Give examples of evidence of human origin from animals. Evidence Power: Anthropogenesis Scientific Concepts

Objectives lesson:

  1. To form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe history of the issue of human origin.
  2. To introduce the evidence of the natural origin of a person by evolution from animals.

Tasks lesson:


  1. To introduce students with a difficult history of the issue of man's origin.
  2. Determine the person in the system of the animal world.
  3. Consider evidence of human origin from animals.
  4. To identify the similarity and distinction between a person and man-like monkeys.


  1. Continue the formation of belief in the cognition of the world and the conviction that all natural phenomena have causal relationships.
  2. Provide the education of humanism during the lesson on the example of biogeographic data of outstanding scientists.
  3. Specify the importance of scientific ideas about the origin of man and compare.


  1. Continue the formation of the ability to classify and summarize the studied facts and concepts.


1. Studying a new material.

Music sounds, the class divided into groups includes students who play the scene "in court." After role entry, these disciples will perform the role of consultants in groups.

Host: 1925. The staff of Tennessee, US ....... The trial ...

"Monkey" christed his seal. Under this title, he entered the history of the United States.

Judge: Do you know the teacher Shavs, what is said in the Bible on the origin of man?

Scapz: Of course.

Judge: You disagree with this? Do you doubt the word of the Bible?

Scapz: But biblical information is not confirmed by science!

Judge: The worse for science !!!

Host: This exclamation belongs to anyone else as a lawyer Jennings Bryan, the former US foreign minister.

Following these words, the sentence of jurors sounded ...

The jury recognize the Scupus Jones guilty in blasphemy and sentenced him to the cash fine. Forbid to tell schoolchildren about the teachings of Darwin !!! Forbid teaching the evolutionary teaching in the schools of the State of Tennessee !!!

Leading ... .. and in some other states too ... The ban is valid 38 years old (!) Until 1963, and in the state of Arkansas until 1968.

However, now, in many US schools, for example, in Missouri, who has not recognized the decision of the Supreme Court, which resolving the teaching of Darwinism in schools, speaks of 6 days of creation and creating a person in the image and likeness of God.

And in March 1981, another "monkey" process in the city of Sacramento, California took place. Judged Susan Espersion teacher.

Jury: and the court sentenced the Solomonovo solution: to study the theory of Darwin in schools along with the biblical version. True, the young teacher was justified.

Host: And if you read discussions today on the Internet, then many authors indicate that it seems, we also come to the era of monkey processes. Schoolgirl Maria Shreiber filed in St. Petersburg. She claims that Darwin's theory about the origin of species insults its religious feelings. The last meeting of the court on this claim was held on February 21, the claim was rejected.

Teacher: Hot Disputes about the origin of a person do not subside for centuries, and try everything to understand: where does a person on our planet come from?

I ask my consultants to take places in groups. The work of consultants is to direct the work of the group to the right direction and trace the correctness of the tasks in individual cards.

Biological species of man reasonable exists on our planet 35-40 thousand years. There are many hypotheses of human origin, which can be reduced to the three main.

1 Slide (Task 1 in an individual card). Presentation

We consider an evolutionary point of view on the origin of a person and our first lesson in this topic is aimed at meeting the history of the issue, and mainly with the evidence of the animal origin of a person.

3 Slide
(Task 2 in an individual card)

The industry of natural science that is engaged in the study of the origin and evolution of a person, the process of transition from biological patterns to social is called anthropology.

The doctrine of the origin of man, about becoming it as a species in the process of the formation of society is called anthroposocygenesis.

We turn to acquaintance with the history of the formation of evolutionary views on the origin of a person.

Before you portraits of great scientists, it was they who made a significant contribution to the formation of scientific views on the origin of a person. Working in groups, find compliance.

5 Slide
(Task 3 in an individual card)

And now check the correctness of the task. Correct in your cards made mistakes.

6 Slide
(Task 4 in an individual card)

In front of you, systematic taxa, working in groups, determine the systematic position of the person (tutorial page 170).

And now check the correctness of the task and make corrections to your cards.

The biological theory of the evolution of man was developed by Ch. Darwin in the books "The origin of a person and sex selection" (1871) and "On the expression of emotions in humans and animals" (1872). Thanks to the works of Darwin, the monkey theory of anthropogenesis was born, and Darwin not only expressed assumptions, but led evidence from the field of comparative morphology, embryology. Later, Geckel and Dubois led to these paleontology.

Consider the main evidence of the animal origin of man.

7 Slide
(Task 5, 6 in an individual card)

Working in groups decide what is the basis for the allocation of these groups of evidence of an animal origin of a person?

Oral discussion and joint task execution.

We will dwell in more detail on the comparative anatomical evidence and the comparative-embryological 2 other evidence groups you describe the house according to the plan given in your individual cards.

Man is a representative of the class of mammals, a vertebral animal and therefore refractive for fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds. We present the data of comparative morphology in favor of the animal origin of a person.

Working in groups Fill in table "The main features of the human body inherited from animals."

Check the correctness of the tasks and correct the error. Pay attention to the task with an asterisk, you are doing at home.

9, 10 slides

Pay attention to the organs depicted in the figure, which combines all these organs available in person compared to animals?

Answer: underdeveloped unlike animals.

Such organs are called rudiments.

11, 12 slides
(Task 7 in an individual card)

What phenomenon is depicted in your opinion in this picture?

Answer: A person has signs of animals.

Such cases are called atavism.

Check the correctness of the task.

9, 10, 11, 12 slides repeat

The closest relatives of the person in the world of modern animals are man-like monkeys - Gorilla, Chimpanzees, Orangutan. Manoid monkeys have a number of common signs that significantly distinguish them from the rest of primates and bring together with a person.

They have a lot of common anatomical and biochemical signs.

13, 14 slide

From the proposed set of cards issued by your consultants, choose the traits of the similarities and the differences between the person and human-like monkeys:

1 and 2 group - chooses similarities;

3 and 4 group features.

For one person from groups, write out the numbers of similarities and the features of the distinction of a person and human monkeys on the blackboard.

Check the correctness of the tasks.

15 Slide
(Task number 8)

Pay attention to your individual cards given the table that you have to fill out at home.

Well, finally, convincing evidence in favor of the origin of a person from animals provides embryology.

17, 18 slide

The development of man and animals begins with the zygota.

In the early stages of the development of the human embryo, gill gaps are laid. The heart has a view of the tube, then it becomes two-chamber, etc.

Thus, summing up today's lesson let's once again list the main groups of evidence of the animal origin of a person. I offer each group in turn to write these groups of evidence on the board.

A set of cards for working in groups may include the following features of the similarity and differences of man and human monkeys.

Evidence of animal origin of man

1. Complete offers.

  1. "Man The result of the creation of God" argues the doctrine - ...
  2. "A person of the messenger of other cosmic civilizations" claims - ...
  3. "Man The result of a long, natural historical development" claims - ...

2. Give a brief definition of concepts.

    Anthropology is ...

    Anthroposocionesis is ...

3. Indicate scientists in accordance with their merits.

    For the first time, he took a person to animals - ...

    For the first time identified the systematic position of a person - ...

    For the first time he talked about the animal origin of man - ...

    Scientifically substantiated the animal origin of a person - ...

    Pointed to the role of labor in human evolution - ...

4. Indicate the systematic position of the person.

    Kingdom -

    Subtype -

    Subclass -

    Subverse -

    Family -

    View -

5. Fill in the table.

Give a description of the paleontological and cytogenetic evidence of the animal origin of the person according to the following plan

  1. Name of a group of evidence.
  2. What these evidence takes into account.
  3. Name specific examples of these evidence (5 points).

