Kuzma was glad. Arrange the offers so that you get the text

arrange the propositions so that you get the text. Title. It was autumn. At noon, someone knocked on the door. Kuzma was freezing in bed, sick, and it was pouring rain outside the window. The boys took off their coats and came into the room. Friends came. Kuzma was glad.


Friends. It was autumn. It was raining outside the window. Kuzma was in bed sick. At noon someone knocked on the door. Friends came. The boys took off their coats and came into the room. Kuzma was glad.

Joy. It was autumn. Kuzma was sick in bed. It was raining outside the window. At noon someone knocked on the door. Friends came. the boys took off their coats and came into the room. Kuzma was glad.

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Topic: The designation of the softness of consonants in writing with letters. Working with text.

Objectives: 1) To improve the ability of students to indicate the softness of a consonant with vowels and soft

2) To form students' ability to establish the sequence of sentences in the text.

3) Form students' ability to select a title for the text.

4) Enrich the vocabulary of children with words-names of qualities and properties of a person.

5) To form the skill of beautiful, competent writing in schoolchildren.

6) Develop speech, thinking of students.

7) Form students' ability to work together, in groups.

Equipment: writing on the board: letters for a minute of calligraphy, vocabulary words, text; cards with words-names of qualities and properties of a person; textbook; cards for students "+", "-"; cards with suggestions; sheet of white paper A-4.

Grade 1, EMC "School of Russia", textbook V. P. Kanakina, V. G. Goretsky "Russian language" p. 75



Russian lesson summary

Subject: The designation of the softness of consonants in writing with letters.

Work with text.

Objectives: 1) To improve the ability of students to indicate the softness of a consonant with vowels and soft


2) To form students' ability to establish the sequence of sentences in the text.

3) Form students' ability to select a title for the text.

4) Enrich the vocabulary of children with words-names of qualities and properties of a person.

5) To form the skill of beautiful, competent writing in schoolchildren.

6) Develop speech, thinking of students.

7) Form students' ability to work together, in groups.

Equipment: writing on the board: letters for a minute of calligraphy, vocabulary words, text; cards

With words-names of qualities and properties of a person; textbook;

Cards for students "+", "-"; cards with suggestions; sheet of white paper A-4.

Grade 1, EMC "School of Russia", textbook V. P. Kanakina, V. G. Goretsky "Russian language" p. 75

During the classes

I Organizational moment.

The long-awaited call is given, the lesson begins.

Guys, check if you are ready for a Russian lesson. On your desks, you should have a textbook, diary, stand, pencil case, notebooks: work and printed, a dictionary.

Today we have guests in class, look at them, smile. Look at each other, smile too.

Sit down.

We have a Russian lesson. And what do we learn in the Russian language lesson?

II A minute of calligraphy.

Now we are with you and set your hands on the letter. Look at the blackboard.

On the desk:


What do you see on the board?

What are these letters?

Which letter is superfluous?


How to name the rest of the letters in one word?

But how are all these letters still alike? (Indicates the softness of the preceding consonant.)

Write these letters beautifully in your notebooks to the end of the line in this sequence.

(Students write letters in their notebooks.)

III Message of the topic of the lesson.

Today in the lesson we will continue to learn to indicate the softness of consonants in writing.

IV Work on the topic of the lesson.

On the desk:

cards with the words "POLITE B "," greed "," cruelty "," modesty "," evil "," courage "," cowardice "," neatness "

Read the words.

What do they call? (Human qualities.)

What is common in the spelling of words?

You and I know that people have good qualities, but there are not quite good ones.

You each have cards on their desks with "+" and "-" signs. Whoever has a “+” card is chosen and written out good human qualities, and who has a “-” card - they choose and write out the qualities of not very good people.

You will write qualities with a red line separated by commas.

(Students choose and write words for themselves.)

Check with each other if your deskmate completed the task correctly, if you wrote out different words, if any words coincided. Who will check, put your hands together.

