Examples of human life goals. Setting goals: where to start

What better advice can be given to any person in life? "Do not miss my dreams out of sight!" Why is it so important?

Most people succumb to the flow of fate, not trying to resist and not choosing directions. They just live the day after day, without having a single direction. Today, a person carries one way, and the next day - in the opposite. As a result, in life they do not reach anything while staying near the starting point.

But it is worth believe that, despite all the chance, you can "design". Or, if someone likes it, becoming her designer. To do this, just put the target and not to turn away from it with any life turns. And it is better to draw up a list of your top priority goals and keep it before your eyes. This method has received even greater distribution after the release of the movie The Bucket List (in Russian translation - "has not yet played in the box") with the participation of Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson.

It is necessary to emphasize that simple compilation of the list is not a task, but only its production. This list can be a good start for the design of the whole life. Think, you may have to streamline those big, small and great desires that I would like to implement.

Almost every person for the new year is a list of cases he wants to make next year. Most often it is short-term and not too ambitious desires. Why not make a list of 100 life goals that can determine the meaning of all life? Let some of them be short-lived, and they can be performed almost immediately. But among them should be such, the implementation of which should be devoting all their life!

Think about it. And make a list of hundreds of desires that will be exciting for you personally. After all, if you are not delighted with your own goals, then what to strive for them? But if they are real your goal, then you need to strive for their implementation, leaving aside the doubt and without being distracted by the momentary interference.

Now I will try to bring a hundred of your own desires as an example. They have both basic, and a bit strange, but interesting personally to me. I recommend every reader to make your own list. And look at yourself from the side through the prism of their aspirations. So:

My 100 life goals.

- To start a family.

- Take care of your health.

- Every year go on a trip to a new country to visit all continents.

- Make the invention and patent it.

- Get a scientific degree.

- Make your contribution to the preservation of the world on the planet.

- Go to the sea journey.

- Fly into space to feel the condition of weightlessness and look at Earth from the space.

- Jump with a parachute.

- Arrange the full marathon.

- Create your own source of passive income.

- change forever the life of another person.

- Take part in the World Cup or Olympic Games.

- Go to Israel as a pilgrim.

- Become a parent and raise a child.

- To try for a month to be a vegetarian.

- To fully read the Bible.

- Lost with a successful and famous person.

- make a report before a big meeting or conference with more than 100 participants.

- Write and publish a book.

- Create your own website on the Internet.

- Write a song.

- Purchase a motorcycle and learn to ride it.

- Run your own business project.

- Make climbing the mountain peak.

- Start training for tennis.

- master the technique of digital photography.

- Become a blood donor.

- Become the owner of the land plot.

- Feed the shark.

- Doing diving, and if it turns out - ride a submarine.

- Drive on an elephant or camel.

- fly over the city on hot-air balloon or on a helicopter.

- swim in the sea with dolphins.

- View all 100 best films.

- Getting to the Oscar's awards ceremony.

- bring children to Disneyland.

- Slow by Amazon on Canoe.

- To visit all the games of the season with your favorite football / hockey / basketball team.

- Visit everything big cities of his country.

- live a month without a TV.

- live a month in the monastery or secluded sovereign.

- To learn by heart the poem of Kippulang "if".

- Purchase or build your own home.

- A month for a month without a car.

- fly on the jet fighter.

- Practice to militate a cow.

- Adopt the child.

- Learn foreign language (Chinese or Spanish).

- Start traveling in Australia.

- Learn to dance the belly dance.

- Establish a charity foundation or organization.

- Make yourself repairs in the house.

- Drive through all countries in Europe.

- sign up to the climbing section.

- Learn to knit with knitting or sewing on a sewing machine.

- Care for your own garden.

- go hiking in unauthorized places.

- Become the owner of the black belt on one of the types of martial arts.

- play a role in the local amateur theater.

- Study in the movies.

- To visit the Galapagos Islands.

- Master the shooting of onions.

- Learn to sing (take vocal lessons).

- Try dishes every national cuisine - Mexican, French, Indian, Japanese, and so on.

- Write a verse about yourself.

- Learn to sit on a horse.

- To visit Venice and ride there on the gondola.

