Name of reservoirs located on the Yenisei River. Where is the biggest reservoir in Russia

The history of the construction of reservoirs

Reservoirs are artificial reservoirs created for accumulation and subsequent use of water and flow control. The first reservoirs appeared on Earth more than 4 thousand years ago. They were built for the purposes of irrigation of land and combat floods in Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia and China. A few later began the construction of reservoirs in India, Syria, Iran and Egypt. So, for example, Karnalbo dam, was built on r. Albarregas in Spain in II century. BC, and the resulting reservoir of 10 million m 3, exists so far. And the sasim ancient on Earth is a reservoir from the Sadd-El Cafar dam, created in ancient Egypt in 2950-2750. BC. There are data on the construction of reservoirs by Aztecs, Maya and Incas in Decolumba America. Unfortunately, most of them were destroyed by Spanish conquisites in the XV-XVI centuries.

In III-IX and especially in the XII-XIII centuries. In Europe, a wide range has acquired the construction of mill dams with small reservoir ponds. In the XVIII-XIX centuries, in the era of the industrial revolution, small reservoirs were created in mining enterprises, metalworking and sawmill factories, spinning-weaving factories, as well as for water supply.

Despite the millennial history of construction, the reservoir with a complete base can be called the source of our century. The total volume of all reservoirs of the planet existing to eND XIX. c., Massed only 15 km 3. Now only one fraternal reservoir on the river. The hangar has a volume of 169 km 3, which is overly more than once the volume of all reservoirs of the planet existing at the turn of the two centuries.

According to A. B. Avakyan, the mass and ubiquitous nature of the creation of reservoirs has acquired over the past 50 years, when their number increased on the globe four times, and the total volume increased tenfold, including in countries and - 35 times - 60 times and Asia - 90 times. During this period, all the largest reservoirs of our planet were built.

Placement and size of reservoirs.

Now there are more than 60 thousand reservoirs in the world and several hundred new people appear annually .. Their total volume exceeds 6.6 thousand km 3, and the area of \u200b\u200bthe water mirror - more than 400 thousand km 2, and taking into account the lakes - 600 thousand. km 2. For comparison, this is the area of \u200b\u200bFifteen Azov Seas.

Annually a system comes from 300 to 500 new reservoirs. Many large planet rivers - Volga, Angara, Missouri, Kolorado, Parana, Tennessee, and others - turned into reservoir cascades. And according to the forecasts of scientists in 30-50 years, 2/3 of the River Land Systems will be regulated by reservoirs.

Some lakes were turned into a reservoir (Baikal, Onega, Victoria, Winnipeg, Ontario, etc.) by raising the level with dams built near the sources of the rivers arising from them.

The reservoirs are available on all continents (except Antarctica), in all countries, in all geographic zones (except arctic), in all high-rise belts, up to the foot of the mountain glaciers. However, due to the variety of natural and socio-economic conditions, they are posted on the territory globe And within most states are very uneven.

In Europe, more than 3 thousand mostly small reservoirs. Only in the European part of Russia, Finland, Norway, Spain, Greece there are reservoirs with a volume of more than a few cubic kilometers. On the territory of North America (Canada, USA, Mexico) there are more than 3,000 reservoirs, and on the territory South America There are no more than 500. On the territory of Asia, Africa and Australia, there are about 3,700 reservoirs, the largest of them are located in Russia, Armenia, Ghana, PRC, Rhodesia, Iraq, etc.

The reservoirs have significantly transformed the landscape of many river basins. Their creation has changed not only the appearance of the rivers themselves, but also the nature of the surrounding territories in a total of 1.5 million km 2, which is equal to the total area of \u200b\u200bsuch European states as France, Spain, United Kingdom and Germany.

Although the reservoirs are created and operated by a person, they develop according to the laws of nature, they affect it, it is inextricably associated with it and are now an integral part.

The main goal of creating reservoirs is the regulation of river flow. They are built mainly in the interests of energy, irrigation, water transport, water supply, forestlava, fisheries, for recreational purposes and in order to combat floods. To do this, the stock in the reservoirs are accumulated in some periods of the year and accumulated water is given to others.

