The pedigree of the royal family of Romanovs. Tsarist Romanov Dynasty: Scheme with Dates of Board

Russian history Stable to change the ruling dynasties. In the entire history of the development of the state on the throne, only two dynasties changed: and Romanovs. And it is the Romanov dynasty that is connected with the largest historical events, formed the appearance of a modern state. The chronology of their presence in power has about 300 years.

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Why began the genealogical tree of Romanov

Russian history of fancy. In theory, it is known fairly well, but if you deepen in the old periods, it turns out to be quite controversial and confusing. The history of the genus Romanov can be recognized as one confirmation of this opinion. Let's start with the fact that even accurate data from where he came to Moscow to then on three centuries to occupy the throne, it is not reliably known:

  • According to the representatives of the dynasty itself, the origins of the occurrence of the clan on Prussia, from where the founder of the genus arrived on Russia in the 14th century.
  • Professional historians, including academician and archeographer Stepan Borisovich Veselovsky, Confident, origins royal family Are in Veliky Novgorod.

Chronicles and vintage manuscripts call the first reliable name of the founder of the dynasty. They became boyar Andrei Mare.

He belonged to the retinue of Moscow Prince Simeon Proud (1317-1353). Boyaran gave the beginning of the surname of Cat, the first representative of whom was the son of Andrei Mobyl Fyodor Cat.

The zigzags of history led Zakharia during the reign to the very foundation of the royal throne. The legendary Last Representative of the Rurikovsky Rurikovich was Anastasia Zakharian. Ivan the Terrible did not leave the heirs of the male, and his spouse's nephews became real applicants for a place on the throne.

And he took his representative of the new ruling race - Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov. He was the grandson of his wife's brother Ivan the Terrible, Anastasia Romanovna Zakharia, the son of Her nephew Fyodor Nikitovich. Later, by going to a monk, he took the name of Patriarch Philaret. By the way, it is he turned the surname of Zakharian in Romanov, Taking as a surname the name of his grandfather, Boyarin Roman Zaharin.

Important! The most amazing thing is that in fact such a surname at the royal family until 1917 officially did not exist at all. Representatives of the Tsarist Dynasty were named: Tsarevich Ivan Alekseevich, grand Duke Nikolay Alexandrovich. Take the last name Officially, the royal family was supposed to after decree a temporary government in 1917.

Causes of invitations for the throne of the Romanov

By the time Ivan Rurikovich Grozny, Ryurikovich ceased. At that moment, Russia once again experienced a difficult period, which was called " Time of Troubles" During the reign of Ivan the Terrible State passed through a series of lost wars, mass executions,. This existed the state, hunger reigned in many territories. The population was exhausted by a constantly growing tax burden.

During this period, the fortress slavery of the peasants is born. Foreign representatives began to apply for an empty throne. Among them are the English king of Yakov first.

Against this background, the Great Kozhansky Cossacks decided to intervene the distribution of space on the throne of the sovereign. Patriarch Filaret His assistance to the throne of his 16-year-old son Mikhail.

This event was marked by the coming to power of the dynasty. To this day most of the historians are confident that Filaret and was the real ruler of the state. Moreover, Mikhail was weak health and died at the age of 49 years. But the genus Romanov has already managed to rise to the throne. For many years, then the rules of the legendary dynasty, to trace it is not difficult.

When the first representative of the dynasty died, he climbed into his place Alexey Mikhailovich Romanovwho wears the nickname "silent". In the first years of his reign, the king is under the strong influence of the boyar Boris Morozova. Moreover, as a result of intrigues, the head of the Russian state became her husband of Boris Morozov, Maria Ilinichny Miloslavskaya. Boyar Morozov became her husband's native sister sister, Anna Ilinichna.

Further, the sovereign began to have a significant influence of the Patriarch Nikon. The head of church authorities became so influential that after the convocation of the Church Cathedral, he would offer the king to divide power. The years of the elevation of Nikon ended with the collection of the Big Moscow Cathedral in 1666. It was after the year of the Cathedral and the displacement of the Operal Patriarch that the Orthodox Church was divided, the Old Believers were separated from it.

Important!Despite the nickname, the years of the reign of Alexey Mikhailovich is difficult to call calm. In addition to the church split, it was for the period of the reign of this representative of the kind, the military reform had to conduct, the result was the creation of foreign regiments in Russia. In the Russian citizenship after the Zemsky Cathedral, Zaporizhia Sotnik, Bogdan Khmelnitsky, raised the uprising Stepan Razin.

A significant moment of the reign of a quiet king was the conduct of monetary reform, which started the start of the goal in Russia. ON. became the initiator of the development of cathedralwho became a vault of the country's laws. Historians recognize that the enlightened and intelligent sovereign, inclined to contemplation and reflections, was able to withdraw the state from a difficult economic crisis. About the genus of Romanov historians infrequently give similar reviews.

At the throne, Alexei Mikhailovich replaced his native brother Fedor II Alekseevich, whose reign years of which came at 1676-1682.. In addition to the weakness of health, this representative of the genus of Romanovs is not remembered. Instead, with varying success, they tried to rule various boyars families. Fedor Alekseevich did not leave the Decree on the Prepolyasing Fedor. The throne passed the first senior to the son of Alexei Mikhailovich, Ivan I, whose revenue was sister - Tsarevna Sophia, and the co-guide is the younger brother.

Transition from the king to the sovereign

During these years, the reign of the genus Romanov finally is finalized the royal dynasty of the Russian state.

