Advantages and disadvantages of the conversation. Conversation as a psychological research method

The conversation method is a psychological verbal-communicative method, which consists in conducting a thematically directed dialogue between a psychologist and respondent in order to obtain information from the latter.

In a psychological conversation, there is a direct interaction of the psychologist and the respondent in the form of an oral exchange of information. The conversation method is widely used in psychotherapy. It is also used as an independent method in advisory, political, legal psychology.

In the course of the conversation, a psychologist, being a researcher, directs, secretly or clearly, the conversation, during which asks the interviewed person questions.

There are two types of conversation:

· Managed

· Unmanaged

During the managed conversation, the psychologist actively controls the course of the conversation, supports the course of the conversation, establishes emotional contact. The uncontrollable conversation occurs with the greater in comparison with the initiative of the psychologist respondent. In an uncontrollable conversation, the focus is on the provision of respondents to speak out, while the psychologist does not interfere or almost not interfere with the respondent's self-expression.

In the case of both controlled, and unmanaged conversation from a psychologist, the existence of a verbal and non-verbal communication skill is required. Any conversation begins with the establishment of contact between the researcher and the respondent, while the researcher acts as an observer analyzing the external manifestations of the respondent's mental activity. Based on the observation, the psychologist implements rapid diagnostics and corrects the selected strategy of the conversation. On the initial stages Conversations The main task is considered the prompting of the subject under investigate to active participation in the dialogue.

The most important skill of the psychologist in the situation of the conversation is the ability to establish and maintain a rapport, while observing the purity of the study, avoiding irrelevant (preferring a reliable result) verbal and non-verbal influences on the subject, which can contribute to the active change in its reactions. To destroy the rapport with the respondent or to the provision of side suggestions on the respondent, careless statements on the part of the psychologist, made, for example, in the form of orders, threats, morals, councils, accusations, evaluation judgments regarding the respondent, calm and inappropriate jokes.

Conversations vary depending on the persecuted psychological task. Allocate the following types:

· Therapeutic conversation

· Experimental conversation (in order to verify experimental hypotheses)

· Autobiographical conversation

· Collecting subjective history (collection of information about the identity of the subject)

· Collection of objective anamnesis (collecting information about familiar subjects)

· Telephone conversation

Interviews are related both to the method of conversation and to the polling method.

There are two styles of conversation, and in its course one can replace the other depending on the context.

The reflexive hearing is the style of conducting a conversation in which the active speech interaction of the psychologist and the respondent is supposed.

The reflexive hearing is used to implement accurate control of the correctness of the perception of the information received. The use of this conversation style can be associated with the personal properties of the respondent (for example, a low level of development of communication skills), the need to establish the meaning of the word that meant the speaking, cultural traditions (ethyl communication in the cultural environment to which the respondent and psychologist belong ).

Three main techniques to maintain the conversation and control of the information received:

1. Clarification (use of clarifying issues)

2. Perephrazing (the wording of the respond made in his own words)

3. A verbal reflection of the respondent's feelings by the psychologist

A non-reflective hearing is a conversation style, which uses only the need from the point of view of expediency, the minimum of words and techniques of non-verbal communication from the psychologist.

The nonflexive hearing is used in cases where there is a need to give a subject to say. It is especially useful in situations where the interlocutor exhibits the desire to express his point of view, to discuss its exciting topics and where he experiences difficulties in the expression of problems, it is easily knocked down with the idea of \u200b\u200bthe psychologist's intervention and behaves consolidated in connection with the social difference between the psychologist and the respondent.

Very often, when psychologists talk about the conversation in the professional circle, it is necessary to meet with perplexity or indulgence views, irony or complete indifference to the topic: Conversation - this is something old "unscientific, it is dawn psychology, psychotherapy; What is the relationship in general modern science With its ideals of accuracy and objectivity? And indeed, at first glance, it seems that the conversation method (such a vague, such an informalized, such subjective) does not withstand comparisons with accurate experimental procedures, with rigidly controlled experimental conditions and "objective" methods for evaluating data. So, on the one hand, computers, mathematical processing of results, special equipment and equipment, and on the other - conversation, just a conversation, with the complete absence of visual, real "weapons" of the researcher. How to investigate if you can't push the magic button if there is no saving technique if nothing is presented on the screen? Instead, face to face with him, with that others, but the same as I, a person - a step in the unknown, full risk, danger and temptation. So, the conversation is a meeting of two people, but the experiment is also a dialogue of two consciousnesses, two personalities, the same meeting, often not direct, mediated by the most diverse "guns" and "objects" (equipment, techniques, a sign on the door, a white bathrobe , instructions, silence.). After all, the situation of the experiment and everything that is - from the experimental task to the appearance of the room, from the prestige of the institution to the behavior of the duty on the watch - the full meaning and meaning, "say" and send messages about who is behind the experiment, about its creator and organizer. What is the position of the so-called test? He "reads" or, otherwise, "distributing" these messages and, if they find a response in his personality, if they are interested in it, trying to answer, entering into a dialogue, maybe in a dispute, maybe in the fight, maybe Going to a fascinating journey to the world offered to him - the world of another person, coming to this world and life. Thus, and for the experiment we see the relationship between two people, the dialogue of two consciousness, two positions, two worlds, and maybe not two. If you continue the excursion to the methods of empirical psychological researchIt turns out that none of them exists without this dialogue, without a concerned meeting of two people, which is their indispensable condition. Otherwise, the tests would refuse to overcome the slightest difficulties and simply did not "worked" above the tasks requiring at once a lot of voltage and dedication. Thus, traditionally opposed methods - the experiment and conversation - coincide in the most significant conditions (establishing relationships and communication between two people), reflecting the specifics of psychological research (however, not only the psychological, but also of any humanitarian, directly engaged in the study of human behavior and consciousness ).

