Venus axis. Planet Venus - General Characteristics and Interesting Facts

  1. Venus - the second from the sun planetnearest to earth. Minimum distance from Earth 42 million km.
  2. Equatorial Venus diameter 12100 km (95% of the earth)
  3. Mass 4,87 ∙ 10 24 kg (0.82 Earth), density 5250 kg / m3
  4. Rotation of Venus around its axis - reverseThis means that the sunrise on the planet is in the West, the sunset in the East. Venus very slowly revolves around his axis, one turnover is 243.02 terrestrial day.
  5. The period of circulation around the sun is 224.7 terrestrial days; The average orbital speed is 35 km / s.
  6. Venus - one of the most beautiful lights of the sky. For 585 days, periods of her evening and morning visibility alternate. When observing the Earth, Venus changes the shape and sizes. The biggest Venus looks in the sickle phase.
  7. Venus is a hot waterfront planet with a colossal atmospheric pressure of 9.2 MPa.
  8. The atmosphere of the planet consists mainly of carbon dioxide that holds the heat of the planet. For millions of years of greenhouse effect, the temperature reached 480 ° C, and would be even higher if the clouds did not reflect 80% of solar heat. The atmosphere of Venus extends to a height of 250 km. Venus clouds are formed by sulfuric acid drops, and sulfur was in the atmosphere of Venus as a result of fashionable and long-term volcanic activity.
  9. Science is not yet known why the atmosphere of Venus is involved in one giant hurricane. At the surface of Venus, the wind is weak, not more than 1 m / s, in the region of the equator at an altitude of over 50 km intensify to 150-300 m / s. The nature of the electrical activity of the atmosphere of Venus is also not clear, where the lightning sparkle twice as much as on earth.
  10. Complete Cartography Venus was performed by the Magellan spacecraft in 1990-1992. Using radar methods.

Every schoolboy knows about the existence of the planet Venus in the solar system. That she is closest to Earth and the second from the Sun, not everyone will remember. Well, to name more or less exactly the period of circulation of Venus around the Sun will be able to units. Let's try to eliminate this gap in knowledge.

Venus - Planet Paradoxes

Start worth S. brief description Planets. Closer to the Sun in our system there is only Mercury. But to the ground the closer is the closer - at some points the distance between them is only 42 million kilometers. According to cosmic standards, this is quite a bit.

Yes, and the size of the planet-neighbor is quite similar - the length of the Equator Venus is 95% of the same indicator in the earth.

But the rest of solid differences begin. Start at least with the fact that it was Venus that is the only planet in a solar system having a reverse or retrograde rotation around its axis. That is, the sun here does not rise in the east and comes in the West, as on all other planets, but on the contrary. Very unusual and unusual!

Duration of the year

Now we will tell about the period of circulation of Venus around the Sun - it is equal to almost 225 days or, more precisely, 224.7. Yes, it is so much time you need a planet to make a full turn around the shone - 140 days more than it leaves the ground. It is not surprising - the farther the planet is from the sun, the longer there is a year.

But the speed of moving the planet in space is quite large - 35 kilometers per second! In one hour it passes 126 thousand kilometers. Just imagine the distance she passes in the year, given the star period of the circulation of Venus around the Sun!

When day longer than a year

Speaking, for what period of Venus makes a full turn around the nearest star, it is worth noting her period of appeal around their own axis, that is, a day.

This period is really impressive. To make just one turn around the axis, the planet spends as many as 243 days. Just imagine this day - longer than a year!

It was because of this that the inhabitants of Venus, if they existed there (the existence of at least some life is very doubtful because of the peculiarities that we will tell a little later), they would have come to an unusual situation.

The fact is that on earth change of time the day is due to the rotation of the planet around the axis. Still, a day here last 24 hours, and a year - more than 365 days. On Venus, the same way is around. Here the time of the day depends more on what point of its orbit is the planet. Yes, this is what affects what areas of the planet will be lit by a hot luminaries, and which remain in the shadows. Because of this state of things, it would be very difficult to live on the clock here - midnight it would sometimes have to go on the morning or evening, and at noon the sun would not always stand in Zenith.

Unfriendly planet

Now you know what the conversion period of the Venus planet around the sun. You can tell more and about it yourself.

Over the years, science writers, relying on the approval of scientists that Venus is almost equal to the Earth, inhabited it in their works by various creatures. Alas, in the middle of the twentieth century, all these fantasies collapsed. The latter data has proven to survive at least something can hardly be able to survive.