- learn how to manage a boat or motorboat.

- Learn to dance a chchelet or waltz.

- To visit Apple, Google and Facebook headquarters.

- To live on a uninhabited island.

- Go to Thai full massage.

- Try the medical starvation - to eat only with water and juices within a month.

- acquire shares of a profitable company.

- repay all your debts.

- achieve financial independence Due to passive income.

- Learn to invest in real estate or gold.

- Work for free in the hospital volunteer.

- Make a trip around the world.

- Turn the puppy.

- Learn to manage racing car.

- To study the genealogy of your family.

- Build for children a house on a tree.

- Dimk with your grandchildren.

- to visit B. South America, Monaco, Tahiti or Fiji.

- To participate in the race of dog stubborn in Alaska.

- Surfing.

- Do the splits.

- Go to the ski resort in Aspen.

- Make yourself a professional photo session.

- Go to live at least a month to another country.

- to visit the North Pole, see pyramids of Egypt And the Niagara Falls, to visit the Eiffel Tower, go through the great Chinese wall, look at the Sistine Chapel and the college.

- Comment on survival in the wild.

- Buy your own plane.

- To be happy.

Have you watched my list? Make your own!

Many at that moment the question arises: why so many points? Why do you need to put a whole 100 goals? The fact is that such a number of goals is to check your motivation. And also the opportunity to show their talents in many areas. Life is so multifaceted that all these goals should show your desire to cover all its directions. And also demonstrate readiness for any turns, responsibility and discipline in their achievement.

You must take your life under control, and goals will become lighthouses that will not be given to leave from the main direction. They will show what expensive you need to move. In the process of achieving simpler goals, you will gain confidence in your abilities. After one goal is reached - it's time to go to the next.

Looking back in time, you will see what a big way you managed to go, and how much you have achieved. The setting of goals will be a starting point of success. The main thing is to start. After all, a good start is half of the success in any case!

Once the Chinese philosopher Lao Zi said: "A journey to a thousand miles begins with one step." You can make this first step from the setting of realistic goals.


Part 1

Formulate the goal

    Think about what is important for you. Research results show that the likelihood of achieving goals is very dependent on the level of motivation. Think which areas of your life you would like to make changes. At this stage, the goal may be quite extensive.

    Try to understand how you want to become in the future. This image will make in your life a little positive and happiness, and will also help you understand what goals are most important for you. To understand how you want to become in the future, you need to do only two steps: to present yourself in the future, when all your goals are achieved, and then understand what characteristics and skills you must have to become the one who you want.

    • Imagine the future in which you have achieved your goals. How will you look like? What will happen to you most important? Focus on what you want to achieve, and not on what friends or relatives are waiting for you.
    • Try to present every detail. Be optimistic, you can naughntage all what you want. For example, if you work a bake, you can imagine your own bakery. How she looks like? Where is? How many employees do you have? What product?
    • Write down all the details of your dreams. Think what characteristics and abilities would help you achieve such a result? For example, if you want to open your bakery, you must understand this case, should be able to dispose of money, interact with people, negotiate, follow the demand for bakery products. Write down all the skills you need to achieve this goal.
    • Think what skills and characteristics you already have. Be honest with yourself and do not condemn yourself. Then think what characteristics and skills you need to develop.
    • Think what ways you can develop these skills. For example, if you really want to open your bakery, but at the same time weakly understand the business, sign up for business courses or in finance management.
  1. Arrange priorities. Once you have compiled a list of spheres of life that would like to change, try to understand which of them now is now most important. If you try to succeed at once in all areas, then, most likely, suffer. You will feel depressed, and your goals will seem you unattainable.

    • Divide the list of purposes in three categories: common goals, objectives of the second and third order. In the category "General Goals" should be the most important goals for you. The rest of the goals will scatter the extent to the other two categories. Usually, the "General Goals" category record specific goals.
    • Perhaps the most important goals for you are: "Improving well-being", "Improving family relationships" and "rest abroad". In the second category you will have the goals: "Find friends", "be a good mistress", and in the third category: "learn to knit", "succeed at work", "Sports".
  2. Now start specifying. As soon as you have decided on the areas of life that you want to improve, put more specific goals. To do this, ask yourself questions: "How?", "What?", "Why?", "When?", "Where?".