6. Fill in the right side of the table.

    Main features

    From whom inherited

    1. Genetic core code
    2. Genetic code Mitochondria
    3. Bilateral body symmetry
    4. Bone Skeleton
    5. Pyatnaya limbs
    6. Lonanty breathing
    7. Amniotic egg
    8. Extra Long Limbs, Differentiation of Teeth, Milks, Warehouse
    9. Placenta, Alignment

* Explain how genetic code Mitochondria could be inherited from first prokaryotes? (10 points)

7. In each list, delete too much.


    The rest of the mugitive membrane

    Easy muscles


    Wisdom teeth

    Organs have lost their importance and preserved in the form of residues






    Strongly developed fangs

    Authorities - "Return to the signs of ancestors"

8. Fill in the table.(15 points)

9. What are the features of the similarity of man and man-like monkeys?(10 points)

Evaluation for the lesson:

Consultant -

Self-esteem -

Assessment of the teacher, taking into account the fulfillment of homework -

The oldest primates of Paleocene (65-55 million years ago) were insectivorous animals. Their teeth and jaws were adapted to rapid bites and piercing outdoor chitinos insect covers. In Paleocene, about 55 million years ago, many types of primates had already had a dental apparatus adapted for mixed nutrition, which included fruits, foliage, seeds except insects. The diet became predominantly plant - insects ceased to be the main type of food. The teeth along with biting movements were to be chewed. The crowns of the teeth are becoming lower, the shift is shifted to squeezing and peat movements during nutrition. The initial formula of teeth for all primates 3143 - 3 cutters, 1 fang, 4 premolars, 3 molars in each half of the upper and lower jaw, only 44 tooth. During the evolution, the hominid there was a decrease in the amount of teeth up to 32 and the change in the tooth formula 2: 1: 2: 3 - 2 cutters, 1 canine, 2 premolars, 3 molar. The restructuring of the dental system in early primates was part of a diverse complex of restructuring the entire behavior system (Fig. 1 and 2).

Fig. one.Primates dental system:

a - cutters (cut food); b - fangs (proximate or cut); B is the preceded teeth (crushed and grind); g - indigenous teeth (crushed and grind)

Fig. 2.Dental system of the modern cloth of a lower monkey: A - Cutters (cut food); b - fangs (proximate or cut); B is the preceded teeth (crushed and grind); g - indigenous teeth (crushed and grind)

Fig. 3.Parapite's lower jaw:

Tooth formula, Fangs are not issued from the tooth row.

The location pattern of the tubercles on the chewing surface of the lower molars is similar to Driopitecom:

1 - protonid; 2 - metaconide; 3 - entokonide; 4- hypoconulide; 5 - hypoconide


Driopitec has a short high lower jaw, parallel rows of cloth teeth, an increase in the size of the teeth from the first molar to the third.

A native tooth in dripitecov has five tubercles separated by a characteristic groove in the form of the letter Y - "Dryoityeque Pattern". At modern person, one tubercle can be reduced. The front internal tuberculosis, located from the paternal side - metaconide, larger than the adjacent rear tubercle - entokonid, in connection with which the transverse groove dividing them is not accounted for exactly opposite the one that delimits the two main outdoor tubercles - the front - protonid, rear - hypoconide (Fig. 4 ).

Fig. four.Chewing surface of the lower molars of dripiteca and a modern man:

I - with the "Pattern of Driopitek" in the lower third large indigenous teeth of the Duriopitek;

II - with a plus pattern on the appropriate tooth of a modern man;

1 - protonid; 2 -metakeonide; 3 - hypoconide; 4 - entokonide; 5 - hypoconulide (mesoconide); 6 - Sixth Budrock


At the end of Miocene (20-16 million years ago) global cooling led to dry territory in Equatorial Africa and the formation of savannah forests and steppes, where Australopitek died. The dry season of Savannan for herbivan primates was a hungry time, which perhaps and contributed to the transition of Australopites to omnipiness. Similar nutrition strategy reduced to a minimum seasonal

food accessibility fluctuations, weakened competition with herbivores in the dry season and with predators - in the period of rain.

Changes in the food search strategy in hominids were to lead to an increase in the size of the brain regarding body sizes and to change them social organization.

The dental arc from Australopiteks is similar to a person: has a parabolic shape. Small fangs with signs of sexual dimorphism are almost not issued from the tooth row, but they have the form of a monkey tooth, the spray is marked on the top, and on the sides of the fangs. Previous and indigenous - with low tubercles. All authrulopieca has large indigenous teeth with very thick enamel, fangs and cutters are reduced. The similarity with the person is also noted in the more dense arrangement of the teeth, the order of teething. The diasthemia is saved or absent in later forms. Jaws are more weakened than the monkeys.

Specialization of the dental system was not detected at graceful Australopites, they were omnivorous, expanded the food base, they were fed with small animal meat, which increased their survival in the lack of plant food (Fig. 5 and 6).

Fig. five.Australopithek's dental arc: A - big cutters resembling cutters of man-like monkey; b - diasthem (gap) between the cutters and fangs; in - fangs larger than in later hominid; G - the preliminary teeth are more primitive than the later hominid; D - large indigenous teeth are covered with a thick layer of enamel and confusedly erased

Fig. 6.Dental arc Homo.

Parabolic dental arc. Teeth of small sizes, there are no gaps between teeth

Man skillful

It is planned to transition from Megadontia Australopita to the reduction of the size of the teeth, especially the rear of the dental arc, which is characteristic of the human line of evolution. The highest width of the upper jaw dental arc moves to the level of the second molars, the side of the side cutters in the penetration direction occurs. As a result, the rounded form of the upper dental arc occurs and the so-called Helicoidal ("Helix" - spiral) type of occlusion. The person skilled enamel was less fat than Australopithek.

Ancient people (archangets)

Ancient representatives of kind Homo.continued this evolutionary strategy. Apparently, the underground parts of plants - tubers, bulbs, roots were becoming increasingly important in the nutrition of the oldest people. First, it was another (in addition to fell), a group of products, competition for the possession of which among large mammals was not as tough as in other niches. In addition, women who came out of fertile (core) ages who are not already concerned about young children could have been searching and producing products of this kind. But the most significant difference between Homo Erectus.from Australopites were constantly using fire, it could happen already 1.4 million years ago. The fire gave not only heat, light and protection against predators, but opened up new opportunities for cooking. Frozing and cooking increases the nutritional value of plant products, since they split the cellulose intolerable for humans. Thermal processing makes it possible to remove toxic substances contained in the tubers of many plants. Smoking and toasting allow you to prepare for long-term storage. Thus, mastery has become one of the turning stages in the evolution of human nutrition. It should be noted on the increased mutagenity of roasted food, which could accelerate the evolution of a person as a side effect (Kozlov A.I., 2002).

Ancient people - Peteitrocks

The dental system resembles the teeth of dripitecs. The third molar was larger than the second, and the second is greater than the first, while other fossil hominids, and especially the modern

lovek, the third molar is more or less detected by the reduction phenomenon. The jaw is deprived of chin, very powerful.

However, typical for humans are small fangs, the complete absence of an enamel of enamel on all indigenous teeth.

Primitive features: Large nose length, on one of the jaws, the presence of diasthemia between fangs and cutters. The indigenous teeth are very large, especially the second molar, its length is 13.6 mm, the width is 15.2 mm.

Ancient people - synanthipers

The teeth are larger than that of modern people, the roots of the teeth are very long, especially at the cutters and fangs.

The cavity of the tooth, especially the lower molars, is great, like in Neanderthal and other primitive fossil hominids. A similar "bullish type" of teeth, or brazodontism, is found in modern people (in some groups up to 30%), and among the anthropoids - in chimpanzees and females of Orangutan.

