Time to improve yourself and your own. Run the project "Tips to yourself: how to improve learning activities"

The development of personality is not rocket building. It can be developed gradually and slowly. Even small things you do, or efforts that attach, have a much greater impact on your life than you think. It all depends on how you want others to perceive you.

To improve your personality, we offer the following program from the 21st step, created on a daily basis.

Day 1: Explore yourself

At a certain point, we all wonder what we are or who we really are. If you are able to find an answer to this question, consider that half of the obstacles have already overcome. If not, you must analyze ourselves and understand what you are interested in. When you start doing things that you love, you feel positive vibrations. Then people begin to notice you, find out, appreciate your work and much more. In the end, you will gain experience in your favorite business and be able to become the best in your field.

Analyze what makes you happy both in personal and professional life. You will instantly feel the difference when you start doing things that you love the most.

Day 2: Watch over the surrounding

No better way to understand yourself and life around than observation. Each simultaneously combines both dignity and disadvantages. If a person attracts you, try to figure out what qualities you attract to him, what is his positive parties, why he likes others or what causes admiration for others. This task will allow you to find good features in a person who met you and you can realize these good qualities in yourself. The more advantages in you, the better your personality.

Day 3: Be bold and ready to explore

To become better, always ask yourself a question: "Where am I today?". We are not about physical space, but about internal condition. If you feel that you can't get a reasonable answer, analyze where something went wrong with you, or what prevented you to get what you really wanted. We all create comfort zones, be it at home or at work, and then try not to go out of them. Try to give up this zone. Get out and look around how many adventures life has prepared for you. It is fun and interesting - to do what you really want, and not be a sloped shield that limits you and your capabilities. Meet new people, lay down in adventure and be sure about what you are doing. Do not rush, but be sure to move forward!

Day 4: Love and praise yourself

Have you congratulated yourself for something good? If you didn't do it until now, start right now! No better feeling than a compliment yourself when you did something really good. Compliments always have a positive effect, and when you make them yourself, you know what they really did an excellent job. Praise makes it possible to feel cheerful, happy, and helps bring other people to you. Do not forget that you are worthy of admiration and interest from those surrounding!

Day 5: Admit your mistakes

We are all people, and people make mistakes. Please accept the fact that no one is perfect, even you. Recognize at least one mistake is a really big step in improving personality. Trying to be a perfectionist, you only encourage yourself to twread disappointments and constant dissatisfaction with both your own life and the outside world.

Day 6: Live Conscious Life

Take time only on what is important at the same time both for you and others. Stop worrying about failures. Only they will help you understand how to get better. Do not be distracted by television programs or computer games that do not bring benefits, but only make you feel letting and deplete you. As soon as you begin to live life in a conscious way, you will attract more positive events to yourself.

Day 7: Choose optimistic people

We are our thoughts and deeds subject to the influence of others. Always try to be with people who see only a positive in life and with more readily can help you change your worldview. Avoid people who are always pessimistic look at life. They will only burden you doubts, and you can not achieve anything.

Day 8: Expand your horizon

If you want others to see an interesting person in you, you must become it. And the acquisition of knowledge is one of the best methods. Raise the habit to collect additional information. She can touch all that interests you. Reading books, articles, communications with people - all these are various ways to obtain information and improve knowledge, which will eventually make you an interesting personality and an excellent interlocutor.

Day 9: Be yourself

Never pretend to those who you are not. People hate to be deceived, and you must understand that they can easily recognize whether you are real or hiding under the mask. People appreciate the present you, not the actor you. There is a big difference between these concepts. Therefore, develop an interesting person in yourself so that it does not have to set an empty image atmosphere.

10 Day: Learn something new

Your mind, like a big sponge, absorbs more and more while you feed it. Explore all sorts of things from different spheres of life. Never underestimate yourself as if you can not explore more. Learn something new, find new hobbies, read unfamiliar books, etc. - and you can open unexpected talents and qualities that will notice and appreciate others. Information rejuvenates the mind and opens up new perspectives for you.

Day 11: Be Positive

Think from what kind of people you would like to be friends: with a person with a sense of humor and positive attitude To life or with those who are constantly whining and complains? In the same way, if you are a person who is openly complaining about everything, people do not reach you. You must confront all your problems. Consequently, it makes no sense to think about them. Instead, develop a habit of being positive, all the time a funny man who makes friends laugh. Only then will be welcomed from the bottom of my heart in all companies.

