Test whether you are a sociable person. Test

When answering questions, choose the option that best suits your style of behavior. Remember: you need to answer as honestly as possible.

1. If you were invited to visit by a person with whom you do not sympathize, will you accept his invitation?

b) only in exceptional cases;

2. Imagine that at a party you are forced to sit next to a person whom you consider your enemy. How will you behave?

a) you will not pay attention to him;

b) you will only answer his questions;

c) try to strike up a casual conversation with him.

3. You are about to ring the doorbell of your acquaintances' apartment, but suddenly you hear that a family dispute has arisen in the apartment. What will you do?

a) still call;

b) wait until the dispute stops;

c) leave.

4. What will you do if you are offered a dish at a party that you do not like?

a) go anyway

b) tell the hosts that you cannot eat it;

c) complain about lack of appetite.

5. Which sandwich from the table will you choose?

a) the best

b) the smallest

c) closest to you.

6. What will you do if the company has a sudden break in conversation?

a) wait until someone starts talking on new theme;

b) find some topic yourself.

7. Imagine that at work or somewhere else you are in an unpleasant situation. Will you tell your friends about this?

a) necessarily;

b) only friends;

c) nobody.

8. Do you add anything of your own to the stories you hear from others?

b) with very minor "improvements";

c) almost never.

9. Do you carry a photograph of your sweetheart with you and show it to others?

b) sometimes;

c) never.

10. What do you do when you don't understand a joke being told?

a) laugh with everyone;

b) remain serious;

c) ask someone to explain the meaning of this joke.

11. What will you do if you get a headache at a party?

a) be patient

b) ask for a headache pill;

c) go home.

12. What will you do if you are visiting, and on TV you have to show a program that is interesting, perhaps only to you?

a) ask the hosts to turn on the TV;

b) you will watch a TV show in the next room so as not to disturb other guests;

c) refuse to watch the program.

13. Being away makes you feel better:

a) when you yourself entertain those present;

b) when you are entertained by others.

14. Do you decide in advance how long you will stay at a party?

b) sometimes;

15. When a newspaper correspondent interviews you:

a) you are satisfied that the interview will be published in the newspaper;

b) would like the conversation to end as soon as possible;

c) it doesn't matter to you at all.

16. Can you be impartial to people you can't stand?

a) definitely;

b) only as an exception;

c) didn't think about it.

17. Do you agree with other people's opinions - fair, but unfavorable for you?

a) not always

b) only if it coincides with your opinion;

c) But in fact, why do it?

18. You stop arguing:

a) immediately - and the sooner the better;

b) when the dispute does not make any sense;

c) after you convince your opponent.

a) with pleasure

b) if asked to do so;

c) by no means.

20. Imagine that you live in the time of the Count of Monte Cristo, sit in prison and suddenly find out that your worst enemy is in the next cell. Will you hang out with him?

a) yes, immediately;

b) when you can no longer withstand loneliness;

c) never.

21. Do you have a habit of celebrating the New Year in the main square of the city?

c) On New Year's Eve you always sleep.

Key to scoring

280–300 points. There is a suspicion that you did not read all the questions carefully or did not always answer them sincerely. Make a second try: check yourself again.

200–280 points. You can be satisfied with yourself, or rather, with your manner of communication: you are willing to spend free time among people and in any society, you are considered a welcome guest. You have a lively mind, impressionable, a good listener and storyteller, often become the soul of the company.

100–200 points. Your attitude to public life is difficult to define clearly. On the one hand, you have qualities that make you a pleasant conversationalist. On the other hand, other features of your character, as it were, inhibit the first. In general, you feel comfortable in society, but it takes a long time to adapt to any environment. With people you like, you often have a good time.

50–100 points. Admit that, as a rule, you prefer loneliness. In a narrow family or friendly circle, you feel much more comfortable than in a large company. You appear to be an introvert. By the way, many famous personalities who went down in history were introverts, so don't be shy: live the way you want.

Less than 50 points. You need to try to be more social. After all, you can’t explain to everyone that you are an introvert by nature. Not understanding this, many people think: if they don't want to talk to us, it means they treat us badly. And two or three of these critics will agree that you are an arrogant person. Of course, you can ignore it if it doesn't bother you. But if it hurts, try to develop the ability to communicate.