Start at least with the winds. Even the most monstrous hurricanes of the Earth will seem compared to them with a light pleasant breeze. The speed of the hurricane is about 33 meters per second. And on Venus, practically without stopping, the wind blows up to 100 meters per second! None of the earthly object would be subject to such pressure.

With the atmosphere, everything is also not too rosy. For breathing, it is completely not suitable, as 97% consists of carbon dioxide. Oxygen here is either absent or available in the most insignificant amount. In addition, the pressure here is simply monstrous. On the surface of the planet, the atmosphere density is approximately 67 kg per cubic meter. Because of this, stepping on Venus, the man would immediately feel (if he managed) the same pressure as in the sea at a depth of almost a kilometer!

Yes, and the temperature here absolutely does not have a pleasant pastime. In the afternoon, the surface of the planet and air warms up to about 467 degrees Celsius. This is much larger than the temperature of Mercury, the distance from which to the Sun is twice and less than from Venus! This is easily explained by an extremely dense atmosphere and a greenhouse effect created by the high concentration of carbon dioxide. On Mercury, the heat from the hot surface is simply evaporated in open space. Here, the dense atmosphere simply does not allow him to leave, which leads to such extreme indicators. Even at night, which lasts four terrestrial months, the cooler here becomes only 1-2 degrees. And all due to the fact that greenhouse gases do not allow heat to leave.


This can end in this article. Now you know the period of circulation of Venus around the Sun, as well as other features of this amazing planet. Surely this will significantly expand your horizons in the area of \u200b\u200bastronomy.

Venus - the second remoteness from the main star of the planet of the solar system. It is often referred to as the "twin sister", because it is almost identical to our planet on dimensions and is its peculiar neighbor, but the rest has many differences.

Name history

Heavenly body called named Roman fertility goddess. IN different languages Transfers of this word will differ - it is the meaning of the "mercy of the gods", the Spanish "Sink" and Latin - "Love, Charm, Beauty". The only one of the planets of the solar system, she deserved the right to be called an excellent female name due to the fact that he was in ancient times one of the brightest in the sky.

Dimensions and composition, soil character

Venus is quite a bit less than our planet - its mass is 80% of the earth. More than 96% carbon dioxide in it, the rest is nitrogen with a small number of other connections. According to her structure the atmosphere is dense, deep and very cloud And it consists mainly of carbon dioxide, so the surface is difficult to see due to a kind of "greenhouse effect". Pressure there is 85 times more than our. The composition of the surface on its density resembles the basalts of the Earth, but she herself extremely dry due to the hollow lack of liquid and high temperatures. The bark has a 50-kilometer thickness and consists of silicate rocks.

Studies of scientists have shown that there are granite deposits on Venus together with uranium, thorium and potassium, as well as basalt rocks. The top layer of the soil is close to the earth, and the surface was covered with thousands of volcanoes.

Periods of rotation and circulation, change of seasons

The period of rotation around its axis this planet is sufficiently long and is approximately 243 of our day, exceeding the period of circulation around the Sun, it is equal to 225 Earth days. Thus, the Venusian Day is longer than one earthly year is the longest day on all the planets of the solar system.

One more interesting feature - Venus, unlike other planets of the system, rotates in the opposite direction - from east to west. With the maximum rapprochement from the ground, the tricky "Neighbor" turns all the time only one side, in the interruptions of the time to make 4 turns around their own axis.

The calendar is very unusual: the sun is closed in the West, it enters the east, and the change of time is almost absent because of too slow rotation around itself and permanent "concacking" from all sides.

Expeditions and satellites

First spacecraft, Posted from Earth in Venus - Venus-1 Soviet apparatus, launched in February 1961, the course of which could not adjust and he went far by. More successful was the flight of the perfect ship Mariner-2, ongoing 153 days, and the ESA Venus Express orbital satellite passed as close as possible, Launched in November 2005.

In the future, namely in 2020-2025, the American Space Agency plans to send a large-scale space expedition to Venus, which will have to receive answers to many questions, in particular, concerning disappearance from the planet of oceans, geological activity, singularities of the atmosphere and the factors of its change .

How much to fly to Venus and is it possible?

The main complexity of the flight in Venus is that it is difficult to specify the ship where to move to just reach the destination. You can move in transient orbits of one planet to another, How catching it. Therefore, a small and inexpensive device will spend on this considerable part of the time. A man's foot has not yet stepped on the planet and it is unlikely that this world of unbearable heat and strong wind will like it. Unless fly by ...

