates and seals proves not only that all this has already existed in Russia began the beginning of the X century., But also the fact that to the X century. It has become a common phenomenon.

So, by the time of the adoption of Russia, Christianity, and with him and writing, in Russia there were already writing in some embossed form and it created prerequisites for the perception of the introduced written culture.

The creation of Slavic Azbuchi is associated with the names of the Byzantine monks Kirill and Methodius. But ancient monuments slavic writing Two alphabet know - Cyrillic and verbs. In science, there were disputes about which of these ABC appeared earlier, the creators of which of them were the famous "Solonsky Brothers" (from Soluni, the modern city of Thessaloniki).

Currently, it is possible that the verbolic alphabet (verbs) was created in the second half of the 9th century in the second half of the 9th century), on which the first translations of church books for the Slavic population of Moravia and Pannonia were written. At the turn of the 9th centuries, on the territory of the first Bulgarian kingdom, as a result of the synthesis, the Greek elements, which successfully passed the characteristics of Slavic languages, has emerged successfully, which received the name of Cyrillic. In the future, this lighter and convenient alphabet pushed out the verbs and became the only one in the southern and eastern Slavs.

The adoption of Christianity contributed to widespread and fast development Writn and written culture. It was significant that Christianity was made in his Eastern, Orthodox version, allowed, unlike Catholicism, worship national languages. It created favorable conditions for writing development on native language.

The development of writing in his native language led to the fact that the Russian Church from the very beginning did not become a monopolist in the field of literacy and education. The dissemination of literacy among the democratic layers of the urban population is evidenced by the birchy diplomas found during archaeological excavations in Novgorod and other cities. These are letters, memorable notes, training exercises, etc. The letter was thus used not only to create books, state and legal acts, but also in everyday life. Often there are inscriptions on craft products. Numerous entries on the walls of the churches of Kiev, Novgorod, Smolensk, Vladimir and other cities are left by simple citizens.

The new stage in the ancient Russian book culture is associated with the name of Yaroslav Wise. The story of his educational activities and the establishment of the translation center at the Church of St. Sophia is timed to "Tale of Bygone Years" by 1037, when Metropoline was founded in Kiev:

("And Yaroslav church charters loved, Popov loved very much, especially the monks, and the books loved, reading them often at night and during the day. And gathered the scribes of many, and translated from Greek to Slavic language. And they wrote many books, they wrote , believers people enjoy the teachings of Divine. ")

All rewritten and translated books were kept, by order of Yaroslav, in the temple of Sofia Kiev, created by him according to the famous Sofia Konstantinople. This book storage is considered the first library of ancient Russia.

In the time of Yaroslav Wise, not only translation works were conducted, but there was already an old Russian chroniclel, the brilliant speakers were compiled. Not earlier than 1037 and no later than 1050, the famous "Word of Law and Grace" Metropolitan of Hilarion was created.

In 1056--1057, the oldest of the preserved precisely dated Cyrillic manuscripts were created on Parchment - Ostromiro Gospel with the preservation of the book painline of Diacon Grigory. Gregory, together with the assistants, rewrote and decorated the book for 8 months for the Novgorod Postener of Ostromira (in the baptism of Joseph), from where and the name of the Gospel is called. The manuscript is luxuriously decorated, written by a large calligraphic charter in two columns and is a wonderful model of medieval book paintings.

From the other ancient East Slavic handwritten books, the evidencer of Svyatoslav 1073 should be called - a large format folio with a luxurious decoration, containing more than 380 articles of a variety of 25 authors (including the composition of the formation, that is, about rhetorical figures and trails, Byzantine grammar George Gorovoska), a small emblem of 1076, the Arkhangelsk Gospel of 1092, written in Novgorod service mini: for September - 1095--1096, for October - 1096 and November - 1097.

These seven manuscripts are exhausted by the circle of the ancient Russian books of the XI century, which have written date of writing in them themselves. The remaining manuscripts of the XI century or do not have an exact date, or have been preserved in later lists, such as, for example, reached our time in the lists of the XV century, the book 16 of the Old Testament prophets with interpretations, rewritten by Cyrillic in 1047 from the verbian original by the Novgorod Pop . (In ancient Russia, the custom of giving two names, Christian and "worldly", was distributed not only to the world, compare the name of Joseph-Ostromira above, but also among the clergy and monastics.)

