Properties of the pyramid (healing and miraculous). Making a pyramid - technology download

Source: Russian Institute of Creative Excellence. From the cycle: "Native words: the revival of lost meanings."

Pyramid and health

One of the unique remedies is a tetrahedral pyramid, shaped like the pyramids of Cheops, Khafre and other pharaohs, located on the Giza plateau in Egypt.

With its (still not fully explained by science) energy, it quite actively stimulates the vital forces of a sick organism, and that, in turn, copes with the disease more easily.

In other words, pyramid therapy is a unique remedy for many diseases, and even if a person, being in perfect health, sometimes takes (in small doses) water or eats small portions of food aged in a pyramid, or sometimes rests in a large or over small pyramids, then his chances of getting sick are minimal.

Making pyramids.

A home pyramid is made from natural material (board, cardboard, plexiglass, flat slate, plywood, etc.), which has dielectric (insulating) properties, without a single nail and without the use of other metals, which, by their field, introduce distortions into the field of the pyramidal space.

The energy of this space must be pure, without any distortion, then the healing properties of the pyramid will be maximum.

A pyramid is a polyhedron, the base of which is a polygon, and the side faces are triangles that have a common size.

At the base of a regular pyramid there is always a regular polygon (for example, for a tetrahedral pyramid - a square), and the side faces are isosceles triangles that are equal to each other. The height of the pyramid is equal to the length of the perpendicular dropped from the top to the center of the base (the center of a regular polygon lying at the base of the pyramid is the point of intersection of its diagonals).

In addition to the height, the characteristics of the pyramid are the length of the base and the height of the side face (apothem) of the pyramid.

A home pyramid can be of any size, but the ratio of its height to the length of the base must be strictly defined, namely: the length of the base must exceed the height of the pyramid by 1.6 times. This ratio corresponds to the proportion of the golden section, or harmonious division.

Thus, multiplying the given height of the pyramid by 1.6, we get the length of its base. To determine the height of the side face (the apothem of the pyramid), it is necessary to multiply the given height of the pyramid by 1.35.

It should be remembered that with doubling the height of the pyramid, the activity of its action increases many (50-100 or more) times. Therefore, if possible, install pyramids with a maximum height.

One of the edges of the pyramid should be oriented with a compass due north.

If it is built in a favorable place - on a hill, without metal, far from reinforced concrete houses and structures, far from power lines, embankments and railways, with the help of a compass correctly oriented to the cardinal points, such a pyramid works immediately and very efficiently!

In houses, apartments, pyramids should be placed away from metal objects and structures that violate the natural magnetic field of the Earth and thereby reduce the healing properties of the pyramid. Such items include radiators, plumbing, sewerage, etc. If the houses are made of reinforced concrete structures, the pyramids in them may not be as effective. In this case, it is better to build a pyramid in your summer cottage and restore health with its help.

It should be remembered that any pyramid must be made by a mentally balanced person who must have good and bright thoughts during manufacture, and the builder must do this work with soul.

If the pyramids are built somehow, in violation of the proportions of the golden section, not oriented to the cardinal points according to the compass, it can be assumed that they will not bring any benefit, and perhaps even harm.

Dimensions of the home pyramid

Height - Base length - Apothem - Rib length
10 cm - 10x1.6 = 16 cm - 10x1.35 = 13.5 cm - 15.70 cm

15 cm 15x1.6 = 24 cm 15x1.35 = 20.25 cm 25.53 cm

20 cm 20x1.6 = 32 cm 20x1.35 = 27 cm 31.38 cm

30 cm 30x1.6 = 48 cm 30x1.35 = 40.5 cm 47.07 cm

40 cm 40x1.6 = 64 cm 40x1.35 = 54 cm 62.76 cm

50 cm 50x1.6 = 80 cm 50x1.35 = 67.5 cm 78.46 cm

100 cm 100x1.6 = 160 cm 100x1.35 = 135 cm 156.92 cm

250 cm 250x1.6 = 400 cm 250x1.35 = 337.5 cm 392.30 cm

300 cm 300x1.6 = 480 cm 300x1.35 = 405 cm 470.77 cm

500 cm 500x1.6 = 800 cm 500x1.35 = 675 cm 784.61 cm

1000 cm 1000x1.6 = 1600 cm 10x1.35 = 1350 cm 1569.24 cm

It should be remembered that the maximum energy potential of all correctly made and installed pyramids (large and small) is possessed by their internal space at a level from 1/3 to 2/3 of the height of the pyramid. The rest of the space of the pyramids is energetically minimal, respectively, and the return is minimal.

In the upper part of the pyramid, it is desirable to make a small incision so that a hole is formed (for a pyramid with a base of 4 m, the diameter of the hole is 60-70 mm) - a waveguide that the pyramid needs to exit into the surrounding space of excess energy that is generated inside during operation. A hole is also made in the center of the base (for a pyramid with a base of 4 m, the diameter of the hole is 10 mm). Using a compass, draw three concentric circles around the center of the base, along which about 30 similar holes are evenly distributed (for a pyramid with a base of 4 m, the diameters of the circles are 100 cm, 250 cm and 400 cm). Holes in the base are needed for the unimpeded receipt of the energy of the Earth. Shelves are installed at a height of 1/3, 1/2 and 2/3 of the pyramid.

Examples of the use of pyramids.

In case of severe and multiple diseases, the patient should use large pyramids for rest - the possibilities of healing in them are practically unlimited. The time spent in the large pyramids is purely individual, for especially sensitive patients - no more than 15 minutes. With overwork, 30 minutes of staying in the pyramid is enough to restore strength and get rid of discomfort.

You can also use indoor pyramids. The patient rests on a bed without metal, under which up to five (10-15 cm high) pyramids are installed along his body.

Empty pyramids are good for healing the body, but in combination with the intake of pyramidal water or herbal infusions, aged for 24 hours inside the pyramid at the level of 2/3 of the height (in the upper part). Even a small fraction of such water benefits the patient. Pyramid infusion is done something like this: in a container (a glass or a jar), the medicinal raw materials indicated in the recommendation are placed, poured with the right amount of boiling water, closed with a nylon lid and insisted for the right time on the stand at the level of 2/3 of the height of the pyramid. Water can be stored in a pyramid for a long time.

For all internal pains, for pains in the muscles and joints, aluminum foil can be used externally in the form of a compress, which is previously charged in the pyramid for 24 hours at the level of 1/2 of the height, using a dielectric stand. The foil charged in this way is wrapped with a layer of linen and applied to a sore spot or joint. From above, this compress is closed, secured with a linen cloth or bandage and left overnight. Such compresses are also used for pain in the head, abdomen, chest, and limbs. With the help of such compresses, pain, as a rule, passes quickly enough - they pass completely!

In addition to healing properties, the pyramids are useful for many other purposes.

It is possible to keep the seeds before planting in a pyramid for 10-15 days at the level of 1/3 of the height, while the germination and yield increases by about 2 times.

Pyramids have a beneficial effect on animals. You can build a large pyramid near their place of residence, you can place several small pyramids. The aquarium can be filled with pyramidal water, it can be covered with a pyramid oriented to the cardinal points for 24 or more hours.

In pyramids, especially large ones, perishable food products can be stored on shelves 1/3 of the height for a long time without the risk that they will deteriorate. It even improves their taste.

In small pyramids, blunt blades and knives are placed on a base at 1/3 of the height for 24 hours for sharpening

Pyramid Research Results

The following results were obtained at the Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
(Deputy Director for Research, Doctor of Medical Sciences E.I. Maevsky, Head of the Group of Experimental Transplantation and Neurochemistry, Ph.D. A.V. Kulikov, Head of the Laboratory for the Regulation of Proliferation and Cell Death, Dr. Prof. Yu.N. Korystov):

1. In the course of studying the effect of solutions from the Pyramid on animals in a stressful environment, it was found that the effect of the solution from the Pyramid has a pronounced anti-stress effect. The use of the Pyramid shape effect optimizes thymus cellularity (one of the indicators characterizing the immunological status of the body), preventing it from “falling down” towards the aging organism.

2. As a result of the study of the influence of information matrices (4 blocks of crystalline gypsum with a total weight of 1 gram) made in the Pyramid on animals (mice), when creating a model of social stress, in addition to the results described above, an obvious decrease in the level of aggressiveness of animals was revealed.

at the Research Institute of Vaccines. Mechnikov RAMS
(Head of the laboratory - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation Egorova N.B.):

1. The influence of living organisms in the Pyramid on the reactivity of the organism to infection was studied: It was reliably established that the survival rate of mice exposed to the Pyramid significantly exceeds that in the group of control animals. Conclusion - we can talk about the powerful immunomodulating effect of the Pyramid on the nonspecific reactivity of the body, i.e. applying the effect of the Pyramid shape greatly strengthens the immune system.

at the Research Institute of Virology. Ivanovsky RAMS(Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences S.M. Klimenko, MD N.N. Nosik, MD D.N. Nosik):

1. A study was made of the effect of the pyramid field on human lymphoblastoid cells. As a result, data were obtained on the stimulating effect of a nutrient medium prepared with water exposed in the Pyramid on the viability and proliferative activity of human cells. An increase in the time of preservation of cell viability was found in comparison with the control.

2. A study of the effect of the Pyramid field on the antiviral activity of immunoglobulin was also carried out here. The following result was obtained: immunoglobulin at a concentration of 0.5 µg/ml, which did not have a protective effect on cells, after being in the Pyramid, had a virus-inhibiting effect more pronounced than 100 times more concentrated conventional drug. Practically, the antiviral activity of immunoglobulin (venoglobulin) ceased to depend on its concentration.

At the Hematological Research Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences
(Professor Makarov V.A.):

1. To study the effect of water exposed in the Pyramid on the blood coagulation system, this water was studied in an experiment on rabbits. As a result, a decrease in prothrombin time (an increase in the rate of blood clotting) and an increase in the number of platelets were reliably detected.

NPO "Hydrometpribor"
(general director - Golod A.E.):

1. After the stay of seeds of various agricultural crops in the Pyramid, vast areas (tens of thousands of hectares) were sown with them. In all cases (more than 20 crops), the study showed a yield increase of 20-100% (depending on the crop). In addition, crops were much less sick and tolerated drought better.

2. A Pyramid was installed on the territory of one of the oil fields. A few days after its installation, the viscosity of oil in the reservoirs decreased by 30%, and the well flow rate increased accordingly.

3. Around a number of UIN institutions (prisons), rings of stones processed in the Pyramid were laid. The contingent of these institutions (about 6 thousand people in total) ate table salt that had been in the Pyramid for several months. As a result, over 11 months of observation in these institutions, the mortality rate has significantly decreased, serious crimes have disappeared, and the number of violations of the regime has decreased several times. The heads of these institutions noted that their wards became "more humane".

The most interesting thing is that all ongoing studies give positive results, which allows us to conclude that the Pyramid in the proportions of the Golden Section, built in compliance with all the rules and stages, harmonizes the surrounding space and optimizes its structure.

Important Applications for Pyramids

Since 1990, on the territory of Russia and other countries of near and far abroad, work has been carried out on the construction and study of Pyramids 11, 22 and 44 meters high. During construction, other sizes are also possible, depending on the tasks. The pyramids of Alexander Golod were built in Nice (France), near Rome (Italy), in Almetievsk, Astrakhan, Petrozavodsk, Yekaterinburg, Sochi, Alushta, Rostov. It should be noted here that all the Pyramids erected by Alexander Golod and his employees are built on the basis of ABO technology, which makes it possible to significantly increase their efficiency (crystalline matrices specially grown in the 44-meter Pyramid at the 38th kilometer of the Moscow highway are laid at the base of each Pyramid). -Riga). Every year the amount of information received increases, its social and scientific and technical significance increases. What distinguishes this project is the ability to quickly use the results obtained in the interests of society and the individual.

