Apresyan Selected Works. Yu.D.Apresyan Lexical synonyms

1. Apresan Yu.d. Selected Works. T. 1. Lexic semantics. Synonymic language of language. - M.: Languages \u200b\u200bof Russian Culture, 1995. - 472 p.

2. Apresan Yu.d. Selected Works. T. 2. Integral description of language and systemic lexicography. - M.: Languages \u200b\u200bof Russian Culture, 1995. - 767 p.

3. Harutyunova N.D., Stepanov GV. Russian language. - M.: Enlightenment, 1979. - 523 p.

4. Harutyunova N.D.. The problem of functional types of lexical meaning // Aspects of semantic studies. - M.: Science, 1980. - P. 156-249.

5. Harutyunova N.D. Metaphor // Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary / Ed. V.N. Yartseva. - M.: Large Russian Encyclopedia, 1990. - P. 296-297.

6. Harutyunova N.D. Introduction // Logic language analysis. Mental actions. - M.: Science, 1993. - P. 3-9.

7. Harutyunova N.D. Language and world of man. - M.: Languages \u200b\u200bof Russian Culture, 1999. - 896 p.

8. Harutyunyan S.M. Nation and its psychological warehouse. - Krasnodar, 1966.

9. Babushkin A.P. Types of concepts in lexico-phraseological semantics of the language. - Voronezh: Publishing House Voronezh. University, 1996. - 104 p.

10. Bgazhnokov B.h.. Adyg's etiquette. - Nalchik, 1978.

11. White E.N. The concept of "joy" in the representation of Russian and French // Language. Time. Personality. Socio-cultural dynamics of language phenomena in nationwide and personal representations: Mat-lies of international. Scientific conf. - Omsk: Publishing House of Omga, 2002. - P. 104-108.

12. White E.N.. The concept of "joy" in the Russian language picture of the world (illustrative essay) // Actual problems of rusistics: Mat-lies of international. Scientific Con., dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the Tomsk dialectological school. - Tomsk: Publishing House of TSU, 2003. - Vol. 2. - Ch. 2. - P. 20-27.

13. White E.N.. Basic features and ways of conceptualization of emotions in the French language picture of the world // Questions linguistics and lingvodidactics: concept, culture, competence: interunion. Sat Scientific Tr. - Omsk: Publishing House of Omga, 2004 - pp. 16-28.

14. White E.N. Symbols of color matters with the representation of emotions in the French language picture of the world (on the material of dictionaries and artistic texts) // Perception: Linguistic and psycholinguistic aspects: Sat. Scientific Art. - Omsk: Publishing House of Omga, 2005. - P. 64-71.

15. White E.N. Theoretical foundations of the study of language and speech representatives of the basic emotions of a person (on the material of Russian and French languages): Author. ... Cand. philol. science - Barnaul, 2006. - 23 s.

16. BenVenist E.. Total linguistics. - M.: Progress, 1974. - 448 p.

17. Berdyaev N.A.. Self-knowledge: memoirs. - M.: Dam, 1990. - 334 p.

18. Berdyaev N.A.. Fate of Russia. - M.: Soviet writer, 1990. - 206 p.

19. Boherty K.. Feel free to say that you love Russia // Izvestia. - 1998. - February 11. - p. 5.

20. Bogin G.I.. The linguistic personality model in its attitude to the varieties of texts: author. dis. ... Dr. Filol. science - Kalinin, 1984.

21. Bogin G.I. Typology of text understanding: studies. benefit. - Kalinin: Publishing house KSU, 1986. - 87 p.

22. Great Encyclopedic Dictionary. - M.: Publishing House Big Russian Encyclopedia, 2003.

23. Bromley Yu.V.. Ethnic and ethnography. - M., 1975.

24. Brudny A.A. Some philosophical problems of communication theory: Mat-lies of the All-Union Symposium on Psycholinguistics and the Theory of Communication. - M., 1977. - P. 3-7.

25. Bulygina T.V. Shmelev A.D. Language conceptualization (on the material of Russian grammar). - M.: Languages \u200b\u200bof Russian Culture, 1997. - 576 p.

26. Vasilyev L.M.. Semantics of the Russian verb. - M.: Higher School, 1981. - 184 p.

27. Welgezkaya A.. Language. Culture. Cognition. - M.: Russian dictionaries, 1996. - 416 p.

28. Welgezkaya A. Semantic universals and descriptions of languages. - M.: Languages \u200b\u200bof Russian Culture, 1999. - 780 p.

29. Language and culture: Lingupply scientists in teaching Russian as a foreign language. - M.: Science, 1976. - 148 p.

30. Vereshchagin E.M., Kostomarov V.G. Language and culture. - M.: Science, 1990.

31. Vinarskaya E.N. To the problem of emotional concepts // Bulletin of the Voronezh State. un-ta. A series of linguistics and intercultural communication. - 2001. - № 2.

32. Vinogradov V.A. Idiolt // Big Encyclopedic Dictionary. Linguistics. - M.: Large Russian Encyclopedia, 1998. - P. 171.

33. Wolf E.M.. Emotional states and their presentation in the language // logical analysis of the language. Problems of intensive and pragmatic contexts. - M.: Science, 1989. - P. 55-75.

34. Vorkachev V.G. Concept of happiness in the Russian consciousness: the experience of linguoculturological analysis. - Krasnodar: Publishing House of Technical University, 2004. - 236 p.

35. Guck V.G. Comparative lexicology. - M.: Science, 1977.

36. Guck V.G.. Language as a form of self-expression of the people // Language as a means of culture broadcast. - M.: Science, 2000. - P. 54-68.

37. Gachev G..D. National images of the world. - M.: Soviet writer, 1988.

38. Greydina N.L.. Basics of the system concept of communicative and cultural interaction (theoretical and experimental studies): author. ... Dr. Filol. science - Krasnodar: Kuban. State University, 1999. - 32 s.

39. Grishaeva L.I., Tsurikova L.V. Introduction to the theory of intercultural communication: studies. benefit. - M.: Academy, 2006. - 336 p.

40. Grishevitskaya T.G., Popkov V.D., Sadokhin AP. Basics of intercultural communication: studies. For universities / ed. A.P. Sadokhina. - M.: Uniti-Dana, 2002. - 352 p.

41. Gudkov D.B. Theory and Practice of Intercultural Communication. - M.: Gnosis, 2003. - 288 p.

42. Gulian A.M.. System of personal signs in ethnic culture // Methodological problems of the study of ethnic culture. - Yerevan, 1978. - P. 82-87.

43. Humboldt Wilhelm Background. Selected Works on Linguistics. - M.: Progress, 1984. - 396 p.

44. Gurevich P..FROM. Philosophy of culture. - M.: Aspect-press, 1994.

45. Gurevich P.S.. Culturalology. - M.: Knowledge, 1996. - 288 p.

46. Gurevich P.S.. Psychological Dictionary Ah. - M.: Olma, 2007. - 800 p.

47. Dadia B.. People between two languages \u200b\u200b// Foreign literature. - 1968. - № 4. - P. 245-246.

48. Jandildin N.. Nature of national psychology. - Alma-Ata, 1971.

49. DiK TA van. Language. Cognition. Communication. - M.: Progress, 1989. - 312 p.

50. Erasov B.S. Social Cultureology. - M.: Aspect-press, 1997. - 591 p.

51. Ermakova R.A.. French communicative domestic behavior // Russian and French communicative behavior / ed. I.A. Sternina, R.A. Ermakova. - Voronezh: origins, 2002. - P. 27-33.

52. Yerofeev N..BUT. Foggy Albion. England and the British with the eyes of the Russians. 1825-1853. - M., 1982.

53. Pocoryev A.A. The stereotypes of the behavior of the Chinese // A.A. Belick. Historical and theoretical problems of psychological anthropology. - M.: Publishing house RSU, 2005. - P. 289-290.

54. Zemskaya E.A. Language as activity: Morphem. Word. Speech. - M.: Languages \u200b\u200bof Slavic Culture, 2004. - 688 p.

55. Zlenko L.I. What is surprised in the character of the French // Russian and French communicative behavior / ed. I.A. Sternina, R.A. Ermakova. - Voronezh: origins, 2002. - P. 34-38.

56. Kamenskaya O.L. Theory of the Language Personality - Gender Tool // Gender: Language, Culture, Communication. Reports of the Second International Conference. - M.: Maglu, 2002. - 184-188.

