The gymnast was of medium height, stocky and broad-shouldered. Original ways of giving gifts

1. In one of the sentences below, the highlighted word is WRONG. Correct the lexical error by matching the selected word with a paronym. Write down the chosen word.

  1. The Nourishing Aunt's Soup was liked by all the children.
  2. He was a HIDDEN man and did not trust anyone with his secrets.
  3. On the outskirts of the city, there is an old APPLE orchard with spreading trees.
  4. The young violinist's performance was so EFFECTIVE that the audience gave a standing ovation.
  5. The reading room contains the ANNUAL binder of newspapers and magazines.

2. In one of the sentences below, the highlighted word is WRONG. Correct the lexical error by matching the selected word with a paronym. Write down the chosen word.

  1. A LONG-TERM cough in a child is often a symptom of a serious illness.
  2. Boggy soil contains little oxygen and nutrients needed by plants.
  3. The vast territories of Siberia and Of the Far East located in the ETERNAL permafrost zone.
  4. The negative ENVIRONMENTAL factors include chemical pollution of water and destruction of green spaces.
  5. An obscure light, Evil and cold, faded and flared up.

3. In one of the sentences below, the highlighted word is WRONG. Correct the lexical error by matching the selected word with a paronym. Write down the chosen word.

  1. This time an open lecture at the museum was delivered by an ACTUAL member of the Academy of Sciences.
  2. The guest inquired from the host about the AVAILABILITY of available rooms in the hotel.
  3. Kolya's jokes sometimes seemed to us OFFENSIVE.
  4. For a LONG time our team has been preparing to climb the mountain.
  5. Mom carefully kept THANKS from the commander of the unit in which her Alyosha served.

4. One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word WRONG. Correct the lexical error by matching the selected word with a paronym. Write down the chosen word.

  1. Patriotism and loyalty to the MILITARY duty are the main qualities of the defender of the Fatherland.
  2. This disease is HIDDEN in nature, often its symptoms are invisible.
  3. GIVE me the opportunity to prepare for the interview myself.
  4. Rudin's words are nothing more than words and will never become ACTIONS.

5. One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word WRONG. Correct the lexical error by matching the selected word with a paronym. Write down the chosen word.

  1. Be sure that the boy will answer for his MALK.
  2. For a real climber, the assault on this peak is not a problem.
  3. After the New Year's greetings, the DISTRIBUTION of gifts began.
  4. There was a LONG silence, interrupted only by the clicking of instruments.
  5. The gymnast was of medium height, RIGID and broad-shouldered.

6. In one of the sentences below, the highlighted word is INCORRECT. Correct the lexical error by matching the selected word with a paronym. Write down the chosen word.

  1. Cavaliers of this order, according to the charter, must have a military rank not lower than that of a general.
  2. Russian diplomats must take EFFECTIVE measures to protect the interests of our compatriots abroad.
  3. Correct and timely ROOT feeding of plants is a guarantee of a high yield.
  4. You should not look for a HIDDEN meaning in every line of the letter.
  5. Animals have no articulate SOUND speech, they don't have music either.

7. In one of the sentences below, the highlighted word is INCORRECT. Correct the lexical error by matching the selected word with a paronym. Write down the chosen word.

  1. Grasshoppers chirp, UNTOLERABLE heat stands over the meadow.
  2. Noticing the DANGEROUS look of the interlocutor, I thought for a minute.
  3. On the very first day, Ivan easily MASTERED a new musical instrument.
  4. Mold is a common fungal disease in winter crops.
  5. Mr. Beluga has never refused his only STARE daughter.

8. One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word WRONG. Correct the lexical error by matching the selected word with a paronym. Write down the chosen word.

  1. Solo mountaineering is a RISKY activity.
  2. These ruins serve as a sorrowful MEMORY of the events of the past.
  3. None of us expected such a cold and even hostile reception.
  4. Indians are the common name for the Native American population.
  5. I immediately calculated how much they should PAY.

9. One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word WRONG. Correct the lexical error by matching the selected word with a paronym. Write down the chosen word.

  1. The range of products presented on our website is unusually wide.
  2. While studying the cycle of poems, pay special attention to the image of the LYRIC hero.
  3. For administrative misconduct of a different nature, the legislation provides for a different degree of responsibility.
  4. I often remember Lyosha's sad brown eyes.
  5. His grandfather was a real GREEK pirate and buried huge treasures somewhere.

10. One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word WRONG. Correct the lexical error by matching the selected word with a paronym. Write down the chosen word.

  1. The new medicine stimulates the BRAIN circulation.
  2. The room served a DUAL purpose: it was both a living room and a bedroom.
  3. All children in the Kovalev family are fond of WATER sports.
  4. Leading bankers of the country are sure that the next ECONOMIC crisis is approaching.
  5. Being a passionate horseman, he set up a HORSE STORE, which made Protasiev Ugol famous.

11. One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word WRONG. Correct the lexical error by matching the selected word with a paronym. Write down the chosen word.

  1. Deep, dark chasms lurk in this mountainous area.
  2. A CHARITY concert was held at the theater, in which famous actors took part.
  3. Opera by D. D. Shostakovich "Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District" is two and a half hours of continuous music, almost UNTOLERABLE in its drama.
  4. The DIPLOMATIC mission ended successfully thanks to the professionalism of the country's representatives.

12. One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word WRONG. Correct the lexical error by matching the selected word with a paronym. Write down the chosen word.

  1. I remembered the city of my childhood and those very famous CLAY whistles that were sold in bazaars.
  2. For a long time, Anyuta had the same HOLIDAY mood, which helped her to easily solve even the most difficult problems.
  3. His responsibilities included PAYMENT of fees to part-time employees.
  4. After talking with Natalie, Andrei was seized by both a feeling of love and hate, and this DUAL feeling did not leave him until the evening.
  5. The system only tracked outgoing calls.

13. One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word WRONG. Correct the lexical error by matching the selected word with a paronym. Write down the chosen word.

  1. In summer, hordes of mosquitoes appear in the FOREST thicket.
  2. The article turned out to be helpful and INFORMATIVE.
  3. CONSERVATION of the old building should prevent its further destruction.
  4. His SCAM real estate business soon came to light.
  5. This method has proven to be very EFFECTIVE.

14. One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word WRONG. Correct the lexical error by matching the selected word with a paronym. Write down the chosen word.

  1. Katya put on a warm hat for a walk.
  2. We need information about the AVAILABILITY of new acquisitions in the library funds.
  3. Many women looked at the new guest with envy and UNWELCOME.
  4. From the radio came a WISE, monotonous tune.
  5. The laboratory assistant performed a very accurate, almost MICROSCOPIC analysis.

15. One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word WRONG. Correct the lexical error by matching the selected word with a paronym. Write down the chosen word.

