Where to cure mental pain? Why soul hurts and want to cry.

In the strongest diseases, you need and the most stronger, exactly used. (Hippocrat)

The pain is what is familiar to everyone. The pain is different: physical and inner or soulful (in psychology such pain is called psycholygia). Any pain is the severity, torment, suffering. We perceive the pain as cruel punishment, injustice, evil ... This is what we want to stop.

So how do we stop it?

How to treat pain?

First, let's recognize that the pain is not evil. Pain is an extreme tool in us to make us take care of yourself. We would not live to today if there were no pain.

If there were no pain, then we would not feel the destruction of the tooth, and then would lose all the teeth.

If there were no pain, then no one would need to endure bruises, fractures, internal diseases. And this means that we would live only before the first serious illness. We would not feel pain, did not understand that something is wrong with our organism, would not go for help from specialists.

Pain is our reluctant assistant who saves our lives, our well-being. Pain warns the worst consequences, paying our attention to the fact that something is wrong with us and requires us to be corrected.

How to react to pain?

What would you say if they saw such a picture ... A person who bought a new expensive car equipped with a good alarm wakes up at night because the alarm was yelling on the whole courtyard. Not finding out the reasons, it begins to scold alarm. In his opinion, the alarm that does not give him to sleep is to blame. Do not thieves who climb into the car, not he himself, who does not want to look out from laziness to look or cause the police, but alarm! Of course, we consider such a person not particularly smart (if not to say more).

Or another situation ... A person suffers pain, despite the fact that everyone around him is recommended to urgently consult a doctor. He himself believes that he prevents him from only pain. He first tolerates her, then tries to drown out pain relief drugs. The pain continues to strengthen, and in the end it turns out that if he immediately appealed, the doctor would help him do without serious consequences for the body. Now the unpleasant consequences are obvious. Is this man clever?

Oh, how do we ourselves look like these characters when we suffer from sincere pain! Unfortunately, we often do not want to see the reasons for our mental pain. For some reason, we are stupidly tolerating, suffering, suffer, we get to despair (right up to suicide), trying different ways Pain pain, trying to fight her, forget, but ... I do not hear its signals, do not correct her reason.

People who have mental pain is so great that they want to free themselves from this pain, committing suicide, resemble those who fight the alarm and fuses, and not with of a real reason. They believe that from spiritual pain you can free yourself if you destroy the body. So it's not a body hurts! It's all the same as if the person has a stomach ulcer, and he will try to cure her leg ammputation! ..

So what's wrong when the soul hurts?

A normal person is clear that the pain itself prevents us from living, but the reason that causes this pain. Therefore, when we have something hurts in the body, we try to understand the localization of pain and find its cause. If there is hope that the reason can be corrected by itself - we are waiting, tolerant, taking painkillers, and if we understand that the reason remains, and the pain does not pass, then we go to the doctor, we go through a diagnostic study, and with the help of an appropriate specialist, correct this reason. If the kidney hurts - we go to the urologist, if the throat hurts - to the otolaryngologist, if the stomach hurts - to the gastroenterologist, if the heart hurts - to the cardiologist. And to whom to contact if the soul hurts?

When the body hurts, we understand that from the nerve endings at the point of localization of the disease comes the signal about the disadvantaged in the appropriate section of the brain.

Where and where does the signal comes in case of spiritual pain? Did you ever think about it?

Not? And why? This costs to think carefully ...

Maybe the signal in an unknown way comes to the brain? Maybe he comes into the heart, because sometimes it hurts from unrest? Maybe the solar plexus is the focus of spiritual pain?

Alas. Science resolutely and unequivocally argues that a person's consciousness is not localized in the body. That is, no clutch nerve cellsEven the brain can not fulfill and does not fulfill the function that we call the human consciousness. In the near future, our article will be posted on the site on this topic with reference to many authoritative sources of high and impartial science.

Therefore, if you are a loose materialist and trustually deny the existence of the soul, the invisible world and everything that is connected with it, we can delight you: it means that you do not hurt. Because according to science, there is no consciousness in the material body, which means there can be no peace of mind. Therefore, you can now begin to rejoice now - just as material as suffering - and finish reading this article.

