In which year, our city was founded. The most ancient cities of Russia

His name is the city of Moscow took from the river on which he is worth. The river appeared long before the first settlements of people arose. There are several versions of the name "Moscow". Some people think that this is borrowed from the Finno-Ugric Language Group, and others that the Meredan language, the third, that the name is the Baltic echoes.

Founder of Moscow - Yuri Dolgoruky

The very first settlements in the territory of the modern capital arose at the time when commercial and trade relations began to develop between the south and the north in the Russian plain. That is why Moscow stands at the intersection of Dvina, Neman and Dnieper, towards Don and Volga. This is the shortest road between the rivers Klyazma and Moscow. No one can say from historians to say how old the city of Moscow. But her first mention was in the Ipatiev Chronicle of April 4, 1147. Then Prince Yuri Dolgoruky in the city of Moscow took its allies and friends. At that time, the city was a princely border manor. And already in 1156, Bogolyubsky Andrei at this place put a wooden fortress. Only in 12-13 centuries, Moscow begins to be more noticeable among all other cities of Russia.

Monument to Yuri Dolgorukomu

In the first decade of the 13th century, Moscow becomes the center of the entire principality. In 1213, Vladimir Vsevolodovich ruled for some time. Later, in 1238 the Mongol-Tatar invasion occurred, the city was completely looted and was subsequently burned. Prince, Rules at the time, Vladimir Yurevich was killed.

The youngest son of Alexander Nevsky, Daniel Alexandrovich is considered to be the first Moscow Prince, because he founded the dynasty of the princes. This dynasty rules rules until the end of the 16th century. During the rule of Daniel, Moscow significantly expanded, attaching such principles as Pereyaslav-Zalessky and Kolomenskoye.

The son of Daniel, Yuri, became the first prince, which received permission from the horde for the prince.

In 1325, Vladimir Metropolitan All Russia, Peter carries his residence to Moscow from the city of Vladimir. After that, Moscow becomes the center of Orthodoxy.

Ivan Kalita, the ruled from 1325 to 1340 was rather rich, and therefore bought a lot of land. With it, a large construction was unfolded in Moscow, at the same time the very first buildings from stone appeared.

In 1339, the Kremlin in Moscow was observed with new walls, and his towers - oak.

In 1365 there was a fire, and Prince Dmitry decided that the fortress should be stone. They were erected from 1367 to 1368. It was after this that Moscow is considered to be white.

When Dmitry Donskaya Rules, Moscow united Russian lands in the difficult struggle with Mongol-Tatars. Dmitry was able to repel the Horde twice, in 1378 on the river or in 1380 during the Kulikov battle. But it did not save Moscow from ruin.

In 1382, Khan Tukhtamysh took Moscow. She was looted and burned. But the power of Khan did not take.

The second half of the 15th century was rather devastating for the city, as they walked large feudal wars, of which the winner was released by Prince Vasily Vasilyevich Dark, ruling with interruptions from 1425 to 1462.

After Konstantinople fell in 1453, Moscow has grown significantly as a religious center.

In the 16th century, China-city, the Kremlin and the White city entered Moscow. At the same time, the city quite often burned. Earthy city entered Moscow in early 17th century.

In 1712, St. Petersburg became the capital of Russia. But the city of Moscow remained the "primitive" capital, and it was there that the coronation of all emperors occurred.

In 1755, by order of Elizabeth, the Empress founded Moscow University Ivan Ivanovich Shuvalov and Mikhail Lomonosov.

In 1812 there was a domestic war, and the city burned heavily. After the war ended, the whole of Moscow was fully restored and built the Church of Christ the Savior.

At the end of the 19th century, trams began to ride Moscow.

In 1918, the status of the capital of the RSFSR is returned to Moscow. This is a new round in the development of Moscow. The political significance of the city has increased in the international sense. The city begins to quickly store and attach the near suburbs. As soon as the construction of the Moscow Ring Road, they began to be considered the borders of the capital. Metropolitan appears later. At the same time, some temples were destroyed, and the Church of Christ the Savior was also destroyed.