  1. The problem of ECONOMIC growth and its rates is one of the most important in macroeconomics.
  2. The nutritionist prescribed a number of homeopathic remedies for the patient and helped him choose an EFFECTIVE diet.
  3. A DEMOCRATIC management style implies a harmonious distribution of initiative and responsibility between management and subordinates.
  4. Removal of the Battle Banner of the MILITARY unit is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the Combat Regulations

16. One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word WRONG. Correct the lexical error by matching the selected word with a paronym. Write down the chosen word.

  1. Otters are extraordinarily intelligent and REASONING creatures.
  2. At the mouth of the river were the DIRECT outline of the ship.
  3. A very REPRESENTATIVE jury selected artists for participation in the competition.
  4. Knowing our father's hot, EXPLOSIVE nature, we didn't want to bother him.
  5. He disregarded the rules of etiquette and was completely ignorant.

17. One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word WRONG. Correct the lexical error by matching the selected word with a paronym. Write down the chosen word.

  1. To become a DIPLOMANTS of the Moscow Conservatory is a great honor even for celebrities.
  2. The long and narrow skis are specially designed for RACE running.
  3. Suddenly, he heard the CLEAR sound of a bell.
  4. I knew this monastery and this deep FISH lake.
  5. It's cold today, so I will WEAR a warm jacket.

18. One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word WRONG. Correct the lexical error by matching the selected word with a paronym. Write down the chosen word.

  1. HEAVY traffic offenders will be subject to severe penalties.
  2. The girl said nothing and continued reading the book with a STONE expression on her face.
  3. Anna Vasilievna was known not only as an SKILLED storyteller, but also as a brilliant journalist.
  4. The fraudster endeared people to himself with a TRUSTING tone and courteous manner.
  5. WATER marks can be seen on many banknotes.

It is pleasant to give gifts. It is doubly pleasant to receive them. Triple - to receive so that then excitedly tell how unusually the gift fell into the hands. Not only children dream of surprises and miracles! In a childish world, where a New Year's miracle is a sale of gifts with a 70% discount and a table free from corporate events in a cafe, we dream of adventure. Well, or at least about intrigues, scandals, investigations.

So how to organize a New Year's gift giving ceremony for adult family members and guests not only solemnly, but also fun? We offer several ways.

Find me if you can (New Year's quest)

Collect all the gifts in one place in advance, but it was not easy to find this place. Block the path to gifts with messages for guests: let each one tell the seekers where the next is hidden. Announce that Santa Claus came, brought gifts, but didn't just give them away, but hid them, and only the most daring-smart-beautiful will be able to find them. Better just make a reservation that you do not need to turn the apartment upside down, but just use the prompts. By the way, about hints: they can be very different - riddles, crosswords, pictures, puzzles, rebuses, words with rearranged letters, tasks such as “connect by dots”, etc.


  1. first outline the places in which you will hide the clues, then think about how to beat these places;
  2. it turns out to be especially interesting when the recipients of the gifts guess the place, but they don’t know how to get a hint from there;
  3. try to "link" the tasks with stories known only to your loved ones, and the New Year's quest will become a sincere and truly family one.

Promising is not the same as getting married (New Year's promises)

Do your guests like to start life with a clean slate, and therefore every year with three boxes? Come up with funny promises and put them in a hat or Christmas-style box, and then announce to guests that they will receive their gifts only after they draw out the “promises” at random and solemnly vow to keep them all year round.

prompt: avoid promises that are too serious! They should be either really funny, or completely unrealistic, or very simple to perform.

For example:

  • "I promise to feed the cat every day at 3 o'clock all year (even if she is against)"
  • "I promise to kiss my wife / husband on the nose before leaving for work"
  • "I solemnly vow to take the trash out of the house after only 5 requests"
  • "I promise to wake up the whole family (and neighbors) in the morning with cheerful ku-ka-re-ku"

Guess the gift

Write the names of the gifts on the cards. Attach these cards on the forehead of the guests to whom the gifts are intended, so that the guests see other people's “gifts”, but not their own. Announce that everyone will receive gifts if and only if they are guessed right. To avoid pointing your finger at the sky every time, allow guests to ask yes / no questions. Questions about your gift can be asked as long as the answer is “yes”, but as soon as others answer “no”, the right to become an “interrogator” passes to the next guest.

prompt: the game will be more fun if the gifts are unusual (and certainly not ordered in advance!)

Cut once (New Year's lottery)

If gifts are not targeted, universal, then wrap them in opaque wrapping paper and hang them on long ropes / ribbons to one common (and strong) rope. Blindfold guests with a scarf or bandage for sleeping and send them with scissors in hand to get yourself a gift.

prompt: It will be more fun if you play a little on the recipients - for example, you will pack small gifts as if they are large.

Roll, ball (New Year's adventure)

Take colored ribbons or laces, tie them to gifts, and then carry them throughout the apartment and mix them up. Give the other ends of the ribbons to the happy recipients of the gifts.


  1. such a presentation will succeed if the guests are not in the apartment for some time - so either give them the guiding threads as soon as they cross the threshold, or send them out into the courtyard in the midst of the holiday - dance around the Christmas tree;
  2. hand the ends of the ribbons either to the address (“red - to mom, there is a cosmetic set at the end, blue - to dad, a subscription to a football magazine awaits him”), or randomly, for example, invite the guests to choose the colors of the ribbons on their own (so giving gifts will “grow” intrigue).

Guess the quote - get a gift (New Year's quiz)

Lay out all the gifts (preferably packed) in a spectacular slide, take out one at a time and offer to compete for it: the one who is the first to show ingenuity will receive the gift. Find famous ones on the Internet - let the applicants for gifts guess from which movie this or that quote.


  1. in case the quotes go "tight", stock up - they will somehow be guessed;
  2. the presentation can be made more targeted: the guest guesses the source of the quote and receives a gift intended specifically for him;
  3. the lucky ones who have already named the correct answers are eliminated from the gift race.

Santa Claus has come! (New Year's performance)

Get a Santa Claus costume, dress a male guest in it and invite the rest of the guests to “deserve” gifts - to tell New Year's rhymes or fairy tales, sing New Year's songs or even dance New Year's dances (whatever they may be).

prompt: Newly made Santa Claus receives a gift automatically - for his outstanding acting skills.

Adult children of Captain Grant (search for treasure on the map)

Draw a map (accurate or very arbitrary), mark the hidden treasure on it (read: gifts) and invite the guests to find it.

prompt: you can complicate the task - give the guests not a map, but a compass and a search algorithm (“from the front door 5 steps to the north, then 3 steps to the west”, etc.)

FANTomas is back (forfeits with prizes-gifts)

Come up with fun tasks and invite guests to draw forfeits: for the completed task, a well-deserved New Year's gift is given.


  1. tasks can be different, but by no means serious - for example, in any way to recreate the chimes; climb onto a chair and officially announce to everyone present that Santa Claus is coming soon; depict a freshly opened bottle of champagne; eat a couple of lemon slices without frowning; in five seconds, name all the ingredients of the Olivier salad, etc.;
  2. pulling the forfeits can be "refined" - put the notes-forfeits in the balloons in advance, inflate them, and at the party invite the guests to choose "their" balloon and get the phantom out of it without using their hands.

