Calculate the size of the box in m3. How to calculate volume


If the body has a form of rectangular parallelepipeda (it may be a match, cube, etc.), its volume is in the formula: V \u003d ABC, where A is the height of the body, B is its width, C is the length. Values \u200b\u200bare removed using a conventional rule or measuring tape. Let the latch boxes, to calculate its volume, it is necessary to measure its parameters: a \u003d 2 cm, b \u003d 4cm, C \u003d 5 cm, the volume box is 4 cm * 2 cm * 5cm \u003d 40 cm in Cuba.

multiply the length of the side of the height

You will need

  • - line;
  • - Calculator.


If the schoolboy is trying to calculate the volume of the rectangle, then specify: Specifically, the figure is in question - or its volume analogue, rectangular. Learn: What exactly is required to be found under the terms of the task - volume, or length. In addition, find out: what part of the figure under consideration is meant - the whole figure, face, edge, top, side or.

To calculate the volume of rectangular parallelepiped, multiply its length, width and height (thickness). That is, use the formula:

where: a, b and c is the length, width and height of the parallelepiped (respectively), and V is its volume.

All the lengths of the parties are pre-give to one unit of measurement, then the volume of the parallelepiped will succeed in the corresponding "cubic" units.

What will be the water tank capacity having dimensions:
length - 2 meters;
width - 1 meter 50 centimeters;
height - 200 centimeters.

1. Give the length of the parties to meters: 2; 1.5; 2.
2. Reduce the numbers obtained: 2 * 1.5 * 2 \u003d 6 (cubic meters).

If it is still about a rectangle in the task, then surely it is required to calculate its area. To do this, simply multiply the length of the rectangle on its width. That is, apply the formula:

a and b - the length of the side of the rectangle,
S - Rectangle Square.

Use the same formula if the task is considered the face of the rectangular parallelepipeda - according to the definition, it also has a rectangle shape.

The volume of the cube is 27 m³. What is the area of \u200b\u200bthe rectangle formed by the edge of Cuba?

The length of the edge of the cube (which is also a rectangular parallelepiped) is equal to the cubic root from its volume, i.e. 3 m. Consequently, the area of \u200b\u200bits face (representing the square) will be 3 * 3 \u003d 9 m².

To calculate the volume of any body, you need to know its linear dimensions. This concerns such figures as prism, pyramid, ball, cylinder and cone. Each of these figures have its own amount of volume.

You will need

  • - line;
  • - knowledge of the properties of bulk figures;
  • - Formulas of the area of \u200b\u200bthe polygon.


For example, in order to find a volume, the base of which is a rectangular triangle with categories 4 and 3 cm, and height 7 cm. Make these calculations:
Calculate the area of \u200b\u200brectangular, which is the basis of the prism. To do this, multiply the length of the cathets, and the result divide on 2. SOSN \u003d 3 ∙ 4/2 \u003d 6 cm²;
Multiply the base area is height, it will be the volume of the prism V \u003d 6 ∙ 7 \u003d 42 cm³.

To calculate the volume of the pyramid, find the production of its base of its base to height, and the result multiply by 1/3 V \u003d 1/3 ∙ SOSH H. The height of the pyramid is a segment, lowered from its vertex on the base plane. Most often there are so-called regular pyramids, the top of which is projected into the center of the base, which is the right polygon.

For example, in order to find the volume of the pyramid, which is based on the correct hexagon with a side of 2 cm, the height of which is 5 cm, follow these actions:
According to the formula S \u003d (N / 4) A² CTG (180º / N), where N is the number of sides of the correct polygon, and the length of one of the sides, find the base area. S \u003d (6/4) 2² CTG (180º / 6) ≈10.4 cm²;
Calculate the volume of the pyramid according to the formula V \u003d 1/3 ∙ SOSN ∙ H \u003d 1/3 ∙ 10.4 ∙ 5≈17.33 cm³.

The volume of the cylinder is just as a prism, through the product of the area of \u200b\u200bone of the bases on its height V \u003d SOSP ∙ H. When calculating, consider that the base of the cylinder is a circle, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is SOSN \u003d 2 ∙ π ∙ R², where π≈3.14, and R is the radius of the circle, which is the base of the cylinder.

