The use of mnemonic techniques in the development of coherent speech. in speech therapy classes

from work experience
Vereshchagina E.V. speech therapist
first qualification category
MDOU "Kindergarten No. 18
combined type "Buzuluk
Orenburg region

In our kindergarten, speech therapists use innovative technologies in corrective work with children. One of the techniques of the latest technology is mnemonics.

Mnemonicsit is a set of rules and techniques that facilitate the process of memorizing information.

Mnemonics helps in the development of:

related speech;
associative thinking;
visual and auditory memory;
visual and auditory attention;
accelerating the process of automation and differentiation of the delivered sounds.

We begin to use the techniques of mnemonics in classes with young children. To develop certain skills and abilities in children, we introduce mnemonic tables of nursery rhymes into the learning process.

Learning to dress according to the mnemonic table

The essence of mnemonic diagrams is as follows: for each word or small phrase, a picture (image) is invented; thus, the entire text is sketched. Looking at these diagrams - drawings, the child easily reproduces text information.

Gingerbread man ((l), (l,))

Two hands ((p), (p,))

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MDOU has correctional and speech therapy groups. Children with speech pathology have the following problems: poor vocabulary, inability to coordinate words in a sentence, violations of sound pronunciation. Most children have impaired attention, imperfect logical thinking. It is necessary to teach children to express their thoughts coherently, consistently, grammatically correctly, to talk about various events from the life around them, to automate and differentiate the sounds set. It is especially important to develop visual-figurative thinking.

KD Ushinsky wrote: "Teach a child some five words unknown to him - he will suffer for a long time and in vain, but associate twenty such words with pictures, and he will learn them on the fly." Since preschoolers master the visual material better, the use of mnemonic tables in the classroom for the development of coherent speech allows children to more effectively perceive and process visual information. The use of mnemonic diagrams helps the child in enriching a coherent statement.

To teach children to compose stories-descriptions in the work of speech therapists in kindergarten, the computer program "Learning to Speak Correctly" is used with the use of mnemonic diagrams. The use of the material of the program facilitates the perception of visual images, which are a tool for memorizing and reproducing text. The use of a computer program concentrates attention, captivating children, and turns the activity into a game.

At individual speech therapy lessons on the automation and differentiation of sounds, in work with children, it is noted that for an accurate repetition of a poetic text, tongue twisters, a schematic representation of individual parts is sufficient. As practice shows, the use of the mnemonic system allows you to speed up the process of automating and differentiating the sounds set, facilitates memorization and subsequent reproduction of a holistic image in rhymed form.

According to the results of speech therapy monitoring of groups in our garden, children showed positive dynamics in mastering the correct sound pronunciation, accelerating the timing of the automation of sounds. The volume of visual and verbal memory increased noticeably, the distribution and stability of attention improved, and mental activity became more active.


Communicating with children, observing them and analyzing the results of diagnostics on the development of speech, I concluded that the majority of children entering school experience significant difficulties and do not have the skills of coherent speech in a sufficient volume for this age. I especially observe these difficulties in older preschool children who have a general underdevelopment of speech.
Therefore, in the lessons of teaching storytelling, I use modeling methods: the use of model schemes and mnemonic tables to form coherent speech in children with OHP. Connected speech is the most complex form of speech activity. It has the character of a consistent, systematic and detailed presentation.
One of these techniques is mnemonics, an effective remedy for teaching coherent speech to preschoolers. And therefore, in my classes, I decided to use this technique.
Mnemonics or mnemonics, translated from Greek - "the art of memorization." Mnemonics is a system of internal writing that allows the brain to consistently write information converted into a combination of visual images. " Mnemonic tables are a scheme that contains the necessary information and are based on the pedagogical principle from simple to complex. These schemes serve as a kind of visual plan for creating monologues, help children build: the structure of the story, the sequence of the story, the lexical and grammatical content of the story. The use of mnemonics for preschoolers is becoming more and more relevant today.
The purpose of training:
- development of memory of different types: auditory, visual, motor, tactile, as well as the development of thinking, attention, imagination. A special place in the work with children is occupied by didactic material in the form of mnemonic paths, mnemonic tables and schemes - models, which greatly facilitates the mastery of coherent speech for children; in addition, the presence of a visual plan - the scheme makes the stories, fairy tales clear, coherent and consistent. A mnemonic table is a schema that contains certain information.
Analysis of the results:
Therefore, we can conclude that, with the help of the modeling method, the use of circuit models and mnemonic tables, in my work I managed to achieve significant results in the following:
-automation of delivered sounds in coherent speech;
- the circle of knowledge about the world around is expanding;
- vocabulary is activated;
- freely retell fairy tales, both in class and in everyday life;
- the imagination and creative imagination of children develops;
-children overcome shyness, shyness, learn to freely stand in front of the audience.
The use of visual modeling in the system of correctional work gives a positive result, which is confirmed by the data of diagnostics of the level of speech development of children.

