What attracts you to the additional activities of the child. Test on the topic: "Paid services" questionnaire


Dear Parents! In our kindergarten work is organized to provide additional paid educational services... The work of the circles and studios will be carried out in the second half of the day. To determine your requests, interests and wishes, we ask you to answer the following questions:

1. Surname, name, patronymic ______________________________


2. How old is your child __________________________

3. Do you consider it necessary to comprehensively develop the child's abilities in preschool age? __________

4. What attracts you to the additional activities of the child in kindergarten? ______________________________________

5. What additional development direction would you choose for your child (check the one you need):

· Physical development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Speech development

What are your options? ___________________________________

6. What is the payment for Additional services Do you find it acceptable? ______________________________




"On the provision of additional paid educational services"

  • Physical development
  • Speech development

Thank you for your cooperation!


"On the provision of additional paid educational services"

Dear Parents! In our kindergarten, work is organized to provide additional paid educational services. The work of the circles and studios will be carried out in the second half of the day. To determine your requests, interests and wishes, we ask you to answer the following questions:

  1. Full Name ______________________________


  1. How old is your child__________________________
  2. Do you consider it necessary to comprehensively develop the child's abilities in preschool age? __________
  3. What attracts you to the additional activities of the child in kindergarten? ______________________________________
  4. What additional development direction would you choose for your child (check the one you need):
  • Physical development
  • Artistic and aesthetic development
  • Speech development

What are your options? ___________________________________

  1. What payment for additional services do you consider acceptable? ______________________________

Thank you for your cooperation!

On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

The author's program for the provision of additional educational services for a group of children of short-term stays of different ages.

In the life of any family, sooner or later a problem arises: does the child need D / S? And how difficult it is to arrange a child. But now there is a choice of private D / S and short-stay groups. And how to start work ...


Kindergarten - first stage common system education, the main goal of which is the comprehensive development of the child. Great importance for the development of the preschooler, the organization of the preschooler ...

Teterina Galina
Questionnaire for parents "On the provision of paid additional educational services"

Dear parents!

Since September 1, 2015 in our kindergarten, work is being organized on provision of paid additional educational services. Paid additional educational services will be provided without damaging or degrading the quality of the provision of basic educational services... To determine your requests, interests and wishes, we ask you to answer the following questions:

2. Do you consider it necessary to fully develop the child's abilities in preschool age? (check the one you want):

I am at a loss to answer

3. What attracts you to additional child's activities in kindergarten?

The child has a good time;

The child learns a lot of new and useful things;

The child gets the opportunity to raise his authority among friends;

The acquired skills and knowledge will help the child successfully adapt at school;

Additional classes give the child the opportunity to better understand himself;

Additional classes give the child the opportunity to gain experience of interacting with children and adults;

Your options ___

4. What additional development directions you would choose for your child

(check the one you want):

Physical culture and health;

Social and communicative;

Artistic and aesthetic;



Your options ___

5. For what services you are willing to pay extra(check the one you want):


Classes in sports sections;

Classes in the art studio ( pictorial activities in traditional and non-traditional ways);

Classes in the creative workshop (modeling, crafts from various materials in various techniques).

Individual correctional work speech development;

Preparation for school (teaching literacy, mathematics, logic, preparing hands for writing.);

Learning to play the piano;

Development of the vocal abilities of the child;

Classes in the children's theater studio;

English language training;

Weekend group; (Saturday Sunday)

Short stay group (from 9.00 - 12.00)

Your options ___

6. How often, in your opinion, should additional classes? (check the one you want):

Once a week

2 times per week

3 times a week

Your options ___

7. What is the most convenient working time for the clubs?

From 17.00 to 18.00 hours, Monday - Friday;

From 18.00 to 19.00 hours, Monday - Friday;

Saturday from 10.00 to 11.00

Sunday from 10.00 to 11.00

Your options ___

8. What payment for additional services Do you find it acceptable?

(cost of one lesson)

130 rubles

140 rubles

150 rubles

9. Your wishes and suggestions ___

Thank you for your cooperation!

About circles and sections

Do I need to send the child to a section or circle? Wouldn't this be an undue burden for him in addition to his school hours? Or, on the contrary, should we proceed from the assumption that a change of activity is the best rest? Then in which circle should you enroll your son or daughter? How to choose the one that the child will visit with pleasure and benefit for himself?

