The first Russian princes. The first rulers of Russia

Characteristic: The leader of Varyagov, came with a friend on Rus. Became the very first prince in Russia.

Years of reign:about 860s - 879

Politics, activities:rules Novgorod and founded it. Expanded the boundaries of his possessions (after the death of the brothers joined the Rostov Great, Polotsk and Murom)

War hiking: Unknown. In general, a little about Rurik is known at all.

Name: Askold and Dir

Characteristic: Varyags, Rüric comrades. Accepted Christianity.

Years of reign: from 860s to 882 (Oleg killed, who captured power)

Politics, activities: Rules Kiev were in conflict with Rurik. Dissected Christianity, strengthened Kievan Rus as a state.

War hiking: The first in the history of the campaign of Rusa on Byzantium, campaign on Pechenegs.

Name: Oleg.

Characteristic: Varyag, Konung (Rüric Sentor). Rules as a guardian son Rurik Igor.

Years of reign: Since 879, Novgorod after Rurik, from 882 - also Kiev (killed Dira and Askold's princes). Dates are definitely unknown

Politics, activities: Expanded the territory of the principality, collected tribute to tribal

War hiking: On Byzantium (907) - "The shield nodded to the gates of the Tsarope", on the tribes of the Drevdan, Northerners, Radmich

Name: Igor (Inger)

Characteristic: Son Rurik

Years of reign: 912 - 945 (Dates are very doubtful)

Politics, activities: strengthened power over Kiev, Novgorod and Slavic tribes. The first Kiev Prince, officially recognized by the Byzantine Emperor.

War hiking: On Byzantium (941-44), on Pechenegs, the principality of the Drevlyan won. Died, trying twice to gather tribute from the rall

Name: Olga

Characteristic: Widow Igor

Years of reign: 945 - 960

Politics, activities: He accepted and distributed Christianity in Russia. Organized the collection and amount of taxes due to which Igor died. For the first time, brought stone houses in Russia.

War hiking: Brutally dismissed the derivans to the death of her husband, burned the center of the Treated land - the city of estuary. In the absence of Son Svyatoslav led the defense of Kiev from a raider of Pechenegs.

Name: Svyatoslav.

Characteristic: Son Igor and Olga. The first prince in Russia, who had no Varangi, and the Slavic name.

Years of reign: 960-972

Politics, activities: Expansion of power borders. Prince-Warrior

War hiking: defeat Khazar Kaganat - The main rival of Russia in the international arena. He took the capital of Khazar - Itil. He fought with Pechenegs, and very successfully - with Bulgaria and Byzantium. After the next hike to Byzantium, that this time was due to failure, was killed by Pechenegs on the way back to Kiev.

Name: Vladimir

Characteristic: Third Son Svyatoslav

Years of reign: From 970 g. - Novgorod, from 978 - Kiev (killed his older brother Yaropolk, former Kiev Prince after the death of his father, Prince Svyatoslav). Died in 1015.

Politics, activities: The baptized Rus in 988, thereby combining the tribes scattered by different pagan cults. Diplomatic relations with neighboring powers.

War hiking: At Kiev - against Yaropolk (however, the internecine war between the brothers began just Yaropolk), provided military assistance to the emperor of Byzantium. Hiking against Croats, Bulgarians, Poles, Radmic, Yatvägov and Vyatichich tribes. Created a powerful border defense system from Pechenegov.

Name: Yaroslav Wise

Characteristic: Son Vladimir

Years of reign: Prince Rostovsky from 987, Novgorod - from 1010, grand Duke Kiev - from 1016.

Politics, activities: Located the Sofia Cathedral in Kiev. With Yaroslav, Kiev was strengthened and the first monasteries in Russia appeared in Russia as the only centers for the dissemination and publishing books at the time. Founded the city of Yaroslavl (modern Russia)

Strengthen diplomatic connections Kievan Rus, including political marriages. For example, one of his daughters, Anna, Yaroslav issued for the king of France, another - Anastasia - for the Hungarian king, and the third, Elizaveu - for the King of Norway. Yaroslav himself married Swedish princesses.

War hiking: Killed his brother Svyatopolka in the struggle for the Kiev throne. He helped the military actions to the Polish king, conquered the tribe of Chud, Yam, Yatvägov. Hike to Lithuania.

The question of who in history is the first prince Ancient Russia, Until now is relevant. All because the attitude to this topic in historians is different. Some believe that the answers need to look for the "Tale of Bygone Years", which belongs to Peru famous chronicle. Others say that the information described in this manuscript cannot be considered 100% reliable and need to be rechecked and not to discontinue research. In this article we will give many different facts and assumptions about this issue.


The country's first testimonies in the first third of the 9th century appeared about the country of Russia. For example, in the annals of 839, it is possible to find information about the ambassadors of the people of the people grew, which arrived first in Byzantium, the city of Constantinople, and from there they went to the Frankish Emperor Louis Gobestil. This year, for the first time in historical letters, the ethnonym "Rus" is found. However, in the "Tale of Bygone Years", the first trip of Rusich to the shores of the Bosphorus is dated 866, which, according to some scientists, an erroneous date.


