Separating soft sign to indicate the softness of consonants. When is b written to indicate the softness of consonants? A

In Russian and some other languages ​​there is an unusual letter - a soft sign. It is surprising in that it does not mean sound. Why is such a letter needed and what role does it play in the word - you will find the answers to these questions in our article.

Three functions of the soft sign

A soft mark in a word can perform three functions :

  • Indicate the softness of the previous consonant ( spruce, herring, area).
  • "Separate" the consonant and the following vowel Е, Е, Ю, Я, И (in foreign words also О) ( drink, whose, sparrow, chevalier, pour, broth).
  • Help identify a part of speech and its grammatical features ( ink - feminine, ink - masculine).

In different places of the word, this letter performs different functions.

The soft sign is never written after a vowel, letter Y and after a prefix, as well as at the absolute beginning of a word.

Soft sign for softening

The most common softening soft sign. It serves to show that the previous consonant is soft. Such a letter can appear both at the end of a word, and in the middle: bunch, tracing paper, Anka... Let's consider these cases.

Soft sign for softening at the end of a word

The designation of the softness of consonants using a soft sign at the end of a word is possible only if the preceding consonant is not hissing. Indeed, all hissing ones are either permanently hard and it is impossible to soften them, or they are always soft - then a soft sign is superfluous.

In other words, a soft sign is written at the end of words where a soft consonant is heard, unless this consonant is hissing and Y.

Let's give examples: stump, drumstick, wormwood, drops, huntsman, backwater.

Soft sign between two consonants

A soft sign before a consonant written in several cases.

  • After [l '] always: celt, cartoon, high chair
  • In the middle of the numbers: fifty, eight hundred.
  • Before a hard consonant, as well as before a soft one, if, when the word changes, this consonant becomes hard, while the previous one remains soft: polka, polka, bathhouse, bathhouse.
  • In adjectives formed with the suffix -sk-, a soft sign is placed only in those formed from the names of the months, with the exception of the January one. Examples: Kazan, January, but October.

Soft sign not written in combinations of CHK, CHN, NCH, NSCh and some others: donut, swing, handkerchiefs, mason.

In the word, the Manchu soft sign is written, although it turns out to be in a combination of low frequencies.

What have we learned?

A soft sign for softening is written at the end after paired soft consonants, as well as in the middle of a word after [l '], in numerals, after soft before hard (and before soft if it becomes hard when the word changes), in adjectives before -sk- ; there are exceptions.

A soft sign is a tricky sign.

Not to name it in any way.

It is not pronounced

but the word is often asked.

The soft sign does not indicate a sound; the soft sign indicates that the consonant sound in front of it is pronounced softly: coal


1.Write off. Insert b where it should be.

Our family is friendly. Here is this cucumber seed. The antlers of the deer are beautiful .. I am. Deer ... and the horns of the road. It will rain soon .. floor .. no. Birds gathered ... in flight. Sol..yu soup sal..yu.

2. Read. Divide the words into two groups. Write the words in a column in pairs. How do the words in the left column differ from the words in the right?

Chalk, take, eat, stranded, spruce, eat, eat, corner, chorus, coal, ferret, brother Sample: chalk - stranded.

3. Make a chain of words in which each subsequent word begins with the last letter denoting the sound of the previous word. In all words, there should be fewer sounds than letters.

Underline all letters that indicate the softness of consonants.october, deer, notebook.

Sample: detail - swan - day - zero - horse - dolphin - thread - seal.

4. Read the word strings. Eliminate the unnecessary in them. Justify the answer. Write the remaining words in the chains from memory. Underline the spelling.

oak, tree, alder, poplar, birch; rain, snow, precipitation, frost, hail; second, hour, year, day, week.

6. Read. Write the sentences in order of increasing number of words with a soft sign at the end and in the middle of the word. Insert the missing letters.

Small..chiki sk..l..zyat on l..du on k..n..kah. The squirrel ... hid ... in the thick spruce ... niche. On the in..dnelis .. there is little .. what a beast..ka.

