Ebar Grigory Rasputin. Wins the one who loves less (Gregory Rasputin and the meaning of our life)

Form Grigory Rasputin became the most mythologized in Russian history. Perhaps none of the famous figures received so contradictory assessments. His personality covered his rumors and legends, sometimes completely implausible. One of the most common myths, actively supported by the press, - hyperSexuality Rasputin. Historians and psychologists tried to figure out how legitimate such statements are right.

Attempts to identify the type of personality Gregory Rasputin were taken at the beginning of the twentieth century. So, a neuropathologist, a psychiatrist, Professor V. Bekhterev argued that "Rasputin - HystericEpileptic. On this basis, possessing an abnormally increased sexual excitability, for a long time it cannot complete a sexual intercourse, which makes it completely at such moments to lose human appearance, to continuously change the sexual partner. It is because of his illness that he does not miss any beautiful woman And many of them use so tremendous success. "

"Everything that is known about Rasputina in this respect," W. Bekhterev wrote, "he said that his strength was in the authority of his nature. In addition to ordinary hypnotism, there are also sex hypnotism, how obviously possessed in high degree Elder Rasputin. "

Psychiatrist and sexologist D. Isaev argues: "If it is impossible to carry out sexual proximity, diffuse eroticism was observed, an endless expansion of attachments to many women. Unsatisfied need to love and be loved pushing him in search of replacement traditional forms Sexual activity. At the same time, he found very original forms of rationalization of his actions under the brand of struggle against a carnal sin. This gave him access to contact with many women and justified his half activity, limited only to the prelude, and, at the same time, attracted new fans, because A moral ban on erotic actions, which, according to the examples of the elder, had exclusively noble and elevated, spiritual goals.

In 2014, the book of Psychiatrist A. Kotsyubinsky and Journalist and the historian D. Kotsyubinsky "Rasputin. A life. Death. Mystery, "in which the authors come to such conclusions:" It was a man with psychological trauma Childhood, with the peculiarities of the moral formation, which led to the development of his exteroid psychopathy as a basic character trait. In addition, it was a person who understands the psychology of the people around him. Therefore, he realized himself well as an individual psychotherapist. His success, first of all, was explained by the fact that he knew how to "debut" people well, that is, consulting. " Perhaps these talents guaranteed him success in women.

The authors of the book come to interesting conclusions: "A detailed analysis of the preserved certificates does not leave doubt: the real Gregory Rasputin was a man with a sharply reduced sexual potency, the whole model of whose behavior was built so as to psychologically overcome this flaw, the more intolerable for the exteroid, thirsty for love for yourself from everyone and all. At the same time, Rasputin sought not to simply compensate - that is, hide - this is its drawback, but to embroider the wedge wedge. Instead of taking into account their sex failure, if possible, it was urged to dose physical intimacy with women, Grigory sought to their total conquest and brought this matter to truly industrial scales, turning his, seemingly fatal psychophysical flaw in the most powerful instrument of sexual expansion. "

The results of studies of psychiatrian scientists and sexologists make it possible to approach the understanding of the true essence of the controversial historical character, although the disputes about it continue until now:

Grigory Efimovich Rasputin

Grigory Efimovich Rasputin

Grigory Efimovich Rasputin remains one of the most mysterious personalities in history. There is still no accurate date of birth and death. Grigory Rasputin had an unlimited influence on members of the royal family, assisted the hemophilus to the heir to the throne. Rasputin died from the hands of conspirators who believed that his actions undermine the prestige of the Russian throne.

For the first time, Gregory Rasputin was heard at the court in 1905. And he appeared in St. Petersburg so. Great Princess Anastasia, Nikolai Nikolayevich's spouse, and her sister Milice went on a mantis in Kiev. Here they stopped at the courtyard of the Mikhailovsky Monastery. At the monastery there lived a wanderer who performed various works. The conversation began, during which sisters found out that Grigory was struck by holy places. Women began to invite Rasputin on tea. They found out that he came from the peasants of the village of Pokrovskoye Tobolsk province, where he had Praskovya's wife, son and two daughters. When Princess heard that Grigory could cure any diseases, including hemophilia, they decided to present it at the court.

Before St. Petersburg, Grigory Rasputin made a walk. In the royal village, he was taken restrained, although there were long disputes on his arrival in the family. He made a pleasant impression on the royal couple, behaved calmly and with dignity. Tsarevich Alexey in his presence was noticeably calmed down, the improvements were observed in his well-being. It was thanks to this gift, Rasputin soon became almost a member of the royal family.