From the experience of a speech therapist teacher at a preschool educational institution

1. Explanatory note
2. Relevance of the project
3. Goals and objectives of the project
4. The main part.
4.1. The concept of mnemonics, visual modeling, techniques of mnemonics methods
4.2. Stages of using mnemonic tables
4.3. Descriptive stories
4.4. Using mnemonic tables when learning a poem
4.5. Learning to retell
4.6. Drawing up stories based on a plot picture
4.7. Stages of working with a schematic model
4.8. Stages of work on mnemonic tables
5. Results
6. Application
7. Long-term plan


“Teach your child with some unknown
five words to him - he will suffer for a long time and in vain,
but associate twenty such words with pictures,
and he will assimilate them on the fly. "
K. D. Ushinsky

1. Explanatory note
The main idea of ​​the project is to use models-symbols, mnemonics that help speech therapists in their work in the formation of cognitive and speech development in children with severe speech impairments. The proposed material describes the main theoretical provisions on which the project is based.
In preschool childhood, the child has to solve more and more complex and varied tasks that require the isolation and use of connections and relationships between objects, phenomena, actions.
With the development of curiosity, the cognitive interests of the thinking of children, their mastery of the world around us, we increasingly resort to using models, schemes, mnemonic tables, etc. The child sets cognitive tasks for himself, seeks explanations for the observed phenomena, discusses them and draws conclusions.
Today - figurative speech rich in synonyms, additions and descriptions in preschool children is a very rare phenomenon. There are many problems in the speech of children.
Therefore, pedagogical influence in the development of speech of preschoolers is a very difficult matter. It is necessary to teach children to express their thoughts coherently, consistently, grammatically correctly, to talk about various events from the life around them.
The modeling is based on factors that facilitate the process of becoming coherent speech.
One of such factors, according to S. L. Rubinstein, A. M. Leushina, L. V. Elkonin, and others, is clarity. Examination of objects, pictures helps children to name objects, their characteristic features, actions performed with them.
As a second auxiliary factor, we will single out the creation of a plan for the utterance, the importance of which was repeatedly pointed out by the famous psychologist L. S. Vygotsky. He noted the importance of sequential placement in the preliminary scheme of all specific elements of the utterance.
For many years of my work, I have been using modeling techniques in classes with middle and older children. age. This technique is effective in the formation of LGS, coherent speech, in the automation of sounds. The duration of the application depends on the topic and purpose of the lesson. For example, when developing coherent speech, you can build a lesson on only one modeling method. and with automatic sounds only partially. This develops not only the child's speech, but also ensures the successful mastering by children of knowledge about the features of natural objects, about the world around them. Here comes the effective memorization of the structure of the story, the preservation and reproduction of information.

2. Relevance of the selected project:

Over the past decades, the speech pathology of schoolchildren has sharply increased. The acuteness of the problem lies in the fact that children with insufficiently formed oral speech are not ready to start school.
One of the urgent tasks of preschool education is the development of children's speech competence, that is, the ability to solve problems associated with the use of speech as a means of communication. One of the means of forming speech competence is the method of modeling.
In preschool age, visual-figurative thinking prevails, and the replacement of verbal abstract images with visual ones greatly facilitates the teaching of fluency in the native language.
Mnemonics makes it easier for children to master coherent speech;
Applications of mnemonics - the use of generalizations allows the child to systematize his direct experience;
The child, relying on memory images, establishes cause-and-effect relationships, draws conclusions.
Currently, the problem of the development of speech is becoming especially relevant. The main and distinctive feature of modern society is the replacement of live human communication with dependence on the computer. Lack of communication between parents and their children, ignorance of speech difficulties, only increases the number of preschoolers with speech impairments. There are many problems in the speech of children.
Currently, there are various techniques and methods for the development of speech-thinking activity of children.

3. Realizing this theme, I set myself the tasks of the project:
Help children in organizing and organizing cognitive information about the environment;
Enrich the vocabulary of children, develop coherent speech;
to teach consistency, consistency, completeness and coherence of presentation;
Remove speech negativism, educate children in the need for verbal communication for better adaptation in modern society;
Develop fine motor skills in children.
To develop children's skills with the help of a graphic analogy, as well as with the help of substitutes, to understand and tell familiar fairy tales using a mnemonic table and collage;
Develop higher mental functions in children: thinking, attention, imagination, memory (various types);
To develop in children mental activity, ingenuity, observation, the ability to compare, highlight essential features;
To assist preschoolers in solving inventive problems of a fabulous, playful, ecological, ethical nature, etc.;
Teach children the correct sound pronunciation.
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4. Main part

4.1. I use the techniques of mnemonics in corrective work with children with severe speech impairments.
Mnemonics Is a system of methods and techniques that ensure the successful mastering by children of knowledge about the features of natural objects, about the world around them, effective memorization of the structure of a story, preservation and reproduction of information, and of course the development of speech.
- Mnemonics helps to develop:
- Associative thinking,
- Visual and auditory memory,
- Visual and auditory attention,
- Imagination.
In modern conditions of a rapidly changing life, a person is required not only to possess knowledge, but also, first of all, the ability to obtain this knowledge himself and operate with it. The use of mnemonics for preschoolers is now becoming more and more relevant.
In the use of mnemonic tables, there are two factors that are actively involved in the formation of coherent speech:
- visualization - examining objects, pictures helps children name objects and their characteristic features, actions performed with them.
- the creation of an utterance plan, he noted the importance of sequential placement in the scheme of all specific elements of the utterance, as well as the fact that each link of the utterance should be replaced in time by the next one (Vygotsky repeatedly pointed out the importance of this factor).

The content of the mnemonic table is a graphic or partially graphic image of the characters of a fairy tale, natural phenomena, some actions, etc. by highlighting the main semantic links of the story plot. The main thing is that you need to convey a conditionally visual diagram, to depict so that what is drawn is understandable to children.
Like any work, mnemonics is built from simple to complex. It is necessary to start work with the simplest mnemonic squares, sequentially go to mnemonic tracks, and later to mnemonic tables.