Among the indicators characterizing the size of the reservoirs, the volume and area of \u200b\u200bthe aqueous mirror are most important, since it is these parameters that are determined to a large extent impact on environment. The area, the volume and depth of the reservoir fluctuate widely. The area varies from 1-2 km 2 to 5,740 km 2 (fraternal) and 8,480 km 2 (Volta), the volume is from 1 million m 3 to 169.3 billion m 3 (fraternal) and 204.8 billion. M 3 (Victoria), depth - from several to 300 m and more: Weonont (262 m) in Italy, Grand Dixance (284 m), Switzerland, Nurekskoe (300 m) and Rogun (306 m) in Tajikistan.

The magnitude of the reservoir area is classified on the largest (with a water mirror area of \u200b\u200bmore than 5000 km 2), very large (5000-500 km 2), large (5000-100 km 2), medium (100-20 km 2), small (20- 2 km 2) and small with water mirrors less than 2 km 2. Completely small reservoirs, created in small links of the hydrographic network, are called ponds, and in earthenware - Kopanya.

The largest reservoirs (excluding lakes-reservoirs) are giant reservoirs: Volta, Brotherly Cariba, and Nasser. Very large reservoirs are about 1% of all reservoirs, large - 5%, medium - 15%, small - 35% and small - 44%. As we see, the bulk of artificial reservoirs is represented by small and small reservoirs.

The deepest reservoirs, in addition to those mentioned above, include a barukka (260 m) - in Costa Rica, Mika (235 m) - in Canada, Sayan (220 m) - in Russia. The greatest volume of water has such giants like a fraternal reservoir (169 km 3), Cariba (160 km 3), Nasser (157 km 3), Volta (148 km 3), Guri (135 km 3), Krasnoyarskoye and Wadi Tartar ( 73 km3). The most extended the following reservoirs are: Kuibyshevsky (650 km), fraternal (565 km), Volgograd (540 km) and Nasser (500 km).

The largest reservoirs of the world.

Reservoir (river, lake) Country Volume full, km 3 Volume useful, km 3 Square full, km 2 Including Square of the Loaded Lake, km 2 Head, M. Filling year
Victoria [Owen Falls] (Victoria Neil, Oz. Victoria) Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya 205 205 76000 68000 31 1954
Fraternal (hangar) Russia 169 48,2 5470 106 1967
Cariba (Zambezi) Zambia, Zimbabwe 160 46,0 4450 100 1963
Nasser [Sadd-El Aali] (Nile) Egypt, Sudan 157 74,0 5120 -Td\u003e 95 1970
Volta (Volta) Ghana 148 90,0 8480 70 1967
Krasnoyarskoye (Yenisei) Russia 73,3 30,4 2000 100 1967
Zeysky (Zeya) Russia 68,4 32,1 2420 98 1974
Ust-Ilimskoye (Angara) Russia 59,4 2,8 1870 88 1977
Kuibyshev (Volga) Russia 58,0 34,6 5900 29 1957
Baikal [Irkutsk] (Angara, Oz. Baikal) Russia 47,6 46,6 32970 31500 30 1959
Vilyuyskoe (Vilyui) Russia 35,9 17,8 2170 68 1972
Volgograd (Volga) Russia 31,4 8,2 3115 27 1960
Ontario [Iroquay] (r. St. Lavrentia, Oz. Ontario) Canada, USA 29,9 29,9 19560 19500 23 1958
Sayano-Shushenskoe (Yenisei) Russia 29,1 14,7 633 220 1987
Rybinskoe (Volga) Russia 25,4 16,7 4550 18 1949
Kolyma (Kolyma) Russia 14,6 6,5 440 117 1983
Onega [Vernevirskoye] (Svir, Oz. Onega) Russia 13,8 13,1 9930 9700 17 1952
Saratov (Volga) Russia 12,4 1,8 1830 15 1968
Kai (Kama) Russia 12,2 9,2 1915 21 1956

Data on A. B. Avakyan, V. R. Saltankina, V. A. Sharapov, V. N. Mikhailov, A. D. Dobrovolsky, S. A. Dobrolyubov.