The prevention features of the synanthropa refers to the presence in their system of milk teeth with diastheat - these dental gaps are detected between the fang and the adjacent cutter (at the top) or premolar (bottom).

The lower premolars of the Sinantropha in the form of the root (subdivided into two and three parts) and the crowns are very close to the premoles of anthropoids, which confirms their overall origin (Fig. 7).

Fire treatment of animal meat, as well as some plants, which made food more digested, contributed to changes in the digestive system: a slightly rooted department of the small intestines, weakened the chewing apparatus, a dental row was changed. The correlative was the thinning of the walls of the brain box, the decrease in the outdoor relief of the skull, which was accompanied by progressive development and an increase in brain size. Regular use of fire by man has at least 750 thousand years.

Fig. 7.Comparative characteristics of the synantropra dental system and modern person

Paleoanthropes. Neanderthals

They are characterized by a massive lower jaw without a pick-up protrusion, the cutters on the lower jaw larger than that of a modern man, the molars had a large cavity of the pulp, which reached almost the end of the short and wide roots (braid teeth). European Neanderthals hunted on large animals - binary, cave bears, horses, reindeer, wild bulls, sheep, goats. Women and children caught rodents, lizards, snakes, collected berries, mushrooms, honey, roots and tubers of plants.

Neoantropes. Cryanonians

They had small jaws, a chifferent protrusion was well expressed on the lower jaw, the sizes of the teeth decreased compared to Neanderthals, the molars had a small cavity of the pulp and the long roots (zinoscale type).

According to A.I. Kozlova, in the Late Paleolithic Europe, there was no lack of vegetable food, and approximately 65% \u200b\u200bof calories supplied vegetable, and 35% - animal food. For hunters, the use of a wide range of wild plants and animals was characteristic. The ego provided not only the taste diversity of food, but also sufficient flow of vitamins, minerals and microelements. Most of the protein was animal origin. In general, the intake of fiber, calcium and vitamin C was significantly more than a modern citizen, and the flow into the body of sodium is significantly smaller. Much less consumed of sugars: they were only available in kind (with berries, fruits). Alcohol consumption was very small. Milk of animals and dairy products in a diet of a supernatolytic man were absent, but the baby feeding the breasts continued, apparently for a long time.

Animals proteins and fats delivered killed during hunting and caught mammals, small vertebrates, fish, insects, invertebrates. The content of subcutaneous fat in the organism of wild herbivores is on average seven times less, and polyunsaturated fatty acids are almost five times higher than that of home representatives of the same species.

Accordingly, the consumption of animal fats by a person Paleolithic attracted a smaller risk of atherosclerosis, than a modern American or Europeans.

Evidence of natural human origin.

1. Scientific rationale Ch. Darwin the idea of \u200b\u200bhuman origin from animals based on the establishment of a person's similarity with mammals, especially with man-like monkeys. Approval from Ch. Darwin that modern man-like monkeys cannot be ancestor of man.
2. Proof of human origin from animals: comparative anatomical, embryology, paleontological.
3. Comparative anatomical evidence of man's origin from mammals: A person has all signs of a class of mammals and refers to this class, a similar structure of all organ systems, has a diaphragm, Milky glands, ears, etc. Availability of rudiment (developed in mammals, But atrophied by humans): Copchik, Appendix, the remainder of the third century (only about 90 rudiments) - proof of human kinship with animals. Cases of birth of children with signs of mammals - Atavisms (Returns to the ancestors): with a thick hairproof body, with a large number of nipples, with an elongated tail of the spine - proof of human origin from animals.
4. Embryological evidence of man's origin from animals: the similarity of the development of germs of man and animals, development begins with one fertilized cell, at a certain stage, the granular gaps at the human embryo are laid out, the tail department of the spine, the brain of the monthly embryo is similar to the fish brain, and the seven-month - with brain monkey and others.
5. The similarity of the structure, vital activity, human behavior and man monkeys. The expression of monkeys feeling joy, anger, sadness, care for young, good memory, developed higher nervous activity, the use of objects as a labor tool, similar to the person of the disease.

6. Paleontological evidence - finds of the fossil residues of human ancestors, the similarity of their structure with modern man and man-like monkeys - evidence of their kinship, as well as the development of human ancestors and modern man-like monkeys in different directions: on the way, the larger formation of human traits at the ancestors of man and narrow Specialization of man-like monkeys for life under certain conditions, to a certain way of life.

Concept of animal origin

At the heart of modern ideas about the origin of a person lies the concept in accordance with which a person came out of the world of animals, and the first scientific evidence in favor of this concept was presented Ch. Darwinin his work "The origin of a person and sexual selection" (1871). Subsequently, with the development of anatomy and embryology, these evidence was replenished with new data, which indicated the anatomical similarity, the similarity of human embryonic development and animals, biochemical and genetic similarities. In the present, the concept of animal origin is a series of arguments, the most important of which are the following:

1. For a person, all the features inherent type chordovye, inparticular;

a) bilateral (bilateral) symmetry in the structure of the body,

b) The presence in the embryos development of chords and gill slots in the body cavity, the ventral arrangement of the heart.

c) the formation of the nervous system in the form of a dorsal tube.

2. For a person, all the features inherent in vertebral subtype (Skull), namely:

a) the presence of an inner axial skeleton, the basis of which is the developed vertebral pole, with the front end of which the cranial boxes are articulated, as well as the presence of two pairs of limbs,

b) the central nervous system has a view of a tube passing into a brain, which consists of 5 departments,

c) The heart develops on the abdominal side of the body.

3. For a person is characterized by all the features. mammalian classnamely:

a) smallestness and feeding with milk, the presence of mammary glands, hairproof,

b) warm-bloodedness and abundance of sweat glands to ensure thermoregulation,

c) separation of body cavity diaphragm on the abdominal and thoracic departments,

d) the presence of a 4-chamber heart, the left arc of the aorta, the absence of nuclei in mature erythrocytes,

e) the respiratory system is represented by light, trachea, bronchi, alveoli,

e) the presence of all bones characteristic of mammals. A person does not have a single bone that would be absent in mammals. In the skeleton there are 7 cervical vertebrae, 2 plating bones and 3 hearing bones characteristic of mammals,

j. ) the presence of dairy and constant teeth of three groups,

h) manifestation of atavistic signs, the presence of rudimentary organs (muscles leading to the ears of the sink, the process of the blind intestine, the third eyelid eyes and others).

4. All features are characteristic of a person. placental subclass,namely:

a) the presence of the placenta,

b) tooling the fetus inside the body of the mother and feeding it through the placenta 5. All features are characteristic of primate detachment,namely:

a) the presence of one pair of breast mammary glands,

b) the ends of the fingers (end phalanxies) have nails, and the palms are covered with patterns,

c) opposition to the thumb with the front limb remaining, which provides brachia (using the limbs for grabbing movements),

d) the presence of a menstrual period and pregnancy duration of 9 months,

e) Antigens of Human Avo and human monkeys are similar. Blood groups A (II) and in (III) were found in all human-like monkeys, the group O (I) is only in chimpanzees. Essentially, blood chimpanzees and gorilla can be overflowed to a person

e) the presence of similarities in the amount and structure of chromosomes. For a person, 23 pairs of chromosomes are characterized, for human-like monkeys 24 pairs, of which 13 pairs of their structure are the same in both cases,

g) the presence of significant human DNA homology with DNA monkeys. For example, human DNA homology and chimpanzee is 91-92%, human and gibbon 76%, and human and macaques are rhesus - only 66%.

h) the same sensitivity of man and man-like monkeys to pathogens of the same diseases and similarities of the clinical manifestation of the latter,

and) similarity between genes controlling protein synthesis in primates.