Find the volume of the cone by analogy with the pyramid, according to the formula V \u003d 1/3 ∙ SOSH ∙ H. The base of the cone is a circle whose area is found as described for the cylinder.

The volume of the ball depends only on its radius R and is equal to V \u003d 4/3 ∙ π ∙ r³.

Video on the topic

The volume characterizes the size of the space enclosed within the boundaries of any object. The mass is another object parameter that determines the power of its interaction with other physical objects or the fields created by them. The third parameter is the density - this is the characteristic of the material concluded within the boundaries of the object under consideration. These three values \u200b\u200bare related to each other rather simple ratio.

Remember that the volume of rectangular parallelepiped (or ordinary box) is equal to the product length, widths and heights. If your box has a rectangular or square form, then you only need to know its length, width and height. To obtain a volume, it is necessary to multiply the results of measurements. The calculation formula in abbreviated form is often as follows: V \u003d d x sh x V.

  • Example problem: "If the box length is 10 cm, the width is 4 cm, and the height is 5 cm, then what is its volume?"
  • V \u003d d x sh x in
  • V \u003d 10 cm x 4 cm x 5 cm
  • V \u003d 200 cm 3
  • The "height" of the box can be referred to as "depth". For example, the following information could be specified in the task: "The box length is 10 cm, width - 4 cm, and depth - 5 cm "

Measure the length of the box. If you look at the box from above, then it will appear before your eyes in the form of a rectangle. The length of the box will be the longest side of this rectangle. Record the result of the measurement of this part as the value of the "Length" parameter.

  • When performing measurements, be sure to use single units of measurement. If you measured one side in centimeters, then the rest of the sides also need to be measured in centimeters.
  • Measure the width of the box. The width of the box will represent the other, shorter, side visible on top of the rectangle. If visually connect the box the box measured along the length and width, then they will appear in the form of the letter "g". Write down the value of the last measurement as "width".

    • Width is always a shorter box.
  • Measure the height of the box. This is the last parameter that you have not yet measured. It is the distance from the top edge of the box to the bottom. Write down the value of this measurement as a "height".

    • Depending on what side you put the box, specific parties that you denote the "long", "width" or "height" can be different. However, it does not matter, you only need the results of measurements of three different sides.
  • Multiply the results of the three measurements between themselves. As mentioned, the formula for calculating the volume is as follows: V \u003d Length x Width x Height; Therefore, to obtain volume it is necessary to simply multiply all three sides. Be sure to specify the measurement units used by you, so as not to forget what exactly mean the obtained values.

  • When designing units of measurement volume, do not forget to indicate the third degree "3". The calculated volume has a digital expression, but without the correct indication of the measurement units, your calculations will be meaningless. For correct reflection of the measurement units, they should be specified. cubed. For example, if all parties were measured in centimeters, the volume units will be indicated as "CM 3".

    • Example problem: "If the box has a length of 2 m, the width is 1 m, and height is 3 m, then what is its volume?"
    • V \u003d d x sh x in
    • V \u003d 2 m x 1 m x 4 m
    • V \u003d 8 m 3
    • Note: An indication of cubic units allows you to understand how many such cubes can be placed inside the box. If you contact the previous example, this means that eight cubic meters are placed in the box.
  • Scientists from different countries worked for many years to create a single system. For example, in different countries there were their units for measurements of the distance: the versts, feet, soot, miles. In a single international system, the distance is measured in meters. The mass is estimated in kilograms instead of pounds, pounds and so on.

    The cubic meter is derivative, this is true for other units.

    The cubic meter (m 3) is a value equal to the volume of a cube having a rib length of 1 meter. The meters of cubic are measured by those physical bodies that are characterized by 3 measurement parameters:

    To determine the magnitude of the body volume, you need to multiply all 3 parameters. To calculate smaller or large objects, in addition to cubic meters (M 3), other units are used: cubic millimeters (mm 3), cubic centimeters (cm 3), cubic decimeters (DM 3), cubic kilometers (km 3), liters. Consider examples of calculating the volume of bodies of different configurations.