Square of reservoirs and other morphometric elements are strongly changing when the water level is filling and worked. Thus, the Kuibyshev, Rybinsky and Tsimlyan reservoirs are reduced by 1.5-2 times with a maximum reduction in levels compared to the highest design level, which, naturally, is reflected on the change in their hydrological regime, the reversal of the shores and the bottom of the hollow.

The amplitude of water level fluctuations in different reservoirs varies also widely - from several tens of centimeters for plain reservoirs to many tens and more than 100 m for mountain reservoirs.

Extremely diverse, the form of water reservoirs. The reservoirs of an elongated shape with a more or less winding coastline are predomined, but there are also many reservoirs of a simple (rounded, oval) and very complex (cornerogenic, wilt, multilave, etc.) forms.

In the CIS countries, there are currently over 4 thousand reservoirs of more than 1 million m 3. Their total volume exceeds 1,23 km 3, the area of \u200b\u200bthe mirror is 87 thousand km 2 (T; E, more than the territory of Austria), and taking into account the lakes bounted - 145 thousand km 2. Russia accounts for about 15% of their total number in the world and 20% of the area. The length of the coastline of reservoirs exceeds the length of the coastline of the seas that wash our country. On the shores of the reservoir lives 20 million people.

The first, existing and understood, small reservoirs were built at the end of the XVII - early XVIII in Karelia, Central District And in the Urals. With the second halves XIX. in. The reservoirs began to build in Ukraine, in the Baltic States, Turkmenistan, etc. The first reservoir on the Volga, Verkhnevolzh Baislot, was created more than 150 years ago, in 1843, then in the Verkhovaya Volga, the dam was built, the only purpose of which was to hold the spring waters and then drop in summer They are to increase shipping depths on the top Volga to Rybinsk.

The most intensive creation and filling of reservoirs occurred in the postwar years: in 1955-1960, in 1965-1970. and in 1975-1980 In the first period, the total reservoir volume increased by 218 km 3, in the second - 338 km 3 and the third - by 178 km 3 (Avakyan).

Most large and medium reservoirs have a comprehensive purpose, i.e. satisfy the needs of simultaneously several industries national economy (Energy, irrigation, water transport, water supply). Small reservoirs are often created to solve one specific task - either for energy purposes, or for irrigation purposes, etc.

On the territory of Russia, the reservoirs are housed unevenly. The proportion of total volume (45%) and water mirror area (more than 35%) of Eastern Siberia and the Far East) reservoir. Large volumes of water are concluded in mountain reservoirs Central Asia (With relatively small area), in the foothill in Kazakhstan (on the rivers of the Irtyshe and or or), in the reservoirs of the Volga-Kamsky Cascade.

In the central and northern regions of the European part of Russia, the reservoirs are created, as a rule, for energy and water transport; In the North Caucasus - to solve the problems of energy and irrigation; In southern arid areas - primarily for irrigation; in Siberia - for energy and water transport, and on Far East - also the struggle with floods.

In general, the reservoirs are created to solve certain population purposes, and develop under natural laws.

Reservoirs - reservoirs created by the hands of a person with the help of dams in the valley of rivers that serve to collect and hold water masses. Our country has constructed more than 1,200 such structures. These data take into account only Russia's large reservoirs.

Characteristics of reservoirs

Constructions exist two varieties. The first includes lake reservoirs, characterized by the water accumulation method. The flow in them is created exclusively by the wind. Reservoirs on rivers belong to the second group. They possess an elongated form and constant flow. The main parameters of the reservoir: the volume, surface area and level fluctuation during the year.

The organization of a new reservoir entails a change in the appearance of the valley of the river and its hydrodes in the sub-zone. The largest influence created by the dam has on the adjacent part of the reservoir. However, it is possible to see changes in the distance of many kilometers.

All Russia's reservoirs have passed the preparation procedure for flooding. Forests falling into an indicated flooding zone are cleaned, freeing the shores. Residents of the villages in the borders of the future reservoir move, and the buildings themselves dismantle. Many works are carried out by hydrobiologists and ompologists, which are preparing for the restoration of populations of fish.

The largest reservoirs of the country: fraternal, Krasnoyarskoye and Kuibyshevskoe.

