A summary of the fairy tale princess frog for the reader. "The Frog Princess": description, heroes, analysis of the tale

It is unlikely to find, among Russian folk tales, more famous than "The Frog Princess". It is not possible to determine the exact time of her birth, as well as to name exactly her author. The author is the people, it is not for nothing that she is called the people. Like all folk tales, it has its own meaning, purpose and purpose: to teach good, to believe in the inevitable triumph of good over evil. Its educational role is invaluable, "a fairy tale is a lie, but in it a hint is a lesson for good fellows."

The composition of the fairy tale "The Frog Princess" is built according to the traditions of Russian folk fairy tales. There is a fabulous plot, a development in which tension intensifies, sayings and threefold repetitions, and, finally, a happy ending. A special place is occupied here by the very temporal-spatial dimension of the world of a fairy tale.

Analysis of the tale


The plot of the tale is quite complex, many heroes fill it, from ordinary people to fairy animals and other magical characters. The plot begins with the king-father sending his three sons for brides. For this, quite original way-bow and arrow. Where the arrow hits, there and look for your bride. This is the father's parting words. As a result, each of the sons gets a bride for themselves, with the exception of the younger Ivan, whose arrow landed in a swamp with a corresponding choice of a swamp creature - a frog. True, not simple, but speaking in a human voice. Ivan, as they would say today, being a man of honor, took the frog at her request as a bride. It cannot be said that he was delighted with such a choice, but such was the will of his father.

In the course of the story, the tsar arranges three trials for his daughters-in-law, two of which the elder daughters-in-law successfully failed, and the wife of Ivan Tsarevich, who turned out to be in fact bewitched by the girl Vasilisa the Beautiful, coped with them perfectly, leading the tsar to admiration. On the third assignment, she had to appear at a feast arranged in honor of the daughters-in-law by the king, in her human form, finally charming the king.

Taking the opportunity, the young husband of the frog goes home, finds the frog skin and burns it in the oven. As a result of this rash act, he loses his wife, who goes to the kingdom of Kashchei the Immortal. All that remains for Ivan Tsarevich is to follow her in order to return her. On the way, he meets various fairy-tale animals who are ready to help him for the lives and help he has saved. Among his supporters is the fabulous Baba Yaga, whom Ivan conquered with his good manners. She also told him about an effective way to destroy Kashchei. As a result of long adventures and the help of animal friends, Ivan defeats Kashchei and returns Vasilisa the Beautiful.

The main characters of the tale

The main goodies tales are, of course, Ivan Tsarevich and Vasilisa the Beautiful. Ivan is the embodiment of valor, courage and dedication, ready for the sake of his beloved to go to the ends of the world and engage in mortal combat even with such an enemy as Kashchei the Immortal. At the same time, he is generous, merciful and selfless. All these qualities are fully manifested when meeting with those animals that meet him on the way. The time comes and those whom he helped also help him in difficult times.

The main idea runs through the whole fairy tale - be selfless, help others from a pure heart, and all this will return to you with even greater good. Be single-minded and be responsible for your actions, do not be afraid of difficulties and luck will always accompany you.

Vasilisa the Beautiful is the ideal of a woman, intelligent, loving, devoted. In addition to the main characters, the tale is filled with many helper characters. These are nurses helping Vasilisa, talking animals, an old man who gave Ivan Tsarevich a guiding ball and Baba Yaga, who helped him find his way to the kingdom of Kashchei.

And, finally, Kashchei the Immortal himself. Evil incarnate! The character is as malevolent as he is, so loving, since in most Russian fairy tales it is he who is the kidnapper of beauties. His actions are far from moral, but he also gets what he deserves.


The moral of the tale is perfectly consistent with the Christian commandments. No unseemly deeds go unpunished. Treat others as you would like to be treated.

Each fairy tale carries moral lessons and a certain morality that allows one to draw certain conclusions, distinguish good from evil, and cultivate the best human qualities in oneself. V this case, the tale teaches kindness, tolerance, concern for others, hard work and love. The fairy tale teaches that one cannot draw conclusions based on appearance. Any unattractive frog can hide Vasilisa the Beautiful, with her rich spiritual world. You should treat people more attentively and more tolerantly, be more modest and courteous. Then everything will turn out okay and beautiful for you.