57. Karasik V.I. Social status language. - M.: In-t RAS Linguistics; Volgograd. State Ped. In-T, 1992. - 330 p.

58. Karasik V.I. Estimated motivation, face status and vocabulary // Philology - Philologica. - 1994. - № 3. - P. 2-7.

59. Karasik V.I.. Language Circle: Personality, Concepts, discourse. - M.: Gnosis, 2004. - 390 s.

60. Karaululov Yu.N.. Russian language and language personality. - M.: Science, 1987. - 261 p.

61. Kasyanov K. If Magomet does not go to the mountain ... // Knowledge is power. - 1992. - № 1. - P. 15-23.

62. Katsnelson D.S.. Typology language and speech thinking. - L.: Science, Leningr. Deposit, 1972. - 216 p.

63. Cybrik A... Essays on general and applied issues. Linguistics. - M., 1992.

64. Cyril A..IN. Lighting language communication and gender in the history of linguistics // Theory and methodology of gender studies. - M.: MCGI - MVSHSEN - MFF, 2001. - P. 366 - 381.

65. Klobukova L.P.. Linguetometric foundations of learning foreign non-philologist students of humanitarian faculties to speech communication for professional topics. - M.: AR DD, 1995.

66. Klobukova L.P.. The phenomenon of the linguistic person in the light of lingvodidactics // Language, consciousness, communication. - M., 1997. - Issue 1.

67. Kolzhansky G..IN. Communicative feature in the structure of the language. - M.: Science, 1984.

68. Cole M.., Skribner S. Culture and thinking. - M.: Progress, 1977.

69. Krasavsky N.A.. Emotional concepts in German and Russian lingvocultures. - Volgograd: Change, 2001. - 495 p.

70. Red B..IN. Man skillful. Man is reasonable. Man ... "talking"? (Some reflections on the linguistic person and not only about it) // Functional research. - M., 1997. - Vol. 4. - p. 54-55.

71. Red B..IN. Basics of psycholinguistics and communication theory. - M.: Gnosis, 2001. - 270 s.

72. Red V.V.. Ethnopsycholinguistics and linguocultureology. - M.: Gnosis, 2002. - 270 s.

73. Red V.V.. "Your" among "Aliens": Myth or Reality? - M.: Gnosis, 2003. - 375 p.

74. Creidlin G.E.. Non-verbal semiotics. - M.: New Literary Review, 2004. - 564 p.

73.Crystal D.. English as global / lane. from English - M.: Publisher "All World", 2001. - 240 p.

76. Kurbakova E..FROM. The role of word formation in the formation of the language painting of the world // The role of the human factor in the language. Language and picture of the world. - M.: Science, 1988. - P. 141-172.

77. Kurbakova E.S. Paradigmatics // Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1990. - P. 366-367.

78. Kurbakova E.S. Syntagmatics // Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1990. - P. 447-448.

79. Kurbakova E.S.. Concept // E.S. Kubryakova, V.Z. Demyankov et al. Brief dictionary of cognitive terms. - M.: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 1996. - P. 90-93.

80. Kulikova L.V. Intercultural communication: theoretical and applied aspects. On the material of Russian and German lingvocultures. - Krasnoyarsk: Rio KGPU, 2004.

81. Culturalology: Encyclopedic Dictionary. - M., 1992.

82. Culturalology of the XX century. Encyclopedia: in 2 tons - SPb.: University Book: Aletiaya LLC, 1998. - T. 1. - 447 p.; T. 2. - 447 p.

83. Lebedeva N.M. Introduction to ethnic and cross-cultural psychology. - M.: Key-C, 1999. - 224 p.

84. Levi-Strauss to. Structural anthropology. - M.: Progress, 1985.

85. Leontovich O..BUT. Russia and USA: Introduction to Intercultural Communication. - Volgograd: Change, 2003.

86. Leontovich O.A. Russians and Americans: Paradoxes of intercultural communication. - M.: Gnosis, 2005. - 352 p.

87. Leontovich O.A. Introduction to intercultural communication. - M.: Gnosis, 2007. - 368 p.

88. Leontyev A.A.. Cultures and languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of Russia, CIS and Baltic countries: studies. benefit. - M.: Flint, 1998. - 312 p.

89. Leontyev A.A.. Basics of psycholinguistics. - M.: Meaning, 1997. - 287 p.

90. Likhachev D.S.. Construptosphere of the Russian language // Russian Literature. From the theory of literature to the text structure. Anthology. - M.: Academy, 1997. - P. 280-287.

91. Lorenz K.. Aggression (so-called evil) - M., 1994.

92. Lyapin S..H. Conceptology: to the establishment of an approach // Concepts. - Arkhangelsk, 1997. - Vol. 1. - P. 11-35.

93. Maulo J. Dictionary of linguistic terms. - M., 1960.

94. Maslova V.A.. Linguculturology. - M.: Academy, 2001. - 208 p.

95. Maslova V.A. Homo lingualis in culture. - M.: Gnosis, 2007. - 320 s.

96.Martinovich G..BUT. Types of verbal relationships and relations in the associative field // Questions of psychology, 1990. - № 2. - P. 143-146.

96. Moiseeva S.A.. Contact and remoteness // Russian and French communicative behavior / Ed. I.A. Sternina, R.A. Ermakova. - Voronezh: origins, 2002. - P. 24-27.

97. Moiseeva S..BUT. Features of French communicative behavior // Language and intercultural communication: Mat-lies 2nd interunion. scientific study. conf. March 29-30, 2005 - St. Petersburg: Publishing House of SPbGUP, 2005. - P. 65-69.

98. Morozova V.S.. Symbols of color values \u200b\u200bwhen describing the concepts of emotions in a modern Arabic literary language // Phraseology in the context of culture. - M.: Languages \u200b\u200bof Russian Culture, 1999. - P. 300-305.

99. Nazaryan A.G.. Idiomatic expressions of French. - M.: Enlightenment, 1978. - 159 p.

100. National and cultural specificity of speech behavior. - M.: Science, 1977. - 352 p.

101. Neveov S.V. Features of Speech and Sneven Communication of the Japanese // National Cultural Specificity of Speech Conduct. - M.: Science, 1977. - P. 320-338.

102. Odintsova M.P.. Language Human Ipostasis // Language. Human. Painting of the world: Mat Lians. Scientific conf. - Omsk: Publishing House of Omga, 2000. - P. 25-27.

103. Pavlovskaya A.V.. Russia and America. Problems of communication cultures. - M.: Moscow State University, 1998. - 303 p.

104. Pavlovskaya A.V.. Stereotypes of the perception of Russia and Russians in the West // Russia and the West: Dialogue of Cultures. - M., 1994. - Vol. 1. - P. 19-30.

105. Pan in. On some forms of speech and gesturing communications in China // National and cultural specificity of speech behavior. - M.: Science, 1977. - P. 338-346.

106. Persikova T.N. Intercultural communication and corporate culture. - M.: Logos, 2002. - 224 p.

107. Peskov V.M., Strelkov B.G. The land over the ocean. - 2nd ed. - M.: Young Guard, 1977. - 288 p.

108. Petrenko V.F.. Basics of psychosemantics. - M.: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 1997. - 400 p.

109. Petrov B..IN. Structures of the value: logical analysis. - Novosibirsk, 1979. - 142 p.

110. Petrova E.A. Gestures in the pedagogical process. - M., 1998.

111. Coffeeman B..BUT. General linguistics. - Barnaul: Publishing House Altha, 2001. - 240 s.

112. Coffeeman V.A. Psycholinguistics and modern lingopology // Methodology of modern psycholinguistics. - m.; Barnaul, 2003. - P. 4-21.

111. Pokrovsky M.. M.. Selected work on linguistics / Moscow. - 1959. - 145С.

114. Popova ZD, Sternov I.A.. Essays on cognitive linguistics. - Voronezh: Publishing House Voronezh. University, 2002. - 191 S.Labirint, 1990. - 330 p.

115. Postovanov B..AND. Painting of the world in human vitality // The role of the human factor in the language. Language and picture of the world / Ed. B.A. Serebrennikova et al. - M.: Nauka, 1988. - P. 8-69.

116. Flender A.A.Thialyasik . Selected Works. - M.:

117. Prokhorov Yu.E., Sternov I.A. Russians: Communicative behavior. - M.: Science, 2006. - 328 p.

118. Radchenko O.A.. Language like mygrossession. - M.: Editorial URSS, 2005. - 312 p.

119. Rot Yu., Kokutseva G. Intercultural communication. Theory and training. - M.: Uniti-Dana, 2006. - 223 p.

120. Russian and French communicative behavior / ed. I.A. Sternina, R.A. Ermakova. - Voronezh: origins, 2002. - 307 p.

121. Sedoy A.P. Russian and French dialogic strategies // Russian and French communicative behavior. Vol. 1. / Ed. I.A. Sternina, R.A. Ermakova. - Voronezh: origins, 2002. - P. 20-24.

122. Sepir E. Selected works on linguistics and cultureologists. - M.: Progress, 1993. - 656 p.

123. Serebrennikov B.A. The role of the human factor in the language. Language and thinking. - M.: Science, 1988. - 244 p.

124. Modern Russian language: Social and functional differentiation / Ed. L.P. Rat. - M.: Languages \u200b\u200bof Slavic Culture, 2003. - 568 p.

