It is typical for a person with a developed left hemisphere. The study of types of intelligence

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Deglin V.L.

Functional asymmetry is a unique feature of the human brain

40 years ago, the greatest physiologist of our century, IP Pavlov, came to the conclusion that, in principle, all people can be divided into two types - artists and thinkers. The neurophysiology of our days finds an anatomical justification for this.

One of the features of the human brain is the so-called functional specialization of the cerebral hemispheres. Literally in last years it became known that the left hemisphere is the basis of logical abstract thinking, the right one is the basis of concrete figurative thinking, and on which of the hemispheres is most developed in a person (whether due to innate properties, or due to upbringing), his individuality, especially his perception depends.

Candidate of Medical Sciences V. DEGLIN [I. M. Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Leningrad).

In the classification of living beings, man is given the honorary name - homo sapiens (reasonable man). It is natural to assume that our mind is due to a special structure of the brain. What is it? The human brain is large and heavy. But there are animals whose brains are larger and heavier. A person has a large relative brain weight, that is, the proportion of brain weight per kilogram of total body weight. But in this respect, we are inferior to animals - in terms of the relative weight of the brain, cetaceans are in the lead. For a very long time, scientists believed that a person has the largest surface of the cerebral cortex, that it has more convolutions, that it contains more nerve cells, which nerve cells denser in it. But it turned out that animals with a legendary reputation - dolphins - overtook us in these indicators too.

If not the size and weight of the brain, then what is distinctive feature the brain of a "reasonable person"? Today, only one unique feature of our brain can be pointed out - functional asymmetry.

The brain of all animals and the human brain is symmetrical - its right and left halves are built of the same type both in composition and number of individual elements, and in general architecture. In animals, the right and left halves of the brain do the same work. In humans, the right and left hemispheres of the brain have different functions, they control different activities. From time immemorial, it has been known that with focal lesions of the cortex (due to hemorrhages, injuries, tumors, etc.), complete or partial loss of speech - aphaeia - may occur. However, only a little over a hundred years ago it was proved that aphasia develops only with lesions of the left hemisphere.

During the second half of XIX and the beginning of the 20th century, neurological clinics intensively studied those defects in the complex activity of the brain that occur with focal lesions of one of its hemispheres. At the same time, as is often the case, the mass of reliable facts was mixed with data selected to please preconceived views and theories. As a result, neurologists connected not only speech, but also all higher functions with the activity of the left hemisphere. nervous system- intelligence, complex forms of perception and activity. As a result, the left hemisphere was called the "large" or "dominant" hemisphere. The right hemisphere was considered secondary, subordinate to the left, serving it. It was called the "small" or "subdominant" hemisphere. In the textbooks of neuropathology, this hemisphere was called "mute", because it was not known by what symptoms to diagnose its defeat.

Until the middle of our century, neuropathologists were mainly interested in the functional asymmetry of the brain, looking for supporting signs for accurate recognition of focal brain diseases. Along with an in-depth study of the lesion of the left hemisphere, the search for symptoms of the lesion and the "silent" right hemisphere was persistently carried out. And, finally, by the beginning of the fifties, these searches were crowned with success - functions were found that are characteristic only of the right hemisphere. It became clear that the right hemisphere cannot be regarded as a simple appendage of the left, that it makes its own and significant contribution to nervous activity.

There was a breakdown of the traditional concept - the idea of ​​the dominance of one hemisphere was replaced by the idea of ​​the functional specialization of each of them. Since that moment, the problem of asymmetry has gone beyond the exclusive competence of neuropathologists and has attracted the attention of physiologists, psychologists, specialists in age physiology and even representatives of social disciplines. Today, functional asymmetry is becoming almost the paramount problem of the science of the human brain.


The earliest source of information about the specialization of the hemispheres were observations of patients with foci of destruction in the right or left hemisphere during their treatment. This classic clinical path of research remains today a source of new facts, although it has its own difficulties.

New ways and methods of studying the functional specialization of the hemispheres were opened up by the development of neurosurgery. To establish the boundaries of the affected area of ​​the brain, surgeons have to irritate the brain with a weak electric current during the operation. Since many brain operations are performed under local anesthesia, the doctor, talking with the patient (the doctor needs to know what condition the patient is in at one time or another during the operation), finds out what sensations he experiences during stimulation of different parts of the operated hemisphere.

When patients are being prepared for brain surgery, in some cases it is necessary to conduct a special test: a sleeping pill is injected into the carotid artery, which supplies blood to one of the hemispheres. The temporarily "sedated" hemisphere ceases to function, and then all complex species nervous activity carried out only by the second hemisphere. Although the "sleep" of one hemisphere lasts about a minute, this minute also revealed new information about the functions of the right and left hemispheres.

Nevertheless, the operation, and electrical stimulation, and the test with sleeping pills cover, as a rule, one hemisphere. Therefore, it is impossible to compare the functions of the right and left hemispheres in the same person. However, more recently, a new operation technique has been developed, in which all the nerve pathways connecting both hemispheres are cut. Such an operation, called "splitting" the brain, is performed when it is necessary to prevent the spread of pathological excitation from one hemisphere to another. After "splitting" the hemispheres begin to function independently of each other. People with a "split brain" are not much different from healthy people, nevertheless, in the process of treating such patients, it is possible to trace what each hemisphere is capable of separately. But since this operation is very rare, the "split brain" remains an inaccessible object of observation.

At present, experimental methods have been created, the so-called dichotic tests, which make it possible to study the functional specialization of the hemispheres in healthy people as well. These tests are based on taking into account the structural features of the brain. It is known that the right ear and the right visual field are connected by more powerful pathways to the left hemisphere, and the left ear and the left visual field are connected to the right hemisphere. If different material is simultaneously presented to the right and left sense organs, then the hemispheres enter into competitive relations, and according to the characteristics of perception, it is possible to judge hemispheric specialization. Here is a specific example. With the help of special equipment it is possible to simultaneously show different letters in the right and left fields of vision for a moment. It turns out that the letters shown only in the right field of view are recognized. If in the same way to show geometric figures, then they will be recognized only in the left field of view.

As you can see, scientists today have a rather impressive set of techniques and ways to study functional asymmetry. Some of them have been tested by time, others have only recently made themselves known. All these methods and ways do not exclude, but complement each other. As a rule, the facts obtained different ways and on different objects, they coincide. But it happens that the information obtained different ways, contradict each other and negate each other. Obviously, the confirmation of already obtained and the verification of doubtful facts, the resolution of conflicting points of view require new research, require the search for new ways to study the functional asymmetry of the human brain. One of these ways will be discussed further.

