Pedagogical regulation technology. Control of the educational process

An important condition for improving the effectiveness of the educational process is a systematic receipt by the teacher of objective information on the progress of students' training activities. The teacher receives this information in the process of controlling this activity.

Control in the pedagogical process is considered as a procedure for appraisal activities, including actions using a variety of pedagogical measures and measurement methods for obtaining information on the progress and results of training.

Control is the most widespread concept. It covers and includes all other concepts as composite structural components. The initial point of control is observation and check. In the process of observation and verification, it is detected (detection) and is measured (measurement) that material to be monitored. As a result of observation and verification, primary information accumulates, it is taken into account (accounting). Subsequently, this information is subject to synthesis analysis, compared. At the same time, its meaning and importance is detected, estimation (evaluation process) of this information from the point of view of control tasks is carried out. The results of the assessment receive an external or internal expression, a verbal comment. In the future, based on the meaning, values \u200b\u200band significance, this information becomes a kind of signal to continue the pedagogical process in the same direction or to make corrections. It all depends on whether the results of the evaluation of the previously planned educational tasks are or differ from them.

The results of the estimation may be expressed in balls - marks.

Thus, analyzing the meaning of the work of knowledge control activities, it is possible to identify its specific elements and their sufficiently rigid relationship, dependence and sequence, i.e. manufacturability.

Pedagogical control is based on the basic principles of didactics and the principles of pedagogical control, built on the basis of prolonged and virtually repeating them: research and efficiency, systematicity and comprehensiveness, objectivity, justice and publicity, communication control, education, and upbringing.

The general principles of training for training can be attributed:

1. Objectivity - lies in the scientific reasonable content of diagnostic tests, diagnostic procedures, equal, in a friendly of the teacher to all trainees, accurate, adequately established criteria for assessing knowledge, skills.

2. The principle of systematic is the need for diagnostic control at all stages of the didactic process, from the initial perception of knowledge and to their practical application.

The principle of visibility (publicity) is primarily in the conduct of open tests of all trainees in the same criteria.

Let us now turn to the next essentially question - consider the basic principles of knowledge checks.

First of all, it should be agreed that it is necessary to understand the principle of verification. Since we are talking about the principles of testing knowledge of students, and not about the principles of training in general, it is obvious that only such theoretical provisions should be understood under these principles, which, based on certain patterns underlying the administration of specific verification functions, should serve as guidelines in The practical activity of the teacher to implement these functions. The provisions that cover the circle of phenomena overlooking these limits, one of this cannot be considered the principles of knowledge verification.

The principle of verification is such a theoretical position that applies to the entire audit, i.e. and to its content, and to methods, and to forms, and not only to any one side or part: methodical, organizational, etc. In this latter case, we can have a methodical principle of checking, organizational principle, etc., but not the principle of verification as a whole.

The first of these principles is objectivity check. Such a statement of verification that is able to establish genuine, actual knowledge of the student (students) on this program issue (issues).

The second principle of inspection is its regularity, i.e. Uniformity and sufficient frequency.

The principle of regularity of testing of students' knowledge is based on the specified pattern: the more regularly check, the strongest its second specific function is manifested - to educate and strengthen the student a sense of responsibility for their curriculum, the discipline of them in this work. Hence the value of this principle. Only following him, it is practically effectively implementing this important specific function of checking and the significantly raise the level of the whole learning process as a whole. Only such a check can keep students in a state of permanent business tension, not allowing them to weaken their will to teach. On the contrary, it is worth allowing irregularity in this case, as students in some periods will overvolt from efforts, and they will feel free from responsibility for their teaching; A large stress quickly replaces with small business activity, bordering the idleness.

In pedagogical literature, the main functions Pedagogical control: diagnostic, training, organizing, raising. The diagnostic function is determined by the most essence of pedagogical control aimed at identifying the level and structure of the training of trainees. Problems of pedagogical diagnosis, as the most important component of pedagogical control, are widely covered in studies of V.S. Avanesova, V.P. Bespalko, K. Ingenekova, V.V. Karpova, L.V. Makarova, D.Sh. Matrosa, V.I. Mikheev, TA Rodgina, VS Cherepanov, etc.

The regulation of the process is carried out not only with the end of the final product, but also on the basis of information about the process of obtaining this final product. Such control allows you to select the following structural components:

1) indication of the goal of management;

2) establishing the initial state - a managed process;

3) the definition of the impact program providing for the main transition states of the process;

4) ensuring information on a specific system of parameters about the status of a managed process (providing systematic feedback);

5) Ensuring the processing of information obtained through the feedback channel, developing corrective (regulating) impacts and their implementation.

The application of this structural scheme involves the development of two types of education management programs: the main and corrective (regulating). The main program is drawn up at the level of designing the learning process, taking into account all its features. The regulatory program is generated only during the learning process based on the analysis of the data obtained through the feedback channel.