For example, when studies confirmed the possibility of beneficial effects on the environment and people in sufficiently large areas, these results were applied in a “problem” area. So, in 2000, at the initiative of the leadership of the Astrakhan division of Gazprom, concerned about the unfavorable environmental situation in the vicinity of the Aksarai gas condensate field, a 22-meter-high Pyramid was built. As a result, the number of poisonings with derivatives of the enterprise in the nearby city of Narimanov decreased many times (which is typical, the study of the effects of the Pyramid in laboratory conditions on animals when simulating this situation showed a similar result).

In 1998, on the roof of the Togliatti city hospital, Alexander Golod and his employees built a Pyramid 11 meters high. This Pyramid is very popular in Tolyatti, and according to the hospital doctors, it helps very effectively in the treatment process (the process of patients' recovery will be accelerated several times when the effect of the Pyramid shape is applied in the treatment process).

When medical solutions processed in the Pyramid were used in the intensive care unit for newborns (in Moscow) in the most difficult situations, the devices recorded an almost instantaneous and steady improvement in the condition of children.

For 11 months of applying the effect of the shape of the Pyramids in a number of institutions of the Penitentiary Institution (with the help of crystals laid out around the perimeter, processed in the Pyramid), the number of violations of the regime fell several times, the death rate among prisoners significantly decreased, serious crimes disappeared in institutions with a total contingent of more than 5,000 people (simulation this situation on animals at the Pushchino Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics of the Russian Academy of Sciences gave the same result and in the same values).

Here it is impossible to list all the results of experiments and observations carried out over many years of work, however, it is necessary to note the following possibilities for applying the effect of the shape of the Pyramids, which are confirmed by practice:

— effective solution of the problem of cities and territories with unbalanced ecology;

— problems of epidemiological situations;

- problems of drug addiction and alcoholism;

A number of indirect results and observations point to the following important possibilities of the Pyramids shape effect:

– solution of the problem of natural disasters;

— solution of the problem of disposal of nuclear, chemical and bacteriological wastes and safety of the corresponding industries;

- a qualitatively new approach to telecommunications, to the means of storing and transmitting information (radar installations fix an “energy column” several kilometers high above the Pyramids, with such an “antenna” one can get close to the most serious fundamental tasks).

A number of amazing phenomena take place in the Pyramid: the properties of matter change; seeds subsequently give a much larger yield with better resistance to adverse weather conditions, improve the properties of food and drinks, etc. The construction of the Pyramids in an oil field led to a decrease in the viscosity of oil in the reservoirs (which greatly simplified its production and increased well flow rate). Thus, using the developed technologies for applying the Pyramid shape effect, it is possible to fundamentally improve the quality of various products (make them more favorable for humans), and solve some production problems.

The events of recent years point to the need for new real tools to correct environmental and socio-economic issues. One such tool is the Pyramid shape effect, which is confirmed both in scientific research and in practice.

A long-term study of the Pyramid shape effect in the proportions of the Golden Section and the results of various experiments allowed Alexander Golod to put forward the following assumptions about the mechanism of the Pyramid shape effect: various negative factors. Unknown to us, inharmonious events can exacerbate the situation. The consequences of the curvature of Space, the deviation of its structure from the state of Harmony are various negative phenomena: diseases, epidemics, crime, earthquakes, wars, regional conflicts, social tension, economic cataclysms, etc. The pyramid, built in compliance with certain rules and technologies, directly or indirectly corrects the structure of the Space in the zone of its activity, brings it closer to the state of Harmony. Everything that is or falls into this Space begins to develop in the direction of Harmony. In this case, the probability of occurrence of all these troubles decreases. The dynamics of mitigation and elimination of all negative manifestations significantly depends on the size of the Pyramid, its orientation in space, preparation of the site for construction and compliance with all geometric relationships.

How to build a pyramid. The geometry of the pyramid.

To build a drawing of a pyramid of any size in the proportions of the Golden Section, you need to know that this is a pyramid in which spheres standing on top of each other are inscribed with a ratio of the diameters of the smaller sphere to the larger one, approximately 0.62.

On the figure 1 a section of such a pyramid is shown and S1/S2=0.62.

How to build a pyramid sweep in the proportions of the Golden Section? Just!!..

We build a prototype on graph paper on a scale, for example, 1:5. See figure 2.

Draw a semicircle “S 1? with a diameter “A 1A 2?”, approximately equal to the desired side of the base of the pyramid (if you are more interested in the height of the future pyramid, then know that the Golden Section pyramid has a height approximately 2 times greater than the side of its base).

- Draw a circle “S 2? with a diameter equal to 0.62xS 1.

— Draw tangents to the circles “S 1? and “S 2?. The points of their contact with the circle “S 1? connect with a segment “L 1?. Segment “L 1? this is the desired side of the foundation of the futurepyramids (taking into account the scale, of course ...)

And the segment that is formed from the point of intersection of the tangents at the top of the future pyramid to the points of their contact with the circle “S1?” is the height of the face of the future pyramid!

— Measure “L1? and multiply the value by 5 (in our case). This will be the length of the side of the base of the pyramid. Measure “L2?, multiply this value by 5 (in our case). This will be the height of the face of the future pyramid.

- Take a drawing paper and put a dot “A6? at the very top at half the distance of the longest side. Draw a perpendicular down by the value of the height of the face of the pyramid (obtained in the previous step). Now draw perpendiculars from this point to the value of half the side of the base of the pyramid. And through these points, draw a circle centered at the point “A6?.

— Now continue perpendicular from point “A6? to this circle. Draw from this intersection “A3? (see figure 3) segments equal to the side of the base (obtained above) as chords to a circle. This way you will get points “A1?, “A2?, “A4?, “A5?. Connect all the dots as shown in Figure 3.

You have received the desired development of the pyramid in the proportions of the Golden Section!!

50 cm.

- Take a standard sheet of Whatman paper of the format “A0? (610x863 mm).

- Draw a vertical line “A3A6? (see picture 3) 52.5 cm long.

Draw a circle from this point. And put aside on this circle the chords “A3A4?, “A4A5?, “A2A3?, “A1A2? 23.4 cm long each.

- Draw a straight parallel “A1A6? at a distance of 1-1.5 cm. This will be the “allowance” for gluing the opposite faces of the pyramid (this element is shown on the left in Figure 3).

- Cut out the resulting scan. And bend along the edges (best to do this with rulers, as shown in figure 4- in this case, the edges are smooth and “sharp”).

- Glue the pyramid with non-water-based glue (rubber, “moment”, etc.).

- It is better to place the pyramid not high - 0.5-1.2 meters from the floor. Then you fall under the influence of its more uniform field (see figure 5).

- Do not use water-based glue to glue the pyramid. Otherwise, the pyramid will be “distorted”.

- To straighten whatman rolled into a roll, iron it with an iron (do not turn on the steamer, of course ...

— It often happens that after being made, the pyramid, standing on a flat platform, is able to “sway” at two opposite angles. That is, there is a gap between some of the corners and the surface on which it stands. This suggests that the base of the pyramid is “not a square” (look at Figure 6 - the blue dashed lines represent the curved base of the pyramid).

It is enough to press from the opposite sides with your hands and the gap will disappear. And then there will be a square at the base and the pyramid will stand touching a flat surface with all corners. (You definitely need to achieve this!).

- Keep the dimensions accurate!

- How to draw a circle of a fairly large radius (about 50 cm or more)? I managed to get out of the situation simply - with the help of a telephone wire, a sewing needle and a collet pencil with a thin lead! Take a two-wire telephone wire, make two holes (between the wires) at a distance of 52.5 cm from each other (for a 50 cm pyramid). Insert a sewing needle into one hole and stick it into the paper (point “A6? in Figure 3), and into the other a collet pencil with a thin lead. And draw a circle! ..

— It is necessary to install (position) the pyramid so that the side of its base lies on the north-south line (see Figure 7).

Moreover, this effect tends to increase somewhat with time.

This is also observed in neighboring rooms. This means that the pyramid "acts" at least 6-7 meters away from itself.

Dreams have become better remembered and, as a rule, they have a pleasant content.

The dream became stronger.

In the morning I get up much more often with a “bright” head and this state lasts longer.

I have to work a lot with my head. And I can say that productivity and “endurance” have increased significantly - maybe twice!

We put it inside and “charge” everything in it:

- rings, earrings, T-shirts, watches, pebbles (which then lie in jars in which filtered drinking water is poured), creams, herbs, soap, toothpaste, and so on.

A home pyramid is made from natural material (board, cardboard, plexiglass, flat slate, plywood, etc.), which has dielectric (insulating) properties, without a single nail and without the use of other metals, which, by their field, introduce distortions into the field of the pyramidal space.

The energy of this space must be pure, without any distortion, then the healing properties of the pyramid will be maximum.

A pyramid is a polyhedron, the base of which is a polygon, and the side faces are triangles that have a common size.

At the base of a regular pyramid there is always a regular polygon (for example, for a tetrahedral pyramid - a square), and the side faces are isosceles triangles that are equal to each other. The height of the pyramid is equal to the length of the perpendicular dropped from the top to the center of the base (the center of a regular polygon lying at the base of the pyramid is the point of intersection of its diagonals).

In addition to the height, the characteristics of the pyramid are the length of the base and the height of the side face (apothem) of the pyramid.

A home pyramid can be of any size, but the ratio of its height to the length of the base must be strictly defined, namely: the length of the base must exceed the height of the pyramid by 1.6 times. This ratio corresponds to the proportion of the golden section, or harmonious division.

Thus, multiplying the given height of the pyramid by 1.6, we get the length of its base. To determine the height of the side face (the apothem of the pyramid), it is necessary to multiply the given height of the pyramid by 1.35.

It should be remembered that with doubling the height of the pyramid, the activity of its action increases many (50-100 or more) times. Therefore, if possible, install pyramids with a maximum height.

One of the edges of the pyramid should be oriented with a compass due north.

If it is built in a favorable place - on a hill, without metal, far from reinforced concrete houses and structures, far from power lines, embankments and railways, with the help of a compass correctly oriented to the cardinal points, such a pyramid works immediately and very efficiently!

In houses, apartments, pyramids should be placed away from metal objects and structures that violate the natural magnetic field of the Earth and thereby reduce the healing properties of the pyramid. Such items include radiators, plumbing, sewerage, etc. If the houses are made of reinforced concrete structures, the pyramids in them may not be as effective. In this case, it is better to build a pyramid in your summer cottage and restore health with its help.

Dimensions of the home pyramid

Base length

Fin length

10x1.6 = 16 cm

10x1.35 = 13.5 cm

15x1.6 = 24 cm

15x1.35 = 20.25 cm

20x1.6 = 32 cm

20x1.35 = 27 cm

30x1.6 = 48 cm

30x1.35 = 40.5 cm

40x1.6 = 64 cm

40x1.35 = 54 cm

50x1.6 = 80 cm

50x1.35 = 67.5 cm

100x1.6 = 160 cm

100x1.35 = 135 cm

250x1.6 = 400 cm

250x1.35 = 337.5 cm

300x1.6 = 480 cm

300x1.35 = 405 cm

500x1.6 = 800 cm

500x1.35 = 675 cm

1000x1.6 = 1600 cm

10x1.35 = 1350 cm

It should be remembered that the maximum energy potential of all correctly made and installed pyramids (large and small) is possessed by their internal space at a level from 1/3 to 2/3 of the height of the pyramid. The rest of the space of the pyramids is energetically minimal, respectively, and the return is minimal.

In the upper part of the pyramid, it is desirable to make a small incision so that a hole is formed (for a pyramid with a base of 4 m, the diameter of the hole is 60-70 mm) - a waveguide that the pyramid needs to exit into the surrounding space of excess energy that is generated inside during operation. A hole is also made in the center of the base (for a pyramid with a base of 4 m, the diameter of the hole is 10 mm). Using a compass, draw three concentric circles around the center of the base, along which about 30 similar holes are evenly distributed (for a pyramid with a base of 4 m, the diameters of the circles are 100 cm, 250 cm and 400 cm). Holes in the base are needed for the unimpeded receipt of the energy of the Earth. Shelves are installed at a height of 1/3, 1/2 and 2/3 of the pyramid.

