3 System of consonants in ancient Russian language. System of consonant sounds in ancient Russian language

First of all, it should be noted that among the loving consonants there was no sound [F].This sound of the invocation was alien to the language of Slavs. He was not in East Slavic-based. However, in a popular spoken language, this sound was replaced in the borrowed words with sound [P]; cf. entered into Russian sail from Greek. Faros.and a number of own names : Osip-Greek. Losif, Stepan - Greek. Stefanos. and etc.

In ancient Russian language there was no soft lip; Therefore, there was no relationship type [P] - [P "], [b] - [b"], [m] - [m], [in] - | in *]. With respect to solid lips [p], [B], [m] Ancient Russian language did not differ fundamentally from modern Russian.

In East Slavic there was also no soft (k], [g], [x] and soft [t], [d].

Soft consonants were hissing [sh "], 1zh"], affrice

you [C "], [h"], mens, | z "d] (\u003d [sh" t "sh"], [z "d" g "]; They performed, for example, in words [Push "h" y], [Ish "h" y], yah "d" y], [Dzhzh "D IK], etc.), as well as sound [J]. Moreover, there were soft front-band [C "], [s *] and soft sonorny [n *], [p"], [l "] In pair ratios of hardness solidness with solid [s], [s] and [n], [p], [l].

So, if in modern Russian, most of the consonants

there is a pair of hardness-softness, then in ancient Russian language

a period most consonants were either solid [p], [b], [m],

[B], [t], [d], [g], [k], [x], or soft [z '], [w'], [h '], [η], [j]. There was

only five pairs of consonants on hardness and softness [C] - [C '], [s] - [s'],

[p] - [p '], [l] - [l'], [n] - [n ']. In front of the glaces of the front row solid

consonants, except for posterior-speaking, became not soft, but

soft. The softening process of semi-charts (secondary

softening) was carried out later - approximately in the second

wine XI century. - and consisted in changing seven-minded consonants before

publics of the front row in soft. Results of secondary softening

it was significant not only for the composition of consonant sounds, but

and for the structure of the syllable, and for the phonological system of ancient

language. The syllable began to be characterized by even greater convergence

we are the timbre of consonants and vowels. Such a syllable structure

wA has become the basis for nominating hypothesis about Sillabe as a new

phonological unit, which characterized phonological

a system of ancient Russian language after secondary mitigation

vowels to the fall of the reduced (the main provisions of hypothe-

threats about Sillabe put forward and developed by R. I. Avanesov.

Both solid and soft consonants performed in ancient Russian language as an independent x phone, opposing each other in identical phonetic conditions. However, the nature of this opposition, as well as opposing the vowels, is determined by the possibilities of the combination of consonants as follow-up vowels and with subsequent consonants.

When considering these phenomena, it is necessary to consider that features in combination of consonants with vowels were due,

1. With one hand, hardness or soft consonant,

2. And on the other, it is inside or on the junction This combination was carried out.

In the first respect, all consonants of the Old Russian language should be divided into three groups: solid (except for posterhable) soft and poveless consonants. As mentioned above, the difference poveless from all the other solids consisted in the fact that the first could not be combined with vowels of front educationwhereas for the rest of the solid position before the front vowel was quite possible.

Solid consonants, with the exception of [K], [g], [x], could perform in front of all the vowels of the Old Russian. In the position before the vowels of the indequent zone, the articulation of solid consonants has not changed, in the position of the heads of the front row, their articulation experienced certain changes in the acquisition of these consonants pOSITION POSSIBLE . The acquisition of consonants of the seal means that in front of the glaces of the front row, the solid consonants changed somewhat during pronunciation, but still did not receive the "iota" articulation, which is characteristic of soft consonants.

In order to establish the real conditions for the functioning of soft consonants, you should consider separately three groups of these consonants - soft hissing, soft whistling and soft sonorny

in ancient Russian language, the morph was combined with vowels only [h "], [sh"], [g "] and [w" h "]. These combinations were quite diverse, since hissing performed before vowels [y], [a] , [and], [e], [b], [a]; there could not be only combinations of hissing with [E].

The second feature of the high-Russian language system regarding the category of hardness-softness was that paired solid-soft consonants did not form a correlate or correlation. This means that in that era in the ancient Russian language there were no positions for neutralizing solid-soft consonants, i.e. there were no positions in which alloons would coincide with a steam solid and steaming soft phonam. So, the hardness-softness of consonant was its constant feature.

In ancient Russian language, [p] - [b], [t] - [d (, [s] - [s], [s ") were consonant with consonants [С], [Ш *] - [ F "], [w" h "] - [z" d], [k] - [g]. The rest of the consonants were unpaired by the deaf-ringing of the bone: [in], [m], [n - n "] , [P '- p], [l' - l], [j] - always ringing, and [C "], [h"], [x] - always deaf.

In ancient Russian language the synthagmatic law of the distribution of deaf-bell noishes in front of the deaf-belling noisy:depending on whether the initial consonant word was deaf or ringing, the prefix was or c (s], or with [s]. Comparison of the ancient Russian groups "Deaf Susch + Deaf Noise" and "Call Noisy + Call Noisy" with Potted Education On [C) - [s], it shows that in these [s] - [s] in these formations, there was not the process of stunning-ozonation of the final consonant console, but the synthagmatic law of the distribution of deaf-bezing noisy before the deaf-bell sound.

Paired deaf-ringing generally did not form positional varieties and rows of positional exchange. Such a positional exchange occurred only in one case - when words with prefixes on | h were formed. Thus, in the ancient Russian language of the end of the X - early XI century. The parallel type of positional change of consonants was dominant.

9. Phonetic system of the Old Slavonic language. System vowels. The vowel phonemes of the Old Slavonic language differed qualitatively: * for a number. They could be front ( , <>, , <ь>, <>), medium ( ) and rear ( , <>, <ъ>) rows; * by lifting. The vowels were lower ( , <>), medium (<>, <>, , , <ь>, <ъ>) and upper lifting ( , , ); * According to the presence of labialization. Publined were vowels, all the other vowels are non-screw. Therefore, as a means of opposition, the sign of cudality is involved in identifying the phoneme only of this series: in all other cases, the definition of the phonam as a labialized is redundant; * According to the presence of nasality. Nasal vowels were<>, <>, all others are unailed. The vowel phonemes of the Old Slavonic language of the Kirillo-Mefodievsky period were different in the duration of sound, and the quantity characteristic of the vowel was permanent (constitutive) sign and did not depend on its phonetic position. However, the difference in longitude - brevity in the Cyril-Methodius period did not wear a phonematical nature: such signs, as longitude - brevity did not possess the ability to distinguish or identify morphems and words and were a legacy of more early period In the development of Slavic languages: * Long (by origin) were vowels , , , < >, <>, <>, ; * briefs (by origin) were , ; * reduced (super shutters) were<ь>, <ъ>. 10. Positional changes in vowels and consonants. Reduced ў and ǐ.Position. Changes by agreement: As a result of the impact of the phonetic position, the consonants in the CC could be subject to change: the firm consonants in the position before the glaces of the front row became semi-intensive: faith (through yat), praise. Some noisy consonants could be subject to regressive assimilation by deaf-belling. Thus, the final [z] consoles changed to [S], as evidenced by such writing, as: proceed, waste. Noisy consonants could be subject to regressive assimilation at the place of education: the final [z] consoles before [ž '], [Š'], merged with them in one sound: Ishud, Izeli, bezhizvanna position. Positions of vowels: reduced vowels medium lifting<ь>, I.<ъ> Under the influence of the adjacent consonant sound [J] and before the vicinity of the upper lift [i], accommodation was subjected to accommodation, as a result of which they became vowels of the upper lift, which coincide with their sound with [i] and [y]. So in the CC tongue appeared intense reduced vowels [ ǐ ] and [ ў ] Non-independent phonemes (their appearance was fully due to the influence of the position: * M at\u003e; * sin "bj\u003e). These reduced, which could also be in a strong and weak position, were transmitted on the letter the same letters that [i] , [y] full formation. The resulting sounds were transmitted to these letters, the following facts are testified: the following facts are indicated: other possibilities of transferring these sounds were also presented in the monuments of Staroslavl writing, namely, the designation of their letters to and b: a sign of reduction [ ў ] and [ ǐ ] In these combinations, the fact that in front of a syllable with public education is so vowel [ ǐ ] It was lost by the time of writing the XI centuries that had reached us. because he was in a weak position. Appropriate after its loss clarified the reduced K and b preceding the syllable with these reduced in position, which would have been weak before. 11. Phonetic system of the Old Slavonic language. System of consonant phonemes. The MOP's consonants of the language were opposed to: by participation of voice and noise: consonants could be a sonorous, which in turn were nasal (< n >, < n" >, < m >) and mouth (< l >, < l" >, < r >, < r" >), and noisy (all other consonants). The most sonorous mouth of sleep, also called smooth, could form a syllable. Noisy consonant boils to be deaf and ringing. According to the method of education, depending on the type and method of overcoming the obstacle (closed or nasty articulation bodies): - Angry consonants could be: nasal:< n >, < n" >, < m >; Side:< l >, < l" >; trembling:< r >, < r" >. - Noisy consonants could be fricative, uttering in the arrogant articulation bodies:< f >, < f" >, < v >, < s >, < s" >, < z >, < z" >, < >, < >, < ch" >, < j >, < ch >- And washed, with whose articulation was the moment of a complete bow. Among the broken consonants were distinguished: explosive:< p >, < b >, < t >, < d >, < k >, < g >; Affricates (sophisticated sounds with explosive start and slotted end of the same place of articulation):< c" >, <>, < >; Complex (sounds with fricative start and explosive ending):<>, < >. At the place of education: consonants, depending on which authorities, the obstacles were formed, divided into lip and pagan. Among the loving consonants were: lip-loving:< m >, < b >, < p >, < v >. Perhaps in the pronunciation of old Slavonic scribes< v > There have already been lifting tooth articulation, although it was originally a lip-lip, as it happened from the non-voltage * lip-tooth:< f >; Pagan consonants depending on which part of the language to which organ I was articulated, we were divided into: front-band. Depending on the passive articulation body, they shared for: dental , , , , , ; Sky-dental< s">,, , <> and electronic<>, < >, <>, <>, <>, , , , ); Medium-medium-medium ( , , , ); posterior-posterior ( , , ) By hardness - the softness of the consonant phones of the SS language, unlike the consonantism system of the modern Russian language, were opposed very weakly. The SS language was: solid consonant phonemes: , ,

