Emperor Justinian biography. Justinian the great

During the reign of Justinian I (527 - 565), the Byzantine Empire reached the pinnacle of power. This emperor tried to restore the Roman Empire to its former borders.

By order of Emperor Justinian I in 528 - 534 a collection of laws "Code of Civil Law" was concluded, which united the old Roman legal norms and the spiritual values ​​of Christianity. "Code ..." proclaimed the equality of all citizens before the law. Although slavery was not abolished, it was forbidden to kill slaves and they received the opportunity to free themselves. Justinian's laws equalized human and woman rights, prohibited divorce, condemned by the Christian church. The "Code" proclaimed the idea of ​​unlimited and absolute power of the emperor: "the will of the emperor is the source of laws." The right to the inviolability of private property was enshrined. "Code ..." became a model for the development of laws in most countries of Western Europe in the XII - XIV centuries. Kazhdan A.P., Litavrin G.G. Essays on the history of Byzantium and the South Slavs. SPb., "Aleteya", 1998 p 58

The transformations initiated by Justinian required significant funds. The rise in taxes, abuse and bribery of the imperial officials caused an uprising in 532 in Constantinople. The uprising was named "Nika" for the insurgents' slogan (Nika! - "Win!") The insurgents dominated the city for eight days. Justinian even thought of running away, but on Theodora's advice he stayed, declaring that he would rather die than lose power. The emperor bribed the leaders of the uprising, and with the help of detachments of barbarian mercenaries suppressed the uprising, killing about 35 thousand people.

Having suppressed the uprising, Justinian set about realizing the main goal of his life - the restoration of the Roman Empire in its former borders. It contributed to the realization of his plans that the barbarian kingdoms in the West were going through a deep crisis at that time.

In 534, the Byzantine army, led by the outstanding commander Belisarius, defeated the Vandals and captured North Africa. Further, the army of Belisarius, capturing about. Sicily, broke into Italy. The support of the Byzantines by the Christian Church and the population of Italy played a significant role. In 536, the army of Belisarius entered Rome without a fight, and in three years the Byzantines captured the capital of the barbarians - Ravenna. It seemed that Justinian had almost reached the cherished goal, but here on Byzantium, taking advantage of the presence of its troops in Italy, the Slavs and Persians began to attack. The emperor recalled Belisarius and sent him with an army to defend the eastern borders. The commander coped with this task. Before the conquest of lands in the West, Justinian returned only in 552. And although he managed to restore the borders of the Roman Empire during the time of Emperor Constantinane, he almost doubled the territory of his state. Dil Sh. The main problems of Byzantine history. M., 1947 with 24

During the time of Justinian I, the Church of St. Sophia was built in Constantinople. Its construction, begun in 532, was provided by 10 thousand people for 5 years. Outside, the temple looked ordinary, but inside it was striking in size. The giant mosaic vault 31 meters in diameter seemed to be hanging in the air without any support. This was achieved by the fact that the large bathhouse was supported by two beer-baths, each of which, in turn, was supported by three small beer-baths. The four pillars holding the vault were hidden, and only the triangular sails between the arches were clearly visible. The cross on the vault symbolized God's guardianship and protection of the empire. When the temple was consecrated in 537, Emperor Justinian I, enchanted by its majestic beauty, exclaimed: "Praise be to the Lord who inspired me to carry out such a deed! Solomon, I surpassed you! Kazhdan A.P., Litavrin G.G. Essays on the history of Byzantium and Southern Slavs. SPb., "Aletheya", 1998 with 64

Justinian I Great - Emperor of Byzantium with 527 by 565 year. Historians believe that Justinian was one of the greatest monarchs of late antiquity and the early Middle Ages.

Justinian was a reformer and military leader who made the transition from antiquity to the Middle Ages. Under him, the Roman system of government was thrown away, which was replaced by a new one - the Byzantine one.

Under Emperor Justinian The Byzantine Empire Reaches Its Dawn, after a long period of decline, the monarch tried to restore the empire and return it to its former greatness.

Historians believe that the main goal foreign policy Justinian was the revival of the Roman Empire in its former borders, which was to become a Christian state. As a result, all the wars conducted by the emperor were aimed at expanding their territories, especially to the west (the territory of the fallen Western Roman Empire).

Under Justinian the territory Byzantine Empire reached its largest size during the entire existence of the empire. Justinian managed to almost completely restore the former borders of the Roman Empire.

After the conclusion of peace in the East with Persia, Justinian secured himself from a blow from the rear and made it possible for Byzantium to launch a campaign to invade Western Europe... First of all, Justinian decided to declare war on the German kingdoms. It was a sensible decision, because at this period there are wars between the barbarian kingdoms, and they were weakened before the invasion of Byzantium.

V 533 year, Justinian sends an army to conquer the kingdom of the Vandals. The war is going well for Byzantium and already in 534 year Justinian wins a decisive victory. Then his gaze fell on the Ostrogoths of Italy. The war with the Ostrogoths was going on successfully, and the king of the Ostrogoths had to turn to Persia for help.

Justinian captures Italy and almost the entire coast of North Africa, and the southeastern part of Spain... Thus, the territory of Byzantium doubles, but does not reach the former borders of the Roman Empire.

Already in 540 year the Persians tore up the peace treaty and prepared for war. Justinian found himself in a difficult position, because Byzantium could not withstand a war on two fronts.

In addition to an active foreign policy, Justinian also pursued a sensible domestic policy. Justinian is active began to strengthen the state apparatus, as well as tried to improve taxation... Under the emperor, civil and military positions were combined, and attempts were made to reduce corruption by raising officials' pay.

Among the people, Justinian was nicknamed "Sleepless emperor", as he worked day and night to reform the state.

Historians believe that Justinian's military successes were his main merit, however domestic politics, especially in the second half of the reign, made the state treasury practically empty, its ambitions could not be properly manifested.

Emperor Justinian left behind a huge architectural monument that still exists today - Saint Sophie Cathedral. This building is considered a symbol of the "golden age" in the empire. This cathedral is the second largest Christian temple in the world and is second only to St. Paul's at the Vatican. By this, the emperor achieved the favor of the Pope and the entire Christian world.

During the reign of Justinian, the world's first plague pandemic broke out, which engulfed the entire Byzantine Empire. The largest number of victims was recorded in the capital of the empire, Constantinople, here killed 40% of the total population... According to the calculations of historians, total number plague victims reached about 30 million., and possibly more.

Empire achievements under Justinian

As already mentioned, the greatest achievement of Justinian is considered to be an active foreign policy, which doubled the territory of Byzantium, practicallytaking back all the lost lands after fall of Rome in 476 year.