What grows on the tree (New Year's lottery)

Attach number cards to the tree, and place gifts under the tree. Invite guests to choose a card, then find among the gifts the one marked with the same number.


  1. it is better if the gifts are “anonymous”, ie. packed the same way;
  2. cards can be attached (tied, glued) to the same Christmas balls. So the guests will not only stay with gifts, but also keep the memory in the form of a Christmas ball about the unusual holiday.

Whom I love - I give him (New Year's lottery)

When inviting guests to a holiday, instruct them to prepare one gift, and then play a raffle who will receive whose gift: for this, you can write two sets of cards with names and simultaneously pull them out of two hats (one - "from whom", the second - "to whom") ...


  1. it will come out funny if someone gets their own gift;
  2. it is better to negotiate the marginal cost of gifts in advance;
  3. it is not forbidden to exchange gifts for everyone's pleasure after distribution.

What? Where? To whom? (New Year's quiz)

Prepare riddles about gifts in advance - and hand them over to the addressees only after they guess what they will receive.

prompt: it will be better if the gifts are not from the "how to call it easier" series, but even if it is a depilator or an iPhone - do not give up, compose a riddle yourself.

And the Oscar goes to… (New Year's awards)

Describe each guest in a joking manner without naming them. Read the “CV” of the applicant for the gift to the guests and hand it over when the name is guessed correctly.

Come up with a few “stations” and assign those responsible. Among the stations there may be Tantsulkino, Golosyatovo-Pevcheskaya, UmZaRazumovo, ZOZhinskaya and others. Each guest will have to “earn” points (tickets, snowflakes), which they can then exchange for gifts at the fair.

prompt: collective creativity counts! If each of the ten guests at each station will sing-dance-squat solo, then the holiday and the presentation of gifts will be greatly delayed.

"Safety Technique"

Not every guest will be happy to sing, dance and compose poetry for the sake of a gift that he has not even seen. There is always a risk of getting screwed up - ruining the mood for both yourself and your guests. How to recognize people for whom New Year's games are contraindicated (and just give them a gift)?

Earn one point for each statement that characterizes your guest or guest N:

  • you have never, under any circumstances, seen N sing, dance in company, or at least tell a joke
  • N rarely and sparingly smiles and does not like to laugh at all, does not watch comedies, comedy shows and KVN competitions
  • N never tried to prank you on April 1st
  • N always gives only practical gifts, he carefully found out in advance what kind of gift you want, or generally takes the choice and delivery of gifts very seriously
  • N hates corporate events and team buildings
  • N reacts painfully to criticism
  • N has no children (and has no plans to have them at all)
  • N does not like to play - cards, board games, tanks
  • N painfully shy
  • N uncomfortable (mini, heels, tight-fitting, etc.) or very expensively dressed
  • N pathologically clean
  • N very hungry and in a hurry to start eating

If 3 or more statements accurately describe your guest, he should only be involved in giving gifts as an objective observer. If among your guests there are those who fit 1-2 descriptions, then postpone the "gift games" for a later time - when your guests have a meal, raise a couple of toasts, get to know each other and relax.

Damir Sadrtdinov, showman, host and event organizer, founder of the Artefact event company:“In a world where time is valuable, I think it will be a miracle to gather the whole family and loved ones. Naturally, you want to please them, but it is not enough just to choose gifts and please (also that is another task!), You also need to turn the giving of gifts into a game, and the holiday itself into a New Year's miracle. I still remember New Year, when my uncles organized the arrival of Santa Claus with a real three horses and in a sleigh, and a miracle was the moment when Santa Claus, giving everyone gifts, playing with both children and adults, said that he would meet that New Year with us. It turned out that it was our uncle from Kaliningrad, whom we had not seen for over 5 years!

How to present gifts in an original way? There are many ways, the main thing is to fantasize! You can hide gifts in the room and play the well-known game "Hot and Cold". In the circle of friends, I used to give prizes-gifts according to the auction system for strange dances. This year, my colleagues and I want to try a new way of giving gifts to each other: on the eve of a corporate evening, everyone will draw out a card with a name and will prepare gifts without notifying the addressees. At the holiday we will sign all the gifts and put them under the Christmas tree, and each recipient will have to guess by the gift who prepared it. "

Photo - photo bank Lori

Subscription - subscriber

concert season.

Artistic - artistic

Poor - disastrous

Unresponsive - irresponsible

Grishakov left, and now all questions concerning his life become UNRESENTED. Only a heartless person can offend an unrequited animal. Many of the people suffer from UNRESPONDING love.
- Irresponsible attitude to business is a sign of moral limitation. The foreman had to deal with irresponsible, lazy builders.

Swampy - swampy

The valley was replaced by a quagmire, where crooked and stunted SWAMP birches grew. Bog sludge is an excellent fertilizer. The people call the bittern a swamp cow: she roars, “hums” a bull.

Employees of the forestry and firefighters jointly extinguished the inflamed

large natural fire in swampy area.

Grateful - grateful

GRATEFUL spectators applauded their favorite artist for a long time.

Along with the certificates, the graduates received THANK YOU letters.

He treated the peasants for all diseases with soda and castor oil, and on his name day he served a CHARITY prayer service among the village.

Charitable - beneficent

Biologically active substances contained in celery have
Beneficial effect on the body's metabolism.

Thanks to the efforts of the children and teachers, a CHARITY concert was organized.

Breathe in - breathe

I learned gymnastics, in which a sharp INHALATION is performed while moving the whole body forward.

A SIGH of relief involuntarily escaped me.

Age-old - eternal

And before here, AGE FOREST grew, pheasants, wild boars and deer were found. Desolation and darkness reigned all around, the wooden furniture was covered with a AGE layer of dust, and only the old clock slowly kept its measured count.

Nature shines with ETERNAL beauty and surprises us with its grandeur. The documents were prepared for archiving for ETERNAL storage.

Great - majestic

There were a GREAT crowd of people, as if the whole city wanted to see the poet and hear his amazing voice. Man never ceases to be amazed at the GREAT variety of flora and fauna.

In the dim, scattered light of the night, the majestic and wonderful prospects of St. Petersburg opened before us. Tall, slender, graceful and majestic, Elena held herself unusually straight, and this gave her a regal look.

Refill - Refill - Refill - Refill - Refill - Refill

To successfully pass the exam, you need to FILL the knowledge gaps
- This pair is as if created in order to COMPLETE each other.

When applying for a job, it was required to FILL out a questionnaire.

A weak coastal wind FILLED the raised sails, and the transport slowly moved along the calm waters of Avacha Bay.

With your antics you have OVERFILLED my patience.

It was necessary to urgently replenish the supply of drinking water.

