Analysis "Thick and thin" Czechs. "Fat and thin" main characters

The meaning of the work of A. P. Chekhov "Fat and Thin"

The story "Fat and Thin" wrote Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, who lived in 1860-1904

The raskaz theme was the meeting of two former classmates at the station. Their description immediately becomes clear that the "fat" - a man is rich: he smelled of expensive perfumes and he could afford a dear lunch. The slim appears to be tired passenger, man-made all sorts of boxes and nodes. He had to bear them very much, because there was no money for the porter.

The "fat" and "thin" tie conversation. From it we will learn the names: Mikhail and Porfiry. Thin porphyry, not modest, boasts himself, his wife and son. He started in memories, then began to post news about himself, what happened in his life since school graduation. The son of Porphyrian, who was presented to Mikhail, did not immediately removed the cap to greet the friend of his father, but only a little thought (appreciated whether the rank of Tolstoy's father's father).

Mikhail was really interested in the life of Porphyria, asked him, rejoiced at the meeting. Porphyra himself behaves relaxed and at ease. But when the thin learns that Mikhail is a secret adviser and has two stars, then this ease disappears. He is moving and begins to behave subsequently, calls the old friend "Your Excellency". Michael such behavior is disgusting and incomprehensible. After all, he talked to Porphyria as an old friend, and it was worth saying his rank, so he immediately humiliates him. Thick is trying to object to thin: "What is this kind of soching?". But thin only nasty giggles. Then Mikhail turned away from Porphyria and filed a hand for goodbye.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe story is as follows: do not rush to braggard before those who have achieved more, but also should not be humiliated in front of him. When you speak with an old friend, which occupies a high rank, you need to talk to him with something with a friend, and not as a boss.

In the work of Chekhov, the "thick and thin" analysis is impossible without certain knowledge of the era in which the writer lived and worked. In the 6th grade, students are still not familiar with the work of A. P. Chekhov, and in literature lessons may need additional information when analyzing the work. All necessary information is contained in our article: composition, theme and idea, plot and genre, the history of creation and criticism.

Brief analysis

Year of writing - 1883 year.

History of creation - The story was written at the end of the 19th century "on the angry of the day," affects the most acute problems of society. The plot is taken by a writer from a situation or history of a close environment, rethought and artistically processed.

Subject - pleasing, kindness, slave thinking and worldview.

Composition - Chekhov "Thick and thin" has a classic composition with a small feature: the tie and development of events is more common, climax and the omission are concise, dynamic and especially expressive.

Genre - Story.

Direction - Critical realism.

History of creation

In 1883, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov wrote a story "Fat and Thin". The very name of the work gives a hint of chance, which means that the generalization of the images of the main characters. What served as the basis of the plot is more unknown, perhaps the case of a writer or told in literary circles an anecdical situation. It is important that the realism of the plot is quite justified. Chekhov as a doctor saw all the diseases of the modern society and tried to open and promulgate the problem, thus healing people from the terrible defects.

It is known that in the draft version, the thick was the direct chief of thin and accidentally guilty before him. In the final version former friends Childhoods are not related by official relations, however, thin leads before Tolstoy "in habit", and not from necessity. Critics perceived the story positively, he was favorably adopted and noted, as a decent "artistic reflection of the vices of society." The name of the story was built on antithesis, antonyms-adjectives express the absolute opposite of the heroes of the work not only physically, but also spiritually. Topic and idea The story is interrelated and practically identical: the slave living in each of us should be defeated by us. It is in this that, according to literature, the essence of the Chekhov work.


The analysis of the work allows the following conclusions: the author conventionally denotes the society "thin" and "thick". "Thin" gets to high ranks, this is their familiar system of relations with the world, they do not represent other interaction with people. The essence of their life is to share people on the highest and lower.

"Tolstaya" used to living simply and easily, not looking around on others, not noticing the ranks and posts, they see people. Life was too favorably to them and gripped healthy relationships with society. Chekhov emphasizes that once both main characters were children, they lived carefree and were equal to each other. They refused, having fun and had the same opportunities in society.