This method is associated with one of the therapeutic techniques - electroshock therapy. The shock method of treating psychosis came into psychiatric practice about 40 years ago, when the therapeutic possibilities of psychiatrists were very limited. Physicians, who until then had acted as helpless observers of severe nervous disorders, found a powerful means of influencing the disease. Psychoses, which were considered hopeless, steadily leading patients to chronic insanity, turned out to be curable. Psychiatry today has many highly effective drugs at its disposal. But for some mental illnesses, electric shock is still the only treatment.

What is this treatment? Electrodes are placed on the patient's head, and a precisely dosed electrical effect is performed. It causes a state of shock that lasts a minute. For some time after the shock, patients are in an unconscious state - their brain activity is depressed. But within 1-2 hours the oppression passes and the consciousness completely returns. The course of treatment consists of 8-12 shocks. The therapeutic effect usually appears after 3-5 shocks and gradually increases.

To induce an electric shock, electrodes are usually placed on both sides of the head. But a few years ago, the English psychiatrist S. Kennicott suggested applying electrodes only to one side of the head - the right side (later shocks began to be caused by applying electrodes to the left half as well). Such shocks are called unilateral. They, like traditional bilateral ones, have a high therapeutic effect, but they are milder and more easily tolerated by patients.

Since 1967, the team of the psychiatric clinic of the I.M. Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry of the USSR Academy of Sciences has been studying unilateral electric shocks. Professor N. N. Traugott, Doctor of Medical Sciences L. Ya. Balonov, junior researcher N. N. Nikolaenko and the author of this article are participating in this work. A number of studies are being carried out with the participation of A. V. Baru, senior researcher at the I. L. Pavlov Institute of Physiology of the USSR Academy of Sciences. For 7 years in our clinic, a large number of patients underwent shock treatment, and we were convinced of its high efficiency.

Our observations have shown that one-sided electric shock does not depress the entire brain, but only the hemisphere over which the electrodes were located. The second hemisphere remains active. Schematizing somewhat, we can say that after a one-sided shock, a person feels, acts and thinks with only one active hemisphere. Electroencephalograms recorded after shocks show a striking picture - one hemisphere is "asleep", while the other is active, it is "awake".

Since electrodes are applied to the patient in different treatment sessions either on the right or on the left side of the head, the effects of turning off the right and left hemispheres in the same person are revealed. One can compare a person's normal behavior with his behavior in a "one-hemispheric" state, one can observe how behavior changes after the hemisphere is turned off.

Thus, unilateral electric shock, while performing its direct therapeutic function, simultaneously reveals to scientists the depths of functional specialization of the hemispheres.

Summarizing the facts obtained, we will give a generalized description of a person who has one hemisphere functioning - left or right. But let us remember that our "unihemispheric" man is artificial. It is compiled, synthesized from the observations and studies of many people who have undergone shock treatment. And one more caveat - everything that will be discussed applies to "right-handers", for "left-handers" the situation is different.


This is the conditional name of a person whose right hemisphere is turned off and mental activity is carried out only by the left.

The first and main feature of a “left hemisphere” person is that he has preserved speech. This was to be expected, because the left hemisphere is speech. Another thing is unexpected: he enters into a conversation more willingly and more easily, seizes the initiative in a conversation, his vocabulary becomes richer and more diverse, his answers more detailed and detailed. He is overly verbose, even talkative. Along with this, he also improves the perception of someone else's speech.

Speech audiometry is used to study speech perception. Specially selected groups of words recorded on magnetic tape are fed through headphones separately to each ear. First, the threshold for detecting speech sounds is measured - the minimum intensity of the speech signal at which a person already hears speech, but still cannot make out the words. The volume is then gradually increased and the person should repeat the words they hear. Speech intelligibility is measured - the number of correctly repeated words in% of all heard.

In a "left-lobular" person, the threshold for detecting speech sounds decreases - he catches quieter speech than he could do in the usual "bihemispheric" state, He repeats the words he hears faster and much more accurately. In general, in a “left lobe” person, speech activity is increased, and speech hearing is facilitated.

Are these facts sufficient to state that speech activity improves in the absence of the right hemisphere? Let's listen carefully to the "left-brained" person. Although he has become more talkative, his speech is losing its intonational expressiveness - it is monotonous, colorless, dull. Moreover, not only is the expressiveness imparted to speech by the voice lost, the voice itself changes: it acquires a nasal, somewhat nasal tone or becomes unnatural, as if barking. Such a speech defect is called dysprosody, since the intonation-voice components of speech are called prosodic (“prosody” - “melody”).

Along with dysprosody, the perception of the prosodic components of the interlocutor's speech is disturbed in a “left-brained” person.

Two series of experiments were carried out. In the first, a person was asked to listen through headphones to short phrases made up of meaningless syllables, but pronounced with an exaggerated intonation - interrogative, angry, plaintive, enthusiastic, etc. It was necessary to determine the meaning of intonation, to say with what expression the phrase was uttered. In the second series of experiments, it was proposed to listen to vowel sounds uttered by a man and a woman through headphones. It was necessary to repeat the sound and say in what voice it was pronounced.

It turned out that the “left hemispheric” person loses the ability to understand the meaning of speech intonations. He listens attentively, tries to decipher the meaningless syllables, repeats them very accurately, but cannot say with what expression (interrogative, angry, etc.) they are pronounced. He cannot distinguish male voice from female.

Everyone knows that the same words spoken with different intonations mean far from the same thing. Similarly, the same words spoken different people(that is, in different voices) can have completely different meanings. Often what is said means more than what is said. Prosodic components give speech concreteness, figurativeness, sensual coloring. A speech message devoid of these components sounds vague, formal, and often incomprehensible.

Thus, along with the preservation of the formal richness of speech, vocabulary and grammar, along with an increase in speech activity, along with an exacerbation of verbal hearing, the “left-brained” person has lost that imagery and concreteness of speech, which is given to it by intonation-voice expressiveness.

So, we are faced with a paradoxical situation: on the one hand, some characteristics of speech hearing are improving, while others are deteriorating. What happened to hearing? Is it only the perception of speech sounds or the auditory function as a whole that has changed? Let's see how a "left hemispheric" person perceives non-speech sounds, sound images.

Coughing, laughter, snoring, animal voices - barking, neighing, grunting - sounds found in nature - thunderstorm noise, roar of the surf - industrial and transport noises were recorded on magnetic tape.

In a "left hemisphere" person, the recognition of such sound images deteriorates sharply - many well-known sounds now cause only bewilderment. In those cases when he does recognize them, this recognition requires much more time from him. Essentially, a "left-brained" person develops auditory agnosia, a disturbance in the perception of complex sounds. A similar disorder can be identified in relation to musical images.

A “left-brained” person not only ceases to recognize familiar melodies, but also cannot sing them, even if he hears music: he begins to be out of tune and, in the end, prefers to count the rhythm without a melody.