    It is very important to understand what exactly you are responsible for achieving this goal. Most likely, most of the goals are the key role played by your prerequisite, but in some, for example, "spend more time with family," your relatives should participate. Therefore, it is important to decide who for what goals is responsible.

    • For example, the target to "learn to cook" applies only to you, so only you will be responsible for her. But if your goal is to "hold a party", then you will be only part of the responsibility.
  3. Try to specify the goal, answering the question "What?" Understand which result you want to get. For example, the goal "learn to cook" is too wide. Think about what you want to cook. For example, the goal should sound like this: "Learning to prepare Italian dishes for friends" or "learn how to cook chicken noodles."

    • The more specifically the goal, the more clear to you, what steps you need to take to achieve it.
  4. Answer the question "when?" Wake up our goals. To achieve each goal, determine the approximate time frame.

    • Be realistic. The goal "Lose weight by 10 kg" is unlikely to achieve in a couple of weeks. Think how much time you need to achieve your goals.
    • For example, the goal "Learn to bake a chicken in a chicken until tomorrow" is unlikely to have a realistic goal. Because of this purpose, you will begin to worry and nervous, because you are not enough time to learn something.
    • And the goal "learn to bake a chicken in a klyar by the end of the month" - the goal is quite achieving, because you will have enough time to learn something and practice. Nevertheless, it is better to break this goal into several stages, because so the probability of your success is growing greatly.
    • For example, this goal can be broken into smaller stages: "I want to learn to bake a chicken in a chicken. By the end of the week, I will find some good recipes. I will prepare a chicken for each of these recipes. Then I will choose what I liked more, make a chicken and invite friends to dinner. "
  5. Answer the question "Where?" Thus, you can decide exactly where you will work to achieve the goal. For example, if you planned to play sports 3 times a week, you need to decide whether you will go to the gym, do at home or run in the park.

    • In our case, if your goal is to "learn to bake a chicken in a chicken", think if you will take additional culinary lessons or you will cook at home.
  6. Answer the question "How?" Having answered this question, you will understand how you are going to achieve each of the stages of your goal. This step is needed so that you understand what actions will have to do to achieve your goal.

    • Let's go back to our example with chicken. To achieve this goal, you will have to find a few good recipes, buy a chicken and other products, prepare dishes and appliances and find time to practic.
  7. Answer the question "Why?" As already mentioned early, the more you are motivated, the faster to achieve your goal. You must understand why this goal is so important to you. Having answered this question, you will understand what motivates you. Think that you will give the achievement of this purpose?

    Try to positively formulate your goals. The results of the research showed that the goal sounds more realistic if it is formulated in a positive tone. In other words, you will achieve the goal faster if it is something that you are striving for, and not something you try to avoid.

    • For example, if you are going to eat right, then the target to "stop eating harmful food" will be formulated in negative colors. This wording unconsciously sets you on the need to limit yourself.
    • Instead, formulate the goal in the other way: "Each at least 3 times a day of vegetables and fruits"
  8. You must set goals when you know exactly what kind of result you want to get. Achieving the goals will require you intense work, as well as a sense of motivation. Therefore, make sure that it is precisely those goals to achieve which you are willing to try. Remember that you are responsible only for your actions, so you can not control the achievement of the goal if someone else is responsible for it.

    • Try to focus on what you can do to achieve this goal. This will help you do not fall in spirit, if at some stage you fail. Feeling successful, you can achieve a certain result, and even if it is not quite the way you planned, you will still be satisfied with them.
    • For example, the target to "become president" depends not only on you, but also from the actions of other people (in this case, voters will vote for you). You cannot monitor these actions, so this goal is theoretically achievable, but not for your responsibility. Nevertheless, to get into the number of candidates is a fully achieving goal. Its achievement depends more from you and your efforts. Even if you have not won the election, but they hit the number of candidates, you can already consider it as a success.

    Part 2

    Develop an action plan
    1. Think by what ways you can achieve the goals that you faced by yourself. Make a list of tasks that you need to perform to achieve the target. To do this, pay attention to the answers you gave (for questions "Where?", "What?", "When?" And so on).