There is information that already in 862, the Slavic and Finno-Ugric tribes began to be part of internecine wars. This is written about it in the "story": "I got rid of the genus." However, none of them could win over others. But the simple people suffered, innocent women and children died, and, of course, the question arose about how to stop this meaningless war. And then precisely then Slovenia, or Slavs, thought that this question could solve only foreign lord. They gathered the embassy and sent him to Varyags, which lived on the shores of the Baltic Sea, which in those days was called Varana. They came to these lands and turned to local princes with such a speech: "Our land is huge and abundant, but there is no order in it. We ask you to come to our land, set order and possess us. " Three from Varyag - Brothers Rurik, Sineus and Trumor, who were called Russa, or Roshov, used the invitation of Slavic delegates and went to their land. Among them was the future first prince in Russia. For about two years, the brothers tried to adapt to new conditions, they had to fight, then punish for disobedience, then a friendly table to sit and share bread. Rurik rejected in Novgorod, Sineus Rules Beloser, and Trumor dominated Izborsk. Someone from the local was pleased with their arrival, but someone against. Two years later, two of the brothers - Trumor and Sineus - died. Thus, the first prince-Varyag in Russia was Rurik. He became alone to pronounce on all the huge land populated by Slavic tribes. And since he and his brothers were called Rus, the land soon began to be called Rus.

Khazars and Varyags - Enemies and Rescuers

According to another version, the appeal of Varyag on the Earth's Eastern Slavs was due to non-commodity, but on the Natisa Khazar. Their raids became unbearable for local residents, and they decided to find their salvation from Varyags. Rurik - the first prince in Russia, - arriving with the brothers, broke the Khazar, and began to pronomize. The capital of the newly formed state became the city of Novgorod. There is also a version that these three brothers are the younger sons of a notable kind. According to European custom, only the elder brother received the inheritance, and the rest remained with anything. That is why Rurik and his brothers decided to take advantage of the invitation of Slavs.

Hike to Constantinople.

In the same 862, the Varyagi's brothers were eager to move to the Mediterranean Sea, and the warrunnels Rurik were joined to them, which is the first prince-Varyag in Russia. There was among them a dir, as well as his friend and a colleague Askold. They decided to go to Constantinople and establish a trading path from "Varyag in Greeks". For this, the prince subjugated Kiev. This is said in "Tale". But according to the Nikonov and Novgorod Chronicles, Askold and Dir did not have any relations to Rurik. There is even a version that these two warriors - descendants of Kiya - the legendary prince Dniprovsky Polyan. He is the founder of Kiev.

Igor and Oleg.

In Novgorod, the son of Igor was born in Prince Rüric. When in 879 he left his life, his boy was still a completely child, and therefore the reign was transferred to Oleg, he became regent Igor. Some historians believe that in this matter was not so simple, and the power in Novgorod was usurped by Oleg. Even when Igor grew up, he did not want to convey to him the brazers of the board. In short, when the first prince in Russia, Rurik died, his place was taken by Oleg.

Pseudocornia Rurik

Some scientists believe that Varyags are German, Danish, Swedish, Finnish or even Norwegian tribes. And the author of the "Tale of Bygone Years" meant that Rurik and His people lived on lands located in the south of Varyzhsky, that is, the Baltic Sea, in the area, which is located closer to Angelna and Holstein. On the modern Map These lands are in the northern part of Germany. Is it possible to conclude from here that the first prince in Russia Rurik has a German origin? We think that there is no, and the nationalists who dwell here, much closer to the Russians than to the Germans. By the way, among them there are such names as Russ, or Varina, etc. Some European researchers believe that Rurik can be Swedish roots. However, Russian scientists see for this version political meaning And completely deny it. During the Livonian war between Sweden and Russia, Ivan Grozny suggested that Blue Blood did not flow the third blood in the veins of the Swedish king, and he reminded the Russian king that Rurik is the first Grand Duch of Russia - Varyag and has Swedish roots. But in the 1st half of the 18th century, St. Petersburg academics, having German roots, spoke in favor of the version of the German origin of Rurik and his brothers. This theory was called Norman, however Lomonosov, having studied this issue, concluded that it does not correspond to the truth and has no historical realities. Yes, and according to the "story" it is clearly seen that the Varangians and Swedes, Varyags and Normans are different tribes.

Oleg - First Russian Prince in Russia

In 882, the prophetic Oleg - Regent Prince Igor, the son of Rüric, who was well known to us on the poem, and headed from Novgorod to South from Novgorod. On the way, he captured love and Smolensk and installed his power in these cities. Friend of Oleg consisted of Varyagov and the tribes of Cui, Mary, Sloven and Curvich. They headed toward Kiev and captured him, having killed the former Dwarfs Rurik - Askold and Dira, who ruled this city. After that, Kiev was declared the capital of Olegov's state, and the priests of the Novgorod land should have paid tribute to him. Oleg began building fortresses around his capital. There is evidence of the chronicler on this event, according to which Oleg - the first prince of Kievan Rus - through force and weapons spread its power on the lands of Northerners and Drevlyan, and the Radmich tribe adopted its conditions without struggle, preferring to pay tribute to Oleg, and not Khazara. And those, in turn, began against them an economic blockade, breaking the path of Russian merchants through their land.