Unable to cope with the recognition of sound images, the “left-hemispheric” person tries to get around the difficulties in a very peculiar way: he begins to classify them. Instead of saying: “this is barking”, “this is laughter”, etc., he says: “this is a beast ”,“ this is a person ”,“ this is a folk song ”,“ this is a romance ”. As a rule, he is mistaken, but the very desire to classify, to put everything into a scheme, is symptomatic. Later we will see that such a desire is by no means accidental.

How to interpret the results of the study of the perception of sound images? Maybe a “left-hemispheric” person simply forgets familiar sounds, but the perception itself is not disturbed? This assumption can be tested.

Pairs of short musical phrases are recorded on magnetic tape. Each phrase consists of four notes. In some pairs, the phrases are the same, in others they are slightly different from each other. It is necessary to determine whether the phrases in the pair are the same or they are different. In this task, the ability to distinguish close musical images is studied. Remembering what a person knew in the past is not required. And with this task, the “left-hemispheric” person copes worse than the “two-hemispheric” one.

He can hardly tell the difference, everything sounds the same to him. Thus, the point is not in violation of memory, but in the originality of auditory perception.

What is the reason for this peculiarity? Has your hearing sensitivity changed at all? No, the hearing acuity, which was in the "bihemispheric" state, remained the same. But let's remember all the auditory disorders in a "left hemisphere" person - difficulties in recognizing musical and other sound images, difficulties in recognizing male and female voices, a complete misunderstanding of intonations. In other words, all types of figurative auditory perception are violated in him. Undoubtedly, we are faced here with a special state, with a selective, special violation of figurative perception (as already mentioned, the perception of words has even improved).

The inferiority of figurative perception can also be noticed in the visual sphere. If a “left-brained” person is asked to match pairs identical figures- triangles and squares divided into colored or shaded sectors, he will not cope with the task, he cannot immediately cover the location of the sectors, their coloring and shading. He will endlessly shuffle the pieces, repeatedly check them with each other, but he will not be able to pick up the pairs correctly. He will also not be able to notice the missing detail in the unfinished drawings - the absence of a tail in a pig, a bow in glasses, etc. Thus, a “left-brained” person turns out to be helpless when performing tasks that require orientation in a visual, figurative situation, requiring specific features to be taken into account objects.

Of particular interest is the behavior of a “left hemisphere” person in a situation where he is given freedom of choice, the opportunity to operate with visual or abstract signs at his own discretion.

4 cards are placed in front of a person: on one the Arabic numeral “5” is written, on the other the same number in Roman inscription (V), on the third Arabic number “10”, on the fourth the same number in Roman inscription (X) - and they are asked to divide these cards into two groups, putting the "same" together. Obviously, when dividing, one can be guided by an abstract sign of a number (and then fives will fall into one group, and tens into another), or a visual figurative sign - the inscription of numbers (and then Arabic numerals will fall into one group, and Roman numbers into another).

In a normal state, a person, as a rule, experiences doubts and indicates two equally probable ways of classifying. A “left-hemispheric” person does not experience hesitation, he invariably chooses an abstract symbolic sign - he always puts fives in one group, tens in another, regardless of the shape of the numbers.

From what has been said, it is clear that a “left hemisphere” person has a stratification of mental activity - figurative perception is defective, and the perception of words is facilitated; operating with visual concrete features of objects is defective, and operating with concepts is facilitated.

We encounter the same stratification in the study of memory. The “left hemisphere” person has a reserve of school theoretical information, that is, the knowledge acquired through words did not suffer. The ability to memorize new verbal material is also preserved - he can immediately, after hearing, repeat a series of words. And he remembers them for a long time and after 2-3 hours, already in his usual state, he can find among the many words those that he was given to memorize. However, if he is asked to remember not words, but irregular shapes that cannot be called a word, then the images of these figures will not be retained in the memory of a “left-brained” person.

There is another important characteristic of the behavior and psyche of such a person - understanding, or, as neurophysiologists say, understanding the environment, orientation in place and time. A "left-brained" person, based on his answers alone, appears to be well oriented. He correctly names the hospital in which he is located, the number of the department, the date, the day of the week. But it is worth asking him in more detail, and then it turns out that, correctly identifying his location in words, knowing that he is in the hospital, the “left-hemispheric” person does not recognize the room. He looks in bewilderment at the office, where he has been many times, and assures that he came here for the first time. Or, while correctly naming the date, he cannot support his answer with specific observations.

Sometimes, even looking at bare trees and snowdrifts outside the window, a “left-brained” person cannot immediately tell whether it is winter or summer. True, if you seek an answer, then he will report that “January - winter month”, but this is only a formal conclusion, and not the result of direct impressions. Thus, in a “left hemisphere” person, with intact verbal orientation, visual orientation in place and time is grossly violated.

One of the most striking changes mental state The “left hemisphere” person was affected by a shift in the emotional sphere. The mood of such a person improves, he becomes softer, more friendly, more cheerful. This shift is especially striking in patients with depression, that is, with a pathologically low mood. In the "left hemispheric" state, the gloominess and depression characteristic of these patients disappear; focus on painful experiences is replaced by interest in topics not related to the disease; an optimistic assessment of one's own situation appears, faith in recovery, the future is drawn as encouraging, a smile begins to play on the face, a tendency to joke appears.

Let us sum up what we have learned about the "left hemisphere" person, in other words, we summarize the facts that characterize the psyche of a person with the right hemisphere turned off, when only the left hemisphere is active.

What is defective, what is damaged? What has been preserved or enhanced? Those types of mental activity that underlie figurative thinking suffered. Those types of mental activity that underlie abstract theoretical thinking have been preserved or even intensified. Such stratification of the psyche is accompanied by a positive emotional tone.


Now let's see what is the antipode of the "left hemispheric" person - the "right hemisphere" person. This is the same person, but now his left hemisphere is turned off and only the right one works.

In contrast to the “left-hemispheric” person, the “right-hemispheric” person’s speech capabilities are sharply limited - the dictionary is poor, words denoting abstract concepts have fallen out of it, it is difficult to remember the names of objects, especially rarely used, although the “right-hemispheric” person can explain the purpose of any object and show how to use it. This suggests that he recognizes the objects. He understands speech poorly, it is necessary to speak with him in very short, simply constructed phrases. His own speech also consists of simple phrases, often individual words. The speech activity of a “right-handed” person is sharply reduced - he is laconic, more willing to respond with facial expressions and gestures than with a word. It is difficult to talk with him, briefly answering one or two questions, he falls silent. Speech attention is also reduced, when he is addressed, he does not notice this, you have to specially attract his attention. The threshold for detecting speech sounds in a "right hemisphere" person is increased - he notices only loud-sounding words. But even quite loudly spoken words, he is far from always able to correctly perceive and repeat, although such a drop in sensitivity to the sounds of speech is not at all associated with any hearing impairment.

