Happy Birthday Congratulations on Ukrainian. Wishes birthday in Ukrainian

These sincere wishes for the birthday will appreciate that we have collected a large collection, which includes the best birthday greetings to the Ukrainian language. In these words, emotions and feelings are reflected. Moreover, they are not solemnly pompous, but truly warm, mental and memorable. Choose!

Congratulations on your birthday woman in Ukrainian

These words are suitable for a girl, moms, sisters, colleagues, grandmothers. Enter into a postcard or learn by heart - your loved ones will be very nice.

High skin day to you page silent
І clearly sore zori, bison in Rosi,

Hai young one of your remote quitne
І смершика селесть in your eyes,
І is all good, Radіsne, Privitna,
Tobі in Zhistict Patching Shany!

Nonhai Split Sinookim
It is a remotion-removal dnі lit,
And the quiet Radіst, Chista I. Visoka,
Just hai to Hati cleaned!

Bazhaєmo healthy, Sonzia from Zenіti,
Love, kindness і shy!
Nuthei at the souls of the Ryankoshuє Lіto І Sonala Kvituє Golde.

Hai postіniy succing, radіst і wealth
Shipping up to you, Nomov Vishnevian CVIT,
High Zhitttєvius Dosvіd Create s Budnіv holy
Lord Daruє Dovgih-Dovihih Lit!

High loss champagne, hai loss wine,
High Buda Tsіkava Zhittya, Yak in Kіno,
Hai Waby Mandrіvki, High Caution Victure,
Plyazhae Niiratsoy Freight Wait!

Rahunk_v in banks, in the kishen - Gotkivka,
Stand in the garage of High Schikarnі autocation
In Nailіpovy mіstsy to the land of success
I in Sviy Day Peagling is not a sumoury!

Mіtsya healthy that peaceful sky -
Tse all, Shah, for sparing for us Treba.
And the generous Ummіshok, Creaty Nathny,
The shitty mood in the Tsi of a clear day.
You will be brought to the village of Scrimo Seryzia,
Nonhai Tobі shoes can be lighted.
Hai Uscription you bring to Zirok
І not widst one of you nі on the croc. Velmi Shanovna Panni! Private the hearts in the day of the midst! Mi zahoplyuєmos Vashoyu schiristyu, Turbota about neighbor povagoyu to people that more farmers. Mi Pishaєmosha MozvaliSti Putsevati, That Bouti Lane iz you. Reach at once professional hanging. Nuthey on your lifting hat to zucchisuyuyu ourselves good and schchasty. Mіtsy you are healthy "I am so good!

Happy birthday congratulations on Ukrainian in prose

Congratulations in prose as it is not better suited for festive dinners. We do not advise you to read them from a leaflet or postcard: read several times, inspire and smit a little. No better congratulations, said in your own words.

I'm in the afternoon of people! Plyazha Neimovіranu Radyati, thickening Usіkhu, Charіvny Nathnennya, Shanich Posimischok, Vіranny Druzhv, Monsters of Kochany! Alsa - Dn_v, good novels, the Great Spirit, the most uncomplicated OptimіZMU! I'm in the afternoon of people! Bazhai Schasty, Muudroshti, Krasi, Grazia Tu Svіzhosti. Nuthey you will find a cook, nіzhnіst і warm. Bazhau Lyubi, Zhistictєvoy Energії, Shargenenna Tsіli. Nuthey in you Wrongs Buda Bazhannya Mrіyati, and the All-Time Your Mr.Os! By joining, hacked with such a mute, nis, fun, rumin, beautiful. Welcome to the Radіti І Posymіkhatsya, Bethi uniquely insensually. Nіkoli not tightening і not to Sumuusati, noticeable to condrides. Nonhai skin twiy day will be the devices, I will scratchi, and skinny meta will be more deployed. Happy People's Day, Lyuba! Bajan, dwellers tvoї prekrasnі ochі zavzhdi vipromіnyuvali radіst, and oblichchі povsyakdenno syayala schasliva posmіshka. I let them heat amour blizkih people ogortayut i zіgrіvayut you navіt samy in frosty day, and Zhittya Buda vіchnim saint spovnenim priєmnih syurprizіv!