Hike on Byzantium

At the beginning of the 10th century, Russian squads under the leadership of Prince Oleg committed a victorious campaign for Byzantium. As a result, written agreements on preferential terms of trade for merchants from Kievan Rus were concluded. Historians believe that the success of Oleg's troops can be explained by the fact that he managed to rally the forces of all the tribes inhabiting the young Old Russian state, this strengthening his statehood. Oleg, who had the title of the Grand Duke, rules rules over 30 years. After him, the son of Rurik was asked for the throne - Prince Igor. This happened in 912 (the year of the death of Oleg). Historians argue who of them - Oleg or Igor - the first great prince of All Russia. The first can be called those according to merit, and the second - by origin, since it is he who is the son of the founder of the state of Russian.

Prince Igor

The son of Rurik after headed by the state, made 2 military campaigns to Byzantium. Initially, he started a military campaign against Khazaria, where the Byzantium was involved. However, there was a defeat there, after which the Igor's army turned the weapons against Byzantium. However, Bulgarians managed to prevent their allies-Greeks that the ten-thousand army of Prince Igor comes to Constantinople. Nevertheless, the Russian fleet managed to plunder the Viphinia, Heraklay, Paflagonia, Nikomidia and Pontic, but was broken. After that, the Grand Duke, throwing those who survived in Thrace, with close on several delicates fled to his capital. Later, it came to him that the warriors left for them were delivered to Konstantinople and executed. From Kiev, he sent his allies, Varyagam, an invitation to join him and make a new trip to Byzantium, which he implemented in 944. In Igor's army included glade, curviti, sways, tivers, whirlwinds and Pechenegs. They reached the Danube, and from here Igor sent ambassadors to Constantinople, who managed to conclude an agreement on duty-free trade. Russia pledged to defend the ownership of Byzantium in the Crimea. In 943-944 The army of the Grand Prince made a campaign on Berda, and a year later, Igor was killed by Drevlyans, although there is a version that he was killed by His governor Svevend because of disagreements in incidence in Dani.


The widow of Igor and the mother of the future of the Grand Prince Svyatoslav after the death of her husband took the brazers of the board in their hands, and then the prince of Drevlyan Mal sent the matchmaker. Olga considered it an insult and ordered the ambassadors to execute. However, this seemed to her not enough, and she, by collecting the army, in 946 heeded the fortress of the Drevlyan Earrows, which was eventually burned, and the trees were conquered by the Kievans. Olga launched their terrible tribute. It was her revenge. She did not forgive them that her husband, the first prince of All Russia, died of their hands. In 947, Olga went to Novgorod, where he introduced a system of dance and regions, according to which the locals themselves had to turn them out and give to Tyunam (tax inspectors). It is due to it since then the policy of the first princes of Russia was peaceful in relation to Byzantium. Olga First of the rulers Old Russian state Officially adopted the Christianity of the Byzantine rite in 957. He went to Constantinople. Emperor Konstantin Bagryanorovnoe called Olga Archontisu Russia. The purpose of her trip was to achieve the baptism and recognition of Russia by Byzantia as an equal Christian Empire. After baptism, she was given by the Christian name Elena. Nevertheless, historians argue that she was then failed to agree on the Union, and then she sent ambassadors to Emperor Otton I to Germany with a request to establish the church in Russia. After that, Constantinople went on concessions, and the German embassy had to come back. Thereafter russian armysent by Olga-Elena, supported Greeks in the war with Arabs in Crete. Olga died in 969.

Princes all Russia

So called Russian lords who had a claim to the supreme power over all Russian lands, and these title were called kiev princes. However, in a period of time, Kiev was decaded, and then Vladimir became the main political and church center Rusi. After that, the princes of Vladimir was called the princes of "All Russia". In the Moscow period, this title did not assume the power over all former lands of the ancient Russian state, but only an elevation over other princes.

First Moscow Prince All Russia

Daniel Aleksandrovich is the attorney of Moscow princes belonging to the Rurikovsky dynasty. He is the son of the Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky. Daniel Alexandrovich inherited the princely title from his father back in her early childhood. He ruled Moscow Rus from 1263 to 1303 years. However, while he was too small to rule the state, it did his uncle Yaroslav Yaroslavovich for him. He also brought up a little Danil after the death of his heroic father. From 15 years he began to actively act within his principality. He was called the builder, and the fortified structures constructed by them were very helped during the defense of Moscow.

Victory over the Golden Horde

Slightly matured, he began to lead his own policy, the main focus of which was to expand the ownership of the principality. He actively participated in the princely crossbursions, and with his brothers Andrei and Dmitry for the prince over Great Vladimir, well, and for Novgorod. In 1285, he, united with Uncle, defeated the Ordia army, and this battle entered the story as the first victory of Russian troops over the Golden Horde. After 15 years, he managed to connect to the Moscow principality Kolomna, Breat and other lands along Moscow River, and faced with Ryazan Prince Konstantin Romanovich, he captured him. But Pereslavl-Zalessky was taught him the prince of those lands. The first prince of All Russia Danila died, the son of the legendary Alexander Nevsky, in 1303.

