The formation of ancient Russian state - Kievan Rus. Presentation on the topic "Formation of ancient Russian state" download a presentation on the formation of ancient Russian state

Slavs in antiquity

Middle I Millennium N.E.
Great relocation of peoples
from Oder to the average course of the Dnieper
Requirement of the IV-VIII centuries.

Eastern Europe
two ways -
Northern and South.
North Way:
Pomorie -
Ilmeny Lake
And Volkhov,
Topper Dnipro,
South Way: Danube -
Carpathians - Dniester,
Southern Bug, Middle
Dnipro, Pripyat.

The interaction of Slavs with the indigenous population of Eastern Europe

in taiga conditions
Why the aliens-Slavs did not meet
fierce resistance of indigenous people?
The settlement of the Slavs occurred peacefully, because population density
It was low, there was a lot of free land and grabbed everything.

East Slavs -
These are 12 unions of the tribes.
Find them on the map
Unions tribes wore
not bloodorn
And territorial-polytic character.
Slovenia Ilmensky

Agriculture in the Eastern Slavs

1. Pick up trees
2. Hang trees
3. Originate roots
4. Jumble the earth
5. Seed grain in the ash
6. Use a plot
to exhaustion 6-8 years
7. The plot is thrown
for 15-20 years old
1. Sick grass
2. Examine the earth
3. Severe grain in the ash
4. Use a plot
to exhaustion 3-4 years
5. The site is thrown
before recovery
(from 2 to 8 years)

1-2. Overall shovel
3. Shovel with iron blade
4. Overall Moth
5. Iron Moth
6. Railing for
Wooden shovel
7. Wooden two-room forks

Agricultural Tools of Eastern Slavs

Such a harrow loose top layer
soil, fertilized ash after
burning grass or trees.
Novgorod rake XII-XV centuries.
Old Russian sickles X-XIII centuries.
Spit with handle XIII century.
Spit X-XIII centuries.

Beginning of the transition to bisp

In the VIII century in the forest-steppe zone
Begins the transition to the biscuit.
The earth plowed dry, fighting
Wooden harrow.
After 1 year sowing field 1 year
Resting under the ferry for
Restoration of soil fertility.
Plot is used constantly.
What caused the transition to the biscuit?

The main occupation of Slavs
Clearing earth from under
Forests: individual families
Or the whole community?
All community
Plots of cleared land
processed together
Or individual families?
Individual families
Who owns the harvest?
Separate families
Dwellings are designed for the whole
Rod or for individual families?
For individual families

Public system Slavs in VIII-IX centuries.

Is there a difference in wealth
between housing?
All housing approximately
The same
Who owns hunting
and fishing grounds?
All community
Does the Slavs exist
In the VIII-IX centuries. Private
What community exists
Slavs in VIII-IX centuries: Generic
or neighbor?
Private property
There is no inequality
inside the community?
Inside the community of inequality
not yet
There is a transition from
labor community for neighboring

Eastern Slavs in the VI-VIII centuries.

Focus of the farm - agriculture
Social low link
Organizations - Verve (Neighborhood
People's Assembly - Veche.
The base of the dominant layer -
Daughty (military service
Know the prince)
To keep your squad
Princes collected tribute to
Free communists
+ cattle breeding
+ Hunting
+ Fishing
+ Bortfreaty
+ craft
+ Testo
What was called
This trading path?

Trade in the way from Varyag to Greeks

Slaves, skin, fish,
Metals, amber
What traded
On the way from Varyag
In the Greeks?
Honey, wax, fur, salt,
Wines, jewels,
Silk, Parcha
Honey, wax,
fur, skin,
Weapons, wines,
Silk, Parcha


Religion based on the deification of nature forces
Major gods
Perun - God of thunderstorms and war
Veles - God cattle
Dazhibogogo God Sun
Svarog - God of the sky and fire
Striboga - the God of Wind
Rod - God fertility
Mokosh - the goddess of female

State - power,
Protecting public interests
and regulating relationships between people
relying on armed force
Signs of state:
(independent power)
Public power
(Power separated from the people)

Improving labor tools
and production skills, transition
To producing farming
To individual
from generic
To neighboring
in society
in other people's lands
Protection OT
raids of enemies
The appearance of the leaders
And Druzhin
The appearance of people
capable of maintaining
His power is strength

Signs of state in Russia

What prerequisites for the emergence of the state existed
Eastern Slavs by the end of the IX century?
Daughty - the simplest apparatus of state power
(Duples - and advisers, and warriors).
Tribute - Primitive Taxation
The territory covered by tribute - the territory of the state
On which its sovereignty is distributed.
In the middle of the IX century. Eastern Slavs have
Tribal printed - "Pre-states"

Education of the ancient Russian state

Varangian Prince Rurik Running in Novgorod in 862
Old Russian state
In IX century There were two main center
Education ancient Russian
states - Novgorod (Capital
Slovenia, curvice, odds and weights) and
Kiev (the capital of Polyan).
In 882, Novgorod Prince Oleg
captured Kiev and united
East Slavic lands B.
Single state.
Norman theory?
Rurik (862-882)
Oleg (882-912)