      • For example, you may have such a goal: "I want to go to the institute and study the jurisprudence to become a lawyer and help to win things in court." This is a specific goal, but it is quite difficult to achieve it. To make it easier to navigate and start with something, break this goal into a few pickers.
      • Here are some exemplary priests:
        • To graduate school
        • Participate in debat
        • Select university
        • Enter university
    2. Put the time frame. Some goals are easier to achieve than others. For example, the goal "Walking in the Park within an hour 3 times a week" is pretty light, you can start working on it today. But some goals are achieved for years.

      • For example, to achieve the goal "Become a lawyer" will require not one year. You will need to reach a few pickers and go through several stages that will lead you to this main goal.
      • Take into account possible troubles and other vitality. For example, the target to "choose a university" should be achieved before you are going to act there, and there will be little time for it. Also keep in mind that each university has its own requirements and its timeframe for submitting documents.
    3. Proceed the following in the task. Once you have broken a goal into a few pickers, try to deliver yourself the tasks that will lead you to these blows. To execute each task, set the time frame.

      • For example, if your goal is to "become a lawyer", then the first subtle "Good end senior school»Can be divided into several stages. For example, "sign up for additional classes By right and history, "and" go to additional law courses ".
      • Some groups have certain temporary frames. It is important to remember to always be motivated. If some tricks have no time frame, we advise you to independently allocate yourself a certain period of time for which you can cope with this task.
    4. Take the task in the duties. Soon you will feel that it is not so difficult to achieve your goal! The research results showed that specific targets broken into tasks lead to an increase in performance, even if the tasks themselves are quite difficult. Performing these tasks can bring a lot of trouble, especially if you are not fully confident that you really want to achieve this goal.

      • For example, if you have a challenge to "sign up for law and history," can be limited to its temporary framework, dividing on subtasks. You may have the following subtasks: "Get the schedule of classes", "discuss visiting classes with a teacher", "sign up for classes before [DATE]"
    5. List the subparagraphs that you have already completed. Perhaps some have fun you have already achieved or is about to achieve. For example, if you want to enter the Faculty of Law, you should be more interested in news and changes in legislation.

      • Make a list of even the most minor actions that can help you achieve your goal. You will understand that many items from the list have already fulfilled or perform. It will give you a sense of motivation and progress.
    6. Think what you need to learn and develop. If you have a lot of goals, you may not be able to develop all the qualities at once. Think about what skills and knowledge you already have. Exercise with the visualization of itself in the future will help you.

      • If you understand that you need some more qualities, start developing them in yourself.
      • For example, if you want to become a lawyer, you must develop the ability to perform your speech before the public and the ability to build your speech. If you are very shy, you will have to develop communication skills with other people to achieve your goal.
    7. Make a plan for every day. Most people postpone important things "On then", "Tomorrow", in the end, never starting with them. Even if this is something very insignificant, but you can do it today - do not postpone. It will help you become a little closer to your goal.

      • Tasks completed today will push you further. For example, if you need to agree with someone about something, then you first need to make someone enough information about it. And if your goal is "walking 3 times a week," then you first need to buy comfortable shoes. Even the most minor actions will motivate you move on.
    8. Think what bothers you. In fact, in the world there is not a lot of real obstacles to achieving the goal. Think that inhibits your progress. It will help you more effectively deal with this "brake."

Tasks performed daily cannot be carried out without setting a goal. Even the most simple and daily actions are initially planned by a person. How to put goals? What helps to realize the reality? Answer the questions will help the information below.

What is needed to set the goal?

Aimedial existence is not enough to taste. Almost every person has its own goal, incentive to life. How to put goals correctly and for this you need to make maximum patience and effort. The correct placement of life priorities, as well as the recommendations presented below, will help create an independent installation for themselves.

Thoughts are material

What we constantly imagine, sooner or later will come to life. Positive thoughts attract good luck, and the negative makes us passive and unhappy. How to put goals and achieve them? Think positively and believe in your own success. Without faith, the setting of goals does not make sense.

Think about the goals set, mentally imagine a moment when they are achieved. The more often you will do it, the faster the conceived will be implemented.

