This is called the length of the vector. Determine your vector = find out fate without a horoscope

Question from Elvira:

Hello. I am grateful that I discovered the SVP for myself. Now a lot is explained by vectoriality. But how can you accurately determine your vector? Thanks.

Diana Kirss answers:

For precise definition vectors, both your own and other people, you need to study well the essence of each vector. This happens at the training of Yuri Burlan. Then it will not be just a label, every statement of system-vector psychology will be filled with deep meaning and can be confirmed by observations from life.

Reading about vectors, you partly get acquainted with them, the first recognition occurs, but you can get the full depth and volume of systemic knowledge only at the training on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan (the first acquaintance with the features of two of the 8 vectors occurs at free online lectures).

You will learn to understand how each vector lives, what innate desires it has, how they manifest themselves at birth, what development they require so that certain skills and abilities can be formed from the child's primary inclinations. How our innate properties manifest themselves depending on the circumstances in adult life- You will learn to understand all these interrelationships that determine the character and actions of a person, his life scenario, as well as scenarios for the development of events in a couple, team, society.

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan is an opportunity to know oneself, to reveal everything that happens in the unconscious. These are not just descriptions of vectors and not some individual examples, as in the articles, this is an integral system of regularities that can be fully built and learned precisely during the training.

As a result of realizing these causal relationships, you develop a systemic thinking that will always be with you, allowing you to understand a variety of issues, systematically understanding the meanings of what is happening.

To take part in the full First Level training, leave your application here.

Best regards, Diana Kirss, doctor

The article was written using materials from trainings on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan

Section: Answers to questions

System-vector psychology - you can change your place in life - 11 October 2013 | Earth

Everyone in childhood had some kind of dream about future profession... "I want to be a firefighter, save people!" or "I want to be an actress!" However, most often this dream remains only a memory from childhood, causing only a smile, and in life we ​​play completely different roles. Why we can’t or don’t want to make our dreams come true will be told by systemic vector psychology.

Usually because we are poorly aware of our true desires, being guided by outside influence when choosing a business in our life: fashion, advice from parents and friends, or simply our own illusions.

It's good if this happens as early as possible, in childhood... The child himself, of course, is not able to determine his desires, but parents can help him with this. Having knowledge of systemic vector psychology, from a very early age they will see in it the manifestation of certain vectors, that is, naturally given abilities, which are subsequently realized by their specific role in society.

We need to start developing vectors immediately, because nature has given us not much time - until puberty, 12-14 years old. Then we can only realize what will have time to develop in childhood.

Systemically vector psychology defines 8 vectors of the unconscious, which are manifested through a person: muscle, anal, skin, urethral, ​​visual, sound, oral, olfactory. They are divided according to the method of obtaining the maximum pleasure from life through the leading erogenous zone. That is why, developing naturally set vectors and subsequently realizing them in the chosen profession, we will have the greatest satisfaction from it. This is the intention of nature: man was created in order to receive pleasure from life. You can learn more about the professions recommended for each of the vectors at the SVP training. Here we are only considering the principle of choice.

Dominant vectors

If earlier, in the primitive flock, each person had only one vector, which manifested itself in one species role, then the modern landscape has become much more complicated and requires a versatile development from a person. That is why polymorphism, that is, the presence of 3-4 or more vectors, is currently the norm, especially in the urban environment. A person becomes the owner of very different, often conflicting desires. How to choose what to focus on? And systemic vector psychology can help in this.

There are three dominant vectors that give the strongest desires, and this must be taken into account when choosing a future profession. These are the urethral, ​​olfactory and sound vectors. If they are not realized in the work that you do every day, there will be strong deficiencies in them, emptiness that simply will not let you live. They should become the core on the basis of which your whole life and activity is built.

The urethral man is a natural leader, and in the modern savannah he is the best leader, by his mere presence gathering around him a team of people devoted to him, ready to follow him to the ends of the earth. The olfactory vector is perfectly implemented in the field of finance, politics and advanced science.

The most difficult thing is with the professional implementation of the sound vector. For him, solving the problems of the material world is not primary. He is focused on spiritual tasks, the task of finding the meaning of life, cognition of the psychic. Therefore, the best implementation for it can only be given by systemic vector psychology, as the deepest knowledge about nature mental person... Revealing the properties of people, knowing what drives them and realizing oneself, according to their role, gives him the greatest satisfaction and fulfillment.

In society, its most powerful abstract intelligence can be useful, which gives the world brilliant physicists, mathematicians, programmers, musicians and, most importantly, the present stage, creators and developers of new means of communication, chief among which is the Internet, as a technological base for the future unification of mankind.