At the same time, the voice of a “right hemisphere” person remains the same as it was: despite the stinginess of speech, its intonation pattern is preserved. Hearing for the prosodic components of speech did not suffer either: a “right-brained” person even better than usual, distinguishes between male and female voices, and more accurately and correctly assesses the intonations of the interlocutor.

If attention to words in a “right hemisphere” person is reduced, then when listening to various non-verbal sounds, he is both attentive and active. He recognizes these sounds even easier and faster than in the usual "bihemispheric" state, although, for example, such a sound as the roar of the surf was rarely recognized by people in the normal state and with great difficulty. Listening to the melodies of songs, a “right-brained” person recognizes them much faster than usual. Not only that, he has a need to hum them, he does not even have to be asked about it. Unlike himself in his “left brain” state, he now reproduces melodies very accurately. However, if you ask him to classify sound images, he will refuse, this task is too much for him.

As you can see, the “right hemisphere” person also had a restructuring of perception. But it is opposite to that observed in the "left hemisphere": in the "right hemisphere" person, we are faced with a special condition - a deterioration in verbal perception and a selective improvement in all types of figurative perception.

This is confirmed by other studies. A “right-brained” person easily picks up pairs of triangles and squares, divided into shaded or colored sectors, and does it faster than in the normal state. He has no difficulty in evaluating unfinished drawings and quickly notices the defect in the image. The predominance of figurative perception comes out especially effectively in a situation where the “right hemisphere” person is given the freedom to choose a feature. Classifying four cards with Arabic and Roman numerals, he chooses a visual font feature, and not an abstract numerical one - he combines Roman numerals into one group, Arabic numerals into another. He recognizes all the numbers, but when classifying, he focuses on the way they are drawn, and not on the meaning of the numbers.

The memory of a "right hemisphere" person acquires traits opposite to those observed in a "left hemisphere" person. School theoretical baggage, that is, knowledge acquired through words, has been largely lost. The ability to memorize words is also impaired. A “right-brained” person cannot repeat a series of several words immediately after listening, at best, he will repeat 2-3 from the left out of 10. But even if you manage to keep these words in memory for a while, then after 2 hours he will no longer remember them and will not find among other words. At the same time, he retained his figurative non-verbal-spring memory - he is able to remember figures of a bizarre shape and in a few hours choose them among many others.

Orientation in place and time in the "right hemisphere" person is also changed, but differently than in the "left hemisphere". If you rely only on the answers, then the "right hemisphere" person seems completely disoriented - he cannot say where he is, name the date and even the year. However, he notices the details of the situation and, based on these observations, will say that he is probably in the hospital, although he does not know which one. He recognizes the office in which the research is taking place, although he does not say what the purpose of this office is. Being unable to name either the month or the year, he, looking out the window, will correctly determine the time of year and presumably tell what month it is. Thus, in the absence of verbal orientation, the visual concrete orientation of the "right hemisphere" person is preserved.

Recall that the "left brain" state was accompanied by a change in mood. And in the “right hemispheric” state, an emotional shift occurs, but the opposite in sign - towards negative emotions. The mood worsens, the person becomes gloomy, pessimistically assesses both his current situation and his prospects, complains of feeling unwell. It is difficult to distract him from sad thoughts and complaints.

Let's summarize what we have learned about the "right-brained" person - a person with a turned off left hemisphere. Obviously, here, too, we are dealing with a disorganized psyche, but this disorganization is different from that of a "left lobe" person. In the "right hemisphere" those types of mental activity that underlie abstract theoretical thinking have suffered, and those types of it that are associated with figurative thinking have been preserved or even intensified. This type of stratification of the psyche corresponds to a negative emotional tone.


So, we got acquainted with people who are very different from each other in terms of mental make-up: a “left hemisphere” person - a person with an exaggerated abstract, but defective figurative thinking, and with a “right hemisphere” human-human with exaggerated figurative, but defective abstract thinking. But this is the same person - only in the first case, his right hemisphere is inactive, and he thinks and feels with one left hemisphere, in the second case, his left hemisphere is inactive, and he thinks and feels with one right hemisphere. Now we can draw a definite conclusion; behind the functional asymmetry of the brain lies a certain principle; the left hemisphere is the base of logical abstract thinking, the right hemisphere is the base of concrete figurative thinking. One can also say this: the functions of each hemisphere represent an integral, complete system - an apparatus that serves a certain type of thinking. Accordingly, each hemisphere, each apparatus has its own set of tools - its own speech, its own memory, its own emotional tone. Let's compare "left hemisphere" and "right hemisphere" instruments.

The starting point of the study of the functional asymmetry of the human brain, as mentioned, was the discovery of the exclusive role of the left hemisphere in speech activity. And today, researchers use the words "left" and "speech" hemisphere as synonyms. However, the "unihemispheric" person showed that the situation is both more complicated and more interesting. Indeed, verbal speech - and the "creation" of words and their perception - is entirely related to the activity of the left hemisphere. And this is understandable. A system of words is a system of symbols, generalizations that have risen above immediate individual phenomena. Only on the basis of such a system of symbols, or, as they say now, on the basis of a sign system, could abstract theoretical thinking develop.

But in speech there is also a non-verbal means of communication, a non-verbal carrier of information - intonation and voice. Both the intonation of one's own speech and the perception of intonations are associated with the activity of the right hemisphere. We have already said that speech intonation carries an extremely important semantic load. Only in a system of intonations does a word or phrase acquire a specific meaning, adequate to the given moment and given circumstances. Likewise, the voice itself is an individual characteristic of speech. The meaning of the message also depends on whether the message belongs to a man or a woman, a friend or a stranger, a friend or a foe. In this case, the connection of the intonation-voice components of speech with the right hemisphere is also understandable; after all, the right hemisphere is in charge of the world of specific individual phenomena.

The intonation-voice side of speech is, in essence, the melodic, musical side, which is reflected in the name itself - the prosodic characteristics of speech. But we already know that musical ability is also under the jurisdiction of the right hemisphere. It follows from this that, by origin, the prosodic characteristics of speech are associated with the activity of the right hemisphere.

"Right hemisphere" speech is older in its evolutionary age, older than "left hemisphere". Highly organized animals leading a herd life transmit each other a danger signal and other signals precisely by intonation modulations of the voice. The great antiquity of this communication channel is also revealed in the study of the formation of speech in a child. The law of biology states that the individual development of an organism (ontogenesis) is a brief repetition of the development of the animal world (phylogenesis). Therefore, the sequence of formation of functions in ontogenesis helps to reveal the evolutionary age of these functions. The research of R. Tonkova-Yampolskaya showed that in the buzz and babble of babies, the intonations characteristic of adults appear long before the formation of verbal speech. It is also known that the child begins to understand intonation earlier than words.

So, in human speech it is necessary to distinguish between two channels of communication: verbal, purely human, evolutionarily young - left hemisphere - and prosodic, common with animals, more ancient - right hemisphere.