    Example 1. Find the volume of the box with a length of 2 m, a width of 4 m and a height of 3 m. The volume will be equal to: 2 m x 4 m x 3 m \u003d 24 m 3

    Example 2. Find the volume of the cylinder with the diameter of the base 2 m and a height of 4 m. Calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe circle, it is equal to πr 2. S \u003d 3.14 x (1 m) 2 \u003d 3.14 m 2. We find the volume: 3.14 m 2 x 3m \u003d 9.42 m 3.

    Example 3. Find the volume of the ball with a diameter of 3 m. To calculate cubic meters in a bowl, remember the formula.

    V \u003d 4 / 3πR 3. We substitute the specified value and find the volume: 4/3 x 3.14 x (1.5 m) 3 \u003d 14.13 m 3.

    Correspondence of a cubic meter

    To find the number of cubes in the body of irregular shape, you need to divide it into components with the correct form. Find their volumes and obtained results to summarize. Consider such an object as a tower with a cone-shaped roof.

    We first find the cubature of the working room having a cylindrical shape, then the cone-shaped roof according to the above formulas. The results are folded.

    How to calculate the material cubage?

    To find out the amount of the cutting board, the three of its magnitudes should be made: length, widths and thickness or heights. The obtained values \u200b\u200bare alternating and we obtain the cube of one board. Then this volume is multiplied by the number of boards in a pack.

    There are 3 ways to count the cubature:

    Having chosen 1 method of counting, you need to comply with such conditions:

    • front ends of boards in the package must be aligned;
    • the magnitude of the package width should not deviate along the entire length from the specified;
    • invalid laying of boards overlapping;
    • unacceptable shift of the boards inside the package or outward by magnitude greasy 100 mm.

    From the side of the shelted ends, the height of the package H 1 is measured. We find the actual height h. It will be equal to H 1 - AB, where A is the number of gaskets between the boards, B is the thickness of the same gasket.

    The width of the package is measured in the midline, separating the height in half. The permissible measurement of measurements is ± 10 mm.

    Method 2 speaks for himself. Each boards are performed, all volumes are calculated and further folded.

    Method 3 is used for large parties of wood. Its cube is calculated on the averaged indicators adopted for the entire party.

    The accuracy of calculating the cabbage of umbered sawn timber depends on the type of wood, of its type and degree of processing. It often happens that among these boards come across and edged.

    Methods for transferring cubic meters to other cubic units

    Calculating the volume, it is necessary to adhere to the same units of measurements. If the data is represented by other units, and the final result must be obtained in the cubes, it will be enough to make the conversion correctly.

    If V is measured in mm 3, cm 3, dm 3, l, then in m 3 translate accordingly:

    • 1 m 3 \u003d 1 mm 3 x x 0, 000000001 \u003d 1 mm 3 x 10 -9;
    • 1 m 3 \u003d 1 cm 3 x 0, 000001 \u003d 1 cm 3 x 10 -6;
    • 1 m 3 \u003d 1 dm 3 x 0.001 \u003d 1 dm 3 x 10 -3. The same translation is used for liters, since 1 liter contains 1 dm 3.

    To find a cube substance, knowing its mass, you need to find its density on the table or determine manually. Dividing the predetermined mass M (kg) to the density indicator P (kg / m 3), we obtain V material (m 3).

    Knowledge for determining volumes is necessary and specialists, and ordinary people in everyday life.

    Calculator volume in m3

    Calculate the volume of cargo in M3 in our calculator. Why and who needs it? For example, you are a shipper that wants to figure out the freight market prices and to begin with, it wants to quickly calculate the amount of its cargo in M3. To calculate, you can use the calculator. Pointing the sizes of the sides and the height of one box, then indicating the number of boxes, as a result we get their volume. Moreover, in this calculator you can see both the volume of the entire cargo and only one box. Finding out the amount of its cargo, you can easily understand what kind of transport you need. After all, if the volume of your cargo is 10m3, there is no need to order a wagon and overpay for the "emptiness". You will be enough Gazelles.

    How to calculate the volume of the box in the meters of cubic

    The volume of the box is very simple. This page has a calculator, which will help you easily calculate the volume of one box or all the cargo. Perhaps you are interested in what formula is the calculation. From the point of view of mathematics, a regular cardboard box with a cargo is a rectangular parallelepiped, and if the box all sides are equal, then this is a cube. Accordingly, their volume will count on a simple geometric formula: side A * side b * height. It is worth noting an important fact: if the calculation is used, for example, the meter, then the result will be in cubic meters. In our calculator, meters are used to calculate the volume. If one of the sides of the box, for example, 60cm, then in the calculator you need to specify a decimal fraction in the form: 0.6.