, , , , , in front of the glaces of the front row as a result of positional changes in semi-chagging; Solid consonants that could not be in position in front of the heads of the forefront, therefore, could not be sessively: posterior , , ; Soft consonant phones who inherited their softness from the PRSL language: , <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, ; Only a few consonant phones were pair of hardness and softness: - , - , - , - . In this case, the phonderatic status of the correlation on hardness-softness by paired phonemes in the CC tongue was different than in modern Russian. As a result of later changes in Slavic dialects, you can find a couple - (<*); в виду того, что в славянском языке было много греческих слов с , , , можно считать, что они были противопоставлены твердым фонемам , , .12. Drop reduced. Later changes in the system of consonants who are not related to positional changes. Reduced vowels b and b. Reflection of them in the preserved Slavic texts. The process of falling reduced ultra-short vowels consisted in the living speech of the Slavs at a certain stage: and, as well as [Kommersant] and [b], in a weak position, they stopped pronounced; In strong and clarified in vowels of complete formation [o] and [e], and [ ў ] and [ ǐ ] - [y], [i] full formation. The spelling of the monuments remained traditional in relation to the use and, i.e. they were used in the same way as in the translations of the first translators, primorders and their students. The source of our information about the fall of reduction is mistakes in the spelling of monuments. The correspondencers did them under the influence of the living language they owned and in which there was a process of falling reduced; They could write and not where it was necessary according to these etymology. This was determined by the fact that the correspondencers did not hear more and in a strong nor in a weak position: nothing was uttered in a weak position, and in a strong position they sounded the corresponding vowel full education. The basis of writing and in the manuscripts was only a spelling tradition, behind which there were no audio associations. This led to the fact that even very competent correspondencers made mistakes. It is these mistakes of scribes that give us the opportunity to argue that the XI century has no longer been reduced vowels in the lively speech of the Starlistian recorders who operated their activities in Bulgaria and Macedonia. The process of falling reduced refers, in all likelihood, mainly by the XI century. Weak positions 1. In the absolute end of the lamp-made word 2. In an unstressed position, before a syllable with a vowel full formation 3. In an unstressed position in front of a syllable with reduced strong position. 1. In position under the stress 2. Before syllable with reduced in a weak position, regardless of the place of stress Laters of consonants: First of all, it is a rejection of soft hissing [ž '], [Š'], [Č '], [Š't'], [ž'd '] of the SS tongue governing. The most reliable evidence of this could be the use of after hissing letters, fundamentally impossible after soft consonants,, o, s, but really in the monuments there is only the use of Kommersant instead after hissing: sending Dajd. It is the first one, this is evidence Because the testimony on the monuments is inconsistent. The population of neotic letters after hissing, which is often given as evidence of the rejection of hissing, is not. The hissing were always soft, therefore, no additional means needed to designate this softness. Therefore, the presence of neootic letters after hissing did not contradict the spelling rate of the SS of the language. It has changed in which it subsequently turned out - [z]. This is evidenced by the fact that already in the monuments of the XI century begin to mix the letters of the bearer - the land. For a large Cyrillic monument - Savvina, the book and Super Manuscript - do not know the letters of the village at all. Sinai Psalrty, Assemneevo Gospel and part of the zoom of the Gospel have the right use of the village. In the main part of the zoograph of the gospel and in the Mariinsky Gospel, the land is quite often in place. This indicates that the Zap.-Bulgarian (Macedonian) monuments of the letter for consumed sequentially and remains longer than in monuments created in the eastern territories. Poons also fix the rejection of the result of changes in the affringement - [z]. This is evidenced by the use of neootic letters after [z]. Unlike hissing, unpaired hardness and softness, [z] and were opposed to this feature, which means that there were special indicators of softness. In case of their absence, one should consider the preceding consistent solid. Therefore, such examples, like Stone, Kunyaz, Knya3ou should be considered proof of hardness [z]. Very widely in the monuments of the XI century reflected simplification of delictic combinations with L-Epeneticum, which occurred in a number of southern dialects. As a result of the articulation attenuation turns into [J], and then lost: ,,,,\u003e ,,,,,,. In a number of monuments (zoogram, Mariinsky Gospel, Cloce Collection, Sinai Church) L-EpenTikum is missing before b and and and: Ship, Zemdom (Earth). Other Starroglavan monuments are found in the loss of L-epenTikum not before b and, but also before other vowels: it is necessary to note the reflection in the old Slavonic monuments of the XI century. Rejuvenation [R] and [S]: Wacher, VI, VIS. 13. general characteristics Protoslavan language. The phonological system of the Protoslavyan language.Protoslavyansky is one of the dialects of the Indo-European language, on the basis of which Praslavansky was formed. Its elements can be restored with the help of a comparative historical method based on the analysis of the oldest Indo-European languages. The time of registration of the Protoslavyan language should be assigned to the epoch when significant dialectic differentiation has emerged in Indo-European language, "zones appeared, where general-European language laws, trends have different results. Thus, in the Protoslavyan language, the specific results of the Indo-European phonetic processes have already appeared in the preservation of the generality-European language system, which subsequently appeared the basis of Praslavyansky language. The system of the original Indo-European language, the basis for the basis of Protoslavyansky, was characterized by pronounced consonant. This feature was manifested primarily in a sharp predominance of the number of consonant phones, as well as in the obvious predominance of worn consonants over spirits, during the articulation of which the absence of a complete closure of the articulation bodies makes them less "conntons" than washed. System of consonant phonemes * Method of education. On this basis, the consonants shared on: 1. worms; 2. Pricative; 3. Sonanta. Dreaty signs of noisy furnace (explosive) perfochness - the bellier - aspiration. However, the opposition of deaf - calls was developed weakly due to the small representation of ringing background, which is characteristic of languages \u200b\u200bwith poorly developed vocalism. In the counterweight, the developed system of broken background there was only one slit consonant - deaf . Suggest that call phonemes I did not exist, maybe [z] performed as a position . In addition, the opposition on deaf-belling covered only pure (unfortunate) consonants, while the intriculture performed in one variety - a call. * Place of education. Three articulation zones were distinguished on this basis - lifting, dental and parallers - represented by ternary oppositions:< p > - < t > - < k >< b > - < d > - < g >< bh > - < dh > - < gh >At the same time, the paradise themselves distinguished themselves: proprietary , , ; Palatovoyelar , ; Labioelar (uttered lips) , .Conal consonants in various phonetic conditions functioned as bias or as non-forming. The presence or absence of a stagnation in Sonanta was determined by the phonetic position: * Slot Sonanta were between consonants and at the end of the word; * In position next to the vowels and in the intervocal position, the Sonanta was incomplete. System of vocabulary These vowels were contrasted not only in quality, but also by quantity (by longitude-short). And high-quality, and quantitative opposition were phoney, i.e. Could serve to distinguish words and their forms. The vowels were adjacent to the degree of sonicity and on the function in the Word (the ability to be a syllable vertex) Slot Sonantons and semi-packed Sonents I, U. 14. The oldest phonetic processes of the Protoslavyan language.Changes in the difthon and diphthongoid system were later Indo-European processes, at the same time turned out to be the earliest phenomena, which reflected trends, which then appeared with greater force in the history of Praslavyansky: * Labiovyar * k. w. , * G. w. , * Gh. w. Not survived in Praslav. Dyes, they completely coincided with non-biased consonants; * history of soft rear-speaking consonants k ", g", gh " : gh '\u003e g'; k ', g' As a result of palatalization, they were advanced in their formation forward, in the middle zone, transferred to the consonants of the electronic (hissing) and dental (whistling): * k "\u003e [s], a * g"\u003e [z]. * In Slavic languages, as a rule, condition coincided with unfortunate , and only the posterior * GH\u003e x in such words as "Sokh", "Kyutiti" Dyfthon's fate: * coincided diffong combinations on [m] and on [n] in the variant on [n], i.e. there was a transition [m]\u003e [n] at the end of the difongoid; * disappeared diftones with long vowels ; long and brief vowels in the composition of difthong coincided as a brief version; The sign of longitude began to characterize Difthong as a whole. At the end of the word formed, in combination with N before the harvester. Hell was subjected to an elongation, which led to the decomposition of Daphthong (Daruns (U-Brief)) -\u003e Daruns (U - long)) * Brief [A] switched to a brief [O]. * Loss of syllable Sonanthov : The process of decomposition of syllable sleeps ,, -\u003e became ordinary sonorous sounds + vocal ghosts [i] and [u]:\u003e ,,,\u003e,\u003e ,,,\u003e, * Loss Indo-eenevrop.Geminat (\u003d combination of double noisy agreement. How much quality). * TT\u003e [T], * SS\u003e c. labial : Combinations [J] from [i] (arc below) c Labiolazed. Head [o], [u]. In the position after [j], the vowels were delated, but they retained a sign of lifting: * IU\u003e * JU\u003e; * IO\u003e * JO\u003e: (* \u200b\u200bKonjus\u003e * konjis\u003e kon'is \u003d horse; * Morjo\u003e * Morje\u003e mor / sea) * Tendency to palatistize whistling after i, U, R, K \u003d\u003e S '\u003e * CH in the position not before consonants (* Sunusu\u003e St.-Sl. Sonh; * Gostisu\u003e St .-Sl. Guest, * Blusa\u003e St.-Sl. Blich, * Mousa\u003e Art. -l . MOUKH. This transition covered only the original Indo-European * S, the new [s] from the PalatAlaweler. * k 'in the non-constructing of the syllable: the syllables could be both open and closed (ends on any consonant, as well as on non-voltage [i], [u]) 15. Difthon fate and difthongic combinations. (See ticket 14)IN
Indo-European language was 12 difthongs, which were formed by a combination of long and brief public vowels of the wrong lifting as a sludge component and non-voltage sonants - semi-voiced and : AI, EI, OI, AI, EI, OI, AU, EU, OU, AU, EU, OUTCH There is a single opinion about their status in the phonematic system, but the functional relationship of difthong and monofthongs is undoubted, as evidenced by alternations:<*u>// <*ou>// <*u>Diftongoids Were presented with a combination of long and short vowels as a syllated vertex and sonorous consonant. 16. The establishment of a tendency to build a syllable on the principle of ascending time. Monofonticization of difthongs on *i. and *u.. * All syllables were built on the principle of ascending governed by the order of the sounds in the word. Each subsequent sound was to be more doubling than the previous one, and the syllables could end only by the bonding sounds - vowels or syllable consonants. The soundness was determined by a whole complex of articulation characteristics. The principle of ascending definition also determined the procedure for following sounds in groups of consonants. The following sequence was possible: fricative [s], [z] → washed (explosive or affrust) → Sonor nasal or [v] → Song smooth → syllable consonant or vowel. As a result of the action of the ascending defense principle, the law of the open syllable is established, according to which the syllables could end only by the boring sounds - vowels or smooth consonants. * Diffong Inherited from the Protoslavyan era, contradicted the tendencies to the upstream sound: in their composition, the more soniced element (syllated vowel) was preceded by a less than a sound non-voltage. On Praslanjanskaya soil, they underwent monophralization, the result of which depended on the phonetic position of Difthong in Wordforme. If Difthong turned out to be in front of the vowel, then Difthong disintegrates two elements and its unlucky component was departed to the following syllable: * Sloụo<*slo-vo слово. В то же время перед согласным и в конце слова дифтонг сохранял свою целостность. Важным в данном случае является то, что на базе формирования новой структуры слога возникает предпосылка к более интенсивному взаимодействию звуков в пределах слога, их ассимиляции. Это еще более усугубляется функциональной слитностью дифтонга, что и привело в конечном счете к ассимилятивному слиянию его компонентов: неслоговой полугласный звук сливался воедино со слоговым гласным: *oi<ять *koina<*kena<цЕна. То же произошло с ранними заимствованиями, содержавшими данный дифтонг. *oi<и. Тот же дифтонг в позиции конца слова (в окончаниях), находясь под нисходящей интонацией, имел другой результат монофтонгизации: *toi<*toi<ти. *ei>and. * EITEI\u003e ITI. * OU\u003e OU * AUSIS\u003e * Ousis\u003e Ouho * EU\u003e Yu * \u200b\u200bBeudtei\u003e Bestons. The loss of difthong led to substantial changes in the phonetic system of PRSL. Monophtongization of difthong led to the emergence of a new non-developing phoneme , whose feature was that she could be after [j]. By this time, the process of changing the labialized vowels after [j] was ended, as evidenced by the preservation of [U] in * Leud 17. The fate of difongic combinations with nasal vowels.The fate of the difongic combinations with [n] inherited from the Protoslavyan era is similar to the fate of difthongs: they have been preserved in the position before vowels (surviving the semiconductance on two elements and redistribution by syllables), but changed before consonants and at the end of the Wordformes: they are monophthonized by assimilative merge. At the same time, the nasal element assimilated with the vowel, reported the last nasal medal, resulting in a long nose vocabulary. * EN, * IN\u003e (YUS Small): * Inmen\u003e * IMEN\u003e IME ~ (Name) + * Nakintei\u003e NAC ( -He) 'eti\u003e start; * ON\u003e (YUS Large): * Pontis\u003e * Po ~ Tis\u003e Po ~ T\u003e Pove; * IDONT\u003e IDO ~ T\u003e Identities of a number of cases in the position of the end of the word Nazalization did not occur; The influence of the position of the end of the word could lead to a narrowing of the vowel, the change in its range and lifting, which prevented the formation of the nasal vowel. As an example, the education of the endings of the 1st person can be obtained. numbers and 3rd face MN. Aorist's numbers: * Rekson\u003e * Rekchon\u003e Rechun\u003e St.-Sl. Reh 18. The fate of difongic combinations of type *t.ŏ rT. Some Western (Czech and Slovak) occurred metathemia, accompanied by vowel lengthening: Tort\u003e Trot\u003e TRAT: Borda\u003e Broda\u003e Brada\u003e Brad Tert\u003e Tret\u003e TroT Bergos\u003e Bregos\u003e Breg's\u003e Breg Tolt\u003e Tlot\u003e Tlat Golva\u003e Glova\u003e Glava\u003e Chapter Telt\u003e Tlet\u003e Tlět Melko\u003e Mleko\u003e Mlěko\u003e Malko in eastern languages \u200b\u200band other Western (Polish, Kashubsky, Serbo-Luzhitsky, Polabskih) metathesis was not accompanied by a lengthening of the vowel. Instead, a new vowel has developed (first formerly vocal puzzle), in quality which coincided with the same: TOROT\u003e TROT\u003e T (O) Rot\u003e Torot Tert\u003e Tret\u003e TOLT\u003e TLOT\u003e TELT\u003e Tlet\u003e And then - in East Slavic languages \u200b\u200b(in In particular, in Russian), this developed sound became vowels of full education, but Polish, Kashubsky, Serbo-Luzhitsky, Polabsky - he was lost. 19. Diffantic combination of type *t.