Gong Kong Country What country. Aula Way - Short story of life and events around me

Hong Kong is a special administrative district of the People's Republic of China. It has one of the largest ports of the world, is one of the leading financial centers of Asia and the world, represents the merger of Eastern and European cultures. Hong Kong is also called Xiangan.

Hong Kong is located in the south of China, 32 km east of the mouth of the Zhujiang River and 135 km south-east of Guangdong Province. The city is washed from the West, the South and East by the South China Sea. From the mainland Hong Kong is separated by a harbor of natural origin. In the north, Hong Kong borders with a special economic zone of Shenzhen.

Pearl of the East is the most common title for describing Hong Kong. Sometimes this city is called Asian New York. The Chinese city is difficult to call Hong Kong, it doesn't look like Chinese at least because almost all the inhabitants speak English. At the same time, the Hong Kongs, despite the colonial history of the city, did not become the British, but they still ceased to be Chinese.

Hong Kong is far from the largest city on Earth, and not even the largest city in China - total (by the standards of the region) 7.5 million people. However, Hong Kong is an important point of financial world, the National Geographic magazine calls Hong Kong "Third of the largest financial centers of the world and the eleventh of the largest industrial zones." Hong Kong is famous for its gold and foreign exchange markets, trading manufacturing, film industry and many others. By the way, the port in Hong Kong is the third largest in the world. Every year, more than 7,000 ships from all over the world comes to Hong Kong's pier.

Hong Kong earns and spends money with an inexplicable insatiability: along the loaded streets of the city goes aboutthe amount of "Rolls-Royus" per square kilometer than anywhere else.

However, Hong Kong has another fame: the most populous city in the world. About 7 million Hong Kongs live for 1106.4 square kilometers of sushi, the population density is approximately 6732 people per square kilometer. However, such statistics can be misleading, as the city is unevenly inhabited. Only 10 percent of the area is inhabited, and therefore, on average, each square kilometer accounts for more than 54,000 inhabitants! And in the manga district of GOK and at all on one square kilometer there are 140,000 people! And although Hong Kong a lot of sushi dismantled by the sea, still there are areas called Danga, where people are humming in Junks or boats.

Based: 1841 year
Area: 1 106.4 km 2
Population: 7 448 900 people. (2018)
Currency: Hong Kong dollar
Language: Chinese, English
OF.SYT: https://www.gov.hk.

Current time in Hong Kong:
(UTC +8)

Most of Hong Kong residents are Cantonians (95%), mainly speaking in the Cantonese dialect. There are two languages \u200b\u200bin the country: Cantonese chinese language and English. Many in the city moved by the Chinese from the mainland country, especially from Shanghai, as well as immigrants from India, Pakistan and Nepal, many of which live in Hong Kong already several generations. Recently, immigrants from Philippines, Indonesia and Thailand, and Thailand, are more and more coming to Hong Kong and Thailand, most of which work as servants. Moreover, Hong Kong also became a house for a significant number of people from North America, Japan and Europe, which makes the city - truly international. Although legally Hong Kong is part of China, the former English colony has its own laws. The country has all rights and freedoms inherent in the democratic state.

How to get


"Aeroflot" flies 4 times a week in Hong Kong, the time on the way is 9 hours 50 minutes.

A number of airlines also offer flights with a change in other cities, for example:

  • "Emirates" (in Dubai),
  • "Qatar Airways" (in Doha),
  • "Etihad" (in Abu Dhabi),

as well as in Beijing, Bangkok, Delhi and other large hubs. Airplanes arrive at the airport "Check Lap Kok".

A train

From the main part of China in Hong Kong goes daily train. The train composition consists of two parts: one follows from Beijing (26 hours), the other from Shanghai (24 hours). In addition, pretty long composition there are also suburban trains from Hong Kong in Shenzhen, and in Guangzhou.


The bus, as it is neither paradoxically, is a good way to cross the border with mainland China, bypassing the queue. Hard buses go to Guangzhou. There is still at least 6 bus routes that run between Hong Kong and Shenzhen.

  • Jordan, Kowloong district, the bus departs from Scout Center, Austinroid, Tsim Sha Tsui (5 minutes walk from the Metro Jordan).
  • Mongkok, Kowloon, leaves Portland Street, close to Metropark Hotel Mongkok (departure from the Prince Edward Hotel).
  • Wanchai, Hong Kong Island departs from the bus station.
  • Kuan Tong, Kowloon departs from the bus station and from Kwun Tong Shopping Plaza.
  • Tsuen Wan departs from the bus station (10 minutes walk from the Tsuen Wan station).
  • Kam Shen Road leaving the Western railway station.

Buses run every 20-30 minutes. Transition Lock Ma Chu - with round-the-clock border crossing.

Helicopter and ferry

You can also use Macao International Airport, and if you flew it there, it is easily accessible from Macau to ferry. Or even on a helicopter. Helicopter companies « Sky Shuttle "makes its short flights every 30 minutes from Marítimo Terminals in Macau to Muck in Hong Kong. The flight takes 16 minutes and costs about 3,000 Hong Kong dollars.

On foot

You can go to the border from the mainland China to Hong Kong in Shenzhen. There are six checkpoints between Hong Kong and Mainland China. Pedestrian transitions are: Lo Wu, Lock Ma Chu. One of the transitions is located in the center of Shenzhen, the other at the railway station.

Visa in Hong Kong

Citizens of Russia for visiting Hong Kong for a period not exceeding 14 days, no visas is required. The purpose of the journey should be indicated tourism, transit, visiting friends or relatives, or short-term business visits, not related to the extraction of profits in Hong Kong. Detailed information you can read in our special material "Visa to Hong Kong".

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Hong Kong (Sianggan) - Special administrative district of the People's Republic of China. Hong Kong is located on the Cowloon Peninsula, from the West, the South and East washed by the South China Sea, as well as on more than 260 islands. In the north, Hong Kong borders with a special economic zone of Shenzhen as part of the Chinese Guangdong province.

Hong Kong is customary to divide into three parts: Actually Island Hong Kong, Kowloon and new territories.

Hong Kong Airport


Hotels in Hong Kong 1 - 5 stars

Weather Hong Kong

Hong Kong climate subtropical, monsoon. Cool and dry winter lasts from December to March. Spring and summer in Hong Kong are hot, wet and rainy, autumn - warm, sunny and dry. Such a different climate at different times of the year is explained by different direction of the wind characteristic of each season. In the summer and early autumn through Hong Kong, tropical cyclones (typhoon) can be held.

Hong Kong language

State language: Chinese

English is widely used.

Currency Hong Kong

International title: HKD

Hong Kong dollar is 100 cents. In circulation there are banknotes at 10, 20, 50, 100 and 500 hk $ four different samples, as well as coins of dignity of 10, 20 and 50 cents.

There are no currency restrictions in Hong Kong, any currency is free and purchased and purchased, although when buying for Hong Kong dollars you can get a number of advantages for the price and discounts.

Currency exchange can be exchanged in banks (usually the most profitable course), airport, large stores and most hotels. Credit cards and travelers are accepted everywhere, the network of ATMs is very extensive.


Lightweight entry mode

Citizens of Russia for visiting Hong Kong for a period not exceeding 14 days, the visa is not required. The purpose of the journey should be tourism, transit, visiting friends or relatives, a short-term business visit, not related to the extraction of profits in Hong Kong.

Customs restrictions

The import of foreign currency is not limited (the declaration is obligatory). Duty to 1 liters are imported. Alcohol products, perfumery - no more than 60 ml. And toilet water is not more than 250 ml. (packed), tobacco products - no more than 200 cigarettes, or 50 cigars, or 250 gr. tobacco

The import of weapons is prohibited (including electric strokes and gas cans), pornography, counterfeit products, drugs and poisons. Some medical preparations, antibiotics, combustible and explosive substances and items are imported only if there is an appropriate permission of local authorities. In the entrance declaration, valuable things are defined (photo and video equipment, jewels, etc.), when leaving the declaration is presented again. The removal of valuable items and works of art without a check of the store confirming the legality of the purchase is prohibited.

Import animals

The importation of animals (even in the case of transit) is allowed only if there are appropriate documents (valid for 90 days) from local border veterinary control services, as well as a veterinary certificate issued by the relevant vehicles of the Russian Federation no earlier than 4 days before departure.

Voltage in the network


Work hours of institutions

Most banks work from Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 16.00-17.00 with a lunch break from 13.00 to 14.00 and on Saturdays from 9.00 to 12.30-13.00.

Most stores work from 10.00 to 20.00, large trading houses often continue to work until 21.00-22.00. Many outlets openly and on weekends.

Photo and video shooting

Photographing in temples and museums is either prohibited or for it takes an additional fee. For the use of video cameras, the board is much higher or is not allowed at all. Photographing strategic facilities (airport, station, dam, bridge, etc.) is prohibited.