The role of reservoir

The organization of the reservoir entails a number negative consequences. The decrease in the flood leads to the disappearance of spawning of fish. The filler meadows do not receive useful substances, which is why the vegetation suffers. The river slows down that leads to enhanced education or strong deposits.

Russia's largest reservoirs are such and on a global scale. The peak of construction fell for the period from 1950 to 2000. They were erected for the following purposes.

  • Obtaining electricity. The cheapest way to work out.
  • Irrigation of the fields and the creation of resting places in the area with a water deficit.
  • Fish breeding.
  • Water intake for the needs of the city.
  • Shipping. With their help, the plain rivers become suitable for the movement of ships.
  • In some areas, the lesodist was simplified.
  • Fighting floods in the Far Eastern region.

Territory Russian Federation True with graceful structures unevenly. In the European part of their an order of magnitude more than in the Asian. In the pool of the Volga alone, they are 13 of them.


Gorky reservoir chose fisherfish lovers. His lower beyon is located in the Nizhny Novgorod region. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe dam, its width reaches 12 km, and the depth is 22 m. The hydrorem and the composition of the reservoir are ideal for fish populations. In the places of flooded peat deposits in winter, obsolete phenomena occur. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe hydropower station, there is practically no flow. Significant for water fauna are waves and wind outages.

In winter, it drops on 2 m. The shallow water is dried, causing a zam, the freezing of the soil. From this the coastal plants suffer. In the spring period, the reservoir is filling due to melting water. The level at this time ranges from 40 cm, but this is enough to disrupt the spawning of fish, which requires water vegetation.

In November, the ice station begins. In winter, the crust is formed to a meter thick. By hydrodge, the Gorky reservoir is similar to the lake with a weak flow. In the mid-1950s, huge areas of fertile lands were in the floodplain. There was a flash of the growth of the number of many aquatic animals, which received new spawns and feed places. After a few years, the populations of fish and other organisms began to decline.


Arganin reservoir - the largest reservoir Chelyabinsk region. Its length is 22 km, and the width exceeds 11 km. The deepest point is at the level of 18 m. The transparency of water depends on weather conditions and is 3-8 m. The lake reservoir has over 45 cores, among which there is a nature monument with broader groves.

Argazi is located in the springs of Ilmen Mountains. The reservoir was created in 1942 by installing the dam on the r. Miass. It holds 980 million m 3 of water at a height of only 1.5 m. In the reservoir, fishes are produced, primarily sigovy and namilim. Periodically, trophy individuals of fish weighing over 10 kg.

Water source for Chelyabinsk. On his shores, festivals are arranged and residents of the city are held.


Volkhov reservoir was created in 1926 in Leningrad region. Its width is 400 m, and the surface area is 2 km 2. Built for the catchment is carried out with an area over 80 thousand km 2. The reservoir has a gateway for the passage of ships with one chamber. The project was created by a lengidroproad. The shores of the reservoir are rich in vegetation and are used by citizens for recreation.


The Boguchansky reservoir began to fill in the fall of 1987 after closing the time channels in the dam, for which the river was going. The design level of 208 meters was achieved in 2015. It is a reservoir in the Irkutsk region on p. Hangar. The main purpose of construction is the production of electrical energy. The object regulates the stock depending on the season, trying to keep the leveling of the level within 1 m.

The mouth of many tributaries turned into huge bays. Some of them have a length of over 10 km. The ice station lasts 7 months, which does not concern the lower beyfish of the hydroelectric station. In the area for tens of kilometers, a wormworthy will remain. When organizing a reservoir for flooding, a lot of peatlands fell. This fact affected chemical composition water. The construction of the reservoir affected the species composition of fish and catches. Rophilic fish migrated, their catch declined 10 times.


The fraternal reservoir is located in the Irkutsk region on the r. Hangar. Its length is 570 km, and the width is 25 km. This reservoir is headed by the largest reservoirs of Russia. His outlines have a bizarre form. Most of the tributaries became deeper, which allowed the courts to enter them. In the vicinity of the reservoir, karst processes increased, funnels and landslides began to appear.

Not all reservoirs of Russia have such a strong influence on the shores. The shores are destroyed due to strong level drops. It reaches 6-10 m. The reservoir has a large fishing, shipping and weregological value. There are always many tourists and fishermen on his shores.