The person's place in the system of the animal world is determined by the fact that it refers to the type of chord, vertebral subtepa, the class of mammals, the subclass of placental, detachment of primates , the family of hominids, the genus Homo.

The scientific stage of studying anthropogenesis began in fact only from the XVIII century. Prior to that, a religious approach was dominated. But during the XVIII-XIX centuries, science was not clearly separated from philosophy, and scientists were usually called naturophilosophos or naturalists. Some of them are D. Didro, K. Gelving, J. Buffon, D. MONBODDO - Already in the XVIII century, expressed the opinion of the "rebirth" of some organisms in others, including monkeys per person.

The study of the anatomy and morphology of a wide variety of animals led to the thoughts of greater or less similarity. It was often presented in the form of the so-called "stairs of creatures" (its most well-known version - the system K. Linnei became the basis of modern classification), which leads from the lower organisms to the highest, with a person on top, but often does not mean the relationship of these forms at all. For this period, a typically complete separation of a person from other animals, highlighting it in a separate detachment or even the kingdom. It must be said that in the household consciousness of the middle man, far from biology, this approach dominates now.

The concept of changing some creatures to others - biological evolution - acquired in the writings of naturalists more and more clear outlines. For the first time a slim substantiation of the hypothesis of evolution published J.B. Lamarc In 1802 and 1809, indicating that a person should be placed in the system of nature as a crown of "four-person" (primates), if it were not created by the Creator completely separately from animals. However, the mechanisms of evolutionary changes proposed by Zh.B. Lamarcom, look too simple and rather unconvincing. He believed that the organs of animals change under the influence of training, for example, pulled the giraffes in the neck to the upper branches, so they became long-haired. Even the contemporaries of a scientist, this theory has not received wide recognition in its completed form. Inheritance acquired in the course of the life of signs, according to the data of modern genetics, it is impossible.

Much more sharp scientific and public resonance caused theory of Evolution C. Darwin, published in 1859 in the book " Origin of species by natural selection", in 1871 in the book" Origin of man and sex selection"And in other works. From the moment of publication, the thoughts of Ch. Darwin received both hot supporters, for example, T. Huxley and E. Geckel and fierce opponents - Bishop Wilberfors and Naturalist Mayvart. Theory continued to develop, and after the opening of genetic inheritance and his laws began to be called synthetic theory of evolution. It is important to emphasize that modern theory is the development of classical Darwinism, so arguing with C. Darwin, as often do not the most distant "critics", as stupid, how to argue with astronomers or physicists of the middle of the XIX century. Although, it must be recognized, Ch. Darwin managed to describe all the main forms of selection and bring so many examples and evidence that no one had surpassed him in this today.

Brief essence The synthetic theory of evolution lies in the following. Hereditary information is stored in the cells of living beings in the form of complex molecules of RNA or DNA, the segments of which encoding certain proteins or the synthesis controlling them are called genes; on more high level DNA can be framed in complexes - chromosomes. The genes are changed under the influence of a variety of factors, such changes are called mutations. For evolution, those mutations are significant that occur in genital cells and are transmitted to the offspring. Mutations are more often harmful or neutral, but when changing conditions environments, a kind of advantage can be given in comparison with the original option. If the body turns out to be more adapted than its relatives, it has a chance to leave more offspring, having transferred its genetically fixed qualities. Conditions of the environment may change in such a way that it is more useful to signs that were to that neutral or even harmful. Organisms that have such signs survive, and signs remain in the offspring. There are different types of selection. It is essential that such a change in heredity is usually occupied a very long time - many generations, especially since conditions rarely change sharply. In addition, recombination is played a huge role - shuffling for gene options, when they differ in two parents; Due to recombinations, the diversity is created even in the absence of new mutations. Significant part of the signs does not have a large adaptive - adaptive - value, they may vary rather randomly, according to statistical laws, which is called genetic and automatic processes, whose options are a gene drift, "Founder's Effect", "Bottle Bottle Effect" - are manifested in some Specific, although often, conditions.

Currently synthetic theory Evolution is not the only scientific theory of evolution, but it adheres to the overwhelming majority of biologists (probably much more than 99%), it has the most evoked base and is confirmed by almost everyone biological research, including experimental. Other options are, for example, a variety of mutationism options. According to them, changes in heredity occur not for a long time, but almost simultaneously and give immediately new form organisms.

Our ancestors being part environmentalAlso gradually changed after changes in external conditions, which led to the emergence of a modern person. However, a person is unique in that, in its existence, a huge role is played by the sociocultural component and, the closer to modernity, the amount of this component is increasingly significant.

Note 1.

Nature Our planet in the past and now, despite its enormous diversity, is the result of a single biological evolution process, which began approximately $ 4.5 $ billion years ago. The person also did not exception from this process. Therefore, it is worth considering, on the basis of the general-biodical patterns of the development of wildlife.

A person as a biological species takes such a systematic position:

  1. type - chord
  2. subtype - vertebrates,
  3. class - mammals,
  4. detachment - Primates,
  5. family - Gominids,
  6. genus - man
  7. view is reasonable man (Homo Sapiens).

Man as a biological view

The idea that a person belongs to the kingdom of animals appeared in the Middle Ages. But because of the idealistic worldview reigning in the science and society (or rather - religious dogmas), she could not spread and develop wide. Jean-Batist Lamarc became the author of the first scientific hypothesis of the human biological origin. He believed that the ancestors of man were the ancient monkeys who switched to two-sided straightenings. Charles Darwin expanded Lamar's teachings about evolution. It is based on the data of such sciences as comparative anatomy and embryology confirmed the idea of \u200b\u200bthe likeness of man and man-like monkeys, proving the community of their origin.

In accordance with the modern classification organic WorldThe man belongs to the type of chord, vertebral subtepa, the class of mammals, a detachment of primates. The human body consists of cells (as well as all the living organisms of our planet), their alone and the same chemical elements and connections. This is a weighty proof of human origin as a biological species.

Morphophysiological evidence of animal origin of man

If we consider the general plan of the structure and functions of the main systems (such, for example, the skeleton, respiratory and blood circulation organs, digestion and isolation), common features of the nervous system, then you can see that a person has a lot in common with other mammalian representatives. Especially loved ones are similarity with monkeys. These animals have a well-developed brain, the same blood groups as in humans. The coincidences are observed in pregnancy. In addition, both human-like monkeys have very similar patterns of embryogenesis. And many diseases are common to humans and monkeys.

There are repeated cases of manifestation of human features inherent in their distant ancestors - atavisms. These include increased hairiness, multi-storage, the presence of a clearly pronounced tail, developed muscles, moving ear sinks, etc. and the presence of rudition indicates that the process of changes in the external appearance of a person continues. That is, the evolutionary process lasts all the time.

Differences of a person from higher anthropoids

In the course of historical development (evolution), a person had signs that very disting him from monkeys. In connection with the smoothness of the person formed $ s $-shaped bending of the spine, a concave stop was formed. The pelvis became wider, the proportions of the sizes of individual parts of the body and the features of their structure have changed.

If we consider the structure of the skull, I will immediately see that the monkeys are prevailing the face of the brain, and the forehead is simpler. The sizes of the brain and its departments of man and monkeys are also significantly different. Especially striking the difference in the sizes of the cerebral cortex. It's three times more in humans than human monkeys.

Causes of similarities and differences between man and monkeys

Similarities in the structure and functions of human organisms and human-like monkeys are explained by the relationship of these groups of living organisms. Based on the law of homologous series, open by Vavilov, the higher the degree of similarity, the closer the relationship of two different types of living organisms.