    Calculator volume box with cargo in m3

    We have already found out how volume in m3 is calculated. In order not to consider this value manually and this volume calculator was created. Why use these calculator? It is convenient, it is not necessary to spend time on calculating the volume of all cargo in cubic meters (m3). Using the simple interface of our calculator, you can instantly find out the volume of cargo. Just enter the sizes of the side of the box, the height of the box (third party) and the number of boxes, if there are more than one. And all, we obtain the result in the form of a value in M3 format (cubic meters).

    Why is it better to use our calculator instead of calculating manually? The probability of error in this case is excluded, and you need much less time to spend time and forces to calculate manually.

    Why know the volume of cargo transported?

    If you are going to order a cargo transportation of something, packed in boxes or rectangular containers, then the first thing that will be asked for the application of the application is the volume of cargo transported. Here you will help our volume calculator in M3. Right during the call, you can quickly calculate the volume in M3 and communicate it to execute the application.

    Knowing the volume, the logist manager will be able to pick up the necessary car to transport exactly your cargo and relieve you from unnecessary overpayments for a larger car. Also, the logistics can immediately orient you at the price of cargo transportation.

    The number of boxes


    Volume of one box (m 3):

    Total volume (m 3):

    Use the resulting
    Result for
    Application registration

    d \u003d. m see
    h \u003d. m see

    Number of pipes


    The volume of one pipe (m 3):

    Total volume (m 3):

    Use the resulting
    Result for
    Application registration

    How to calculate the size of the box?

    You have a question about the deliveryAnd also there was a need to know how to calculate the volume of cargo, you need our help? How to calculate the volume of cargo we know, on this page you see a calculator that accurately performs calculations.

    In general, for what purpose is the volume calculated?

    The amount of calculation is necessary in order to avoid misunderstandings when loading loaded boxes into the vehicle. The volume to calculate with the help of modern technologies today is easy, enough of your stay here.

    What criteria do we use to count the volume of cargo?

    Firstly, everyone knows - every detail is important in the delivery process, and it is important without mistakes to calculate the volume of cargo as a whole. Calculate the volume of cargo as has already been said to help our volume calculator, it will make it quickly and reliably!

    Second - Calculator volumes, about his start on our site, is already mentioned above, as you can see, we care about our clients. Calculator volumes, that's what can make it easier to make it easier with the calculations, and completely kill your doubts.

    What do we give you?

    What else is needed?

    For example…

    You are an entrepreneur who deals with transportation from China, and you constantly need a calculator calculator. Calculator calculating volumes You will quickly find on the pages of our site, and fulfill your calculations now.

    Nowadays, entrepreneurship holds on the Chinese production of goods, and from where the need arose to calculate the volume? Calculate the volume is necessary in order to know the total cargo, and then choose the type of transport.

    What is the calculation of volumes in delivery? And what role does he play?

    Calculation of volume - This is how much, you have already understood a very important stage in the delivery, and you need to trust it in the reliable hands of professionals. Calculation of the volume of cargo should be done carefully, considering all the sizes, and translating them into cubic meters.

    But unfortunately, not everyone cope with these calculations.

    As early as school times, we studied how to calculate the volume of cargo in M3, but unfortunately do not remember this. How to calculate the volume of cargo in M3 - there are cases when this question arises first place, for example during delivery.

    For this, this page and exists!

    After all, this page is for both intended to help you in the calculation of delivery.

    To perform the calculation of the volume of the box, do not try to do it yourself, just need to fill empty fields. The calculation of the box volume is automatically executed by our calculator if you doubt, check yourself.

    For this, we remind you of the formula of volumes.

    Calculation of cargo volume in cubic meters you need In order to submit the right application for its transportation. Calculation of the volume of cargo in cubic meters, i.e. knowledge of the volume will help to determine what type of delivery will be suitable for you.

    And now we turn to the main, Talk about how to make calculations and what they need.

    To begin with, we will understand ...