Rasputin provided a magic influence on women. All his admirers can be divided into two groups. Representatives were the first to see in it the manifestation of the Divine Beginner, others would have sought to arrange their future with it.

In response to accusations of weakness to the opposite sex, he invariably said that his wines are not so great, since many high-ranking persons themselves offer him their wives and mistresses in order to achieve the location of the imperial couple. Some fans fell in front of him on her knees and hugged his boots impregnated with tar. Rasputin confessed that it was specially applied a thick layer so that the ladies would be lazy to smell their silk dresses.

The influence of Rasputin on the tsarist coverage turned him into a kind of idol. His audiences were sought for weeks, because even one word Rasputin was enough to make any little careful official daily career. The highest light at that time was the theater in which they put advantageously comedy. Famous artists, all-powerful ministers and gracious princes cared for a simple peasant, as if before them was the heir to the throne. And he perfectly knew how to use the opportunity to use the opportunity and at any convenient case, they scolded them the most obscene words, from which even a barn would be blushed. Everyone was afraid of him and tried to please him. Some ladies kissed his dirty hands and dust boots.

Rasputin was distinguished by unpretentious. Its apartments have almost no furniture, with the exception of several leather chairs. His dates with noble ladies were held in the office. As a rule, these meetings did not occupy a lot of time, as Rasputin could not endure obsessive loving women. The spouse Rasputina came to him only once a year. When she was asked how she belonged to the love of her husband, she invariably answered that he was enough for everyone. She even stolen that her husband, a simple peasant, spends time in the society of high-ranking specials.

Rasputin turned secrets Many life companions famous people, and he knew how to use them in his own interests. Women rarely responded with refusal to his invitations. At first Rasputin conducted a celebrity dinner to some famous restaurant, and then offered to surrender to debauchery. According to the recognition of fellow villagers Rasputin, before departure to St. Petersburg, he collected likes of acute sensations and led to the forest. There they diluted the fire and in huge boilers cooked a guidance potion. Then the participants of the action took dance around the fires. When men and women in this primitive movement came to ecstasy, Rasputin appealed with a call: "obey the flesh!". Then everything in a single impulse rushed to the ground, and Orgy began.

It is now difficult to say how reliable, but the testimony of Colonel Semenov, the bailiff of the 2nd plot of the Sosphevskaya part of Moscow, speak in favor of the above assumption about sexual riotin. Colonel Semenov visited the evening at the Yar restaurant on March 26, 1915. The elder spent time with the Vysova A. I. Reshetnikova, an employee of the Moscow newspapers N. N. Sedov, and another unknown young woman. The present were clearly in a state of deepest alcohol intoxication. Rasputin first danced "Russian", and then empty to spread in the most obscene expressions about the behavior of the queen. It seemed that he was absolutely insane: he exposed his genitals and continued to talk to the singers from the female choir.

The attitude of Gregory Rasputin to women was more than ugly. This is how, for example, describes Ieromona or Odor Meeting from Freillan Empress Alexandra Fedorovna A. A. Taneva (Cubilabova): "We arrived in the marble palace. Rasputin was danced near the cut-down, he pulled his beard with his left hand, and he had enough right by his shoulders, beat his palm on the hips, as if wishing to calm the playful horse. Cubeova stood submissively. He kissed her. I, sinful affair, thought: "Fu, nasty! And as her tender, a beautiful face tolerates these nasty rigid cheeks ... "And Cubeov endured, and it seemed that I would have found some pleasure in these senile kisses ... Finally, Celebov said:" Well, they are waiting for me in the palace; We must go, goodbye, Father Holy ". There was something fabulous here, and if others were told, I would not believe, but I saw himself. Cubeov fell on Earth, as a simple laughing peasant, touched her forehead of both Rasputin's feet, then rose, Grigory kissed three times and kissed his dirty hands and gone several times. "

For Gregory, Rasputin was observed by order of the royal family. Some records made in 1915 show that the elder, despite the age, adhered to a rampant lifestyle: "On February 19, Rasputin at 10 o'clock a 15-minute-in-afternoon came out of the house number 1 on Spasskaya Street from the hacks of the night with two ladies and on Taxi left. He returned home only at 3 am.

10th of March. About 7-8 people arrived at Rasputin's o'clock. The whole company shouted, sang songs, danced, told, and then headed led by Rasputin unknown where.

11th of March. At 10 o'clock 15 minutes, Rasputin met on a pea street and held in the house number 8 in Pushkinskaya Street to a prostitute Tregubova, and from there to the bath.