The tsar's sons chose their wives in an interesting way: they fired arrows from a bow, wherever she falls - there the bride will be. Ivan Tsarevich ended up in a swamp with a frog, which he happened to marry. Only she turned out to be Vasilisa the Wise. The girl was able to please the Tsar, performing his tasks for the daughters-in-law, but the Tsarevich had to save her from Koshchei the Immortal ...

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Fairy tale The Frog Princess read

In the old days, one king had three sons. Behold, when the sons grew older, the king gathered them together and said:

Sons, my dear ones, while I am still not old, I would like to marry you, look at your children, at my grandchildren.

Sons answer father:

So, father, bless. Who would you like to marry us to?

That's what, sons, take an arrow, go out into the open field and shoot: where the arrows fall, there is your fate.

The sons bowed to their father, took an arrow, went out into an open field, drew their bows and fired.

The eldest son's arrow fell on the boyar yard, the boyar daughter raised the arrow. The middle son's arrow fell on a wide merchant's yard, lifted her merchant's daughter.

And for the youngest son, Ivan Tsarevich, the arrow went up and flew away he does not know where. So he walked, walked, reached the swamp, saw - a frog was sitting, caught his arrow. Ivan Tsarevich tells her:

Frog, frog, give me my arrow. And the frog answers him:

Marry me!

What are you, how will I take a frog as my wife?

Take it, know, this is your fate.

Ivan Tsarevich became twisted. Nothing to do, took the frog, brought it home. The tsar played three weddings: he married the eldest son to a boyar's daughter, the middle one to a merchant's daughter, and the unfortunate Ivan Tsarevich - to a frog.

Here the king called his sons:

I want to see which of your wives is the best needlewoman. Let them sew me a shirt by tomorrow.

The sons bowed to their father and departed.

Ivan Tsarevich comes home, sat down and hung his head. The frog, jumping on the floor, asks him:

What, Ivan Tsarevich, hung his head? Or what grief?

Father, I ordered you to sew a shirt by tomorrow. The frog answers:

Do not grieve, Ivan Tsarevich, go to bed better, the morning is wiser than the evening.

Ivan Tsarevich went to bed, and the frog jumped onto the porch, threw off the frog skin and turned into Vasilisa the Wise, such a beauty that you cannot tell in a fairy tale.

Vasilisa the Wise clapped her hands and shouted:

Nurses, nurses, get ready, get ready! Sew me such a shirt by morning, which I saw at my dear father's.

Ivan Tsarevich woke up in the morning, the frog was jumping on the floor again, and the shirt was lying on the table, wrapped in a towel. Ivan Tsarevich was delighted, took the shirt and carried it to his father. The king at this time received gifts from his great sons. The eldest son unfolded the shirt, the king accepted it and said:

Wear this shirt in a black hut. The middle son unfolded his shirt, the king said:

In it only, to go to the bathhouse.

Ivan Tsarevich unrolled his shirt, adorned with gold and silver, cunning patterns. The king only looked:

Well, this is a shirt - to wear it on holiday. Send brothers home - those two - and judge among themselves:

No, it is evident that we laughed in vain at the wife of Ivan Tsarevich: she is not a frog, but some kind of cunning ... The Tsar again called his sons:

Let your wives bake me bread by tomorrow. I want to know which one cooks better.

Ivan Tsarevich hung his head, came home. The frog asks him:

What's twisted? He answers:

We must bake bread for the king by tomorrow.

Do not grieve, Ivan Tsarevich, it is better to go to bed, the morning of the evening is wiser.

And those daughters-in-law, at first laughed at the frog, and now they sent one backyard grandmother to see how the frog would bake bread.

The frog is cunning, she realized it. Knead the dough; she broke the stove from above, and right there, into the hole, she knocked over the whole dough. The backyard grandmother ran to the tsar's daughters-in-law; she told everything, and they began to do the same.

And the frog jumped onto the porch, turned into Vasilisa the Wise, clapped her hands:

Nurses, nurses, get ready, get ready! Bake me soft white bread in the morning, like I ate at my dear father's.

Ivan Tsarevich woke up in the morning, and there was bread on the table, adorned with various tricks: printed patterns on the sides, on top of the city with outposts.