As a result of wars, the state treasury was depleted, and this led to riots and uprisings... However, the uprising prompted Justinian to make a huge architectural achievement - the construction of the Hagia Sophia.

The greatest legal achievement was the issuance of new laws, which were to be valid throughout the empire. The emperor took Roman law and threw out obsolete guidelines from it, and thereby left the most necessary ones. The body of these laws was named "Code of Civil Law".

A huge breakthrough has taken place in military affairs. Justinian managed to create the largest professional mercenary army of that period. This army brought him many victories and expanded his borders. However, it also drained the treasury.

The first half of the reign of Emperor Justinian is called "The golden age of Byzantium", the second caused only discontent on the part of the people.

Its name comes from the ancient city of Byzantium, founded in the 7th century BC. in the Bosphorus. Due to the peculiarities of development, Byzantium was able to maintain its integrity for over a thousand years.

By geographic location Byzantium is a Eurasian state that includes European and Asian lands. This arrangement was reflected in the population of the country. Representatives of different peoples lived here, speaking different languages, professing their religions, honoring their customs. However, most of the Byzantines are Greeks, and foreigners often called all the inhabitants of the empire that way. Greek was also the state language.

The main occupations of the Byzantines

  1. Agriculture of Byzantium.

In the plains, along the rivers and on the sea coast, vineyards and olives were grown, and various cereals were sown.

  1. Livestock breeding.

In the mountains and on the plateaus, cattle breeding developed successfully.

  1. Mining.

The inhabitants of the empire mastered the extraction of gold, silver, tin, copper, iron.

  1. Trade of Byzantium.

Due to the favorable geographical position, the main trade routes of that time ran through the territory of the state:

  • from the North African and Arabian lands to the territory of Europe;
  • the path connecting the Black and Mediterranean seas;
  • The Great Silk Road.
  1. Byzantine craft.

The works of Byzantine artisans were famous all over the world, and the variety of their activities was amazing. The most famous are:

  • gunsmiths;
  • gold and silver processors;
  • tailors;
  • bone carvers;
  • shoemakers;
  • silk weavers.

Sample of Byzantine Silk Cloth

Over time, representatives of the same artisan orientation began to unite, and thus there were unions of artisans.

The development of trade skills and the prosperity of crafts favored the growth of the number of urban residents. The empire began to be called "the country of cities". The most famous and Largest cities Byzantium of that era:

  • Constantinople;
  • Alexandria;
  • Antioch;
  • Hilt;
  • Nicaea.

Capital of Byzantium - Constantinople

CONCLUSION: the favorable geographical location of the capital, the Eurasian orientation of the empire, valuable crafts and numerous cities, the prosperity of cattle breeding and agriculture, the intersection of the main trade roads allowed Byzantium not only to protect its lands from barbarians, but also to expand its borders and strengthen its influence.

Imperial power

The Byzantine Empire is a single state in which a complex, structured system has developed government controlled... The head of the state was the emperor - Vasileus.

Infinity is the main feature of the emperor's power in Byzantium. All subjects and even residents of other states considered the basileus to be God's governor on earth. State and ecclesiastical power was concentrated in the hands of the Byzantine emperor.

The system of imperial power in Byzantium

The sole power of the Byzantine emperor allowed him:

  • be the supreme judge;
  • to create laws;
  • command an army;
  • build relationships with other states;
  • make a decision to start a war and an armistice;
  • decide the fate of the post of patriarch;
  • elect and dismiss officials of any rank;
  • interfere in the affairs of the church;
  • dispose of the treasury.

The Imperial Chancellery was right hand Emperor and was in charge of all affairs in the administration of the state. Under her strict control was the livelihoods of every inhabitant, from taxes collected to everyday worries.

For the convenience of management, the territory of the empire was divided into separate regions (prefectures) and districts (fema). They were governed by governors appointed by the emperor. Special departments were created with executive functions: collecting taxes, delivering mail, securing roads, resolving military issues, and others. Officials of departments were appointed by Vasilevs and received salaries.

The unconditional power of the basileus was emphasized by special splendor, solemnity and grandeur:

  1. Robes of purple color, embroidered with gold and precious stones.
  2. The diadem is an adornment on the head, a symbol of the emperor's power.
  3. Bows down to him as a greeting.
  4. Portraits of the emperor on public buildings.
  5. Accompaniment of numerous retinue and guards.

The only thing that could jeopardize the imperial crown was that the title of Byzantine basileus was not inherited. In theory, any politician could take the power of the emperor into his own hands. This minus stimulated the development of the art of management. The emperor had to constantly be on the alert and improve the skills that were valuable for that time - masterfully convince, bribe, flatter, sow discord among enemies, anticipate danger and warn it.

CONCLUSION: unlimited state and ecclesiastical power in the Byzantine state belonged to the rulers - the Basileus.

The reform activities of Justinian

Justinian was the name of the emperor, under whom Byzantium reached its highest power.

The biography of this man differs from most other stories of the rulers of that time. He comes from a small village, the son of an ordinary peasant. As a teenager, he went to live in the capital of Byzantium to his uncle. Uncle Justin served at the court of the king as a courtier with a certain influence. Thanks to the position of his relative, Justinian received a decent education and mastered the skill of a courtier. In a very mature age Justin took the imperial throne, and he appointed his nephew as his assistant.

Justinian was highly energetic, active, and bright-minded. He gave the impression of an open and kind person. On the other hand, many contemporaries noted the despotic and tyrannical traits of his character. The Byzantine historian Procopius argued that he could give orders for the most cruel reprisals in a quiet and calm voice. In difficult situations where decisiveness and courage were required, he could show cowardice and weakness. Justinian easily believed any denunciations and gave orders for punishment, as he was very afraid of attempts and conspiracies.

The love story of Justinian and Theodora is very romantic. He married her, contrary to public opinion, despite the fact that she was the daughter of a circus watchman and did not have a noble birth. Theodora was very beautiful, intelligent, witty and talented.

Emperor Justinian took his title in 527, at the age of 45. The main goal for him was the idea of ​​re-creating a united Roman Empire. Its main political rule is a single state, law and religion. On the basis of these statements, Justinian's reign and his reform activities were built.

Major reforms of Justinian

  1. Legal reform.

Compiled "Code of Civil Law", which included the laws of the emperors with explanations of the best lawyers and the laws of Justinian himself. This document and the entire Byzantine legal system was based on Roman law - the most developed system of justice in Ancient world... In the "Code of Civil Law" Justinian for the first time presented specific definitions of legal norms and concepts, which are still applied today, after one and a half millennia from the date of its creation.

  1. Development of diplomacy.

The main principle of Justinian's diplomacy is “divide and rule.” The essence of this principle was that he entered into alliances with some states for enmity with others, and then changed allies. Also, he was sure that by introducing strife among enemies, it is easier to defeat them.