A closed pyramid can function even with a minimum density, but its potential is also determined by the density. The rest of the space of the pyramids is energetically minimal, and, accordingly, the return is minimal. At a height of 1/3 in the center of the pyramid there is a place corresponding to the King's Chamber of the Great Pyramid of Cheops, which is the point of the greatest concentration of energy.

The pyramid will help you achieve dizzying success

Before planting, seeds are scattered in the pyramid in rows directed from North to South and left inside the pyramid for at least two weeks.


What is it PYRAMID, built in proportions of the golden section? This is a pyramid in which spheres are inscribed, standing on top of each other, the ratio of the diameters of which (larger to smaller) is 1.61, that is, related to each other in the proportions of the GOLDEN SECTION, what is it you can read in more detail. In order for the pyramid to look at the site in proportion to it, it had to be about 5-6 meters high, having calculated the base at an approximate given height, it turned out that the side of the base of the pyramid turned out to be 2 meters 60 cm, and the height of the pyramid turned out to be 5 meters 24 centimeters, under such a foundation was poured concrete foundation. The frame of the pyramid was assembled from planed bars 6x6 cm and 6 meters long, since the length of the face of the pyramid was 5 meters 40 centimeters. The bars were glued together with Titebond glue with cutting corners and grooves. The stiffness lintels were calculated so that the door could be cut in and also so that the joints did not fall one on top of the other, you can see the calculations of the lintels and drawings in the appendices below.

How to make a pyramid? — Forum

When the frame was ready and installed, sheets of cellular polycarbonate cut out according to the template were glued to it with silicone, which turned out to be seen below.

The pyramid should be oriented from the NORTH to the SOUTH and not have metal in its composition, which significantly complicated the task. I had to glue the pyramid frame on wooden pins, and glue the transparent cellular polycarbonate with colorless silicone, as well as the guides for the sliding door. I had to use metal in the foundation for the pyramid, cast from concrete, but I hope this did not greatly affect its properties, I considered that the crystalline form of the pyramid itself, which accumulates and distributes energies, is located from above within its form. It’s already been three years since the pyramid was built, and besides the fact that it constantly has a wonderful crop of sweet peppers and melons and everything around it grows remarkably, not only our life, but also the life of our garden partnership has become much better, because they say that the range of a pyramid of this size is approximately one and a half kilometers.

Pyramid was oriented in the direction from NORTH to SOUTH, it must be borne in mind that the compass in the populated area can strongly lie, therefore, the POLAR STAR was taken as the NORTH point, and now if you stand in front of the pyramid facing NORTH, looking perpendicular to its face, the polar star hangs exactly above its top is VERY BEAUTIFUL! From the EAST, a door was made to enter the pyramid, because it was conceived not only as a spiritual center for meditation, but also as a greenhouse for experiments and growing exotic plants. The door was made of polycarbonate, sliding on rails, which turned out to be a very elegant solution. A circle was outlined around the pyramid, with a diameter of 4 meters 60 cm, so that there was 1 meter to the edge, all this can be seen in the diagram, and in this circle, which became ZODIAC, we planted garden plants corresponding to each zodiac sign, now each dwells in its place and grows according to its purpose. And inside the pyramid, we grow sweet melons and wonderful sweet peppers of various colors.

How to build a pyramid sweep in the proportions of the Golden Section? Figure 1 shows a section of such a pyramid and S1/S2=0.62. In this case, it is better to build a pyramid in your summer cottage and restore health with its help. His observations showed that deviating from this golden ratio, the pyramid did not give the expected results. This will be the length of the side of the base of the pyramid.

It should be noted that some researchers believe that the trihedral pyramid is superior in its effectiveness to the tetrahedral one. A pyramid is a polyhedron, the base of which is a polygon, and the side faces are triangles that have a common size. In addition to the height, the characteristics of the pyramid are the length of the base and the height of the side face (apothem) of the pyramid. This ratio corresponds to the proportion of the golden section, or harmonious division.

The pyramid should be located away from a variety of metal objects - radiators, plumbing, sewage, various structures, containers, etc. - and electric motors.

And then there will be a square at the base and the pyramid will stand, touching all the corners of a flat surface

According to Gabriel Silva, a small pyramid may not function if it is located in a geopathogenic zone, even the smallest one. In addition, it is necessary to fix the aforementioned zone in order not to re-install the pyramid on it. In addition, to achieve a good effect, a plastic pyramid requires a large amount of material due to its lightness.

The pyramid must be built without a single nail and without the use of other metals, which, by their field, introduce distortions into the field of the pyramidal space.

But such a pyramid loses its dielectric properties, not to mention where to get aluminum that meets the requirements. The energy of this space must be pure, without any distortion, then the healing properties of the pyramid will be maximum.

Thus, multiplying the given height of the pyramid by 1.6 or 1.618, we get the length of its base

Ferromagnetic or diamagnetic materials should NEVER be used to make pyramids. When choosing a material for building a pyramid, it is very important to take into account that such an important characteristic as the density of the pyramid depends on the mass of the pyramid. The density of a pyramid is its mass (weight) per unit volume.

A closed pyramid can function even with a minimum density, but its potential is also determined by the density. The rest of the space of the pyramids is energetically minimal, and, accordingly, the return is minimal.

How to build a pyramid in the country

At a height of 1/3 in the center of the pyramid there is a place corresponding to the King's Chamber of the Great Pyramid of Cheops, which is the point of the greatest concentration of energy. Before planting, seeds are scattered in the pyramid in rows directed from North to South and left inside the pyramid for at least two weeks.

Herbal essences and extracts, homeopathic medicines are processed by the energy of the pyramid for a maximum of 4 hours, as they must retain the so-called “subtle energy”. The processing of these substances can be carried out every other day for 4 hours (if the load on the pyramid was minimal on the previous day).

The pyramid can be closed or framed. If you deviate from these proportions, the effect of the pyramid worsens. In houses built from reinforced concrete structures, pyramids may not be as effective. I would like such an amulet, even if it is made in the shape of a pyramid, especially since there are many other stones and minerals with less controversial properties.

Institute of the Golden Section -Discussions

Based on the proposed method for constructing the pyramid of Cheops, the true values ​​of its characteristic dimensions were obtained through integer values ​​of ancient units of measurement.

In recent years, there has been a significant increase in interest in the theory of Fibonacci numbers and the golden section in mathematics, computer science, and cybernetics. Fundamental research is currently underway in this direction. Scientists from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus made a significant contribution to the development of the theory of Fibonacci numbers: they introduced the concept of a golden wurf and a wurf sequence as fundamentally new invariants of biological objects that have a three-membered structure (shoulder-forearm-hand, thigh-shin-foot, etc.) , a generalization of the problem of the golden section was carried out and, on this basis, the law of structural harmony of systems was formulated, an algorithmic theory of measurement and Fibonacci number systems was created as new information foundations for computing and measuring technology, a theory of Fibonacci and Lucas hyperbolic functions was developed, which made it possible to create on this basis the geometric theory of phyllotaxis and formulate a botanical law for the transformation of spiral biosymmetries. Recently, the golden section has been found in the cardiac structures of mammals, in the structure of chloroplasts of higher plants, in the rhythms of the brain. Fibonacci organized chemical compounds discovered. Based on the golden section, the principles of age-related dentistry have been developed. The golden ratio is present in the structure of DNA, the Earth, the Universe ...

This series of examples can be continued. The golden section begins to play a significant role in modern physics: the Israeli scientist Shekhtman discovered quasicrystals with 5-fold (pentagonal) symmetry, which contradicts the laws of classical crystallography; The work of the Polish scientist Jan Grzhedzelski, working in the field of the theory of self-organizing systems, made it possible to take a fresh look at the golden ratio as a proportion of thermodynamic equilibrium in self-organizing systems.

This indicates that all harmoniously constructed objects obey the principle of the Golden Proportion and the human eye immediately, without in-depth analysis of the structure of the object, sees its beauty. The analysis shows that as soon as we see an object as beautiful, harmonious, it means that its structure obeys the principle of the Golden Ratio.

The golden section is the so-called division of the segment in the extreme and average ratio, in which the segments obtained after division satisfy the equality:


It is established that the value of this ratio is equal to Ф = . The Greek letter Ф (PHI number), which denotes the value of the Golden Section, is the first letter in the name of the famous Greek sculptor Phidias, who widely used the Golden Section in his sculptural works.

Even from the Principles of Euclid, the following method of constructing the Golden Section is known using a compass and a ruler. Suppose we have a double square - a rectangle with an aspect ratio of 2: 1 (see Fig. 1). I. Shmelev gave it the name of a two-adjacent square.

The indicated square has already been built on the principles of the Golden Ratio, since the ratio of the sum of the values ​​of the diagonal and the smaller side of a right-angled triangle to the value of the larger side of this triangle is exactly equal to the indicated value of 1.618:

Consider whether the Golden Ratio is present in one of the wonders of the world in the Cheops pyramid. It is known that proportions based on the golden ratio are distinguished by exceptionally high aesthetic qualities and determine the highest proportionality between the whole and its parts. And this means that all ancient structures (palaces, temples, pyramids) carry elements of harmony of the golden section.

A number of works are devoted to this topic, in which it is argued that the proportions of the golden section were laid in the pyramid of Cheops. The hypothesis that the proportions of the pyramid are related to the ratio of the golden section was put forward by G. Reber back in 1855, especially since this hypothesis is confirmed by the well-known evidence of Herodotus.

The dimensions of the pyramid are estimated differently by different researchers. So, the height of the pyramid, depending on the sources, ranges from 146.6 to 148.2 m. The reason for these discrepancies is that the pyramid is truncated. The upper part of the pyramid has a platform of 10x10 m, and a century ago it was 6x6 m in size. It is obvious that the top was dismantled, and it does not correspond to the original one. Now its height from the base to the top is 137.3 m, and the sides of the base are 230.4 m. It is believed that before the loss of the lining, the size of the side was 232.4 m.

The pyramid has three chambers inside: the first chamber is carved into the rock at a depth of 30 m below the base and not exactly in the middle; the second is located in the core of the pyramid just below the top at a height of about 20 m above the base, and the third chamber is located at a height of 42.3 m above the base, slightly south of the axis of the pyramid (see Fig. 2).

The Great Pyramid of Cheops is based on a rock approximately 8.2 meters high. The perimeter of the Pyramid, resting on the granite surface, is perfectly aligned and is a perfect square.

The original entrance is located on the north side at a height of 25 meters above the base. A narrow tunnel leads down at an angle of 26031' to the lower chamber. At some distance from the entrance another tunnel begins, leading to the upper chamber at the same angle as the first. Further, the tunnel passes into the Great Gallery 47 meters long (see Fig. 2).

The pyramids of Egypt, built almost 3000 years BC, remain mysterious today both in terms of the technology of their construction and in terms of the knowledge that the builders of the pyramids possessed. One of the biggest mysteries of building pyramids is the methods of calculating structures by the most ancient architects, according to which the design and construction of objects of Ancient Egypt was carried out. Finding these dimensions is complicated by the fact that the results of measuring the parameters of the most ancient objects with a standard meter always turn out to be fractional. And this is despite the general belief that the ancient Egyptians were not familiar with fractions. And until the harmony of the proportional relationships of its characteristic dimensions is found, it is impossible even to come close to unraveling the secrets of the pyramids.

Consider how the pyramid of Cheops is consistent with the Golden Ratio. The golden irrational number Ф was known in ancient Egypt. Studying the geometry of the figures carved on the panels, the architect I.Sh. Shevelev drew attention to the fact that on one of the panels the architect holds wands in his hands, correlating with each other as 1:, and made an intuitive assumption that this relationship testifies to the knowledge of the laws of the golden section by the ancient Egyptian architect Khesi-Ra. The architect I.P. Shmelev conducted a thorough study of the geometric proportionality of the figures and the compositional structure of the panels and, on the basis of interconnected numerical material, showed that the priests of Ancient Egypt, long before the school of Pythagoras, owned the theory of harmony associated with the golden proportions.

