Dostoevsky heart. Weak heart

The story continued and developing one of the main essentials of the early work of Dostoevsky is the fate of the dreamer in society. According to the limited scene space, a small number of characters and expression of the event of the story is to the dramatic genus of art.

According to N.M. Perlina, the prototype of the main character is, redeemed from the recruitous service and thereby challenged to them in the "literary slavery", a modest and shy young man. Less convincing is the version of O.G. Dilatics about A.I. Polezhaev as a possible prototype of Vasi. Critical performances of contemporaries were directed against an excessive exaltation in the description of the friendship of Arkashi and Vasi, but in general we were positive (M.M. Dostoevsky, N.A. Dobrolyubov, O.F. Miller, F.A. Koni, S.S. Dudyshkin). The general opinion of critics about the meaning of the story and the reasons of the tragedy of Vasi was divided: Most came to the conclusion that the death of Vasi was due to the psychological characteristics of its development, when any joy of life is perceived as a warless happiness, and the hero's insanity brings an "excess of moral imitation"; Dobrolyubov believed that the reason for the tragedy lies in the unfair device of society, and the death of Vasi is due to the brief exploitation of the inexorable chief.

The image of Vasi Shumkov is associated with the ideas of utopian socialism, so those who occurred Dostoevsky at that time. Characterized by the desire of heroes to live threesome, "Commune". You need us all the universal happiness, paradise on Earth: "You would not want, so that there is not even unhappy on Earth when you marry ...". If VS Nechaeva calls these dreams by Vasi "Manilovski", then K.V. The urochulsky believes that this is the reflection of the "bright and great" dream of the Dostoevsky himself: "Flour about all" is driving a hero of the Hero: "" The weak man "Vasya Shumkov from the" lawless "happiness is hiding in madness. Strong man Ivan Karamazov proudly refuses him and "Returns a ticket." But the other does not accept bliss if it is not for everyone. " In the image of the main character, the type of "Shiller Dreamer" is embodied, opposed by Dostoevsky character (see: G.K. piano Dostoevsky and Russian realism. Sverdlovsk, 1987. P. 34). This is a hero-altruist. The weak heart, according to the urochulsky, turns out to be a hot heart. The spiritual exaltation of the friendship of Arkashi and Vasi has an autobiographical basis: the relationship of Dostoevsky C, the sensitivity caused the young writer to cry over the strings of Schiller and Karamzin. The story turns out to be a kind of memory of the young enthusiasm; Those unexpected it sad finals. Annoyed I.S. Turgenev, according to the memories of S.L. Tolstoy, in 1881 called this side of the creative manner of Dostoevsky "reverse common place": it is definitely done to do everything exactly the opposite of life truth (not to "pale and run away" from the lion, but to "bline and stay in place") (I.S. Turgenev In the memoirs of contemporaries: in 2 tons. M., 1969. T. 2. P. 374). In fact, the hero uses the patronage of the bosses, the location of the beloved girl, he has sincerely loving his friend, Vasya hardworking and diligently. And on this "pink" background and the catastrophe happens - the madness "from happiness." Such a "turn" violates the horizon of reader expectations, it turns out that the reader wounds, torments it, does not make it possible to read the text "without a trace" for himself. "Incontraryness of happiness" turns out to be the true essence of the tragedy of the hero. The point here, perhaps, not only in the high altruissicity of the character of Vasi, who is not able to "alone" enjoy the joys of life, when not everyone is happy around, but in the deep layer of human psychology, always ready for self-destruction, self-destruction without any external reasons. Availability B. human Nature Some people who do not know the needs of the person, aspirations, in no way stacked in the "rational" schemes of happiness: love, prosperity, favorite case, even if social activity"It was sensitive to Dostoevsky. "Weak hearts" are primarily the hearts are thinner, sensitive, sensitive to these deep needs, not aware of the "hearts strong". Such sensitivity and leads to self-destruction, which is why the sensitive heart turns out to be weak. The image of Vasi in a certain sense foreshadows the "type", and in the plot of the "weak heart" you can see the roll call with the future novel: the appearance of the hero (weakness, pallor, physical disadvantage - curvococality), his behavior, naivety, truthfulness; Love for "abandoned" "poor Lisa", finally, madness. The concept of the tragedy of good in the world was laid in Dostoevsky back in the forties, but then he could not oppose this concept of a positive principle, which will be acquired by the writer during the booths. In this regard, it is unlikely to agree with V.Ya. Kirpotin, believing that the image of Vasi Shumkov is " negative Justification of the thesis on the equality of people among themselves ", his main feature is a complex of inferiority, and the entire story as a whole can be considered as a" psychological etude on excessive humility ".

Images of other characters are less significant; They are more "circumstantial" in relation to the image of Vasya. This is the "background" on which the drama of the "weak heart" unfolds. The special attention of the researchers attracted the image of Julian Mastakhovich, duplicating some features of Bykov in and developing further to the image of a nudio. Julian Mastakovich, according to some versions, was arranged by Dostoevsky due to censorship conditions (V.Ya. Kirpotin believed that here was given "the image of a good general"); Nevertheless, the "predatory" essence of this character is quite obvious. "Good-natured exploiter" thinly plays on the sensitivity of the hero: "Feel, Vasya, always feel the way now you feel ...". This operation is quite sincere: Julian Mastakhovich sheds tears, contemplating the madness of the "pet", and, apparently, I am sure that Shkova's true benefactor has always been true. Therefore, Nefedevich, a more "landed" character of a story than Vasya, sees in Julian Mastakovich not just a boss, but "Higher Being": "And he, Julian Mastakhovich, generous and merciful<...>. He, brother Vasya, will listen to us with you and take out of the trouble. "

The female character of the story - Lisa - finds himself in relationship with the heroine. In her life, there was also a "sad story": the groom, who left away, did not write a word and suddenly turned with his wife. Vasya in love turns out to be the Savior of "Reputation" and "Exit". At the same time, Lisanka is quite sincere in his sense of hero. In her character there is also a decisiveness, as in Nastya or Varniki Doborovaya. But, of course, this is not the type of "Russian heroine" - will not pass and the year after the tragedy with Vasya, as Lisanka marries, although they will retain the touching memories of Shumkov.

Nefedevich is a "prosaic" hero of the story, although it is infected with the sentimentality of his friend. His rainbow dreams do not go further "table silver" and "Scarf", but he is able to deeply understand the tragedy of his friend. Arkady Ivanovich in the story is a "narrative perspective", the point of view that determines the evaluation of events and delivers information to readers. His "third party" is actually the face of the story story. It was in his "zone" it turns out the famous retreat of the city, which is about "Items to the ferry to dark-blue sky" - the motive of "fantastic Petersburg", repeating in and.<...>.

There is a specific writer author in the story, periodically interrupting the stroke of the narrative by emotional inserts: "Well, what? Well, I ask, was to do Arkady Ivanovich?<...> Right, I even sometimes consist of excessive enthusiasm of Vasya; She, of course, means kind heartBut ... awkward, not good! " Characteristically and the beginning of the story, where the author too clearly "gives out": "... And since many of these writers who are so starting, the author of the proposed story is the only thing for not to like them (that is, how to say Maybe some, due to unlimited pride), is decided to start directly from the action. " It is known that Dostoevsky suffered a lot from behind ridicule in the circles of St. Petersburg writers, without knowing how to be offended by injections and thereby provoking them again. "Invoracially" starting a "weak heart" with "self-session", he thus emphasizes that it is not afraid of these charges and attacks. Throughout the story "Platform" of the author's zone, removed from the heroes and events contemplated by heroes from the part, does not subordinate the narrative of the "monologue average". An anonymous narrator turns out to be "eyewitness" of events at the same time as heroes and readers, he also does not know what will happen next, like them. Therefore, the tale is deprived of the novelist "pointe", spectacular turning-junction. The mistake of the foreigners of Arkady, the bustle of his "to save a friend" foreshadow the gloomy junction. What it will be - unknown, but will be inevitable: "Indeed, trouble was prepared; but where? But what? ". In this work, Dostoevsky continues to develop forms of incomprehensive-direct speech applied by him in earlier poses: "He felt that he was still so little done for Vasi! He even was ashamed for himself when Vasya began to thank him for such a little! But also whole life It was ahead, and Arkady Ivanovich sighed freely ... ".


Under one roof, in the same apartment, in one fourth floor there were two young colleagues Arkady Ivanovich Nefedevich and Vasya Shumkov ... The author, of course, feels the need to explain to the reader, why one hero is called full, and another diminutive name, at least, for example, for Only, so that this method of expression is indecent and partly familiar. But for this it would be necessary to pre-explain and describe both the rank, and summer, and the title, and the position, and, finally, even the characters acting persons; And since there are many of these writers who are so starting, the author of the proposed story is the only thing to do not like them (that is, as they say, maybe some, due to unlimited pride), is decided to start directly from the action. Ending such a preface, it starts.

F. M. Dostoevsky. Weak heart. Audiobnig

In the evening, on the eve of the new year, the hour in the sixth, Shumkov grown home. Arkady Ivanovich, who was lying on the bed, woke up and looked at his buddy. He saw that he was in his excellent particular pair and in the purest manish. This, of course, struck him. "Where to walk like Vasya?" Yes, and did not dined at home! " Shumkov, meanwhile, lit a candle, and Arkady Ivanovich immediately guessed that the buddy was going to wake him in the inadequacy. Indeed, Vasya twice coughed, two times passed around the room and, finally, completely inadvertently released a phone from his hands, which was stuffing into a corner, near the stove. Arkady Ivanovich took laughter to himself.

- Vasya, sick full! - he said.

- Arcasha, do not sleep?

- right, probably can't say; It seems to me that I do not sleep.

- Ah, Arcasha! Hello, dove! Well, brother! Well, brother! .. You do not know what I will tell you!

- I strongly do not know; Come here. Vasya, as if waiting for that, immediately approached, I did not expect anywhere, however, deceit from Arkady Ivanovich. He somehow grabbed him by his arms, turned his hands, he turned out and began, as they say, "strangle" a rice, which seemed to give an incredible pleasure to be merry Arkady Ivanovich.

- caught! - he shouted, - caught!

- Arcasha, Arcasha, what are you doing? Let me, for the sake of God, let me, I crawl! ..

- No needs; Why do you need a fracture? Why are you so carnant that you are in your hands? Speak where did you go, where dined?

- Arcasha, for God's sake, let them!

- Where did you dined?

- Yes, I want to tell about this.

- So tell.

- Yes, you first let me.

- So there is no way, not to go out until you tell!

- Arcasha, Arcasha! Yes, do you understand that it is impossible, it is impossible! - shouted the weak vasya, knocking out of his enemy's strong paws, because there are such matter! ..

- What are matter? ..

- Yes, such that they will start talking about in such a position, so losing dignity; It is impossible; It will be funny - and then the case is not at all funny, but important.

- And well, it is important! That's still invented! You tell me so that I want to laugh, that's how to tell; And I do not want an important; And then what will you be a friend? Here you tell me, what kind of buddy will you? but?

- Arcasha, for her, it is impossible!

- And I do not want to hear ...

- Well, Arcasha! - Beginning Vasya, lying across the bed and trying to give all the might as much as possible with his words. - Arcasha! I will probably say; only…

- Well!..

- Well, I wrap married!

Arkady Ivanovich, not to mention a more celebratory word, I took silently in my hands, like a child, despite the fact that Vasya was not quite short, but quite long, only thin, and Pravko began to wear it from the corner in the corner around the room, showing the view, What is burning it.

"And here I am, the groom, ripe," he said. But, seeing that Vasya lies in his hands, will not get drowned and says no longer a word, immediately trekened and took into a consideration that jokes, visible, went far; He put it among the room and the most sincere, delivered him in a friendly thing in his cheek.

- Vasya, are not angry? ..

- Arcasha, listen ...

- Well, for the new year.

- Yes, I'm nothing; Why do you yourself are so crazy, hooked? How many times did you say to you: Arcasha, she, God, is not sharp, not at all!

- Well, do not be angry?

- Yes, I'm nothing; Who I'm angry when! Yes, you upset me, do you understand!

- Yes, how did you grieve? how?

- I walked to you as a friend, with a full heart, pour out my soul before you, tell you my happiness ...

- Yes, what's the same happiness? What are you not saying? ...

- Well, yes, I'm getting married! - answered with the annoyance of Vasya, because it was really a little rising.

- You! You marry! So really? - shouted with good Mat Arcasha. - No, no ... yes what is it? And he says, and tears flow! .. Vasya, Vasyuk you are mine, my son, full! Is it really that? - And Arkady Ivanovich rushed to him again with hugs.