Ivan Alekseevich was another representative who had faint health. He died, having lived just 30 years old. The throne crossed his co-program and brother, whom the story calls today Peter Great.

Peter Alekseevich accepted the San Sandor. At the same time, he became the last official king of Russia.

On this, the rulers of the kings of Romanov ended. They replaced the dynasty of the sovereign.

Dynasty of sovereigns of Romanovs

Complicated story ruling home The name change did not end. On the contrary, she went to a new round. After all, in fact, the Sovereign Peter the Great became the only representative of the genus in this status. His men's line on it stopped. Peter Alekseevich was married twice. The first spouse ruler became Evdokia Lopukhin. That one that gave birth to the head of the state of the son of Alexey, killed by the Father. Alexey had a son, Peter II. He even managed to visit the throne in 1727.. The boy was only 11 years old. After three years, the last representative of the male line died of smallpox.

On this board, the Board should have completed. But on the new turn of history, the state began to manage women. Moreover, manage successfully, giving a start to the real golden age of the development of the state. The first of them, but far from the most glorious, became the daughter of Ivan V Alekseyevich, Anna Joanovna, would have grown up to the throne.

These years have become a period of the Board of the Favorite of the State E.I. Biron. According to the will of Anna Joanovna, Ivan V - Ivanvi, but his short Board ended tragically. The baby-sovereign was quickly overthrownand most of their short life Next, conducted in conclusion. Historic tradition attributes His death Catherine I.

The second wife of Peter the Great, Martha Skavron, who adopted the name Ekaterina I, in the reign, was among the legendary government of Russia of the 18th century, the daughter of Catherine - Elizabeth Petrovna and his grandson's wife, who was called the name of Sophia Frederic Anhalt-Crebst. Just a year in the list of excellent government "wedged" the grandson of Catherine I from the daughter of Anna, Peter III. The dates of his rule are 1761 - 1762 years.

Calm for Romanovsky Dynasty 19th Century

The period of the female government, which has become an enlightened century in the development of the country, ended up with the thronein 1796, the son of Catherine the second, Paul I. His government was brief.

As a result palace coup The unloved grandson Catherine was overthrown. In history, there is a legend that his sister Alexander could be directly involved in his death. The one that has become after the killing of the Father in a dream in his own bed, Alexander I.

Next, with different shocks, but not so global, as in the past century, the rulers with the names of Nikolai and Alexander were replaced on the throne. Under Nicolae, in the first in 1825, the uprising of the Decembrists was suppressed. Under Alexander the second was canceled serfdom. The death of this representative of the genus Romanovbecame a shock for the country. He died from the received wounds after the intelligence of the people of Ignatia Grinevitsky, who threw a bomb under the legs.

At the same time, the 19th century and the beginning of 20 appeared quite calm enough for the romance romanian dynasty. As long as the generation scheme of the rulers was not discontinued during the two revolutions of 1917 at once. After the coup in 1917, the history of the dynasty ceased. Nicholas II ruling during the coup is officially renounced the throne in favor of his brother Mikhail. This last of the Romanov also refused the rights to the Board. The stories of this royal dynasty of Europe end came tragically. Nikolay Romanov he was executed with the whole family. His brother, Mikhail Romanov, the renunciation of the throne did not help. He was killed in the forest under Perm on the night from 12 to 13 June 1918.

Brief chronology of the rule of Russian dynasties

Romanov's Board Board Scheme


It is said that at the end of the Trone of the first Romanov, the royal genus was cursed, and was to start Mikhail and Mikhail to end. In theory, at the moment, the coming to power of representatives of the dynasty is possible. On this planet in different countries live a lot far relatives The ruling three centuries of the dynasty, but their rights for the most part are quite dubious.

Alexey Mikhailovich (1629-1676), King from 1645. The son of King Mikhail Fedorovich. At the board of Alexei Mikhailovich, the central government strengthened and serfs (Cathedral Introduction 1649); reunited with the Russian state Ukraine (1654); Returned Smolensk, Seversk Land, etc.; The uprising was suppressed in Moscow, Novgorod, Pskov (1648, 1650, 1662) and the peasant war under the leadership of Stepan Razin; There was a split of the Russian Church.

Wives: Maria Ilyinichna Miloslavskaya (1625-1669), among her children Tsarevna Sophia, the future kings Fyodor and Ivan V; Natalia Kirillovna Naryshkin (1651-1694) - Petra's mother

Fedor Alekseevich (1661-1682), King from 1676. Son Alexei Mikhailovich from the first marriage with M.I. Miloslavskaya. With it, various Boyar groups ruled. The residential investigation has been introduced, in 1682, the locality is destroyed; The union of the left bank of Ukraine with Russia is finally enshrined.

Ivan V.Alekseevich (1666-1696), king from 1682. Son Alexei Mikhailovich from the first marriage with M.I. Miloslavskaya. Painful and incapable of state activities, proclaimed king together with the younger brother Peter I; Up to 1689, for them, the rules of sister Sophia, after its overthrow - Peter I.