1. Atwater I. I listen to you. - M., 1984.

2. Big psychological dictionary / Comp. and general ed. B. Meshcheryakov, V. Zinchenko. - St. Petersburg: Prime Eurosign, 2004.

3. Vaclavik P. How to become unhappy without outside help. - M., 1990.

5. Pascal b. Thoughts. – M.: REEL-book, 1994.

6. Piz A. Body language. - N. Novgorod, 1994.

7. Sheinov V.P. The art of persuasion. – M.: Prior, 1998.

8. Sheinov V.P. Hidden human control. – Minsk: Harvest, 2000.

9. Sheinov V.P. Conflicts in our life and their resolution. - Minsk: Amalfeya, 1996.

10. Sheinov V.P. Psychology of manipulation. 3rd ed. – M.: AST; Minsk: Harvest, 2011.

11. Sheinov V.P. Manipulation and protection against manipulation. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2014.

12. Sheinov V.P. Conflict Management. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2014.

13. Sheinov V.P. Saying “no” without feeling guilty. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2014.

14. Sheinov V.P. Determinants of assertive behavior // Psychological journal. 2015. V. 36. No. 3. S. 28–37.

15. Sheinov V.P. Development of an assertiveness test that meets the requirements of reliability and validity // Questions of Psychology. 2014. No. 2. P. 107–116.

16. Sheinov V.P. Development of a questionnaire to assess the degree of insecurity of an individual from manipulative influences // Questions of Psychology. 2012 (b). No. 4, pp. 147–154.

17. Sheinov V.P. Assertiveness, Machiavellianism, vulnerability to manipulation and mental states teachers and students // Systems psychology and sociology. 2014. No. 3 (11). pp. 106–113.

18. Sheinov V.P. Assertive behavior: advantages and perception // Modern foreign psychology. 2014. V. 3. No. 2. S. 107–120.

19. Sheinov V.P. Assertiveness of the individual and his health // Russian Humanitarian Journal. 2014. Vol. 3. No. 4.

20. Sheinov V.P. Assertiveness, internality, affiliation and insecurity of an individual from manipulation: connections and properties // Systemic psychology and sociology. 2015. No. 14 (2). pp. 107–113.

21. Sheinov V.P. Assertive Behavior: Assessments and Properties // Russian Journal of Psychology. 2014. V. 11. No. 4. S. 55–67.

22. Sheinov V.P. Age and gender factors of assertiveness // Systemic psychology and sociology. 2014. No. 2 (10). pp. 118–126.

23. Sheinov V.P. Development of assertiveness in children // Development of personality. 2015. No. 4. P. 113–124.

24. Sheinov V.P. Assertiveness of a leader as a factor of his effectiveness // Izvestiya Russian Academy education. 2014. No. 14 (32). pp. 125–131.

25. Ellis A. Psychotraining according to the method of Albert Ellis. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 1999. (Series "Your own psychologist").