The conversation program is quite constant for each scale and is built in about the following sequence:

1) clarifying the content of the current assessment;

2) clarifying the content of the scales;

3) Clarification of the content and causes of the desired estimate.

The tactics of the experimenter in this case is relatively free. They may be given different questions depending on the characteristics of the subject, the course of the conversation, etc. It is necessary for each of the items to ask the subject to bring explanatory examples illustrating its judgments about themselves or other people.

For example, possible questions on the "Mind" scale:

In what sense do you understand the word "mind" when you rate yourself?

How do you ourselves assessed by the mind?

Who could you put on the scale on the mind a little above yourself? Bring, if possible, a description of such a person;

Who is the most stupid from your point of view?

Who would you make on the scale to put a little lower than yourself? Describe more specifically what kind of person is it?

What mind would you like to possess?

What do you miss to get closer to ideal?

Approximate sequence of questions on the "Happiness" scale:

How did you evaluate yourself in "happiness"? (It is advisable to achieve a clear verbal assessment. This is important from two points of view: first, how much this assessment correlates with the point marked on the scale; for example, the middle is indicated on the scale, and the subject says that it is very "happy"; secondly, A verbal assessment allows you to go to find out its meaningful part).

How could you describe your fortune of happiness?

Who, from your point of view, the happiest and why?

Who, from your point of view, the most unhappy and why?

What do you miss to be very happy?

What do you need to change to achieve this condition?

If the subject gives a low estimate according to this or any other scale, it is necessary to clarify: "Who is to blame for the situation?". It is important to understand who the subject is accused of misfortune: himself or the world, it is necessary to determine which properties of yourself or what properties of the world with a longer or lesser accuracy.

A similar conversation procedure is carried out in the presence of a very high mark on the scale. In this case, the subject is asked: "What is the listened with such a high assessment? Whether you are the reason, or other people, the circumstances of life? .. Such questions can be asked to be tested if there is very low or very high marks on any of the scales present.

After the end of the conversation on the four main scales - "Health", "character", "mind", "happiness" (it is necessary to withstand exactly such a sequence in conversation) - the experimenter appeals to an additional scale "Knowledge of yourself" here a range of questions somewhat different: in The conversation must be found out than the assessment of the knowledge of oneself; What are the causes of its height on the scale; What is knowledge of oneself, according to the subject; What people know themselves what it is manifested; Is it difficult to know himself whether it is possible to learn this; If possible, as if it is impossible, then why, etc.

A few words about the behavior of the experimenter during experience. We have already said that the conduct of the conversation requires a great mastery from a psychologist. Every negligence, inattention to the personality of the subject, an attempt to directly dictate to him requirements and instructions will inevitably lead to the failure of experience, to turning the conversation - at best - in formal questionnaire.

The situation of this task is to present the scale of self-assessment - facilitates the task of the experimenter, since the subject is given some specific material, which is a good pretext, "hook" for further conversation, deploying its program. However, in these conditions, the experimental requirements remain high. From the very beginning, it began to strive to show the interest of the experimenter in the responses of the subject. In this case, the experimenter should not be multi-dimensional, it is necessary to avoid any evaluation judgments if possible. It is multi-mindedness, the desire to constantly interfere in a conversation, comment, evaluate, direct the subject, to suggest a desirable answer, as a rule, characterizes an inexperienced psychologist. It should also be understood from the very beginning and remember that the conversation, even standardized, is not limited to the requirement to be so impeccable strict as an experiment, say, in the field of study of the movement of the eye or short-term memory. The tests for one reason or another may violate the conversation planned in advance, to go away, linger on insignificant, at first glance, questions. Such actions are not, however, the "breakdown" of the experiment, but, on the contrary, they make a situation of conversation more interesting, so they must also be carefully recorded, as well as the material "planned" conversation.

During the entire study time, the behavior of the experimenter must be very tactful and restrained.

An axiom for a psychologist is the observance of the principle of anonymity of the data obtained on the sides of the personality of the subject, the right to use these data only within the framework of the purely scientific and professional goals.

Having finished finding out the content of the tested marks on all five scales, the experimenter proceeds to the final part of the conversation. To do this, the statements of this type are used: "So we got to the end of our work. We discussed your estimates set on the scales. Chat with you was very interesting, I am very grateful to you for your work. But maybe you have questions and me? Do you want to ask them now? .. It is very important what the subject will ask how much it will intersect with the content of the conversation. Finally completing the conversation, it is necessary to once again express appreciation to the subject.

Fixation of the conversation and its protocol. Registration of the conversation should not interfere with the communication of the subject and researcher. The most convenient form of registration is a hidden or open recording of the conversation on the tape ribbon. After all, in addition to the content of the conversation, the intonational features of the test of the test, its emotional painting, pauses, reservations, etc. are recorded on the tape tape.