  1. Striving for religious unity.

To achieve domestic stability, Justinian wanted to establish a single Christian religion throughout the empire. He closed the famous Athens Academy, founded by Plato, the ancient Greek philosopher, as a meeting place for pagan philosophers.

To resolve important church issues, an Ecumenical Council was organized - a congress of the highest Christian clergy.

In order to strengthen the support of the church, Justinian presented her with precious gifts, bestowed land, built temples and cathedrals.

  1. Large-scale construction.

Given the vast territory and long borders of the state, Emperor Justinian erected a large number of fortifications to repel the enemy. Highways were laid to the fortresses and garrisons. The cities that suffered from the attacks were rebuilt, water pipelines, hippodromes, and theaters were built. The main temple of the entire Eastern Christian world was erected - the temple of St. Sophia.

Obvious successes were the result of the reforms of Justinian's rule, but along with them, discontent arose. Residents were outraged by high taxes, persecution for paganism, high prices, and oppression of the authorities. In 532 the inhabitants of Constantinople revolted "Nika!", Which means "Win!" Due to the uprising, numerous fires began in the city, as a result of which many people died and architectural monuments were damaged. Justinian, frightened by the uprising, wanted to flee, but the wise Theodora stopped him. Helped to suppress the uprising Belisarius - the Byzantine commander.

CONCLUSION: Emperor Justinian strengthened the Byzantine Empire, he managed to preserve the traditions of the ancient and Eastern world.

Wars of conquest and invasions by external enemies

To achieve his goal of restoring a unified Roman Empire, Justinian fought numerous wars in many directions.

  1. The conquest of the African kingdom by the Vandals and the capture of Carthage.

Despite the quick victory, it was possible to completely subjugate these territories only 15 years later due to the constant uprisings of the local population.

  1. Victory over the kingdom of the Ostrogoths in Italy.

Sicily was conquered first, then the southern territories and later - Rome was conquered. But complete submission was achieved only after two decades.

  1. Capture of Spain.

The southwestern territories of this state were occupied.

  1. Numerous wars with Iran along the eastern borders.

As a result, Byzantium ceded part of the land and was forced to pay tribute.

The wealth of Byzantium attracted other peoples and states. After the death of Justinian, the empire gradually begins to lose its territory.

Attacks of the Slavs and Arabs

At the dawn of the 6th century, the campaigns of the Slavs against Byzantium began. Gradually, they began to settle in Byzantine lands - they occupied the northern regions of the Balkan Peninsula, Macedonian and Greek lands.

In the 7th century, the wars between the Arabs and Byzantium began on the southern borders. The Middle East and African regions of the empire submitted to these peoples.

CONCLUSION: after the reign of Justinian, the Byzantine Empire reduced its borders by almost a third, retaining only the southern part of the Balkan Peninsula, part of the territory in Italy and Asia Minor.

Justinian I the Great

(482 or 483-565, imp. From 527)

Emperor Flavius ​​Peter Savvaty Justinian remained one of the largest, famous and, paradoxically, mysterious figures in the entire Byzantine history. Descriptions, and even more so assessments of his character, life, deeds are often extremely contradictory and can serve as food for the most unbridled fantasies. But, be that as it may, by the scale of the accomplishments of another such emperor, Byzantium did not know, and the nickname Great Justinian received absolutely deservedly.

He was born in 482 or 483 in Illyricum (Procopius calls his birthplace Tauris near Bedrian) and came from a peasant family. Already in the late Middle Ages, a legend arose that Justinian allegedly had Slavic origin and bore the name of the Governor. When his uncle, Justin, rose under Anastasia Dikor, he brought his nephew closer to him and managed to give him a versatile education. Able by nature, Justinian gradually began to acquire a certain influence at court. In 521 he was awarded the title of consul, giving on this occasion splendid spectacles to the people.

V last years reign of Justin I "Justinian, who had not yet been enthroned, ruled the state during the life of his uncle ... who still reigned, but was very old and incapable of state affairs" (Pr. Kes.,). April 1 (according to other sources - April 4) 527 Justinian was declared August, and after the death of Justin I remained the autocratic ruler of the Byzantine Empire.

He was short, white-faced and was considered handsome, despite a certain tendency to be overweight, early bald patches on his forehead and gray hair. The images that have come down to us on coins and mosaics of the churches of Ravenna (St. Vitaly and St. Apollinarius; in addition, in Venice, in the Cathedral of St. Mark, there is his statue made of porphyry) fully correspond to this description. As for Justinian's disposition and deeds, historians and chroniclers have the most opposite characteristics of them, from panegyric to frankly vicious.

According to various testimonies, the emperor, or, as they began to write more often since the time of Justinian, the autocrat (autocrat) was “an extraordinary combination of stupidity and baseness ... [was] a cunning and indecisive person ... full of irony and pretense, deceitful, secretive and two-faced, could not to show his anger, perfectly mastered the art of shedding tears, not only under the influence of joy or sadness, but at the right moments as needed. He always lied, and not only by chance, but by giving solemn notes and oaths at the conclusion of contracts and at the same time even in relation to his own subjects ”(Pr. Kes.,). The same Procopius, however, writes that Justinian was "gifted with a quick and resourceful mind, tireless in the execution of his intentions." Summing up a certain result of his accomplishments, Procopius in his work "On the Buildings of Justinian" expresses simply enthusiastically: "In our time, the Emperor Justinian appeared, who, having assumed power over the state, him into a brilliant state, driving out of him the barbarians who raped him. The emperor, with the greatest skill, managed to provide himself with whole new states. In fact, a number of areas that were already alien to the Roman state, he subordinated to his power and built innumerable cities that had not existed before.

Finding faith in God unsteady and forced to follow the path of various confessions, wiping out all the paths that led to these hesitations from the face of the earth, he made sure that it now stood on one firm foundation of true confession. In addition, realizing that the laws should not be vague due to their unnecessary multiplicity and, clearly contradicting each other, destroy each other, the emperor, clearing them of the mass of unnecessary and harmful chatter, overcoming their mutual discrepancy with great firmness, preserved the correct laws. He himself, on his own motive, forgiving the guilt of those perpetrating against him, in need of means for life, having filled them to satiety with wealth and thus overcoming their unfortunate fate humiliating for them, achieved that the joy of life reigned in the empire. "

"The Emperor Justinian usually forgave the mistakes of his sinful leaders" (Pr. Kes.,), But: "his ear ... was always opened to slander" (Zonara,). He favored informers and, by their intrigues, could plunge into disgrace his closest courtiers. At the same time, the emperor, like no one else, understood people and knew how to acquire excellent assistants.