Like any work, mnemonics is built from simple to complex.
I start working with the simplest mnemonic squares, consistently move on to mnemonic tables.
The child begins to get acquainted with fiction in early childhood. But not everyone can understand the author's idea and answer questions about the content of the read work.
I use mnemonic squares to help children. These schemes help children independently determine the main properties and features of the object in question, and enrich their vocabulary. I take into account how much the child has mastered the principle of substitution. Children remember images easier if the color matched the hero: red fox, red berry. Later, we complicate or replace it with another screensaver: they depicted the character in a graphic form: the fox consisted of orange geometric shapes (a triangle and a circle, a bear - a large brown circle, etc.).
In order to understand the basic sequence and coherence of the text, to keep it in memory, I introduce children to the mnemonic track. This is didactic material, a diagram in which certain information is entered. Since it is initially unfamiliar to children, the adult takes on a teaching role, that is, he brings to the children the content that is embedded in the mnemonic path.
Having understood the algorithm for working with the mnemonic track, children easily master the training mnemonic tables. Mnemonic tables - diagrams serve as didactic material for the development of coherent speech in children.
4.2 The technique of visual modeling can be used in work on all types of coherent monologue statements:
drawing up stories based on a picture and a series of pictures;
descriptive story;
creative story.
Visual modeling is the reproduction of the essential properties of the object under study, the creation of its substitute and work with it. The method of visual modeling helps the child to visualize abstract concepts (sound, word, sentence, text), to learn how to work with them. This is especially important for preschoolers, since their mental tasks are solved with the predominant role of external means, visual material is assimilated better than verbal. In the classroom in kindergarten, only one type of memory is mainly involved - verbal. After all, children are still deprived of the opportunity to note or write something to themselves.
Support schemes are an attempt to use visual, motor, and associative memory to solve cognitive tasks.
Scientific research and practice confirm that it is visual models that are the form of identifying and denoting relationships that is available to preschool children. Scientists also note that the use of proxies and visual models improves the mental abilities of preschoolers.
The advantages of using visual modeling with preschoolers are that:
- the preschooler is very flexible and easy to learn, but children with speech disorders are characterized by rapid fatigue and loss of interest in the lesson, this method arouses interest and helps to solve this problem;
- the use of symbolic analogy facilitates and accelerates the process of memorizing and assimilating material, forms methods of working with memory. After all, one of the rules for strengthening memory says: "When you learn - write down, draw diagrams, diagrams, devils graphics";
- using a graphic analogy, we teach children to see the main thing, to systematize the knowledge gained.
4.3 Teaching preschool children to write descriptive stories is a very important aspect of their development. In the process of teaching coherent descriptive speech, modeling serves as a means of planning an utterance.
Support schemes make children's statements clear, coherent and consistent, they act as a plan - a hint. This means that the kid can build his story on them.
I use mnemonic tables to compose descriptive stories about toys, dishes, clothes, vegetables and fruits, birds, animals, insects. These schemes help children to independently determine the main properties and characteristics of the subject under consideration, to establish the sequence of presentation of the identified characteristics; enrich the vocabulary of children.
When compiling a descriptive story, models help children independently determine the main features of an object, establish a sequence of presentation, and keep it in memory. With the help of models, these tasks can be easily solved. Pictures - helpers form an idea of ​​the object. Children themselves select significant facts for the story, mentally imagine their relationship. So that in retelling the children do not allow monosyllabic answers, I teach them to tell the meaning of the model in different ways, to select vivid speech characteristics of objects.
It should be noted that preschoolers experience some difficulties in the selection of language means, so often the first stories based on the models are very schematic. To make these difficulties as small as possible, I introduce tasks to activate and enrich the vocabulary.
Descriptive stories are created by children at the beginning of the session or at the end of it. To consolidate the knowledge gained, you can make albums with the children on the topic covered with stories and drawings of children. The most amazing thing is that children are able to come up with their own model schemes and mnemonic tables, using the information coding symbols they know.
4.4. Mnemonic tables are especially effective when learning poems.
The use of reference pictures for learning to memorize poems captivates children, turns the lesson into a game. In preschool age, visual-figurative memory predominates, and memorization is mostly involuntary. The visual image preserved in the child after listening, accompanied by viewing the drawings, makes it possible to memorize the text much faster.
Stages of work on a poem:
Expressive reading of a poem.
The message that children will learn this poem by heart. Then one more time reading the poem based on the mnemonic table.
Questions about the content of the poem, helping children to understand the main point.
Find out which words are incomprehensible to children, explain their meaning in a form accessible to children.
Reading each line of the poem separately. Children repeat it based on the mnemonic table.
Children recite a poem based on a mnemonic table.
Children sketch a mnemonic table from memory.
To systematize the knowledge of children about seasonal changes, there are model schemes proposed by Voronkevich OA, which I successfully use in the classroom of ecological content.
These schemes serve as a kind of visual plan for creating monologues, help children build:
- the structure of the story,
- the sequence of the story,
- lexical and grammatical filling of the story.
Thus, the independence of thinking and cognitive activity of the child develop.
4.5. Learning to retell.
The proposed model of teaching retelling using mnemonic tables is based on an integrated approach, including:
Using a mnemonic table as a symbolic-symbolic system, a universal means for stimulating and organizing, various symbolic-modeling activities in the structure of special classes;
The solution in the unity of correctional and developmental tasks that ensure the social and personal, communicative, speech, aesthetic, motor and emotional development of the child,
Special organization of the spatial development environment,
Development of the motivational - need-based sphere of speech activity
An effective means of teaching children the coherent reproduction of the read text is the use of an illustrative panel in the classroom with a colorful image of the general situation and the main details that are associated with the development of the entire plot action of the story. It is advisable to place such reference objects in the picture-panel in a linear row, in accordance with the sequence of fragments. The illustration is carried out with the help of plane figures of characters and objects that are moved on the panel. The panel can be laid out on a flannelgraph, a magnetic board. The demonstration panel can be used in many ways: for the teacher to illustrate the text when reading and parsing the work, for the child to illustrate the retelling of a friend or his own retelling, etc.
This contributes to the activation of visual and auditory perception, children's attention, the formation of control skills and self-control over the construction of statements; helps to more accurately reproduce the sequence of events.
Pictures - panels can also be used when teaching children to plan a compiled retelling (highlighting the main plot links of the story; modeling the actions of characters, preceding the retelling, etc.).
The technique of using a child's drawing can be considered very effective in teaching retelling.
We use this technique in individual lessons in different forms: drawing on paper and drawing on a computer. The child is invited to sketch (you can schematically) a separate fragment of the story (this can be the beginning, ending, or the most difficult part of the text). Then, using his drawing, the child reproduces either
Stage 1: Examination of the table and analysis of what is shown on it.
Stage 2: Transcoding of information is carried out, that is, transformation from abstract symbols into images.
Stage 3: After transcoding, a fairy tale or story is retelling on a given topic.
Retelling is an easier type of monologue speech, since it adheres to the author's position of the work, it uses a ready-made author's plot and ready-made speech forms and techniques. This is, to some extent, a reflected speech with a certain degree of independence. The picture-graphic plan in the form of pictograms acts here as a means of mnemonics.
Stages of work on the text when retelling:
The teacher explains to the child the meaning of difficult words. The child repeats them.
Reading the text with a demonstration of the plot picture.
Conversation on the content of the text.
Repeated reading of the text by an adult with a setting for retelling based on a mnemonic table.
Retelling of a story by a child based on a mnemonic table, or the story as a whole.