Lyuba, I will do it with your holy! Sudrog Twiy Day, і Ві и и подраші пежання Синогні for you! Bazhau is hacked with such a beautiful, janking, mute! Pavory Foftachi in Lovі, Povazі і Zakhoplenі. Mіtsnogo healthy "I terpіnnya, forces! Whether in spravzhnomu schasliva! Let him luck pereslіduє you uspіh Jennet for p'yatah, vezіnnya zavzhdi nabivaєtsya in poputniki, Health Protection raduє, beauty is not v'yane, sіm'ya pіdtrimuє, druzі I do not give Odguvati. І All the price is not Tільки SOZHNI, on your middle day, ale, ale. Vіtayu! Nuthey in twey day Peagling you will have a Vіdmіnni mound, the magnitude of Kilkіst kіt_v і Komplіvіv, Ummіshk i good, Nooda Lesia, Fights Fight Dori People. Health Protection, Happiness, Dovgy rokіv! Vіtayu of day narodzhennya! Vid dushі Bajan blagopoluchchya, radostі, Svitla, zatishku, warmth, prosperity! Let him OAO All tvoї dnі will attempt napovnenі nathnennyam i Sprague to Zhittya! Vsogo Tobi himself naykraschogo! Vіtayu you of the day narodzhennya! Bazhana dwellers ulyubleny serіal nіkoli not zakіnchuvavsya, beautician Leather day popovnyuvalasya novelties, wardrobe lomivsya od Cloth vіdomih brendіv, i pid hour buying vsogo tsogo "Happiness" Cohanim obov'yazkovo CCB close by. Vіtayu of day narodzhennya! Bajan charіvnoyu glory, charm І char_v Nosti, Tishyach Schoplenih Plotіv і ільин SRIKLY COMPLIVIVIV, SERENAD PID VІKNOE І KVIT_IV WITH THE BATTER І without! And the head - Nonhai Your Oki Schifshaza Yaskravіsh Sonzia Vіd Lying і simple zharya! I'm in the afternoon of people! Let them zbuvayutsya OAO All the Dream i dosyagayutsya postavlenі tsіlі, uspіh suprovodzhuє all tvіy zhittєvy Way. Healthy High Nikoli did not pіdvedde, but the brightness of the D_Tei, kochyaniyi і rіddniy zіgrіvёє twiy svіt і zmuhuє rhat forward! I'm in the afternoon of people! Plyazhi Schasty, healthy, good luck! Schone ti was having the same man, strongly. The brushes of Rosum_l І Pіdtrimvala had a friend, friends, the head of Tsіnuvav, Diti loved. Schob Kar'єra YSHLA VGOR, and SIM'Y Bula Mіtsnah!

Cool Ukrainian happy birthday greetings

Comic congratulations are perfect perfect for a friendly, cheerful company, where complete mutual understanding reigns. With these funny poems, you will definitely call a smile at the birthday!

Schever, joyous boxes!
Be cheerful fucking,
Pratsyovit, yak goosebump,
At the beginning of the Bj_ka vmіi spinning,
Yak Meltelik does not jook!
Be penetrated, Yak Bear,
And the survivor go kіshka,
Be, Yak Lyalka is pretty,
Yak Voronov Dov,
Yak Ta Pava Be removed
Yak Lechditch Be Kohan! The bank of the bank is Toshi, Buli Grivni Ta Greeni,
On Pozіr'ї y in the garage of the village of Dvі Krutі,
Yatti Bulo Giro Liš VID,
Shchone Bouw's strength of the oxide, Buli Sili for Kohanne!
VITU WAY WITH WILL NEW! Happy Peagling Vіtnnya,
Send tobі from the earl
Keeping ti not sneaking p'yania
І suitable to chitanium.
Plyazhu Tobі all Scho Treka,
The sovereign fell of the sky,
Mila shoes loved you
Rіchkoy Gor_ka flowed.
Skin beer rays,
The bus is not a bulo nervous zirviv,
Penny in the bank of the Panchohah,
Cool Watch Yaku want,
Hatu in the center of kindness,
Road to Paris alarming,
Th on all the healthy mother!

Short birthday greetings

Laconic, short birthday greetings are suitable to colleagues. You can also send them in the form of SMS, if there is no possibility to call or say congratulatory words personally.

Vіtaєmo w on the afternoon! Bazhaєmo, healthy dwellers "I did not give zboїv, dwellers nastrіy zavzhdi CCB visotі, dwellers in sіm" ¯ zavzhdi heat boule i Zatyshok. Usіkіv, Goodch, Vesino.