Test yourself.

1. In which line are all words in which b (soft sign) denotes only the softness of consonants:

a) stump, nightingales, blizzard, carrots;

b) coals, animals, skates, beans;

c) blizzard, happiness, ants, housing.

2. In which line are all words written with a separating soft sign:

a) days, porch, take, miller;

c) friends, streams, foxes, jam.

3. Modify the words according to the given pattern. Sonya - Sophia.

Natasha - ... Dasha - ... Tanya - ... Lusha - ... Ilyusha - ... Ulya - ...

4. Put the words in the plural.

Friend - ... brother - ... link - ...

Wood - ... branch - ... feather - ...

Leaf - ... ear - ... twig - ...

5. Modify the highlighted words so that they indicate the attribute of the subject.

Horns deer - …

skin proteins- …

paw hare- …

den bear - …

6. Make and write down a proverb from these words.

Without, scholar ... I, clever ... I, no.

7. Pick up opposite words for these words.

Work - idleness disease - ... boredom - ... enemies - ... harm - ...

8. Choose the words that are close in meaning to the given words.

Friends - friends blizzard - ... home - ... grief - ... blizzard - ...

Test "Soft sign to indicate the softness of consonants."

1. Indicate the word in which b is written.
1) step ... ka
2) can ... tick
3) sad ... tit
4) girls ... ka

2. Indicate a word that does not contain b.
1) chip ...
2) chick ... chick
3) bell ... chick
4) write ... mo

3. Indicate the word in which b is written.
1) with ... it gets dark
2) gender ... for
3) predator ... nickname
4) read ... ti

4. Indicate a word that does not contain b.
1) mos ... teak
2) Ol ... ha
3) big ...
4) re ... my

5. Indicate the word in which b is written.
1) news ...
2) women ...
3) post ...
4) throw ... those

6. Indicate a word that does not contain b.
1) can ... mu
2) gave ... niy
3) tone ... she
4) daughter ... ka

7. Indicate the word in which b is written.
1) hvos ... teak
2) light ... ki
3) accurate ...
4) wine ... teak

8. Indicate the word in which b is spelled.
1) sandy
2) guests
3) bang ... chick
4) on the train ... de

9. Indicate a word that does not contain b.
1) appell ... syn
2) Kos ... cha
3) den ... ki
4) get up ... those

10. Indicate the word in which b is spelled.
1) thunderstorms ... di
2) vegetable ... noah
3) here
4) l ... dy

Speech therapy lesson held with younger students 1 - 3 classes.

Purpose: to teach children to hear hard and soft sounding of consonants.

Course of the lesson

1. Organizational moment

The bell invites us to the lesson.

Everyone learns something new in the lesson.

2. Consolidation of the passed material.

Task 1. Pairs of words are written on the board.

Kon - horse, camp - stand, steel - steel, corner - coal.

Speech therapist. Guys, read a couple of words. Tell me how these words differ in writing.

Students. In each pair of words, three times are written with the letter b at the end.

Speech therapist. Are there any other differences (lexical, semantic, articulatory) of these pairs of words?

Students. These words differ in meaning.

Speech therapist. This means that we can conclude: the soft sign not only softens the consonant after which it stands, but also changes the meaning of the words.

Task 2.

Speech therapist. Listen to the words and name only those consonants in them that sound soft.

Bitter, flogging, dawn, crust, Kiryan, hole, weeds, wheatgrass, Veerka.

The students take turns answering.

Task 3.

Speech therapist. Guys, listen to the words. Compare them in meaning, sound and spelling.

Bulka - Bulka, shelf - polka, corners - coals.

Students. These words are different in meaning, but similar in spelling and differ only in b in the middle of the word.

Task 4.

Speech therapist. Listen to the words. Name the consonants in them that sound soft.

Bitter, soapy, painful, coat, polka, slice, dusty.

Task 5.