Allocate the following types of control:

Preliminary identification of knowledge levels ( function - Determination of the knowledge of the most important elements of the course aimed at eliminating gaps);

Current check (thematic) ( function - contributes to hardening knowledge);

Re-inspection (thematic) (function - contributes to hardening knowledge);

Periodic check by the oral section or lesson topic ( function - systematization and generalization);

The final check is carried out at the end of each quarter and upon completion of the school year;

Comprehensive check (The function is to diagnose the quality of the implementation of interdisciplinary connections).

The control technologies are methods of orderly activities of the teacher and training, during which the learning material is learned and mastering the learning required knowledge, skills and skills.

The most common way to control the knowledge of students in the domestic high school was until recently an oral survey.

There are frontal, individual, combined survey.

Written inspection along with oral is the most important method of monitoring knowledge, skills and student skills. The use of this method makes it possible in the shortest possible time to simultaneously verify the learning material for all students of the group, to determine the direction of individual work with each.

Practical check allows you to identify how students know how to apply the knowledge gained in practice.

Self-control and self-test. Self-adjusting activates the cognitive activity of the student, brings up a conscious attitude to check, contributes to the development of skills to find and correct errors.

Along with the traditional forms of pedagogical control (oral and written exams and tests, oral and written surveys, control and laboratory work, colloquiums, seminars, coursework, etc.) in the educational process it is advisable to use didactic tests and test tasks.

Organization of an effective system of intravo-pedagogical control suggests as a fixed assessment of evaluations to conduct pedagogical measurements. An analysis of the work on the problems of pedagogical measurements allows us to conclude about the relevance of the issue of improving pedagogical assessments and pedagogical scales and the appropriateness of the application of the methodology of pedagogical qualimetry in the organization of a system of pedagogical control in the university (G.G. Azgaldov, V.I. Mikheev, N.M. Rosenberg, A.I. Subetto, A.N. Fomicheva, V.S. Cherepanov, etc.).

685. Task ((794)) TK 1 Topic 1-1-0

The technology of establishing pedagogically expedient relationships involves:

£ Adjusting the personal qualities of the teacher

R Certain tools for pedagogical requirements

R Support for public opinion collective

R adequate assessments of knowledge, skills, skills, student behavior

£ Refusal of pedagogical requirements in favor of the free self-determination of students

686. Task ((795)) TK 2 Topic 1-1-0

Set match. In the process of observing the session, the watch must be guided by the principles:

Non-interference You need to talk about errors after classes, the teacher itself must correct them, which, if necessary, can also be monitored
Contact The manifestation of the maximum of benevolence and tactics in relation to the verifiable teacher, students
Accounting for specific features of the educational subject and individual characteristics of the teacher There can be no secondary details in classes; Regardless of the time of visits, the entire course of classes is observed and fixed.
Accounting for all training sessions To be able to approach the observation and analysis of each training session differentially, even relying on the same strictly defined requirements and rules.

687. Task ((796)) TK 3 Topic 1-1-0

Set match. When using a system of claims to control classes, lesson must comply with a number of principles:

688. Task ((1200)) TK No. 1200


In the process of observing the session, the observer should be guided by the principle of non-interference, when it is necessary to speak about errors after classes, they must be corrected in the subsequent ... that if necessary, you can check.

Right answer options:teacher; teacher; teacher;

689. Task ((1201)) TK No. 1201


The manifestation of the maximum of benevolence and tactics towards the verifiable teacher, students, is the principle ....

Right answer options:correctness;

Educational process control technology

690. Task ((1173)) TK No. 1173

The method of monitoring the activities of subject teachers and class managers suggests:

R visits to training sessions

£ Analysis of the living conditions of teachers

R Visit of extracurricular events

R Visit and analysis of electives, circles, etc.

£ analysis of data on the state of health teachers

691. Task ((1325)) TK No. 1325

Set match. Types of intraschool control:

692. Task ((798)) TK 5 Topic 1-2-0

Restore the sequence. The activity system when implementing the control function includes:

1: collection of information

2: ordering information

3: analysis of information

4: evaluation of information

693. Task ((799)) TK 6 Theme 1-2-0

Restore the sequence. Monitoring the activities of subject teachers and class teachers as a control method includes the implementation of the following steps:

1: Visit studying

2: Analysis of training sessions

3: Visit of extracurricular events

4: Analysis of extracurricular activities

5: Visit and analysis of electives, circles, etc.

694. Task ((1202)) TK No. 1202

Restore the sequence. The analysis mechanism in the control structure includes:

1: object or phenomenon

2: decomposition for smaller elements

3: studying small elements

Regulation and correction are the necessary control function. Thanks to them, the ordering of the DOU control system is supported, disorganization factors are eliminated.
Regulation is determined by us as a type of activity based on making adjustments through operational methods, means and impacts in the process of managing the pedagogical system to maintain it at a progenuous level.
The effectiveness of the management process can be enhanced if each function in the management cycle system begins to interact with other types of management activities. For example, the work on the implementation of an examination of DOU (or intrasadian control) turns into a function only if the examination data (or control) serve as the basis for pedagogical analysis, and through it and for regulation and correction, which will lead to the assimilation of the results (examination or intraschool control) management cycle as a whole.
For the process of controlling the DW, generally characteristic is a contradiction between statics and dynamics. To translate the Dow system to a new quality condition, it is necessary to preserve its relative stability.

