Historians' opinion Board Alexei Mikhailovich. Board Alexey Mikhailovich (briefly)

Board Alexey Mikhailovich (briefly)

Board Alexey Mikhailovich (briefly)

Russian king Alexei Mikhailovich was not a nicknamed nicknamed silent. It was born by his demonstrative Christian humility in the behavior of the king himself. He was quiet and good-natured, tried to listen to each of his approximated. From the other side, the reign of this ruler historians are often called the "rebellious age." Decisions and actions that followed them were often led to uprisings and riots, which nevertheless were very toughly suppressed.

It was with Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich that begins the process of rapprochement of two cultures (Western European and Russian). According to his order, the translation of various foreign books, scientific and historical works is organized into Russian.

However, the main result of the reign of this king was the complete transformation into an absolutely represented monarchy, as well as the legislative statement of serfdom as the basis of public and economic life.

The main directions of politics Alexey Mikhailovich:

Chronology of the Board Alexey Mikhailovich:

The main dates of the period of the Board:

· 1632-1634: Smolensk War. The country enters the war with the speech of a compulcancy, holding the Smolensk lands and not recognizing the rights of Mikhail to the throne, considering Vladislav a lawful king.

· 1634: The world with a responding speech. The country returned everything taken away from her during the Military Action of the Earth, and Korolevis himself refused to claim power in Russia. The Smolensk territory could not be returned.

· 1645: The beginning of the salt rebellion, hiding across the country. After that, the reunion duty on salt was canceled.

· 1649: New Cathedral Code with the new basics of legislation. The sole absolute power of the king is approved.

· 1653-1655: Patriarch Nikon conducts church reforms.

· 1654: Ukraine includes Ukraine.

· 1654: War of Poland is announced.

· 1656: Russia declares War of Sweden, but the Russian army will soon retreat. Bogdan Khmelnitsky dies in Ukraine and a new trouble begins, requiring war with Poland. Russia is the world in Cardissa.

· 1659: The city of Irkutsk is based.

· 1662: Beginning of copper rebellion due to the release of copper coins. Riot worked - copper money was canceled.

· 1666-1667: The church cathedral is held for the court over Nikon. The Patriarch himself considered the church power above the power of the king.

· 1667: Andruvsky truce with a responding speech is concluded.

· 1670-1671: The uprising of the Cossacks and the peasants under the leadership of Stepan Razin.

"People former generations were afraid to take even material amenities for the West, so that they would not damage the moral Testament of fathers and grandfathers, with whom they did not want to part, as with the shrine, after we have become willing to disseminate this covenant, so that the tastier were material amenities borrowed from West.

King Alexey and his peers no less ancestors trended with their Orthodox old, but for some time they were confident that they could be squeezed in German Kaftan, even look at foreign fun, "comedy action", and at the same time to preserve those feelings and concepts It is necessary to have a pious fear to think about the possibility of violating the post in the Epiphany Christmas Eve to the Star. "

Another idea of \u200b\u200bKlyuchevsky is devoted to the duality of thoughts and actions by Alexei Mikhailovich: "The habit, related and other relationships tied him to the foreigners. (Klyuchevsky's senilors called conservatives, Yarya Village adherents. - V. B.). The needs of the state, the responsiveness of everything good, personal sympathy pulled him to the side of smart and energetic people who, in the name of the people's good, they wanted to conduct business not in the old way. The king did not interfere with these innovators, even supported them, but only before the first meditation, to the first energetic objection from the Stokers. "

The third thought of a wonderful historian: "Despite its passive nature, on its good-natured-indecisive attitude to issues of time, the king Alexei helped a lot of converter movement. Its often randomly and inconsistent gusts to a new way and will reduce everything to smooth out and resolved, he tamed a fearful Russian thought to the influences that went with someone else's side. He did not give guidance ideas for reform, but helped the first reformers with their ideas ... did not give any plan, nor the directions of transformations, but created a conversion direction ... The first moment of the converter movement was reflected in this person, when the leaders did not think to tear it With your past and break existing. Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich accepted a pose in a converter movement, corresponding to such a look at the case: he still firmly rested into his native Orthodox old, and another caused her line, and so remained in this indecisive transitional position. He grew up along with the generation, which the need for the first time made carefully and anxiously look at the heretic West in the aspirations to find there means of exiting homemade difficulties, without renounced the concepts, habits and beliefs of the pious old.

