In which year, Slavic ABC was created. Mystery of Slavic ABC

First Slavic Alphabet in a historical retrospective

The same Slavic letters more holiness and honor,
That the Holy Husband created them, and Greek - Ellina Pogany.

Brave, led by letters

Despite the fact that today the name "Cyrillic" wears modern South and East Slavic writing, so it was not always. What a letter "created" "Holy Mens" Cyril and Methodius, as it was called and what is his historical fate?


Today, researchers have already been established that the first Slavic alphabet, which, in fact, was invented in missionary purposes. Cyril and Methodius, was a verb. The term "Glagolitsa" himself refers us to the meaning of the word lost in the modern Russian language verb"- not some special part of speech, but just" word"(Wed: Pushkinskoye" verb burn hearts"). And the initially inventive alphabet was called as once " cyrillic» (« curlovitsa") - This form is fixed, in particular, at the first (from the well-known) Russian scribes Lychoe rest in his list "Prophetic books" 1047 G. (copy XV in.). The term " glagolitsa» (« glagolitian») First fixed in "Addness" to "Entry Pole" XIII.century, and from the beginning XIX. in. It gets distribution in a scientific environment.

At the same time, someone may have a fair question: if the verbs really was the first Slavic alphabet and had any long-term massive walking, then where did the verbian books go IX-XI explosive? Kiev verbian leaflets? - Many ancient monuances were lost in Moravia, of course, "thanks to" the Ottoman conquest of the Balkan and Latin expansion in Moravia, many ancient monuments were lost, and these losses are irrelevant, but really nothing left? By no means. The fact is that the writing material (parchment) was very expensive, and therefore the old verbic texts often simply were frozen and Cyrillic was recorded on top of them.

There are many such book-paletps, not a single palimpsiest, wherever the verb text came on top of Cyrillic - the corresponding conclusions will suggest themselves. The most famous example here is perhaps Boyan Gospel-Aprakos ( Boyan Palimiste.), whose verbal text related to the end XI in., in XIII. The century was believed, and the same gospel-aproarade was written on top of it, but already in Cyrillic (in today's meaning of the term).

In addition, besides the Kiev verbian leaves (fragments written in Moravia Missal (service book) X. in. - The most early book MonumentAnother verbal fingerprints of the end have been preserved on the verbs) X.-XIvZ: Assemanievo, Zoogram and Mariinsky Gospel, Sinai Psaltir. (The Ancient Slavic List of Psaltiri), Cloziev Collection, etc.

Town days also reached the large number of different verbal inscriptions on architectural monuments and bodies, testifying to the championship of the verbal writing and its rather wide distribution. So, the oldest verbal inscription detected for today is the inscription in the Baptistery of the Round Church in Presbyla in Bulgaria, made at the beginning X. century.

The history of the birth of verbs to this day is covered with fog. Today, to call the exact date of its appearance, of course, no longer seemed possible. However, apparently, it was drawn up no later than spring 863 The prehistory of its appearance is this: about 863 G. to the courtyard of the Byzantine Emperor Mikhail III The Embassy of Moravsky arrives prince Rostislav With the request of the latter to send such " teacher"Whatever I could put the Christian faith to the Moravans on their native language; The emperor considered that only can cope with this Konstantin. According to lives sWV Kirill (Constantine) and MethodiusThe invention of the verbs appears an instant act: the new alphabet was the result of the Divine Revelation, sent to the younger of the brothers after the enhanced prayer - the verbolitsa " i revealed God».

Until now, there are many versions regarding the decisive influence on the verbs of more ancient, already formed by the time of the alphabets: Greek; Jewish; Gothic; Armenian Charter of Ercatagira, Georgian authorized font Asomtavruli / Mrglovani. Even those researchers who built the first Slavic alphabet to the Coptic (Egyptian) or Ethiopian (drawing of the Coptic and Ethiopian alphabets really resemble the verbic), and even at all to the Protolscorian Runic Writing.