Psychology - Science, in the very name of which contains the recognition of the existence of the soul (psyche - soul, Logos - to know) - Much lost, when he refused the concept of the soul. That is, she puts his task to treat the soul, which he ceased to admit, but no other informed understanding of the soul introduced. The situation is simply absurd. How can you treat an organ if you do not recognize it and do not know anything about it? Therefore, traditional psychology in the case of spiritual pain almost always breeds. With the help of modern pharmacological preparations, you can weaken the intensity of pain of the soul, with the help of psychotherapeutic technician to distract from pain, learn to live with her, on a certain time Even so much to drown out, but despite the tremendous experience accumulated over a century, modern psychology does not have the opportunity to influence the elimination of the cause leading to this strongest pain.

Why is the soul hurt? (Let's just say, we do not consider cases of severe mental illness - schizophrenia, etc., - which are found in suicidents about 20% of cases.)

As the body hurts from the fact that we damage it with something or do not give it the soul in the same way. What is your soul?

One of the modern priests writes:

"It is well known that ignoring the deep aspirations of the human spirit creates the very distortion human naturewhich is traditionally called sin - a source of disease. Therefore, the most important person is reconciliation with God, the restoration of mensored or lost manifestations of the Human Spirit. Reconciliation with God is repentance, this is awareness of your sin, awareness of responsibility for your life, for the state in which a person has driven herself and the desire, thirst to start new life, reconciled with God and arguing forgiveness from him.

The church has always connected the disease with the internal state of a person with an ancient times, with human sin. Therefore, the basis of the church sacrament of the ignition for the healing of the sicks is a prayer for the forgiveness of sins. And regardless of whether we are resorting to the sacrament of the sacredness, or we are going to be treated, the first, where we should start - with the awareness of our responsibility, the awareness of your sin and the will of God regarding that you are healthy. "

Sin - the word is not fashionable. Perhaps because people are far from the church, they understand the violation of some rules, the observance of which you need from us, and not at all. After all, the motto of modernity is "Take everything from life." And then we for some reason require something. This, of course, can not like ...

In fact, sin is a crime against your own soul. If we compare with the body, it's how not to feed your body, how to cut it with a knife, clog nails into it, water with acid. God in this case is like a good doctor who stands nearby, with medical instruments and preparations at the ready, and asks us to stop self-keeping and come to him so that he cures us.

If you observe yourself, each person can notice how it becomes unpleasant on the soul when he will do something bad. For example, it will be angry with someone, the strotitis will upset someone, take a bribe, will not give someone asking or change his wife. As such actions accumulate, the shower is harder and harder. And we forget what real, clean, children's joy. We are trying to replace the joy with primitive pleasures. But they do not please, but only they will be silent. And the soul dries and hurts all stronger and stronger ...

And when there is some kind significant event In our life, for example, some kind of loss, it doesn't even mind that a huge pain, tagging on us, is somehow connected with our mistakes. But this is exactly the case. The pain in various crises of human relations is caused by our vigine, or hate, or vanity. The pain in the breaking of love relationship would be many times less, if the relationship themselves were not overshadowed by offend and egoism. Pain at death close man It is aggravated by a ropot on God. Etc.

The conclusion is as follows: a mental pain signals us that something is wrong with the soul, perhaps, we wounded our soul somewhere and should be corrected.

Where is the pain of the soul?

If we have never been engaged in our soul, believing that spiritual life is to visit theaters and reading the novels, then we need help treating spiritual pain, we ourselves can not cope.

Where to run when the soul hurts? Where to seek help?

Of course, it is better to turn to where it is precisely cured. This should be a place that has proven traditions of treatment, tools and treatment conditions, and most important - millions of cured patients.

In fact, the main and only doctor of spiritual pain we have already called higher. I saw hundreds of people cured from spiritual pain. And they were all fully cured only in one place and only at a single physician. This is a hospital - the church, and the chief doctor in it - the Lord God!

This doctor who does not treat for money, he does disinterestedly and with great love. This doctor is waiting for someone who is bad because he is always ready to stretch his help hand. He does not have a weekend and breaks for lunch. He is always ready to start treating your soul.

This doctor treats not counterfeit, but eternally alive, proven and very effective medicines. He never refused to help anyone, but he will not make you impose herself, he will not persuade you to be treated for him, because this doctor respects your freedom and choice, and he does not need advertising. This doctor just sincerely wants to help you, because he loves you. He counts on your confidence in it, and the fulfillment of your prescriptions.

If you have little confidence while you are still afraid to contact him, remember that you are not risking anything. You will be able to finish with you even after a year of spiritual life. After all, there is nothing to lose anyway.

