Getting rid of the rubble Werner Tiki. Relief from Klama

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Pages: 80

The year of publishing: 2017

Language: Russian

About Bookwist Personal workbook To get rid of the rubble - starting from throwing out all sorts of unnecessary items and ending with deliverance from outdated habits and performances. Bestseller's program "Simplifies your life" created a working notebook that will help you to clean your life from unnecessary trash and habits and gain internal order. In this notebook a lot of exercises and places you can fill out with your ideas, so keep the pencil at the ready. You will learn how to get rid of the rubble, but useful advice We will help immediately apply the theoretical knowledge in practice. For whom this book is those who want to get rid of the rubble in their lives.


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  • Green colour.
  • Article: 978-5-00100-674-9.
  • Barcode: 9785001006749.
  • ISBN 978-5-00100-674-9.
  • Author Kyustenman Werner Tiki.
  • Publisher "Eksmo-myth".
  • Cover soft.
  • Pages 80.


In this notebook there are a lot of exercises and places that you can fill out by your ideas, so keep the pencil at the ready.

You will learn how to get rid of the rubble, and useful tips will help immediately apply the theoretical knowledge in practice.

For whom this book

For those who want to get rid of the rubble in their lives.

Werner Tiki Kyustenmater was born in 1953. He lives with his wife in Grebelzella not far from Munich. They have three adult children. Tiki (called so Mother in honor of the God of Sun Con-Tika, who, in turn, gained fame due to the raft of Kon-Tika Norwegian traveler Tour Heyerdal) from 1990 to 1993 was a household and felt the taste for simplifying housekeeping. From this in 2001, the book "Similarity", which was translated into 40 languages \u200b\u200band was included in the list of bestsellers. You will find more advice on the site.

About book

For whom this book

about the author
Werner Tiki Kyustenmater was born in 1953. He lives with his wife in Grebelzella not far from Munich. They have three adult children. Tiki (called so mother in honor of the Sun Kon-Tika, who, in turn, gained fame due to the raft of Kon-Tika Norwegian ...

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About book
Your personal workbook to get rid of the rubble - starting from throwing out all sorts of unnecessary items and ending with deliverance from outdated habits and views.

In this notebook there are a lot of exercises and places that you can fill out by your ideas, so keep the pencil at the ready.

You will learn how to get rid of the rubble, and useful tips will help immediately apply the theoretical knowledge in practice.

For whom this book
For those who want to get rid of the rubble in their lives.

about the author
Werner Tiki Kyustenmater was born in 1953. He lives with his wife in Grebelzella not far from Munich. They have three adult children. Tiki (called so Mother in honor of the God of Sun Con-Tika, who, in turn, gained fame due to the raft of Kon-Tika Norwegian traveler Tour Heyerdal) from 1990 to 1993 was a household and felt the taste for simplifying housekeeping. From this in 2001, the book "Similarity", which was translated into 40 languages \u200b\u200band was included in the list of bestsellers. More advice on simplification You will find on site:


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Scientists have proven to part with trash to some people as difficult as to quit smoking. Moreover, those who are inclined to accumulate, the cleaning of unnecessary things reacts with genuine soulful pain. Therefore, psychologists have developed a strategy that will help stop tied to things and make any tracker travelers to clean up the house.

We are in website We decided to sort out these councils and transfer them to you. And in the end we will tell you how to live with a person who is not used to throw something.

Why "racking" is so difficult

First you need to note that not all people are tied to things. There are those who easily break up with the trash and supports the order in the house, and there are those who endow every thing "soul", for him throwing akin to betrayal.

Differences between these people are proved from the point of view of psychology. Scientists have established that when the "collector" has to throw out its things, plots of the brain are activated in his head, associated with pain, as well as the ventromedal prefrontal bark of the brain, which associated with the moral assessment of ethical conflicts and the feeling of "herself".

Because of this, people are not only correlate the thing with their goals and desires,subconsciously believing that she will also benefit, but also at all consider some items part of themselves. Therefore, to throw away something for such people, psychologists say, it's neither equal to abandon your finger on your hand.

Technique awareness

This technique will help people prone to collecting, start throwing unnecessary things. It is noteworthy that she recommend it to people seeking to get rid of bad habits.