The angle of inclination of the diagonal of the double square is


The obtained value practically coincides with the angle of inclination of the Grand Gallery tunnel 26031′. It would be easy to align the diagonal of the double square with the Great Gallery, but it does not fit well into the interior of the pyramid if it is placed on the base of the Pyramid.

The picture changes dramatically if we take as the base of the pyramid not the level of the base, but the level of the lower chamber (see Fig. 3). The double square ABCD, combined with the level of the lower chamber, harmonizes the pyramid, as it were: the lower chamber becomes connected with the main pyramid; The Great Gallery and the tunnel leading to it run exactly along the diagonal of the double square; the tunnel leading from the entrance to the pyramid to the lower chamber coincides with the diagonal of the small double square DEFG, equal to a quarter of the initial double square ABCD; the upper chamber is at the intersection of the diagonals of the double square.

Figure 3 - Scheme of combining a double square and the pyramid of Cheops in a section

Only the middle chamber remains unconnected. To do this, we divide the small double square DEFG in half and draw a circle from the point J, the diameter of which is equal to the smaller side of the small double square DEFG. The intersection of this circle with the diagonal of the original double square gives us the starting point of the Great Gallery, and the intersection of the horizontal line drawn from this point with the vertical axis of the pyramid coincides exactly with the middle chamber (see Fig. 4).

It remains unclear from what constructions we obtain the top K of the pyramid. The angle of inclination of the faces of the Cheops pyramid by various authors ranges from 51050' to 51052'. There are various approaches to calculating the true angle of inclination of the faces of the pyramid.

It is believed that the angle of inclination of the faces of the pyramid is estimated through an integer ratio of 14: 11, which is formed with good accuracy by the height and half of the base. However, as the author rightly believes, during construction, the dimensions were given in whole numbers, and not in irrational ratios of fractions.

In our time, it is found that all the processes associated with the vital activity of living organisms are, to one degree or another, connected with the same golden numbers, which leads to an increasingly intensive study of these relationships, but, oddly enough, not the properties and geometry of the numbers themselves. . One of the elements of these properties is the formation of a golden right triangle. Siliotti A. also suggests taking the most perfect, golden triangle as a basis (see Fig. 5). It is built as follows. Let there be a right triangle GDK. From the vertex of the right angle G we lower the perpendicular to the hypotenuse DK. It divides the triangle into two - upper and lower. In the upper triangle we again drop the perpendicular from the vertex of the right angle R to the hypotenuse GK. She again divides this triangle into two parts. All the resulting triangles are similar to each other, and the triangles FRK and GDR are equal to each other.

The point R divides the hypotenuse DK in the middle and extreme ratio, that is, in relation to the Golden Ratio. The large leg GK of the Golden Triangle is the mean proportional between its hypotenuse and the smaller leg. The presence of such a proportion between the sides can serve as another definition of the Golden Triangle, called in the pyramidological literature the Kepler triangle or the Price triangle, i.e.

When this ratio is fulfilled, the area of ​​the face of the pyramid is equal to the square of its height. It was this equality of areas that Herodotus determined the proportions of the pyramid of Cheops.

The commentary by which D.D. Mordukhai-Boltovsky accompanies the discussion of the above evidence of Herodotus says: if we consider a triangle, the hypotenuse of which is the apothem of the side face, the vertical leg is the height of the pyramid, and the horizontal leg is half the side of the base, then it is easy to see that the apothem so is to height as height is to half the base; herein lies the germ of the principle of the golden section, or the division of a segment into extreme and mean ratios, which the Egyptians must have known about 450 BC.

Professor A.P. Stakhov in his work also substantiated the calculation of the height of the pyramid through the golden triangle, in which the ratio of the sides corresponds to the proportion Ф::1, i.e. the ratio of the sides of the right triangle GDK is = 1.272. In this case, the slope angle of the face is 51050', which is in good agreement with the results of numerous measurements.

If we have decided on the angle of inclination of the faces, then what should we take as a reference point: the height of the pyramid or the length of the base? When measuring a pyramid, the side of its base was first measured, and then the angle of inclination of the face was determined using a theodolite. Based on these data, the height of the pyramid was calculated. Therefore, the accuracy of measuring the side of the base could be on the order of 1 cm, while the accuracy of determining its height is much lower. Based on this, it is logical to take the side of the base of the pyramid as a basis.

Naturally, we should be interested in the true size of the length of the base, which existed before the lining of the walls of the pyramid was removed. It is believed that the length of the side of the base of the pyramid is 232.4 m. Knowing this size, as well as the angle of inclination of the faces, it is easy to calculate all other dimensions of the pyramid. However, at the same time, we get fractional numbers, which were hardly laid as the basis of the Great Pyramid. According to Chernyav A.F. during the construction of the ancient monuments of Russia and Egypt, each size contained an integer number of sazhens or their elements. At the same time, the parameters of objects, measured as an integer, always turn out to be fractional when measured with a standard meter.

To determine the integer values ​​of the characteristic dimensions of the pyramid of Cheops, it is necessary to know what system of measures the Egyptians used when building the pyramid. Most researchers refer to the book by N.A. Vasyutinskiy, in which he considers the dimensions of the pyramid through the system of measures adopted in ancient Egypt, namely through the royal cubit, equal to 0.466 m. In this case, the length of the base of the pyramid approximately corresponds to 500 cubits. But the above reasoning shows that the base of the pyramid is an intermediate value, and its true size is at the level of the lower chamber. In this case, it is necessary to look for another system of measures.

The founder of the new Russian mechanics, academician of the International Academy of Informatization at the UN A. Chernyaev believes that the ancient system of measures, which was also used in the construction of the pyramids, has been preserved in church construction. He, based on the works of A.A. Piletsky, introduces the concept of Semer, using the system of ancient sazhens. The author substantiates the multiplicity of all fathoms to the golden number Ф, and shows that all the parameters of the pyramids (height, side, base diagonal, side edge, apothem) are multiples of an integer number of different fathoms, remaining fractional in meter measurement.

However, in the same work, he himself says that fathoms do not have real lengths. Fathoms are not a measuring instrument and therefore have no length themselves. That is, sazhens do not have metricity, but are only a tool for measuring, a tool for proportioning.

Many researchers believe that there are ancient measures of length, the values ​​​​of which should be related to the size of the Earth. The English researcher Professor Tom put forward the idea of ​​the existence of a standard unit of measurement adopted in the ancient world. He called it a megalithic yard, equal to 2.72 feet or 0.829 m. He received this value on the basis of numerous measurements of the characteristic dimensions of ancient structures, which date back to 4700 - 3700 BC. in the Iberian Peninsula and the British Isles. According to the author, somewhere between 3200 - 3100 BC. Dramatic climate change has taken place everywhere, with serious consequences for Europe and for the whole world. It is established that around 3000 BC. there has been a sudden shift in climate. Prior to this date, Egypt and North Africa as a whole had a much wetter climate than today.

That is, there was a clear violation of the global climate regime. It marked the end of the most persistent warm climate since the ice age, called the Atlantic climate period. This same period is considered the beginning of dynastic Egypt, marked by an unexpected flowering of sophisticated cosmogony, writing, and exquisite visual arts. Those. the builders of ancient megaliths moved to different parts of the Earth, including Ancient Egypt. In this case, it can be assumed that the megalithic yard remained the characteristic unit of measurement of the ancient Egyptians, used in the construction of the pyramids.

Therefore, having given the known dimensions of the Cheops pyramid, we will bring them to integer values ​​of the dimensions, taken in megalithic yards (m.y.). Then the size of the true base of the pyramid will be 336 m.i., which corresponds to 278.544 m. From here you can get the characteristic dimensions of the Cheops pyramid (see Fig. 6).

On fig. 6 shows the main dimensions of the Cheops pyramid in megalithic yards, and the scheme by which the ancient Egyptians built this pyramid is shown in fig. 4.

Figure 6 - Dimensions of the pyramid of Cheops

(dimensions are given in megalithic yards)

As a result, we obtained the main dimensions of the Cheops pyramid through the Golden Ratio using ancient measures of length - megalithic yards (m.y.). At the same time, the height of the pyramid is 212 m, which corresponds to 175.748 m, and the height of the ground part is 177 m. or 146.733 m, which is in good agreement with the known data. Then the length of the base of the ground part of the pyramid is 280 m. or 232.12 m, which also agrees with the known measurements of the pyramid.

Thus, the height of the Cheops pyramid increased by 30 m and became equal to 175.7 m. Based on the approach proposed by the author, the heights of all known pyramids (Egyptian and South American) must be calculated not from the surface of the earth, but from the base of the lower chambers.


    Stakhov A., Sluchenkova A., Shcherbakov I. Da Vinci code and Fibonacci series. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2005. - 320 p.

    Stakhov A.P. Under the Sign of the Golden Section: Confession of the Son of a Student Battalion. Chapter 7. Mathematics of Harmony. 7.2. International Seminar Golden Section and Problems of System Harmony // Academy of Trinitarianism, M., El. No. 77-6567, publ. 14169, 2007.

    Handbook of elementary mathematics.

    How to make a healing pyramid

    Geometry, trigonometry, vector algebra. P/r P.F. Filchikov. – K.: Naukova Dumka, 1967 – 442 p.

    Babanin V. The mystery of the geometry of the pyramids in the Egyptian triangle and in the golden section. URL=

    Pyramid of Cheops - characteristic dimensions. URL= html

    Another hypothesis about the size and proportions of the pyramid of Cheops. URL=

    Siliotti A. Egypt. Pyramids. Atlas of Wonders of the World. - M., BMM AO, 1999.

    Zamarovsky V. ЇІх greatness of the pyramid. – K.: Veselka, 1988. – 373 p.

    Vasyutinskiy N.A. golden ratio. - M., St. Petersburg: DILYA, 2006 - 367 p.

    Furlong D. Stonehenge and the Pyramids of Egypt. Keys to the Temple of Life. - M.: VECHE, 1999. - 400 p.

    Shmelev I.P. Pharaoh's architect. Art of Russia. - S.Pb, 1993.

    Shchetnikov A.I. Golden Ratio, Square Roots and Proportions of the Giza Pyramids. URL=

    Gold of the heavenly account (conversation with Chernyaev A.F.) - Science and Religion. No. 7-8. – URL=

    Chernyaev A.F. Gold of Ancient Russia. – M. 1998. URL=

S.Yakushko. The determination of volume of pyramid of Kheops through a gold section.

On the grounds of offered way of the building of the pyramid of Kheops are received true importances its typical sizes through integer of the value of the ancient units of the measurement.

Published: Scientific knowledge: Modern picture of the world: nature, society, people: a collection of scientific practices / Sovereign supreme initial pledge of the Ukrainian Academy of Banking Reference of the National Bank of Ukraine. - Sumi: DVNZ UABS NBU, 2008. - 320 p.

Yakushko S.I., Determining the characteristic dimensions of the pyramid of Cheops through the golden section // Academy of Trinitarianism, M., publ. 14858, 22.07.2008

How to make a pyramid?

The geometric dimensions of the Egyptian pyramids.
Golden ratio and proportions of the human body.