How does God treat mental pain?

We have already found out that the pain is caused by violations of the needs of the soul. So, it is necessary to treat this pain to the satisfaction of these needs.

Do not believe that lists of human needs are repeatedly common, practically canonized by psychologists-populists (the most famous of them - the Pyramid of Oil), including self-realization, recognition, social status, communication, attachment - there is indeed what a person needs. Even if according to this list you will have 100 out of 100, you will not be happy. Because happy one who satisfied the needs of the soul. And they differ from the mentioned list.

The main and only need of the soul is actually love. And God is love. Approaching God increases love. Removal from God through sins - reduces love, increases mental pain.

So, the soul is needed not some little things. She needs God himself. Only he can satisfy her requests.

And he is ready to give us himself. He wants to give us himself and take rid of us from pain and enlighten our souls with love.

Prayer compare with breathing of the soul or with food for the soul. Who prayed, he experienced the loyalty to these comparisons. Science could not feel, measure the substance that enters the soul with prayer. The church calls this substance grace. Prayer is the fastest healer of spiritual pain.

No less necessary source of grace for a person - the sacrament of the body and the blood of Christ. This article is not theological. We only want to specify you the only right way to cure the soul from her pain. Therefore, relative to the great miracle of communion, let us say only that the fruits of this miracle are undoubtedly noticeable. Many people known to me got rid of the sacrament from the hardest psychological disorders, body diseases, despair, depressed, and once the woman recovered on my eyes from melanoma (very aggressive malignant tumor). Communion is preceded by a healing sacrament of repentance - confession. During confession, a person is forgiven all the sins professes. From his soul, as it were, all those nails, which he wonded to it, are healing all the wounds inflicted. The conscience of man becomes clean. Do you even remember how good the soul when the conscience is clean?

You can be satisfied with the short-term effect, a safe experience of a certain crisis. But then a new crisis will come soon. Perhaps heavier than the previous one. If you do not want to experience pain, you want to live in love and joy, you need to take care of the soul constantly.

You need to teach yourself to give the soul what she needs and not to do what it wounds. To do this, you need to change your habits.

This is a long process that requires constant attention and effort. But as you, with the help of a doctor, to find your mistakes and correct them in the depths of your soul, the severity will leave you, the feeling of true joy will fill your soul.

You won't do the main job, and this unworthing omniscient, a loving doctor. You only need to take this wonderful gift of healing.

If you want to be bodily healthy, then the hygiene rules must follow. If you want to be healthy mentally, then here it is also necessary to observe your hygienic standards). As Professor Zurab Kekelidze said on this occasion, Deputy Director of the State Scientific Center of Social and Forensic Psychiatry named after V.P. Serbsky: "There is also a concept like psychohygin. Do not make a mental health! Read the Ten Commandments - everything is written there! We do not know the laws, make a lot of nonsense. "

This is talking about the experience of generations who lived to us. They understood it well, saw, they felt the results, transferred to children.

And do not scold pain, do not complain about it, do not suffer, but go to treat it.

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Previous conversation

When headaches you can drink a pill. And what to do if the soul hurts? What is the reason for such a moral condition and, how to return peace and joy in your life?

What is mental pain and its causes

Even skeptics that do not recognize the existence of the soul, feel feelings of attachment, love, compassion. In case of loss of a loved one or at the sight of someone else's trouble, a feeling of gravity in the field of solar plexus is arisen. Often, mental pain is manifested in the form of longing, bitterness, regret. A person literally does not find himself from the suffering that he cannot describe words and convey others.

Why does a soul hurt in a person? The reasons for this may be:

When we do unfairly with other people, offended by loved ones, sooner or later repentance comes in the deed. Conscience flour often cause rather severe mental pain. The best way to get rid of it is to ask for forgiveness from someone who offended, and to upload their guilt.

If for some reason it is impossible, we advise you to turn to God, put a candle in the church for the health of a person who caused evil. If you are an atheist, write a letter with sincere apologies and burn it. Promise yourself that this will not happen again.

  1. The death of a loved one.

Everyone has a special circle of expensive people. When a mother, father, daughter, sister or the second half leaves from life, everything loses its meaning. The mental pain literally fills every cell of the body and borders with physical. The brain constantly returns us to memories for happy days. The awareness of what does not return anything literally kills physically.