To remove the tested voltage when the tape recorder is open to the tape recorder, it is necessary to explain to him, for what purpose is being recorded, - in order for the experimenter during the conversation, the experimenter is not distracted by the protocol. It is necessary to immediately turn on the tape recorder and give the subject to listen to the record of the votes of both participants in the conversation. Thanks to this simple reception, the tape recorder becomes the same part of the "psychological field", like, for example, the table behind which the interlocutors are sitting. The microphone and tape recorder are located on the side of the interlocutors, so that, with good quality recording, this equipment is not still in the center of the field of view of the subject, but was located closer to the periphery.

However, in the presence of a tape recorder, and especially in its absence, the experimenter is obliged to lead the protocol and fixes the behavior of the behavior of the test during the conversation, its gestures, facial expressions, pantomimics, emotional reactions. In very general The form of the protocol is as follows:

At the top on each page of the protocol, the test initials are recorded, the date and time of the experiment (beginning and end), in the graph of the left, the stages of the conversation are recorded, the names of the scales, replicas, questions and remarks of the experimenter are recorded; In the middle column - the behavior of the test, its gestures, facial expressions, emotional reactions; In the right column - statements, answers and explanations of the subject.

Entries in the protocol "performed both during a conversation and after it (when rewriting from a tape ribbon for subsequent processing) must be literal, and not abbreviated.

It is the detailed protocol performed according to the specified form, which becomes the subject of subsequent analysis.

Description and analysis of the conversation content. First of all, it should be described by the general behavior of the test during the entire experience, its dynamics from the beginning to the end of the conversation, changing gestures and facial expressions of the subject, how cowardly it is holding it, etc.

Then it should be detailed to dwell on how communication was built during the conversation, which were the reaction of the test for the questions of the experimenter, the nature of the answers, their exploration and meaningfulness, which position occupied the subject during communication (active, passive, formal, etc.) and What exactly was manifested.

It is necessary to give the characteristic of the speech of the subject: the features of the stylization of its phrases; richness of the dictionary; the presence of emotional expressive expressions in speech, the nature of intonation dynamics in speech; Use of speech stamps, etc.

It is necessary to further list the main topics that arose during the conversation in the implementation of its program, try to establish their semantic links and suggest the reason for the occurrence of these connections, based on the subject of the subject and their content.

Then it is necessary using the marks on the scales "the subjects delivered, and the protocol of the conversation with it, to analyze the results of self-assessment for each of the four main scales (" Health "," Mind "," character "," happiness "). It is necessary:

Designate the height of self-esteem on this scale (relevant and desired);

Analyze the information about the content

relevant self-esteem;

Analyze the information on the content of the scale of the scale (i.e. extreme points the entire subjective "field of evaluations", within which the subject determines itself);

Analyze the information received on the content of the desired self-assessment;

Make a conclusion based on the results of the study of this scale.

Following the analysis of four main scales, proceed to the analysis of the results obtained on an additional scale ("knowledge of yourself"). Special attention should be paid here to the presentation of the subject on its capabilities of self-knowledge, on the nature of the criticality of this subject.

In conclusion, it is necessary to analyze the general nature of the self-assessment of the subject.

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13. Lectures on the method of specific social studies / ed. G.M. Andreva. M.: Publishing House Mosk. University, 1972.

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1. The concept of the method, pedagogy methodology, pedagogical research


Bibliographic list


The relevance of the conversation method is quite high. It can be viewed as one of the most common methods for obtaining information about the study. The relevance of this topic is due to the fact that pedagogics uses a whole system of various private methods, or techniques. For each case, its method is used. The problem is that these methods do not always give accurate resultsAnd because of this, they are often criticized. There are many species of these methods, some of which give more accurate results.

The object of study in my test work is the methodology of pedagogy, and the subject of the study in my work is the conversation method.

Purpose of this test work It consists in analyzing the research method - conversation.

In order to achieve this goal I:

I will disclose the concept of methodology pedagogical science, classification of methods;

I will consider the specifics of such a practical method of pedagogical research as a conversation.

1. Concepts of methodology, pedagogy method, pedagogical research

Science may develop if it is replenished with new knowledge, in connection with the knowledge of objective pedagogical reality, pedagogical research is carried out to predict its development. The laid component of pedagogical science is methodological knowledge. The following tasks of the Pedagogy Methodology are distinguished: assistance to teacher in the organization scientific research, the formation of special knowledge, skills in the field of concrete research work and assistance to teacher practice in understanding his vocational personality position.

The methodology of pedagogical science gives the characteristic of the study components: object and object analysis, research tasks, aggregate research methods and funds needed to solve them, and also forms an idea of \u200b\u200bstages in the process of solving research tasks.

One or the other scientific approach And the methodological principles are implemented in specific research methods. When conducting pedagogical research, certain scientific methods are used. In pedagogy, both the teaching methods and methods attracted from other sciences are used: philosophy, sociology, psychology, etc. When conducting a pedagogical study, general theoretical methods (analysis, synthesis, generalization, concretization, etc.) are used, sociological methods (survey, Interviewing), socio-psychological (testing, training), etc. With the help of methods, information about the subject matter is also obtained, the data obtained are analyzed and obtained are included in the system of already known knowledge. In this connection, pedagogical studies should be planned, organized and carried out without the great harm to the health of the subject, because in pedagogical studies, people of all ages are involved, starting with breast babies. Of course, it is necessary that they give a positive educational process. Although for obvious reasons, the conclusions are formulated exclusively in generalized form. Such reasons include the explicit of the researcher when using various tricks to extract the truthful information from the subject, the impossibility of conducting a multiple repeat of the study and others.

