Quotes about self-development. Best quotes about self-development

Labor eliminates a person from three main evils - boredom, vice and needs. - Voltaire

Choose yourself a job in the soul, and you do not have to work for a single day in your life. - Confucius *

The best way to success is to fall in love with what you are doing. - Jackie Chan

Be busy. This is the cheapest medicine on Earth - and one of the most efficient. - Dale Carnegie

The idleness and something enthusiastically entail the viciousness and unhealthy - on the contrary, the aspiration of the mind to anything brings cheerfulness, eternally directed towards strengthening life.
- Hippocrat

If there is no goal in life, then you have to work on how it has it!
- Robert Anthony

The joy of man only what he was pretty worn about, "so he is arranged. - Exupery

Man make a happy three things: love, interesting job And the opportunity to travel ...
- Ivan Bunin

Immersion to work is the best way to defeat the disease.

Work on yourself is the hardest job, so they are engaged in a few.

Life is easily - the most unhappy life. And when there is a work - every life is already greater than half - happy.
"Two Life" - Roman K. E. Antaro

This hobby of our generation is a whining and stupid chatting about nothing. Unsuccessful relationships, learning problems, assistant-asshole ... This is all complete garbage. There is only one asshole - that's you. And you will be very surprised if you find out how much you can change, just taking off the ass from the sofa.
- George Karlin

If you want to build a ship, do not convene people, plan, share work, get tools. It is necessary to infect people to the desire for the infinite sea. Then they themselves will build ships ...
- A. de Saint-Exupery

When you are engaged in art - it does not matter, it turns out well or bad, - your shower grows.
- Kurt Vonnegut

What is a person when he is busy with a dream and food? Animal, no more.
- William Shakespeare (1564 - 01/23/1616) - English playwright, poet and actor

One who does not want to change their lives cannot help.
- Hippocrat

To justify in your own eyes, we often convince ourselves that it is no power to achieve the goal; In fact, we are not powerless, but softless.
- Francois de Larancyfo

If the egg is broken by force outside, life stops. If the egg is broken by force from the inside, life begins. Everything great always starts from the inside.

I speak: I have to grow and learn further. This is the only antidote from old age.
- Kirk Douglas, American actor

"Work in the office kills the movement of thought .. relaxes the potential and weakens the energy force ..."

Life is an increase. After stopping growing, in a technical or spiritual sense, we become no better than the dead.
- Morihei Wesiba

If you are in passionately to do your favorite thing, you can skip even the apocalypse.
- Max Frey.

The joy of man only what he was pretty worn about, "so he is arranged.
- Exupery

You can blame others in everything and despair, and you can get up early every day and stubbornly seek success.
- Luke Dale

It is better to go to the target with the speed of the turtle than with the speed of light to invent excuses why you stand still.
- Botto Schefer

Iron rust, without finding yourself application, standing water rotes or cold freezes, and a person's mind, not finding an application, cares.
- Leonardo da Vinci

Work on the owner or large company will never be a solution to money problems.
- Robert Kiyosaki

If you are in your place, do what you want to do what your soul is lying, then this lesson will never be empty and tired, and on the contrary, to fill the energy, stimulate.

If you are crazy enough to do business that you love, - you are doomed to live life, complete sense.
- Herbert Kellehher

- Jackie Chan

It is better to create work, and not to look for it.

When I did not have enough money - I sat down to think, and did not run to earn. The idea is the most expensive goods in the world.
- Steve Jobs

SAMI pure water "It's not that that delayed in a big standing puddle, and the one that flows on the stones, overcomes the obstacles, will overthrow the waterfalls - it is in the end that becomes drinking. It is water that has been cleaned in the course of falling, thousands and thousands of times tiring about stones, water, which in the suffering sang and tipped white foam hopes, with each meeting with obstacles in their way giving birth to a rainbow.
- Jorge Angel Living

If you want to have something that has never had, start doing what they never did.
- Richard Bach

Choose yourself a job in the soul, and you do not have to work for a single day in your life.
- Confucius

Do not be afraid to do what you can not. Remember, the ark built an amateur, - professionals built a Titanic.
- Dave Berry

Be busy. This is the cheapest medicine on Earth - and one of the most efficient.
- Dale Carnegie

Never break up the one who does not say what he is told, and the one who does no more of what he is told.
- Andrew Carnegie, American entrepreneur, major steelmill, philanthropist, multimillionaire.

If you think you can, you can. But if you think that you can not, then you can't. - Mary Kay Ash, the founder of the company Mary Kay Cosmetics, one of the most successful business women of the 20th century.