Upper and lower vectors

Systemically vector psychology distinguishes four lower and four upper vectors. V modern world we have enough high level the development of the lower vectors - muscle, anal, skin, urethral. Material world We have already mastered it very well, and we act in this world, just proceeding from the lower vectors. Therefore, having only them in our vector set, we have a chance to be quite well adapted in the modern savannah.

But if, when choosing a profession, we do not take into account the presence of upper vectors, then we will never be able to get satisfaction from work, because it is precisely their filling that gives the greatest pleasure. Therefore, if you are a complex polymorph, you should not rely only on the lower vectors in your activities.

Now we are in the skin phase of human development, when our being is determined by a quartel of information - sound and vision. Only in these two vectors does the concept of intelligence exist. Visual intelligence is aimed at understanding the material world. Sound - abstract - intelligence is aimed at understanding the spiritual, mental world. Thus, having in your vector set any of these vectors, developing these two types of intelligence, using them in your activities, you will always be at the forefront of human development.

What is implementation?

Now, having decided on your natural desires and choosing the core, it is worth thinking about what realization is. What are we guided by when choosing a job? Nowadays, more and more often you can hear the following options: wages, the presence of a social package, the convenience of the location. In general, it can be expressed as follows: I want to take as much from work as possible, and give as little as possible. And almost nowhere you will hear: I want to maximize my potential for the good of society, I want to work for people. That is, when looking for a job, we are initially guided by the wrong intention. The question should be posed like this: "What can I give to society?"

Systematic vector psychology defines the concept of implementation as work for the best, for the benefit of society. The abilities received from nature can be realized inwardly, receiving exclusively in oneself, consuming, using other people for their own good. But we are designed in such a way that such a realization brings very scant pleasure. A completely different biochemistry of the brain arises when we realize ourselves outside, giving the acquired knowledge and skills for the benefit of society. It is not easy, it requires us to exert all our strength, but the pleasure from this process far exceeds the effort expended.

We must also remember that implementation is a process that never ends. Only by constantly developing, constantly improving your skills in the profession, and sometimes radically changing something in your life, you can get the most satisfaction from the chosen path. Otherwise ... In a stagnant swamp, life stops.

Thus, in order to choose a job to your liking, systemic vector psychology recommends:

Decide on your vector set;

Find the core in the form of a dominant vector, dominant desire;

Find the right intention in the implementation for bestowal.

And then every day of your life will be filled with the greatest pleasure that a person can experience.

8 vectors in psychology

The highest-level generalization is the division of the system into two elements that are opposite to each other in properties: giving and receiving, altruism and egoism, external and internal, static and dynamic, etc.

We also see that the model of the universe consists of two concepts: information (statics) - the descriptive characteristics of the system, and energy (dynamics) - the potential of the system to change from one state to another. These two characteristics appear in the physical world as space and time, respectively.

Everything in the world is described by four quartels, which, in turn, split into external and internal levels. At this stage, we fix the appearance of eight vectors, eight measures, eight roots and causes of everything, in relation to which we will consider and analyze human psyche... Why exactly at this level? Nature itself has chosen the eight-dimensional model as the optimal system for expressing the human being.

Therefore, in psychoanalysis, we rely on this level of abstraction and proceed from it. Eight vectors in psychology are the expression of human properties, functions and desires. We also call them psychotypes. Each of them is absolutely unique and does not overlap with the others in any way.

So by what principle are vectors divided and manifested?

  • The quartel of information is divided into general and particular, which manifests itself in a person as a sound and visual vector.

These measures are responsible for the development, the person's knowledge of the world around him and himself, but they differ in their approach to this task. People with a visual vector think in particulars, in separate details through which they perceive the world. On the contrary, people with a sound vector tend to perceive the general model of the universe, its basic systemic laws.

  • The energy quartel is divided into unification and ranking, which manifests itself in a person as an oral and olfactory vector.

At this level, a person exists in the society of the same creatures as himself, looking for his place in the group. Olfactory people are responsible for the safety, hierarchy in the system and the performance of individual individuals and groups of their tasks. People with an oral vector unite the group at the level of a common idea, are responsible for its cohesion.

  • The quarter of time is divided into the past and the future, which at the human level is expressed as anal and urethral vectors.

Here, a person exists and interacts with the landscape in time. People with an anal vector are responsible for the careful transfer of experience to subsequent generations, and urethral people are natural leaders, leaders who lead society forward - to progress.

  • The quartel of space is divided into matter and form, which manifests itself in a person as muscle and skin vectors.

This is the physical level, here a person is organized for labor, in order to survive at the level of bodies. Muscular people are the backbone of society, warriors and hard workers who use their physical strength to achieve results. People with a skin vector are organizers responsible for the design of the work and the achievement of its results.

