Translations from Finnish into Russian. Translations from Finnish to Russian Translation of legal and commercial documents

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Translation from Finnish

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In St. Petersburg and the region, one of the most popular types of translation is Finnish-Russian translation. The reason is the geographical location: the proximity of the Finnish border predetermines not only a constant flow of tourists in both directions, but also developed trade and economic ties with Finland. Therefore, the Finnish language is widespread in the north-west of Russia, St. Petersburg and the region - a region where you can find a large number of its speakers. In addition, Finnish is spoken in another Russian region - Karelia, as well as among the inhabitants of Sweden and Norway.

High-quality translation of the Finnish language

Unlike most languages ​​spoken in Europe, Finnish is of the agglutinative type. This language belongs to the Finno-Ugric group, which includes Karelian, Mansi, as well as Khanty and others. Our specialists will perform a high-quality translation from Finnish into Russian promptly and efficiently. An online calculator will help you calculate the approximate cost of the work: it is suitable for both determining the price of written translation and determining the price of interpretation. To place an order, you should call the phone number indicated on the site or use the convenient feedback form. Translation of any text (technical, legal or medical) will be performed as soon as possible and at a very reasonable cost.

In addition to translation from Finnish, we will professionally and promptly translate Russian text into this language. Significant experience and deep knowledge is the key to an excellent result of work. This can be seen by any client who contacted us. Our company is based in St. Petersburg, which is why Finnish-Russian translations are often in demand. Our translators have significant experience in performing such work, which guarantees high speed and accuracy of translation.

Finnish translation types

Depending on the task, our specialists offer to perform written or oral translation. Types of written translation differ depending on the type of text:

  • Technical text or document. It can be an instruction manual, instruction or an article on technical topics. Such a translation will require not only excellent knowledge of a foreign language, but also knowledge of special terminology: only in this case it is possible to adequately convey the meaning of the source text.
  • legal document. This type of text is also replete with specific terminology, in addition, it is distinguished by cumbersome linguistic constructions. The translator's task is to convey the meaning of the source as accurately as possible: the slightest discrepancies or inaccuracies can lead to financial losses.
  • Medical text. This includes annotations to medicines, case histories, as well as articles on this topic. Such a translation will also require knowledge of special terminology.
  • Artistic or publicistic text. Most often, this type of text is the easiest to translate due to the lack of complex terminology. This category includes the translation of fiction, reviews, articles and other texts.

In addition to written translation, we are pleased to offer our clients interpretation: simultaneous or consecutive.

Finnish interpreter services

  • Finnish-Russian and Russian-Finnish translators.

Finnish is a representative of the Finno-Ugric group. It is not characterized by large-scale distribution and demand. The speakers themselves speak it and understand several more nationalities from Karelia, the Urals, as well as Estonians. The modern version is also divided into the Sami dialect, common in Lapland. This feature, as well as the specifics of vocabulary, should be taken into account when ordering a translation from Finnish into Russian. Not every company will be able to offer adequate text processing when working with this language. The Globe Translate Bureau employs specialists who ideally speak Finnish and its dialects. We guarantee high-quality adaptation, competent presentation of the material, taking into account the subtleties of foreign speech. Here, at the translation agency, you can order the translation of any text from Finnish into Russian. We work with legal documents, we provide services of synchronous processing.

Basic subtleties of the language

Finnish is quite specific in its pronunciation and structure. The first thing that catches your eye is a large number of vowels in words. But, according to phonological properties, these syllables are opposed in brevity and longitude, including with some consonants. The second special moment that requires special skill from a linguist who translates from Finnish into Russian is the absence of a grammatical category of gender and numbers. The latter aspect is especially important in the processing of official documentation.

The classification of Finnish dialects according to phonetic and morphological features is based on the principle of correlation with the ancient tribal languages ​​of three ethnic groups - Häme, Suomi and Karelians. It is they who determine the ethnogenesis of the nation and the basis of the structure of speech. Globe Translate translation agency employs experienced professionals who ideally speak the language, including the specific dialects of individual nationalities.