In order for pain from the loss of a loved man, you need time. Give yourself the opportunity to smash, you have the right to sorrow. Take a vacation at work and leave all the incidental cases. Distribute clothes and personal things of the deceased, mentally release it.

A close man wished you happiness and did not want to hurt you. Write to him a letter, tell me that you love him, but let go. And promise that you will live happily and save only warm memories of the days spent in the shower.

  1. Love suffering.

Often causes mental pain that is not enough to share with others. Those who have not experienced such feelings are unlikely to understand the flour of undivided attachment. One of the best drugs from this pain is to switch your attention to something else, enthusiastically with work, study, physical exertion.

Plan every day so that there is no time to be alone with you. Do you feel as if inside the unkind wound? So do not try to make it even more daily torment that everything could be different. Give it the time to "heal", drive away bad thoughts.

  1. Compassion.

Increased sensitivity to someone else's grief does not allow you to sleep at night. You feel sorry for everyone who is somehow deprived of the fate - old men, disabled, homeless animals, abandoned children. After watching evening news, you are upset because of how much injustice in our world. Compassion is a wonderful feeling that makes us people. But if it prevents living, you need to slightly reduce the sensitivity threshold.

"Extension armor". It is not necessary to be cynical to not suffer from someone else's pain. It is enough to realize the fact that even Mother Teresa and Dalai Lama could not help everyone in this world. If you can support the other in trouble - make a good deed, but if it is impossible - do not torment yourself. In addition, in our world more good than injustice. Pay more attention to good than bad.

Relationship with close man

People who experience mutual love feelings have a relative or spiritual relationship with each other, may experience mental pain, if a close person got into trouble. This is an interesting phenomenon, not fully studied by science. If you have noticed this, appreciate this gift.

But this phenomenon has the reverse side of the medal. Very often experiences about loved ones who are far away, are far-fetched. If your imagination often draws pictures of terrible events that can happen to children, spouse, mother or you, then you need to fight. The reasons for this may be:

  • excessive impressionability;
  • desire to keep everything under control;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland;
  • fear of loss or death;
  • fear in front of the future;
  • nervousness and overwork;
  • "Black Stripe" in life.

In your power to deal with such states. First, try to determine yourself why you have such thoughts. How often does this happen? Do you have panic attacks? If necessary, consult a psychologist, pass the necessary assays. Hormonal background disorders are one of the most common causes of an increased threshold of anxiety.

Sometimes it is enough to adjust the daily schedule, get enough sleep, to pay out enough time to physically loads, eat right. Contact the therapist so that it is prescribed vitamins that strengthen nervous system. Practice Relaxing breathing techniques. And get rid of the habit of all control!

Depression and mental pain

Moral suffering can lead to depression. In this case, it is worth the alarm. We recommend to turn to a psychologist. Long depressive states cannot be launched. They can lead to a fatal outcome. Infarction, stroke, suicidal behavior, rejection of food, water and contacts with other people are just some "side effects" of spiritual pain.

Often close people notice that a person literally fades, but do not take any measures. It is considered indecent to interfere in other people's personal suffering, as they say - "in the soul to climb." But sometimes excessive tactfulness can cost human life.

If you notice the signs of depression in a loved one or at home, consult a psychotherapist. Do not postpone a visit to the doctor. The earlier you begin treatment, the faster return to normal life!

Fall illusions

Sincere pain often satellite personal growth. Stages of changing their ideological views can not pass without loss. Often the events themselves who served as a catalyst for such changes entail disappointment, feeling of longing, pain from falling illusions.

The main culprit of spiritual torments is often self-deception, which sooner or later can no longer close the eyes to what brings discomfort in life. A woman who is justifying the inaction and alcoholism of a husband suddenly begins to understand that not everyone lives like that, and she can no longer put up with it. A man in one day "twitters" and realizes that his second half does not like him for a long time and is interested in the exclusive financial side of the cohabitation.

Suddenly, a student can admit that he had chosen the specialty, and the family man realize that by and large he is a bad father. Mother understands that her son went "on the curve of the track." A careerist with horror acknowledges that his passion for work is nothing more than a fear of admitting herself that he has nothing more to fill his life.

Such sudden illnesses often entail mental pain, but in this case it is an excellent pain. She is a harbinger of a new stage. It remains only to draw conclusions from your mistakes and take a step forward. Do not be afraid to say goodbye to the past and its illusions. Life is a journey. Rejoice with change and every new turn of fate!