Nonhai Skin Novy Day Wood Safety Nіzhnostі і Lyubov, Posmishok І Kvitіv, І Skin Mant Daruє Lishe Shchard і Radіst! *** VID SHATRY MOTSA BAZHI SHCHEYSNEY MRIY! Let them Zhittya skladaєtsya Zi svіtlih farb radostі, nezabutnіh podіy and Leather Novi day daruє luck i nastrіy wonderful! Vіtaєmo! Tsey Svyatkovyy day bazhaєmo uspіhіv, healthy "I radostі i Happiness! Let him luck suprovodzhuє you have vsіh right, i in zhittі Buda bezlіch tsіkavih podіy! Let him Tsey day narodzhennya podaruє garnі privіtannya, nayteplіshі pobazhannya, Sonyachna nastrіy i sama Spiritual spіlkuvannya! In Tsey Sonya Day
You are Vіtayy Zi \u200b\u200bSaint,
Bazhay is healthy
І Schever Bagato.

Good luck among the only
Schob Mrії Zbuvea,
Shoes rіdnі ostiv
The faces were launched.

Privately Yaskvikh
І Svіtlich Dumok.
High Plin Life,
Mov Jumping Stop!

Happy Birthday Girl in Ukrainian

Who, how not girls take the words close to heart? And such words will definitely come to taste.

Shchage, Rady, Kohanne
Schone Zdіyssed the Bed Bazhennya
Peace, nіzhnosti, good
The bus is a healthy bulb.
Shchob Zv_l, mov kvktka on spring
Garnim, writing Cell
And in the souls of the shoes Bulo
Heat, zhov L_to.
Catchy Mi Udachі
Th shitsily dolі.
On Canaries ZO DC
І penstock please.
Schob in Zhistict could
Vocochezn Gori.
On Chervonim Mai.
Happy People's Day! Chohanni Merce Pickless,
Tsіnuy Zhittya І SCHO MID.
Hai Khdtne on the soul of your rose
Vranіshniy Rosi, Trojano
Zoriy Zvabliso in Oxamitі night,
Nonhai Zdіyshni MRIE CHARIVNI
High sky you nіzhizima
Nuthey Tobі chirping straits
Hi Share you Baluє and
Nuthey not swallow gazh і bіdy,
Your Kohannya Hai is known to you
Th up to shy! Muddy Dіvchina, Neumovіrna Krasa, I will do you from the day of people. I want to conjure Tobі good by the Vdachi Tajelikh ІDej, Yaskvykh Mriya, Charіvny pomp at Zhisticti. Let them tvoї Bazhannya zdіysnyuyutsya, let them on the high road bude tvoєmu bagato tsіkavih suitability is the greatest expensive.

Hai sounded Vіtnny Schre
Published - Tsіili Viria!
Pocion Buda Hai Childness,
Usi and High Kazkov!
Hai Charіvni Schuza!
High soul Wriverad Radіє,
Linake mpine young. Milo Divichino, I will visit you a day of people. Nehai Tobі Rack, Nutheh for you, Yaskravo Sonya Sonechko in the Zhisticti, Nuthai Zooky Walking Budge Mriya Ta Love, Nonhai Lady There is any people like people.

I am in the afternoon,
Bazhau Tobі Garno Doli.
Nonhai Your Virode Kvitna
І VIME, I S Sorrow Lit.

Schob Mice Kohanne Lij Zіgrіvalo,
And the share of luck І Radіst Darusalo.
Garno's head at home, wealth in Comori,
І Yangol standing on Watchman Your Doli.

Privitannya Sit Sudzhnі,
On the day of the people, I twey,
I'm canceling heartily
Zdіysnenna Divualich Mriy.

Hai Kohannya Buda Vіrnim,
Okay High _de robot,
Schever widespread
Tobі, Craechko, Gate.

Privitna on the day of the Sliced,
Nіzhna Panockko, Tobі.
On the day of the prayer
Zhiby, Yak in Charіvnim Snі.

Hai Fatherland Kohanne,
Rosennya, positive.
For the great, Novych hormone
Wait Buda High Motive.

I want to help the saint
Vіd souls to you, Krasuna,
High straightening share
You are in Schuchka Pociluє.

Rady Divoочї
High love
Place your ochi.

Ti skin rock rosekvіtaєsh,
String I Garna, Yak Poplar,
Svei day Polystnaya Strachєsh.
High Usmіchnem Tobі Share!