On a "one-hemispheric" person, we found that the isolated activity of each hemisphere is associated with a certain range of emotional states: the left - with a positive scale, the right - with a negative one. It is extremely difficult to explain this unexpected fact. One can only assume that behind such a “divergence” of emotions lies an important pattern - a closer connection between abstract thinking and a positive emotional tone and figurative thinking with a negative emotional tone. This pattern has already been noticed by neurophysiologists. A prominent specialist in the field of physiology of emotions P. V. Simonov, based on an analysis of the characteristics of conditioned reflexes formed against the background of negative and positive emotional states, expressed an interesting idea: “Negative emotions tend to operate with specific images .., while positive emotions contribute to the transition to abstract, generalized models.

Perhaps the reason for the connection of different emotional states with different types of thinking, with the activity of different hemispheres, should also be sought in evolution, in the history of the formation of mental activity. N. N. Traugott, studying the patterns of depression and restoration of mental functions in acutely emerging pathological conditions of the brain, showed that evolutionarily older types of mental activity are oppressed later than others and restored earlier than others. At the same time, it turned out that in the process of brain suppression, positive emotions disappear first from emotional reactions and negative ones last. When restoring brain activity, the sequence is reversed. Thus, there are reasons to think that negative emotions have a greater evolutionary age than positive ones. This is indicated by the earlier maturation of negative emotional reactions in infants compared to positive ones.

We already know that the most ancient components of speech are associated with the right hemisphere. Now we see that older emotions are also associated with the right hemisphere. One should not only think that emotional mechanisms are embedded in the very cortex of the hemispheres. Emotional reactions are associated with the activity of the deep parts of the brain - the subcortical nuclei. The hemispheres of the brain exert only regulatory influences on these nuclei, and, as we have seen, the influences of the right and left hemispheres are different.

The "one-hemispheric" man showed us that each hemisphere has its own memory, its own archive. Both physiologists and psychologists are well aware that memory is not just a storehouse where obsolete materials are sent for long-term storage. Memory is closely connected with the current mental activity, is an indispensable participant in the processing of information. We have seen that each kind of thinking keeps its working archive on its territory. Obviously, the right hemispheric archive - memory for individual concrete phenomena - is also older than the left hemisphere, verbal archive. After all, memory for specific objects and phenomena is well developed even in animals that are lower than mammals on the evolutionary ladder. Children who do not yet know how to speak already have a figurative memory. With acute inhibition of brain activity, verbal memory is disturbed earlier than figurative memory and is restored later than figurative memory, which also indicates a more respectable evolutionary age of figurative memory.

So, evolutionarily more ancient components of complex mental functions are connected with the right hemisphere: speech, memory, emotions. But after all, figurative thinking itself is older than abstract verbal thinking. Subtle and complex perception of specific phenomena of the surrounding world, of course, makes us related to our younger brothers - animals, while abstract thinking was the evolutionary achievement that put us above all living things. It was the functions of the left hemisphere that lifted man to dizzying heights. With certain reservations, we can say that animals have two "right" hemispheres, although, of course, one cannot put an equal sign between the right hemisphere of a person and the hemispheres of animals, even the most highly organized.

And here we come to one of the most intriguing questions of the doctrine of the functional asymmetry of the human brain; how did it form, how did the anatomically and functionally symmetrical animal brain turn into the functionally asymmetric human brain? Let's say right away: there is no definite answer to this question. The problem of the formation of functional asymmetry still remains an area of ​​conjecture and conjecture. This problem has two aspects.

First. Why are new, specifically human functions associated with the activity of one left hemisphere: verbal speech and abstract thinking? According to the most common point of view, the development of new functions in the left hemisphere is due to the leading role of the right hand (and it is controlled by the left hemisphere) in labor activity. This point of view is based on the observation that already in the higher apes, our closest relatives, the predominance of one of the upper limbs - right or left - is outlined in the process of complex motor acts.

However, this assumption still requires more solid justification and further research. Most recently, the American researcher R. Doty found that even macaque monkeys have a hint of unequal hemispheres when controlling certain complex shapes behavior. If this is so, then we can think that some prerequisites for the future functional specialization of the hemispheres already existed in our distant ape-like ancestor. Whatever the reason for the “chosenness” of the left hemisphere, it can be assumed that already from those early stages of the formation of a person, when verbal speech began to form, this process was associated with the activity of the left hemisphere.

Second aspect of the problem. What consequences could the connection of the left hemisphere with the formation of verbal speech have? It is known that when any part of the brain acquires new and more complex functions, then the old functions characteristic of this department in the past are suppressed, become rudimentary. Obviously, such a process must have taken place as verbal speech was formed. The functions associated with imaginative thinking inherited from animal ancestors in the left hemisphere should have been suppressed in this hemisphere, becoming rudimentary. At the same time, the right hemisphere also evolved. But its evolution was a continuation, improvement of those functions that the right hemisphere inherited from animal ancestors - figurative thinking became more complicated and developed. This is how a "distortion" in the work of the brain arose - a functional asymmetry of the human brain - and two independent apparatuses of thinking were formed.

Interestingly, the process of division of functions between the hemispheres can be observed in early childhood. We have already said that the individual development of an organism is essentially a historical play, a concise repetition of the entire evolution of the animal world. The last act of this play is played out before our eyes after the birth of the child. A child is born with a "bi-right hemisphere", he does not yet have a "verbal" hemisphere. According to W. Penfield and L. Roberts, up to two years, any hemisphere can take on this honorary role. Only with age does a healthy child establish a division of "spheres of influence" between the hemispheres. But this doesn't happen to everyone. In almost a third of people, the hemispheres do not acquire a clear functional specialization. But this is a new and also very interesting problem, which we will not touch on in this article.

So, the professional specialization of the hemispheres is completed in a person after birth, and as he grows up, a demarcation line is established between the apparatuses of figurative and abstract thinking. And then it turns out that the individuality of a person, the peculiarities of his psyche depend on which of the apparatuses acquires leading significance. About 40 years ago, the greatest physiologist of our century, I. P. Pavlov, wrote about two types of people: “Life clearly points to two categories of people: artists and thinkers, there is a sharp difference between them. Some are artists... they capture reality as a whole, completely, completely, living reality, without any fragmentation... Others are thinkers, they crush it..., making some kind of temporary skeleton out of it, and then only gradually, as it were, put it back together again. parts of it and try to revive them in this way ... "

In the era of I.P. Pavlov, the science of the brain did not yet have enough information about the functional specialization of the hemispheres, and the above classification of people remained without anatomical justification. Today we already have the necessary information. "Artists" are people with a predominance of "right hemisphere" figurative thinking, that is, with a more active, stronger right hemisphere. "Thinkers" - people with a predominance of "left hemisphere" abstract thinking, that is, with a more active left hemisphere. The American researcher J. Bogen showed that the predominance of the activity of one of the hemispheres, along with innate factors, may be due to the peculiarities of education and training, that is, training.