Differences are a consequence of different directions of the evolutionary development of ancestors of both human and monkeys. Contrary to the existing vulgar interpretation of Darwin's hypothesis about the origin of a person, a man did not happen from the monkey. Man and man monkeys occurred from common ancestors. In the process of adaptive radiation, the hominids settled huge areas, acquired various qualities and external features. To date, we can safely say that a person is one of the branches of the evolution of the animal world.

Role of labor in human transformation processes

Note 2.

In the formation of the differences of a person from the rest of the hominid, labor activity was essential. It was during the formation and development of labor activity in humans formed certain qualities and external features. Stimpler stimulated the development of $ s $-like bend of the spine, made it possible to free up the upper limbs from the movement function and turn them into the labor body. In the process of joint labor activity between members of the human team, a self-registered speech was formed, abstract thinking developed, consciousness was formed.

Due to the consciousness and abstract thinking, the person learned first to actively use environment For its purposes, then began to actively change it in accordance with its needs, create things and materials that do not exist in natural conditions of the medium.

Collective (old) way of life, speech, joint labor developed such features of humanity as care for offspring, transfer personal experience From generation to generation (training). All this together allocated a person from the world of nature.

The proof of the animal of human origin is the evidence of the evolution of the organic world.

I. Paleontological evidence

Fossil shapes.

Transition forms.

Phylogenetic rows.

Paleontological finds allow you to restore the appearance of extinct animals, their structure, similarities and differences with modern species. This makes it possible to trace the development of the organic world in time. For example, the remnants of only invertebrates are found in ancient geological formations, in later - chordan animals, and in young sediments - animals similar to modern.

Paleontological finds confirm the presence of continuity between different systematic groups. In some cases, it was possible to find fossil shapes (eg synanthrop), in other transitional forms, combining the signs of ancient and historically younger representatives.

In anthropology, such forms are: Driopites, Australopitets, etc.

In the animal world, such forms are: Archeopterix - a transitional form between reptiles and types, a foreign investigation - a transitional form between reptiles and mammals; PS Il officer - between algae and land plants.

Based on such finds it is possible to establish phylogenetic (paleontological) rows - forms that consistently replacing each other in the process of evolution.

Thus, paleontological finds clearly indicate that according to the Merc of the transition from more ancient earthly layers to modern, a gradual increase in the organization of animals and plants, approaching them to modern.

Biogeographic evidence

Comparison of the species composition with territory history.

Island forms.

Biogeography studies the patterns of vegetable distribution (flora) and animal (fauna) of the world on Earth.

It is established: the sooner the insulation of individual parts of the planet occurred, the stronger the differences in organisms inhabiting these territories - island forms.

So, animal world Australia is very peculiar: there are no many groups of Eurasia animals, but those who are not in other areas of land are preserved, for example, egg-owned and silent mammals (WKONKOS, Kangaroo, etc.). At the same time, the animal world of some islands is similar to the mainland (for example. British islands, Sakhalin), which speaks of their recent isolation from the continent. Consequently, the distribution of animal and plants on the surface of the planet reflects the process of historical development of the Earth and the evolution of the living.

Relict - Now live species with a complex of signs characteristic of long-term groups of past eras. Realistic forms indicate Flora and fauna of the distant past land.

Examples of relict forms are:

Gatteria - Reptile, inhabiting New Zealand. This species is the only one now the living representative of the subclass of the first-person in the reptile class.

Lathemeria (cochable) is a fish inhabitants in deep sea areas from the coast of East Africa. The only representative of the squad of cyzer fish, which is closest to the ground vertebral.

Ginkgo Two-Welded - Relic Plant. Currently, distributed in China and Japan only as a decorative plant. The appearance of Ginkgo allows you to present wood forms, extinct in the Jurassic period.

The anthropologists under the relic hominid implies mythological "snowy man."


The law of the germinal similarity of K. Baer.

The biogenetic law of Geckel Muller.

The principle of recapitulations.

Embryology - Science, which studies the germ development of organisms. These comparative embryology indicate the similarity of the germs of the development of all vertebrates.

The law of the germs similarity of Charles Baer (1828) (such name Darvin gave this name), testifies to the generality of origin: the embryos of different systematic groups have much more similarity among themselves than adult forms of the same species.

In the process of ontogenesis, signs of type appear first, then the class, the detachment and the latter appear signs of the species.

The main provisions of the Law:

In the embryonic development embryos

the weight of the vantage of one type is consistently undergoes the zygota, blastuly, gaughn, histogenesis, organogenesis;

embryos in their development are moving from

more general features to more private;

embryos of different species gradually about

they are assessed from each other, acquiring individual traits.

German scientists F. Müller (1864) and E.Gekkel (1866), independently of each other formulated biogenetic lawwhich was named The law of hekkelMuller: The embryo in the process of individual development (ontogenesis) briefly repeats the history of the development of the form (philogenesis). Those. Ontogenesis - there is a brief repetition of phylogenesis.

In the future, it was established that in individual development, the signs of non-adult ancestors are repeated, but their embryos. For example, gummy arcs are laid in the embryos of mammals and fish, on the basis of which fish develops the gills, and in mammals - the cartilage of larynx and trachea.

The repetition of structures characteristic of the ancestors in the embryogenesis of descendants was called - recapitulations.

Examples of recapitulation are: chord, five pairs of nipples, a large amount of hair rigs, cartilage spine, gill arches, 6-7 fingertips, general stages of intestinal development, the presence of cloaca, unity of digestive and respiratory systems, phylogenetic development of the heart and major vessels, gill grabs , all stages of the development of the intestinal tube, recapitulation in the development of kidney (bidding, primary, secondary), undifferentiated sex glands, sex glands in the abdominal cavity, paired mullers channel from which is formed by the egg, uterus, vagina; The main stages of phylogenesis of the nervous system (three brain bubbles).

Not only morphological signs, but also biochemical and physiological signs - the allocation of ammonia germination, and in the late stages of development - uric acid.

According to comparative embryological data in the early stages of embryonic development, the human embryo appears signs characteristic of the type of chords, later the signs of the vertebral subtype, then the class of mammals, placental subclasses, the detachment of primates.

IV. Comparative anatomical

General body structure.

Homologic organs.

Rudiment and Atavisms.

Comparative anatomy studies the commonality and differences in the structure of organisms. The first convincing proof of the unity of the organic world was the creation of a cell theory.

Unified Plan of the structure: For all chordovy, the presence of an axial skeleton - chords, the nervous tube is located above the chord, the digestive tube, on the abdominal side, is a central blood vessel.

The presence of homologous organs - organs that have a general origin and a similar plan of the structure, but performing different functions.

Homologically, the front limbs of the crotch and frogs, the wings of birds, seal flies, the front legs of the horse and the hands of a person.

In humans, like all the chord, organs and system systems have a similar structure and perform similar functions. Like all mammals has a left aortic arc, a constant body temperature, a diaphragm, etc.

Authorities that have a different structure and origin, but perform the same functions, are called similar (eg, butterfly wing and birds). To establish kinship between organisms and evolution evolution, similar organs do not have.

Rudiment - undeveloped organs, which in the process of evolution lost their meaning, but were at the ancestors. The presence of rudiments can only be explained by the fact that the ancestors were functioning and were well developed, but in the process of evolution they lost their meaning.

The person has about 100 of them: the tooth of wisdom, weakly developed hair cover, muscles moving the ear shell, cork, ear sinks, appendix, male uteros, muscles, lifting hair; Rudiments of voice bags in the area of \u200b\u200bthe larynx; Abrasion arcs; 12-pair of ribs; Teeth of wisdom, epicantitis, non-permanent spherical vertebrae, shoulder barrel.

Many rudimia exist only in the embryonic period, and then disappear.

For rudiments, variability is characterized: from the complete absence to a significant development, which has practical value For a doctor, especially the surgeon.