Against the Norman theory

Eastern Slavs already
There were bodies that were
Presentation of state
Institutions (Prince, Druzhina, Veche).
The quality of the ruler is
The emergence of the state
readiness indicator K.
The formation of the state.
Private property
Large tribal superconducts
Eastern Slavs have already developed
VIII-IX centuries. (around Novgorod and Kiev).
External threats (Scandinavia,
Generic community
Khazaria) pushed to cohesion.
Replacing neighborhood
Varyagi, giving the ruling dynasty,
Need to reson
Quickly merged with the Slavs.
External enemy
Nevertheless, Varyagi played a considerable role.
in the formation of ancient Russian state


Until 945 graduated from conquered
Unions tribes gathering
by the work (with
November to April).
In 945 after the death of the prince
Igor (912-945) his widow,
Princess Olga (945-964)
introduced lessons (Dani size) and
set the floors (places
Collection of Dani).
K.V. Lebedev.


What is the value of the Fit from the point
vision strengthening power?
Founder -
Demonstration of Dannikam
The forces of the prince's squad.
Dani collection - most
Frank expression
domination of Kiev princes
Over suspended tribes.

The main directions of the foreign policy of Kiev Rus

With what countries and peoples
Neighbor Kievan Rus?
Neighbors of Kievan Rus were: from the North-West - Normans
and Lithuanian tribes (Yatvägi, welds and aukstileta),
C West - Poland (Lyahi),
From the south-east - Khazar Kaganat and nomads (Pechenegi),
From the south - Byzantine Empire.
The most important in the IX early X centuries. There were relations
With Khazars, steppe nomads and especially Byzantia.

Slavs and Khazar Kaganat

How to evolve relationships
Slavs with Khazar Kaganat
In the VIII-IX centuries.?
Khazara took tribute from Slavs,
living to the east of the Dnieper:
Vyatichi, Radmich, Northerners.
At the end of the IX century. Oleg conquer
northerners and radar and they became
danutors of Kiev princes ("not
Give the Khazara, but give me! ").
The border of the Khazar kaganate.
The boundary of the settlement of the Slavs.

Rus and nomads

From the east and southeast
Rus constantly threatened
raids of nomads.
In the lower reaches of Dnipro
merchant caravans
threatened Pechenegi,
Nomochemia in one day
equestrian path from Kiev.
Raid nomads.
Modern drawing.

Rus and Byzantium

What attracted Varyagov
and Slavs in Byzantium?
Varyags and Slavs were
barbarians struck them
Unprecedented wealth
The desire to capture these
Wealth prompted them
on Byzantium also
As in the III-V centuries. Hermann
Made raid
On the Roman Empire.

Rus and Byzantium

Slavic rook.
What is like Slavic
Combat Rye?
Darcar - Viking ship.
On such ladies of Varyagi
And the Slavs descended
On the way "From Varyag in Greeks"
and robbed Black Sea
The coast of Byzantium.
In 860, according to testimony
Byzantine chronicists,
Osdili Rusa
Siege continued
week, after which Rusa,
Taking rich gifts
retreated from the walls of the city
and sailed to the north.
Rusa - Most likely
Not Slavs, but Normans.

Hike Oleg on Tsargrad

Slavs in the campaign.
Hood V.A. Nagornov
In 907, Oleg committed
Hike to Tsargrad.
Chronicle says
What in the campaign
Participated by everything
Slavic tribes
including streets,
tivers and commercial
And Flotily Oleg.
2 thousand ships.
Think what historical information
can be removed from the chronicle story
And what is clearly unreliable in it?

Hike Oleg on Tsargrad

Oleg chose a good time
For a raid: Byzantine
The fleet fought with Arabs
away from Constantinople.
Under the approach of Russians
The Greeks closed input
Golden Horn
massive chain
By making it unavailable
For enemy ships.
Constantinople plan.

Hike Oleg on Tsargrad

Walls of Constantinople. Reconstruction.
Apparently, the Russians applied
Volok technique: put the rooks
on the rollers and ringed them to the walls,
amazing and scaring unusual
to such a spectacular Greeks.
says that
By order Oleg.
His warriors pulled out
rooks ashore
put them
on the wheels and raising
Sails, moved
To the walls of Tsargrad.
What do you think,
What happened

Hike Oleg on Tsargrad

Roads of Prince Oleg at the walls of Constantinople.
Byzantine, seeing
that they are not able to
troops Oleg,
Pay tribute to him:
12 hryvnia
on paddle
For 2,000 ships.

After that, the world was concluded between Russian and Byzantia.
Empire pledged to send tribute to the largest Russians
Cities: Kiev, Chernigov, Pereyaslavl, Lubeck, Rostov.
Russian ambassadors received the right to live in Byzantium due to
Imperial treasury unlimited time.