Ivan Tsarevich was delighted, wrapped the bread in a fly, and carried it to his father. And the king at that time accepted bread from his big sons. Their wives let the dough into the oven, as their backyard grandmother told them, and they had only burnt mud. The tsar accepted the bread from his eldest son, looked at it and sent it to the people’s room. Received from the middle son and sent him there. And as Ivan Tsarevich submitted, the Tsar said:

This is bread, only, on a holiday it is. And the king ordered his three sons to come to him for a feast tomorrow with their wives.

Again, Ivan Tsarevich returned home unhappy, hung his head below his shoulders. Frog, jumping on the floor:

Qua, qua, Ivan Tsarevich, what's up? Or did you hear an unfriendly word from Father?

Frog, frog, how can I not grieve! Father ordered me to come with you to the feast, but how can I show you to people?

The frog answers:

Do not grieve, Ivan Tsarevich, go to the feast alone, and I will follow you. When you hear a knock and thunder, do not be alarmed. They will ask you, say: “This is my frog, it rides in a box”.

Ivan Tsarevich went alone. Here the older brothers arrived with their wives, dressed up, tidied up, rouged, and anointed. They stand and laugh at Ivan Tsarevich:

Why did you come without a wife? If only he brought it in a handkerchief. Where did you find such a beauty? Tea, all the swamps emanated.

The tsar with his sons, with his daughters-in-law, with the guests sat down at oak tables, and feast at tablecloths. Suddenly there was a clatter and thunder, the whole palace began to shake. The guests got scared, jumped up from their seats, and Ivan Tsarevich says:

Do not be afraid, honest guests: this is my frog, arrived in a box.

A gilded carriage with six white horses flew up to the royal porch, and Vasilisa the Wise emerges from there: on an azure dress - frequent stars, on her head - a clear moon, such a beauty - neither think of, nor guess, just tell in a fairy tale. She takes Ivan Tsarevich by the hand and leads him to the oak tables, to the worn tablecloths.

The guests began to eat, drink, and have fun. Vasilisa the Wise drank from a glass and poured the last of it down her left sleeve. She ate a swan and the bones, threw it by the right sleeve.

The wives of the big princes saw her tricks and let's do the same.

We drank, ate, it was the turn to dance. Vasilisa the Wise picked up Ivan Tsarevich and went. She danced, danced, spun, spun - everyone marvels. She waved her left sleeve - suddenly there was a lake, waved her right sleeve - white swans swam across the lake. The king and the guests were amazed.

And the older daughters-in-law went to dance: they waved their sleeve - only they splattered the guests, waved others - only the bones flew away, one bone hit the king's eye. The king became angry and drove out both daughters-in-law.

At that time, Ivan Tsarevich quietly absent himself, ran home, found frog skin there and threw it into the oven, burned it on the fire.

Vasilisa the Wise returns home, missed it - there is no frog skin. She sat down on a bench, became sad, depressed and said to Ivan Tsarevich:

Ah, Ivan Tsarevich, what have you done! If you had waited only three more days, I would have been yours forever. Now, goodbye. Look for me in the distant lands, in the thirtieth kingdom, at Koshchei the Immortal ...

Vasilisa the Wise turned into a gray cuckoo and flew out the window. Ivan Tsarevich wept, wept, bowed to four sides and went wherever they looked - to look for his wife, Vasilisa the Wise. Whether he walked close, far, long or short, he carried his boots, his caftan was worn out, the rain dried his hat. An old old man comes across to him.

Hello, good fellow! What are you looking for, where are you heading?

Ivan Tsarevich told him about his misfortune. The old old man tells him:

Eh, Ivan Tsarevich; Why did you burn the frog skin? You didn't put it on, you didn't have to take it off. Vasilisa the Wise is more cunning, wiser than her father. For that, he was angry with her and told her to be a frog for three years. Well, there’s nothing to do, here’s a ball for you: where it will roll, there and you go boldly after it.

Ivan Tsarevich thanked the old old man and went to get the ball. The ball rolls, it follows it. In an open field he comes across a bear. Ivan Tsarevich took aim, wants to kill the beast. And the bear says to him in a human voice:

Don't hit me, Ivan Tsarevich, someday I will be useful to you.

Ivan Tsarevich took pity on the bear, did not shoot him, went on. Look, a drake is flying over him. He aimed, and the drake speaks to him in a human voice:

Don't hit me, Ivan Tsarevich! I'll be useful to you, He took pity on the drake and went on. An oblique hare is running. Ivan Tsarevich caught himself again, wants to shoot at him, and the hare says in a human voice:

Do not kill me, Ivan Tsarevich, I will be useful to you. He took pity on the hare, went on. He approaches the blue sea and sees - on the shore, on the sand, a pike lies, barely breathing, and says to him:

Ah, Ivan Tsarevich, have pity on me, throw me into the blue sea!