- Well, you know, because of what happened now? - Vasya said. "After all, you're kind, you friend, I know it." I go to you with such a joy, with the enthusiasm of the soul, and suddenly all the joy of the heart, all this delight I should have discovered, closing across the bed, losing dignity ... You understand Arcasha, - I continued halfdown - because it was in a comic form : Well, I did not belong in some way at this moment. I could not humiliate this case ... That's what else you asked me: what is your name? So I swear, I would have killed me soon, and I would not answer you.

- Yes, Vasya, that you were silent! Yes, you would have told me before, I would not have become sled, "Arkady Ivanovich shouted in true despair.

- Well, fully, full! I'm so ... because you know why this is all, because I have a good heart. Here I am annoying that I could not tell you how I wanted to please, bring pleasure, to tell well, decently devote you ... right, Arcasha, I love you so much that, don't be you, I would seem to me and not I got married, and I would not live in the light at all!

Arkady Ivanovich, who was unusually sensitive, and laughed, and cried, listening to Vasya. Vasya too. Both again rushed into an embrace and forgot about former.

- How, how is it? Tell me everything, Vasya! I, brother, Sorry I am amazed, is very amazed; That's exactly thunder struck, by God! Yes, there is no brother, no, you invented, by God, invented, you were alone! The Arkady Ivanovich shouted and even with a genuine doubt looked in the face of Vasya, but seeing his brilliant confirmation of the indispensable intention to marry as soon as possible, rushed into bed and began to tumble in her from delight, so the walls trembled.

- Vasya, sit here! - he shouted, smoking finally on the bed.

- I'm, brother, right, I do not know how to start, why! Both in joyful excitement looked at each other.

- Who is she, Vasya?

- Artemyev! .. - Said Vasya relaxed from happiness by voice.

- Well, yes, I discovered your ears about them, then fell silent, and you did not notify anything. Ah, Arcasha, which cost me to hide from you; Yes, I was afraid, I was afraid to talk! I thought everything would be upset, and I'm in love, Arcasha! My God, my God! You see, that's what story, he began, continuously stopping from excitement, "she was the groom, another year ago, yes suddenly he was sent somewhere; I knew him - such, right, God with him! Well, here he does not write completely, fed. Waiting for, waiting; What would this mean? .. Suddenly he, four months ago, comes married and either foot to them. Rough! Daily! Yes, there is no one for them. She cried, she cried, poor, and I fall in love with her ... Yes, and I have long been in love for a long time! Here I began to comfort, went, went ... Well, I, right, I don't know how it all happened, only she loved me; A week ago I could not stand, I cried, I buried and everything told her - well! What I love her - in one word, everything! .. "I myself love you ready, Vasily Petrovich, yes I am a poor girl, do not happen to me; I do not dare to love anyone. " Well, brother, you know! Do you understand? .. We here with her on the Word and stood up; I thought I thought, I thought, thought; I say: how to say Mama? She says: hard, wait a little bit; she is scared; Now, perhaps, I will not give me to you; herself crying. I, she does not affect, Bryak old woman today. Lisanka in front of her knees, too ... well, and blessed. Arcasha, Arcasha! Dove you are mine! We will live together. Not! I will not part with you for anything.

"Vasya, as I look at you, but I do not believe, God, somehow I do not believe, I swear to you." Right, everything seems to me something ... Listen, how do you marry? .. How did I not know, eh? Right, Vasya, I already confess to you, I myself, brother, thought to marry; And how now you marry, so it's all the same! Well, be happy, be happy! ..

"Brother, now so sweet in the heart, so easily in my soul ..." said Vasya, getting up and walking in a breaking around the room. - Is it not true? After all, do you feel the same? We will live poorly, of course, but we will be happy; And this is not a chimera; Our happiness is not from the book, it is said: After all, this is in fact we will be happy! ..

- Vasya, Vasya, listen!

- What? - said Vasya, stopping before Arkady Ivanovich.

- I came thought; Right, I somehow fear and tell you! .. You forgive me, you allow my doubts. What are you going to live? I, you know, I'm delighted that you marry, of course, I can not be delighted and own, but - what will you live? but?

- Oh, God, my God! What are you, Arcasha! - said Vasya, in deep surprise looking at Nefelievich. - What are you really? Even the old woman, and that two minutes did not think when I imagined everything clearly. You ask what they lived? After all, five hundred rubles per year on three: after all, just a pension after the dead man. She lived, yes an old woman, and even a brother, for whom to pay from the same money to school, because here's how you live! After all, it is only we are capitalists with you! And I have, let's go, in a different year, in a good, even seven hundred will be checked.

- Listen, Vasya; You excuse me; I, she, God, I am. After all, I just think, how would it not be upset, - what seven hundred? Only three hundred ...

- Three hundred! .. And Julian Mastakhovich? Forgot?

- Julian Mastakhovich! But this is a matter, brother, incorrect; This is not the fact that three hundred rubles of the faithful complaint, where every ruble as a friend is constant. Julian Mastakovich, of course, well, even his great man, I respect, I understand him, for nothing he stands so high, and by God, I love him, because he loves you and give you a job, whereas I could Do not pay, but send yourself a direct official - but I agree myself, Vasya ... Listen again: I'm not a nonsense saying; I agree, in all of St. Petersburg you will not find such a hand writing, as your handwriting, I am ready to give you up, - I did not delight Nefedevich, - but suddenly, God Save! You do not like it, suddenly you do not please him, suddenly it will be crapted, suddenly he will take another - well, yes, finally, you never know what can happen! After all, Julian, Mastakhovich was yes swiss, Vasya ...

- Listen, Arcasha, because the point, perhaps, on us now, the ceiling will fail ...

- Well, of course, of course ... I'm nothing ...

"No, listen to me, you listen - you see that: how can he part with me ... no, you only listen, listen." After all, I fulfill everything quantity; After all, he is so kind, because he is me, Arcasha, because he gave me fifty rubles to me today!

- Really, Vasya? So you reward?

- What awarding! From your pocket. Says: You, brother, did not receive the fifth month; Want to take; Thank you, says you, thank you, satisfied ... by God! Not a gift you, tell me, work - right! So said. My tears were poured, Arcasha. Lord God!

- Listen, Vasya, did you add those paper? ..

- No ... I have not finished yet.

- Va ... Senka! my angel! what did you do?

- Listen, Arkady, nothing, two days later, I will have time ...

- How did you not wrote it? ..

- Well, well, here! You look with such a murdered look that I have all the inside turns, the heart hurts! Well? You always kill me so much! So also shout: ah-ah !!! Yes, you reason; Well, what is? Well, ending, by God, curtain ...

- What if you do not end? - shouted Arkady, jumped. - And he gave you today! You marry here ... ah-ah! ..

"Nothing, nothing," shouted Shumkov, "I'm sitting right now, I sit by this minute; nothing!

- Silent, Arcasha, silence ...

- Right, closer, Vasya.

- Arcasha! Do you know what? - He began Masya mysteriously, a voice-free from joy. - Do you know what? I want to bring a gift to Lisanka ...

- What is?

- Here, brother, on the corner of Madame Lero, a wonderful store!

- cape, shower, cap; Today I saw such a feather sickness; I asked: Lescon, say, Manon Lescaut is called - Miracle! Ribbons are massive, and if inexpensive ... Arcasha, yes, even even expensive! ..

- You, in my opinion, above all poets, Vasya! We go! .. They ran and two minutes later entered the store. They were met by black-eyed Frenchwoman in curls, which immediately, at the first glance on his buyers, was also fun and happy as they themselves, even happier if you could say. Vasya was ready to kiss Madame Leru from delight ...

- Arcasha! - He said in a low voice, throwing an ordinary look at all the beautiful and great, standing on the wooden columns on a huge table of the store. - Wonders! What it is? what is it? Here is this, for example, bonbonchik, you see? "Vasya whispered, showing one nice extreme cape, but not the one who wanted to buy at all, because he was already from afar and he dug his eyes to another, the famous, real, standing at the opposite end. He looked at him so that it was possible to think that someone would take him to steal or as if the cap himself, it was in order to not get to you, would fly away from his air.

"Here," said Arkady Ivanovich, pointing to one, here, in my opinion, the best.

- Well, Arcasha! It even makes the honor of you; I'm right, right, especially respect for the taste, "Vasya said, Plutovsky schitriv in the mild of his heart before Arkasha, - the charm of your cap, but come here!

- Where, brother, better?

- Look here!

- This one? - said Arkady in doubt. But when Vasya, no longer to withstand it, threw it from the woods with which he seemed to suddenly flew out, as if athanging such a good bidder after a long expectation, when all his ribbons, Ryushi and Lace were shrouded, an unexpected cry of delight broke out of Powerful chest Arkady Ivanovich. Even Madame Lerre, who observed all his undoubted dignity and the advantage in the taste of the taste at all time and only silent from the binding, rewarded Vasya full of the smile approval, so everything in her, in her eyes, in a gesture and in this smile, since I said - yes ! You guess and deserve happiness that you expect.

- After all, Koxer, Kechatal in privacy! - Vasya shouted, moved his whole love for a nice cap. - Delibery hid, a plush, my darling! "And he kissed him, that is, the air, who surrounded him, because he was afraid to touch his jewel.

"So the true merit and virtue hides itself," Arkady added delighted, for humor, taking a phrase from one ingenious newspaper, which was read in the morning. - Well, Vasya, what?

- Vivat, Arcasha! Yes, you call today, you will do Four Or, as they say, between women predict to you. Madame Leru, Madame Lero!

- What do you need?

- Golubushka, Madame Lero! ..

Madame Lerre looked at Arkady Ivanovich and smiled smiled.

"You will not believe how I adore you at that moment ... Let me kiss you ..." And Vasya kissed the shopholder. "

Determinently, it was necessary to call for a minute all the dignity, so as not to drop ourselves with such a hang. But I argue that you need to have all the innate, genuine courtesy and grace, with which Madame Lerru took the delight of Vasya. She apologized to him, and how cleverly, how gracefully knew how to find in this case! Can you be angry with Vasya?

- Madame Lero, how much price?

"These are five rubles with silver," she answered, recovering, with a new smile.

"And this, Madame Leru," said Arkady Ivanovich, pointing to his choice.

- This eight rubles is silver.

- Well, let me! Well, let me! Well, agree, Madame Lero, well, which is better, graceful, Mile, which of them more like you?

- That richer, but your choice is C "EST Plus Coquet.

- Well, so we take it!

Madame Leo took a sheet of thin-thin paper, piled a pin, and, it seemed, paper with a wrapped sepper was made easier than before, without cap. Vasya took all this carefully, a little breathing, crushed with Madame Leru, something else said, she is very kind and came out of the store.

- I am Vivor, Arcasha, I'm born to be a viver! - Vasya shouted, Khokhach, pouring into a sick, small, irregular laugh and obsessing passers-by, who suspected everyone in an indispensable appearance to grant his precious cap!

- Listen, Arkady, Listen! - He began a minute later, and something solemnly, something unwound loving rang in his voice. - Arkady, I'm so happy, so happy! ..

- Vassenka! As I am happy, my dove!

- No, Arcasha, no, your love is infinite for me, I know; But you can't feel a hundredth of what I feel at that moment. My heart is so full, so full! Arkasha! I am not enough of this happiness! I hear, I feel it. For what I, he said to voice, full of drowning sobs, - what I did it, tell me! Look how many people, how much tears, how many grief, how much everyday life without a holiday! And I! I love me such a girl, me ... But you will see it yourself now, you will appreciate this noble heart. I was born from low rank, now I have a chin and independent income - a salary. I was born with a bodily disadvantage, I am a little curve. Look, she loved me, as I eat. Today, Julian Mastakovich was such a gentle, so attentive, so polite; He rarely speaks with me; It came up: "Well, that, Vasya (by God, so called Vasya), you will go kutu on holidays, eh?" (Laughs himself.)

"So, I say, your Excellency is, there is a case, but immediately encouraged and saying:" And you will be happy, maybe your Excellency, "to God, said. He gave me money here, then he still told me two words. I, brother, cried, to her God, the tears passed, and he, too, it seems to be touched, sang me on the shoulder yes he says: "Feel, Vasya, always feel the way now you feel ..."

Vasya fellows for a moment. Arkady Ivanovich turned away and also a tears in a fist.

"And also, more ..." continued Vasya. - I have never told you this, Arkady ... Arkady! You're so happy with my friendship my friendship, without you I would not live in the world, - no, no, do not say anything, Arcasha! Give me to shake your hand, let me ... good ... Dar ... ... to take you! .. - Vasya did not finish again.