It was the service hierarchy that made a subtle morally "unhealthy" man. And he raised his child and instilled his wife his slavep views. To understand what the story teaches, it is enough to pay attention to the ending of the narration. The basic idea - Cause disgust for rubaxing and pleases as the lowest ideology in the world. A lawsuit suggests itself: all people are different, but self-esteem is the basis of personality.


The composition of the story is traditional for a small genre. Analysis of the text "Fat and thin" in terms of the composite structure is low, but has a number of significant moments.

A feature of the composition is that the tie and development of events occupy most of the volume of the narrative, and the climax and the disconnement are dynamic as a shot.

All the work is built on contrast, and not only the images of the main characters. If at the beginning the author tells about the tasty breakfast of Tolstoy, then in the end it comments on the condition of the character (from the expression of the face of thinned it). The work is built on the dialogue of two comrades with the inclusions of the description of the facial expressions of the characters. Occasionally, the images of the wife and the son of thin, which change their behavior in accordance with the new facts that pop up in the conversation process.

main characters


Chekhov story is something more than the standard text of a small volume with one storyline. It was Anton Pavlovich that made this genre legendary. In addition, the story of Chekhov is an amazingly instructive genre, morality is always on the surface, there is no hidden meaning. To understand the work, it is enough just to familiarize yourself with the text.

Language analysis of the story of A.P.hekhova "Fat and thin"

In grade 6.

Teacher of Russian language and literature MBOU Lyceum №8

Watching Natalia Georgievna

A.P.hekhov believed that a short story was designed to increase the activity of the reader, to help ensure that the reader himself adds a subjoint author. I put this task before studying at the lesson.

One of the program works of A.P.hekhov, which is studied in grade 6, is the story "Fat and thin". So that the sixth graders understand its meaning, I spend a study lesson. Lesson Building Each teacher thinks as a rule, individually, so I will stop in those language features that students themselves can see, i.e. Find the "Zakvask, on which images and ideas go."

How does the writer creates funny images, what language techniques help him in this? E.A. Gazeta rightly noticed that the "essence of the comic effect created by the language of the language consists in intentional violation of the adopted method of expression, in the creation of a contradiction between the generally accepted system of expression and this (" speech reception ")". This contradiction can manifest itself in different ways, creating a manifold speech techniques comic One of these techniques may be metaphorization of words and expressions.

Analysis of the text is starting from the name, which is based on lexical antonyms. Please choose nouns to them: Fat - thin (stick, thread, hair, etc.). But in the story we are talking about people, and usually in such cases they say: fat - thin. What filling takes the word "thin" in context? Synonyms are given to this adjective to make sure that it is multi-valued (the guys themselves call possible values) and carries a certain characteristic, evaluation. Therefore, "fat" and "thin" perceived as contextual antonyms. This turns out that we ask the definitions "thick" and "thin" we ask the question of who?, Consequently, they already appear in the role of nouns (here it is appropriate to say about the expressive possibilities of word formation during the transition of words from one part of speech to another). I draw the attention of children to the fact that the copyright text is completely small, but how much can be recognized from it.

The opposition, marked in the title, in the first five sentences is increasing, and it becomes clear that the financial situation, the welfare of our heroes is also contrasting. We prove it with epitheet, metaphors and comparison: at the thick "lip .., terrified by oil, gone like ripe cherries"; Thin "was naviden Suitcases, nodes and cartons. " Strengthens the impression and description of the wife of the thin, in which we meet context synonyms for the word "thin" - " slender», « a long».

Since the story is almost completely dialogic, we analyze the speech of thick and thin, but do not forget about the author's text that helps us better understand the meaning of what is happening.