ǐ rT, * t.ŭ rT. Signal consonants in the Old Slavonic language. The combinations of smooth consonants with reduced vowels in position between consonants * Turt, * Tult, * Tirt, * Tilt did not match the tendency to ascend. In the SS language, the sequence "smooth consonant + reduced vowel" denoted sounds, different and in quality, and by origin: the syllable [R], [L]: plud, a combination of smooth with reduced [ъ], [b]: Slzea, Blich distinguish these spellings help the facts of modern Russian. Sound [ r. ], [ l. ] develops already on Slavic soil. As you know, the sound consonant initial phonetic system was lost in the Protoslavian period. It can be assumed the following scheme for the development of sylow smooth in PRSL language, reflecting the transition - to reduced super-defect [b], [b], as well as their subsequent assimilation with smooth: UR\u003e ъ\u003e (ъ) R\u003e R layout UL\u003e ъL\u003e (Kommersant ) L\u003e L CL IR\u003e L\u003e (b) R\u003e R Sl IL\u003e LL\u003e (B) L\u003e L SL Slumary consonants have evolved in the southern and number of Western Slavic dialects (Czech and Slovak Arala). In the Eastern and North-Western dialects, the final stage - the development of the alternation of smooth sonar consonant - was probably achieved, as a result of which the combination of vowel with smoothly recovered quite early, as evidenced by the facts of the Old Russian language: Targi Dyrjati, Paln 20. Fate combinations like * ŏrT, *ŏ lt. (at the beginning of the word). The law of syllative syngarmonism (general characteristic). In the position before vowels, the combinations were not subject to change, since the smooth consonant was rented to the beginning of the next syllable, and both sounds were stored in the original sequence: Oratei\u003e Orati\u003e Orati in position before consonant under the influence of the uplink trend. These difthongic combinations were changed: 1 ) In the dialects of the South Slavs, the change was the same as in the position between consonants 2) in Vost and Zap depends on intonation: a) VNX \u003d South B) NISH: worried about metathesis, but without lengthening the vowel and its subsequent expansion (apparently, Circumphlex intonation prevented the expansion of the vowel): orbos\u003e slave 21. Palamatory consonants before [j.]. One of the manifestations of the tendency to the syllable synormoniasis in Praslavyansky was that the consonant group within the syllable sought to articulate homogeneity, primarily associated with the articulation zone. In this regard, if the consonant group was [j] (the only palatal consonant system of the Connce of the Protoslavian period), then the entire consonant group was subjected to qualitative changes. [J] reported to the previous consonant (or group of consonants) palatalized in nature, while himself disappeared, as if dissolved in the articulation of the previous consonant. Palamaticalization was exposed to all consonants without exception; The zone of their formation was shifted towards the midish sky: * Rear consonants [k], [g], , shifting the place of its formation forward, towards the average sky in position before [J], turned into soft palatalized consonants; At the same time, the garbage explosive [k], [g] changed the method of education, acquiring a fricative or real-time-pass character: * kj \u003e\u003e [C '] (at the top of the check mark): * Plakjon\u003e Placho, * SEKJA\u003e GJ \u003e\u003e\u003e\u003e (Tick above): * Storgja\u003e Guardi; * Lugja\u003e Lached * Chj \u003e\u003e (Tick above): * Sousja\u003e * Suchja\u003e Sosh'a; * Dousja\u003e * Duchja\u003e Dowes * Palamatoryization of dental frictionative consonants [s] and [z] also accompanied by the displacement of the articulation zone towards the average sky, but also back. As a result, the dental palatalization reflexes were identical to the results of the Palacement of the posterior consonants - the front metering sounds developed: and (ticks above): * SJ \u003e\u003e (tick above): * nosja\u003e Nosha * zj \u003e\u003e (tick above): * uozjam\u003e voz ' (Tick above) O ~\u003e Vina; * Nozjos\u003e * Nozjus\u003e * NOZ '(Tick above) is\u003e noz'y\u003e knit * Advanced Sonenta [R], [L], [n] In position before [J], without changing its main articulation, became palatalized, that is, soft: * nj\u003e Kloniam\u003e Klonjam\u003e Klon'o ~\u003e Clone'o * LJ\u003e * Volja\u003e Vol'a (Will) * RJ\u003e R '* Burja\u003e Bur'a Bower * Toothbrush [T], [d] in position before [J], also moved in the zone of their articulation towards the average sky. As a result of a merger with [J], many palatalized consonants arose: * TJ\u003e T '* DJ\u003e D': 1) in Westernslav.y.You: * TJ\u003e T '\u003e C' * DJ\u003e D '\u003e D'Z'2 ) in Yuzhnoslav.Yen.: * TJ\u003e T '\u003e T'T'\u003e S'T's'\u003e S'T '(Tick above S) * DJ\u003e Z'D' (Tick above Z) 3) in Eastoslav .y.: * TJ\u003e T'S '(Tick above s)\u003e C' (Tick above) * Svetja\u003e * svet's'a (check mark over S)\u003e Candle * DJ\u003e D "Z" (Tick above)\u003e z ' (Tick above) * Medja\u003e Med'Z'A\u003e Mez'a * Lifts consonants [m], [b], [p], [v] In position before [j], they developed [l] -nyal medalist, which was then turned into a consonant full formation - l-epeneticum: * BJ\u003e B '\u003e BL': * L'ubjam\u003e * l'ubjo ~\u003e l'ubl'o ~\u003e Lubo * PJ\u003e P '\u003e PL': * Vupj\u003e VJ * MJ\u003e M '\u003e ML' : * Zemja\u003e Earth * VJ\u003e V '\u003e VL': * Lovja\u003e fishing 22. I., II., III Palaalization of the posterior consonants.* First palatalization hand holders - this is the process of changing solid rear consonants [k], [g], into soft hissing opponent consonants [Č '], [ž'] (through stage), [Š '] in position in front of the oldest vowels of the front row (to the monofont blood of difthong) , which was the result of the action of the tendency to the syllable synormonism. The sounds of [Č '], [ž'], [Š '] by its origin were positional options for posteripalized background (their appearance was fully determined by the phonetic position). But over time they became independent phones. The acquisition of independent phonamenatic status is still in PRSL, the peculiarities of the phonetic system of that period were determined: in parallel there was a change in the posterior consonants with similar results and in another position - before [j]; after the transition * E\u003e "A after soft hissing; as a result in type words Hearing, Chad The presence of hissing no longer was due to the position. The transition of the positioning alternations of the posterior and hissing in the morphological, probably finally ended after the fall of the reduced, when the hissing found themselves in position before consonants: Sew\u003e Went. The first palatalization of the posterior consonants led to the appearance of Handborn and hissing consonants in cases where the oldest alternations of vowels were presented at the root, as well as at the end of the morpheme with word formation and word: Reco-speeches, adheral, mogon-mopping palatalization covered all cases of position [K], [G] , before the glaces of the front row of non-imphtengic About origin --E, I debt and brief. After the monofont bloodization of Difthong, the posterior consonants turned out to be in position in front of the heads of the front row, but the action of the first palatalization by this time was already over, therefore the posterior consonants were subjected to other changes. * Second palatalization hand holders - This is the process of changing solid rear consonants [k], [g], in whistling consonants [c], [z] (through stage), [s] before the glaces of the front row of difthongic origin. U was a special fate - the result of its change could be [Š]. The effect of the second palatalization of the backs was due to the fact that after the monofont bloodization of the difththong * oi, which started to a vowel immobility, changed the position for the posterior consonants: they again turned out to be in front of the front rows [I], [ě]. Since the effect of the trend towards syroll syngarmonism retained relevance, the solid rear should have been subjected to palatalization. There is no definite solution to the question of the degree of softener of sounds [C], [Z], [S], [Š], which appeared as a result of the second palatalization, which distinguishes them from the sounds that appeared in the process of the third palatalization. It can be thought that in articulating terms, the results of the second palatalization were represented by the degree of mitigation, which is called semi-resistance: ,,, [Š.]. * Third palatalization of the posterior consonants - This is the process of changing solid rear consonants [k], [g], in soft (palatalized) whistling consonants, under the influence of previous vowel front rows. Just as in the process of the second palatalization, the result of the change could be. Palamatory * G went through the stage. The third palatalization is of particular nature progressive. Unlike the first and second palatalization, the process is not under the influence of the subsequent vowel, but the previous one. Since the law of open syllables acted in this era, we have in this case the expense effect. The results of the third palatalization are parallel with the results of the second, but have a number of differences: those who result from the third palatalization, of course, were definitely soft. This is evidenced by the fact that after, which appeared during this process, the letter can not be used, it is replaced and, as in a soft variety of declination: Ottsi, Otchi, Rubert, Konih. The peculiarity of the third palatalization in its irregularity, but stability, while the second palatalization, on the contrary, was characterized by regularity and instability. That is why the third palatalization is manifested optional: in absolutely identical phonetic positions, its results may be present or not: face, but Lik, Zlokalo, but in history. 23. The role of trends towards unification and differentiation in grammar, reflected in the monuments of the Old Slavonic language. 24. Nouns on * ŭ and * ĭ: formation of forms, decline. . Sushes with the oldest basics for Sogl and on ū. Because of Cher in the basics. Sughdle - presented suzhy of all three clans. Feature - they are shorter than everyone else on 1 syllable. (cp genus and in wines) already in PRSL language began to collapse under the influence of other, more productive declarations: at I (f p s); Words of the CPR tested the influence of paradigms of the foundations on o, to which most words of the CP R. On y - railway, ended on s: fuckers, mother-in-law, lobs, neglected, smear, chirky, kol, bras. In the only case, the words of this type of declination changed the same as words with the basis for the consonant female kind, but in the dual and in the plural they were influenced by the paradigm of the basics of * a Skl is on *i. in Sly. M and w p, ok on b. Unlike the words belonging to the type of declining on O, at the words of the male genus the consonant, preceding the end, was not soft, but semi-mug. Guest, Goloby, Lord, Beast, Bear, Flames, Look, Breath, Tat, go, yad, vnue. The differences between the endings between noun male and female genus were only in the apparent case of the only number and in the nominative case of a plural. 25. The declination of non-iron pronouns: historical comment. 26. Words denoting numbers. 27. Glading classes: types of infinitive bases and present. All verbal forms have been formed from one of the two foundations that most verbs did not coincide. The insfinitive's general is the part of the verbal word, which preceded infinitive suffix, the basis of the present time is part of the verb word, which first preceded the thematic vowel, later - the end. By the ratio of forming the foundations of the verbs, it is customary to divide into classes. Infinitive: Non-Ty, Pisa. Aorist, Imperfect, Infinitive, Supin, Aeist and POSCH POST. Nasty BP - NAS VP, Aeist and Street VR, led to the tilt. Nut-Shi, Piche-Shi. Classes: 1) Osn on * o / * e. ends on the Sughdle. Thematic vowel * oh was used to form forms in the 3rd face of MN C NA VP, in other forms - thematic * e. Non-Eshi, Vedoshi, Words, Eshi, can-eat. 2) * no \\ * ne. + verbs with suff "Well (H)" Dvig-non-Shi, Saw-non-Shi, Pli-Nehhi, Monta, Dvignonti. 3) * JO / * JE. Signs, kisses, writing, everyday. The verbs on the ATI after the consonant, entering into an alternation due to the impact of * j. Platati, verbati. Makers, wishes, Obivaša 4) at I. Ends on ITI, Ati, theater. Praise, hear, blits, video. 5) Nectable. Syesm, Lady, Yam, Sem, Imam. Friend, give, keep, have. 28. Currently, thematic and insecurity verbs: formation of forms, lining. 29. System forms of the future time: value, education. 1) with the help of verbs in the form of PR. The verbs of the VR, used in the meaning of the Bed BP, could be both sv and NSV (Wed. Russian: tomorrow I go to work). The value of bud BP, not directly related to species, was determined by the context. 2) The verb of life had a form simple bud of BP 3) Building 1. It had an absolute value, that is, indicated an action, to happen after the moment of speech. I am expressed by infinitive in combination with forms of NAS TRP of three steps: Began, want, have. At the same time, the hidden verb not only performed ft gram E-TA, but also kept Nex Lexes. 4) Bud Sal 2 had a relative value. Upotr only in the complex offers and indicated the action, whose results preceded the other Bud Dn. It was formed by a combination of a newly alarm, priest in [-l] with forms of a simply future of the verb of life. 30. Simple and sigmatic aorist (based on vowel and consonant): value, education, lining. 31. Imperfect: Value, Education, Hiding. 32. Perfect and Plywamperfect: Value, Education, Hiddenness. 33. The imperative and subjunctive inclination: education, origin of the forms of imperative inclination. An inclination is a grammatical category of verb, expressing the correlation of action with reality, from the point of view of the speaker. It may transmit a reality assessment of the relationship between the action and its subject, as well as the will of the speaker or to negate the action. The SS language is the same as in modern Russian, there were three inclues: an expressive, stateing, approving or denying effect in the present, past or future; The imperative, expressing the will of the speaker, prompting someone to become a manufacturer, a subject of action; Conditional, denoting alleged or desirable action. The imperative and conditional inclination was opposed to the zealous as irreal. The surreal inclination was characterized by specific grammatical indicators and did not have time forms. The morphological indicators of the display of time have served. 34. Valid communities of the present time: formation of forms, declination, origin of forms. 35. Valid times of the past time: formation of forms, declination, origin of forms. 36. The order of words in the proposal. Coordination. 37. Deniation in the Old Slavonic language. 38. Using the design "Duty independent". Tools for temporary relations. 39. Named and locomotive adjectives; Article theory. 40. Forms of comparison of the impressive names: education, declination; Nominal and locomotive forms. 41. Personal pronouns; their declination, historical comment. Formation of pronoun 3 persons. 42. Category of nouns names. Nouns on ŏ / *j.ŏ: Form formation, declination. 43. Nouns on * ū and * Sogl.: Formation of forms, decline. 44. Praeling communities of the present and past time: education, origin, declination. 45. Category of the genus nouns in the old Slavonic language. Nouns on * a /j.a: Form formation, declination. 46. \u200b\u200bFormation of the name of the adjective as an independent part of speech.High-quality vowel differentiationIn Praslansky, the quantitative opposition in the system of vowels, characteristic of the original vocal system, is beginning to be gradually lost. It was a long process that ended in the history of individual Slavic languages.