Visualization: Look and do

Laziness - the main enemy

Do not let yourself relax in those moments when you need to act. There was a free minute - once again worked for the embodiments of the task.

How to put to deal with laziness and apathy. Movement is life, and it does not matter, physical it is or mental. Lazy and apathetic people do not reach heights and, as statistics show, are less successful than active individuals. Do not let the ribbon penetrate your thoughts, organize your day in such a way that even during the rest or break at work you were busy.

What should be the deadlines for the implementation of the goals

To properly set targets, you need to establish clear time limits for their implementation. Specific dates will help you become collected and responsible in achieving the desired result.

You can not put goals on a long period of time, since you cannot give warranties that nothing will prevent them from implementing them. That is, if you make the installation that 10 years later, accumulate on the apartment, then the goal is at risk to remain unrealized.

How to set goals: examples

Correct tasks and goals are quickly implemented. For example, if a person gave itself the installation to buy a car of a certain mark in six months, he will buy it. It's not just not only in the formulation of the task, the case in a desire to fulfill the conceived. People, passionately fonding the achievement of the goal, it is easier to get from life what they want.

An excellent example of the correct placement of the goal is how athletes are preparing for competitions. They give themselves the installation that the sports Olympiad will be physically prepared. It uses not only the goal itself, but also the mood of athletes, their dedication.

Another example of the correct installation: "I wish to lose weight by 10 kilograms for 5 months." The full opposite of this setting is the installation of this kind: "I want to lose weight." In the first version, the goal is clear and has a certain time, tangible final result. It causes a person to work productively, in order to carry out the intended. The second option is an example of how to put the goal should not. Blurred temporary boundaries and fuzzy end result will not help implement the desired.

Several steps on the way to setting and implementing the goal

How to put goals? Before proceeding directly to the formulation of a certain task, it is necessary to choose several (not more than 5) the most important goals. Drop all unnecessary and uninteresting to you in this moment. When you decide to correctly create a setup for yourself and implement a few simple steps to implement.

Step 1. Conversation with your own "I"

Place the way you are comfortable, and relax, immerse yourself in the easy pleasant dere. And now ask yourself the question: "What do I want to achieve most?" Filter unnecessary information, eliminate fleeting desires and abstract dreams. Highlight what brings you positive emotions.

Step 2. Fixing the task on a sheet of paper

How to put goals? Fix them on paper. Sewing in detail, select important points. Re-read the written information several times a day - this will help consolidate the task in the subconscious.

Step 3. Wake up global goals for small and fast fulfilled tasks

How to put and achieve them? Take into account the actions necessary for their implementation. Opposite each of the written purposes, fix the microcradisters, the execution of which will bring you to the realization of the intended.

Would you like to earn 10,000 rubles by the end of the next month? Decide that you need to do: find additional earnings or change the generation.

Want to get rid of the extra 15 kilograms for 7 months? Develop individual plan Training and diets. Do not use other people's work, since only those classes are suitable for achieving the goal.

Step 4. Remedy Barriers

Ask yourself the question: "What prevents me from getting the desired?" Write the answers on the paper sheet and analyze them. And now proceed directly to action.

Daily follow yourself and stop the appearance of laziness, avoid excessive spending time for communication with unnecessary people. Mobilize your strength to achieve the goal and try not to be distracted by stimuli.

Step 5. Drawing up a list of funds to achieve goals

The implementation of any objectives requires certain costs: financial, energy, temporary. Opposite each goal, make a list of tools that will help get the desired faster. It can be money free time, Forces on solving everyday tasks.

Remember that on the way to the realization of the goal you will have to sacrifice something. Boldly reduce day rest, replacing it with the study of questions you are interested in. Try not to regret the spent time, inspire yourself that all this is done for your benefit.

Step 6. Planning a day

What helps to put goals correctly? Plan your day I need competently. A clearly compiled routine on a day helps to become collected, planning allows you to efficiently spend your personal time.

To achieve his goal, it is necessary to make a schedule daily. Within 24 hours you should have time and work on the task, and on solving current problems. Do not forget to take into account the time spent on vacation.