Hut, hut, stand in the old way, as your mother put it: back to the forest, in front of me.

The hut turned in front of him, back to the forest. Ivan Tsarevich went into it and sees - on the stove, on the ninth brick, there is Baba Yaga, a bone leg, teeth - on the shelf, and his nose has grown into the ceiling.

Why, good fellow, did you come to me? - says Baba Yaga to him. - Are you trying to do business or are you getting away with business?

Ivan Tsarevich answers her:

Oh, you old little girl, you would have given me drink, fed me, evaporated in the bath, then you would have asked.

Baba Yaga vaporized him in the bathhouse, gave him drink, fed him, put him to bed, and Ivan Tsarevich told her that he was looking for his wife, Vasilisa the Wise.

I know, I know, - says Baba Yaga, - your wife is now with Koshchei the Immortal. It will be difficult to get it, it will not be easy to cope with Koschey: his death is at the end of a needle, that needle is in an egg, an egg is in a duck, a duck is in a hare, that hare is sitting in a stone chest, and the chest is on a tall oak, and that oak is Koschey the Immortal, like your eye, protects.

Ivan Tsarevich spent the night with Baba Yaga, and the next morning she showed him where the tall oak grows. How long or short, Ivan Tsarevich reached there, he sees - standing, a tall oak rustling, there is a government chest on it, but it is difficult to get it.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a bear came running and uprooted the oak. The chest fell and shattered. A hare jumped out of the chest and ran away at full speed. And another hare chases after him, overtook him and tore it to pieces. And a duck flew out of the hare, rose high, under the very sky. Look, the drake rushed at her, as he hit her - the duck dropped the egg, the egg fell into the blue sea.

Then Ivan Tsarevich burst into bitter tears - where in the sea to find an egg! Suddenly a pike swims up to the shore and holds an egg in its teeth. Ivan Tsarevich broke the egg, took out the needle and let's break the end of it. He breaks, and Koschey the Immortal fights, rushes. No matter how much Koschey fought or rushed about, Ivan Tsarevich broke the end of the needle, Koschey had to die. Ivan Tsarevich went to the white-stone chambers of Koscheev. Vasilisa the Wise ran out to him, kissed him on the sugar lips. Ivan Tsarevich and Vasilisa the Wise returned home and lived happily ever after until a ripe old age.

The Frog Princess is a fairy tale invented by the Russian people. Like many others like her, she teaches goodness, purposefulness. Find out what this work is about, understand its meaning, and draw conclusions will help summary... "The Frog Princess" (work) refers to the Russian folk art... Kids listen to the fairy tale with pleasure. Fifth-graders study the work more deeply. A quick summary will help you get to know it quickly.

"The Frog Princess" begins, like some other fairy tales. In the first lines, the reader learns that there was a king who had three sons. One day he decided to marry them. What happened next, you will find out right now.

What did the head of the fabulous state come up with

The tsar came up with a very interesting way - he decided that fate itself would show his sons where to look for brides. He ordered the young men to take the steles and the bow. The latter is a device made of a flexible stick and a strong rope - a bowstring. The arrow rests against it with a blunt end, then with the help of your hands you need to pull the bowstring towards you, holding this edge of the arrow with your hand. After that, the fingers unclench, and the mini-spear rushes into the distance.

Where did the arrow fall

The younger brother walked for a long time or not, but he found himself in a swamp. He sees that a frog is holding his arrow. The prince asked her to give what she found, but she refused. She stated that now the young man must take her to the palace, because this is the order of the king himself. Ivan was not happy about such a turn of fate, but there was nothing to do. The obedient son of his father wrapped the frog in a handkerchief and brought it to the palace. Of course, it was not without ridicule. Have you ever seen the prince's bride - a dweller of the swamp - wet, cold, slippery.

The quack had to prove that the external appearance is not so important, the main thing is the internal content. After all, you can be beautiful, but stupid and inept. This is one of the conclusions of the work, about which the summary tells. The frog princess was a jack of all trades, the reader will be convinced of this right now.