Hike Oleg on Tsargrad

Russian merchants
Could live
in Byzantium due to
The treasury half a year.
Suppliate Russian
on the way back
food, sails,
Roads of Prince Oleg at the walls of Constantinople.
Anchors I.
Miniature from the Radziwill Chronicles of the XIII century.
Russian merchants received the right to trade in Byzantium,
"I do not pay a soap in anything."
What was the last contract item
And what was his value?

Oleg Treaty with Byzantium

When conclusion
Agreement Byzantine
kissed the cross, and Oleg
And his architects
swear Perun
Veles and weapons.
Oleg nails a shield on the gate of Tsargrad.
Hood IK Bodarevsky.
Ambassador Quarter XIX century
What does this mean
Bringing an oath?
About the paganism of Russians.
Leaving Constantinople, Oleg nailed his shield on the gate
Byzantine capital as a sign of reconciliation and friendship.

Oleg Treaty with Byzantium

In 911, in Constantinople arrived
Oleg Embassy, \u200b\u200bsignatory
new contract supplement
Agreement 907
The parties proclaimed: "Yes, love
each other from all of all souls and amples. "
The contract provided for punishment
for crimes of the Greeks against
Russian and Russians against the Greeks,
shipwreck assistance
mutual redemption of prisoners,
mutual return
runaway slaves.
What is especially interesting
Sheet Radziwillovskaya
Last point of the contract?
Chronicles telling
About the campaign of Oleg on the Tsargrad.

Oleg Treaty with Byzantium

In agreement 911 was included
An article on union assistance
Byzantium from Russia
and about the service of Russian
in the Byzantine troops.
Vikings in the service in Byzantium.
Modern drawing.
What relationships are about
Empire with Rus says it?
Byzantine hired Russians
(Varyagov) for service
in the imperial troops.
It was typical
For the interaction of the Empire
with barbaric peoples.

Igor's campaign to Constantinople.

In 941, after 30 years
After the agreement Oleg
With Byzantia,
Kiev Prince Igor
Moved in campaign
to Constantinople.
The campaign failed:
Near the capital
Byzantine Fleet
Scent Russian rooks
"Greek fire."
"Greek fire" - a combustible mixture based on oil, sulfur,
Selites, resins and, possibly, oils that did not quench water.
Barrels and vessels with a proposed mixture throwing enemy
Ships or in the fortress using a throwing gun.

Igor's campaign on Constantinople

Flame that swept
and rushed into the sea
people inspired Russian
warriors so horror
what, returning home,
they told that
Greeks wrapped on them
Lightning heaven.
Battle of Igor with Byzantines.
Hood V. Ivanov.
After three years, in 944,
Hounding extra
Varangian Raint I.
Pechenezh army,
Igor again took
Hike to Tsargrad.

Igor's campaign on Constantinople

Byzantine ambassadors ask the world.
Miniature from Radziwill chronicle.
Emperor sent
To Igor Nostalov
with words:
"Do not go to hail
But take tribute
South of Imaall Oleg,
Appended and back
By that date. "
Prince appealed
To the squad
for advice.
Friend replied: "What do you want to want - without having banging, take
Zlatto, and silver, and the passAll? Who knows who will overcome, we,
Does he? Now we go to the earth, but in the depths of the sea. "
Taking tribute, Igor returned to Kiev.

Igor's contract with Byzantium

Conclusion of a peace treaty.
Miniature from Radziwill chronicle.
As evidenced by the exchange
embassies and signing
contract not only in Tsargrad,
But in Kiev?
In 944, Byzantine
ambassadors arrived in Kiev
To conclude new
Peace treaty.
After that, Russians
Ambassadors went
in Constantinople,
where the contract approved
emperor and then
In Kiev arrived
Second Byzantine
Embassy, \u200b\u200band Treaty
has been approved
Kiev prince.

Igor's contract with Byzantium

In the Agreement Igor
With Byzantia
Many were confirmed
agreement conditions
Oleg 907-911
However, Russian ambassadors
and merchants could not
Now winter
in Byzantium, and should
Vacation of Russian ambassadors from Tsargrad.
Miniature from Radziwill chronicle.
were returned
Home for
One navigation.
It was limited
buying by Russian merchants of tissues.
Russian merchants lost right
Duty free trade in Byzantium.

Igor's contract with Byzantium

Rus pledged not
To attack Chersones
Do not seize land
At the mouth of the Dnieper,
Defense Chersonese
from the attack of nomads
- "Black Bulgarian".
Conclusion of a peace treaty
Between Rus and Byzantia.
Miniature from Radziwill chronicle.
Rus pledged to help
Byzantia for troops:
"Does you want to start our kingdom from you (warriors)
on the right-handed us, yes write to the great prince to your
And I wish us, Eliko want. "
What do such articles of the contract indicate?