It was our only generation, so thinking: I didn't think so before and stopped thinking later. "

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  • 1. Basic part
    • 1.1 Education of Alexey Mikhailovich
    • 1.2 Character and Personality
    • 1.3 views Alexey
  • 1.4 rebar
  • 1.5 political portrait
  • 1.6 Results and reaches
  • Conclusion
  • List of used literature
  • Introduction
  • Many researchers consider the XVII century as a preparatory period to a fundamental flight russian historywho performed under Peter I. A particularly important role in this issue was played by the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich, which was launched from 1645 to 1676.
  • The second king of the house of Romanov got from the Father, Mikhail Fedorovich, a serious state legacy: there was no lasting world in anything: neither external, with neighboring states, nor internal, among the country's population. From the middle of the seventeenth century, the need for updating measures has been manifested in increasingly numerous and persistent requirements and all increasing riots. Along with the problems of an economic and legal nature, other moral or religious nature was also delivered, which gave a strong impetus to the correction of holy books and reforms of church rites.
  • How should the sovereign behave in power in such circumstances: to remain faithful old or borrow innovations in the West? Undoubtedly, the answer to this question depends on how the king himself was in its concepts and character.
  • In his work, I want to consider the historic portrait of Alexei Mikhailovich, starting from early childhood. After all, education often plays a major role in the formation of the views and character of man. I will try to trace how the people surrounding and flowing in society as a whole influenced the nature and position of the king. And also talk about the worldview and hobbies of the "silent monarch."
  • 1. Main part

1.1 Education of Alexey Mikhailovich

Alexey Mikhailovich, the second king of the house of Romanov, the son of King Mikhail Fedorovich and the Queen of Evdokia Streshneva. Tsar Alexey joined the throne at sixteen years. The main role in the management of the state began to play his tutor, boyar B. I. Morozov.

Historians are quite fair to discharge Alexei Mikhailovich first place among the predecessors of the transformations initiated by his son Pet-Rom.

But to raise the Tsar of the new formation for Russia, another grandfather of Grand Peter - Mikhail Fedorovich was clearly conceived. And if the first monarch from the kind of Romanov's education did not receive due and the childhood-youth spent his deafness in the monasteries, then Romanova II, the upbringing went differently.

"According to the initial order of the then pedagogy in the sixth year, he was planted for the letter ... in a year they switched from the alphabet to the reading of the window, months after five months to the psaltry, and three years old began to study the acts of the apostles, after six months began to learn to write, on the ninth, singery deque . Regent Palace Choir, began to learn the ocher (octic), a tan worshiped book, from which months after eight moved to the study of "terrible singing", i.e. Church chants of passionate saddemitsa, especially difficult in their entry - and ten Tsarevich was ready, held the entire course of the Old Russian gymnasium education. " - VO. Klyuchevsky.

And important innovations were added to this "commissioned order" of Tsarevich educators. It is known that from 11-13 years old Alexey has already studied on lexicon and grammar, published in Lithuania. It was in his small library and cosmography describing the device of the universe.

Mentor of the Prestroll Level Boris Morozov, the bearer respected everything European, dressed Cesarevich and his brother in a German dress. The program of education was introduced by acceptance of visual learning - familiarity with the outside world through overseas engraved pictures.

And not just books and pictures. In the new king of symbols, chivalry was brought up. Among the toys - the horse "German work" and special, children's, lats of the work of Peter Shaltta.

1.2 Character and identity Alexei Mikhailovich

Alexey Mikhailovich completely corresponded to his nickname "silent". Few of the monarchs of that time possessed such a soft character, while being capable of decisive action. CM. Solovyov describes the king: "The new king of kindness, softness, the ability to be very tied to close people looked like her father, but was distinguished by a greater liveliness of the mind and character and received upbringing, more consens to his position." Indeed, Alexey Mikhailovich tried to act in everything as a Christian. I retained the simplicity of a relationship with aware of: "There was a lot of time since the senior prince in the genus Prince became the great sovereign, the king of Moscow and all Russia, but the ease of initial relations to others, to the neighbor people did not disappear. Near the Palace of the Grand Soviet The Kremlin itself, then in the other best parts of Moscow, in China and the White city, in the houses of other others, surrounded by poor relatives, acquaintances and a numerous fortress, live noble people, more or less close to the king. This is an old squad prince; It disappeared, but the main character remained, the nature of the Military: all these are town people, members of the squad, senior and younger; they are assigned to them, as in the old days, different civil positions, but at the same time they do not lose their permanent, military character. "

But Alexey Mikhailovich can not be called indecisive or weak. The Personality of the Tsar was fully formed during the thirteen-year-old war, when he had to face the inconstancy of military success, independently lead the army of the precipitating Smolensk. Sometime, I had to face Nikona, who was in the illegal state of the sovereign, with the manifestation of sovereign will. However, and then the conscience did not give peace to "the silence" king: "When the matter ended, the sentence was uttered - and instead of the Holy Patriarch, the great sovereign Nikon, in the imagination of the king was the poor monk Nikon, exile, in the cold desert Belozerskaya, the anger was held, the previous beginning Assure, Alexei Mikhailovich became a pity, it became scary ... The Question was raised in the religious soul of the king: did he come in Christian to he? Does he have to seek reconciliation with Nikon, although he was not entitled to change the Cathedral sentence? "