Probably every parent once asks these questions. It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to them. Dad and mom in each case will have to weigh the pros and cons.

So, "PER":

1. Classes in a circle or section are:

- change of activity ... If your child attends the sports section, then school mental activity is replaced by physical activity. If it is a music school or art circle - creative. In applied arts circles - motor (motor) activity, that is, manual labor. Even if your son or daughter preferred chess, a math or literary circle - all the same there they will do only what they like, what interests them;

- change of communication style. As a rule, circles or sections are more informal than at school. There are no such strict discipline requirements. Can you imagine what pleasure a little schoolboy gets from not having to sit still and silently, to answer only when asked? The teachers in the circle are not as strict as the teachers at school - they are allowed to play pranks, run around, make some noise. All these liberties are allowed, of course, within reasonable limits. Therefore you can
do not be afraid that your child will be "pampered" with such indulgence;

- change of social circle. Such extracurricular activities, as a rule, are held in smaller groups than the average class at school. For classes, a separate room is usually allocated. Unlike classes and, especially, changes in school, the child is not surrounded by a large noisy community, and therefore he gets the opportunity to take a break from being at school;

- a change of scenery. Premises intended for classes with children in children's clubs try to equip according to their interests. They are equipped with games, toys, materials for creativity, sports equipment. The child's duties here do not include sitting upright and motionless on a hard chair for forty minutes at a desk that is not always suitable for height. In a good circle, a tired student has various areas for study, play and relaxation: if you want - study at the table, if you want - sit comfortably on the children's sofa or pouf, you can even sit on the carpet if you like it more.

The switch will help your son or daughter take a break from a tiring day at school and cope with the fatigue that has accumulated during the day. After classes in a circle or section, the child can start doing homework with fresh energy.

way of organizing the child's leisure time ... This is one of the most common arguments for parents. Indeed, circles and sections are often the only way to organize time after school for those dads and mothers who work and cannot sit at home with their beloved child after school. A child attending extracurricular activities is less likely to get into some kind of trouble on the street, do something at home, develop bad habits (for example, learning to smoke under the careful supervision of older friends or addicted to playing machines that are now on every corner and invitingly blinking colored lights). Agree, in a circle under the supervision of a leader, the child is safer.

communication... Parents of a shy, shy child are often recommended by psychologists to enroll him in some kind of circle. The groups there are usually small, which means that the stress is not as great as, for example, at school, and it is not so scary to meet someone. As a rule, children in a circle are more similar to each other, since they have common interests. This makes it easier to establish friendships.

In addition, for all children, the group in the circle is a miniature model of society. A less formalized setting provides more opportunities to try out different behaviors. And the need to achieve a common goal forces children to develop communication skills, learn to resolve conflicts, defend their opinions and find compromises.

4. Classes in a circle, sections contribute to formation of responsibility, independence ... If a child wants to attend his favorite circle, then he must learn to remember and control many things at once. For example:

Remember the schedule of classes and be on time for them;
- remember, collect and bring everything you need for classes (for a young dancer, for example, every time you need to bring a swimsuit, skirt, socks, special shoes, and even make a hairdo);
- remember and independently complete the homework given by the head (learn a song, draw a landscape, learn a dance step, practice in performing a sports exercise, etc.);
- organize your time in such a way as to have time for everything: go to school, do your homework, help mom and dad, and talk to friends.

For a child of seven or nine years old, this is a very difficult task. He still has neither "adult" willpower, nor "adult" memory, nor "adult" foresight and prudence. It is worth considering that the child will not learn all this if parents or grandparents do everything for him. It all depends on the adults. You cannot do the work for the child that he is able to do (albeit with an effort at first) himself, if you want to use the potential of extracurricular activities. But helping the baby to learn independence is simply necessary. We will talk about how to organize the time of your child attending extracurricular activities later.

