Russian folk fairy tale like a man. Sunny man

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Smart man - Russian folk fairytale

The fairy tale about a snack poor man who knew how to divide everything in fairness and not offend himself!

Smart man read

In one village there were two men: one was rich, and the other is poor. A rich man is only plenty, and the poor is a lot of children, and only good one goose.

And it came to the fact that there was nothing to feed the poor to feed. What should be done here? I thought, I thought, how to be than children to feed, and thought up:

Zhar, hostess, goose!

Roasted goose, put on the table, and bread does not have a crumb. Says man:

Well, how do you become without bread, there will be enough for us for a long time? It would be better to take the goose Barina, I will ask her bread.

Stay, hubby, go, - the wife says, - maybe, at least, the flour will give.

Men came to Barina:

I brought you a goose, do not scream to take, but I have a little flour give me a lot of food to feed.

Well, okay, - Barin says. - you knew how to go a goose, we must divide him between us without resentment.

We share without a resentment - Velo award, and not you will be able to leave.

And the family of that Barin: Himself with his wife, two sons and two daughters - just six.

He asked the man's knife and began to go a goose. At first cut off his head, serves Barina:

You all house head - so here is the goose head.

Cut off the ruin, the launcher serves:

You can sit at home, look at the house - here's a soup.

Sliced \u200b\u200bhis paws, gives sons:

Here you are on the leg - trample the father's tracks.

And daughters on the wings gave:

You and your father, with a mother, not a century to live - grow up, fly away, to write its nest.

I took the rest. And the man is gray and stupid - I should gloach Hlup.

Laughed Barin:

Well, a man, a goose divided and no offense left!

She brought the cup of Vints and ordered two bags of flour to a poor man.

Heard about the rich man, envied the poor man. Fruit five bold geese, brought Barina, it myself bowed:

Do not scream, your grace, take five quenched geese for a bow from me!

Thank you, brother, thank you! You managed to give me a geese, sake your gift between us without resentment to divide. If you share without a resentment - a reward, and we will not be able to divide - veil on the stable stroke.

It is worth a rich man, picks up and so and Syak - not to divide five geese between six people.

Barin poorly called:

Can you divide five geese?

And why not divide! - answers the poor man.

Serves one goose Barina with a lady:

Two you are - here's a goose. Now you have become three.

Another goose two sons filed:

And now three has become three.

The third serves two daughters:

And you became three.

Two other geese took himself:

And we became three. No one is offended.

Barin laughed:

Well, well done, man! He knew how to divide, and did not forget himself!

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Guy - a frequent hero of Russian folk fairy tales. This character meets in fairy tales of animals ("tops and roots)", and in domestic ("about need", "Barin and Man"), and in the magical ("Ivan, Menietary Son"). There is a special category of works, closed with epics and legends. A vivid example of such a fairy tale - Nikita Kozhemyaka.

Guy in Russian folk tales

The image of the peasant man in folk tales

Whatever the genre of the work, the image of a man has characteristic features:

  • Relative poverty. A man is not necessarily completely poor. It can be quite prosperous. But in any case, he is poorer, Barin or merchant, not to mention the king. At the same time, poverty is usually advantageous. More precisely, this quality is characteristic of a positive character. If there are two men, rich and poor, sympathy of the story will appear in the fairy tale on the side of the second.
  • Watchless. A man, even rich, is at the very bottom of the social staircase. All for him the power, before all he is powerless.
  • Non-formation. The man knows only what around him is his village and the nearest city where it goes to the fair. The rest is familiar to him only by peep, often - in distorted form. He is naive and often becomes a victim of an angry joke or deception.

But the man was not in vain became one of the key characters of the folk fairy tale. It compensates for personal qualities.

  • Natural mind. Let the man unequal, but it has a practical surf and common sense. And therefore, it can be overlooked in the dispute and with Pop, and with the king, and with the landlord. In the "tops and roots" a man cannot cope with stupid, but strong and greedy bear, so deceiving him.
  • Justice. Even trying to get out of the complex position, the man does not deceive the disadvantaged and does not offend the weak. The victims of his jokes, sometimes and evil, are only those who deserve such a relationship. In the fairy tale "About need", a man steals from Barina Horses. But Barin is rich because it worked a lot. He is a loaf, freezing on someone else's work, while stupid and indifferent. And the peasant did not just led the top three, he showed Barina that such a need - that is, put him in a position equal to his.
  • Goodworking. In folk fairy tales, especially domestic, much attention is paid to the difficult peasant work. The man works from dawn to sunset, without complaints and reproaches.
  • Generosity and mercy. To divide with the latest bread from those in need, to pay the latter shirt to the disadvantaged - the common storyline in Russian folk fairy tales. The chief hero that has fallen into a difficult situation, often helps a poor peasant, and not boyar or pop. The strings of the fairy tale "Ivan, Menietary Son" serves just such a plot: the peasant disinterestedly helps the wounded eagle, he cares him.