In the character of Justinian, in an amazing way, the most unwilling properties of human nature were combined: a decisive ruler, he sometimes behaved like an outright coward; both greed and petty stinginess and boundless generosity were available to him; vindictive and merciless, he could appear and be magnanimous, especially if this increased his fame; possessing indefatigable energy to implement his grandiose plans, he was nevertheless able to suddenly despair and "give up" or, on the contrary, stubbornly bring to the end obviously unnecessary undertakings.

Justinian had a phenomenal capacity for work, intelligence and was a talented organizer. With all this, he often fell under the influence of others, primarily his wife, Empress Theodora - a person no less remarkable.

The emperor was distinguished by good health (about 543 he was able to endure such a terrible disease as the plague!) And excellent endurance. He slept a little, at night doing all sorts of state affairs, for which he received the nickname "sleepless sovereign" from his contemporaries. He often took the most unpretentious food, never indulged in excessive gluttony or drunkenness. Justinian was also very indifferent to luxury, but, perfectly understanding the importance of the external state for the prestige of the state, he did not spare funds for this: the decoration of the capital's palaces and buildings and the splendor of the receptions astonished not only barbarian ambassadors and kings, but also sophisticated Romans. And here the basileus knew the measure: when in 557 many cities were destroyed by an earthquake, he immediately canceled the magnificent palace dinners and gifts given by the emperor of the capital nobility, and sent the saved considerable money to the victims.

Justinian became famous for his ambition and enviable persistence in exalting himself and the very title of Emperor of the Romans. Having declared the autocrat "isapostle", that is, "equal to the apostles," he placed him above the people, state and even the church, legitimizing the inaccessibility of the monarch for either human or ecclesiastical court. The Christian emperor could not, of course, deify himself, therefore "Isapostol" turned out to be a very convenient category, the highest level accessible to man. And if, before Justinian, the courtiers of patrician dignity, according to Roman custom, when greeting the emperor on the chest, while others went down on one knee, then from that time on, all without exception were obliged to prostrate themselves before him, sitting under a golden dome on a richly decorated throne. The descendants of the proud Romans finally mastered the slavish ceremonies of the barbarian East ...

By the beginning of Justinian's reign, the empire had its neighbors: in the west - virtually independent kingdoms of the Vandals and Ostrogoths, in the east - Sassanian Iran, from the north - Bulgarians, Slavs, Avars, Antes, and in the south - nomadic Arab tribes. For thirty-eight years of his reign, Justinian fought with all of them and, not taking personal part in any of the battles or campaigns, completed these wars quite successfully.

528 (the year of the second consulate of Justinian, on the occasion of which on January 1 consular spectacles unprecedented in magnificence were given) began unsuccessfully. The Byzantines, who had been at war with Persia for several years, lost a big battle at Mindona, and although the imperial military leader Peter managed to improve the situation, the embassy asking for peace ended in nothing. In March of the same year, significant Arab forces invaded Syria, but they were quickly driven back. On top of all the misfortunes on November 29, the earthquake once again damaged Antioch-on-Oronte.

By 530, the Byzantines had pushed back the Iranian forces, gaining a major victory over them at Dar. A year later, the fifteen thousandth army of the Persians, which crossed the border, was thrown back, and on the throne of Ctesiphon, the deceased Shah Kavad was replaced by his son Khosrov (Khozroi) I Anushirvan - not only a warlike, but also a wise ruler. In 532, an indefinite truce was concluded with the Persians (the so-called "eternal peace"), and Justinian took the first step towards the restoration of a single power from the Caucasus to the Strait of Gibraltar: using as a pretext that he had seized power in Carthage in 531, After overthrowing and killing the Roman-friendly Childeric, the usurper Gelimer, the emperor began to prepare for war with the kingdom of the Vandals. “For one thing we plead with the holy and glorious Virgin Mary,” declared Justinian, “so that, at the request of her, the Lord would deign me, his last slave, to reunite with the Roman Empire everything that was torn away from her and bring to the end [this. - SD] our highest duty. " And although the majority of the Senate, headed by one of the closest advisers of the basileus, the praetorian prefect John of Cappadocia, mindful of the unsuccessful campaign under Leo I, spoke out strongly against this idea, on June 22, 533, on six hundred ships, fifteen thousand troops under the command of Belisarius recalled from the eastern borders (see .) went out to the Mediterranean Sea. In September, the Byzantines landed on the African coast, in the fall and winter of 533-534. under Decium and Tricamar Gelimer was defeated, and in March 534 he surrendered to Belisarius. The losses among the troops and civilians of the vandals were enormous. Procopius reports that "how many people died in Africa, I do not know, but I think that myriads of myriads died." “Driving along it [Libya. - SD], it was difficult and surprising to meet at least one person there. Belisarius, upon his return, celebrated a triumph, and Justinian began to solemnly be called African and Vandal.

In Italy, with the death of the young grandson of Theodoric the Great, Atalaric (534), the regency of his mother, daughter of King Amalasunta, ceased. Theodoric's nephew, Theodatus, overthrew and imprisoned the queen. The Byzantines in every possible way provoked the newly-made sovereign of the Ostrogoths and achieved their goal - Amalasunt, who had the formal patronage of Constantinople, perished, and Theodat's arrogant behavior became a pretext for declaring war on the Ostrogoths.

In the summer of 535, two small but superbly trained and equipped armies invaded the Ostrogothic Empire: Mund captured Dalmatia and Belisarius captured Sicily. From the west of Italy, the francs bribed by Byzantine gold threatened. The frightened Theodatus began negotiations for peace and, not counting on success, already agreed to abdicate the throne, but at the end of the year Mund died in a skirmish, and Belisarius hastily sailed to Africa to suppress the soldiers' rebellion. Theodatus, emboldened, took into custody the imperial ambassador Peter. However, in the winter of 536, the Byzantines improved their position in Dalmatia, and at the same time Belisarius returned to Sicily, having seven and a half thousand federates and four thousand personal squads there.