Very often, at free introductory lectures on system-vector psychology, listeners ask the same questions: "What is my vector?", "How to determine my vector?" ". Those who have already listened to the lectures of the first level of training are perplexed: "What is the point in defining your vectors when there is still no understanding of their essence?"

And, as usual, both sides are right. The first ones are right that defining your own vector or a set of vectors makes life much easier (a little further we will talk about this), and the second ones know for sure that it is useless to hang a label on oneself, without a deep study of each vector.

Define your vector. What for?

So, why does a person still need to determine their own vector.

This is the way it is in the world, everyone is born with a place “prepared” for him in society in advance. Of course, not in the way that some would like the parents to store a title, money and position at court as a gift for the newborn.

Children are born with those desires and abilities that society needs - heels of healthy, robust farmers, a couple of chubby silent people with golden hands and a phenomenal memory, well, and others as required. But a person is born, albeit with given properties, but only to develop the given is the task of parents and teachers. To reveal all the talents, so that the little man learns to be a big man, to fulfill his role and, most importantly, to be happy in his place.

Actually, a vector is a group of natural properties and desires. Lucky little man, parents guessed with the method of education - he will be happy and respected in society. And if not? Will be known as a loser. I'm sure everyone knows such people - no matter what he undertakes, everything turns out badly. In this case, system-vector psychology is able to help both parents in determining the child's vectors in order to avoid mistakes, and an already grown “loser” in behavior correction.

It is equally important to determine its vectors in the case when, it would seem, successful person from time to time, there are serious "failures" in fate or constantly want to "do not know what".

For example, my not very close friend Marina, a pronounced skin-visual madam in a not too developed state. She leads an appropriate lifestyle - conquers men left and right, drives them crazy, works as a sales manager and that's it. free time spends on photo shoots and parties. One "but" about which I learned quite by accident - from Marina epilepsy , besides, relatives complain of her periodic attacks of unbearable criticism.

That's how it is! It turns out that there is also an anal vector that requires attention to itself - suppressed desires that do not fit into the image of her ideal I. in this case would mean the development and implementation of properties in the best possible way.

Example two: Elena Petrovna, the classic anal-visual “ideal mother”. A soft smile, kind eyes and super-care for your children, grandchildren and husband. Anyone who catches her eye will be wrapped in warmth, fed, watered, wrapped in a scarf and will receive pies with them. Fabulous woman! And Elena Petrovna's innocent "hobby" - rearranging furniture in the apartment several times a month and constantly changing the curtains, somehow doesn't bother anyone. The thirst of the skin vector for changes has found such a way out. There is nothing to be done - what is given requires implementation. Due to the prevailing life circumstances, Elena Petrovna had to "forget" about the specific role of the skin-visual woman-dream, which had been worked out for centuries.

Could Elena Petrovna's life have been fuller? Undoubtedly! And, perhaps, the children would not have complained so much about their mother's suffocating care.

There are many such examples.

Define your vector. What will it give me exactly?

The question is correct. It seems to each of us that “I am not like the others” and therefore I want to hear all the recommendations individually. And individual recommendations are possible only in one case - when you yourself undergo training in system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan. Otherwise, all definitions of vectors will have values ​​no more than a test from a women's magazine, and recommendations will be perceived at the horoscope level from the same place.
The world is changing so rapidly that not understanding your needs can throw you far from your desired place in the sun. Even if everything is going well now.

A vector is not just a list of character traits. Everyone who has undergone training in system-vector psychology, naming a vector or a bunch of vectors, understands the whole outlook of a person, his character and possible life scenarios, including things that are impossible under any circumstances. To define your vector means to know yourself. Vector is full information about a person, his physiological features and the way of thinking.

Is it possible to convey this in a nutshell or briefly describe in an article? Just realize the properties of each vector. In myself and in others. Then no recommendations will be needed, there will be a complete understanding of all the options and possibilities. And absolutely all “I don’t know what I want” will disappear.

Define your vector. How?

So we moved on to the main question - how to determine its vector. From the above, it is clear that vectors cannot be determined by any tests. The error rate is too high. From descriptions and articles, many properties are recognized in themselves, but not all. And there is also a high probability “to ascribe too much to yourself that sometimes fraught with no less problems than an insistent non-observation in oneself of the properties of any vector.

Someday systemic vector psychology will become as obvious in understanding as for modern man the difference between birds and fish and fish and insects is obvious. We, without any description, understand where the cockroach is, and where the dog is, and even the child will not confuse. But for now, it is possible to correctly determine your vector, and more often it is still a set of three or four vectors, only at the training on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan.

And, alas, an attempt to figure it out on your own from articles or videos will not only not lead to a result, but will confuse you even more in the illusions of false representations. Especially if you come across sites of profanators who decided to earn extra money on strangers. Yes, you will be able to determine your vector with a high degree of probability, but this definition will not be filled with meaning, will not become an inner sensation and ... at best, it will not affect life in any way.