We learn about the life of the first rulers in Russia from the most ancient from the annilates of temporary years that have come down to this day. The activities of the first Russian princes are directly related to the origin of an independent Old Russian state. Today, the study of the history of our country is engaged in a huge number of specialists in this field and just fond of historical knowledge enthusiasts. The history of Russia is quite interesting, every year she opens all to us more secrets And presents more and more riddles.

According to "Tale", old Russian princes They lead their origin from the ancestor of which is Rurik, invited to Russian lands Ilmeni Sloves in 862. The first place of the settlement was Ladoga, then his power spread to all novgorod lands.

The average life expectancy of the men of the ninth century was no more than 35 years, this is mainly due to the rapid change of managers in Russia. Dying, the ruler passed his authority to a close relative or a faithful soldier of his squad. A little later, the reign of the country's first Russian princes began to transmit to their sons.

Currently, it is not known whether the second prince in Russia was a blood relative of Rurik, his rule had a huge impact on the development of the Russian state as a whole. Oleg, who received the nickname "Veus", became the first representative of the Prince of Dynasty, during the reign of which the formation of Kiev Rus began. In 882, the city of Kiev, who became the capital and the center of the Russian land for many centuries. Prince Oleg was actively engaged in expanding the territories of Russia, as well as strengthening its foreign policy relations with other countries. In 907, his army made a military campaign to Constantinople, the ancient capital of Byzantium, as a result of which two peaceful and very profitable treaties were concluded. The exploits of the prince perpetuated in his work "Song about Oleg" A. S. Pushkin.

Among the merit of the Third Russian Prince Igor, who became the ruler of the country in 912:

  • expansion of state borders due to submission to the tribes of the streets located next to him;
  • land development of the Taman Peninsula;
  • victory over people nomads.

Life ended very tragic. As you know, the first Russian princes took part in the Assignment of Dani (Fit) from the tribal subordinates. In one of these campaigns, Igor was killed by representatives of Drevlyan. After the death of the prince, the Brazda of the Board of the country went into the hands of His wife Olga, since the only son of Igor Svyatoslav was still too small during the death period.

The first reform of Princess Olga was the introduction of the exact dimensions of the Dani for subordinate peoples, as well as the establishment of the main place of its collection. In 957, the Government of Russia visited Constantinople and adopted the Christian faith under the name Elena. It is with her advocacy that a great event is connected in the religious life of the country - the baptism of Russia (Kiev), which occurred in 988. Although it is impossible to determine the exact date of this event, it passed over several decades. Pagan Rus quite reluctantly and slowly accepted someone else's religion.

The main activity of the next Russian prince Svyatoslav was aimed at conducting hostilities against the ancient tribes located in the immediate accessibility. On his account, the destruction of the war with Byzantium, a campaign on the Danube Bulgaria. Like his father, Svyatoslav was killed by representatives of enemy tribes. In this case, Pechenegs.

The first Russian princes were individuals outstanding. Take, for example, Olga. In the ability to lead this woman could envy a modern business woman. Christian church I made it equal to the Apostles. At the same time, the chronicles called Olga Schitra, and historians are wise.

So, the dynasty of the Russian princes - the descendants of Rurik leads its origin from the middle of the ninth century. The first rulers of Russia were very fair towards the subjects of their country and cruel in relation to the neighbors. If you turn to the story, you can see that the formation of almost all states of the world occurs through the conquests and subordinates of the enemy territories. Ancient Rus is no exception. The first Russian princes were paramount to expand the borders of their state, and only then thought about the well-being of subjects living on its territory. The first half of the 12th century was marked by the beginning of the collapse of one major principality for fifteen smaller and separate land, entering the story under the title " feudal fragmentation Rus. " From this period of time, Kievan Rus as a single state ceased to exist.

The formation of Kievan Rus as states of many historians are ranked by the years of the reign of Prince Oleg - from 882 to 912, but it is not. Before him, the great princes, who began Rurikovich, who received its name from Rurik, Prince Novgorod, whom Kievsky people called them to rule them. He died in 879, and only after 3 years, the throne moved to the belonging of Oleg, who robbed the son of Rurik Igor as his own. It is Igor Rurikovich who is considered a density of the dynastic surname.

This princely genus rules over 700 years, distributing the city of Russian and small land between their sons. Some of them were erected by cities, such as Yuri Dolgorukha, who founded Moscow, which still stands as a reminder of the Epoch of Kiev Rus, or Ki, who gave her name to the future capital of Russia.

The origins of Kievan Rus

The unification of the land of the Slavic tribes under the Unified Board of Kiev was a difficult task, as they did not make sense to conquer them, because the Great City needed allies, not prisoners. That is why Rurik and his descendants dismissed their neighbors from paying Dani Pechenegs, but they charged her.

Interestingly, a very long time, the great princes of Kiev was elected to the throne, the people and their rule had to justify his confidence. It did not interfere with the representatives of the fertile genealogical tree Rurikovichi constantly fighting the throne.

After the death of Prince Oleg, his stepper Igor continued to unite the Slavic tribes under the protection of Kiev, but the exorbitant tribute, which they had to pay, eventually led to the uprising of the Ridge, who killed the prince. His widow of Olga, though avenged for her husband, but, being a woman just and first adopted Orthodox baptism, set the size of Dani, which could not be disturbed.