It was nicknamed with fresh sea. The surface area of \u200b\u200bit is equal to 2 thousand km 2. The average depth reaches 40 m. The water filling lasted three years after the construction of the dam. It is one of the largest reservoirs in the world. With the help of it control of water level in Yenisei. For this river, the trial goes and the lespist is carried out.

Not all reservoirs of Russia are so rich in pike as Krasnoyarskoye. The number of petty fish here is small, because it lacks the feed base for it. It suffered as a result of the reservoir formation.

Damage construction entails many consequences for nature and man. A person benefits from this benefit in the face of cheap electricity, transport arteries and large water reserves. There is a gradual change of the species composition of fish. Ichthyofauna becomes less valuable, but more numerous. Large reservoirs are able to change the surrounding microclimate, making it softer.

february 18, 2014

Rybinsk reservoir

Humanity has repeatedly reproving nature in accordance with their needs. One of the most successful references in transformation natural conditions - creation of artificial reservoirs.

As a result of systematic activities on the planet, many freshwater reservoirs arose, which are used to supply water, shipping, fish breeding, energy. The dimensions of artificial lakes fluctuate from small to truly giant. Which of them can be the title "Big reservoir"?

On the 8th place of the rating with full right is the Rybinsk reservoir located in Russia. The area of \u200b\u200bthe aqueous mirror of the artificially created reservoir is approximately 4580 sq. Km. Often, he is called the Rybinsky Sea. The sea was formed due to the construction of the hydraulic dispenser, which blocked the Volga's channel and her influx of Sheksna. The main value of the reservoir is shipping and fisheries.

Lake Nasser, Brotherly Sea

The 7th place belongs to the lake Nasser, located in the territory of immediately 2 countries - Sudan and Egypt. Its square is quite large - 5248 sq. Km. His name is an artificial reservoir in honor of the President of the Egyptian Republic. The lake was created in the construction of the Assuan dam. Its main purpose is the irrigation of arid lands, shipping and obtaining hydropower. Unfortunately, despite the efforts of the government, many historical monuments died during the flooding of the area.

The Bratskaya Sea is one of the largest artificial reservoirs of Russia, it arose as a result of the construction of a brotherly hydropower station on the hangar arising from Lake Baikal. The area of \u200b\u200bthe water mirror is approximately 5426 sq. Km. Currently, the Bratsk Sea is used for shipping, forest alloy, fishing and water supply. In the ranking of the biggest reservoirs, the fraternal sea ranks 6th.

Bukhtarma reservoir, Lake Cariba, Kuibyshev reservoir

Buktarthmin's reservoir, with an area of \u200b\u200b5490 kV KM is located in Kazakhstan and formed during the construction of the Bubarmin Häes, on Irtyshe. This reservoir takes the 5th line of the ranking. The purpose of creating a reservoir is to improve shipping and land irrigation. In addition, an artificial reservoir is unusually rich in such rocks of fish, like: Pel'l, Trout, Sudak and Pike, Harius, Taimen, Sazan and others.

In the 4th place, Lake Cariba is located, which is considered the largest reservoir of the African continent. The lake appeared as a result of the construction of the dam on the Zambezi River. Thanks to the lake, energy comes to Zambia and neighboring Zimbabwe, industrial fishing fish are underway. An excellent living conditions have been created on the lake. The coastline is an ideal place for tourists who want to relax in a decent hotel, visit the casino and enjoy water sports. Mirror area of \u200b\u200bthe lake - 5580 sq. Km.

The top three opens a large reservoir, which is more commonly called the Zhigulevsky Sea. The Kuibyshev reservoir is formed during the construction of the Zhigulevsky dam, located near the city of Stavropol and the braving Volga. The area of \u200b\u200bthe artificial seas is equal to 6450 sq. Km. The main value of the reservoir is improved shipping, electricity generation, water supply, as well as irrigation and fishing.

Lake Smallwood, Lake Volta

On the 2nd place, Lake Smallwood, created in the western part of Labrador, Canada. The area of \u200b\u200bthe reservoir exceeds 6,527 sq. Km. The lake is formed during construction 88 and dam, the total length of which is 64th km.