For those who have completed the training of Yuri Burlan, the difference between people with different vectors becomes obvious, and the number of results after the training proves:

These are not loud phrases - the experience of many people from different cities (and even countries) of different ages with different levels of education confirms this fact every day.

Written using materials trainings on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan

Many readers who want to know what systemic vector psychology is, ask me: “How can you define your vectors? How not to get confused in the Vector Psychology system? Is there any test for 8 vectors? " However, it is not so easy to define your vectors.

There are no tests here and there cannot be, but if they tell you the opposite and are offered testing to determine vectors, do not believe: they will “define” you there that which you do not have and cannot be. And what's more, it won't tell you anything.

Vector names remain just names, if you do not put meaning in them. training in systemic vector psychology .

Another example. “I am very sensitive to smells! I have an olfactory vector! "- someone will say. But, nevertheless, a person whose vector is visual can be sensitive to odors. If a guy changes girls like gloves, you might mistakenly call him a urethral leader. But a person with a skin vector often changes partners.

Do you feel yourself starting to get confused? Confusion exists in the minds of many newcomers, and as a result, at some point, there is a feeling that the system is not working: there are too many contradictions. I want to spit and say: I was fooled again.

System-vector psychology: how not to get confused?

Why is the confusion happening? Systemic vector psychology answers: because we are looking in the wrong direction . "Behold at the root!"- says an old proverb. When analyzing a specific person, you need to look, first of all, at the reasons for the behavior, at his lack and desires, and not at how he behaves.

Of course, behavior and even appearance can also tell us a lot, but we cannot be guided by only superficial signs. Only when you see a person in volume can you determine exactly who is in front of you.

The same behavior in different vectors has different causes . For example, says system-vector psychology, a person with an oral vector is lying to be listened to. He needs other people's ears, and if you ignore his chatter, he begins to lie and lie so that you finally start listening to him! The viewer does not lie, but embellishes events in order to impress you, to evoke certain emotions in you. The owners of the skin vector also lie, but only for the sake of profit.

That is why systemic-vector psychology can never be mastered through tests: those questions that involve tests are guided only by the external manifestations of a person or by self-deception.

Mistake # 2. Stereotypes and anchors

The most difficult thing is to determine our own vectors and the vectors of close people, because over our entire life we ​​have already formed a certain stereotype about ourselves and our environment. When we listen to lectures on system-vector psychology, we unconsciously sweep aside the bad, what we don't like, and pull out the moments we like. We begin to think that one vector is better, the other is worse. And, of course, we do not want to classify ourselves as a “bad vector”.

System Vector Psychology: Who Am I?

For example, many people think that people with a skin vector are hucksters, liars and cunning. And of course we are not like that! Therefore, we firmly say: "No, I'm definitely not a leather worker."... Or, conversely, we say: "Well, what kind of anal brake am I?" But we are in a hurry to try on the "liked" vectors. It turns out that we are, at least, urethral olfactory organisms: no more, no less. And all the same, that the urethral-olfactory ligament is a passionary complex and such people are rarely born. For example, people with sound vector feeling their exclusivity may well admit that they are precisely the very same passionaries.

Many of those who are interested in system-vector psychology generally see all eight vectors in themselves and are very proud of this. And when you tell them that there is none of this, they are offended, they say that the system simply does not work, and indeed everyone around is fools and deceivers.

Why are we wrong? Because we misunderstand the system and its purpose. Answer the question: why do you need system-vector psychology? Why do you need to define vectors for yourself and those around you? To proudly call yourself an urethral leader, and sit on the throne of your self-conceit? To decompose everyone around them into vectors, to give them a name, so to speak, to replace one anchor with another and calm down?

After all, this is not why this system is needed, but for serious work on yourself and your cockroaches. So that you can understand yourself and your problems, get to the bottom, look at the world differently, establish relationships with the people around us, realize your place in this world, in the end.

Today, with all the development in various fields of science and human activity, academic psychology, despite the huge number of psychologists, does not meet the demand for solving problems of a personal and social nature. A huge number of divorces, problems in the intimate sphere, a tragedy with adolescent suicide ...

Understanding Systems Vector Psychology does not come immediately. We make mistakes all the time, bump into stakes, but that's okay: mistakes are a natural process in mastering this or that knowledge ... It takes a long time, you need to work for a long time, and then one day everything will fall into place. You will stop clinging to some side moments, the need to lay out on the shelves of each counter-cross will disappear. In the end, vectors are just symbols, conventional designations, behind which are hidden large layers of knowledge about a person.