Already in the oldest monuments of writing, the peculiarities of the Old Russian hack of the Church Slavonic language, distinguishing him from Staroslavansky, are reflected. By the middle of the XI century, the adaptation of the Old Slavonic language on the ancient Russian dialectage was close to completion.

Appearance of writing, text translations Scripture and liturgical texts, as well as some others gave impetus to the formation of literature in the Church Slavonic language, which actively developed into the housesongol. It is thanks to these factors, we now have information about the early stage. old Russian historyfixed in the "Tale of Bygone Years".

In the history of the appearance of writing on the ancient Russian soil, and together with it the perception of a whole building of the texts created in the literary language, had a huge impact on the development and language, and the entire Old Russian, and then Russian culture as a whole.

If you follow the generally accepted version, the writing in the Eastern Slavs appeared only in the 9-10 centuries.

Allegedly no writing in Kiev to 9-10 centuries was not and could not be. But this erroneous and deadlock was denied many times.

If we study the history of other countries, we will see that while any state system appeared, it was necessary to have its own writing. If there is a state, but there is no writing, then it complicates, of course, all the processes occurring in it. How can there be any processes without writing in the state? Don't you think it is strange? Therefore, the opinion that Cyril and Methodius are the founders of our writing, erroneously, there are evidence.

In 9-10 centuries Kievan Rus Already was a state. By this time, many large, at the time, cities, huge trading centers, including many other countries, were formed. In these cities there were a large number of different artisans (Kuznetsov, trees on wood, goncharov, jewelers), these masters were made by metal, clay, wood and precious metals on very high levelwho could well compete with articles of masters from other countries. IN major cities A wide selection of all sorts of goods from other countries was presented. And, it means, foreign trade was at a high level. In the presence of developed trading, how were the contracts? This all proves that the appearance of writing in Russia occurred even before Cyril and Methodius appeared.
It is also worth remembering Lomonosov, who wrote that the Slavs had written back long before the new faith. In his evidence, he referred to ancient sources, including on Nestor's chronicler.

There are written sources, where Ekaterina Great argued that the ancient Slavs had their writing before Christianity and were trained in the cities and small settlements. And she had a brilliant education for that time.

Creating Cyril and Methodius Slavic Writing

The history of the creation of Slavic writing Cyril and Methodius overtook a large number of false facts, and it is now difficult to figure out where the truth is. Who were the brothers Kirill and Methodius? They were born in a notable family in the city of Saluni (Greece, Thessaloniki). Later, they both became the monks of the orthodox church. Now they would be called missionaries who carried a new religion into the masses. Monasteries were the centers of enlightenment, the monks were very educated people, so it's not surprisingly a statement that they created the Slavic alphabet, which we know how Cyrillic.

Creating Slavic writing, Cyrillic, it was necessary not to bring writing to Kiev Rus (she was already at our ancestors), and in order to:

  1. Translate to understandable for Slavs Language All spiritual Scriptures (Gospel, Psaltry, Liturgy text). What made them available for a huge number of people. Translate them from the Greek language to Cyrillic was much easier. In Europe, spiritual books were written in Latin, so it caused certain difficulties and misunderstanding in wide masses.
  2. After the new writing of church services in the orthodox church was conducted in Slavic. What gave impetus to the speedy introduction of a new faith in the masses.

The beginning of the writing of ancient Russia 10th century, Cyrillic, helped the spread of a new religion among Slavs, after that, she became writing for the state and the church. This is certainly official version. Well, in fact, the introduction of Christianity happened extremely difficult. Slavs extremely reluctantly left paganism. Therefore, it is likely that the ancient Russian books in ancient Russian definition were simply burned. It was destroyed in order to quickly make the Slavs of Kievan Rus Christians.