The first task of the king

When all potential brides were brought to the palace, the king ordered his sons to marry them. Then he ordered to demonstrate to the girls his skill. To do this, they had to sew him a shirt in the morning.

I cannot express in words how upset Ivan was. Seeing such a state of her husband, the croak told him not to worry, but to go to bed better. After all, as you know, the morning is wiser than the evening. This clever proverb of the Russian people must be adopted. Indeed, sometimes in the evening it seems that some problem cannot be solved, everything appears in a sad light. Then you just need to go to the bedchamber, get a good sleep, and in the morning there will be several ways out of the situation, and the world will again shine with rainbow colors.

The wise frog princess knew this too. The tale continues with the fact that, having laid down the groom, she went to the porch, shed the skin of a frog and turned into Vasilisa the Wise. The girl said to appear to the nurses. I ordered them to sew a beautiful shirt for the king until morning, which they did. Imagine Ivan's amazement when, waking up, he saw a beautiful robe for the priest, embroidered with precious stones and decorated with intricate patterns. He took the shirt and went to the palace.

Who coped with the test of the king

The people had already gathered there, and the king was looking at new clothes. He took the shirt, sewn by the elder brother's bride, looked at the clothes critically and said that this is only to be worn in a black hut. Most likely, he meant the following - in ancient times, huts were heated "in black". The smoke did not go out into the chimney, but into small windows located high. Therefore, the walls and ceiling in such a room were smoked, as combustion products settled on them. It was about such a hut that the tsar said, since in the palace in such a shirt it would be simply ashamed to walk.

He also did not appreciate the work of the merchant's wife, seeing her shirt, he said that it was only to go to such a bathhouse. Only the frog princess pleasantly surprised him. The tale moves on to an interesting moment. Seeing the work of art embroidered with silver and gold brought by the youngest son, the priest said that this shirt should only be worn for a holiday.

Second task

After that, the head of state ordered the daughters-in-law to bake bread. This is what the summary will now tell you about. "The Frog Princess" for reader's diary is a very successful piece. It will allow the child to learn to draw conclusions, it is easy to remember the meaning of such an interesting plot.

The wives of the older brothers decided to spy on how the frog would bake bread. They sent a grandmother to spy on, but Vasilisa the Wise was smarter than them. She kneaded the dough, broke the top of the oven and placed the dough right on top of it. The merchant's wife did exactly the same with the boyar. In fact, Vasilisa and her assistants baked an amazing meal.

The king, seeing what happened with the senior daughters-in-law, got angry and sent these burnt bread to the people's room. And he praised the frog's pastries, said that such things can be eaten on holidays.


Then the king-father invited the sons together with their wives to the palace for a feast, ordered everyone to appear the next day. The youngest son was upset again - how he would come there with such a companion, because they would laugh at him. But the frog consoled him. Everyone went to the palace, and Ivan's wife told him that she would arrive later. What happened next, a short summary will quickly tell. The frog princess threw off the skin in which she was forced to be, dressed beautifully and amazed everyone with her appearance - she turned out to be such a beauty.

She was pleasantly surprised by her dancing: when she waved her sleeve, a lake appeared. Then she did it a second time. The bones hidden in the sleeve turned into swans that began to swim in the lake.

Ivan liked the new look of his wife. While everyone was having fun, he ran home and burned the frog's skin, throwing it into the oven. When Vasilisa appeared, she was very upset, since she had only 3 days to walk in the form of a frog, and then she would become a girl again. Now Koschey must pick her up. “Look for me from him,” said the beauty and disappeared.

Search for a sweetheart

Not only in this tale the good fellow was tested, since the frog princess was stolen by the evil Koschei (as described above in the summary). Pushkin A.S. also sometimes turned to similar subjects. Suffice it to recall his work in verse "Ruslan and Lyudmila", where the young beauty was kidnapped by old Chernomor. To save his Vasilisa from Koshchei, Ivan went to look for her in the forest. There he met an old man who gave a ball, the thread was supposed to show the prince the way.

The good outcome was helped by the kindness of the young man. In the field, he met a bear, wanted to kill him, but he prayed and said that someday he would be useful to him. Ivan took pity on him, did not shoot, as he did at a drake, a hare, which also met on the way. After that, he saved the pike, washed ashore, he put it back into the sea. So the summary has come to the denouement.