    Structure of the syllable.

    The system of vowels and characteristics of individual sounds.

    The reflexes of nasal vowels. Alternations in Old Russian and modern Russian languages \u200b\u200bassociated with the fate of the nasal.

    The beginning of the word in ancient Russian language.

    The system of consonants of the Old Russian language in comparison with the system of consonant modern Russian languages.

    Phonetic signs of words of non-Slavic origin.

    Corrective phonetic signs of East Slavic (Old Russian) and South Slavic (Staroslavansky) origin of words.

    Structure of syllable

For the phonetic system of the Old Russian language X-XI centuries, as well as for other Slavic languages \u200b\u200bof this period, 2 regularities related to the structure of the syllable: a tendency to the location of sounds in a syllable by increasing sound, or the law of the open syllable (IOS), and the trend By homogeneity of sounds in the syllable in terms of their place of education, or the law of syllable syngarmonism (ZSS).

According to ZOS, all the syllables in the ancient Russian words were supposed to end with the highest possible sound, i.e., vowels: dy-ny, braz-TJ, N., CE. But another demanding of this law was the cover of the syllable: the syllable (and the word) should begin to begin. The ideal structure of the syllable looked like this: Ta-Ta-Ta, where [T] is any consonant sound, [a] - any vowel. If there are several consonants inside the syllable, then they formed a sequence to increase the soundness, for example: sta-po-hundred, live zn, gra-mo. The scale of the soundness of consonants can be represented as follows: Deaf fricative - deaf explosive and affriries - ringing frictionable - ringlets - [in] and [j] - Sonorny (see Table 14. "The location of the sounds of the ancient Russian language ascending the soundness" in the 3rd Parts of this manual).

The ZSS also limited the combination of sounds inside the syllable. For example, always solid posterior consonants [g], [k], [x] could not be combined with the vowels of the front row and, moreover, with [J]. Such combinations still in Praslansky period experienced changes, which led to the appearance of soft hissing and whistling sounds on the place of the posterior-speaking, [* J] was assimilated with new soft consonants. The rest of the solid consonants could be combined with the vowels of the front row, while maintaining their quality, but by purchasing sevenness (), adapting to the front articulation of vowels. Next to [* j], softening, only the sonorous [* r, * l, * n] retained their quality, the rest were experiencing transient mitigations, [* J] did not continue in all cases.

All these processes (the restructuring of the syllables in accordance with the requirements of the basic patterns) occurred in the Praslansky period. In the ancient Russian language of a written period, the pattern continued to characterize the structure of the syllable, but no longer caused notable phonetic processes.

Of course, the syllable structure of not all the words recorded by the ancient Russian monuments, responded to basic laws. There were also deviations, for example, in borrowed words could be disturbed by the principle of increasing the tempering or combination of the proximity of articulation ( pA-SHA, A-le-KSA-NDR, Ki-Pa-Ri-Ry, Le-Gi-Oh-n and etc.). According to such violations, it is possible to formulate phonetic signs of borrowed words: non-Russian and non-Slavic. (See them below.)

There was another group of words in ancient Russian language in which the ideal syllable structure was broken - these are not borrowed, but original words with a combination of "reduced vowel to smooth consonants", or t.kommersantrT- , eg el-k, sr-Pdy, Vir-Ho, Stool-Pdy, Tar-g etc. These general Slavonic (hereinafter - O.Sl) combinations were different in Slavic dialects in different ways. In Staroslavlyansky, there was a smooth consonant in such words, the vowel sound was lost, the changes occurred in the South Slavic dialect (hereinafter - Yu.Sl) under the influence of ZOS. In the East Slavic Dialega, these combinations have not changed, remaining in ancient Russian language (hereinafter - DR.R.) the beginning of the written period in contradiction with ZOS. As you know, in the language it is not always possible to decompose all the facts on the shelves, the existence of deviations and exceptions laid the grain of further development of the language. (Wed. View point - about syllable character and East Slavic smooth consonants in these combinations in the book: Borkovsky V.I., Kuznetsov P.S. Historical grammar of the Russian language.)