125. Solomonik A.. Semiotics and linguistics. - M.: Young Guard, 1995. - 352 p.

126. Sorokin P..BUT. Human. Civilization. Society. - M.: Publishing House Polit. Lit-Ry, 1992. - 543 p.

127. Sorokin Yu.BUT. Lacoon establishment method as one of the methods of establishing the specifics of local crops (fiction in the cultural aspect) // National and cultural specificity of speech behavior. - M.: Science, 1977. - P. 120-136.

128. Stepanov Yu.S. Constants. Dictionary of Russian Culture. Experience research. - M.: Languages \u200b\u200bof Russian Culture, 1997. - 824 p.

129. Stern I.A. Russian speech etiquette. - Voronezh: origins, 1996.

130. Sternov I.A. Communicative behavior in the structure of national culture // Ethnocultural specificity of the Language Consciousness: Sat. Art. / IN-T Linguistics RAS. - M., 1996. - P. 97-112.

131. Sternov I.A. National specificity of thinking and the problem of lacunarity // Communication of linguistic units in the system and implementation. - Tambov, 1998. - P. 22-31.

132. Sternov I.A. National specificity of thinking and the problem of lacunarity // Communication of linguistic units in the system and implementation. - Tambov, 1999. - P. 22-31.

133. Sternov I.A. Introduction to speech impact. - Voronezh: origins, 2001.

134. Sternov I.A.On the allocation of dominant features of French communicative behavior // Russian and French communicative behavior. Vol. 1 / Ed. I.A. Sternina, R.A. Ermakova. - Voronezh: origins, 2002. - P. 54-56.

135. Sternina S.G. The view of the French, working in Russia // Russian and French communicative behavior. Vol. 1 / Ed. I.A. Sternina, R.A. Ermakova. - Voronezh: origins, 2002.

136. Stepheno T.G. Ethnopsychology. - M.: Academic Project, 1999. - 320 p.

137. Sukharev V.A., Sukharev M.V. Psychology of peoples and nations. - Donetsk: Stalker, 1997. - 400 p.

138. Dry S.A.. Ethnospecific interference in business intercultural communication // Intercultural communications and problems of national identity. - Voronezh: Publishing House Voronezh. University, 2002. - P. 30-41.

139. Sukhikh S.A., Zelenskaya V.V. Pragmalinguistic modeling of the communicative process. - Krasnodar: Cuban Publishing House. University, 1998. - 160 p.

140. Tan Ashuan.Chinese painting of the world: language, mentality. - M.: Languages \u200b\u200bof Slavic Culture, 2004. - 240 p.

141. Tarasov E.F., Sorokin Yu.A. National and cultural specificity of speech and non-peculiar behavior // National and cultural specificity of speech behavior. - M.: Science, 1977. - P. 14-38.

142. Tarasov E.F.. Language and culture: Methodological problems // Language. Culture. Ethnos. - M.: Science, 1994. - P. 105-113.

143. Telia V.N. Russian phraseology. Semantic, pragmatic and linguculturological aspects. - M.: Languages \u200b\u200bof Russian Culture, 1996. - 288 p.

144. Telia V.N. Priority tasks and methodological problems of studying the phraseological composition of the tongue in the context of culture // Phraseology in the context of culture. - M.: Languages \u200b\u200bof Russian Culture, 1999. - P. 13-24.

145. Ter-Minasova S.G. Language and intercultural communication. - M.: Word / Slovo, 2000. - 263 c.

140. Ter-Minasova S..G.. Global problems of the global language and culture // Plenary session "Dialogue of cultures: Values, meanings, communication. XIII International Likhachev Scientific Readings - M.: 2013. -s. 161-164.

147. Wharf B.L.. Linguistics and logic // New in linguistics. - M.: Progress, 1960. - Vol. 1. - P. 163-198 .

148. Wharf B.L.. The ratio of the norms of behavior and thinking to the language // New in linguistics. - M.: Progress, 1960. - Vol. 1. - P. 135-168.

149. Ufimseva A.A. Lexical meaning: Princesses of the semiological description of vocabulary. - M.: Science, 1986. - 240 p.

150. Ufimseva N.V. Russian: the experience of another self-knowledge // Ethnocultural specificity of the language consciousness. - M., 1996. - s. 139-162.

150. Freinkman-Khrustaleva N.S., Novikov A.I. Emigration and emigrants: history and psychology. - SPb.: State Academy of Culture, 1995.

151. Haleeva I.I. Instead of the preface editor: Interculture - the third dimension of intercultural interaction (from the experience of preparing translators) // Actual problems of intercultural communication: Sat. scientific papers. - M.: Publishing House MGLU, 1999. - Vol. 444. - P. 5-14.

152. Hintica I. Logic-epistemological studies. - M., 1980.

153. Khomskaya Ya.D., Batova N.Yu. Brain and emotions. - M., 1992.

154. Shakhnarovich A.M. Ontogenesis of Moldsheets: Semantics and Text // Philol. science. - 1998. - № 1. - P. 56-64.

155. Shakhovsky V.I., Sorokin Yu.A., Tomasheva I.V. Text and its cognitive-emotional metamorphosis. - Volgograd: Change, 1998. - 148 p.

156. Shestakov A.A. Connotes of identities: Motherland and Fatherland in Russian post-communist culture // Volga magazine on philosophy and social sciences. - 1998. - Http: wwwsu.samara.ru/research/philosophy/vjpss/htm

157. Shmelev A.D. The latitude of the Russian soul // Anna A. Zaliznyak, I.B. Levontina, A.D. Shmels. The key ideas of the Russian language painting of the world. - M: Languages \u200b\u200bof Slavic Culture, 2005. - P. 51-63.

158. Shubart B.. Europe and the soul of the East. - M.: Almanac "Russian Idea", 1997. - Vol. 3.

159. Ethnopsycholingestics / Ed. Yu.A. Sorokina. - M.: Science, 1988. - 192 p.

160. Yap N., Sitte M. These strange French. - M., 1998. - 99 p.

161. Bayer K. Evolution: Kultur. SPRACHE. Eine Einfuehrung. - BOCHUM, UNIVERSITAETSVERLAG BROCKMEYER, 1994.

162. BERRY E.B., EPSTEIN M.N. TRANSCULTURAL EXPERIMENTS: Russian and American Models of Creative Communication. - New York: St. Martin's Press, 1999. - 338 p.

163. Bochner S.. Problems in Culture Learning // Overseas Students in Australia / Ed. By S. Bochner, P. Wicks. - Sydney: New South Wales University Press, 1972. - P. 33-41.

164. Bootzin R.R., Bower G.H., Crocker J., Hall E. Psychology Today. - NEW YORK, 1991. - 800 p.


165. Brosnah L. Russian and English NonverBal Communication. - M., 1998.

166. Crystal D.. English AS A Global Language. - Cambridge (England); NY: Cambridge University Press, 1997. - 150 p.

167. Dictionnaire Historique de La Langue Française / Sous La Dir. De Reylana. - P., 1992.

168. Duneton C. La Puce à l'Oreille. - P., 1978.

169. Hall E.T.The Silent Language. - Garden City; NY: Doubleday, 1959. - 240 p.

170. Hall E.T.. Beyond Culture. - Garden City; NY: Anchor Press, 1976. - 256 p.

171. Lakoff Robin.Language and Women's Place // Language in Society, 1973. - № 2. - P. 45-79.

172. Malinovski B.. The Problem of Meaning In Primitive Languages \u200b\u200b// Ogden C.K. And Richards J.A. The Meaning Of Meaning. - London, 1960.

174. Martin J.N., Nakayama T.K. INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION IN CONTEXTS. - Mountain View, California: Mayfield Publishing Company, 1999.

167. Phillipson R.. Linguistic imperialism. - Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992. - 365 p.

175. Richmond Y.From Nyet to Da: Understanding the Russians. - yarmouth; Maine: INTERCULTURAL PRESS, 1997. - 191 p.

176. Steiner G. After Babel. Aspects of Language and Translation. - London: Oxford University Press, 1975. - 507 p.

177. Stephen W.G., Abalakina-Paap M. Russia and The West // Handbook of Intercultural Training / Ed. By D. Landis and R.S. Bhagat. - Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE PUBLICATIONS, 1996. - P. 366-382.

178. Storti C. The ART OF CROSSING CULTURES. - Yamouth; ME: Intercultural Press, 1990. - 121 p.

179. Triandis H.C. Culture and Social Behavior. - N.Y. ETC. McGraw-Hill, 1994.

Apresan 1974 -Pressyan Yu. D. Lexic semantics: synonymous means of language. M.: Science. 1974. (Reisd.: Apresian Yu. D. Selected Works. T. 1. M., 1995.)

Jyzyk. Poetyka. Wroclaw etc.: Ossolineum, 1978. C. 129-151.

Apresan 1980 - Apresian Yu. D. Types of information for the surface-semantic component of the model "Meaning text" // Wiener Slawistischer Almanach. BD. 1. Wien, 1980.