Diplomacy Princess Olga

Princess Olga
Hood S.A. Kirillov.
New stage of relations between Rus
And Byzantia comes
With princess Olga.
In 957 (according to other information in 955)
Olga herself went
In Constantinople with a visit.
There she took baptism, and
baptized her patriarch, and the godfather
The emperor spoke.
Princess accepted in Constantinople
with great honor
What has evidenced
On the growth of the prestige of Russia.
Established in 944, the Russian Russian Union strengthened.

Foreign policy (IX-X centuries)

Main directions
Defence from
Pecheneg raids
and other nomades
on Byzantium (907,
911 (Oleg), 941, 944 (Igor), 970-971 (Svyatoslav)
on Bulgaria (967, Svyatoslav)
on Khazaria (964-965, Svyatoslav)
contracts 907, 911 and

1. Which of the named persons Russian princes considered
In the ancestor of his dynasty?
1) Askold
3) Rüric
2) Dira
4) Oleg

2. To the activities of Prince Oleg refers
1) Education
Old Russian
Center in Kiev
2) Taking Russia Christianity
3) the creation of the first arch of the laws of ancient Russia -
"Russian truth"
4) Introduction of lessons and efforts

Consider the scheme I.
Perform tasks.
3. Write the name
on the

Consider the scheme I.
Perform tasks.
4. Write the name
Cities designated
In the diagram number "1".
5. Write the name
Union Slavic
Tribes living
on the lands
indicated in the scheme
Figure "2".

6. What judgments related to this scheme,
Are faithful? Specify three judgments of six
1) for the first time a detour on the route marked on
2) Prince Igor during such a detachment was killed in
on the
3) by the prince of possessions on this route,
4) an attempt to collect additional Dani during such
Throughout in 945, led to the uprising and murder of Prince
5) In the composition of the Dani, charged during the detour, included
fur, honey, wax, flax
6) the unit of crushing the tribute was defined
Square of arable land


1. When did Slavs appear in Eastern Europe? FROM
What nations and tribes they are there
Did you meet?
2. What were the most important classes of eastern
Slavs in the VI-VIII centuries? Why these classes
Am the basis of Slavic economy?
3. Describe
Old Russian statehood.
4. Tell us about the activities of the first Russians
Princes (Oleg, Igor, Olga, Svyatoslav).

Prince Vladimir (980-1015)

System of transmission
(began to fold yet
at Svyatoslav,
under Yaroslavichi)
Novgorod, Polotsk,
Tours, Vladimirvyvsky, Smolensk,
Rostov, Murom,
Earth Drevlyan

The value of the adoption of Christianity

Strengthening the unity of the country and
central government
Sorrow of separatism
individual lands and addition
Nursery self-consciousness
Development of feudal
Growth of international prestige
Development of culture
(writing, Icon,
frescoes, stone architecture,
schools ...)
V. Vasnetsov
Baptism Vladimir
Konstantinople Patriarch
Metropolitan of Kiev
Hilarion - First
Russian (1051)

The flourishing of Kievan Rus (end x - middle of the XII centuries)

Drawing up the first compilation
laws (Russian truth)
Interstate dynastic
In 1054, Poland appeared
Defeat Pechenegs (1037)
Culture Flower (Sofia Cathedrals
in Kiev and Novgorod, Spassky Cathedral in
Chernigov, "Golden Gate" in
Kiev ...)
Yaroslav Wise
MM Gerasimova

Russian Pravda - First Code of Laws of the Old Russian State

True Yaroslav
True Yaroslavichi.
Article 19-41
God's court?
True Yaroslav I.
Article 1-52
nach XII century
Vladimir Monomakh
Art. 53-121
Protection of property of residents of Russia, especially Princess Prince
Vira - Fine
Relief - community
For a crime
replacement of blood revenge
Rosges - Vannozy
From the community
Ambulances -

Social structure of Kievan Rus

owned in about t and n and m and
Know (feudal): princes, boyars (warriors), church
People - Free Rural and Urban Population
Sadda - semi-free communities who have risen
For prince (?)
Obodovich - a man obliged to perform work on
Agreement ("Row") with his master
Purchase - a man working in the farm for the loan
Hop - Rab
Chelyant - slaves prisoners of war

Vladimir Monomakh (1113-1125)

1097 - Lubachest Congress: "Everyone is holding his father
Vladimir Monomakh (1113-1125)
Compiled final
Editorial Russian Truth
Victory over Polovtsy
Strengthening Central
After the death of Mstislav
Vladimirovich (1125-1132)
"Obvious the whole Russian earth"
Cap Monomakh


the reasons
Christianity? What is the meaning of this event?
2. Tell me about the Board of Yaroslav Wise.
3. Describe
governing body

1 Slide

2 Slide

The purpose of the lesson: to consolidate the concept of state to consider the theory of the emergence of the state in Slavs to find out the causes and prerequisites for the emergence of the state to think: do you agree with the Norman theory of the state of the state? Concepts: Founder, Prince, Boyar, Governor.