Peter I.Alekseevich (Great) (1672-1725), the king from 1682 (rules from 1689), the first Russian emperor (from 1721). Junior Son Alexei Mikhailovich - from the second marriage with N.K.Naryshkina. He conducted the reforms of public administration (the Senate, the Board, the authorities of the highest state control and political school were established; the church was subordinate to the state; the country's division was held on the province, a new capital was built - Petersburg). Personal Policy of Mercaltelism in the field of industry and trade (the creation of manuffs, metallurgical, mountainous and other factories, shipyards, marins, canals). He headed the army in Azov campaigns 1695-1696, Northern War 1700-1721, prudecaround 1711, Persian campaign 1722-1723, etc.; Commanded with troops when taking Noteburg (1702), in battles in the forest (1708) and under Poltava (1709). He led the construction of the fleet and creating a regular army. Contributed to the hardification of the economic and political situation nobility. At the initiative of Peter I, many are open educational establishments, Academy of Sciences, adopted Civil ABC, etc. Peter I reforms were carried out by cruel means, by the extreme voltage of material and human forces, oppressing the masses (submissive, etc.), which entailed the uprisings (Streletsky 1698, Astrakhan 1705-1706, Bulavinskoye 1707-1709, etc.), merciless suppressed by the government. Being the creator of a powerful absolutist state, achieved recognition for Russia by countries Western Europe The authority of the Great Power.

Wives: Evdokia Fedorovna Lopukhina, Mother Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich;
March Skavron, subsequently Ekaterina I Alekseevna

Ekaterina I.Alekseevna (Marta Skavron) (1684-1727), Empress from 1725. The second wife of Peter I. was erected on the throne of the Guard led by A.D. Menshikov, who became actually the ruler of the state. With it, the Supreme Secret Council has been created.

Peter II.Alekseevich (1715-1730), Emperor with 1727. Son Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich. In fact, the state was ruled by A.D. Menshikov, then Dolgorukov. Announced the abolition of a number of transformation carried out by Peter I.

Anna Ivanovna(1693-1740), Empress from 1730. The daughter of Ivan V Alekseevich, Duchess Kurland from 1710. Erected to the throne by the Supreme Secret Council. In fact, the ruler with her was E.I.Biron.

Ivan VI Antonovich (1740-1764), Emperor in 1740-1741. Vernuk Ivan V Alekseevich, Son of Prince Anton Ulrich Braunschweigsky. For the baby ruled E.I.Biron, then Mother Anna Leopoldovna. Overthrew the guard, imprisoned; Killed while trying to liberate him.

Elizabeth Petrovna (1709-1761 / 62), Empress from 1741. The daughter of Peter I from marriage with Catherine I. was erected to the throne of the guard. He contributed to the elimination of the Zasili foreigners in the government, put forward talented and energetic representatives from the Russian nobility environment. Actual supervisor internal politicians With Elizabeth, P. P.I. Shuvalov was, with the activities of which are connected by the abolition of internal tomozic and the organization of foreign trade; re-equipment of the army, improving its organizational structure and system of management. In the reign of Elizabeth Petrovna, orders and organs created under Peter I were restored. The rise of Russian science and culture contributed to the initiative of M.V. Lomonosov of Moscow University (1755) and the Academy of Arts (1757). The privileges of the nobles at the expense of the serf peasantry were strengthened and expanded (the distribution of land and serfs, Decree 1760 on the right to refer the peasants to Siberia and others). The speeches of the peasants against serfdom were brutally suppressed. Foreign policy Elizabeth Petrovna, skillfully sent by Chancellor A.P. Bestuzhev-Rumin, was subordinated to the problem of the struggle against the aggressive aspirations of the Prussian King Friedrich II.

Peter III Fedorovich (1728-1762), Russian Emperor with 1761. German Prince Karl Peter Ulrich, Son of the Duke of the Hollytein-Gottorpsky Charles Friedrich and Anna - the eldest daughter Peter I and Catherine I. from 1742 in Russia. In 1761, he concluded peace with Prussia, which reduced the results of the victories of Russian troops in a seven-year war. Introduced German orders in the army. Communicated as a result of a coup, organized by his wife Catherine, killed.

Catherine II. Alekseevna (Great) (1729-1796), russian Empress From 1762. German Princess Sophia Frederick Augustus Anhalt-Crebst. He came to power, overthrowing with the help of Guard Peter III, her husband. Designed the estate privileges of the nobles. In Catherine II, the Russian absolutist state has significantly strengthened, the oppression of peasants increased, the peasant war under the leadership of Emelyan Pugacheva (1773-1775) occurred. Northern Black Sea region, Crimea, North Caucasus, Western Ukrainian, Belarusian and Lithuanian lands (for three sections of the Commonwealth). Conducted policies of enlightened absolutism. From the late 80s - early 90s. actively participated in the fight against the French revolution; Pursued fretsity in Russia.

Paul I. Petrovich (1754-1801), Russian emperor with 1796. Son of Peter III and Catherine II. Introduced in the state a military-police regime, in the army - Prussian orders; Restricted noble privileges. He spoke against the revolutionary France, but in 1800 he concluded a union with Bonaparte. Killed member-nobles.

Alexander I. Pavlovich (1777-1825), Emperor with 1801. The eldest son of Paul I. At the beginning of the Board, there was moderately liberal reforms developed by the unlawful committee and MM Speransky. In foreign policy lavished between Great Britain and France. In 1805-1807 he participated in anti-armzu coalitions. In 1807-1812, temporarily became close to France. Successful wars with Turkey (1806-1812) and Sweden (1808-1809). With Alexandra I, Eastern Georgia (1801), Finland (1809), Bessarabia (1812), Azerbaijan (1813), the former Duchy of Warsaw (1815) are attached to Russia. After Patriotic War 1812 he headed in 1813-1814 the anti-brass coalition of European powers. Was one of the leaders Vienna Congress 1814-1815 and organizers of the Holy Union.