5. Classes in a circle, sections contribute to the development of abilities. Several options are possible here.

The first option: you know exactly what the child's abilities are for. Then you send it to the section, the classes in which are aimed at their development;

The second option: neither you nor the child have yet decided exactly what he wants and can do, or, perhaps, the child does not show pronounced giftedness in any particular area. It's okay: let him study in different circles, even if he changes them periodically - in this case, his abilities will also develop. There are no children without talents. Therefore, it is possible that, while trying, you will discover what your son or daughter really has a penchant for. In any case, the knowledge and skills acquired in the classroom will not be wasted: he will grow diversified developed man, which, of course, will be useful to him in later life.

6. Classes in a circle, sections contribute to increase self-esteem. By attending a section where it is really interesting to study, even the most insecure child will surely achieve success. Let it be small, but very important for him. This small victory will strengthen the child's faith in himself, in his strength. He will become more confident not only in situations of study in the circle, but also in life in general.

Of course, success in a circle by itself may not be enough. Parents should definitely pay attention to his achievements. Praise, emphasize that they are very proud of him. Perhaps bragging about his successes in front of others - of course, in the presence of the child. To express the hope that in the rest he will now be just as well done and will cope with everything. It is only extremely important not to overdo it. Do not think that, since the child is small, he is unable to distinguish sincere admiration from flattery. Let your praise be adequate to the real achievements of the child. If you, wanting to please him, are insincere, the son or daughter will cease to trust your assessment.

There is one more important aspect worth noting. Parents of children who are not very successful in something are often so focused on these seemingly insurmountable difficulties themselves that they simply do not see behind them the abilities and talents of their child. Here is just one case from the practice of a psychologist:

Lena, a tall girl with an athletic figure, was brought to the reception by her mother. Lena was silent at the consultation: it seemed that the conversation did not interest her. Apparently, everything that mother said, the girl heard more than once.

Lena's mom was very upset. As it turned out, the next daughter's deuce in mathematics. Both Lena's mom and dad were grades of grades and grades at school. Therefore, their daughter's poor academic performance simply did not fit into their heads. “And we’re studying with her. We do our lessons together, explain everything, but there’s no point in it. All he says is:“ I don’t understand, I can’t, I don’t want to. ”

Interrupting mom's monologue, the psychologist asked Lena: "Do you like studying, going to school?"
The girl, without looking at the psychologist, indifferently answered: "No".
"Do you have friends at school?" - asked the psychologist.
"No," says Lena, "no one is friends with me ... I don't care."

All this time Lena's mother emphasized with all her appearance: "You see! I told you - she is not interested in anything, wants nothing!" - and she was clearly waiting for the moment when she would be given the opportunity to say it out loud.

"Well, maybe you like at least something about school?" - the psychologist asked the girl.
"Yes, I can't do anything. Well, really ..." Lena looked back at her mother and finished hesitantly: "I love physical education, especially when we play basketball."

The remark aroused the indignation of the mother: “Basketball is not a useful activity! school curriculum! In addition, to be taken to the section, you need to have data, and Lena has never seriously gone in for sports. And in general, Lena will still quit classes in a week, because she cannot even remember the schedule of lessons and do her homework without a dozen reminders ... "

The psychologist was forced to interrupt my mother's monologue, because he saw that the girl, who did not dare to object, had tears in her eyes.

Having asked Lena to wait outside the door, the psychologist talked with her mother for a long time. He explained to her how important it is for a child to believe in himself, how important it is for others to believe in you, especially the dearest and closest people - parents. He talked about how important it is for a child to succeed, and not necessarily in mathematics.

After listening to a psychologist, Lena's mother agreed to try to show her daughter to the coach of the school's basketball team.

The psychologist met Lena and her mother by chance a year later. Lena smiled and looked into her eyes, and her mother no longer looked so upset. The coach, to the great surprise of my mother, agreed to study with Lena. To the even greater surprise of her parents, Lena did not miss training. Six months later, the girl was transferred to the main team of the school team, and now she defends the honor of the school in competitions.

"What about math?" - the psychologist ventured to ask.
"With mathematics? - Mom was a little embarrassed. - Yes, to be honest, practically the same. But my dad and I thought it was not so important. You can live without mathematics. Especially an athlete. Really, daughter?" At the same time, my mother looked very proud.