The first largest Lake Volta, artificial freshwater reservoir on the territory of the Republic of Ghana. The area of \u200b\u200bthe reservoir is really huge - 8,500 square meters km. In the 60s of the last century in the place where the white and black volts rivers are merged, a dam was built. Upon completion of construction and the lake was formed, occupying about 3% of the state area. The reservoir allows you to develop shipping, fishing. IN coastal zone Lakes today live about 5,000,000 people.

Unfortunately, not always the construction of artificial reservoirs makes it possible to preserve the natural features of the region. In many cases, some types of flora and fauna disappear in these places, landslides are enhanced.

Reservoirs are artificial objects, they are created in the construction of water structures (dams) installed in the valleys large riversTo accumulate and preserve large volumes of water, they solve a number of such problems as:

  • Development of hydropower;
  • Water supply;
  • Development of shipping;
  • Economic irrigation;
  • Fighting floods;
  • Improvement of the territory.

There are lake and river type. A lot of reservoirs were built on the territory of Russia (of which 41 are the largest, 64 are large, 210 - medium and 19th - small), most in the second half of the twentieth century, some of them are among the biggest reservoirs of the world.

Large reservoirs of Russia

The largest reservoirs in Russia are Kuibyshev (Samara), fraternal, Rybinskoye, Volgograd, Krasnoyarsk (enter the top ten), Tsimlyanskoye, Zeyskaya, Vilyuski, Cheboksary, Kamskone.

Kuibyshev (Samara reservoir), its area is 6.5 thousand km 2, is the largest reservoir built on the Volga River in 1955-1957 and the third on the area of \u200b\u200bthe reservoir in the world. The lower part is also called the Zhigulevsky Sea, by name built near the Zhigulevskaya HPP in the Zhigulem mountains near Togliatti. The name of the reservoir gave the city of Samara (Kuibyshev from 19135 to 1991), located downstream. The main purpose of the reservoir is the production of electricity, improving the quality of shipping, water supply, irrigation, fisheries ...

The fraternal reservoir (area of \u200b\u200b5.47 thousand km 2) located in the Irkutsk region on the Angara River is the second in the amount of water stored by the reservoir in the world (169 m 3). It was built in 1961 -1967. (In 1961, dam was delivered, until 1967, the reservoir filling with water was carried out) as a result of the construction of a fraternal hydroelectric station. Named in honor of the city of Bratsk the administrative center of the Irkutsk region, built on his shores. The reservoir is used to generate electricity, in shipping and fishing fishing of fish, for alloy wood, water supply and irrigation ...

The Rybinsk reservoir of 4.6 thousand km 2 is part of the Rybinskaya hydroez with the Volga River and its tributaries of Sheksna and Mologo in the north-west of the Yaroslavl region, partly in the territory of the Vologda and Tver regions. Construction was started in 1935 on the site of an ancient glacial lake, it was planned that it would be the world's largest lake of artificial origin. The filling of the bowl lasts until 1947, for it was flooded by almost 4 thousand km 2 of the surrounding forests and the population of 663 villages and villages (133 thousand people) around the city of molot were resettled. The reservoir is used to work for the Volga Cascade HPP, fishing fish and shipping ...

The construction of the Volgograd reservoir lasted from 1958 to 1961, it originated when the dam of the Volgograd HPP on the Volga River (the territory of Saratov and Volgograd regions). Its area - 3.1 thousand km 2, on its shores built such cities like Saratov, Engels, Marx, Kamyshin, Dubovka. Used for electricity production, movement water species Transport, irrigation and water supply ...

The Tsimlyan reservoir appeared after the construction of the dam on the Don River, the city of Tsimlyansk in the Rostov and Volgograd regions (67% of the Square) in 1952. Its filling last 1953, the start of construction was 1948. Its area - 2.7 thousand km 2, has the appearance of a hollow with three expansions for the mouths of such rivers as Chir, Aksai Kurmoyarsky and Tsimla, also in addition to them there are another 10 rivers. It is used to provide transit shipping along the Volga-Don channel, irrigation of arid adjacent lands, the work of the Tsimlyan HPP. Also on the banks of the reservoir, the Rostov NPP operates, are ports of ports - Volgodonsk, Kalach-on-Don ...