From July 1, 2009, a ban on smoking is introduced in Hong Kong, including restaurants, bars and even public toilets. In addition, restrictions on smoking on the streets will be tougher - there are already whole "areas without tobacco" on the island.


In Hong Kong, you must always have an identity card (passport, driver's license, etc.) - the immigration authorities often arrange checks for documents for detention of illegal workers and immigrants with expired visas.

Country code: +852

Geographical domain name of the first level: .hk.

Emergency phones

Police, ambulance, fire and emergency services - 999.

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Special Administrative District Hong Kong
whale. Trad. 香港 特別 政區 政區, UPR.
香港 特别特别, Pinyin:
Xiāngggǎng Tèbié Xíngzhèngqū.

Anthem: "Marsh volunteers"

official languages chinese and English
Capital Not
Largest cities Hong Kong
Form of government Special Administrative District PRC
Head of Administration Carrie Lam
Territory 182th in the world
Total ↗ 1106.4 km²
% water surface. 4,6
Evaluation (2019) ↗ 7 404 207 people. (104th)
Density 6732,56 people / km²
TOTAL (2006) 254.2 billion dollars (40th)
Per capita $ 38,127
ICR (2018) ▲ 0,933 (very high; 7th place)
Currency hong Kong Dollar (HKD, code 344)
Internet domain .hk.
ISO code Hk.
IOC code HKG.
Telephone code +852 (from - 01)
Time Zones +8
Car traffic left

Victoria Harbor. Hong Kong.

The International Finance Center (TWO IFC). Hong Kong.

Special Administrative District Hong Kong (Ier. Trad. 香港 特別 政區 政區, Ex. 香港 特别 政区 政区, eng. Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Kant. Holkinon Take Hanchinkhoy, Path. Sianggan Tab Synzhensyu), abbreviated Hong Kong (Ier. 香港, eng. Hong Kong, Kant. Hoeng¹Gong², Holkinon, Path. Xianghan) or Xianghan - Special administrative district, one of the leading financial centers and the world.

Hong Kong is located on the Kowloon Peninsula, from the West, the South and East washed by the South China Sea, as well as on more than 260 islands, the largest among which are Hong Kong (location of the authorities of the Supreme Power and the Financial Center of the Territory), Lantau and Lamma. In the north, Hong Kong borders with a special economic zone as part of the Chinese province. Hong Kong is customary to divide into three parts: Actually Island Hong Kong, and new territories. Hong Kong is part of the Zhujiang River Delta region, located on the left bank of her mouth.

In 1842, Hong Kong was captured and became her colony according to the Nanking Treaty. However, a large area of \u200b\u200bHong Kong, so-called large in the area (not in population). New territories were rented in 1898 for 99 years and for this period he was part of the British colony. And although China as an independent state appeared only in 1911, and the agreement was concluded with the Manyzhur Empire of Qing, admitted this lease agreement and never refused the obligation to convey China new territories by 1997. The UN Declaration on Decolonization from 1960 did not provide for the section of the colonies, therefore, in fact, there was no other option, except to integrate Hong Kong, the UK was not. The referendum on the independence of Hong Kong was not conducted, which, however, is not a direct violation of the said declaration, since the Declaration is aimed at providing independence not only to colonies, but also to colonial peoples, and in the ethnic sense of Hong Kong is part of a common national space with China.

In total, Hong Kong includes 262 islands in the South China Sea, the largest of which is Lantau Island. The second largest and first in the population is the island of Hong Kong.

Name "Hong Kong" (Yue Ier. 香港, TranscR. Holkinon) Literally means "fragrant harbor" and comes from the name of the area in the modern area of \u200b\u200bAberdeen on the island of Hong Kong. Here once traded products from fragrant wood and incense. A narrow strip of water, dividing Hong Kong and Cowloon Peninsula, is called Victoria Bay. This is one of the deepest natural nautical ports in the world.

Despite the reputation of Hong Kong as a highly-ribanized territory, Hong Kong's authorities pay great attention to ecology and landscaping. Most of Hong Kong still remains unauthorized, because hills and mountains with steep slops predominate on it. Of 1 106.4 km² of Hong Kong Square has been mastered less than 25%. The rest of the territory is covered with greens, from it about 40% declared recreation zones and reserves. Most of the city's urban development is located on the Cowloon Peninsula and the North Coast of Hong Kong Islands, as well as in settlements dispersed on new territories.

Thanks to the long irregular winding coastline, Hong Kong has many coves, rivers and beaches. Despite the abundance of greenery and water in Hong Kong, the environmental problems of the city are increasingly disturbing, and in terms of air quality, the city occupies one of the last places. About 80% of the smog of Hong Kong comes from other areas of the Delta of the Zhujiang River, that is, from the mainland China.

Hong Kong is located 60 km east of, on the opposite bank of the Zhujiang River Delta. In the north, he borders with the city of the province. Hong Kong Point - Mount Timoshan in new territories, its height - 958 m. On the territory of Hong Kong there are also lowlands, they are located in the northwestern part of the new territories.


The Hong Kong climate is a tropical monsoon. It is characterized by a cool dry season, which lasts from December to March, and the hot and soul season of rains, which lasts from April to November.

In the dry season blows cool air from the mainland, which carries dry sunny weather. There may sometimes happen serious cooling for tropics, with deep penetration of cold air from the north. Sedips during this period are rare.

In the rainy season, humid air from the Pacific Ocean blows, bringing abundant precipitation. The temperature in Hong Kong rarely exceeds 33 ° C, but the humidity is almost at the level of saturation, which makes the weather with difficult and extremely stuffy. The amount of precipitation can reach almost 500 mm per month. In some years, tropical cyclones (typhoon) can be held through Hong Kong. In such a climate can grow a rainforest.

Geologically, the land under Hong Kong is stable for millions of years, but after heavy rains there may be landslides. Flora and Fauna Hong Kong have undergone serious changes due to climate change, sea level and human influence.

The Hong Kong Observatory is a state institution, which is entrusted with the preparation of meteorological forecasts, warnings about weather cataclysms and a geophysical study of the territory of Hong Kong.

The highest temperature, recorded for the history of observations in Hong Kong, is 38 ° C, and the lowest is -4 ° C. At the same time, the highest and lowest temperatures recorded by the Hong Kong observatory, respectively, are 36.1 ° C on August 19, 1900 and August 18, 1990, as well as 0.0 ° C on January 18, 1893. The average temperature of the coldest month - January is 16.1 ° C, and the average temperature of the hottest month is July, is 28.7 ° C.

Hong Kong is a slightly south of the tropic of cancer, being in breadth close to such cities as ,.

Climate Hong Kong
Indicator Jan. Feb. March Apr. May June July Aug. Sen. Oct. November Dec. Year
Absolute maximum, ° C 26,9 28,3 30,1 33,4 35,5 35,6 35,7 36,1 35,2 34,3 31,8 28,7 36,1
Middle Maximum, ° C 18,6 18,9 21,4 25,0 28,4 30,2 31,4 31,1 30,1 27,8 24,1 20,2 25,6
Middle temperature, ° C 16,3 16,8 19,1 22,6 25,9 27,9 28,8 28,6 27,7 25,5 21,8 17,9 23,3
Middle minimum, ° C 14,5 15,0 17,2 20,8 24,1 26,2 26,8 26,6 25,8 23,7 19,8 15,9 21,4
Absolute minimum, ° C 0,0 2,4 4,8 9,9 15,4 19,2 21,7 21,6 18,4 13,5 6,5 4,3 0,0
The rate of precipitation, mm 25 54 82 175 305 456 377 432 328 101 38 27 2399
Water temperature, ° C 17,6 17,0 18,2 21,2 24,8 26,7 26,9 26,9 27,3 26,5 23,6 20,0 23,1
Source: Hong Kong Observatory
Relative humidity
Month Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul Aug. Sen. Oct. But I Dec Year
Air humidity, % 74 80 82 83 83 82 81 81 78 73 71 69 78.0

Panorama of Hong Kong


See also: Hong Kong Hospitals

In 1997, the Asian financial crisis of 1997 was a serious negative impact on the economy of Hong Kong, which hit in many East Asian markets. In the same year in Hong Kong, the first person's infection was recorded by the H5N1 avian influenza virus. In 1998, after six years of construction, a new international airport of Hong Kong was opened within the framework of the central construction program of the airport. This project was part of the ambitious strategy for the development of ports and airports, compiled in the early 1980s.

