Presentation on the topic in the Athens port of Piraeus. Northern Long Wall

Milagin Marina Vasilyevna

MOU "Shestakovskaya Oosh"

Volokolamsky district

Moscow region

Ancient writer exclaimed:

"Yes, you - Churban, if not seen Athens!

If I saw and did not admire, you are daring!

And if they voluntarily left them, you are a camel! "

Only Athenian citizens served on warships.

Poor citizens came here on earnings.

From Egypt brought:

linen fabrics


From North Africa carried

elephant bone.

Black Sea Colony


From the Black Sea colonies carried:

salty fish

clay vessels

marble statues

What were taken from Athens (p. 173)?

silver bracelets

wine and olive oil.

The famous Greek scholar Platon considered unfair "to enslave the Greek cities and tolerate that Hellenes become slaves of other Ellinov."

Does this mean that Plato condemned slavery as such? When did the attacks cease to turn into the slaves of the Greeks? In which state of the Greeks were kept in the Slavery of the Greeks?

"The slave neglect, not the submits of Mr. the command of strict on the case, for the work he himself will not take the hunt ..."

"Bay, Bay, Soul, Davi, Loggy, Derie, Cool joints, you can put bricks on the stomach, you can do everything."

What was the position of slaves in the attic?

During the Peloponnesian War from Athens, 20 thousand slaves ran to Sparta. In Athens, after that, all economic life stopped. Why?

The Greek speaker Demosphen told about the workshop of the production of beds, where 90 slave masters worked; The father of Demosphen had a weapon workshop in which 32 Master-slave worked; Orator of Lisys had a workshop on the manufacture of shields in which 100 slaves worked; The rich room had 1000 slaves who worked in the mines.

What do these facts say?

To interfere with slaves, the owners locked them overnight in stuffy dungeons, applying collars, foot chains and hand wheels, branded their faces with hot iron.

How does this characterize the position of slaves?

Choose the correct answer:

A \\ What occupation did not favor the nature of Greece: cattle breeding, agriculture, craft, fisheries.

B \\ What groups were divided by the population of attic: Spartans and Ilota, Demos and Aristocrats, Peasants and Feodales.

In the \\ judge in Attika could be: any citizen, a man who has reached 30 years old, the poor, know.

A g \\ of a weak and ugly child in Sparta: he treated, trained, threw into the abyss.

D \\ Falang is: Square in Athens, Military Stroy Greeks, People's Assembly, City in Greece.

E \\ Debt slavery canceled: Solon, Feminist, Leonid, Miltiadia.

Zh \\ Persians in the marathon battle commanded: Xerxes, Darius.

S \\ correlate: (Attica, Sparta) and (slaves belonged to the state, slaves belonged to slave owners, the slave did not have anything, slaves took part of the crop)

Find the correct answer:

And \\ what cultures were grown in Greece: grapes, sugar cane, olives, rice, barley.

B \\ in the VII century peasants for debts: executed, turned into slaves, sent out of the country.

In \\ correlate: (Salaminsky fight, battle in Fermopils, Marathon battle) and (490 BC and 480 g BC).

G \\ Solon canceled: taxes, debt slavery, training fee.

D \\ The population of Sparta was divided into: demos and aristocracy, Ilotov and Spartans, Bur-Zhuazia and proletariat.

Well \\ Who won the Marathon Battle: Athens, Persians, Sparta, Athens and Payments.

S \\ correlate: (Fermopylene battle, Salaminsky fight) and (at sea, on land, defeated the Greeks, defeated Persians, Triers, Leonid).


P. 171 Clause 1

P. 172 Paragraph 2

"Antique Greece" - Gometer and man. V.serov. Frameological turns. 7. Mythological plots in works of art. Prometheus. Crater Circle Master Antimony about 500 g. BC. 5. Scythos. Hercules and Erimanf Caban. Turnover: hetera and young man. The ancient culture of the Mediterranean is considered the greatest creation of humanity.

"Democracy in Athens" - All citizens of Athens participated in the meeting. Demos rebel against nobles! Judge's oath: for the majority of Holsters. Fastening the material: an archon could become any richness. Test on the topic "Know and Demos in the Athens Policy". Solon about his reform: What is shown in the picture? Employment of Solon is great power.

"Athens Democracy" - in Athenian schools and gymnasiums. In schools were taught to read and write, count and draw. Greek philosopher Krasipp. Greek school. People's Assembly. Trade development. Democracy in Athens. Vase of animal style (Iran). Pyphos. Rights and obligations. Jury trial. BlackFigure painting. In the city of Goddess Athens.

"The birth of democracy in Athens" - Solon reforms. Changes in the management of Athens. Development requirements. Elected from the nobility and from Demos consists of nobility and demos divides power with the demos, the people participate in management. "Demos" + "Short" \u003d democracy (people) (power) (power of the people). The origin of democracy in Athens. Solon - elected archon in the 594th BC.

"Crete civilization" - died in the 15th century BC. From the eruption of the volcano. Were at a lower level of development. Second Cretan Civilization. The belonging of the people is not known. Crete (Cretan or Minoan Civilization). In the 13th century, Ahasey Greece underwent the invasion of Dorians. Frescoes of the Palace Palace Working with a textbook page 66.

"Game on ancient Greece" - Yes, in the Athenian Temple, Erehechteion Roof, the portico supported the statues of girls. Geography and nature Answer: from the East - the Aegean Sea, from the West - the Ionian Sea. Grain, papyrus, ivory. Winged expressions Answer: Dragon laws. Mythology Answer: Sparta 50 points. Greek-Persian Wars Answer: Marathon battle.

Total in the subject of 33 presentations