Arkady Ivanovich wanted to rush to Vasya on the neck directly, but since they crossed the street and almost over the ears there were a sighty "Pad-Paddy!" - Both, frightened and excited, Delighted the sidewalk. Arkady Ivanovich was even glad. He apologized to the exhute thanks to Vasi is only an exception of this minute. He himself was annoying. He felt that he was still so little done for Vasi! He even was ashamed for himself when Vasya began to thank him for such a little! But another whole life was ahead, and Arkady Ivanovich sighed freely ...

Determinently, they are completely stopped waiting! Proof - what was sitting for tea! And right, sometimes an old man is beyond young people, and some young people! After all, Lisanka was preservedly assured that he would not; "There will be no mammy; He feels the heart that will not be "; And Mama said everything that her heart, on the contrary, feels that it will certainly be that it will not cease that it comes running that there are no official classes now, as under a new year! Lisanka, and revoking, did not wait at all - the eyes did not believe, and met their breathtaking, with a sudden heart with a heart, like a caught Ptcachi, all the Zalev, having shredded, like a cherry, to which she was terribly as she liked. My God, what a surprise! What a joyful "Ah!" flew out of her sponges! "Deceiver! Dove you are mine! " She cried, whining the neck of Vasi ... But imagine her surprise, all her shame is sudden: right behind Vasya, as if wishing to hide behind him, stood, having lost a little, Arkady Ivanovich. It is necessary to admit that he was awkward with women, even very awkward, even once it happened that ... but that's later. However, sign in and in its position: there is nothing funny here; He stands in the front, in Kalosh, in the overcoat, in the eared cap, which was hurried to have to pull, the whole breathlessly wrapped with a yellow knitted precompanic scarf, even for a greater effect behind the rear. All this needs to be unravelable, remove as soon as possible, introduce themselves in a better form, because there is no person who would not want to introduce themselves in a more advantageous form. And then Vasya, annoying, disassemble, though, however, of course, the same cute, kindest, but, finally, unquestioned, ruthless Vasya! "Here, - he shouts, - Lisanka, here's my arkadium! What? Here is my best friend, hug it, a kiss him, Lisanka, a kiss, you will know later better, herself drifty ... "Well, what? Well, I ask, was to do Arkady Ivanovich? And he still dismissed only half of the scarf! Right, I even sometimes consist of excessive enthusiasm of Vasya; She, of course, means a good heart, but ... awkward, not good!

Finally both entered. The old woman was incomprehensible to get acquainted with Arkady Ivanovich; She heard so much, she ... But she did not finish. Joyful "Ah!", The belliously distributed in the room, stopped it on the half-phrase. Oh my God! Lisanka stood before the shunter unfolded unexpectedly, stretching his hands and smiling, smiling so ... My God, so why didn't Madame Lero, there was no better cape!

Oh, my God, yes where can you find a cape better? It's out of hand! Where do you please better? I'm talking seriously! I finally, even leads to some indignation, even grieves a little such thanks to lovers. Well, look at yourself, gentlemen, see what it might be better than this amrifika cape! Well, take a look ... But no, no, my penalties are in vain; They have already agreed with me; It was a minute delusion, fog, female feelings; I am ready to forgive them ... yes. Look ... You are sorry, gentlemen, I'm all about this wax: Tyule, light, wide, massive ribbon covered with lace, goes between the fool and rear and rear two ribbons, wide, long; They will fall a little lower than the nape, on the neck ... you only need to wear a little on the back of the back; Well, see; Well, I will ask you after that! .. Yes, I see, do not look! .. You seem to be all the same! You looked in the other side ... You look like two large-large, like pearls, tears boiled into one moment in black as the resin of the eyes, trembled for a moment on long eyelashes and then kanuli at this rather than tulle, from which consisted work of fiction Madame Lero ... And again it annoyed me: After all, almost not for the cap were these two tears! .. No! In my opinion, such a thing needs to be crushed. Then you can truly appreciate it! I confess, gentlemen, all for the cap!

Opened with Lisanka, and the old woman with Arkady Ivanovich; The conversation began, and Arkady Ivanovich completely supported himself. I gladly give him justice. It was even difficult to expect from him. After two words about Vasya, he perfectly managed to talk about Julian Mastakovich, his benefactor. Yes, so cleverly, so cleverly spoke that the conversation, the right, was not exhausted at an hour. It was necessary to see with what the ability, with what tacket was concerned with Arkady Ivanovich some features of Julian Mastakhovich, who had a direct or indirect attitude towards you. But the old woman was fascinated, truly fascinated: she herself admitted to this, she deliberately withdrew Vasya aside and told him that his friend is excellent, a kind of young man and, most importantly, such a serious, solid young man, Vasya almost disappeared from bliss. He remembered how the Solid Arcasha Spit His quarter of an hour to bed! Then the old woman blinking you and said that he would be quietly and carefully in another room. It must be confessed, she did a little bad about Lisanka: she, of course, from an excess heart, changed her and attended to show Slowly a gift that Lisanka Vasya was preparing for the new year. It was a wallet shdden by beads, gold and with a superior drawing: on one side was a deer, absolutely like a natural, which was extremely silent, and it looks so good! On the other side was the portrait of one famous general, too, excellently and very similarly. I'm not talking about the delight of Vasya. Meanwhile, there was no time in the hall. Lisanka directly approached Arkady Ivanovich. She took his hands, she thanked him for something, and Arkady Ivanovich finally guessed that it was about the same precious you. Lisanka even was deeply raster: she heard that Arkady Ivanovich was such a true friend of her groom, so he loved him, she watched him, she ran away at every step by saving tips, that, right, she, Lisanka, could not but thank him, not It can keep from gratitude that she hopes, finally, that Arkady Ivanovich will love and at least in half as it loves Vasya. Then she began to ask whether his health would harm his health, express some fears about a special dustiness of his character, about the imperfect knowledge of people and practical life, she said that she would religiously watch him in time, keep him and cherish his fate and that she hoped, finally, that Arkady Ivanovich would not only leave them, but would even live with them together.

- We will threesome as one person! She cried in a prenaya delight.

But it was necessary to go. Of course, they began to hold, but Vasya announced flatly, which is impossible. Arkady Ivanovich witnessed the same thing. They asked, of course, why, and immediately discovered that it was the case, entrusted by Julian Mastakovich Vasya, a hurry, necessary, terrible, which should be submitted to the day after tomorrow, and that it is not only not over, but even launched perfectly. Mamenka was ashon, as he heard about it, and Lisanka was just frightened, alarmed and even drove Vasya. The last kiss did not lose at all from it; He was shorter than hastily, but she is hotter and stronger. Finally broke up, and both each other went home.

Immediately both injuries began to turn their impressions to each other, just found themselves on the street. And so it was necessary to be: Arkady Ivanovich was in love, in love with Lisanka to death! And who is it better to believe how not the most lucky you? He did it: he did not advise and immediately admitted to you in everything. Vasya terribly laughed and terribly gladly, he even noticed that it was not at all unnecessary and that now they would be even more friends. "You guessed me, Vasya," said Arkady Ivanovich, "Yes!" I love her as you; It will be my angel, as well as yours, then that and on me, your happiness will go, and it prieste me. This will be my mistress, Vasya; In her hands there will be my happiness; Let shopping both with you and with me. Yes, friendship to you, friendship to her; You are inseparable now; Only I will have two such creatures as you, instead of one ... "Arkady silent from an excess of feelings; And Vasya was shocked to the depths of his soul with his words. The fact is that he never expects such words from Arkady. Arkady Ivanovich did not speak at all, he also did not like to dream; Now I'll immediately go and dream of the most fun, the most fresh, most rainbow! "How I keep you both, cherish you," he spoke again. - First, I, Vasya, I will baptize all children, everyone to one, and secondly, Vasya, is needed to so much and about the future. It is necessary to buy furniture, you need to hire an apartment, so that and to her, and you, and I were the Kamorki separate. You know, Vasya, I will break the labels tomorrow at the gate. Three ... no, two rooms, we no longer need. I even think, Vasya, that I spoke a nonsense today, I will get money; What! As I looked at her eyes, then I immediately calculate that I would get. All for her! Wow, as we will work! Now, Vasya, you can risk and pay rubles twenty-five per apartment. Apartment, brother, all! Good rooms ... Yes, and the man has fun and dream of rainbow! And secondly, Lisanka will be our common cashier: neither a penny is superfluous! So that I ran to the restaurant now! Yes, for whom do you take me? never! And then the increase, the awards will be, because we will diligently serve, y! How to work, like the Wola Earth Plow! .. Well, imagine, - and the voice of Arkady Ivanovich weakened from pleasure, - suddenly there is a certain unexpectedly pasty thirty ie twenty-five on the head! .. After all, no reward, then the cape, then scarf, Some stockings! She must certainly connect a scarf; Look how bad I have: yellow, frowning, he made me trouble today! And you, Vasya, are good: imagine, and I stand in the crowd ... Yes, it's not at all! But you see: I'm all silver take on myself! I am obliged to make a present - it is an honor, it's my pride! .. But my award will not leave: Skorokhodov, what will they give them? I suppose they will not be placed in this heron in his pocket. I, brother, I will buy spoons of silver, good knives - not silver knives, but an excellent knives, and a vest, that is, a vest - I will be! Just now you hold on with me, I already hold on, I'm over you, brother, and today, and tomorrow, and all night I will stand with a stick, tortured at work: I'm blind! Straight, brother, rather! And then again for the evening, and then both happy; In the lotto let go! .. We will sit in the evening - y, good! Fu, damn! How annoying that I can not help you. It would take it and everything would have written for you ... Why don't we have the same handwriting? "

- Yes! - answered Vasya. - Yes! Need to rush. I think now there will be eleven hours; Need to rush ... for work! "And, saying it, Vasya, who all the time smiled, he struggled to interrupt some enthusiastic remarks of friendly feelings and, in one word, had the most complete animation, suddenly recalled, fell silent and started a little bit run down the street. It seemed that some serious idea suddenly turned his glowing head; It seemed that all his heart was squeezed.

Arkady Ivanovich even began to worry; On accelerated questions, he almost did not receive answers from Vasya, who was separated by the senior to others, sometimes exclaiming, often did not relate to the case. "What's wrong with you, Vasya? - He finally shouted, barely catching up. - Do you really worry so much? .. "" Ah, brother, chatting full! " - answered Vasya even with annoyance. "Don't be sad, Vasya, full, - interrupted Arkady, - Yes, I drank that you and much more wrote in a smaller term ... what to you! You just have a talent! In the extreme case, you can even speed up the pen: after all, not to lithograph the same permission. Have time! .. Here is just you excited now, scattered, so work is harder to go ... "Vasya did not answer or murmured something under his breath, and both decisively succeeded home.

Vasya immediately sat down. Arkady Ivanovich Primdal and Vetih, secretly undressed and lay down on the bed, not showering eyes with Vasi ... some fear found on him ... "What about him? He said to himself, looking at the pale face of Vasya, on his breathtaking his eyes, to anxiety, who said in every movement. - His hand trembles ... Fu you, right! Yes, do not advise him to fall asleep two hours; If he fell his irritation. " Vasya just graduated from the page, raised his eyes, atadly glanced at Arkady and, at once, having faltered, grabbed again for the feather.

"Listen, Vasya," said Arkady Ivanovich suddenly, "no better would sleep a little?" Look, you are completely in fever ...

Vasya with annoyance, even with anger looked at Arkady and did not answer.

- Listen, Vasya, what do you do on yourself? ..

Vasya immediately thought.

- Do not drink seagull, Arcasha? - he said.

- How so? what for?

- Power will give. I do not want to sleep, I will not sleep! I will write everything. And now I would have breakdown in tea, and a moment would have passed heavy.

- famously, brother Vasya, wonderful! exactly; I myself wanted to offer. But I'm a day, I did not occur myself. Do you know what? Mauro will not stand, never wakes up ...

- nonsense, nothing! - shouted Arkady Ivanovich, jumming barefoot with bed. - I will put my samovar himself. First, what, do I? ..

Arkady Ivanovich ran into the kitchen and set off with a samovar; Vasya showing wrote. Arkady Ivanovich dressed and ran over in addition to the bakery, then so that Vasya could completely reinforce himself overnight. After a quarter of an hour, Samovar stood on the table. They began to drink, but the conversation was not glued. Vasya everything was scattered.

"That's," he finally said, as if dumbfounded, "you need to go congratulate tomorrow ..."

- You do not need at all.

"No, brother, it is impossible," said Vasya.