So, the methodology of pedagogical science is the doctrine of the principles, methods, forms and processes of knowledge and transformation of pedagogical reality, for the knowledge of which pedagogical research is conducted.

In general scientific terms, the method (from Greek. Methodos - the path of research, theory, teaching) is a way to achieve any goal, solving a specific task; The generalization of techniques or operations of practical and theoretical development (knowledge) of reality, which comes down to the totality of certain rules, techniques, methods, norms of knowledge and action. The method is a system of prescriptions, principles, requirements that should focus in solving a specific task, achieving a certain result in a particular field of activity.

Under the study in the field of pedagogy, the process is understood and the result scientific activityaimed at obtaining new knowledge of the laws of education, its structure and mechanisms, content, principles and technologies.

When conducting pedagogical research, certain scientific methods are used. As for the methods of pedagogical research, it is themselves ways to study pedagogical phenomena, obtaining scientific information about them in order to establish natural relations, relations and construct scientific theories. They can be divided into theoretical and practical.

Theoretical methods allow you to clarify, expand and summarize scientific facts, Explain and predict phenomena, allocate more significant relationships between different concepts. These include: analysis, synthesis, comparison, abstraction, concretization, generalization, modeling, induction and deduction.

Practical research methods or differently they are called empirical, i.e. Experience-based, allow to obtain a functional idea of \u200b\u200bthe object of study, detect contradictions between real educational practices, level of scientific knowledge and the need to comprehend the essence of the phenomenon, and also formulate a scientific problem. These include: methods of collecting and accumulating information (observation, conversation, questionnaire); control and measurement methods (scaling, tests); Data processing methods (mathematical, statistical), etc.

pedagogical study of the conversation information

2. Conversation: concept, variety of empirical method

As mentioned above, the conversation refers to practical methods of pedagogical research, namely to methods of collecting and accumulating information.

According to the Encyclopedic Dictionary of the teacher, conversation - (Article-Slav. - Word, speech) - this pedagogical method and at the same time the form of the organization pedagogical process.

It provides for the identification of the researchers of links based on empirical data obtained in real bilateral communication with the subject. However, when conducting a conversation, the researcher rises a number of difficult-time problems relating to the frankness of the subjects, their relations to the researcher.

The conversation is the method of direct communication, which makes it possible to receive information from the interlocutor of the researcher who is interested in using pre-prepared issues. The conversation makes it possible to penetrate inner world Interlocutor, reveal the causes of certain actions, get information about moral, ideological, political and other takeoffs of the subjects. But conversations are a very complex method that requires special mentality from the teacher, knowledge of psychology, the ability to listen. Therefore, it is used more often as an additional method. Conversation technology is quite complex. You need to be able to know the dialogue in a conversation - to ask questions, tactfully listen to, object, doubt, to prove, even silently. In the conversation, it is not recommended to lear the interlocutor to his side, to impose his position to him. In a conversation, the shade of voice is important, a leisurely rhythm. The success of the conversation depends on the qualifications of the researcher, involving the ability to establish contact with the subject, to give it the opportunity to express his thoughts as freely as possible and "separate" personal relationships from the conversation content. Thus, it is possible to determine the following conversation requirements: Preliminary preparation; ability to call the interlocutor to frankness; Inappropriateness of the formulation of issues "in the forehead"; The clarity of issues, tactfulness, confidence.

The conversation is carried out on a predetermined plan with the allocation of issues requiring clarification. It is conducted in free form, without recording the responses of the interlocutor. But with the consent of the interlocutor, the course of the conversation can be recorded.

In addition, in pedagogical practice, conversation is advisable to use as an auxiliary method when studying the individual characteristics of the formation of the child's personality. The conversation with students as a method of studying is carried out to obtain subjective judgments (conclusions, characteristics, assessments) of schoolchildren (pupils) on the merits of the investigated pedagogical phenomenonIt is sometimes extremely important for the purpose of deep penetration into its essence and effectiveness. Often conversations with children and adolescents allow us to obtain data on changes in the level of their development, educational and education that occurred during the studied pedagogical process.

A variety of conversation, its new modification - interviewing, transferred to pedagogy from sociology. Questions and answers are preparing in advance and the latter are not always true. The results of the interview usually complement the data obtained using other methods. This type of method is rarely used and does not find extensive support among researchers.

With regard to my future specialty, it can be said that the conversation method in the study of problems in need of speech therapy assistance will often be used, because With the help of it, it can be installed, even if it was originally on the subconscious level of the teacher-speech therapist, and then with a combination common facts - How reported information is true and necessary when studying an arising problem. So, when conducting a conversation with parents or one of the parents, you can find out enough facts that will help with solving any questions about the study of the child. In addition, a conversation as a study can be carried out with the child himself, thereby finding out its level of consciousness, the perception of the surrounding and subsequently, establishing a particular confidence relationship due to this method, establishing further contact with the studied.


So my goal term paper Analyze the conversation method was achieved by performing the tasks.

In the course of studying this topic, it became clear that the conversation refers to traditional methods of pedagogical research. In conversations, the relations of people, their feelings and intentions, evaluations and positions are revealed. Researchers of all times in conversations received such information, which no other methods cannot be obtained. But the conversation is very complex and not always a reliable method. Therefore, it will be applied as an additional to obtain the necessary explanations and clarifications about the fact that it was not quite clear when observing or using other methods. In addition, this method, as well as its type, interviewing cannot be applied during the mass study of any questions. This suggests that the conversation method fulfills its specific role, but helps the study of only individuals of the pedagogical research. To obtain the desired result, which researcher sought to achieve, it is necessary to use several methods.