Of course, children immediately note the abundance of exclamation, question purposes; they are predominantly monastery, unpropered; They have a lot of interjections (" batyushki, "Ah you, Lord", "Ho-ho", "Well, yes, God with him"), amplifier particles ( here, the same) and, of course, appeals, funny and touching at the same time ("Darling", "childhood friend", "my dear", "Friend"). All these are characteristic features of the speech style. Friends call each other by name, turn to "you", use purely spoken vocabulary ("Well", "Probably", "Pretty", "Papiroma", « excellent Portsigars "), phraseologism ("How many winters, how old!") We understand that due to this there is a feeling of sincere joy from the unexpected meeting of two former classmates. Therefore, the author's phrase "Both werepleasantly stunned " It is understood by us in the literal sense. It is necessary to pay attention to reints in speech thin. Why does he twice mentions that his wife, "Banzesbach, Lutheran"? Probably, this is a peculiar subject of his pride, approves success in life. But after the message of Tolstoy about his rank, everything changes dramatically, and we again see the contrast, opposition. The words of the author are extremely expressive here. In one paragraph you can see metaphors ("Face twisted", the subtle "petrified", "narrowed")), and impersonation (suitcases, nodes, cards "They roused, frowned"), and lexical repeat ("He himself rushed", suitcases, nodes, cartons "settled"), and hyperbole ("The long chin of his wife became even longer"), and graduation ("Knitted, burned, narrowed"), and transformation of phraseologism ("From his face and eye sparks fell". Compare: "From the eye sparks fell"). Each word here helps to create a bright, memorable image, understand the entire gamut of the feelings of thin. And how it changes his speech! Starting from the honorable appeal "Your Excellency"(3 times), verbs used in a plural ("Released", "Mile"), derogatory particle ("Nice-s", "Velmazzhi-C", "You-C"), which is even present in patterned like laughter thin ("Hee-chi-s")up to a large number introductory wordsindicating not only the confusion of thin, but also in the loss of ability to think at all (just read the phrase "wife Louise, Lutheranka, in some way") And build a proposal with completed meaning (" The gracious attention of your Excellency ... it seems like a livic moisture ... "). In addition, after each "dangling" phrase dots. It is easy to imagine how thin intercepts breathing, he painfully looking for a word that has changed the word, so that somehow it is not to break the subordination: after all, before him - a secret adviser, two stars.

The guys notice at first glance a strange discrepancy: "Slim on the face was written so much ... sweets and respectful acids ..." It is nothing more than an oxymoron. He helps us understand why Tolstoy at the form of such an expression of the face of thin "stuck" (this is also a metaphor). At the end of the story, it is completely different, already familiar to us and a bit changed phrase " All three (here is already thin, his wife and son) were pleasantly stunned" The word "nice" gives an ironic-satirical sound not only to this sentence, but also the meeting of two former friends.

Thus, a detailed analysis language MeansUsed by A.P. Chekhov in the story "Fat and Thin", allowed students to understand the author's plan, characterize heroes, identify the originality of Chekhov satire and how to create a comic effect.

The story "Fat and thin" (1883) belongs to early period Creativity A. P. Chekhov. The story is very small in volume, as it is written extraordinitively and concentrated. A recognized master, Chekhov knew how to "briefly talk about long things." At the same time, the author's position in the story is intentionally not accented - the reader himself can draw conclusions on the basis of read.

The genre of the work is a story written in the best traditions of critical realism. The story is clearly shown by the features of the individual writer style Chekhov: fast development plot, conciseness, attention to expressive details, the accuracy of the language.

Problematics story

The story of Chekhov shows the dependence of people from the social status occupied and related stereotypes of thinking.

The author with a subtle humor inherent in him makes fun of people reptiles to his position. The main object of ridiculous is a small official, serving when no one forces it to this. Chekhov truthfully and mercilessly draws a picture of the world of "thin", the world of slave psychology. Tragism lies in the loss of their "me", loss of personality.