March 13. Miller bought Rasputin cap. At 6 o'clock 50 minutes in the evening, Rasputin headed with two ladies to house number 76 in the Catherine Canal, to Saveliev, where he stayed until 5 o'clock in the morning and was lying the patient all day.

April 3. Rasputin led to his apartment at 1 o'clock in the morning some woman who spent over him.

April 9th. Rasputin at 9 o'clock 45 minutes was held in the house No. 18 in Sadovaya Street to A. F. Filippov, the former publisher of newspapers "Money" and "Exchange Day". It was noticed that there was some meeting or a feast. Rasputin returned home at 6 o'clock 30 minutes in the morning.

April 15th. Rasputin with Monk Martin was in the house number 45 in ligkey at the honorary citizen V. E. Pestovik. Beyond the lack of the latter, they and his son and an unknown student killed. Played some kind of musician. Songs sang, and Rasputin danced from the maid of Pestikova ... "Next, the story is in the same spirit.

In his native village, Pokrovsky Rasputin surpassed himself. For cleaning conscience, it periodically sent telegrams into the royal village of Cubbly, and at that time was entertained with women who flocked in the village from all seats. It was not important for him, married a woman or not. For example, in the Pokrovskoye to him came from Tyumen the wife of the Patushinsky officer, from which he walked around his yard. When Patushin returned to her husband in Tyumen, she was replaced by a certain volunteer. After multi-day feasts, the whole company went to Patushinsky, where they staged a walk along the street.

You can give examples to infinity. One thing is important: such a person, oddly enough, had an unlimited influence on the distinguished big piousness of the queen. Rasputin inspired her thought that only her one could save Orthodox Russia. The Queen could not do without him when deciding both family and state issues. They were afraid about their relationship in society. Everyone knew that Rasputin himself rarely visited the palace, and saw the Tsaritsa most often at the cut-off.

Naturally, the behavior of Rasputin, and especially its limitless effect on tsarist seven, outraged some representatives of the nobility. They understood that the only way to eliminate Rasputin was to kill him. After a few vain attempts, the group of conspirators managed to accomplish his intended.

Conspiracy was organized by Prince of Yusupov and grand Duke Dmitry Pavlovich. During one private lunch, Rasputin brought cakes impregnated with cyanium potassium. However, after he ate them, the effect did not follow. Then the old man was offered to drink a glass of wine with a poison dissolved in it. There would be enough poison to kill the horse, but he did not affect Rasputin. When the old man asked Yusupov, he went for a guitar, but took the revolver and, returning, shot Rasputin in his heart. He after some time came to life, and only after another four shots, the idle body of the once almighty favorite was thrown into a small sky.

The queen grieved about the elder as a close relative. But ordinary mortals rejoiced by this event, as if the war ran out. Some theologians believe that the murder of Rasputin marked the beginning of the Great Russian Empire. Rasputin himself allegedly wrote in the will that he would kill him noblemen, "the brothers will rise to the brothers and will kill each other ...". But, judging by the behavior of the Russian to know the time when the great princes kissed the dust boots of a simple Russian man, and it was clear that Russia rolls into the abyss ...

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Chapter 7 Gregory Rasputin

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Video: http://www.redmediatv.ru/video.php?id\u003d5490.

December 1920. Improteblem, blizzard. Finnish sleds with long, flexible polls slide thin ice Finnish bay. Two silent Finns pushed sledges. They tremble from the cold poorly dressed women. Finn, going ahead, checks ice, knocking a stick. The procession hits a terrible sound - it is approaching the icebreaker "Ermak". Ice goes cracked, you can not have time to the shore ...
Finns hurry from all his might ... For this work they have paid well. All came ...
Anna gets straight in the snow with unspecified legs in thin socks. Before her eyes, memories fly - luxurious balls in the winter palace, the imperial yacht, the queen in Russian Kokoshnik ...
Anna relies on crutches and drawn somewhere in the starry sky:
- Lord I am an assistant ...