"Undoubtedly, Alexey Mikhailovich represented the most attractive phenomenon, ever seen on the throne of the kings of Moscow. Foreigners who knew Alexei could not be released from under the charm of his soft, humane, complacent nature. These character traits were even sharply attracted the greater attention. And sympathy at the dark setting. "Amazingly," foreigners said, - that with an unlimited government over the people who are accustomed to perfect slavery, he did not encroach on anyone's property, nor on anyone, nor at whose honor. "Simple, patriarchal entry Russian self-container with subjects all the more should be struck by foreigners that Western Europe It has already disappeared: there was a century Louis Xiv.! Special softness, special attractiveness of the nature of Alexey, his actions reported deep religiosity, which penetrated all his being. But, reminding the father's softness, Alexey, on the other hand, reminded the famous son of his liveliness, susceptibility, passion, was very quick-tempered, and when a person who aroused his anger was close to him, then, according to the customer, Alexey disappeared with him Preditly, smoked, and this, as we have seen, was not considered to be treated for honor; The Cesar Ambassador Meerberg, who so admires the character of the king Alexei Mikhailovich, describes the following cases. When they found out in Moscow about the defeat of Khovansky and Nachichoke in 1661, the king convened the Duma and asked what to do? What means to fight off from a terrible enemy? Begins to say the father-in-law of Tsarsky, boyar Ilya Danilovich Miloslavsky: "If the sovereign will comply, give me the bosses over the army, then I will soon give the Polish king of the prisoner." Nothing annoyed Tsar Alexey as boasting and arrogance; He went out of himself: "How do you dare, the Stradist, a thin man, boasting your art in the case of rational? When did you go with the shelves? What victories showed over the enemy? Or are you laughing at me? " With the words, the case did not end: the angry king would catch the old test, he gave him a beard, kicked him kicks from the room and slammed the doors. "Here you can especially allocate what Solovyov brings Alexey Mikhailovich with his great son.

As for the outside, Alexey Mikhailovich had meek traits of the face, was Bel, Redish, with a beautiful beard, dark-blond, strong physique. Sometimes night spent in hot prayers, fond of hunting, but was full. In addition, Alexey Mikhailovich was very well educated for the standards, loved to read and write. Another of his undoubted quality is the ability to choose people.

Reading Solovyov, you can see him definitely a positive assessment of Alexei Mikhailovich. The historian compares him with Peter I, as if forgetting, in my opinion that Alexey Mikhailovich did almost nothing to transform, the renewal of the culture of Russia, still closing everything in Starne. It was resumed by the progressive forces who were inflicted such vices like drunkenness, ignorance, barbarism, uneducation. So for such chips was exiled to Siberia Yuri Krzhanich. There were also executions, reducing rebounds. In general, it is very interesting to me the combination of the concepts of "rebellious age" and "silent" king. However, still it is indisputable to me that the "silent" king provided a wonderful impact on the history of Russia.

1.3 views Alexey

In the views of Alexei, duality also manifested itself. On the one hand he was a commitment old traditions And it demanded from their subordinates, and with another gradually flowing into the life of the country, the Western European thought pulled him to the alien to the Old Russian monarch entertainment. Much in the worldview of Alexei is explained by his upbringing, in which this duality was already attended.

Holy West All Testaments of Starina, Alexey Mikhailovich loved the ancient Russian way of life, and could serve as a brilliant example of the artist of all traditions and customs of an old Moscow society. Alexey Mikhailovich was distinguished by deep and sincere religiosity, which was expressed by the surprisingly accurate knowledge and strict execution of all the prescriptions of the church charter. He thoroughly knew the church charter. Historians describe one case confirming his zealous fulfillment of all rules of worship.

In one of the arrival in the Savvo-Storozhevsky monastery of the king, the Antioch Patriarch of Macarius arrived together. It was a holiday in honor of St. Savva - a patron of the monastery. Before reading the lives of St. Savva, said ordinary words: "Bless, Father!" - Turning to the priest in this way. However, according to the Charter, if the church is a higher spiritual person, Patriarch, Metropolitan or bishop, the reader must ask for blessings from him, and not as usual, at the priest. Carefully listening to everything uttered at worship, Alexey Mikhailovich, could not stand such a violation and shouted the reader: "What do you say, man: bless, Father!? Speak: Bless, Vladyko!"

Solovyov describes in detail the orders of celebrating church celebrations in Moscow, in which Alexey took part directly. In the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich, no big holiday in Moscow passed without the participation of the king himself. In the Great Holidays, like Easter, Christmas king was necessarily present at the services, arranged the dead dinners, giving gifts to Patriarch. At Verbal Sunday was a very interesting custom, in some sense, the Lord in Jerusalem described in Jerusalem described in the Gospel. The king was given to the donkey and the patriarch in full saint clouds looked at him. "The king leads a donkey to the end of the reason, the royal rod, the willow, the candle, the towel; ... On both sides, the Skins are mounted and mounted on the way." Alexey Mikhailovich's baptism, surrounded by numerous seruners and boyars, in lush holidays from year to year committed a solemn access to Jordan.

In addition, Alexey Mikhailovich tried not to miss the festive services in the Monasteries near Moscow. For example, he necessarily went to the miracles of the monastery on May 20, Alexy Metropolitan Day; In the Trinity Monastery for the holiday of St. Sergius; The Alekseev monastery has certainly been to their own name. Just as Solovyov writes "The Great Sovereign often walked on a mantis in the cities: Mozhaitsk, Borovsk, Zvenigorod, Kashin, Uglich, to Nikola on a thiesh ..."