Bibliographic list

1. Wigman S.L. Pedagogy in matters and answers: tutorial - M.: TK Velby, Publishing House Prospekt, 2006. - 208 p.

2. Winter V.A. Pedagogical psychology: textbook for universities. Ed. Second, add., fix and recreated. - M.: Logos, 2002. - 384 p.

3. Pedagogy: textbook / L.P. Krivshenko [et al.] / Ed. L.P. Krivshenko. - Moscow: Prospekt, 2012. - 432 p.

4. Pedagogy: studies. Manual for studies Higher. studies. Vehicles / N.M. Borytko, I.A. Solovtsova, A.M. Baybakov; Ed. N.M. Borytko. - Publishing Center "Academy", 2007. - 496 p.

5. Pedagogical Encyclopedic Dictionary / Ch. ed. B.M. Bim-Bad; Red .ol. MM Cheerless, V.A. Bolotov, L.S. Glebova et al. - M.: Large Russian Encyclopedia, 2003. - 528 p.

6. Slostin V.A. Psychology and pedagogy: studies. Manual for studies Higher. studies. establishments. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2007. - 480 p.

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Which suggests obtaining information about the studied phenomenon in logical form, both from the studied personality, members of the group being studied and from the surrounding people. IN last case The conversation acts as an element of the method of generalization of independent characteristics. The scientific value of the method is the setting of personal contact with the object of the study, the possibility of obtaining data to quickly, clarify them in the form of an interview.

The conversation may be formalized and informalized. Formalized conversation It assumes a standardized formulation of issues and registration of from-ves on them, which allows you to quickly group and analyze semi-read information. Informalized conversation It is conducted on non-tightly standardized issues, which makes it possible to consistently put additional issues based on the current situation. During the conversation of this species, as a rule, a closer contact between the research and the respondent is achieved, which helps to obtain the most complete and depth information.

Practice of psychological and pedagogical research has developed certain pra-Vilan application of the conversation method :

Talk only on issues directly related to the Issue problem;

Formulate questions clearly and clearly, given the degree of competence in them the interlocutor;

Chosen and set questions in a clear form that encourages RES-Pondent to give them deployed answers;

Avoid incorrect issues, take into account the mood, the subject -tive state of the interlocutor;

Take a conversation so that the interlocutor seen in the researcher is not a leader, but a comrade showing genuine interest in his life, thinks, aspirations;

Do not talk to the bridle in the excited state;

Choose such a place and time of the conversation so that no one interfere with her go, supported a friendly mood.

Typically, the conversation process is not accompanied by logging. However, the researcher can, if necessary, to make some marks that allow him after the end of the work completely restore the entire course of the conversation. The protocol or diary, as the form of registration of the results of the study, is best to fill after the end of the conversation. In some cases, technical means of registration can be used - a tape recorder or voice recorder. But at the same time, the respondent must be informed that the recording of the conversation will be carried out using the appropriate equipment. In the event of its failure, the use of these funds is not recommended.

Currently, in scientific literature, clearly insufficient attention is paid to the analysis. this method Research. At the same time, it is recognized that with the help of the conversation you can get very valuable information, which can sometimes be produced by other methods. The shape of the conversation, like a nickname other method, should be mobile, dynamic. In one case, the purpose of the conversation is to obtain one or another important information - can be concealed, since it achieved a lot of reliability of data.

In the other case, on the contrary, an attempt to obtain objective information with the in-power of indirect questions may cause a negative, skeptical reaction of the participants in the conversation (such as "builds the clever"). Especially high likely the likelihood of such a reaction in people with overpriced self-esteem. In such situations, the researcher will receive more reliable information at positions: "You know a lot, help us." Such a position is supported by usually increased interest in obtaining information. This, as a rule, encourages people to greater frankness and sincerity.

Call a trick for frankness and listen to him - great art. Naturally, the frankness of people should be appreciated and ethically carefully acting with the information received. The frankness of the conversation increases when the researcher does not make any records.

In conversation, the researcher communicates with a specialist. In the process of this communication, certain relations of two personalities are formed to each other. They add up of small strokes, nuances, bringing together two people or disconnecting them as personalities. In most cases, the study is striving for rapprochement in communicating with the personality of the respondent. However, there are cases when the rapprochement that achieved the frankness must be "tightening", again come to a certain distance in communication.

For example, sometimes a respondent, catching the sincere interest of the researcher (and the interest in most cases is psychologically regarded as inner agreement with what the respondent speaks to him), begins to impose its own, as a rule, a subjective point of view, seeks to eliminate the distance in communication and T .. In this situation, it is unreasonable to go on a further neck, as the completion of the conversation of complete harmony in communication, even if purely external, can lead to negative places.

Therefore, it is psychologically advisable to researcher a conversation with such people to finish with a certain distance, disagree with something. It will protect it from an excessive negative response of the interlocutor in the future. Create these subtle faces of communication - the present art, which should basirize on knowledge of the psychology researcher of people.

Individual conversation - Diagnostic method that allows you to establish direct contact with the subject, to obtain information about its subjective world, about the motives of its activities and behavior.