Nikolai I. Pavlovich (1796-1855), Russian emperor from 1825. Third Son of Emperor Paul I. Honorary Member Petersburg Academy Sciences (1826). Entered the throne after the sudden death of Alexander I. suppressed the Decembrist uprising. Under Nicolae I, the centralization of the bureaucratic apparatus was strengthened, the third branch was created, the Code of Laws of the Russian Empire was drawn up, new censorship statutes were introduced (1826, 1828). He received the spread of the theory of official nationality. The Polish uprising of 1830-1831 was suppressed, revolution in Hungary 1848-1849. An important side foreign Policy The return to the principles of the Holy Union. In the reign of Nicholas I Russia participated in the Caucasian War of 1817-1864, russian-Persian War 1826-1828, Russian-Turkish war 1828-1829, Crimean war 1853-1856.

Alexander II. Nikolayevich (1818-1881), Emperor with 1855. The Senior Son of Nicholas I. carried out the abolition of serfdom and then conducted a number of other bourgeois reforms (Zemskaya, judicial, military, etc.), promoting the development of capitalism. After the Polish uprising, 1863-1864 passed to the reaction domestic political course. Since the end of the 70s, repression against revolutionaries increased. To the reign of Alexander II, the accession to Russia of the Caucasus (1864), Kazakhstan (1865), mostly Central Asia (1865-1881). A number of attempted Alexander II (1866, 1867, 1879, 1880); Killed by the people.

Alexander III Alexandrovich (1845-1894), Russian emperor with 1881. The second son of Alexander II. In the first half of the 80s, in the conditions of the growth of capitalist relations, he was canceled by pillow, lowered redemption payments. With the 2nd half of the 80s. conducted "counter-doors". Suppressed a revolutionary-democratic and labor movement, strengthened the role of police and administrative arbitrariness. In the reign of Alexander III, the accession to Russia Central Asia (1885) was mainly completed, the Russian-French Union was concluded (1891-1893).

Nicholas II. Alexandrovich (1868-1918), the last Russian emperor (1894-1917). Senior son Alexander III. His reign coincided with fast development capitalism. Under Nicolae II, Russia suffered a defeat in the Russian-Japanese war of 1904-1905, which was one of the reasons for the revolution 1905-1907, during which the manifest was adopted October 17, 1905, allowed the creation political parties and established the State Duma; Beginning the Stolypin agrarian reform. In 1907, Russia became a member of the Entente, which entered into the 1st World War. From August 1915 Supreme Commander. During the February Revolution, 1917 renounced the throne. Shot along with his family in Yekaterinburg

In the Kremlin in the Armory of the Hall are kept two non-plastered on the view of the saber. But despite the non-primary appearance, they are invaluable relics of Russia. These sabers were combat guns of minin and a fire. In 1612, a merchant from Nizhny Novgorod Kuzma Minin called the Russian people to stand on the fight against Polish invaders, and he headed the People's Militia Prince Dmitry Pozharsky.

In the autumn of the same year, the first was purified from Polish Panov. After that, the Zemsky Cathedral was gathered, who chose Mikhail Fedorovich Romanova for the throne. Romanov himself took place from the genus of Queen Anastasia (the first wife of Ivan Grozny). In the people they loved and worshiped for kindness and meekness. She loved her and the Terrible Tsar himself and was very worried after the death of his wife.

All this and was the reason that representatives of the Russian land gathered to the Zemsky Cathedral made a choice in favor of the 16-year-old young man who was a descendant of Anastasia. They declared him about it in the Ipatiev Monastery of the city of Kostroma. So began the board of the Romanov dynasty. It lasted 300 years and turned Russian land into a huge and great power.

Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich (1613-1645)

Tsar Alexey Mikhailovich (1645-1676)

Tsar Fedor Alekseevich (1676-1682)

Trootheral and Tsarevna Sophia Alekseevna (1682-1689)

Peter I Great (1689-1725)

The king, and then the Emperor Peter I is considered a great reformer, which turned the Moscow kingdom to the Russian Empire. Its merits can be attributed to the defeated Swedes, reaching the Baltic Sea, the construction of St. Petersburg, the rapid growth of the metallurgical industry. Were transformed public administration, legal proceedings and education system. In 1721, the Russian king began to call the emperor, and the country of the Empire.
Read more in the article Petr I Romanov.

Empress Ekaterina I (1725-1727)

Emperor Peter II (1727-1730)

Empress Anna Ioannovna (1730-1740)

Ivan VI and Braunschweig family (1740-1741)

Empress Elizabeth (1741-1761)

Emperor Peter III (1761-1762)

Empress Catherine II Great (1762-1796)

Emperor Paul I (1796-1801)

Emperor Alexander I (1801-1825)

Emperor Nicholas I (1825-1855)

Emperor Alexander II Liberator (1855-1881)

Emperor Alexander III Peacemaker (1881-1894)

Emperor Nicholas II (1894-1917)

Nicholas II became the latest emperor of the Romanov dynasty. With it, the Khodan tragedy occurred and Bloody sunday. Extremely failed russian-Japanese war. At the same time, in the economy of the Russian Empire, there was a rise. At his peak began the first world Warending with the revolution and renunciation of the emperor from the throne. Manifesto on renunciation was signed on March 2, 1917. Nicholas II died in favor of his brother Mikhail, but he also refused power.