4.6 Composing stories based on the plot picture
Significant difficulties arise in children when composing stories based on a plot picture.
The storytelling of the picture consists of 3 stages:
highlighting fragments of the picture that are significant for the development of the plot;
determining the relationship between them;
combining fragments into a single plot.
When children master the skill of building a coherent statement, creative elements are included in the model of retellings and stories - the child is asked to come up with the beginning or end of the story, unusual heroes are included in the fairy tale or plot of the picture, the characters are assigned unusual qualities, etc., and then compose a story with taking into account these changes.
A special type of coherent statement is the description of a landscape painting. This kind of storytelling is especially difficult for children. If, when retelling and composing a story based on a plot picture, the main elements of a visual model are characters - living objects, then in landscape paintings they are absent or carry a secondary semantic load.
In this case, objects of nature act as elements of the story model. Since they are usually static in nature, special attention is paid to describing the qualities of these objects.
Work on such pictures is built in several stages:
highlighting significant objects of the picture;
examining them and a detailed description of the appearance and properties of each object;
determination of the relationship between the individual objects of the painting;
combining mini-stories into a single plot.
To increase the efficiency of work on the development of the skill of composing stories from landscape paintings, the technique of fragmentary storytelling is used, which consists in the fact that the picture proposed for composing the story was divided into four parts, which are covered with cardboard rectangles of different colors. The child, gradually opening each of the four parts of the picture, tells about each fragment, combining them into one plot.
4.7. The use of mnemonics in the development of speech has two aspects:
serves as a certain method of cognition;
is a program for the analysis of new phenomena.
The mnemonics method includes different techniques:
models (conditionally schematic, motor-serial, temporal-spatial, schematic, silhouette images, symbolic);
mnemonic tables.
To stimulate imagination and creative speech actions, it is necessary at the initial stage of work to form sign-symbolic functions in children. Symbols of a various nature can act as conditional substitutes:
geometric figures;
symbolic images of objects (symbols, silhouettes, contours, pictograms);
plans and symbols;
contrasting frames; and etc.
4.8. Stages of working with a schematic model:
- teach children to replace keywords in sentences with symbolic icons; to teach to sketch objects and natural phenomena not only with symbols, but also with letters, as well as with simple words (mother, house, food) - if children can read and write;
- independently, with the help of signs-symbols, fill in the scheme-model. Use the schema model as a plan for retelling;
- to consolidate the studied material by repeated repetition of the story based on the previously drawn up diagram-model
4.9. Stages of using mnemonic tables:
- Examining the table and parsing that
what is shown on it.
- Recoding of information, i.e. conversion from abstract symbols to images.
- Retelling of information (fairy tales, stories) is carried out based on symbols (images), that is, the memorization method is being worked out
- A graphic sketch of the mnemonic table is made.
5. Results of work
It is possible to apply model schemes not only in speech therapy classes, but also in direct educational activities in other educational areas, as well as in joint activities of the educator with children.
Mnemonics are multifunctional. On the basis of them, you can create a variety of didactic games. Thinking over various models with children, you only need to adhere to the following requirements:
the model should display a generalized image of the subject;
disclose the essential in the object;
the idea of ​​creating a model should be discussed with children so that they can understand it.
Thus, with the help of mnemonic tables, schemes - models, it is possible to achieve the following results:
- children's circle of knowledge about the world around them increases;
- there is a desire to retell texts, come up with interesting stories;
- there is an interest in memorizing poetry and nursery rhymes;
- vocabulary goes to a higher level;
- children overcome shyness, shyness, learn to freely stand in front of the audience.
I believe that the sooner we teach children to tell or retell using the method of mnemonics, the better we will prepare them for school, since coherent speech is an important indicator of a child's mental abilities and his readiness for schooling.
By the end of the preparatory group, children with severe speech impairments confidently use schemes, independently sketch experiments and observation results, and draw up visual story plans.
Pictureography helps children solve difficulties in composing descriptive, narrative, and creative stories. To complicate the story with common sentences, the model “beautiful words” was introduced - the use of high-quality adjectives by children; "Words - actions" - the use of verbs. The presence of a visual plan makes the stories clear, coherent, complete, consistent. The basics of the methodology for using mnemonic tables in compiling descriptive stories were developed by L. N. Efimenkova ("Formation of speech among preschoolers", 1985) and T. A. Tkachenko (well. "Preschool education" No. 10, 1990)
To develop the skill of creative storytelling, we use a silhouette image. As elements of the model, the child is presented with silhouettes of animals, plants, people or natural phenomena (snow, rain, fog, etc.).
I prepared two speeches for parents:
"Mnemonics in the development of speech in preschool children";
"Using mnemonic tables to compose descriptive stories in speech development classes" with showing a fragment of the lesson on the topic "Wild animals".