Led psychological test will help you to know yourself. By answering the questions, you can draw some conclusions about your character and, in particular, your sociability.
Choose the answers that best match your behavior and write down their indexes (for example, 1a, 2b, 36, etc.). Recordings will be required in order to process the results.
Just remember that all questions must be answered honestly and frankly.
1. If you are invited to visit by a person whom you do not sympathize with, will you accept this invitation?
a) yes
b) only in exceptional cases
c) no
2. Imagine that at a party you are forced to sit next to a person whom you consider your enemy. How will you behave?
a) ignore him
b) you will only answer his questions
c) try to strike up a casual conversation with him
3. You were just about to ring the bell at the front door of your acquaintances' apartment. Suddenly you hear that a family dispute has arisen in the apartment. What will you do?
a) still call
b) wait until the dispute stops
c) leave
4. What will you do if you are offered an unloved dish at a party?
a) despite being disgusted, you eat this dish
b) tell your hosts you can't eat it
c) complain about lack of appetite
5. Which sandwich from the table will you choose?
a) the best
b) the smallest
c) closest to you
6. What will you do if there is a sudden interruption in the conversation in the company?
a) wait until someone starts a conversation on a new topic
b) find some topic yourself
7. Imagine that you are in an unpleasant situation at work or in some other conditions. Will you tell your friends about this?
a) definitely
b) only friends
c) not a single person
8. Do you add anything of your own to the stories you hear from others?
a) yes
b) adding with very minor "improvements"
c) no
9. Do you carry a photograph of your beloved with you and do you willingly show it to others?
a) yes
b) sometimes
c) never
10. What will you do if, being in a society, you do not understand the told joke?
a) laugh with others
b) stay serious
c) ask someone to explain the meaning of this joke
11. What will you do if, while in a company, you begin to feel a sharp headache?
a) will endure
b) ask for a headache pill
c) go home
12. What will you do if, while visiting, you find out that a program will be broadcast on television that interests only you?
a) ask the owner to turn on the TV
b) start watching TV in the next room so as not to disturb the rest of the guests
c) refuse the program you are interested in
13. You are visiting. When do you feel better?
a) when entertaining guests
b) when you are entertained by others
14. Do you have a habit of deciding in advance how long you can stay at a party?
a) no
b) sometimes
c) yes
15. Correspondent interviews you:
a) Are you satisfied if an interview with you is published in a newspaper?
b) would you like it to be in the past?
c) it doesn't matter at all
16. Can you be impartial to people you can't stand?
a) definitely
b) only as an exception
c) didn't think about it
17. Do you agree with the opinion of other people, even if it is fair, but unfavorable for you?
a) not always
b) only if it confirms your opinion
c) in fact, why do it?
18. When do you stop arguing?
a) the sooner the better
b) when this argument does not make any sense
c) after you have convinced your opponent
19. If you know poetry, will you read them in society?
a) with pleasure
b) if asked
c) by no means
20. Imagine that you live in the time of the Count of Monte Cristo, sit in an underground prison and suddenly find out that your worst enemy is imprisoned in the next cell. When will you start talking to him?
a) as soon as possible
b) when you can no longer endure loneliness
c) never
21. Do you have a habit of celebrating the New Year on the main square of the city?
a) yes
b) no
c) I always sleep on New Year's Eve
The key to answering questions
Number Options responses i i grades
answers in points
a b v
1 20 5 8
2 0 5 25
3 5 10 0
4 10 0 5
5 0 5 10
6 5 15 -
7 30 5 0
8 15 5 0
9 0 5 10
10 0 5 10
11 5 ¦ 10 0
12 0 5 10
13 20 5 -
14 0 5 15
15 10 0 5
16 15 5 0
17 25 5 0
18 0 5 10
19 0 5 10
20 20 5 0
21 5 0 10

Evaluation of results
280-300 points
There is a suspicion that you did not always carefully read the questions posed or did not always answer them sincerely. Make a second try: check yourself again.
200-280 points
You should be pleased with yourself. At least this applies to your ability to communicate. You willingly spend your free time among people and, conversely, in any society you are desired. You have a lively mind, impressionable, a good listener and storyteller. All these and some more
abilities lead to the fact that you often become the center of attention.
100-200 points
Your attitude to public life is not easy to determine. On the one hand, you have qualities and inclinations that make you a pleasant member of society. On the other hand, other qualities of your character seem to slow down the first ones. In general, you can feel quite satisfactory in society. But, in any case, it is not easy for you to adapt to any environment. This matches your mood. But among the people you sympathize with, you often spend very pleasant hours.
50-100 points
As a rule, you like loneliness. In a narrow family or friendly circle you feel much better than in a big company. You appear to be an introvert. By the way, many famous personalities who went down in history often belonged to this category of people.
Less than 50 points
This result is small. You need to try to be more social. For you cannot explain to everyone that you are a complete introvert, that this property is from nature. Not understanding this, many people think: if they don’t want to talk to me, it means that they treat me badly. And having “washed your bones”, two or three such critics will completely agree that you -bad person. Of course, you can ignore it if it doesn't bother you. But if it hurts - try to develop the ability to communicate.

Let's check how sociable you are, whether you like to communicate with peers and make new acquaintances, or perhaps you prefer to spend time alone.

Answer all the questions by choosing one of the suggested options and learn something new about yourself.