So far, we have considered the activity of each hemisphere in isolation, as if a person has two different, unrelated brains. In fact, normal mental activity involves the joint work of both hemispheres. But what does collaboration mean? In neurophysiology, this problem is formulated as the problem of the interaction of the hemispheres.

A "right hemispheric" person perceives the world in all its specific richness and diversity. But since he is deprived of theoretical thinking, he fails to analyze his impressions, establish a logical connection between them, correlate them with certain categories, and therefore his wealth does not bear fruit. The same person, but in the "left hemisphere" state, retains the ability to analyze and generalize, to logical operations, but cannot use them, since he has nothing to analyze and generalize. Obviously, only the simultaneous work of both hemispheres, the unification of the mechanisms of figurative and abstract thinking provide a comprehensive, concrete and theoretical coverage of the phenomena of the external world.

But we also saw something else on the "one-heavy" person. When the right hemisphere is turned off, verbal activity is facilitated, that is, the activity of the left hemisphere increases. When the left hemisphere is turned off, figurative perception is aggravated - the activity of the right hemisphere increases. This means that in the usual "bihemispheric" state, each hemisphere slows down the activity of the other.

Thus, both hemispheres are not independent of each other. There are complex and conflicting relationships between them. On the one hand, they take part in the work of the brain in a friendly manner, complementing the abilities of each, on the other hand, they compete, as if preventing each other from doing their own thing. If the meaning of friendly, so-called complementary, interaction is clear, then the meaning of competitive - in other words, reciprocal - does not lie on the surface. Let's try to figure it out.

In the nervous system, excitation is always accompanied by inhibition. The inhibitory process prevents the spread of excitation to areas that should not participate in this activity; reduces the intensity of excitation, which allows you to accurately dose its strength and, finally, stops excitation when it is no longer needed. Without the inhibitory process, the activity of the nervous system becomes chaotic, uncontrollable, self-destructive. Therefore, the more complex this or that part of the brain is built, the more complex its functions, the more complex its inhibitory apparatus is built. Obviously, such an apparatus is especially important for the higher parts of the brain. Indeed, each hemisphere contains inhibitory mechanisms in itself (chains of special inhibitory neurons), the hemispheres are also under the inhibitory influence of the subcortical nuclei, and, finally, as we have seen, each hemisphere experiences inhibitory influences from its partner.

But the mutually inhibiting influence of the hemispheres has another special mission. In order to adequately respond to changing circumstances and various situations that life confronts a person, it is necessary either to combine the abilities of the right and left hemispheres, or to use the abilities of one of them to the maximum. When a mathematician operates with multidimensional space and imaginary values, his abstract thinking is extremely sharpened. But the same person driving a car in an emergency will be able to avoid a catastrophe, only instantly covering a completely real space and quite real objects, that is, by sharpening the figurative perception to the utmost. Reciprocal interaction allows you to always have reserves ready, allows you to very finely and accurately balance the activity of the hemispheres and thereby observe the most beneficial in this moment correlation of figurative and abstract thinking.

Doesn't the answer to another mysterious question lie here - what is the meaning of functional asymmetry, what "benefits" does it promise the brain? After all, nature ruthlessly eliminates everything that does not benefit the body, but meticulously selects and preserves everything that is useful. We just said that there are situations when you need to make the most of one kind of thinking. Obviously, in order to be able to separately activate the apparatuses of figurative and abstract thinking, they must be separated from each other, located in different parts of the brain, so that the sharpening of some abilities is not accompanied by the sharpening of others.

Complementary interaction is called upon to combine the abilities of the two hemispheres; to maintain a balance between the abilities of each hemisphere, at the right time to raise one scale and lower the other, the reciprocal interaction of the hemispheres is called upon. In general, the complex dual nature of interhemispheric relationships makes it possible to "optimize" mental activity and behavior.

So, we have seen that there is no major and minor, "large" and "small" hemispheres. The right hemisphere, the base of figurative thinking, embraces the world of phenomena in all its richness and diversity. The left hemisphere - the base of abstract thinking - seeks and finds in this world the harmony of causes and effects. A full-fledged psyche implies a coordinated and balanced work of both hemispheres.

Sections: School psychological service

Right hemispheric people do not see individual trees behind the forest, and left hemisphere people do not see the forest behind individual trees.
B. White

The theory of functional asymmetry of the cerebral hemispheres has been actively developed over the past decades, and significant theoretical and practical material has been accumulated. However, in practical work preschool institutions and schools rarely take into account data on the individual profile of the functional asymmetry of the child's brain. The foundations of functional specialization of the cerebral hemispheres are innate. As the child develops, the mechanisms of interhemispheric asymmetry become more complex.

There are several types of functional organization of the two hemispheres of the brain:

  • dominance of the left hemisphere - the verbal-logical nature of cognitive processes, a tendency to abstract and generalize (left-hemispheric people);
  • dominance of the right hemisphere - concrete-figurative thinking, developed imagination (right hemisphere people);
  • the absence of a pronounced dominance of one of the hemispheres (equal hemisphere people).

Left hemispheric type - the dominance of the left hemisphere determines the tendency to abstract and generalize, the verbal-logical nature of cognitive processes. The left hemisphere operates with words, conventional signs and symbols; responsible for writing, counting, ability to analyze, abstract, conceptual thinking. At the same time, the information received in the left hemisphere is processed sequentially, linearly and slowly. The perception of left-hemispheric people is discrete, auditory, the intellect is verbal, theoretical, memory is arbitrary. Introverts. For successful activity, the following conditions must be observed: analysis of details, repeated repetition of material, silence, work alone, timeless tasks. They are characterized by a high need for mental activity.

For the formation of motivation for learning activities of left-hemispheric children, it is necessary to focus on cognitive motives. They are attracted by the process of assimilation of knowledge. They are characterized by a high need for constant mental activity. The social motive is the motive of continuing education. Classes in school sciences are considered as a means for the development of one's thinking.

Left-brained people find it easier to write than to dictate. Among the left hemispheric - engineers, mathematicians, philosophers, linguists. Left hemispheres are often emphatically rational and rational. They write a lot and willingly, they easily remember long texts, their speech is grammatically correct. They are characterized by a heightened sense of duty, responsibility, adherence to principles, and the internal nature of the processing of emotions. They often occupy administrative positions, but they lack flexibility, spontaneity and spontaneity in expressing feelings. They prefer to act according to pre-drawn schemes, stencils, they hardly rebuild their relationships.