Apresyan 1985 -Pressyan Yu. D. Syntactic signs of lexemes // Russian Linguistics. Vol. 9. No. 2-3. 1985. R. 289-317.

Apresan 1986 -Apressian Yu. D. Daqisis in vocabulary and grammar and naive model of the world // Semiotics and informatics. Vol. 28. M., 1986. P. 5-33.

Apresyan 1988 - Apresian Yu. D. Glagols of instant acting and performances in Russian // Rusotics today. Language: system and its functioning. M.: Nauka, 1988. P. 57-78.

Apresyan 1989 - Apresan Yu. D., Idomyne L. L. Type Designs Now Sleep: Syntax, semantics, lexicography // Semiotics and informatics. Vol. 29. M., 1989. P. 34-92.

Apresan 1992 - Apresian Yu. D. Lexicographic portraits (on the verb material) // NTI. Ser. 2. No. 3. (Reisd.: Apresyan Yu. D. Selected Proceedings. T. 2. Integral description of language and systemic lexicography. M.: Languages \u200b\u200bof Russian Culture, 1995. P. 503-537.)

Apresan 2003 -Apressyan Yu. D. Linguistic terminology of dictionary and apresan Yu. D., etc. New explanatory dictionary of the synonyms of the Russian language. Vol. 3. M.: Languages \u200b\u200bof Slavic cultures, 2003. S. XVIII-XLIX.

Apresan 2005 - Apresian Yu. D. about the Moscow Semantic School and issues of linguistics. 2005. No. 1. P. 3-30.

Apresyan 2006 - Apresian Yu. D. Rules for the interaction of values \u200b\u200b// Apresyan Yu. D. (Avd. Ed.). Language painting of the world and systemic lexicography. M.: Languages \u200b\u200bof Slavic cultures, 2006. S. PO-145.

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  • Structure of lexical meanings
  • § 2. Intensionists of all concepts, except for elementary, have a complex composition and structure, i.e. Contain simpler concepts defined in the integer structure.
  • I.A.Strannin the lexical meaning of the word as a structure
  • Structural approach to value as a prerequisite for its communicative description
  • Field principle of describing the word value
  • Components of lexical meaning
  • Bases of Classification of Sem.
  • Tipology denotative seven.
  • Connotative seeds
  • Functional and stylistic seeds
  • Structure of empirical macrospace value
  • Nuclear and peripheral semantic components (the problem of classification)
  • I.A.Strannin Communicative concept of semantics words
  • Printed under Art. Sternov I.A. Communicative concept of semantics words // Russian word in language, text and cultural environment. Ekaterinburg, 1997. P.82-87. VG Kolshsky contextual semantics
  • Communicative language function
  • Contextual definition of language in communication
  • Linguistic context
  • Language units and context
  • Text and context
  • Unambiguous and multivalued words.
  • Semantic structure words
  • S.I.Kamelova
  • About the mechanism for forming portable values
  • Lapotter
  • Lacrinker
  • Shoemaker
  • N.D.Arutyunova Metaphor and discourse
  • V.N.Thetia Metaphorization and its role in creating a language painting of the world
  • Metaphor as a model and its semantic mechanisms
  • Nominative and functional types of metaphors and their role in the language picture of the world
  • G.Skolevskaya
  • Place of language metaphor
  • In the lexical semantic language system
  • The question of the semantic borders of the language metaphor
  • Language and art metaphor
  • Language metaphor and irrevocable derivative
  • Language and genetic metaphor
  • Semantic metaphorization mediator. Semantic Types of Language Metaphor Symbol Metaphor
  • Semantic types of language metaphor
  • 1. Motivated Language Metaphor
  • 2. Syncretic Language Metaphor
  • 3. Associative language metaphor
  • Associative language metaphor
  • Associative language metaphor psychological
  • The ratio of semantics of language metaphor and psychologically real word
  • V.K.Kherchenko Metaphor's functions
  • § 1. Nominative function metaphor (metaphor in titles)
  • § 2. Informative function metaphor
  • § 3. Mnemonic function Metaphor (metaphor and memorization)
  • § 4. Style-forming metaphor function
  • § 5. Text forming function Metaphor (metaphor and text)
  • § 6. The genre-forming function metaphor (metaphor and genre)
  • § 7. Euristic function Metaphor (metaphor in scientific discoveries)
  • § 8. Explanatory metaphor function (metaphor and understanding)
  • § 9. Emotional and estimated metaphor function (metaphor and evaluation)
  • § 10. Ethical function Metaphor (metaphor and upbringing)
  • § 11. Outcastugless function Metaphor (metaphor and self-pressure)
  • § 12. Coding function Metaphor (metaphor and code)
  • § 13. The conspiracy function of metaphor (metaphor and mystery)
  • § 14. Game function Metaphor (metaphor and humor)
  • § 15. Ritual function Metaphor (metaphor and rite)
  • Types of lexical values \u200b\u200bV.V. Vinogradov Main types of lexical meanings
  • N.D.Arutyunova to the problem of functional types of lexical
  • Omonimia V.V. Vinogradov about Omonimia and related phenomena
  • Printed by the book. Vinogradov V.V. Studies in Russian grammar. M., 1975. C.295-312.
  • Lexic synonymy L.Anovikov synonymy
  • Yu.D.Apresyan Lexical synonyms
  • VD Chernyak
  • Problem synonymy
  • And lexico-grammatical classification of words
  • Synonymic ties of words and systemic vocabulary
  • Synonymous rows in paradigmatic aspect
  • Synonymous rows in a syntagmatic aspect
  • Synonymous rows in a derivational aspect
  • Synonymous rows in text aspect
  • Lexic Antonym L.A. Novikov Antonimia
  • Printed by the book. Novikov L.A. Semantics of the Russian language. M., 1982. P.243-255. Yu.D.Apresyan Lexical Antonyms
  • Type "Start" - "Stop"
  • Type "Action-destruction of the result"
  • Type "More" - "Less"
  • Other types of Antonyms
  • Complex antonym and determination of antonyms
  • Semantic asymmetry Antonymov
  • Combined differences of Antonyms
  • Education tools Antonyms
  • Quasi-beantonima
  • System relations in vocabulary Z.Dopova, I.A. Sternal structural relations between words in the lexical system of the language
  • Printed by the book. Popova ZD, Sternov I.A. Lexical language system. Voronezh, 1984. P.86-102.
  • Paradigmatic relations in the lexical system of the modern Russian language
  • Syntagmatic relations in vocabulary
  • Yu.N.Karaulov Russian Associative Dictionary
  • L.G.Babenko The interaction of vocabulary and grammar under the paradigmatic angle of view
  • I.V.Anold lexico-semantic field and thematic mesh text
  • The inauditivity of lexical values \u200b\u200bas the basis of word textual meanings
  • Opportunities for the creation and systematization of word textiles
  • The origin of the Russian vocabulary of G.O. Rinokur about Slavoms in the modern Russian literary language
  • 1. Full-things or its absence
  • 2. Words with sounds and railway instead of h and w
  • 3. Words with sound E instead of o / y / not before soft
  • Printed by the book. Vinokur G.O. Selected works in the Russian language. M., 1958. P.443-458. E. A. Zemskaya Russian language of the end of the twentieth century (1985-1995)
  • We are not normalizers
  • Novoyaz, New Speak, Nowomowa ... What's next?
  • L. P. Krysin Anought of modern public life in the context of modern public life
  • Conditions for activating the use of foreign language vocabulary
  • Causes of foreign language borrowing
  • Features of the functioning of foreign language vocabulary in modern Russian speech
  • Vocabulary of Russian language
  • § 3. Understanding the stability of the lexical system was substantiated by N.Yu.Shvedova:
  • § 17. The aspect of the thematic dictionary describes those lexical discharges and groups that are with the greatest completeness reflect the changes occurring in society's life:
  • § 18. In the aspect of wordworking, the dictionary includes a vocabulary of different types:
  • Formation of the hull of Russian agnonyms
  • Quantitative and high-quality assessment of the core of Russian agnonyms
  • A.G. Okkazional Word Lykov as a lexical unit of speech multi-receptionation of an occasional word
  • Belonging to speech
  • The work of the occhasional word
  • Word-forming production
  • Abnormality of the occhasional word
  • Functional disposability
  • Context dependence
  • The originality of the lexical meaning of the Scherbov "Gloka Kudra"
  • Expressiveness of the occhasional word
  • Nominative optional
  • Synchronous Diaphrone Diffuse
  • Is the "permanent novelty" characteristic of okkazionalism?
  • Sign of individual affection
  • Lexica of the Russian language from the point of view of the scope of use F.P. Filin Dialects Word and its borders
  • Stylistic differentiation of vocabulary E.A. Laming of colloquial speech
  • Specific thematic groups of spoken vocabulary
  • Semantic syncretism and polishemility of spoken vocabulary
  • Semantically devastated words
  • Main types of conversational nominations
  • Nominations including nouns in indirect case with pretext
  • Nominations including relative pronouns
  • Gullable nominal pronoun
  • Nominations with relative adjectives
  • "Fine" nominations
  • Appositional type nomination
  • Condensate nominations
  • Substanti wati
  • Condensati noun
  • Condensate verb nominations
  • Name of the situation
  • Metonimical nominations
  • D.N. Bumblebee Stylistic Differentiation of Language Means
  • Phraseology V.V. Vinogradov on the main types of phraseological units
  • N.M.Shansky Stylistic use of phraseological turns Ways to use phraseological revolutions in stylistic purposes
  • Stylistic use of phraseological revolutions in their common form
  • Stylistic use of phraseological revolutions in the author's processing
  • Lexicography D.I.Arbatsky major ways to interpret the meaning of words
  • L.V. Stherba Experience in general theory of lexicography
  • Etude I. Main types of dictionaries
  • 1. Contractions first: Academic type dictionary - Dictionary-directory
  • 2. Contracted Second: Encyclopedic Dictionary - General Dictionary
  • 3. Contracture Third: TheSaurus - Normal (Explanatory or Transfer) Dictionary
  • 4. Contact Fourth:
  • 5. Control Fifth: Explanatory Dictionary - Translation Dictionary
  • V.A. Kozyrov, V.D. Chernomak Essays on Russian dictionaries Typology of Russian dictionaries
  • N.A. Lukyanova Typology of modern Russian dictionaries
  • Table of contents
  • Yu.D.Apresyan Lexical synonyms