Day 12: Believe in yourself

Doubts forced to lower his hands, so believe in yourself! Repeat it every day - and you will see how your life will change. In total, what you dream can be achieved, you just need to believe in your own strength.

Day 13: Find a sample to follow

All of us, to some extent, are under the influence of one or another person. And all because we like their identity. Watch them, take advice from them, listen to answers to questions. In crisis times, this is the best way to improve your own personality.

Day 14: Emit confidence

Most often people confuse a person with appearance. Personality - does not mean to have a smart look and look beautiful. It's too easy. But confidence in your eyes, cruelty in the voice and language of your body - are precisely those traits that characterize the right personality. Constantly work on this, because confidence is the key to success. Such personalities are always attracted to themselves.

Day 15: Diversity

Life rules, social norms, instructions that will help change personality - all this quickly bored. Mix your routine routine of the day with spicy, unexpected and even slightly crazy actions. Then your life will become bright and fascinating, and the process of self-improvement will not seem boring and routine occupation.

Day 16: do not shout

People who speak loudly look too noisy and annoying. Being in society, you should know how and when to talk. Talk gently but firmly. This will demonstrate your self-confidence and diplomaticity.

Day 17: Know when to enter into a dispute

Sometimes your opinion can diverge with the opinions of others, and this does not mean that only you are right, and the other person is not. Take the views of others, because you yourself can be wrong. People will respect you for understanding, and not attempts to impose their views.

18 Day: Help other people

Sometimes your friends or those who are attached to, can get into a difficult situation. Protect them, and they will be grateful until the end of life. This demonstrates that you are worried about them and are ready to help at any time, and those people respect and admire them.

Day 19: Improve the body language

The body language is one of the aspects in which those around you are assessed first. Look in the eye when communicating, it demonstrates your self-confidence and openness. Never say looking at your feet, and keep your head high. Stand in full growth, never narrow. Always pleasantly smile, because it does not require more effort, but has a big return.

Day 20: Motivate yourself

Motivation itself and others is the best tool in improving the personality of a person who creates positive waves around himself and attracts others. In addition, self-adequacy contributes to the achievement of goals and makes the identity of successful.

Day 21: Create yourself a brand

If you are unique and different from others, people will remember you, even if they met with you only once. Leave after yourself a brand is the best way to make sure that you are a great personality.

We have the power to form our characters as we want. When we develop ourselves, we improve not only our own personality, but also people around. I hope this simple article will help those who are looking for ways to improve their identity. Implement it, and you will see noticeable changes in yourself!

To date, the topic of self-improvement and self-development has become one of the most fashionable and discussed on the Internet. Everyone can find a lot of books and manuals on self-development, as well as to become a participant in personal growth training, but no knowledge will benefit without real use. So how to really improve yourself and become better?

1. Exercise.

A healthy body is a solid foundation for a healthy psyche and successful vital activity. Regular sports will help maintain health and attractive appearance, as well as remove the tension and concentrate at work.

It is not necessary to play sports professionally or attend the gym, although it would be preferable. You can choose a series of exercises that meet your needs and regularly perform them, starting with a small load and gradually increasing it.

2. Read books.

Look inside the telecast and social networks is best replaced by reading books. At the same time it is worth paying special attention to what you are reading. It is not worth spending precious time on the boulevard fiction, in no way contributing to your development. To read, it is worth selecting the classics, as well as the works on psychology, philosophy and other branches of knowledge.

It would not be superfluous to keep the reader's diary, which would be entered by read books, their brief abstract, liked quotes, characters and critical comments.

3. Be disciplined.

Discipline is the quality really strong man, forcing it to perform only what is needed, not hidden by its own weaknesses and desires.

Start better with simple, from morning awakening. It is difficult to get up immediately after the alarm ring. It makes sense to develop for myself a ritual, which will include all the actions necessary in the morning: get up immediately after the alarm clock, wash, make charging, have breakfast. Such actions should be brought to automatism.

It is worth identifying their shortcomings and tirelessly work on their elimination, developing the necessary qualities and skills. This is especially true of self-confidence and self-control.

4. Control your finances.

It is worth starting a special magazine and analyze all its income and spending in detail, detecting extra expenses to be eliminated or minimized. This seems to be a meaningless idea, but even until then, until it is at least for several months in a row.