Report "Mnemonics as an innovative technology used in correctional and pedagogical work in children with severe speech disorders"

  • Gaeva Oksana Nikolaevna (teacher speech therapist)
  • Zorina Natalia Alekseevna (educator)
  • Churbakova Olga Sergeevna (music director)

MBDOU "Kindergarten" Malyshok "g. Reftinsky Sverdlovsk Region

Teacher speech therapist:

In the modern world, the processes of modernization of education are actively taking place. Modern preschool pedagogy cannot remain aloof from the ongoing processes.

In connection with the changes in the system of preschool education, which affected both the organizational and the content of education, the adoption of the Federal State Educational Standard requires teachers to think more deeply about the methods and techniques for organizing educational activities. The task is to achieve a higher quality of education for pupils, create conditions for the creative self-development of a child, for his full self-realization as a part of society. In order to fully solve the assigned tasks, at the same time increasing their professionalism, improving pedagogical skills, teachers have a wide choice of various innovative methods and technologies. Modern pedagogical technologies in preschool education are aimed at implementing state standards for preschool education.

It is no secret that every year the number of children diagnosed with general speech underdevelopment is increasing. Most children with speech disorders are characterized by rapid fatigue and loss of interest in the lesson. The lexico-grammatical aspect of speech in such children is impaired and differs significantly from the speech of normally developing peers. The experience of working with this category of children shows that even after the passed course of speech correction and development, children with good diagnostic indicators still have difficulties associated with the speed of updating existing knowledge and their own speech utterance, they need more time to think about and formulate an answer. These problems further lead to school failure. Therefore, you have to look for new methods and technologies to optimize your work with children. A fundamentally important side when using pedagogical technology is the position of the child in the upbringing and educational process, the attitude of adults towards the child. An adult in communication with children adheres to the position: "Not near, not over him, but together!" ... Its purpose is to contribute to the development of the child as a person.

One of these technologies that helps to develop the speech abilities of preschoolers is mnemonics.

The teacher will share his pedagogical experience of working with children with TNR on mnemonics.

Why do you think some children, who find it difficult to memorize poems and rules, so easily and quickly memorize the plots of films and cartoons? Have you noticed that after explaining the lesson material, some children remember what was discussed, while others forgot? And they listened, in general, attentively! And how to find something that looks like a hook that can hook on knowledge and keep it in the child's memory?

One of these tools is visibility. The visual model of the statement acts as a plan that ensures the coherence and consistency of the child's stories. The great teachers S.L. Rubinstein, A.M. Leushina, L.V. Elkonin and others spoke about the need for visualization. Taking the opinion of great teachers as a basis and seeing in my practice the effectiveness of visual material, I began to use on teaching children coherent speech technology mnemonics.

Working methods:

  • Individual.
  • Group.
  • Visual.

Forms of work:

  • Games.
  • Conversations, work with visual material.
  • Practical exercises to practice the necessary skills.
  • Reading and memorizing fiction.
  • Examination of reproductions of paintings.

In the course of work, the integration of all educational areas is ensured:

  • Cognitive development: art games, composition simulation games.
  • Speech development: poems and stories about nature.
  • Social and communicative development: solving problem situations, fostering friendly relationships. Development of the ability to maintain a conversation, generalize, draw conclusions, express your point of view.
  • Artistic and aesthetic development: listening to musical works.
  • Physical development: physical education minutes. fostering the desire to participate in joint work activities, respect for materials and tools

What is mnemonics?

Mnemonics is a system of methods and techniques that ensure effective memorization, successful mastering by children of knowledge about the features of natural objects, about the world around them, effective memorization of the structure of a story, preservation and reproduction of information, and of course the development of speech.

What does mnemonics give?

  • Memorizing poetry turns into a game that children really like.
  • Fine motor skills of the hands develop.
  • Like any work, mnemonics is built from simple to complex.