Slavic writing to Cyrillic

Now everything says that writing in Russia to Cyril and Methodius already existed, it is no longer possible to ignore it. Presumably old-Russian writing was the verbs. Evidence of an earlier appearance of it:

  1. On parchment manuscripts (skin of a special dressing), which have come down to us, we can see that the text applied initially was precipitated, and the other is appointed from above. In those days, it was often resorted to such a reception, because skin treatment was not a light occupation. The text that was scraped was written by a verb. The text, which is applied from above, was Cyrillic. And until today, not a single parchment was found, where the verbs would be applied over Cyrillic.
  2. The most ancient Slavic text that has come down to us is written by a verb.
  3. There is a lot of evidence devoted by different centuries, and they say that Slavs had written and score still in pagan times.

There are several opinions about when the verbs appeared after all. The most famous opinion is that Kirill was Cyril, and Cyrillica created, already later, after the death of Cyril, his student. Who exactly from his students here too, the opinions disagree.

But if you analyze the whole history of ancient Russia, then it still seems to be the opinion that the verbs is much older, and was created before Kirill and Methodius. Well, with regard to more specific time of its origin, then everything is very confused. According to some unofficial data, it is approximately 3-5th centuries, and some are trying to argue that the verb is designed much earlier.

It is also incomprehensible to which of the language groups to attribute the verbs. How did the ancient Russian writing arise? All the more ancient languages \u200b\u200bin their origin were repelled from even more ancients, so every language enters some kind of linguistic group. The verbs are not similar to any of the writings and is not included in any of the language groups. Its origin is still not clear.

But also in historical circles there is a different opinion. In the pre-Christian Rus was his writing, but this is not a verb and not Cyrillic. The Slavs since ancient times had written written, perhaps even as a few thousand years. And she really looked like runes. Sometimes there are strange written characters when excavations. But this happens extremely rare. Why do we have a lot of written evidence of the Christian era, and the extremely rarely pre-Christian era? Yes, because to eradicate ancient Russian writing burned books, chronicles, bark gramists. Just as the paganism eradicated.

Writing and literacy in ancient Russia

Back with school textbooks, we were taught that after the adoption of the Christian faith, a rise in culture began in Russia. Prince Vladimir opened a lot of schools, where he was taught by a diploma where a large number of children were overlooked. At the monasteries, there were many schools, where the monks were taught. The princes themselves were highly educated people of their time owned by 4-5 languages, as well as many other sciences (Prince Vladimir, Yaroslav Wise). In Kiev, at one of the monasteries, a women's school opened, where the maiden was trained and other sciences.

But after all, long before Christianity in Russia, people were literate. Before making Christianity in Kievan Rus great importance Guidelines. There were schools where children trained writing and account. In large cities and small settlements, people were trained by diploma. And it is not even dependent on the origin: noble and rich Slavs or ordinary artisans. Even women, most of them, possessed. Kievan Rus was a strong and developed state, and the Slavs were trained by diploma.

And this is confirmed in the form of a multitude of birchy diploma, which will reach long before the adoption of the Christian faith, there are even very ancient. They were written as noble Slavs and ordinary artisans. There are letters that wrote women about household rules. But what is the most interesting, there is a birch gradder, written by a six-year-old child. That is, in those days, the children knew a diploma in such a small age. Does this not prove that our ancestors in ancient Russia have never been dark and illiterate?


The history of the creation of Slavic writing for many centuries has randomly changed. Ancient Russia was shown as a state, a long time, which does not have his own writing, and most of the Slavs were illiterate and clogged. It was believed that women at all, not depend on which layer of society they treated were illiterate and dark. And literacy, allegedly, was inherent in only the highest class: princes and noble Slavs. But we are already seeing that it is not so. Rus has never been a barbaric state that does not have his own writing.
When writing appeared in Russia, now it is unknown. Perhaps someday historians and linguists will open us this mystery. But she appeared long before Cyril and Methodius. And this is a fact. They could not give us what our ancestors owned long before them. After all, by 9-10 centuries, Kievan Rus has already formed and rather influential state.
And it is possible that the ancient Russian writing is actually very ancient. Perhaps the truth about this we will ever find out.

There is a lot of evidence that in Russia there was writing back to Cyril and Methodius. Moreover, the letter of our ancestors was a more complex and developed than now. Also important is the fact that Russia was completely competent - to read, count, everything could be written - from the peasant to Prince.

Here are some facts confirming this statement:

- "Slavs long before the Nativity of Christ had a letter", - Catherine II.