If you want to succeed your heart should be in your business, and your business should be in your heart.
- Thomas J. Watson, ex-president IBM.

Your most unsuccessful customers are your richest source of knowledge.
- Bill Gates, Microsoft co-founder.

Who works all day, there is no time to make money.
- John Davison Rockefeller

It makes no sense to hire sensible people, and then indicate what to do. We hire sensible people to say what to do to us. - Steve Jobs, founder and chief executive officer of Apple Corporation.

The idleness and something enthusiastically entail the viciousness and unhealthy - on the contrary, the aspiration of the mind to anything brings cheerfulness, eternally directed towards strengthening life.
- Hippocrat

Middle man is concerned about how to kill time, a man is talented seeking to use it.
- A.Shopenhauer

The best way to success is to fall in love with what you are doing.
- Jackie Chan

Labor eliminates a person from three main evils - boredom, vice and needs.
- Voltaire

There is only one way to do a great job - to love it. If you have not come to this, wait. Do not strive for business. As with all the other, to prompt an interesting thing to help you your own heart.
- Steve Jobs

If you have not found your business yet, look for. Do not stop. As it happens with all hearts, you will learn when you find. And, like any good relationship, they get better and better over the years. Therefore, look for until you find. Do not be installed.
- Steve Jobs

You need to find what you love. And it is also true for work as for the relationship. Your work will fill most of the life and the only way to be completely satisfied is to do what your great deal do. And the only way to make great things is to love what you are doing.
- Steve Jobs

Your time is limited, do not waste it, living another life. Do not fall on the trick hook, which exists on the thinking of other people. Do not allow the views of others to drown out your own inner voice. And it is very important to have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They are somehow already knowing what you really want to do. Everything else is secondary. We are here to contribute to this world. And otherwise why are we here?
- Steve Jobs

Take a step, and the road will appear by itself.
- S.Jobs.

The brain is worn out when it is not used.
- Bernard Verber.

If the vocation of a person is to be a janitor, he should sweep the streets as inspired as Michelangelo signed arches or Beethoven composed music. It should sweep the street so that all the spirits of the sky and land have said reverently: "Here lives a great janitor who performs his work flawlessly."
- Martin Luther King

Who is not going ahead; That goes back: there is no standing position.
- V. G. Belinsky

Never lose patience is the last key that opens the doors.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupery

"Know: If, having lived a day, you have not done a kind thing or the day did not know anything new - the day live in vain."

"Laziness and pity for yourself, the most faithful satellites in old age! With their help, there will be only a couple of active actions: a little look and chew a little. Old age will go to a soft chair, carefully wonders with a soft blanket and undoubtedly spends in the grave."

"Labor is the best medicine. Labor is the only basis of life. Labor is disliked by incommable persistence in the character of a person. The most busy people are most durable. Labor, constant doing, creation - there is a better tonic medicine. Helling the joy of labor will be a source of long fruitful life. It is daily work There is the accumulation of fire treasures. ... Each work gives rise to energy, which is essentially similar to cosmic energy. ... you need to love your work to find in it rest and excuse. Love for work gives joy, and the power to improve the quality of it. You can only love the work. Love for work is the best way to increase and accumulate fiery energy. Labor may be accompanied by joy, and the thought inspired. The work joyful is several times more successful. "
- S. V. Stulginsky "Basics of scientific, philosophical and religious worldview the key to understanding the new era"

No goal, there is no activity, no interest is there, but there is no life without any activity. The source of interests, goals and activities is a substance of public life.
- V. G. Belinsky

For me to live - it means to work.
- I. K. Aivazovsky

A person is born not in order to carry a sad existence in inaction, but to work on a great and grandiose.
- L. Alberti

Who has no goal, he does not find joy in any lesson.
- D Leopard

The meaning of our life is a continuous movement.
- Yakub Kolas.

The one who cannot position 2/3 of the day personally must be called a slave.
- Friedrich Nietzsche

Work! The world will not be a paradise for those who want to live a lazy.
- Sax Hans

Man is created for action. Do not act and do not exist for a person - the same thing.
- Voltaire

"In order to be healthy, you need: cold, hunger and movement!
And the whole civilization is striving for warmth, satiety and peace.
People do everything in order to die "...
- Porfiry Ivanov

Feet are getting stronger when you go!

For the benefit of others, the rivers flow, for the benefit of other trees fruit, for the benefit of other noble people live.
- Indian wisdom

Happiness is not to do always, what you want, but to always want what you are doing.
- Lev Tolstoy

Who has a lot of work, the day is short.

The best job is a highly paid hobby.

