As in the modern world. Why in the modern world does not need self-development

"WANT TO LIVE - CHECAIN RIDE". Live in modern world Akin to the endless race. The time in which we live is the time of the accelerated rhythm of life. Quickly take shower, quickly eat a sandwich, and running to work. At work, everything is too running. Time must be saved, time is money.

Time, money and everything you can buy for money - essential values In modern society.

More recently, almost yesterday, our parents lived quite differently. Their life was predictable and planned. Value was respect in society, the board of honor. Could they imagine how quickly life will change dramatically?

So what changed?

Humanity is constantly developing, life in the modern world is completely different than 50 years ago.

Today, a person is rational and pragmatic, fast and clever, the best hotter, innate entrepreneur, ambitious careerist. He is flexible in every sense of the word. It feels rhythm, intuitively determines the time. The clock is its traditional accessory. They symbolize its value - time.

It is a rationale person, always cutting angles that does not want to spend time to bypass the reservoirs and cliffs, built bridges. It is such people who have always contributed to other innovations that make their lives more convenient to save time.

Life in the modern world is comfortable for a person. Another "yesterday", some 100 years ago, it was not. It was the transition to the current phase of development that determined the stormy flowering of the industry producing everything that allows us to spend less time and more consuming.

Life in the modern world - what is success?

The success in the modern world is the financial well-being, high social status. Today, a person is committed to high social status and material advantage. This is his value. The one who can consume most of all is considered to be successful.

If you ask the average person about his goals, desires and plans, they will be material and will be associated with consumption. Buy house, apartment or car, visit some country or make repairs. The goals are considered to be what is associated with mining and consumption.

Open any book about success - there under the word "success" mean money. Under the word "goals" - material values \u200b\u200bthat can be purchased for money.

Any successful success says about the same: "Put your goals," as if the achievement of these goals is success. Have you ever wondered why these trainings do not work? Why most people never make that they are taught at the training? Why are some of them fully unsuitable for life in the modern world?

The answer is simple - those who are able to succeed, they do not need training for success - guided by their congenital desires and aspirations, they achieve success themselves, thanks to their mental properties. And such a person will really bring satisfaction, joy and happiness, material and social advantage. This is its value. He will feel that he was realized in this life. But this is not the value of the rest of the people. The rest of how much training did not go through, they will never strive to strive. And if they become, it will not bring them happiness and joy, since their innate, true desires will not be satisfied.

Era consumption. Consumption as the meaning of life

"Reaching one goal, put the following - above and more," say the coaches of success. "And you will be happy," they mean. And for many, material purposes are borrowed desires.

Life in the modern world, consumer world, gives many opportunities for comfortable, interesting life. These possibilities are endless, but they need money. Live for free can not work. For all the delights of modernity - the Internet, telephone, transport, comfort - for everything you need to pay. And if you want more - you need more money. That is why the lives of many people turned into a race for consumption. Consumption in the modern world has become the meaning of life.

In the race for benefits, a person does not pay attention to his inner sensations - is it happy or not? Does he get joy from life or not? Is it satisfied with his life, or something is missing?

And this is perhaps the biggest trap of modernity. If a person does not implement his mental properties, if he does not satisfy his innate desires, if, in other words, he does not fulfill his vocation, his species role, he will inevitably have unconscious internal shortages. It pours out internal tensionwhich will be copied for years and turns into dislike to all and all.

A man with shortages does not feel joy and satisfying from life in the modern world, no matter how attractive it is and no matter how much he consumed. He does not understand that it is not so - this is unconscious dissatisfaction.

It looks like dissatisfaction in sex. By the way, about sex. In the modern world, he also turned into consumer.

"I feel good with you, give the phone" - Sex consumers

Get acquainted in the bar and immediately go to bed - it is now normal. One-time or several one-time sex is a reality. Meaning (maintaining relationships) with a girl (with a guy) in order to have sex - this is also a natural part of our life in the modern world. We use each other in order to consume sex. Even lonely women are looking for partners not to create relationships, but for sex, "for health" as they say.

No one considers a girl who often changes the sexual partners, a girl of easy behavior, as it was before. A frequent sentence of partners entered the range of sexual admissibility in the modern world.

Having a balanced, not too strong libido, such a person is chasing a factor of novelty. He ceases to excite the partner to which he is already used to. He is looking for new sensations by changing sexual partners.