It is impossible to give the opportunity to internal and external disorganisy effects to change the system so that it has lost its main system signs.
But at the same time, the translation of the DOU system to a new state requires a change, further development of these signs towards their improvement.
The transition of the Dow system from the old state into a new control subject (control system) is carried out on the basis of progressive trends, accounting for modern tasks facing it. An example of such promotion on the basis of the regulation of the DOW operation will be the development on the basis of conventional kindergartens of various types of DOU with a priority activity (intellectual, artistic and aesthetic, physical, etc.), the creation of elementary school complexes - kindergarten, child development centers, work pre-school institutions for different programs and technologies.
In the management cycle, in initially a contradiction between the functions of the organization and regulation, the organization's function to a certain extent reflects the purposeful functioning of the DOW system in specific conditions. The task of the control function and correction is to support one or another level of the system organization in this situation. But as soon as the situation changes, the regulatory function violates the stability of the organizational structure, leading it to the new conditions.
For a modern process of controlling the DOA, a certain extent is characteristic of the contradiction between the fact that the management entity is able to theoretically comprehend the requirements for updating its management activities and the fact that in most situations he does not know how to achieve it in practice.
In this case, a large field of activity for the organization of regulation and correction.
A personal-oriented approach in these processes occupies a special role. Correction is impossible without establishing the reasons for deviations in expected, designed results. Signs of such deviations may be unreasonably compiled plans and errors in them, the weakness of the forecasts, the lack of necessary and timely information, errors in the decisions made, poor performance, disadvantages in controlling and evaluating the final results.
The effectiveness of organizational regulation is measured primarily how rationally it is possible to organize the processes to be controlled with it.

Organizational regulation in the education system is based on the principles of social management and legal norms of the state.
Thus, the organizational structure (managing and managed subsystems) optimally regulates the external and internal parties to manage the activities of the DOU's activities. Such a structure contains the number, types and purpose of controls, the number of control stages and subordination directions in the management structure. It is the basis for the distribution of areas of activity (task distribution).
The distribution of the fields of activity, based on the purposes, includes the separation of controls on complex groups for each of the control subsystems at any level to be fulfilled in each case a certain link.
The distribution of the field of activity in the DOU system should be complemented by the distribution of workplaces oriented functions taking into account a personal-oriented approach to the organization of activities.
In the functionality, the content and volume of official powers are accurately determined. This is reflected in the document (order), which has a legal action.
In order to improve the efficiency of the pre-school institution, the improvement of relations in its democratization is being developed by the Charter of the DOW.
The purpose of working on the rationalization of management activities is to improve the quality of management, more efficient use of specialists, opening existing reserves.
To solve issues of rationalization of management processes, the days of diagnosis, regulation and correction (DRC) are promoted. Their task is operational diagnosis, the development of measures to regulate the processes of maintaining the DOU control system at a given level or transfer it to higher.

More on the topic regulation and correction of DOU control processes:

  1. Methods of conducting days of diagnosis, regulation and correction (DRC)
  2. Self-control and evaluation of the performance of the Dow Management
  3. Part III Problems of Unity of the Item, Method and Process of Legal Regulation Sections and heads of the monograph "Legal regulation: subject, method, process"
  4. 1. Modernization strategy of public administration: historical experience and modernity Modernization and management of the construction process of the Union State Russia - Belarus

4.4.1. Technologies forming the structure of activities.

The need to form operational thinking of students is due to a number of objective circumstances. Modern university is primarily a school independent, creative thought; Development of abilities and other individual psychological properties of the individual, which ensure the success of its heuristic educational and cognitive activity. According to many authors (V. S. Ilina, N. V. Kuzmina, Yu. N. Kulyuttkin, G. S. Sukobskaya, L. A. Regosh, V. A. Salahinin, etc.) one of the negative sides of modern Higher education is the dominant development of verbal-logical thinking to the detriment of the synthetic creative, professional.

The problem of the development of professional thinking of the teacher is related to the works on the general theory of thinking and is based on studies of the peculiarities of practical thinking.

The origins of the problems lie in the studies of E. N. Torndayka, V. Keller, K. Bülera, K. Kofki, N. A. Ruger, M. Ya. Basova, S. L. Rubinstein. Although the named authors studied the action in a practical situation, everyday household reality ("practically effective thinking"), but even then S. L. Rubinstein has highlighted some characteristics peculiar to professional thinking: sophisticated observation, the ability to use to solve the problem is special and one in This problem situation, the ability to quickly move from thinking to action and back, direct need for a subject to immediately get out of the difficulty in which he turned out to be a skill to see the problem, support for "naive physics", empirical experience.