Step 7. Learn to be cheerful

Do not pay attention to small failures and troubles found on the way to achieve the goal. Set yourself to positive, look positive in everything, here for you a big role will play the saying "All that is done, all for the better".

Remember that the goal will be carried out only if it carries a positive charge.

Step 8. Praise

As soon as you allow one of the microstasses, be sure to praise yourself. Encouraging even for small accomplishments helps faster and less energy. Praise yourself for not laughing today to work over the norm.

Speak yourself that there is nothing impossible for you, and soon you will see that this is true. The promotion of own actions increases the confidence and purpose of man. Only in everything you need to know the measure - do not intercept yourself, otherwise the encouragement will start working with accuracy to the opposite.

Is it possible to make adjustments to the goals?

Of course, yes. If the final result is scheduled for a long period of time (for example, from 2 to 5 years), then making small adjustments here is appropriate. This is due to the fact that the world changes, and there is nothing constant in it. Therefore, one should not put a goal in which it is impossible to make an adjustment for a long period.

For example, if you want to buy an apartment in 7 years and decides to save all these years to such a large purchase, but do not take into account that during this period the force majeure can happen, the final result will not please you. Why? Yes, everything is simple: at some point you will need a large amount of money, and you will use your accumulations.

To avoid this, make small adjustments to your goal. For example, write that you need to create another, additional financial "airbag" in the form of an open account in the bank.

What if the achievement of the goal disappointed?

In the process of implementing the task, some people faced the fact that the work done does not suit them, and the goal no longer represents interest to them. What to do in this situation?

You should not lower your hands and think that the work done was useless. Note for yourself that you got tremendous experience and still achieved what I once wanted. If you are completely disappointed in the goal, start implementing a new one. Our whole life consists entirely of an endless turn of undertakings and accomplishments, so try everything and always bring to the end. It will make a purposefulness in you.

Remember one important rule - never stop in the middle. Despite obstacles, condemnation by people, go to the target goal and believe in our hand. Support yourself in all endeavors.

We will not be given to the right goals in school, the process of competent formulation of the task for the future will not be able to explain the parents. Understand how to achieve the desired, you can only through your own samples and errors, self-diagnosis and work on yourself.

Each person has its own main goal in the life, to which he seeks. Or even a few goals. Throughout life, they may change: losing their importance, one is deleted, and in return they appear other, more relevant. How many of them should be, these goals?

Successful people argue that 50 people's life goals are not at all. The longer the list of your goals, the better you can sort out our true desires.

For example, John Goddard, at a fifteenth age, set him even 50 vital, the main goals he sought to achieve, and 127! For non-dedicated certificate: We are talking about the researcher, a scientist-anthropologist, traveler, owner scientific degrees, Member of the Company of French Researchers, Royal Geographical Society and Archaeological Society, a multiple record holder of the Guinness Book of Records.

In his half a century anniversary, John noted - 100 of the set 127 goals, he implemented. Its saturated life can only be envied.

Goals in order not to be ashamed and hurt

A happy person is called the most successful. No one will name the loser happy - the success is the component of happiness. The famous phrase of Ostrovsky from "How to Stand Become" about how to live his life, remember almost everything. Especially brightly ending the quotation: "In order not to painfully hurt ..." so that at sunset there was no time to hurt and ashamed for aimlessly living time, you need to put the tasks in front of yourself today.

To consider life successful, the 50 most important life goals of a person to old age should be achieved. Summing up your life, a person compares what he dreamed about what he achieved. But it happens that over the years it is difficult to recall many of our desires-goals, so it is difficult to compare. This is so important to write 50 of the most important goals in life on a sheet of paper, periodically reread the list.

Another important aspect - Try to record. This means that your goals should correspond to five important criteria: concreteness, measurability, relevance, achievability, limited time.

Human needs

Before making a list, it should be understood that it is a priority, vital for a person. Air, drink, food, sleep - 4 of the most important needs of organic life. The second is there are health, housing, clothing, sex, rest - the necessary attributes of life, but minor. Unlike animals, a person is characteristic of not just the elementary satisfaction of life needs, he wants to do this, receiving aesthetic pleasure.