Finishing the report, we note one more interesting fact: today nothing is known about the natural satellite.ah Venus. She also does not have a rings, but shines so clearly that in a moonless night is perfectly visible with populated people in the ground.

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On a distant star Venere
The sun of the flames and the golden
On Venus, ah, on Venus
The trees have blue leaves.

Nikolai Gumilyov

Planet of the Roman Goddess of Love and Beauty, Morning and Evening Star ... You probably saw her - early in the morning, when the sun is about to go, she fades on the blossoming sky. Or, on the contrary, the first lights up against the background of a coming sunset is the brightest, except for the sun and the moon, 17 times brighter the brightest star - Sirius. If you look closely, it does not look like a star - does not flicker, but shines with a smooth white light.

But at midnight you will never see it. Venus for the earth observer is not removed from the Sun more than 48 °, because we look at its orbit "outside." Therefore, Venus is clearly seen in two cases: when it is to the right, the west of the Sun is called western elongation -at this time she sits before the sun and earlier the sun gets up, so it's clearly visible before sunrise; And when she left from the sun and during the day he follows him, then it can be seen in the evening (Fig. 1). Period when the planet is close to the line ground - the sun is called compound(The planet "connects" with the Sun), at this time it is not visible.

However, not quite so. Venus is not visible by the eye when she is close to the sun, but in a telescope - if you know exactly where to see it - you can see. (By the way, the task is to draw, as it looks like in the Venus telescope, for example, in Eastern elongation.) And occasionally it happens that it passes for the earthly observer not near the sun, but directly by his disk. During such a passage, watching him to the telescope, Lomonosov and opened the atmosphere of Venus. When B. aboutthen, part of Venus was already on the drive of the Sun, he saw a thin glowing bezel around the rest of the planet for a moment around the rest of the planet (Fig. 2). Many seen this rims, but did not give it values. And only Lomonosov realized that this oblique sun rays highlighted the atmosphere of the planet, as a flashlight in the dark highlights smoke and makes it visible.

This atmosphere was not at all a gift. To begin with, it turned out that it is opaque for "ordinary" (visible) light and does not let the surface of the planet: it's like trying to see the bottom of the pan through a layer of milk. But the main thing people learned only when the descent apparatus tried in Venus.

In the size of Venus almost like the Earth, and by weight slightly less; It would seem that these two planets are almost the same. So at the beginning of the twentieth century it was possible to assume that trees grow on Venus and someone lives at all. Or that on it, for example, can settle the earthlings. However, these hopes were not justified: the first apparatus, who tried to sit in Venus (in 1967), was crushed, not yet flying to the surface!

It turned out that in Venus - monstrous atmospheric pressure: almost 100 times more than on Earth. On each square centimeter of the surface of the air post presses with such a force, as if on Earth on this centimeter, a hundred-kilogram gircling was put! The density of the Venerian "air" is only 14 times less than the density of water. The temperature is always - that day, that at night - equal to 470 ° C, more than in the hot spot of Mercury! In addition, the atmosphere, consisting mainly of carbon dioxide (CO 2), contains a bunch of poisonous and caustic compounds of sulfur, including sulfuric acid. Until now, no descendable apparatus - and there were about a dozen about a dozen - did not last in this situation for longer than two hours ...

Try to imagine this picture. Sky on Venus orange, always covered with sulfuric acid clouds. Sun is never visible behind a solid layer of clouds. No water, naturally, no - at such a temperature she has long evaporated (and earlier, it seems there were oceans!). Sometimes acid rains are coming (literally: instead of water acid), but they do not come to the surface - they evaporate from the heat. There is almost no wind at the bottom, only 1 m / s, but "air" to that is dense, that even such a weak wind raises dust and small pebbles, it seems as if sailing in the air. But at the top, at the height of the clouds, the giant hurricane is constantly raging - the wind speed does 100 m / s, that is, 360 km / h, and even more! (Where this hurricane came from, still unknown.)

How did it happen? Why is this picture so different from earthly? Let's deal with.

Compounds of sulfur and carbon dioxide (which is 96% in Venus) in the atmosphere from volcanoes. There are many volcanoes - thousands, the entire surface is covered with frozen lava. Perhaps some of the volcanoes act now, but until the eruptions on Venus could not see.