Cardishly I welcome!
Bazhay Sea Shy!
Kohanne I Tobі Bazha
Nab_lshy in uzoy Svіti!

SMS birthday greetings

The task is not simple: in one small message you need to invest maximum emotions, warmth and sincerity. SMS, presented below.

De We are jokyyu what the word, the head on the day of the peopling to conjure? Usіkhіv, Radyati, Torn the і nіkoli not Sumurance. High Tsogo Day All Yaskravіsh Song Sonzit, Kilim, Kilim, Kilim, Bazhoєmo Mіtsya is healthy, shy, Schіhu, the vice of Togo, say good. Bazhaєmo, dwellers Serce not hvorіlo dwellers of I Shvydko not raced since Rocky dwellers head od grief not sivіla of order of I boule vіrnі druzі. You can't pass your High, and since it is not a kind of kind. High vіchnim guest in budinku tvoєmu would be: Spokіy, Happiness, Peace i heat. Bazhaєmo you have a simple schi і і iazostі mortgage. High you, Zhistictєvi, there are no orders to bypass the party. Yak Rabyshe, Dabelly Zherіgayte in the shower of beautiful risi. Yak Diski Shchedro VIM gave Vognte's shower.

Draw you to us to help us,
Soul zychim not start,
Disabled dn_v not ticky
And z skin rock young.
Radot to the earth bathe,
Radya Dobryov People
І, Yakschko, try,
Sustained Town Schili!

High is healthy, Radіst i wealth,
Silence of Nomov Vishnevian CVIT
Hai Malyuє Share s Budnіv Holy
І Daruє you bagato lit!

Troyandi z_v "to join the frost
And ti shob zone
Since the cure Nikoli's eyes did not drop Slosi
Welcomes the bus beautiful Bula!

Bazhau in Zhisticti Radosti,
in the right - Mudrosti,
in friendship - Vіrnosti,
And in SERTSI - Kohanne!
Happy People's Day!

For inspiration, we picked up beautiful postcards happy birthday in Ukrainian.

Happy birthday postcards in Ukrainian

Do you know beautiful birthday greetings in Ukrainian? If so, share with our readers in the comments under the article!

If you are looking for a place to celebrate the birthday, then welcome to our catalog: you will find hundreds of Ukraine with detailed descriptions, photos and guest reviews.

You may also be interested:

Photo: At the request of Yandex and Google

How many joy and bright emotions contain this day! For each person, this is the most important holiday in the year. How much attention and cool impressions he brings! What trepidation we are all waiting for gifts and solemn speeches! It is very important not to forget about relatives and friends, colleagues for work and neighbors around the house, close and distant relatives. For the perpetrator of the celebration, everything begins with the very morning of this day. So why not please it with a wonderful virtual card with warm wishes for the long-awaited day.

This section Fresh-Cards Catalog you can find free photo greetings, beautiful stylish greeting cards, funny and funny pictures and funny images Happy Birthday with heart inscriptions and romantic declarations of verse and prose for men and women that you can download and send Email, save yourself to a computer, greet friends on a mobile phone via Viber or WhatsApp, transfer soulful words in your favorite social networks Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte, Facebook and Instagram.

Will the day of Peopia Vіtayu,
Zhosti in the joosti box
Shoes Luvav at home smіh,
Bouw's inconception of MIX.

Schuchal's shoes in Schchasti,
I lost my bush Society.
Cure bulo healthy t_lo
І rushing Dіlo.

In twiy day Polard, Plyazhi, Easy
І In this, olch everything will be good, Nikoli is not shattered.
Nonhai Usi Dnі Fuck Schchaliki
Nuthey in the souls lituyut Mrії call.

Plyazha for Seryzia Love, Nathnennya,
Mitigation of the licorice, and Waren.
Looking for a trip to Bouti
That stegine poverty before Usіhh yti.

On the day of Peopling Kohanne
I want to conjure
Schob in Lyttі beautiful your
Grief is not a bullet.

The success of High Prude in Robot
Grošі water in Kischen
Share Schasty і healthy
Hai Vіdsiple Pogni Zheni.

Plyazhu Tobі Buti Still Personal People
І For blissticks, tricking the perlno.
І NEHAY on the day of the people of Zdіyshyuya Mrії,
І leather day tramp produce greatly.

