Ekaterina II - the Great Russian Empress. Ekaterina II - Great Russian Empress Presentation Pro Catherine 2 on History

In February 1744, the fourteen-year-old Princess Sofia Augustus Frederick Dorothea Anhalt Crebstskaya arrives in Russia to represent Empress Elizabeth Petrovna and the future husband, the heir to the throne to the great prince Peter Fedorovich, the wedding with whom took place in a year. In February 1744, the fourteen-year-old Princess Sofia Augustus Frederick Dorothea Anhalt Crebstskaya arrives in Russia to represent Empress Elizabeth Petrovna and the future husband, the heir to the throne to the great prince Peter Fedorovich, the wedding with whom took place in a year. A stranger country struck the young princess from a small German principality to the immensity of spaces and the scope with which they were built here, they had fun, intrigued. A stranger country struck the young princess from a small German principality to the immensity of spaces and the scope with which they were built here, they had fun, intrigued.

Ekaterina received a home education: he studied German and french languages, dance, music, basics of history, geography, theology. Already in childhood, her independent nature, curiousness, perseverance, and at the same time, the tendency to live, rolling games, Ekaterina received a home education: he studied German and French, dancing, music, basics of history, geography, theology. Already in childhood, its independent character, curiosity, perseverance, and at the same time a tendency to live, moving games

Catherine, according to the Austrian diplomat, Prince de Lin, "was distinguished by huge diving and a subtle mind ... Ambigid it was infinitely, but she knew how to direct him to prudent goals." June 28, 1762, as a result of a political coup, it becomes Empress Catherine II. Contemporaries and descendants will be called Great, and the era of her reign is a "brilliant age." Catherine, according to the Austrian diplomat, Prince de Lin, "was distinguished by huge diving and a subtle mind ... Ambigid it was infinitely, but she knew how to direct him to prudent goals." June 28, 1762, as a result of a political coup, it becomes Empress Catherine II. Contemporaries and descendants will be called Great, and the era of her reign is a "brilliant age."

In winter, on the usual days, the sovereign was rising at 6 o'clock and until 9 engaged in a mirror office, diverting the morning of serious work - writings, editing of laws and various state acts. At the same time, she saw the steady coffee, and thick cream, biscuits and sugar served to breakfast were taken to her beloved tolerances. In winter, on the usual days, the sovereign was rising at 6 o'clock and until 9 engaged in a mirror office, diverting the morning of serious work - writings, editing of laws and various state acts. At the same time, she saw the steady coffee, and thick cream, biscuits and sugar served to breakfast were taken to her beloved tolerances.

In the tenth hour, the Empress went into the bedroom, where he listened to reports for three hours. After noon, the grandchildren came to her for "congratulations on a good day." Before Dinner, Catherine II was reading books or "samples", and after - foreign mail. At 6 o'clock began the evening assembly in her rest or performances in the Hermitage Theater. Guests traveled to the 10th hour of the evening, and at 11 the sovereign had already cleaned. This schedule was related to weekdays, solemn techniques, balls and masquerades were added on holidays. In the tenth hour, the Empress went into the bedroom, where he listened to reports for three hours. After noon, the grandchildren came to her for "congratulations on a good day." Before Dinner, Catherine II was reading books or "samples", and after - foreign mail. At 6 o'clock began the evening assembly in her rest or performances in the Hermitage Theater. Guests traveled to the 10th hour of the evening, and at 11 the sovereign had already cleaned. This schedule was related to weekdays, solemn techniques, balls and masquerades were added on holidays.

Under Catherine II, as a result of Russian-Turkish wars, Russia finally fixed in the Black Sea, sowing were joined. Black Sea, Crimea, Prikubye. Eastern Georgia took under Russian citizenship (1783). During the Board of Catherine II, the sections of the Commonwealth speech were carried out. Corresponded with the Voltaire and other figures of French enlightenment. The author of many fiction, dramaturgical, journalistic, scientific works, "notes". Under Catherine II, as a result of Russian-Turkish wars, Russia finally fixed in the Black Sea, sowing were joined. Black Sea, Crimea, Prikubye. Eastern Georgia took under Russian citizenship (1783). During the Board of Catherine II, the sections of the Commonwealth speech were carried out. Corresponded with the Voltaire and other figures of French enlightenment. The author of many fiction, dramaturgical, journalistic, scientific works, "notes".