Sex consumer does not need commitments, relationships, love. He does not care about a man next, he "consumes it." He needs sex, new impressions, pleasure, fulfillment of their own desires. And this also has a big catch.

Consuming sex, a person loses the feeling of intimacy of what is happening, proximity, excitement, satisfaction that is able to give full-fledged intimate intimacy. Life in the modern world is characterized by the fact that feelings, sensuality and sensitivity are dulled, the desire of sex ceases to be a huge and exciting imagination. Easeless sex ceases to be something like that - passionately welcome and bringing acute pleasure.

Surprisingly, such consumer sex will eventually cease to bring sexual satisfaction. As a result, private and collective sexual frustration increase in society. And we have more and more homosexuals, pedophiles, etc.

Life in the modern world is possible happiness?

We live in amazing time. It is really very interesting, it really gives us a lot of opportunities for enjoying and implementing, to create successful relationships and happiness in every sense of this word. Life in the modern world is an adventure for each of us.

In order for this adventure to be joyful, not heavy and stressful, you need to exercise your own, congenital (healthy) desires, to implement your own mental properties.

The inhuman world in which lives modern man, forces everyone to conduct a permanent fight against external and internal factors. What is happening around ordinary person Sometimes it becomes incomprehensible and leads to a feeling of permanent discomfort.

Daily Sprint

Psychologists and psychiatrists of all stripes note a sharp surge of anxiety, insecurity and a huge number of different phobias in the ordinary representative of our society.

The life of a modern man takes place in a mad rhythm, so time to relax and distract from numerous household problems, simply not. A vicious circle consisting of a marathon distance on the sprint speed forces people to run against themselves. Intensification leads to insomnia, stress, nervous breakdowns and diseases, which has become a fundamental tendency in the post-informational age.

Informational pressure

The second task that modern person cannot decide is considered an abundance of information. The flow of various data is collapsed for each at the same time from all possible sources - the Internet, mass media, presses. This makes it impossible to critical perception, since the internal "filters" do not cope with such pressure. As a result, the individual cannot operate with real facts and data, since it is not able to separate the fiction and false from reality.

Degumanization of relationships

The person in modern society is forced to constantly face the alienation, manifested not only in workers, but also interpersonal relationships.

Permanent manipulations with human consciousness from the media, politicians and public institutions led to the dehumanization of relations. The zone of alienation, formed between people, prevents to communicate, look for friends or a second half, and attempts to bring from unfamiliar people very often perceived as something absolutely inappropriate. The third problem of the society of the 21st century - dehumanization - is reflected in mass culture, language environment and art.

Problems of social culture

The problems of modern person are inseparable from deformations in society itself and create a closed spiral.

Cultural Iloboros makes people closed to themselves and move away from other individuals. A typical expression of the processes of the degradation of public self-consciousness can be considered modern art - literature, painting, music and movies.

Films and books are about anything, musical works without harmony and rhythm are presented as the greatest achievements of civilization, full of sacred knowledge and deep meaning, incomprehensible to the majority.

Crisis of values

The value world of each particular individual may vary several times for life, but in the 21st century this process has become too fast. The result of constant changes becomes constant crises that do not always lead to Happi-Ence.

ESChatological notes, slipping in terms of "crisis of values", do not mean a complete and absolute end, but are forced to think about the direction in which it is worth laying the path. A modern man is in the permanent state of the crisis since the moment of growing, since the world It changes much faster than the presentations of it.

The person in the modern world is forced to hold a rather miserable existence: thoughtless followed by ideals, trends and certain styles, which leads to the impossibility of developing their own point of view and its position in relation to events and processes.

Widespread chaos and entropy reigning around should not scare or be the cause of hysteria, since changes are natural and normal if there is something unchanged.

Where and where does the world roll from?

The development of a modern person and its main paths were predetermined long before our time. Cultureologists call several turning points, which became the result modern society And man in the modern world.

The creationism has fallen in an unequal battle under the head of the ADEPT of the Atheology, the creationism brought very unexpected fruits - the widespread fall of the morals. Cynicism and criticality that have become the norm of behavior and thinking since the Renaissance Epoch, are considered peculiar "Rules good tone»For modern and best.