The conversation method is used with other methods, such as surveillance, observation and experiment. However B. practical work A number of leading psychologists of the world conversation were used as an independent research method ("Clinical conversation" J. Piaget, "psychoanalytic conversation" 3. Freud). The possibilities that this method provides, in terms of the depth of penetration into the essence of the studied question, are still not fully used in studies. In contrast to the questionnaire method, this method is used yet relatively little.

The conversation is the method of obtaining information based on the responses of the interlocutor to the questions set by a psychologist with direct contact. During the conversation, the researcher identifies behavioral features and mental state interlocutor. The condition for the success of the conversation is the confidence of the test to the researcher, the creation of a favorable psychological atmosphere. Useful information during the conversation gives external behavior Test, their facial expressions, gestures, speech intonation.

The purpose of the conversation method It is usually an inspection and refinement in direct communication with the interlocutor of a number of incomprehensible issues for the psychologist who have arisen during the study of the socio-psychological and individual psychological qualities of his personality. In addition, the purpose of the conversation is to clarify the structure of the motivational sphere, as the behavior and activities are usually due not to one, but by several motives, which are most likely to be identified in communicating with the interlocutor. The conversation allows mentally modeling any of the necessary psychologist. It is indisputable that the intentions are best judged by actions, and not according to. However, the subjective states of the interlocutor may not find the expression in its behavior in these circumstances, but manifest themselves in other conditions and situations. Successful use of the conversation as a method of research is possible with appropriate qualifications of a psychologist, involving the ability to establish contact with the subject, give it the opportunity to the maximum free expression of his opinion. The art of using the conversation method is to know what to ask and how to ask. When complying with the requirements and proper precautions, the conversation allows to obtain no less reliable than in observing or with psychological analysis of documents, information on the events of the past, present or planned future. However, during the conversation, it is necessary to separate personal relationships from the conversation.

The advantage of the method of talking It is that it is based on personal communication, which eliminates some negative points arising when using the questionnaire. The conversation gives great confidence in the correct understanding of the issues, since the researcher has the ability to explain in detail the question. It is also expected to be a great accuracy of the answers, because the oral form of the conversation, which only two persons lead, creates the prerequisites that the answers to the questions will not be announced.

Disadvantage of the method of talking Compared to the questionnaire, it is a stretchability, a rather slow accumulation of data during mass surveys. That is why in practice is more willing to resort to the questionnaire, as it ensures energy savings.

In psychology, the conversation method is widespread, although most often it is used in the complex of research methods (for example, to obtain indicative data in socio-psychological research or psychological examination, etc.). It should be borne in mind that unlocking conversation is special scientific method. The conversation conducted by a specialist differs from the usual communication and conversation to the focus, planness, accuracy of wording. The conversation can be conducted on free themes And according to a certain topic, purposefully in compliance with certain rules and without rules. The difference between them is that the targeted, the so-called controlled, the conversation is built in strict accordance with the specified conditions that must be accurately observed. Such conditions include, for example, formulation of issues, their sequence, the duration of the conversation. The conversation as a method of obtaining a psychologist of the data directly from the study involves the observance of a number of requirements and conditions, and also imposes on a psychologist a special responsibility. It's not just the preparation for the conversation at a good level, knowledge of the essence of the case, but also in the ability to establish contacts with representatives of different social and age groups, nationalities, beliefs, etc. In a publicly, the ability to classify and really evaluate the facts, penetrate In the essence of the problem. Since the conversation is conducted in order to collect certain information, it is important to record the answers. In many studies, it is necessary to make records directly during the conversation, which assumes the presence of pre-prepared sheets, schemes. However, when conversations of an individual plan, when the psychologist is asking for a council on a particular issue, the recording in the process of talking is not recommended. Better to record the course of the conversation after her end. And although in this case, the accuracy of information may deteriorate, the very fact of writing records with an intimate conversation can cause the negative reaction under study and reluctance to give truthful responses. This is precisely the complexity of the conversation method for a psychologist who should thoroughly analyze the answers in order to drop unreliable and insignificant, but focus on facts that are in this case carriers of the necessary information.

Obtaining information in the conversation is based on the verbal communication of the researcher and the subject, on direct social interaction, which determines the great possibilities of this method. Personal contact helps deeper to understand the motives of the interlocutor, his position. The flexibility of this method provides good adaptation to different situations, contributes to an in-depth understanding of the entire context, as well as the motives of individual responses of the interlocutor. The researcher does not just receive information as when using other methods, but, given the response response, it may be able to send a conversation in accordance with it. The immediate contact of the subject and researcher requires the last certain personal qualities, such as the flexibility of the mind, sociability, the ability to conquer the confidence of the person with whom he leads a conversation. Flexibility of Um - The ability to navigate well in a situation, to promptly take optimal solutions. Sociability- The ability to come into contact, overcome prejudices, conquer trust, the location of the interlocutor.

An individual conversation proceeds in conditions of direct communication, which increases the role of psychological skills, the versatility of knowledge, the speed of thinking, the observation of the psychologist. Observation- the ability to allocate, evaluate individual signs of events.

If a psychologist is able to create an atmosphere of trust and sincerity, the conversation method will allow him to receive such information that it is impossible to obtain any other method. At the same time, it is necessary to strictly ensure that the responses of the interlocutor were free from the influence of personal relations established between the respondent and interviewer, from the method of formulation of the issue.

In accordance with how many people take part in the conversation, distinguish between conversations individual(the researcher talks with one person) and group(Simultaneous work of a researcher with several people).

According to the structure of issues, standardized (structured, formalized), non-standardized (unstructured, informalized) and partially standardized conversations are distinguished.