In 1922, Moscow became the capital of the USSR. Then the intensive development of transport infrastructure began. The bus movement in Moscow opened in 1924, the first trolley bus was set in 1933, and the metro began to function in 1935.

In the 1930s, a whole network of project institutions and research centers is created. A huge number of institutions were in the system of the Academy of Sciences in the USSR.

In 1939, a constant broadcasting of television is organized. This is the time of the rapid development of the media.

During the Great Patriotic War In the capital of the USSR, the General Headquarters of the Red Army and GKO was located.

In 1941-1942, in winter, in Moscow there was a famous battle, in which victory over the Wehrmacht soviet troops. It was the first victory since the beginning of the war.

In 1941, in October, the Germans firmly approached the capital, and had to begin an emergency evacuation of many industrial enterprises, government agencies were evacuated in Kuibyshev.

On October 20 of the same year, a siege began in the capital, but on November 7, a military parade on Red Square took place, and 200 tanks are removed from the front.

The offensive of the German group was stopped in December 1941. All this happened due to the fact that the Soviet troops managed to resist the Germans.

On June 24, 1945, in the capital of the USSR, a parade of the victory of conscience people over the Germans was held on Red Square.

Stalin's altitude

In the 50s, the construction of high-rise buildings began, and thanks to this, they later got the name "Stalin's Highways". It was a symbol of Moscow of those times.

In the early 1970s, the center of the capital was rebuilt. Many streets expanded, new highways were worthwhile, and typical panel houses.

In Moscow, in 1957 and in 1985, there were 6 and 7 worldwide festivals for students and young people.

In 1980, the 12th-year-old Olympic Games were held in Moscow.

Gkchp organized the Pulls from 19 to 22 August 1991, later called Augustus. Because of this, by 1993 there was a constitutional-state crisis.

From 3 to 4 October 1993 there was an attempt to capture the television center "Ostankino", and a shot of the White House of Moscow took place. After that, the time of change comes.

The new coat of arms, flags and the hymn were approved in 1995. At the same time, the construction and restoration of temples began, the Church of Christ the Savior was restored.

The end of the 1990s and the beginning of 2000 can be called a collision with terrorism. There are several terrorist acts in the capital. But despite this, many sports and cultural events are arranged in Moscow.

In the 2000s, Moscow begins to transform. Many buildings are rebuilt, new office buildings are built, new and modern infrastructure, the first elite houses appear, and new Centr "Moscow City" for business people. In addition, many historical buildings are destroyed and rebuilt, which leads to the destruction of historical architectural monuments. The development of transport infrastructure leads to the emergence of huge "traffic jams" on the roads and overload of the motorway.

Moscow is the historical capital of the Moscow Great Principality, the Russian Kingdom, the Russian Empire, which existed from 1728 to 1732, the USSR and Russian Federation. All state authorities are in Moscow, with the exception of the Constitutional Court. All major representation of foreign companies operating in the Russian Federation are located in Moscow.

Moscow is a global city. It makes a huge contribution to the development of civilization around the world. It is characterized by a high cultural, economic and scientific potential of the city. Red Square, Moscow Kremlin, several monuments of architecture and culture are entitled to the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Now, in our time, the word "city" does not cause anyone surprise. This is the usual place of residence of the majority of people. But few people think that the evolution process was held so that we could enjoy the privileges of urban life - hot water, infrastructure, internet, telephone, etc. Therefore, in our article, we will tell you how the cities arose and built, in different epochs of a person's life.

Of course, first we will tell you about the very first cities that existed on our planet long before the emergence of a system of sewage, heating and other goods.

When the first cities appeared

  • According to respected historians, the first cities appeared at another 4 thousand - 3 thousand years before. e. In the area of \u200b\u200bmessenpotamia. These were centers of living tribes and communities. Also in some historical information, In such countries as: India, Greece, China and Egypt, the cities arose in 3 thousand - 2 thousand years BC. e.
  • Ancient settlements occupied fairly extensive territories. Most of them were surrounded by walls and moats. The central place of the village was rightfully churches or palaces.
  • As the first cities develop, the needs of the economy and layouts appeared. While the company's bundle was carried out, the differentiation of their dwellings was also held. Together with the luxurious palaces, there were also dark shacks, in which he found their heads of the poor.
  • The first elements of the city farm were sewer facilities and centralized water supply, bath, sanitary cleaning.