In all of these "volcanic" gases, the molecules are heavy: for example, a carbon dioxide molecule weighs 1.5 times more than nitrogen molecules and oxygen constituting the earth's atmosphere. And there are a lot of them. Therefore, "air" is so dense and heavy.

And why the temperature is so high? Again the volcanic gases are to blame, primarily carbon dioxide. It creates the so-called greenhouse effect, whose essence is what. The sun illuminates the planet (land, for example) and thereby heats it, passing it every second (through the rays of the light) how much energy. Thanks to this energy, winds are blowing, rivers flow, plants and animals live. But energy never disappears, it can only turn from one species to another. We ate the sandwich - hidden in it (chemical) energy spent on heating our body. The flow of the river - water hits the stones and also heats them. So ultimately the energy transmitted by the sun planet goes into heat - the planet is heated. And where does energy go further? The heated surface of the planet emits a slightly different radiation, an invisible eye, infrared. The hot surface, the stronger the radiation. This radiation goes into space and takes "excess" energy - exactly as much as it comes from the sun. An equilibrium is observed: how much I took - so much correct.

And if you return (that is, emit) less than I got (got from the sun)? Energy will begin to accumulate on the planet, and the temperature of the surface and air will grow. The stronger the heated surface radiates more infrared rays - and soon the equilibrium will be restored, but at a higher temperature.

This greenhouse effect is overheating, which occurs just from such a temporary equilibrium disorder. The fact is that carbon dioxide absorbs infrared rays. The surface of the planet emit them, and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere - does not release outside, into space! Inside solar energy With visible light, it falls, and the outside - the atmosphere does not allow. So the energy will be copied until the entire atmosphere warms so much that its upper layer is already able to finally emit the desired amount of energy into space and restore equilibrium. This happened on Venus - to restore the balance, its surface had to warm up the degrees at 400. It can happen from the earth, if there is too much carbon dioxide in its atmosphere and other "complex" gases!

There is another interesting feature. Almost everything in the solar system - all planets and b aboutthen part of the asteroids - drawn around the sun in the same side. And around the axis all major planets Rotate into the same side - all but one. Venus spinning "not like everything", however, very slowly: 1 turnover around the axis for 243 terrestrial days, while the Venusian year lasts 225 terrestrial days. That is, Venus rotates around the Sun even a little bit faster than around the axis! Training in Mercury, of course, you can easily figure out how much time would last day and how much - the night on Venus, if these two periods coincided (this answer is almost real, since the difference is small). Resonance with the sun is incomplete again - and again, perhaps the reason in the ground: like Mercury in his "waltz" all the time turns to us at meetings of the same side and Venus in each connection with the sun rooted to Earth equally. So inaccurate resonance with the Sun - but there is a resonance from the earth.

Why does she spin not in that direction? Unclear. There are different hypotheses, one more doubtful. All of them somehow refer to the fact that "in childhood" some misfortune happened to Venus. Someone pushed or hit ... But the answer is well known to the previous question - why all the other planets are so friendly (and all other than Mercury, quickly) spin into the same side? Try to guess.


1. When looking at the telescope, Venus is clearly visible disk, so the phases are visible - like the moon. And for the same reason: only its illuminated side can be seen. In Eastern elongation, we see exactly half the "in the form of the letter p" (see Fig. 1 of articles), like the moon in the first quarter. But unlike the moon, the month of Venus is not growing at this time, and decreases: the earth and the sun will be on different directions from her, and its sickle will become very narrow.

2. If the year and the star days coincided, the day and night would last on the quarter of the year - see the figure below. In fact, the sunny day on Venus lasts 116 terrestrial days, that is, more than six months, but less than half of the star day.

3. Rotation (and year, and daily) in one direction - a consequence of general origin. All the planets were "blinddled" from the lumps (planetsimals) in a large protoplanetary cloud, which everything as a whole has rotated in one (random) side, like soup in a saucepan if it is slightly prevented by a spoon. When the sun was formed, everything cloud compressed (squeezed to the center) and, as a skater, pressed in the "Winn" hands to the body, began to rotate faster; In physics, this is called the moment of the moment of the pulse. Separate lumps were also compressed (and very strong), forming the planet, and their rotation around the axis is greatly accelerated. Therefore, planets are spinning around the axis quickly; Mercury slowed down later.

Artist Maria Useinova

On Earth, such pressure can also be found - in the ocean, at a depth of 1 km.