Along the way, I must say that in the East Slavic dialect (hereinafter - V.Sl) combinations * t.kommersantlt.- and * t.blt.- in the additional period coincided in one combination * t.kommersantlt.-. It was associated with the special nature of the Eastern Slavic sound [* l.], which was labian: vowel front rows [* b] moved under the influence of solid and clumsy smooth in the zone of the renown series and coincided with [ * B.]. Cf. Russian wolf< др.р. вълкkommersant < о.сл. *vьlkos, что находит соответствие, например, в литовском vilkas.

The same lability [ * l.] caused and labialization of the vowel front range [ * E.] In combination O.Sl. * telt.- > v.Sl * tolt.- > tOLOT.-. For example, milk< др.р. молоко < др. вост.сл. *molko < о.сл. *melkos в соответствии со ст.сл. млÝко. Ср. нем. Milch - «молоко», melken - «доить корову».

    The system of vowels and characteristics of individual sounds

The system of vowels of the Old Russian language X-XI centuries. It can be represented as follows:

Row: Front naughty


upper And y

middle E b about

lower Ä A.

Comparing old Russian system With Starroslavansky, inherited from the General Slavonic practice, we note the main differences: there are no nasal in the ancient Russian of this period. Nasal vowel renown series [ Q.] coincided with vowels [ w.], and nasal vowel front rows [ ę ] Gave a special background of the front row< but \u003e (or [Ä]). In addition, vowel [ý] in DR.R. was a closed vowel top-middle lift [ ê ], While in St.Sl. It was an open vowel lower lift [ æ ]. The rest of the system of both languages \u200b\u200bcoincided.

Cf. (O.Sl. \u003d St.Sl):

* E * * b * ъ * o * q

Special remarks require sounds that subsequently lost, for example, reduced. They were characteristic of all ancient Slavic languages. Character [ kommersant] and [ b] It is established on the basis that in a weak position they early found a tendency to lose. Weak and strong positions for those reduced in Old Russian were the same as in Staroslavansky. Strong positions: 1) under the stress, for example, d.b -N.b , fromkommersant -N.kommersant ; 2) in single words, such as t.kommersant , fromb , N.kommersant ; 3) in the syllable before the weak reduced - b.b -Rb -inb -Well; 4) in combinations before smooth (special case) - inb r-H.kommersant , Pkommersant l-N.kommersant , fromb rDb tse, Z.b r-Ka-Lo, pb r-you-and, db r-Jet, inb r-Ba. etc. (regardless of the emphasis). Weak items: 1) End of the Word - housekommersant ; 2) in front of a syllable with vowel full education - d.b -Yoa, S.kommersant -on the; 3) before a syllable with a strong reduced - j.b -N.b - Ts.b .

Reduced vowels [b] and [b] and positioning options - reduced sounds [ s] and [ and]. As in St.Sl, they arose in special positions, for example, in combination [ kommersant] and [ b] C [J]: In the end full adjectives M.R. units - kra kommersant + J. b \u003e Krashne sandyoung kommersant + J. b \u003e young sand; syn- b + J. b \u003e Sin andand. In combination of vowels [s] and [and] full formation with [J], the reduced [ s] and [ and]: We are, [m s-JU]\u003e m syu\u003e mine; Li, [l and-JU]\u003e l andyu\u003e Lew; [Sh kommersantjA]\u003e Neck. For them, strong and weak positions also differed. (For more information about this, see the topic II.) Further fate of reduced [ s] and [ and] In ancient Russian language is different from their changes in Staroslavansky. There were no special letters for their designation in the alphabet, so they were denoted by letters. kommersant and b or sand and.

In the system of vowels of the Old Russian language there was another special foundation of the forefront, which was found in all his dialects -< ä \u003e, torn to O.Sl. [* "]. This phonem performed in a limited group of words and forms, for example, [M˙ÄT], [M˙ÄÄSO], [PLATE], [Nach'älo], Liu [B˙˙T˙]. She existed not long - from the middle of the x century. until the end of the XI century, before softening seven-minded consonants, after which it coincided with the vowels of the Mind Rate [ a.].

So, in the ancient Russian language X-XI centuries. There were no nasal vowels. They walked, coinciding with vowels Nenosovy [ w.] and [ but], eg, hand, tooth, five, harvest. The vowels [y] and [a] in the roots of these words can be called the reflexes of nasal vowels [* Q] and [*.].

The nasal were lost by most Slavic languages. They were preserved only by Polish and Kashubsky languages, and their quality does not always correspond to O.Sl. nasal, for example, st.Sl. Ð1êÀ, ç1Áú, ï0ò in Polish. Ręk, ZąB, Pięć.

    The reflexes of nasal vowels. Alternations in ancient Russian and russian languagesassociated with the fate of nasal

As it was indicated, the nasal vowels lost in ancient Russian language in the additional period, but the traces of their former existence were preserved in modern Russian, which manifests itself in certain alternations of sounds. Alternation is a natural sound of sounds within one morpheme - consoles, root, suffix or end. The internal reconstruction, which relies on the comparative study of the facts of one language in one chronological section (in this case, the modern Russian language) helps to restore the original view of the morpheme. At the same time, the synchronous identity of the morpheme with alternation, for example, the roots of related words, is considered as a diachronous identity, i.e. ascending to a common source. In other words, comparing alternations in the morpheme, it is possible to restore its initial appearance. For example, modern alternation ['a] / [m] / [im] in single words pota-h - (b) M-y - Voz im-AT It allows us to conclude that the original root had a vowel front row with a nose element [* IM-].

Recall how nasal appeared in O.Sl. Language. (See the table of origin of vowels in the 3rd part of this manual.) Combination [* ON], [* OM], [* EN], [* EM], [* IN], [* Im], i.e. . "Vice + nasal consonant", in the position before consonant according to the law of the open syllable monofongenized, formed nasal vowel [* q] or [*], thereby opened the syllable. There was no monoftoization in the position of the vowel, the combination of "vowel + nasal consonant" was preserved, this led to the appearance of O.Sl. alternations: [*) / [* im] / [* bm]; [*) / [* in] / [* bn]; or [* Q] / [* ON] (Wed. St.Sl.: æ 0 -ÒÈ – ïî-Æ ÈÌ -ÀÒÈ– Æ üì -one; Æ. 0 -ÒÈ – ïî-Æ ÈÍ -ÀÒÈ- Æ üÍ -one; ÇÂ. 1 Êú - Ç îÍ ú).

After loss by the ancient Russian nasal language and phonemes< ä > The front row appeared alternations reflecting the reflexes of nasal vowels, for example: mi-T - Min-U (['A] / [BN]); zhi - in Zhin-Ati - Zhlen-y (['A] / [IN] / [BN]); sound - ringing ([U] / [He]). In the words of the modern Russian language, these alternations persist that it makes it possible to determine the original sound composition of the morpheme. Wed: Nach. but-Tee - nach iN."NCH n.-; J. buttV - J. n.-You - please iN.-Ah; Zan. i-t - Zan. them"Love m.-; time i - time eNand; over w.- D. s - over m.- ZV w.k - ZV is he - ZV eN-Iw - ZV ikat. In the last example in a series of alternates - the reflexes of nasal vowels [y] / ['a]< [*Q] / [*ę].

Non-turning links (vowel + nasal consonant) in the chain of alternates are lost, and only the alternation of nose reflexes ['A] / [U] remains in the language. This alternation is very unusual, so invalidly related words cease to be realized by native speakers as related, semantic ties are weakened and can completely break. For example, in ihollow w.bevel w.pS; M. itup, see i- see w.tA, M. w.tat; G. izy, pogre. iburn - G. w.z, G. w.knowing, pogr w.call for example igY, for example ifIRP ilCD, Sopr. igatch - Pr. w.gina, Upr. w.guy, Supff w.g (pair of oxen); Tr. isKA, T. isteel - Tr. w.c, T. w.sCA; T. iha, T. izhelya - T. w.goy, T. w.live. In these examples, semantic proximity is still felt, although weakened. But in other cases, the former kinship of words can only be established by an etymological way, for example: w.stop - butso SC. w.bottom - sh butdiet; M. it, M. igTY - M. w.ka; Z. ibez, Z. ibnet, pr ibat - Z. w.b.

The alternation of reflexes is nastyhead in the suffixes of communion and adjectives and in the end of the verbs. For example, in the suffix of valid communcies of the present time - ace- (in the verbs of 1 SPR.) / - as set- (in the verbs 2 SPR.): Alive w., in yu- lying but, Gor. i. At the adjectives, which are by the origin of ancient Russian communions, or educated from verbs in a similar time in a similar model, in the suffix - uch- / -aC.-: Love w.chii, Gor. yuchii, Drem. w.chii - Len butchii, Gor. ichii. In the verb end of 3 liters. MN.ch. in BP. - uT. (in 1 SPR.) / - aT. (in 2 dispre), for example: w.t, write w.t, think yut - lying butt, pros- it, it.

Reflex nasal can be detected in consoles . So, in O.Sl. There were 3 pretext pretext with nasal consonants: * Sn -, * Vъ, * Kъ. In the formation of new words or wordforms, they could be before consonant, which caused monophralization of the difthongic combination into a vowel [* Q]. Before the vicinity, the nasal consonant was preserved, but he was rejected to the root, the reservoir of the console or an excuse occurred, that is, moving the borders of the morpheme.

In Russian, only one prefix with a nose reflex is preserved - this is a prefix. su.- (with the meaning "accompanying property", "admixture"), but it has already practically merged with the root, in any case, ceased to be productive, Wed: with w.-Mrak, S. w.-In, S. w.tKI, S. w.coffin, S. w.-Glock, S. w.-Itsotian, S. w.-carovitsa, S. w.fat (cf. rolling), with w.pior, S. w.pOST, S. w.tulya (cf. torso), with w.becoming, S. w.- contradicts, S. w.lip (cf. s-dying, bent).

Development of prefix prefixes manifested: 1) in the declining of the pronounter of the 3rd face: with ъ + damn\u003e kommersant n.imit\u003e S. n.them; in ъ + them\u003e in kommersant n.them\u003e B. n.them; to ъ + IM\u003e To kommersant n.iM\u003e K. n.them; 2) with verb word formation: in ъYamati\u003e B. kommersant-n.iMATA\u003e n.bleas from ъ-Imimi\u003e S. kommersant-n.iMATA\u003e n.bleas in ъ- Literally - "Invest in the ears")\u003e in kommersant-n.easy\u003e B. n.to sew (in modern Russian, the bastard completely collapsed with the root, caressure occurred); 3) less often in the formation of nouns and adverbs: with n.eating (food)< др.р. съChe; in n.oar< др.р. въoar and even n.morning (womb).