Think about it. You may be torturing a talented musician with equations. Or you force a talented chess player to draw. Of course, parents are pleased when their child is successful in school. Of course, school knowledge is useful in the future life. But if something does not work out for your child, stop for a minute and answer the question to yourself: maybe it will be possible to live without it? Maybe all this is not worth your nerves and the tears of your son or daughter? Take a closer look, your child must have abilities to be proud of. And no less than fives in the diary. Be able to discern these abilities. Find a place to help your child develop them. Trust and support him. Then he will certainly achieve success and become more confident not only in a specific narrow area, but also in life in general.

There are, of course, arguments. "AGAINST":

1. Classes in a circle, sections require additional time. One cannot but agree with the parents who say that the circles take up time. However, the child is unlikely to be able to study all day, he still needs rest. Classes in a circle are one of the possible options.

2. Classes in a circle, sections are additional loads. Indeed, in a child they are already considerable. Requirements for students, the number of subjects studied, the level of difficulty teaching material grow. And this must be taken into account. When choosing a circle for a child, moderation should be observed. Do not write it down, unnecessarily, in a section where daily training for several hours is supposed. For the organization of leisure, two sessions of 40-50 minutes a week are quite enough.

Do not try to embrace the immensity and enroll your son or daughter in many circles at once. Limit yourself to one for a start, maximum two. If stays free time, the child can always go somewhere else.

3. Classes in a circle, sections are additional loads for parents ... "The child will supposedly be engaged, and we will keep track of everything (clothes, schedule) and do homework with him," the parents fear. Most likely, the child will make an attempt to shift all the unpleasant responsibilities onto you. But here it all depends on your organizational skills, on your fortitude and perseverance.

4. Classes in a circle, sections are additional expenses. Unfortunately, the economic factor cannot be disregarded. No matter how prosaic it may seem, the need to pay money to develop the creative abilities of a beloved child is a very real problem. Most of the circles and sections today operate on a paid basis. However, do not despair. Having shown the proper perseverance, you can nevertheless find some free circles at children's clubs, and those in which the tuition fee is very moderate. Of course, most likely, the monetary savings will be associated with some difficulties and inconveniences (distance from home, bad time for classes, insufficient equipment of the premises, etc.). But it's still better than nothing.

5. The child needs someone take to class , and after their end - meet... Not everyone was lucky with a kids club under the windows of the house. Sometimes you have to not only walk, but also get there by public transport. Of course, you won't let go of one child. Mom and Dad have to take time off from work or ask for help from grandparents.

These last two problems are rather annoying, but still solvable in most cases. There would be a desire in adults.

So, having weighed all the pros and cons, you decided to send your child to some kind of circle, but do not yet know which one? Choosing one and only is really not an easy task. The assortment is huge, even the eyes run up. Let's characterize at least the most popular ones.

Sport sections. A brief description of:

Physical development: contribute to overall physical development, strengthen health, develop dexterity and coordination of movements, develop muscle strength;
- mental development: help to develop willpower, perseverance, self-confidence, the ability to stand up for oneself, the ability to endure pain and fatigue, overcome obstacles, teamwork skills;
- additional benefits: good rest after long sitting at the desk, the opportunity for the child to throw out the accumulated energy in a constructive form.

Sports sections can be very diverse: hockey, volleyball, basketball, football, tennis, different kinds wrestling, athletics, trampoline, pool. You can't list everything. Each sport has its own specifics. Certain initial abilities are required to practice some. Others are within the power of anyone. The specific choice depends on the data of the future athlete, his interests and preferences, and other factors (the presence of sections near the house, the cost of training, etc.)

Choreographic circles. A brief description of:

Physical development: as well as sports sections, they contribute to general physical development, develop dexterity and coordination of movements. In addition, they help to develop a sense of rhythm, flexibility;
- mental development: they require willpower, strong character, the ability to deal with difficulties and failures. Usually accompanied by public speaking that builds self-confidence. Allows the child to show their individuality;
- additional benefits: physical activity helps to overcome fatigue after school. And mastering the technique of performing various dance elements will always come in handy for your child.

Artistic circles. A brief description of:

Physical development: develop fine motor skills;
- mental development: they form perseverance, develop attention, teach self-control, patience. They foster a creative attitude to the world around them, develop imagination;
- additional benefits: the child will learn to work with various art materials (gouache, watercolor, wax crayons, colored pencils, felt-tip pens), use non-traditional materials: leaves, seeds, nut shells, etc. directions.