- Yes, I'll figure it out for you ... What do you like! You work tomorrow. Today you would sat down until five, as I said, and there I would fall asleep. And then what will you look like tomorrow? I would smoothly woke you up even eight hours ...

- Does it be good, what are you cutting for me? - said Vasya, having eased.

- What is better? So do everything! ..

- Right, I'm afraid ...

- Why, what?

- It, you know, others have nothing, and Julian Mastakhovich is, Arcasha, my benefactor; Well, as notice that someone else's hand ...

- notice! Well, what are you, right, Vashuk! Well, how can he notice? .. Yes, I know, your name It's terrible as I seem to sign and the curl is doing the same, to God. Fully; What are you! Who to notice here? ..

Vasya did not answer and hastily doped his glass ... Then he shook his head doubtfully.

- Vasya, Bluebone! Ah, I managed to us! Vasya, what is you? You just scare me! You know, I'm not lying now, Vasya, not suffer. Show me, a lot of things left?

Vasya looked at him so much that Arkady Ivanovich's heart turned and the language appeased.

- Vasya! what's wrong? What are you? What are you looking so much?

- Arkady, I, right, I will go tomorrow to congratulate Julian Mastakovich.

- Well, go, perhaps! - Arkady said, looking at him in all eyes in a volatile waiting.

- Listen, Vasya, Spere Feather; I evil you do not advise you, she is so! How many times Julian Mastakovich himself said that you only like the clarity in your daily! After all, it just loves that it is clear and beautiful, as wept, so that it's somehow to heal a piece of paper and go home to rewrite: can't buy, chick, prescribe! And Julian Mastakhovich only says, only demands: clearly, clearly and clearly! .. What do you! right! Vasya, I really don't know how to talk to you ... I'm afraid even ... You kill me for longing my own.

- Nothing, nothing! - said Vasya and fell into a chair in exhaustion. Arkady alarmed.

- Do you want water? Vasya! Vasya!

"Full, fully," Vasya said, squeezing his hand. - I'm nothing; I just became somehow sad, Arkady. I can not even tell me why. Listen, speak better about the friend; Do not remind me ...

- Calm down, for God, calm down, Vasya. You do not finish, to God, docto! And at least I did not finish, so what trouble? Exactly crime what!

"Arkady," said Vasya, so much looking at his friend, that he was resolutely scared, because he never worried so terrible. - If I were alone, as before ... No! I'm not talking about. I want to tell me, to believe how a friend ... However, why do you bother you? .. See, Arkady, one given a lot, others do a little like me. Well, if we demanded gratitude from you, appreciation - and you would not have done this? ..

- Vasya! I strongly do not understand you!

"I've never been ungrateed," Vasya continued quietly, as if talking himself with himself. "But if I'm not able to express everything that I feel, then it's as if ... it, Arkady, will come out, as if I am in fact ungoded, but it kills me.

- Why, yes, what! Is it really all gratitude that you will rewrite for a term? Think, Vasya, what you say! Is that expressed in this thanks?

Vasya suddenly fell silent and looked at all his eyes to Arkady, as if his unexpected argument destroyed all doubts. He even smiled, but immediately accepted the former thoughtful expression again. Arkady, having accepted this smile for the end of all fears, and anxiety, again appeared, for determination for something better, was extremely delighted.

- Well, Arcasha's brother, you wake up, "Vasya said, - take a look at me; Equally, I will fall asleep, the trouble will be; And now I sit at work ... Arcasha?

"No, I'm just, I'm nothing ... I wanted ... Vasya sat down and fell silent, Arkady lay down. Neither one nor another told two words about Kolomensky. Maybe both felt that they were guilty a little, hit the inappropriate way. Soon Arkady Ivanovich fell asleep, all the longing about Vasya. To his surprise, he woke up exactly in the eighth o'clock in the morning. Vasya slept on a chair, holding a feather in his hand, pale and tired; The candle burned down. In the kitchen mowed Maurus for a samovar.

- Vasya, Vasya! - shouted arkadium in fright ... - When did you go?

Vasya opened his eyes and jumped off his chair ...

- Ah! - he said. - I fell asleep! .. He immediately rushed to the papers - nothing: everything was in order; Neither ink, nor saber from the candle did not drop.

"I think I fell asleep at six," said Vasya. - How cold at night! Let's drink tea and I again ...

- Did you eat?

- Yes, yes, nothing, now nothing! ..

- Happy New Year, Brother Vasya.

- Hello, brother, Hello; You are also cute. They embraced. Vasi trembled his chin and ragged her eyes. Arkady Ivanovich was silent: he became bitterly;

both drank tea nasupo ...

- Arkady! I decided, I myself will go to Julian Mastakovich ...

- Why he will not notice ...

- Yes, my brother, almost torment the conscience.

- Why are you sitting for him, they kill it for him ... Full! And I know that, brother, I will come there ...

- Where to? - I asked Vasya.

- To Artemyev, congratulations on mine and from your side.

- My dovety, nice! Well! I will stay here; Yes, I see that you have come up well; After all, I work here, I don't spend time at idleness! Wait for a minute, I'll immediately write a letter.

- Write, brother, write, have time; I still remember, I'm scared, Frak I spend. Well, Brother Vasya, we will be satisfied and happy! Hug me, Vasya!

- Oh, kaba, brother! ..

- Does Mr. Shumkov official live here? - There was a children's voice on the stairs ...

"Here, the father, here," Mour said, the inlet guest.

- What's there? I'm sorry, what? - shouted Vasya, bumping from the chair and rushing to the front. - Petenka, are you? ..

- Hello, happy new year you have the honor to congratulate you, Vasily Petrovich, - said a pretty black-haired boy about ten years old, in curls, - the sister bowed to you, and Mama, too, and sister ordered you to kiss from myself ...

Vasya threw a messenger into the air and shouted into his sponges, which were terribly like Lisankane, honey, long, enthusiastic kiss.

- Kiss, Arkady! He said, having passed Petya, and Peter, without touching the earth, immediately moved into powerful and greedy in the full sense of the word arms of Arkady Ivanovich.

- Did you, you want a seagull?

- Poorly thank you with. I drank! Today it raised early. Our dinner went away. Sister two hours curled me, diverted, washed, the pantalon stuck me, because I drove them yesterday with a sushka on the street: we began to play snowballs ...

- Well, well, well!

- Well, everything dressed me with you to go; Then he was noticed, and then it kissed himself at all, says: "Go to you, congratulate yes ask whether they are satisfied, whether they are deceived and still ... and something else to ask, yes! And also, it is the case, about which you yesterday ... there somehow ... Yes, I have written, "the boy said, reading on a piece of paper, which took out of his pocket, - yes! Worried.

- It will be over! will be! So she and tell me what will be, without fail, honestly, honestly!

- Yes, ... ah! I forgot; Sister's notch and a gift sent, and I forgot! ..

- My God! .. oh you, my darling! Where? Here - eh?! Look, brother, what I write. Go-Lu-Bushka, nice! You know, I saw a wallet for me yesterday; He is not over, so, says, I send you a curl of my hair, otherwise it will not leave you. Look, brother, look!

And shocked from the delight of Vasya showed the curl of the busy, the blacks in the light of the hair Arkady Ivanovich; Then he kissed them warmly and hid in the side pocket, closer to the heart.

- Vasya! I'll order a medallion for these hair! - Finally, Arkady Ivanovich resolutely said.

- And we have roast veal, and then tomorrow brains; Mama wants to cook biscuits ... And there will be no millet porridge, "said the boy, thinking how to conclude his Ruskazni.

- Fu, what a pretty boy! - shouted Arkady Ivanovich. - Vasya, you are a happier mortal!

The boy finished tea, received a note, a thousand kisses and happy and frisky was still.

- Well, Brother, - spoke to the ordointed Arkady Ivanovich, - you see how well you see! Everything was settled for the better, do not burn, not Roby! forward! Start, Vasya, Keje! At two hours I am home; I'll get to them, then to Julian Mastakovich ...

- Well, farewell, brother, goodbye ... Oh, kaba! .. Well, well, go, well, "Vasya said," I, brother, I will not resolutely go to Julian Mastakovich.

- Goodbye!

- Stop, brother, stand; Tell them ... well, everything you find; her kiss ... yes, tell me, brother, then tell me ...

- Well, well, I know, know what! This happiness turned you over! This is a surprise; You yourself are not yours since yesterday. You have not rested from yesterday's impressions. Well, of course! Renomy, Blue Vasya! Bye Bye!

Finally, friends broke up. All morning Arkady Ivanovich was scattered and thought only about you. He knew the weak, irritable character of him. "Yes, this happiness turned it over, I was not mistaken! - He himself said to himself - my God! He caught up for me. And from which this person is able to raise the tragedy! Eco HOT What! Oh, it needs to be saved! Need to save! " - Arkady said, not noticing the fact that in his heart he already erected to trouble, apparently, small home troubles, in essence insignificant. Only at eleven hours he fell into the Swiss Julian Mastakovich, to join his modest name to the long column of respectful individuals, located in Swiss on a sheet of commissioned and a circular paper. But what was his surprise when his own signature Vasi Shumkov flashed before him! It struck him. "What is done with him?" He thought. Arkady Ivanovich, who recovered even recently hopefully, came upset. Indeed, trouble was prepared; but where? But what?

In Kolomna he arrived with gloomy thoughts, it was scattered first, but, talking to Lisanka, came out with tears in my eyes, because it was resolutely scared for Vasya. He went home and run on the Neva nose to the nose collided with Shumkov. He also ran.

- Where are you going? - shouted Arkady Ivanovich.

Vasya stopped as caught in a crime.

- I, brother, so; I wanted to walk.

- I did not lose, the kolomna was going? Ah, Vasya, Vasya! Well, why did you go to Julian Mastakovich?

Vasya did not answer; But then waved his hand and said:

- Arkady! I do not know what is done with me! I…

- Full, Vasya, full! After all, I know what it is. Take it easy! You are excited and shocked since yesterday! Think: Well, how not to demolish it! All you love you, all about you go, your work moves, you will end it, you will certainly end, I know: you imagined anything, you have any fears ...

- No, nothing, nothing ...

- Remember, Vasya, remember, because it was with you;

remember when you got a chin, you dreamed of jealousy from happiness and from gratitude and only stretched the job. With you and now the same ...

- Yes, yes, Arkady; But now another, now is not at all ...

- Yes, as not that, surveny! And the matter, maybe not at all hurry, and you kill yourself ...

- Nothing, nothing, I'm just so. Well, let's go!

- What are you home, not to them?

- No, brother, what face I am going? .. I thought. I just didn't sit without you; But now you are with me, so I'll write to write. Let's go to!

They went and were silent for some time. Vasya hurried.

- Why don't you ask me about them? - said Arkady Ivanovich.

- Oh yes! Well, Arcasha, what?

- Vasya, you unlike yourself!

- Well, nothing, nothing. Tell me everything, Arcasha! - said by Vasya pleading voice, as if avoiding further explanations. Arkady Ivanovich sighed. He resolutely lost, looking at Vasya.

The story about Kolomensky revived him. He even talked. They lunch. The old woman left the biscuit full pocket of Arkady Ivanovich, and pleasures, kinging them, slept. After lunch, Vasya promised to fall asleep to sit all night. He really lay down. In the morning, someone, before whom it was impossible to refuse, called Arkady Ivanovich for tea. Friends broke up. Arkady put it to come as early as possible, if possible, even at eight hours. Three hours of separation took place for him as three years. Finally he escaped to you. Entering the room, he saw that everything was dark. Vasi was not at home. He asked Mavru. Marav said that everything wrote and did not sleep anything, then walked around the room, and then, an hour ago, I ran away, saying that in half an hour it would be; "And when, they say, Arkady Ivanovich will come, so tell me, they say, the old woman," Maurus concluded, "that I went to walk, and three, not that, they say, she punished four times."

"Artemyeva he!" - thought Arkady Ivanovich and shook his head.

In a minute he jumped up, livenily by hope. He just cumshot, he thought; that's all; I did not lose and I ran there. However, no! He would wait for me ... I look - I, what's there!

He lit a candle and rushed to the Wasi writing desk: the work went, and it seemed that it was not so far away. Arkady Ivanovich wanted to explore further, but suddenly Vasya entered ...

- What are you here? He shouted, shuddering from fright. Arkady Ivanovich was silent. He was afraid to ask Vasya. He hated his eyes and also silently began to disassemble paper. Finally, they met them. Vasi's view was such a requesting, begging, killed that Arkady shuddered when he met him. He's heart trembled and overflowed ...

- Vasya, my brother, what's wrong with you? What are you? He shouted, rushing to him and squeezing him in his arms. - Explain to me; I do not understand you and your longing; What's wrong with you, you martyr you? what? Tell me everything without a rustle. It may not be that this one ...