"" Are the Slavs long before Christ and Slavic-Russa actually before Vladimir had a letter, in which many ancient writers testify to us ... ", - Vasily Nikitich Tatishchev.

- In ancient Russia, almost every peasant was competent! And Novgorod Beresian diplomas that are essentially letters ordinary people, this is confirmed! And in medieval Europe, many kings and representatives of the nobility did not know how to read and write ...

- In the United States found a rock with Russian letters to which more than 200,000 years.

- Sanskrit is an old Russian who frozen in time, which our ancestors passed to the Hindu more than 4,000 years ago. Professor from India, who came to Vologda and who did not know the Russian language, a week later refused the translator. - "I myself am quite understandable by Vologda," he said, "because they speak spoiled Sanskrit ..." ("Northern Cradle of mankind" Svetlana Zharikova)

- Golden plates with the Runic letter of Slavic-Ariyev in 1875 were found in Romania! They have a meaningful form of dialogue and have been made several thousand years ago!

Ukrainian language - This is a Russian language dialect. He appeared in the 19th century, when T. Shevchenko recorded the Malorossiysky dialect of the Russian language to the pre-revolutionary Russian alphabet. You will not meet a single document in the Ukrainian language earlier than the 19th century!

The generally accepted date of writing from Slavs is considered to be 863 years old, but some researchers argue that they knew how to write in Russia before.

Closed theme

The topic of pre-Christian writing in ancient Rus was considered in Soviet science. If not forbidden, then quite closed. Only in recent decades a number of works devoted to this problem appeared.

For example, in the fundamental monograph "Letter's History" N. A. Pavlenko offers six hypotheses of the origin of Cyrillic and verbs, and causes the arguments in favor of the fact that both the verbs and Cyrillian were in the Slavs in Doharistian times.

Myth or reality

The historian Lion Prozorov is confident that the evidence of the existence of writing before the appearance of Cyrillic on Russia is more than enough. He argues that our distant ancestors could not write separate wordsBut also to compile legal documents.

As an example of processes, it draws attention to conclusion Oleg Agreement with Byzantium. In document we are talking On the consequences of the death of the Russian merchant in Tsargrad: if the merchant dies, then it follows from his property as he wrote in the will. " True, in which language, such wills were written not to be specified.

In the "lives of Methodius and Kirill", compiled in the Middle Ages, is written about how Kirill visited Chersonese and saw the sacred books written by Ruckish letters there. However, many researchers tend to critically refer to this source. For example, Viktor Istrin believes that under the word "Rosiki" should be understood by "Source", - that is, Syrian letters.

However, there are other testimonies confirming that the Slavic pagans were still writing. This can be found in the chronicles of Western authors - Helmold from Bosau, Titmar Merzeburgian, Adam Bremensky, who, when describing the shrines, the Baltic and Polandskiy Slavs mention inscriptions on the basis of the sculpture of the gods.

The Arab Chronist Ibn-Fodlin wrote that he saw the burial of Rus with his own eyes and the memorable label was installed on his grave - a wooden pillar, on which the name of the very deceased and the name of Tsar Russov was cut.


Indirectly, the existence of writing in the ancient Slavs confirm the excavations of Novgorod. At the site of the old township were discovered writing - the rods, which were applied to the inscription on a tree, clay or plaster. Finds date back to the middle of the X century, despite the fact that Christianity in Novgorod penetrated only at the end of the 15th century.

The same wrote was found in Nestovo in the excavations of the ancient Smolensk, moreover, there are archaeological evidence of the use of straightening for Scripture. In the mound of the middle of the X century, archaeologists started a fragment of the amphora, where they read the inscription made by Cyrillic: "Gorochi PSA".

Ethnographers believe that the "Goroch" is the coastery, which was given by our ancestors, so that "the grief was not tied."

Also among the archaeological finds of the Old Slavic settlements, the remains of swords are described, on the blades of which blacksmiths engraved their name. For example, on one of the swords found near the village of the meadow, you can read the name "LUDY".

"The features and cuts"

If the appearance of samples of a Cyrillic letter in pre-Christian time can still be challenged, in particular, explained by the incorrect dating of finds, then the "features and cutters" written is a sign of more ancient culture. About this method of writing, still popular with the Slavs, even after the adoption of baptism in his treatise "On letters" (the beginning of the X century), mentions the Bulgarian monk of the Blackberizer brave.

