White Bear Colony Strict Mode. How to try the alas in the colony "Polar Bear

Relatives of one of the convicts, which is serving a punishment in the Yamal Correctional Colony "Polar Bear" or IC-8, told about beatings and torture, which allegedly apply to the ace. Having been on a date with her husband, a woman with his words reported on the conditions of the detention of prisoners in the colony, which, in her opinion, are unacceptable.

The leadership of the colony states that it simply cannot be, however, the "white bear" regularly falls into reports on PE and the reporting of the prosecutor's reporting. Former Zeks complain to human rights defenders for unbearable conditions, beatings and lack of clothing, and the supervisory authorities even recorded in the colony of violations of anti-extremist legislation.

As the spouse told one of the prisoners after a date with him, Eki employs 12 hours and more, in inhuman conditions, at the end of the shift there are no opportunity to wash in the bath, there are no hot water and even days off. In the barracks, raw and cold, people sleep dressed, bed linen is not erased and does not change. At the same time, the prices in the store of the colony are changing every day, winter clothes are given the ex-in use, and the boots that prisoners come from their relatives, they do not get. The salary of most prisoners is no more than 100 rubles per month. In production, the safety technique is not observed: there are no necessary tools, protective equipment, mittens, gloves, respirators.

However, all household difficulties do not go to any comparison with the beatings and torture of prisoners. "They are constantly beaten in the Security Department and in the Perch of the staff of Telman and Morozov, the author of the letter of his spouse quotes. - communicate with obscene brand, shout, beaten with hands and legs. The head of the colony lieutenant colonel can oculate, swears by mat, beats convicts, bypassing in the evening in the colony in a drunk. Lieutenant named Arsen beats convicts, yelling obscene. "

In the camp several times a month, the riot police, the stupid convicts beat all employees. "Acceptance is so called, write on the camera with the phone and smile in front of each other who kicked whom to hit, hit, mock for a few hours. Many do not stand and lose consciousness, but they are simply poured with water and continue on, "the woman writes.

Head of IR-8 Lieutenant Colonel Igor Mogutov, in turn, said that no beatings of the condemned representatives of the administration of the colony could not be speech. "With regard to domestic conditions, we, of course, do not have a sanatorium, but we are fulfilled by all the requirements for the life of the convicts at a decent level," said might.

Meanwhile, the White Bear has repeatedly fell into prosecutorial releases and reports of news in connection with scandals, whose heroes became representatives of the administration of the colony. In November 2008, against and. about. The head of the correctional colony No. 8 was initiated by a criminal case under articles 292 (official forgery) and 286 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (exceeding official powers). Prosecutors revealed that the deputy officer for the construction of the colony made a fictitious certificate of a repair colony made in the corps, as a result of the fraud from the budget, 2.1 million rubles were transferred to the contractor's accounts.

In December 2009, the prisoner IC-8 Oleg Mamonov published an open letter through relatives, in which he stated that in the case of his death the administration of the colony will be guilty. "Upon arrival in the FBU IK-8, the administration only beat me three times on the first evening, beat up the rest of the convicts who arrived with me in one stage. Knowingly knowing that I after the operation, the administration beat me over several days. Previously wrapped me with scotch, applying handcuffs. Appeal illegal, in addition, the criminal actions of the administration, I can not because to complain about the INAO Prosecutor's Office and in the UFSIN of Russia is death like. Secondly: all complaints fall under personal control of operatives, after which they begin to beat me again, threaten, and my complaints are openly destroyed ... I ask for criminal cases regarding the IC-8 administration. Provide me and my witnesses security, "wrote prisoner.

In 2010, the Prosecutor's Office of Yamal revealed №1 IK-8 in SIZO, violations of penal legislation. In particular, there were killer, together with the accused of illicit drug trafficking, and the prisoners were not displayed for walks, as they did not have shoes, and so on.

In April 2012, the Committee for civil rights reported on the complaint with which Alexander Pavlov freed from IR-8 came to them. The former zek spoke about numerous violations in the "White Bear". "The bath in IK-8 works badly - once a week was washing all the detachment, within a few minutes, under five cans. In the detachments there was an explicit overflow - up to 200 people. In the barracks it is cold, winter shoes are not issued. Things are extremely irregular. I received a jetty for four years in the colony only once, and then used. There were situations when in Schizo, PKT, Susta people were departed for anything. For example, provoking situations were created by the administration, "Pavlov told.

The situation in the "White Bear" worries not only prisoners, but also those who are "on the other side of barbed wire." In July 2012, the district's prosecutor's office when checking IC-8 found violations of the legislation on countering extremism and terrorism. In the library of the colony there was no list of extremist materials and did not reconcile funds and newly incoming literature with this list. In addition, violations of the labor rights of the employees of the correctional institution were established.

According to URA.ru, the official website of the Prosecutor's Office of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug,

A condemned by the Russian court for the creation of the terrorist community, the Ukrainian director Oleg Seretsov changed the colony - for the third time in the last two years. What the Senzov expects in the new colony and why it is so often translated - the correspondent "".