Features of the story composition

The work is distinguished by an extremely brief expositionexpressed by one sentence. Even from it you can make two outputs. Firstly, the writer uses the antithesis, saying that one friend is fat, the other is thin, this is already opposing their friend. Secondly. Nikolaevskaya railway connected Moscow and Petersburg; Its main passengers were officials. It can be assumed that the story will be discussed. Stronger Serves an unexpected meeting of two childhood friends - Mikhail and Porphyria.

Development of action Includes the first sincere joy of recognition, and general memories of childhood, and questioning about life. Culmination The works are the moment when the "thin" learns that the "fat" has a rank of a secret advisor. In witness junction The behavior of the "thin" and his family changes dramatically. "Thin" begins to appreciate in front of "Tolstoy": the appeal to "you" is replaced by "your Excellency", a high style ("gracious attention") appears in the speech of Porphyria). A special reception of the writer - unfinished suggestions - as if it allows you to hear how the breath of "thin" is interrupted. The "Tolstoy" situation is annoying, and he hurries to part with the Slim family.

Character system

A distinctive feature of the story - deposit psychological characteristics Heroes. Relations between the main characters are "Tolstoy" and "thin" - are based on the opposition of two heroes.

In the narrative there is no description of the appearance of heroes, however, with the help of expressive strokes, Czechs created bright images, showing the place of each character in life. The author emphasizes the social difference in childhood buddies with the help of odors: from the "Tolstoy", having bought the station in the restaurant, smelled "Jerez and Fleur-D" Orange ", from" thin "-" ham and coffee dense ".

In the second part of the story, the internal conflict is enhanced. The writer reveals it through the opposition of the Mimici of Heroes - "Fat" "frowned", while "the slim pale, passed," "cringe, burned, narrowed." "Tolstoy" remains the same appeal to Porphyria on "You", and the "thin" appears "you" - "that you are ...".

The introduction of secondary characters of his wife and son "Thin" helps the author fully reveal the characteristics of the nature of porphyria.

Analysis of stylistic features

The story is written in artistic style using elements spoken style.

Revealing the character of heroes with a contrast image, Czechs widely use a variety of stylistic techniques: antonyms, comparisons, metaphors, alliteration, syntactic antithesis, multiple repetition of the Union "A".

Throughout the story, the speech of heroes is changing: at the beginning of the story, the author puts the heroes in the mouth of the heroes, "Batyushki"), which is replaced by the second part of the official-business appeal.

As a doctor, as a writer, as a person, Czechs open in their work spiritual diseases of society, calling for "dropping a slave from himself."

  • Analysis of the story of A.P. Chekhov "Ionch"

The main characters of the story "Fat and thin" Anton Chekhov is completely different in status, behavior, lifestyle.

"Fat and thin" main characters

  • Mikhail - Thick
  • Porphyry - Slim

Minor characters

  • Nathanail - Son Porphyrian
  • Louise - wife Porphyria

« Fat"- A man is rich: he smelled of expensive perfumes and he could afford a dear lunch.

Thin It appears to be tired passenger, man-made all sorts of boxes and nodes. He had to bear them very much, because there was no money for the porter.
The "Tolstoy" and "thin" tie a conversation. From it we will learn the names: Mikhail and Porfiry.

Thin porphyry, not modest, boasts himself, his wife and son. He started in memories, then began to post news about himself, what happened in his life since school graduation. The son of Porphyrian, who was presented to Mikhail, did not immediately removed the cap to greet the friend of his father, but only a little thought (appreciated whether the rank of Tolstoy's father's father).
Mikhail was really interested in the life of Porphyria, asked him, rejoiced at the meeting. Porphyra himself behaves relaxed and at ease. But when the thin learns that Mikhail is a secret adviser and has two stars, then this ease disappears. He is moving and begins to behave subsequently, calls an old friend "Your Excellency". Michael such behavior is disgusting and incomprehensible. After all, he talked to Porphyria as an old friend, and it was worth saying his rank, so he immediately humiliates him. Thick trying to object to thin: "Why is it a kind of kind?". But thin only nasty giggles. Then Mikhail turned away from Porphyria and filed a hand for goodbye.