In the first half of 2003, an atypical pneumonia virus epidemic broke out in Hong Kong. Dong Jianhua - Head of the Administration of Hong Kong (1997-2005), was criticized and accused of mistakes in overcoming the Asian financial crisis of 1997 and the defendant of proper measures in the fight against atypical pneumonia (SARS). In the same 2003, the administration of Jianhua tried to adopt Article 23 of the Basic Law of Hong Kong, which gave the opportunity to violate the rights and freedoms of Hong Kongs. As a result of half-million protest demonstrations, the administration was forced to abandon these plans. In 2004, in the course of the same mass demonstrations, Hong Kong residents demanded the introduction of general elections of the head of SAR in 2007. In March 2005, at the request of the Chinese leadership, Jianhua drank. Immediately after the resignation of the Dong Jianhua, this place was taken by his deputy Donald Tsang. On March 25, 2007, Donald Tsang was re-elected for a second term.

Government and politics

According to the Basic Law, which fulfills the role of the SAR Hong Kong Constitution, the local authorities preserve sovereignty over all the issues and affairs of the territory with the exception of defense and foreign policy. While Hong Kong was a colony, his governor prescribed the monarch of Great Britain. After the return of this area under the jurisdiction of China, it is headed by Chief Minister of the Administration of Hong Kong. He elected the election committee of the Chief Minister of the Hong Kong administration, consisting of 800 people who represent the Hong Kong business elite. All other public servants of both the executive and legislative branches of the authorities are either appointed by the chief minister of administration (directly or indirectly), or are chosen by voters. In theory, such an agreement should guarantee the practically complete independence of the political, cultural, legislative and economic infrastructure of Hong Kong from the mainland China. However, in practice, it is often accused of excessive interference in the internal affairs of Hong Kong, the border, determined by the basic law.

Legislative Assembly of Hong Kong

Government House in the Sentral Area - Residence of the Head of Territory

In order for the new law to enter into force, the chief minister and most of the 60 deputies of the Hong Kong Legislative Assembly should be supported. Half of the Legislative Assembly deputies is elected by universal voting (the so-called "geographical districts", that is, the population broken down the territorial sign), and the other half of the "functional districts", that is, groups of individuals and organizations divided by professional (functional) feature ( That is, lawyers and lawyers choose their deputy, financial groups and financiers - their own, etc.). These groups represent the most significant spheres of life and economics of Hong Kong. According to the Basic Law, in the future, all deputies of the Legislative Assembly will have to be elected through universal voting.

Elections of the local administration

From June 16, 2005, the position of Chief Minister of Administration of Hong Kong was held by Donald Tsang. He elected the electoral committee appointed from the number of Hong Kong business elite. Before the transfer of Hong Kong, China in 1997, Donald Tsang held the position of chief secretary of the Hong Kong Administration in the Colonial Government. On June 24, 2005, he officially joined the current position. On it, he replaced the Danube Jianhua, who had previously left for the state of health (according to other information, as a result of the pressure of the public), so first Donald Tsang was to "finalize" for the Danan, ending on June 30, 2007, according to the interpretation of the application I and Article No. 46 of the Basic Law of Hong Kong.

The election of the new chief minister of the 852-local election committee was to be held on July 10, 2005, but already on June 16, Donald Tsang was declared the winner, since he was the only candidate for which the necessary 100 members of the election committee voted. The first chief minister of Hong Kong was a billionander Jianhua, whose candidacy was offered by the authorities of China. His elected committee from 400 electotors, on July 1, 1997, he officially joined the position. In July 2002, his first five-year period was expired, and he was also automatically re-elected as the only nominated candidate. This gave reason to critics to say that the Committee did not choose, and actually twice issued the appointment of the candidacy.

In 1996, a temporary legislative assembly of Hong Kong was formed in the PRC, and after the transfer of Hong Kong, China in 1997, it moved to Hong Kong. A temporary meeting has canceled several laws adopted by the colonial legislative assembly in 1995. A temporary meeting took a number of laws, including a law on the public order, according to which, for any event with the number of participants, more than 30 required police permit. Elections to the Legislative Assembly of Hong Kong were held on May 24, 1998, September 10, 2000 and September 12, 2004. According to the basic law, in the legislative assembly of this third convocation of 25 seats, deputies from geographic districts and 30 seats from the functional districts are reserved. Despite the dissatisfaction with the democratic opposition, the system of functional districts, which gives the right to a very small number of voters (just over 100 thousand), the elections held in 1998, 2000 and 2004 were evaluated by observers as free and open.

Central Government Offices on Government Hill

Demonstration against China Communist Party in the Sentral District

Following the colonial tradition, government agencies of Hong Kong retain their neutrality and high quality, acting without explicit intervention. Many government buildings are located in the Sentral area on Hong Kong Island, not far from the historic location of the city of Victoria - the place of the original location of the British settlements.

In 1999, there were disputes around the right to accommodate in Hong Kong in Hong Kong, while contradictions about the 23rd article of the Basic Law of Hong Kong were the main topic of Hong Kong's political life in 2002 and 2003, having achieved its climax expressed on July 1, 2003 in half a million demonstration. Despite this, the government continued to attempt to sell the law in the Legislative Assembly. However, one of the main pro-government parties refused to vote for the law. Realizing that the law will not be able to accept, the government put his project, generated Article 23, under the cloth. By the end of 2003 and in 2004, the main topic of contradictions was the issue of general elections, the requirements for which became the main slogan of mass demonstrations on July 1, 2004.

On September 24, 2005, 25 members of the Legislative Assembly of Hong Kong Democratic views, some of which were declared traitors after their criticism of Beijing's actions during the suppression of student demonstrations at the Tiananmen Beijing Square in 1989, went to the province's neighboring Hong Kong, adopting an unprecedented invitation from the PRC authorities. The invitation was regarded as the most significant act of goodwill towards the democratic forces of Hong Kong after the events on Tiananmen Square.

On December 4, 2005, the FRONT of Civil Rights of Human and Deputies from the Democratic Camp organized a demonstration, the main requirement of which was the inclusion of the definition of the deadlines for the introduction of general elections to the proposals on political reforms in the elections of the Chief Minister and the Legislative Assembly in 2007 and 2008, respectively. According to the police, 63,000 people participated in the demonstration, the organizers reported at least 250,000. According to these proposals, the electoral committee would have doubled (from 800 to 1600 members), and members of the Legislative Assembly would be more than 10 (5 from geographic and from functional districts). On December 22, 2005, the reforms proposed by the Chief Minister of the Administration of Hong Kong Donald Zangom because of the position of the democratic camp could not score the necessary two-thirds of the votes, having received 34 votes for and 24 against. After the defeat, China and the chief minister made it clear that the reform was impossible before the elections of 2012. At the same time, the voting influenced the popularity of the collet: the level of its support fell from 82 to only 79%.

The new chief minister of the administration of Liang Zhenin, who gained 689 out of 1132 votes in the elections on March 25, 2012, took office on July 1 of the same year, the celebration of the 15-year-old anniversary of the return of the former British colony under China's jurisdiction (July 1, 1997). The term of office of the 4th chapter of the Siangan administration - from July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2017. According to the basic law of the PRC about Sar Siangan, the candidacy for the head of the SAR administration is highlighted on the spot by elections or consultations, the official purpose is made by the Central Government of the PRC.

Despite the fact that Hong Kong is not an independent state, it enjoys the right of independent membership in such international organizations and events as Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation or Olympic Games, but after 1997 the official name of its delegations was changed to "Hong Kong, China". Hong Kong also participates in some international events by incorporating its delegate to the group of representatives of the PRC.

At the end of September 2014, mass protests have begun in Hong Kong against the attempt of the central government of China to prevent the free elections in the former colony of England in 2017. Protests received the name of the revolution of umbrellas.


  • Hong Kong Ministry of Urban Services
  • Ministry of Civil Aviation Hong Kong
  • Ministry of Leisure and Culture of Hong Kong
  • Hong Kong Department of Housing
  • Hong Kong Environmental Protection
  • Ministry of Immigration Hong Kong
  • Ministry of Information Service Hong Kong
  • Ministry of Taxes Hong Kong
  • Ministry of Census and Statistics of Hong Kong
  • Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Hong Kong Reserves
  • Ministry of Construction and Development of Hong Kong
  • Ministry of Transport Hong Kong
  • Ministry of Electrical and Mechanical Services of Hong Kong
  • Ministry of Justice of Hong Kong
  • Sea Ministry of Hong Kong
  • Customs and excise ministry of Hong Kong

Administrative division

Areas of a special administrative district of Hong Kong: 1. Central and Western, 2. Wantcha, 3. Eastern, 4. South, 5. Yauchimvon, 6. Samsypou, 7. Kowloon City, 8. Vontaysin, 9. Cutton, 10. Khuaichkin, 11. Chheunwan, 12. Thunmun, 13. Junlon, 14. North, 15. Tipou, 16. Sathin, 17. Saikun, 18. Islands

Main article: Administrative division of Hong Kong

Hong Kong consists of 18 districts:

Each district is represented by the district meeting, which gives advice to the Government of Hong Kong on local importance regarding public institutions, programs for the development of the district, cultural events and environmental protection. The Department of Internal Affairs is responsible for coordinating the actions of the district authorities and informing the population about the plans and actions of the government. He communicates with the population in places through the organs of the relevant areas.