The religiousness of the king was manifested but not only in the thorough knowledge of the Charter and in direct participation in church solemn services, but also in everyday life Alexey Mikhailovich followed the rules prescribed by the Church. The king prayed a lot and visited the service. When he lived in Moscow, then daily, from the very early morning he was in the temple both on Sautren and at dinner. "In the church, he stood on five hours, and even six sorts, put on a thousand Earth bows, and on other days and a thousand thousand" While in the temple, the king took part in church readings and singing, put the candles and followed the correct worship service .

In addition, Alexey Mikhailovich very strictly observed church posts. "... to the Great and Assumption post on Sundays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, the king rushes once a day, and his kushan consisted of cabbage, loose and berries - everything without oil; on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays in all posts he did not eat and not I drank anything, "Kuevsky writes about him.

His world concept was exclusively religious. He was judged from this point of view. Among all the worries that worried him, Alexei Mikhailovich was most worried about the concern for the salvation of the soul. He very often, according to Valishevsky, speaks of his sins, is experiencing constant remorse of conscience.

Alexey's piousness had an impact on his attitude to power, which, in his opinion, was tested him as a governor of God, and he must judge people, in justice. Klyuchevsky leads the following words Alexey: "God blessed and betrayed us, sovereign, to rule and reason their own in the East and in the West and in the south and in the north."

From these words, it is clear that the king cared not only about the salvation of his own soul, but also about the souls of his subjects. Solovyov cites a number of orders of the king relative to the following follows. For example: in 1659 it was ordered to observe the post on the passionate sadmice; In 1660, comply with Filipples post and go to the church every day. A decree was also issued at the beginning of the reign on the ban to work on Sundays and holidays. It was necessary to finish all the work in the evening on Saturday, until the evening service in the temples. "On Sunday, the Lord's holidays and the great saints come to the church and stand smartly ..." In addition, it was forbidden to guess, play cards and chess, swing on the swing, sing obscene songs and much more. For everything threatened the punishment: "If they do not obey, beat with baotogs ..." There was even such a case when the king from words switched to business. In 1669, Prince Gregory Obolensky Tsar ordered to send to prison for the fact that he had worked on his peasants on Sunday Day, and the prince himself said bad words.

Despite the commitment of ancient life line, Alexey Mikhailovich was very susceptible to new trends in Western culture. For example, one of the favorite fun of the king was a falcon hunt. During the court, the numerous state of different ads, créchters and their assistants were kept. There were up to 100 thousand nests on the food "Okhotny" in palace dull. Especially for the content of Korchikh was set tax. Hunting was for Alexey Mikhailovich a real holiday. At the royal "fun", Sokolniki went out in elegant clothes: in bright colored cafts, in expensive ermine and foxes.

Communicating with the adherents of the Western Lifestyle, Alexey Mikhailovich fell under their influence. Special place among them was Artamon Sergeevich Matveyev. Alexey was close to him after the death of his first wife. Among the Russian people, the second half of the seventeenth century Matveyev was undoubtedly the hottest adherent of European education and the European lifestyle. He was hardly the first among the nobles who were marrying on the plaid from the Moscow German Sloboda, the nee Hamilton, who adopted Orthodoxy under the name of Evdokia Grigorievna.

In the house of Matveyev, where there was often the king after the married grief, there were other orders, unlike the customs prescribed by the Moscow Starny. Usually women spent their lives in Teremes and very rarely met with men, in the house of Matveyev's wife, a foreigner in all his views, at all shy to show in a male society. The future wife of the king was brought up in the same concepts - Natalia Kirillovna Naryshkin.

Marriage with Naryshkina made great changes in the entire court of court life. The Queen allowed himself to appear on the streets of Moscow in an open carriage, which was previously inconvenient. With its arrival, theatrical performances appeared in the palace. The Germans and Matveyev people played in the comedies, led by Johann Gottfried. Solovyov writes about this: "In 1673, Matveyev ordered in Novo Meshchansk Sloboda from the Meshchansky children to choose 26 people in comedians and take German Slobod To Magist Gottfried. " Thus formed the first theatrical school.

In addition to theatrical fun, the king often arranged noisy evenings. And although, as mentioned above, he forbade the idle life with his subjects, there is information that the king himself loved to have fun. This is how one of these evenings is described at the sovereign on October 21, 1674 Solovyov: "... ate all the boyars without places, spiritual devils and the confessor. After the Kushan, he learned himself to engage in all sorts of games, played the organs of Necchin, and in with urn, and in the pipes And in the Surenks played, and on the covers, and on the piludes were beaten; he kicked the confessor, boyars and the devils of twin, drove them all drunk, went in the twelfth hour of the night. "

In their views, Alexey was an unconditional optimist. Alexey loved to be merry around him all. In the secular entertainment, which he allowed himself, in the theater or in the hunt, he saw only a useful tool for overclocking boredom. In his opinion, God wants people to be satisfied and they insult him if they indulgent unlimited sadness. He refused the thought that life is the hardest test. On the contrary, harmoniously combining posts and visits to church services with cheerful evenings, it may have been, in his opinion, to reach the gate of eternity.