The heptagonal geometric network of lines is a universal spatial figure, which during the development of human civilization was used to measure proportional relationships and create objects in which people sought to fix the principles of world harmony. Or we can say that people sought to fix or encrypt knowledge about the world around them in the created objects of human culture, for which they used the proportional ratios of the heptagon, which among the other regular polygons is the most significant figure expressing the proportions of the human body.
Among the many objects of world culture, the most significant monument of human knowledge are the Egyptian pyramids, and in particular the pyramid of Pharaoh Cheops or Khufu.
I cannot give a detailed analysis of all the Egyptian pyramids, and therefore I give a description of only the pyramid of Cheops, which is the most significant. But an analysis of the geometric dimensions and proportions of the other pyramids of ancient Egypt can be done in a similar way to the pyramid of Cheops.
Also, I cannot claim that the Great Egyptian Pyramids were built according to the geometric proportions of the human body and the geometry of the heptagon, that is, I cannot claim that the builders encoded the ideal human figure and heptagon shapes in the architecture of the Egyptian pyramidal structures, but such proportions are obvious.
According to different sources of information in the studies of Egyptologists, different measurements of the Cheops pyramid are known, but the most reliable and obvious can be considered studies according to which the main dimensions of the Cheops pyramid are: the length of the side of the base is 500 cubits, the height is 318 cubits, the angle of inclination of the side faces is 51 degrees 50 minutes.
The Egyptian cubit is approximately equal to 466 millimeters, which is approximately equal to the length from the elbow to the base of the fingers, if a person's height is 176 centimeters and corresponds to the "Russian sazhen".
According to the listed dimensions, the main proportions in the pyramid of Cheops are in the ratio of the lines of the triangle, which is formed by the height OP, half the length of the base PR and the apothem (the length of the side face) OR, which is shown in the figure.

Many Egyptologists and researchers of the Cheops pyramid assume that the builders of ancient Egypt knew the numerical value of the golden section and the number "pi". And also Egyptologists suggest that these golden numbers were key in the architectural design of the Egyptian pyramids, but in reality the knowledge of these numbers is not necessary, since for the construction of the pyramids it is enough to know the proportions of the heptagon and use the ratio of the lines that exist in the geometric figure of the heptagon, which is shown in next figure.

The AEK triangle in the figure is an approximate silhouette of the side faces of the Cheops pyramid.
The shown silhouette of the side faces is approximate, since the angle of the EKA heptagon with the apex at point K has a value of 360/7 = 51.429 degrees (51 degrees 25.71 minutes), and the actual angle of inclination of the Cheops pyramid faces has a value of 51 degrees 50 minutes.
The builders of the pyramid of Cheops compensated for the existing difference by adding to the height of the triangle AEK the value of human growth AH. That is, the builders conditionally placed a human figure on the top of the pyramid, and as a result they got 51 degrees 50 minutes as the value of the ECX angle with the apex at point K.
Namely, if the height of the ECX triangle is 318 cubits, then the height of the EKA triangle is approximately 314 cubits, and the size of human growth is approximately 4 cubits.

Egyptian builders increased the correct angle of the heptagon, as if there was a person at the top of the pyramid of Cheops, and as a result, the golden ratio was encrypted in the ratios of the EK / KX lines and the proportions of the human body were laid in the general geometry of the future pyramidal structure, which was the idea of ​​​​the architectural design of the future pyramid .
In essence, the builders and creators of the architectural plan of the Great Pyramid of Cheops inscribed a double heptagonal or otherwise diheptagonal network of lines into a living circle, in which the vertical diameter differed from the horizontal diameter by the relative size of human growth, which is shown in the following figure.

In the figure, a diheptagonal network of lines is inscribed in the space of a living circle, which has a ratio of vertical and horizontal diameters of approximately 15/14, which corresponds to the proportions of the male and female bodies.
I cannot indicate the exact ratios of the diameters of a living circle in a geometric drawing, or otherwise say in the architectural design of the Cheops pyramid, since this requires precise mathematical calculations. But it can be assumed that the ratios of the diameters of a living circle in the geometric drawing of the Cheops pyramid are obtained as a result of transformation, namely, as a result of the transformation of a regular circle into a living one, when the value of the segment TA is exactly equal to the value of the lines CE or DF.
The blue outline in the figure indicates the approximate silhouette of the side faces of the pyramid, and the white outline indicates the approximate silhouette of the diagonal edges.
The angle DLA with the apex at point L has a value of 40 degrees 59 minutes and corresponds to the inclination of the diagonal edges of the Cheops pyramid.
The values ​​of the angles DLA (slope of the diagonal edges) and EKA (slope of the side faces) with vertices at points L and K differ from the angular values ​​of a regular bigeptagon by the relative size of human height, since the bigeptagon in the design of the Egyptian pyramid of Cheops is inscribed in the space of a living circle, which is transformed in accordance with with human growth. Namely, it is transformed in accordance with the height of the human body, which has a size of 4 Egyptian cubits and is conventionally located at the top of the pyramid.

The shown geometrical drawings are approximate, since for exact calculations many numbers and mathematical formulas are needed, which is inappropriate in the context of an art gallery of phantom images, but according to the shown drawings, exact geometric calculations can be made if necessary from the point of view of scientific research on the esoteric principles of world harmony, or in terms of mathematical solutions to other problems in science or architecture, or in fine arts, or in fashion design, or in the context of physical culture of the body.
The above drawings allow us to understand the main proportions of the pyramids, but besides this, many other mathematical relationships are encrypted in the geometric measures of the pyramidal structures of ancient Egypt, which correspond to the principles of world harmony and the geometry of the surrounding world.
We can say that the dimensions of the Great Egyptian Pyramids contain measurement measures that allow us to understand the structure of the surrounding world, and knowledge of these "great Egyptian measures" allows us to design and create objects of human civilization in accordance with the universal laws of space.
The main measure of measurement in ancient Egypt was the cubit, which consisted of seven palms, and each palm was divided into four fingers. In total, the elbow consisted of 28 fingers, which corresponded to 28 days of the lunar month.
Note that the diheptagonal network of lines has 14 vertices, while the quadraheptagonal network has 28 vertices, which is also equal to the number of days of the lunar month.
In modern Egyptology, different parameters of the Egyptian cubit are known:
- a simple Egyptian cubit \u003d 6 palms \u003d 24 fingers \u003d 450 millimeters;
- royal Egyptian cubit = 7 palms = 28 fingers = 525 millimeters.
But still, the value of 466 millimeters is the most reliable, since it is an anthropometric value or, in other words, the measure of the human body from the elbow to the base of the fingers.

The photograph on the left shows a wooden panel depicting a surveyor with a cane in his hand, namely, the photograph shows one of the eleven wooden carved boards that were found in the tomb of Khesi-Ra, who is considered the architect of the Great Pyramids of ancient Egypt.
The found boards have images on both sides, which in total is comparable to the 22 major arcana in a deck of Tarot cards.
The photo was scanned from the book of Shmelev I.P. The "Third Signal System", as well as the hypothesis about the ratio of 22 arcana of the Tarot with wooden boards from the tomb of Hesi-Ra, belongs to Shmelev.

The cane in the hand of the surveyor is equal to the length from the middle of the body to the line of the eyebrows, which is two cubits.
If you project this cane onto a diheptagonal network of lines, then its size is equal to the segment AT, and also approximately equal to the length of the side of the heptagon, as shown in the previous figure.
Namely, the cane in the surveyor's hand is equal to the segments CE, DF, LJ, MK.
Consequently, the ancient Egyptian cubit of 466 millimeters is equal to the length of the side of the bigeptagon, that is, it is equal to the distance between two nearby peaks, and any other measurements and mathematical parameters of the Egyptian pyramids are derived from proportional relationships, according to which the figure of the human body is inscribed in the bigeptagonal geometric network, which allows you to make a statement about the conformity of the measurements and sizes of the Egyptian pyramids with the proportions of the human body. But on the condition that the diheptagonal network of lines is located in the space of a living circle, which forms an "ellipse with a focal length proportional to human growth compared with the height of the pyramid." Namely, the difference in the diameters of the major and minor axes of the ellipse corresponds to the mathematical ratio of human height to the height of the pyramid of Cheops.

With the help of a cane, the builders calculated the sides of the pyramidal structures, and in the architectural design of the pyramid of Cheops, the proportions of the human body were fixed, and in the pyramid of Khafre, the “sacred Egyptian triangle” was fixed with an aspect ratio of 3:4:5, which is otherwise called the “sacred Pythagorean triangle”. That is, the pyramids of Khafre and Cheops have different sizes, but both are calculated according to the same cane. Apparently, different pyramids were calculated by the builders as a result of different transformations and transformations of the lines of the diheptagonal geometric network in the space of the living circle ellipse.
Additional information about sacred Egyptian or Pythagorean triangle with an aspect ratio of 3:4:5 look at the pages of another site:

At the end of this page, it must be said that in the ancient Egyptian sources of information there is no information about the ratio of the shapes of the human body with the lines of the heptagon and the dimensions of the pyramids, but still the heptagon is the fundamental geometric figure that correlates with the pyramids and the shapes of human bodies.
And it must also be said that the different sizes of the pyramidal structures of ancient Egypt, and the corresponding ratios of the lines of the double heptagon or bigeptagon in the space of living circles with different ratios of vertical and horizontal diameters, can symbolize the mathematical values ​​of physical resonances, according to which it is possible to overcome the Earth's gravity and the resistance of time, or it is possible to extract energy from the relations of space with matter. What may be of interest to the inventors of the time machine or aircraft, which are similar to the flying saucers of extraterrestrial civilizations, and may also be of interest to the creators of alternative sources of electrical energy that arises from the resonances of space.
But these are just hypotheses.

The next page talks about measuring tools that can be derived from the lines of a diheptagonal geometric network.

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Pyramids are one of the most mysterious phenomena on Earth, over the solution of which scientists have been struggling for hundreds of years. In fact - why and by whom were they built? In addition to the most famous pyramids in Egypt, they are at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, in the distant Amazon basin, in the taiga forests of Siberia, in Taimyr, in Australia, in China - almost all over the world! And today, trying to penetrate the secrets of the pyramids, people build pyramids of various proportions and from different materials. One thing is clear that this form has some kind of energy that enthusiasts and scientists are trying to unravel and use for the benefit of mankind.

The facts are widely known that products placed in a pyramid are stored longer, milk does not sour longer, meat dries out, but does not go out. Milk produced by the Soviet industry, which was packaged in cardboard triangular pyramids, was stored longer than bottled milk. If you stay in the pyramid every day for a short time, then there is a beneficial effect on human health.

And right now it is necessary to pay attention to this fact, because. bad ecology, malnutrition, dead tap water, stress at work, negativity from TV screens, increased levels of electromagnetic radiation imperceptibly destroy human health day after day. Gradually, the immune system fails, and after some time it is no longer able to withstand the onslaught of pathogenic cells, as a result of which chronic diseases appear.

Pyramid energy - How to build a medical pyramid in the country with your own hands

And in this situation, pyramids can come to the rescue, giving the body additional energy to put itself in order.

It was this fact that took place in the 90s, when the first pyramid was made for acquaintances, in order to be in it in full growth. That pyramid allowed a person to get rid of oncology. The second pyramid "left" to Nalchik, the third - .......

All our pyramids are frame, made of wood. After all, wood is a living material. It is more comfortable to live in wooden log cabins than in brick houses. It has long been noticed that while the owners live in the house, the house also lives. If the owners leave a 70-80 year old log house, then in just a couple of months it crumbles.

Try to take a dry spruce branch and nail it to the window from the side of the street. This way you can get a good weather indicator. The branch will predict the approach of rain, drought, hurricane better than any weather forecasters. After all, she "remembers" her behavior when she was still part of a tree and reproduces it when she is cut down. Due to the "memory effect" of the tree, there is an increase in the energy of the pyramid. A cut down tree "remembers" how energy flowed through it and generously shares it with a person. Properly directing this energy, you can "program" the energy of the pyramid, depending on its purpose.

Our pyramids are made in the following proportion:

pyramid height/base side length = 0.64

For clarity, below is a diagram of the pyramid.

Exploring our prototype using dowsing, we found out that the pyramid has two energy centers, we saw the direction of the flow of energies.
They were surprised to note that the pyramid, in fact, is a three-dimensional representation of the runic symbol "Fiery (solar) Kolovrat" when viewed from above!
Do the pyramids receive the energy of the Sun itself? There are still many interesting tests ahead, but for now you can build the same pyramid yourself and use it for medicinal and health purposes.