In the fall, the Romans went on the offensive, in mid-November they took Naples by storm. Theodat's indecision and cowardice caused a coup - the king was killed, and in his place the Goths elected a former soldier Vitigis. Meanwhile, the army of Belisarius, not meeting resistance, approached Rome, whose inhabitants, especially the old aristocracy, openly rejoiced at their liberation from the rule of the barbarians. On the night of December 9-10, 536, the Gothic garrison left Rome through one gate, and the Byzantines entered the other. Vitigis's attempts to recapture the city back, despite more than tenfold superiority in forces, were unsuccessful. Having overcome the resistance of the Ostrogothic army, at the end of 539 Belisarius laid siege to Ravenna, and the following spring the capital of the Ostrogoth state fell. The Goths offered Belisarius to be their king, but the general refused. The suspicious Justinian, despite his refusal, hastily recalled him to Constantinople and, not even allowing him to celebrate his triumph, sent him to fight the Persians. Basileus himself took the title of Gothic. The talented ruler and courageous warrior Totila became the king of the Ostrogoths in 541. He managed to gather the defeated squads and organize skilful resistance to the small and poorly provided troops of Justinian. Over the next five years, the Byzantines lost almost all of their conquests in Italy. Totila successfully used special tactics - he destroyed all the captured fortresses so that they could not serve as a support to the enemy in the future, and thereby forced the Romans to fight outside the fortifications, which they could not do due to their small numbers. The disgraced Belisarius in 545 again arrived in the Apennines, but without money and troops, almost certain death. The remnants of his armies could not break through to the aid of besieged Rome, and on December 17, 546, Totila occupied and plundered the Eternal City. Soon the Goths themselves left there (unable, however, to destroy its powerful walls), and Rome again fell under the rule of Justinian, but not for long.

The bloodless Byzantine army, which received neither reinforcements, nor money, nor food and fodder, began to maintain its existence by robbing the civilian population. This, as well as the restoration of the harsh Roman laws in relation to the common people on the territory of Italy, led to a massive exodus of slaves and columns, who continuously replenished the army of Totila. By 550, he again took possession of Rome and Sicily, and only four cities remained under the control of Constantinople - Ravenna, Ancona, Croton and Otranthe. Justinian appointed his cousin Hermanus to replace Belisarius, providing him with significant forces, but this decisive and no less famous commander died unexpectedly in Thessalonica, never having time to take office. Then Justinian sent to Italy an unprecedented army (more than thirty thousand people), headed by the imperial eunuch Armenian Narses, "a man of a sharp mind and more energetic than is characteristic of eunuchs" (St. Kes.,).

In 552, Narses landed on the peninsula, and in June of this year, at the Battle of Tagin, Totila's army was defeated, he himself fell at the hands of his own courtier, and sent the bloody clothes of King Narses to the capital. The remnants of the Goths, together with Totila's successor, Theia, went to Vesuvius, where they were finally destroyed in the second battle. In 554, Narses defeated the seventy thousandth horde of invading Franks and Allemans. Primarily fighting on the territory of Italy ended, and the Goths, who left for Rezia and Noric, were conquered ten years later. In 554, Justinian issued the "Pragmatic Sanction", which canceled all the innovations of Totila - the land returned to its former owners, as well as the slaves and columns freed by the king.

Around the same time, the patrician Liberius conquered the southeast of Spain from the Vandals with the cities of Corduba, Cartago Nova and Malaga.

Justinian's dream of the reunification of the Roman Empire came true. But Italy was devastated, robbers roamed the roads of the war-torn regions, and five times (in 536, 546, 547, 550, 552) Rome, which had passed from hand to hand, was depopulated, and Ravenna became the seat of the governor of Italy.

In the east, with varying success (from 540) a difficult war with Khosrov, which was stopped by truces (545, 551, 555), then flared up again. Finally Persian Wars ended only by 561-562. the world for fifty years. Under the terms of this peace, Justinian undertook to pay the Persians 400 libres of gold a year, the same ones left Lazika. The Romans retained the conquered Southern Crimea and the Transcaucasian shores of the Black Sea, but during this war other Caucasian regions - Abkhazia, Svaneti, Mizimania - passed under the auspices of Iran. After more than thirty years of conflict, both states were weakened, having received practically no advantages.

The Slavs and Huns remained a worrying factor. "Since the time that Justinian took power over the Roman state, the Huns, Slavs and Antes, making raids almost every year, did unbearable things over the inhabitants" (St. Kes.,). In 530, Mund successfully repelled the onslaught of the Bulgarians in Thrace, but three years later the army of the Slavs appeared there. Magister militum Hillwood. fell in battle, and the invaders devastated a number of Byzantine territories. Around 540, the nomadic Huns organized a campaign to Scythia and Mizia. The emperor's nephew, Just directed against them, died. Only at the cost of tremendous efforts, the Romans managed to defeat the barbarians and throw them back across the Danube. Three years later, the same Huns, attacking Greece, reached the outskirts of the capital, causing an unprecedented panic among its inhabitants. In the late 40s. the Slavs ravaged the lands of the empire from the headwaters of the Danube to Dyrrhachium.

In 550, three thousand Slavs, having crossed the Danube, again invaded Illyricum. Imperial Warlord Aswad did not manage to organize proper resistance to the aliens, he was captured and executed in the most ruthless way: he was burned alive, having previously cut the straps from the skin of his back. The small squads of the Romans, not daring to give battle, only watched how, divided into two detachments, the Slavs engaged in robberies and murders. The brutality of the attackers was impressive: both detachments “killed everyone, without understanding the years, so that the whole land of Illyria and Thrace was covered with unburied bodies. They killed those who came to meet them not with swords or spears or in any usual way, but, driving the stakes firmly into the ground and making them as sharp as possible, they thrust these unfortunates onto them with great force, making it so that the tip of this stake entered between the buttocks , and then, under the pressure of the body, it penetrated the inside of a person. This is how they saw fit to treat us! Sometimes these barbarians, driving four thick stakes into the ground, tied the hands and feet of the prisoners to them, and then continuously beat them on the head with sticks, thus killing them like dogs or snakes or any other wild animals. The rest, together with the bulls and small livestock, which they could not drive into the paternal limits, they locked in rooms and burned without any regret ”(Pr. Kes.,). In the summer of 551 the Slavs set out on a campaign against Thessalonica. Only when a huge army, intended to be sent to Italy under the command of Herman, who had acquired formidable glory, received an order to deal with Thracian affairs, the Slavs, frightened by this news, left home.

At the end of 559, a huge mass of Bulgarians and Slavs again poured into the empire. The invaders, who robbed everyone and everything, reached Thermopylae and the Thracian Chersonesos, and most of them turned to Constantinople. From mouth to mouth, the Byzantines passed on stories about the savage atrocities of the enemy. The historian Agathius of Mirinei writes that the enemies of even pregnant women were forced, mocking their suffering, to give birth right on the roads, and they did not even allow babies to be touched, leaving the newborns to be devoured by birds and dogs. In the city, under the protection of the walls of which fled, taking the most valuable, the entire population of the surrounding area (damaged Long wall could not serve as a reliable barrier to robbers), there were practically no troops. The emperor mobilized all those capable of wielding weapons to defend the capital, setting up the city militia of circus parties (dimots), palace guards and even armed members of the Senate to the loopholes. Justinian ordered Belisarius to command the defense. The need for funds turned out to be such that for the organization of cavalry detachments it was necessary to put the racing horses of the capital's hippodrome under the saddle. With unprecedented difficulty, threatening the power of the Byzantine fleet (which could block the Danube and lock the barbarians in Thrace), the invasion was repelled, but small detachments of the Slavs continued to cross the border almost unhindered and settled on the European lands of the empire, forming strong colonies.