Ensures preliminary formulation of issues and definitions of their sequence. The information obtained in this case may be relatively easy to be processed, but the depth of cognition decreases. With this form of the conversation, the danger of receiving inaccurate and incomplete data is not excluded. Standardized conversation is used most often when it is necessary to find out certain trends of studied phenomena, while covering a large number of people.

Non-standardized (unstructured, informalized) conversation Passes focused or freely. Of course, the researcher prepares in advance the issues that will be delivered, but their content, sequence and formulation are determined by the situation of the conversation, depend on the questions that follow the predetermined scheme. The disadvantage of this form of work is the complexity of processing received information. The non-standardized conversation is often used in cases where the researcher first meets the problem under study.

However, usually most convenient is considered partially standardized conversation. As well as other methods, the conversation method may have different transitional options that meet the subject and objectives of the study. In cases where the researcher is already oriented in existing relationships and exploring a certain aspect of the problem, it can successfully apply a method of partially standardized conversation. The main condition of efficiency is clearly defined goals and detailed development of the research plan.

By organizational form The following types of conversation distinguish: conversation at the place of work, conversation at the place of residence, conversation in the office of a psychologist. Depending on the organizational form, the features of the conversation appear differently.

Conversation at the place of work or classes It is usually carried out in the workplace or in office space. It is most appropriate when industrial or training teams are being studied, and the subject of research is related to production or educational issues. For example, if the conversation with the subject passes in the usual conditions, where it usually works or learns, then all the circumstances associated with the subject of the conversation are fasterly updated in his mind.

Conversation at the place of residence It is carried out at home, where a person has a lot of time and freedom. It becomes preferable if the subject of the conversation concerns such problems that it is more convenient to speak in an unofficial environment free from the influence of official or educational relations. Under the usual conditions, the interlocutor is more qualitly answering questions that require messages of confidential information.

Conversation in the office of a psychologistUsually completes a comprehensive examination of the psychological qualities of personality and allows you to get such information that is difficult to provide in the questionnaires and tests. The conversation acquires less official character than in the office.

Regardless of the venue of the conversation, it is necessary to take care of the elimination or at least a decrease in the influence of the "third" persons. Experience shows that even the silent presence during the conversation "of the third" person (colleagues, family member, guest, a neighbor) affects the psychological context of the conversation and can cause a displacement in the content of the responses of the subject.

Standardized (structured, formalized) conversation - View of the conversation, in which the communication of the researcher and the subject is strictly regulated by a detailed questionnaire and instruction. The standardized conversation usually prevail closed questions. When using this type of conversation, the researcher must accurately adhere to the wording of issues and their sequence.

The wording of questions should be designed not to read, but on the situation of conversation. The conversation plan is designed not in the "writing", but in a conversational, oral style. For example, the question may be formulated like this: "I will list you different types of lessons in your free time. Tell me, please, what of them do you usually do when you have free time?”.

The subject must carefully listen to the question and choose the most suitable option for it from a pre-thought-out set. If in the process of the conversation, the need arises to explain the subject of the obscure word or meaning of the question, the researcher should not at the same time allow an arbitrary interpretation, deviations from the meaning of the initial formulation of the issue.

The advantages of this type of conversation are that the maximum full description Facts, since the researcher "Hard" leads the test under the conversation plan, without losing a single important detail. At the same time, it is with this circumstance that the possible influence of prestige factor is connected: the desire of the subject to comply with the regulatory requirements regardless of the actual state of affairs.

Thus, in a situation of standardized (formalized) conversation, the researcher is given by the advantage of the performer. In this form of the conversation, the influence of a researcher for data quality can be minimized.

Partially standardized conversation - View of the conversation, in which the communication of the researcher and the subject occurs with the use open questions And it provides for a smaller degree of standardization of the behavior of the researcher and the subject. The researcher develops a detailed conversation plan providing for a strictly mandatory sequence of questions and their wording in an open form, that is, without options for answers. The researcher reproduces questions without any deviations from the specified wording, and the subject gives answers in free form. The task of the researcher consists in their full and clear registration. The method for fixing the answers is also standard and provided for by the instruction. This may be a literal entry with the preservation of the subject's vocabulary (including stenography or tape recorder). Sometimes direct encoding of answers during the conversation is applied. In this case, after each question, a chart classification scheme is provided in which the researcher notes the necessary positions. For example, after the question: "What newspapers do you read?" - The questionnaire gives a list of newspapers that are interested in the researcher, and the position is "other newspapers".

This view of the conversation requires several high time and labor costs: the test longer thinks over and formulates the answers, and the researcher spends more time to register them. The costs of encoding and subsequent analysis of the answer content are growing. It is for these reasons that a partially standardized conversation with open questions is applied less frequently standardized conversation. At the same time, not for all tasks need formalized, unified information. In some cases, it is a particular value of accounting as a wide range of differences in behavior, opinions, assessments of the subjects, and such information can be obtained only by reducing the standardization of the conversation by providing a researcher with great freedom to register the expressions of the subjects.

Spellings of the subjects can differ significantly in form, content, volume, composition, completeness, awareness level, analytical penetration into the essence of the proposed question. All of these features of the responses received become the subject of analysis. A peculiar "fee" for this refinement is an additional time to collect and process data. Similar interdependencies of research problems, quality and content of information, as well as time and labor costs are also characteristic of other varieties of conversation.