In Hong Kong, de facto there are several cities and villages, but they do not have a formal administrative status, being only part of one of the districts. The historical borders of Victoria, and the new Kowulun are registered in the laws, but they no longer have legal and administrative powers.



Main article: Population of Hong Kong

See also: Languages \u200b\u200bof Hong Kong

View of Hong Kong from Victoria Peak

Hong Kong, shedding

Residential heels of Kowluna

During the 1990s, the population of Hong Kong began to grow rapidly. As of mid-2016, it is over 7 167,403 people (July 2016, score). About 95% of Hong Kong residents are ethnic Chinese, most of which make up the cantonians, as well as Chinese ethnic groups like Hakka and chairs. The Cantonese dialect is a kind of Chinese distributed in the neighboring Chinese province, is the main language of communication in Hong Kong. The official languages \u200b\u200bof the territory are Chinese (without specifying a specific variety) and English. According to the 1996 census, 3.1% of Hong Kong residents called the English language of everyday communication, 34.9% called English by the second language. Bilingual signs in Chinese and English are found everywhere in Hong Kong. After the transfer of sovereignty in 1997, the influx of immigrants from continental China increased. The level of use of Putunhua - the official nursery of the mainland China - also rose. Integration with the mainland has led to the need for people who own Putunhua.

The remaining 5% make up non-Chinese ethnic groups, which, despite their small number, form highly notable groups. The South Asian population of Hong Kong consists of Indians, Pakistanis and a small number of Nepalese. The Vietnamese who fled from the war became permanent residents of Hong Kong. About 140 thousand Philipps operate in Hong Kong home assistants. There are also house assistants from, and their number is constantly growing. The commercial and financial sector of Hong Kong also employs Europeans, Americans, Australians, Canadians, Japanese and Koreans.

Hong Kong is one of the most populated countries (dependent territories) in the world, the population density is more than 6,700 people at km² (12/31/2017). At the borders of Hong Kong is the most populous island in the world - Applaceau.

The population of Hong Kong is mainly concentrated in the extremely densely populated center of the territory, consisting of the northern part of the Island of Hong Kong. The density of the population in the other parts of the territory is much less. Several million inhabitants live unevenly in new territories, the south of Hong Kong Islands and on Lantau Island. An increasing number of Hong Kongs prefer to live in the mainland, where prices are much lower and ride to Hong Kong to work.

Population of the population on January 1 according to the results of the censuses
1961 1971 1976 1981 1986
3 129 648 ↗ 3 936 630 ↗ 4 402 990 ↗ 5 109 812 ↗ 5 495 433
1991 1996 2001 2006 2011
↗ 5 674 114 ↗ 6 217 556 ↗ 6 708 389 ↗ 6 864 346 ↗ 7 071 576
↗ 7 336 585

According to 2012, 19.6% of the city's inhabitants live below the poverty line. There are different social benefits for them, but this generally does not improve the overall position. Basically, families with children and the old generation fall into the category of poor population. Today there is no clear program for "eradicating poverty" in the city, however, the state is undertaking separate measures, for example, in 2011, a minimum hourly salary was established, which is $ 2.6 per hour. Another serious social problem of the city is the sharp shortage of living space, in particular, the standard apartment area for 5 people is 25-28 square meters, while only 2-3 m² is on the kitchen and bathroom, and the prices of housing are extremely high, half of the inhabitants Cities live in social apartments. According to the data for 2014, almost half a million residents who do not have funds for the purchase of an apartment live in the so-called "boxes / cells", rooms with an area of \u200b\u200b1-2 square meters, and their number is constantly increasing due to the rapid rise in price of apartments.

Natural population movement

The average number of births per woman in the period from July 2016 to July 2017 was 1,125. This is one of the lowest indicators in the world, much below 2.1 - the level necessary to maintain the constant population. Despite this, the population of Hong Kong continues to grow thanks to the influx of immigrants from mainland China, from July 2017 to July 2018 migration growth amounted to 49,600 people. The average life expectancy in Hong Kong in 2017 in men was 81.7 years, and in women of 87.7 years. Births - 56 891 (2017) Birth rate - 7.67 ‰ (2017), deaths - 45 883 (2017), mortality - 6.19 ‰ (2017), Natural increase + 11 008 (2017) Natural increase +1,48 (2017), Self Migrations + 26 000 (2017), Migration Slord +3,51 ‰ (2017)

Jews in Hong Kong

The Jewish community originated in the city in 1857 and was represented by very influential people, among which the Sassun family was distinguished, playing a significant role in world trade in the opium in the XIX century. In 1904-1907, the Governor of the British Hong Kong was a Jew on the origin of Matthew Nathan. The dynamics of the size of the city's Jews as follows: 1921 - 100 people, 1954 - 250 people, 1968 - 200 people (including 70 Sephardov and 130 Ashkenazi), 1998 - 2500 people, 2002 - 6,000 people.


Main articles: Economy Hong Kong and Triad Hong Kong

The economy of the territory is based on the free market, low taxation and non-interference of the state in the economy. Hong Kong is an offshore territory, it is a free port and does not charge customs on imports, there is no value added tax or its equivalents. Excise taxes are charged only with four types of goods, regardless of those imported them or local production. These are alcoholic beverages, tobacco, mineral oil and methyl alcohol. Hong Kong is an important center for international finance and trade, and the level of concentration of headquarters is the highest in the Asia-Pacific region. According to the indicators of the shower gross domestic product and gross urban product, Hong Kong is the richest city in the PRC.

The taxation system of Hong Kong was formed on the sample of English and largely inherited the principles of the complex of measures of the British Commonwealth in the field of tax policy adopted in 1947. In Hong Kong, there is no division of companies for resident and non-resident, and the territorial principle of taxation is adopted. This means that Hong Kong is subject to taxation only if the revenues are obtained from a source in Hong Kong or the activity to obtain this income was carried out in Hong Kong. If the company did not carry activities in Hong Kong and did not receive income from sources in Hong Kong, it is not subject to taxation. In Hong Kong, there are no capital gains taxes, dividends, interest, royalties derived from abroad or shipped abroad. The income tax rate for companies leading to Hong Kong is 16.5%.

Continuing the policy of the British administration, the Government of Hong Kong gives priority in managing the economy of the free market and the private sector. Since 1980, the Government has played a passive role in the framework of the official policy of positive non-interference. Hong Kong is often leading as an exemplary example of capitalism Laissez-Faire, embodied in practice. Since the emergence of an economic freedom index in 1995, Hong Kong annually takes first place for 13 years. He also ranks first in the report "Economic Freedom in the World".

Hong Kong has a small amount suitable for the cultivation of the Earth and scarce natural resources, so it is forced to import most of the food and raw materials. Hong Kong takes the eleventh line in the list of the largest shopping actors in the world, the total cost of its import and export exceeds the gross domestic product of the territory. As of 2006, Consulates of 114 countries operated in Hong Kong - more than in any other city of the world. A significant part of the export of Hong Kong is re-export, that is, products produced outside the territories of the territory mainly on the mainland China, and distributed through Hong Kong. Even before the transfer of the sovereignty of the People's Republic of China, Hong Kong has established advanced trade and investment relations with mainland China. Autonomous status of the territory allows it to perform the role of a gate for investments and resources heading to the continent.

Hong Kong currency is the Hong Kong dollar. Since 1983, he has been tied to the US dollar. The currency rate can fluctuate in the corridor between 7.75 and 7.85 Hong Kong dollars for one American. Hong Kong Stock Exchange - the seventh largest stock exchange in the world, in February 2007 its capitalization was 1.69 trillion US dollars. By the number of IPO in 2006, Hong Kong Exchange ranked second in the world, yielding only London. According to the 2007 financial centers index, the city of London City in order to assess the competitiveness of 46 financial centers worldwide, Hong Kong is the third best financial center in the world and first.

Today, the service sector gives more than 90% of the gross domestic product of Hong Kong. After the Second World War and the following industrialization of Hong Kong, the dominant sector of the territory was the industry. In the 1970s, the economy of Hong Kong annually grew on average by 8.9% thanks to exports. In the 1980s, a quick transformation occurred in the economy of Hong Kong, as a result of which the sector of the services became the basis of the economy. The average annual GDP growth during this period was 7.2%. During this period, most of the production was transferred to the mainland China, and now the contribution of industry in the economy is only 9%. After in the 1990s, Hong Kong became a recognized financial center, economic growth slowed to 2.7%. Thanks to the rapid economic growth and rapid industrialization, Hong Kong entered the fourth of "Asian Tigers", or "Dragons", along with South Korea and.