Whose books have become quite popular in recent times, is based on Z. Freud's concept of psychosexuality. Let's consider it in more detail.

general characteristics

The author of the theory calls an understanding of the innate properties and abilities of each child as one of the key conditions for the correct upbringing of children. System-vector psychology helps to master the necessary knowledge in this area. Vectors are types of "directionality". They indicate what a person likes, gives him pleasure. Self-realization in this case is carried out through a certain role in society. The concept proposed by the author acts as an applied science. It contributes to the rapid development of the mechanisms of the functioning of the unconscious, its manifestations in each individual, at the level of a couple, group, society. As a result of the assimilation of knowledge, the adult's thinking is transformed into an objective view of what is happening. There is an acceptance and full understanding of the behavior of others and their life priorities. Vector systems psychology allows a parent to better understand his child and educate him so that his potential is maximized.

The essence of the concept

What is the system-vector psychology built on? Tolkachev (co-author of the theory) and other researchers of the problem of upbringing develop the idea that every person is born with specific desired properties. They determine the life scenario of a person, his behavior and character. These properties are divided into 8 groups. Each of them combines characteristics depending on the performance of the role in society. It, in turn, expresses humanity's goal of survival. Each group (vector) has a connection with a specific sensitive area. It predetermines the method of obtaining or outputting information by a person about himself and about the world that surrounds him. The innate characteristics of an individual do not change their nature during life. However, they can appear in different forms.

Basic Provisions

Vector-systems psychology includes the concepts of formation and subsequent implementation of the characteristics of the direction, on which the actual behavior of the carrier depends. A person whose properties remain undeveloped will act according to the opposite scenario in comparison with the developed individual. In accordance with this, a life scenario is formed. A person can become a thief or a judge, a genius or a schizophrenic, a rapist or a wonderful family man, and so on. Properties develop up to inclusive. After that, the characteristics can either be filled / realized or not. In the first case, vector-system psychology involves the use of innate properties, due to which a person receives satisfaction and is in a state of harmony. All this suggests that key characteristics are laid down from an early age and are improved until full puberty. The main role in this process belongs to the parents. It is they who form the conditions of the world surrounding the child during this period.

Acquaintance with the characteristics

Revealing properties begins with describing their expression during the primitive flock. This allows us to understand the primary, initial state, which is set from birth. Thus, one can trace the development of mental characteristics, which took place in the course of the complication of the world over the past several thousand years.

The nuances of understanding

The question of the competent upbringing of children in classical psychology provoked the emergence of many methods of child development. However, some of them clearly contradict each other. Their ineffectiveness and the resulting delusions are due to the fact that there is no established definition of a child's "normality" in them. There are no absolute signs by which a person is in early age is considered healthy mentally, and his behavior is recognized as adequate, as well as vice versa. In this regard, over the past half century, the early sex life, and the rejection of congenital gender identity. What does Yu. Burlan offer in this case? System-vector psychology defines the concept of the norm in a differentiated way, according to the innate characteristics of the child. This prevents the harm that parents can cause to the development of their children, and also allows you to identify the most effective educational methods at an early stage.


  1. The child does not inherit characteristics from the parents and may have completely different properties.
  2. The main task of adults is to provide children with a safe environment, a state of security. Otherwise, development slows down, distorts or stops.
  3. The methods of education and training must correspond to innate characteristics.
  4. The consequences of mental trauma received before puberty can be neutralized or alleviated through systemic interaction.
  5. Children are the next generation. This means that the innate power of desire and their potential is significantly higher than that of the parent.
  6. In everyday communication, upbringing and development of a child, the systemic thinking of older family members is key. This is especially true for the mother, since she is the main person in life until the end of puberty.

Let's consider some groups that are distinguished by system-vector psychology. The vector test contains specific questions. According to the answers to them, belonging to one type or another is established.


The specific role of such a child is to create and store food supplies. He has a logical type of thinking. System-vector psychology defines mobility and activity as innate properties of such a child. He has sensitive skin, plastic body, which predetermines the choice of dancing and sports. Such a child is rather stingy with emotions and words. He is characterized by short, capacious phrases. It is important for parents to teach him the rules and show the boundaries.

Life values

How are they characterized by the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan? The test shows that with the development of the innate properties of the "skin", an engineer, a legislator, a successful manager grows out of a child. He knows how to both obey and subordinate, disciplines himself and those around him. If a child is punished by beating, then he will develop a craving for masochism. In the case of the underdevelopment of his properties, he becomes a thief, an alcoholic, girls grow up as prostitutes.

The necessary conditions

Vector-systemic psychology formulates a number of rules for the normal development of a "skin" child. First of all, he should be accustomed to the regime and discipline. Sports will be key. In the process of upbringing, the author of the concept recommends that parents negotiate incentives for the child to perform certain actions. The most acceptable punishment may be time and space constraints.