Prices and " non-phase"Theory: At the heart of the verbs lies a set of Christian sacred signs - the cross, a circle and a triangle. IN last years There were very good arguments in favor of a close connection of the verbs with Syrian writing: at least from " Life» sv. Kirill It is known that, in addition to Greek, " roman"And Jewish, he also owned Syrian (" surisky») Language.

In place of the initial spread of the verbs were Moravia and Panonia, and after the death of the Solun brothers - Bulgaria and Croatia.

Verbolitsa in Central Europe and Balkans

Soon after death Kirill and Methodius Their students were expelled from Moravia under pressure from the German feudalists and the Latin clergy, and in 1096 G. It was finally liquidated and verbous worship. However, 300 years later, in 1347 , Czech king and part-time emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire Karl IV founded in Prague Emmaus monastery, inviting the Bennedkintse Croatian monks there. The monastery raised rapidly and became the major center of verbal book testing and the liturgical culture.

Another patron of verbs in Central Europe Slissed by the Polish king Vladislav II Yagello, son of the Lithuanian Prince Olgerda and Tver Princess Juliai. The interest of the king to the Slavic letter and the liturgical tradition was, on the one hand, due to his Russian roots along the mother's mother, and on the other - the Croatian roots of his wife, Queen JadvigsSubsequently canonized. In the Silesian city Olesnica in 1380 G. Vladislav. He founded the verbic monastery.

So, thanks to the above monarchum, the verbic tradition had some local distribution in the Czech Republic and South Poland.

…IN Bulgariawhere profit expelled from Moravia students sWV Kirilland MethodiusThe verbs met the resistance from the tradition of using Greek letters already established here. The emergence of a new alphabet, modern "appeared from the established confrontation. cyrillic", Quite quickly crowded the verbs. Somewhat longer the verb was delayed in Macedonia (It is from here, obviously, most of the memorial book monuments have reached the days), but here XIII. For a century, its use practically sued.

The greatest popularity of the verbist gained in Dalmatia. Here, on the island KrkOne of the oldest monuments of verbal writing was discovered: Bashchansk glabral plate of the turn of the XI-XII centuries.which is placed on the royal donation to the Benedictine abbey of the land plot, today in memory of the find along the highway there are stone statues in the form of verbic letters. IN XII. in. Under the influence of the Gothic letter, the verbs acquires angular shapes here. Today, the local variety of verbs is called " square», « angular" or " croatian».

Over the course of centuries, the verbs played an important role in the Croatian national identity (such a state of affairs is partly preserved today), and the abundance of verbic monuments gave rise to (and continues to generate) romantic stories about the original origin of this alphabet. So, B. Dalmatia There is a legend, according to which the impositions of the verbs stood not someone, but himself Jerome Stridonsky (OK. 347 -OK. 420 ) - a native of these places, the Bible translator to the Latin language. In the middle XIII. Century Trade O. sv. Jerome, As the inventive of the verbal letter, received official recognition from the Roman dad. It is because of this fact that Croatians are up to 1960 ГГ. remained, in fact, the only Catholic people who Rome Dosvaloral to use in worship is not Latin, but their own, Slavic-verbic books; And the verbs, along with Latin, gained the status of a sacred letter, as well as Slavic - the status of the sacred language.

In the Middle Ages and early New Time, the verbs, together with Latin and Cyrillic, was one of the 3 most common in Croatia Alphabets. We have reached the mass of codes XIV-XV centuries created on a square verb. IN XV century appears the verbic mouros, which was actively used up to XIX. in. (and in some places and up to the middle XX-Ho). FROM 1483 G. takes his beginning the verbian typography, fading to 1812 -mu and newly reborn in 1890 ГГ.

IN XX in. Glagolitsa patronized Ante Pavelich - Head of the Croatian state in 1941 -1945 GG, who fed to it especially warm, intimate feelings. IN 1985 G. B. peninsula Istria was opened "Alley of the Glabers" - now a popular tourist attraction.