I started working with the simplest mnemonic squares, sequentially moved to mnemonic tracks, and later - to mnemonic tables. (mnemonic squares are images that denote one word, phrase, its characteristics or a simple sentence, mnemonic tracks are already a square of four pictures, which can be used to compose a short story in 2-3 sentences. And, finally, the most complex structure is mnemonic tables

There are two types of mnemonic tables

  1. educational - contain cognitive material.
  2. developing - contain information that allows you to develop certain skills and abilities.

Working with mnemonic tables takes place in several stages.

  1. stage: Consideration of the table and analysis of what is shown on it.
  2. stage: Recoding of information is carried out, that is, transformation from abstract symbols into images.
  3. stage: After transcoding, a fairy tale or story is retelling on a given topic (the memorization method is processed)... In younger groups with the help of a teacher, in older groups - children should be able to independently
  4. Stage: A graphic sketch of the mnemonic table is made.
  5. stage: Each table can be reproduced by the child when shown to him.

What can be shown in the table.

In the table, it is schematically possible to depict the characters of a fairy tale, natural phenomena, some actions, that is, you can depict everything that you deem necessary to display in the table. But to portray in such a way that what is drawn is understandable to children.

It is difficult for children of younger preschool age to immediately grasp the teaching information through the table, so it is more convenient to work with them through the mnemonic path.

The mnemonic track carries cognitive information, but in a small amount, which is very important in the early stages of a child's education. Mnemonic tracks can be built on the following topics: about birds, about toys, about insects, about clothes, about vegetables and fruits, about the seasons, etc.

With the help of mnemonic tracks, you can use the algorithms of the processes of washing and dressing. Looking at these schemes, the child reproduces the information received, memorizes it easily. You can work with a mnemonic track using overlay techniques and applications (often used with younger preschool children), excluding at first the method of partial or complete graphic sketching. You can draw the mnemonic track yourself or use the computer graphics editor Paint for this.

The use of mnemonics opens up tremendous opportunities for educators for creativity both in educational activities and in joint activities of an adult and a child. Allows children to learn complex material quickly and easily.

Classes using mnemonics are always interesting not only for children, but also for a teacher.

For mnemonic purposes, as well as for assessing the level of knowledge, reflection, self-control, it is very convenient to use syncwines.

Didactic syncwine allows you to create conditions for a child's free choice of activities, decision-making, expression of feelings and thoughts, thanks to it, it is possible to support the individuality and initiative of each child, and this, in turn, creates a social situation for the development of the child, which is important in connection with the introduction into the action of the FSES of preschool education.

This method can be easily integrated with all educational areas. The simplicity of building syncwine allows you to quickly get the result. In didactic syncwine, the most important thing is the semantic content and the part of speech that is used in each line.

Sinkwine - translated from French as "Five lines" , a five-line stanza of the poem. For pedagogical and educational purposes, it can be used as an effective method for the development of figurative speech, intellectual and analytical abilities.

There are rules for compiling a didactic syncwine:

The first line should contain the topic itself (title) didactic syncwine, usually this is the phenomenon or subject in question. Most often, only one word is written on the first line, but sometimes a small phrase is also written. In terms of speech, this is a pronoun or a noun, and answers the questions: who? what?

In the second line, there are already two words, sometimes phrases, which describe the properties and characteristics of this object or phenomenon. In terms of speech, these are usually participles and adjectives that answer the questions: what? which? which? which?

The third line already contains three words (sometimes phrases) which describe the actions usual for this phenomenon or object. In terms of speech, these are verbs and participles that answer the question: what does it do? what are they doing?)

In the fourth line, the child directly expresses his opinion about the topic raised. Sometimes it can be just a famous aphorism, phrase or something similar, sometimes even a small verse. The most traditional variant is when this phrase consists of four words.

The fifth line - again contains only one word or phrase. This is, as it were, a summary of the entire poem, reflecting the essence of the object or phenomenon that is spoken about in the didactic syncwine, and the author's opinion about it. Usually as part of speech is also a noun or pronoun and answers the question: who? what?

Strict adherence to the rules for compiling a syncwine is not necessary. For example, you can use three or five words to improve text on the fourth line, and two words on the fifth line. Use cases for other parts of speech are also possible. Its shape resembles a herringbone.

When working with this technique, you can solve many important tasks at once:

  1. The use of syncwine in the correction of OHP contributes to the successful correction of the entire speech system as a whole: the impressive speech of children develops, the lexical side of speech is enriched and activated, word formation skills are consolidated, the ability to use sentences of different composition in speech, the ability to describe objects is formed and improved.
  2. Thanks to this technology, conditions are created for the development of a personality that can think critically, cut off unnecessary things and determine the main thing, generalize, classify and systematize. Technology relevance "Didactic syncwine" is as follows: Sinkwine is used in speech development classes with older preschool children with speech impairments, as well as with children with normal speech development. The compilation of syncwine can be carried out within the framework of the passage of a certain lexical topic. Sinkwine helps to analyze information, summarize ideas, feelings and representations in a few words
  3. Acquaintance with the concepts: , , ;
  • Children learn to: select adjectives for a noun, select verbs for a noun;
  • Children are introduced to the concept: a proposal.
  • They make up sentences on a subject, plot picture, using sentence schemes;
  • Children express their personal attitude to the topic in one phrase.

4. Preliminary work on creating a speech base for compiling syncwine with older preschoolers who have OHP is based on that part of the program of T.B. Filicheva and G.V. Chirkina "Preparing children with general speech underdevelopment for school in a special kindergarten" , which concerns the development of lexical and grammatical means of language and coherent speech. In order to most correctly, fully and accurately express his thought, the child must have a sufficient vocabulary.