Anna Taneyev was born in the family of Alexander Sergeevich Taneyev, a high-ranking official and composer.
The girl received a good home education, loved to draw, embroider, although no talents were different. She received a teacher's certificate, but he dreamed of becoming Freillan Empress Alexandra Fedorovna. At sixteen years she was taken out - and Anna was delighted with the opportunity to dance on the balls in the Imperial Palace, to build eyes to the officers.
An unexpected illness changes its character. In the hot, she whispers all the prayers who know - and suddenly she sees the face of John Kronstadt. From the last strength she asks parents to bring to the house of the famous elder. He came, Anna recovered and from that moment began to believe in miracles.
A frequent complication after the abdominal typhoid was overweight. The appearance of Taneeva changed, she acquired some merchant fullness and slowness. Anna returns to the palace, where the Empress allocates her among other girls. Taneyev receives the post of Freillan. After several random conversations, the nervous, the studied empress is tied to a calm, soft taneva.
I remember our first conversations at the piano and sometimes before sleep. How little, she opened up her soul, telling me that from the first days of arrival to Russia felt that she was not like ...
In 1907, Anna marks twenty-three, and parents hurry to marry her. Anna is submissive by their will, although she is not interested in married life. She is Platonically in love with the Empress, and all his life is ready to spend next to the royal family.
In her husband, she was chosen by the Sea officer Alexander Celebova. He was contused during the tragic death of the Petropavlovsk warship, and it even added romance to his image.
But in the first marriage night it turned out that Alexander physically did not recover from injuries. All the next year of living together, he often fell into apathy, lying all day and did not leave the house. They lived in a poor apartment in the royal village, all this painted Anna, and she filed for a divorce. But the surname she did not return and remained cutting.
The Empress gave her tables, chairs and tablecloths. Now the lonely cutoff was happy when in the evenings came to her tsarist family. Everyone sat on the chairs, pursing the legs - because from the floor a blow. So the imperial family having fun, playing poverty. The salary of Celebov no longer received, because after marriage lost the post of Freiline. In fact, she became a toy empress:
- I must have a girlfriend! Not everything in the world is sold for money, - Capricianly declared Alexander Fedorovna.
She called Cubage - Big Baby, Little Baby had an heir.
Cubtain accompanies the empress on all trips - both in entertainment, and in charity. In 1912 during his stay in Poland, Zesarevich Alexei occurs a terrible attack. Cubeov, according to tradition, helps the Empress. Then she first faces the witchcraft of the legendary Rasputin.
Grigory Rasputin was far from Poland, sled potatoes in his village. But his telegram with several words of prayer stops bleeding, and Zesarevich gets better in front of the cutting. Her enthusiastic nature finds another idol. She would know how to affect her life Rasputin!
She did not hide adorations at all, which was experiencing to many people. Her worship before Nikolai, the second even caused jealousy in the Empress. At the courtyard whispering about the novel of the emperor and Anna Crowbal. The Empress from these gossip began Nervoy Tick, the muscles of the face were twitching. She even removed the cut from herself for a while, but quickly missed her infinite devotion.
First World War begins.
Anna finishes with Empress Nursing courses. They are selflessly working in the hospital, help with the most terrible operations, cut off limbs.
In 1915, returning home from the hospital by train, Zubruova enters a catastrophe. The locomotive goes off with the rail, tackle behind the wagons. Cubeov breaks both legs and bones of the skull. Doctors are confident that she will not survive, and do not even make a dressing. In her fate, the Empress interferes, she devotedly sits at her bed and ... Of course, it causes Rasputin to her. It is necessary to say that after the silent presence of the "holy trait" of the threat of life passed. Whether this coincidence, hypnosis or self-suggestion, history is unknown. But cutting even more believed by the elder.
After the injury, it remained disabled, and first moved to the catal. Anna communicates a lot with Rasputin, which causes Palace Palace. The Empress, on the contrary, is pleased and, finally, begins to keep cutting, pay her satisfaction from the treasury. The surroundings are confident that Cubeov became a rich woman, but she denies it.
The railway paid her a hundred thousand rubles for disability - a huge amount. Anna, I do not hesitate, builds a hospital for soldiers for all money. She cares about hundreds of patients within two years.
In February 1917, she was seriously ill.
I realized that for Russia now everything is over. The army decomposed, the people morally completely fell, and the horrors that everyone expected us was already prevented.
The loud surname of the cut-off bind with Rasputin's activities, they talk about her as his mistress. Anna returns old surname, Taneyev.
Soon she forces forever for the royal family. By order of Kerensky, it is sharpened in the tubing bastion Petropavlovsk Fortress. Everyday interrogation, humiliation, hunger. It saves only the attitude of ordinary soldiers - many of them were treated in the hospital, which she built for her money.
Anna frees the absence of the composition of the crime - a medical examination showed that she could not participate in the orgy of Rasputin and be his mistress. Taneyev turned out to be a virgin. But the power changes - and they are arrested again. So lasts five times. Between the arrests Anna writes secret letters to an improved Empress.
Your congestion will bring you heaven awards, native, you will walk through the air, surrounded by roses and lilies ...
Oversized Empress will answer her:
But you, my angel, suffered much more! Goodbye.
At the next interrogation, the investigator slipped Anna photographs of royal children and asked everything with a crazy smile:
- Pretty? True, they are nice?
He already knew that the royal family was executed.
As in a terrible dream, very slowly through the entire city, the tired soldier is lucky to the shooting. Many recognize her in the tram, and simple passersby help her. The exhausted woman on the crutches ran away from the armed convoy.
Her hospital was closed in 1918, he did not need a new government.
Anna's mother and sister collected money for secret departure to Finland. In 1920, they are transferred to the Vyborg on Ice Finnish Gulf. It turns out that for all his life, at the court, Anna Taneyev did not accumulate any money, and her jewel was stolen in prison. Mother and daughter live in Vyborg very poorly.
Anna begins to write a book about the royal family. Moreover, it inspired her Maxim Gorky, who became acquainted with her in a short period between two arrests. The book is published in Finland, its sales allow you to somehow exist. But at the same time in Soviet Russia Outputs bestseller - Diary of Cutpiezova. This hoax is attributed to the so-called red graph Alexei Tolstoy. The book written in an entertaining manner, popularly tells about the vicious life of the cut-off at the court, about her connection with Rasputin, with the emperor and other well-known characters. This book creates a myth of the legendary couple - Starta Rasputin and his annuscation of the cutting, intrigue and the German spy.
Anna Taneyeva denied fried facts from this book. During the move on Finnish sledding on thin ice, she promised himself that if he was saved - the monastic san will take.
Since 1920, Anna Taneyev - Inokine Maria, living in the world. Second world War They and mother are worried in Sweden. Queen of Sweden - a relative of the killed empress.
She strongly helps Taneva, remembering, as she loved Alexander Fedorovna.
Last years, Taneyev lived in Finland. Thanks to a close acquaintance with Mannerheim, which has been raised in the royal times, Taneyev receives a small apartment. Her mother dies, and Anna remains with her friend faith, once taken as a maid. There was no money on the salary of Taneva, and the old women began to live together as a girlfriend. At the end of life, they often quarreled, but Anna's confessor, Father John, exhorted Taneyev in his letters and convinced to be tolerable.
She lived eighty years, although in 1930 soviet newspaper True published a message about her death. Taneyev was buried at the Orthodox Cemetery. In Finland, her name is well known, and the books are reprinted at Finnish.
... we often blame the Russians in our misfortune, not wanting to understand that our position is our own hands, and only the greatest suffering and the blood of innocent victims can wash our sins and sins of whole generations ...