Today, the preserved verbs is in Croatia the subject of national pride. In some temples still practiced verbolic worship.

The verbs actively use local artists and designers. A number of editions duplicates texts published by them. In such format, it comes out, for example, Zagreb magazine "Heritage" (Bašćina).

Glagolitsa in Russia

On Russia, the written Slavic culture has already come in the form of Cyrillic, and therefore the widespread the verbs here did not receive. Until our time, not a single Eastern Slavic manuscript or at least a bark grades written on the verbolice. However, a number of evidence of the use of verbs in old Russian state yet there is. So, the verbal graffiti is preserved XI-XII. explosive in Sofia Cathedrals of Kiev (3) and Novgorod. (20).

In addition, individual verbs and letters are found in a number of medieval Slavor Russian manuscripts XI-XII. VZ: RGAD., f. 381, No. 110; GIM, SIN., № 478; RNB., Weather., № 68, etc. It is interesting that most examples of the use of verbs belong to the Novgorod-Pskov region.

Over the centuries, the ownership of the verbs for any Russian book painter was a kind of " sign of quality" In the wrist records, the verbs sometimes operated the role of Tynopisi. Such a letter in most cases was intended to not so much to hide the words written by the word, how much kind of intelligent game with the reader, demonstrating their own skills and competence. So, the verb in his tube records used, although it is infrequently Ivan Blinov - Outstanding Russian book painline turn XIX.-XX explosive

In modern Russia, interest in the verbs from the calligraphes and designers is extremely small. However, there are objective historical prerequisites: there are also the lack of a stable verbal tradition, like the one that exists in Dalmatia, and the total degradation of book-handwritten culture in Soviet times. However, sometimes it is quite successfully applied, giving the appropriate artwork A certain foundation, mysteriousness and traditionalness.

... Where did Cyrillic come from? - Some will ask. Her " author"Is a student of the Solun brothers, the Bulgarian scribe sVT. Clement Ohridsky (OK. 840 -916 ), who developed this letter based on the Greek alphabet (which was unsuccessful used to record Slavic words and before) by adding elements of the verbolic alphabet. According to the current tradition, the adoption of a new alphabet is binding to Preslavsky Cathedral 893 G.

Director of the Volgograd Institute of Art Education Nikolai Taranova Many titles: Calligrapher, Doctor pedagogical Sciences, Candidate of Art History, Professor, Member of the Union of Artists of Russia. But few people know that he still studies characters. And, by doing this, he went to the "detective trace" and made an amazing discovery. Who came up with Slavic ABC?

It would seem that everyone is known: Kirill and Methodius, which the Orthodox Church for this merit calls equal to the Apostles. But what exactly the alphabet came up with Kirill - Cyrillic or verbs? (Methodius, it is known and proved, in everything he supported his brother, but the "brain of operation" and the educated person who knew many languages \u200b\u200bwas the monk of Cyril). About this B. scientific World There are still disputes. Some researchers-Slavists say: "Cyrillic! She is named after the creator. " Others object to: "Glagolitsa! The first letter of this alphabet looks like a cross. Kirill - Monk. It's a sign". It is also approved that no writing in Russia was not in Russia. Professor Nikolay Taranov categorically disagree with this.

The statement that there was no writing in Russia to Cyril and Methodius, based on one single document - "Tale of the Writers" of the Herbrah's Chernorris found in Bulgaria, "says Nikolay Taranov. - There are 73 list from this scroll, and in different copies due to the errors of the translation or errors of scribes are completely different versions of the key phrases for us. In one option, "Slavs did not have books to Cyril", in the other - "letters", but at the same time the author indicates: "They wrote to the features and cuts." Interestingly, the Arab travelers who visited Russia back in the VIII century, that is, even before Rurik and even more so before Kirill, described the funeral of one Russian prince: "After the funeral of the warrior, he wrote him on a white tree (birch) in honor of Prince, and Then, sowing on the horses, retired. " Both in Kirill's Life, the famous Russian Orthodox Church, read: "In the city of Korsun, Kirill met Rusin (Russian), who had books written by Russian letters with him." Kirill (his mother was Slavic) pulled out some of his letters and with their help began to read the very books of Rusin. And these were not subtle books. These were, as stated in the same "Kirill Life", translated into Russian "Psalrty" and "Gospel". The fact that his alphabet in Russia was long before Kirill, there are many evidence. And Lomonosov said about the same. He led to the proof of the testimony of the Roman Pope VIII, the contemporary of Kirill, in which it is argued that Cyril did not invent these letters, but revealed.