Range of services

How is Globe Translate different from other translation agencies? First, the fact that we are available around the clock and have a large linguistic base. The staff employs translators who speak different languages, including less common ones, such as Finnish, for example. Our linguists are well versed in phonetic features, understand dialects. The ability to competently adapt the original material to the Russian language is the key to fast and high-quality translation.

Among the services - the transformation of materials in all possible options:

  • oral;
  • synchronous;
  • written art;
  • and etc.

The office also handles paperwork.

Globe Translate employees can also act as personal translators at business meetings and serve as guides around Moscow when accompanied by foreign delegations.

The cost of services in each case is discussed individually with each client. The translation of the text from Finnish into Russian is evaluated taking into account the volume of material, its type and even the format of cooperation. Call - we will agree on all the details.

The closest relatives are Estonian, Karelian and Vepsian, however, we note that people who speak these languages ​​also experience difficulties in translating, especially when it comes to such specific topics as industrial equipment, international contracts or family law.

Company B2B - Translation specializes in interpretation and written translation of technical, legal and medical documents, as well as provides translation services from Finnish.

595 rubles

Finnish legal translation

Our company deals with all types of Finnish language translation for legal entities. persons. Our translators specialize in various areas of translation, but they agree that, due to their upbringing and culture, Finns have special requirements for the accuracy and completeness of the translation of legal documents. Our permanent translator Ksenia Yurievna notes that:

“Your Finnish counterparties are not indifferent to how the texts will look after the translation, as the Finns are always very attentive to their language. If you want to have a high-quality translation of texts and the absence of the possibility of losing important information, then the translation services of our company are what you need.”

We can offer our clients high-quality legal translation into Finnish and vice versa of the following documents:

  • Charters and founding agreements;
  • Certificate of registration, registration and deregistration by tax authorities, information letters from various authorities;
  • Contracts of various nature - from contracts for the purchase of vehicles or real estate to agreements on the division of property, contracts with transport companies, agency, distribution and other trade contracts;
  • Accounting, management reporting, accounts, acts of work performed, reconciliations of mutual settlements - everything you need to run a business of any size;

Do you need documents urgently? Our company provides urgent translation of legal documents from Finnish and vice versa. All translated materials are notarized, which will allow them to be immediately included in the work.

The cost of translation into Finnish starts from 595 rubles

Finnish Medical Translation

Translation services for medical documents from/into Finnish

Today, many of our compatriots go to Finland for treatment or buy foreign medicines. Conducting unique operations, certain examinations and procedures are also carried out in Russia, which attracts many foreign citizens to us. There is also a great exchange of experience between our countries, seminars, meetings and lectures on medical topics. Due to these features, the need for translation of medical documents from Finnish into Russian and vice versa has increased.

B2B translation company guarantees high-quality oral and written translation of medical documents of any complexity. For instance:

  • Epicrises
  • Extracts from the medical history;
  • References and outpatient cards;
  • Test results;
  • Articles, reports, lectures in all areas of medical knowledge - from cardiology and gastroenterology to alternative obstetrics and the latest innovations in dental prosthetics;

Both written and oral translation of medical documents from / into Finnish has many subtleties - entrust it to professionals!

The cost of translation into Finnish starts from 595 rubles

Finnish Technical Translation

Finland is a European country with a developed industry, the main areas of which are: mechanical engineering, forestry, electronics and metallurgical industries. Russia is one of the key partners for Finland in all spheres of activity, including the industrial one, based on its geographical position. Does your company cooperate with Finnish companies? This means that you simply need a constant high-quality translation of technical documents from Finnish into Russian and vice versa.

We provide fast professional translation of technical documents into Finnish and vice versa, namely:

  • Instructions for installation and operation of Finnish-made equipment;
  • Technical documentation and annotations for goods from Finland;
  • Route sheets and customs declarations for imported building materials;
  • Drawings and explanatory notes;

Do you need an urgent translation of technical documents? We will promptly translate any materials and certify them with a notary.

Our company will solve the whole range of tasks related to the translation of technical literature. We will translate and make up drawings, catalogs, instructions and specifications with maximum accuracy and, upon request, deliver it to your office.