Leonid Frienders

Romanovs are a large family of the masters and kings of Russia, ancient boyars. Family tree Romanovsky dynasties are rooted in the 16th century. Numerous descendants of this famous surname live in our days and continue the ancient genus.

House of Romanov 4th Century

At the beginning of the 17th century, the celebration was celebrated on the end of the throne of Moscow Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich Romanova. Wedding to the kingdom, who passed in the Kremlin in 1613, marked the beginning of the new kings dynasty.

The genealogical tree of Romanovs gave Russia a lot of great lords. Chronicle of the family takes countdown from 1596

Origin of the surname

Romanovs - inaccurate historical surname. The first famous representative of the kind was Boyar Andrei Mare at the time of the ruling prince Ivan Kalita. The descendants of the mare were called cats, then - zajakharia. It was Roman Yurevich Zaharin officially recognized by the ancestor of the dynasty. His daughter Anastasia entered into marriage with the king of John Grozny, they had a son Fyodor, who in honor of the grandfather took the name of the Romanov and began Fedor Romanov. So the famous surname was born.

The genealogical tree of Romanovs levels from the genus of Zakharnye, but from which places they came to Muscovy, historians. Separate experts believe that the family was the Novgorod natives, others argue that the family is from Prussia.

Their descendants became the most famous royal dynasty in the world. The numerous family is called the "House of Romanov". The genealogical tree is fixed and huge, has branches in almost all the kingdoms of the world.

In 1856, they acquired the official coat of arms. In the sign of the Romanov, a vulture is presented, which keeps the fairy blade and tarch in the paws, the edges were decorated with sliced \u200b\u200bheads of lions.

Climbing on the throne

In the 16th century, the boyars of Zakharians acquired a new position, having breeded with the king of Ivan Grozny. Now all relatives could hope for a throne. The chance to take possession of the throne was quite soon. After the interruption of the Rurikovsky dynasty, the decision to take the throne was picked up by Zakharian.

Fyodor John, who, as mentioned earlier, in honor of the grandfather took the name of Romanov, was the most likely challenger for the throne. However, he prevented him to climb Boris Godunov on the throne, forced to accept the victim. But the smart and enterprising Fedor Romanova did not stop. He accepted the San Patriarch (called Philaret) and by intrigue erected to the throne of his son Mikhail Fedorovich. The 400-hour-year era of Romanov began.

Chronology of the Board of Direct Representatives

  • 1613-1645 - years of reign of Mikhail Fedorovich Romanova;
  • 1645-1676 - The reign of Alexei Mikhailovich Romanova;
  • 1676-1682 - The autocracy of Fyodor Alekseevich Romanova;
  • 1682-1696 - Formally in power, John Alekseevich, was the co-program of his younger brother Peter Alekseevich (Peter I), but no political role played,
  • 1682-1725 - The genealogical tree of Romanov continued the great and authoritarian ruler Peter Alekseevich, better known in history as Peter I. In 1721, established the title of emperor, since then Russia began to be called Russian Empire.

In 1725, Empress Ekaterina I was ascended to the throne, as the spouse of Peter I. After her death, there was again a direct descendant of the Romanov dynasty - Peter Alekseevich Romanov, the grandson of Peter I (1727-1730).

  • 1730-1740 - Russian Empire Rules Anna Ioannovna Romanova, Peter I niece;
  • 1740-1741 - Formally, the power of John Antonovich Romanov, Virtual John Alekseevich Romanova;
  • 1741-1762 - As a result of the palace coup, Elizaveta Petrovna Romanova came to power, Peter I's daughter;
  • 1762- Six months Petr Fedorovich Romanov (Peter III), the nephew of the Empress Elizabeth, the grandson of Peter I.

Further story

  1. 1762-1796 - After the overthrow of her husband, Peter III Empire, Catherine II
  2. 1796-1801 - Pavel Petrovich Romanov, Son Peter I and Catherine II came to power. Officially, Paul I belongs to the genus of the Romanov, but historians still lead cruel disputes about its origin. Many consider it an illegitimate son. If this is assumed, then the actual genealogical tree of the Romanov dynasty ended in Peter III. Further rulers may not have been blood descendants of the dynasty.

After the death of Peter I, the Russian throne was often occupied by women representing the house of Romanov. The genealogical tree has become more branched, because the descendants of the kings from other states were chosen into the husbands. Already Paul I established the law, in accordance with which the king has the right to become only the blood successor of the male. And since that time, women were not married to the kingdom.

  • 1801-1825 - The Board of Emperor Alexander Pavlovich Romanova (Alexander I);
  • 1825-1855 - the rule of Emperor Nikolai Pavlovich Romanova (Nicholas I);
  • 1855-1881 - Sovereign Alexander Nikolaevich Romanov (Alexander II);
  • 1881-1894 - Years of the reign of Alexander Alexandrovich Romanova (Alexander III);
  • 1894-1917 - The autocracy of Nikolai Alexandrovich Romanova (Nicholas II), together with his family shot by the Bolsheviks. The imperial genealogic tree of Romanov was destroyed, and monarchy in Russia collapsed with him.

How the dynasty board was interrupted

In July 1917, all the monarch family, including children, Nikolai, his spouse, was executed. Shot and the only receiver, the heir of Nicholas. All the relatives hidden in different places was identified and exterminated. Only those novels were removed, what were outside Russia.

Nicholas II, who acquired the name "Bloody" because of thousands of those killed during the revolutions, became the last emperor, which represented the house of Romanov. The genealogical tree of descendants of Peter I was interrupted. Outside of Russia, the descendants of the novels from other branches continue to live.