Tragic male love

In the autumn of 1916, the young Aristocrat Felix Yusupov, a famous homosexual, marrying the niece of Emperor Irina and confused for several years, decided to "to be able to" in order to somehow comply with his official-maritime status. He turned to Rasputin. "The elder" quite revived to such a suggestion and asked the handsome of the prince to come tomorrow, taking with him a guitar. They began to see almost daily. About how Bisexual Rasputin "treated" Felix from homosexuality, you can only guess. "Well, dear ... You come more often ... That's how closer we can ... go to my office ..." The sophisticated aristocrat Yusupov "Dirty man" Rasputin immediately did not like how a potential sexual partner was deeply unpleasant and caused In it, physiological disgust. Rasputin, on the contrary, immediately loved Felix. Provoking Rasputin to a homosexual pleasant, Yusupov got into his own conclusive trample. It was already impossible to escape from this cap: Felix did not have enough courage to quarrel with an all-breeding royal favorite. Yusupov was close to despair. He turned for help to his friends - the great princes Dmitry Pavlovich and Nikolai Mikhailovich, also to homosexuals. They offered to destroy Rasputin, disguising the sexual murder under political. For this purpose (for disguise) was invited to participate in the conspiracy member of the State Duma Purishkevich. Felix pretended to agree to an intimate date with Gregory, and on the night of December 16 (according to the old style) invited him to his palace. Grigory Schoegolski was injected and at 12 o'clock in the morning went down the black go on the street, where he was waiting for a car with Yusupov. In the basement of the Palace Felix began to treat Grigory Cupcakes with cyanium potassium. Rasputin eating pastries and chatted with his beloved. Then Yusupov went beyond the gun and fired in this devil, who did not take poison. Rasputin fell dead. When Felix leaned over the "corpse", he suddenly grabbed Yusupov for her throat and began to choke. Poor Felix barely escaped. Rasputin ran out of the house and headed for the goal. Following him, Purishevich ran out and four shots from the pistol brought to the end of them almost failed attempt. The Rasputin corpse was taken to the Neva and dropped into the hole. Felix Yusupov was the same person so blindly and passionately loved the Rasputin. His true first and last love. Guides of the Yusupov Palace-Museum say that in the office of Prince, located under the basement, where Rasputin was killed, women are fainted: the power fields left the dead "Holy Devil" continue to operate.