Problems of practical thinking interested researchers relatively recently. In foreign psychology, thinking included in practical activity was considered elementary, non-macatic, secondary to theoretical, form. Thus, it was assumed the absence of complex forms of thinking in various professions or the predominance of the simplest, clear-effective components of thinking.

The scientific decision of the problem of practical thinking was obtained in domestic psychology. The beginning of their research was found in the work of B. M. Teplova "Mind of the Command", which made perfectly

a new look at the practical thinking (1990). Although the work is devoted to the analysis of thinking in concrete activities, nevertheless, it has a general relevant value. B. F. Lomov notes that

B. M. Teplov developed the theory of the so-called practical thinking, opening its multifaceted, active and very dynamic process. Characteristic, given B. M. Thermal practical mind of the commander has a fundamental importance for the development of professional thinking theory and can be used to construct the theoretical model of the teacher's thinking, which is a special case of practical thinking.

The similarity of the thinking of the teacher and the practical mind of the commander was indicated by F. N. Gonobolin, N. V. Kuzmina. In particular, N. V. Kuzmina writes: "Since the teacher constantly deals with the solution of practical problems, it is natural that practical pedagogical activities require the ability to practical thinking" (1970). It finds similarity in the essence of the tasks and processes of their solution, the ability of the foresight, the ability to allocate the main links, the knowledge of the psychology of teams, the ability to penetrate into the inner world of man, the need to continuously study and update knowledge.

Practical thinking is interpreted by B. M. Teplov based on the unity of the main mechanisms of thinking (analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification, generalization, abstraction, concretization). It is understood as a special form of mental activity, whose originality is determined by the specifics of the tasks facing a person in practical activity. He writes: "Human intelligence is one and one of the basic mechanisms of thinking, but various forms of mental activity are different because there are different tasks in the other case before the man's mind" (1990).

The work of the practical mind is directly "woven" into practical activities, is its natural component. And it determines the entire course of thinking. It is subordinated to the objectives of the implementation, solving private, specific tasks. The mind of a practitioner is constantly looking for and solves these tasks.

The teacher in his work is constantly looking for a lot of private tasks: the collection and processing of information, the search for a solution, which is carried out with the help of the same mechanisms: analyzing, synthesizing, generalizations. However, these operations have their own specifics. Analysis is a systematizing, for him typically "appeal" to all kinds of incoherent material and is characterized by the ability to quickly carry out systematization. Synthesis not only follows the analysis, but also precedes him. Practical thinking builds its special generalizations other than those who find a scientist (theorist), since, first of all, they are aimed at practice. These operations synthesize theoretical and practical knowledge (experience).

The results of the decision are the plans are ready for implementation. And these are special plans - these are "action plans." The mind of the teacher is constantly engaged in planning. Planning features flow from the properties of an indefinite (stacking), dynamic setting. Plans should be varying simplicity and clarity, flexibility, should not be too detailed and should not get far forward. They can not be

something unchanged, frozen, dead. They should be in a sense like a living organism, every instant changing, updating and precisely thanks to this preserving its performance and viability.

The thinking of the teacher relies on complex, systematically organized knowledge, which (quoting according to K. E. Osipova, 1997) includes:

· Knowledge of state standards that determine the development of the school at every stage of social development;

· Knowledge of theoretical concepts that make up the methodological basis of all sciences;

· Knowledge of theoretical foundations of training and education;

· Knowledge of psychological and pedagogical and methodological foundations of training and education;

· Knowledge of the anatomo-physiological, age and psychological characteristics of schoolchildren;

· Knowledge of the essence of learning and education processes, content, forms and methods for managing students' activity;

· Knowledge of special service;

· Knowledge of methods of teaching special services, conducting extracurricular work on special work;

· Knowledge of methods and methods for analyzing and taking into account the results of students and their own;

· Knowledge of methods of scientific research of psychological and pedagogical and special-concrete factors, phenomena, laws;

· Knowledge obtained from experience, etc.

B. M. Teplov notes the most important feature of the knowledge of professional practitioners - their readiness for use, action. The method of acquiring these knowledge is based on "insatiable curiosity", "tirelessness to satisfy it." "Packaging" knowledge in practical thinking is such that in a minute of need, even at an unconscious level, without thinking about them, the teacher acts in the spirit of their requirements. Knowledge of the teacher is an alloy of theoretical and practical elements. It is changeable, movable, constantly rebuilt in accordance with the task being solved, are active. Accumulated knowledge makes the possibility of foresight. Anticipate - it means through the dusk of the unknownness and the fluidity of the situation, see the main meaning of the events committed, catch their main trend and, based on this, understand where they go. According to B. M. Teplova there are two ways leading to a successful anticipation: firstly - the calculation that suggests a large stock of knowledge and the ability to find the main, crucial point, going from which this calculation is produced; Secondly, the "acquaintance" of the enemy. The ability becomes at its point of view, arguing and deciding for it.