What began "colonial" Tour Sentsov

The conviction of a citizen of Ukraine Oleg Sentsov delivered on August 25, 2015, the Military Court of Rostov-on-Don. He was sentenced to 20 years in prison with serving in a strict regime colony. During the trial, employees of the Federal Security Service announced the Ukrainian director with a member of the political organization "Right Sector forbidden in Russia", on the task of which he allegedly planned explosions on the peninsula.

The first place for his conclusion in February 2016 was the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District. In September 2017, the Sentsov was translated into a correctional colony (IR) No. 18 of the village of Harp, and on October 13 - in IK-8 of Labytnangi, also known as the "White Bear".

What is the famous Colony "White Bear"

The prisoners of the "White Bear" - all those who could be expected to be expected if they had not introduced a moratorium on the death penalty: terrorists, serial killers and maniacs. But the greatest fame of IK-8 brings the reputation of jailers: in the tapes of information agencies, there are regular messages about beatings and torture in the "White Bear".

Who wished not to disclose the journalist from Salekhard told "", that, although information about the ill-treatment of prisoners is regularly coming regularly (for example, in 2012, the portal URA.RU reported this), real investigations are not conducted.

Human rights defenders rarely confirm the words of prisoners about tortures. Perhaps the tortures of these are really no. Perhaps imprisoners manage to somehow eliminate traces of beatings. Maybe human rights defenders themselves are unclean in hand. The system is so closed that to solve, who is right here, and who is not, is extremely difficult.

The Office of the Federal Penitentiary Service for YNAO refutes information on the alleged beating of the mass beats of prisoners in the subordinate colonies. As reported today, on April 7, the press service of the department, we are talking about publications, which referred to the beatings of the colony by colony No. 8 (IR-8) of the newly arrived arrests from Colony No. 14 (IR-14), located in the Surgutsky district of Ugra.

As stressed in the press service, after the publications of the materials, the authorities of the District Department of the FSIN on the YNAO appointed an official audit, according to which the facts of violations of the law on the side of the correctional institution were found not.

IK-8 "Polar Bear" is located in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District in the village of Labytnangi. According to some information, the colony has the unlawful status of "red", that is, completely controlled by the administration. At the same time, Colony No. 14, located in the Surgut district near the village "Lokosovo", until the recent poray had the status of "black", where criminal "authorities" had a certain power over prisoners. Thus, as observers noted, the difference between the status of the colonies and could have the cause of violence over certain arrests. However, this is just an assumption.

Meanwhile, according to experts, in the Russian colonies there is a practice of "dating" with the zek zone arriving from other, not loyal administrations, colonies. "If the administration in the colonies applied violence to the newly arrived prisoners, I can assume why. As far as I know, the same IC-8 and IC-2, unlike the Lokosov zone, have the status of "red". And the bosses of two zones hardly wants to change the status on "black", that is, criminal authorities ruled in the medium of the prisoners. I believe that in this regard, it was possible, and such a "warm welcome" of the artants from the Black Zone was arranged. It is that they immediately understand what kind of order in the zone, and did not try to change them. Simply put, by violence, they knock out the "thoughts". I do not exclude such a version of the events, "one of the former silovikov shared his considerations.

In March of this year, the FSINA Department for KHMA officially announced that Lokosovskaya Colony for the reasons for its economic inefficiency will be closed. At the same time, all 806 prisoners will be translated into other correctional institutions located on the territory of the Ukrainian KMAO, YNAO and the Tyumen region.

A few days ago, some media and Internet portals reported that the staging of prisoners from IR-14 in IR-8 is "torture". In particular, the human rights portal Gulagu.net has repeatedly reported about it.

"At the moment, 102 convicts stupid from the colony. The rest expect a stage. The first two parties of convicts in the amount of 25 and 29 people arrived at the destination at the IR-2 of the cities of Tyumen and IR-8 YNAO (Labytnangi). Both stages were brutally beaten. And they beat them to this day, "said one of the messages. Also, the portal published a list of allegedly beaten prisoners of the 14th colony.

Today, another FSINA Department, along the Tyumen region, following his colleagues from YNAO denied information about beating in the subordinate colony of strict regime No. 2 (IR-2) of the Lokosovskaya IR-14. By the way, IK-2 is also called "red" in the artantic environment.

"On the eve of IK-2 UFSIN of Russia in the Tyumen region, representatives of the Prosecutor's Office for the Supervision of Compliance with the Laws in the correctional institutions of the Tyumen Region and the members of the Regional Public Supervisory Commission, who conducted conversations with each of the convicts arrived in the correctional institution, during which they explained that physical force In relation to the newcomers to the colony, no one applied and beaten by the employees of the correctional institution did not see the convicts, "said UFSIN press service through the Tyumen region.

For the first time convicted men come here. In the "White Bear" of them near Semisot. They are judged mostly for drug-related crimes: storage, sales. And for crimes against the life and health of citizens.