How did the cities of the Middle Ages appear

  • The main component of the feudalism owned at the time, was not the city, and the peasant communities, villages and farms. That is, in the early periods of the feudal system, the city was practically absent. But with the emergence of the need for trade and crafts, feudal cities will soon begin to build. Large settlements began to arise around the castles, on the trade routes. This is exactly what Pisa, Venice, Hamburg, Toulouse, and other famous cities appeared. The settlements of the Middle Ages were small. At the time the greatest cities Those who lived about 10,000 people were considered.
  • Middle Ages were not too developed. The urban economy was not created, the sanitary conditions were at the infancy, the water supply was absent, just as there were no sewage. Only in the XV century, in Nuremberg and in Lübeck, the first services for cleaning the streets appeared. It was in this period that in large European cities there are sets of arms.

How the cities of the Renaissance

The revival of life and the transition to manufactory produced gave impetus to the formation of major cities. The first urban economy systems began to appear. The priority task of the population was the organization of the water supply and sewer sphere. Later, the construction of waste-inflating stations began, the machines for cleaning the streets began to be applied. We gradually added public transport in the development. In the XIX century, gas lighting of the streets appeared. After, the kerosene lamps began to use. And only by the end of the century, electricity was applied.

How to build cities in the post-industrial period

The number of urban population is consistently growing, and with them and the city. The adjacent villages are gradually built up, as they can no longer cope with the number of residents. Thus, whole intercity agglomerations with a huge number of residents appear. Often the city center is no longer considered prestigious, and people move in recently rebuilt prestigious areas on the outskirts of the city.

The main feature of this period is the development of absolutely all systems of urban economy. Its includes priority development areas, including the infrastructure of the city, which is the quality of life of the population.

Cities that appeared under Peter 1

In the era of the famous Russian king there was a refusal to the feudal system, manufactory began to develop, and therefore everything more population Need high-quality housing. Thus, were fixed social structuresThe urban economy developed, urban planning has acquired an impressive scale. So, many cities built during Peter 1, exist and flourish to this day. This is Petersburg, Verkhne-Kamchatsk, Omsk, Ekaterinburg, Taganrog. But, unfortunately, technology Russian Empire They did not reach the scale of Europe, and as of the beginning of the XX century, only 20% of cities had water pipes.

The city, as the system, appeared only at the beginning of the 20th century, with the advent of power plants, urban transport and conditions for the normal residence of the population.

Moscow is rapidly changing. New metro stations are opening annually, high-rise buildings are being built. The list of sights of the Russian capital is replenished. Over the past century, Moscow has changed beyond recognition. And what was on the spot of the first three or four centuries ago? The brief history of Moscow can be found from this article.

The city was founded in the XII century on a high hill, in whose honor one of the metro station, located within the Garden Ring - on Borovitsky. He emerged at the place of the merger of two rivers - Moscow and the unfortunate, just above the Yauza. The first settlement in the territory of the Russian capital, according to archaeological data, appeared in the second millennium to our era. Moscow is located in a favorable place. It is not surprising that the tribes of hunters and fishermen sat down here.

Creating Moscow

The history of the city begins in 1147th. This year is officially recognized as the year of foundation. About settlements that were on these lands earlier, very little is known. In 1147, Yuri Dolgoruki invited his ally Svyatoslav Olegovich to the Council to the Moscow River. However, some researchers argue that the history of Moscow begins in 1153. According to this version, it was not founded by Yuri Dolgoruky, but his son Andrei.