3 Slide

The concept of the state (try to give a concept using your knowledge) The state is a territory having boundaries of the borders regulator of relations between people Unified Management System Unified Laws (Custom) Functions

4 Slide

5 Slide

City - Center for Commerce, Crafts, Tribal Center, Fortress (Frequis, Keynets) The guard of merchant caravans Maintain order in the city

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Tribal (trading) centers Kiev - Polyana Chernihiv - Northerners Smolensk, Polotsk-Curivichi Lyubek - Romirici Novgorod Slovenia Ilmen

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Varyagi (Normans - Northern people) in the Slavic lands of Routhi (Rus, dew) - the name of the Varyagov Finns and Slavs

8 Slide

Role of Varyagov in Slavic lands Tribute: Chud, Meria, Ilmenie Slovenia Curivichi Trade Trading Places (Secedal) Wired Warriors (Varyags), the wage of the rulers (princes), collecting tributes headed militia, taught the military art of judges in intergovernmental disputes

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"In the year 6370 (862). They expelled Varyag for the sea, and did not give them Dani, and began to own themselves. And there was no truth among them, and rushed to the genus, and was among them grated, and began to fight with themselves. And they said: "We are looking for a prince who would have owned and judged by us." And went for the sea to Varyags, to Russia. They said Chok, Slavs, Curvichi and the whole: "Our Land is great and is abundant, but there is no order in it. Come pronomize and possess us. " And three brothers aroused up with their childbirth, and took the whole Rus with them, and came to the Slavs, and the Senior village came, Rurik - in Ladoga (Novgorod - built) and the other, Sineus - on a white lake, and the third, Trourway - in Izborsk . And the Russian land was nosed from those Varyag. Rurik (? - Mind. 879) - Varyag, Novgorod Prince (862-879) and the prince of the princely dynasty of Rurikovich in the Russian state. The chronicle founder of the statehood of Russia. Varangian Prince Rurik (North West Lands)

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"... And Rurik had two husbands, not Raisting him, but the boyars, and they took over to Tsargrad with their own. And they went on the Dnieper, and when they sailed past, they saw a small town on the mountain. And asked: "Whose town is this?" The same inhabitants replied: "There were three brothers: cue, cheeks and choriv, \u200b\u200bwho built this town and cried, and we sit here, their descendants, and pay tribute to Khazara." Askold and Dir remained in this city, gathered a lot of Varyag and began to own the earth of Polyan. Rurik then reigned in Novgorod. " Varana Princes Askold and Dir (South Lands)

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Education of state centers Novgorod Kiev Rurik - Construction of Novgorod Askold (accepted the title of Khakana): The ruler of Kiev freed from the Khazar dependence of the struggle against the treaches, pechenegs, bulgarians

12 Slide

Education of the ancient Russian state Kievan Rus- 882. The campaign of Oleg South: subordination of the curvist killing Askold and Dira Kiev - "Mother of the cities of the Russians" (the capital of land) - Why? Racious Drevlyan defeat Khazar

13 Slide

882, Oleg took a good trip to Smolensk and Lyubek. After that, he descended in the Dnieper to Kiev, where the princes were Rurik's tribesmen, Varyagi Askold and Dir. Oleg lured them towards his lands and, declaring them: "You are not the prince of prince, but Az єSm's kind of prince," and, by presenting the heir to Rurik, young Igor ("not the princes you are not a princely kind, but I am a prince. And this is the son of Rurik ") and ordered to kill Askold and Dira. Kiev appeared to Oleg, a convenient location, and he moved there with a friend, declaring: "May Kiev will be the mother of the cities of the Russians." Thus, he combined two main centers of eastern Slavs (Northern and South). For this reason, Oleg, and not Rurik sometimes consider the creator of the ancient Russian state (Kievan Rus). Turn to the source

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Organization of Management Rusi Fiji Kiev Great Prince (Head of State) Druzhina Advisors Prince, comrades Tributes Militia of the Governor of the city Veche People's Assembly Thousands Head of the Militia Friendly Local Princes Elemental Elders

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Think. What theory of the origin of the state seems to you more correct? The Norman Centrist Slavic Old Russian State was created by Varyags with the voluntary consent of Slavs. Varyags formed and organiser than Slavs: recognized by representatives of the more developed world Varyagi are invited to Russia as a "third", reconciling power. But! Ancient Russian state arose as a result of a long independent development of the Slavic society. The presence of Varyags in Russia and their role in the formation of an ancient Russian state is denied. Denies the Varangian origin of the first Russian princes.

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Let us summarize the education of the state Kievan Rus - a natural result of the decomposition of tribal relationships is accelerated by an external threat to preserves elements of tribal management (tribal princes, elders)

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We check ourselves Question No. 1 Old Russian State arose as a result of a long-term independent development of Slavic society. Approved ..................... ... theory. Question №2 Detrole from the Kiev prince with a friend of his lands to collect Dani. Called? .... Question # 3 Varyags formed and organiser than Slavs: recognized by representatives of a more developed world. It is alleged .................. .......... Theory Question No. 4 at the head of the squad stood a warlord ...................... Question number 5 What is the name of the urban self-government body ...... .. Question No. 6 Who led the community militia? Question number 7 Who was advisers to Prince ... Centristian Founder of the Norman Prince Veva Voivode Druzhina

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Vakhabova Olga Vladimirovna Teacher of History, Socology, 1 sq. Categories State Municipal Penkovskaya Main Composition School

eastern Slavs

  • Teacher Zhilienhen S.V.