Atavisms are the manifestation of the descendants of signs inherent in remote ancestors. Unlike rudiments, they are deviations from the norm.

Possible reasons The formation of atavisms: mutations of regulatory genes of morphogenesis.

There are three options atavisms:

underdevelopment of organs when they were at the recapitulation stage - the three chamber heart, the "wolf fall";

the preservation and further development of recapitulation characteristic of the ancestors is to preserve the right arc of the aorta;

3) Violation of the displacement of the organon in the ontogenesis Heart in the cervical department, uncomplication of the testicles.

Atavisms can be neutrale: strong fanging, strong painting muscles moving ears; and can manifest in saw anomalyj. development or deformities: hypertrichosis (increased hairiness), cervical fistula, alone hernia diaphragm, abstract Botall duct, hole in the interventricular partition. Multi-storage, polymisty - an increase in the amount of mammary glands, the non-semissions of the vertebrals (spindowing hernia), the tail of the spine, polydactyl, flatfoot, narrow chest, closer, high standing blades, the incoming of a solid sky - "Wolf fall", atavisms of the dental system forked Language, sewing fistula, shortening of the intestine, conservation of a cloaca (total hole for the rectum and the urinary hole), fistulas between the esophagus and the trachea, underdevelopment and even aplasia of the diaphragm, two chamber hearts, defects of heart partitions, preservation of both arcs, preservation of Botallov duct, transposition Vessels (from the right ventricle leaves the left arc, and from the left ventricle, the right arc of aorta is leaving), the pelvic arrangement of the kidneys, hermaphroditism, cryptorchism, counya uterus, doubling the uterus, the undeveloped bark of the brain (the lack of sowlavopali

Comparative anatomical study of organisms made it possible to identify modern transitional forms. For example, the previation (echidna, light-rise) has a clock, lay eggs like reptiles, but feed the young milk as mammals. The study of transitional forms allows you to establish a relationship between representatives of different systematic groups.

V. Molecular genetic evidence

Universality of the genetic code.

Similarities for proteins and nucleotide sequences

57 questions

The stages of the evolution of primates and a person at the end of the Mesozoic era about 65-75 million L.N., and in the molecular o'clock 79-116 million L.N., ancient primitive insectivore mammals appear. To the founding of the evolutionary trim of primates, it may be close to the wood embarrassing - Tupaiyidae (Tupaiidae), living in the rainforest of the Malay Peninsula and the Philippine Islands.

About 55 million years ago from primitive semoressean (lemurs, long ads) detachment Primate. In the first half of Paleogen, real monkeys arose - Anthropoida (Anthropoidea). Probably, their separation from Lemurov was associated with the transition to daylight activity, accompanied by an increase in the role of vision, increasing the size and improvement of the structure of the brain, the development of a mustache lifestyle and related social forms of behavior.

In this detachment, the section of narrow-skinned monkeys is exhausted, the ancestor of which may be woody monkeys - parapitecia.

Parappiete (Greek. Para - near, near, Pitekos - Monkey) is the fossil man ape. Fragment of the lower jaw parapicheca with teeth was found by German scientist O.Shlosser (1911) in Loweroligation sediments (about 27-35 million years ago) near Cairo. A number of parapitek dental features bring it closer with modern man-like monkeys. At the same time, there is similarity in the structure of their teeth and jaws with long hex. Anthropologists suggest that they are an initial form in the evolution of man-like monkeys and man.

About 20-16 million years ago, parapitecias widely settled from Africa in Europe and Asia.

Further evolution possibly led to the appearance (about 30 million years ago) of Egyptopiteka, the remains of which were found in Egypt in the town of Fayum near Cairo (oligocene monkeys).

Egyptopitek combines the features of the semi-discharge, mardy and human monkeys in its structure. The brain volume is relatively large. There is a significant development of the visual stakes of the brain, the olfactory bulbs are less developed, the frontal shares are small, the furprints of the furrows are poorly distinguishable on the endochanas. The brain of Egyptopiteka was weaker than any modern monkey. The structure of the shoulder bones is primitive and more similar to the semi-essays.

These fossil monkeys gave several lines of primates, identifying the development of all the narcotic monkeys, both the lower-mardy and higher - human-forming (gibbons, orangutans, chimpanzees, gorillas and humans).

For higher vocal monkeys characteristic:

larger body

lack of tail

lack of grazed bags

no sedalized corners (gibbons are small),

mostly move on the hands (and not on the 4th limbs) under branches, a larger brain, more complex brain, highly developed brain departments responsible for the movement of brush and language, organs

vision. The fourth major adaptive radiation (distribution) of Primates of the ROS "was energized in Miocene - the period of development of higher monkeys. Numerous remains from East Africa are dated early Miocene - 22 million years. Proconsul from Kenya (about 22-25 million years old) - the oldest form of man-shaped monkeys - He received his name on behalf of chimpanzees by nicknamed the consul who lived in the London zoo.

This is a four-way monkey relative to large sizes, moving on four limbs. Unlike modern chimpanzees, Proconsules were more generalized (non-specialized) shape: along with wood, they used ground locomotion, but were more adapted to wood locomotion. A number of signs of the Skeleton of Consule is common for chimpanzees, and for the gorilla, and for humans. Such monkeys are called "mosaic" due to the varnish set of signs, for example, a brush is similar to the lower monkey, and the foot - with the highest. It is believed that they were the initial form for the entire trunk of man-like monkeys in Africa and Asia, migrated to Europe, where there were inhabitants not only wet forests, but also a rarefied forest-steppe. Orangutan line separated about 13-17 million years ago and their ancestors were sivapite, the remains of which were found in the mountains of the Silovki in India and Pakistan in Miocene sediments (12.5 - 8.5).

One of the fossil forms of man-like monkeys is Ramapitik, whose age is about 8-14 million. Frames, the main character of the Indian epic (fairy tales) and Greek received their name from the Indian God. Pithekos - Monkey.

This fossil man-like monkey, for many years considered a person's ancestor, according to the latest data, does not belong to the evolutionary branch leading to a person. To date, it is believed that these fossil forms belong to the family of sivapitecov.

The remains of their lower jaws were found in the north of India (in the tertiary layers of the Sivalin hills), East Africa and Europe. They dwell on the edges of the forests, looking for food in the open area. Judging by the structure of the teeth (the fangs of them mostly lost their role and in comparison with other teeth were not issued forward, the lower jaw became less massive) they were omnivorous further evolution associated with the appearance of 15-25 million years ago (Miocene) directly in common ( According to Darwin), the ancestor of man and man-like monkeys - Driopitec (Greek. "Drios" - L y in a tree - "Wood Monkey"). This is a genus of extinct (about 8 ml and. Years ago) half aless semi-earth anthropomorphic primates of East Africa and Eurasia. The first remains of these primates were discovered in 1856. Lorta in France.

You are closer to others to people standing Darwinovsky "Driopitek, the remains of which were found in among Miocene sediments of Austria.

For dripitecs, it is characteristic: the length is about 60 cm., Long forefills, dwell on the trees,

they were also fed, probably (on the structure of teeth), berries and fruits, a slight decrease in the size of the canines, the gap between them and the cutter of the features separating them from primates and approaching a person,

some of them were bipedal (walked on two legs in a half-storm position), the wadded lifestyle was made, did not manufacture tools.

The second subfamily of the hominid - the hominines includes gorillas, chimpanzees and humans (genus Homo).

For the subfamily of the hominine, it is characteristic: two-beaches, reduction of the dental apparatus (decrease in fangs, parabolic shape of the dental arc, jaw shortening), larger brain (from 600 to 1200 cm 3).