In all the above examples, the consonants [H] was not the originally root, and was part of the prestick console, but as a result of rework deployed to the root. And by analogy began to appear at the beginning of the root after other prefix-prestings, for example, from n.his, front n.they, O. n.eM, for n.them; or: for n.yat, for n.yat, Ot n.pere n..

1.2.5. Phonetic processes of Praslavyansky period

Keywords: Paleoslavlistics, Old Russian language, language system, Protoslavyansky, phonetic processes, Praslavyansky period

Trend towards ascending

Throughout the Praslanian era, a number of changes occur, very different outwardly, but, which are based on one general trend, which can be characterized as trend towards ascending - establishing within the syllable of the mandatory distribution of sounds in accordance with their acoustic-articulation characteristics on the principle of increasing the soundness of each subsequent sound.

This trend was also noted by F. F. Fortunate, who wrote about the desire of a language in Praslavyansky Epoch "Avoid". However, such an explanation was incomplete, one-sided, since nothing spoke about the fate of consonant groups. N. Van Weik gave a wider interpretation of the specified phenomenon, considering it as a tendency to build a syllable on the principle of ascending time, that is, to establish in the syllable of the mandatory distribution of sounds in accordance with their acoustic-articulating characteristics on the principle of increasing the soundness of each subsequent sound: establishing a mandatory following from more "weak" to more "strong".

It is the action of tendency to ascending definitions that such phonetic processes are determined as:

  • loss of finite consonants;
  • simplification of consonant groups;
  • processing syllables;
  • monophralization of difthong and difthongic combinations;
  • the fate of difongic combinations with nasal consonants;
  • changing the combinations of vowels with smooth consonants

The soundness is determined by a number of factors: the work of voice ligaments, the degree of intensity of the articulation bodies, a large or smaller density of the barrier during the articulation of consonants.

The trend itself remains unexplained. It is obvious that it happened not immediately. It is possible that the tendency to the upstream definition determined by the tendency to the upstream phonetic changes, the results of which, in turn, strengthened the tendency, causing the need for further changes. Apparently, the initial impulse of the trend was the desire of the language as much as possible oppose vowels and consonants. The complete implementation of this trend, which was not achieved, was to lead to the fact that all the consonants would be in the intervocal position, and all vowels - in the interconnect (i.e., to the structures of the CVCV or VCVC). Nevertheless, the groups of consonants have been preserved, and they develop certain hierarchical relations, which are manifested in clear and strict rules of compatibility within one syllable.

The action "The tendency to the ascending soundness" was functionally connected with another phonetic tendency of Praslavyansky period - the trend of syroll syngarmonism; Between them existed a certain typological similarity.

Rules of combination of consonants within the consonant groups in Praslavyansky period

In the Praslansky period, as a result of the trend towards an uptretenness within the consonant groups, certain hierarchical relations are developing, regulating the possible procedure for consonants depending on their quality - clear and strict rules of combination of consonants within one syllable.

  1. Especially important was Position began words Due to its stability, determined by the fact that it is the beginning of the word due to the root, with the main carrier of lexical meaning. At the beginning of the word, the following combinations of consonants were possible in Praslavyansky period:
  • Thus, at the beginning of the word there is a clear regulation of the combination of consonants, which did not extend to other positions. At the beginning of the word, a certain phonmematic rhythm arises in the organization of the Connce group. As a result, the following sequence of consonants and group-forming words are established: Pirorative - broken - sonorous(including and ) – enclosing. This order of following becomes a model for the structure of consonant groups and group-forming words in other parts.
  • In position end of the Word There is a loss of finite consonants.
  • In position mid words Different changes occur in the groups of solas, which could be accompanied by changing the sludge boundaries, which allowed the sounds within the same syllable on the principle of ascending.
  • Law of Sloga Syngarmonism

    A number of phonetic processes of Praslavyansky era (consonants), as well as some processes of an earlier, Protoslavyan period (the fate of labialized vowels in combination C * J) are the result of a single trend that called the name Trends towards syroll syngarmonism. Its essence is that the sounds within one syllable were to be articulated close to each other. The syllable sought to lines on the models: non-payable consonant + vowel immobility; palatal consonant + vice front row. The quality of sounds within the same syllable in this case can be characterized by the terms.

    Because of this, in words configured by this trend, there were appropriate changes aimed at localization of the syllable in a single articulation area:

    • movement forward the articulation of the vowel under the influence of the steality of the consonant;
    • palamatory consultation under the influence of the vowel front or [J].

    In contrast to the earlier, the protoslavyan period characterized by another syllable structure arises Active interaction between sounds within one syllable, intense and palatalization.

    Between the two main phonetic tendencies of the Praslavyansky epoch, which determined the phonetic dialect system, which lay down the formation of phonetic systems of other Slavic languages, as well as the formation of phonetic systems of other Slavic languages, "there is a certain connection with a tendency to the uplink and the law of a syllable syngarmonism.

    The typological similarity between the two main trends of Praslavyansky period

    The main phonetic tendencies of Praslavyansky period are the tendency to ascending and the law of syllable syngarmonism. Between them detects a certain typological similarity:

    • Both tendencies were aimed at transforming a syllable into a single holistic structure, to automate and unify the articulation program within a single syllable; The tendency to the ascending time produces a strict order of following segments in the syllable. The trend towards the syllable syngarmonism determined the unified area of \u200b\u200barticulation within the syllable (front - intolerance).
    • It can be assumed that the tendency to the ascending tension largely led to the effect of the tendency to syllable syngarmonism, since it was precisely it led to the unification of vowels and consonants within the syllable into a single holistic structure, which created prerequisites for syntagmatic interaction between them, to their maximum. In favor of this statement, the fact that all changes associated with a sludge sinormonism occur within a new syllable already built on the principle of ascending soundness. There is practically no effects across the boundaries of the problem. The exception is the third palatalization of the posterior consonants, but this phenomenon is quite later.

    High-quality differentiation of long and short vocabulary

    In Praslavyansky, the quantitative opposition in the system of vowels characteristic of the original vocal system is beginning to be gradually lost. It was a long process that ended in the history of individual Slavic languages.

    Source vowels Duration St.-Sl. vowels
    * a, * o [o]
    * E.
    * U. [ъ]
    * I. [b]

    Thus, the quantitative opposition of the vowel initial phonetic system in Praslavyansky was lost. However, since Praslavyansky vowels go back to vowels, opposed in short-brevity, it can be assumed that different vowels retained quantitative characteristics in the phonetic systems and Praslavyansky, and the Old Slavonic language.

    Origin of vowel [o]

    Probably, in the Praslanian period on the site of Indo-European short * - * only one brief vowel [o] was known: Slavic [o] correspond * - * in others:

    Origin of vowel [A]

    Probably, in the Praslanian period on the site of Indo-European long * - * only one long vowel [A] was known: Slavic [A] correspond to * - * in others:

    Origin of vowel [E]

    Indo-European brief vowel in Praslavyansky period does not undergo qualitative changes:

    The origin of the vowel

    The fate of the Indo-European long vowel after solid and soft consonants was different. After solid consonants, he gave, and after soft consonants, he coincided with ["a]:

    Usually different destiny After solid and soft consonants, due to disparation ['], [']. Wed:

    The origin of the vowel [Kommersant]

    Indoevrpeysky * in the corresponding vowel [ъ]:

    In some endings, Slavic [Kommersant] comes from *, developed from Indo-European * in the position of the final closed syllable:

    Origin of vowel [y]

    Indoevrpese * in Praslavyansky, the vowel [Y] corresponded, if he was in front of the consonants and at the end of the word:

    Origin of vowel [b]

    At the site of the original phonetic system in Praslavyansky we have a vowel [b]:

    Origin of vowel [i]

    Indo-European [i] in Praslavyansky is maintained without any quality changes:

    Recycling syllables

    In Praslavyansky Yayka, the pattern, according to which noisy could not cover the syllable, was distributed to the syllables of the middle of the word. Under the influence of the trend towards the uplink in the middle of the word, there is a survey of syllables: noisy consonants, covered with the syllable, widespread to the next syllable, so on. The syllables became open:

    As a result, the consonants, previously formerly syllables, are now combined within one syllable and began to form phonetic combinations, which were to be built under the rules governing the construction of consonant groups. In such groups of consonants, different changes occur, which in general can be characterized as a simplification of consonant groups.

    Simplification of consonant groups

    Under the influence of the action of the tendency to ascendant in the Praslansky period, there are certain rules governing the possible order of consonant sounds within the consonant groups in the middle of the word. Group consonants who did not meet these rules were simplified:

    • Conrsant groups consisting of explosive consonants different place of education, lost the first consonant:

    • "Frank + frictionative": the group's simplification went in favor of a spirant:
    * ks\u003e * kch\u003e

    * KST\u003e

    • "explosive + nose": the simplification was due to the first sound

    • "Nasal + nose": Lose, as a rule, the first consonant:
    • "Light + Light": Simplification was carried out due to the loss of the second consonant:
    • "* TL, * DL": The fate of these combinations in Slavic languages \u200b\u200bwas different. This suggests that the process occurred later than others and their results reflected dialectic differences:
    South I.
    Eastern languages
    Western languages

    Monophtongization of difthong

    Diffents inherited from the Protoslavyan era contradicted the tendencies to the upstream sounding: in their composition, the more sonorous element (syllated vowel) was preceded by a less than a sonorous non-voltage vowel. On the Praslang soil, they underwent monophralization, the result of which was dependent on Difthong in Wordforme.

    If Difthong turned out before Glasna, then Difthong disintegrates into two elements and its non-slant component was departed to the following syllable:

    In the same time before consonant and in the end of the worddifthong retained its integrity. It is important in this case that on the basis of the formation of a new syllable structure there is a prerequisite for a more intensive interaction of sounds within the syllable, their assimilation. This is further exacerbated by the functional difthong infancy, which led to ultimately assimilative merging of its components: The non-slant semi-voltage sound merged together with a sluggish vowel:

    The loss of difthong led to significant changes in the phonetic system.

    Diffantic Fate with Nasal Public

    The fate of difongic combinations with [n] inherited from the Protoslavyan era is similar to the fate of difthongs: they are preserved in position before vowels (Having survived the semiconduct on two elements and redistribution by syllables), but changed before consonants and at the end of the word form: They monofongenized by assimilative merge. At the same time, the nasal element assimilated with the vowels, reported the last nasal gallery, as a result of which there were long-nasal vowels.

    A reflection of 2 nasal vowels was reflected in the old Slavonic era:

    In some cases, in the position of the end of the word, nasalization did not occur; The influence of the position of the end of the word could lead to a narrowing of the vowel, the change in its range and, which prevented the formation of the nasal vowel. As an example, the education of the endings of the 1st person can be obtained. numbers and 3rd face MN. Aorist's numbers:

    The change in the difongic combinations with nose vowels influenced the phonetic system (new alternations arose).