1. A classmate turned to you for help, with whom you do not have the best best relationship. Are you willing to help him?

Yes - 1 point. No - 0 points.

2. Do you like to relax in a summer camp?

Yes - 1. No - 0.

3. Do you like to go to discos?

Yes - 1. No - 0.

4. Is it easy for you to get acquainted during the holidays?

Yes - 1. No - 0.

5. Are you always glad to meet a friend unexpectedly?

Yes - 1. No - 0.

6. Have you ever started a conversation with an unfamiliar peer in an elevator?

Yes - 1. No - about.

7. Are you always happy to have guests?

Yes - 1. No - 0.

8. Do you have many friends?

Yes - 1. No - 0.

9. Do you want to have a holiday every weekend?

Yes - 1. No - 0.

10. Do you take part in competitions at any evenings?

Yes - 1. No - 0.

11. What about the names of Your neighbors? Do you know them?

Yes - 1. Hi - 0.

12. Do you agree that the main thing is not victory, but participation?

Yes - 1. No - 0.

13. Do you like talking to people more than playing with a computer?

Yes - 1. No - 0.

14. Do you like helping someone?

Yes - 1. No - 0.

15. Do you eat at a party what they offer, even if it is not very tasty?

Yes - 1. No - 0.

16. Do you congratulate everyone on holidays?

Yes - 1. No - 0.

17. Is there a company in which everyone wants to communicate with you?

Yes 1. No - 0.

18. Do you like meeting new people?

Yes - 1. No - 0.

19. Do you feel confident in any company?

Yes - 1. No - 0.

20. Do you like to play with small children?

Yes - 1. No - 0.

21. What is easier for you: A: write a letter, B: call?

22. Do you find new friends easily?

Yes - 1. No - 0.

23. Did You have to pretend that You were not at home?

Yes - 0. No - 1.

24. Do friends often call or visit you?

Yes - 1. No - 0.

25. Do you worry about “what other people think”?

Yes - 1. No - 0.

Calculate your points and write down the result.

Test results

Your result is 16-25 points? Congratulations! You are a very sociable person. The circle of your fellowship is really huge. You will be welcomed by any company: everyone is glad to meet You. You have a unique gift for finding mutual language With different people, even strangers: you will always find something to talk about. This ability will help you become a true leader.

If you scored between 8 and 15 points: Communicate You love and know how. However, you also like to be alone, dream, take a walk alone with yourself. It is unlikely that you need to strive to become a leader, to lead a company. There is nothing wrong with that, because sometimes it costs more to chat with a close friend than to make a lot of new acquaintances.

How do you know how sociable you are? Take a little psychological test.

The given psychological test will help you to know yourself better. Everything is very simple! Grab a pen and paper and start answering questions.

You may also need tests for , and and .

How to pass the sociability test?

Answer the questions you see below. After that, you will be able to draw amazing conclusions about your character, namely, your sociability.

Write down the question number and answer option that best matches your behavior and write down their indices (for example 1 a (where 1 is the question number and a is the answer option for that question), 2 in, 3 b etc.).

Recorded responses will be required to process and display results.

The main condition is that all questions must be answered honestly and frankly. Now get on with the questions.

Sociability Test Questions

1. If you are invited to visit by a person whom you do not sympathize with, will you accept this invitation?

  • b) only in exceptional cases

2. Imagine that at a party you are forced to sit next to a person whom you consider your enemy. How will you behave?

  • a) ignore him

  • b) you will only answer his questions

  • c) try to strike up a casual conversation with him

3. You were just about to ring the bell at the front door of your acquaintances' apartment. Suddenly you hear that a family dispute has arisen in the apartment. What will you do?

  • a) still call

  • b) wait until the dispute stops

4. What will you do if you are offered an unloved dish at a party?

  • a) despite being disgusted, you eat this dish

  • b) tell your hosts you can't eat it

  • c) complain about lack of appetite

5. Which sandwich from the table will you choose?

  • a) the best

  • b) the smallest

  • c) closest to you

6. What will you do if there is a sudden interruption in the conversation in the company?

  • a) wait until someone starts a conversation on a new topic

  • b) find some topic yourself

7. Imagine that you are in an unpleasant situation at work or in some other conditions. Will you tell your friends about this?