    Determination of lexical synonyms

    You can talk about two main approaches to the definition of synonyms: purely semantic and operational-semantic.

    As part of the first approach, synonyms are defined as words having the same lexical significance, but differing by its shades. There are many terminological options for this definition, differing only by those, the concepts of which area -ringuistics, logic or psychology - preference is given<…>.

    Attempting to combine the natural idea of \u200b\u200bsynonymy as a semantic identity with a submission of synonyms as words that may differ from each other in value, led to the concept of neutralization of semantic differences in synonyms in strictly defined positions defined by semantic, lexical, syntactic and other signs were asked to be considered synonyms Only such as the meaning of the word, the differences between which are able to neutralize<…>.

    Note two common features of most such definitions.

    First, they cannot be recognized as completely accurate, since the comparison of the values \u200b\u200bdoes not relieve on any formal procedure, and the concept of a shade of value does not have a sufficiently clear content. If we want to give an effective definition of synonyms, based on the possibility of a formal comparison of their values, we need to have at their disposal a comprehensive description of the words of this language (explanatory dictionary), made in compliance with a number of conditions 1. They can be, for example, the conditions imposed by us on the description of the description, the logical structure of the interpretation and the syntactic structure of the intended expression.

    Secondly, in most definitions, the emphasis is not on the general semantic properties of synonyms, but on the differences between them. Words that fully coincide on the value are increasingly being considered as lexical dubls, options, etc., and genuine synonyms begin to be considered to be considered, certainly divergeable. In this regard, the following statement from the article A.B.Shapiro is indicative: "... the general opinion came out that synonyms are not words of various sound composition, completely coinciding in their meaning. ... Synonyms are words ... containing those or other differences in their own, similarity. "

    The consistent development of such views gave rise to a concept, due to which synonymy - the concept of relative. The degree of synonymium may even be zero for linguistic units that do not have common semantic components.

    The point of view, by virtue of which "only a semantic identity (and not the proximity of the values \u200b\u200b...) makes it possible to consider words as synonyms," finds much less supporters. Meanwhile, it not only reflects the language reality, namely the fact of the presence of a fairly large number of words with completely coinciding lexical values, but also returns its initial content.

    In the future, we will talk about accurate synonyms, if the interpretation of two words completely coincide, and about inaccurate synonyms, or quasinonyms, if they have a large total part. It should be emphasized here that the division of synonyms for precise and inaccurate does not mean that only accurate synonyms are genuine subject of the theory of lexical synonym. Just the theory of semantic transformations requires a clear distinction for those and others when they are fixed in the dictionary, because otherwise there will be no different relationship to the periprazing system.

    The usual definition of synonyms as words with coinciding or similar values \u200b\u200bdoes not relieve on strict theory of interpretations and therefore in itself does not ensure the formal establishment of the fact of synonymicness-incononymity of two expressions. It has always been aware of the serious lack of the theory of lexical synonyms, and the earliest searches for a reliable operating basis for establishing the fact of synonymous two words led to the formulation of the essentially distributive criterion for synonymization of the synonyms of synonyms in the same context without (noticeable) differences in meaning, although With possible stylistic and other differences.

    Criteria of interchangeability is known in two versions - strong and weak. The strong criterion of interchangeability, namely, the principle of interchangeability in any context, operated at one time S. Ulman, determined synonyms as words, "identical ones and interchangeable in any context" 2. Very soon, however, he was convinced that no pair of words were satisfied with the condition formulated by him, usually credited in the discharge of synonyms 3. This led him to the conclusion that any study of synonyms that are not limited to the issues of their origin and the distribution in the dictionary is impressionistic (Ulman 1953); In our opinion, it would be natural that it would be a conclusion that the cruel chosen by the researcher synonymium criterion.

    A more realistic and attractive seemed to many researchers a weak distribution criterion for synonymium - the condition of partial interchangeability of synonyms in some contexts or types of contexts. In this regard, the ideas of J. Lions are noteworthy. J. Lyons offers to distinguish a) complete - incomplete synonymy (identity - partial similarity of the semantic and emotional expressive properties of synonyms); b) global - local synonymy (interchangeability in any contexts interchangeability in some contexts). As a result, the following classification of synonyms is obtained: 1) full, global; 2) full, local; 3) incomplete, global; 4) incomplete, local. An interesting property of this classification is that it is embodied by the idea of \u200b\u200bindependence of the coincidence - the misappropriance of words on the meaning, on the one hand, and their ability to disability to interchange in the same contexts, on the other. True, this idea is not radically carried out; At the very least, partial interchangeability is considered the mandatory property of synonyms.

    A more sober assessment of the role of interchangeability for lexical synonyms can be obtained if we appeal to the concept of the lexical parameter nominated by A.K. Zholkovsky and I.A. Melchuk. The lexical parameter is such a typical value that in different words is expressed by various means. The lexical correlates of this parameter may be synonyms that are in strictly or almost additional distribution; cf. make an impression), but influence). Thus, the recognition of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe lexical parameter entails the refusal of the principle (even partial) interchangeability as the mandatory property of any synonyms.

    It must be said that his limitations have long understood lexicographers-practitioners. Gak, in the preface to the Webster Dictionary of the Synonyms of the English language states: "... interchangeability is not a final criterion (synonymy. Yu. A.), Since idiomatic ustellicism arises on her way "(Webster 1968: 25a; first edition - 1951). In this regard, compilers of the webcam dictionary put forward another operating criterion for synonymous with the ability to interpret the synonyms equally or almost the same way: "The only satisfactory criterion of synonyms is their coincidence in the designation (DENOTATION). This coincidence is rarely so complete that the values \u200b\u200bof the words were absolutely identical, but it is always clear enough to ensure that the definition of two or more words that are synonyms can be brought to a certain point in the same terms. " True, the point to which the general interpretation must be brought, is established by the main; In particular, "full definitions", given at the beginning of every dictionary article of the website of the Webster Dictionary of Synonyms, in most cases so wide that not only those words that authors consider synonyms, but those they treat as "without difficulty are" similar "(thematically close); However, the principle of comparison of the interpretation itself seems to be extremely reasonable.

    Let us summarize the ideas in the future we will be guided. In a variety of words, usually recognized by synonyms, lexical synonyms should be distinguished in the narrow sense of the word and quasinonyms: they behave differently relative to the periprazing system. And those and others must be defined in purely semantic terms; In all natural languages, due to the idiomatics of lexical compatibility, the possibility of complete or partial interchangeability does not follow directly from the fact of the identity or similarity of lexical values. The definition of synonyms should allow an effective verification of the synonymity fact; One of the possible operating procedures of this kind is the comparison of interpretations, provided that the interpretation is made in compliance with a number of formal requirements.

    Lexical synonyms: analysis and definition

    We have already formulated the first condition for lexical synonyms: synonyms in the narrow sense of the word should be in the dictionary same interpretation, i.e. Translated into the same expression of the semantic language.

    However, this condition is not enough to recognize two lexical units synonyms. In a sense, the same lexical importance has vapors of verbs build and building, enter and hold and the like in phrases Workers are building a house - the house is built by workers, three liters are included in the bottle. The bottle accommodates three liters. Indeed, the proposals within each pair are situationally equivalent to each other; Obviously further that all the coinciding words of each pair of proposals (workers, house, bottle etc) are used in the same meaning; From this it follows that those words that the proposals are different from each other (Build - to build, enter - hold), At least denotatively, are also equivalent. This is evidenced by the fact that the forms of the suffering pledge are never interpreted in the dictionaries on their own: their value is revealed by the mark "Strades" and reference to the form of the actual pledge of the corresponding verb. Meanwhile, no one will be able to qualify build - construct And the like pairs of words like lexical synonyms.