1.4 Buntish Century

Given the big problems with legitimacy, the reign of silent was similar to life on the volcano. And in general, Romanov in this regard was not lucky: about every fifth of this dynasty died as a result palace coup or from the hands of terrorists. According to Vasily Klyuchevsky, "From the storms of the troubled time, the people came out much more impressionatively and irritable, which was previously lost that political endurance, which ingenic observers of the XVI century were surprised." The next, the XVII century entered the story as "Buntish". Moreover, this time, the unfortunate reached apogee just during the reign of the silent Alexei Mikhailovich, and not at all ended on November 4, 1612, celebrated today as the Day of People's Unity.

What is there unity?! Already three years after the wedding of the kingdom of Alexei Mikhailovich, a terrible salt riot was happening in Moscow. The reason was an unsuccessful attempt to convey the king of the petition, in which Muscovites complained about high prices for salt. Later something like this will happen in Bloody sunday Under Nicolae II. Only at the beginning of the 20th century, the complainants were shot, and in the XVII century, by order, Boyhar Morozov, Mobile Sagittari was only overclocked by the birchings. But it was not there. The next day, the "opposition" arranged a bloody bath boy directly in the Kremlin. On the side of the rebels immediately moved the shooters and began to burn the white city and the China city, thundering at home "oligarchs". On the third day, Bunta, Alexey was forced to give a crowd of Boyari Pleshcheyev - "Head of the Security Department", "which was said to say that" this Shtcheyev was without a measure of Dral and screamed the skin with a simple people. " The life of the most silent hung on the hair. According to the testimony of contemporaries, when the people rushed to the Tsarist Palace, only foreign mercenaries were on his defense. A week later, people calmed down. The king changed the judges and promised to reduce the price of salt. Sagittarov drank-fed from the Puz and we were more than returned to them wage debts. However, when the warriors diverged in the sublodes, several riot leaders were sent on the fell. In total, for the period from 1648 to 1650, similar revolutions covered dozens of cities of the country.

After 14 years, the story repeated. This time, "voters" was indignant by the fact that taxes the government was harvested with silver, and it was put in turnover copper coin. Several thousand people went to beat the king to Kolomenskoye about inflation. Then they joined the aggressively tuned crowd. This time the Salary was paid properly and they quickly coped with unarmed manifestations. Up to a thousand people were chopped, hanged and survived in the Moscow River. Several thousand arrested.

Power, it was clear that I repulsed to the injecting people with reciprocity. In the famous Cathedral, Alexei Mikhailovich, from 1649, the death penalty was punishable to 60 types of crimes. Well, of course, the crown finally solved the peasant question. If, with Mikhail Romanov in 1642, a ten-year term for the search for runaway peasants was introduced, then at his son, the nuts twisted and the cheer became indefinite, which, according to Nikolai Kostomarov, "filed a reason for extreme violence over the people." Historian Sergey Soloviev wrote that the serfdom arose to meet the increasing needs of the elite and military car. Power, according to him, was forced to engage in "goning for citizens who flee from taxed everywhere, where only you can ... For peasants who are from serious filters ... crowds go for a stone ( Ural Mountains), the landowners chase for their peasants who run ... in Malorosia, run to the Cossacks. "

Another confusion did not make himself wait. In the textbooks, this stage is our infinite civil War Received the name "Peasant-Crackovskoy Rise under the leadership of Stepan Razin." Some historians believe that the burst of discontent was connected exclusively with the influx in the Cossack region of the runaway peasants, expecting to engage in free land. However, researcher Alexander Stanislavsky was convinced that the whole thing in the traditional Russian dream instead of the usual hell to build a paradise on Earth. "The peasants," Stanislavsky wrote, - did not go to the Cossacks at all so that, having gotting rid of landowners, to freely cultivate land, but in order to never cultivate it and like the nobles to receive a salary for the service or live at the expense of others peasants. Whatever it was, from the small disclosure of the spring of 1670 moved to the organization of an armed uprising. In his "adorable" letters, he declared every confusion, who staging under his banners, a free man. As at the beginning of the century, the renovshchikov needed an impostor. This time it turned out that in the ranks of the "dissenters" allegedly, Tsarevich Alexey, the son of Alexei Mikhailovich, who died actually in early 1670. As a result, it was possible to capture Tsaritsyn, Astrakhan, Saratov, Samara and a number of other cities. According to the contemporary of Alexei Mikhailovich, the German scientist Johann Marze, the situation for the king in 1671 was critical: "The rebellion, to weaken which there was no funds, should have ended the death of either the king or a refiner." The author is confident that on time, one of the decisive battles of the royal troops with the rebel, the situation was saved again. , Mixed their ranks and turned to flight. " Razin was soon devoted to colleagues and issued by the authorities. Brought to Moscow in May and quartered. On the Swamp area ...