Urethral direction

Children of this type tend to take responsibility for life, strive to expand their living space. This is the description given by system-vector psychology. The vector test shows out-of-the-box tactical thinking. Such children are clots of energy and desire to live. They are characterized by a dominant look, they always have burning eyes. The body temperature is always high. Such children do not recognize authorities, they are uncontrollable. At the same time, if the parents choose the right approach, they will raise a very responsible person. Such children react with lightning speed both mentally and physically. They do not feel constrained, and therefore do not feel danger. This, in turn, causes high mortality due to negligence. A person of this type with developed innate abilities is able to lead people. Quite often, directors of large enterprises grow out of such children. If the innate characteristics are undeveloped, the child experiences pressure or violence from adults in childhood, he runs away from home. Such children often become leaders of criminal associations. The emphasis on responsibility is the main condition for the development that system-vector psychology presupposes for them. The books describing the concept provide extensive commentary and guidance for parents of such children. The authors argue that adults should not insist on obedience; they just need to guide the child's actions.

Muscular direction

Physical labor is the main reference point that system-vector psychology sets for such children. The Direction Test indicates two basic conditions: rage or monotony. V the latter case a person has a tendency to work hard. He can do the same job every day, every year. Such people do not have their own opinion, they will act as they were taught. The choices in life will depend on who influences the development of the child. The thinking of such children is characterized as visual and effective. They do exactly as shown. This property must be taken into account in the learning process. These children cannot be called stupid. They have specific thinking. It is thanks to him that only they can do the job so stably. With developed innate properties, very hardworking specialists grow out of such children. They build, plow the land, work in the mines. They do not have high demands, they only need what they could get by working with their hands. If a child is not taught to work, then a dangerous criminal authority can grow out of him. He will easily fall into a criminal gang, where he will show his physical strength.

Impressionable children

They are characterized by a visual vector. In system-vector psychology, such children are classified as bright extroverts. Fast mood swings are common for them. Such children have a highly developed fear of death. With an illiterate upbringing, he transforms into persistent phobias. Many of these children are afraid of the dark and refuse to sleep with the lights off. This is because they cannot distinguish between the threat and ensure security. Such children have a well-developed imagination. They easily come up with different stories, bring inanimate objects to life. Cognition of the world acts as the main life task. That is why the eyes are the main area of ​​perception. As a rule, they are large and expressive. These children like everything beautiful, they are prone to flirtation. The most important aspect for them it is the establishment of emotional connections. It can be created with inanimate objects, and with people, and with animals. The immune system of such children is weak, so they are the first to catch viral diseases. With developed innate characteristics, deeply feeling, loving and sincere people grow out of them. They are negatively influenced by intimidation, reading scary tales. Fixing on such emotions, a person begins to choose horror films himself, goes to the cemetery at night, reads dark books, and so on.

Sound direction

Children of such a vector are different. They begin to take an interest in the meaning of life, the existence of people, and their purpose early enough. Subsequently, such questions can be pushed aside to the unconscious level. However, they become especially acute during puberty. Sound children are uncommunicative and brooding. They prefer solitude. Their faces often do not reflect any emotions, but this does not mean at all that they are not. During the first half of the day, these children are usually lethargic and somewhat inhibited. It is quite difficult for them to concentrate on the first lessons. In this regard, they run the risk of becoming unsuccessful in curriculum despite a strong enough mind. With normal development, children show good intellectual abilities. Exact sciences and languages ​​are easy for them. With developed innate characteristics, geniuses grow out of them. Such people become outstanding physicists, scientists, writers, philosophers. Noise and cry hinder their development. Children perceive them very painfully. As a result, they withdraw into themselves, detach themselves from the world around them. Their condition becomes tense, depressions appear. Drug addiction is possible, headaches are frequent. These children are at risk for autism and schizophrenia.

Oral direction

Such children are merry fellows and talkers. They are always on the rise, they can join any team. It is important for them to find listeners. If someone interrupts them, then they try to compress the information in order to have time to give out all of it before they are interrupted. Therefore, their speech becomes incoherent, fast. These children have increased sensitivity of the mouth and lips. They like to touch them. They can come up with a story on the go, they easily deceive. All this is necessary for them to attract attention. Children with developed properties become actors, TV presenters, orators. They are good at food. In the case of an undeveloped intellect, children become jesters who never stop talking for a minute. They speak even while eating.