Elena Laktionova. Grigory Rasputin.

Friend of royal family

The conquest of the heart of the Empress Alexandra Fedorovna occurred through Anna Cubage ("Annushka", as Gregory called her), but the main reliable argument in favor of the "Father Grigory" happened later. The heir to the throne, Alexey, suffered from hemophilia (blood disarrantness) - severe and incurable disease. Several times, when Alexey was in death and doctors were powerless, Rasputin alone with a prayer and suggestion was able to save the heir. It immediately made it famous and led to an extraordinary elevation under the royal court. Alexandra Fedorovna began to call him "friend" and guarded as the saint. The king at first tried to resist the Charm of the Siberian Peasant, but was forced to believe in his favorite Alik, too, to believe in the "friend." Gradually, the influence of the "elder" began to go beyond the royal family. No major appointment did without a "friend's" council. No one could hope for a ministerial post if he did not pass the "test" through Rasputin. The way that this "peasant chancellor" tested candidates for the position was simple: Grigory came to the subject, a few minutes stared in his eyes, and on this exam end.

In the company "Rasputin"

But nowhere, the character of Grigory Rasputin did not manifest itself with such a force and brightness, as in Alcove. Undoubtedly, he was one of the most fortunate sexual adventurers in history. To have sex with this unwashed peasant, who had a slopeful beard, greasy hair and dirty hands with "mourning" nails, was something completely new, previously unknown and extremely exciting. The ladies gathered in his apartment and waited in the queue of invitations to his bed, which Rasputin himself called "Holy Saints." Around the "older" there was a rather extensive range of his zealous fans, which included the ladies of the St. Petersburg light and sewers. They guarded him and made a whole retinue, having received the name "Rasputin". Who is given to this God, himself becomes divine, in contact with his body! "- Salga Lochtina stated, the wife of the state counselor. Rasputin became so fashionable and acquired such fame that even the husbands of women with whom he had already slept, did not hesitate to sleep. Before the other that their wives already "were with this incredible Rasputin." Apartment "Elder" in the house 64 in the Gorokhovaya Street, where he lived, turned into a combination of the official office and tritons. From early morning, after a late evening, petitioners crowded in the hallway, and The rooms were arranged noisy feast with abundant recording, often developing in orgy. Almost at any time it was possible to find Rasputin in the hall, surrounded by his "students". One of them was usually sitting on his knees, he stroked her hair and whispered in his ear. Well, about the "mysterious resurrection" and salvation through sin. Then he began to sing, the song was picking up those present. Soon all the wild and mad dance began to dance. Hiking began in the "working office" Grigory, where "Holy Saints" was stood. I removed the Rasputin Lamu from my "working office" usually words: "Well, well, Mother, everything is in order." Not so much damn ...

However, contrary to the general opinion and diversity of myths, real Raspututin was not at all that sexual car he was trying to imagine. On the contrary, he was a man with sharply reduced potency. Grigory himself invariably insisted on his "impassivity" (sexual westing), saying that he was indifferent to what to lean - "to the Baba or Churban". "It came-covered ... passed - it was stopped, comes, he will be swollen and released and there is no sin to me for me, no joy," here is a slightly strange relation to Rasputin to his own sexual attitude. Rasputin really rushed to the conquest as much as possible of women (for "Baby honor will come"), but the "conquest" technology itself looked very peculiar. According to one of his "Rasputin", Grigory - "A completely special person," because it gives a woman "such feelings that our men do not cost anything." What is this supernatural sensation that was unable to give a woman an aristocrat?

Doctor of orodora

The broad "sexual dossier" monk or Odor, who gathered to Rasputin is the former friend, and then an ardent enemy - subdivided by all the victims of his "sexual aggression" into four categories. To the first one, those whom Rasputin only kissed and drove to wash in a bath, to the second - those to whom he was definitely touched, to the third - those of whom Rasputin "expelled the demon", and only the fourth were those with whom Rasputin I committed a sin of a carnal copulation. Women belonging to the first category, or Odorer numbers "hundreds, and in the monasteries of female, where the old man of Grigory loved to peek, do not say them." Representatives of the second group - with whom Gregory "Rada" - also there was a lot. Neither "Radiation", nor the "expulsion of the demon" bodily copies were still not. Rasputin was limited to love affairs in a very wide range, including the "most incredible" of their forms. In exceptional in the variety of shapes of caresses and wound the secret of those "special sensations", which Rasputin her fans and patients beloved. Rasputin himself categorically insisted that he treats women with caressing, and not bodily sootia. "That's what Yarniki Breshut, I live with the queen," Rasputin said to one of his fan. "- And those lying, do not know, there is something like that there is a lot of welfings." Do you think about the queen? "Damn her x ...? "