Catherine II orders to remake the lush interiors of the Winter Palace according to the tastes of time. Next to the palace, for "pleasant entertainment and fun fun", the building is being built, which she calls "Hermitage", which means "shelter's shelter". Pictures, bronze, carved stones, decorated with her "desert", soon do not fit into small Hermitage rooms, and a new building is built for increasing collections - a large Hermitage. When buying the works of famous masters in Europe, sometimes whole art galleries, Catherine II inspires Europe - kings, philosophers, bankers - that Russia flourishes and gracious under the Scepter of the Mighty Monarch. Catherine II orders to remake the lush interiors of the Winter Palace according to the tastes of time. Next to the palace, for "pleasant entertainment and fun fun", the building is being built, which she calls "Hermitage", which means "shelter's shelter". Pictures, bronze, carved stones, decorated with her "desert", soon do not fit into small Hermitage rooms, and a new building is built for increasing collections - a large Hermitage. When buying the works of famous masters in Europe, sometimes whole art galleries, Catherine II inspires Europe - kings, philosophers, bankers - that Russia flourishes and gracious under the Scepter of the Mighty Monarch.

Another enthusiasm of the enlightened empress was theater. The first theatrical productions are held in the walls of the Small Hermitage, and in 1783 the building of the Hermitage Theater is being erected. Another enthusiasm of the enlightened empress was theater. The first theatrical productions are held in the walls of the Small Hermitage, and in 1783 the building of the Hermitage Theater is being erected. In gg By order of Catherine II, near the North Pavilion of the Small Hermitage on the banks of the Neva, a building was built, superioring it with his size and therefore called "big Hermitage". In gg By order of Catherine II, near the North Pavilion of the Small Hermitage on the banks of the Neva, a building was built, superioring it with his size and therefore called "big Hermitage".

In 1790, the Empress wrote M. Grimma: "My museum in the Hermitage consists, not counting paintings and loggias of Rafael, out of 38 thousand books, four rooms filled with books and engravings, 10 thousand carved stones, approximately 10 thousand drawings and the assembly of naturally scientific Filling two big halls. " Catalog of 1783, which included paintings in the Winter Palace and Hermitage, mentions 2658 caved. Staying during the reign of Catherine of the great personal collection of the empress, the Hermitage Picture Gallery became the largest collection of painting in Europe. In 1790, the Empress wrote M. Grimma: "My museum in the Hermitage consists, not counting paintings and loggias of Rafael, out of 38 thousand books, four rooms filled with books and engravings, 10 thousand carved stones, approximately 10 thousand drawings and the assembly of naturally scientific Filling two big halls. " Catalog of 1783, which included paintings in the Winter Palace and Hermitage, mentions 2658 caved. Staying during the reign of Catherine of the great personal collection of the empress, the Hermitage Picture Gallery became the largest collection of painting in Europe.

Hermitage Hermitage State Hermitage occupies six majestic buildings located along the Neva Embankment in the heart of St. Petersburg. The leading place in this unique architectural ensemble, which pretended in the XVIII - XIX centuries, occupies the Winter Palace - the residence of the Russian kings, built in the years on the project FB. Rastrelli. The museum complex also includes the eastern wing of the building of the General Staff, Menshikov Palace and the Newly Built Focus. The State Hermitage occupies six majestic buildings along the Neva Embankment in the heart of St. Petersburg. The leading place in this unique architectural ensemble, which pretended in the XVIII - XIX centuries, occupies the Winter Palace - the residence of the Russian kings, built in the years on the project FB. Rastrelli. The museum complex also includes the eastern wing of the building of the General Staff, Menshikov Palace and the Newly Built Focus.

For almost two and a half century, one of the largest collections are collected in the Hermitage, which has about three million works of art and monuments of world culture, starting from the Stone Age to our century. For almost two and a half century, one of the largest collections are collected in the Hermitage, which has about three million works of art and monuments of world culture, starting from the Stone Age to our century.