System-vector psychology: reviews

It should be noted that the concept has become quite widespread in Russia. Its author conducts seminars, lectures, courses. He has created a large number of video tutorials. Online trainings are also underway. Seminars and lectures are attended as ordinary people, completely not versed in psychology, as well as specialists, doctors, psychiatrists. Most of them speak positively about the work of Yuri Burlan. Lectures help people to cope with the problems that have arisen in the family, to reconsider their approaches to education. Nevertheless, there are also negative evaluators of all this activity. So, for example, Vyacheslav Yunev is different in this regard. System-vector psychology, in his opinion, is an attack on human consciousness. Streams of criticism were sent to the author of the concept. However, some of his angry articles were refuted both by the followers of the theory and by those people who were able to solve family problems with the help of system-vector psychology.

Modern psychology and psychiatry have long gone beyond classical scientific theories. Disputes and discussions about the truth and objectivity of popular concepts have been going on for centuries, are constantly being held psychological research, the purpose of which is to come to the only correct result. But in addition to this, new alternative currents appear more and more often, well-known theories are being modified, the teachings of the world minds of psychology and psychiatry are being transformed, such as the professional of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud or his no less famous colleague Carl Gustav Jung. In this article, we will focus on just such a new trend, which made a real revolution in Russian psychology, is called system-vector psychology. You will find out what it is, what is the main idea of ​​this direction, and you will also be able to familiarize yourself in detail with each of the 8 presented vectors and even independently determine your own personality type.

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Ideas of system-vector psychology

To begin with, it should be said that system-vector psychology is not a generally accepted direction in modern scientific circles. Some especially ardent adherents of classical ideas even call this direction "network pseudoscience." But, like any other theory, the psychological concept of eight vectors not only has the ability to exist, it even managed to acquire its own army of adherents. As the founder of the system-vector theory V.K.Tolkachev said:

"The universe is large enough and inexhaustible, which allows us to find confirmation of any theory in it."

Vector systems psychology did not start from scratch. The theories of Sigmund Freud were taken as a basis, later refined by Vladimir Ganzen and completed by his student Viktor Tolkachev.

In 1908, the world saw an article by the psychoanalyst Freud "Character and anal eroticism", in which the psychoanalyst makes the conclusion that character traits are directly related to the erogenous zones of a person. The publication caused a wide response, numerous followers of the Freudian idea appeared. One of them at the end of the twentieth century was Viktor Konstantinovich Tolkachev, a psychologist from St. Petersburg. He developed a typology of characters associated with areas such as eyes, mouth, nose and ears. According to V. K. Tolkachev, the book "System Descriptions in Psychology" by Academician Vladimir Alexandrovich Ganzen inspired him to develop and refine the theory of Sigmund Freud.

The origin and development of the teachings of Viktor Tolkachev

VK Tolkachev developed a holistic psychological concept for determining the type of personality using vectors. With the help of the concept of "vector" and a detailed analysis of 8 characteristic types, a theory called "Applied system-vector psychoanalysis" was born. Tolkachev has been conducting various trainings, seminars and lectures on this issue for over 30 years. Thanks to one of his first students, Mikhail Borodyansky, a special test was developed that assesses the individual potential of each of the vectors, and allows you to determine the personality type of character in relation to the system-vector psychology of eight vectors (Tolkachev-Borodyansky test). Now there are many followers of the vector system who continue to conduct psychological trainings and seminars. The most famous internet coach in this field is Yuri Burlan.

What is the essence of system-vector psychology

During the development of psychology as a science, many different personality typologies have been developed. These are typologies according to Jung or according to Gannushkin, Erich Fromm proposed his own classification. Multiple tests have been developed to determine psychological type individual, for example, the Szondi test or the common 16Personalities. In fact, V.K.Tolkachev, like many of his predecessors, offered his own version of identifying the type of personality.

System-vector psychology is positioned not as a branch of classical psychology or a certain trend, but as a separate science of studying personality typology. A vector is a symbiosis of physiological and psychological qualities, such as, for example, character, temperament, health, individual habits and other similar properties. Essentially, the vector is the pleasure center. The vectors are associated with a specific hole in the human body, which is also an erogenous zone. Each personality may have several vectors (from 1 to 8, in practice, the largest number of existing vectors is the number 5).

The presence of the vector determines the number and degree of human aspirations and needs for self-realization, aimed at receiving pleasure. The inability to implement the existing vector, according to the developers of the theory, leads to depression and a feeling of dissatisfaction, which makes it impossible for a person to achieve inner harmony with your "I".

Vector steps (quartels) of personality development

System-vector psychology identifies 8 main vectors in personality typology. Namely: visual, cutaneous, sound, muscular, oral, olfactory, urethral and anal vectors. They are located in four main quarters (steps) that form way of life person.