    Changes in the phonetic system of Praslavyansky, due to monofongization of difthong and difthongic combinations

    As a result of the monophralization of difthong and similar changes in the difongic combinations in the phonetic system of Praslavyansky period, the following changes occurred:

    Changing the combinations of vowels with smooth consonants

    The tendencies to the ascending soundness did not match the difthonic combinations with smooth sonorous consonants [R] and [L]. These diffongic combinations experienced the impact of the trend, but its implementation prevented a much smaller ability to assimilate [R] and [L], compared with the nasal consonants and. Therefore, they were still preserved during the monophralization of difthong, however, under the influence of all previous processes, the position of the end of the word begins to be perceived exclusively as the position of the vowel (and not consonant or difthong). Inside the tendency to the ascending time, the law of open syllables is formed, as if an adjusted tendency to its complete implementation.

    In the new conditions, combination with smooth are aware of already as closed syllables with downlinks, which are to be removed as irrelevant by the main systemic phonetic patterns. In this sense, the change in combinations with smooth is the top of the implementation of the tendency to ascend.

    The fate of difongic combinations with smooth developed differently depending on the following factors:

    • the quality of the sound vowel in combination;
    • position of the beginning or middle of the word;
    • the quality of the sound, which was after a combination (vowel or consonant).

    If the combination was in position in front of the vowel, then according to the overall trend towards the processing of the syllables there was a change in the border of the problem, and, as a result, the redistribution of vowels and consonants between the syllables:

    After completion of changes in combination with smooth principle, which arose as part of the trend towards ascending is completely implemented: in the language did not turn out. On the other hand, the opening of the syllables is the result of the full implementation and completion of the tendency to ascend.

    The fate of difongic combinations with smooth in the middle of the word between consonants

    Change of difongic combinations with smooth in the middle of the word between consonants (combinations of type, where t. - Any consonant) was differently reflected by Slavic languages.

    The proximity of the results of the change in the combination of * Tort in the eastern languages \u200b\u200band Western languages \u200b\u200bof the Lechita group can be explained by a certain approach between these dialects during a certain period.

    The results of the change of difongic combinations with smoothly by type * Tort\u003e TRAT is customary to be called inconception, but by type * TOROT\u003e TOROT - Full-Make.

    Regarding the explanation of the data mechanism of changes in the literature, there are various opinions.

    Developed at the site of difthongic combinations with smooth misconduct coincided with the original combinations, which were between consonants in one morpheme in the words of the type.

    To distinguish between these combinations, it should be remembered that the original sounds equally sound in all Slavic languages; If the word contains insignia, which has developed as a result of the transformation of a difthong combination with smooth, then in other Slavic languages \u200b\u200bthere will be other combinations of sounds (in particular, full-disagreement in the Eastern Slavic languages).

    Explanation of the mechanism of change of difongic combinations with smooth

    Some researchers (for example, R. Naptigal) believed that, due to the impossibility of convincingly explaining the mechanism of change in combination of type * TRT and others. Only the initial and final stages of development should be recorded. F. F. FortunaTov tied the story of these difthongic combinations so that the element of the combination focused the longitude of the syllable. He showed that in the languages \u200b\u200bof the southern Slavs, also in Chekhov and Slovaks, the longitude of the icon focused on the vowel, therefore, there were changes in the type * TRT\u003e * TRT, and further to eliminate the closedness of the syllable there was a redistribution of the elements of the difthong combination between different syllables: * TRT\u003e * T -RT. In this case, there was a positional alphabeth of smooth * T - T, but it was unstable due to the shortest possible, the lengthening of the vowel was also the resulting: * TRT. In the languages \u200b\u200bof the eastern and northwestern (Lechite) languages, the longitude was focused on the second element of Difthong - on smooth [R], [L] - and was lost due to the development of the vocal element after smooth: * TRT\u003e * T-RT\u003e * T --T\u003e * TR O T. This vowel was like a vowel, which is in front of smooth. Further, the vowels quantitatively equalized * Tor O T\u003e Tor O T. In the Lechite dialects, the development of a normal vowel, after a smooth, was associated with the reduction and later disappearance of the vowel before smooth.

    Fate combinations * R, * L at the beginning of the word

    The fate of difongic combinations * R, * L at the beginning of the word before consonants (in the root or console) is different from the fate of these combinations in the middle of the word.

    Pregnant Before vowels The combinations were not subject to change, since the smooth consonant was reassured to the beginning of the next syllable, and both sounds were maintained in the original sequence:

    In the same position before consonants Under the influence of the trend towards the uplink, these difthongic combinations have been changed:

    In the few words, the ancestors of the South Slavs have a different result: there was a metathem without lengthening the vowel: * RT\u003e RT: In the Supercian manuscript, reflecting the features of East Bulgaria, along, find:

    In the language of the ancestors, Bulgarians reflected another tendency - after smooth developed [Kъ]: * LT\u003e Lъ:

    It is assumed that metathesis in the initial * RT, * LT occurred later than similar changes in the combination of type * TRT.

    After completion of changes in combination with smooth principle, within the framework of the previously applied tendency to the ascending, turned out to be fully implemented: there was no remaining in the language.

    Combines smooth consonants with reduced vowels *, *

    The combinations of smooth consonants with reduced vowels in the position between the consonants * TRT, * TLT, * TRT, * TLT did not correspond to the tendency to the upstream sound.

    In the old Slavonic language, the sequence "smooth consistency + reduced vowel" indicated sounds, different and in quality, and by origin:

    The facts of the modern Russian language are helping to distinguish these writing.

    Slave, develops already on Slavic soil. As you know, the sound consonant initial phonetic system was lost in the Protoslavian period. It can be assumed the following diagram development scheme for smooth in, reflecting the transition - to reduced super-short [b], [ъ], as well as their subsequent assimilation with smooth:

    Slumary consonants have evolved in the southern and and several Western Slavic dialects (Czech and Slovak Arala). In the Eastern and North-Western dialects, the final stage - the development of the alphabia of smooth sonar consonant - was not probably achieved, as a result of which the combination of vowel with smoothly recovered, as evidenced by the facts:

    Palamatory consonants

    Palalatalization of consonants before * j

    One of the manifestations of the trend towards the syllable synormoniasis was that the consonant group within the syllable sought to articulate homogeneity, primarily associated with the articulation zone. In this regard, if the consonant group was [j] (the only palatal consonant system of the Connce of the Protoslavian period), then the entire consonant group was subjected to qualitative changes. The process could have only a regressive character, since in the initial phonetic system [J] (]) could only be at the end of the conntant group. [J] reported to the previous consonant (or group of consonants) palatalized in nature, while himself disappeared, as if dissolved in the articulation of the previous consonant. We were exposed to all consonants without exception; The zone of their formation at the same time was shifted towards the midish sky:

  • Living consonants [m], [b], [p], [v] in position before [j] developed [l] -dental medalist, which was then turned into a consonant full formation -.
  • This process was reflected in all Slavic languages \u200b\u200bif the group "Light + [J] was inside the root. At the junction of the root and suffix or flexions, the process occurred later, and its results were unequal in different Slavic languages: in a number of dialects, the combination of LVNI C, in other dialects (Bulgarian, Macedonian and West Slavic) [J], softened the previously consonant and assimilated with Him: cf. Russian landPolish. ziemia., Czech. zeme.Bulgarian. land. The loss of the delictic L-Epeneticum was one of the later changes in the Konsonantism system of the Old Slavonic language, reflected in a number of Old Slavonic monuments.

    Change groups of consonants before [j]

    In the event that before [J] there was a group of rear and dental consonants, it generally had a tendency to palatalization. It was manifested in different ways in different groups:

    Palamatory consonant in front of the front row

    The palatalizing effects of vowels of the front for consonants was similar to [J], but was distinguished by significantly smaller intensity, which is probably due to the peculiarities of the syllated structure of the Praslavyansky period - establishing the mandatory distribution of sounds in accordance with their acoustic-articulating characteristics and, as Corollary - phonderatic opposition of vowels and consonants. The general trend that caused by the law of syroll syngarmonism, in this case, was implemented only in relation to the rear consonants, which were most sensitive to palatalization processes. The posterior consonants in combination with the vowels of the front row were universally subjected to palatalization. As for all other consonants, if the palatalizing impact of vowels of the front row and was there, it did not lead to a change in their main articulation. Most researchers following N. Van Wecom believe that in this position there was a partial mitigation of consonants, as a result of which they became semi-intensive.

    the posters were the process, relevant for a long time, which is why he passed several stages.

    Special fate was in groups of consonants before vowels; They were also subjected to certain changes.

    The first palatalization of the posterior consonants

    The first palatalization of the posterior consonants is the process of changing solid rear consonants [k], [g], into soft hissing electronic consonants, (through stage), in position in front of the oldest vowels of the front (to the monophralization of difthongs), which was the result of the trend towards syroll syngarmonism :

    Educated sounds,, by their origin, were positional options for posterhable (their appearance was fully determined). But over time they became independent phones. The acquisition of their independent phonumatic status is still determined by the peculiarities of the phonetic system of that period:

    The transition of the positional alternations of the posterior and hissing in morphological, probably finally ended after the fall of the reduced, when the hissing found themselves in position before consonant:.

    The first palatalization of the posterior consonants led to the appearance in the Slavic languages \u200b\u200bof the alternation of the posterior and hissing consonants in cases where the ancient alternations of vowels were presented at the root, as well as at the end of the morpheme with word formation and word.

    The first palatalization covered all cases of [k], [g], before vowels of front non-infanthylic origin - ,,,. After the monofont bloodization of Difthong, the posterior consonants turned out to be in position in front of the heads of the front row, but the action of the first palatalization by this time was already over, therefore the posterior consonants were subjected to other changes.

    Transition * in ["a] in the process of palatalization of the posterior consonants

    Mitigation of the posterior consonants during the first palatalization before * led to the fact that the dispatabling was happening and the vowel changed its quality according to and. Thus, instead of which arose as a result of high-quality differentiation of vowels on the site of the original *, in this case we have [a]:

    The second palatalization of the posterior consonants

    The second palatalization of the posterior consonants is the process of changing the solid rear consonants [k], [g], in whistling consonants [c], [z] (through the stage), [s] before vowels of front diephylic origin. It had a special fate - the result of his change could be:

    The effect of the second palatalization of the backs was due to the fact that after the monofont bloodization of Difthong *, which started onto a vowel indifferent, changed the position for the posterior consonants: they again turned out to be in front of the glaces of the front row [i] ,. Since the effect of the trend towards syroll syngarmonism retained relevance, the solid rear should have been subjected to palatalization.