The question arises: why was Cyril to create a Russian alphabet if she was already? The fact is that the monk Kirill had a task from the Moravian Prince - to create an alphabet for the Slavic, suitable for the translation of church books. What he did. And the letters that church books are now written (and in the modified form - our today's printed creations) is the work of Cyril, that is, Cyrillic.

The verbs destroyed intentionally?

There are 22 points that prove that the verbs was ancient than Cyrillic, approves Taranov. There is such a concept of archaeologists and philologists - palimpside. This is the name of the inscription made on top of another destroyed, most often dismantled knife, inscriptions. In the Middle Ages, parchment from the skin of a young lamb was quite expensive, and the sake of saving scribes often destroyed "unnecessary" records and documents, and something new on the distributed sheet wrote. So: everywhere in the Russian paletmpuses, the height of the verbs, and on top of her - the inscriptions on Cyrillic. There is no exceptions to this rule.

There are only five monuments written by the verbs in the world. The rest were destroyed. Moreover, in my opinion, the record on the verb was destroyed deliberately, - said Professor Nikolay Taranov. - Since the verbs did not fit for the record of church books. The digital value of the letters (and then the belief was very strong in numerology) in it was different than was required in Christianity. From respect to the verbs, Kirill left the same names of the letters in his alphabet as they were. And they are very, very complex for the alphabet, "born" in the 9th century, as stated. Already then all languages \u200b\u200bsought to simplify, letters in all alphabets of that time indicate only sounds. And only in the Slavic alphabet, such names of letters: "Good", "People", "Think", "Earth", etc. And all because the verbs is very ancient. It has many signs of a pictographic letter.

The pictographic letter is a form of writing, the signs of which (pictograms) indicate the object shown by them. The last finds of archaeologists speak in favor of this version. So, there were plates with Slavic writing, the age of which dates 5000 a year to our era.

"The verbs created a genius"

All modern alphabets of Europe lead their origin from the Alphabet of the Phoenicians. In it, the letter A, as we were told, denotes the head of the bull, which then turned over the horns down.

And the ancient Greek historian Diodor Sicilian wrote: "These letters are called Phoenician, although it is more correct to call them pelasgic, as Pelasgi used them," says Nikolay Taranov. - Do you know who Pelasgi is? These are the ancestors of Slavs, Praslavyansky tribes. The Phoenicians stand out among the surrounding dark-haired tribes of farmers, Egyptians and Sumeres with light skin and red hair. Yes, even his passion for traveling: they were excellent navigators.

In the XII century BC, Pelasga just participated in the great resettlement of peoples, and they wished their separate groups of desperate conquerors of new lands very far. What gives the Volgograd professor to the version: the Phoenicians were familiar with the Slavs and borrowed the alphabet. Otherwise, why suddenly next door to Egyptian hieroglyphs and Sumerian clinows were formed an alphabet?

So they say: "The verbs was too decorative, difficult, so it was gradually a more rational Cyrillic was supplanted." But the verbs are not so bad, - I am sure Professor Taranov. - I studied the earliest versions: the first letter of the verbs is not a cross at all, but a person. Therefore, called "AZ" - Ya. A person for himself is a reference point. And all the values \u200b\u200bof the letters in the verb is through the prism of human perception. I drew the first letter of this alphabet on a transparent film. Look, if you put it on other letters of the verbs, it turns out a pictogram! I think: not every designer will think so that every grapema fall into the grid. I am struck by the artistic oneness of this alphabet. I think the unknown author of the verbs was a genius! None in any other alphabet of the world does not have such a clear connection between the symbol and its digital and sacred meaning!