The lines of chimpanzees and gorillas separated about 6-8 million years ago (in Miocene). Although, some scientists (for example, Professor Morris Gudman, Head of DNA Research, Chimpanzee at the University of Wayne in Detroit), it is believed that, according to the genetic analysis, chimpanzees should also be classified as Homo. A comparison of DNA sequences shows that the very close relatives of a person from now living species are two types of chimpanzees (ordinary and bonobo). So the chimpanzee and person genes are similar to the greatest extent, 99% of human proteins and chimpanzees are absolutely identical.

The phylogenetic line with which the origin of the modern person is connected (Homo Sapiens) separated from other hominid 6-7 million years ago (in Miocene). For a person and chimpanzees, there could be a common chimpanzoid ancestor (about 6.5-6.7 million years ago).

The further evolution of a person is associated with anthropoid highly developed two-co-primates - Australis (from Lat. Australis - South and Greek. Pithekos - Monkey). This is a group of fossil top primates whose age is 5-5.5 - 1 million years (Pliocene). These are pre-ordinary or protoanthop (preggominids), which systematically as a tool enjoyed natural objects (sticks, stones, wreckage of animal bones).

The bones of Australopithecks were first discovered in brazed steppe spaces in 1924. In the Kalahari Desert (South Africa), and then in Eastern and Central Africa. They existed to less than 1 million before AD.

It is Australopitseki, according to a mutational concept, appeared as a result of radiation. Therefore, this group is very diverse. Most of them is a dead end for the evolution of man.

Several types of Australopitekov are studied: AFAR (A.Afarensis), African (A.Africanus), powerful.

The question of their evolutionary role for the development of man is still not resolved.

Characteristic features of Australopithecov: the brain volume - 410-550 cm 3, the skull in the structure is similar to the skull of modern human-shaped monkeys, a solid observed roller, height 120-150 cm, the body is slim, males larger females (the difference is more than a person), body weight - 20-55 kg, support stop, similar to man The structure of the pelvis, moved on two legs in a more straightened position,

the forelimbs were free: a brush of grabbing type with a developed thumb,

natural items were systematically used as instruments of labor (for hunting and protection against enemies): Natural items: sticks, stones, etc., primitive instruments: bone and wooden,

the manufacture of artificial stone tools of labor Australopithekami is not established,

they fed mainly with meat foods had powerful jaws and teeth, teeth in shape are similar to human, there are no protruding fangs, were omnivorous, they were a herd lifestyle, together hunted.

Australopitets probably gave rise to paranthopes and people. Paranthropus, from a couple ... and anthropos- man) - the genus of fossil top primates. Detected in South and East Africa: the making, Olday, Lokali and in many other places of excavations.

Parantropic remains can be dated from a period of 2.5 to 1 million years. The first skull (without the lower jaw) of Parantrop was discovered on July 17, 1959 by the British archaeologist Mary Lika in East Africa in the Oldwaiian Gorge (Tanzania) and named Zinjanthrop. The largest view is Parantrop Boys - highly developed Australopita (Zindjantrop Boisei or A. Boisei). His age, according to the radioisotope method, about 2 million years (1750 thousand years).

According to modern concepts about evolution, the genus Paradrostopes is in relation to the ancestors of modern people extincting the nursing group, although this issue is finally not resolved.

Characteristic features of Zindjantrop: a massive skull with a powerful front part, large bone crests (for attaching chewing muscles), large teeth, but the fangs do not protrude above the rest of the teeth, the brain volume is 530 cm 3, height 1.2-1.6 m, weight - 40-90kg, the structure of the structure suggests that he went on two legs - i.e. It was completely spinning (bipedal), many features of the structure resemble the features of a modern person, but still they are attributed to Australopithek.

The evolutionary branch of a person was separated from about 3-4 million years ago, the evolutionary branch of the trunk.

The first representatives of the genus Homo are the legs of modern shape, sexual dimorphism,

< размерам головой.

it is worth noting that there are no particularly sharp anatomical differences between some Australophec and Homo Habilis. Those. possessed: a little big development of the brain, more advanced walking on two legs, knew how to handle primitive items (stones, sticks).

These creatures are the first who socially produced the tools of labor and hunting. Next to their remains, primitive stone, made from pebbles (roughly treated stone pebbles), were detected - chopped, which prompted some researchers to consider them a person and call Homo Habilis (skillful). This first culture was named Oldwaiian pebble culture, and this forms of Homo was named by a person skillful (Homo Habilis). The guns were made from quartz, for which they had to specially go for 3-15 km. Those. They chose stones in advance to make them sharp. It is at this time that a high-quality leap occurs in the conversion of monkey into a person associated with the manufacture of the first primitive instruments of labor. Human evolution stage - Late archangropes View of the genus Homo - a person strapping (straightened) - Homo Erectus (1.5 million layout - 200 thousand years).

Fossil shapes: Peteitront, Synantrophop, Heidelbergian man, etc.

General features HOMO ERECTUS: Brain volume from 700 to 1300cm 3, low skull, "low growth, massive bones, bones are very thick, severe abrupt arcs, massive jaws, a primitive speech (the first stage) appears in the form of separate shouts, supported fire. Using Fire made it possible to make food more digested, contributed to the expansion of the range of distribution and protection against predators and cold, | The tools of labor are more diverse and differed in better processing than a person skillful. They had stone chopped, koluna, spears.

These include Peteitront, Synantropha and other mineral ancestors.


The remains of Petecanthropov were discovered in 1891 on the island of Java (Indonesia: between Australia and Thailand (over Australia) in the Indian Ocean) Dutch doctor E.Dubua.

They lived 1.5 million - 500 thousand years ago,

they had a well developed straight

skull is low with angular slaughter,

had low, highly bevented back forehead, pronounced solid surveillance roller,

^ massive, not having a chiffer protrusion Lower jaw,

a large brain, a volume of 750-900 cm 3, difficult to arrange,

in the brain mainly developed departments, managing mental activities,

height 150-175cm,

weight 70-80 kg,

It is more diversely manufactured by peteicanthropes and differed in better processing than a person skillful. They had stone chopped, koluns, spears, ^ believe that Peteitrontrops had a routine of speech in the form of a lepture, they lived mainly in the caves and led the herd lifestyle,

hued together - arranged clouds and ambushes, V used fire.


The remains were found in Cotetan cave in China near Beijing in the 20s of the 20th century (excavations were conducted until 1937). Lived during the period of glaciation (600-400 thousand years ago).

Similar to Peteitrop, but had:

larger brain, up to 1040-1200 cm,

skull is characterized by smaller sizes of the facial department, a higher forehead and a skull arch,

we made tools of labor from stone and bones, g, also used fire.

Heidelberg man - remains found in Germany.

Homo Erectus is the closest relatively reliable ancestor of Homo Sapiens.

Homo Heidelbergensis, a direct descendant of Homo Erectus and the ancestor of Neanderthals, apparently, was not a ancestor of a modern man, and was a representative of the lateral evolutionary line. Most modern theories associate the emergence of Homo Sapiens with Africa, while Homo Heidelbergensis arose europe.

Stage of the evolution of man - Paleoanthop

(Ancient people) (400-40 thousand minutes). View of the genus Homo - Reasonable Man - Homo

sapiens fossil shapes:

neanderthals (subspecies - Homo Sapiens Ne-


rhodesian man (fragments of bones of which were discovered in Ethiopia). The time of their existence coincides with the last glaciation.

Paleoanthropes were a rather extensive group having common progressive features. Fossil remains found in Asia, Africa, Europe. They had a great resemblance to modern people. The brain on the structure and volume is not very different. Among Neanderthals allocate:

so-called late (Western European), or classic, Neanderthals (who lived 50-35 thousand years ago). Morphologically they were more primitive. The features of their structure largely repeated the structure of the archantropov. They lived in small family groups and in the struggle for existence we won, probably due to physical development.