Science in itself is not the meaning of the existence of society and is unable to answer some questions. To achieve harmony and equilibrium adepts scientific approach It is worth being humane, since unresolved tasks of modernity cannot be described and deciding as an equation with several unknown.

Rationalization of reality sometimes does not allow to see something more than figures, concepts and facts that do not leave places in many important things.

Instincts against mind

The legacy of distant and wild ancestors, once who lived in the caves, it is customary to be the main motives of the Company's activities. Modern person is also attached to biological rhythms and solar cycles, like a million years ago. Anropocentric civilization just creates the illusion of control of the elements and its own nature.

Payback for such a hoax comes in the form of personal dysfunction. It is always impossible to control each element of the system everywhere, because even own body You can not order stop milling or change proportions.

Scientific, political and public institutions in need of new victories, which will certainly help humanity to grow blooming gardens on distant planets. However, a modern man, armed by all the achievements of the last millennium, is not able to cope with a banal runny nose, like 100, 500 and 2000 years ago.

Who is to blame and what to do?

Nobody is fault in the substitution of values \u200b\u200band everything is not guilty. Modern rights The person is simultaneously complied with and are not respected precisely because of such a distortion - it is possible to have an opinion, but it is impossible to express it, you can love something, but it is impossible to mention it.

Stupid Uroboros, a permanent one's own tail, someday eaten, and then the universe will come full harmony and peace world. However, if this does not happen in the foreseeable future, the future generations will at least hope for the best.

Name of parameter Value
Theme of article: Modern world
Rubric (thematic category) Politics

Modern world, indeed, contradictory. On the one hand, there are positive phenomena and trends. It is finished with a rocket and nuclear confrontation of the great powers and the separation of earthlings into two antagonistic camps. Many of the nation of Eurasia, Latin America and other districts, which have already lived in non-free conditions, entered the path of democracy and market transformations.

An increasing rate is formed by a post-industrial society, ĸᴏᴛᴏᴩᴏᴇ radically rebuilds the entire way of life of humanity: advanced technology is constantly updated, a single global information space emerges, a person with its high educational and professional level becomes the main spring of progress. International economic ties are deepening and diversified.

Integration units in various parts of light acquire a greater weight, turn into a significant factor not only of the world economy, but also military security, political stability, peacemaking. The number is growing and the functions of international institutions and mechanisms in the UN system, tightening humanity in one whole, contributing to the interdependence of states, nations, people. Globalization is occurring, and after this political life mankind.

But equally obvious phenomena and trends of completely different order, provoking disunity, contradictions and conflicts. All post-Soviet space is experiencing a painful process of adaptation to new geopolitical, ideological and economic realities. Exploded after decades of calm the situation in the Balkans, painfully

recalling the events that led to the unleashing of the First World War. Conflicts flas out on other continn. Attempts to crush the international community and closed military-political blocks, competing conformal groups, rival religious and nationalist movements. Planetary scale reached the phenomenon of terrorism, separatism, drug trafficking, org pressure. The spread of weapons of mass destruction continues, ecological threats are in full growth.

Globalization, along with the new possibilities of socio-economic progress, expanding human contacts, generates new hazards, especially for lagging states. The risk of dependence of their economy and the information system is growing from outside exposure. The likelihood of large-scale financial and economic crises is enhanced. Global nature acquire a catastrophe of natural and technogenic nature, an environmental imbalance is exacerbated. Many problems are broken out due to control, ahead of the global community's ability to respond in a timely manner and effectively to them.

The fact that a new, sustainable system of international relations has not yet developed, aggravates friction and contradictions. In this regard, the scientific and political environment is born and the Alarmist scenarios of the development of world politics are born - they are predicted, in particular, clashes between civilizations (Western, Chinese, Islamic, East Slavic, etc.), regions rich in the north and poor South, even the total collapse of states and the return of mankind in primitive state is predicted.

There are, however, reason to believe that in the XXI century. The main acting''litsa''' 'on the world stage will remain sovereign states, and life on earth will continue to be determined by the relationship between them. States will continue to cooperate or compete in accordance with their interests that are comprehensive, multifaceted, diverse and far from almost all the same coincide with civilizational, regional and other vectors. Ultimately, the possibilities and positions of states will still be sided with their cumulative power.