Glagolitsa and Numerology

Each sign in the verbs has a sacred value and denotes a certain number.

AZ sign - man, number 1.
The sign "Veday" - the number 2, the sign looks like eyes and nose: "I see, it means I know."
Sign "Live" - \u200b\u200bthe number 7, the life and reality of this world.
The sign "Zelo" is the number 8, the reality of the miracle and something supernatural: "Too", "very" or "beer".
The "Good" sign is the number 5, the only number that gives rise to the like or decade: "Good breeds good."
The "People" sign - the number 50, according to numerology - the world, from where the human souls come to us.
The "Our" sign is the number 70, symbolizes the connection of heaven and earthly, that is, our world, we feel in sensations.
Sign "Omega" - the number 700, a certain divine world, "Seventh Heaven".
The sign "Earth" - according to Taranov, means a picture: Earth and the Moon on the same orbit.

Light Evseeva-Fedorova

And registered in all textbooks of history, who first created the alphabet for the Russian language, is the Kirill brothers (Konstantin) philosopher and Methodius (Mikhail) Solunsky, Greek missionaries, recognized later equivalent saints. In 862, according to the command of the Byzantine Emperor Mikhail III, they went with a mission to Great Moravia. This early-referring Slavic state occupied the territory where Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic and part of Ukraine are located today. The main task that Konstantinople Patriarch Fotius put in front of the brothers was the translation of sacred texts from the Greek to Slavic adverbs. However, in order for the record to be not forgotten, it was necessary to fix them on paper, and it is impossible to do in the absence of your own Slavic alphabet.

The basis for its creation was the Greek alphabet. However, the phonetically, the Vine Slavic Adcharations were much richer by Greek speech. Because of this, the missionary enlighteners of this country were forced to come up with 19 new letters to display the sounds and phonetic combinations on paper. Therefore, the first alphabet (alphabet), with minor changes that have come down to today, the Belarusians, Bulgarians, Russians, Serbs and Ukrainians included 43 letters. Today, it is known under the name "Cyrillic", and the letter of these peoples belongs to Cyrillic.

Who first created the alphabet of the Russian language

However, when considering the issue, who was the first to create the alphabet of Slavs, it must be borne in mind that in the 9th century there were two alphabets (two alphabets) - Cyrillic and verbs, and which one appeared earlier, it is impossible to answer. Unfortunately, genuine texts written during the times of Cyril and Methodius have not been preserved. According to most researchers, more ancient history It has 38-letter, but more complicated in writing signs, verbs. It was called on vine Slavic Language "KѷRILLOVITS", and its authorship is attributed to the "creative team", headed by Kirill and Methodius, which included their disciples, Naum and an angelory. The alphabet was created, starting from 856, before the first educational campaign of Cyril to Khazar Kaganat.

In favor of the initialness of the verbs, the paletmpuses - texts written on it, later dissolved from parchment and replaced by Cyrillic writing. In addition, its ancient writing it is quite close in its appearance with the Georgian church alphabet - "Hutsuri", which was used to the IX century.

According to supporters of the given hypothesis, the first Russian alphabet - Cyrillic - was developed by a student of Cyril, Clerk Ohritsky and named after the teacher. By the name of the first two, its letters - "Az" and "Buki" - received its name for ABC.

Ancient Slavic Azbuki

However, the question of who first created the alphabet is not so simple, and Cyril and Methodius only the first enlighteners who brought writing in Rannesiavyansky states, the historicity of which is not questioned. The same Cyril, describing his journey to the Great Kaganat, indicates the presence of the "Gospel and the Psalm of Ruckish writing" in the churches of Chersonese (Corsun). It is a familiarity with these texts brought the Greek enlightener to the idea of \u200b\u200bdividing the letters of his alphabet to vowels and consonants.