Results of the Board

For the 3nd centuries, a lot of bloodshed, uprisings accomplished in the 3nd centuries. Nevertheless, the Romanov family, the genealogical tree of which covered the shadow of half of Europe, brought the benefit of Russia:

  • full distance from feudalism;
  • the family entered the financial, political, military power of the Russian Empire;
  • the country was transformed into a large and powerful state, which was equal with developed European states.

1. Introduction

With the death of the Middle Son of Ivan the Terrible - Fedor, the reigning genus Rurikovich, rules from 862 to 1598. At the end of the vague time, a new dynasty will go to the throne as the most closest relatives of the fascinated Rurikovsky Ryurikovich. Rodality It will pass through Anastasia - the first and most beloved wife Ivan the Terrible, poisoned by his enemies. With it, her brother Nikita was a boyarian and guardian of King Fyodor, together with Churin, Boris Godunov, he ruled the state after the death of the Terrible Tsar.

Anastasia was the right-right-right-granddaughter Prokopii righteous - founder of the genus of Romanov, who lived in Ustyug at the end of the 13th century. In Moscow, in the Temple "Small Ascension" there is a limit in his honor. The temple was built with Ivan Grozny in Sloboda Novgorod People and Ustyugan, who fell into the capital of his efforts. It was in Veliky Novgorod that he began his spiritual feat, and completed it in Veliky Ustyug.

In the temple there are two limits - in honor of the prevention of the head of John the Forerunner, the Heavenly patron of Ivan the Terrible, and in honor of the proofer of Ustyugovsky - the first in Russia of the Yurodivaya Christ for the sake of the Romanovs.

2. Dynasty Romanovs

Hellegally was the path of the new dynasty into Russian throne - Boris Godunov planned to strengthen his genus on the kingdom and severely got rid of possible competitors. Suffice it to say that, by his order, Uncle Mikhail Fedorovich Romanova - Mikhail Nikitich Romanov was sent to the scromb that in the Perm region, and there was made in the chain in the pit, where he was martyred. Fate spared Mikhail Fedorovich's father - he was only tonsured to the monks named Filaret and could not be king according to the law. For two generations, Romanovs firmly strengthened in power, already grandson M. F. Romanova Peter I led Russia to the West, to the Baltic Sea, adopting the advanced achievements of Europe in industry and culture. Already from Peter I, Romanovs attached great importance to dynastic marriages, but after Peter II and Elizabeth Petrovna (direct descendants of Peter I), Russia actually the rules of the German Hollytein-Gottorpian dynasty. They were associated with close related relations with the royal houses of Denmark, England, Greece, as well as blood bonds with the kings of Norway, Sweden, Belgium, the Netherlands, Romania, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Serbia, Italy, Spain. Thus, Romanovs were one of the most prestigious imperial dynasties.

Romanov dynasty


Years of board

Years of life

Russian Centralized State Capital - Moscow

Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov

Alexey Mikhailovich Tishaysh

Fedor Alekseevich

Ivan V Alekseevich

Sophia Alekseevna

Russian Empire Capital - St. Petersburg

Peter I Alekseevich Great

Ekaterina I Alekseevna

Peter II Alekseevich

Anna Ivanovna

Ivan Vi Antonovich

Elizabeth Petrovna

Peter III Fedorovich

Ekaterina II Alekseevna

Paul I Petrovich

Alexander I Pavlovich Blessed

Nicholas I Pavlovich

Alexander II Nikolaevich Liberator

Alexander III Alexandrovich

Nicholas II Aleksandrovich

The title "Imperial" to the genus Romanov was added by the decision of the Senate in 1721, after the signing of the Nesteadsky peace treaty, through which Russia, thanks to the titanic efforts of Peter I and his companions, receives access to the Baltic Sea, putting a logical point of the Livonian war Ivan the Terrible, who dreamed of exit To Baltic until the end of his life.

With the closest descendants of Peter I, the suppression of the Romanov dynasty is connected. So, in the literal male generation, Romanov was stopped with the death of the grandson of Peter I - Peter II, the testament about the transfer of it to the throne of Ekaterina I (the wife of the late Peter I) signed a few days before death. According to the female line, Romanovs stopped with the death of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna - the youngest daughter of Peter I and Catherine Skavron (Empress Ekaterina I after the death of her husband). However, the names of Romanovs wore representatives of the Holstein-Gottorpian dynasty: Peter III (the son of the Duke of the Golstein Friedrich Charles and Anna, the eldest daughter Peter I), and his wife Ekaterina II, nee Princess Anhalt-Crebst, as well as their son Paul I and his descendants. It is possible that the answer to the question why the Russian kings loved to conclude the marriage unions with the German Dukes from Holstein, the fact that, according to one of the versions, the founder of the Romanovs in Russia, Kambile ( Prokopii righteous) It was a native of Lubeck - one of the largest cities of Holstein and the Hanseatic Union.

Holstein - former duchy in the north of Germany, between the German and Baltic seas. Since 1866, part of the Prussian province of Schleswig Holt. Once the marcigraphy formed by Henry I initially passed in 1110 to Count Shaunburg Adolf I and lasted under the Board of this kind until 1459. In the future, the ruler was elected Earl Christian Christians (from 1448 Christians I, Danish king). In 1474, the Holsteinskoye Duchy of Holstein and Stormurrne has formed, which existed until 1806, when it was joined to Denmark, which lost her holotte in the war of 1864.