To date, only one superpower came to today: the United States, and many begin to seem to appear that the era of the boundless American domination '' Paka America-at'''' 'comes. The United States undoubtedly have reason to qualify for the role of the most powerful force center for a long term. ʜᴎʜᴎ have accumulated an impressive economic, military, scientific and technical and information and cultural potential, which is projected in all major areas of life of the modern world. At the same time, America grows a traction to lead others. The American official doctrine proclaims the presence of the US influence zone (the so-called rod zone), in which the overwhelming number of states is supposed to be included in the ultimately. The United States favors in this policy that alternative public models (socialism, a non-capitalist development path) at this stage are impairment, lost attractiveness, and many countries voluntarily copy the United States and accept their leadership.

Nevertheless, the world will not become single-pole. First of all, the United States lacks financial and technical resources. Moreover, the unprecedentedly protracted rise of the American economy will not be eternal, he will sooner or later interrupted by depression, and this will inevitably take off Washington's ambitions on the world stage. Secondly, in the US there is no unity in matters of external strategy, clearly sounds voices against US overloading by international obligations, interventions in all over and everything. Thirdly, there are states that are not just resisting American influence, but they themselves are capable of being leaders. This is before all China, rapidly gaining cumulative state power, in a more distant future - India, possibly united Europe, Japan. An application for leadership on a regional scale can at some stage to make ASEAN, Turkey, Iran, South Africa, Brazil, etc.

As for Russia, it is, despite the difficulties experienced, does not intend to enter the zone of someone else's influence. Moreover, our state has the necessary potential for gradual transformation The prosperous and respected center of force in the multipolar world is a huge territory, and colossal natural, scientific and technical and human resources, and profitable geographical position, and military power, and traditions, and will to leadership, and, finally, the demand of Russia as an influential power in various regions globe (CIS, Middle East, APR, Latin America).

Movement to multipolarity is a real and natural process, for it reflects the will of the prevailing or promising centers of force. At the same time, the transition period, being associated with the struggle for influence, with a change in the ratio of forces, is fraught with conflicts. There are no guarantees, that the rivalry between major powers and units will automatically disappear after the formation of a new system of international relations. From history, it is known that a multipolar system, created as a result of the First World War, has not prevented the disconnection of a new, even more destructive conflict in two decades.

No one knows how new power centers will behave in the XXI century, feeling his own superiority. Their relationship with medium and small countries may well continue to carry the charge of conflict due to the reluctance of the latter to obey someone else's will. This is seen by the example of the current US relationship with the DPRK, Cuba, Iraq, Iran, etc. It is also characteristic that even those countries that are in their own will enter the zones of the influence of power centers, much more energetically defend their rights than in the era ' cold War''. Thus, the Europeans are still ready to cooperate with the United States, but at the same time the regional institutions are fastened, they are thinking about purely continental defense efforts, refuse to have matters to the American drums. A lot of differences and disagreements exist between Washington and its partners in Latin America, in the Middle East, in Southeast Asia. There are problems in relations in China, Russia, Japan, India with their smaller SOS.

Another reality of the modern world, which will continue, obviously in the XXI century, is the contradiction between the average and small states themselves. After the end of the'' howling war, their number even increased due to the elimination of the former block discipline, when the superpowers kept the wards,'v of the UDD'''', the lack of regional leaders in a number of landforn areas (before in Africa and the Middle East), the collapse of the USSR and Yugoslavia.

Humanity enters into a new millennium with a cargo of numerous territorial, religious-ethnic, ideological disputes. Conflicts, as before, can generate motives such as the struggle for resources, ecology, migration, refugees, terrorism, possession of nuclear weapons, etc.

Distinctive feature The current era is the presence of a significant number of states that are experiencing serious internal difficulties. Moreover, as shown by the recent financial crisis in Asia, dynamic economic systems are not insured from breakdowns. The threat of stability in the state may proceed from the political system - both totalitarian, early or later doomed at the collapse and democratic. The violent democratization gave the will of various destructive processes: from separatism to racism, from terrorism to a breakthrough of mafia structures to the levers of state power. Obviously, even in the most developed countries, nodes of religious ethnic contradictions are preserved. At the same time, the internal problems of the BDs are rapidly broken down for state borders, invade the sphere of international relations. Despite, however, on the high potential of conflict that remains in the modern world, there is a foundation in the XXI century. with determined optimism. He inspires him, first of all, the already mentioned growing interdependence of states. We left the past times when large countries from all overstairs sought to bleed each other. Russia does not want to collapse the American economy or discernment in China. In both cases, our interests will suffer. Chaos in Russia or in China will equally hit America.