    Calculate the volume of cargo is not always simple, as it seems, all this due to the fact that the boxes can be a varied form. Calculate the volume of cargo of the rectangular box, trifle, but the rest is hard, it is necessary to know the formulas.

    To begin with, we define the form for this, first learn what they exist.

    What form can have a box:

    • Rectangle;
    • Cylinder;
    • Truncated pyramid (very rare).

    Then follow measurements

    Before calculating the volume of the box to measure it, but remember, the more precisely the measurements are made, the easier you. "How to calculate the size of the box?" - What to do next: determine which form (cube or rectangle), sizes.

    What gives us knowledge of volume?

    Knowledge of the size of the box will not allow to allow misunderstandings when loading goods into any type of transport that can be. From the volume of the box there is practically nothing depends, rather, on the contrary, it all depends on the size of the goods itself.

    And why? Everything is obvious here before purchasing a box, you need to find out the size of the cargo that you are going to transport across the border.

    Well, you know the size of the cargo, now it remains to calculate its volume (to purchase the box).

    soIn order to learn how to calculate the volume of cargo in the M3 formula will be required first of the same queue. How to calculate the volume of cargo in the m3 of the formula will help without a doubt about this matter, so it looks like V \u003d A * B * H, everything is very simple.

    Especially she is already known to you.

    We want to remind what ...

    What would be easier for you to determine what type of transport to choose for delivery, you need to calculate the volume of cargo in m3. Calculate the volume of cargo in M3 is very simple, here you need to know the exact dimensions, which then need to multiply.

    Units need to move in M3, otherwise it will not be possible to calculate delivery.

    And what to do if the box shape is not rectangular, and rounded? After all, it is a big rarity, but still happens.

    You can count the box or containers at the base of which there is a circle, and there is also a formula for this. The volume to calculate the box shape boxes allows the expression V * R2 * H, the dimensions must first be measured correctly.

    Calculator volumes

    We provide a calculator to you: the volume of goods in m3, with the help of it you can independently make calculations. Calculator cargo volume is located on the hiring site specifically for your convenience, and for the speed of calculations.

    What is the calculator for calculating the volume of cargo?

    We are with you business people and the lost time sometimes carries large cons. Want to get loads quickly and reliably? And at the same time, as soon as possible, learn prices for their transportation and delivery?

    That's it here, the cargo volume calculator will help!

    Our calculator volumes allows you to calculate the volume of cargo in M3, so the question of the size of the box will no longer arise. The calculator of the volume is simple and convenient in use, it will give results as the volume of the box so and the cargo.

    So, using the volume calculator, you solve a few questions:

    How to calculate the volume of cargo (or box)? Do not forget about the quantitative unit that you take into account.

    Faced one of them or a similar? Our company is glad to offer for your convenience the volume in the meters of cubic boxes to calculate, with a convenient calculator.

    And finally, let's remember mathematics!

    What is the most common problem?

    Many confused How to calculate the volume of flat figures and volumetric, so on, mistaken in the concepts, more accurately difficult to answer. How to calculate the volume do not need to know, enough that you will specify the sizes, the main thing is not forget that they are 3.

    Having finished all the calculations, one more task remains.

    And what do you need transport?

    Recall, in delivery, besides how to calculate the cube there are still no less important things, such as the placement of goods. How to calculate the cube you know, so everything else is in your hands, now the choice of transport depends on you.

    The cost of delivering goods is an important question that is interested in many of our customers. Most transport companies constitutes price for their services, given the volume of cargo in cubic meters - Simply put, the volume of the place that the packaged cargo will occupy in the transport compartment of the aircraft, the sea container, cargo wagon or railway car.

    What delivery to choose is air, railway or car?

    To navigate in prices for delivery and choose the most optimal type of transport, ordering goods from China, you need to know the total amount of cargo in the m 3 you want to get. On our site you will help calculate the calculator volume, but to quickly get the desired result, you must use the following data:

    • packaging type (box or cylinder);
    • the main packaging parameters - length, width and height (for boxes) or height and diameter (for cylinders);
    • number of packages in pieces.

    Having measured the main parameters of the packaging, you can calculate the volume of the box or cylinder, and then calculate the volume of the entire cargo batch in cubic meters. The figures received will help you compare prices for the delivery of thirt or another and choose the appropriate option.