Hong Kong skyscrapers against night sky

In 1998, due to the consequences of the Asian financial crisis, the territory's economy decreased by 5.3%. This was followed by a period of recovery and growth, which in 2000 was 10%, despite the continued deflation. In 2003, the economy of Hong Kong had a negative impact of an outbreak of atypical pneumonia (SARS), which is why the growth of the economy was only 2.3%. However, due to the restoration and growth of external and domestic demand in 2004, the economy again began to grow confidently, while the cost reduction increased the competitiveness of Hong Kong exports. The deflation period lasting 68 months ended in mid-2004, when the inflation rate has stabilized near the zero mark. Since 2003, "Individual visits regimen" has been introduced, which delivered citizens of the continental part of the PRC from the need to join the tourist group to visit Hong Kong. As a result of this measure, the flow of tourists from the continent has positively affected the income of the tourist industry of Hong Kong. This also contributed to the opening of Hong Kong Disneyland in 2005. The economy continues to grow confidently thanks to consumer confidence and trade growth. In Hong Kong, there is a low level of taxation of companies and individuals.

In 2006, in terms of GDP per capita, equal to 38,127 US dollars, Hong Kong occupied the 6th place in the world, ahead of such countries as, and. According to the total volume of GDP, which is $ 253.1 billion, Hong Kong occupies 40th place.

As of 2014, Hong Kong took 3rd place in the world ranking of the easiest business. It takes 5th place in the ranking of the world's tax systems. According to the World Bank in Hong Kong, 3 taxes, of which 17.6% income tax, 5.1% of the employment tax, 0.1% are others. The total tax rate is 22.8%.

See also: The largest companies of Hong Kong


Star Ferry. Victoria Harbour. Hong Kong.

Main articles: Transportation of Hong Kong and Port of Hong Kong

Hong Kong has a complex highly developed transport system, which includes public and personal transport.

Public transport system, except for the MTR rail transport system, which unites the metro, suburban and intracity electric trains (KCR), includes a bus service, a ferry message between the island and mainland city, as well as with the surrounding islands, a two-story Hong Kong tram and a funicular connecting the center Cities with peak Victoria. In addition, an escalator lift is used as a transport, which is a chain of several escalators and travolotors, which connects the areas of the Central end-Western and MID-Levels.


Main article: Culture of Hong Kong

Main article: Hong Kong cuisine

Devices for Hong Kong Tea Party

Facade of the stadium "Queen Elizabeth"

Hong Kong is often described as a place where the east is found with the West, which is expressed in its economic infrastructure, architecture, education and urban culture. On the same street, you can find traditional Chinese shops selling Chinese medicines, Buddhist incenses or soup from shark fin. But immediately around the corner you can see the cinema in which the last Hollywood blockbuster goes, the English Pub, the Catholic Church or McDonalds. The official languages \u200b\u200bof the territory are Chinese and English, bilingual indicators are found everywhere in Hong Kong. State institutions, police, most institutions and shops are affected by both languages. Despite the fact that the British rule ended in 1997, Western culture was deeply rooted in Hong Kong and coexists in harmony with traditional Eastern philosophy and traditions.

The Cosmopolitan spirit of Hong Kong is also reflected in the variety of cuisines represented. Various areas of Chinese cuisine are most popular, especially seafood, and there are many European, American, Japanese, Korean and other restaurants in Hong Kong. Local cuisine, which can be found in Chhachhanthan and Tihajtona. Hong Kongs are very serious about food, so Hong Kong is a place attracting the best chefs from all over the world.

Bruce Lee statue on Avenue Stars

Along with the status of one of the centers of world trade, Hong Kong is also a major exporter of entertainment products, in particular, the genre of martial arts. Several Hollywood celebrities are immigrants from Hong Kong, among them Bruce Lee, Chow Yun-Fat, Jackie Chan. Hong Kong also gave Hollywood a few outstanding filmmakers, such as John Wu, Wong Carway, Tsui Hark, Yuan Hepin. Hong Kong films also conquered world famous several times, for example, "Chungking Express", "double casting", "slaughter football", "Disassembling in the Bronx" and "Love Mood." The famous director Quentin Tarantino in one of the interviews said that Hong Kong militants had a great influence. Hong Kong is also the main center for the production of music Cantopop. Many movie lines live in Hong Kong. Culture Karaoke is part of Hong Kong nightlife.

The Hong Kong administration supports cultural institutions, such as Hong Kong Heritage Museum, Hong Kong Museum of Arts, Hong Kong Academy of Executive Art and Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra. In addition, the Department of Entertainment and Cultural Services of Hong Kong subsidizes and provides sponsorship to foreign artists coming to Hong Kong.

Since 2001, an international literary festival has been held in the city annually.


As the former overseas Territory of Great Britain, Hong Kong mainly retained the UK education system. At higher steps in Hong Kong, there are both British and American systems. Hong Kong University - the oldest educational institution of the third step in Hong Kong - traditionally founded on the British model, but in recent years, some features of the American model have absorbed. The second on time of founding China's University of Hong Kong repeats the American model with a special British college system. Hong Kong University of Science and Technology is based on the American Model of Higher Education. There are nine state universities in Hong Kong, as well as several private universities. One of the bright examples is the University of Linnan in the Thyunmun district, this is the only University of Hong Kong, in which there is a training seven free arts.

One of the first educational institutions whose existence is confirmed by historical sources was Lee College, founded in 1075 in the area of \u200b\u200bmodern new territories. In 1860, there were about 20 rustic schools in Hong Kong.

The beginning of modern Hong Kong education was laid Protestant and Catholic missionaries. Italian missionaries began to teach Chinese and English children in 1843. Education was provided only to boys.

Government educational institutions of Hong Kong supervises the Department of Education of the Government of Sar Hong Kong. The system includes optional three-year-old kindergartens, followed by a mandatory six-year primary education and a three-year-old first stage of secondary education; Then the optional two-year secondary formation of the second stage, ending with obtaining an educational examination certificate of Hong Kong, after which a two-year training course for the advanced level of Hong Kong is followed. In 2009-2012, it is planned to gradually introduce a new system "3 + 3 + 4", consisting of a three-year-old course of the secondary school of the first stage, a three-year-old course of the second stage and a four-year-old higher education. In Hong Kong, there are also universities providing academic degrees of bachelor, master's and doctors, other higher diplomas and diplomas of the younger specialist.

Hong Kong's leading educational institutions can be divided into three categories: state, subsidized and private institutions. The very small number is the first category, the largest number of educational institutions refers to subsidized, receiving assistance from the government and grants from charitable organizations, often religious orientation. As a rule, these are Catholic and other Christian organizations, but among them may also be Buddhist, Taoist, Islamic and Confucian organizations. At the same time, private educational institutions are often managed by Christian organizations. Outside this system, there are institutions within the system of direct subsidies and private international schools.

Hong Kong University Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Hong Kong Polytechnic University