I begged all people to become and occupying my place in nature, it is not employed by anyone and is not bought, but only by your affairs and work.
- P.Ivanov

The person is designed so that when something lights his soul, everything becomes possible.
- Lafontaine

A person is valuable when his words coincide with his actions.
- Friedrich Nietzsche

The desire is not enough, it is necessary ...
- Bruce Lee

If you have an apple and I have an apple, and if we exchange these apples, then you have one apple. And if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.
- Bernard Show

If before you a great goal, and your ability to be limited, - Activate anyway; For only through action may increase your capabilities.
- Sri Aurobindo

Trying to succeed, not doing anything - the same thing is that trying to gather harvest where you have not sowed anything.
- David Bly.

If there is no goal in life, then you have to work on how it has it!
- Robert Anthony

In order to be healthy, you need a cold, hunger and movement! And the whole civilization is striving for warmth, satiety and peace. People do everything in order to die.
- Porfiry Ivanov

Do not rape the soul is not your profession. The profession initially must be an act of love. And in no way married for the calculation. And not too late, do not forget that the whole life is not a matter, but life.
- Haruki Murakov

Gemstone cannot polish without friction. Also, a person cannot become successful without a sufficient number of difficult attempts.
- Confucius

I, rather, I will suffer the defeat in what I like, what I would be successful in hateing.
- George Burns.

The main misfortunes of the human race from the fact that from a thousand people nine hundred and ninety nine live to death, so without realizing, engaged in all her life not with their own business.
- Boris Akunin

People who succeed in this world are not lazy and are looking for the circumstances they need. And if you do not find, then create them.
- Bernard Show

Deep inside a man will dormant power - the power that is able to shake his imagination, about the possession of which he could never and dream, such forces that can completely transform all his life if they organize them and hurt their work.
- Orizon Sweet Marden

Everyone has enough forces to dignify life worthy. And all these conversations about what is the hard time is now, this is a cunning way to justify your inaction, laziness and different dullness. It is necessary to work, and there, you look, and the times will change.
- Lev Davidovich Landau

Do today what others do not want, tomorrow you will live as others can not.

Success is the ability to endure failure again and again without losing enthusiasm.
- Winston Churchill

You never compose a good book without writing a few bad.
- Bernard Show

It is impossible to refuse the dream, without trying to implement it.
- Jacqueline Susan

The greatest reward for hard work is not the fact that a person receives himself, and who he becomes in the process of this work.
- John Raskin

Three rules for achieving success: know more than the rest; work more than the rest; Expect less than the rest.
- William Shakespeare

The idleness is a mother boredom and many vices.
- Ekaterina Great

Only in creativity there are joy - everything else dust and bustle
- Anatoly Fedorovich Koni

Success, like most things, begins with your relationship. And if you are fighting for him, you will help you in this new selection of motivating quotes about the success and achievements I collected . Motivating quotes of great people - quotes tested by time and formed as a result of the activities of great people. Quotes of great people are quotes of millionaires, billionaires, great scientists and wonderful people who have changed history.

1. Do not problems have to push you in the back, but forward to dream of dreams. Douglas Eversett

2. You will not grow, if you do not try to make something outside the fact that you already know perfectly. Ralph Emerson

3. Do not be afraid of life. Believe that life is worthy to live, and you will be given to your faith. William James.

4. You will never be able to solve the problem that has arisen if you save the same thinking and the same approach that led you to this problem. Albert Einstein

5. And if you are not sure of yourself, nothing good will never work. After all, if you do not believe in yourself, who will believe?

6. We are the slaves of their habits. Change your habits, your life will change. Robert Kiyosaki

7. You will fail. You will have injuries. You will be mistaken. You will have periods of depression and despair. Family, study, work, the problems of life - all this is more than once and not two will be a hindrance to train. However, the arrow of your internal compass should always show the same direction to the target. Stewart McBert.

8. The art of being happy lies in the ability to find happiness in simple things. Henry Ward Becher

9. If you stop whenever you insult or spit in you, you will never come to the place where you need to get. Tibor Fisher

10. Faced with difficulties, you can not give up, running. You must evaluate the situation, look for solutions and believe that everything is done for the better. Patience is the key to victory. Nick Vuychich

11. There should be no limits for us. Richard Bach

12. The difference between those who achieved something, and those who have not reached anything, determines who started earlier. Charles Schwab.

Watch a video! The death quotes of great people!