In fact, a small greenhouse effect (but not due to carbon dioxide, and because of the water vapor) on Earth there is, and very by the way: without it, the temperature would be degrees 20-30 lower than now.

Formally, "not in the other side" is still spinning, but we will talk about it separately.

It is only necessary to draw a drawing ... if it does not work, see the answers.

The second from the Sun is Planet Venus, is the most closest to the ground and, perhaps, the most beautiful of the planets of the earthly group. It challenged the millennia to the curious views from the scientists of antiquity and modernity, to ordinary mortal poets. No wonder she is the name of the Greek Goddess of Love. But her study rather adds questions than gives any answers.

One of the first observers, Galileo Galilee, watched the Venus with a pickle pipe. With the advent of more powerful optical devices in 1610, such as telescopes, people began to mark the Venus phases, very reminding the lunar phases. Venus is one of the brightest shone in our sky, so at dusk and in the morning, you can see the planet with a naked eye. Watching her passage before the Sun, Mikhail Lomonosov in 1761 examined a thin rainbow rim surrounding the planet. It happened the opening of the atmosphere. It turned out to be very powerful: the pressure near the surface reached 90 atmospheres!
Greenhouse effect explains high temperature values lower layers Atmosphere. It also has on other planets, for example on Mars, at the expense of it, the temperature may rise 9 °, on Earth - up to 35 °, and in Venus it reaches its maximum, among the planets - up to 480 ° C.

Internal structure Venus

The structure of Venus, our neighbor, similar to other planets. It includes a bark, mantle and core. The radius of a liquid kernel containing a lot of iron is approximately 3200 km. The structure of the mantle is the molten substance - equals 2800 km, and the thickness of the bark is 20 km. It is surprising that with such a kernel, the magnetic field is practically absent. Most likely, this is due to slow rotation. Venus's atmosphere, reaches 5500 km, the upper layers of which are almost completely composed of hydrogen. Soviet automatic interplanetary stations (AMS) "Venus-15" and "Venus-16" back in 1983, found mountain peaks with Lava flows on Venus. Now the number of volcanic objects reaches 1600 pcs. Volcanic eruptions indicate the activity of the bowels of the planet, which are locked under the fat layers of the basalt shell.

Rotation around your own axis

Most planets solar system, make a turn around your axis from west to east. Venus, as well as uranium, is an exception to this rule, and rotates in the opposite direction, from the east to the west. Such a non-standard rotation, named retrograde. Thus, the full turn around its axis lasts 243 days.

Scientists believe that after the formation of Venus, there were a large amount of water on its surface. But, with the advent of the greenhouse effect, the evaporation of the seas and release into the atmosphere, which is part of various breeds, carbon dioxide of anhydrite. This led to an increase in water evaporation and an increase in temperature as a whole. After a while, the water disappeared from the surface of Venus and moved to the atmosphere.

Now, the surface of Venus looks like a rocky desert, with rare mountains and wave-like plains. From the oceans, only huge depressions remained on the planet. Radar data made from interplanetary stations fixed traces of no long-standing volcanic activity.
In addition to the Soviet AMC, American "Magel" visited Venus. He produced almost complete map of the planet. During the scanning process, a huge number of volcanoes, hundreds of craters and numerous mountains, was found. According to the characteristic elevation, relatively mid-level, scientists revealed 2 mainland - Earth Aphrodites and Earth Ishtar. On the first mainland, the size of Africa, there is 8 kilometer Mount Maat - a huge extinct volcano. Mainland Ishtar, comparable with US sizes. His landmark, you can call 11 Maxwell Mountains - the highest peaks of the planet. Structure mountain breeds, reminds earthly basalt.
On the Venusian landscape, you can find shock crater filled with lava and a diameter of about 40 km. But this is an exception, because all of them, about 1 thousand.

Characteristics of Venus

Mass: 4.87 * 1024 kg (0.815 Earth)
Diameter at the Equator: 12102 km
Tilt axis: 177,36 °
Density: 5.24 g / cm3
Average surface temperature: +465 ° С
Treatment period around the axis (day): 244 days (retrograde)
Distance from the Sun (average): 0.72 a. e. or 108 million km
Treatment period around the Sun in orbit (year): 225 days
Orbit rotation speed: 35 km / s
Eccentricity orbit: E \u003d 0.0068
The tilt of the orbit to the ecliptic: i \u003d 3.86 °
Acceleration free fall: 8,87м / C2
Atmosphere: carbon dioxide (96%), nitrogen (3.4%)
Satellites: NO