Until now, the spore of Velesov is a book written by the "strange" letters, which received the name "in (e) a woodwist. According to the Owners (mystifiers) of this book, they were carved on wooden planks to widespread both verbs and Cyrillic.

Unfortunately, the alphabet for the Russian language, "in (e) woodwickers", the authorship of Ruckish writing is impossible today.

A modern man is extremely difficult to submit the time when there was no alphabet. These all the letters, which we are taught for school parties, appeared for a long time. So what year the first alphabet appeared, which, not afraid of this phrase, changed our lives?

What year did the Slavic ABC appear?

Let's start with the fact that 863 is recognized as a year when the Slavic ABC appeared. With his "birth" she is obliged to two brothers: Kirill and Methodius. Once the ruler Rostislav, who owns the throne of Great Moravia, asked for help to Mikhail - the emperor of Byzantium. The request for him was simple: send preachers who spoke on Slavic and thus promote Christianity in the people. The emperor led his petition and sent two scientists outstanding at that time!
Their arrival coincides with the year when an alphabet appeared, because the brothers faced the transfer problem Scripture into the language of the Slavs. Alphabet, by the way, was not there. So, there was no basis for the whole attempt to translate holy speeches to ordinary people.

The time when the first alphabet appeared, you can safely call the moment of birth modern language And the alphabets, the development of the culture and the history of the Slavs themselves. Creature slavic ABC In 863, it became a significant day!

Curious fact about Abzuki as a whole: invented Louis Brill almost 1000 years later. When you are asking, they say, the creation of a Slavic alphabet in which year began, then you will be able to answer! And also read. It is also informative!

Modern Russian language is based on Staroslavansky, who, in turn, was used to be used both for writing and for speech. The many scrolls and paintings have been preserved to this day.

Culture of Ancient Rus: writing

Many scientists argue that before the ninth century there was no writing and in risen. This means that in times Kievan Rus Writing did not exist as such.

However, this assumption is erroneous, because if you look at the history of other developed countries and states, it can be seen that every strong state existed its writing. Since it was also part of a rather strong countries, then writing was also necessary for Russia.

Another group of scientific research scientists has been proven that writing was, and this conclusion was supported nearby historical documents And the facts: the brave wrote the legends "On Writers". Also, "in the lives of Methodius and Constantine" is mentioned about eastern Slavs writing. As proof, Ibn Fadlan records.

So when appeared writing in Russia? The answer to this question is still controversial. But the main argument for society confirming the emergence of writing in Russia is agreements between Russia and Byzantium, which were written in 911 and 945.

Kirill and Methodius: a huge contribution to Slavic writing

The contribution of Slavic enlighteners is invaluable. It was with the beginning of their work, it had his own alphabet, which was much easier to pronunciation and writing than the previous language.

It is known that the enlighteners with their students did not preach from East Slavic peoples, but researchers suggest that, perhaps, Methodius and Kirill set themselves such a goal. Attachment to their views would not only expand the circle of their interests, but also would simplify the introduction of a simplified language in the East Slavonic culture.

In the tenth century, the books and lives of great enlighteners fell into the territory of Russia, where they began to enjoy a real success. This time the researchers attribute writing on Russia, Slavic ABC.

Rus since the appearance of his language alphabet

Despite all these facts, some researchers are trying to prove that the alphabet of the enlighteners appeared during the times of Kievan Rus, that is, before baptism, when Russia was a pagan land. Despite the fact that most of the historical documents are written by Cyrillic, there are papers that contain information written by the verb. Researchers say that, probably, the verbs also used in Ancient Russia It is during the period of the nine-tenth centuries - before the adoption of Christianity.

Most recently, this assumption was proven. The research scientists have found a document that contained the records of a certain popup of the population. In turn, I wrote that in 1044 a verb was used in Russia, but the Slavic people perceived it as the work of the Chirill enlightener and began to call "Cyrillic".