Now the collection of the Hermitage consists of 6 sections: primitive culture, ancient world, culture of the peoples of the East, the history of Russian culture (includes the palace interiors and the "Gallery of 1812" - portraits of the heroes of the Patriotic War of 1812, and b. Palace Menshikova, Winter Palace Peter I) , Numismatics, Western European art. Now the collection of the Hermitage consists of 6 sections: primitive culture, ancient world, culture of the peoples of the East, the history of Russian culture (includes the palace interiors and the "Gallery of 1812" - portraits of the heroes of the Patriotic War of 1812, and b. Palace Menshikova, Winter Palace Peter I) , Numismatics, Western European art.

In all the expositions of the Hermitage, only genuine things are exhibiting. No copies, there are no casts among them. Currently, more than 2 million 800 thousand exhibits are stored in the museum (their number is constantly growing). More than 350 rooms are displayed for displaying collections. In all the expositions of the Hermitage, only genuine things are exhibiting. No copies, there are no casts among them. Currently, more than 2 million 800 thousand exhibits are stored in the museum (their number is constantly growing). More than 350 rooms are displayed for displaying collections.

Person Suit Peter I, near wool, flax, metal thread; Sukno, canvas, embroidery Unique complex of male dresses of the first quarter of the XVIII century. From the Hermitage Assembly, known as the "Wardrite of Peter I", - there are about 300 items of clothing belonging to Peter I. Unique complex of male dresses of the first quarter of the XVIII century. From the Hermitage Assembly, known as the "Wardrobe of Peter I", - has about 300 items of clothing belonging to Peter I.

Endirla dress Catherine II in the form of the Life Guards of the Transfiguration Shelf 1763. Mundar Dress Catherine II in the form of the Life Guard of the Preobrazhensky Regiment 1763 Saint Petersburg Saint Petersburg Silk, Golden Shaped Galun, Metal; stamping, silk gilding, gold shaped galoon, metal; Stamping, gilding

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At 33, Catherine II occupied the Russian throne 33 years - the age of Christ. What does this mean?

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Catherine In Youth Childhood and Youth Sofia Frederic Anhalt-Crebstskaya, from those events I remember a meeting with the old priest, who watched on Sofia, said her mother: "Your daughter is awaiting a great future. I see her three crowns on the forehead "on arrival in Russia, Sofia received a new faith and the name - Ekaterina Alekseevna for her and for her bridegroom, Peter Ulrich, was appointed educator - N.I. Panin with an unusual perseverance of Catherine examines the language, morals, Culture, rises at night. "Too clever," says Elizabeth I say and orders to stop classes

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The reasons for the overthrow of Peter III "Extremes" Peter III repulsed the nobility of the ridiculous completion of the war with Prussia

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Conspiracy of participants and supporters of the conspiracy: Brothers Orlov, Glebov (Prosecutor General), Corf (Chief of Police), K.Razumovsky (Ukrainian Hetman) What does the composition of the conspirators mean? Reason: the arrest of the PRESOPACE PRESS, participant of the conspiracy. Ekaterina Alekseevna in the Mundire of Preobrazhensky Regiment

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On June 28, 1762, Early in the morning, Catherine came to the barracks of the Guards Izmailovsky Regiment and took the oath of Izmailov, Preobrachters, Semenovtsev, Connogvardeys. Catherine jurisdrew on Ekaterina members of the Synod and Senate. Peter was in Oranienbaum, could not get to Kronstadt, and was arrested. Then I was exiled to Ropshu, where July 6 was killed in the scuffle. Grigory Orlov

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In his memoirs, Catherine has so characterized the state of Russia at the beginning of its reign: finances were exhausted. The army did not receive a salary for 3 months. Trade was in decline, because many of its industries were given to a monopoly. There was no correct system in state economy. Military department was immersed in debt; Sea barely held, being in extreme disregard. The clergy was displeased with his lands. Justice was sold with trade, and the laws were guided only in cases where they favored the face of strong

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Politics "Enlightened Absolutism" Adaptation to capitalist use

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Politics of "Enlightened Absolutism" of 1762 - Manifesto on the liberty of the nobility of 1765 - Free Economic Society of 1764 - Decree on the secularization of church possessions Decree on the liquidation of the Office of Secret Search for Senate Reform (N.I. Panin) 1767 - convocation Mounted Commission "Catherine - Legislator"

And Famous Russian Queen Catherine The Great Catherine II The Presentation Was Made by Maricheva Veronika (10 "B"). Teacher: Astapova Olga Alexandrovna.