You must learn to control yourself and not buy what is not necessary. The ability to refuse himself will save the wallet and strengthen the will.

It would be reasonable to find sources of income that are not related to official work and to form a reserve budget, which, in the extreme case, will be able to cover unforeseen expenses.

5. Start the development of new skills.

A comprehensively developed person is always interesting and attractive. The bigger the skills owns a person, the more interesting his life and more faces in it. It is worth remembering what I wanted to learn in childhood, and find time for the realization of the dream.

6. Pay attention to spirituality.

It's time to truly wonder about his place in life and his destination. In order to develop and move forward, you need to know your landmarks and the ultimate goal, without which life Path will turn into meaningless wandering. These are the most difficult questions in the life of every person, however, without giving answers to them, you can not find yourself and become truly happy.

7. Form useful habits.

Getting rid of bad habits, replace them with new, extremely useful. Replace cigarettes and alcohol sports, Internet books, and sweet - dried fruits and nuts.

You are stuck in place and no longer know how else you can improve your site? Check out these items, maybe they will give you some additional ideas and download work for the next month.

What can be done to improve your site

New Pages and Sections

1. Add site map
2. Add page about us, "About company", "About project"
3. Add pages "Delivery" and "Payment"
4. Add page with quality guarantees and refund conditions
5. Add page with site usage rules
6. Add page with reviews of you or your company
7. Add certificates and certificates
8. Add a page with prices that, including you can download and print.
9. Add your photos or photos of employees in a special section
10. Add aid section or FAQ
11. Add page with a list of your vacancies.
12. Add to dictionary of terms Terms
13. Add to site spheres
14. Open blog
15. Open forum

Meta tags and markup

16. Register unique page titles
17. Register unique meta-descriptions.
18. Add micro-dimension Schema.org
19. Make a memorable Favonka
20. Add Meta Tags Open Graph for social network

Content site.

21. Add texts to pages where there are no
22. Create textured content from ports
23. Fit in texts typos, grammatical and spelling errors
24. Remove the text
25. Describe the goods more
26. Take a picture of the goods in good quality, lay out pictures for a card
27. Register the Alta to all pictures
28. Make the opening of images smooth when clicking
29. Make opening outgoing references to external resources in a new window
30. Add video overview product

Page volume and download speed

31. Optimize HTML -Code, delete too much
32. Check the site pages HTML-validator, fix errors
33. Accelerate page loading, use caching
34. Optimize images. Schedule from the design to be taken in CSS - SPRITES
35. Move to more reliable and fast hosting
36. Add mobile or adaptive site version
37. Compare the speed of downloading their pages and websites of competitors, find and fix weaknesses

Structure and functionality of the site

Ease of use

Technical optimization

76. Register the site in the webmasters panel
77. Make sure that non-existent pages issue 404 errors
78. Check the site on broken links and fix them
79. Check which subdomains are present in the index, close unnecessary / test from indexation
80. Remove the low-informative pages
81. Create SiteMap.xml and specify important documents for indexation
82. Create Robots.txt, where to prohibit access to an unnecessary information robot on the site (test subdomains, server logs)
83. Place an SSL certificate for the domain, set it up
84. Check page load with JavaScript disabled
85. Consult with an optimizer, ask for advice on optimizing the site for search engines

PR / promotion site

86. Add a website in Yandex.Catalog and DMOZ
87. Organize the monthly distribution of useful materials and make a subscription form
88. Find a person on a network that needs your help and help him
89. Find online who mentions you or your website, make yourself a felt known to increase reputation
90. Find partners with which it will be useful to exchange an audience, to propose cooperation.
91. Organize a contest, use all channels for the announcement
92. Write guest articles for other sites.
93. Organize the event, give a press conference for the media
94. Enhance the authority and rating of not only your site, but also those where you write about you or your services (groups in social networks, news in the media, branches on the forums)
95. Register a site in directory of organizations and business directories.
96. Add a company on Yandex and Google maps
97. Place a chat on the site where visitors can meet and communicate with each other.
98. Send a journalist to a conference or seminar / meeting so that it wrote for your site an interesting report with photos
99. Mention in articles leaders of opinions in your topic, as well as bloggers and their sites.
100. Write a list of 100 useful items and share it with readers.

Complete this list to improve the site in the comments with your items.