For professional practitioner, a high culture of the mind is characterized, under which there is a stock margin and a kind of readiness for their immediate use, a powerful analytical and synthetic ability, high productivity of thinking, the ability to solve new, unexpected tasks. The specifics of the teacher's thinking is not extremely the result of its "natural strength", and there is a result of a systematic exercise, permanent training.

In research B. M. Teplova, a fairly complete characteristic of professional thinking is given. D. N. Zavalishin, A. I. Kitov, V. G. Kondratieva, Yu. K. Kornilov, T. V. Kudryavtsev, K. K. Platonov,

A. S. Popov, V.N. Pushkin, A. V. Rodionov, V. V. Chebyshev et al., Developing the ideas of B. M. Teplov, clarify "practical thinking" using it to designate the specifics of the content, structures and Mental mechanisms for regulation of activities in various professions. Representatives of almost all professions, act as a commander or teacher, in conditions of large variability, increased responsibility, incompleteness of data, time deficit.

4.4.2. Technologies of the correction of the educational process; auxiliary technologies; Additional tasks and tasks: technology stimulating interpersonal contacts.

Of particular importance in the professional activity of the teacher occupies operational thinking.

V.N. Pushkin in his work "Operational thinking in large systems" (1965) investigated these problems in general and use in various professions in particular.

The very concept of "operational" is used usually in three senses:

1) activities consisting of operations;

2) activities flowing quickly;

3) T. K. Opera (Lat.) - work, then the operational thinking can be called thinking directly woven into human labor.

All these shades of the concept of "operational" in one degree or another refer to operational thinking. Indeed, the teacher's labor activity makes high requirements for the speed of its implementation, and as any labor activity, which is performed through day a day, it inevitably should include certain more or less clearly fixed operations. The operational thinking of the teacher as a regulator of the system consists of the following operations: planning, control and development of adjustment measures, solving problems to eliminate sharp disorders in the pedagogical process.

Planning is a mental activity to create a functioning plan for a managed object on a specific time cut. The basis of all activities is the general plan, which develops at the beginning of the day based on the knowledge of the educational program. During the day, the teacher plans its activities for 2-3 hours ahead. This is a private planning that is based on the assessment of the emerging dynamic situation and the correlation of the results of this assessment with information on the real course of the pedagogical process. Such, planning in which includes and evaluating the various possible options and the choice among them is the best is an important part of the professional promotional thinking of the teacher.

Control and regulation as special activity acts when ensuring the implementation of the work out of the plan. Control activities implies a high degree of readiness at every moment to intervene during the pedagogical process to eliminate its abnormal deviations. Deviations in the functioning of managed objects from the planned lead to the need to change the plan. In the process of managing the teacher, for each moment there should be several spare options for the plan and adjustment measures for it is possible to more quickly eliminate the occurrence.

Solving tasks to eliminate sharp deviations in managed processes. In the work of the teacher, situations may arise in which, on the one hand, a sharp contradiction is found between the programmed and the actual progress of the pedagogical process, on the other - the teacher does not have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhat needs to be done to eliminate this contradiction, because There is no way of action. At the same time, 2 options are possible:

the teacher does not know the method of action at all, because This situation has not met earlier in his personal experience and is not provided for by the instructions;

in the second case, despite the unusualness, its disposal has separate adjustment techniques, the combination of which makes it possible to solve the problem.

Accordingly, the thought process in situations of this kind leads or the discovery of a new method or to create a combination of known techniques that has not been used earlier.

It is not difficult to see that in order for the system optimally worked, a person performing the function of the regulator in this system (in our case, the teacher), it is necessary to solve problems.

For our study, the most acceptable theoretical concept, which determines the professional thinking of the teacher as a process of continuous solving problems (Kuzmina N. V.; Kulyuttin Yu. N., Sukhoboga ,; Osipova E. K., et al.).

Allocation of the psychological and pedagogical problem as the main structural component in the activities of the teacher, as well as its essence itself determine the use of the educational psychological and pedagogical task as one of the effective means of forming professional (pedagogical) thinking.

The activities of the teacher proceeds in concrete conditions of the educational process. The combination of these conditions currently forms a pedagogical situation at the moment. The most characteristic feature of any individual situation is some mismatch between the goal and the possibility of its immediate advantage, so any situation must contain one or another degree of problemability, i.e. It acts as a problem situation.

As S. L. Rubinstein emphasizes - a problem is called a certain objective situation in which the process of thinking originates. The setting of the problem (its wording) is the result of the fact that the problem situation containing some unpaid links is subject to analysis from a person, subject. The problem of the pedagogical situation is justified by the fact that it puts theoretical and practical issues (problems) of various difficulties in connection with the search for pedagogical decisions and planning actions.

Pedagogical situations are extremely mobile, "fluid", they seem to transfix one to another, all the components that form them are changed. Therefore, the teacher has to constantly analyze the situation, to extract missing knowledge, systematize them and evaluate from the point of view of the goal of their work.