Vasya pulled firmly to him and could not say anything. The spirit captured him.

- Full, Vasya, full! Well, do not finish you, what is? I do not understand you; Discover me your torment. You see, I am for you ... oh, my God, my God! He said, walking around the room and grabbing everything that came across him under his hands, as if immediately looking for medicines for Vasi. "I myself tomorrow, instead of you, I will go to Julian Mastakhovich, I will ask, begging him, so that the day of deferment. I will explain it all, everything, if only it torments you ...

- God save you! - shouted Vasya and coil as a wall. He barely resisted on the spot.

- Vasya, Vasya! ..

Vasya woke up. His lips trembled; He wanted to say something and only silently silently shook the hand of Arkady ... his hand was cold. Arkady stood in front of him full of dreary and painful waiting. Vasya again raised his eyes on him.

- Vasya! God is with you, Vasya! You trampled my heart, my friend, my cute.

Tears hail hung out of the eyes of Vasi; He rushed to the chest Arkady.

- I deceived you, Arkady! - he said. - I deceived you; Forgive me, I'm sorry! I deceived your friendship ...

- What, what, Vasya? What is? - asked Arkady resolutely in horror.

And Vasya with a desperate gesture threw the six fattest notebooks on the table from the box, similar to the one he rewritten.

- What is it?

- That's what I need to cook for the day after the day. I and the fourth share did not! Do not ask, do not ask ... how did it happen! - continued Vasya, he himself immediately spoke that he was tormented. - Arkady, my friend! I do not know myself what happened to me! I seem to come from some kind of sleep. I lost two weeks in vain. I'm all ... I ... went to her ... I had a heart sick, I suffered ... an unknown ... I could not write. I did not think about it. Only now, when happiness comes for me, I woke up.

- Vasya! - began Arkady Ivanovich decisively. - Vasya! I will save you. I understand all this. This thing is not a joke. I will save you! Listen, listen to me: I'll go to Julian Mastakov tomorrow ... do not download my head, no, listen! I will tell him everything, as it was; Let me do so ... I will explain to him ... I'll go to everything! I will tell him how you killed, how you suffer.

- Do you know that you now kill me? - Vasya said, the whole fodder from fright.

Arkady Ivanovich turned pale, but dressed and immediately laughed.

- Only that? just this? - he said. - Pomemui, Vasya, Herm! Isn't it ashamed? Well, listen! I see that I care about you. You see, I understand you: I know what is happening in you. After all, we live together for five years, thank God! You are kind, gentle such, but weak, unforgivable weak. After all, Lizaveta Mikhailovna noted. You, in addition, and the dreamer, and this is also not good: you can fuck, brother, you can! Listen, because I know what you want! You want, for example, that Julian Mastakhovich was beside himself and, perhaps, would ask the ball from the joy that you marry ... Well, wait, wait! You will be frown. You see, from one of my words you were offended by Julian Mastakovich! I will leave him. After all, I respect him myself no less than yours! But already you will not challenge me and you will not refuse me to think that you would have wanted to not even and unhappy on earth, when you marry ... Yes, brother, you agree that you would like to have, for example, yours The best friend was suddenly thousands of hundred capital; So that all the enemies, which neither in the world, suddenly, nor with this, were confronted, so that they all embarrassed among the streets from joy and then here they came to you on the apartment, perhaps. My friend! my dear! I do not laugh, it is so; You have long been almost the same in different species for a long time. Because you are happy, you want everything, decisively made everything happy. It hurts you, it's hard to be happy! Therefore, you want to be worthy of this happiness now and, perhaps, to clean the conscience to make a feat of some! Well, I understand how you are ready to torment yourself for the fact that where it would be necessary to show their wagon, decrease ... Well, perhaps, thanks, as you say, you suddenly manked! You are terribly bitterly at the idea that Julian Mastakovich will pierce and even get angry when he sees that you did not justify the hopes that he laid on you. It hurts you to think that you will hear reproaches from those who consider our benefactor, and for which moment! When you joy overflowing the heart and when you do not know, to whom our gratitude to your gratitude ... After all, it is not true? It is so?

Vasya looked with love for his friend. The smile slid on his lips.

Even as if waiting for hope revived his face.

"Well, then listen to the same," Arkady began again, even more inspired by hope, "so it's not necessary, that Julian Mastakhovich has changed his favor to you. So, is my dove? In this question? And in this, so I, - said Arkady, jumped off, - I donate for you. I'm going to Julian Mastakhov tomorrow ... And do not contradict me! You, Vasya, your misconduct to the crime will be erect. And he, Julian Mastakovich, generosity and mercy, and besides, not as you! He, Brother Vasya, will listen to us and take out of trouble. Well! Are you calm?

Vasya with tears in his eyes squeezed Arkady's hand.

"Full, Arkady, fully," he said, "dealing with a deal. Well, I did not cum, well, and good; I did not finish, so did not finish. And you do not need to walk; I'll tell you everything myself, I'll go. I now calmed down, I'm completely calm; Only you do not go ... yes listen.

- Vasya, dear you are! - cried in the joy of Arkady Ivanovich. - I speecked at your words; I am glad you thought and recovered. But that would be with you, whatever happens, I am with you, it's remember! I see you tormented by that I did not say anything Julian Mastakovich, "and I will not say, I will not say anything, you yourself say. Do you see: you go tomorrow ... or not, you won't go, you will write here, you know? And I find out there what this thing is, is it really hurry or not, whether it is necessary for a deadline or not, and if you extend, so what can get out of it? Then I suggest you ... See you see! There is hope; Well, imagine that the case is not a rush - you can win. Julian Mastakhovich may not remind, and then everything is saved.

Vasya shook his head doubtfully. But the graceful gaze did not go from the face of a friend.

- Well, fully, full! I'm so weak, so tired, "he said choking," I don't want to think about it myself. Well, let's talk about a friend! I see, and I see, perhaps, I will not now, but only so, two pages only graduate, to reach at least some point. Listen ... I have long wanted to ask you: how do you know me so well?

Tears drip out Vasi's eye on Arkady's hands.

- If you knew, Vasya, to what extent I love you, so you would not ask it, - yes!

- Yes, yes, Arkady, I do not know this, because ... because I do not know why you love me so much! Yes, Arkady, do you know that even your love killed me? Do you know what how many times I'm going to sleep and thinking about you (because I always think about you, when I fall asleep), I was dreamed by tears, and my heart trembled because, because you loved me so much, And I could not ease my heart, could not thank you by anything ...

"You see, Vasya, you see, what you're! .. Look how you are upset now," said Arkady, who had a soul out of this minute and who remembered yesterday's scene on the street.

- full; You want me to calm down, and I have never been so calm and happy! You know ... Listen, I would like to tell you everything, but I'm all afraid to upset you ... You're upset everything and shout at me; And I'm scared ... Look, as I shake now, I don't know why. You see, that's what I want to say. I think I did not know myself before, yes! And others, too, just found out yesterday. I, brother, did not feel, did not appreciate well. The heart ... I had a draw in me ... Listen, as it happened that I didn't give anyone to anyone, because I could not do, "even I am unpleasant ... And everyone did it good! Here you are the first: unless I see. I was only silent, just silent!

- Vasya, full!

- Well, Arcasha! Well! .. I'm nothing ... - I interrupted by Vasya, barely pronounced the words from tears. - I told you yesterday about Julian Mastakovich. And after all, you know, he is strict, harsh, even you even hit him several times, and he was joking with me yesterday, caress and good heart his, who in front of everyone prudently hides, opened me ...

- Well, what, Vasya? It only shows that you are worthy of your happiness.

- Ah, Arcasha! How I wanted to finish it all about it! .. No, I thwart my happiness! I have a premonition! Yes No, not through this, - interrupted Vasya, then that Arkady glanced at a stop-off rush case lying on the table - it's nothing, this paper is written ... nonsense! This is a dealtful thing ... I ... Arcasha, was there today, they ... I didn't enter. It was hard for me, bitterly! I just stood at the door. She played the piano, I listened. See, Arkady, - he said, lowering his voice, - I did not dare to enter ...

- Listen, Vasya, what's wrong with you? Are you looking at me like me?

- What? nothing? I'm a little bad; Feet tremble; This is because I sat at night. Yes! I have green eyes in my eyes. I have here here ...

He showed on the heart. Satisfied with him.

When he came to himself, Arkady wanted to take violent measures. He wanted to put him forcibly into bed. Vasya did not agree anything. He cried, broke his hands, wanted to write, wanted to certainly finish his two pages. So as not to get it, Arkady made it to the papers.

"You see," Vasya said, sitting down in place, "you see, and I have had an idea, there is hope."

He smiled in Arkady, and his pale face really seemed to revive the ray of hope.

- That's what: I hurt him after tomorrow not all. About the rest of Lat, I will say that it burned down that he was losing that he lost ... that, finally, well, I did not cum, I can't lie. I'll explain myself - you know what? I will explain to him everything; I will say: So, I could not ... I will tell him about my love; He himself recently married, he will understand me! I will do it all, of course, respectfully, quiet; He will see my tears, he will touch them ...

- Yes, of course, I look like it, explain it ... Yes, it's not necessary to tears! Of what? Right, Vasya, you and I am completely fed.

- Yes, I will go, I will go. Now let me write, let me write, Arcasha. I do not touch anyone, let me write!

Arkady rushed to bed. He did not trust you, did not resolutely trusted. Vasya was capable of everything. But ask for forgiveness, what, how? It was not that. The case was that Vasya did not fulfill the duties that Vasya feels guilty himself before him, feels ungrateful to the fate that Vasya was depressed, shocked happiness and considers himself unworthy that, finally, he found himself only the pretext to hear on this Side, and that since yesterday has not yet come to his surprise. "That's what is! - thought Arkady Ivanovich. - You need to save it. You need to pick it up with himself. He saves himself. " He thought, thought and decided to immediately go to Julian Mastakhovich, tomorrow to go, and tell him everything.

Vasya sat and wrote. The exhausted Arkady Ivanovich was faced to predict about the case again, and woke up before dawn.

- Ay, damn! again! - he shouted, looking at Vasya; He sat and wrote.

Arkady rushed to him, grabbed him and forcibly put in bed. Vasya smiled: his eyes closed his weakness. He could hardly talk.

"I myself wanted to lie down," he said. - You know, Arkady, I have an idea; I'm cun. I accelerated the feather! I was incapable of sitting on; Wake me at eight hours.

He did not negotiate and fell asleep as the dead.

- Moor! "In whisper said Arkady Ivanovich Mavra, who made tea," he asked him to wake him up in an hour. Nor under any kind! Let him sleep at least ten hours, do you understand?

- I understand, Barin-Batyushka.

- Do not get dining, not with firewood, not shumi, trouble you! If he will ask me, tell me that I will be left, you know?

- I understand-hundred, Batyushka-Barin; Let it be enjoyed that I am! I am glad to Barna; and Barskoye shore. And you see that the cup crashed and empty, it was not me, this is a cat Mashka smashed, and I don't get out of her; Through, I say, damned!

- TCC, silence, silent!

Arkady Ivanovich paid Maur to the kitchen, demanded the key and locked it on the castle there. Then he went to the service. Dear he heard, how would he appear to Julian Mastakovich, and deftly, and would not bother? He came to the position with timidity and timidly inquired, whether his excellency is there; They answered that there is no yes and will not. Arkady Ivanovich Migom wanted to go to him on the apartment, but quite by the way realized that if Julian Mastakhovich did not come, so, it became busy at home. He stayed. The clock seemed to him endless. By hand, he revealed the case, entrusted to Shumkov. But no one knew anything. They only knew that Julian Mastakovich learned to occupy him with special orders, - what, no one knew. Finally broke through three hours, and Arkady Ivanovich rushed home. In the hallway stopped his one chericar and said that Vasily Petrovich Shumkov came, so it will be in the first hour, and asked, I added the clerk: if you were not here Julian Mastakhovich? Hearing it, Arkady Ivanovich hired the cab driver and drove home outside of herself.