Princess Frog

Grade 5, or rather his students, learn that the ball has rolled to the house of Baba Yaga. She told the traveler how to defeat Koshchei, that his death was at the end of the needle, told how to find her. First, the prince came to an oak tree on which a chest hung. Ivan did not know how to take it off. Then a bear came running and pulled out the oak along with the root. The chest fell, crashed, a hare jumped out of it. The second hare, which Ivan did not touch, caught up with this one and tore it up. The duck that flew out of the womb of the animal was caught by a drake, hit it, it dropped the egg, which fell into the sea. A pike helped to get it. Ivan took a needle from the egg, broke off its end, thereby destroying Koshchei. He took Vasilisa, and they lived together until a ripe old age.

Russian folk tales

The fairy tale "The Frog Princess" is a masterpiece of the Russian folk tale. It describes the magical adventures of Ivan Tsarevich and his mutating wife, the Frog Princess. The fairy tale teaches us to support and love our loved ones and in no case burn someone else's clothes, because this leads to huge problems, which only magical animal friends will help to solve.

In the old days, one king had three sons. Behold, when the sons grew older, the king gathered them together and said:

Sons, my dear ones, while I am still not old, I would like to marry you, look at your children, at my grandchildren.

Sons answer father:

So, father, bless. Who would you like to marry us to?

That's what, sons, take an arrow, go out into the open field and shoot: where the arrows fall, there is your fate.

The sons bowed to their father, took an arrow, went out into an open field, drew their bows and fired.

The eldest son's arrow fell on the boyar yard, the boyar daughter raised the arrow. The middle son's arrow fell on a wide merchant's yard, lifted her merchant's daughter.

And for the youngest son, Ivan Tsarevich, the arrow went up and flew away he does not know where. So he walked, walked, reached the swamp, saw - a frog was sitting, caught his arrow. Ivan Tsarevich took her in his hand and said to her:

- Frog, frog, give me my arrow. And the frog answers him:

Marry me!

What are you, how will I take a frog as my wife?

Take it, know, this is your fate.

Ivan Tsarevich became twisted. Nothing to do, took the frog, brought it home. The tsar played three weddings: he married the eldest son to a boyar's daughter, the middle one to a merchant's daughter, and the unfortunate Ivan Tsarevich - to a frog.

Here the king called his sons:

I want to see which of your wives is the best needlewoman. Let them sew me a shirt by tomorrow.

The sons bowed to their father and departed.

Ivan Tsarevich comes home, sat down and hung his head. The frog, jumping on the floor, asks him:

What, Ivan Tsarevich, hung his head? Or what grief?

Father, I ordered you to sew a shirt by tomorrow. The frog answers:

Do not grieve, Ivan Tsarevich, go to bed better, the morning is wiser than the evening.

Ivan Tsarevich went to bed, and the frog jumped onto the porch, threw off the frog skin and turned into Vasilisa the Wise, such a beauty that you cannot tell in a fairy tale.

Vasilisa the Wise clapped her hands and shouted:

Nurses, nurses, get ready, get ready! Sew me such a shirt by morning, which I saw at my dear father's.

Ivan Tsarevich woke up in the morning, the frog was jumping on the floor again, and the shirt was lying on the table, wrapped in a towel. Ivan Tsarevich was delighted, took the shirt and carried it to his father. The king at this time received gifts from his great sons. The eldest son unfolded the shirt, the king accepted it and said:

Wear this shirt in a black hut. The middle son unfolded his shirt, the king said:

In it only, to go to the bathhouse.

Ivan Tsarevich unrolled his shirt, adorned with gold and silver, cunning patterns. The king only looked:

Well, this is a shirt - to wear it on holiday. Send brothers home - those two - and judge among themselves:

No, it is evident that we laughed in vain at the wife of Ivan Tsarevich: she is not a frog, but some kind of cunning ... The Tsar again called his sons:

Let your wives bake me bread by tomorrow. I want to know which one cooks better.

Ivan Tsarevich hung his head, came home. The frog asks him:

What's twisted? He answers:

We must bake bread for the king by tomorrow.

Do not grieve, Ivan Tsarevich, it is better to go to bed, the morning of the evening is wiser.

And those daughters-in-law, at first laughed at the frog, and now they sent one backyard grandmother to see how the frog would bake bread.