1.5 political portrait

Before presenting the main acts of Alexey Mikhailovich as a state husband, it would be appropriate to remind the socio-political state of Russia of that time. Countries that have ever experienced the consequences of the Universion, which began after the death of Ivan the Terrible. Modern historian Mikhail Geller (1922 - 1997) This characterizes this time: "Despite all changes, the state and the people returned to the autocracy, to the Bogodanny King ... Opportunities for independent initiative and activities in political life were opened. XVII century It will be the time of searching by monarchs ways to preserve the absolute autocratic power and the eradication of trends towards its restriction ... An important consequence of the Troubles was territorial losses. The first half of the XVII century. She became the time to restore the state, bringing it in order. Recovery began to be elected to the throne of the king Mikhail ... Mikhail Romanov entered the throne in the country, ruined Dotley: cities and villages burned, the peasants threw a lot of money, there were no money in the treasury, the army collapsed ... After 32 years, Mikhail died. He fell to governing the state, which, having survived a terrible catastrophe, seemed to fall apart, ceased to exist. The king handed over to his heir to the country in a very difficult situation, but began to come to himself "

Noting the progress in the restoration of the country during the reign of Alexei, Geller notes: "In the reign of Alexei Tishest, the events of exceptional historical importance occurred: Ukraine has passed" under the arm "of the Moscow king; The Orthodox Church split on supporters of the reform of Patriarch Nikon and at the Old Believers. In addition, the state was led by the war with a response, Sweden, Turkey. Against the background of these events, an amplification of the autocratic power was strengthened in conditions of a deep social crisis. " It should be noted that the strengthening of autocracy, as well as completeness, many historians consider the most important, along with the military and diplomatic success of the king.

Indeed, Alexey Mikhailovich paid special attention foreign Policy, actively participating in it. So, he, for example, responded to a request for the help of Cossack Century Bogdan Khmelnitsky, who raised Ukraine against the Poles. At the Zemsky Cathedral of 1653, the Cossacks of Khmelnitsky were adopted in the Moscow citizenship. At the same time, Poland was announced. In 1654, Russian troops occupied Smolensk. In the spring, 1655 won the city of Vilna, Coveno and Grodno. At the same time, fearing the strengthening of Sweden, in July 1656 Russia announced her war, after which the Russian troops moved to the Livonia. After a number of successful hikes, the Russians still had to retreat and conclude a disadvantageous world with the Swedes in Cardissa (especially since the death of Khmelnitsky began "Smoot" and in Ukraine, who demanded a new war with Poland). Alexey Mikhailovich personally participated in many of the military campaigns, led the negotiations, controlled the activities of Russian ambassadors.

A major achievement of Russian diplomacy of the Board of Alexei Mikhailovich was the reunification of Ukraine with Russia. On January 8, 1654 Pereyaslavskaya Rada approved the accession of a number of Ukrainian lands to Russia, which many years later, during the final peace negotiations with Poland, 1667, acquired international recognition. Under Alexei Mikhailovic, the struggle against the Turks and the Crimean Tatars for the safety of the southern borders of Russia was carried out. It continued, and quite intensively mastering Siberia, the cities were founded - Nerchinsk (1656), Irkutsk (1659), Selenginsk (1666). From the internal orders in the Tsar Aleksey, the following can be distinguished: the prohibition by monasteries and persons who were in the state, military or civil service to own black, heavy lands and industrial, trade facilities (shops, etc.) at Posad; The final attachment of the gravity classes, peasants and landing people, to the place of residence. During the reign of Alexei, new central institutions were founded, cereal, secret and accountable orders, as well as the Malorosiysk, Lithuanian orders. In 1649, the Cathedral Code was adopted - a set of laws of the Russian state. Romanov King Historic Portrait

Cathedral 1666--1667 And put the beginning of the split in the Russian Orthodox Church - one of the most ambitious events of the era of the reign of Alexey, who changed the "Tectonic" of Orthodoxy in Russia, which significantly affected the country's socio-state structure. Modern authors A. Buchanov and M. Gorinov in the "History of Russia from ancient times until the end of the 20th century" are among the main reasons for the church split, "disagreements between the church and secular power" (numerous distortions of the sacred texts, it is necessary to believe, and countless deviations from rituals The canons are only additional reasons issued at the main reasons): "Large wealth accumulated by hierarchs, churches and monasteries - land and thousands of peasants, crafts and money, a huge ideological influence in society led to the growth of political claims of the Church. Her leaders often intervened in solving issues of the internal and foreign policy of the country ... Terrible Russian autocracy, especially in the era of the folding of absolutism, could not put up with it. From here there are disagreements, the desire of secular power to limit the growth of monastic land tenure, as well as judicial and fiscal immunity of spiritual shepherds. This was also interested in the authorities with their course in centralization, and feudalists, who fell into rich land owners of the White and Black clergy, with the disapproval of the increasing increase. " Thus, after split "Order" in Orthodoxy, setting the "balance of relationship" with the Church, Tsar Alexey, in fact, laid the beginning of the process of secularization, which actively continued in the era of Peter, anticipating complete secularization, announced Catherine II.