  1. The main law of Hong Kong is recorded that the official languages \u200b\u200bof the territory are "Chinese and English". At the same time, the law does not indicate which kind of Chinese varieties is the standard. At the mainland China, Putunhua is used as a standardized form of oral language, and written - simplified hieroglyphs, while the standard Cantonese and complete hieroglyphs have long been de facto for a long time are standard language forms in Hong Kong.
  2. In the XIX century The capital of Hong Kong was often called the city of Victoria City, because all administrative institutions were located there; Now government buildings are located in the Central West District of Hong Kong ( 22 ° 17 'p. sh. 114 ° 08 'in. d.).
  3. Despite the maps of Hong Kong and (inaccessible link). Caption date October 16, 2018. Archived October 8, 2018.
  4. Hong Kong Census and Statistics Department
  5. HUMAN DEVELOPMENT INDICES AND INDICATORS (eng.). UN Development Program (2018). - Report on Human Development on the website of the UN Development Program. Caption date September 14, 2018.
  6. Name Hong Kong Comes from self-esteem on the Cantonese Chinese Dialect - Holkinon (Kit. 香港) that translated means "fragrant harbor": once the various spices and incense took out from here. However, in the official language of China Putunhua, based on the Northskai pronunciation, the same hieroglyphs are read Xianghan. In Russian, it is sometimes used by the Northskaya reading of the name of the city (for example, on all official maps), but the most frequent still remains Hong Kong.
  7. Gong Kong // Military Encyclopedia: [in 18 tons] / Ed. V. F. Novitsky [and others]. - St. Petersburg. ; [M.]: Type. T-Va I. D. Sittina, 1911-1915.
  8. Visit Hong Kong: Volume 1, Spring, 2004 (P.14) (Neopr.) (inaccessible link). Archived on April 18, 2006.University of Hong Kong English Center.
  9. Land Area of \u200b\u200bHong Kong (Neopr.) (inaccessible link). Department of census and statistics. Caption date October 16, 2018. Archived October 8, 2018.
  10. "Chief Executive Pledges A Clean, Green, World-Class City Archival Copy of November 24, 2005 on Wayback Machine, Hong Kong Trader, November 2001.
  11. Geography and Climate, Hong Kong (eng.). Census and Statistics Department, The Government of Hong Kong Sar. Date of appeal January 10, 2007. Archived August 21, 2011.
  12. Hong Kong Hiking Tours, The Hong Kong Tourism Board's Hiking Page.
  13. New York Times. "Nytimes." Dirty Air Becomes Divisive Issue in Hong Kong Vote.
  14. Weather in Hong Kong real-time in Russian (Neopr.) . Hong-kong.ru.. Hong-kong.Ru (daily).
  15. "Extreme Values \u200b\u200bof Meteorological Elements Between 1884-1939 and 1947-2006 for Hong Kong", Hong Kong Observatory.
  17. Monhly Meteorological Normals for Hong Kong
  18. Extreme Values \u200b\u200band Dates of Occurrence Of Extremes Of Meteorological Elements Between 1884-1939 and 1947-2011 for Hong Kong
  20. "MONTHLY METEOROLOGICAL NORMALS FOR HONG KONG" (Neopr.) . Archived on August 4, 2012.. Hong Kong Observatory. RETRIEVED 2012-01-03.
  21. PEOPLE'S DAILY. "People's Daily." Links Between Sars Human Genes.
  22. "Donald Tsang Set to Be HK Leader", BBC NEWS.
  23. CGRIS HOGG. China to Settle New HK Chief Row (Neopr.) . BBC (April 6, 2005). Archived August 21, 2011.
  24. Chapter IV of the Basic Law of Hong Kong (English)
  25. Hong Kong Public Order Ordinance, World Corporal Punishment Research, February 2000.
  26. « Right of Abode in Hksar - Verification of ELigibility For Permanent Identity Card (Neopr.) . Archived on January 19, 2008.", The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region - Immigration Department.
  27. Presentation to LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL ON RIGHT OF ABODE ISSUE Archival copy of December 10, 2006 on the Wayback Machine, Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor
  28. "Hong Kong: Calls for Universal Suffrage Unabed", T-Salon, October 20, 2004
  29. Third Annual Report by The European Commission On The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (Neopr.) (Inaccessible link - history) .
  30. « Hong Kong Democrats Visit China (Neopr.) (inaccessible link). Archived on December 11, 2007.", ABC NEWS Online.
  31. "Liang Zhenin is officially declared the winner of the elections of the head of the administration of Sar Sianggan." International Radio of China.
  32. "The new chapter of the Administration of Hong Kong became Liang Zhenin." RIA NEWS.
  33. "In the elections in Hong Kong in the first round, Liang Zhenin propekinsky politician won." ITAR-TASS.
  34. Austria.
  35. UCL.AC.UK. "UCL.AC." Ice Hong Kong.
  36. www.censtatd.gov.hk. (Neopr.) . www.censtatd.gov.hk..
  37. Permanent population of Hong Kong (Neopr.) . Department of census and statistics.
  38. In Hong Kong for the first time a poverty line
  39. Life in cells
  40. Apartments-box at the peak of popularity in Hong Kong
  41. Life events 2017. (Neopr.) (inaccessible link). www.statistics.gov.hk. Date of treatment October 23, 2018. Archived October 8, 2018.
  42. Hong Kong Total Fertility Rate, Index Mundi.
  43. The World Factbook.
  44. Hong Kong in numbers (eng.) (PDF) (inaccessible link). Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Archived October 23, 2018.
  45. Monthly statistics digest in Hong Kong (Neopr.) . Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
  46. Archived copy (Neopr.) (inaccessible link). Reference date August 11, 2015. Archived January 10, 2016. P. 4.
  47. Hongkong
  48. Hong Kong companies in international tax planning
  49. 2007 INDEX OF ECONOMIC FREEDOM (Neopr.) (inaccessible link). Heritage Foundation. Archived August 21, 2011.
  50. Summary Economic Freedom Rating 2004 (Economic Freedom of The World - Annual Report 2006 on Page 13 OR 9 OF 23) (eng.) (inaccessible link). The Fraser Institute, Canada. Date of handling January 8, 2007. Archived August 21, 2011.
  51. Economic Freedom Of The World: 2006 Annual Report (Neopr.) (PDF) (inaccessible link). The Fraser Institute (2006). Archived August 21, 2011.
  52. About Hong Kong. (Neopr.) (inaccessible link). Hong Kong Sar Government Information Center (APRIL 2006). Archived on September 30, 2007.
  53. hong Kong dollar (Neopr.) . www.hong-kong.ru. Caption date 20 May 2016.
  54. Hong Kong Surpasses New York in IPos (Neopr.) . International Herald Tribune. Archived August 21, 2011.
  55. THE GLOBAL FINANCIAL CENTRES INDEX 1 EXECTIVE SUMMARY (Neopr.) (PDF) (inaccessible link). City of London (March 2007). Archived on November 8, 2009.
  57. 2005-06 Budget Speech by The Financial Secretary of Hong Kong.
  58. Economy Rating - Doing Business - World Bank
  59. Paying Taxes 2015: Overall Ranking and Data Tables: PWC
  60. China Briefing Media. (2004) Business Guide to The Greater Pearl River Delta. China Briefing Media Ltd. ISBN 988-98673-1-1
  61. About the festival (eng.) The Hong Kong International Literary Festival. Date of appeal March 24, 2014.
  62. Education for non-Chinese Speaking Children (Neopr.) (inaccessible link). Archived on November 30, 2007., Education and Manpower Bureau, Government of Hksar.


- Modern pulsating city, a vivid example of the Asian economic miracle of the twentieth century. Hong Kong is the financial and trading capital of the Asian region. Most of the turnover passes through the Exchange and Ports of Hong Kong. Every year hundreds of exhibitions of goods and services of various sectors of the economy are held here. Most of the territory of the city (40%) are occupied by parks, forests and beaches. The name "Hong Kong" translated from Cantonese literally means "fragrant harbor".


Hong Kong refers to the Special Administrative District of the PRC, and was built on the basis of self-government, leaving behind the legislation, a monetary system, police forces, duties and immigration policies, also retaining representation in international organizations. Hong Kong is divided into such: Hong Kong Island,Kowloon and new territories, in addition, more than 260 islands are more than 260 islands to Hong Kong, most of which are uninhabited.

general information

Hong Kong is located in East Asia, on the shores of the South China Sea, from the north borders with the Chinese Guangdong province. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe territory occupied by Hong Kong is 1104 square meters. km. The number of the local population is 7 million people, according to the ethnic composition of 95% - the Chinese. The main languages \u200b\u200bof Hong Kong are English and several Chinese varieties, mostly Cantonese and Putunhua. National currency - Hong Kong Dollar (HKD). 100 HKD \u003d $ HKD: USD: 100: 2. Local time is ahead of Moscow for 5 hours. Time Zone UTC +8. Network voltage 220 V at a frequency of 50 Hz, D, G, M. Country code of the country +852. Internet domain.hk.

Brief excursion in history

Hong Kong There are thousands of years, but historically dates his emergence of a middle of a last century, when the United Kingdom's partners and China went into a deadlock over the board for silk and tea. The Chinese side wanted to receive a fee for these goods only with silver. To save your money, the British revealed the goods purchased by the Chinese secretly and trouble-free - Indian opium. As a result of opium wars in the middle of the nineteenth century, the Hong Kong area was transferred to the British kingdom. In 1898, the British on the Rental Rental of 99 years, i.e. Until 1997, the continental part of the sushi was departed, which today is called new territories. The British occupation remained more than one and a half centuries and had a huge impact on the lifestyle of the local population. Since 1997, Hong Kong - again the territory of the People's Republic of China.


In Hong Kong, mostly tropical monsoon climate, which is characterized by a cool dry winter and wet hot summer. Seasons are clearly pronounced. In the spring there is quite humid and warm, and in the fall - dry and sunny, which is associated with different direction of the wind, characteristic of each season. An unfavorable period for traveling to Hong Kong is the summer season from May to September - time of typhoon and rain. The best time for traveling to Hong Kong is autumn, air temperature +18 .. + 28 degrees, in the winter is also comfortable enough, but you should take warm things - a coat or a jacket.

Visa and customs regulations

To enter Hong Kong, citizens of Russia and Ukraine are not required, if the stay does not exceed 14 days. Customs rules comply with global requirements.