Hostile - enemy

The hostile defenses were broken, and the troops entered the city.
- Nature seemed to be hostile, ready to bring death or suffering to a person at any moment. As a sign of the absence of Hateful intentions, the greeter held out his unarmed palm with outstretched fingers of his right hand.

Choosing - choosing

CHOOSING the fabric for the dress, Evdokia was guided only by her own taste.

The members of the committee hoped for the loyalty of Petrukhin, ELECTING him as chairman.

Benefit - profitability

There is no BENEFIT of buying cheap clothes.

The profitability of the deal was obvious to everyone. Only by admitting the presence of Darwinian selection, one can be convinced of the FAVORABILITY of some of the characteristics acquired by a person.

Giving - Giving - Transfer - Giving

SKATES ISSUED if the visitor of the skating rink has a passport or
any other document that can be pledged.

Bends at low altitude, strict adherence to a combat course, frequent use of throttle levers - all this requires a COMBINATION of all forces.

The main route of transmission of infection is alimentary, that is, through food, most often vegetables.

After the New Year's greetings, the DISTRIBUTION of gifts began.

Payment - payment - payment - payment

As for a bank account with a regular PAYMENT of accrued interest on it, this is the most affordable option for rent.

The professor received a document confirming PAYMENT for his business trip.

You can negotiate and set a single rental PAYMENT.

A contract was signed with the contractor, according to which he was obliged to build a line, accepting a part of the shares in the PAYMENT.

Pay - Pay - Pay - Pay - Pay

At the end of the work, the foreman immediately PAYED the due amount.

Tsybukin PAYED the dressmakers not with money, but with goods from his shop.

Insurance companies refused to PAY for losses.

There were enough reasons for the war against Napoleon, even apart from the desire to PAY for the Austerlitz defeat and shame.

The principal is obliged to PAY the attorney remuneration commensurate with the work performed by him.

Grow - Grow - Grow

He knew that this woman nursed and raised Ivan Andrianovich.

The incipient positive trends in Russian economy allowed to create and increase gold and foreign exchange reserves.

Danneel HAVE grown a lush mustache, the ends of which curled down, and a beard.

Growing - growing - growing

The Sea of ​​Tranquility was ideal for GROWING the anaerobic bacteria needed by medicine and industry.

Success depended on whether the landed troops would be able to create a sufficient foothold for BUILDING forces to break through the enemy's defenses.

Karlin has compiled statistics on national differences in beard REDENCE.

High - high-rise

Lena stood for a long time on the HIGH bank, watching the steamer hide behind a bend in the river. At the bottom of the ocean, animals live with HIGH degree activity.

HIGH-RISE houses have been built in this area of ​​the city.

Warranty - guaranteed

The singer's popularity has always provided him with a GUARANTEED success. The position in society gave Andrey Petrovich some GUARANTEED rights.

We took the broken TV set to the WARRANTY workshop.

Harmonic - harmonious

Nobody possessed such inner completeness, such HARMONIC spirituality.

Despite the obvious mixture of styles, the interior of the house seemed very HARMONIOUS. HARMONIOUS proportions of the building are based on classic patterns.

Clay - clay

Areas with dense CLAYY soil must be treated with special methods. The red CLAYY shore sloped gently down to the sea.

I remembered the city of my childhood and those very famous CLAY whistles that were sold in bazaars.

Yearly - Yearly - Yearly

According to the observations of ancient astronomers, solar disk for 360 days fit on the YEAR path of the luminary.

A swarthy ANNOUNCED boy slept sweetly in a crib.

The team of the enterprise has successfully implemented the ANNUAL plan.

Pride is pride

National PRIDE is manifested: in the desire to contribute to the all-round development of national traditions, language, material and spiritual culture.

The joy of success imperceptibly grew into Pride, glory turned my head.

Humanism - humanity

In modern world history, HUMANISM has become the most important line of development of culture, one of its dominants.

Working with animals for many years, I became convinced that only HUMANITY and taste-rewarding training give positive results.

Dictation - dictate

All pupils wrote the control DICTANT for the first quarter well.

Maltsev established a real DICTAT in his family, suppressing the independence and self-esteem of his wife and children.

Long - long

A stray loon screamed in silence on the LONG island ahead.

Mastery grows out of LONG-TERM observation of a professional's work. LONG exposure to the air has a beneficial effect on humans.

Solid - kind

On the field could be seen a KIND house with an attic, to the left - two poor houses, behind them the forest was ominously black. It is always pleasant to relax on a beautiful, comfortable, KIND bench.

Small, gray-haired, with colorless KIND eyes, he lived all summer in an apiary.

Trusting - trusting

CONFIDENCE between father and son has developed over the years.
relationship. CONFIDENCE conversation makes family relationships deeper and stronger, and family members themselves happier.

The child turned out to be too TRUST in relationships with peers. Among TRUST people there are often those who paid for their credulity.

Rainy - rainy

Moving the age-old stones, RAIN streams fell down. The sun was still shining brightly, and the RAINING cloud seemed distant and not at all terrible.

Artamonov senior changed his mind a lot on this RAINY night. The day promised to be RAINY and windy.

Dramatic - dramatic

The plot of the play was DRAMATIC.

The guests visited the assembly hall of the new building of the Lyceum, which in scale and decoration is not inferior to a small DRAMA theater.

Single - the only one

This case turned out to be far from the ONLY one, and it is repeated almost every year.

His main, ONLY passion was the love of science.

Desirable - Desirable

Kindness makes a woman charming and DESIRABLE. Everything in grandmother was now giving Field a DESIRE comfort.

After consulting, we decided to follow the tracks, especially since they were going in the direction we WANTED.

Brutal - tough

Tokyo has SEVERE restrictions on water consumption. Sergei got up at six in the morning, as in the army he was used to HARD discipline.
- Punishers staged a brutal reprisal against the inhabitants of Khatyn.

Life - everyday

The operation is necessary for the patient for LIFE indications. Paustovsky is kind to people who met him on the LIFE path and populated his book.

He was always rescued by some unknown force, he possessed a kind of LIVING wisdom even in his young years. Leaving the city, from the struggle, from the LIVING noise, leaving and hiding in your homestead is not life.

Housing - residential

The change in the layout of the apartment must be approved by the HOUSING COMMISSION. The city authorities carry out a thorough check of the HOUSING conditions of citizens.

In the spring, the tightly boarded-up dachas began to take on a RESIDENTIAL look. The LIVING area of ​​the premises was about forty square meters.

Pay - pay

As a result, I had to PAY much more for all this pleasure.

Soon the new tenant PAYED all the bills. You can PAY for the services of any mobile operator using a bank card.

Initiator - instigator

Caravaggio is rightfully considered the FOUNDER of the realistic direction
in European painting.

I will only note that I am not in any way going to defend duel lovers or the INITIATORS of quarrels.

Bestial - brutal

The vegetation became poorer, more often reeds and bare sandy meadows with animal tracks came across. Gradually, I developed an almost BEASTAL instinct, I smelled danger.