Residential premises, facilities, bakery and workshops, sports ground.

"Street". There are residential premises, school, fire depot, dining room.

The prisoner is allowed video call with relatives. About once a month, they can see their loved ones on the screen. Allowed and dating live.


More precisely, the evening class, ascribed to the eighth Labytnang school. The convicts that do not have full secondary education and have not reached the thirty-year-old age, they are obliged to receive education in places in prison. Educators strictly control this moment - request copies of certificates, and if they are not - at the beginning of the school year, they are credited to the evening school.

Here they receive secondary unfinished and secondary special education. Give the certificate.

Teachers - coming, from the eighth school. They are separated from student bars.

At the entrance warned: photographs only those who agreed. Head of the colony Sergey Zacchov:
- If someone is against - raise your hand. Are you against? Two, who is against - go to this angle. And you remove so that they do not get to the frame - this is already me.

We must, I repeat, learn those who are not thirty. However, education and older education are obtained. There is a person who is more than fifty, also expressed a desire to learn.

Dining room

In the colony - own bakery. In addition, our own pasta and chickens are made here.

Bread bake prisoners themselves. Some of them came here with a profession, someone learned already here.

The smell of bread is incredible. I treated me a piece. Grey! Awesome!

Losts begin at 11 am. In the menu - four groups: general (minimum nutritional standards) and special groups, people with different diseases, diabetics, for example, come there. Four types of porridge: manna, oatmeal, barley, pesh.

Hall of food reception


In a small store in the territory of the IR-8, the range is not exhibited in the showcases. Simply posted price list. Toothbrush and paste, various canned food, crucial soups, seeds ... Prices are always compared with regional, should not exceed. Freshness of goods is controlled. However, products are not parted, says the seller. Sweet: condensed milk, sugar, cakes, marshmallows, candy, snickers, chocolates, enjoy the greatest popularity. And cigarettes.
Smoking, though, have become less. The law on the prohibition of tobacocuria influenced. And raising prices for tobacco products.
Hygiene objects provide convicts fully, however, the assortment is wider, the store will be brought to the store and more expensive toothbrushes.
The convicts receive wages, and those who do not work will receive money from relatives.

Living spaces

The detachments are placed in the premises of the barrack type. In each - about a hundred people.

Sportsport with simulators - right in the open sky. This empty, but I saw that they were engaged on the other. There is an opportunity every day. Even in winter.


Bench and machine for press

The courtyard of the detachment.

Inside. Bunk beds. Today is the environment, so the bed in such a form.

On each bed - sign named and photo

The option of refueling the beds is determined, it is the same in all convicts.

The room where the TV is watching, write letters, listen to lectures.

Awards for the participation of the squad in sports and cultural events

The dining room. There is a kettle, stove, water. Here you can drink tea, eat products that are transferred to relatives or purchased in the store. Today (again) a sanitary day, the refrigerator is defrosting, so everything is posted on the table.


The former premises of the bakery were taken under the chapel. The framework is made to hang bells. With God's help, the colony employees say. We promised to help and bring the bell in the church.

It contains a strictly censored library of Orthodox literature, there is a room for prayers. Baptism occurs, once a quarter for sure. You can help you can pray every day, the main thing is not to fall out of the overall mode. For each detachment the time is defined. Now there is only a daily.

Production zone

Through the SanPropuscan, we pass into the production area. Here prisoners are changed, get a tool and go on working facilities. During the day, they work, eat from work in the reverse order: change clothes in the clothes in which they are in the detachment, and diverge on the detachments.

This model is collected about a year. It is quite big, about a meter long. Each plate, argue the masters, you need to process a whole day. And the plank is a little thicker matches.

Ship scheme

And this is another workshop. Here cut on wood

And one more shop. Cut the laser

Right with me a master drove in Korel a drawing and inscription, pressed the button ...

And the process went!

The colony has its own radio and television. The program lasts at least an hour. The main range of broadcasting - lectures of an educational nature, socio-educational. The share of ether stands out for congratulations.
Orders and young and aged. Choose the songs of the eighties, nineties ... and more modern. Created base of songs that have passed censorship.
Create and movies. Mostly historical, patriotic, informative tapes.
"We have no right to twist the premieres, showing movies only after they are held on the central television," said Politruk.

There are applications here, if they want, for example, to congratulate the buddy happy birthday.

Head of the Colony - Colonel of the Internal Service of Skachev Sergey Viktorovich

The convicts require large labor of psychological services, educators, "says the head of the colony. - It all begins with the routine of the day, with compliance with the discipline. The convicts are getting used to living within the law, many, having received a profession, are arranged later to work. Many, especially from the number of small peoples of the North, receive a complete secondary education, then they receive in demand in the district of the profession: a mason, carpenter, joiner, cook, welder, butter.

Most of the convicts - from Yamal, this is Russia's policy: the distribution of convicts within the territorial body. The main mass of convicts is our, Yamal. In each detachment - up to one hundred people. The list of non-permanently corrected convicts by the decision of the court receive conditionally early exemptions.