  • a) definitely

  • b) only friends

  • c) not a single person

8. Do you add anything of your own to the stories you hear from others?

  • b) adding with very minor "improvements"

9. Do you carry a photograph of your beloved with you and do you willingly show it to others?

10. What will you do if, being in a society, you do not understand the told joke?

  • a) laugh with others

  • b) stay serious

  • c) ask someone to explain the meaning of this joke

11. What will you do if, while in a company, you begin to feel a sharp headache?

  • a) will endure

  • b) ask for a headache pill

  • c) go home

12. What will you do if, while visiting, you find out that a program will be broadcast on television that interests only you?

  • a) ask the owner to turn on the TV

  • b) start watching TV in the next room so as not to disturb the rest of the guests

  • c) refuse the program you are interested in

13. You are visiting. When do you feel better?

  • a) when entertaining guests

  • b) when you are entertained by others

14. Do you have a habit of deciding in advance how long you can stay at a party?

15. Correspondent interviews you:

  • a) are you satisfied if an interview with you is published in a newspaper

  • b) would you like it to be in the past?

  • c) it doesn't matter at all

16. Can you be impartial to people you can't stand?

  • a) definitely

  • b) only as an exception

  • c) didn't think about it

17. Do you agree with the opinion of other people, even if it is fair, but unfavorable for you?

  • a) not always

  • b) only if it confirms your opinion

  • c) in fact, why do it?

18. When do you stop arguing?

  • a) the sooner the better

  • b) when this argument does not make any sense

  • c) after you have convinced your opponent

  • a) with pleasure

  • b) if asked

  • c) by no means

20. Imagine that you live in the time of the 1st of Monte Cristo, you are sitting in an underground prison and you suddenly find out that your worst enemy is imprisoned in the next cell. When will you start talking to him?

  • a) as soon as possible

  • b) when you can no longer endure loneliness

  • c) never

21. Do you have a habit of celebrating the New Year on the main square of the city?

The key to answering test questions

Now take the written answers and use the table to add up the scores for each question.

Question number a) answer option and assessment
question answer in points
b) answer option and assessment
question answer in points
c) answer option and assessment
question answer in points
1 20 5 8
2 0 5 25
3 5 10 0
4 10 0 5
5 0 5 10
6 5 15
7 30 5 0
8 15 5 0
9 0 5 10
10 0 5 10
11 5 10 0
12 0 5 10
13 20 5
14 0 5 10
15 10 0 5
16 15 5 0
17 25 5 0
18 0 5 10
19 0 5 10
20 20 5 0
21 5 0 10

After you know your test score in points, find out the result of your assessment. To display the result, click "+" next to your result and read the report.

280 - 300 points

There is a suspicion that you did not always carefully read the questions posed or did not always answer them sincerely.

Make a second try: check yourself again.

200 - 280 points

You should be pleased with yourself. At least this applies to your ability to communicate.

You willingly spend your free time among people and, conversely, in any society you are desired. You have a lively mind, impressionable, a good listener and storyteller.

All these and some other abilities lead to the fact that you often become the center of attention.

100 - 200 points

Your attitude to public life is not easy to determine.

On the one hand, you have qualities and inclinations that make you a pleasant member of society.

On the other hand, other qualities of your character seem to slow down the first ones. In general, you can feel quite satisfactory in society.

But, in any case, it is not easy for you to adapt to any environment. This matches your mood.

But among the people you sympathize with, you often spend very pleasant hours.

50 - 100 points

As a rule, you like loneliness. In a narrow family or friendly circle you feel much better than in a large company.

You appear to be an introvert. By the way, many famous personalities who went down in history often belonged to this category of people.

Less than 50 points

This result is small.

You need to try to be more social. For you cannot explain to everyone that you are a complete introvert, that this property is from nature.

Not understanding this, many people think: if they don’t want to talk to me, it means that they treat me badly. And having “washed your bones”, two or three such critics will completely agree that you are a bad person.

Of course, you can ignore it if it doesn't bother you.

But if it hurts - try to develop the ability to communicate.