Music schools, circles. A brief description of:

Physical development: develop a sense of rhythm, ear for music. Train fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination;
- mental development: they develop willpower, perseverance, discipline. The child will need good attention and memory;
- additional benefits: the child will receive a musical education.

If the rest of the circles can be attended at the hobby level, then music should be dealt with seriously, professionally or not at all. Training will require time and effort. The child will have to be controlled, sometimes forced. If your son or daughter does not show an ardent desire to devote himself to music, carefully consider whether it is worth starting classes.

Vocal studios. A brief description of:

Physical development: develop a sense of rhythm, ear for music;
- mental development: performances on stage will help the child overcome the fear of communication, shyness, gain self-confidence;
- additional benefits: your child will be given a voice, taught the technique of singing.

The focus can be different: opera singing, popular stage, folklore.

Theater studios. A brief description of:

Physical development: classes in speech technique make it possible to develop a vocal apparatus, learn to speak correctly and beautifully. Stage movement classes are aimed at gaining control over your body;
- mental development: the development of communication skills - the ability to clearly express their thoughts and feelings, the ability to understand other people. Development of basic mental functions - attention and memory. Overcoming fear of public speaking. Development of imagination. Opportunity for self-expression;
- additional benefits: acquaintance with theatrical culture.

Applied art circles. A brief description of:

Physical development: develop fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination;
- mental development: contribute to the development of patience, perseverance, perseverance. They require attention and self-control. Develop creativity;
- additional benefits: the child will acquire skills and abilities that will definitely be useful to him in later life.

This group includes, in particular, circles of knitting, sewing and sewing, beading, soft toys, modeling.

"Scientific" circles. Under this conventional name, we have united those circles, the classes in which are aimed at knowing various scientific fields, developing thinking. For example:

Journalism, where a small reporter or editor can try his hand at oral and written genre;
- psychology, in which the child will be helped to better understand himself, learn to communicate with others, develop his abilities and overcome shortcomings;
- Historical and archaeological, combining the study of theory with visiting museums, exploring the area in hikes. Additional Information, received at the same time by the child, broadens his horizons;
- computer, aimed at mastering the skills of a computer user necessary in modern life;
- foreign languages, the importance and usefulness of which is difficult to overestimate;
- chess, which develop logical thinking, concentration of attention, self-control, responsibility, independence.

What you need to consider when choosing a circle or section for your child

Perhaps it is worth starting with an analysis of what, in your opinion, your son or daughter has abilities, inclinations, and what interests them. It is not necessary that the child has a talent for anything. Since in most cases we pursue the goal of organizing the child's leisure time, emotional release from the stress accumulated during the day, it is sometimes advisable to choose a type of activity for which the child has no abilities, but on the other hand there is desire to study. The exception is the sections, for classes in which you must initially have certain abilities and skills. If the child does not have them, then they will not take him, no matter how great his desire is. Naturally, if you want a child to achieve significant success in a particular area, he should do what, firstly, he has the ability and what, secondly, with these abilities, he is interested.

Ask your child for their opinion. Perhaps he already has some kind of circle in mind that he would like to go to. Or maybe he doesn't know anything about it at all. Then you will have to explain why he needs it and talk about possible options by offering a choice of the most attractive. You should not enroll a child in a section without consulting. Of course, children are not always able to correctly assess the situation and make an informed decision. Sometimes it seems to them that they do not want anything at all. Sometimes, on the contrary, as in a poem by Agnia Barto, "a drama club, a circle from a photo, and I also want to sing ...". Sometimes a child chooses something that he is not at all capable of, only because a classmate is studying there, whom he wants to be like. But still, it is not worth taking a child against his will where he does not want: it will not give pleasure to you or your child.

If the son or daughter insists on their own, does not agree with your arguments, then it is possible that you give in. The choice of the circle is not as important as the choice of the school. In the worst case, the child will soon leave the circle in which he was so eager. This will be a useful life experience for him: next time he will assess himself more critically and listen more carefully to the advice of his parents. If the child did not cope with what he was striving for, you should not say: "Yeah, I told you, but you did not listen!" Better calmly, without reproach, discuss with him the reasons for the failure.