Speech therapist. Read carefully, rewrite the sentences in the notebook, where necessary, put a soft sign.

Steam was coming from the soup ... - For a long time my legs are not steam ...

Misha ate a pear ... - Ate growing in the forest ...

It's time to paint .. the roof. - The painter is painting .. the roof.

The boat sat down on chalk .. - Here is a board and chalk ..

Task 6.

Speech therapist repeats spelling rule b sign:

The soft sign denotes the softness of the consonant: horse, herring, boy.

When hyphenating a word, you cannot separate the soft sign from the letter in front of it: teacher-student, school-student.

Speech therapist. Now I will dictate words, and you write them down and divide them with a vertical line into syllables.

The speech therapist writes down a few words on the board and divides them into syllables.

Tulle / pan, ac / falt, wing / tso, letter, bitter, fight, steel, perches, earlier, less, more, bathhouse, pebbles.

4. Lesson summary

Summarizing conversation

Speech therapist. How can consonants sound? How is the softness of consonants at the end of a word indicated? What a consonant in words - coat, wedge, dusty- sounds soft? Why?

Students. Because the consonants in the middle of the word are softened by the soft sign.

Game task "Bells" (to develop the skills of analysis and synthesis of the sound and syllable composition of the word).

The speech therapist pronounces a number of sounds, having agreed in advance with the students that they will respond with a clap of their hands (the sound of a bell) only to the pronunciation of voiced consonants. The winner is the one who flawlessly completes the game task.

) and performs several service functions:

  • separating function,
  • designation of the softness of a consonant in writing,
  • indicator of grammatical forms.

Separating soft sign.

  • B is used as a separator after consonants before letters e, e, y, i, and.:
    this b i [s'am ‘Th’ A], l b yes [l ‘Th’ from], in b south [in ‘Th’ uha], solov b and [salav'y'i], ant b i [ant ‘Th’ a], rye [horn y'y].

    After the prefixes b is never written

    B separates the preceding consonant and consonant sound [th ’](- always sonorous, always soft), prompting the appearance of a sound [th ’].
    I AM salt[sal'U] cabbage soup salt[sal'y'U].
    Dusty dust.
    Kolya carries stakes.
    At first field, after will pour.

    Non-separable soft sign.

    Indicates the softness of a consonant (except for hissing).

    • B denotes the softness of consonants (except for sibilants) at the end of a word:
      pier b, roll b, toe b, lantern b.
      At the same time, the softness or hardness of a consonant at the end of a word determines words that are different in meaning:
      tol - roofing, angle - coal, weight - all, clear - ash, ate - spruce, dan - tribute.
    • in the middle of the word b means:
      • the softness of a consonant before a hard consonant:
        Kuz b ma, kos b ba, pis b mo, fell b ma;
      • B is written between two soft consonants, only if, when the word changes, the second consonant becomes hard, and the first remains soft:

        Kuz b me (changed the word - Kuzma, so that m became solid), braid b be (mowing), in pis b me (letter), on pal b me (palm);

        For example, guo bld and [gvoz'd'i] the soft sign is not written - gvo bld oder, where z is a solid sound.

      • consonant softness L before any other consonants (not L):
        ma eh chick bo eh shoy bo eh face, mo eh Bert.

    The soft sign is written (spelling No. 9):

    • at the end of words to indicate the softness of consonants: horse, five;
    • Soft sign in numbers (№41)
      • In the nominative and accusative cases of numbers denoting round tens from 50 to 80 and round hundreds from 500 to 900, after the first root, a soft sign b is written: seventy, seven hundred.
      • in numeral cases eight :eight (gender, date, other cases), eight or eight (tv case);
    • v instrumental case plurals of some nouns and numerals: children, people, four;
    • in consonants after l , front m, b, d, k : supplication, letter, carving, take;
    • in the middle of a word between two soft consonants: slide;
    • for reflexive verbs in the imperative mood and most verbs in an indefinite form: dress - dress, run, wash - wash; get ready, get ready, get ready (imperative); assign;
    • in adjectives derived from the names of the months (except January ): June, September.