After the illness, I got a BIGGEST appetite.

Sound - sonorous

Animals do not have articulate SOUND speech. The intensity of any SOUND wave during its propagation decreases due to the absorption of sound.

The new company was registered under a beautiful, SOUND name. SOUND voice of the singer echoed through the huge hall.

Visual - spectator

An ordinary audience of the Alexandrinsky Theater was sitting in the AUDIENCE hall.

The understatement of the film's finale gives free rein to the SPECTATOR's imagination, keeps interest and tension.

Ironic - ironic

Skillful - artificial

Pechersky was an SKILLED lawyer and enjoyed the well-deserved respect of his colleagues. The audience was amazed by the ARTIFICIAL performance of the romance by the beginning singer.

Before creating an ARTIFICIAL reservoir on your garden plot, you need to assess the possibilities of the territory.

Source - Outbound

The dispute ended with the fact that in the end we returned to the INITIAL position.

According to the instructions, each shipment must have an OUTGOING number.

Stony - stone

The soil here is STONE, so no crops are grown. In summer, the river goes underground, leaving only a STONE bed.
- There are large deposits of STONE coal in the Kemerovo region. A shy smile flashed through the STONE expression for a second.

Equestrian - equine

The famous equestrian factory soon fell into disrepair. Despite the dawn hour, there were many people: some HORSE unit was moving at a step towards the outpost.

There was only a HORSE stomp, and dust rose like a cloud from the road.

Bone - bone

There is a class of fish with BONE in the skeleton and scales. BONE marrow is a tissue that fills the bone cavities of vertebrates and humans.

He has a BONE mouthpiece with a carved dog's head in his teeth. At the exhibition of rarities, an old BONE box with carvings on the entire surface was presented.

Lacquered - lacquered

In Sakhanov's hands was a Japanese LACQUERED ashtray. In the sunspots, LACQUERED lingonberry glittered and gleamed with thousands of small highlights.

On the top shelf were bottles of LACQUER solution.

Ice - ice

The ICE track across Lake Ladoga brought life to Leningraders. The ICE battle on Lake Peipsi showed the extraordinary ingenuity of Russian soldiers.

Travelers huddled lonely under the ICE wind. Leonid Ivanovich stood up abruptly and looked at his interlocutor with a glance filled with ICE arrogance.

Wooded - forest

WOODED mountain attracted the attention of tourists.

FOREST smells came in waves; they mixed the breath of juniper, heather, lingonberry. We went out to the FOREST lake.

Personal - personal

Materials for compilation psychological characteristics contain information about the PERSONAL qualities of the applicant.

I must certainly express my PERSONAL opinion on this issue.

Put on - put on

At first, he was very afraid to put on glasses in front of the guys, because he expected only taunts from them. Young footballers put on their sports uniforms and ran out onto the field under the cheering cheers of the fans.

Andrei sheltered his nephew, ODEL and shod him, helped him find a job. Fluffy snow CLOTHED in silvery outfits centuries-old pines, directed their tops into the sky.

Availability - cash

In the presence of significant personnel potential, the setting of new tasks is quite real. Information about the AVAILABILITY of tickets for children's performances that will take place during the winter holidays can be obtained from the box office of the drama theater.

CASH and other valuables are packed in bags and sealed under the supervision of the cashier.

Reminder - Mention

The grand piano turned out to be a REMINDER of the brilliant past of our hospital. Women and men applauded without REMINDER.

The first REFERENCE about Smolensk in written sources dates back to 863.

Ignorant is ignorant

He disregarded the rules of etiquette and was completely ignorant. The owner, not wanting to appear IGNORANT, hastily left the living room and was the first to extend his hand to the unusual guest for a strong handshake.

He didn't want to study, that's why he grew up an IGNORATE. His brother was a complete ignoramus in matters of ancient Russian art.

Unsuccessful - unlucky

According to newspaper reports, the launch of a communications satellite took place, but was UNSUCCESSFUL. Welt read the second half of the poem quite quietly, hiding the FAILURE rhymes.

According to the rescuers, the UNSUCCESSFUL climber weakly secured the safety rope and only miraculously survived.

The accused is the accusatory

Khramkov, ACCUSED of lying, had to prove his innocence.

The final conclusions of the investigator, formulated in the INDICTIVE Opinion, together with the case materials, form the basis of the trial.

Snippet - snippet

Prokofiev with a group of sailors kept up everywhere, replacing torn sails, RIPPED rigging, repairing damage to the mast on the go.

At the evening I read by heart an EXTRACT from Pushkin's poem Ruslan and Lyudmila.

To embrace - to embrace

And suddenly my father COVERED my head, pressed it to his chest, began to gently stroke me.

It is impossible to COVERE with a glance the vastness of the fields, spreading in the distance. A real teacher should strive to COVER the attention of all his students.

Hail - response

I turned to OKLIK, trying to figure out who was calling me.

His initiative found a wide RESPONSE in the readership.

Organic - organic

Organic substances include urea, creatinine, uric acid, proteins, urobilin, carbohydrates.

The winning team demonstrated an ORGANIC mix of dance and music.

Donizetti's art, representing the decorative singing style, was ORGANIC and natural.

Selective - qualifying

He had a shotgun for which he had paid thirty SELECT sables. SELECT trees were used to build ships of the first Russian fleet.

The first ELECTIVE match of the tournament will take place on Saturday. The REVERSE commission paid special attention to the plasticity of future dancers.

Deviation - evasion

The navigator began to do some complex calculations on paper to determine the amount of our YOUR OFF course.

The Criminal Code provides for an article for tax evasion.

Shy away - shy away

The launch vehicle DEPARTED eight degrees off course.

Lovers of easy money often AVOID an honest work life.

Difference - Difference

The novel has many DIFFERENCES from the story. Here is another DIFFERENCE of English poetry: a poem in English with predominantly masculine endings.

There was a DIFFERENCE between the kids: one was a little lighter and a little blue-eyed. Estates DIFFERENCES were more persistent in England than in other Western European countries.

Memorable - memorable

As a MEMORABLE person, Ivan Fyodorovich checked in his mind whether he had missed anything.
- MEMORABLE days are established in honor of significant events in world history or the history of Russia.

Endure - endure

On the way to victory, the soldiers were ready to ENDURE all calamities, overcome all obstacles.

The plan HAS BEEN GREAT CHANGES in the process of its development.

Honorable - respectful

The streaks had three chickens and a venerable rooster, who gave everything to the chickens, whatever he found.

Before starting his accusatory speech, Vitaly prudently moved away from the enemy at an RESPECTED distance. The adjutant saluted with a RESPECTIVE and impassive air.

Practical - Practical

The system of PRACTICAL lessons is widespread in higher education. PRACTICAL skills acquired in early childhood are important for later life. Unfortunately, the theory had no PRACTICAL value.
- She always listened to the advice of her PRACTICAL friend.