There is no single concept of a psychological and pedagogical task in the literature. So, N. V. Kuzmina (1967) determines the task as a pedaging detectable contradiction between the already achieved and initial level of training and the educational student's student pupils with which the teacher works. In her opinion, the pedagogical task occurs whenever it is necessary to translate students from one state to another, to introduce to a certain knowledge, to form skill, skill (did not know - I learned, I didn't know how to me - I learned, I did not understand - I understood) or altered one knowledge system , skills, skills (incorrectly formed) to another.

Yu. N. Kulyutkin and G. S. Sukobsky believes that the task is a model of a problem situation containing the requirement to "relieve mismatch" and find means of exiting the situation (1981).

A. M. Savor (1980) considers the task as a motive to fill in a certain vacuum so that the information fill in the vacuum complies with a certain condition or requirement and logically consisted with information known to human.

A. F. Esaulov (1972) gives the following definition: "The task is more or less defined systems of information processes, an inconsistent or even controversial relationship, between which causes the need for their transformation. The essence of the solution is exactly in search of ways to overcome Such disagreement, which in some tasks can reach a pronounced contradiction. "

V.N. Pushkin (1965) proposes to describe the solution of tasks as such activities that manifests itself in cases where the mismatch between the manufacturing process program and the real position on the managed object and when the regulator has no regulatory set to eliminate this mismatch . As a result, a new, not applied earlier, actions, which leads to the elimination of the mismatch that has arisen.

The most widespread definition of the problem was given by A. N. Leontiev (1981). It can be used to characterize any type of tasks, regardless of their specific content: "The task is the purpose given under certain conditions." Since the achievement of a goal in a problem situation cannot be direct and immediately, it is necessary to find some means with which it would be possible to implement the goal in these conditions of activity. This tool is a desired object, and the requirement to determine (choose, construct) is formulated as a task requirement.

The modern concept of reforming the highest school, the social conditions of our society, to the fore, put forward the problem of changing the type of thinking, access to a higher professional stage and transition from reproductive to creative thinking. Operational thinking of the teacher takes a large niche in these problems.

Contradictions between the need for school practice and insufficient learning of theoretical developments identified the problem that is developed at the Department of Psychology of Development of the Tula Pedagogical University. Monitoring assumed to develop a process for the formation of operational professional thinking of the future teacher in solving them a system of educational and educational tasks in the cycle of psychological and pedagogical disciplines.

The selection and introduction into the educational process of students of psychological and pedagogical tasks gradually became more complicated by:

· Increasing semantic complexity;

· Health of difficulties, accuracy, adequacy;

· Increasing the number of sudden, non-standard tasks requiring the right and rapid solution.

The results of the experiment reliably show that the operational professional thinking of students is moderately interconnected with such mental and psychomotor properties as memory, attention, type of higher nervous activity, various types of sensorotor reactions. This proves the social and biological nature of the studied phenomenon available for development.

The development of operational professional thinking of students passes through three stages, each of which represents the development of the integral properties of the personality of the future teacher.

At the first stage, the fund of knowledge and skills is accumulated from the humanitarian, natural-scientific and special disciplines.

In the second stage, the level of manageability of accumulated funds is raised. That is, the more student accumulated all sorts of knowledge and skills than they are more diverse by types and qualities, the wider are generalized, the easier it is to solve the decision of the psychological and pedagogical task (situations of the school lesson), what are the unexpectedly, they would not be.

At the third stage of the development of the operational thinking of the student, they deliberately "face" with a variety of and unforeseen psychological and pedagogical tasks, put it in conditions that require fully adequate, fast and rational solutions.

Theoretical prerequisites (N. A. Bernstein, 1947) and our studies show that with the directional formation of the operational professional thinking of the teacher, various psychological and pedagogical knowledge and skill in the memory funds, without knowing how to quickly and adequately use them. This ability to cause the necessary funds at the desired moment and confidently control them is significantly increased by a suitable pedagogical impact.

The development of professional operational thinking in pedestrous students is necessary to prepare the future teacher to successful professional activities in the real pedagogical process, where there is a constant change of problem situations, in conditions of stress, suddenness, time deficit and increase the intellect of modern schoolchildren.

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Control of the educational process. Technol.aboutgiapedagogical regulation and correction of educationalaboutcesSa

The implementation of control and diagnosis ensures the identification and elimination of deficiencies in the work of the school, the operational response to negative trends in the pedagogical process, consolidation and development of success, maintaining useful initiatives of teachers and students.

Control and diagnostics The collection and preliminary processing (systematization) of information on the status of a managed system, about the changes occurring in it, the progress of the managed process (Yu. A. Konarzhevsky, T. I. Shamova, P. I. Tretyakov et al.).

Training control as part of the didactic process and the didactic procedure puts the problems of the functions of testing and its content, types, methods and forms of control, measurements, and, it means, the criteria for the quality of knowledge, measuring scales and means of measurement, on the success of learning and the failure of students.