    It does not have a definite solution to the question of the degree of softener of sounds [c], [z], [s], which appeared as a result of the second palatalization, which distinguishes them from the sounds that appeared in the process of the third palatalization. It can be thought that in articulate terms, the results of the second palatalization were represented by the degree of softening, which is considered semi-quality: ,,, . ]

    Fate in the process of the second and third palatalization

    The results of the second and third palatalization of the posters for themselves are different in dialects: we find in the southern and eastern dialects, in Western -:

    The third palatalization of the posterior consonants

    The third posterior consonants are the process of changing the hard rear consonants [k], [g], in soft (palatalized) whistling consonants, under influence preceding vowels front. Just as in the processor of the palatalization, the result of the change could be. Palamaticalization * G went through the stage:

    The third palatalization is of particular nature progressive. Unlike the first and second palatalization, the process is not under the influence of the subsequent vowel, but the previous one. Since the law acted into this era, then we have in this case the expense effect.

    • according to A. M. Selischev, some verbal forms are experiencing a greater degree of reduction than forms of names;
    • significant reduction are particles;
    • adcharations could be subjected to severe reduction depending on the frequency of their use (at the same time, not only the end of the word could be reduced, but also all the adverbs in general);
    • the same changes could concern the names of the accounts and names used when accessing anyone.

    The results of weakening (reduction) of the end of the word were manifested in the following phonetic phenomena:

    Loss of finite consistent

    The loss of finite consonants [t], [d], [s], [r], [n] is a fairly early process of Praslavyansky era, caused by the action of the tendency to ascend. He was that groups of consonants at the end of the word begin to change.

    As a result, the loss of consonants at the end of the word appears a large number of open syllables.

    Curvation of finite consonants

    In connection with the general trend towards the weakening of the final syllable, there was a curing of consonants within its limits. This process took place in Slavic languages \u200b\u200bin different time. As an example, you can cure T "in the end of 3 liters. Units and a certain number of verbs of the verbs:

    In the indicated verb forms, the phonetic phenomena of the end position could lead to a complete loss of the final [t], which also did not occur in different Slavic languages \u200b\u200bsimultaneously. In the middle-risk era, as monuments are evidenced, forms without [t] are more often used; In modern Bulgarian diamonds, the shape of the 3rd face of the singular number does not have [T]. Only dialects in the west of Macedonia still represent the shape of the 3rd face of the only number with [t].

    Qualitative changes of finite vowels

    In the position of the end of the word, there was a strengthening of the labialization of the vowel medium [*], which led to the fact that it became a vowel upper lift. The vowel [*] switched to the following ultimate combinations:

    Reduction of finite long vowels

    Long vowels, ending the word, sooner declined in Slavic languages:

    Alternation of vowels

    In the original Indo-European phonetic system, vowels joined the non-phase qualitative and quantitative alternations (). Inherited this system, but as a result of high-quality voice differentiation in Praslavyansky, new alternations appear, while the qualitative and quantitative alternations of the initial phonetic system are changed into high-quality.

    As a result, a number of alternating, which was the result of a long historical development, was formed in a new (compared with the Indo-European system).

    Morphemes with a complete set of all alternating monophrals - the phenomenon is exceptionally rare. Usually alternate several monophthongs:

    Alternating vowels could be provided before Sonanta, and the monophralization of difthong and difthongic combinations made indigenous changes in a series of alternates, if the sonorn was in front of the consonants.

    If the sonorn was in front of the vowels, the range of alternates could look like this:

    However, it is known that in Praslanic period, the most significant factor that determined the deep transformations in the system was a tendency to build a syllable on the principle of uplink: before the consonants and in the end of the word combination of vowels and sonorny changed to Monofthongs or changed their structure in other ways:

    Alternation of consonants

    If the alternations of the vowels at the root arose in the Indo-European period and, underpowering the changes, were reflected in the old Slavonic monuments, then the alternations of the consonants arose in the process of development as a result of the action of the law of syllable syngarmonism:

    fonmem - min. The sound unit of the language forms or distinguishes words and word form does not bear any semantics.

    sound is the implementation of the phonemes in speech (alone).

    26 According to the formation of the method of education: broken, fricative (whistling), Africats (of two accords.) Two-focus articulation, fusion consonants (complex) explosive P, B, T, D, K, G, B. Pirobative C, s, s, s. Non-Zh.Sh.h. Africat S.Ch.z. Jn psp. nasal mn. sideways trembling pp in op with j. Medium. J j-controversial.

    fonmem F - in words borrowed. From Greek. Language.

    10 fonts hard. soft 5 pairs with z r n belt or firmly or bentry soft.

    14 Deaf ringing 7 pairs P-B T-D C-G S-Z S-Z S-ZHSHS-LJ Ost. Either the call or deaf stunning position was not.

    Solid seeds other than GKH in front of the head of the front row receive positional softening (semi-mug). GKC could not be in front of the head of the front row. The combinations of ge, ke, xe or gb (yat), kb, hb, gi, ki, hee were impossible to the Rus Yaz-ke. Ancient Russian Yaz Various pairs of call / deaf, there are no position where call / deaf coincided in one sound.

    System of consonants of the ancient Russian language to the beginning of writing (X - XI centuries)

    From the Indo-European language, Praslavyansky inherited the system of consonant phones, but initially there was no consonant [x], which arose of * s on the "hand rule", i.e. after the consonants * r, * k and vowels * u, * i, if Then did not follow one of the explosive consonants * p, * k, * t: * s\u003e * Сh, but was preserved in combinations [SK], [ST], [SP]. The system of consonants of the Old Russian language X - XI centuries. In many respects differed from the system of consonants of the Old Russian language later period and the modern language. The difference is observed both in the composition and number of consonants and in the ratio between consonants.

    The system of consonants in the ancient Russian language X - XI centuries. was represented by the following consonants:

    As part of the consonants, there was no [F], although in the ancient-Russian texts we find the letters "Firth" and "Fita", which denoted this sound, but words with this sound are borrowed from Greek. The sound of [F] in a live speech was replaced by the sounds [P] or [x], as well as a combination [KH]: Osip.instead Joseph, Khoma.instead Thomas, Chvedor.instead Fedor.

    Another was the ratio of solid and soft consonants. So, if in modern Russian, most of the consonants forms a pair of hardness and softness, then in the ancient Russian language of this period, most of the consonants were either solid [p], [b], [m], [in], [t], [d ], [g], [k], [x], or soft [f '], [w'], [h '], [η], [j]. There were only five pairs of consonant on hardness and softness [s] - [s'], [p] - [p '], [l] - [l'], [n] - [ n ']. Before the heads of the front row, solid consonants, except for posterior-speaking, became not soft, but semi-chairs. The process of softening seven-minded consonants (secondary softening) was carried out later - approximately in the second half of the XI century. - and consisted in changing the semi-charts before the glaces of the front row in soft. The results of secondary mitigation were significant not only for the composition of consonant sounds, but also for the structure of the syllable, and for the phonological system of the Old Russian language. The syllable began to characterize even more rapprochement of the timbre of consonants and vowels. A similar syllable structure of the word has become the basis for nominating a hypothesis about Sillax as a new phonological unit, which characterized the phonological system of the Old Russian language after secondary mitigation of the consonants to the fall of the reduced (the main provisions of the hypothesis about Sillabe put forward and developed by R. I. Avaneov).

    The story of hissing and [C]

    In the words of Slavic origin not borrowed from other languages, hissing consonants and [C] are the sounds of secondary origin, because They arose from other sounds as a result of mitigating before vowels of the front row or exposure * [J]. These sounds were angular soft. The story [f '], [w'] and [C '] in the Old Russian language lies in their curing. The issue of rejection time is solved according to written monuments based on the writing of the corresponding letters denoting hissing sounds and [C] with subsequent letters denoting vowels. Undoubtedly, the rejection of hissing and [C] indicates writing jies, shy, tsy,since such writing to certain period It was not characteristic of Naroslavlyansky nor ancient Russian spelling. Approximately to the XIV century. hissing replaced, because Before these sounds, the transition E\u003e O (cf. hedgehog). The sound [C] turned around the XVI century., Because Before this sound transition E\u003e O is not observed (cf. father).

    The soft sound [C '] in modern dialects occurs more often (for example, [C'] is placed in a significant portion of the northwherical dialects) than [f '] and [w'] (these sounds are known in the Kirov, Ivanovo and some other areas).

    The sound [ch '] retained its softness in the Russian literary language, but in East Slavic languages \u200b\u200bthere is a solid [h] - in Belarusian language and partly in Ukrainian. Solid [h] is also found in Western Russian and northwherecarous dialects.

    Bunny [Sh'ch '], [Zh'd'] were formed from * STJ, * SKJ, * SK (in the Eastern and Western Slavs - [љ'i '], and the South Slavs - [љ't']) and, accordingly, from * zdj, * zgj, (- transmitted by writing railway). Their history lies in the loss of the explosive element and turn them into long hissing [sh '] and [f'] (Word pronunciation pike, entrance, rain, yeastetc.).

    Unprofitable mitigation of posterhable consonants. Higheling and C

    consonants (w), (g), (h), (c) - bentry soft, unpaired (!); They appeared. In Praslav. Language under the action (j) or as a resort I, II of Palalatilation and were inherited by the Russian language. In Sovr. Rus. Language (w), (g), (C) - always solid, and (h) - always soft. Therefore, the history of hissing (W), (g) and affrustry (C) is the story of their rejection. (W), (g) and (c) referred to the principle of efforts (when pronounced. Sound. Sounds. less effort). (H) - in Belarusian, partially in Ukrainian and at some. Western and Northern Greater Drug Helds solid. The deadlines of the end-to-SNN. letters. Sources. Their writing their writing in combination with the subsequent s (which is impossible. It was not in the older, nor in the early ancient. Letters. Traditions). (Jythia, Jini) .T.O., B.Shorette that (W) and (g) they clarify by the end of the XIV century., A (C) in XVI V. Rake hissing and (C) did not lead to landings. In the phonetic. Russ. Language: -I of the quantity. Sostor. Single; -Ethi Sogl. Don't have a pair of hardness / softness. - This is anonya alien sound, borrowing. From Grech.: Thomas, Pharisay, etc G, k, x (gantry) occupied the starting place in the rus iz system, could not be in front of the head of the front row. Poured mitigations, the vowels moved from the middle row in the front-g'i, K'i, x'i. Energy mitigation 2 Factors: 1) Lasting the Binding of Words 2) Restoration of the gantry on the spot Svistysk, arises to the 2nd chambers. Under the influence of other forms, the gantry is restored (NOZB (Yat), MOSB (Yat)) Some scientists consider that g ', to', x 'can only be the options of the phonam, k, x.yh mitigation depend on the position. Clause to another (more Reliable opinion), g ', to', x 'optional to recognize natives by phonemes, because They used in the limits of words, in the forms of the head (weave) of the Inyazen's words: Gürza, Gyur, Kuvette, Hugo.