At the same time, the folk tale is not idealizing a man. Often the peasant is coward, fearless is a consequence of his hard life. In many fairy tales, the exceptional poverty of the man is explained by his stupidity and impracticality. The pronounced feature of the character of this character is a naive dream of instant wealth without much effort. Classic example - The fairy tale "By whining kettling." Emelya was lazy and stupid, but caught a magical pike, and his life changed. He became rich, smart, beautiful, almost omnipotent and married the princess. For people, hardly working every day, such a dream of a magic assistant who simply gives happiness, was the only way to brighten a difficult life.

But all these shortcomings only make a character of a little bit. A man in fairy tales - the salt of the earth, the state, albeit fabulous. And when the trouble comes, he gets his breasts on the defense of the fatherland. The man does it without joy - he peacefully live and does not like to fight. But the enemy will not give a descent. Nikita Kozhemyaka, Ilya Muromets - immigrants from the peasant class. We, contemporaries, the folk tale may seem too simple, naive, even in something ridiculous. But she is always sincere. That was how people saw the world who lived many centuries ago. The Russian man is externally modest. This is not a hero in shining armor. But he lives, fights and wins - as it can.

Two men lived in one village: one rich, and the other poor. A rich man is only plenty, and the poor is a lot of children, and only good one goose. And it came to the fact that there was nothing to feed the poor to feed. What should be done here?

I thought, I thought, how to be than children to feed, and thought up:

Zhar, hostess, goose!

Roasted the mistress of the goose, put on the table, and the bread is neither crumbs.

Says man:

Well, how do you become without bread, there will be enough goose for a long time? It would be better to take his Barina, he will ask her bread.

Stay, hubby, go, - says the wife, - Maybe, at least, the flour will give.

Men came to Barina:

Brought you a goose, do not scream, and I have a little flour give me - there are nothing to feed the children.

Well, okay, - Barin says. - you knew how to go a goose, we must divide him between us without resentment.

We share without resentment - I will give flour, and you can not be able to leave.

And the family of that Barin: Himself with his wife, two sons and two daughters - just six. He asked the man's knife and began to go a goose. At first cut off his head, serves Barina:

You all house head - so here is the goose head.

Cut off the ruin, the launcher serves:

You can sit at home, look at the house - here's a soup.

Sliced \u200b\u200bhis paws, gives sons:

Here you are on the leg - trample the father's tracks.

And daughters on the wings gave:

You and your father, with a mother, not a century to live - grow up, fly away, to write its nest.

The rest of myself took:

And the man is gray and stupid - I should gloach Hlup.

Laughed Barin:

Well, a man, a goose divided and no offense left!

Run a cup of wine and ordered two bags of flour to a poor man.

Heard about the rich man, envied the poor man. Fruit five bold geese, brought Barina, it myself bowed:

Do not scream, your grace, take five fodder geese for a bow!

Thank you, brother, thank you! You managed to give me a geese, sake your gift between us without resentment to divide. If you share without a resentment - a reward, and we will not be able to divide - veil on the stable stroke.

It is worth a rich man, picks up and so and Syak - not to divide five geese between six people.

Barin poorly called:

Can you divide five geese?

And why not divide! - answers the poor man.

Serves one goose Barina with a lady:

Two you are - here's a goose. Now you have become three.

Another goose two sons filed:

And now three has become three.

The third serves two daughters:

And you became three.

Two other geese took himself:

And we became three. No one is offended.

Barin laughed:

Well, well done, man! He knew how to divide, and did not forget himself!

She brought him a glass of wine, ordered the flour to give it, and the rich man was sent to the stable, told me.

About fairy tale

Russian folk fairy tale "Like a man geese divided"

In Russia, it is customary to dislike those who live better. Especially if it is a boss, a tricky neighbor or, as in this children's fairy tale - Barin. But from any rule there are exceptions. It happens that the owner of the estate, and sometimes serfs - this is not a cruel and nasty fool, but a pleasant, wonderful person who is not deprived of a sense of humor.

In this children's history is described just such. He has a big and friendly family, and he is fair. Guy, here, as in most Russian folk books, smart, and resourceful. But theother the main character, also a barin, not so positive, he is nih, believes that money does not happen much and constantly wants to improve their welfare, but not at the expense of its original ideas, but due to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe man.