13. Sure yourself only those people who will pull you above. Just life is already full of those who want to pull you down. George Clooney

14. I will be able to remain myself and you will never become a toy in the hands of fate. Paracels

15. First, do not do nothing without reason and purpose. Secondly, do not do anything that would not be understood for the benefit of society. Mark Arellium

16. Knowledge is not enough, you should apply them. Desires are not enough, you have to do. Bruce Lee

17. If you do not like what you get, change what you give. Carlos Castaneda

18. All victories begin with victory over themselves. Leonid Leonov

19. You do not have to compare yourself with others, and if nature has created you a bat, you should not try to become an ostrich. Herman Hesse

20. The desires arising must be implemented immediately. And then all the pleasure disappears. I wanted - did what to pull, the life is short. Here and now! Mikhail Welller

21. I wish and wait - you will not leave this. Stand up and start following your dream. Jared Leto

22. You can't leave or lose until you participate in races. David Bowie

23. Whatever you come up with, there will always be the one who has already done it to you. So the main thing is to do it better. Adriano Chelenno

24. Sleep. Dream. Wake up. Act. Invent. Fight. Defeat. Sleep Dream. Jared Leto

25. Do you want to know who you are? Do not ask. Act! The action will describe and define you. Thomas Jefferson

26. If you want to extend your life, progress your meals. Benjamin Franklin

27. I want it. So it will be. Henry Ford

28. Logic can lead you from item a to item B, and imagination - anywhere. Albert Einstein

29. The main thing is to give all the strength of the chosen business and the Solva will go from you. For perfection is a rarity. Andre Morua

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30. Dream as if you live forever. Live as if you die today. James Dean

31. If you want to succeed, ask yourself 4 questions: why? Why not? Why not me? Why not right now? Jimmy Dean

32. Our fate form exactly the small imperceptible solutions that we accept 100 times per day. Anthony Robbins

33. Failure is just an opportunity to start again, but already wisely. Henry Ford

34. Even if you are very talented and makes great efforts, for some results it is simply required: you will not get a child in a month, even if you make the pregnant nine women. Warren Buffette

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35. Waking up in the morning, ask yourself: "What should I do?" In the evening, before you fall asleep: "What I did." Pythagoras

36. Do today what others do not want, tomorrow you will live as others cannot. author unknown

37. I used to say: "I hope that everything will change." Then I realized that there is a single way to change everything - change yourself. Jim Ron.

38. Heavy work is a cluster of easy cases that you have not done when they had to do. John Maxwell

39. Faster you study in three cases - up to 7 years, at trainings, and when life drove you into the angle. Stephen Kovi.

40. Warrior does not refuse that he loves. He finds love in what does. Peaceful Warrior

41. Warrior acts, and a fool is protesting. Peaceful Warrior

42. The one who does nothing is not mistaken! Do not be afraid to make a mistake - be afraid to repeat the mistakes! Theodore Roosevelt

43. The ship is safer in the port, but it has not been built for this. Grace Hopper

44. There is only one way to do a great job - to love it! Steve Jobs

45. It is better to illuminate one small candle than to curse the darkness. Chinese proverb

46. \u200b\u200bDo what you can, with what you have, and where you are. Theodore Roosevelt

47. No idea can not be anything great! No great can not be anything beautiful. Gustave Flaubert

48. Each dream is given to you with the forces necessary for its implementation. Richard Bach

49. Life is a big canvas and you have to throw all the paint on it. Danny Kay.

50. The path to a thousand Lee begins with one single little step. Lao Tzu

51. A successful person is always a stunning artist of his imagination. Imagination is much more important than knowledge, for knowledge is limited, and imagination is infinitely. Albert Einstein

52. Investments in knowledge give the highest devideo. Benjamin Franklin

53. Success is the opportunity to wake up in the morning and fall asleep in the evening, having time to do between these two events what you really like. Bob Dylan.

54. Never welcome yourself. All that others do, can you do. Brian Tracy

55. Great minds set goals; The rest of people follow their desires. Washington Irving

56. If you give up your dream, what will be removed? Jim carrey

57. Or you manage the day or day drives you. Jim Ron.

58. Happiness is not to do always, what you want, but to always want what you are doing. Lev Tolstoy

59. When you enter any budget innovations are ready for the fact that you will be called crazy. Larry Ellison

60. Great souls possess will, weak only have desires. Chinese proverb

61. Try to become market leaders. Assign and control major technologies In everything you do. Steve Jobs

62. In your subconsciousness is hidden power capable of turning the world. William James.

63. Do business with those people who like you and that share your goals. Warren Buffette

64. We are the fact that they are constantly doing. Consequently, perfection is not an action, but the habit. Aristotle

65. We are the owners of your destiny. We are the captains of their souls. Winston Churchill.

66. Motivation is not enough. If you take an idiot and motivate it, it turns out a motivated idiot. Jim Ron.

67. You will never be too old for that. To put a new goal or dream of something new. Clive Steiplz Lewis

68. The most important things in the world were committed by people who continued attempts, even when there was no hope. Dale Cornegi