    Why do you need a calculator calculator?

    One of the main qualities of the modern businessman is the ability to quickly make important decisions and respond to changes in market trends in a timely manner. Our volume calculator helps to save time on counting and get the desired numbers literally in a few minutes.

    Use the volume calculator is convenient and very simple: to calculate the desired numbers into the appropriate fields, after which we boldly click the "Calculate" button. The volume calculator in M \u200b\u200b3 gives the finished result, regardless of which units of measurement you entered the parameters of the container - in centimeters or meters. The system automatically translates the data to the desired format and issues the final result in cubic meters.

    Knowing the volume of containers and total cargo, you can competently choose the appropriate type of transport and place the goods in it as compact as possible, not overpaying for an empty place. Use an online packaging volume calculator to quickly calculate the volume of the box or pipes, as well as the entire batch of goods. The second calculator will help you learn the approximate cost of shipping shipping from China by various types of transport, taking into account its volume in M \u200b\u200b3.

    How to calculate the size of the box?

    In order to calculate the volume of the box, it is necessary to measure its length, height and width. If you have a sample packaging for your goods, use a ruler for measurements. Data on the box parameters can also be obtained from the supplier. Calculate the volume of the box in the meters of cubic in two ways: using our online volume calculator in m 3 or independently according to the formula. Consider both options.

    • So that the volume calculator can correctly calculate the size of the box, select the option "Box" option. Measure the box, focusing on the image next to the calculator (or copy information about its parameters from the seller's website), and make figures into the calculation calculator. You can also specify the number of boxes and shipping cost per cubic meter. Click on the "Calculate" button - in the table below you will see the final result: the size of the box in m 3. If you provided data for calculations on the number of boxes and delivery price, then the tablet will also show the total amount of cargo and the estimated amount of delivery.
    • You can independently calculate the volume of packaging by the formula that is studied in the lessons of mathematics in school: V \u003d A * B * h. Here V is the volume, A - length, B - width and H - height (Note: All data obtained during measurements must be transferred from centimeters to meters). Just multiply these numbers, and you will receive the desired size of the box in cubic meters.

    How to calculate the volume of the cylinder (pipe)?

    Your product will be packed in a cylindrical container, and you want to know the volume of cargo? The calculator can easily cope with this task. For calculations, you will need parameters such as the height of the container and its diameter. Use a ruler to measure, as in the case of a box, or find out the packaging parameters from the supplier. Then our calculator calculator will go into move:

    • mark the type of container (cylinder / pipe);
    • enter the packaging parameters in the corresponding lines;
    • specify the number of pipes (if it is known);
    • click the "Calculate" button.

    Ready: Calculator volume calculator counted per second! The plate with the results shows the volume in the meters of cubic as one pipe, and the total volume of your cargo (if the number of packages was indicated).

    For independent calculations and consolidate knowledge gained in school, use the formula V \u003d π * R 2 * H. As we remember, V denotes the volume, π is the number "PI", equal to 3.14, R 2 - the pipe radius, erected into a square, and H is its height. Alternating all the numbers, you will receive the volume of the cylindrical packaging. Do not forget: measuring the radius of the pipe and its height, translate centimeters to meters - and then you will get the correct result in m 3.

    How to calculate the volume of cargo in different packages?

    Well, when the entire cargo has the same dimensions - the volume of the volume calculator solves such tasks in seconds. And how to calculate the volume of cargo if it is packed in the container of different shapes - large and small boxes and cylinders?

    There is nothing complicated here, the main thing is to know the exact parameters of the container of each type and its number. Our volume calculator in M \u200b\u200b3 will help you quickly calculate the volume of cargo packed in the packaging of the same shape and size, after which you will only be folded all the numbers and get the total amount of your cargo.

    How to calculate shipping cost?

    Knowing the total amount of cargo in cubic meters, you can easily navigate in the cost of delivering from China by various transport. To do this, use the results of the calculations that our calculation calculator provided you. In a special form located under the calculator, make the figures received in the "Volume" field. Select the delivery option (by sea, by air, vehicles, etc.), enter the destination and destination items, and fill out other fields, and then click the "Calculate" button. The system will automatically consider the cost of delivery of your cargo for the selected delivery option.