Checking the movement of energy in the pyramid - bioframe "PHARAOH'S ROCK".

Having studied the movement of energy in the pyramid, you will be able to apply the acquired knowledge to make a pyramid according to your needs.

It is almost impossible to determine the energy of the pyramids with conventional instruments, but it is possible to determine the movement of energy in the pyramids using the dowsing frame "PHARAOH'S STAFF"

How to make a bioframe "PHARAOH'S ROCK" - READ HERE ...


Alexander Golod

The effect of the shape of the Pyramids as a factor of Harmony of the structure of Space

For a number of years, research has been carried out in Russia on the Pyramids in the proportions of the Golden Section. Over the years, Pyramids have been built in Zaporozhye and Voronezh, in the Belgorod and Tver regions, in Ramenskoye near Moscow and Tolyatti, in Uzbekistan and Bashkiria. The largest Pyramid 44 meters high was built at the end of 1999 near Moscow at 38 km of the Moscow-Riga highway.

It should be noted that these are not the first pyramids in Russia. More than a hundred years ago, Count Lvov in his estate near the city of Torzhok already built a pyramid 11 meters high. The geometric parameters of this pyramid were a cross between the pyramids of Egypt and the Pyramids in the proportions of the Golden Section. In this pyramid there was a wine cellar and wines from it were famous in the surrounding provinces.

For many millennia, the shape of a tetrahedral pyramid has been the subject of reflection for an inquisitive mind. I want to draw attention to the fact that in this case we will talk about Pyramids with a specific geometry based on the proportion of the Golden Section. The diameters of neighboring balls in the sequence of balls inscribed in this Pyramid form just such a proportion. Moreover, the height of such a Pyramid is approximately 2 times greater than the side of the square lying at its base. It is very important that the Pyramids are made of a non-conductive material - fiberglass or glass concrete - and "without a single nail" (the presence of even a small amount of metal in its design significantly reduces the effective impact). Pyramids must be oriented in Space along the earth's meridian. The edge of the Pyramid "looks" exactly at the North Star.

Sections of the Space of the Universe with sufficiently dense material objects (for example, the Solar System) undergo changes (curvature) of their structure under the influence of the mental activity of the Mind, which is inadequate to its Habitat. Disharmonious events in the near Cosmos and in the far Cosmos aggravate the situation. The main working hypothesis with which we have been working for many years sounds something like this: imagine the Space around us. For clarity, let's break it into cubes. We will see smooth planes, clear, slender lines - complete harmony around. Now let's put a curved mirror next to it and look into it. We will see how these even, slender lines and planes twisted and floated. Here is the curved space model.

A man in a curved Space, whose structure has deviated from the state of Harmony, loses his bearings, he lives in a fog, becomes inadequate to his human essence. The consequences of the curvature of Space, the deviation of its structure from the state of Harmony are all earthly troubles: diseases, epidemics, crime, earthquakes, wars, regional conflicts, social tensions, economic cataclysms, lack of spirituality, a decline in morality.

The Pyramid in the zone of its activity directly or indirectly corrects the structure of the Space, brings it closer to the state of Harmony. Everything that is or falls into this Space begins to develop in the direction of Harmony. In this case, the probability of occurrence of all these troubles decreases. The dynamics of mitigation and elimination of all negative manifestations significantly depends on the size of the Pyramid, its orientation in space and compliance with all geometric relationships. With the doubling of the height of the Pyramid, its active influence intensifies ~ in 105-107.

In the zone of influence of the Pyramid, phenomena are manifested that today can be attributed to phenomenology. Even with a frost of 40 degrees Celsius, ordinary water does not freeze inside the Pyramid. With a sharp shake of a bottle with such supercooled water, it freezes in 2-3 seconds. If you look at the Pyramid with a locator in the wavelength range of 10 cm, an ion column several kilometers high is visible above it. When they begin to calculate how much energy is needed to create and maintain such a column, it turns out that all the power plants of our planet are far from enough for this. The assumption that such an ion column is a powerful replenishment of the ionosphere and can solve all the problems of the ozone layer was confirmed after the completion of the construction of the Pyramid 22 meters high on the shores of Lake Seliger in the summer of 1997. A few months later, in the Northern Hemisphere of the planet, the ozone layer was brought back to normal, and we began to forget about the "ozone holes".

If such a Pyramid were to be built in the Southern Hemisphere, or if the influence of an already existing Pyramid were transferred there, for example, in Australia, Brazil or Peru, then in a few months we would state the elimination of the problem of "ozone holes" on a global scale. A similar ion column is observed above the power units of nuclear power plants, nuclear waste disposal sites, and other objects with high energies. But the radiation situation around and inside the Pyramid does not differ from the background values. Many substances change their physical and chemical properties significantly: semiconductors, carbon materials, etc. At the same time, it is surprising that these substances seem to come to life. Their properties change according to a sinusoidal law in time with a sufficiently large amplitude. Spontaneous charging of capacitors occurs, the temperature threshold of superconductivity changes, and the scale of physical time changes.

Under the influence of the field of the Pyramid, the weight of the physical body changes several times. From the school bench, we are used to believing that there are some Absolutes, physical constants - the speed of light in a vacuum, Planck's constant, the temperature of absolute zero, etc. Yes, these physical quantities are indeed constants, but only for the state of Space in which they were measured and calculations. When the structure of Space is changed, for example, with the help of the Pyramids, all these values ​​begin to change in a fairly wide range. The immunity of animals that have been in the zone of influence of the Pyramid is significantly enhanced, the viability of cellular tissue increases many times over, and the malignant process in the body is blocked. The pyramid has a powerful anti-stress effect, does not allow the immune system to fall in the direction of the "aging organism". Medicinal preparations multiply their specific properties even with a decrease in concentration by many times, side effects from their use disappear. The Lazy Man will want to see mysticism in everything that has been said and reject everything, the Reasonable Man will want to figure it all out and will very soon realize that in this case we are simply dealing with physics, which we do not yet know, with biology, which we do not yet know. Moreover, the efforts of the Science of physics, philosophy, biology, etc. are needed in order to figure out what our World is, in which we live.

Of exceptional importance for Man and Mankind is bringing the field structures of a person or groups of people into a harmonious state. The state of these field structures is how we fit into the world around us, how harmonious we are with it and in it. This is how harmonious we are with other structures and factors of the surrounding world, for example, with pathogenic microbes and viruses, with the ozone layer of the atmosphere and the surface layer of the lithosphere, with the social and economic situation in society, with the level of energy supply of material objects, incl. hours and biological.
The energy of the Pyramids is directly connected with the Man, with our attention, our thoughts, our idea of ​​Harmony.

Those thoughts, those ideas that are in resonance with the Golden Section, with the shape of the Pyramid, begin to dominate the surrounding Space. This is the basis of the mechanism for changing the program of our Habitat with the help of the Pyramids. In fact, it looks like this: if the thoughts of a person who is in the zone of influence of the Pyramid (inside or outside) are filled with Good, care for the surrounding World, then the probability of the realization of these thoughts increases thousands of times. If the thoughts of a person who is in the zone of influence of the Pyramid are filled with Pride, Evil, a thirst for destruction, deceit, then the realization of such thoughts will be repeatedly blocked, and such a person himself receives a powerful incentive to change his life attitudes in the direction of Harmony.

In all cases of communication with the Pyramid, our consciousness gets a real opportunity to influence our subconscious, which is an integral part of the subconscious of our entire environment, the subconscious of all Humanity. The key to this influence is the resonance of the thoughtforms we create with the Golden Mean, with the shape of the Pyramid. Thought forms that contradict the Golden Section begin to transform according to the law of Harmony. It is also obvious that there is feedback in such processes. At the same time, our consciousness also strives for Harmony with the surrounding World, which means that our World itself strives for Harmony.

The Golden Section is a fundamental constant in painting, architecture, and science. All living things are created in accordance with the proportion of the Golden Section. These are the proportions of the Pyramids we are talking about. It is intuitively clear that one should not expect negative manifestations from structures with such proportions. This is, in my opinion, one of the ways to increase the degree of Harmony of the World around us.
For the past half century, biologists and doctors around the world have been looking for a vaccine to destroy one virus or another.

Various drugs destroy pathogenic protein structures: from the influenza virus and Koch's bacillus to the AIDS virus. For half a century we have been observing the opposite effect - we get new protein mutations, new manifestations of diseases and, most importantly, against the backdrop of seemingly local successes, a constant deterioration in the overall situation. We want to deceive Nature instead of adapting to it. We declare in words our unity with Nature, but in reality we oppose ourselves to it. After all, we get along well with some bacteria and viruses. Without E. coli Colli-17, for example, the process of digestion is unthinkable, and Koch's bacillus or the AIDS virus terrifies us. I think that a million years ago, both the AIDS virus and Koch's wand were friends with Man, performing mutual functions.

Since then, the structure of the Space has changed, the program of the relationship between the Man and these proteins has changed, and now we have come to "such a life." The impact of the Pyramids on Space, changing this program can correct the situation. In such a Space there is no place, for example, for oncological processes, the immune system always works in the optimal mode. It will take 5-7 years and as a result of the action of the Pyramid 44 meters high, cancer, AIDS, tuberculosis, hepatitis, influenza will begin to disappear on the entire planet. During this time, the manifestation of all the listed diseases will begin to decrease significantly, starting from the territories closest to the Pyramid. After all, we get sick rather by inertia, we were simply not warned that using the influence of the Pyramids, our body is functionally ready to block any pathology, any disease - from influenza to oncology.

The influence of the Pyramid is equally beneficial for the Human, and for bacteria and viruses. The Pyramid is a natural factor that brings the entire biological system of the planet into a state of Harmony, changes its control structures. The impact of the Pyramid reduces the mutual pathogenicity of Human and bacteria, Human and virus, etc. On the one hand, the pathogenicity of viruses and bacteria will constantly decrease, on the other hand, the immune system of Humans and animals will constantly improve, the program of their relationships will strive for Harmony. Mankind has an opportunity within the next few years to get rid of hepatitis, AIDS, tuberculosis, malignant tumors and other diseases that threaten the very existence of Mankind. Pathological childbirth will be an exception, and the relationship of newly born children with the outside world will be as harmonious as possible.

The concept of "prevention" will be filled with real meaning. Research in recent months has shown that the problems of gerontology can also be solved using these approaches. I am sure that in 15-20 years the average life expectancy of a Human will exceed 100 years. Let's remember history. Adam lived 900 years. We live today, God forbid, 70 years. What has changed over the past thousands, millions or billions of years. During this time, our Habitat, its control structures have changed, its ability to withstand negative manifestations in life, in nature, in the noosphere has significantly decreased. Pyramids in the proportions of the Golden Section, increasing the measure of the Harmony of Space, sort of clean out our Habitat. An analogy is appropriate here. We have been living on our planet for thousands, millions of years. It's time to pick up a vacuum cleaner, rags and tidy up our Habitat, cleanse ourselves of centuries-old dirt. One such tool is the Pyramid.

The same logic applies to other negative processes as well. In the case of earthquakes, we will talk about the control structures of stresses in the lithosphere. A few months of work at low cost - and the inhabitants of Kamchatka, Japan, California will no longer be afraid of earthquakes, the inhabitants of Australia will forget about "ozone holes". In the case of social and economic problems, we will talk about the governing structures of tensions in society. I think that the problem of the North Caucasus is not a problem of Russians and Chechens, it is a problem of territory. Settle Indians and Chinese or "whites" and "reds" in this territory - and the whole scenario of events will repeat itself. The same nature of the problems in the Middle East, in Nagorno-Karabakh, in Ulster. We all know that violence can only give rise to new violence, we all honor the Holy Scriptures in words, we all know the commandments - do not kill, do not steal, love - and kill, and steal, and allow yourself to hate. With the help of the Pyramids, using them as a tool, we can change the structure of the Space of our Habitat. In a harmonious Space, a Man becomes adequate to his human essence, he will remember that he was created in the image and likeness of the Creator, he will remember that he must create, and not destroy.