At the very beginning of its existence, the city, who later became the Russian capital, was a small border military point of the Suzdal Principality. However, with great potential. It is here, on the territory of the center of modern Moscow, there were boundaries of Seversky, Ryazan, Novgorod, Suzdal, Smolensky Principalities. Large waterways intersect here. Moscow at that time was surrounded by dense forests.

Vladimir Kuchko

Early period The history of Moscow is shrouded in all sorts of legends and legends. Once not far from the Kremlin there were villages belonging to the boyar Kuchko. This man was killed by Yuri Dolgoruk. For what? This question does not give clear answers history.

Moscow is based on exaltivity, namely, in such places, medieval people preferred to build fortresses. Perhaps, Yuri Dolgoruky attracted these lands, and he decided to get rid of Boyharin. However, according to the legend, the prince ordered to execute Kuchko for the ineffable rudeness, which, however, did not prevent him from later to marry his son on the daughter of the dead boyar.

The name "Moscow" appeared later. For some time the city was called Kuchkov. The name of the city, presumably, has a Finnish origin. Linguists offer several transfer options: "muddy", "Currant", "curved".

Moscow was not built in a day

Yuri Dolgoruky founded the city, and then went to Kiev, where he died in 1157. The next two centuries in the history of Moscow did not occur important events. The formation of the city was very slow. Several generations of descendants of Dolgorukov changed before this settlement acquired importance in Vladimir-Suzdal Rus.

The princely table in Moscow was approved in the first half of the XIII century. Alexander Nevsky conveyed the city to hold the son of Daniel. The new period began in the history of Moscow.

In 1319, Daniel moved to Novgorod. The Moscow Prince's throne he handed him to his brother Ivan Kalita - reasonable, devout, but at the same time a cruel and calculating person. This prince is an important figure in the history of Moscow. After all, it was he who in the XIV century brought the city to a new level, putting it in the world with the largest settlements of that time. Moscow in status approached Vladimir and Kiev.

Fires and ruin

In 1326, the residence of Metropolitan of the Russian Orthodox Church was postponed from Vladimir to the future Russian capital. This is another one significant event In the history of the city of Moscow. Subsequent years were not easy. At first, Dmitry Donsky's troops had to defend the city from the attack of Lithuanian Prince Olgere. In 1238, Moscow ruined Khan Bati. Thirty years later there was a fire that destroyed almost the entire city. In the 1380th, as you know, a significant battle has occurred on the cake field. This event was reflected in the history of the city of Moscow. Rus freed from tatar-Mongolian yoke. But Khanu Tukhtamysha managed fraudulently to seize Moscow, destroy a large number of local residents and burn the Kremlin.

The city often burned. Fires happened even after Russian people learned to use more reliable material in construction than wood. For example, in 1812. However, the first durable buildings on the territory of the Kremlin appeared thanks to the Italians. The Russians did not argue with a stone, and Ivan III invited overseas masters to Moscow.

Ivan III

Moscow became the capital of the Russian state before this prince came to power. Earth northeast Rus Finally freed from the goldside addiction. Moscow Principality gained relative freedom. Ivan III made every effort to turn the city into the third Rome. After he took into his wife Sophia Paleologist, the niece of the Konstantinople emperor, the symbol of the Moscow autocracy was the Byzantine double-headed eagle. His image appeared on princely seals.

The Russian state was necessary to strengthen. Much attention, Moscow princes paid for the construction of new facilities capable of protecting from enemy attacks. At Ivan III, an area appeared, which today applies to the main attractions of the Russian capital and is included in the UNESCO cultural heritage list. But then it was called otherwise.

Red Square

Initially, it was called bargaining. This area in the XVI century had little in common with the historic attraction, which is attended by millions of tourists annually. Stone she became only the XIX century, and before that it was wooden, because of what was so often burning. Square even for some time they called the fire.

In the time of Ivan III, trading rows appeared on the square. Here and today there is a brisk trade. But in the Middle Ages, on the main Moscow Square, not expensive souvenirs of tourists from Europe and America, but more practical products to local residents. In the XVII century, a decree on the demolition of the shops was issued. Traders left him without attention, and only after Peter first made tough measures, moved beyond the limits of the area.