Types of control.

Preliminary (introductory) control is aimed at identifying the state of the object of study before the implementation of a certain segment of the pedagogical process. For example, preliminary control can be carried out to identify the level of formation of certain training skills before implementing some technology.

Current control is a systematic verification of learning, skills and skills at each lesson. It is prompt, flexible, diverse on methods, forms, means.

Thematic control is carried out after large sections, programs, current training. It takes into account the current control data.

The final control is carried out on the eve of the translation to the next class or the learning stage. His task is to fix the minimum of preparation that further learning.

All types of control are interconnected, only the use of all types of control allows to obtain reliable information about the educational process and the development of the child's personality.

Regulation and correction The pedagogical process is closely related to control and diagnostics. The need for regulation and correction is due to the fact that a holistic pedagogical process is based on contradictions: on the one hand, it seeks to the organization (organized by the targeted activities of teachers and students), and on the other - to the disorganization, due to the influence of various external and internal factors, to consider which It is impossible in advance. The causes of the disorganization of the pedagogical process can be, for example, bringing into its structure of new forms, methods and contents, displacement of the space-time framework of a particular activity, changes in the contingent of pedagogical workers and students.

Efficiency (timeliness and optimality) regulationsbutnia The educational process is based on the analysis. In turn, the analysis of the situation is based on data obtained as a result of control and diagnostics. Thus, the regulation of the pedagogical process should be carried out as the final link in the chain "Control and diagnostics\u003e Analysis of the results of control and diagnostics\u003e Regulation and correction".

In particular, T. I. Shamova as one of the effective forms of regulation and correction in school management proposes dAY DRR (diagnostics, regulation and correction), including the following main stages:

1) carrying out microde;

2) analysis of the results of microde and identification of trends;

3) development of pedagogical consultation (the group of the most competent in this issue of teachers) of the regulatory and correction program;

4) Adoption of a managerial decision on the implementation of the developed program.

Among the requirements for regulating the educational process and the correction of the learning material assimilation are allocated:

accounting and correction by the teacher of his own errors made in the previous management cycle (for example, in the preparation and conduct of the lesson, the system of lessons on the topic, section, during the training quarter, half year, year);

regulation of relations within the student team in the learning process;

pedagogical support, psychological-therapeutic impact on children experiencing difficulties in carrying out certain tasks;

work on errors admitted to students in solving cognitive and practical tasks;

differentiation of learning tasks, taking into account the individual pace of teaching, gaps in the knowledge system and experience in one or another student and others.

Regulation and correction are usually considered not as independent technologies, but as elements of other technologies, stages of the educational process. For example, in the lesson there may be a stage of the correction of the learning of a new material, and in the course of group problematic work it is necessary to regulate the interactions of pupils. In both examples, regulation and correction are auxiliary with respect to other activities.

However, several aspects of the pedagogical process can be distinguished, in which regulation and correction are the main activity: Correctional educational control of the school

regulation and correction as school management functions;

regulation and correction of the relationship of the student to school, a separate teacher, relationships in the student team;

prevention and elimination of didactic causes of failure (P.I. I. I. I.

correction of negative influences on the family school, teachers, other students;

self-correction of activities and behavior as a function of self-government;

stimulating the self-education of schoolchildren (P. N. Osipov) as the path of development of the experience of self-regulation and self-correction.

Some of their these areas correspond to the described teaching technologies.

Technology "Training Communication". Training is widely used in psychology and pedagogy mainly as a form of correctional work. S. D. Polyakov believes that the training of communication can be used as technology upbringing, noting that the development of training for communication as educational technology is largely due to the need to correctly arise in the educational process to correct the negative impact of the environment on a child (for correction of relationships).

The main correctional educational tasks of the training of communication: the removal of psychological barriers to communicate, the destruction of individual and group negative installations, prejudices, the creation of positive images "I" and "We".

In the most general form, the training of communication includes the following technological steps:



basic exercise

complete reflection.

Input part Training is the word lead-coach about the essence and rules of training. The tasks of the introductory part: to introduce pupils with the rules of the training of communication, motivate them on activity and openness during the training. Basic Training Rules:

the rule of participation (everything should be involved in the exercises);

the rule "here and now" (in the training it is necessary to talk only about what is happening in the class);

feedback rule (each participant of the training has the right to know the opinions of others about themselves, to obtain an assessment of his actions, provided that he will express such a request; without the permission of the participant of his action and the words are discussed and not being evaluated);

the rule of the circle (equality of all participants, the integrity of their group during the training; This is usually emphasized by placement in the circle of participants in the training);

the rule of the magic word (for example, the participant may refuse to say something or perform the action in turn, saying the "magic" word "I miss").