It is impossible to live a person without satisfying paramount needs, and without satisfying secondary - difficult. Therefore, if at least one link of this chain is destroyed, the person suffers physically - first, morally - secondly. He is unhappy. But even if all the vital needs of the individual are satisfied, his life cannot be called happy. Here is a paradox.

Therefore, in 50 vital, the priority objectives of a person must include paragraphs, thanks to the implementation of which the primary and secondary needs of a person would be satisfied.

Laying such goals as "buy your own home" or "relax to the sea", "make the necessary medical operation" or "cure and insert teeth", "buy a fur coat" and "buy a car". Let not be so important for complete happiness ( Why - will be discussed below), but their achievement makes habitat on earth of people more comfortable. To meet these needs, the achievements of the objectives listed above, the individual needs money. And, selecting the 50 most important human goals, it is necessary to include an item regarding the financial condition of the individual. Examples of such purposes:

  • find high paying work;
  • open your business;
  • to ensure that business brings a net income of more than 10,000 dollars a month, and the like.

Approximate list 50 goals

Spiritual self-improvement:

  1. Read the collected works by J. London.
  2. Finish English courses.
  3. Forgive resentment on parents, friends.
  4. Stop envy.
  5. Enhance personal effectiveness by 1.5 times.
  6. Get rid of laziness and postpowing cases.
  7. Every day to write at least 1000 characters for your unfinished novel (personal blog).
  8. To make a sister (husband, mom, father).
  9. Start writing a personal diary every day.
  10. Attend the church is no less than once a month.

Self-improvement physical:

  1. 3 times a week to visit the simulator room.
  2. Weekly go to the sauna and pool.
  3. Daily in the morning to make a set of exercises;
  4. Every evening to make hiking at least half an hour.
  5. Refuse completely from the list of harmful products.
  6. Once a quarter arrange a three-day cleansing hunger strike.
  7. Three months later, learn to sit on the twine.
  8. In winter, along with grandson (son, daughter, nephew) go to the ski trek in the forest.
  9. Lose weight by 4 kilograms.
  10. Wound in the mornings with cold water.

Financial goals:

  1. Increase monthly income up to 100,000 rubles.
  2. Raise the Titz of your site (blog) by the end of this year to 30.
  3. Go to the level of passive income.
  4. Learn to play on the stock exchange.
  5. Learn to make websites to order yourself.
  6. Early repay the bank loan.
  7. All the work on the house is entrusted to carry out automata in order to save time for earnings.
  8. Save on meaningless and harmful things: cigarettes, alcohol, sweets, chips, crackers.
  9. Products to buy in wholesale stores everything except perishable.
  10. Buy a cottage for growing fresh eco-friendly products.

Comfort and pleasure:


  1. Monthly deduct to the orphanage for gifts to children 10% profit.
  2. Arrange for orphans New Year's presentation with gifts for the local theater forces - finance.
  3. Do not pass by aspecting alms - be sure to serve alms.
  4. Help a homeless animal shelter - to deduct money for dogs.
  5. By the new year, all the kids in the entrance to make a small present.
  6. On the day of the elderly to give all pensioners with a set of products.
  7. Large family to buy a computer.
  8. Give unnecessary things in need.
  9. Build a playground in the yard.
  10. Help a financially talented girl Thane to go to the competition to Moscow "Light Your Star".

Restability as the main component of happiness

In addition, for the full happiness of the personality, it is still necessary for something. And this "something" is called recognition. Only being in demand, the personality feels its significance, feels pleasure, happiness. The criterion of recognition for each person has its own. Some quite simple "thank you" for the cooked dinner. Others feel the feeling of complete happiness from the manifestations of tenderness of the sexual partner - this is a recognition, identification among all others.

One is enough to bring sterile cleanliness in the house and hear the words of admiration from the neighbors, others need to see the delight in the eyes of the appearances at the sight of their appearance, figures, outfits, hairstyles. For third, it is important to recognize them in the role of beautiful parents. For the fourth, it is necessary to recognize on a wider level. These fourths do not limit the circle of people with which they want to be recognized, relatives, loved ones, neighbors, fellow travelers, passersby.