Shumkov was at home. He walked around the room extremely excited. Looking at Arkady Ivanovich, he seemed to immediately recovered, caught and hurried to hide his excitement. He silently sat down. It seemed that he avoided his friend's questions, they themselves, he himself thought about himself about himself and was already decided not to open his decision, then he was more impossible to rely on friendship. It struck Arkady, and his heart was out of gravity, piercing pain. He sat down on the bed and turned out some kind of book, the only one who had been in his possession, and he did not descend his eyes off the poor Wasi. But Vasya stubbornly silently, wrote and did not raise his head. So passed several hours, and the torment of Arkady increased to the last degree. Finally, the hour in the eleventh, Vasya raised his head and stupid, a fixed look looked at Arkady. Arkady waited. Two or three minutes passed; Vasya was silent. "Vasya! - shouted Arkady. Vasya did not give a response. - Vasya! - He repeated, jumped off the bed. - Vasya, what's wrong with you? What are you?" He shouted, running towards him. Vasya raised his head and looked at him with the same stupid, immobile look. "I found a tetanus on him!" - Thought Arkady, the whole trembling from fright. He grabbed a decanter with water, raised Vasya, poured his water on his head, wet whiskey, ter hands in his hands, - and Vasya woke up. "Vasya, Vasya! - shouted arkadium, pouring into tears, without holding more. - Vasya, do not ruin himself, remember! Remember! .. "He did not negotiate and squeezed him warmly in his arms. Some kind of pain passed throughout Vasi's face; He is the forehead and grabbed his head, as if he was afraid that she would split.

- I do not know what it is with me! - He finally said, - I seem to have relieved. Well, good, good! Full, Arkady, not sad; Full! - He repeated, looking at him a sad, exhausted look, - what to worry? Full!

"You're comfortable me," Arkady shouted, whose heart broke. "Vasya," he finally said, "plunge, sowing a little, what?" Do not flutter yourself! Better then again sit down to work!

- Yes Yes! - Repeated Vasya. - Estimated! I am a lying; OK; Yes! You see, I wanted to cum, and now I thought, yes ...

And Arkady dragged him to bed.

"Listen, Vasya," he said firmly, "you need to finally solve this business!" Tell me, what did you conceive?

- Ah! - said Vasya, having waved her hand and turning his head on the other side.

- Full, Vasya, full! Share! I do not want to be a killer: I can't be silent more. You do not sleep, since you do not decide, I know.

"As you like, as you want," Vasya repeated mysteriously.

"Rent!" - thought Arkady Ivanovich.

- Follow me, Vasya, - he said, - Remember what I said, and I save you tomorrow; Tomorrow I will solve your fate! What I say, fate! You scared me so much, Vasya, that I myself wonder your words. What a fate! Just nonsense, trifles! You do not want to lose the location, love, if you want, Julian Mastakovich, yes! And you will not lose, you will see ... I ...

Arkady Ivanovich would have said for a long time, but Vasya interrupted him. He raised himself to bed, silently wrapped in both hands the neck of Arkady Ivanovich and kissed him.

And he again turned his head against the wall.

"Oh my God! - Thought Arkady, - My God! What about him? He was completely lost; What did he solve this? He will destroy himself. "

Arkady looked at him in despair.

"If he got sick," Arkady thought, "maybe it would be better." Care would have passed with the disease, and there it would be a great way to settle the whole thing. But what am I lying! Oh, my creator! .. "

Meanwhile, Vasya seemed to be treated. Arkady Ivanovich was delighted. "Good sign!" - he thought. He decided to sit over him all night. But Vasya himself was unfair. He fuckedfully shuddered, rushed to bed and opened his eyes for a moment. Finally, fatigue took the top; It seemed that he fell asleep as killed. It was about two o'clock in the morning; Arkady Ivanovich trisky on a chair, leaning his elbow on the table.

His sleep was disturbing and strange. He seemed to him that he was not sleeping and what Vasya still lies on the bed. But a strange thing! It seemed to him that Vasya pretends that he was even deceiving him and was about to slowly, watching his infended, and steals for a written table. Burning pain captured the heart of Arkady; He was and annoyed, and sad, and it's hard to see Vasya, who does not trust him, lies from him and lies. He wanted to clasp him, scream, carry on the bed ... Then Vasya cried in his arms, and he took one lifeless corpse into bed. Cold sweat fell on Arkady's forehead, his heart was scary. He opened his eyes and woke up. Vasya sat in front of him at the table and wrote.

Without trusting his feelings, Arkady looked at the bed: there was no Vasi. Arkady jumped in fright, still influenced by his dreams. Vasya did not flourished. He wrote everything. Suddenly, Arkady, with horror, noticed that Vasya drives under the paper with a dry pen, reversals completely white pages and hurries, hurries to fill the paper, as if he was doing a great and successful way! "No, it's not a tetanus! - I thought Arkady Ivanovich and shook with all the body. - Vasya, Vasya! respond to me! " He shouted, grabbing his shoulder. But Vasya was silent and still continued to schedule dry pen on paper.

- Finally, I accelerated the pen, "he said, not the head of his head on Arkady.

Arkady grabbed him by the hand and snatched the feather.

Stone escaped from Vasya's chest. He lowered his hand and raised his eyes to Arkady, then with a volatile feeling he handed his hand on his forehead, as if wishing to remove some heavy, lead cargo, laid on his whole creature, and quietly, as if in thought, lowered on Chest head.

- Vasya, Vasya! - cried Arkady Ivanovich in despair. - Vasya!

After a minute, Vasya looked at him. Tears stood in his big blue eyes, And the pale meek face expressed his endless flour ... He whispered something.

- I'm sorry, what? - shouted Arkady, leaning towards him.

- For what, for what me? - whispered Vasya. - For what? What I've done?

- Vasya! What are you? What are you afraid of Vasya? what? - shouted Arkady, breaking his hands in despair.

- Why give me to the soldiers? - said Vasya, looking straight in his friend's eyes. - For what? What I've done?

The hair was ended on the head of Arkady; He did not want to believe. He stood over him as killed.

A minute later he came his senses. "It's so, this is a minute!" He spoke about himself, all pale, with trembling, crown lips, and rushed to dress. He wanted to run right behind the doctor. Suddenly Vasya clicked him; Arkady rushed to him and hugged him as a mother who takes a native child ...

- Arkady, Arkady, do not tell anyone! you hear; My trouble! Let I be alone and carry ...

- What are you? What are you? Be careful, Vasya, come back! Vasya sighed, and quiet tears fit on his cheeks.

- For what to kill it? What she, what is it to blame! .. - he grumbled with a painful voice, tearing the soul. - My sin, my sin! ..

He fell silent for a minute.

- Goodbye, my lip! Goodbye my lip! He whispered, shaking his head with his head. Arkady shuddered, woke up and wanted to rush behind the doctor. - Go! It's time! - Vasya shouted, carried away by the last movement of Arcadia. - We go, brother, go; I'm ready! You spend me! "He fell silent and looked at Arkady killed, an incredulous look."

- Vasya, do not go after me, for God's sake! Wait me here. I now grow up to you now, "said Arkady Ivanovich, losing his head and grabbing a cap to run behind the doctor. Vasya sat immediately; He was quiet and obedient, only in his eyes there was some desperate determination. Arkady grogied, grabbed a distinguished perochny knife from the table, last time I looked at the poor fellow and ran out of the apartment.

It was the eighth hour. The light has long dispersed twilight in the room.

He did not find anyone. He ran the whole hour. All the doctors whose addresses recognized by the janitors, visiting, whether he lives at least some doctor in the house, have already left who in service who is in their business. There was one who took patients. He long and detailed the servant who was reporting that Nefedevich came: from whom who, and how, for what kind of need and how would it even be the signs of an early visitor? "And he concluded that it is impossible, things can not go and it cannot go, and that such patients need to be taken to the hospital.

Then the dead, shocked Arkady, did not expect such a junction, threw everything, all doctors in the world, and went home, in the last degree of fright for Vasya. He ran into the apartment. Moored, as if nothing had happened, chalk Paul, broke the rays and cooked stove to stir. He is in the room - Vasi and the next washed: he left the courtyard.

"Where to? Where? Where will the unfortunate run? " - Thought Arkady, ice from horror. He began to interrogate Mavru. She did not know anything, did not know, and did not hear how I went out, forgive his Lord! Nefedevich rushed to Kolomensky.

He, God knows why came to the idea that he was there.

Was already the tenth hour, as he came there. There they were not waiting for him, they did not know anything, did not know. He stood in front of them frightened, upset and asked, where Vasya? The old women have lifted legs; She collapsed on the sofa. Lisanka, all shivering from fright, began to ask about what happened. What was to say? Arkady Ivanovich fell back, invented some fable, which, of course, did not believe, and ran away, leaving all shocked, exhausted. He rushed into his department to at least not be late and let me know there, so that measures were taken as soon as possible. Dear he decided that Vasya Julian Mastakovich. It was the most correct thing: Arkady first of all, before Kolomensky, thought about it. Driving past the house of His Excellency, he wanted to stop, but immediately ordered the path further. He decided to try to find out: there is no inclination in the department, and then, as he does not find it, to appear to His Excellency at least as a reporting about Vasya. Someone needed to be reported!

Even in the reception room surrounded his comrades, all the greatest part of him equal to the rank, and in one voice began to ask what happened with Vasya? At the same time, they said that Vasya went crazy and was prevented on the fact that his soldiers want to give for a faulty performance. Arkady Ivanovich answered all directions or, it is better to say, not responding to a positive anyone, sought internal chambers. On the road he learned that Vasya in the office of Julian Mastakovich, that everyone went there and that Esper Ivanovich went there. He was suspended. Some of the elders asked him where he and what he needed? Without distinguishing the face, he spoke something about you and went straight to the office. From there, Julian Mastakovich's voice was already heard. "Where are you going?" - asked him someone at the very door. Arkady Ivanovich almost lost; He had already wanted to grind, but because of the ditched door he saw his poor Vasya. He challenged and protested something in the room. There reigned turmoil and bewilderment, then that Julian Mastakovich was, apparently, in a strong chagrin. Near him stood all who caught up, interpreted and did not solve anything exactly. Loaded stood Vasya. Everything froze in Arkady's chest when he looked at him. Vasya stood pale, with his head raised, stretching into a thread and lowering his hands on the seams. He looked right in the eyes of Julian Mastakhovich. He immediately noticed Nefiarevich, and someone who knew that they were the cohabitants, he reported to his Excellency. Arcadia summed up. He wanted to answer something to the proposed questions, looked at Julian Mastakovich and, seeing that his true pity was portrayed on his face, shook and buried like a child. He even made more: Rushed, grabbed the head of the head and brought to his eyes, washing her tears, so even Julian Mastakhovich himself was forced to take her back, wait for the air and say: "Well, full, brother, full; I see that you have a good heart. " Arkady sobbed and threw on all pleeling glances. It seemed to him that all the brothers His poor Vasya, that they all tormented and cry about him. "How is it, how did it happen to him? - Julian Mastakhovich said. - Why did he go crazy? "

- From blah-good darity! - He could only repulse Arkady Ivanovich.

Everyone listened to his response in bewilderment, and everyone seemed strange and incredible: how could it be so possible from gratitude to go crazy? Arkady explained as he knew how.

- God, like a pity! - I finally said Julian Mastakhovich. - And the matter, entrusted to him, was unimportant and not rush at all. So, not because of what a man died! Well, to take it away! .. - here Julian Mastakhovich appealed again to Arkady Ivanovich and again began to ask him. "He asks," he said, pointing to Vasya, "so as not to say this to some girl; What is she, bride, or him?

Arkady began to explain. Meanwhile, Vasya seemed to think about something, as if he recalled one important thing with the greatest tension, which would now be useful. Sometimes he praised her eyes as if she hoped that someone would remind him of the fact that he forgot him. He rushed through the eyes of Arkady. Finally, suddenly, as if hope flashed in his eyes, he moved from his place on his left leg, three steps stepped out as soon as he could and even flashed with his right boot, as soldiers make, approaching the suspicious officer. Everyone expected what would happen.

"I am with a bodily disadvantage, your Excellency, is calm and small, not coming to the service," he said backlessly.

Everyone who was in the room was, everyone felt as if someone squeezed them the heart, and even no matter how hard was the character of Julian Mastakovich, but the tear flowed out of his eyes. "Make it," he said, waving his hand.