As a rule, the formation of any state is a matter based on wars and treacherous killings. There were no such acts and Slavic peoples. The great princes of Rurikovichi were constantly either in the campaigns against the Pechenegs or Byzantium, or arranged civil workers and killed each other.

The most famous princes of Kievan Rus Steel or those that were created by the brotherhood for the sake of the throne, or those in which the state was hard and flourished.

Prince Vladimir Saint

Ancient Russia was often shocked by gravestics, so the first prolonged peaceful time when Kiev was ruled by one prince, and his sons were honored and everyone lived in her lot, entered the chronicle. These were the times of Prince Vladimir, called the people of Holy.

Vladimir Svyatoslavovich was the grandson of Igor Rurikovich. From his father, he received the Novgorod to the rule, which was considered the most discerning lot. Yuropolka went to Kiev, and Oleg - all the Radiast lands. After the death of Svyatopolka and Oleg, who is forced to flee from the betrayal of the elder brother, Yuropolk joined the land of the Trees to Kiev and began to rule alone.

Prince Vladimir, who robbed about it, went to him the war, but the elder brother was not dead, and from his hand made his servant. Prince Vladimir sat on the throne and even adopted the son of Yaropolk Svyatopolka.

Not all the great princes of the genus Rurikovich so they gone for the people as Vladimir Saint. With it, it was not only built schools for children of commoners and a special council was created, which included wise boyars, but fair laws were established, and Orthodoxy was established. Baptism Vladimir Rusi is a significant event, when not one person came to God, but by the whole people. The first baptism occurred in the waters of the Dnieper and entered the chronicles on a par with other good actions of the Grand Duke Kiev.

Prince Svyatopolk

Vladimir has 12 sons and nephew Svyatopolk. His favorite son and the heir to the throne was to be the eldest son Boris, but when old prince He died, he returned from the hike on Pechenegs, and the authorities captured Svyatopolk.

In the memory of the people and in the chronicles of Kiev, he remained like Svyatopolk I Yaropolchich. Such a nickname prince received for the murder of his cousins \u200b\u200bBoris, Gleb and Svyatoslav. He attended both Yaroslav's life.

Wanting to self-edit the ancient ruus, Svyatopolk Okayann made a lot of betrayals and betrayed, so when Yaroslav gathered the army and went to Kiev (for the second time), this had to be fleeting. From the fear of his mind, he was clouded, and he finished his days in Bohemian Pleasons, forever remaining in the memory of descendants as the Okyny Prince who killed his brothers.

Prince Yaroslav

One of the most famous sons of Vladimir "Red Sunny", which received a high popular assessment and universal love, was Yaroslav Wise. He was born about from 978 to 987. And first was the prince Rostovsky, then Novgorod, until 199 did not occupy the throne of Kiev. Disputes about the date of birth of Yaroslav are still underway. Since he was the third son of Vladimir Saint from his marriage with Raghedoy, who took place in 976, he could not be born in 978, as was commonly indicated in history textbooks. The study of the remains of the prince indicated that at the time of death he was between 60 and 70 years, and not 76 years old.

No matter how really Yaroslav Wise did not live, he remained in the memory of People's as a fair, smart and brave ruler, although his path to the throne was not simple and bloody. The long reign of Prince Yaroslav in Kiev, until the very death of the memories of civilians between the many sons of Vladimir Saint, as well as permanent military campaigns. His reign was marked by the introduction of the Code of Laws in public administration, the construction of two great cities - Yaroslavl and Yuryev, and the strengthening of the influence of Kievan Rus on the political European arena. It was he who began to use dynastic marriages as a bond of military and friendly alliances between the powers.

Prince Yaroslav Vladimirovich was buried in the Sofia Cathedral in Kiev.

Prince Izyaslav

The eldest son Yaroslav Wise took the Kiev throne in 1054, after the death of his father. This is the only prince from Rurikovich, Rusfully Russely, spending efforts not to strengthen the borders and increasing the welfare of the people, as his father did, but on the stencil with the younger brothers Svyatoslav and Vsevolod.

Izyaslav I Yaroslavich was overthrown by the People's Eve and the uprising twice, which alone speaks about the quality of his rule. Every time he returned the throne of Kiev with the support of Polish troops. Neither his brothers nor her sons did Russia stronger, preferring defending the attack. Until 1113 in the country, the Troubles reigned and dragging the throne from one prince to another.

Vladimir Monomakh

The most famous and significant figure on the Kiev throne was Prince Vladimir, who received nickname in the nickname. At one time, he gave way to Kyiv Throne to his cousin Svatopolk Iaslavich, but after the death of the latter, at the request of the people took him.

Vladimir Monomakh can be compared with the legendary king Artur. He was so loved and worshiped in the people for courage, justice and generosity that songs and epics were signed in his honor for a long time after his death.

During the reign of Vladimir, Kievan Rus became a truly powerful and strong power, with which all neighbors were considered. They were conquered by the Minsk Principality, and the Polovtsy moved to the borders of Russia for a long time. Vladimir Vsevolodovich not only published laws that facilitate the life of a simple people and reduce grants from them, but also continued the edition of the Tale of Bygone Years. It was in his interpretation that she reached the present day. In addition, he himself wrote several works, among which autobiography, a set of laws and teachings from Vladimir Monomakh.