The interdependence of the modern world will continue to increase under the influence of factors such as:

accelerating revolution in the means of transport and communications, in microelectronics;

already, a more complete inclusion in world relations of former communist countries, as well as the PRC, states of the world''''', who refused to develop a non-capitalist development path;

unprecedented liberalization of world-economic relations and, as a result, deepening the interaction of national economies of most states;

internationalization of financial and production capital (now transnational corporations are controlled by 1/3 of the assets of private companies);

common tasks mankind on the confrontation of increasing threats of a global nature: terrorism, drug trafficking, organized crime, distribution nuclear weapons, hunger, environmental catastrophes.

Internal development Any state is now depends on the external environment, support and assistance of other 'MiDokov''''' on the world stage, in connection with this, globalization, with all its flaws, '' apply water stones'''', hazards, preferably complete disposition of states.

Democraticization, which embraced a significant part of the planet should be alleviated by contradictions in the international arena. In states who adhere to similar ideological plants, fewer grounds for mutual contradictions and more opportunities for their peaceful overcoming.

The termination of the arms race between'Sverzhavami'''''s and their blocks, the awareness of the danger of the demeanive increase in rocket-nuclear potential contribute to the demilitarization of the world community. And this is a factor, also working for the harmonization of international relations.

The bases for optimism also gives the fact that the system of international law is improved in the era of globalization, its norms are found in almost greater recognition. Most of the modern states are signed under such concepts as a refusal of aggression, peaceful resolution of conflicts, subordination of UN Security Council and other international institutions, the fight against racism, respect for the rights of peoples and human rights, the election of governments, their accountability of the population, etc. .

Finally, another heritage of mankind on the threshold of the XXI century. - It has already mentioned the growth of the system of global and regional organizations that have a mandate to deepen interaction between states, preventing and resolving conflicts, collective action on political and economic issues, etc. UN is a universal forum, which is gradually able to evolve towards the transformation into a kind of global government.

In the event that such a tendency will develop, it remains hope that the power policy and the unrestrained rivalry of the state will begin to go to the background.

Modern world - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Modern World" 2017, 2018.

This article is one of the infrequent guest posts on my blog. I am very strictly (it is more correct to say: pickily) I treat the publication of other people's materials and posing only really interesting things. Enjoy reading!

Beware of Waves

We are more and more dependent on the variability of the world around us. We are not intended to move with speed thousand kilometers per hourProceed gigibytes abstract information. Our feelings and instincts have formed at least a dozen centuries ago.
Therefore, often our mood depends on whether we managed to settle the wave or remained in the list of those whom it covered. Our body, our instincts do not quite understand what is happening.

And what in the end? The person who drove in the game with external circumstances becomes part of external circumstances (V) for the following players. External circumstances (V), or rather, their human components, represents a totality of losing their games or not entered into them.

Do you want to become these "in"?

The choice, to be or not to be them is carried out almost on each of our steps.

Here you come to the store and buy a book for 200 rubles. Or the general director of the firm comes to the office and orders the purchase of the service network. Do you think in the first case we have a small purchase, so you can not think much?

It is not always so. Many famous people began to engage in what made them successful, practically accidentally, and sometimes - in counterweightall world. Just the world wants that these people would be part of the system, become in. So I want to remember the blue and red tablet ...
That is, for 200 rubles, you can sell your life to the side ...

But how so, you say. We live in comfort and comfort, we are the kings of nature!

Man seems to be out of natural selection. And everyone does what he wants, watching TV, plays in computer games ... and does not notice how it becomes scenery. In for other people.

Natural selection continues on the social and intellectual level. In may easily become a dead-end branch of evolution ever.

The indigenous conflict is the king of nature does not have time to change against his creations.

What is the solution?

Conclusion 1.
Become creative man. You need to be able to process information.
We write a bunch of lithobases, essays and other nonsenses. So what? Are we free, like youngsters of torn? Are we successful as bankers? Are we leaders? We are more like trying to fifth graders, in my opinion.
That is ... you can not only be saved and not so many information processing algorithms. But also new approaches to self-study.