Its essence is to be attentive to its instincts and find the differences between the real motivation and the "deceiving" that the brain sends us. Next, we will look more detailed how to introduce this technique in your life.

Step 1. Rule of a few seconds

Trying to keep the potentially useless thing, do not hurry with the solution and wait a few seconds. Think over the real value of the subject.

Remember how many times lately You thought about throwing out this subject. How many times during this time did he benefit? Review themselves in the uselessness of the subject.

Step 2. Temptation Study

Trace your feelings that arise at that moment when you need to throw something. Usually the temptation is originated from an almost imperceptible signal and grows to the level of real anxiety and anxiety.

Almost all children have habital to endow items "soul", to see the personality in them. According to experiments, children do not realize that their favorite toy and exactly the same toy, only new, is the same thing. Because a new item is just a thing, and the subject belonging to them is part of their consciousness.

Some tolerate this feature in adult life. Fixing for a few seconds in the rustling to leave an unnecessary subject, remember that it is not unique (such a strains of hundred per hour), your memories associated with it are unique.. And even if the subject is thrown, the memories will not disappear from this.

Rethinking material value

This applies to a separate type of collectors. These people can not throw things because remember how much they paid for them. In this case, to "get enough", unnecessary things can be put up for sale.

And if nobody wants to buy them, so, it's time to forget about money: these items have long depreciated.

Bardac Warning

If you are prone to accumulation, try not to acquire things that climb your home.

  • Do not bring useless souvenirs From vacation.
  • Ask friends not to give you for holidays stuffed Toys.
  • Get around electronic book so as not to buy in large quantities of paper.
  • Do not purchase things you don't need: Do not pay attention to low prices, do not buy goods, imitating other people, do not buy those things about the acquisition of which you have not thought about this moment.
  • Some act much more radical: throw out unnecessary things with secret collector, which most often does not even notice the loss. But here you can conscience.

    Tell us, did you ever live with a person who never misses unnecessary things? How did you cope with the problem? Or maybe you yourself can not sometimes force yourself to part with certain objects? What are your emotions? Write about it in the comments.

About book
Your personal workbook to get rid of the rubble - starting from throwing out all sorts of unnecessary items and ending with deliverance from outdated habits and views.

In this notebook there are a lot of exercises and places that you can fill out by your ideas, so keep the pencil at the ready.

You will learn how to get rid of the rubble, and useful tips will help immediately apply the theoretical knowledge in practice.

For whom this book
For those who want to get rid of the rubble in their lives.

about the author
Werner Tiki Kyustenmater was born in 1953. He lives with his wife in Grebelzella not far from Munich. They have three adult children. Tiki (called so Mother in honor of the God of Sun Con-Tika, who, in turn, gained fame due to the raft of Kon-Tika Norwegian traveler Tour Heyerdal) from 1990 to 1993 was a household and felt the taste for simplifying housekeeping. From this in 2001, the book "Similarity", which was translated into 40 languages \u200b\u200band was included in the list of bestsellers.

Quotes from book

Mysterious communication
Internal I. external world They are connected with each other: if you are cool or hot, you sit on an inconvenient chair or for a long time you are in an uncomfortable posture, the surroundings are emotionally you like it - sooner or later it will affect the quality of work.

Amplifier of a good mood
Each person has some kind of subject, looking at which, catching his aroma or touching him, he is inspiration. Before being taken for guidance, it should be understood which items to help you.

Trash for good
You will facilitate the process of getting rid of, if you understand that the utilized things benefit your country, and thus - all its inhabitants, including you. "Reuse" approximately means "Return": what you can give, partially in another way will return to you back!

Empty place
After getting rid of the rubble, many of us begin to fill out the empty space again: "It's great that there is a place again!". Learn to endure emptiness.

Shelf life
The ideal area for training the ability to throw out without excuses - medicines. Each medical drug has its own shelf life that must be observed. Otherwise, you will not last!

Islands of disorder
Do not give up if the corners still remain, the shelves in the cabinets or whole rooms stuffed with non-painted things. It is normal and even vital! It protects you from a terrible disease - excessive aspiration for perfection.