It is difficult to say how much the culture of ancient Russia was different at that time. The emergence of writing in Russia, as it is considered, it began with the moment of widespread the books of enlighteners, despite the facts telling that writing was an important element for pagan Russia.

The rapid development of Slavic writing: the baptism of the pagan land

The rapid pace of development of the writing of the East Slavic peoples began after the baptism of Russia, when writing in Russia appeared. In 988, when Prince Vladimir accepted Christianity in Russia, children who were considered a social elite, began to teach alphabetic books. It was at the same time that church books appear in writing, inscriptions on the cylinder castles, also present written expressions, which blacksmiths were knocked out on the order, on swords. Texts appear on princely seals.

It is also important to note that there are legends about coins with inscriptions that princes Vladimir, Svyatopolk and Yaroslav used.

And 1030 widespread use acquire birchy diplomas.

First Written Records: Cookie Diplists and Books

The first written records were recorded on birch grams. Such a certificate is a written entry on a small fragment of the birch crust.

The uniqueness of them is that today they have been preserved perfectly. For researchers, such a find has a very great importance: In addition, thanks to these diplomas, you can find out the features of the Slavic language, letters on the birch crust are able to tell about important eventswhich occurred in the period of the eleventh and fifteenth centuries. Such records have become an important element to explore the history of ancient Russia.

In addition to Slavic culture, birchy diplomas were used among the cultures of other countries.

On the this moment In the archives, many birest documents, the authors of which are Old Believers. In addition, with the advent of birch "paper", people taught to dissect the birch birch. This discovery was an impetus for writing books on Slavic writing In Russia, it became more and more developed.

Find for researchers and historians

The first letters made on birch paper, which were found in Russia were located in the city of Veliky Novgorod. All who studied history know that this city had an important meaning for Russia's development.

New stage in the development of writing: translation as the main achievement

Southern Slavs rendered a huge impact on writing in Russia.

With Prince, Vladimir in Russia began to translate books and documents from the South Slavic language. And with Prince Yaroslav Mudrome, a literary language began to develop, thanks to which such literary genrelike church literature.

Huge importance for ancient Russian language had the ability to translate texts with foreign languages. The first translations (books) who came from the Western European side were transfers from Greek. It was the Greek language in many respects changed the culture of the Russian language. Many borrowed words were increasingly used in literary worksEven in the same church writings.

It was at this stage that the culture of Russia began to change, whose writing was increasingly complicated.

The reforms of Peter the Great: On the way to a simple language

With the arrival of Peter I, which reformed all the structures of the Russian people, even the culture of the tongue was made significant amendments. The appearance of writing in Russia in antiquity immediately complicated, and without that complex in 1708 Peter the Great introduced the so-called "civil font". Already in 1710, Peter first personally reviewed each letter of the Russian language, after which a new alphabet was created. The alphabet was distinguished by its simplistic and ease of use. The Russian ruler wanted to simplify Russian. Many letters were simply excluded from the alphabet, due to which not only the conversational speech was simplified, but also writing.

Significant changes in the 18th century: introduction of new characters

The main change during this period was the introduction of such a letter as "and brief". This letter was introduced in 1735. Already in 1797, Karamzin used a new sign to indicate the sound "Yo".

Already by the end of the 18th century, the letter "Yat" lost its meaning, because her sound coincided with the sound of "e". It was at that time that the letter "yat" stopped using. Soon she also ceased to be part of the Russian alphabet.

The last stage of the development of the Russian language: small changes

The final reform that has changed writing in Russia, was the 1917 reform, which continued until 1918. It implied the exception of all the letters whose sound was either too similar or even repeated. It is thanks to this reform today a solid sign (Kommersant) is separating, and soft (b) became dividing when the soft consonant sound is designated.

It is important to note that this reform aroused a huge discontent from many outstanding literary figures. For example, Ivan Bunin strongly criticized this change in his native language.