These are scientists, discoverers, large businessmen, people creative and some other professions. The most successful people who receive recognition from their favorite, friends, children, neighbors and colleagues, fans, spectators, readers are a wider range of persons. It is important to make the relevant items in the list of "50 goals in my life". Examples of such purposes may be such:

  • find your second half to create a family, which (which) will be such, to which I will experience respect, love (passion), feelings must be responding;
  • help your son successfully finish school;
  • give children higher education;
  • defend a thesis;
  • release your own collection of stories (Disk songs) or organize an exhibition of paintings.

Intermediate goals

To achieve global goals, actions can help move forward. Therefore, it is necessary to write interim targets regarding advanced training, education, skill acquisitions. And in the list of "50 people's life goals" examples can be:

  • read the collected works of Dostoevsky;
  • reading benefits for a businessman, the author of which is John Rockefeller (for example, "" success;
  • study of life stories and ways to the success of major figures of science and culture;
  • studying of foreign language;
  • obtaining a second education.

This list can be continued at your own discretion, based on the main objectives.

Objectives motivators

To achieve the main goals, incentives are needed, occupying the position of intermediate goals. They are included in the list, indicating; "50 intermediate life goals". The list of these goals includes items:

  • go around the world;
  • buy a new laptop;
  • make repairs in the apartment;
  • refresh the wardrobe to the new season.

Some can write items "make plastic faces" or "to hold abdominal abdominal". After all, for many to improve the appearance - a hidden desire, which sometimes shame. But, making a list of motivators' objects, it is necessary to write those who will give a person's pleasure in life. These goals do not have important life needs, but without the joy and pleasure of a person cares, it is boring to live, the meaning of the achievement of the main goals is lost.

It is necessary, first of all, to correctly determine the goal, and then clearly go to its achievement. The fact is that without it is impossible neither spiritual, nor any other personality development. When you know what to strive for, you go in the right direction. Otherwise, it's just fune in place.

The setting of goals begins with small: in childhood the child wants something and understands that for this you need to do something. When a person matures, the desires and their achievements are simply modified. But the essence remains the same: there is a final point to which you need to walk, and the path that is worth doing.

Each person must remember that the production should be a clear and concrete. For example, if you want to buy a car, you need to know which one should be brands and colors. And do not forget when determining the desires to ask yourself: "Why do I want this?". Sometimes, finding a response for him, a person just changes the goal.

After your task has passed this check successfully, you need to start a subsequent stage. Try to determine how much money and time you need to spend on for example, if you want to do business, decide what start-up capital you need, what is best for this to approach, how many employees you need and so on.

Remember that any setting of goals is not a game of "Certain an unreal desire": here you need to clearly understand what you want from life, and then start overcome existing obstacles.

Also an important point is how much will need for this forces: finance, time, emotional costs. According to psychologists, it is possible to achieve even the most unreal purposes: you only need to choose the right way. The desire is half of the success. The rest of the half depends only on the actions in the desired side.

In order for the setting of goals to be more structured, it is best to display all your judgments on paper. Best then, when you chose the most basic ones, make cards. They can be about 5 pieces: Top to write the task below - the steps perfect to achieve it. It is best to place them so that they are constantly in the field of your vision. The most important thing is that of them, on which the target for you is recorded, you need to put in the place where you are most often: the car, the writing table, finally ... restroom.

The correct setting of goals is the key to successful achievement. To achieve this, you need to adhere to certain criteria, some of which was described above. You can still add that:

  1. The wording should be only in the form of the present.
  2. Remember that you should not use the negative particle "not" when describing the task. This reduces its importance and postpone achievement.
  3. Do not use the details: detailing can stimulate the purpose of the target completely in another key.

Leaders who achieved success in life independently believe that the setting of goals should be carried out according to the following criteria:

  1. A person must be interested in reaching them.
  2. You can reach the set goal through intermediate, small steps.
  3. You need to limit all the temporary framework.
  4. The final result should be clearly defined.

Remember that your life is entirely dependent on you and your desire. It is impossible to hope for the case, because it may not be introduced. Take the initiative to your hands, strive and achieve everything yourself, without hoping in case and Russian "Avos." This is the only right way and your task is to become as soon as possible.