    Difference between a pair build - to build On the one hand, and a pair build-build, with Another may be described in two ways. Firstly, build and construct have the same "role-playing" structure, and build and build - Different: W. build and construct The first valence of the subject, and the second-object, and build On the contrary, the first valence of the object, and the second is a subject. In order to exclude build and construct From the number of lexical synonyms, it is sufficient to enter into the definition of the condition, by virtue of which the role structures of synonyms should coincide. This definition will be quite efficient if we take two fairly natural agreements on the description of the role-playing structures of type predicates be more - be - give outon the one hand, and predicates like buy - sell- pass with another.<…>

    Distinction between pairs like build - construct On the one hand, and pairs like build - to build On the other hand, it can be described as distinctions not in role-playing, but in the actual structure of predicates: buildand constructplaces (valence) with the same number are engaged in the names of the same actants (real participants in the situation), and buildand construct Places with the same number are engaged in the names of different actants:

    build, construct


    As you can see, buildin the first place is worth BUT, And on the second - IN, A W. buildon the contrary, in the first place is worth IN, And on the second - BUT. From this point of view, a three-way synonymium condition can be formulated as a condition for the coincidence of the actant structures of two words (or other lexical units).

    The required effect is to eliminate syntactic derivatives from the number of lexical synonyms - is achieved by introducing into the definition of the latter conditions, by virtue of which they must belong to the same part of speech. Then the pair of type worth itas soon as (it's worth entering himAs soon as he enters), one - only (and I will tell you about it one I will only tell him about it) must be interpreted as suprelivative derivatives.

    So, to recognize two words (or syntactically indecomposable phraseological units) BUT and IN lexical synonyms are necessary and enough (1) so that they have a fully coincidence interpretation, i.e. The semantic language (2) was translated into the same expression, (2) so that they had the same number of active semantic valences, and such that valence with the same number have the same roles (or attach to the predicate the names of the same actants), ( 3) so that they belonged to the same (deep) part of speech.

    Note that this definition does not require synonyms of coincidence or at least partial similarity of their combination or structures in which they are used, as well as their coincidences of their stylistic properties.<…>

    Orckers lexical synonymy

    For any literary language, a tendency to overcome the non-functional difference of units "(Panov 1966), stringing as normalization as it should be normalized. It is usually noted that this consists of one of the main differences in the literary language from dialects typical of which there is an abundance of semantically in no differentiated ways to express one and the same thought. It should be added to the lom, as inside the literary language itself, especially if you include in it, different layers of vocabulary react differently to this trend. First of all, it subordinates its influence sustainable, i.e. There are existing ones in the language (original or completely assimilated), stylisticly neutral highly consistent derivational, simple or patched (non-derivative) units of the basic values. The processes of semantic differentiation constantly flowing in this layer lead to the fact that a dominant role acquires quasinonym, and an accurate synonymy is reduced. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe exact synonym of such units can give the following sufficiently rare examples: throw - throw, to peer - sing (fruit); Kozhenka bug, octopus - spruit; the same - identical; Everywhere - everywhere, in love - the tricks, barely - a little (took up dawn).<…>

    The desire of the language to update its lexical agents, leading to the emergence of accurate synonyms, is fully and more clearly manifested in the sphere of expressive vocabulary. Examples can serve ground - Fly (what-n. Unprecedented), rolling - to shine (reprimand to someone); Barachlova - manatki, emptyl - empty - emptiness - void; Hemless - brainless; Crupitsa - droplet (nor talent grains), slightly slightly drop (pity). It is curious that it is in the sphere of expressive vocabulary with the greatest force manifests one of the most interesting semantic processes the process of a synonymic analogy, otherwise called synonymic derivation, or synonymic irradiation 1.

    <…> The synonymic analogy in the sphere of expressive vocabulary is so strong that sometimes it acquires the status of the productive process; G.Stnn considered it by semantic law.

    Due to its expressive marquency, it is easy to enter synonymous relationships and phraseological units, Wed. sit back - beat the scarlet to mind (to mind) - teach Mind mind; To the whole spirit - All the blades - from all legs - what is the spirit (run); Not all at home - the screws in the head lack.

    Development in the word portable and phraseologically related values - another process generating semantically accurate synonymies. This is primarily facilitated by the mechanism of metaphorical transfer, because one of the most common methods of metaphorization value is to remove its differentiating semantic components, for example, Watch running away<уходят> for five minutes; cf. Straight - Not synonymous - Values \u200b\u200bof verb run away - leave.

    The synonymization of portable and phraseologically related values \u200b\u200balso contributes to the circumstance (closely associated with the metaphorization mechanism just considered), which in general they are poor semantic content than direct values \u200b\u200b(cf. follow 1.  "Floating up, appear on the surface of the liquid"; farm 2 (dark fragrances float)  "Detect yourself" leave 1 of agoing, stop being in a ", break 2 out of (eg, power) \u003d."Clean the object A"). This is especially characteristic of phraseologically related values, which are the final stage of the development of portable values.

    Note, finally, that portable and phraseologically related values \u200b\u200bare limited to constructive conditions of implementation much tougher than free (Wed. get out of the room, get out of a canopy, go to the square, go out into the hall, go out to the river, go out for the sidelice, get out of dinner etc., but only get out of power); It also plays the possibilities of semantic differentiation of synonymizing values.

    Synonymia for portable values \u200b\u200bcan be illustrated by the following examples: fall out- issued (day fell<выдался> Gorgeous), hide- fly (on the street), clothe- Cover (clouds facilitated<обложили> sky); the science - lesson (for my life); Close- ambulance (separation); Where- Where (to be equal to you).

    The idea of \u200b\u200bsynonymy of phraseologically related values \u200b\u200bgives the following examples: rush - hit (hops rushes<ударяет> in the head), to inflate - to swear (prices), carry - tolerate (loss); Intake - Delivered (Faxation); unlessless - unlessless (lie).

    Inhabited for the regulatory impact of semantic differentiation processes are many word-forming processes, resulting in the language of so-called single-cornered, or single-corned, synonyms. In Russian, the verb vocabulary is richer, the verb vocabulary is richer, and they are more accurate and regularly, they are formed using consoles from the foundations of verbs denoting a change in the spatial position or state of an object or subject: overthrow - overthrow (autocracy), boil - cook (potatoes), shivel - flush - silent. A common morphological variety of this type is represented by pairs "Nefstanding verb" - "Potion Glag", Wed. cook - boil (potatoes), multiply - multiply (five to two), clean - clean (oranges).

    Other The regular type of word-forming synonymy is represented by prefix verbs with synonymous or quasi-substitred bases, CP. raise - crack up - we will shoot (dust on the road), toster - podkraulil, getting down - straighten, pek - riding (frost, fear), accompany - accompany (fever accompanies the disease. Success accompanies every presentation).

    Significantly less regular character has a semantically very inhomogeneous morphological type "Non-returnable - a return verb", Wed. burn - burn (nettle), bite - bite (dog); mow (eyes on smb.) - mowy (eyes on smb.), Yellow - chop cf. Also isolated pairs of synonymsclamp to take a hurry (information), match (Daughter of the neighbor) - Watch (to the daughter of a neighbor) .

    In nouns, adjectives and shorter, single-darned synonyms arise mainly due to synonymia of word-forming suffixes or variability of the foundations, less often due to prefixation or (with the word-syncing) synonymity of the foundations, and are even less regular; cf. disease - disease, well done - wellout, uniform - uniform; Kilk - spiny, tiny - tiny; Everywhere - everywhere.

    The question of the status of such units (synonyms or morphological options of the words?) For a long time, it still remains debatable. From our point of view, the variants of the word wisely see in cases where it is possible to formulate a sufficiently simple and general rule of the use of one or another option. In cases not described by the simple and general rules (namely, all the examples discussed above) are natural to see not options for words, but different, but exactly synonymous words.

    We conclude this list of sources of semantically accurate synonymia borrowing. Those who came to the language recently, or are on the periphery of the dictionary, or are prone to terminology, often turn out to be accurate synonyms of words already available in it (primary or borrowed); cf. acquisitive - accusative case, Monotheism is monotheism, polygamy - multipleness.<…>

    Combined differences between synonyms

    <…> In addition to the types of compatibility, lexical synonyms may differ from each other by the degree of coincidence of the combination. In each of the three types, it is possible to 1) a complete coincidence of the combination (rare and in the future in detail not considered case), 2) the inclusion of the combination, 3) the intersection of combinance and 4) the complete mismatch of the compatibility. In total, there are thus 3 x 4 \u003d 12 types of elementary differences between lexical synonyms.