Rurik, son of Prince Rostislav

If during the time of Kievan Rus, there was a book where various kinds of records would be entered, Ryric Rostislavich there would be accurately. From other princes of Kiev, the following factors were distinguished:

  • Neither the date of his birth, nor the name of his mother, which is considered to be nonsense for the ruling dynasties. It is known for certain that his father was the prince Smolensky Rostislav Mstislavich.
  • He took 8 times the princely throne in Kiev, which in itself hesitated either about his stubbornness, or that the people, the Nevzlyubiv, the Prince, jumped him from the throne every 2-3 years.
  • He managed to visit not only the rucy ruler, but also a monk, which, with the princes of Kiev, did not happen.
  • His government brought so much degradation as strong as the subsequent attacks of the Mongolian troops.
  • With the name of Rüric, it is connected like the birth of the dynasty on the Kiev throne and the fall of the Great Power.

Ryric Rostislavich remained in the memory of people and chroniclers as a person who ruined Kiev Orthodox churches worse than barbarians.

Romanov dynasty

If you turn to the history of the Kiev Rus, and then the Russian state, then one oddity can be seen: members of the ruling families did not wear their names. The great princes of the house of Romanovs began to be so called only since 1917, and before that time all the kings, and later the emperors were called solely by name-patronymic.

The Romanovsky Dynasty began from 1613, when the first representative of the Boyarsky, who worn this name for more than 100 years, ascended to the Russian throne. Peter Alekseevich Romanov, known in history as Peter I, was the last Russian king, becoming the first emperor of Russia.

The direct branch of this kind ended on his daughter Elizabeth Petrovna, who did not marry and remained childless, being a unpretentious empress of the country. The throne passed the son of her older sister Anna, forming a completely new dynastic name of Holstein-Gottorp-Romanovsky.

Thus, Peter Alekseevich Romanov was the last direct representative of the male line of this surname. Despite this, Russian emperors were perceived all over the world as Romanov, and after the revolution, children from the marriages of descendants are great tsarist dynasty Leave her along with the titles that were their ancestors. Grand Dukes, she was already the bigger birth.

At the expanders of the Eastern European Plain, the Slavs lived with ancient times, our direct ancestors. Until now, it is not known when they came there. Whatever it was, but soon they were widely settled throughout the great waterway of those years. Slavic cities and villages arose from the Baltic to the Black Sea. Despite the fact that they were one kind of tribe, especially peaceful relations between them were never.

In permanent crossbursions, tribal princes were raised quickly, which soon became great and began to rule the whole Kievan Rus. These were the first rulers of Russia whose names came to us through an endless series of centuries, past since then.

Rurik (862-879)

About the reality of this historical Figure There are still fierce disputes in the scientists. Whether such a person was, or this collective character, the prototype of which was all the first rules of Russia. Whether he was Varyag, or Slavic. By the way, we practically do not know about who Rusi rules to Rurik were, so in this matter everything is based exclusively on assumptions.

Slavic origin is very likely, since Ruriki could nick him for the nickname of falcon, which version Slavic Language Transferred to the Norman adverbs as Rurik. Whatever it was, but it is he who is considered the founder of the entire Old Russian state. Rurik Bedinil (as far as it was possible) under his hand many slavic tribes.

However, practically all rules of Russia were engaged in this case with varying success. It is thanks to their efforts that our country today has such a meaningful position on the world map.

Oleg (879-912)

Rürk was the son of Igor, but by the time of the death of his father he was too small, and therefore his uncle became the Grand Prince, Oleg. He glorified his name by the militancy and that luck, which was accompanied by a military path. His campaign is especially remarkable to Constantinople, who discovered the Slavs incredible prospects from the emerging trading opportunities with distant eastern countries. Contemporaries so respected him that they called "Oleg's human belonging."

Of course, the first rulers of Russia were shapes so legendary that we would most likely never know about their real exploits, but Oleg is probably and in fact was an outstanding personality.

Igor (912-945)

Igor, son of Rurik, following the example of Oleg, also repeatedly went hiking, joined a lot of lands, but he was not so lucky warrior, and his campaign was at Greece at all. There was a cruel, often "rushed" the defeated tribes to the last, for which he was subsequently and paid. Igor warned that they did not forgive him, they advised to take a big squad to take a lot. He did not obey and was killed. In general, the series "Rui rulers" once told about it.

Olga (945-957)

However, Drevlyan soon regretted his act. Igor's wife, Olga, first looked around with their two conciliatory embassies, and then burned main city Drevlyan, Korosten. Contemporaries indicate that it was distinguished by a rare mind and volitional rigidity. During his reign, not a single income of the earth, which was conquered by her husband and His ancestors. It is known that Christianity adopted on the slope of years.

Svyatoslav (957-972)

Svyatoslav went to his ancestor, Oleg. Also distinguished courage, determination, directness. He was an excellent warrior, tamed and won the many tribes of the Slavs, often beat Pechenegs, for which they hated him. Like other rulers of Russia, preferred (if possible) to negotiate "lovely". If the tribes agreed to recognize the supremacy of Kiev and bought off the tribute, then even the rulers remained for them.