Provide - submit

The employer is obliged to PROVIDE paid study leave to the employee,
who is studying by correspondence. At the book festival, those who wish will be PROVIDED with the opportunity to meet their favorite contemporary writers and ask them questions.

Manufacturers of various industries try to present their new products in an original way. The participants of the song contest presented their performances to the fans of the festival.

Recognized - grateful

Russian classical literature is an ACCEPTED heritage of world culture. He was an ACCEPTED master of traditional blues.

The young teacher with excitement caught the APPROPRIATE glances of the children and continued to talk earnestly about everything that had accumulated in his soul.

Productive - grocery

Every year, the conditions are improving, contributing to an increase in the PRODUCTIVE productivity of soils. Through his PRODUCTIVE work, he founded a new business branch.

Filippova studied in detail the window of a small grocery store.

Fearful - frightened

The roe deer is a very SCARE animal, and it is very rare to meet it.
- A SCARY crow is afraid of a bush. From spring and throughout the whole summer the little bustard in the steppe places, far from habitation, are not scared and not shot, they are quite meek.

Rhythmic - Rhythmic

RHYTHMIC, monotonous work is the opposite of writing if it is understood as creativity. RHYTHMIC and incendiary music played in the hall, but there were few dancing.

He often paused to comment on various RHYTHM changes, assonant rhymes and modal melodies.

Romantic - romantic

All his statements, all his speeches, wherever, were always imbued with ROMANTIC ideas. The connection with the baroque style most fully manifested itself in the later ROMANTIC tragicomedies of Shakespeare.

In South Wales, literally at every step there are mysterious and surprisingly ROMANTIC places that the British Celts considered the abode of the gods.

Secretive - hidden

Pechorin did not wave his hands, which speaks of his HIDDEN nature. Leopard is a very careful and HIDDEN beast. This disease is HIDDEN in nature, often its symptoms are invisible.
- Always in the words of Polina Vikentievna, I felt a HIDDEN smile of condescension towards people. It was decided to conduct HIDDEN surveillance near Udovsky's house.

Vocabulary - verbal

A rich VOCABULARY stock is an indicator of a person's intellectual development. DICTIONARY material is divided by language, lexical and grammatical features, with a distinction simple words and phraseological units.

The WORD portrait should be composed so that anyone can easily recognize the person to whom it belongs. To win in WORD battles, you need to be fluent in your native language and have a sharp mind.

Neighbor - neighbor

Neighboring villages were famous for their delicious cherries. On the NEIGHBORHOOD streets, roads were paved.

Neighboring eight-year-old Mishka spun around and shrieked: "Rain, rain, let it go, we'll go into the bushes ...".

Comparable - Comparative

In terms of the depth of emotions, flight is an incomparable feeling. An incomparable smell of strawberries hovered over the meadow.

After the storm, a COMPARATIVE calm was established at sea. Drawings, drawings, COMPARATIVE tables of samples were piled on the table.

Scenic - scenic

The jury of the festival of amateur theaters is attended by a professor of the Department of STAGE PLASTICS of the University of Theater Arts. We all thought then that Gogol would go on stage, because he had an enormous STAGE talent.

A long, not very STAGE piece requires significant cuts.

Technical - technical

Collection of initial data and assessment of the TECHNICAL condition of pipes for the design of new heating networks will allow for high-quality repairs. The technical director of the enterprise is in charge of production techniques, and not general administrative affairs.

Correct, TECHNICAL work gives the athlete the opportunity to set new records in single exercises once or twice a year.

Lucky - Lucky

My grandfather is a LUCKY hunter, he always returned from hunting with a lot of prey. Everyone considered him the most LUCKY athlete who managed to win in the most difficult competitions.

For Russian tennis players, the outcome of the match was SUCCESSFUL. It is very important for the designer to make a GOOD color choice for the interior decoration of the room.

Humiliated - humiliating

At these words, Belshazzar made a secret sign to the footman, noticing which Margarita felt humiliated.

There was so much cheerful good nature in their shouts and noise that Gavrik realized that there would be nothing humiliating if he took bread from them. The new director returned many of their previous positions, made the punishments less humiliating, softened the penalties.

Actual - Actual

The research is based on FACTUAL material. The hero of the congress was its organizer - Academician I.I.Artobolevsky, the ACTUAL creator of this science.

The analysis of such important historical events must be absolutely FACT and must be based only on facts.

Predatory - predatory

Predatory forestry system will soon completely destroy large trees.

Marsupial lions and their other predatory relatives still live in the depths of the inaccessible forests of Cleveland.

Whole - Whole - Whole

Parents have collected a WHOLE library about hang gliding. The workers had to stand for WHOLE days in the water and get wet in the rain.

The leader must be charming, bright, WHOLE personality. I liked the town for its cleanliness, its cobblestones of solid stone slabs.

Aesthetic - aesthetic

Undoubtedly, Pavel Ivanovich was a gifted person in an AESTHETIC respect.

Ethical - ethical

Gushchin was not one of those people for whom ETHICAL norms mean something.

He suddenly found himself completely controversial from an ETHICAL point of view, an idea that arose in him against the background of recent events.

The most ETHICAL action is to ask the client what he wants to do and help him achieve it.

Effective - effective

EFFECTIVE engineering solution gave its results. It is time to take EFFECTIVE measures to eliminate holes in the roads.

The architect developed EFFECTIVE illustrative materials, thanks to which the presentation of the new project was successful. Ilya Repin created EFFECTIVE multi-figured portraits “Slavic composers”.

Efficiency - showiness

The international meeting that took place once again confirmed the EFFICIENCY of the work of Russian diplomats. Each invention of the young scientist amazed with its simplicity and EFFICIENCY.

Satirists do not pursue a beautiful phrase and the external EFFICIENCY of the material.

Glossary of paronyms for the exam - 2016

Subscription - subscriber

Hurry up to buy the Moscow Philharmonic SUBSCRIPTIONS for a new one
concert season.

The information service of the city telephone network has published the results of the transition of SUBSCRIBERS to new tariff plans.

Artistic - artistic

The winners of the ARTISTIC skill competition were awarded valuable prizes. F. Chaliapin possessed remarkable ARTISTIC abilities.

The performance of our gymnast was extremely ARTISTIC.

Poor - disastrous

The natural POVERTY of this region is due to the harsh climatic conditions... In many countries there are hospitals for the POOR, where they provide free care.

We were amazed at the plight of our new neighbors.

One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word WRONG. Correct the lexical error by matching the selected word with a paronym. Write down the chosen word.

Be sure that the boy will answer for his MALK.

For a real climber, the assault on this peak is not a problem.

After the New Year's greetings, the DISTRIBUTION of gifts began.

There was a LONG silence, interrupted only by the clicking of instruments.

The gymnast was of medium height, RIGID and broad-shouldered.

Explanation (see also Rule below).

Incorrect: There was a LONG silence, interrupted only by the clicking of instruments.

LONG: Having a great length, extension; slowly stretching.

LONG TERM: Long lasting. Antonym: short-term.