The frog is cunning, she realized it. Knead the dough; she broke the stove from above, and right there, into the hole, she knocked over the whole dough. The backyard grandmother ran to the tsar's daughters-in-law; she told everything, and they began to do the same.

And the frog jumped onto the porch, turned into Vasilisa the Wise, clapped her hands:

Nurses, nurses, get ready, get ready! Bake me soft white bread in the morning, like I ate at my dear father's.

Ivan Tsarevich woke up in the morning, and there was bread on the table, adorned with various tricks: printed patterns on the sides, on top of the city with outposts.

Ivan Tsarevich was delighted, wrapped the bread in a fly, and carried it to his father. And the king at that time accepted bread from his big sons. Their wives let the dough into the oven, as their backyard grandmother told them, and they had only burnt mud. The tsar accepted the bread from his eldest son, looked at it and sent it to the people’s room. Received from the middle son and sent him there. And as Ivan Tsarevich submitted, the Tsar said:

- This is bread, only, on a holiday it is. And the king ordered his three sons to come to him for a feast tomorrow with their wives.

Again, Ivan Tsarevich returned home unhappy, hung his head below his shoulders. Frog, jumping on the floor:

Qua, qua, Ivan Tsarevich, what's up? Or did you hear an unfriendly word from Father?

Frog, frog, how can I not grieve! Father ordered me to come with you to the feast, but how can I show you to people?

The frog answers:

Do not grieve, Ivan Tsarevich, go to the feast alone, and I will follow you. When you hear a knock and thunder, do not be alarmed. They will ask you, say: "This is my frog, rides in a box."

Ivan Tsarevich went alone. Here the older brothers arrived with their wives, dressed up, tidied up, rouged, and anointed. They stand and laugh at Ivan Tsarevich:

Why did you come without a wife? If only he brought it in a handkerchief. Where did you find such a beauty? Tea, all the swamps emanated.

The tsar with his sons, with his daughters-in-law, with the guests sat down at oak tables, and feast at tablecloths. Suddenly there was a clatter and thunder, the whole palace began to shake. The guests got scared, jumped up from their seats, and Ivan Tsarevich says:

Do not be afraid, honest guests: this is my frog, arrived in a box.

A gilded carriage with three white horses flew up to the royal porch, and Vasilisa the Wise emerges from there: on an azure dress - frequent stars, on her head - a clear moon, such a beauty - neither think of, nor guess, just tell in a fairy tale. She takes Ivan Tsarevich by the hand and leads him to the oak tables, to the worn tablecloths.

The guests began to eat, drink, and have fun. Vasilisa the Wise drank from a glass and poured the last of it down her left sleeve. She ate a swan and the bones, threw it by the right sleeve.

The wives of the big princes saw her tricks and let's do the same.

We drank, ate, it was the turn to dance. Vasilisa the Wise picked up Ivan Tsarevich and went. She danced, danced, spun, spun - everyone marvels. She waved her left sleeve - suddenly there was a lake, waved her right sleeve - white swans swam across the lake. The king and the guests were amazed.

And the older daughters-in-law went to dance: they waved their sleeve - only they splattered the guests, waved others - only the bones flew away, one bone hit the king's eye. The king became angry and drove out both daughters-in-law.

At that time, Ivan Tsarevich quietly absent himself, ran home, found frog skin there and threw it into the oven, burned it on the fire.

Vasilisa the Wise returns home, missed it - there is no frog skin. She sat down on a bench, became sad, depressed and said to Ivan Tsarevich:

Ah, Ivan Tsarevich, what have you done! If you had waited only three more days, I would have been yours forever. Now, goodbye. Look for me in the distant lands, in the thirtieth kingdom, at Koshchei the Immortal ...

Vasilisa the Wise turned into a gray cuckoo and flew out the window. Ivan Tsarevich wept, wept, bowed to four sides and went wherever they looked - to look for his wife, Vasilisa the Wise. Whether he walked close, far, long or short, he carried his boots, his caftan was worn out, the rain dried his hat. An old old man comes across to him.

Hello, good fellow! What are you looking for, where are you heading?

Ivan Tsarevich told him about his misfortune. The old old man tells him:

Eh, Ivan Tsarevich; Why did you burn the frog skin? You didn't put it on, you didn't have to take it off. Vasilisa the Wise is more cunning, wiser than her father. For that, he was angry with her and told her to be a frog for three years. Well, there’s nothing to do, here’s a ball for you: where it will roll, there and you go boldly after it.