Summary of text

In one village they were hungry times, but the wise man did not want to put up with a sad reality. He decided to ask for a few livelihoods, from Barin. But not to go to him with empty hands, he considered it necessary to take a small rollback with him - fried goose.

Barin thanked him for a similar gift and complained that the bird is alone, and his family is great. And the peasant was not confused and began to share an offer. He head of the clan he highlighted his head, he "head", his wife - "Zada", she always follows her husband, their sons - legs, they are "trapping" of the father's estate, the daughters of the wings, because they will flee from home socket. He also granted remnants, i.e. All the rest of the goose. The owner was not angry because of such a division, even on the contrary, he appreciated the peasant tolerance and besides meat awarded him as money.

This learned the greedy neighbor Barin. He wanted to also get easy money, and, of course, he needed a much big amount than he got a man. The cunning gentleman fastened five goose carcashers and recovered on the bow. He was also offered to divide gifts. But he could not come up with how to do it right. It was necessary to call a person more knowledgeable in this matter - a man. He suggested dividing the goose in such a way that everyone came out already on three goose, out of five possible. From the sons, daughters and parents, along with Gusen, the trio came out, and the resourceful worker got two full birds, and even rewards from the Barin.

After reading this instructive children's fairy tale, a number of simple conclusions can be made:

- Sophisticable and purposeful learning will never be left not the lot, because It will always work on life thanks to a practically congenital ammunition;

- greed is still a vice, regardless of social status;

- the rich does not always mean nuddy and sharply negative personality, sometimes it is a fair and visionary character;

- There are times when you can create an impressive condition;

- Poverty is not an indicator of the education or character of a person;

- If you act in justice, it will be good not only a separate person, but also others.

In general, "like a man Gusey Deliel" - a fairy tale that there are in any society good people And not very, and the social niche, which a person occupies, does not always determine the scope of the personality and its moral values.

Read the Russian folk fairy tale "As a man Gusey Delil" online for free and without registration.

One poor man did not make bread. So he conceived asking Barin's bread. So that it was with what to go to Barina, he caught a goose, frusked him and carried him. Barin took a goose and says the peasant:

Thank you, man, you goose; I just do not know how we will share your goose. Here I have a wife, two sons and two daughters. How would we divide the goose without resentment?

Guy says:

I share.

He took the knife, cut off his head and says Barina:

You all house your head - your head.

Then he cut off the tail, serves a lantern.

You, "says, sit at home, look at the house - your back.

Then he cut off his paws and serves sons.

You, "says, the legs are trampled.

And daughters gave wings.

You, - Says, - Soon fly away from home, here's a wing. And I'll take the residues!

And took everything goose.

Barin laughed, gave a peasant bread and money.

Heard a rich man that Barin for Goose awarded a poor man with bread and money, fried five geese and carried to Barina.

Barin says:

Thanks for the geese. Yes, here I have a wife, two sons, two daughters - all six. How would we equally divide your geese?

He became a rich man to think and did not come up with anything.

I sent a barin behind the poor man and ordered to share.

Poor man took one goose gave Barina with a lady and says:

Here you are three with Gusem.

One gave sons:

And you, "says Three.

One gave daughters:

And three of you.

And he took two geese:

Here, "says," and we are three with geese, everything is equally.

Barin laughed and gave a poor man more money and bread, and rich drove.

We read, look and listen to children's fairy tales:

(Russian folktale)

The man went to the forest to sow. Plows there yes it works. Bear came to him:

- Guy, I'll break you.

- Do not break me, Medvedushka, better let's sow talking together. I will take myself at least the root, and you will give you the tops.

"To be," said the Bear. - And if you deceive, so do not go to the forest to me.

He said and went to Dubrov.

Risp rose large. The man arrived in the fall to dig a turnip. And the bear from Dubrov is getting out:

"Man, let's share a turnip, give my share."

- Okay, Medvedushka, let's share: You are topped, I have roots.

Gave the man's bear all the tops. And the turnip turned on the WHO and brought to the city to sell.

To meet him a bear:

- Guy, where are you going?

- Food, Medvedyushka, to sell the city to the city.

- Dai-ka try - What is the root?

The man gave him a turnip. Bear as ate:

- Ah! - Zared. - Guy, deceived me! Your roots sweets. Now do not drive to me in the woods on the firewood, and then a break.

For another year, the man sowed on the place of rye. I came to harm, and the bear wait for him:

- Now me, man, do not cheat, let me share.

Guy says:

- To be like that. Take, Medvedushka, roots, and I will take at least the tops.

They collected rye. He gave the man's bear to the root, and Rye turned to WHO and took home.

The bear beat, fought, could not do anything with the roots.

He was angry with a man, and since then, a bear with a peasant went.