Correct: There was a LONG silence, interrupted only by the clicking of instruments.

Answer: long-term.

Answer: long-term

Rule: Task 5. The use of paronyms

Paronyms are words that are similar in sound, but differ (partially or completely) in meaning.

Sometimes in our speech there are words that are similar in sound, but differ in shades of meaning or completely different in semantics. Among the lexical errors caused by ignorance of the exact meaning of a word, the most common errors are those associated with non-delimitation, or mixing of paronyms.

Greek in origin linguistic term"Paronym" literally means "the same name": Greek. para- the same, onyma- name.

Paronyms can be called both single-root and similar-sounding words, which, for all their similarity, still differ in shades of meaning or denote different realities of reality.

"The analysis of the performance of task 5 showed that the difficulty for 40% of the subjects is not only recognition of the mistake made when using paronyms, but also the selection of the appropriate paronym for editing the example with an error, which reveals the narrowness of the vocabulary of the examinees." To help students in the selection of paronyms, the "Dictionary of paronyms" is published annually. It is not for nothing that it is called a "dictionary", since "Dictionaries" contain thousands of paronyms. Minimum included in the dictionary will be used in CMMs, but learning the paronyms for task 5 is not an end in itself. This knowledge will allow you to avoid numerous speech errors in written works.

Please note that the RESHUEEGE tasks contain tasks from previous years, and they contain words not from this list.

Write the word in the form required in the sentence. This requirement is based on the fact that the rules for filling out forms indicate: if a short answer should be a word that is missing in a sentence, then this word must be written in the form (gender, number, case, etc.) in which it should stand in a sentence. Glossary of paronyms for the exam. Russian language. 2019 year. FIPI.

Subscription - subscriber

Artistic - artistic

Poor - disastrous

Unresponsive - irresponsible

Swampy - swampy

Grateful - grateful

Charitable - beneficent

The former is the former

Breathe in - breathe in

Age-old - eternal

Great - majestic

Refill - Refill - Refill - Refill - Refill - Refill

Hostile - enemy

Choosing - choosing

Benefit - profitability

Giving - Giving - Transfer - Giving

Payment - payment - payment - payment

Pay - Pay - Pay - Pay - Pay

Grow - Grow - Grow

Growing - growing - growing

High - high-rise

Warranty - guaranteed

Harmonic - harmonious

Clay - clay

Yearly - Yearly - Yearly

Pride is pride

Humanism - humanity

Humanistic - humanitarian - humane

Binary - double - double - double - double - double

Effective - valid - effective

Busy - business - efficient - businesslike

Democratic - Democratic

Dictation - dictate

Diplomant - diplomat

Diplomatic - Diplomatic

Long - long

Solid - kind

Trusting - trusting

Rainy - rainy

Dramatic - dramatic

Friendly - friendly - friendly

Single - the only one

Desired - Desirable

Brutal - tough

Life - everyday

Housing - residential

Barrier - Barrier - Barrier - Barrier - Barrier

Decrease - Decrease - Decrease

Pay - pay

Fill - Fill - Overflow

Full - full - full

Initiator - instigator

Bestial - brutal

Sound - sonorous

Visual - spectator

Inventive - inventive

Informative - informational - information - awareness

Ironic - ironic

Skillful - artificial

Executive - performing

Source - Outbound

Stony - stone

Comfortable - comfortable

Equestrian - equine

Chunky - root - root

Bone - bone

Colorful - dyed - dyed

Lacquered - lacquered

Ice - ice

Wooded - forest

Personal - personal

Microscopic - microscopic

Ice cream - freezer - frosty

Put on - put on

Availability - cash

Reminder - Mention

Ignorant is ignorant

Intolerant - impatient - intolerant

Unsuccessful - unlucky

The accused is the accusatory

Snippet - snippet

To embrace - to embrace

Limit - demarcate - demarcate

Hail - response

Organic - organic

Selective - qualifying

Deviation - evasion

Shy away - shy away

Distinguish (s) - distinguish (s)

Difference - Difference

Memorable - memorable

Endure - endure

Purchased - Purchased - Purchased

Populist - popular

Honorable - respectful - honorable

Practical - Practical

Provide - submit

Representative - Representative

Recognized - grateful

Productive - grocery

Productive - Productive - Productivity

Enlightening - enlightened

Publicistic - publicistic

Fearful - frightened

Irritation - irritability

Rhythmic - Rhythmic

Romantic - romantic

Secretive - hidden

Vocabulary - verbal

Resistance - Resistance

Neighbor - neighbor

Comparable - Comparative

Scenic - scenic

Technical - technical

Lucky - Lucky

Humiliated - humiliating

Actual - factual

Predatory - predatory

Royal - royal - reigning

Whole - Whole - Whole

Economic - Economical - Economical

Aesthetic - aesthetic

Ethical - ethical

Effective - effective

Efficiency - showiness

Answers to tasks 1–24 are a word, phrase, number or sequence of words, numbers. Write your answer to the right of the task number without spaces, commas, or other additional characters.

Read the text and complete assignments 1-3.

(1) Historical changes in the hereditary characteristics of organisms I are called evolution. (2) This process has three very important consequences: firstly, in the course of evolution, new species arise, the variety of forms of organisms increases, and secondly, organisms adapt, adapt to changes in conditions external environment; therefore, evolution is said to be adaptive. (3) ____ is gradually increasing as a result of evolution general level organizations of living beings.


Which of the following sentences correctly conveyed the MAIN information contained in the text?

1. The consequences of evolution are an increase in the diversity of living organisms, adaptation to the environment and an increase in the general level of organization of living beings.

2. In the course of evolution - historical changes in the hereditary characteristics of organisms - the variety of forms of living beings increases.

3. In the course of evolution, organisms adapt to changes in environmental conditions.

4. In the course of evolution, the variety of living organisms increases, they adapt to changes environment, the general level of organization of living beings rises.

5. The most important consequence of evolution is that organisms adapt, adapt to changes in environmental conditions.


Which of the following words or word combinations should be in place of the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text? Write this word down.

1. Despite this,

3. In other words,

4. Finally


Read the fragment of the dictionary entry, which gives the meanings of the word CONDITION. Determine in what sense this word is used in the second (2) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.


1. A circumstance on which something depends. Self-exactingness is a condition for success.

2. A demand presented by one of the contracting parties. Armistice terms.

3. The rules established in any area of ​​life, activity. Living conditions in the hostel.

4. Mn. The environment in which something happens is happening. Natural conditions.


In one of the words below, a mistake was made in the formulation of stress: the letter denoting a stressed vowel sound is WRONGLY highlighted. Write this word down.




the most beautiful


One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word WRONG. Correct the mistake and spell the word correctly.