Justinian's wars required the attraction of colossal funds. By the VI century. almost the entire army consisted of mercenary barbarian formations (Goths, Huns, Gepids, even Slavs, etc.). Citizens of all classes could only bear on their own shoulders the heavy burden of taxes, which increased from year to year. On this occasion, the autocrat himself frankly spoke out in one of the short stories: "The first duty of subjects and the best for them means of thanksgiving to the emperor is to pay public taxes in full with unconditional selflessness." A variety of methods were sought to replenish the treasury. Everything went into the course, up to trade in posts and damage to the coin by cutting it along the edges. The peasants were ruined by "epibola" - the assignment of neighboring empty plots to their lands forcibly with the requirement to use them and pay for new land tax. Justinian did not leave alone rich citizens, robbing them in every possible way. “With regard to money, Justinian was an insatiable man and such a hunter of the stranger that he gave the entire kingdom under his control to the rulers, partly to the tax collectors, partly to those people who, for no reason, like to plot against others. Almost all of their property was taken away from an uncountable number of wealthy people under insignificant pretexts. However, Justinian is not a bank of money ... ”(Evagrius,). "Not the shore" - it means not striving for personal enrichment, but using them for the good of the state - the way he understood this "good".

The economic measures of the emperor were reduced mainly to complete and strict control by the state over the activities of any manufacturer or merchant. The state monopoly on the production of a number of goods also brought considerable benefits. During the reign of Justinian, the empire acquired its own silk: two Nestorian missionaries, risking their lives, took out of China in their hollow staves the silkworm grens.

The production of silk, becoming a monopoly of the treasury, began to give it colossal revenues.

An enormous amount of money absorbed the most extensive construction. Justinian I covered both the European, Asian and African parts of the empire with a network of renovated and newly built cities and fortified points. For example, the cities of Dara, Amida, Antioch, Theodosiopolis and the dilapidated Greek Thermopylae and Danube Nikopol were rebuilt, for example, destroyed during the wars with Khosrov. Carthage, surrounded by new walls, was renamed Justiniana II (Taurisius became the first), and in the same way the rebuilt North African city of Bana was renamed Theodoris. At the behest of the emperor, new fortresses were erected in Asia - in Phenicia, Bithynia, Cappadocia. From the raids of the Slavs along the banks of the Danube, a powerful defensive line was built.

The list of cities and fortresses, one way or another affected by the construction of Justinian the Great, is huge. Not a single Byzantine ruler, either before him or after construction activities, conducted such volumes. Contemporaries and descendants were amazed not only by the scale of military installations, but also by the magnificent palaces and temples that remained from the time of Justinian everywhere - from Italy to Syrian Palmyra. And among them, of course, fabulous masterpiece the temple of St. Sophia in Constantinople, which has survived to this day, stands out (the Istanbul Hagia Sophia mosque, from the 30s of the XX century - a museum).

When in 532 during the city uprising the church of St. Sophia, Justinian decided to build a temple that would surpass all known examples. For five years, several thousand workers, led by Anthimius of Thrall, "in the art of so-called mechanics and construction, the most famous not only among his contemporaries, but even among those who lived long before him," and Isidore of Miletus, " a knowledgeable person in all respects ”(St. Kes.,), under the direct supervision of August himself, who laid the first stone in the foundation of the building, they erected a building that has been admiring until now. Suffice it to say that the dome of a larger diameter (at St. Sophia's - 31.4 m) was built in Europe only nine centuries later. The wisdom of the architects and the accuracy of the builders allowed the gigantic building to stand in a seismically active zone for more than fourteen and a half centuries.

Not only courage technical solutions, but the interior decoration of the main temple of the empire, unprecedented in beauty and richness, amazed everyone who saw it. After the consecration of the cathedral, Justinian walked around it and exclaimed: “Glory to God, who recognized me worthy to accomplish such a miracle. I have defeated you, O Solomon! " ... During the work, the emperor himself gave some valuable engineering advice, although he never studied architecture.

Paying tribute to God, Justinian did the same with respect to the monarch and the people, with splendor rebuilt the palace and the hippodrome.

Realizing his extensive plans to revive the former greatness of Rome, Justinian could not do without putting things in order in legislative affairs. During the time that has elapsed since the publication of the "Code of Theodosius", a mass of new, often conflicting imperial and praetorian edicts have appeared, and in general, by the middle of the 6th century. the old Roman law, having lost its former harmony, turned into a tangled heap of the fruits of legal thought, which provided a skilled interpreter with the opportunity to lead trials in one direction or another, depending on the benefits. For these reasons, the Vasileus ordered to carry out colossal work to streamline a huge number of decrees of the rulers and the entire heritage of ancient jurisprudence. In the 528-529 years. a commission of ten jurists, headed by lawyers Tribonian and Theophilus, codified the decrees of the emperors from Hadrian to Justinian in twelve books of the Code of Justinian, which has come down to us in the revised edition of 534. Decisions not included in this code were declared invalid. Since 530, a new commission of 16 people, headed by the same Tribonian, began drawing up a legal canon based on the vast material of all Roman jurisprudence. Thus, by 533, fifty books of the Digest appeared. In addition to them, "Institutions" were published - a semblance of a textbook for legal scholars. These works, as well as 154 imperial decrees (short stories) published in the period from 534 to the death of Justinian, constitute the Corpus Juris Civilis - "Code of Civil Law", not only the basis of all Byzantine and Western European medieval law, but also the most valuable historical source... At the end of the activities of the above-mentioned commissions, Justinian officially banned all legislative and critical activities of lawyers. Only translations of the Corpus into other languages ​​(mainly into Greek) and the compilation of short extracts from there were permitted. It was no longer possible to comment on and interpret the laws, and of the entire abundance of law schools, two remained in the Eastern Roman Empire - in Constantinople and Beirut (modern Beirut).

The attitude of Isapostle Justinian himself to law was fully consistent with his idea that there is nothing higher and holier than the imperial majesty. Justinian's statements on this score speak for themselves: "If any question seems dubious, let the emperor be informed about it, so that he would allow it with his autocratic power, which alone has the right to interpret the Law"; “The creators of law themselves said that the will of the monarch has the force of law”; “God subordinated the very laws to the emperor, sending him to people as an animated Law” (Novella 154,).