St. Basil's Cathedral

Great importance In the history of Moscow, the construction of temples acquired. The Orthodox Church was necessary to justify the title of the succession of Byzantium, and with this task she perfectly coped. I did not regret money from the state treasury for the construction of new temples and Satrap Ivan IV. Cathedral of Basil Blessed, one of the main attractions of Moscow today, he ordered to build in honor of the victory in the Kazakh campaign.

The names of architects, on the project of which the temple was erected, became known only in the XIX century. Barma and postnim service are the names of the masters, thanks to which one of the most beautiful Orthodox churches in the world is towers on Red Square. True, the French architect Le Corbusier, who visited the 20th century in the Russian capital, called the Cathedral "Brad's drunk confectioner."

Ivan groznyj

This ruler played a significant role in the development of the culture of Moscow. In the history of Russia, he entered as the first Russian king. In 1547, Metropolitan Makarius proclaimed Ivan IV by the Russian self-container and laid him on his head a monomach cap - one of the symbols of power.

The king was tyrant, but it did not prevent him from becoming one of the most educated people of the era. In the 50s, he founded a printed courtyard. He had a huge meeting of books at that time. After another mass execution, Ivan Grozny sacrificed significant amounts in the monasteries. However, many priests and monks died during his reign.

Time of Troubles

After the death of Boris Godunov, Moscow rulers were replaced by one by one. The city was in the power of Poles. Patriarch Hermogen stated that if Vladislav Sigismundovich would not accept Orthodoxy, he would have to abandon the throne. But the Polish Koroleich did not suit such conditions - he was a fanatical Catholic. Then throughout the state, Patriarch sent diplomas with calls to the struggle for the liberation of Moscow. The militia was headed by Dmitry Pozharsky and Kozma Minin. Folk hero In 1818, a monument was established on Red Square.

Romanov dynasty

In 1614, an important event was happening for all Russia - wedding at the kingdom of Fedor Mikhailovich, the first of the Romanov dynasty. In the XVII century, as before, fires occurred in Moscow, epidemics flared up. There were no country cemeteries. Muscovites were buried within the city.

One of the most famous metropolitan cemeteries - Vagankovsky - founded in the 70s of the XVIII century due to the epidemic of the plague. Today here are the graves of famous actors, directors, artists, writers, poets, athletes. This cemetery is associated with a tragic event that happened on the day of coronation of the last Russian king. On May 30, 1896, a pillar was formed on the Khodynsky field, which led to numerous victims. The dead were buried on the Vagankovsky cemetery. Here, 1896, a monument to the victims of the crown on the Khodyan field was established.

In 1712, Peter I suffered the capital in the newly created city. However, Moscow and after remained the spiritual and cultural center of Russia. During the Patriotic War of 1812, the city was captured by Napoleonic troops. Moscow suffered a lot from fire. The fire uploaded about 70% of buildings.


About how the capital of Russia looked at the beginning of the 20th century, Vladimir Gilyarovsky said. One of the chapters of the book "Moscow and Muscovites" is called "cunning". It is devoted to the terrible area, which has become the property of the history of Moscow. Crowds of obverseans, thieves, gangsters wandered through the streets of shecration and day and night. Going on a journey through this area meant to obrace yourself to meet with robbers and, perhaps, lose not only things, but also life. Today at the site of the hectrian bedrooms there are shops, restaurants, office centers.

Nine after the tragedy, street battles took place on the Khodynsky field. After 12 years there was a revolution, the king was overthrown. The new government returned the city the status of the capital.

In the first half of the XX century a huge number of new residential buildings appeared. If in the 20s most of Muscovites lived in barracks and communal apartments, then after the war, almost all of them received new housing. In addition, new highways were built. True, part of architectural monuments in soviet years demolished. Such. short story Moscow is one of the largest and disorderly cities in the world.

In the capital, the architectural monuments have been preserved. Acquaintance with the city should begin with the Kremlin. Here all year round excursions are held. Rare expositions are presented. One of the oldest cultural institutions of the Russian capital is the Moscow History Museum, located near the Park Culture Park Metro Station.