Caress without Socytia

The scenario of sexual attacks of Rasputin on women was always the same: verbal harassment, kisses, chaotic touch to intimate parts of the female body, breaking clothes, and in the end ... Cold "Monastic Kiss" and passionate joint prayer. If the "victim" began to resist, Rasputin was ready at any time easily stop his, it seemed that there was an unrestrained offensive and generally translate the conversation to another topic. When the situation was placed, Rasputin prepared a woman in advance to the unusual forms of his sexual capture. "Do you know whether you know what life is there? - he inspired the next" student ". - In her caress, she, but only to caress something differently, not as these eryniks are yours. They caress for their own Bodies, and I'm half and for the Spirit, the great strength here. Yes, what a friend I will do it for such a woman, I will give my own ... "I ask: why Rasputin needed to spend so much energy to persuade a woman to" surrender "if He knew in advance that was not able to show himself a full-fledged partner? First, with the help of permanent love games, never ending with a sex act, Rasputin managed to keep a significant number of women's sexually exalted and passionately lovers in him, including Anna Celebulov and Alexander Fedorovna. Secondly, frequent updating of sexual impressions compensated for Rasputin the absence of a full sexual attraction. "Love through the eyes" was generally one of the favorite classes of Rasputin. In addition to sexual games and looking at women, sexual dances were self-chained dances, the ease of execution of which led to even the masters of the imperial ballet, and a complex of sadomasochist experiences. So, when washing his legs, Rasputin forced women to break themselves and distribute devils themselves. "Can there be more humiliation for a woman when she, being naked to full nudity, washes his legs with a naked man." On holidays, Rasputin was very carefully lubricated her tar boots, "" In order for the elegant ladies with congratulations, their silk dresses would be swollen. " When, more sharp sadistic sensations were required, Rasputin resorted to light hands.

Not absolutely impotent

In the list of orodore could not bring any one hundred percently convincing example of a bodily copulation of Rasputin with women. Congratulating only rumors, Iliodore lists 12 "victims of the carnal copulation", and they also cause doubts. Nevertheless, Rasputin was not an absolute impotent. This is confirmed by the presence of children from him (although Gregory was able to produce only the tenth year of family life only on the tenth year). Rasputin, however, there were two actual wife: "Pokrovskaya" Praskovya and "Petersburg" Dunya Bekeshov. But with them, apparently, no complete sexual harmony was observed. "I love everyone equally," Rasputin said about women. But once somehow stated: "Only two women in the world stole my heart - then Cubeov and Sukhomlinov." However, neither one nor other mistresses were not. It was true, a certain person, to which Grigory experienced real blind love. But more on that later. It is hardly with great pleasure than lubricate fruits, Rasputin "healed" men. The homosexual beginning was tasty in it in the young years, when in the Uppero monastery, in a row, the fathers of Sergius and Joseph were not raped in a row. "I'm not going to participate in your perversions!" - Panthetically exclaimed Grigory and rushed outdoor. So he told himself. However, in the future, the homosexual tendency was developed, and the attraction of Rasputin to men was even stronger than to women.


If you judge Gregory Rasputin by photographs, it is difficult to understand how this not too attractive peasant could cause such strong feelings to itself. His long, always squandered hair was carelessly divided in the middle of the sample. On the head above the forehead could be seen a small shoulder formed from the blow when he was beaten. But the most wonderful Rasputin had eyes. Blue, closely delivered, they blinked very rarely and radiated magnetism. Rarely, who kept his heavy, piercing look. This look especially acted on women: impressionable nature under the view of these eyes began to beat in hysterics. The increasing power of Rasputin became dangerous. After the entry of Gregory in the royal family, intrigue began to be plane. The Supreme Petersburg Society suddenly translated, charges and curses began to raise from all sides to Rasputin. People who are concerned about the fate of the empire, tried to get rid of the hated "Holy Dam" at any cost, as Gregory newspaper called, whose fatal influence was attributed to many countries of the country. From Rasputin tried to pay off, attempts were preparing at him, conspiracies were compiled. "Death near me," Grigory said. "She climbs me to me, like a potassium. Already many times I drive her. Therefore, I have my own star." In the summer of 1914, a warless bench was suddenly pounced on Grigory and the soldier Tesacian tried to pull his "male dignity". It was Hyona Gusev, once "offended" Grigory Sifilitichka. Rasputin turned out to be a damaged lower part of the abdomen, but "dignity" remains with it. Rasputin took convulsive attempts to stay afloat, began to drink. In March 1915, being in Moscow, he visited the restaurant "Yar". At first, he told him about his sexual adventures in Petrograd, then he exposed his genitals and stated that she was doing everything with the queen that he wants. " There was an incredible scandal not only to all Moscow, but also to the whole of Russia. Rasputin urgently departed in its Pokrovsky and returned to Petrograd only in the summer.