(Pupils test by working in pairs. Connect and raise their hands in a "house".)

Now let's divide these words into two columns on the board.

(Distribution of words in two columns on the board.)

Guys, you need to strive to have good qualities.

V Physical culture minute.

Now let's rest a little and stretch our fingers.

"How are you…"

(Lead by the teacher.)

Finger charger

(Conducts the student at the blackboard.)

VI Dictionary work.

On the desk:

the words "TEACHER"



Read the words on the board.

What are these words called? (Dictionary words.)

Do the words fit the topic of our lesson today?


Who remembers what the word "notebook" means? (Stapled sheets of blank paper.)

Which of them does not fit the other two in meaning?


Make a sentence with these two words.

(The teacher writes 1 sentence on the blackboard, the students write it off.)

And now, in this sentence, we emphasize with two lines the letters that denote a soft consonant sound.

(Students "chain" name letters for a soft consonant sound.)

And now we will compose a text in which we will encounter the word "COAT".

VII Working with text.

Open the tutorial on page 75 and find exercise 9.

Read the sentences.

(Students read sentences in a chain.)

Do these sentences form text? (No.)

Why? (Sentences are not related, not sequential.)

What do you need to do to compose the text?

Which offer will be the first?

Why should you put it first? (It talks about the time of the year in which the action takes place. The author introduces the situation.)

Find the card in your groups where this sentence is written and put it down first.

(Students find this sentence and place it on the desk.)

Now, in the groups, establish a sequence of other sentences. Work together, listen to the opinions of each member of the group.

(The teacher repeats the rules for group work.)

On the desk:

* Make sure everyone is in the conversation.

* Speak calmly and clearly.

* Speak only to the point.

(Students compose the text by working in groups.)

Let's check what you got.

(Each group reads one sentence at a time, the teacher opens them on the board.)

On the desk:


It was autumn. It was raining outside the window. Kuzma was sick in bed. At noon, someone knocked on the door. Friends came. The boys took off their coats and went into the room. Kuzma was glad.

Did you manage to work in groups?

What is this text about?

How can it be titled?

Did you help each other in class today?


VIII Lesson summary.

What else did you learn in the lesson today?

What did you like in the lesson?

What caused you trouble?

Thank you all for Good work at the lesson!

Lesson topic: Restoring text with out-of-order sentences.


Develop oral and written speech, creativity, mutual appraisal and self-esteem;

To teach how to format texts (heading, paragraph, etc.);

Try to restore the deformed text in its individual parts, by correctly arranging sentences in the text and words in a sentence, changing the form of a word, placing punctuation marks.



The long-awaited call is given

The lesson begins.

Quietly the girls sat down at their desks,

Quietly the boys sat down at their desks,

And they looked in the notebook.

    A minute of calligraphy.

Conducts vocabulary work... Organizes work with the textbook in the field and at the blackboard. He is working on riddles, the answers to which are words, in the middle and at the end of which there is b.

Write down a letter

What is it called?

What do you know about the letter?

(B - sign - an indicator of the softness of the preceding consonant

Does not sound)

This is what the letter is for - the helper. Who does not know how to talk herself. It is not readable, but it helps all the consonants that need it. Together with it, the consonants are read softly.

She is ranked 30

Let's draw a soft sign

Gently a drop, like this.

The drop will soften the letter,

The word will sound softly.

B) - Guess those riddles, write the answers.

I walked through the meadows, through the forests, through the fields.

She prepared supplies for us.

She hid them in the cellars, in the bins.

Said: "For me will comewinter ».

To walk in the fall

It takes a long time to wear

Boots, socks, mittens, handkerchiefs.

And I will also wear that, of coursecoat.

But it doesn't get into the house.

And I'm not going anywhere

As far as he goes. (Rain.)

I know people - darkness,

I can't count them myself

Because who will pass

He will shake my hand too. (Door.)