The cost of translation into Finnish starts from 595 rubles

Interpreting Finnish

Finnish interpreter services

Our Finnish translators also often have to work with cooperation agreements and statutory documents, bank statements and reports, tax and accounting records of joint Russian-Finnish companies and accompany clients to meetings. Also, translators often do notarized translation of personal documents (passports, birth and marriage certificates, certificates of ownership of real estate, rights and CTC for cars) for those traveling to Finland for work and leisure.

If partners have reported an unexpected arrival and it is important for you to find a qualified interpreter in a short time and at a reasonable price - CALL US. We will select an interpreter for consecutive interpretation of negotiations with your Finnish colleagues and partners on a variety of topics - from the terms of contracts and customs clearance of imports to the current state of political relations between the two countries.

The cost of translation into Finnish starts from 595 rubles

Translation and interpretation of the Finnish language in Moscow

It is important not to forget that the Finnish language, although it is an officially recognized language not only of Finland, but also of minorities in Sweden (both standard and Meänkieli Finnish in the Swedish region of Tournedalen), is not similar to the languages ​​​​of the neighbors Swedes and Norwegians, so remember familiar Scandinavian words need to be used with care.

The Moscow Translation Agency "Optimum" provides high-quality translation services from almost any language in the world, including Finnish. It is distributed mainly only in Finland, so it is quite difficult to learn it fully. Our translators have experience in communicating and working with native Finnish speakers and understand all its peculiarities.

Documents for Finnish translation

Despite their unpopularity, translations from Finnish are in high demand. Main documents translated into Finnish:

  • Medical translation of certificates and documents for treatment abroad;
  • Translation of a diploma and its supplement for admission to a Finnish university;
  • Notarized translations of documentation into Finnish;
  • Legal documentation for working with Finnish partners;
  • Technical translations of texts and instructions;
  • Documents for obtaining a visa and a migration card to Finland.

We have vast experience in translations from Finnish!

Finnish is different from many other languages ​​and has its own grammatical structure. Our translation agency "Optimum" employs professionals with related education, such as legal, medical or geographical. Optimum translators are ready to perform a competent translation of texts from the Finnish language on various topics while maintaining a single style and accuracy of terminology.

(Finnish translation services in Moscow)

Professional Finnish translations are at your service. It is easy to work with us - call any office of our company and get advice from our manager.

Payment is made by cash / bank transfer + using modern systems for accepting electronic payments. We do our best to save your time as much as possible!

Finnish translation in our company is:

    High quality at a low price

    Any related services (certification, etc.)

    The widest range of translation topics

    Favorable discount system for you

    No queues, parking, etc.

    Free editing by the translation editor

    Urgent translation

Contact us! We provide excellent quality translation services!

Finnish language

It is spoken

Finnish is one of the languages ​​belonging to the medium popularity group. It is spoken by about eight million people worldwide. In addition to Finland, it has an official status in the Republic of Karelia, Sweden and the European Union. It is also spoken in Norway, Estonia. It belongs to the Finno-Ugric language family.


It is believed that the modern Finnish language originated from the Proto-Baltic-Finnish language. Written Finnish is based on the Latin alphabet. It has case declension like the Russian language - i.e. by changing the endings. The stress can fall on several syllables of a word, i.e. is dynamic. In basic word order, the subject comes first, then the object, and only then the predicate.

Finnish and Russian

The Finnish language is not at all like the Russian language. Closest to it in structure are the Estonian and Sami languages.

In learning Finnish is quite difficult, which greatly complicates the search for a professional translator. In our agency you will receive an excellent quality translation from/into Finnish.

It is interesting

Fishing in Finland

Many Russians go to Finland year-round to fish. Here you can catch both river and sea fish, and the organization of fishing is at the highest level. The prices for the services of local hotels and restaurants are very democratic, and the level of service is very high.


Roads in Finland are not treated with chemicals in winter. This is due to the fact that the country's authorities are fighting for a clean environment in the region. Therefore, driving on winter roads occurs at low speeds, and installing good winter tires on cars is essential.


Finns are very calm and hospitable European people. They love cleanliness and order, devoting a lot of time to them. Goodwill, calmness, moderation - these three words can characterize these people as voluminously as possible.