In economic politics, the government of Alexei Mikhailovich encouraged industrial activities, patronized by the national trade, protecting it from competition of foreign goods. These goals served by Customs (1663) and Novotorgovy (1667) statutes that promoted foreign trade growth. However, miscalculations in the financial policy (the release of copper money equivalent to silver, which devalued the ruble) caused displeasure of the population, grew up in 1662 to the "copper riot". The rebellion was depressed by Silver, and copper money was canceled.
But it is not by chance that the contemporaries called the thirty-liter of the Board of Alexei Mikhailovich "The Bintasy Century". Soon after the copper rebellion in the Solovetsky Monastery, the rebellion of the displeased church reforms (1666) was broken down and the strengthening of the fastened oppression became the cause of the large-scale peasant movement under the leadership of the Don Cossack Stepan Razin (1670-1671). However, the positive results of the Board were much more than negative.
The positive results of the Board of Alexei must include considerable achievements in the field of culture. Under Alexei Mikhailovich, the process of rapprochement of Russian and Western European cultures began. Having been at the time of war in the Baltic States, he met a different way of life, in short and customs. The Embassy Order was entrusted with the obligation to transfer foreign literature, treatises, historical chronicles, scientific works. Thanks to the gentle attention of the king to the young wife Natalia Naryshkina, who gave him three children, Alexey Mikhailovich dared to make the creation of the theater in Russia theater in Russia in Russia. Often the king, together with his numerous family, was present on the last few hours of ideas.

But nevertheless, the main outcome of the Board of Alexei Romanov was the transformation of the estate and representative monarchy in absolute (the last convocation of the Zemstvo Cathedral came to 1653 and was dedicated to the "Ukrainian question"). I must say, the autocrats rejoiced to his ability to conduct and manage state affairs, control the activities of institutions through the order of secret cases. Being an educated person, Alexey Mikhailovich himself read the petitions and other documents, wrote or edited many important decrees, the first of the Russian kings began to sign them.

Alexey Mikhailovich is the author of several literary works. He, according to some historians, the author of a textbook on a falcony hunting - "Sokolnich's Daisitor", as well as a new edition of the "Legend of the Assumption of the Virgin". In addition, Alexey Mikhailovich is also known as the author of spiritual hymns, the verge of verse "is not the Most Holy Mother of God." In general, Alexei Mikhailovich's literary heritage is diverse: extensive correspondence, works in prose and verses, memoirs. Perhaps the most vividly literary dating king manifested themselves in letters. More than 100 messages of the king are preserved with his relatives and relatives, the earliest is written in 1646, and later - a year before the death. Alexey Mikhailovich perfectly owned an epistolary canon. Especially good, including from a literary point of view of Meatushkina, N. Odoyevsky, members royal family, as well as extensive letters to Patriarch Nikona, one of which, the "article list" can be attributed to the samples of memorars. Academician S. F. Platonov (1860 - 1933) wrote about Alexei Mikhailovich: "He was well aware of the literature of that time and before the subtlety hesitated his book language. In serious letters and writings, the king loved to let the book turnover, to use flowestic aphorisms ... From each phrase, a live thought looks. "

Alexey Mikhailovich died on January 30, 1676. His sons of the autocrats were inherited a powerful state. One of them - Peter I Great, who continued the case of the Father, completed the formation absolute monarchy and the creation of the Russian Empire. To Peter the country for more than 5 years, his elder brother Fyodor, a testamentary document appointed after the death of Alexei Mikhailovich heir to the throne.

1.6 Results and achievements of the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich

From the internal orders at the Tsar Aleksey, you can select the following: Ban balers (monasteries and persons who were in the state, military or civil service) own black, heavy lands and industrial, shopping facilities (shops and so on.) At Posad; the final attachment of the gravity classes, peasants and landing people, to the place of residence; The transition was prohibited in 1648 not only to the host peasants, but also to their children, brothers and nephews. New central institutions, which are orders: secret cases (no later than 1658), bread (not Later 1663), Ratari (since 1651), accountable cases (mentioned since 1657), engaged in checking the arrival, expense and balance of cash, Malorossiysky (mentioned since 1649), Lithuanian (1656--1667), Monastic (1648 --1677).

In financially, several transformations were also made: in 1646, the following years was made by the census of heavy courtyards with their adult and minor men's population, the above attempt was made to introduce a new salt duty; By decree of April 30, 1653, it was forbidden to charge small customs duties (soot, passage of duties and anniversaries) or to give them offices and ordered to be credited to the ruble duties charged in customs; In early 1656 (no later than March 3rd), due to the lack of money issued copper money. Soon (from 1658) the copper ruble began to be valued at 10, 12, and in the 1660s even 20 and 25 times cheaper than silver; The terrible high cost of which caused a terrible insurgency (copper riot) on July 25, 1662. The rebellion is graspted by the promise of the king to punish the guilty and expulsion of the Streetsky troops against the rebels. Decree of June 19, 1667. It was ordered to start building ships in the village of Dedin on the Oka; However, the ship built at the same time burned in Astrakhan.