Construction of the Zeysky reservoir of 2.4 thousand km 2 lasted from 1974 to 1980. It is built on the Zeya River (Amur Region RF) as a result of the construction of the dam. According to the volumes of water stored there (68.4 km 3) - this is the third place after the fraternal (169 km 3) and Krasnoyarsk (73.3 km 3) reservoirs. Fishering fishing is being carried out here, the Zeyskaya HPP is working, also the reservoir regulates the stock of Amur, which is subject to the influence of Pacific monsoon ...

The Vilyuy reservoir is located on the Vilyuh River (Flying Lena), it appeared as a result of the construction of the dam of the Vilyuskaya HPP in 1961-1967. It is located in Yakutia on the border with the Irkutsk region, its area - 2.36 thousand km 2, is used to regulate the annual flow of the Vilyui River, as a source of water supply, irrigation, for shipping and fisheries ...

The Cheboksary reservoir on the Volga River (the territory of the Republic of Mari El, the Chuvash Republic and the Novgorod region) is part of the Volga-Kamsky Cascade of HPP. The area is 2.1 thousand km 2, it appeared as a result of the construction of the dam of the Cheboksary HPP, the construction of which was conducted from 1980 to 1982. Used for the production of electricity, fisheries, shifting shipping ...

The Kama reservoir is formed on the Kame River in the Perm Territory of the Russian Federation in the construction of a Kamskaya HPP, which entered into operation in 1954 after the construction of the dam. Its area is 1.9 thousand km 2, the Perm GRES is located on its shores. Also on the so-called Kama Sea every year the sailing regatta "Kama Cup" is held - the largest sports competition in the territory of the Perm region ...

The construction of reservoirs is, in fact, the most important way of humanity to survive on our planet. The role of reservoirs at all times was ambitious: from the accumulation of water for household needs, the irrigation of farming, the fight against floods in antiquity before receiving electricity today. The first reservoirs man built more than 3 thousand years ago in ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia and China. Later, such structures began to erect in India, Iran, and Syria.

We present a selection of the five largest global reservoirs with hydroelectric power plants. Enjoy the views!

  1. Victoria, r. Neil (Uganda, HPP "Owen-Falls")
    Full volume: 205 km 3
    Area: 76,000 km 2 (comparable with such a country area like the Republic of Panama)
    Length: 320 km
    Width: 275 km
    Maximum depth: 83 m
    Plot height: 31 m
    Year of construction: 1947
    Year of completion of filling: 1954
  2. Fraternal, r. Angara (Russia, GES "Bratskaya")
    Full volume: 169 km 3
    Area: 5470 km 2
    Length: 570 km (equals distance between two European capitals Prague and Budapest)
    Width: 25 km
    Maximum depth: 150 m
    Plot height: 124.5
    Year of construction: 1955

  3. Cariba, r. Zambezi (Zambia, Zimbabwe, HPP "Kariba")
    Full volume: 160 km 3
    Area: 4450 km 2
    Length: 220 km
    Width: 40 km
    Maximum depth: 78 m
    Plot height: 126 (this is the height of four nine-story houses)
    Year of construction: 1957
    Year of completion: 1963

  4. Nasser, r. Neil (Egypt, Sudan, Asian Hydrogen)
    Full volume: 157 km 3
    Area: 5120 km 2
    Length: 550 km
    Width: 35 km
    Maximum depth: 130 m (this is ten times higher than the depth of the Azov Sea in its lowest point)
    Plot height: 111 m
    Year of start construction: 1960
    Year of completion of filling: 1970

  5. Volta, r. Volta (Ghana, HPP "Akosombo")
    Full volume: 147 km 3
    Area: 8500 km 2 (occupies almost 4% of Ghana Square)
    Length: 400 km
    Maximum depth: 80 m
    Plot height: 111 m
    Year of construction: 1961
    Year of completion: 1967

Interestingly, the following largest reservoirs are located in Russia: Krasnoyarskoye, Zeyskaya, Ust-Ilimskoye, Kuibyshevskoe, Baikal (Irkutsk).