1. After the New Year's greetings, the DISTRIBUTION of gifts began.

2. Volodya is a very TRUSTED person, and sometimes it really bothers him.

3. An obscure light, Evil and cold, then subsided, then flared up.

4. The director was a very strict person, INTOLERABLE to delays and irregularities.

5. The gymnast was of medium height, RIGID and broad-shouldered.


In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and spell the word correctly.



wash TOWEL


more than FIVE HUNDRED meters


Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A) Hundreds of critical articles have been written about Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita. 1) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition
B) Leaving the shift, the workers check the equipment of the factory. 2) violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate
C) Thanks to the close attention of botanists to cacti, this is the most studied group of plants. 3) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application
D) The amazing park in Pavlovsk has long attracted the attention of tourists with its beauty. 4) an error in the construction of a sentence with homogeneous members
E) The author of the article writes that I appeal to everyone who is not indifferent to the fate of Russia. 5) incorrect construction of a sentence with an adverbial turnover
6) violation of the construction of a sentence with participial turnover
7) incorrect construction of a sentence with indirect speech

Write down the answer in numbers without spaces or other signs.


Identify the word missing the unstressed alternating vowel of the root. Write this word by inserting the missing letter.


to ... nediter

ukr ... titel

bl ... become

def ... put in


Define a row in which the same letter is missing in both words in the prefix. Write these words by inserting the missing letter.

d ... fidgety, z ... show

ra ... spread, and ... pamper

a ... to acquire, to ... to create

pr ... reconcile, pr ... stop

p ... edit, p ... write-off


shot ... lice

unshakable ... my

unthinkable ... my


Write down the word in which the letter E is written at the place of the pass.


dry ... out

fool ... wow


smile ... oh


Indicate all the numbers in the place of which the letter I is written.

Wherever we n (1) met with Irina, I n (2) when n (3) saw her n (4) upset, n (5) gloomy.


Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled LITTLE. Expand the brackets and write out these two words.

1. Sergey (NOT) ONCE helped me out in difficult situations, (BY) THIS I know that you can rely on him.

2. Indoor flowers had to be looked after (ON) DIFFERENTLY - depending on the season, as well as the state of the plant.

3. (TO) IN THE BEGINNING it seemed that the wind was weakening, but (IN) SOON a real hurricane began.

4. (SO) HOW a person behaves in a dispute, you can say a lot about him, (SO) HOW it is in acute situations that many character traits are manifested.

5. THAT (WOULD) get acquainted with the schools of Europe, LN Tolstoy leaves (FOR) THE BORDER.


Indicate all the numbers in the place of which НН is written.

We were (1) saddened to see silver (2) trickles of rain on glass and the sea, agitated (3) hurricane (4) blown by the wind.


Arrange punctuation marks. Specify the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

2. Two or three years passed, and significant changes began to appear in the character of my sister.

3. The clouds floated majestically in the clear and high sky and cast unusual shadows on the ground.

4. Restless Petka turned around at his window and ran across to the other side of the carriage.

5. There was neither dusty and brown grass nor yellowness and dryness of hay around.


Approaching Sochi (1) we admired the sea and (2) overgrown with wild grapes (3) hills (4) approaching the beaches.


Arrange punctuation marks: include all numbers, in place of which in sentences must be commas.

Soon (1) however (2) the sun reappeared from behind the clouds, now (3) apparently (4) for a long time.


Arrange punctuation marks: include all numbers, in place of which in the sentence must be commas.

In the evening (1) when the heat subsided (2) and (3) the city was lit up with the light of illumination (4) we went for a walk along the embankment.


Arrange punctuation marks: include all numbers, in place of which in the sentence must be commas.

September came (1) and (2) although the sun was still shining hot (3) and (4) the bathing season continued (5) here and there, yellow leaves appeared on the trees.


Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by excluding the extra word. Write this word down.

Among our modern fish, sturgeon are a kind of living fossil - the surviving remnant of a very ancient order of bone cartilaginous fish - a group that existed in the Devonian period at the same time as ancient cartilaginous fish - sharks.

Read the text and complete assignments 21-26.

(1) It so happened that for Russia, literature is a starting point, a symbol of faith, an ideological and moral foundation, and writers and poets are the rulers of thoughts, ideological leaders, bearers of absolute truth, idols and idols. (2) “A poet in Russia is more than a poet” - these words of Yevtushenko define the place of literature in the life of Russian society. (3) "Sick questions", "damned questions", "great questions" - this is how they were characterized throughout the 19th century. those social, philosophical, moral problems that were raised in the works of Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, Saltykov-Shchedrin, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Chekhov. (4) These questions sounded in "Eugene Onegin" and "A Hero of Our Time", in "Oblomov" and "Thunderstorm", in "Crime and Punishment" and "Who Lives Well in Russia?"

(5) Whatever aspects of life the master of the word touched, from the pages of their creations one could always hear: "who is to blame?", "What to do?" (6) These questions sounded in prose, and in drama, and in poetry. (7) Writers interpreted history, politics, religion, national character in different ways, but passed through the living soul of a living creator, who was a mirror of life, these phenomena became close and understandable to the citizens of their country.

(8) Russian literature of the golden 19th century has become an indissoluble unity, a kind of typological community, before which the differences between individual writers recede. (9) They tried to understand how one should live so that “it would not be excruciatingly painful for the years spent aimlessly”? (10) What is the meaning and purpose of life? (11) Is a person free to choose life path? (12) Is a person responsible for what happens in the world around him? (13) All these questions are extremely complex, and writers painfully sought answers to them, since Russian literature was a literature of love, deed and service.

(14) In my opinion, all the most painful questions that troubled 19th century literature were reflected in Leo Tolstoy's epic novel War and Peace. (15) A huge gift and artistic uniqueness allowed Tolstoy to show the life of an entire people, an entire nation, an entire country, whose name is Russia. (16) “To live honestly, you have to struggle, get confused, fight, make mistakes, start and quit, and start again and quit again, and always struggle and be deprived.

(17) And calmness is a meanness of the soul ”- such is his life credo.

(18) It is no coincidence that the writer repeated the same prayer all his life:

(19) “Lord! (20) Teach me to live! " (21) It is no coincidence that his writings have become the Bible for an entire generation. (22) It is no coincidence that the critic P. V. Anennkov noted that "rare writers ... are so strongly convinced of the unity of thought and deed as Count L. N. Tolstoy."

(23) The main theme of the novel "War and Peace" is the heroic struggle of the Russian people against the French invaders. (24) But along with main theme, Lev Nikolaevich posed many global philosophical and moral problems. (25) One of these problems is the search for the meaning of life and its purpose. (26) And the thought of Tolstoy the philosopher largely determined the thought of Tolstoy the artist. (27) "People are like rivers ..." - he said, emphasizing with this comparison the immensity, complexity of the human soul, variability and continuous development inner life, since the writer is primarily interested in the path of human spiritual development, the path leading to the moral ideal. (28) The spiritual beauty of Lev Nikolaevich's beloved heroes is manifested in the continuous internal struggle of thoughts and feelings, in the tireless search for the meaning of life, in dreams of activities for the benefit of the people.