The right hemispheric type - the dominance of the right hemisphere determines the propensity for creativity, the concrete-figurative nature of cognitive processes. The right hemisphere of the brain operates with images of real objects, is responsible for orientation in space and easily perceives spatial relationships. It is believed that it is responsible for the synthetic activity of the brain. Right-brain people are distinguished by visual perception, non-verbal, practical intelligence; fast processing of information; involuntary memory. Extroverts. In addition, the ability to draw and perceive the harmony of shapes and colors, ear for music, artistry, and success in sports are associated with the functioning of the right hemisphere. "Right hemispheres" are prone to negative emotions, including anxiety and fear. They are better oriented in the environment, more holistic in the perception of the world around them.

Formation of motivation for learning. For right-brain students, it is necessary to emphasize the prestige of the position in the team, the authority, the social significance of this type of activity, since they have a highly expressed need for self-realization. The motives for studying school subjects are connected with the formation of their personality, with the desire for self-knowledge, with the desire to understand the relationships between people, to realize their position in the world. They are characterized by an orientation towards high appraisal and praise: "A five at any cost." Of great interest to right-brained schoolchildren is the aesthetic side of objects.

Children with right hemisphere dominance do not control the correctness of their speech. Activities that require constant self-control will be performed poorly. In oral speech, there may be problems in grammar and word selection. Semantic omissions are possible, especially if the right hemisphere student is also impulsive.

It should be noted that right hemispheric people have excellent spatial orientation, body sense, and high coordination of movements. They are successful in team sports. The speech of right-brain people is emotional, expressive, rich in intonations, gestures. There is no special alignment in it, hesitations, inconsistency, extra words and sounds are possible. It is easier for them to dictate text than to write. Among the right-brained people, writers, journalists, artists, and organizers are more common. As a rule, right hemisphere people are holistic natures, open and direct in expressing feelings, naive, trusting, suggestible, able to feel and experience subtly, easily upset and cry, come into a state of anger and rage, sociable and contact. They often act according to their mood.

Equal hemispheric type - the absence of a pronounced dominance of one of the hemispheres suggests their synchronous activity in the choice of thinking strategies. In addition, there is a hypothesis of effective interaction between the right and left hemispheres as the physiological basis of general giftedness.
The most literate are isohemispheric students. Their left hemisphere takes on the main job of organizing the processing of visual and auditory information, the motor act of writing. Having written a dictation, the children of this group notice and correct almost all the mistakes made. Left hemispheric students make 2.5 times more mistakes when writing: for unstressed vowels in the root, miss a soft sign, 12 times more likely to confuse case endings, write extra letters, replace one consonant with another. Many verbs are used in speech. right hemispheric children make mistakes in dictionary words, as well as in stressed vowels, write proper names with lower case, they are characterized by omissions, typographical errors.

Causes of school neurosis in primary school age.

It can be said that in childhood, boys are more right hemisphere than girls, but with age in men, the left hemisphere begins to lead in terms of its level of functional development. Men become more left-brained than women.

However, innate prerequisites are only the initial conditions, and the asymmetry itself is formed in the process of individual development, under the influence of social contacts, primarily family ones.

Parents, raising a child, often want to get a certain result, expect one reaction from him, but sometimes they get the complete opposite.

In primary school age, children may have obsessive fears of doing something wrong. Following doubts about the correctness of their actions comes uncertainty and, along with this, a painfully sharpened sense of duty, obligation, and responsibility. Excessive demands on oneself are often combined with the pressure of parents who have a hypersocial orientation of the personality.

What happens with the child? Spontaneity, immediacy of feelings, the ability to quickly grasp the situation disappear, and instead of emotions, we see their surrogate - constant anxiety and doubt, anxious suspiciousness. Thus, a transcendent mode of operation of the left hemisphere is created. Constant overstrain of neuropsychic forces leads to chronic stress. This manifests itself in a gradually increasing feeling of fatigue, attention disorder, headaches.

Parents and teachers often regard neurotic disorders as a lack of volitional (conscious) regulation of behavior and increase moral requirements. In this case, the child ceases to assimilate not only the requirements, but also all the symbolic information: "does not hear", "does not see", "digs", constantly feels tired. This comes into action the protective function of the right hemisphere, which does not allow awareness of experiences that are unacceptable to it.

Thus, in all neuroses there are violations of interhemispheric interaction. It is known that the emergence of neuroses contributes to the left hemisphere accent in learning. There is an excessive stimulation of the functions of the left hemisphere, which are not yet characteristic of children, while the functions of the right hemisphere are inhibited.

Along with the specialization of the hemispheres, the brain works as a whole. When communicating with a child, it is useful for parents to remember more often that there is a place for everyone under the sun: left-, right- and equally hemispheric children.

Help should be expressed in psychological relief. Children need vivid impressions and hobbies, positive emotions and a return to a sense of the joy of life.

Do not forget that before you is not a sexless child, but a boy or girl with certain features of thinking, perception, emotions.

2. Never compare children with each other, praise them for their successes and achievements.

3. When teaching boys, rely on their high search activity, ingenuity.

4. When teaching girls, not only understand the principle of completing the task with them, but also teach them to act independently, and not according to pre-designed schemes.

5. When scolding a boy, be aware of his emotional sensitivity and anxiety. State your dissatisfaction briefly and precisely. The boy is not able to hold emotional tension for a long time, very soon he stops listening and hearing you.

6. When scolding a girl, be aware of her emotional violent reaction, which prevents her from understanding why she is being scolded. Take it easy on her mistakes.

7. Girls can act up due to fatigue (exhaustion of the right "emotional" hemisphere). Boys in this case are depleted of information (decreased activity of the left "rational-logical" hemisphere). Scolding them for this is useless and immoral.

8. Focus programs and teaching methods on a specific child with a certain type of functional asymmetry of the hemispheres, give him the opportunity to reveal his abilities, create a situation for him to succeed.

9. When teaching a child to write well, do not destroy the foundations of "innate" literacy. Look for the reasons for the child's illiteracy, analyze his mistakes.

10. Do not forget that your assessment given to a child is always subjective and depends on your type of asymmetry of the hemispheres. Perhaps you belong to different types of brain organization and think differently.

11. You should not so much teach the child as develop in him a desire to learn.

12. Remember that any child may not know something, not be able to, make mistakes in something.

13. A child's laziness is a signal that your activities are not going well.

14. For the harmonious development of the child, it is necessary to teach him to comprehend the educational material in different ways (logically, figuratively, intuitively).

15. For successful learning, we must turn our demands into the desires of the child.

Right-brained people, or left-handers

The right hemisphere of the brain controls the subconscious and abstract thinking, orientation in space and the sphere of feelings. It is responsible for figurative memory, perception of music, intonation and rhythm, expressiveness of sound. It has been experimentally established that if you listen to music with your left ear, through an earpiece, the melody is recognized faster. Right-brained people have a better understanding of classical music with its subtleties and nuances. They issue high level associations. It is not difficult for them to abstract from specifics and generalize. Those who have more activated right hemisphere, longer retain in memory a variety of impressions of what they saw and heard.