  • At the first stage of work in teaching the compilation of syncwine, the vocabulary of preschoolers is being clarified, expanded and improved. Children get to know the concepts "Word for an object" and "Word denoting the action of an object" , thus preparing a platform for further work on the proposal. Giving concept "Word denoting a feature of an object" , accumulates material for the distribution of the proposal by definition. Children master concepts "Alive and inanimate" subject, learn to correctly ask questions to words denoting objects, actions and signs of the subject. Your work (syncwines) children draw up both in the form of graphic drawings that help preschoolers to more specifically feel the boundaries of words and their separate spelling, and in the form of oral essays based on a diagram. Considering that the leading activity for preschoolers is play, it is easier to organize the process of learning new words in play.

And composing a didactic syncwine is a fun and interesting game. It is appropriate to start at the initial stage of teaching children how to compose syncwine with the use of didactic games and exercises. The group has created files of didactic games: "Pick up the attributes of the item" , "Learn the subject by description" , "Who's doing what?" , "What are they doing what?" , "Name part of the whole" and etc.

Sinkwine can be made both in individual, group lessons, and in lessons with one group or in two subgroups at the same time.

  • At the second stage, work continues on enriching and revitalizing the vocabulary; composing a sentence of several words, showing the attitude to the topic, expressing the personal attitude of the author of the syncwine to the described subject or object, subject (storyline) picture. At this stage, it is very important to teach children to express their personal attitude to the topic in one phrase; as well as use the knowledge of proverbs, sayings on a given topic.

When compiling a syncwine, you can use such work options as: compiling a short story on the finished syncwine (using words and phrases included in the latter); compilation of syncwine based on the story you listened to; correction and improvement of the finished syncwine; incomplete syncwine analysis to determine the missing part (for example, a syncwine is given without specifying a subject (first line)- based on existing lines, you need to determine it).

Work with parents is of great importance at this stage.

By itself, this technology is not an innovation, but sinkwine as an independent intellectual ability within the framework of speech activity is a modern approach in education.

Thus, the use of didactic syncwine makes it possible to harmoniously combine the elements of all three main educational systems: information, activity and personality-oriented.

So, mnemonics helps to achieve good results in speech activity, and syncwine develops the ability to think logically and form speech statements on a given topic. When organizing a personal approach to children, the interaction of all specialists is especially important (speech therapist, educator, music director, etc.) and when organizing it, it is necessary to create the following pedagogical conditions:

  • see a unique personality in every child
  • to design situations of success for each child in the educational process

Study the causes of children's ignorance and eliminate them.

The interaction of specialists is necessary because the elimination of speech defects requires an integrated approach, since speech disorders are associated with a number of reasons, both biological and psychological.

Now a music worker will present to you his pedagogical experience using the example of working with mnemonic tables.

Working in a kindergarten as a music director, in my classes in speech therapy groups, as well as in groups of younger preschool age, I face a big problem - it is difficult for children to memorize and pronounce correctly the lyrics of songs, poems, scenes, etc. Children do not like to memorize songs like a poem by repeating them several times. They get tired quickly. Also, retraining the incorrect pronunciation of the endings of words for them is very painful.

How to form the child's speech, help the child feel the rhythm of speech, the melody of words, experience the content of the speech he has heard? I found the answers in the technique of mnemonics.

In GCD I use mnemonic tables as didactic material. For younger preschool age, mnemonic tables are in color, and for older ones, more often in black and white.

The child from memory, using a graphic image, reproduces the entire text of the song.

At the initial stage, I offer a ready-made plan - a scheme, and as he learns, the child is also actively involved in the process of creating his scheme.

As a result of using mnemonic tables:

  • Learning lyrics becomes a game that children really enjoy.
  • This is one of the most effective ways to develop the speech of preschoolers.
  • Not only vocabulary is expanding, but also knowledge about the world around.
  • There is a desire to retell - the child understands that it is not at all difficult.
  • It must be remembered that the level of speech development is determined by the vocabulary of the child. And just a few steps taken in this direction will help you develop the speech of a preschooler.

Educators, speech therapist, music director and other specialists available at the preschool educational institution work in close contact with each other. They strive to have a unified approach to the upbringing of each child and a unified style of work in general.


New technology - opens up new opportunities and allows you to create conditions for the child's free choice of activities, decision-making, expression of feelings and thoughts, thanks to it, it is possible to support the individuality and initiative of each child, and this, in turn, creates a social situation for the development of the child, which is relevant in connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education.


  1. Barsukova E.L. Automation of sounds using mnemonic tracks. // Speech therapist, 2009, №5.
  2. Baryaeva L.B., Loginova EL., Lopatina L.V. I'm talking! M., 2007.Bolshova T.V. Learning from a fairy tale // SPb.,
  3. Wenger LA Development of the ability to visual spatial modeling // Preschool education, 1982, №3.
  4. Magazines "Preschool education" No. 12 for 2000; No. 3, 10, 12 for 2001; No. 4, 12 for 2002; No. 9 for 1996.
  5. Polyanskaya T.B. Using the method of mnemonics in teaching storytelling for preschool children. SPb., 2009.
  6. Stukalina V.P. The system of work to teach children with OHP coherent monologue speech through plot modeling. M., "September First", 2009.