- forehead! - said Vasya in the way, turned to the left around and left the room. Behind him, everyone who interested his fate was rushed. Arkady crowded for others. Vasya sat in the receptionist waiting for the prescription and carriage to take him to the hospital. He sat silently and was seemed to be in extreme care. Who recognized, I nodded my head, as if he was saying goodbye to him. He remembered the door to the door and prepared when they say: "It's time." Around it crowded a close circle; Everyone was shaking their heads, all complained. Many struck his story, who had already suddenly became known; Some reasoned. Others regards and praised Vasya, said that there was such a modest, quiet young man, which promised so much; They told how he tried to learn, was inquisitive, sought to form himself. "Own forces came out of a low state!" - noticed someone. With mieutenment, they spoke about attachment to him Excellency. Some have broken to explain why it came to mind you and he was prevented that he would be given to the soldiers for not cumming. They said that the poor was recently from the applied title and only at the petition of Julian Mastakovich, who was able to distinguish talent in him, obedience and rare meekness, received the first rank. In a word, there were a lot of different senses and opinions. In particular, one of the shocked, was noticeable, a very small growth, colleague Vasi Shumkov. And not that there was a very young man, and about thirty years already. He was pale as a canvas, trembled with all the body and somehow smiled strangely - maybe, because every scandalous Delcene or a terrible scene scares, and at the same time somehow he is somewhat pleased with the foreign spectator. He remembered the whole circle, overwhelming Shumkov, and since he was small, it became on the tiptoe, grabbed the oncoming and transverse button, that is, from those who had the right to grab, and everything said that he knew why this was all that This is not a simple, but quite an important thing that you can not leave so; Then she became again on the tiptoe, it was whispered to the ear to the listener, again nodded two heads and moved again and again. Finally, everything ended: the guard appeared, the paramedic from the hospital, came to you and told him that it was time to go. He jumped up, drove and went with them, looking around around. He was looking for someone's eyes! "Vasya! Vasya!" - shouted, sobbing, Arkady Ivanovich. Vasya stopped, and Arkady-Taki protested him. They rushed for the last time each other in hugs and squeezed each other hard ... It was sad to see them. What chimerical misfortune broke the tears from their eyes? What did they cry? Where is this trouble? Why did they not understand each other? ..

- on, on, take! Sawn this, "said Shumkov, giving some piece of paper in the hand of Arkady. - They will take me. Bring me later, bring; Saws ... - Vasya did not agree, I was clicked. He hurriedly escaped from the stairs, nodding his head, saying goodbye to everyone. Desperation was on his face. Finally we sat in the carriage and lucky. Arkady hastily unfolded a piece of paper: it was a curl of black hair Lisa, with whom Shumkov did not part. Hot tears splashed Arkady's eyes. "Ah, poor Lisa!"

At the end of the service time, he went to Kolomna. There is nothing to say what was there! Even Petya, the baby Petya, who did not completely understand what was happening with the kind Vasya, went into the corner, closed with handms and buried how much his heart heart became. There were already full twilight when Arkady returned home. Going to the Neva, he stopped for a minute and threw a shrill look along the river into the smoky, a frost-muddy distance, suddenly the last purple of the bloody dawn, who hacked in a muddle of the sky. The night fell over the city, and all the immense, burst from the frozen snow, the Polyana Neva, with the last light of the sun, crept on endless myriads of sparks of the Ineja. Marus became twenty degrees. Frustrated pairs of Valil with drunk horses drunk, with running people. The compressed air was trembling with the slightest sound, and, as if the giant, the pillars rummaged from all the roofs of both embankments and rushed up the cold sky of the pillars of smoke, gossy and broken down on the road, so it seemed that the new buildings got up above the old, the new city was in the air ... It seemed to finally, that all this world, with all his tenants, strong and weak, with all the dwellings of them, the shelters of the beggars or the spanled chambers - the Otrada Strength of this world, in this twilight hour is like a fantastic, magical dream, to sleep, which in The turn will immediately disappear and tempted the ferry to dark blue sky. Some strange thought visited the orphaned friend of the poor Wasi. He shuddered, and his heart seemed to be impaired in this instant with a hot blood key, suddenly boiled from the tide of some mighty, but the sensation was not familiar with him. He seemed to just now realize all this alarm and found out why he was crazy his poor, who did not bring his happiness. His lips trembled, the eyes flared out, he turned pale and as if he was clear about something new at this moment ...

He became boring and sullen and lost all his fun. The former apartment became hated him - he took another. He did not want to go to Kolomensky, and he could not. Two years later, he met Lisanka in the church. She was already married; Behind her, Mamka was with an infant. They greeted and long averaged the conversation about the old. Lisa said she was glory to God, happy that she was not poor that her husband good personShe loves ... But suddenly, among speech, her eyes filled with tears, the voice fell, she turned away and bent on the church ass, to hide their grief from people ...

... And since many of these writers who are so starting ... - It is in mind that the physiological essay has already become the screening manner.

... how to say, maybe some, due to unlimited self-adequacy ... "Dostoevsky parries ridicule Turgenev and Nekrasov over his painful pride, which he wrote to Brother on November 26, 1846 and recalled contemporaries (D. V. Grigorovich, A. Ya. Panayev).

... poor man recently from the applied rank ... - Applied classes, peasants and mothers, were paid to submit, limited in rights and carried military service.

Going to the Neva - the feeling of the sensation is not familiar to him. - This is a description expressing the tragic feeling of contradictions of life big City, literally repeated Dostoevsky in the "Petersburg dreams in verses and prose" (1861).

Got frost in twenty degrees. - The temperature is indicated by the romor's scale adopted in Russia (corresponds to 25 ° C).

Patient Heart: 5 early signs

Sick heart: 5 early signs Many people first think about the heart only after myocardial infarction, although attentive attitude towards anxious heart symptoms could preserve their health.

shortness of breath, myocardial infarction, arrhythmia, swelling, diagnosis

According to statistics, the diseases of the cardiovascular system occupy the first place among the causes of the death of the adult population of Russia and the whole world. Men are most susceptible to men older than 30-40 years old and women over 60 (on the occurrence of a menopausal period). Special importance acquires last years A sudden death that is associated with coronary pathology (violation of blood supply to the heart).

At the same time, only rare forms of heart diseases of the cardiovascular system proceed asymptomatic. In most cases, the body long before the catastrophe begins to feed the alarms. The main thing is to recognize them on time and take the necessary measures.

It is impossible to endure the pain in the chest. With the appearance of unpleasant sensations in the heart
It is necessary to stop, if possible to sit down or lie down. People
suffering from coronary heart disease, you should always have
With yourself drug nitroglycerin rapid effect
And take a dose of medication when pain appears.

1 Sign: Pain and Friendly Feeling

Breast pain is the most typical sign of cardiac pathology. With insufficient blood supply, the heart muscle experiences ischemia (lack of oxygen), which is accompanied by severe pain syndrome. Cardiac pain has the following characteristics:

it occurs or enhanced when the heart is experiencing the greatest load: in physical activity (run, walking, lifting the stairs), excitement, increase blood pressure; The pain quickly goes alone, in the sitting position or standing, stops for a few minutes after taking nitrates (nitroglycerin, nitrosprey, spray spray, nitromint, nitrocor and other); The pain is localized in the heart area, behind the sternum, can spread (give) to the left blade, left jaw, left; The character of pain is an intense graceful, in more severe cases - sharp, burning.

The pain described makes interrupting activities, stop physical work, sit down or lie down. The load on the heart decreases, the pain eats.

Much more dangerous atypical manifestations of heart painful syndrome, for which people often do not pay attention, hoping to endure:

unpleasant sensations in the field of heart, especially those associated with physical activity or excitement: a sense of compression, the heart "like in the cackan", tingling the sternum; Such sensations are often accompanied by the appearance of fear of death, inexplicable excitement; Cardiac pain can imitate dental pain, pain in the lower jaw, the exacerbation of osteochondrosis, my sums of chest and sublock muscles, heartburn during gastritis, an attack of peritonitis with the advent of intensive abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting.

2 Sign: Dyspnea during exercise

Dyspnea is a feeling of light shortage. With an active physical activity, shortness of breath is a physiological mechanism that allows you to compensate for excessive consumption of oxygen operating muscles.

However, if shortness of breath occurs with insignificant activity, it indicates a high probability of cardiac pathology. Dyspnea with heart pathology is often equivalent to cardiac pain.

Throwing should dryness, which does not allow without stopping to rise to the 3-4th floor, occurs with a calm walk in the usual pace.

Dyspnea, amplifying alone, especially in the lying position, often indicates the attachment of pulmonary (respiratory) failure. In addition, shortness of breath is a satellite of diseases of the lungs and respiratory tract (bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, pneumothorax).

3 Sign: arrhythmia

Episodes of sudden freight (tachycardia) or deceleration (bradycardia) of heart abbreviations, feeling when the heart "jumps out" from the chest, can also be signs of heart disease.

The most often myocardial ischemia is accompanied by flickering arrhythmia. A person feels unpleasant feelings in his chest, dizziness, weakness. When tugged - the pulse of weak filling, heart blows are felt as nehyrtic, then they are rapidly slow down without any system. If the heart rate is not higher than 80-90 blows per minute, a person can independently feel interruptions.

When cardiac arrhythmia occurs, even if the attack ended independently for a short time, it is necessary to consult a doctor to diagnose and identify the causes of pathology. Cleaning arrhythmia is dangerous by the development of thrombosis.

4 Sign: feeling numbness

A rare sign of heart disease is a feeling of numbness, which patients are experiencing in their hands (more often than left), chest, lower jaws during exercise and excitement. Such feelings are rarely associated with problems in the heart and continue to work, despite the bad well-being, writing off everything on problems with the back and spine. At the same time, the sense of numbness is a sign of expressed myocardial ischemia and may end with a heart attack.

The feeling of numbness in the legs, accompanied by acute intense pain in the chest, back or abdomen, is a symptom of a life-threatening disease - aortic aneurysms.

If the pain in the chest or shortness of breath does not decrease alone, do not pass
within 3-5 minutes after receiving nitrates, there is a high risk of irreversible
Ischemic lesion of the heart - myocardial infarction. In such a situation you need
Call an ambulance and independently take half the aspirin tablets.
From how quickly will be provided health caredepends
Further forecast for the health and life of the patient.

5 Sign: Edema

Evenkers or pastosity of tissues may indicate heart problems. In case of violation of the contractile function of myocardium, the heart does not have time to pump blood, which is accompanied by a slowdown in its vessels. Of the total blood flow to the surrounding tissues, part of the liquid moves, causing an increase in the volume of soft tissues.

Heart edema can be observed on the whole body, but are more pronounced in the lower body, where the blood return rate to the heart is minimal, more often in the evening. Attention should be paid to the appearance of traces of socks or stockings, an increase in the girth of the ankle, the legs, rounding the contours of the legs, difficulties when trying to squeeze the fingers in the fists, remove the ring from the finger.

Expert:Olga Karaseva, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Cardiologist
Natalia Dolgopolov, doctor-therapist

In the material used photos owned by

Recognize a weak heart is not so difficult. It itself gives the aid signals.

It all depends on whether you are sufficiently attentive to your body.

So what are Signs of a sick heart?

You must understand that the weak heart is not always a Kara Heavenly. Frequently often is the consequence of our own actions.

We conduct an incorrect lifestyle: Eating that it fell, smoke, like steam locomotives, drink any rubbish (alcohol of dubious quality) on an industrial scale.

If the heart is junk, you need to take yourself in hand and, at least, to abandon some of the bad habits. And better, from all.

Cigarettes, harmful food, alcohol clogs the vessels. Reduced blood flow. From here and all the problems.

Therefore, if you are worried about the heart, consult a doctor immediately.

Proper and timely diagnosis, as well as faithful treatment - the only thing that can help you.

The exact diagnosis is not possible to put on the phone or on the Internet correspondence. An integrated approach is needed. Summage symptoms, conduct inspection and laboratory and diagnostic tests, etc.

But the list of those symptoms that will push you on the idea that it's time to consult a doctor.


Lethargy and increased fatigue

Accelerated and not rhythmic pulse


Swelling on the legs in the evening, after lunch

Increased irritability

Awful mood


Fast fatigue offensive

Is it familiar to you?

Then you should consult a doctor.

Separately, I note the following points:

In the suffering reduced arterial pressure, the skin's skin is pale than usual;

In turn, the bluish-red tint of the cheek (mitral butterfly) indicates clear problems with the mitral valve of the heart;

Hypertensive, the face blossoms, and the fat people have a crimson head, which is a sign of predisposition to strokes. In addition, the nose is covered with tubercles (bortal vessels);

If the heart and lungs have reduced blood circulation, the pallor (or blossom) is spreading not only on the cheeks, but also on the forehead, lips, nail phalanx;

In front of a sharp increase in blood pressure (the so-called, hypertensive crisis) in the temples protrudes the curved artery. This is a very important point that can not be missed.

But to recognize the onset of myocardial infarction is much heavier. This can only be done by the patient: grazing, burning pain, often give to the left blade, hand with numbness fingers. Feeling of lack of air. Fear of death. Sometimes sticky cold sweat. In atypical cases, pains can be given in the stomach, a sharp breath. All this is the manifestation of the formidable myocardial infarction.