Under the "features and cuts", according to scientists, most likely due to the type of the pictographic-tamge and counting letters, also known in other peoples in the early stages of their development.

Attempts to decipher the inscriptions performed by the type "Damn and Cubov" took the Russian amateur-lover of Gennady Grinevich. In total, he considered about 150 inscriptions found on the territory of the settlement of the eastern and Western Slavs (IV-X centuries. AD) With a thorough study of the inscriptions, the researcher revealed 74 of the main sign, which, in his opinion, was the basis of a sludge vintage letter.

Also, Grinevich suggested that some samples of Praslavan Slumary writing were performed using picturesque signs - icons. For example, the image of a horse, dogs or spears mean that you need to use the first syllables of these words - "Lo", "Co" and "Co.".
With the advent of Cyrillic, the syllable letter, according to the researcher, did not disappear, and began to be used as a secretion. So, on the cast-iron fence of the Slobodsky Palace in Moscow (now the building of the MSTU. Bauman, Ghinenevich read how "Hasid Domenico Liberadi has a cook Nikolai I in his power."

"Slavic runes"

In a number of researchers, there is an opinion that the Old Slavic Writing is an analogue of the Scandinavian Runic Lettua, which allegedly confirms the so-called "Kiev letter" (document dating back by the X century), issued by Yaakov Ben Hanukka of the Jewish community of Kiev. The text of the document is written in Hebrew, and the signature is made by the Rounic symbols, which still could not read.
The German historian Konrad Schuzzflesh writes about the existence of the Runic Lettus. In his dissertation, 1670 are talking about schools of the German Slavs, where children trained runes. In proof, the historian led the sample of the Slavic Runic alphabet, similar to the Danish runes of the XIII-XVI centuries.

Writing as a migration witness

Mentioned above Grinevich believes that with the help of the History of the Slave Alphabet, the Cretan inscriptions of the XX-XIII centuries can also be read. BC, Etruscan inscriptions of the VIII-II centuries. BC, German runes and ancient inscriptions of Siberia and Mongolia.
In particular, according to Grinevich, he managed to read the text of the famous "Festa Disk" (about. Crete, XVII century BC), in which it is told about the Slavs who found a new homeland in Crete. However, the bold conclusions of the researcher cause a serious objection from academic circles.

Grinevich in his research is not alone. Even in the first half of the 19th century, the Russian historian E. I. Sreathen wrote that "Slavorussians as a people, previously, the Romans and the Greeks formed, left in themselves in all parts of the old world, a lot of monuments, testifying to their stay and about the most ancient writing."

The Italian philologist Sebastiano Chyampi has shown that there was a certain connection between the ancient Slavic and European cultures.

To decipher the Etruscan language, the scientist decided to try not to rely on Greek and Latin, but for one of the Slavic languages, which was well domained - Polish. What was the surprise of the Italian researcher, when some Etruscan texts began to translate.

Ancient Rus - a special state that has a very interesting story. In this article we will consider the alphabet ancient Russia. It is worth noting that in the first century of our era, in the territory of many today's European countries, the tribes of the Slavs who spoke in ancient language were ruled. Of course, after a certain period of time, these tribes began to increase significantly, and their mutual language He began to decay gradually. If we talk about the Orthodox language, then it appeared several branches, among which you need to allocate old Russian language.

Old Russian language

Few people know that it is the Old Russian language that is the predecessor of the modern Russian language. After the formation of such states like the Czech Republic, Serbia, Croatia, Poland and many others from Slavs arose a need for writing. After an ancient paganism blocked Christianity, the need for writing increased quite rapidly.

As you know, Rus has adopted Christianity in 988. Due to writing, it was possible to create economic, as well as cultural ties between various states. Recall that the ancient Russian nationality consists of the following East Slavic tribes: Vntychi, Polyany, Curvichi, as well as Drevlyan.

Church Slavonic language

Ancient Rus is a fairly powerful state, thanks to which such cities such as Kiev, Smolensk, Novgorod, Chernigov, Kiev and many others were formed. After the formation of ancient Russia, the first books began to appear on her lands, mostly they were church and written exclusively in the Old Slavonic language. If we talk about this language, then it formed thanks to Greek language.