In the field of legislation: Cathedral Cathedral Code was drawn up (it was published in the 1st time on October 7-30, 1649) and replenishing it in some respects: Novotorgovaya Charter of 1667, new-science articles on robberies and killeries of 1669, new-science articles about estates 1676, Military Charter in 1649. Russia also united with Ukraine in 1654.

With Tsar, Alexei continued the colonization movement to Siberia.


Having considered the nature and worldview of Alexei Mikhailovich, we can draw the following conclusion: the duality present in its upbringing and various flows in the Russian Society of the seventeenth century were undoubtedly affected by him. He showed and committed to the old way of life, and to innovations simultaneously, trying to harmoniously combine in his life.

Despite your indecision and passive character, he largely contributed to the preparation of Russia to Peter's reforms. Comparing personal qualities Alexei Mikhailovich and Peter, a variety of researchers celebrated uncommon features of the first; Some (V. O. Klyuchevsky and S. M. Soloviev, for example) considered Alexey Mikhailovich as the most outstanding and attractive representative of the representative ancient Russia, recognizing at the same time that such an incomplete nature showed little in state activities.

Of course, thanks to its soft character, Alexey Mikhailovich often fell under the influence of people close to him, adherents of Western thought. But as well as a man very inquisitive, he could not be aside from new trends in society. Western European orders were attracted. He traveled to the German carriage, took his wife to her hunt, entertained by theatrical ideas. But, as the King's key behavior very accurately describes: "He was not averse to tearing flowers from foreign culture, but did not want to paint the hands in the black work of her sowing in Russian soil."

FROMscript used sources

Three hundredth anniversary of the house of Romanovs. 1613-1913: Reprint reproduction of the anniversary edition of 1913. - M.: Contempor, 1990. - 300C.

Bozherenov, I.N. Romanovs. 300 years of serving Russia. - M.: White City, 2007. - 672c.

Valishevsky, K. The first Romanovs. - M.: JV "Svadrat", 1993. - 373c.

Klyuchevsky, V.O. Historical portraits. - M.: True, 1990. - 623c.

Platonov, S.F. Textbook of Russian history. - M.: Progress, 1992. - 400C.

Solovyov, S.M. Reading and stories on the history of Russia. - M.: True, 1989. - 766c.


Posted on Allbest.ru.

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For the period 1613-1676. It accounts for the Board of the first Romanov: Mikhail Fedorovich and Alexey Mikhailovich, Father and Son, whose shoulders were assigned to worries a whole state. During their reign, all spheres of society have undergone changes. This is the formation of autocracy, and the economic rise, and the accession of lost areas, and much more, but also the XVII century was called the "rebellious" and there were reasons for this.

In 1613, Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov was elected king on the Zemsky Cathedral, which placed the beginning of a new dynasty.

Its main task was to restore the economy after the ruins of the University, and in foreign policy - the return of the lands lost during the years and further expansion of the country's territory. Thanks to the support of the Zemsky Cathedral, which convened almost continuously for the first 10 years, and Patriarch Filaret - Father Mikhail, the ruling country along with her son before his death, the situation stabilized in Russia, a peace of decades came in the country, which made the opportunity to develop the economy and promote the country to new transformations. During the reign of Mikhail Fedorovich, the transformation of the estate and representative monarchy began in autocratic, good soil was prepared for the successor to the royal power of Alexei Mikhailovich.

One of the most important activities of Alexei Mikhailovich's activities was the adoption of a new arch of Russian laws - the Cathedral Code of 1649. His main provisions concerned the completion of the reassurance of peasants (confirmation of the abolition of Yuriev's Day and the establishment of an indefinite cheer of runaway peasants), the protection of the interests of the nobility and the tops of the Poskiy population, etc. . The reasons for the reasons were hidden for the desire of the king to maintain the support of the boyars and the nobles, that is, those who owned the land and carried the military and civil service in favor of the state. In the Cathedral, the process of the formation of absolutism was reflected. The Code of Laws included a chapter regulating attitudes towards the sovereign and strict punishment for the slightest misconduct against the sovereign and the state. Thus, the adoption of cathedral deposits strengthened the influence of the king, the position of the nobility.

Between events of the period of 1613-1676. There are causal relationships. All events of this period were dictated by exacerbation with social contradictions in the country and the interest of all segments of the population in the need for clear laws, the need to strengthen the central government.

Historians give an ambiguous assessment of the Board, especially Alexey Mikhailovich, because on the one hand, the country has made a big step forward (elements of capitalism appeared, the tax system has changed, the policy of protectionism has been carried out), the Cathedral Code has become the main legislation of the country for many years, were achievements and foreign policy. The actions of the 17th century kings largely prepared those reforms that Peter I will conduct in the early 18th century.

On the other hand, the final reassurance of peasants occurred, many social speeches (1648 g - salt riot, 1662 - a copper riot, 1670-1671. The uprising under the leadership of Stepan Razin et al.), Split church. Many historians, evaluating the activities of Alexei Mikhailovich, talk about him as a quiet and soft man, not very decisive, but, despite this, the next generation was transferred to a rather strong state, ready for further changes.