Catherine The Great Catherine II Catherine II ALSO KNOWN AS Catherine The Great Was Born in Stettin, Pomerania, Germany On 2 May 1729. She Reigned As Empress of Russia From 9 July 1762 After The Assassination of Husband, Peter III, Just After the End Of the Seven Year's War Until Her Death On 17 November 1795. Under Her Direct Auspices The Russian Empire Expanded, Improved It's Administration, and Continued to Modemize Along Western European Lines. Catherine's Rule Re-Vitalized Russia, Which Grew Stronger Than Ever And Became Recognized As One Of The Great Powers of Europe.

Early Life Catherine "s Father Christian Augusta, Prince of Anhalt-Zerbst Belonged to the Rank of Arsian General In His Capacity As Sophia Augustin. Born As Sophia Augusta Frederica in Stretin, Pomerania , Catherine did have some (very remote) Russian ancestry. Catherine "s mother Johanna Elisabeth of Holctein-Gottorp had been brought up at the court of Brunswick, by her godmother and aunt by marriage, Elisabeth Sophie Marie, the Duchess of Brunswick- Luneberg , To Whom The Duke of Holstein- Gottorp Was Glad to Relinquish One Of His Several Daughters. Joanna Elisabeth Grew Up On The Same Footing As Her Cousin, The Duchess "S Daughter and It Was The Duchess Who Arranged Her Marriage at 15 and Provided Her Dowry. Joanna Elisabeth Was Married in 1727 to Prince Christian August of Anhalt-Zerbst, Who Coincidently Had The Same Christian Name As Her Father, Who Had Died The Previous Year. Christian August, Prince of Anhalt-Zerbst Johanna Elisabeth of Holtein - Gottorp

After The Death of The Empress Elizabeth On 5 January 1762 Peter, The Grand Duke of Holstein- Gottorp, Succeeded to the Throne As Peter III Of Russia, And His Wife, Grand Duchess Catherine Became Empress Consort of Russia.

Revolution On June, 28th, 1762 After The Relass with the Husband Spoilt and After the Emperor Last His Guards Trust, Ekaterina Participated in a Revolution. HER FELLOW-FIGHTSERS, AMONG WERE WERE THE ORLOV BROTHERS, POTYOMKIN AND HITROVO, WERE ENGAGED IN PROPAGANDA IN HOUSEHOLD TROOPS AND INCLINED THERE TO JOIN THEM. Early In The Morning On June, 28th, 1762, While Peter III Was In Oranienbaum, Ekaterina Accompanied by Alexey and Grigory Orlov Arrived from Peterhof to St.-Petersburg Where The Household Troops Swore Their Fidelity to Her. Peter III, Seeing Hopelessness Of Resistance, The Next Day Abdicated, Was Detained and Was Lost Under Obscure Circumstances.

Coronation After Renunciation of the Husband Ekaterina Alekseevna Come to the Throne As The Reigning Empress with thene of Catherine II.

Foreign Affairs The Foreign Policy of the Russian State At Ekaterina Was Directed on Strengthening of a Role of Russia In The World and Expansion of Its Territory. The Motto of Its Diplomacy Consisted Of The Following: "IT IS NECESSARY TO BE FRIENDS WITH ALLESIAN TO TAKE THE SIDE OF WEAKER ... FOR ANYBODY A TAIL NOT TO BE DRAGGED» DURING HER reign Catherine extended the borders of the Russian Empire southward and westward to absorb New Russia, Crimea, Northern Caucasus, Right-Bank Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania at the expense, mainly, of two powers - the Ottoman Empire and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. All Told, She Added Some 200,000 Miles² (518,000 km²) to Russian Territory. Catherine Agreed to A Commercial Treaty With Great Britain in 1766, But Stopped Short Of A Full Military Alliance. Although She Could See The Benefits of Britain "S Friendship, She Was Wary of Britain" S Increased Power Following Their Victory in the Seven Years War, Which Threatened The European Balance of Power