Bazhai mіtsya healthy ta vdachі
Nonhai Your Nіcoli is not crying.
Khmarina Nathnen Nehai's soul Lituє,
І Yak to leie the success of the twey rose know.

Nonhai for you breakdown
Rozhim Penza Schasty Namulyuє,
And Vіter, to smith the bun for the sea,
SPIV XVII brought і don

Heat in Doloni Sonza brought
Ptashka Charіvna pіsnny
Sygorodnі Liš for you will be all

Happy People's Day! Teemonish
І vіdpov_da share
High Bazhannya Your Lina Vagro
Th shim Gold Shangish!

High Blakit Osamitna Heaven
Day beautiful tobі gift
I am tobі with miracles,
High and Radіsty Tsei Viruє!

I'm in the afternoon, I have a day!
Schedule Budge High your skin hour!
Leaving, merry mov hand
Zhittya Zhekrenim will be your high!

Bazhai Schasty and Healthy Mіtsy,
I will holy than you cheerful guy,
Kone Kvitli Vi, Spring itself!
Hai Share Bud Svіtla і is clear!

You schroo w on the day of Peopling Vіtayu!
Kohannya, Shchage, Usіkіv Buli!
A stroke in Zhisticti a lot of bulk,
Schob Share you naive out!

Mіtsna і Garna Buda Hai Motherland,
Skinny Skin Might Life, Kvilina,
Chekaє Usіkha you Nehai Skiniy Dick,
Buli Bethi Dіamant in a frame!

Vіd Scrimo Seryzia
Nuthay all sorts of woe to you.
Bazhae Nikoli do not come true
Plyazhu such a lifestyle, coming.

І Tsei Day Nehay Tobі
Musa, Choir Seryzu you marriage.
Schob's homeland that dodі zіgrіli love
The cure nіscho did not bother my mіtznoye.

Wing to you
Nonhai mustache of mine.
Nonhai speakers check by height,
Nonhai skin day will be, coming from the priest.

Bazhai Shchasty Thai Love
The lord of the Motherland must be healthy.
The shoes of the soul of Litala in Khmary Mriy, the spodvian,
Shchob Bula Mozhevyst for Viconnanya Belya Bazhan.

Wishes birthday in Ukrainian in prose

I'm in the afternoon. Bazhau, Schone Nathnennya Tu Vdach Buli by your post_inii souppetnikov, Buli, Skin-shoes, swinging on the brand sacred, Skin's cure Mita Boula scratch, the skin of the skin Іdeya led before the success, the skin of the tviy launch. Turning to the flashes. Nuthey at the Spring Spring, but on the souls, Spahi spin.

I'm in the afternoon of people! Bajan, dwellers in dushі zavzhdi gorіv vognik stick Kohannya, Promin vіri vkazuvav on vіrny Way in zhittі and vseperemozhna Nadiya gave Sealy at vsіh zhittєvih obstavinah. Nerhai Ulika beloved on the right to bring the Material Blag that Moral Zadrevennae, well, not to pivate, Sim'ya Daruє Radіst I Pіdtrimka, and Optimіsm Budy Vіrnimniki from the Supreme Caught!

Nonhai zranka to you to fly Ptashka-Shchars, Ptashka-Radіst I Ptashka-Love, to silence at the KVTUCU Gіlka Your Dolі і співаютуют звіникий voices. Three char_vnі melodії zіlvozhuz in one unique pіsnu, pіd sounds of я ї жидаться Воті и ї ї ї, Bazhannya, SPODIVANNY! Hai Tsya Charuychu pіsnya Supiroє to you all the burning! Happy People's Day! Dzvіnkoї, Yak Pisny, Tobі Doli!

Looking for such a suitable so-in-law, Schoba Nevdudchi sprinkled Easy Burelsno, Mіtsna і Ljubling Motherland, Yaka b pіdtrimal і at good, і at Lihi Godina, Sirich friends, blisters in spirit, robot, yak b did not bring t_lki zollyna, ale Materiality Dobrobut! Peace, booty, begging your Domіvtsі, your souls і to your sirman!

I want to pursue a muddy village in the afternoon, I want to conjure a muddy lodge, in the same time Bagato Yaskvychi Posimischok, Pam'yatnikh Dnіv, Tsіkavih, Great Nadiy, Dobrich Bazhan, Sirich Pokhutvіv, Breakchiy Idi, Magnifying Tsili, Mittzyvyov, Kazkoviy Mriy Perezh.