We will be able to understand that our life is what we ourselves are, and the meaning of the words "the kingdom of God is within us" will become available to each of us. It is very important to accept this information as a natural component of the world around us, not to try to elevate the Pyramids to the rank of a panacea, it is important to understand that a person has always had and will have complete freedom of choice, freedom of decision-making. Man is the crown of Nature, the crown of creation, and the Pyramid is a natural factor, an instrument in the hands of Man. The pyramid with the proportions of the Golden Section is the generator of life, the means of harmonizing our Habitat. This is very well illustrated by what is happening in the vicinity of the Pyramid 22 meters high, built in the summer of 1997 near the city of Ostashkov, on the shores of Lake Seliger. For many years there was no such clean water in the lake, and now it will always be so. Along the bed of the rivers flowing near the Pyramid, new springs opened up, which even the old-timers do not remember. For the first time, a stork built a nest near the Pyramid. Flowers, listed in the Red Book, dotted the surrounding meadows.

In my opinion, the concept of the Biblical Paradise should be considered not in the geographical sense, but in the sense of the structure of the Habitat, the structure of the Space in which we live. How close this structure is to the state of Harmony depends on how our life corresponds to the concept of Biblical Paradise.

Pyramids are an important element of the Universe, a tool for transforming the structure of Space, and the structure of Space determines the program of the relationship of everything that is in this Space. The range of the Pyramids is quite significant and increases rapidly with their size. So, if the Pyramid 11 meters high, according to various expert estimates, has an impact radius of 1-2 km, then the Pyramid 22 meters high acts at a distance of 100 - 150 km, and the zone of influence of the Pyramid 44 meters high covers, perhaps, the entire near-Earth Space. The Pyramid of yesterday and the Pyramid of today are objects with different levels of impact. The pyramid develops in time, like the trees that we have planted and are waiting for the fruits. The fruits of the Pyramid begin to appear after a while and every year their quality becomes immeasurably higher. In parallel with this, their zone of influence is increasing.

An important factor is the choice of a place for construction, although after a while the built Pyramid itself makes its place. Geopathogenic zones, even tens of kilometers in size, cease to be such under the influence of the Pyramids or their information matrices. Traditions tell us that priests have been preparing the site for the construction of the pyramids of Egypt for decades. We began to understand the meaning of this when we realized that you could not build a 22 meter Pyramid without preparing its place with an 11 meter Pyramid. Accordingly, it is impossible to build a Pyramid 44 meters high without preparing its place with the help of a Pyramid 22 meters high. The cycle of preparing the site for the construction of the Pyramid 44 meters high took more than 5 years. One can imagine how much time it took to prepare the site for the construction of the Pyramid 146 meters high. During the construction of the Pyramids, everything is important - from who builds them and for what purposes, to the selection and preparation of a place for construction.

There are no insignificant details in these processes. A pyramid built without taking into account all the requirements will be very similar to a real one, but its effectiveness will be reduced by many orders of magnitude. Interestingly, the above situation is reversible. The 44-meter-high Pyramid, built according to the above algorithm, pulls the 22-meter-high Pyramid to its level with the help of its information matrix placed at the base of the lower Pyramid. True, in this case it will be necessary to periodically change this matrix. The same is true for any such Pyramids with a height of less than 44 meters. At the same time, the effective impact of such Pyramids will be as close as possible to the impact of a Pyramid 44 meters high, while the zone of their impact will decrease with a decrease in the height of the Pyramid.

An important means of transferring information from the Pyramids are crystalline substances, for example, stones, minerals. Of particular interest is the case when crystals are born in the field of the Pyramids, in this case they form the information matrix of the Pyramid, which actively resonates with the mother form of the Pyramid. Crystals, stones are especially effective when they are properly located on the ground, when many of them form a closed loop. The space inside such a loop significantly improves its structure even in very large territories, for example, regions, republics, countries, zones of regional conflicts. Food, drinks, medicines, having been inside the Pyramid, also become carriers of this information. Of particular interest are products and food additives, the technical process of preparation of which at least partially took place in the Pyramid field. At the end of 1999, important results were obtained on the creation of the information matrix of the Pyramid. These results made it possible to develop a whole direction for the transfer of the energy of the Pyramids to any distance and with minimal losses.

Such an information matrix is ​​an array of crystalline substance that has formed its crystalline structure inside the Pyramid. It is interesting that the efficiency of such an information matrix weakly depends on the mass of the substance in it. The decisive role for the creation of information matrices is played by the state of the Pyramid, in which such a matrix is ​​formed. The age of this Pyramid is very important, the age and condition of the predecessor Pyramids, which prepared the place for the construction of this Pyramid. The zone of influence of such a matrix is ​​small, it is commensurate with the size of the Pyramid in which it is formed. But the situation changes if a small pyramid is placed on such an information matrix, similar to the one in which this matrix was created. In this case, the phenomenon of resonance occurs, and the area of ​​action of the "information matrix - pyramid" system increases tenfold. Interestingly, the fields inside and outside of such a system are exactly identical to the fields of the parent Pyramid. Inside such a pyramid, as well as inside the Pyramid - the original, stones, jewelry, plant seeds, food, food additives, medicines, etc. can be processed.

It is very important to correctly orient such a system in Space. The more accurately the parallel transfer of the information matrix from the original Pyramid is performed, the more effective its impact. For convenience, it is recommended to draw an arrow with a north direction at the time of its creation. If next to a person there is a crystalline substance processed in the Pyramid, the information matrix of the Pyramid, or a person drank water from the Pyramid, ate products from the Pyramid, even once, then his chances of ever getting sick with cancer, tuberculosis, hepatitis, and other diseases decrease many times . Of the recommendations for using the influence of the Pyramids directly or indirectly through stones, information matrices, solutions, products, etc., it is important to remember that you should activate your metabolism, move more, increase physical activity, especially in the early days.

It is very important not to fall into error and not to think that a person can get rid of a severe pathology just by drinking a sip of water from the Pyramid or picking up a stone from the Pyramid. But if at the same time he remembers that he was created in the image and likeness of the Creator, if he recognizes himself as a particle of the Creation and the creator, if he tries to forget about his problems and switch to solving the problems of others, then he will inevitably turn out to be stronger than any pathology. Since the effect of the Pyramid weakly depends on the amount of the processed substance, the use of food and drinks is possible in small portions - grams of food and drops of drinks and solutions. Although you can eat regular portions and drink liters of drinks from the Pyramid, there are no overdoses in these cases, the body in all cases will take exactly as much information (energy) as it needs. When people come to the big Pyramids, it is not at all necessary to strive to go inside.

It is enough to walk nearby, contemplating the Pyramid from a distance equal to one or two times its height. A person who has come into contact with the influence of the Pyramid begins the restructuring of the body, the redistribution of functions between its elements, up to the cell and even deeper, inclusive. Against this background, any properly selected treatment gives a greatly enhanced effect. As studies show, the process of influence of the Pyramid is especially active during the first 4-5 days. At this time, a person may experience some discomfort, especially if his body is in pathology. This restructuring, this redistribution is intended to lead the body away from pathology, to optimize its condition. In the future, the body becomes more harmonious, less susceptible to external pathogenic influences, and functional improvement becomes the norm for it.

There are other equally interesting applications for the information matrices of the Pyramid. Instead of using the phenomenon of resonance with the help of a small pyramid similar to the mother form of this matrix, one can simply divide the manufactured information matrix, which is a block of crystalline substance, into several parts and separate these parts in space. For example, divide the information matrix into 8 parts and place them in the corners of the room, on the floor and under the ceiling. The same can be done in the corners of a cottage, multi-storey building. At the same time, it is necessary to preserve the orientation of the parts of the information matrix in Space as accurately as possible. Orientation in Space can be avoided if a multipolar method of creating such a matrix is ​​used. It is possible to divide a small information matrix with a multipolar charge, say 2x1 mm in size, into two parts and fix them on a plate or cup, and then food and drink in them become carriers of the influence of the Pyramids in a few seconds. You can mount them on the case of a computer, TV, radiotelephone, cell phone, and other devices with various types of radiation. At the same time, the biological effect of this radiation can be reduced many times over at a constant power of its flux.

There is an erroneous opinion that the harmful effect of, for example, electromagnetic radiation is proportional to the power of its flow. Based on this, sanitary standards for radiating devices have been developed. I think that it is not the radiation flux itself that is biologically harmful, but the distribution of the spectra of finer radiations within this flux. And such distributions are within the competence of the influence of the Pyramids, which is easily seen in all biological studies related to the influence of the Pyramids. You can place the elements of the information matrix next to a person or on his body for local counteractions to the disease. In all the above cases of using the information matrices of the Pyramids, a powerful effect of biological protection of all living things located in the zone of action of this matrix will be achieved. The field structures of a person, as it were, receive a template of a healthy state and begin to rebuild in accordance with it.

Of interest is the impact of the Pyramids and information matrices not only on the human body, food, but also on other items of our everyday life, especially on clothing. Leather clothes and shoes, woolen products bear the imprint of information about the animal with which they are associated. Cotton, linen carry information about the area where they were grown. This information may sometimes contain negative components. Even a minute impact of the Pyramid eliminates these components, and the clothes and shoes themselves become carriers of information about Harmony.

The transfer of information (impact) from the Pyramid can be localized within the territory. The objects of such localization can be hospitals, schools, places of entertainment, penitentiary institutions, places of deployment of troops and special forces, high-risk facilities, mines, hazardous industries, nuclear facilities, vehicles, including aircraft, spacecraft, environmental disaster zones, separate houses, apartments, people. The mechanism of action will be the same.

In September - October 1997, the actions described above were carried out in the territories of the Moscow, Leningrad, Tver, Samara, Saratov regions, including regional centers and other large cities. At the same time, the emphasis was placed on Moscow and the Moscow suburbs. It will take only two to three weeks to transfer information from the Pyramid, located, for example, on Seliger or in the Moscow region, to the territory of such countries as the USA, Germany, Japan, England, Australia, etc. The process of strengthening these influences will continue for several years. To launch the above processes in any territory (village, city, country, mainland), it is enough to lay a closed circuit of crystalline substances that have been in the Pyramid along the border of such a territory. This action will be identical to the fact that the Pyramid was erected over this territory.

Drawing an analogy, it is possible to expand these actions on the scale of the entire planet by laying such a contour along the equator, or by bringing a certain number of crystals into near-Earth orbit. So, on October 25, 1998, a cargo of crystalline substances processed in the Pyramid was delivered to the Mir orbital station. For the first time, an impact on a truly planetary scale has been carried out. With each orbit of the Mir station around the Earth, this effect will intensify. At the same time, the measure of Harmony of the entire near-Earth Space increases. As a result of these actions, all the listed beneficial effects of the Pyramids will be replicated over time, as it were, to the entire planet.

I would note the effectiveness of the effects of the Pyramids:

In places of disposal of nuclear waste and nuclear fuel, including resettlement zones. In this case, optimal changes will occur not only in the substance of nuclear fuel, but also in the design of protective equipment, for example, in the Chernobyl Sarcophagus, the hull of the Komsomolets submarine and other similar burial sites, in nuclear warheads. The structure of undercurrents and atmospheric flows in the places of catastrophes will change in an optimal way.

In seismically active territories, including the surfaces of seas and oceans, seismic activity will decrease several times due to the optimal distribution of stresses in the lithosphere.

With the shallowing of lakes and seas, with the onset of deserts, with abnormal fluctuations in the level of groundwater.

On the territories of burial places of chemical, bacteriological wastes and other toxic substances, for example, the largest burial place of chemical weapons in the Baltic Sea. In this case, the toxicity of waste will decrease both due to chemical and physicochemical processes, and due to more subtle transformations.

In areas with a high probability of forest, steppe fires, floods.