    Soft sign not written

    • within combinations chk, chn, lf, nsh, rsh, rch, schn, st, nt, nn :
      but chk a, but chn hik to LF hik, baraba nsch hic, spo rsh uk, use rf hey, help sc hik, mo st hic, ban ti to, wasp nn uh.
    • between two soft L:and ll yuziya, co ll section.
    • for numbers from 50 to 80 and from 500 to 900 at the end of a word: fifty, five hundred.

    B is an indicator of grammatical forms.

      • B is written after hissing (spelling 8,20,22,48, 64)

        • in feminine singular nouns (3rd declension):
          doch b, mouse b, night b, tish b.
          Compare with masculine singular nouns: ball, hut, hedgehog.
        • in verb forms (in all forms after sibilants):
          • in the 2nd person singular present and future tense verbs: go b, eat b, solve b, write off b, teach b Xia, throw b, throw b Xia;
          • in the infinitive (the indefinite form of the verb): cherish b, protect b sya sterech b, lay down b, zhch b, burn b Xia;
          • in imperative verbs: hide b, cut b, cut b those eat b eat b those.
        • in adverbs with stems to sibilant: leap b, backhand b, supine b.
          Exception : Already unbearable to marry.
        • v : vish b, leash b, ish b, bish b .
      • B after sibilants is not written:

        • for nouns of non-3rd declension:
          • 2 declensions in nouns (masculine singular, zero ):rook, ray, hut.
          • in genitive plural nouns: (no) tasks, clouds, puddles, groves.
        • in short adjectives: hot, viscous.
        • for adverbs in - f(except wide open ):already, married, unbearable .
    • -THE and -TSYA in verbs (no. 23)

      • If the verb is -tsya, -sat answers the questions of the present or future tense (there is no b in the question), then the soft sign is not written before the -sya: Swimming (what is it doing? Present)... If the verb answers questions of an indefinite form (there is a b in the question), then the soft sign is written: swim (what to do? - unspecified f.).

The soft sign - bb in Russian - is a one-of-a-kind letter that does not denote any sound. The soft sign serves only to soften the consonants. Also, -ь can be a separator before vowels.

A soft sign can perform the following functions:

  1. Separating soft mark. In this case, -ь is used in combination with consonants in front of five letters, it is: e, e, y, i, and;
  2. A "softener" of a consonant before a hard consonant. This option is possible at the end of a word or in the middle of a word before a hard consonant;
  3. Indicate that a word belongs to the 3rd declension, provided that it is feminine, singular, and this word ends in a hissing consonant.

Find and write 5 words with a separator

In all five words in the example, the soft sign is in front of one of the five letters: e, e, yu, i, and.

Bindweed, weeds, estate, nightingale, peasant.

Choose and write 5 words with -ь to indicate the softness of consonants in writing

The softness of the consonant sound -ь can be shown in the middle of a word between two consonants or at the end when it comes after a consonant.

In the middle: peignoir, schoolboy, teacher, mill, yellowish.

At the end: horse, bear, teacher, burglar, heater.


  1. Do not forget that softness in combinations -ч and -щ with other consonant letters, not denoted with -ь. For example: birdhouse, river, kidney, predator.
  2. In the middle of the word after the letter -л, between two consonants, there is always -ь. For example: linen, ice floe, rest, album.

Find and write 5 nouns in which the letter -ь at the end of the word after the hissing letters indicates the feminine gender

In this case, the presence of a soft mark at the end of a word does not indicate softness. For example, words like: mouse, rye, thing, brooch, wasteland - are feminine, singular, with sibilants at the end.

All of them are feminine and belong to nouns of the 3rd declension precisely because of the presence at the end of a word, after a hissing, soft sign -ь.

Important! If a noun with a sibilant end is masculine, then the sibilant noun is never written. For example: watchman, reed, cloak.