2 When memorizing academic disciplines (biology, Russian, geometry, geography, etc.), mnemonics provides a very deep understanding of the material, since memorization methods prescribe to create in the imagination vivid figurative illustrations for concepts and definitions. Mnemonics known to us: Colors of the rainbow Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting - the colors of the rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, violet) Russian language. Already married I can't stand a mnemophrase for memorizing adverbs without a Gypsy on tiptoe poked a chicken: "Chick" a mnemophrase for memorizing words with s after q Drive, hold, breathe, depend, see, hear and offend, and still twirl, watch, hate and endure exceptions second declension. Cases of the Russian language (nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, instrumental, prepositional) "Ivan (Irina) gave birth to a Girl, Brought to Drag the Pelenka." Geography Sweet Hokkaido! I will give you Honshu. For your Shikoku, I will Kushu for you to memorize the four main islands of Japan Geometry Bisector is a rat (runs around the corners and divides them in half) How memorization occurs The main "secret" of mnemonics is very simple and well known. When a person connects several visual images in his imagination, the brain records this relationship. And later, when recalling one of the images of this association, the brain reproduces all the previously connected images.

3 It is well known that the language of the brain is images. And, above all, visual images. The reliance on a visual image is very important and obligatory, since if during the reproduction of the text this visual image does not appear in the imagination, then the child does not understand this text. Traditionally, work on the development of coherent speech in children with CHD is carried out in the following areas: enrichment of vocabulary, teaching retelling and inventing stories, learning poems, guessing riddles. The main place in working with children is occupied by the use of mnemonic tables as didactic material. A mnemonic table is a schema that contains certain information. At the initial stage of learning how to compose stories-descriptions, it is useful to use the sensor-graphic schemes of V.K. Vorobieva. For example, when looking at an apple, the children were asked the following questions: - What will help us see the apple - its shape, color, size? That's right, eyes (a card with an image of an eye is placed on the board). We looked at the apple and saw that it was red (a card representing a red color is placed), round (a card with a circle image). In the same way, the corresponding symbols of size, taste, etc. are placed on the diagram. The visual diagram acts as a plan of speech utterance. The child knows where he should start, how to continue and clarify his story, and how to end it. In the initial stages of teaching retelling, you can also use supporting pictures, conditional schemes that help children learn to draw up a retelling plan. In the later stages, you can use simple diagrammatic drawings that the children themselves make. Mnemonic tables are especially effective when learning poems. The bottom line is that for each word or small phrase, a picture (image) is invented; thus, the whole poem is sketched schematically. After that, the child from memory, using a graphic image, reproduces the whole poem. This technique captivates children, turns the activity into a game. The visual image preserved by the child after listening, accompanied by viewing the drawings, makes it possible to memorize the text much faster.

4 To compose a story, to learn each poem, its own scheme, mnemonic table is developed and compiled, drawings are selected (preferably for each line). And so, step by step, a mnemonic table is created. The next stage of working with a mnemonic table is an emotional, expressive reproduction of the text of the poem. Then, vocabulary work is carried out on the work, a conversation according to the meaning of what has been read, and the opportunity is provided for the reproduction of the text by children based on drawings. Gradually, the memory of children is strengthened, their imaginative thinking develops, they memorize texts much better, easier and more emotional. Learning becomes a fun, emotional affair for the children, and at the same time the content of the text is tangible, visible, imaginable. Indeed, one of the rules for strengthening memory and speech says: "When you learn, write down, draw diagrams, devils graphics." Thus, mnemonics helps to develop: associative thinking; visual and auditory memory; visual and auditory attention; imagination; coherent speech; accelerates the process of automation and differentiation of the delivered sounds; fine motor skills of the fingers; basic mental processes memory, attention, figurative thinking; reduces training time. All work on the development of coherent speech in children is not limited to mnemonic tables. This is primarily as an initial, "starting", the most significant and effective work, since the use of mnemonic tables allows children to more easily perceive and process visual information, save and reproduce it. In parallel with this work, speech games, board-print games are needed that help children learn to classify objects, develop speech, visual perception, imaginative and logical thinking, attention, observation, interest in the world around them, and self-examination skills.

5 When teaching children to compose stories, descriptions, retellings, guessing riddles, memorizing poetry, I use the schemes of T.A. Tkachenko, E.A. Barsukova, L.V. Omelchenko, which I take as a basis. Children show positive dynamics in the development of coherent speech, mastering the correct pronunciation of sounds, and accelerating the timing of the automation of sounds. The volume of visual and verbal memory increases, the distribution and stability of attention improves, mental activity is activated, interest in classes increases, and, accordingly, their effectiveness increases. KD Ushinsky wrote: "Teach a child some five unknown words, he will suffer for a long time and in vain, but connect twenty such words with pictures, and he will learn them on the fly." List of used and recommended literature, Internet resources: 1. Automation of sounds using mnemonic tracks. M., Scientific-methodical journal "Logopedist", LLC "TC SPHERE", 2009, 5 2. Bolshova, T.V. Learning from a fairy tale. Development of thinking of preschoolers with the help of mnemonics. SPb., Vakhrushev, A.A., Kochemasova, E.E., Akimova, Yu.A. Hello world! Moscow Balass, Volkovskaya, T.N., Yusupova G.Kh. Psychological assistance to preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment. M., Omelchenko L.V. The use of mnemonic techniques in the development of coherent speech / Speech therapist S. Tkachenko T.A. Using schemes in compiling descriptive stories / Preschool education С azbukalogopeda 8. 9. Site "Chatterbox", section Mnemonics PRESENTATION

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