Focused conversation It is the next step leading to a decrease in the standardization of the behavior of the researcher and the interlocutor. It aims to collect opinions, evaluations about a particular situation, phenomena, its consequences or reasons. The subjects in this view are acquainted in advance with the subject of the conversation: they read a book or article, participate in the workshop, the methodology and the content of which will be discussed, etc. It is preliminarily harvested and questions for such a conversation, and their list for the researcher is required: It can change their sequence and wording, but for each question should receive information.

Free conversation It is characterized by minimal standardization of the behavior of the researcher and the subject. This view of the conversation applies in cases where the researcher only proceeds to identify the problem of research, clarifies its specific content in specific conditions.

A free conversation is carried out without a pre-prepared questionnaire or developed a conversation plan. Only the topic of the conversation is determined, which is offered to the interlocutor for discussion. The direction of the conversation, its logic structure, the sequence of questions, their wording - it all depends on the individual characteristics of the one who spends the conversation, from his ideas about the subject of discussion, on the specific situation.

The information obtained in this case does not need unification for statistical processing. It is valuable and interesting to its uniqueness, latterness of associations, analyzing the specifics of the problem under study under specific conditions. Answers are recorded with maximum accuracy (desirable stenography or tape recorder). To summarize the responses, traditional methods of catering text analysis are used.

List of used literature

1. Gusev A., Izmailov Ch., Mikhalevskaya M. Measurement in psychology. General psychological workshop. - M.: UMK Psychology, 2005 (a vulture of the educational and methodological association of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation).

2. Ramendik D.M. Psychological workshop. Series: Higher professional education. - M.: Academia, 2006 (a vulture of the educational and methodological association of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation).

Conversation - One of the main methods of psychology and pedagogy, which involves obtaining information about the considered phenomenon in logical form, both from the studied personality, members of the group studied and from the surrounding people. In the latter case, the conversation acts as an element of the method of generalization of independent characteristics. The scientific value of the method is to establish personal contact with the object of research, the possibility of obtaining data is promptly, to clarify them in the form of an interview.

The conversation may be formalized and informalized. Formalized conversation It assumes a standardized formulation of issues and registering responses to them, which allows you to quickly group and analyze the information received. Informalized conversation It is conducted on non-tightly standardized issues, which makes it possible to consistently put additional issues based on the current situation. During the conversation of this species, a closer contact between the researcher and the respondent is achieved, which helps to obtain the most complete and deep information.

Practice of psychological and pedagogical research has developed certain rules for applying a conversation method :

- talk only on issues directly related to the problem under study;

- formulate questions clearly and clearly, given the degree of competence in them in the interlocutor;

- select and put questions in a clear form of prompting respondents to give them deployed answers;

- Avoid incorrect questions, take into account the mood, the subjective state of the interlocutor;

- lead a conversation so that the interlocutor sees in the researcher not the leader, but a comrade showing genuine interest in his life, thinks, aspirations;

- Do not talk to the tricks, in an excited state;

- Choose such a place and time of the conversation so that no one interfere with her go, supported a friendly attitude.

Typically, the conversation process is not accompanied by logging. However, the researcher can, if necessary, to make some marks that allow him after the end of the work completely restore the entire course of the conversation. The protocol or diary, as the form of registration of the results of the study, is best to fill after the end of the conversation. In some cases, technical means of registration can be used - a tape recorder or voice recorder. But at the same time, the respondent must be informed that the recording of the conversation will be carried out using the appropriate equipment. In the event of its failure, the use of these funds is not recommended.

Currently, in the scientific literature, clearly insufficient attention is paid to analyzing this method of research. At the same time, it is recognized that with the help of the conversation you can get very valuable information, which can sometimes be produced by other methods. The shape of the conversation, as no other method, must be mobile, dynamic. In one case, the purpose of the conversation is to obtain one or another important information - may be hidden, since it achieved a lot of reliability of data. In another case, on the contrary, an attempt to obtain objective information with the help of indirect questions may cause a negative, skeptical response of the conversation participants (type "builds the clever"). Especially high likely the likelihood of such a reaction in people with overpriced self-esteem. In such situations, the researcher will receive more reliable information at position: "You know a lot, help us." Such a position is supported by usually increased interest in obtaining information. This, as a rule, encourages people to greater frankness and sincerity.

Call a person to frankness and listen to him - great art. Naturally, the frankness of people should appreciate and ethically carefully handle the information received. The frankness of the conversation increases when the researcher does not make any records.

In conversation, the researcher communicates with a specialist. In the process of this communication, certain relations of two personalities are formed. They add up of small strokes, nuances, bringing together two people or disconnecting them as personalities. In most cases, the researcher is committed to rapprochement in communicating with the personality of the respondent. However, there are cases when the rapprochement that achieved the frank must be "minimized", again come to a certain distance in communication. For example, sometimes a respondent, catching the sincere interest of the researcher (and the interest in most cases is psychologically regarded as inner agreement with what the respondent speaks to him), begins to impose its own, as a rule, a subjective point of view, seeks to eliminate the distance in communication and T .. In this situation, it is unreasonable to go to further convergence, as the completion of the conversation of complete harmony in communication, even if purely external, can lead to negative consequences. Therefore, it is psychologically advisable to researcher a conversation with such people to end in the construction of a certain distance, disagree with something. It will protect it from an excessive negative response of the interlocutor in the future. Create these subtle verge of communication is real art, which should be based on the knowledge of the psychology researcher.