    Itself, of course, in this pair or in a number of synonyms, several elementary differences can be submitted immediately. No, however, the needs of particularly consider possible combinations of elementary differences; They can easily be calculated on the basis of existing definitions.

    With the question of combined differences between accurate synonyms, the problem of their interchangeability is closely connected. From the above comments on the types and degrees of combination differences between lexical synonyms, it follows that interchange is frequent, but not mandatory property. Rule replacement word H. Its accurate (in meaning) synonym W. In this non-metal text T. in the presence of a dictionary V, in which for X-aI W.-And all types of compatibility are described FROM, Formulated very simple: H. can be replaced by W.if for any kind of combination takes place with T. (X)  C v (y) (i.e., if the combination of X-A in this text is  in or equal to the combination of Y-A, as described in the dictionary) 1. Obviously, in the event of a complete discrepancy of at least one type of combination H. and W.{!LANG-70e4755c2663361437526906387fc581!}

    {!LANG-6fb0d30babfbcc7b6c0a5e21e177076f!} BUT{!LANG-2973a29b3b08880391c5189d7545fb41!} BUT{!LANG-c015badbc57e92685387de1811aa1aaf!} IN{!LANG-7170298d9e96eda88deec244eafe8a3f!} {!LANG-a833df5911957f4b38e044f87cc9ebcc!} and {!LANG-30f88586f073155c5c5ee5194030b842!}{!LANG-69b64623f86def16ce17d454b8be41ae!}{!LANG-0e5e804110082449b01ddc046d98e655!}{!LANG-27bb8bca61acd3be9fc08026fc0fd88f!}


    {!LANG-352db5ed539de2e109dfcc28716532d9!} {!LANG-3ba7b6d70904163bac911817c625e1e6!}{!LANG-e308b6ff14423cd50538d09269020c67!} {!LANG-47d93971dd3de22de22540ba7d927345!} {!LANG-3506b4ef82dedce5db03db6d561753cb!} and {!LANG-393ed97aa760b213edc9ec0f8673d538!}{!LANG-dba71283e895c8e2af2699657f533442!} {!LANG-2a01e54f4e3d6d625c20a60313e7bedd!}{!LANG-5d20302e4d34c748ccd914cb79c4ae73!} {!LANG-6143b58ea86f40475e8d785b61d30192!}



    {!LANG-d638bda4e9bf12fbec727f6e047052eb!} - {!LANG-0aee68cc43a93de13b5449a15ec5ec9f!} {!LANG-b6f1236fa5c7abd5bbad2ae162534d48!}{!LANG-21275372fdbe3e05a5f984edecf30cdc!} {!LANG-f953ae1cb69aefeeb6c1b3528174eef8!}{!LANG-31ba40a7d56263d19b738361d6b13c1b!} {!LANG-eeaaf04e431ce5a2686088f5e1cfaed0!}<вес, скорость >{!LANG-ed5e0f065ab4995868911d28d17638d3!}


    {!LANG-f1a612d35630e2f9496a8977dc9b64d6!} {!LANG-d355662297780eb028dd63c23102715a!}{!LANG-539369c7610eb51726372520c2949504!} {!LANG-4f2d22f62b8f0a875fde3314fa9c6ad3!}{!LANG-135c4a62abe4b8c8a06e905a494cb162!} {!LANG-15615656d400367ef104be7fd772cd28!}{!LANG-36832ef982ea3bfd382e3792141d5e9a!} {!LANG-f8b9b5341b043569b4731dd5e0498446!} {!LANG-2677e6265ef88496597a87cedb0245b4!}{!LANG-9b909aaad23d0ccd6020b9934caa335f!} {!LANG-15615656d400367ef104be7fd772cd28!}{!LANG-4a004f914cc3b9fb047f0c7bec262162!} {!LANG-1ee875df2118a2173f211c11ff3ea242!}{!LANG-2da15a80fa358bd03bc9942d24eba9e0!} {!LANG-990de466272ecd649189a9c6265955fe!}{!LANG-352dce6ba6d11b33de9a17a401883b4b!} {!LANG-d11ecdf9038786efe536ddb7976b72a9!}{!LANG-a658d56a2bf99ecf8957ca8535d802ef!} {!LANG-6bbf2a68192af59d25bf3901fe3d24cf!}{!LANG-a20b0717a8cd935099068c97b293f881!} {!LANG-3878290636afe7e4a69df10885044cc6!}{!LANG-36832ef982ea3bfd382e3792141d5e9a!} {!LANG-12b261e0967559df489679c9c95541ae!} but {!LANG-4376c1c04e45371a524c7320ecc0a790!}{!LANG-4a004f914cc3b9fb047f0c7bec262162!} {!LANG-df2eb36c9da630221028e349930bb38a!}

    {!LANG-c50a24353648bc7dd23fa318443122d0!}{!LANG-150a651325662e47ca096d0d25aa59bb!} {!LANG-1952056ab84c7e1e6169d3521634a15a!}{!LANG-36832ef982ea3bfd382e3792141d5e9a!} {!LANG-5f93c2ba8e17491c4d0b0c0a4ea530eb!}{!LANG-36832ef982ea3bfd382e3792141d5e9a!} {!LANG-dad5c787d926d60fdb6f7595570dc50b!}{!LANG-150a651325662e47ca096d0d25aa59bb!} {!LANG-48832e4aeafd6d7499b770f73221037b!}{!LANG-36832ef982ea3bfd382e3792141d5e9a!} {!LANG-20a326a5d41177ed2664d3a930e57070!} but {!LANG-8fffcbe6613ca24cb5fa267953231073!}{!LANG-4a004f914cc3b9fb047f0c7bec262162!} {!LANG-09ff1c12f4824593dd738310bd596c39!}{!LANG-4a004f914cc3b9fb047f0c7bec262162!} {!LANG-0f590181dbc8279e64db54fa7bc1bc54!}{!LANG-8bb7cff8c238ef59089b70f5289b022b!} {!LANG-157bb23443979fbc523f69cdb33be88c!} and {!LANG-4074bf144120dd64e6df851343f2df30!}{!LANG-192ba53b2e8a5244d8645a15df12d2ba!}

    {!LANG-b34e14ba3139202f59858562f9b016c6!} {!LANG-925cf2e4eff96828a4ae9f74cbc9867e!}{!LANG-08bc04380a039b7149e3da1ff36bdaf8!} {!LANG-a5e6963c28080c3b46edfe3d4ae563a9!}{!LANG-53ca94a9425e76d3152f056db71d60d0!} {!LANG-627fffd194d6deb01fd151f161b9c5a8!}{!LANG-36832ef982ea3bfd382e3792141d5e9a!} {!LANG-fd1ca63cab55e8099471453226a6dd3b!} but {!LANG-054881ecac580e8510498d9cd600ac78!}{!LANG-de1b058560ffbbac432543d923c32e1c!} {!LANG-b412c07ab48738896d571c302c09eb9c!}{!LANG-82b1a0bc6ef66ea470241856cded4228!} {!LANG-182c9b5ac2ccdb5309c2f73f4d198efb!}{!LANG-dfcf28d0734569a6a693bc8194de62bf!} {!LANG-c1d6c423d7bc3e6580a9083cb43c4d4b!}{!LANG-4c16b1f250d903c9c0429ac2d4537ab4!} {!LANG-a364549ec188604558280f23d78c8299!}{!LANG-c3cfc91528414c89fc2ed2cb1b2c540e!} {!LANG-a91a820617ec8629246cde8b0662687c!}{!LANG-36832ef982ea3bfd382e3792141d5e9a!} {!LANG-ad8d1585968321b8d24946c26edb4a73!}{!LANG-33855853d8d71b44f026361320ef958e!} {!LANG-3cefe2cff4b6a8414644349fda632798!} but {!LANG-f7a9daa3f6296b3eda7e497078ddcff6!}{!LANG-4a004f914cc3b9fb047f0c7bec262162!} {!LANG-9a6671d5a0ecedf7553ae482b7dc0f53!}