The principle of the arrangement of vectors:

  • Information stage... The sound (inner part of the quartel) and visual (outer part) vectors respond. At this stage, the process of development and self-knowledge of the personality takes place.
  • Energy stage... The oral (outer part) and olfactory (inner part) vectors respond. The purpose of this stage is to predetermine the place of the individual in the social order, to build a clear hierarchy.
  • Time step... The anal (inner space of the quarter) and urethral (outer space) vectors are responsible. Temporary divisions of life into stages: past and future. At this stage, there is a receipt and processing of experience from past generations, as well as the desire for progress and development of society.
  • Spatial step... The muscle (inner part) and skin (outer part of the quartel space) vectors are responsible. The stage responsible for the physical shell is a person's labor realization, the use of physical strength, etc.

Characteristic vectors

A more detailed vector characteristic looks like this:

  1. Skin vector... People with a vivid manifestation of this type are pronounced extroverts. They realize themselves at the spatial level. The main focus of leather workers is the protection of territories.
  2. Muscle vector... Introverts. The type of thinking is practical and visual-effective. The main direction is hunting, participation in hostilities.
  3. Anal vector... Introverts with systems thinking... Typical occupations for the owners of the anal vector are the protection of the hearth, the accumulation and transmission of information from previous generations.
  4. Urethral vector... One hundred percent extroverts. Have lateral thinking. Natural born tactics. The life purpose of people with a pronounced urethral vector is to be leaders, commanders-in-chief, leaders.
  5. Visual vector... Figurative extroverts. They are at the informational stage of development. The main activity: protection of territories (during the day).
  6. Sound vector... Absolute introverts with an abstract mindset. Activity: protection of territories at night.
  7. Oral vector... Representatives of this type are mostly extroverts. They have an inherent verbal method of thinking. The main occupation: organizing events (in peacetime), warning of danger (during hostilities).
  8. Olfactory vector... Introverts with an intuitive mindset prefer non-verbal communication. Main direction: exploration, strategy development.

System-vector psychology divides vectors into more important, so to speak, basic, and those that are of lesser value in the development of personality. The olfactory, urethral and sound vectors are dominant, they dominate the rest of the vectors. These three vectors do not overlap with other existing ones, and also cannot be eradicated by external social factors, such as education or social order.

Each individual himself determines which vectors are the main ones in the psychotype of his personality.

For each vector, even such characteristics as certain external data, mental characteristics inherent in a specific vector archetype have been developed. Each of the eight vectors is assigned a certain geometric shape and color.

The vectors are also divided into lower (urethral, ​​anal, muscular and cutaneous) and upper (visual, sound, olfactory and oral). System-vector psychology shows that the lower vectors are responsible for libido, a person's sexual desires, while the upper ones are looking for conjugation with the spiritual world. The upper vectors are available in absolutely every person, in contrast to the lower ones, which are not endowed with all personal archetypes.

System-vector psychology: its purpose

There is not a single person capable of giving up pleasure; even religion itself has to justify the demand to abandon pleasures in the near future with the promise of incomparably greater and more valuable joys in the other world

Sigmund Freud

What is eight vector psychology for? What is its function and benefit to humans?

The main goal of vector psychology is to get to know oneself and enjoy life using one's own internal vectors. This system is aimed at self-knowledge of the individual, determining his role in society, in order to avoid moral dissatisfaction with himself and his life. If a person cannot realize himself in society, does not know his true needs and desires, then a constant feeling of dissatisfaction can lead to a depressive state.

System-vector psychology is also aimed at revealing a person's sexual desires and needs. Can be used as professionally oriented tests.

The psychological theory developed by Viktor Tolkachev on the basis of Freud's postulates allows one to discover the secrets of the subconscious, to realize what exactly is a person's motor force, the root cause of all his actions and deeds. The benefits of studying vectors of system-vector psychology are also in building communicative connections with people around them: employees, relatives, friends. If two people have the same vectors, then often this is the key to friendly relations. And vice versa - the contrast of vectors explains the incompatibility in pairs and dislike individuals to each other. In the words of the unwitting founder of this teaching, Sigmund Freud:

We do not choose each other by chance ... We meet only those who already exist in our subconscious

Vector systems psychology is not proven or absolutely correct. This is just one of the methodologies for identifying a certain type of personality. The amount of criticism by experienced specialists regarding the teachings of V.K.Tolkachev proves that this psychological concept is not perfect. Discussions and controversies do not subside between adherents of classical psychology and Tolkachev's students. The former are inclined to consider the vector approach to identifying personality as sectarian and hypnotic-intrusive (supposedly, trainings to teach this technique are carried out exclusively for commercial purposes). The latter sincerely believe in the objectivity of system-vector psychology and prove its benefits for individuals and humanity as a whole. To learn more about the theses and concepts of this doctrine, you can watch the video of Yuri Burlun's introductory lectures on the vector system. Only by bringing together a complete picture of the teachings, each person will be able to independently draw a conclusion about the truth of the ideas put forward.