Before calling the most ancient cities of Russia, it is necessary to clarify what is meant, the original Russian city, originally arose on the lands of Russia, or the settlement located on the territory of modern Russia. In the second case, the answer will be unambiguous - this is Derbent. It is known about him from the VI century to our era, when there was no Rus at all.

Territory inhabited from time immemorial

Of course, the ancient settlements were, as the excavations show, everywhere and in Moscow, too. And in the Crimea on the White Scale found a skeleton of a mother with a child, to which 150,000 years.

Later, during the copper century (Eneolyta), the settlements are already protected in every possible way, there is a prototype of fortresses - the settlement is built at a high location, the river is built in the river. Archaeologists still have a lot of work - now on the territory of our country, hundreds of excavated settlements relating to various temporary cultures. Herodotus mentions the wooden city of Gelone, which, on the assumption of some scientists, could be located in the territory of the current Saratov. Much is aware of the existence, especially in the territory of the Crimea, ancient cities, such as Tiras and Olbia, Tanais and Fanagoria. These cities and many others have formed medieval Rus. Based on this, we can conclude that Rurik came not on an empty place.

One of many

The lists of the ancient Russian cities are many and they all differ. Some specified alone settlementsIn some other, the dates of education do not always coincide. Scientists argue, and new data appear. Below is one of the lists.

Dates of foundation

Velikiy Novgorod

Great Rostov


Great Islab




Several Yet

The most ancient cities of Russia, these are the names of which and sound relative, and their appearance towards us is closer - IX century. Complete agreement in which city of Russia should be considered the most ancient, there are no researchers, all the lists are different - somewhere the first line is occupied by Veliky Novgorod, somewhere the old Ladoga (in another version it takes the fifth line), somewhere Murom. Izborsk, which at Princess Olga (X century) was a suburb of Pskov, in general, it is rarely found in the articles, and in some kind of list it takes the second line. The year of foundation 862 is specified. It is considered to be Polotsk and Rostov, Murom and Ladoga, Belozero, Smolensk and Lyubik. The list of "The most ancient cities of Russia" continues Pskov, the date of birth of which is 903, followed by Uglich, Trubchevsk, Bryansk, Vladimir, Rostov. Suzdal is founded in 999. Kazan in 1005, Yaroslavl in 1010.

Novgorod - the oldest

Most often, the list is headed by Veliky Novgorod, first mentioned in the Novgorod chronicle of 859. Mention is associated with Rurik, who came to Russia from Ladoga (based on this information in some lists, this settlement is indicated under the first number). The advantageous location is made by Novgorod by the middle of the 9th century the center of the North-Western land and the first capital of ancient Russia. The city is a major cultural, political and shopping center, leading the exchange of goods with many foreign states.

But in 882, Prince Oleg conquers Kiev and makes it his capital and leaves Novgorod. The city further developed quite successfully, becoming the first "window to Europe" for Russia. It can be noted that the first bishop arrived at Veliky Novgorod in 989.

Year of construction boiler

The second number in some kind of list "The most ancient cities of Russia", there is Belozersk, founded in 862. Interestingly, whose efforts this year were laid so many cities? Belozero (the second name of the city) was transferred several times - it floods it, then the marine ulcer will destroy half of the population. Through it was trading paths on the Sheksna rivers and Molog in the Volga and Next. And Novgorod, and Belozersk - cities with a rich history, they still exist, but in this article they are interesting exactly as the ancient cities of Russia.

The list continues to be well-known, thanks to the Great Sidelts Ilya, Murom. The history of this outpost takes its beginning from the settlement of Oka Finnish tribe of Murom. The city was the capital of the Muromo-Ryazan Principality. Due to the fact that he was in the border zone, the city was constantly subjected to raids. In 862, in the mouth of the river, the Polotsk (Polotesk) was founded in the mouth of her in Western Dvin. Part Old Russian state Polotsk is included in 907, there is a documentary evidence. At the same time, the city of Rostov is built on the shore of Lake Nero, which later became part of the Rostov-Suzdal Principality.