It is advisable to ask where the child's friends in school, in the yard are doing. He will be more comfortable if extracurricular activities will take place in his usual social circle.

If the child does not have relationships with peers, then, perhaps, communication in neutral territory will help to establish them. However, be careful if a child has a clearly negative relationship with classmates, you should not enroll him in the same section where his "enemies" are engaged. The conflict will "move" together with him to a new team, and attending the circle will become not a pleasure for the child, but a punishment. Better to start from scratch. What if the child is more fortunate in the new team?

The proximity of the circle to home, school is also an important factor. After all, the child will either have to go there himself, or accompanied by one of the adults. A visit to even the most beautiful club on the other side of the city is hardly a good idea. The journey will take too long and be very tiring for the child.

From a practical point of view, of course, the price that such development and entertainment of the child will cost you also matters. Choose a club that you are actually able to pay for. Most likely, if you stop your choice on something fabulously expensive, you will begin to demand reciprocal sacrifices from the child: so that he does not miss classes, so that he tries his best, so that there are tangible results. Otherwise, why are you giving literally your last money ?! In fact, classes should bring joy to your child and you. In addition, the high price does not always correspond to the quality of the lessons.

If you have roughly decided on the section (or sections) where you want to give the child, go to reconnaissance in the area. Arriving at the club, talk to the teacher, the leader of the circle. Check with the parents of the children who are already studying there. If possible, ask for the opinions of the children themselves. Look around to see if the club is cozy, if there is everything you need to practice. Be sure to find out what else you will have to bring for the child's classes, what form of clothing is accepted.

If you liked everything and the conditions suit you, visit a trial lesson with your child. It is usually free. After the lesson, find out if he liked the leader, other children, and the lessons themselves. And if you liked it, then you can safely sign up.

Parents who enrolled their child in the section have a new problem: there are more cases, but the number of hours in a day is still the same. It is necessary to organize the time of a son or daughter in a new way in order to be in time for everything.

The time and day of the week should be selected taking into account individual characteristics child. For example, if after school he is very tired or cannot do homework without your control, then it is more advisable to visit the section after lessons, and do homework in the evening, when the child has a rest or when dad and mom come home from work. Classes can be on weekdays or only on weekends. The last option should be chosen if there is no one to take the child to the circle during the week, and he himself cannot get there, or if the child has a very heavy load at school.

The frequency and duration of classes depend on many factors: the child's performance, the workload at school, the complexity and tediousness of classes in the section, the ability of parents to accompany the child. The only thing general rule to keep in mind: activities should not be a punishment for your family.

How many clubs can a child attend? The answer is simple: as long as the child has enough time, energy and desire, and you have enough money.

If classes in the section are not more important for you than study (and as a rule, this is so), then it is obvious that the child's hobby should not harm the educational process. The task of parents is to organize the child's time in such a way that he can do everything. In this case, it is desirable that all the mandatory work is done first, and then the entertainment. Such a rule may be one of the clauses of the agreement between you and the child.

It is advisable to involve the child himself in the development of the day plan. The likelihood that he will observe the daily routine, which he seems to have developed himself, and was not forced to obey, is higher. When drawing up a plan for the day, offer your child alternatives, a choice. In the end, it is he who will have to live according to this plan.

Make it clear to the child that the circle is a pleasure for him, which, in principle, he can lose with bad behavior. It is enough once at the very beginning to unambiguously and categorically explain this to the child. But in any case, do not use this as blackmail at the slightest disobedience.

Get rid of illusions in advance. The child is still young enough and unable to bear full responsibility for himself. His interests are unstable. This means that even with the most favorable development of events, you will have to be aware of when and what activities the child has, what he should prepare at home, what he should bring with him. You need to know this not in order to do everything for the child, but in order to insure him. If he forgets - remind. More than once or twice you will have to persuade your child to go to class, even to the most beloved circle. However, you should only do this if you are really sure that the child's unwillingness to go to the section is associated with a momentary mood, and not a persistent unwillingness to study there at all.

Remember that you care about the physical, mental, creative, social development of your child. Are the difficulties you face so great compared to your goal?