Write down the answers.

Look at the words. What groups can they be divided into (cannot be transferred, dictionary)

Writing words: autumn



a door

How are these words similar?

What is the difference?

(B is a sign at the end, in the middle of a word)

How is a soft consonant indicated in writing? (B-sign)

II. Lesson topic message.

Who guessed what the topic of the lesson was?

What goals will we set for ourselves?

Write words with a soft sign;

Find words with a soft sign in the text;

Write words and sentences;

Please open your notebooks, let's write down the number for Swami, great work.

The little animal is jumping

Not a mouth, but a trap

Will fall into the trap

And a mosquito and a fly. (Frog.)

A frog galloped up to us. She just can't find a place to sleep.

2. The stage of building a project for overcoming difficulties .

Organizes work with the textbook on page 91 exercise 10.

(Provides a commentary on the performance of the benchmark exercise.)


Let's rest, got up for a physical minute.

There are two girlfriends in the swamp

Two green frogs

Early in the morning we washed,

Rubbed themselves with a towel,

They stomped with their feet

They clapped their hands

Right, left leaned

And returned back.

4. The stage of building a project to get out of the difficulty.

1. Work with the textbook on page 91 Exercise 10. (Provides a commentary on the exercise with the check against the standard.)

Purpose: Today we will learn how to write a text.

Look at the picture on page 91.

Let's read the sentences below the picture.

1. It was autumn.

2. Someone knocked at noon.

3. Kuzma was sick in bed.

4. It was raining outside the window.

5. The boys took off their coats and went into the room.

6. Friends came.

7. Kuzma was glad.

Who are these sentences talking about? (About Kuzma, about his friends.)

Do you think this is text? (No, because sentences in the text should be related in meaning.)

With the help of the teacher, the sentences are arranged in the text.

How are we going to establish order?

Let's repeat the rule of writing the text. (P. 4 endpaper)

5. The stage of the completed project implementation. (Working with an electronic board. Disk.)

- Let's find the 1st, then, the one that should come after him.

Where do we start?

Why exactly from this?

Let's help Kwaku in this.

Read each sentence in order.

6. Stage of primary reinforcement with pronunciation in speech.

Now let's read our text:

What have you noticed? (It turned out to be beautiful, understandable.)

Read the title of the text. (It is not.)

What title can we come up with for this text? (Friends.)

Who is this text about?

What is the main idea of ​​the text. (Friends.)

In order for the frog on the other bank to go into hibernation, it is necessary to beautifully, correctly write down the text in parts.

It was autumn.

It was raining outside the window.

Kuzma was sick in bed.

At noon, someone knocked on the door.


We stamp our feet

We clap our hands,

We nod our heads.

We raise our hands

And then we spin.

We stamp our feet

We clap our hands

We nod our heads.

We will spread our hands

And let's run around.

Add sentences # 5, # 6, # 7.

Read what you have done.

What are the words with the soft sign?

Check their spelling.

Friends came.

The boys took off their coats and went into the room.

Kuzma was glad.

Write down sentences in notebooks.

7. Stage independent work with verification against the standard. (Electronic board.)

8. The stage of inclusion in the system of knowledge and repetition.

Let's consolidate the knowledge about the meaning of the soft sign at the end and in the middle of a word.

Soft sign, Soft sign

You can't do without it.

If we forget

A soft sign in words to write.

A soft sign is a tricky sign

Do not say it in any way.

It is not pronounced

But the word is often asked.

9 stage of reflection learning activities ... (Organizes a generalizing conversation on the topic. Conducts a reflection of educational actions. Gives an emotional assessment of the work of students.)

What did we talk about in the lesson today?

Who will answer me: what is text?

What did you like in the lesson?

If everything worked out for you and did not have any difficulties, clap your hands 3 times, if something did not work out for you or there were difficulties, then raise your right hand.

10. Lesson summary: - What did we learn today?

What new have you learned?