How to get

Transport. Ground public transport in Hong Kong is highlighted at a high level. Together with the banking system, the British left behind a well-established transport system. The city charges a large tax with drivers, so the main vehicles remain two-story trams, buses, ferry and subway. You can always use a taxi that are divided into Three types: red, green and blue. Red taxis covers almost all directions of Hong Kong. Green taxis run in new territories, and blue - on the island of Lantau.


Also known as Mount Austin, is located in the western part of the island, being its symbol and the highest point, offering an amazing view of the city and the surroundings adjacent to it. One of the most visited viewing sites of the peak Victoria is located on the territory of the Peak Tower Tower, which resembles a Chinese frying pan on its external form. For the convenience of visitors, telescopes are equipped here, allowing you to consider in detail the most remote points of the city. In addition to loving landscapes, you can sit here in a cafe, taking the national Chinese cuisine, or go shopping in search of gifts and souvenirs.

Located on Lantau Island, is one of the five official world Walt Disney Parks and the youngest of them. One of the features of Hong Kong Disneyland is that, despite its American prototype, Asian features are clearly traced in it. So, for example, some characters of famous cartoons sing in Chinese, landscape design was created in accordance with the traditions of Feng Shui, and the national Chinese cuisine prevails in the local cafes and restaurants.

One of the iconic sights of Hong Kong is a huge bronze statue towering on Lantau Island, on Tathaan Square, next to the Monastery on Lin. Right at the foot of the hill, on the top of which the Figure of the Buddha can be seen, located the thematic village of Nagong Ping (Ngong Ping) with shopping bears, shops, cafes and restaurants, where you can buy memorable souvenirs and inexpensively.

Hardly not the main tourist attraction in the cable car. She connects the city with Lantau Island, while Ngong Ping, means the name of the tourist village, located at the foot of the Big Buddha, at the site of arrival. Circular overview for all 360 degrees, guarantees passengers beautiful views of the cabin window on the way to the island.

Located on the Highist Peninsula, in the southern part, representing an amazing amazing amusement park located on two levels, which can be compared with many famous analogues of the world. The total area of \u200b\u200bOcean Park has an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 870 thousand square meters. m. In addition to the oceanarium, with many marine individuals collected from all over the planet and Polar Adventure, it includes such thematic zones as the "Village of Vintage Facilities", "The Kingdom of Pernaya", for lovers of exotic birds, "Garden of wild plants and animals" , "Amusement Park", Water Park and "Children's World".

Due to lack of land, construction in Hong Kong has long been carried out only upwards. For the convenience of movement around the city, pedestrian bridges are built. Among modern glass skyscrapers are just as modern futuristic statues. These are no longer dragons and turtles, as in the mainland China, and the bizarre forms that personify the old symbols. However, all buildings in Hong Kong are built in accordance with the ancient teaching Feng Shui. Fountains and waterfalls, the correct location of the entrance doors and symbolic statues is all in order to grow indicators of the stock market and financial streams moved in the right direction.

As a symbol of the pearl of the Asian Economic Miracle - the most expensive and luxurious hotel Peninsula. Guests from the airport are celebrated exclusively on Rolls Royce. If someone does not like such a transfer, for $ 1500, it can land on a helicopter directly on the roof of the hotel. The price for the room here can reach 10,000 dollars per day. Stop at least once in Peninsul - a prestige question for a successful businessman.

To plunge into another lifestyle of Hong Kong, for example, visiting Market of singer birds. Reuses, parrots, nightingales, sparrows, Canaries are very popular with the local population. Cells with feathered singers can be found in many houses or in the courtyards. Gold fish are no less popular. It is believed that goldfish take care of happiness and well-being in the house. Therefore, a lot of buyers comes to the goldfish market.

Near AberdeenThat in the southern part of Hong Kong Island, you can see the life of ordinary fishermen who live right on the water - in Junks, a house on land for them is a non-disabilities. This place is famous for seafood, which can be tried in local floating restaurants or purchase a giant in a specialized store.

Earth in Hong Kong is expensive, and the water space is used very actively. The water area around Hong Kong is not only trading ports and marina for expensive yachts, which are a great set here. These are numerous junks, in which restaurants, entertainment facilities, boats and ferries are located for excursions and transportation of passengers on local routes.


Hong Kong offers a huge selection of accommodation types, from cheap options to luxury hotels. Most hotels are located in places near public transport stops, providing contact with attractions. Budget hotels can be found in the Nathan Road Street district, between Tsim Sha Tsui and Mong Kok, as well as Goatway Bay. Rich travelers, in Hong Kong will find hotels among the best in the world, where they will be offered the highest service - a helicopter transfer, star restaurant Mishalin and extravagant spa and other possible facilities for any capricious. Some of the most luxurious hotels in Hong Kong - The Peninsula, Four Seasons, Le Meridien, W, Intercontinental, Jw Marriott and Ritz Carlton, Shangri-La, Mandarin Oriental, the cost per room starts from $ 3000.

Special Administrative District PRC - Hong Kong (Hong Kong, HK) is one of the largest Asian financial centers. The place where Hong Kong is located, quite contributed to its economic growth due to international trade. However, for a long time he was under the occupation and only recently was returned to China that he gave rise to questions about the status of this territory.


The current Hong Kong Earths were attached to China in the third millennium BC. The territory has not settled for a long time. In the VII century AD Fishermen on the shores began to build villages.

When portuguese began to come here in the XVI century, and in the next century, the British, they arranged trading villages and warehouses next to Hong Kong. The first is in the Macau area, the second - in Guangzhou. There were convenient ports for trading with other states. China imported china, silk, tea.

The United Kingdom at that time distributed the opium produced in Indian colonies. At the end of the XVIII century, she began to deliver this drug to China. At the same time, the British purchased silver from China. For 30 years, the annual importation of opium and buying the precious metal has increased so much that the Chinese government ordered to eliminate warehouses and drive the British. Further events developed as follows:

  • 1840 - Britain sent troops to China.
  • After the failure of the Chinese in (1840-1842), Hong Kong was first taken under the occupation, and then captured by the United Kingdom.
  • 1846 - he became a British colony. The Nanjing Agreement was concluded from the Qing Empire, which this territory passes under the sovereignty of Great Britain.
  • 1860 - after China's loss in the second opium war, the British captured the southern lands of Cowloong, on which Hong Kong stands. In the occupied land, the British began to actively trade with opium.
  • 1898 - the British rented for 99 years next to Hong Kong Islands, called new territories.
  • After the attack of Japan and the retreat of the British in 1941, Hong Kong lands were in the occupation of the country of the rising sun.

"In 1945, Japan was forced to adopt the conditions of surrender. Hong Kong was again attached to the UK "

When Hong Kong was returned to China?

In 1949, after the formation of the People's Republic of China, fearing the communist oppression, there was a mass of immigrants in Hong Kong. The population has increased. Of all the colonies, this has become the most prosperous. Even China, who became a communist power, lost here.

The development of industrial production entailed the development of exports. Rose living standard. Only at the end of the 20th century, the territory moved to China:

  • When the UN in 1960 adopted the Declaration on Decolonization, this meant the return of all colonies and independence for the colonial population.
  • In 1967, the Kohlun Peninsula broke out unrest, which led to the uprising against the colonialist, but it was suppressed.
  • In 1984, China and the United Kingdom entered into a unified declaration on the return of land.

"On July 1, 1997, it was marked by the return of the entire Hong Kong region of the People's Republic of China"

Hong Kong capital of which country

Back in 1990, the main law of Hong Kong was adopted. He was distinguished by democraticness. Hong Kong now has separate legislation and wide autonomy, being an administrative district of China. It will keep them until 2047 and still the city since 1997 refers to China, is under his defense and controlled by its foreign policy, although it has a special status.

Hong Kong is not someone else's capital. However, in all signs, he looks like it, given the developed infrastructure and the economy. His official status is a special administrative district of China.

"The capital of the PRC - Beijing, and not Hong Kong, as some people think."

How to translate the name of the city

The Chinese are talking on a variety of dialects. The hieroglyphs are mostly written in the same way and the meaning of their one and the same. They are pronounced in different ways. In the official language of the PRC - "Putunhua" - the name of Hong Kong sounds like "Xiangan". On the Cantonese dialect "YUE" it is pronounced as Chownon.

Both words are translated as a "fragrant harbor". This is due to the fact that on the coast of Siangan traded with different seasonings and aromatic substances. So called one of the Bay of the island of Hong Kong. The words "Gong" and "Kong" is already the English version of Holkinon. So the phrase "Hong Kong" spread in the world by the grace of the British.

"In Russian words are written in a punk -" Hong Kong "(as well as in Chinese), and not" Gong Kong ". Someone writes separately, by analogy with the English "Hong Kong", is wrong. "


Washed from the South, North and West by the South China Sea, Hong Kong is located on P - ve Koulun and another 262 islands from the Southeast side of China. It includes: Cowloong Persh, Oh-in Hong Kong, new territories. The largest of them are the islands of Hong Kong, Lantau and Lamma.