69. If you want to have success, you should look like you have it. Thomas Mor.

70. The one who cannot position 2/3 of the day personally must be called a slave. Friedrich Nietzsche

71. The one who wants to see the results of his work immediately, should go to shoemakers. Albert Einstein

72. Our achievements always correspond to our ambitions. Andrei Kurparatov

73. In twenty years you will regret what you did not, than what you did. Therefore, throw away doubts. Floating away from the safe harbor. Catch the passing wind with your sails. Explore. Dream. Open. Mark Twain

74. If you do not learn to manage yourself, you will manage others. Khasai Aliyev

75. Smile, because life is a wonderful thing and there are many reasons for smiles. Marilyn Monroe

76. Not all wheels are invented: the world is too amazing to sit back. Richard Branson

77. I did not have business days and days of rest. I just did and get pleasure from it. Thomas Edison

78. A person cannot properly act in one area of \u200b\u200bhis life when incorruptible in others. Life is an indivisible whole. Mahatma Gandhi

79. Instead of complaining that rose has spikes, I am glad that rose is growing among the spikes. Joseph Juber.

80. You never beat the ocean if you are afraid of losing the shore. Christopher Columbus

81. Strive not just successful person, and valuable. Albert Einstein

82. It is said that motivation lasts long. Well, freshness after the bath is also. Therefore, take care of them every day. Zig Zigar

83. Believe that you can, and half the path has already been completed. Theodore Roosevelt

85. Life is measured not by the number of our breaths, but the number of moments from which Dahania intercepts. Maya Enegelo.

86. Feel a passing wind in your sail. Move ... if there is no wind, you will be thrown for the oars. Latin saying

87. If you appreciate what you have in life, you will always receive even more. If you think only about what you do not have - you will never be enough. Oprah Winfrey

88. Or write a book worth reading, or do something worthwhile books. Benjamin Franklin

89. For his career I missed more than 9,000 shots, lost almost 300 games. 26 times I trusted to make a final victorious throw, and I missed. I suffered defeat again, and again, and again. And that is why I achieved success. Michael Jordan

90. An inexkyst life is not worth living. Socrates

91. 80% of success - this appears in the right place in opening time. Woody Allen

92. Your time is limited, do not waste it, living someone else's life.

93. Freedom is worthless if it does not include freedom to make a mistake. Mahatma Gandhi

94. Two most important days in your life: the day when you were born, and the day when I understood why. Mark Twain

95. The best revenge is a huge success. Frank Sinatra

96. Start copying what you like. Copy. Copy. Copy. And find yourself. Ezz Yamamoto.

97. The present hobby of our generation is to whine and stupid chatter about anything. Unsuccessful relationships, problems with study, the boss - asshole. This is all complete garbage. If you do not work, that is, only one asshole is you. And you will be very surprised if you find out how much you can change, just taking off the ass from the sofa. George Karlin

98. Do not be different if you can be yourself. Paracels

99. Tomorrow is the first pure sheet of books in 365 pages. Write good book. Brad Paisley

100. What will not be written will never be executed. Tom Clancy

Examples for self-development Can be found everywhere. Just look back. After all, the Buddhists say that every person for us is a teacher. Of course, the paths of self-development are different. But these are just fools learn from their mistakes. And the smart learn on the mistakes of others and examples of other people's achievements.

Cognition yourself, victory over their fears and weaknesses and personal growth. For all this, it is not bad to be guided by someone's experience. Practices, quotes, tips and life stories will help start changing for the better.

For example, quotes. They are collected all millennium wisdom. Wise phrases of great people Always help to understand the essence of what is happening and take the right decision. And then there are assembled and aphorisms of all times and peoples.

Also here are the many wise councils for all occasions. And if earlier, people appealed to the shaman of the tribe or spiritual mentor, now they are looking for answers to their questions in books dedicated to self-development. Following the wise advice, we gain happiness and meaning of life.

A strong motivating factor is an example of achieving a goal to someone else. After all, if he could, what prevents you. Such motivating stories Help believe your own strength and go to the target target. The story knows a huge variety of examples when people implemented their potential while in difficult life situations.

If you do not see your potential or doubt your own abilities - a section about self-development for you.

Develop, and you can become an example for someone else. Remember that you need to educate not a child, and yourself, because the child in any case will grow like you.