3. First novels in Russia - Prokopii Righteous

Saint Righteous
Ustyuga Wonderworker

Romanovs - Boyarsky Rod, from 1613 - Tsarist, from 1721 - The Imperial Dynasty in Russia, which was ruled by March 1917. They ruled Russia 303, but did not advertise that they are the founder of them and almost 20 famous boyars (noble) of the birth of Russia was the first in Russia of Yurodny Christ for the sake Saint Prokopii Righteous (See the annex) - a rich and educated ingenic prince of Glove of Cambular, native of "from Pruss", which made his harsh spiritual feat in Ustyug. The Moscow Boyarsky Rod of the Novgorod descent of the mare and became a native of future Romanov. The first historical face of the genus is Andrei Ivanovich Mare, Son Coke. Andrei was a boyar Simeon proud - son Ivan Kalita. But the prominent position among the Moscow Boyarskaya knew only one branch was the descendants of Fedor Cat (Andrei Mare's Son) - Boyarin at Dmitry Donskoy. Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov, elected in 1613, was released from the cat's branch, elected in 1613. The descendants of Andrei mare before the beginning of the XVI century. Named cats, until the end of the XVI century. - Zakharian. Then Zakharians were divided into two branches: Zakharia - Yakovlev and Zakharia - Yuriev. Romanovs occurred from the latter. Romanovs were in close relationship with Rurikovichi. Nikita Romanovich was the brother of the first wife of Ivan the Terrible Anastasia Romanovna. Son Anastasia Fedor was the last Russian king from Rurikov's dynasty.

The imperial house of Romanovs considered the proofer of the righteous, its founder and heavenly patron. The Holy Prokoki itself phenomenon and a mystery: in the first half of life he is a very rich and well-educated prince from the "German", a member of the Hanseatic Union of merchants in Europe, the owner of the trading house in Veliky Novgorod. But in the second half of his life, he moves from Catholicism in Orthodoxy, leaves some part of the state to children, the rest is distributed by beggars and monasteries, putting her rubbish and goes to Ustyug, adopting external madness.

There are several versions of the cocodia of the righteous, both church and secular, but they differ only at how proofs appeared in Russia. According to church sources, which, by the way, are the most common, proof, being rich in Prussian Prince and the merchant, arrived in Velikiy Novgorod, He was captured by the beauty of the temples and the faith of Russian people, accepted the monastery in the Varlaamo-Khutyn monastery and later by choosing an appearance of pests, went to Ustyug.

Other legends say that the proof roots go to the descendants of Noah. After the destruction of the Babylonian tower, some of them moved to the north and settled on the territory of the northeast Iran and the south of modern Turkmenistan. Then the strongest drought began in the south of Central Asia, and they began to move to the West to the Northern Black Sea region, where they were known as Scythians, Sarmatians, Alanes.

Further, from one of the Alanian tribes, which participated in the "great resettlement" and went royal Dynasty Baltic peoples (in particular Prussians) from which proof was happening. Blood bonds tied him with Brutheom - The first king of Prussia (about the V century). From his native brother in the eleventh knee appeared Father Prokopiya - Divon- participant crusades In the holy land, full of great secrets. Divon had two sons Rusingen and Glob Cambilawho became the proofer in Russia. Sons owned by the cities of Koenigsberg, Danceig and Ellbig. In 1287, in Veliky Novgorod, Glob Cambill accepted Orthodoxy, having received a name John. Subsequently he takes monasticism under the name Coke And goes to Ustyug, where no one knows about his notable origin. He carefully hid his mind and knowledge from people, and even more so did not talk about the divine wisdom that came across him. He spent most of the time on church papers. Many tests had to bear the procopy when performing his spiritual feat. With three kochergami in the hands (symbols of the initiated) in the summer and winter went in one shirt along the streets of Ustyug, often taking the humiliation from the citizens, and at night he prayed for his offenders. Sometimes he had to sleep even on null pouches, but nothing could break his strong spirit. Even staying without any food for several days, the proof was ever received anything from people who were incorporated.

Prokopii righteous predicted a three-year-old girl Mary that she will become the mother of the First Bishop Perm and the outstanding enlightener Stephen Perm (see the work "Great Zyryanin"). Stefan Perm lived in a turning point for Russia, when one of his friend is the Grand Duke of Moscow Dmitry Donskaya fought with a Golden Horde, and the other - Sergius Radonezh laid the spiritual foundations of the emerging Russian state. Political activity Stephen Perm secured the bloodless and voluntary inclusion of the Zyryansk country in the Grand Duchy of Moscow, thereby putting the beginning of the formation of multinational Russia on the basis of the inconsistency and the inseparalization of the peoples of its components.

One of the most famous miracles of the proofer of the righteous was to save the power of his prayer Ustyug from stone (meteorite) cloudswhich threatened to destroy the whole city in the summer of 1290. According to legend, the voice above said the procopy about the need to pray for people of Ustyug, in order not to be destroyed. Calls to the codes to the townspeople did not occur, while the stone cloud did not depend on the city. Having hacked the danger, the people rushed to the Cathedral Temple of the Assumption of the Virgin, where the proof was prayed in front of the lady of God's Mother of salvation of the people and the city.