It was the Church Slavonic language who became the continuation of the Old Slavonic language. During this period of time, people were known for some letters from the Greek alphabet, which were used for the account, as well as letters. Of course, the main problem in all this was the streamlining of letters, that is, their systematization.

Cyrillic - alphabet of ancient Russia, the basis of the modern Russian language

Cyrillic became the first Slavic alphabet, which was created on the basis of the Greek alphabet. It happened in 863. It is this alphabet that people use today. Named a new alphabet in honor of Kirill, who was her founder. It is worth noting that Kirill has developed this alphabet based on Greek knowledge, as well as thanks to his brother Methodius. Quite often these brothers called the Solun brothers. As you know, it is Cyril and Methodius that are the first people who started working on the alphabet. Few people know that they managed to create two alphabets at once: the verb, as well as Cyrillic. Unfortunately, over time, the verbs have forgotten, and they began to use exclusively Cyrillic. By the way, Cyrillic is the basis of the modern Russian alphabet. These brothers managed to create an ancient Russian alphabet letters. Over time, the main part of the letters of Cyrillic has changed. More precisely, the name of the letters has become much shorter, unlike the original source.

At first, Cyrillic letters wrote exclusively directly and separately from each other. In the period from XV to the XII century, the font appeared the font of the first Russian printed books, which was cast by a special method. During the rule of the Great Peter I, some changes occurred in Cyrillic. For example, some letters were completely excluded. At this time, Cyrillic began to call the Russian civil alphabet. In general, in Russia, literacy is quite strongly valued. The first letters of the ancient Russian letters gave impetus to the essential development of the ancient Russian state.


Since they stopped learning children slavic alphabet, passed less than 100. Meanwhile, it was she who was the storehouse of knowledge that had a proper presentation of the world around the world. Each letter is at the same way that knowledge has been transmitted. For example, the BD (AZ) letter (AZ) has the following images: source, beginning, primary source, reason, decent, update.

Features of Slavic ABC

The alphabet has changed with the introduction of Christianity in Russia. In order to study the Bible, the Greek initiatives were brought to Russian alphabet. They were required for more correct from the point of view of reading the sacred books. Cyril and Methodius, changing and reducing the alphabet to 6 offices, predetermined the loss of the deep meaning of the Russian language, which was mastered by not writing the letters (lettering), but by the connection of images. This can be traced on the example of many original Russian words, for example, conscience (joint news, victim), education (vocation of the image, its creation, va (s)). So in the 10th century, Russian writing, in many respects corresponding to modern. But there was more ancient, Slavic.

Appearance in Russia writing

The question of the emergence of writing in Russia is still not completely resolved. The traditional point of view is as follows: it came into life with the emergence of Cyrillic. But the disputes of scientists around this theory are long, and the studies of the doctor of Philological Sciences Chudinova, Doctor of Historical Sciences Natalia Guseva, Academicians Vinogradov, Govorov, Sidorov and many other researchers convincingly prove that the first inscriptions on Protoslavyansky are made on stones and clay signs.

In the 70s of the last century, the Sofia ABC (Greek) was opened, which included three Slavic initiatives. Consequently, writing in Russia appeared long before the activities of Cyril and Methodius. The most ancient was a nodule, or liking, nazi. Subsequently appeared runes. Star Russian Volvari wrote by the Sacred Runic Letter. These texts are drawn on oak powder, cedar and ash.

Later monuments of culture, for example, harati, are written very close to the Old Slavonic alphabet of the verbs. It was used as a trading letter, and features and cuts - as for transmitting brief messages in case of economic needs. In the history of the Greeks and Scandinavians, documentary information was preserved that, already in 2-4 century, the Slavs were educated people and had their writing. Moreover, she was taught every child.

The most ancient monuments of Slavic writing were found in 1962 in the village of TerTeriya (Romania). They are written by Slavic Runita and belong to the 5th century BC. Before this discovery, the earliest artifact confirming the presence of the ancient peoples of the East writing was Sumerian signs. But they ended up with 1000 younger than Vine Slavic.