Workout it is several simple psychophysical exercises (usually 2-3). The main task of the warm-up: through psychophysical exercises to make the first steps to the atmosphere of confidence, to the consciousness "we". In the psychophysical exercises of the movement, the change of poses, facial expressions, etc. combined with the observation of their mental state, its understanding, description, discussion. When warm up, external actions and internal (mental) processes and conditions are usually discussed at the end of the stage. For discussion, the presenter offers training participants to use unfinished suggestions of the type "On the warm-up I felt ...", "performing an exercise (which one), I noticed that ..." or similar questions.

Basic exercise Percentage of several steps and takes the bulk of the training time. In the fulfillment of the main exercise, the lead-coach can participate (for some exercises, the participation of the coach in the exercise is a mandatory or desirable condition).

Final reflection - the final stage of the training of communication. At the beginning of this stage, the presenter asks to remember and call everything that was in class, not forgetting not a single stage or exercise. Then he offers pupils to express their opinion about the classes in the form of I-statements: "I realized that ...", "I think that ...", "I felt that ...".

The dialogue "Pedagogue is a pupil" as a technology of pedagogical correction. Justifying this pedagogical technology, S. D. Polekov indicates that the stages of the "teacher - pupil" dialogue are allocated and described by L. B. Filonov, as the stages of establishing trust contact with adolescent and correction of his relationship to the teacher. This attitude needs to be corrected if the pupil demonstrates distrust, in one degree or another, a pronounced readiness for aggression directed to the teacher.

In the technology of the Dialogue "Pedagogue - Pupil" there are six stages.

1. The stage of accumulation of consent. The goal of the stage consists in building the number of harmony: affirmative positive reactions of the pupil, both verbal and non-verbal. For this, the teacher uses the following techniques:

neutral statements that are not touching schoolboy problems (preferably without question intonation);

request for obvious assistance;

polite and respectful appeal to the pupil;

curly humor, directed to neutral and phenomena, etc.

Sign of the possibility of transition to the next stage: agreement with the teacher does not cause the pupil of internal resistance.

2. Stage of finding interests. Purpose: Creating a positive emotional background of communication "Pedagogue - Pupil". The main way is to appeal to the actual interests of the teenager. Some receptions:

undressing the features, the originality of the saying of the teenager ("You've gotten up healthy (noted, said, did)");

request for detail ("remind, please");

fixation of emotional coincidences ("I also liked");

providing opportunities for manifestation of his competence (appeal to the question, the answer to which a teenager probably knows);

non-verbal techniques of "accession" to the state of the pupil (gestures, facial expressions, speaking rhythm, pose, etc.).

Sign of the possibility of transition to the next step: the designation of the pupil before the teacher of its interests.

3. Stage of adoption of special qualities. Purpose: contact contact to the level of relative personal openness. It is important to remember: special qualities - does not mean only "bad". Fundamental rules:

demonstrate the adoption of both the pupil in general and the qualities declared in particular;

it is impossible to object, argue, otherwise evaluate the quality pupil;

it is impossible to demonstrate doubt in the presence of these qualities.

Sign of the possibility of transition to the next stage: the appearance of a teenager critical comments in the statements in the statements of critical comments against himself or signs of self-criticism (self-irony, easy doubt in the correctness of his act, etc.).

4. Stage of clarification of "dangerous" qualities (qualities unfavorable for interaction). The content of the teacher's activities at this stage is cautious asked about the details of situations in which the teenager submits himself in a disadvantageous light, as well as a discussion of the pupils committed and possible consequences.

Sign of the possibility of transition to the next step: the stories of the pupil about the past events of their lives, about the people around him.

5. Stage of Joint Analysis. Other Title: Stage Detection of Personal Identification. Personal identification is a correlation of oneself with other people, both attractive and antipathetic. In other words, at this stage, the teenager will have to "see its qualities in other people", "see on yourself from the content of the teacher's activities are to support the speaking, discussion of the teenager themes of the significance of people and their roles in the events of his life, assistance in analyzing actions and relationships . Possible actions of the teacher:

analysis of the teacher in communicating with a teenager of its motives and intentions in the commission of certain actions;

joint analysis of the causes of the imperfect of a teenager of certain actions;

please compare yourself with a middle person and a joint discussion of this comparison.

The completion of this stage is the conclusion that self-control and self-government is needed by their actions and behavior and proposal to the teacher's teenager in mastering the methods of control and self-control.

Sign of the possibility of transition to the next step: adoption by the pupil of the proposed teacher assistance in the development of rules and methods of control and self-control.

6. Stage of Selection of Action. Joint with a pupil Development of rules and ways of action in a particular situation in life in general. Logic of actions: from specific problematic situations for a teenager - to the general program of self-education.

The main sign of achieving the results of the technology is: the desire of a schoolboy to communicate with the teacher who applied this technology to discuss their affairs and problems with him.

Possible (estimated, but not guaranteed) effects: joint business teacher and schoolchildren based on common interests, educational assistance to the teacher, changing the circle of communication of the teenager or the position of the teenager in the same circle of communication and so on.

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