In areas and individual buildings, at enterprises with increased fire hazard. Along the perimeter of such areas, buildings, enterprises, a closed circuit is laid out of blocks of crystalline substance; around the most dangerous areas, such a circuit can be duplicated inside a large one. This greatly reduces the risk of fire.

In areas with a high probability of atmospheric disasters, including typhoons, tornadoes, tornadoes.

In territories with anomalies of the ozone layer, other problems of protection against biologically harmful radiation, including radiation and electromagnetic.

In the territories of ecological and social cataclysms.

In territories with a difficult epidemiological situation, incl. the probability of hepatitis, tuberculosis, AIDS is reduced several times, the probability of the appearance of malignant tumors is reduced. A closed circuit of blocks of crystalline matter is laid along the border of such territories, the population consumes food, drinks processed in the Pyramid, even in very small doses. At the same time, the likelihood of any epidemics, any diseases is many times reduced. At the same time, the crime situation is significantly improving and the level of social tension in such a territory is decreasing.

On board an aircraft, a submarine, a spacecraft, the probability of accidents and any emergency situations is significantly reduced.

At enterprises and industries of increased danger, with a high degree of risk to personnel and the environment. A closed circuit of blocks of crystalline matter is laid around mines, nuclear facilities, and chemical industries. At the same time, the probability of accidents, leaks, and other emergency situations is many times reduced. The behavior of the staff is optimized and becomes fully adequate to the situation, the psychological climate in the staff teams is optimized.

The level of human adaptation to the conditions of the Habitat increases. The nonspecific reactivity of the organism is significantly improved, the psychophysical state is normalized. Parallel processes of strengthening human immunity and reducing the pathogenicity of protein formations (viruses, bacteria) in the next 3-4 years will lead to the fact that influenza, for example in Moscow, will become as exotic as tropical fever.

In places of extraction and processing of oil, its viscosity decreases. As a result, the well flow rate increases, the oil structure shifts towards light fractions. Carbon chains with free radicals tend to optimal states and form ring structures, aromatic rings. If inside the Pyramid there is an easily evaporating substance, smoke, for example, from a fire, then a very pleasant smell will always be felt, it will seem that the structure is filled with incense. For Pyramids in the proportions of the Golden Section, for example, the smell of incense is characteristic, no matter what substance we burn in it. This smell is an inherent property of the Pyramid itself, its shape. For its appearance, it is enough to burn some firewood inside the Pyramid.

When creating natural alcoholic beverages. Cheap port under the influence of the Pyramid becomes vintage in a day. Three-star cognac in a few days "ages" for many years. At the same time, in addition to high taste qualities, drinks also acquire the property of biological protection.

In materials science, traditional technologies for the production of superhard substances and composite materials are undergoing major changes, and a breakthrough in obtaining new energy sources is becoming possible. A few years will pass and we will be ashamed of the fact that we built hydroelectric power plants, nuclear power plants, while every cubic centimeter of space around us is saturated with such an amount of energy, in comparison with which all the thermal energy of the Sun is just a candle flame.

Solving problems of drug addiction, alcoholism. Already the first observations with narcologists from a number of regions and organizations turned out to be very informative. This gives confidence that the problems of not only physical attachment, but, more importantly, psychological attachment, are successfully solved using the impact of the Pyramids.

Reducing the level of social tension, including in regions with a difficult operational situation, regions of religious fanaticism and fundamentalism. Around such regions, a closed circuit is laid out of blocks of crystalline matter processed in the Pyramid. The behavior of people, their actions return to the framework of universal morality and morality. Over time, tensions decrease, conflicts subside, people strive to return to normal life. An interesting example is this: when rings of crystalline substances were laid around several institutions of the Penitentiary Institution of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation (5 thousand people), and prisoners received table salt processed in the Pyramid for food, over 11 months of observation, mortality in these institutions decreased, serious crimes disappeared, and the number of violations of the regime fell several times. Of course, a prison is not the best model of society, but nevertheless these facts are very revealing.

For several years significantly reduced crime rate, the cruelty and aggressiveness of its manifestations decreases. Controlling field structures of crime processes lose the possibility of adaptation in the surrounding Space. In such a Space, people or organizations with criminal inclinations become obvious, they are, as it were, marked, their outside support disappears, they are forced to become normal people and normal organizations.

Solving the problems of energy and information protection at all levels, incl. protection of territories, premises and individuals from psychotropic effects. For example, around the Ostankino television tower, a closed circuit of crystals processed in the Pyramid is laid. At the same time, subtle vibrations of the Pyramid are superimposed on the emitted electromagnetic waves. As a result, viewers perceive the received television information, incl. horror films, pornography, negative news adequately and without destroying one's psyche, all attempts at psychotropic influences through television broadcasting are blocked.

A significant increase in the average life expectancy of a person. In 15-20 years it will be at least 100 years.

In agriculture, productivity increases by tens of percent. Seeds of plants before sowing are placed in the Pyramid or in a small pyramid with an information matrix for a day. Around the area with crops (even if its area is hundreds of hectares), a closed circuit of crystalline blocks is laid. At the same time, the yield increases by tens of percent.

It should not be assumed that the impact of the Pyramids cancels the fundamental laws of the Universe: the laws of the material world, karmic laws, etc. In a harmonious space, the amplitude of their manifestations only decreases: if earlier an earthquake of nine points destroyed the city, now it can be sufficient when with an intensity of half a point the earth will shake under your feet; if earlier seven generations were responsible for a person's misconduct, now the punishment may be that a person, say, twists his leg. According to the Law of Harmony in a harmonious Space, both of them should be enough for a person or the population of the city to realize the reason for what happened and correct their future path.

It must be borne in mind that the Pyramids have a powerful impact, and one should approach the understanding of these influences, and even more so the construction of the Pyramids, very carefully. It should be remembered that as soon as we move away from the geometry of the Golden Section, as soon as we build sharper or more gentle Pyramids, we can move away from the main thing - from Harmony. We will receive powerful effects, both in positive and negative aspects. Suffice it to recall the pyramids in Egypt, Mexico, Peru, etc. The pyramids of Egypt have been the First Wonder of the World for thousands of years. All this time, the near-Earth Space was dominated by the logic corresponding to their form. All connections in this Space, its structure were subject to this logic. Perhaps at one time it had a positive meaning for our planet and its inhabitants. But today, at the turn of the millennium, Mankind instinctively reaches for a higher logic, it has grown out of the swaddling clothes of its Habitat. The Great Pyramids of Egypt are worthy of our respect, our memory. It is a monument to our history, a monument to bygone civilizations. Other Pyramids, whose upwardly directed form suggests the direction of development to our heart, our thoughts, our feelings, are becoming more and more interesting to us.

I think that one or more Pyramids in the proportions of the Golden Section is enough for our planet. With their help, using the information carriers processed in them, the information matrices created in them, located, including on spacecraft, at orbital stations, Man can constantly increase the measure of the Harmony of the entire near-Earth Space, the measure of the Harmony of his Habitat. It is very strictly necessary to approach the height of the Pyramid. Perhaps the height of 44m or 88m will be the maximum allowable for the planet. In no case should the Pyramids be considered a panacea for all problems, nor are they a means of psychotropic influence. Only the Man himself can solve his problems. Being a means of harmonizing the structure of Space, the Pyramids in the proportions of the Golden Section are a tool in the hands of Man. The Planet of Peace and Harmony can become an alternative to the Planet of the City of the Dead. Our ability to create, our unlimited freedom of choice, our intuition will tell us the right path.

All of the above is based on joint experiments with a number of Russian research institutes, leading clinics, as well as on hypotheses, analogies and expert assessments. The scale of the work carried out and the results of research, their significance, both social and economic, have no analogues in world practice. Obviously, both in humanitarian and commercial terms, the Pyramids project has no equal in the 20th century.

Thus, we have a permanent source of Information about Harmony (a Pyramid built according to the proportions of the Golden Section) and ways of its indirect initiation using various media (water, solutions, minerals, information matrices, medicines, products, etc.) in any territory in anywhere.


In conclusion, I would like to say the following. Many mysteries are concealed by the Worlds surrounding us. The hypotheses and theories of the Universe are countless. Hundreds of people with varying degrees of competence are engaged in the study of the pyramids. In no way claims to the Truth and the author of these lines. It is not easy for a person to understand all the variety of information. I can only advise you to read the epigraph again and try to distinguish calls to build from calls to destroy, the desire for Truth from idle talk, Truth from Falsehood, Good from Evil. Do not look for teachers otherwise than within yourself. From outside accept only help. People, their deeds, their actions are inseparable. Know them by their fruits.

Do-it-yourself pyramid: dimensions and materials. Part 2

In one of the articles, we examined the main mistakes when choosing sizes and materials for the manufacture / construction of a pyramid. But there is another important aspect regarding their creation.

A lot of misconceptions can be found on the Internet when discussing the angles of inclination of the faces of the pyramid. Here are a few quotes, walking from site to site, but it is no longer possible to find the source (most likely someone wrote “from the ceiling”, and then reprinted):

“A tetrahedral pyramid with an angle of inclination of the faces of 76.35 °, built using the number φ, has a vortexa field that has the most common harmonizing properties. This is a pyramid of harmony… Pyramidharmony withangle76.35 degrees harmonizes the surrounding space, bringing it to a "primordial" state, greatly increases the bioenergy of all living things, restores and brings into a state of harmony all human energy fields (aura), promotes the active development of living matter, thereby beneficially affecting human health ... "

Where these statements were taken from is not clear, however, it should be noted that all of the above applies to pyramids with any angles: 63.43 °, 51.83 °, 41.81 °, etc.

In fact, only the intensity of the field inside the pyramid depends on the angle of inclination of the construction faces, but not its nature. Moreover, even if a specific angle of inclination was obtained without the use of "golden numbers" in calculating the ratio of height and base! (as in the pyramid of Cheops or the "broken" pyramid of Snefru, in which there are two angles of inclination of the faces).

Therefore, the elongated shape of the pyramid is chosen solely to increase the intensity of the structuring field. In the case of home mini-pyramids MAAT - also for the convenience of exposing objects (by mounting a table top or mounting it on a cabinet). But, not based on the properties of any particular value of the angle.

An increase in the internal angle of the pyramid increases the intensity of its internal field. And, accordingly, a decrease in its external angle softens the intensity of the influence of the external field of the pyramid. The picture shows the rounded values ​​of the angles of the pyramids of Mexico, Egypt, Europe, Sudan and Russia (designer A. Golod).

It is this rule that should be followed when choosing the angle of inclination of the pyramid. And before that, answer the question, what tasks will you set for your design? Intense impact on animate or inanimate nature or, for example, a deep mild impact on the human body?

If the pyramid is large and allows a person to be in it, then too intense an impact caused by an elongated shape will not work for the body. This will cause a protective reaction of the immune system and, over time, the effect of the pyramid will disappear altogether. While being nearby, close to such a pyramid, will give stable positive results.

The elongated shape of the pyramid is perfect for structuring water and other inanimate objects (medicines, herbs, etc.). It is these pyramids that you can observe in Sudan, in the same form they were built in Russia by A. Golod. Being next to such a pyramid (and not inside it) is very productive. Its outer field gently interacts with your immune system and has a corrective effect on organs and other systems.

All other pyramids - in Egypt, Bosnia, China and Mexico - were designed to interact with the human body and had a mild structuring effect on the human immune system.

So, for example, for home pyramids MAAT, given their small mass, an elongated shape was chosen that allows you to gently influence the human body and its energy-ecological environment without “shaking” its immune system. And for a deeper adjustment of the pyramid to the human body, “golden proportions” were used in the external structure: as the ratio of the height of the mini-pyramids (as well as the pyramids of A. Golod) to the length of their base, the coefficient H / L = 2.058 from the second row of the family of “golden sections". The height of the pyramid is 2.058 times the side of the square at its base.

Thus, the height of the mini-pyramid is 146.6 cm (1/100 of the height of the pyramid of Cheops), the length of the base is 71.2 cm. The angle of inclination of the faces is 76.35 °.