The scenario of "sexual attacks" Rasputin on women in these cases (that is, when it was originally not about the "joy" or "exile of demon") was always the same: verbal harassment, kisses, chaotic touch to intimate parts of the female body, breaking Clothes, and in the end ... Cold "Monastic kisses and passionate joint prayer. Almost all the "victims who left the memories, with surprise stating the ease with which Rasputin was ready at any time - especially if the woman began to resist - to stop her, it would seem, there would be an unrestrained offensive and translate the conversation to another topic.

Rasputin "sat down on the contrary, putting my legs to himself between the knees, and, leaning, asked:" Oh, you, my dusken, you are honey. Love me. First thing in life love, you understand? "; "... You don't think about it (he showed a shameless gesture about what), all one rotes, the whole virgin, not the virgin ..."; "... Huchut of the time would give ..." However, it was worth the object of the desire to dry out and move to the exit, "Silently ran silently with a hanger with a hanger, my fur coat and, helping me to dress, said Laskovo:" Do not go to Bee, not throne more, joked at the train town ... ""

"Evil Genius": the life strategy of antiquity

It is known: in history, you can enter the front entrance, and you can with black. Those who are included with the parade, are usually called great people, sometimes geniuses. Those who are included with black, "evil geniuses."

One of the first questions from which this book began is - and do they exist, evil geniuses? Maybe they came up with mass culture and art: crazy scientists, dictators dreaming to enslave the world, comic superslodes?

Now, two years later, after the collection of materials on the topic began, it is possible to say the affirmative. Yes, "evil geniuses" exist. But what they paint their literature and cinema, nothing in common has nothing to do with reality.

"The painted face of Rasputin with narrow, then peeping, then hiding eyes greeted on me, winking and hunting, like a sorcerer of the forest fairy tale, he whispered with a voluptuously expanded mouth:" Do I show you? "Someone terrible, mercilessly looked at me from the depths of these almost I have completely hired pupils. And then suddenly the eyes opened, the wrinkles were dealt with, and, looking at me with a gentle look of the wanders, he quietly asked: "Do you look at me so much, a bee?" "And, leaning, kissed the cold monastic flashes."

Another time he "reached rabies ... The abandoned face was granted, it became some flat, wet hair, precisely wool, cosmas shuffled him, and eyes, narrow, burning, seemed to be a glass ... Silent, silently, I I finally decided to resort to the reception of self-defense and, breaking out, retreated to the wall, thinking that he would throw again. But he, staggering, slowly stepped towards me and, Prokherripov: We go pray! - grabbed his shoulder ... I began to beat the earth bows, first silently, then sentenced ... He was pale, the sweat of his streams pulled his face, but he was completely calm and eyes watched quietly and gentle - the eyes of a gray Siberian Wanderer ... And he kissed the impassive monastic lingerie. "

"He slammed the door and went to me, somehow embarrassed his hands ... his eyes were no longer shining inspired, but carnatively grumbled. To me with a semi-mixture smile, a cattle-male embraced by the desire of cattle was approaching. "My love, my joy," he whispered, hardly aware that he says ... I stood indifferent, calm, with a serious face. And when he approached close and hugged me, I did not resist ... He would have brought ... "It would seem, the" cattle-male "reached his goal - and what? "" Bundle? Didn't like? "<...> He raised the curved hands high.<...> The strike did not follow. I opened my eyes. Rasputin sat on the sofa, breathing heavily, all the limit, somehow in Babya, "talked, told my flesh, a frantic wise ..." Then he suddenly jumped off the sofa and on all fours, like a beast, ran up to me, grabbed The hem of my dress and jerked. I screamed ... He brought the heaven to her lips, standing on all fours, like a broken dog, looked at me from below. Then he got up, shook his head, took me by the hand and quickly brought to the dining room. "

Rasputin: Life. Death. Mystery / A. P. Kotsyubinsky, D. A. Kotsyubinsky. - M.: Hummingbird; ABC-Attikus, 2014 -480 p. + Incl. (16 p.). P. 55-57