Lesson plan

1. Conditions of the creation of an ancient Russian state.

2. The presence of the princely power of the Eastern Slavs.

3. Education of state centers.

4. Education of the ancient Russian state. His organization

Task on a lesson

  • What is the essence of the Norman and Antinormman theories of the State Education in Russia?

Prerequisites for creating an ancient Russian state.

How and when does the state appear?

  • Improving labor tools
  • Improving labor productivity and creating surplus
  • The emergence of inequality and operation of some people others
  • The emergence of classes

State education


years where Russian land comes from


  • Control
  • Territory
  • Laws
  • The border
  • Army
  • Taxes

Ancient Russia

The appearance of the princely power in the Eastern Slavs.

Some tribes of the Eastern Slavs began to invite armed troops to themselves for a small fee headed by commander - princes. Washing warriors began to call Varyags. They were good navigators and had a rich military experience. During the wars, they headed the folk militia of Slavs, passing the wisdom of military art.

  • The State Rus has created Varyagi.
  • The word rus of Varangi origin
  • Slavs were weak to create a state themselves.
  • (The founders of this theory were German scientists Bayer, Schlezer and Miller).

Lomonosovskaya (Antinormman) Theory of Education of the State of Kievan Rus

1.Clovo "Rus" - Russian origin.

None of the Scandinavian chronicles have no records of the formation of the Russian state by Normanrans.

In Russia, at the time of the vicarius of Varyagov, state elements were already: Kuyaba (Kiev), Slavia (Novgorod) and Artania (expected on the site of old Ryazan).

Way of Varyag in Greeks

In the 9th century in the life of the Eastern Slavs, foreign trade began to play. People, the main occupation of which began trade, called merchants. The path from the Varyag in the Greeks: r. Neviva Ladoga Lake. Volkhov-Lake Ilmen-r. To the wolf to the tributaries of the Dnieper. Dnipro Black Sea. The final point is rich in Byzantium.

Way of Varyag in Greeks

The final point is rich in Byzantium. Trade in Byzantium

Way of Varyag in Greeks

With the development of trade in central tribal villages leading to the Black and Baltic seas, special items began to develop, where people began to bring their goods.

Bargaining in Novgorod

Way of Varyag in Greeks

Trade occupation was profitable, but very dangerous and difficult, because Pechenegs, settled in the steppes of the Black Sea region, were attacked on merchant caravans.


Calling Varyagov

According to the "Tale of Bygone Years" (translated by D. S. Likhachev):

"In the year 6370 (862 in modern summer). ... and went for the sea to Varyags, to Russia. Those whocks were called Russia, as the others are called Swedes, and other Normans and Angles, and also other Gottants, and these. They said Rus Chud, Slovenia, Curvichi and the whole: "Our Land is great and is abundant, but there is no outfit in it. Come pronomize and voladiti us. " And three brothers were chosen with their childbirth, and took with them all of Russia, and came

Calling Varyagov

To stop domestic conflicts, representatives of the Slavic and Finnish tribes decided to invite Prince from ("and solve themselves: Prince We would like, I would have owned us and ridewards right"). In a number of late sources, the appearance of Varyags, their subsequent exile and the beginning of inter-barded gravestics are associated with the death of the Novgorod Prince (or Planting) of the Gostomolym, after which the tribal period occurred in the confederation. According to the same sources, various candidates were offered on the crossway - "from Varyag, or from Polyan, or from Khazar, or from Danubeich." According to the Ioamakhova chronicle, the reliability of which historians questioned, the Gostomysl states before his death that the son of His middle daughter inherit him, issued to marry the prince of one of the tribes of the Western Slavs of Gocelava. This son was Rurik. According to the brief and most authoritative presentation of the "Tale of Bygone Years", it was decided to go to look for the prince for the sea, to Varyagam Rus.

Variagov's vocation.

Artist V.M. Vasnetsov

Calling Varyagov

and the senior village, Rurik, in Novgorod, and the other, Sineus, - on Belosher, and the third, Trour, - in Izborsk. And the Russian land was nosed from those whirlwinds. Novgorod residents are those people from the Varangian kind, and before they were Slovenia ... "

Sineus and Trumor - the legendary brothers Varyag Rurik, designed to the reign in Novgorod; Two years later, Sineus and Trumor died, and Rurik accepted the sole power.