Elena, Moscow

Each of us, at least once in my life woke up in the morning and found that it hurts the throat, it hurts to swallow, does not pass the feeling and swelling of the larynx. What to do if: hurts the throat, it hurts to swallow, and when you swallow painful pain (temple)? Mountain pain - the first symptom of respiratory and viral and colds

When the throat begins to hurt, just a terrible state, it is not possible to swallow, and it hurts to talk. Previously, he also tried to be treated by people, but usually this is a process of long and not always effective.

Throat pain, acute burning throat causes hoarseness and a sharp unpleasant feeling when swallowing. In some cases, the throat pain precedes other symptoms of viral or bacterial infection of the upper respiratory tract.

Making a breath, a man passes a large number of viruses and bacteria. Consider the reasons why the throat hurts and painfully swallow, as well as the necessary treatment.

Yesterday you felt wonderful, but today it's just terrible how the throat was painfully, it hurts you to swallow food and nothing pleases you. You begin to remember how it could happen, because of what it does and pinch the throat, where I could catch a cold.

Most often, the main causes of pain in the throat when swallowing is a banal hypothermia. It can be caused by both ice cream, cold drinks or products from the refrigerator, and cold - maybe you were too easy and not for the weather is dressed or dried from the air conditioner.

The sooner you begin to treat the patient and the colded throat, the faster it will be held. Days of delay can only worsen the situation to the patient with the throat you will add a runny nose, painful condition and temperature. The patient red throat can be the beginning of a cold, flu, or angina.

Each of us at least once in life came across such a problem. Hurts the throat, hurts to swallow, it hurts to speakunpleasant ensure in the throat, silence of voice - Well familiar signs. That's just what? Why arises sore throat?

Is it necessary to immediately sign up for the reception to the doctor, and to what - to the therapist or immediately to the otolaryngologist (specialist in the diseases of the upper respiratory tract)? Maybe it is better to go to the pharmacy and ask the pharmacists to choose good tools from sore throat? Or is it better to remember the advertised tablets from the cold? What to do with throat pain?

Why is the throat hurts?

The main reason pain in the throat - Activity of viruses and bacteria. For example, for angina There is an acute inflammation of the almonds (or the aggravation of chronic), and the culprits pain in the throat Most often pathogenic microorganisms are most often. In addition to increasing almonds, they appear on white or yellowish plates, purulent plugs can be formed.

The main symptom - painfully swallow, pain wears a sharp cutting character and can be so strong that in front of each sludgeing saliva you are going with the Spirit, like a swimmer before jumping in cold water. Any inflammatory process is also characterized by inflammation of cervical lymph nodes and an increase in body temperature.

Paratonzillar abscess - Frequent complication Angina or chronic tonsillita. The disease proceeds sharply, the inflammation is rapidly spreading from the sky almonds to the fiber, which is around the almonds, where the affectionant is formed. Accompanied by a sharp increase in temperature, general weakness, headache, painful swallowing. The patient is forced to tilt his head in the "patient" side, as a rule, pain in the throat manifests itself on the one hand, and intensifies when the mouth is opened when the chewing muscles begin to decline.

The tolerant pain when swallowing can be felt in acute inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx ( acute pharyngitis) or larynx ( acute laryngit). With pharyngitis, a nasty throat occurs, and when Laringitis, the voice can become a sipl, and the patient can begin the "barking" cough. Perhaps a combination of these symptoms.

Upper respiratory diseases always occur against the background acute respiratory viral infection (ORVI) or acute Respiratory Disease (ORZ), as well as in some other diseases (influenza, in children - measles, cough, scarletine). Manifested by the feeling of dryness in the throat, turning, first dry, and later there is a cough with a sputum of sputum, voices hoarseness, permanent shames.

Other reasons for sore throat

  • Allergies (allergic reactions to cold, food, wool, mold, pollen, etc.) In some cases, the sore throat can be manifested.
  • Dry air. In the morning after awakening, there may be unpleasant sensations of dryness and sore throat, especially in winter, when the lack of wet air is felt.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (so-called gastrointestinal reflux, in which the caustic gastric juice and the contents of the stomach fall into the lower diver of the esophagus).
  • With infectious diseases during oral respiration due to nasal congestion.
  • Pollution. Tobacco and car smoke, air in poorly ventilated rooms, alcohol, sharp food, can cause constant irritation of the respiratory tract.
  • HIV infection in which the patient accompanies constant throat pain, which may be due to secondary infection (stomatitis or cytomegalovirus infection).
  • Tumors and neoplasms of the throat, language, larynx in some cases can manifest themselves difficult to swallowing, hoarseness, pain in the throat (especially in smokers and abusers alcohol).