I joined until then invincible venna (who preferred to fight in their impassable forests), beat the Khazar, after which he took the Tamutarakan. Despite the small body of his squad, successfully fought with Bulgarians on the Danube. Conquered Andrianopol and threatened to take Constantinople. The Greeks preferred to boot the rich tribute. On the way back, he died with a friend on the thresholds of the Dnieper, being killed all the same pechenegs. It is assumed that swords and remnants of gear it is his squades found in the construction of Dneprogas.

Total characteristics of the 1st century

Since the first rulers of Russia, the epoch of permanent sorts and civil workers gradually began to end up on the Big Throne. Relative order has come: the prince's squad defended the frontiers from the arrogant and fierce nomadic tribes, and those, in turn, pledged to help the warriors and paid tribute to the Foul. The main concern of those princes were Khazara: at that time they were paid tribute to them (not regular, with the next raid) many Slavic tribes, which strongly undermined the authority of the central government.

Another problem was the absence of a party. The Slavs, who conquered Constantinople, looked with contempt, because at that time, monotheism (Judaism, Christianity) was already actively installed, and the pagans considered hardly animals. But the tribes actively resisted all attempts to intervene in their faith. The "Rui rulers" are talking about this - the film is quite truthful conveys the reality of that era.

This contributed to the increase in the number of small troubles inside the young state. But Olga, who adopted Christianity and began to promote and indulgence in the construction of Christian temples in Kiev, laid the way the country's baptism. The second century began, in which the rulers of ancient Russia created many more great cases.

Vladimir Sv. Equal to Apostle (980-1015)

As you know, between Yaropolk, Oleg and Vladimir, who were the heirs of Svyatoslav, never had fraternal love. It was not even helped by the fact that his father was still determined for each of them his land. It ended in that Vladimir destroyed the brothers and began to rule alone.

The ruler in ancient Russia, beat off the regiments of Chervonny Rus, a lot and bravely fought against Pechenegs and Bulgarians. He became famous as a generous ruler who did not regret gold to give people loyal to him. At first, he demolished almost all the Christian temples and churches, which were built with his mother, and a few Christian community suffered constant persecution.

But the political situation was so far that the country had to lead to one-bed. In addition, the contemporaries speak of a strong feeling that the Prince flashed to the Byzantine Tsarevna Anna. For the pagan, no one would give it. So the rulers of ancient Russia came to the conclusion about the need to take baptism.

Therefore, already in 988, the baptism of Prince and all of his close, and then the new religion began to spread among the people. Vasily and Konstantin, gave Anna for Prince Vladimir. About Vladimir Contemporaries responded as a strict, hard (sometimes even cruel) man, but loved him for straightness, honesty and justice. The church still extols the name of the prince for the reason that he began to massively build churches and churches in the country. It was the first ruler of Russia, who accepted baptism.

Svyatopolk (1015-1019)

Like his father, Vladimir, during his lifetime, distributed the earth to his numerous sons: Svyatopolk, Izyaslav, Yaroslav, Mstislav, Svyatoslav, Boris and Gleb. After his father died, Svyatopolk decided to edit on his own, for which he made an order to eliminate his own brothers, but was unimportant from Kiev Yaroslav Novgorod.

With the help of the Polish king of Boleslav the brave, he was able to once again master Kiev, but the people accepted it cool. Soon he was forced to flee from the city, and then died on the way. His death is a dark story. It is assumed that he himself deprived himself life. In folk legends, nusted "Okayanny".

Yaroslav Wise (1019-1054)

Yaroslav quickly became an independent ruler of Kievan Rus. I was distinguished by a great mind, I did a lot for the development of the state. Many monasteries built, promoted the spread of writing. His authorship belongs to Russian True, the first official collection of laws and deposits in our country. Like his ancestors, immediately distributed to the sons of the land of land, but at the same time it punished "to live in the world, no more friend to each other."

Izyaslav (1054-1078)

Izyaslav was the eldest son of Yaroslav. Initially ruled Kiev, distinguished himself as a good ruler, but he knew how to get very good with the people. Last and played your role. When he went to the Polovtsy and suffered a failure in that hike, the Kiev was simply expelled him, calling for the reign of his brother, Svyatoslav. After he died, Izyaslav returned to Massol.

In principle, he was a very good ruler, but his share fell out quite difficult times. Like all the first rulers of Kievan Rus, he was forced to solve a lot of difficult issues.

Overall characteristic of the 2nd century

In those century, several practically independent (most powerful), Chernihiv, Rostov-Suzdalskiy (Vladimir-Suzdalskoe later), Galico-Volynsky stands out from Rusi. The mansion was Novgorod. Controlled by the vechery in the example of the Greek policies, he generally looked at the princes not too well.

Despite this fragmentation, formally Russia was still considered an independent state. Yaroslav was able to push his borders to the Rosi river itself under Vladimir the country takes Christianity, the influence of Byzantium on its internal affairs increases.

So, at the head of the newly created church, Metropolitan, submitted directly to the Tsargrad. The new faith brought with him not only religion, but also a new writing, new laws. The princes at that time acted together with the church, built a lot of new temples, promoted the enlightenment of their people. It was at that time that the famous Nestor lived, which is the author of numerous written monuments of that time.