Progressive (found in Front Asia), early, Neanderthals. They had certain progressive features (for example, the presence of a weakly pronounced chores, a higher and rounded line of the skull), bringing them closer to their fossil people of modern physical type.

Character features of Neanderthal.

Neanderthals, ancient fossil people who lived 200 - 35 thousand years ago (the end of the early and medium Paleolithic) in Europe, Asia and Africa. His species name was obtained thanks to one of the first (1856) finds in the Valley of Neander Tel I NEANDERTALS Near Düsseldorf (Germany). Neanderthals occupied an intermediate position between the archantrops and fossil people of the modern physical type in the size of the brain (1400-1700cm), the Neanderthals were not inferior to a modern person, but, despite the large sizes, nmbled a row of the skatels with the brain of man-like monkeys,

despite the larger brain mass, the frontal shares were still under development. This is evidenced by the height and bevel of the forehead (lower). Late low, in the early - a higher forehead, a solid obsessive roller: more pronounced in the late and less-in early Neanderthals,

As it would be flattened from top to bottom, the occipital department,

a big face with widespread eyes

the weak development of the chin is noticeable in the early Neanderthals, which indicates the formation of a primitive speech in the form of a shelter, the remaining forms of the lower jaw is massive without chin,

The teeth have large, ^ short massive neck,

conglastic, walking bent,

At with a relatively small height (155-165 cm), the proportions of the body were close to such a modern person,

features in the structure of the brain - developed frontal shares, etc., especially among early Neanderthals, confirm that these creatures entered the path leading to the emergence of society,

they lived in large groups (herds), where intragroups were developed, determined by complex forms collective activities - joint corrupt hunting predominantly on large animals, protection against enemies and unfavorable weather conditions. Initial form public organization,

mined fire

built primitive artificial dwellings,

the tools of labor is very diverse. Are the creators of Mustier and Late Ashelsky cultures,

in some flocks of early Neanderthal, concern for old people - guardians of experience began to manifest

the first burials of the tribesmen appear,

in some areas, animal worship was developed: hundreds of bearish skulls and neatly folded long bones were found in the Caves of Europe in special "drawers" from stone slabs.

Thus, if in Late Neanderthals, the principle of powerful physical development, which brings only temporary success to a small group in the struggle for existence, the early Neanderthals were in a completely different evolutionary path - they survived due to the combination of the forces of individual individuals. This led 100-40 thousand years ago to the emergence of the species to which modern people belong, "a reasonable person, or Homo Sapiens.

Consequently, social factors have increasingly influenced the further r and\u003e VITIYS OF NEADERTERS.

The stage of evolution - Neoanatopes (new or modern people) - 40-50 thousand years

View of the genus Homo. - Homo Sapiens.

Subspecies - Homo Sapiens Sapience. Fossil shapes - Cryanonians (70-60 - 40 thousand years. Nazad).

Neoantrips (literally - new people, from Greek. NEOS - new and anthropos - man), generalized name of people modern view (Homo Sapiens), fossil and now living. The oldest of the currently known bone residues of Neoantropov (on about. Kalimantan) are dated by the radio carbon method of 39 thousand years. However, it is more likely that they arose 70-60 thousand years ago.

It is believed that for some time the Neanderthals and the first people coexisted, while about 28 thousand years ago, Neanderthals were not finally ousted by the first modern people - Crohanyonians. Currently allocate three reasons for displacement:

neanderthals were exterminated by Cryanonians,

neanderthals were assimilated by the first modern people.

or both mechanisms worked.

The first find of a modern type man was befended by a skeleton found in Wells (England) in 1823. It was a burial. Initially, the skeleton was considered feminine and called "Red Lady", because It was sprinkled with a red okra. After 100 years, it was installed that this is a male skeleton.


This is generalizing the name of the people of the Late Paleolithic Epoch. The name comes from a grotto of Cro-Manon (Cro Magnon) in the Department of Dordogne (France), where in 1868 the French archaeologist and the paleontologist L.Lart were made in Nazi. In the special literature, the Cromanons are called only those local groups of the ancient inhabitants of Europe, which are similar in their type with a man from a grotto-manon and are characterized by high growth, long cerebral, wide face and low eye orbits.

the most ancient people (archantrips). The Evolution of the Human Evolution is the early archangetres.

Fossil Forms: Creigation and Skull 1470cm 3.

The mutual position of the remains of the Vinjanthrope and Zindjanthropov (Australopithekov) gives reason to assume that Australopitets, previously considered direct ancestors of the most ancient people, actually formed two branches:

the unprocessive branch of the hominid (massive Australopithecks), which existed for a long time up to 1 million years ago. This branch ended with a dead end.

the progressive branch (graceful Australopitets) - existed simultaneously with a dead-end and even a little earlier and led to the appearance of a congregation (literally, the preceding Zindjantrophop: Lat. RgaE - before, ahead), which may be the direct and immediate ancestor of the most ancient people.

Characteristic features of the congregant:

lived at the same time with Australopiteks (3-1 million years ago),

height 100 - 150cm,

weight 30-50 kg,

possessed a rather large brain (from 650 to 800 cm 3),

redistribution of brain shares: occipital - more primitive, and frontal, dark and temporal - more progressive,

skull, in contrast to Australopithecus, expanded in the attribute and dark-temporal area, reduced teeth,

forming nail pads, which improves tanging,

brush is more adapted to work, due to opposition

big finger news

there is a better fitness of the lower extremities for two-beared (bipyedia). The first finger of the foot is not assigned to the side, but, like in modern people, together with the other fingers - i.e. The leg is fully adapted to the bipotion,

supervised rollers, flat nose,

advanced jaws,

the head is more rounded than that of Australopites,

the presence of the center of Brock in the brain (determined by the structure of the skull) - the center of speech, but the larynx has not yet been developed, the jaw is less massive, the legs of modern shape,

sexual dimorphism

the females have a wider pelvis, which allowed the belly, a young with a greater point< размерам головой.

it is worth noting that there are no particularly sharp anatomical differences between some Australophec and Homo Habilis.

Those. possessed:

somewhat large brain development

more advanced walking on two legs,

spelled a little processing primitive items (stones, sticks).

These creatures are the first who socially produced the tools of labor and hunting. Next to their remains, primitive stone, made from pebbles (roughly treated stone pebbles), were detected - chopped, which prompted some researchers to consider them a person and call Homo Habilis (skillful). This first culture was named Oldwaiian pebble culture, and this forms of Homo was named by a person skillful (Homo Habilis).

The guns were made from quartz, for which they had to specially go for 3-15 km. Those. They chose stones in advance to make them sharp. It is at this time that a high-quality leap occurs in the conversion of monkey into a person associated with the manufacture of the first primitive instruments of labor.

Human evolution stage - Late archangropes View of the genus Homo - a person strapping (straightened) - Homo Erectus (1.5 million layout - 200 thousand years).

Fossil Forms:



heidelberg man and others.

General features Homo Erectus:

brain volume from 700 to 1300cm 3,

low skull, "low growth,

massive bones, bones are very thick,

pronounced abnormal arcs

massive jaws

a primitive speech appears (first stage) in the form of separate shouts,

supported fire. The use of fire made it possible to make food more digested, contributed to the expansion of the distribution range and protect against predators and cold,

| The tools of labor are more diverse and differed in better processing than a person skillful. They appeared stone chop, koluna, spears.

late archangets are the creators of Shelsk and Ashhelsk culture,

the form of a social organization - the "primitive human herd",

there are simple form of collective activities - for example, a joint hunt, gathering,

migration begins to Europe and Asia.