Conclusion 2.
You need to change your processing system and search for information. May be, we need all in a pair of tools.

The primary task is solved. We must act further. What to do in the first place? What to change? In my opinion, there are now two problems on our way.

Problem 1.
Learn easier if you teach well. We understood it. But a bright teacher and a deep scientist in one person - a rare phenomenon. And often valuable scientific material is difficult to digest due to poor presentation. The teacher can be improved. But the student (and even a student of the school) makes sense to teach the optimal independent work with scientific and educational material.

Decision: Arcadia Petrovich Egydez system. This is Russian Tony Busen, more consistent, light, academic option.

Do not reject anything valuable from famous psychological and pedagogical methods, we offer psychologically substantiated techniques in the exercise, combined by us under the general name " logic-graphic modeling" This is psychologically competent processing of texts in the scheme. This will help choose rational grains from a pile of science trash. This will give a significant increase in the depth and latitude of knowledge, it will be an effective toolkit creative thinking, it will provide good memorization and reproduction of complex thinking structures.

We are very detailed, step by step, we will analyze every reception in building a scheme (logical-graphic model) in the future.

It is important that the concepts in the process of thinking appear in relations with each other. These relationships can also be described in words. For example.

It's no secret that many, you can even say most people living in our country are currently being for or on poverty line. People complain about fate, for hard and penny work while almost each of them can earn daily, in addition to the main place of work and the amounts that he will receive in this workplace for the month and more. And absolutely legally.

The impetus for writing this article was reading one book from a series of modern fiction. The plot was such a knight from ancient Mira It falls in our time where it is waiting for a lot of amazing adventures, but it does not matter. It is only important that walking along the street of the modern city he is surprised, they say people, you are literally lying money under your feet. And you calmly go past. And indeed, a little reflection, the author of this article came to the conclusion that he is absolutely right, the ways to earn so much that it can be done on almost everything. Judge yourself.

1. Creating your own business from scratch and without investments.

What is needed in order to work right now and earn more than on the main form of work? Only one, a couple of days of free time and Internet access is also very important. site creation To promote your services and goods. It is absolutely every modern person.

Consider several specific examples based on mediation. We take the bulletin of the announcement of the provision of various private brigades of construction and repair services. We write out each type of service separately with the contact number of the artist. We account for an ad from the company providing any spectrum of this type of work. We open on the entrances on their own. We place ads on the network where it is possible to indicate your phone number. Communicate the written numbers of the performers with a proposal of this kind. I am looking for you customers and bring you to pay me 5-10 percent from the completed order after the calculation. I will agree absolutely everything, believe me. After all, these percentages that the performer will pay you, he just cuts them when calculating from the client. Next, you receive a call thanks to the announcements disclosed and laid out on the network, you will reduce it with the desired specialist. For example, a master of styling ceramic tiles. They agree, work is done. You are sitting at home and take the percentage at the end of work.

We go further. Open the ad board like Avito. We find a graph with the sale of phones. We find the most popular models that are enjoyed in great demand. For example, iPhones. We see. I will sell an iPhone 4 8 GB in excellent condition Price 4000 Reason for sale, bought a new model. We call calls. We buy, since we know that the price is now on this model used iPhone almost 2 times higher. So we go buy, naturally if everything works fine and there is nothing suspicious in the seller and the device. I assure you the next day (and maybe in the same one) Your acquired for 4000 apparatus will leave for 6500-7000. Just and quickly you get a factory salary for 2 days in a few hours of work.

2. Earnings on the Internet

There is also a lot of ways to earn in one day the sum of your income for half a month. For example, the top copywriter earns up to 100,000 rubles per month just on writing articles for sites. No, I'm not saying that it is possible with Khudu, from the first day. But in one year of stubborn work in free timeIn this view, earnings can be developed to such prices and volumes. I will not prove this fact With foam at the mouth, one who is interested, he will simply look at the network information. And not advertisements and the real accounts of top copywriters on the stock exchange and compare the speed of their sales with medium prices for one article. Or visit thematic forums and talks to those alive. You can earn even playing your favorite games. For example, play online on the created Utyub - Channel and with a good number of subscribers posting in such an advertisement of third-party organizations. If there is a fantasy - ways to make money online at least in the real world.