Unfortunately, everything was not so smooth. The eternal problem was both permanent raids of nomads and internal crossbursions, constantly framed the country who deprived her strength. As Nestor, the author of the "Words about the regiment of Igor", "Russian Earth" from them. The educational ideas of the church begin to manifest themselves, but so far people are poorly accepting a new religion.

So started the third century.

Vsevolod I (1078-1093)

Vsevolod first could well stay in history as an exemplary ruler. He was truthful, honest, promoted the formation and development of writing, he knew five languages \u200b\u200bhimself. But he did not differ developed military and political talent. Permanent raids of the Polovtsy, Mor, drought and hunger did not contribute to his authority. Only his son Vladimir, subsequently nicknamed by Monomakh, kept his father on the throne (a unique case, by the way).

Svyatopolk II (1093-1113)

He was the son of Iaslav, was distinguished by a good character, but was rarely brittle in some issues, why the specific princes were not considered for the Grand Duke. However, he ruled very well: Listening to the Council, all the same Vladimir Monomakh, in the Dolobsky Congress In 1103, he persuaded his opponents to take a joint campaign on the "Picky" Polovtsy, after which they were headdown in 1111.

Military mining was huge. Polotsk in that battle was killed by almost two dozen. This victory loudly spread over all Slavic lands both in the East and in the West.

Vladimir Monomakh (1113-1125)

Despite the fact that for the seniority, he should not have occupied the Kiev throne, it was Vladimir who elected a unanimous decision. Such love is explained by the rare political and military talent of the prince. The mind, political and military courage, was very brave in considerable business.

Every trip to Polovtsy considered the holiday (the half of his views were not shared). It is during Monomakh who is unnecessarily about the independence of the princes receive a rigorous contamination. Leaves the descendants of "teaching children," where he talks about the importance of honest and disinterested ministry of his homeland.

Mstislav I (1125-1132)

Following the covenants of his father, he lived in the world with his brothers and other princes, but tormented at one hint of a reconcile and striving for the civil engine. So, by the princes of Polovtsy, he expelled from the country in anger, after which they are forced to escape from the dissatisfaction of the ruler in Byzantium. In general, many rulers of Kievan Rus tried without need not to kill their enemies.

Yaropolk (1132-1139)

It is known for his skillful political intrigues, which ultimately turned badly turned against "Monomakhovichi". At the end of his reign, he decides to transfer the throne not to his brother, but a nephew. The case is barely not reaching the troubled, but the descendants of Oleg Svyatoslavovich, "Olegovichi", they even go to the throne. Large, however.

Vsevolod II (1139-1146)

Vsevolod was distinguished by good ruler's deposits, rules wisely and firmly. But he wanted to convey the throne Igor Olegovich, consolidating the position of "Olegovichi". But Kievans did not recognize Igor, he was forced to take the monastic stop, and then he was killed at all.

Izyaslav II (1146-1154)

But the inhabitants of Kiev with delight accepted Izyaslav II Mstislavovich, who with his brilliant political abilities, an integral valor and the mind of vividly reminded them of his grandfather, Monomakh. It was he who put the remaining rule since then since then: if uncle is alone in one prince, the nephew to get his throne can not.

He was in a terrible hostility with Yuri Vladimirovich, Prince of Rostov-Suzdal Land. His name will not say anything to many, but later Yuri will be promoted by Dolgorukh. Izyaslav had to run from Kiev twice, but before the death he himself did not give the throne.

Yuri Dolgoruky (1154-1157)

Yuri finally gets access to the Kiev throne. After three years in him, he achieved a lot: he was able to silence (or shy) princes, contributed to the unification of crushed lands under strong power. However, his whole work turned out to be meaningless, since after the death of Dolgoruky gnawing between the princes flashes with a new force.

Mstislav II (1157-1169)

It was the devastation and svary that led to the fact that Mstislav II Izyaslavovich rose to the throne. He was a good ruler, but was not too good to temper, and also indulged by the princes of civil enginemen ("divide and conquer"). From Kiev, Andrei Yuryevich, the son of Dolgoruky, is expelled from Kiev. Known in history under the nicknames of Bogolyubsky.

In 1169, Andrei did not limit himself by the expulsion of the worst enemy of his father, along the way, the swollen Kiev Dotley. So he at the same time revenge and the Kievans, who by then acquired the habit of casting the princes at any time, calling for themselves to the principality of anyone who would promise them "bread and spectacle."

Andrei Bogolyubsky (1169-1174)

As soon as Andrei seen power, he immediately suffered the capital into his favorite city, Vladimir on Klyazma. Since then, the dominant position of Kiev immediately began to weaken. In the end of the life of the harsh and power, Bogolyubsky did not want to put up with the Samoram of many boyars, wanting to establish autocratic power. Many people did not like it, and therefore Andrei killed as a result of the conspiracy.

So what did the first rulers of Russia? The table will give a general answer to this question.

In principle, all the most Russian rules were engaged in Rurik to Putin. The table is unlikely to transmit all those burdens that have transferred our people on the complex way of becoming a state.