Ivan Tsarevich thanked the old old man and went to get the ball. The ball rolls, it follows it. In an open field he comes across a bear. Ivan Tsarevich took aim, wants to kill the beast. And the bear says to him in a human voice:

Don't hit me, Ivan Tsarevich, someday I will be useful to you.

Ivan Tsarevich took pity on the bear, did not shoot him, went on. Look, a drake is flying over him. He aimed, and the drake speaks to him in a human voice:

Don't hit me, Ivan Tsarevich! I'll be useful to you, He took pity on the drake and went on. An oblique hare is running. Ivan Tsarevich caught himself again, wants to shoot at him, and the hare says in a human voice:

Do not kill me, Ivan Tsarevich, I will be useful to you. He took pity on the hare, went on. He approaches the blue sea and sees - on the shore, on the sand, a pike lies, barely breathing, and says to him:

Ah, Ivan Tsarevich, have pity on me, throw me into the blue sea!

- Hut, hut, stand in the old way, as your mother set: back to the forest, in front of me.

The hut turned in front of him, back to the forest. Ivan Tsarevich went into it and sees - on the stove, on the ninth brick, there is Baba Yaga, a bone leg, teeth - on the shelf, and his nose has grown into the ceiling.

- Why, good fellow, did you come to me? - says Baba Yaga to him. - Are you trying to do business or are you getting away with business?

Ivan Tsarevich answers her:

Oh, you old little girl, you would have given me drink, fed me, evaporated in the bath, then you would have asked.

Baba Yaga vaporized him in the bathhouse, gave him drink, fed him, put him to bed, and Ivan Tsarevich told her that he was looking for his wife, Vasilisa the Wise.

I know, I know, - says Baba Yaga, - your wife is now with Koshchei the Immortal. It will be difficult to get it, it will not be easy to cope with Koschey: his death is at the end of a needle, that needle is in an egg, an egg is in a duck, a duck is in a hare, that hare is sitting in a stone chest, and the chest is on a tall oak, and that oak is Koschey the Immortal, like your eye, protects.

Ivan Tsarevich spent the night with Baba Yaga, and the next morning she showed him where the tall oak grows. How long or short, Ivan Tsarevich reached there, he sees - standing, a tall oak rustling, there is a government chest on it, but it is difficult to get it.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a bear came running and uprooted the oak. The chest fell and shattered. A hare jumped out of the chest and ran away at full speed. And another hare chases after him, overtook him and tore it to pieces. And a duck flew out of the hare, rose high, under the very sky. Look, the drake rushed at her, as he hit her - the duck dropped the egg, the egg fell into the blue sea.

Then Ivan Tsarevich burst into bitter tears - where in the sea to find an egg! Suddenly a pike swims up to the shore and holds an egg in its teeth. Ivan Tsarevich broke the egg, took out the needle and let's break the end of it. He breaks, and Koschey the Immortal fights, rushes. No matter how much Koschey fought or rushed about, Ivan Tsarevich broke the end of the needle, Koschey had to die.

Ivan Tsarevich went to the white-stone chambers of Koscheev. Vasilisa the Wise ran out to him, kissed him on the sugar lips. Ivan Tsarevich and Vasilisa the Wise returned home and lived happily ever after until a ripe old age.

Genre: fairy tale

Main characters: Vasilisa the Beautiful, Ivan- the younger son of the king


The ruler wanted to marry his sons and ordered them to shoot from a bow for this. The arrow of Ivan, the youngest son, fell into a swamp, and he took a frog as his wife. The tsar gave his daughters-in-law various tasks, and all of them were easily performed only by the younger daughter-in-law. And at the feast, where all the sons and brides were invited, she turned into a beautiful girl. Then Ivan, wanting to save her from the spell, burned the frog skin, and at the same moment an evil whirlwind carried Vasilisa to Koshchei the Immortal.

The good fellow went to help out his betrothed. On the way, he met various animals and helped all of them. They also helped him in a difficult test - to find the death of Koshchei, which was hidden in the crown of a high oak tree, in an iron chest, in a hare, in a duck and in an egg. But Ivan coped with all the trials and freed his bride.

Conclusion (my opinion)

Like any fairy tale, this story teaches goodness and mercy, says that happiness can only be achieved by going through severe trials and difficulties, and at the same time not losing your honor and dignity.