Justinian's active policy also affected the sphere of public administration. At the time of his accession, Byzantium was divided into two prefectures - East and Illyricum, which included 51 and 13 provinces, governed in accordance with the principle of separation of military, judicial and civil powers introduced by Diocletian. During Justinian's time, some provinces were merged into larger ones, in which all services, in contrast to the provinces of the old type, were headed by one person - duka (dux). This was especially true of territories remote from Constantinople, such as Italy and Africa, where exarchates were formed several decades later. In an effort to improve the structure of power, Justinian repeatedly carried out "cleansing" of the apparatus, trying to combat abuses of officials and embezzlement of the state. But this struggle was lost every time by the emperor: colossal sums collected in excess of taxes by the rulers settled in their own treasuries. Bribery flourished, despite the harsh laws passed against it. The influence of the Senate, Justinian (especially in the first years of his reign) reduced to almost zero, turning it into a body of obedient approval of the orders of the emperor.

In 541, Justinian abolished the consulate in Constantinople, declaring himself a consul for life, and at the same time stopped the expensive consular games (they took only 200 libre government gold annually).

Such an energetic activity of the emperor, which captured the entire population of the country and demanded exorbitant costs, aroused the discontent not only of the impoverished people, but also of the aristocracy who did not want to bother themselves, for which the ignorant Justinian was an upstart on the throne, and his restless ideas were too expensive. This discontent was realized in riots and conspiracies. In 548 a conspiracy of a certain Artavan was revealed, and in 562 the capital's rich ("money changers") Markell, Vita and others decided to stab an elderly Basileus during an audience. But a certain Avlavius ​​betrayed his comrades, and when Marcellus entered the palace with a dagger under his clothes, the guards seized him. Markell managed to stab himself, but the rest of the conspirators were detained, and they, under torture, declared the organizer of the assassination attempt on Belisarius. The slander worked, Belisarius fell out of favor, but Justinian did not dare to execute such a deserved person on unconfirmed charges.

It was not always calm among the soldiers either. For all their belligerence and experience in military affairs, the federates were never distinguished by discipline. United in tribal unions, they, violent and intemperate, often resented the command, and the management of such an army required considerable talent.

In 536, after the departure of Belisarius to Italy, some African units, outraged by Justinian's decision to annex all the lands of the Vandals to the fiscus (and not to distribute them to the soldiers, as they hoped for), rebelled, proclaiming the commander of a simple warrior Stotsu, “a brave and enterprising man "(Theoph.,). Almost the entire army supported him, and Stotsa laid siege to Carthage, where the few troops loyal to the emperor were locked behind the dilapidated walls. The military leader, the eunuch Solomon, together with the future historian Procopius, fled by sea to Syracuse, to Belisarius. He, having learned about what had happened, immediately boarded the ship and sailed to Carthage. Frightened by the news of the arrival of their former commander, the soldiers of Stotsa retreated from the walls of the city. But as soon as Belisarius left the African coast, the rebels resumed hostilities. Stotsa accepted into his army slaves who fled from the owners, and the soldiers of Gelimer who had escaped the defeat. Herman, appointed to Africa, suppressed the rebellion by force of gold and arms, but Stotsa with many supporters hid in Mauritania and harassed Justinian's African possessions for a long time, until in 545 he was killed in battle. Only by 548 was Africa finally pacified.

For almost the entire Italian campaign, the army, the supply of which was organized very poorly, expressed dissatisfaction and from time to time either flatly refused to fight or openly threatened to go over to the side of the enemy.

Popular movements did not subside either. With fire and sword, Orthodoxy, which was established on the territory of the state, caused religious riots in the outskirts. The Egyptian Monophisites constantly threatened to disrupt the supply of grain to the capital, and Justinian ordered to build a special fortress in Egypt to guard the grain collected in the state granary. The actions of the Gentiles - Jews (529) and Samaritans (556) - were suppressed with extreme cruelty.

Numerous battles between the rival circus parties of Constantinople, mainly Venets and Prasins (the largest - in 547, 549, 550, 559.562, 563) were bloody. Although sports disagreements were often only a manifestation of deeper factors, primarily dissatisfaction with the existing order (to dim different colors belonged to various social groups of the population), base passions also played a significant role, and therefore Procopius of Caesarea speaks of these parties with undisguised contempt: whom they sit during the spectacles, they began to squander money and subject themselves to the most severe corporal punishment and even shameful death. They start fights with their opponents, not knowing what they are putting themselves in danger for, and being, on the contrary, confident that, having won over them in these fights, they can expect nothing more than imprisonment, execution and death. ... Enmity towards opponents arises in them for no reason and remains forever; neither kinship, nor property, nor bonds of friendship are respected. Even siblings who stick to one of these flowers are at odds with each other. They have no need for either God's or human deeds, just to deceive their opponents. They do not need to the point that either side turns out to be wicked before God, that laws and civil society are insulted by their own people or their opponents, for even at the very time when they need, perhaps, the most necessary, when the fatherland is offended in the very essential, they do not worry about that, as long as they feel good. They call their accomplices a side ... I can’t call it otherwise than a mental illness ”.