Sineus and Trumor

Izborsk, Novgorod, Beloozero

Aldaghemor (old Ladoga)

The Varangian Prince Rurik responded to the invitation of Slavs. He settled with his buddy in the city of Ladoga. So in the northwestern lands arose a major association (principality), the center of which will later become built by Rurik B864g. New city - Novgorod


State Education with Center in Novgorod

Rurik, after the death of the Sineus brothers and Trumor, built a fortress on the site of modern Novgorod. And it was 864. And in 2009, Great Novgorod noted 1150 years (on the first mention of Novgorod in the Nikonov Chronicles in 859)

Prince Oleg.

In 879, Rurik died in Novgorod and his relative Oleg became the new prince.

Prince Novgorod (from 879) and Kiev (from 882), a uniform of ancient Russia. Expanded its borders, inflicted the first blow to the Khazar Kaganat, concluded the agreements beneficial for Russia with the Greeks.

The legendary commander, about whom Pushkin wrote:

"Victory is glorified by your name: your shield on the gates of Tsarope."

Variagov's vocation.

Artist V.M. Vasnetsov

Prince Oleg.

Public Education with Center in Kiev

In the first third of the 9th century, the Varana Princes Askold and Deer on the Great Trade Way went to the capital of Byzantia Tsargrad. When they descended on the Dnieper, they saw the city, spread on three hills. It was Kiev. They liked the city and they stayed there.

So in the 9th century in the Dnieper, the second state education with the center in Kiev was formed.

Ancient Kiev

Oleg, gathering a big army, moved to a trip to the south. On the way, he subordinated to himself Curvich. Going to Kiev, he was a cunning knit from the city of Princes Ascold and Dira and killed them. Kiev Oleg announced the "mother of Russian cities", the capital of his lands. As a result of the unification of the two main centers of the Oriental Slavs, headed by Kiev and the Northern led by Novgorod, the state was formed, the name of Russia.

Murder Askold and Dira

Prince Oleg:

  • combined the north and south;
  • subjudal Drevlyan
  • submitted to Curvich
  • conquered Khazar
  • making a campaign to Tsargrad


All tribes recognized

power of Kiev Prince,

concluded a contract with him,

in which they were obliged

pay tribute.

From November to March, the prince, along with his buddy, the subjective tribes clone and collected pag.


Answer questions:

1. What prerequisites for creating ancient Russian state do you know?

2. How did the princely power of the Eastern Slavs appear?

3. Tell about the formation of state centers in the Eastern Slavs.

4. What was the organization of an ancient Russian state?

Slide 1.

Clade 2.

Get acquainted with various theories about the emergence of the state in the Eastern Slavs. Find out the prerequisites and stages of the formation of an ancient Russian state. Find out the management system of ancient Russian state. Tasks lesson

Slide 3.

"The Tale of Bygone Years" (work with the document) "in the year 6370 (862). They expelled Varyag for the sea, and did not give them Dani, and began to own themselves. And there was no truth among them, and rushed to the genus, and was among them grated, and began to fight with themselves. And they said: "We are looking for a prince who would have owned and judged by us." And went for the sea to Varyags, to Russia. Those whocks were called Russia, just as other names are called the Swedes, and other Normans and Angles, and also other Gottants. That's how these were nicknamed. They said Chok, Slavs, Curvichi and the whole: "Our Land is great and is abundant, but there is no order in it. Come pronomize and possess us. " And three brothers aroused with their own kind, and they took the whole Russia with them, and came to the Slavs, and the senior sat down, Rurik - in Novgorod, and the other, Sineus - on the White-Lake, and the third, Trourway - in Izbors. And the Russian Earth was nicknamed from those Varyag ... in two years they died Sineus and his brother of his Trour. And he mastered all the power of the Rurik and began to hand out his puzzles of his city - Tom Polotsk, this - Rostov, the other - the White-Lake ... And he had two husbands, not his relatives, but the boyars, and they took over to the Tsargra. And they went on the Dnieper, and when they sailed past, they saw a small town on the mountain. And asked: "Whose town is this?" The same inhabitants replied: "There were three brothers: cue, cheeks and choriv, \u200b\u200bwho built this town and cried, and we sit here, their descendants, and pay tribute to Khazara." Askold and Dir remained in this city, gathered a lot of Varyag and began to own the earth of Polyan. Rurik then reigned in Novgorod. "

Slide 4.

Rurik (? - Mind. 879) - Varyag, Novgorod Prince (862-879) and the prince of the prince, who later became the royal, Rurikovsky dynasty in the Russian state. The chronicle founder of the statehood of Russia Rurik is one of the most mysterious figures in ancient Russian history. For a long time, he was a symbol of normanism that deny the organizational abilities of Slavs. Historians-Normanists considered it by the Scandinavian konung Rörik, allegedly managed to establish the order in the edge of the "wild" Slavic tribes and give them a state organization.

Slide 5.

According to another version, Rurik is the Slavic family name associated with Salol, which in Slavic languages \u200b\u200bwas also called Rarog. There are also attempts to prove the legendality of Rüric.

Slide 6.