INTERNAL POLICY A LOT OF REFORMS WERE CARRIED OUT BY CATHERINE II IN RUSSIA. She was able to systematize authorities and to differentiate the territory of the Russian empire, as a result of provincial reform In Ekaterina's time there was an autocracy strengthening, strengthening of officialdom, centralization of the country and control system unification. The Criticism of a Leaving Feudal Society Was Their Basic Idea.

Personal Life Catherine, Throughout Her Long Reign, Took Many Lovers, Often Elevating Them to High Positions for As Long As Them Off with Large Estates and Gifts of Serfs. After her affair with her lover and capable adviser Grigori Alexandrovich Potemkin ended in 1776, he would allegedly select a candidate-lover for her who had both the physical beauty as well as the mental faculties to hold Catherine "s interest (such as Alexander Dmitriev- Mamonov). Some of these Men Loved Her in Return, and She Always SHOWED GENEROSITY TOWARS HER Lovers, Even After The End of An Affair. One Of Her Lovers, Zavadovsky, Received 50,000 RUBLES, A Pension of 5,000 RUBLES, and 4,000 PeaSants in The Ukraine Afterher She Dismissed Him In 1777. The Last Of Her Lovers, Prince Zubov, Was 40 years old Her Junior.

Catherine The Great and Grigori Potemkin

Children Ekaterina The Great Ekaterina undoubtedly Had Three Children, And The Authenticity of the Fourth One Is Not Confirmed. Pavel The First Alexey Bobrinsky Anna Petrovna ELIZABETH Grigorevna Temkina

Catherine The Great Ruled for 34 Years and Left A Bright Trace in the History of Russia. Her Reign Is Famous for the Empress and Her Outstanding Qualities As A Stateswoman. During These Years The Autocracy in The Russian Empire Become Stronger and Modernized, There Were Rudiments of A Civil Society; For the first Time The Issue of Softening Or Even Serfdom Cancellation Was Considered and Concepts of Freedom and Individual Rights Were Raised.

Catherine Great. Catherine Great -. Catherine II. Rocket troops and artillery. The name of Catherine. Catherine II. Space troops. TYPES. Special troops. Great Empress. Internal policy of Catherine 2. Rocket troops of strategic appointment. The uprising under the leadership of K. Bulavin. Border troops in Russia.

Board of Catherine II. Anti-aircraft missile troops. Internal policy of Catherine II. The troops of aerospace defense. Catherine II Great. The peasant war under the leadership of E.I. Pugachev. The peasant war under the leadership of E.I. Pugacheva. "Enlightened Absolutism" Catherine II. The peasant war of Emelyan Pugacheva.

Debt Catherine. Pougacheva's identity of Emelyan. Foreign policy of Catherine II. Internal and foreign policy of Catherine II. To the eorde on the throne of Catherine II. Other troops, their composition, purpose. Foreign policy of Russia in the Board of Catherine II. Uba Ekaterina Vladimirovna. Future Empress Ekaterina II. Regalia of the Kuban Cossack troops.

The history of the development of space troops. Catherine Rylov. The name of Russia is Catherine Great. The internal policy of Catherine the second. Features of the internal policy of Catherine II. The name of Catherine naschained. The name of Catherine has anneached. Russia's economy Times Catherine 2. The first Atamans of the Black Sea Cossack troops. Catherine II Great (1729-1796).

Prikhodko Ekaterina Grigorievna. Kakorina Ekaterina Petrovna. Fadeeva Ekaterina Vasilyevna. The peasant war under the leadership of E.I. Pugacheva 1773 -1775 Predecessors of special purpose troops. On April 8, 1783, Manifesto Catherine II on the accession of the Crimea to Russia was published.