Voltage increased, some have already lost hope and suddenly from the icon on which the proof was prayed to Miro and at the same time she subsides a thunderstorm and out of a gloomy cloud, breaking out a stone hail in 20 versts from Ustyug, not harming its inhabitants, but crushing and inflaming forest. So the city was saved. Subsequently, by decree of the royal family of Romanov, these stones were laid in the foundation of the Orthodox churches under construction.

One of these stones was given to the Moscow Mayor of Yu. M. Luzhkov, while visiting them the temple, the procopy of the righteous for investing in the altar wall of the main temple of Russia - The church of Christ the Saviorin Moscow.

Until now, it remains the subject of research the question of which proofitioner of God's mother is prayed before which icon of God's mother. According to one version, it was an icon "Ustyugansky Annunciation", on the other - the icon of God's Mother of Odigidria ("Guide" or Smolenskaya). And perhaps he prayed on both images. Each version has its own explanation.

It is believed that the icon "Ustyugansky Annunciation" was written by the Novgorod icon painter in the 12th century. According to one of the versions ( official story), this icon, by order of Ivan the Terrible, was brought from the St. George Cathedral of Yurian Monastery of the Great Novgorod to Moscow and set in the Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin. And she got from Ustyug to Veliky Novgorod. According to another version (church), again, at the time of the reign of Ivan the Terrible and at Metropolitan Philip, the Icon "Ustyugovsky Annunciation" was transferred to Moscow from Ustyug and also set in the Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin. Whatever it was, at present Icon "Ustyugovsky Annunciation" is located in the State Tretyakov Gallery, in the 56th Hall.

There is an opinion that the proof was prayed on the icon of the Mother of God, referred to Odihythrius"Or Smolensk icon of the Mother of God. Apparently this version is based on the fact that "Odigitria" translated from Greek means " Guide", But the proofer loved to pray for the giving of a safe swimming sailing on the dry ships, that is, he could well pray for the deliverance of Ustyug from the stone clouds before that way.

According to legend, "Odigeria" was written by an evangelist. Greek emperor Konstantin Ih Monomakh (1042-1054), issuing his daughter Anna for the prince of Vsevolod Yaroslavich - the son of Yaroslav Wise, blessed it into the path of this icon. After the death of the prince of Vsevolod, Icon moved to his son Vladimir Monomahu - Grandfather Andrey Bogolyubsky. Vladimir Monomakh, suffered it at the beginning of the XII century to the Smolensk Cathedral Church in honor of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Since that time Icon got a name Odigitria Smolenskaya.

The proof was the righteous died on July 21, 1303. At the Gate of the Ustyug Mikhailo-Arkhangelsky Monastery. This day fell abundant snow. The body of the proof was found only on the fourth day, the snow above him did not melt. The message about his death instantly flew around the whole city. Spried proof in the Cathedral Temple, with a huge crossing of the people. Soon the reverence of the proofer, the first temple in his honor was built in Veliky Ustyug in 1495 in the reign of Ivan the Terrible Prokoki, the righteous, as well as Alexander Nevsky, Savawa Storozhevsky, Stefan Permian and others. Was ranked with the Orthodox Church to the Saints Family.

Not counting the imperial genus of Romanov, from children and grandchildren, the proofitioner proofer occurs about twenty noble surnames (boyars birth) of Russia, including: Counts of Sheremetyev, Sunov-mare, Lermontov, Ladygin, Konovnyna, Blue, Gorbunov, Kokorev, Samples, Kolychev ( including the Metropolitan of Philip in the Orthodox Church ranked in the Orthodox Church, Fedor Kolychev), Motovilov, Yakovlev, and others. The history of Russia shows what a huge role The descendants of the proofer proofer played in it. Therefore, the Holy Prokopii Righteous Ustyug Mirajor on the right and blood of the great Russian saint. Memory Celebration Proofing Righteous 21 July. On this day, in 1579 in Kazan, taken in 1552 by Ivan Grozny, the Kazan Icon of God's Mother of God was acquired.

4. Last Romanov - NikolayII.

Ipatiev Monastery in Kostroma

Many mysterious coincidences contains the history of the genus Romanov:

In 1613, the first king from the genus Romanov - Mikhail Romanov was called for the kingdom in Ipatiev monastery in Kostroma, and after 305 years, in 1918, the last Russian king - Nicholas II - was shot with his family in Ipatiev housein Ekaterinburg.

Nicholas II resided on the Russian throne 23 of the year I. 23 the steps led to the basement at home, where the royal family was killed.

On the day of forced renunciation from the throne, Nicholas II in March 1917 was acquired in Kolomna In the Ascension Church, built in 1532 in honor of birth Ivan Grozny, The icon of the Mother of God, referred to Power"As a symbol of the upcoming country testing and waking up the spiritual side in humans.

Nicholas II was born (May 19, 1868) on the day of memory Job Multi-StradedThe legend, the nephew of the forefather Abraham and those who passed with the valor through all the tests sent to him: the death of all children and the loss of all the property on the 78th year of life, severe illness is completely loneliness, etc.

By order of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU, in September 1977, the Ipatiev House was a stuff from the face of the Earth, Boris Yeltsin was at this time the first secretary Sverdlovsk Committee of the CPSU.

When Ivan, Grozny Yermak conquers Siberia, taking her capital - Cashiblik - now Tobolsk (see the work "Great Ustyug - Tobolsk), where from August 1917 to April 1918 lives a family of Romanov, before you go to the Ural Calvary on the night of 17 July 1918 - the day of memory of the Grand Prince Andrey Bogolyubsky- The first unaid Russian king.


The genealogical tree of Romanovs