These signs of a weak heart - a serious reason to consult a doctor.

Remember that cardiovascular diseases develop very quickly. Time plays against you.

Timely appeal to the doctor significantly increases the chances of recovery. For over time, the effectiveness of treatment is reduced.

And no self-medication, such as distribution of recipes on the Internet. Medicinal preparations are selected individually after inspection.

And finally, a few more signs of a sick heart, namely, circulatory disorders. When they are discovered immediately contact the doctor.

1) It is difficult to draw in full breasts;

2) a strong pallor of the face or, on the contrary, excessively redness;

3) sudden difficulties with speech;

4) fainting;

5) the inhibited reaction or complete inability to respond to questions;

6) The look suddenly begins to curb;

7) weak but fast pulse

On this topic of signs of a weak heart, I consider it exhausted.

Just be careful to yourself. And all will be well.

To new meetings!

What are the first symptoms of heart problems?

The very first sign of emerging heart problems. Dyspnea manifests itself when the heart is still accustomed, but can no longer pump a sufficient amount of blood.

Article on the topic

Edems on the legs

These are signs of vascular disorders. Edemaes for heart disease are beginning to appear in cases where the heart ceases to cope with the increased load and decompensation occurs.

Blue lips

In case of insufficiency of the blood circulation of the heart, there is a pale or bluish lip color. If the lips are completely pale - anemia (anemia) should be excluded.

If you see a person suffering from obesity, it is almost guaranteed to suspect cardiovascular diseases. Extra kilograms are a serious extra load on the heart.

Blue-red cheeks can be an indicator of disorders in the work of the mitral valve.

Red buggy nose

A red buggy nose with streaks of blood vessels allows you to suspect hypertension.

Signs of states requiring emergency medical care:

surface shortness of breath, in which the patient cannot do a full breath; severe pallor or abnormally red face; weakly tested, but frequent pulse; suddenly a closer look; Appearance nepny speech; The inability of the patient to react to the address facing it; loss of consciousness.

It should not be disregarding the feeling of discomfort in the chest, the severity or pain behind the sternum, the pain that goes into the hand, in the back, under the blade, in the throat, in the jaw, the lack of air is the symptoms of a heart attack.

Patient Heart: Hidden Signs

Signs of a heart attack are well known to us: pain or sternum pressure, shortness of breath, violation of the rhythm of the heart, feeling of fear, sweating, dizziness, sometimes - loss of consciousness. However, there are a number of signs for which you can promote it long before the attack and warn it.

The first signs of heart failover begin to appear in a few months, or even years before a heart attack. These may be the following signs.

Chest pain

What can be confused pain from angina. With heartburn, with dental pain, with intercostal neuralgia, with muscle pain, with nesting nerve. Check simply: take nitroglycerin. The pain during angina will substantially weaken or stop.

Periodically emerging these "pains" in men over 40 years old and women over 45 should be a reason to appeal to the therapist for a heart check.

Sensation of lack of air

Dyspnea is a rapid breathing and a sense of lack of air, arising from physical or emotional load, and then with everyday actions. This is a symptom of problems either with light or heart.

"Cardiac" shortness of breath occurs more often in the lying position. It happens that cores a few days before the attack even sleep sitting or suffering from insomnia.

Increased fatigue, fatigue

This sign note the majority of women who have undergone a heart attack. Uncharacteristic fatigue OT daily work Perhaps pursued them for several months to the attack, but they did not pay attention to her.

Reducing libido

65% of men who have been diagnosed with coronary heart disease, for several years to this may suffer from erectile dysfunction. In women, it is manifested as a decrease in libido, the difficulty in reaching orgasm.

If the problem with the erection persists sufficiently long and does not depend on stress at work or physical fatigue - this is a reason to appeal to the therapist or cardiologist and check the heart.

Snoring and night apnea

According to statistics, night apnea increases the risk of a heart attack over the next 5 years three times. That is why the difficulty of breathing during sleep and snoring should not remain unnoticed - these are problems requiring immediate correction of the therapist. Perhaps, together with a cardiologist.

Gingivitis and paradontitis

Oddly enough, the inflammation of the gums and their bleeding can also be associated with the disease of the heart.

There are two theories explaining this fact. First, in cardiovascular diseases, blood supply to the body deteriorates, small artery suffer, and the tissues around the tooth are very sensitive to the amount of incoming oxygen. Secondly, it is known that the diseases of the oral cavity can be complicated by heart diseases (for example, myocarditis after an angina). So, bacteria causing inflammation of gums can participate in damage to the arteries that feed the heart, and in the development of inflammation in them.

When the heart ceases to work in full force, the blood cannot withdraw the products of the exchange and liquid from the tissues. As a result, edema is formed - this is a sign of heart failure. At first, unauthorized, they grow up with time. Edems can be suspected by shoes and rings. This symptom requires a mandatory heart survey.

Violation of the rhythm of the heart can manifest a long before the attack. Sometimes it is detected only under load. Preventive ECG is helped to identify it, which should be carried out once a year to men after 40 years and women after 45.

Especially closely to the presence of these symptoms should be related to people with the presence of risk factors for myocardial infarction. These include: high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, transferred heart attacks from the patient himself or relatives, smoking, diabetes mellitus. Hydodine. obesity.

The first signs of ischemic heart disease

Ischemic disease consists of several diseases, the root cause of which is the lack of oxygen. This factor It has a significant impact on the work of the heart muscle, as a result of which the body loses its former performance.

Like any other disease, ischemic illness is better to warn or treat in the early stages, and not to run. Therefore, it is very important to be able to determine the symptoms of this ailment.

Depending on the form of the disease, the symptoms of ischemic heart disease will be different. Many people live with an ailment for several years and do not even realize that their heart muscle feels acute lack of oxygen. If you visit massage chairs several times a week. We run in the morning, tightly dinner and dinner and do not feel discomfort in the heart area, then such ischemic disease is considered asymptomatic. In most cases, a person feels some pain in the heart of the heart, but cannot understand what it is connected with.

Do not think that pains will be permanent. There are so-called peaks and decay of ischemic disease. Such a parables develops slowly, and the symptoms of the disease themselves may vary over time. Sometimes it seems that the disease has retreated, and in fact she began to develop on another path.

The first symptoms of the disease may be pain in the field of the back. Some people begin to feel pain in the left side of the jaw and in the left hand. If you began to celebrate a rapid heartbeat and excessive sweating, then you should consult a doctor. The most common symptom of the disease is still pain in the left side of the chest. You may not even be able to use a massager. Because you will feel it's incredibly strong. With the overexcitation or large loads, shortness of breath appears in the patient with ischemic disease.

There is a so-called arrhythmic form of ischemic disease, in which a person has a change in the frequency of reduction of the heart muscle. The most popular with such a form of illegible arrhythmia. Interruptions in the heart, at the same time, people sometimes almost do not feel and do not pay attention for a long time. All the symptoms that we have led above are characteristic of the disease of the average severity. If a person launched a paragraph, then oxygen starvation It will not only cause severe pain in the heart of the heart, but can also lead to myocardial infarction.

IN last case It is terrible that after a heart attack, part of the cells of the heart muscle dies and it is impossible to restore them.

Many people are interested in the question of how to identify a weak heart. According to statistics, in the Russian Federation the greatest mortality accounts for cardiovascular pathology. Therefore, the health issues of this important muscle should be posed in the first place. Nobody wants to get into the risk group, but every person should know about the manifestation of the first disturbing symptoms.

Signs of a weak heart: psyche

Implicit signs exist in many diseases and pathologies. At the same time, people practically do not pay any attention to them. The fact is that they primarily have an impact directly on the mental well-being of the individual. The weak heart of a person manifests itself in:

Constant fatigue;
feeling anxiety.

Often both factor listed above are acting simultaneously. Therefore, all the points list should be known in more detail.

Constant fatigue

The heart is responsible for blood circulation. When interruptions, the stability of the brain and internal organs of nutritional compounds is disturbed in the operation of this organ. As a result, a sense of fatigue arises.


During the alarming expectation of something, the human body begins to actively synthesize adrenaline. In small quantities, hormone does not harm any harm, but its excess is able to provoke tachycardia and heart attacks.

Internal symptoms of a weak heart

Here attention should be given to a variety of factors. Often, pain in the field of heart occur when the development of pathology is irreversible. The beginning of the destructive process is determined by completely different signs:

legume of legs;
changing the pigmentation of the skin or nails;
Permanent cough.

What does the weak heart mean in each case listed above? We will figure it out with this question further.


Classic symptom of a weak heart. Of course, with certain loads, each person is observed in certain loads. However, in this case, shortness of breath occurs without any activity.

Empty of foot

Interruptions in the work of the heart lead to excessive cluster of fluid in the body. As a result, under the action of gravity, it gradually "flows" into his feet. The swelling is very strong.

Change of pigmentation

In case of failures in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, the least blood comes directly to the capillars. They are equipped with nutrients, nails. The lack of compounds leads to a change in pigmentation, incorrect growth of plates.

Permanent cough

Excess fluid is observed not only in the legs, but also in the lungs. Give the excess the body is trying through the upper respiratory tract. Of course, it turns out noticeably worse, so man coughs strongly.


All these signs are the reason for the immediate appeal to the doctor. It is impossible to pull with the problem in principle. In the launched cases, even the most modern techniques of therapy are useless.

Young people rarely think of their heart. And in vain. First, every young man agrees. Then, all the mistakes committed in relation to their health have been manifested as much as possible. Secondly, heart disease is young. Problems are diagnosed already in adolescence. And after thirty-five years, the diagnosis is made to each tenth. Talk about the weak heart. Diseases violating the usual rhythm and representing a real threat to the patient's life.

Causes of weak heart

1. The main reason is a circulatory disorder. Vessel delivering to the heart muscle nutrients and oxygen, clogged. As a result, the cells of myocardium die. Normal fabric is replaced by Rubwar.

2. The second in the frequency is the reason - increased blood pressure. For many years, the heart muscle is forced to work in reinforced mode. After all, she has to swamp blood under considerable resistance. As a result, the muscle becomes more and stronger. Accordingly, she needs more nutrition. And she can not get it. Since the blood vessels lag behind the heart muscle in development. The lack of nutrition sooner or later leads to a decrease in muscle activity. She can no longer swing blood well.

3. Increased sugar in the blood - another reason for the development of a weak heart. All diabetics are included in the risk group. High sugar contributes to the deposition of cholesterol in the blood vessels, speeds up the process of dieting the heart muscle.

Risk factors:

1. Smoking.

The heart of the avid smokers has to work not in the best conditions. In the body due to a tobacco smoke lacks oxygen. Therefore, the heart muscle is forced to work more active, over the norm. So the heart tries to prevent oxygen hunger. Moreover, the motor itself is hunger. After all, smoking affects the health of the vessels.

2. Obesity.

People with excess weights are weakened by the muscles. Including cardiac. And she has to work a lot. Big man It is required to distinguish more blood. The situation aggravates the cloves of vessels by cholesterol plaques, which is characteristic of people with obesity.

3. Drinking alcohol.

With alcohol, the heart gets a fair dose of toxins. Plus the brain signals the body poisoning. And the heart is forced to join blood cleaning work. It knocks it more often and stronger, trying to pump more blood.

4. Abuse exciting nervous system drinks.

Coffee, strong green tea, energy - all this artificially increases the frequency of heart abbreviations.

5. Lifeline lifestyle.

Cardiac muscle, like any other, needs permanent training. Cardiography - running, swimming, skiing and cycling, sports games.

6. Incorrect meals.

This is the abuse of salt and animal fats. Such products lead to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in blood vessels. And the extra salt becomes the cause of fluid delay in the body. Hence - an increase in blood volume and forced heart overload.

7. Not on time cured infections.

Clinical picture of the weak heart

How to recognize a dangerous disease?

Alarm signals that should make you go to the doctor:

  • pain of any character in the heart;
  • shortness of breath, even with minor loads, lethargy and increased fatigue;
  • tachycardia, accelerated, not rhythmic pulse;
  • swelling of the lower extremities by the end of the working day;
  • bad mood, irritability;
  • insomnia.

Weak heart can not be treated independently. And no attention to the symptoms are also impossible. The disease is prone to progression and complications.

Signs, when the appearance of which you need to call an ambulance:

sharp and strong pale face or redness of the same character;

  • no opportunity to breathe full of breasts;
  • suddenly there are problems with speech
  • fainting;
  • inability to answer questions around the surrounding reaction;
  • sudden closure view;
  • the increase in the pulse, but it felt weakly.

And yet: the most effective treatment is prevention. Minimizing the influence of risk factors, you can avoid serious heart problems.