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    {!LANG-e4c8f320e60c61a25294f80b73a5a74c!}{!LANG-f923795afb82add2ff7703c5d16e0e7e!} {!LANG-1378cccc866533af7f7b245ad58d0220!}{!LANG-1caa4fb131b385c8b110ad8a97de266d!} {!LANG-97aca3b2aa7d42944ec423996cd744a8!}{!LANG-07a767493340d2032e54d2b290ad2901!} {!LANG-dac8bb0a855130d33eff6db6e60ca9e0!}{!LANG-36832ef982ea3bfd382e3792141d5e9a!} {!LANG-c03933bf70343f45de7f70767c025167!}<за учение, за чтение, за дело>{!LANG-0af97108d480b8e6c5a1e562ba685765!}{!LANG-36832ef982ea3bfd382e3792141d5e9a!} {!LANG-32f1bc01e86f4c340840362d688aea0d!}{!LANG-97853641c03bb81aae10f5704b57aaff!} {!LANG-61e82f8e87f15c31c5c4205867b79e74!}{!LANG-3c4a0dc6ca8030964120cde79998d6d5!} {!LANG-c97d94ea838401dee32db4958606825e!}{!LANG-b648f77a5c5d9877a2bb7a9091a03e21!} {!LANG-dac8bb0a855130d33eff6db6e60ca9e0!}{!LANG-4a004f914cc3b9fb047f0c7bec262162!} {!LANG-d1ace00bf7882e15b702a6e8bef80ead!}{!LANG-baa532ce81939cafac74eab9c36229ae!} {!LANG-22a7981b93c169917074ec00d04f75d3!}{!LANG-4a004f914cc3b9fb047f0c7bec262162!} {!LANG-5d9e28c268107dff0064980524a14b55!}<за иглу, за оружие, за перо, за руль> {!LANG-28dcb9515f52d8e7a1de0b726c3e2e7c!} {!LANG-e2d87d8e94dd41b25e69e4b0a8fb2cd4!}<лю6ить, отдыхать>: {!LANG-2d449fbd2a569493ffaef1921b2ffdb7!} {!LANG-aef45966ce55608dfbc37c42c8f66d35!}{!LANG-36832ef982ea3bfd382e3792141d5e9a!} {!LANG-32caa65a3f8fcbc92e5655c0d9951e50!}<отдыхать>). {!LANG-09107c0b123a52d8c35e2e598a95d762!} {!LANG-2bf96d22a50cf458823af79127f7cdc4!}<хохотать> {!LANG-9bb3f21fc2bcbf296205a96f1b287d97!}<за хохот> {!LANG-c7e85b1c8625cf998d05a34ea8955a7a!} {!LANG-710dbdbb980e017646db94beed590456!}{!LANG-ad8c6d62328bd1a71e42746fdc5e0536!}<за работу >.

    {!LANG-c50a24353648bc7dd23fa318443122d0!}{!LANG-f923795afb82add2ff7703c5d16e0e7e!} {!LANG-eeaf516940ba2fc9db045513d1784ee1!}{!LANG-33855853d8d71b44f026361320ef958e!} {!LANG-f120af7ad625f38346ff61fa348898e0!}{!LANG-f1a612d35630e2f9496a8977dc9b64d6!} {!LANG-3708f08d47a94e7261a0d5a1f310d34d!}{!LANG-36832ef982ea3bfd382e3792141d5e9a!} {!LANG-7f85322624ca2a24409a3c0f8fa166dc!}{!LANG-36832ef982ea3bfd382e3792141d5e9a!} {!LANG-c4e00a8c16a3cc6ba31695a69cb41dcc!}{!LANG-76b4867706fa4d87ac3995bc8ece2ff9!} {!LANG-603e7272b974566797cfd487c6f8a1ba!}{!LANG-dfcf28d0734569a6a693bc8194de62bf!} {!LANG-0708ee2a542183dd37ae375be086f629!}{!LANG-c94d53e18fa7d6edea2fd05fb6082f00!} {!LANG-5d470a3a49ef58632884867614090b7e!}{!LANG-dfcf28d0734569a6a693bc8194de62bf!} {!LANG-9d9b00b42d849ba3642062241f180b2a!}{!LANG-33855853d8d71b44f026361320ef958e!} {!LANG-91b9dc489a2ea76b43d946dadc0dfbd8!}{!LANG-36832ef982ea3bfd382e3792141d5e9a!} {!LANG-4b8d712d9c990fe260c775ad8c7ff934!}{!LANG-9b909aaad23d0ccd6020b9934caa335f!} {!LANG-a29bcc83a4920ccb6c02944226f15883!}{!LANG-bf2f0f6d51d6c8e7ce4a8c011c402b2e!} {!LANG-9e4fd34e750666b6238b4e9fbf9f5946!}<праздность, свобода, тем­нота, тишина> and {!LANG-a2fac50457a9ede7559448d532b572a7!}{!LANG-4a004f914cc3b9fb047f0c7bec262162!} {!LANG-d1129d731119f2c1a30b93769fcfeb66!}


    {!LANG-e4c8f320e60c61a25294f80b73a5a74c!}{!LANG-786a84274715ff795276072ee91022e9!} {!LANG-e08555fbf79abdfce430005ebc9e383a!} {!LANG-3cccc8817e836258ec51ade7dd046d5d!}{!LANG-e698449df6b5314e2a04a63382e68c69!} {!LANG-fd9c26bf6fbba2b7d3e0b50c09b6e2c0!}{!LANG-808e04859d6e5ed5acd0bb04157ed726!}{!LANG-8349682a3cb313ad923f8a359c43c27c!} {!LANG-9c08e04e8d694a31c18c3a9c053025a1!}<6егун>{!LANG-2f94daf58493f359e00076b1ee744e4b!}{!LANG-a9ed48c2f07749941be4498786332a9a!} {!LANG-3959271ecf88c3ce2cea6b7fd88ac576!}{!LANG-9b909aaad23d0ccd6020b9934caa335f!} {!LANG-f99ad0b74017ea60c52b3611c1c3319a!}<состав, поезд >{!LANG-05d1bc2edd6b37a6d50f416cca48cd08!}{!LANG-4c94a48f0709d4e746df9154e8599000!} {!LANG-0de411d528deeb263f3df66630f9345e!}{!LANG-5a7fc24f2211cf316b22a084d28616a0!} {!LANG-5344496e50bfc2e7fb16964cc0266b89!}{!LANG-23416457e29b9096410b718a8176a7c1!} {!LANG-8c39655f84b7654fbbead0ced3490b47!}<на всем>{!LANG-9d30652be8611b9466a9c6da8e5e6780!}{!LANG-64a2113116907864d63675962640a0e9!}

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    {!LANG-a64123d7e8458a5d64359b3b72f3d6b9!} BUT{!LANG-f8fbc5993559e402de8d0258f7e910a1!}

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    {!LANG-b16904b513892ea69b563eb4e8ea196e!} {!LANG-29424b3f3459fba6b7a4d184252b2756!}{!LANG-ef26ce6ba5756a3fc7162ac43994e437!} {!LANG-f54f2fea66642594d0ada7e633c2cd69!}{!LANG-b7b3af4f4462adf1d7c44192f7e4de3c!} {!LANG-7f98f214e52219b1541b602d4386fc08!}{!LANG-4c0aca3fe98c2c34c565ebb2eeda7917!} {!LANG-b2ce1a6e587c89aa1f8ce438c9da4c9b!}{!LANG-4f9ad658d578bad5c44c6408e69e5ab0!} {!LANG-9d0a19537d71ffa8c6ab585cafcc6a6a!}{!LANG-315e260f0654178d1d75f6879f9b35cd!} {!LANG-29424b3f3459fba6b7a4d184252b2756!}{!LANG-50ba2c3be33cc768aab1cfd761717d7a!} {!LANG-2f4ec9d31511c23a25349820dd1f6d1b!}{!LANG-a9056ac6f3f9a46647a317ca48664530!} {!LANG-510c8ac15110d36ffb9586814939c19a!}{!LANG-3dd58f2727f05ad1b5c7f44e6d32d204!} {!LANG-6dc3c7fed5ffac1a795fddc41e9967aa!}{!LANG-87c8cf4c5e181db100a4c09058fff59f!} {!LANG-29424b3f3459fba6b7a4d184252b2756!}{!LANG-3a6fb4c99279adfae3bf0c48e43cd5bf!} {!LANG-59960cb013f5a8dab957c8618e06d9a6!}{!LANG-b9ed1b76b37215f3ec369d0aeba4cbe9!}

    {!LANG-fa562796b57fd805dac792b28c6206bd!} IN{!LANG-3e951fd53d3ea2c95bafd8c73c531024!} BUT{!LANG-df7c2eab71a009fdd704fabf2c8cb320!} BUT and IN{!LANG-a1155f75c4cda9b0682793637d027f34!} IN{!LANG-12e7be81f1f9121fffbac019e8ab18f0!}

    {!LANG-cad39778765ca792159d5e8aa6ecb12f!} IN{!LANG-3e951fd53d3ea2c95bafd8c73c531024!} {!LANG-82b318cf09cd951882c04644147a9283!}{!LANG-4dbe8b8182ce178a1a396ea910011ada!} BUT{!LANG-532a4a9f5af73120103b57ab3920ca5a!}

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    {!LANG-4b72116b5cb3444a6e91ea9546f8cd32!} . {!LANG-d45b386378366312a3e57b9b8187cf70!}{!LANG-6e4af0e5adc97535755cdade46e3b817!}{!LANG-ed4cabc38d471492b5476404dbdbedb6!}


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    {!LANG-056a2306e048768674e7f7958f781de6!} BUT,{!LANG-28df3a0fb525469477c5592234103ade!} IN,{!LANG-3ab26525683490c3dc45acb8ad660d95!}





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