You can't miss the work or study, you do not have time on your health, there is no possibility and desire to consult a doctor, maybe you are just afraid ... an indifferent attitude to my health will always find, while we just underestimate the danger of increasing complications pain in the throat For his body. Meanwhile, the late appeal to the doctor can lead to a complicated flow of inflammatory diseases of the pharynx and larynx.

  • Bronchitis It may notice, with the transition to a chronic form, can exacerbate during and after ARVI diseases.
  • Pneumonia (Pneumonia) was and remains one of the most terrible complications of ARZ and ORVI. About 5% of the sick inflammation dies. In Russia, pneumonia occupy the 6th place of adult mortality.
  • Angina Even in the easiest form is terrible with its complications - diseases of the joints, kidneys, myocardium. For the heart, repeated diseases of the angina are especially dangerous. Complications of an angina occur more often when you are used to transferring the disease "on the legs".
  • Quite frequent complication of ORVI are sinusitis (sinusitis, front) and others. Diseases.
  • When coughing or sneezing from the mucous membrane, it is possible to enter an infection in the cavity of the hearing (Eustachiyeva) pipe - eustachitis with the development of otitis. Otitis is dangerous by the transition to chronic shape and the development of resistant reduction of hearing.

General complications ORVI and ORZ - aggravation of existing chronic diseases.

Not treated diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, especially against the background of the imminent immunity, can greatly worsen the health of the patient, in some cases - lead to a fatal outcome.

The most common complications of chronic ORVI and ORZ are disorders of the respiratory and hearing.

What to do and how to be treated at home, if the throat hurts, but there is no temperature.

It is hurting you to swallow food and saliva, but it's not strange, you don't have no temperatures, it holds within 36 - 36.9 degrees. Moreover, the throat can sow with the right or left side, in places where almonds or lymph nodes are located. The cause of the red and colded throat is supercooling and lightweight. You are lucky - this is not flu and not angrint.

What can be cured sore throat in the absence of temperature at home?

If not to treat the throat, it will be sick for 7-10 days. And this is a long time enough, and it's not very nice to live with sick irritated throat. Of course, you will not be able to eat ok - you will hurt to swallow, neither communicate with friends and colleagues at work, all your thoughts will be about how to cure him and what funds will help.

Cure the throat, if you have no temperature much easier than you would be sick, angina or influenza. We will give the most effective folk remedies, medications with strong sore throat when swallowing.

It hurts the throat, what should be done and how to recover at home without visiting the doctor:

1. Most best tool In the struggle and treating the throat of the house in pregnant women, children and adults is rinse. Rinse the throat should be 1 time in 2-3 hours warm, but not hot water. The most effective means of rinsing are: the tinctures of propolis, eucalyptus, calendula, as well as rinse the throat with salted water.

Hurry hurts? Then rinse it with the following tool: in a glass of warm water, divert 1 teaspoon of salt, it is better to take a marine, although the usual will fit. If you wish, you can add a few drops of iodine.

To cure the throat at home, divert 2 pills of furaticiline on a glass of water and rinse the throat with such a solution 4-5 times a day. After rinse, it is worth refraining within 30 minutes it is preferably nothing and not to drink.

2. More drink warm water, tea and herbal tinctures. In the fight against the cold in children and pregnant women with the best tool, the tinnistant tincture. Buy in a pharmacy or in the shop dry rose robber, make it in the thermos and let it brew for 2 hours. Rosehip is rich in vitamins and helps you get rid of pain and throat, runny nose and first signs of a cold.

3. If you hurry to swallow and rinsing do not help, then buy a proposal, Lugol, Hexaral, Stopangin in the pharmacy. With prestand pregnant girls and parents of young children, you need to be careful, it contains propolis and can cause allergies.

4. It is painful to swallow, but there is no temperature. Then garlic and onions will help you. It seems like the most ordinary and cheap vegetables, and possess wonderful medical and antiseptic properties. Add them to a salad, eat with meat and other headings and you will feel like pain in the throat disappear.

5. What did our moms and grandmothers do when there were no modern means and tablets helping to cure a sick red throat? How were they treated? And just enough: honey and warm milk.