It was with the clashes of the warring dims that the largest uprising in the history of Constantinople "Nika" began. At the beginning of January 532, during the games at the hippodrome, the prasinas began to complain about the Veneti (whose party enjoyed the greater favor of the court and especially the empress) and of the oppression by the imperial official Spafari Calopodius. In response, the blues began to threaten the greens and complain to the emperor. Justinian left all claims unheeded, the "greens" left the spectacle with insulting cries. The situation escalated, and there were clashes between warring factions. The next day, the eparch of the capital, Evdemon, ordered the hanging of several convicts for participating in the riot. It so happened that two - one Venet, the other Prasin - fell off the gallows twice and survived. When the executioner began to put the noose on them again, the crowd, who saw a miracle in the salvation of the condemned, repulsed them. Three days later, on January 13, the people began to demand pardon from the emperor for those who were “saved by God”. The refusal received caused a storm of indignation. People tumbled down from the hippodrome, destroying everything in its path. The eparch's palace was burned down, guards and hated officials were killed right on the streets. The rebels, leaving aside the differences of the circus parties, united and demanded the resignation of Prasin John the Cappadocian and the Veneti Tribonian and Eudemon. On January 14, the city became uncontrollable, the rebels knocked out the palace bars, Justinian removed John, Eudemon and Tribonian, but the people did not calm down. People continued to chant the slogans sounded the day before: "It would be better if Savvaty had not been born, he would not have given birth to a murderer son" and even "Another basileus to the Romans!" The barbarian squad of Belisarius tried to push back the raging crowds from the palace, and the clerics of the church of St. Sophia, with sacred objects in their hands, persuading the citizens to disperse. The incident caused a new fit of rage, stones fell from the rooftops at the soldiers, and Belisarius retreated. The building of the Senate and the streets adjacent to the palace were on fire. The fire raged for three days, the Senate, the Church of St. Sofia, the approaches to the palace square of Augusta and even the hospital of St. Samson along with the patients who were in it. Lydius wrote: "The city was a heap of blackening hills, like in Lipari or near Vesuvius, it was filled with smoke and ash, the smell of burning everywhere spreading made it uninhabited and its whole appearance inspired the viewer with horror mixed with pity." An atmosphere of violence and pogroms reigned everywhere, corpses were strewn in the streets. Many residents in panic crossed over to the other side of the Bosphorus. On January 17, the nephew of the emperor Anastasius Hypatius appeared to Justinian, assuring the basileus of his innocence to the conspiracy, since the rebels had already shouted Hypatius as the emperor. However, Justinian did not believe him and drove him out of the palace. On the morning of the 18th, the autocrat himself went out with the Gospel in his hands to the hippodrome, persuading the residents to stop the riots and openly regretting that he did not immediately heed the demands of the people. Some of the audience greeted him with cries: “You are lying! You are taking a false oath, donkey! " ... A cry flashed through the stands to make Hypatius emperor. Justinian left the hippodrome, and Hypatia, despite his desperate resistance and the tears of his wife, was dragged out of the house and dressed in captured royal clothes. Two hundred armed prasins came to, at the first demand, to make his way to the palace, a significant part of the senators joined the rebellion. The city guards, guarding the racetrack, refused to obey Belisarius and let his soldiers in. Tormented by fear, Justinian gathered in the palace a council from the courtiers who remained with him. The emperor was already inclined to flee, but Theodora, unlike her husband, retained courage, rejected this plan and forced the emperor to act. His eunuch Narses managed to bribe some influential "gays" and divert part of this party from further participation in the uprising. Soon, with difficulty making a detour through the burnt-out part of the city, from the north-west to the hippodrome (where Hypatius was listening to praise in his honor), Belisarius's detachment burst in, and on the orders of their commander, the soldiers began to shoot arrows into the crowd and strike right and left with swords. A huge, but disorganized mass of people mixed, and then through the circus "gates of the dead" (once through them the bodies of dead gladiators were carried out from the arena), soldiers of the three thousand barbarian detachment of Mund made their way into the arena. A terrible massacre began, after which about thirty thousand (!) Dead bodies remained in the stands and arena. Hypatius and his brother Pompey were captured and, at the insistence of the empress, beheaded, and the senators who joined them were punished. Nika's revolt is over. The unheard-of cruelty with which it was suppressed frightened the Romans for a long time. Soon the emperor reinstated the courtiers who had been removed in January in their former posts, without encountering any resistance.

Only in the last years of Justinian's reign did the popular discontent again begin to manifest itself openly. In 556, at the rallies dedicated to the founding day of Constantinople (May 11), the inhabitants shouted to the emperor: "Vasileus, [give from] abundance to the city!" (Theoph.,). It was with the Persian ambassadors, and Justinian, enraged, ordered many to be executed. In September 560, rumors spread through the capital of the death of the recently ill emperor. The city was seized by anarchy, gangs of robbers and the townspeople who joined them smashed and set fire to houses and bakeries. The riots were calmed down only by the eparch's quick wits: he immediately ordered that bulletins about the health of the basileus be posted in the most prominent places and arranged a festive illumination. In 563, the crowd threw stones at the newly appointed city eparch; in 565, in the Mezenziol quarter, the prasins fought for two days with soldiers and excuvites, many were killed.

Justinian continued the line, begun under Justin, on the dominance of Orthodoxy in all spheres of public life, persecuting dissidents in every possible way. At the very beginning of the reign, approx. 529, he promulgated a decree prohibiting taking on civil service"Heretics" and partial defeat in the rights of adherents of the unofficial church. "It is just," wrote the emperor, "to deprive the earthly blessings of the one who incorrectly worships God." As far as non-Christians were concerned, Justinian spoke even more harshly about them: "There should be no pagans on earth!" ...

In 529, the Platonic Academy in Athens was closed, and its teachers fled to Persia, seeking the favor of Tsarevich Khosrov, known for his scholarship and love of ancient philosophy.

The only heretical direction of Christianity that was not particularly persecuted was the Monophisite - partly because of the patronage of Theodora, and the basileus himself perfectly understood the danger of persecution of such a large number of citizens, who already kept the court in constant expectation of revolt. The 5th Ecumenical Council convened in Constantinople in 553 (there were two more church councils under Justinian - local councils in 536 and 543) made some concessions to the Monophisites. This council confirmed the condemnation of the teachings of the famous Christian theologian Origen, made in 543, as heretical.

Considering the church and the empire as one, Rome as his city, and himself as the supreme authority, Justinian easily recognized the supremacy of the popes (whom he could put at his discretion) over the Patriarchs of Constantinople.

The emperor himself gravitated towards theological disputes from a young age, and in old age this became his main hobby. In matters of faith, he was distinguished by scrupulousness: John of Nyussky, for example, reports that when Justinian was offered to use a certain magician and sorcerer against Khosrov Anushirvan, the Basileus rejected his services, exclaiming indignantly: “I, Justinian, the Christian emperor, will triumph with the help of demons? ! " ... He punished the guilty clergymen mercilessly: for example, in 527 two bishops convicted of sodomy were led by his order through the city with their genitals cut off as a reminder to the priests of the need for piety.

Justinian throughout his life embodied the ideal on earth: one and great God, one and great church, one and great power, one and great ruler. The achievement of this unity and greatness was paid for by the incredible exertion of the forces of the state, the impoverishment of the people and hundreds of thousands of victims. The Roman Empire was revived, but this colossus stood on feet of clay. Already the first successor of Justinian the Great, Justin II, in one of his short stories lamented that he had found the country in a terrible state.

In the last years of his life, the emperor became interested in theology and turned less and less to state affairs, preferring to spend time in the palace, in disputes with the hierarchs of the church or even ignorant ordinary monks. According to the poet Corippus, “the old emperor no longer cared about anything; as if already numb, he was completely immersed in the expectation of eternal life. His spirit was already in heaven. "

In the summer of 565, Justinian sent out the dogma about the incorruptibility of the body of Christ for discussion among the dioceses, but he did not receive any results - between November 11 and 14, Justinian the Great died, "after he filled the world with murmurings and troubles" (Evag.,). According to Agathius of Mirine, he was “the first, so to speak, among all those who reigned [in Byzantium. - SD] showed himself not in words, but in deeds as a Roman emperor. "

Dante Alighieri placed Justinian in paradise in The Divine Comedy.

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The emperor Justinian I(527-565). Emperor Justinian was very interested in religious issues, had knowledge in them and was an excellent dialectician. He, by the way, composed the chant "The Only Begotten Son and the Word of God." He exalted the Church in a legal sense, bestowed