If you look at looks like a small point compared to China, as one of his cities, such as Shenzhen, with whom it borders. Hong Kong Square is 1104 km². The map shows that this embossed peninsula with many islands consists of 18 separate districts


Hong Kong is a region with a pronounced tropical climate. From May to September, cyclones can be expected. + 38 ° C - the highest temperature that was fixed here. The lowest was -4 ° C.

Air temperature depending on season:

  • In winter - from + 10 ° C and higher. Dry and calmly.
  • In the spring - on average from +18 to + 26 ° C. Clear days go for a couple with rainy. Humidity is high.
  • In summer - up to + 34 ° C. Frequently pour rains with thunderstorms. Typhins can pass. Air comes from the Pacific Ocean. Summary atmosphere.
  • Autumn - on average from 20 to 24 ° C. Sunny sky, low humidity.

Government and politics

The Legislative Council of Hong Kong is elected for a 4-year term. A majority of votes are made laws. Legislation is different from Chinese. Manages the State Executive Board.

In eighteen districts of their local administrations. The civil servants are either elected by voting, or approved by the Chief Minister.

The head of Hong Kong is the chief minister of administration. Comes to power by election from the election committee. For 2019, this is Kerry Lam - the first woman leader in Hong Kong.

The Committee mentioned includes more than a thousand people, including 70 representatives of the Legislative Council. Half of them are chosen by citizens. The remaining members of the Committee are representatives of the commercial elite. Usually choose those candidates who patronize Beijing. Democrats have few chances in the election.

"Instead of the Constitution, the main law is here. He fastens an independent infrastructure, excluding the foreign policy and protection of the Chinese army.


The population of Hong Kong is about 7 million people. Most of the people live in Kowulun and on the O-ve Hong Kong. Many people move to Shenzhen - freely, and the prices are lower. The overpopulation of the region is caused by a non-high fertility, and the influx of a large number of migrants with mainland China.

Ethnic Chinese here are 95%, the rest of the inhabitants - Vietnamese, Indonesians, Hindus, Pakistanis and Philipins.

Due to the population density, focused on a small area, the city is all covered with buildings and roads that pass wherever you can and even hang over the ground. The number of skyscrapers here about 8,000, which is much more than in New York. In such buildings there are apartments, offices, schools, hospitals and many other institutions. Build the city according to Fenshia rules.

The geographical location of Hong Kong has a very embossed surface - with mountains and hills. For this reason, only a quarter of the territory is populated, which further aggravates the density of the streets. On other spaces there are parks, reserves, sandy beaches and other areas for relaxing.


Public transport in Hong Kong made a big step forward. This infrastructure is very well developed:

  1. Buses and trams, incl. Two-storey. Ride trams since 1904 - with wooden shops and open windows.
  2. Electric trains and metro.
  3. Ferries carrying people between the islands.
  4. The funiculine - rail wagons with a cable car, raising citizens over a steep slope up.
  5. Escalators and travolators, some of which are whole roads. Central Mid-Levels Escalator is the longest in the world, just in Hong Kong. He is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. Its length is 800 m.

You can pay for the street passage in cash or transport card. Cashier is usually located near the driver. Impact immediately the required amount, because Delivery is not provided.

The fare is difficult to remember, because it depends on a number of factors, such as the type of transport, which carrier it belongs, the distance of the trip, the nature of the route. The scheme and fare can be viewed at any stop or station.

"The best payment method is Octopus Card. The card provides discounts, and it can be paid in some stores and cafes "


Hong Kong is a very well-kept and pure city. This causes delight at the visitors of foreigners. The male population here is one of the smallest, but to spit or throw garbage on the streets categorically impossible, for it they can finish. On the streets and roads clearly drawn markup. Rules are observed strictly.

Hong Kongs confess several religions: Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism. The country belongs rather to the Chinese civilization, but also the Western culture here rooted it tightly. After colonization, Hong Kong retained some British features.

English here is the second official language, they own about 30% of the inhabitants. Often there are English-speaking inscriptions - the names of roads, signs, etc. There is also a wide variety of catering establishments with a kitchen of various nations.

Various attractions around are affected by beauty and uniqueness. The vintage buildings of the colonial period contrast with huge skyscrapers, and the technological breakthrough with love for nature. The appearance of the city is everywhere different.

"It is created as if a visual collage of historical streets with Chinese and European architecture, industrial achievements with hints for futurism, and green oasis gardens"


  • - the highest point of Hong Kong (552 m), from which you can see the whole island, as well as stroll along the benches, sit in a cafe, look into the museum of wax figures (at the mountain of tourists raises high-speed rail transport at an angle of 40 °);

  • rn Aberdeen with floating restaurants (even a whole village on the water is consisting of fishing houses);

  • schungwan quarter, characterized by ancient Chinese architecture;

  • The church of the ten thousand buddes, to which 400 steps go up the slope;

  • Avenue of the stars on the island of Kaulong, where, among others, you can see the statue of Bruce Lee;

  • Botanical and zoological gardens, preserved 150-year-old and populated by exotic birds, monkeys, kangaroo;

  • as well as numerous shopping centers and markets, beaches and just urban streets.


The education system in Hong Kong is inherited from the UK.

The oldest higher educational institution is the University of Hong Kong (1911 - the year of foundation). He occupies a leading position in Asia and stands on 21th place in the world. Here students are trained from dozens of countries in the world. The activities of educational institutions oversee the Department of Education.

Training in all Hong Kong educational institutions is engaged in English. Dozens are taught, aimed at comprehensive development. University students receive real work experience in their specialties. Training, internship and subsequent translation into different positions have great prospects. People with a diploma earn here very well.

Severe selection mode is severe. With successful student, a foreigner can get an annual visa in order to find a job during this time. More than 97% of university graduates in Hong Kong are safely employed.

"The cost of studying in Hong Kong universities is quite high - about 5-7 thousand American dollars per semester"


Hong Kong is a kind of small state in China. It can be called a city. You can still say that this is a country in size. The official capital does not have, in fact, the whole is such. So on the question "Hong Kong is a city or a country" there is no clear answer - both options are correct.

Sometimes they say that the Hong Kong capital is Victoria. In fact, this is only the area of \u200b\u200bthe colonization period, where British government was placed. At the moment, the city administrative center is an island, which is also called Hong Kong, and part of Cowloon.

On this, the O-ve Hong Kong is concentrated most of the administrative buildings. There are two main banks here. This is at the same time the historical district, the center of shopping complexes and entertainment establishments. Therefore, it is quite possible to be called the informal capital of Hong Kong.

The island and mainland shares the Strait - Victoria Bay. 3 tunnels pass under it. Ferries transport ferries on water.

"The largest ferry terminal in China Hong Kong City complex"

Flag and coat of arms

Hong Kongs approved its flag in February 1990. It was officially raised after seven years later - in July 1997. Then the coat of arms was accepted. So far, they are the main symbols of the autonomous state:

  1. Flag. Red cloth. The center shows the white flower of the affection, which has five curved in the right side of the petals. Each of them is a small five-pointed star of red. Slim red lines come from the stars to the base of petals.
  2. Coat of arms. Image of the same flower on a red background, but in a circle. On the perimeter of the circle there is a white edging. It has written "Hong Kong".

Red and stars symbolize affiliation. White means that the city-state has its own, different from the PRC, political and economic system. The flower is the way harmony.


Local currency - Hong Kong dollar, which is 100 cents. Since 1983, it depends on the US dollar. The course is approximately 7.7 - 7.8 American dollars. Common abbreviation in the world - HKD (Hong Kong Dollar). Local designation - HK $. In everyday life:

  • coins with a par value of 10, 20, 50 cents;
  • coins face 1, 2, 5, 10 $;
  • covers at 10, 20, 50, 100 and 500 $.

Controls the issue of money Monetary administration of Hong Kong. Everywhere you can meet the exchange points - in hotels, shopping buildings, airports and even ATMs. Therefore, it is possible to transfer to any foreign currency. Hong Kong's banks work on Monday-Friday from 9:00 to 16:00 or 17:00, on Saturday from 9:00 to 13:00. Sunday is a day off. "Shops, cafes, hotels receive plastic credit cards Master Card, Visa Diners Club, American Express."


The small state of Xiangan is included in the Top-10 global financial centers. Of all Asian countries here is the highest standard of living. This is despite the fact that natural resources are practically no natural resources. All thanks to effective legislation, thoughtful policies, developing rapid rates of infrastructure and advantageous geographical location, promoting broad international trade. There are low taxes, easy business, efficient social programs, high quality education.