Following on list

Smolensk was founded later later in 863. It is mentioned in the "Tale of Bygone Years". The favorable position on the Dnieper contributed to the rapid formation of the Cervic capital. Part Kievan Rus Smolensk enters as a strong principality. Pskov and Uglich, Bryansk and Suzdal, Yaroslavl, Kursk and Ryazan, Vladimir, Kostroma and Tver - also the ancient cities of Russia. The list complements Moscow. But these are more young education. So, Tver was founded in 1208. Initially, the city was part of the Novgorod Principality, and then was joined by Vladimir-Suzdal Lands. All these cities are the historical heritage of our country.

The history of the famous route

About 40 years ago in the newspaper " Soviet Russia"A number of articles were published about the old Russian cities focused on several nearby areas. The golden churches of these cities located on a closed ring, gave the name to a new tourist route. The Golden Ring of Russia was born from newspaper essays, the term came up with the writer Yuri Bullkov. Initially, this route included only eight past Russian cities - Moscow and Sergiev Posad, Pereyaslavl-Zalessky and Rostov Great, Uglich and Yaroslavl, Kostroma and Ples, Suzdal and Vladimir, there is another point - Bogolyubovo between them. These cities were selected on a specific principle. For example, they present all types of Old Russian architecture, the development of which can be traced in stages.

Unofficial center

The route was gaining popularity, he became cult, but many vintage settlements were not covered. And so, in the Golden Ring of Russia already includes 20 cities, special routes are created with the aim of visiting something famous items.

There are cruises on the Volga under this name. The unofficial, but generally accepted capital of the entire "Golden Ring" is considered to be Vladimir - the city, located 193 km from Moscow, in which the route begins and ends. Pearl rings founded in 1108. Vladimir Monomakh, actively engaged in urban planning, laid and surrounded by an earthenwall wooden fortress. His grandson Andrei Bogolyubsky is obliged to his bloom. The famous Vladimir Icon was brought to the city of them, and he also built an amazing temple of the Assumption of Our Lady for her. In 1157, Vladimir becomes the capital of the Old Russian state. The city continues to continue to actively develop. Since that time, many monuments have been preserved, and this center of ancient architecture amazes its preserved beauty. The main attractions of the city are the Golden Gate, erected in 1164, the Assumption Cathedral, painted by Andrei Rublev in the XII century, Dmitrievsky Cathedral, famous for his white-changing thread. These are not all monuments of history and architecture that Vladimir rich.

Planned warriors

All cities of the Golden Ring are striking and fascinated by the original Russian beauty. Some occupy special niches. So, the city of Murom, instead of which Ivanovo sometimes appears in the list of 8 cities, is the oldest city Russia. He mentioned in the "Tale of Bygone Years", remained a pagan for a very long time. After the murder in Murom, the great-grandfather of Yaroslav Wise Mikhail, his father, the namesake of his grandfather, Prince Yaroslav was siege to the city, and, taking it, the inhabitants were baptized for 997. Murom was destroyed by Batyma, later cursed Tatars three times, he was looted in Vague timesBut always his warriors were in the first ranks of the defenders of the Motherland. City of Murom

gave the Russians of the most famous hero of Ilya Muromets.

Handsome Suzdal

To only list monasteries, churches and bell tower of Suzdal, the open-air museum is not enough pages. Ancient monastic walls, belaste and noteworthy churches - dozens of beautiful objects represent Russian architecture from the XII to the XIX century. The city of Suzdal has a special attraction. Beloamy churches and monuments of antiquities, which in the city-museum there are up to 200 units, is under the protection of UNESCO. For the first time, this historian city is mentioned in the annals from 1024. Now it takes everything to attract a larger number of tourists. The atmosphere of the endless holiday was created by street traders with souvenirs and honeywalk, souvenirs and horse harnesses in the city.

Veliky Novgorod due to remoteness is not included in the Golden Ring of Russia.