To cure a cold and cough, soften the sore throat and recover without antibiotics for a rather small period of time to warm the glass of milk and add 1 tablespoon of honey to it. Such a simple recipe will help you and your child to recover.

If you do not like warm milk, then eat a teaspoon of honey, but do not drink honey with water at least within 20-30 minutes. He must stay on his throat, thereby he will help you cure a red and sore throat without using antibiotics.

We listed the very simple waysthat will help you get rid of sore throat at home. During the disease, try not to transfer it better, the day of rest will help you to gain strength and return health.

Painfully swallowed, high temperature rose - what to do?

If you have a temperature above 37.5 degrees, hurts the throat, it splits the head and small white pimples appeared in the throat additives, then most likely you have an angina. To cure the angina above the proposed methods is quite difficult. It is necessary to act more radical ways, including the use of antibiotics.

Angina is an infectious disease that can be picked up in the store, on the street, in public transport and at work. A sick throat sore throat terribly hurts a sickness, it's incredibly painful to swallow food, there are lymph nodes and ployers are formed on the throat. All this is accompanied, as a rule, high temperatures and general weakness.

How to treat an angina and a sick red throat?

1. One of the most effective, inexpensive and safe drugs for children, pregnant women is a solution of ligol or spray. Yes, it tastes not very pleasant, but the patient covered with glands and red throat it cures literally in a few days. To smear Glands with a lugolam or splashing you need 3-4 times, after treating the throat with a lugola, you can not drink anything within an hour.

2. Angina does not like rinsing, wechit the throat with a solution of soda and salt, eucalyptus tinctures, chamomile or propolis every 1-1.5 hours.

3. Effectively treat the anell therapeutic pupbles and lollipops - Antiangin, Faringosept and Stopangin, as well as sprays of the hexoral and Tantoum Verde.

4. Safe anti-inflammatory and antiseptic means are Lizobactic tablets.

However, at the running stage of the an anea, along with these means you will have to drink antibiotics. To cure without them the heavy shape of the angina is very difficult.

5. If the above-mentioned funds helped you, the throat does not pass and the temperature does not fall, then you need to drink antibiotics. Antibiotics ampicillin, amoxicillus, cephalexin, extensionillin will help you in the fight against angina. However, antibiotics need to be impregnated with a course of 5-7 days and they strongly undermine the work of the stomach. Taking antibiotics, do not forget to drink products that improve and restoring the stomach flora (liquid or dry bifidobacteria and lactobacillia).

Why does pain in the throat can not be treated independently?

What do you do when your throat hurts? There are several options:

  • Convulsively try to remember the TV or other advertising of funds from colds, influenza, other ORVI
  • Communicate relatives, friends, acquaintances, colleagues with a request to recommend something that they took in the period of illness themselves
  • Appeal to the help of search engines (Yandex, Google, Rambler, and so on.), Forming a query like "Hurt the throat than to treat?" or "Tools from throat pain"
  • Just go to the pharmacy and carefully study the showcases, making your choice yourself or consulting a pharmacist

Any doctor will tell you that it yourself to treat the pain in the throat is a deliberately failed option. And that's why:

  • Any medication must be used carefully, since the use of a drug may depend on the exact diagnosis and form of the disease.
  • Complications in the throat pain arise quite often, and the only way to avoid trouble is to begin treatment as early as possible. Solve the problem helps the use of local antibiotics, which destroy the hearth infection in the oral cavity, not allowing pathogenic bacteria to multiply. A good effect is given aerosols with antibacterial composition. For example, an aerosol of a bioparox containing Fuzafungin is an antibiotic of natural origin. The drug suppresses the activity of most of the potentially dangerous bacteria, causative agents of diseases of the upper respiratory tract and has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Independent reception of drugs will not only do not help, but at the first place of the liver, which is then to deal with the consequences of intoxication (after all, a large amount of drugs have contraindications to use, you can simply not know about them)
  • Medication may not help you if you choose it on the recommendation of another person, not knowing the exact reason, degree, severity, the nature and form of your disease
  • Tablets for removing symptoms of cashlessness, sipliness, discomfort in the throat can only make your condition for a while, but can not save you from the cause of the disease. Only an experienced doctor is capable of helping.
  • Some drugs are contraindicated in acute inflammatory diseases of the throat and can even increase their throat pain.
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