The theory of the state of the state of the Eastern Slavs, the Norman Centrist Slavic Old Russian state created by Varyags with the voluntary consent of Slavs. Varyags formed and organiser than Slavs: they are recognized as representatives of a more developed world. Inrogen princes were indeed invited to Russia as a "third", reconciling power. But! Ancient Russian state arose as a result of a long independent development of the Slavic society. The presence of Varyags in Russia and their role in the formation of an ancient Russian state is denied. Denies the Varangian origin of the first Russian princes.

Slide 7.

Representatives of the main theories of the emergence of the state in the Eastern Slavs (continuation of the table) Norman Centrist Slavic M.V. Lomonosov, B.A. Rybakov A.L. Yurganov, L.A. Katswai Most of the modern historians Bayer, XVIIIV. Milleri A. L. Schlezer N.M. Karamzin, XIX. CM. Soloviev

Slide 8.

Slide 9.

The prerequisites and stages of the formation of ancient Russian state Eastern Slavs experienced the decomposition of a birthday unit. The community has already changed and was not a birth, and the neighbor existed private ownership of the improvement of the processing of the Earth led to the emergence of excessive the beginning of the inequality. They surrounded themselves by the warriors, i.e. Armed force, independent of the will of the People's Assembly and able to force communities to obey each Slavic tribe had its prince T.O., Slavic society has already approached the emergence of statehood.

Clade 10.

Clade 11.

Slide 12.

Prince Oleg (prophetic Oleg, mind. 912) - Varyag, Prince Novgorod (from 879) and Kiev (from 882). It is often seen as the founder of the State of Kievan Rus. There are two versions of Oleg's biography in Russian chronicles. According to the traditional, outlined in the Tale of Bygone Years, he was a rhodium (tribesman) Rurik, possibly his shurine (in the Ioamakh chronicle). After the death of Rurik in 879, he began to prince in Novgorod, because the son of Rurik Igor was still a child.

Slide 13.

882, Oleg took a good trip to Smolensk and Lyubek. After that, he descended in the Dnieper to Kiev, where the princes were Rurik's tribesmen, Varyagi Askold and Dir. Oleg lured them towards his lands and, declaring them: "You are not the prince of prince, but Az єSm's kind of prince," and, by presenting the heir to Rurik, young Igor ("not the princes you are not a princely kind, but I am a prince. And this is the son of Rurik ") and ordered to kill Askold and Dira. Kiev appeared to Oleg, a convenient location, and he moved there with a friend, declaring: "May Kiev will be the mother of the cities of the Russians." Thus, he combined two main centers of eastern Slavs (Northern and South). For this reason, Oleg, and not Rurik sometimes consider the creator of the ancient Russian state (Kievan Rus).

Slide 14.

Over the next 25 years, Oleg's activities are associated with the expansion of the Power. He subjugated Kiev Drevlyan, Northerners, Radmich. The last two tribal unions were the danutors of the Khazar kaganate. According to legend, Oleg would say: "I am an enemy, and I have no hostility with you. Do not give the Khazara, but pay me. " Then Oleg fought with the most southern East Slavic tribes of the streets and tivers. In 907, Oleg goes to a large military campaign to Constantinople (Tsargrad). In the campaign, according to the "Tale of Bygone Years", the 2000 Ladi of 40 Warriors took part in each. Byzantine emperor Leo Philosopher gave an order to close the gate of the city and tan the chains of the harbor, thus providing the ability to rob and ruin the suburbs of Tsargrad. However, Oleg went to the assault in an unusual way: "And Oleg commanded his warriors to make the wheels and put ships on the wheels. And when there was a passing wind, they raised in the sail field and went to the city. " Frightened Greeks offered Oleg World and tribute. According to the Treaty, Oleg received 12 hryvnia for each ride, in addition, Tsargrad promised to pay tribute to Russian cities. In the mark of Victory, Oleg nodded his shield to the goal of Tsargrad. The main result of the campaign was the conclusion of a trading agreement, which ensured freedom of duty-free trade in Russian merchants.

Slide 15.

Slide 16.

In 912, Oleg sent an embassy to Constantinople, which confirmed the "long-term" world and entered into a new contract. Compared to the 907 year agreement, mention of duty-free trade disappeared. Oleg is referred to in the agreement "Grand Prince Russian." The authenticity of this agreement is confirmed by the reference from the Byzantine side, not subject to linguistic analysis and doubt. According to PVL, in the same, 912, Prince Oleg dies from the bite of the snake.

Slide 17.

The main points of the Board of Oleg took possession of the cunning Kiev, won Smolensk, Lyubek. Rules North Rusy after the death of Rurik 3 years. 3. Combined two superconduct: Novgorod and Kiev in one state. 4. I went to the campaign to Constantinople, established the world with Byzantium (907g., 911) 5. In the Russian-Byzantine agreement 912. Oleg is called the "Grand Duke of the Russian", that is, in the documentary source, he was not considered a regent when Igor, but a full-awake ruler.