Moscow is one of the largest cities in Russia, founded in the 12th century and subsequently united under his beginning the whole country. Moscow in the 16th century has become the capital and continues to be it today.

Moscow was founded by Prince Yuri Dolgorukhi on the Borovitsky Hill at the site of the merger of two rivers - the rivers of Moscow and the River Neglinnaya. The advantageous geographical location of the city has become one of the main reasons, due to which the city gained economic independence very quickly and, therefore, political influence.

Historical settlements and foundation of Moscow

To date, little information has been preserved about what was in the territory of modern Moscow long before its construction. There are evidence that on the bank of the river on the site of the modern temple of Christ the Savior Long before the foundation of Russia, the Dyakov settlements were located (Iron Age), they are considered the first settlements on this land.

Later, shortly before the emergence of the Russian state, these lands were chosen by the Finno-Ugric tribes living along the shore on the scattered farms. Spearly, the Slavic villages began to appear, and the villages belonging to the Vyatichi tribe. At that time, the single centralized settlement did not exist at this place, and the Earth was populated separately.

The exact date and even century of the foundation of Moscow is unknown, on this subject there are still disputes between historians. Scientists have put forward a version that Moscow was founded already in the 9th century by Prince Oleg, but there are no convincing evidence for this. A more generally accepted version states that the city was built in the 12th century, but the exact month and the year is unknown.

The first mention of Moscow appeared in Russian chronicles (Ipatievsky chronicle) in 1147. During this period, Kiev gradually begins to lose its power, Russian lands cease to obey the unified, centralized power. In the chronicles it is said about how grand Duke Kiev Yuri Dolgoruky convenes the Military Council and calls for the conversation of Prince Svyatoslav Olegovich. The Council passes, presumably on the territory of the future Moscow, since the record is mentioned in the annals. It is believed that at the time of mentioning in the chronicles of the city at this place there was no longer existed, but there was a fairly large settlement.

As for the more accurate date of the foundation of the city, then there is a small confusion. According to one of the versions, Moscow was founded in 1156 by Yuri Dolgoruky, who ordered on the site of the old settlement to build a wooden fortress and lay the city. This version is criticized, since during this period the prince was in Kiev, and the chronicle very fuzzily mentions his visits to the Moscow lands. Another version claims that the laying of the fortress occurred a little earlier, in 1153. There is also an opinion that Moscow could not be established at all, Yuri Dolgoruky himself, and his son Andrei.

Nevertheless, despite the disputes of scientists, it is believed that Moscow was founded in 1147 (according to the date of mention in the chronicle) Prince Yuri Dolgorukh. Since the exact date of the foundation is a mystery, the city day in Moscow is celebrated in the first Saturday of September.

Built in the 12th century, Moscow quickly began its elevation, but only 15 years acquired the status of the capital, when Ivan Grozny rose to the throne. In 1712, with the coming to power of Peter 1, Moscow lost the capital's status, giving him to St. Petersburg, but after the revolution in 1918 she began the capital again and is it to today.

Moscow Kremlin

The history of any old Russian city begins with the construction of the fortress. The first fortifications on the territory of Moscow were built by Yuri Dolgorukhi, had wooden walls, a small diameter and served for the most part for accommodation and economic needs. Only in the 14th century, the old fortress was rebuilt, the walls were made of white stone, the territory was expanded. From here Moscow received the name of Belokamena. The Kremlin was rebuilt twice, in the 15th and 18th centuries, after which he acquired his final appearance.

City name

The name of Moscow, like many other cities, is associated with the name of the river on which it is worth it. As for the name of the river itself, there are several versions of the word of origin. First, according to the Version Slavic, the word "Moscow" occurred from the root "Mosk", which has a dual value and means both "wet, wet" and "mind". The second version is associated with the Finno-Ugric tribes living in this territory. Moscow in this case is the result of a compound of several Mari words meaning translated by the "Bear" and "Mother".

The most common version today is the origin of the word "Moscow" from the Komi language, on which the term means "cow of the river". Moscow was called the river itself and settlements on its shores.