The left hemisphere is responsible for speech, it "thinks" with the help of words. The right hemisphere "thinks" in images, it reads information contained not in words, but in intonations, facial expressions and gestures. For a right-brained person, it is not so much important what said how much how said.

Marina came to the appointment with a child psychologist with anxiety about the behavior of her four-year-old son: in her opinion, the boy does not adequately respond to communication. At the reception, there was a demonstration of such an “inadequate” reaction. Marina called Artyom to her several times, since we asked her about it, but he became interested in the designer and could not tear himself away from him, and therefore, in response to the first two requests, he asked for “another minute” to play. For the third time, Marina, pursing her lips and narrowing her eyes, muttered, without raising her tone, but in a “metallic” voice: “Artyom, leave the designer immediately and come to me.” Artyom immediately became bored with resentment and resolutely declared: “Don’t yell at me!” Of course, the mother spoke in an even voice, but her facial expressions and gestures just “shouted”, and the child heard it. As Marina admitted later, she left us both reassured and worried at the same time. She realized that everything was in order with her boy, he was simply clearly right-brained (by the way, Artyom has been taking both a spoon-fork and a pencil with his left hand since childhood), and her confidence in her son’s “normality” could not but please her. But now she is worried about something else: how to communicate with a child who is sensitive to intonation, how to learn to control herself.

The left brain helps us read the book and understand it. The right hemisphere, being sufficiently developed and trained, makes it possible to "read between the lines" and "hear between the words." It makes us re-read again and again long-familiar works, because each time we come across some kind of discovery, something that went unnoticed during the previous reading or viewing.

Let's arrange another test for right and left hemisphere. Read the ballad of A. M. Gorky "About the little fairy and the young shepherd." While reading, try to find and briefly formulate the main meaning of the work in the form of a summary.

A fairy lived in the forest above the river,

She swam in the river at night

And once, forgetting caution,

Caught in fishing nets.

The fishermen watched, marveled ...

Their beloved comrade, Marco,

Picked up a gentle fairy

And began to kiss her passionately.

A fairy, like a flexible branch,

Writhed in mighty hands

Yes, I looked into Markov's eyes

And quietly laughed at something.

They kissed all day

And as soon as the night came,

Missing beautiful fairy

And with it, the Markov force.

Days Marco all prowled through the forest,

And the nights sat over the Danube

And he asked the waves: "Where is the fairy?"

And the waves laugh: “We don’t know!”

Marco hanged himself on a bitter,

Cowardly trembling aspen...

And others buried him

Above the blue Danube in the gorge.

At night to his grave

That fairy came to sit ...

Sitting and laughing at something...

After all, that's how much fun I loved!

A fairy bathes in the Danube

As before, before Marco, I swam ...

And Marco is gone! From Marco

Only this song remains!

Now check yourself.

1. “People remember only those who somehow stood out, did something unusual” - you activated the left hemisphere.

2. “There are forces in the world that are incomprehensible and beyond human control,” you “read” with your right hemisphere and paid attention to the subtext.

3. “Often we imagine ourselves to be the masters of the situation, not actually being such,” - this option is obtained if, having agreed with summary No. 1, you did not calm down and re-read the legend. While reading, you "slowed down" on the line where the fairy "quietly laughed at something." All this means that you are of a mixed type, that is, you are able to turn on both hemispheres at will.

If the left hemisphere is responsible for logic, then thanks to the right hemisphere, intuitive insights and discoveries become possible. The periodic table was “dreamed” by the scientist in a dream, when the left hemisphere, responsible for the work of consciousness, was temporarily “turned off”. Intuition and insight are the methods of work of the right hemisphere. Therefore, many are right-brained creative people- actors, poets, painters and musicians. Right-brained people just love to look at everything and admire the most insignificant things.

My daughter at the age of three just drove us all crazy. We were in a hurry somewhere, and she froze at every step: “Mom, look, a leaf”, “Oh, mom, what a dog!” etc. Everything delighted her, she had to consider everything. To tear her away from contemplation was about the same as “dragging a hippo out of a swamp”, in general, the work is not easy, especially since the girl was terribly offended and threw a tantrum. So we preferred to leave at least half an hour earlier, so that our “eye eye,” as we called her, could view the world at her pleasure.

If your child can stare at a blade of grass for half an hour, do not interrupt this process of contemplation. This is not increased harmfulness and not a whim, but an impulse of the soul. Who knows, perhaps the future Leonardo is growing up with you. If you don't know how to help your child, just don't interfere.

The right hemisphere has one hundred eyes instead of two, it is able to see many things at the same time, to catch connections between objects and events. It is they, the “right hemispheres”, who say that there is nothing accidental in the world. Right-brained people easily accept new things, they are not conservative by nature. And this is a great paradox, since, accepting the new, they constantly look back, look at the lost and gone, and therefore most often look at the world with pessimism. It would seem that the higher the intellect, the more talents and abilities, the more objective a person's self-esteem should be. But no, self-esteem strongly depends on the emotional world of the individual, and therefore it is people who are gifted by nature more often than mediocre people who doubt their talents and experience periods of deep depression.

Since the right hemisphere is responsible for the sphere of feelings, it should not be surprising that right-brained people, among whom there are many left-handed people, have those abilities that are commonly called phenomenal today. The subconscious mind, for which the right hemisphere is responsible, is in charge of all those mental functions that we are not able to control. This includes primarily intuition and dreams. Telepathy and hypnosis, as well as the phenomena of automatic counting and absolute memory, also refer to the work of the subconscious and, accordingly, the right hemisphere.

It is quite natural that many left-handers are related to art and science. We can recall scientists - I. P. Pavlov and J. K. Maxwell, artists - Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci, connoisseurs of the word, feeling it by taste and touch - I. Dahl and L. Carroll. Left-handed geniuses include such personalities as Paul McCartney and Charlie Chaplin. If you believe the legends of antiquity, then Julius Caesar, Alexander the Great and Napoleon were also left-handed.

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From the book The Most Important Book for Parents (compilation) author Gippenreiter Yulia Borisovna

OK. Chukovskaya "People are like people!" Awakened, my memory is surprisingly infantile. In eminent people who visited our house on Sundays, and sometimes on other days of the week, she retained not the main features, but secondary ones, not the main ones, but accidental ones. Not the ones in

Who are left and right hemispheres and what is their difference? The awareness of each hemisphere is strictly limited to the half of the body subordinate to it (the left hemisphere controls the right side of the body, and the right hemisphere controls the left). The right hemisphere is an excellent constructor. The ability to extrapolate a whole image based on a part of a drawing is a function of the right hemisphere. The right hemisphere confidently detects exactly the same patterns. The left hemisphere, on the contrary, is easier given tasks to find differences. It processes information in parts, following the strict order of analysis of details. Right-brained people have excellent spatial orientation, body sense, and high coordination of movements. Left hemispheres have a sense of time, muscular endurance. Right-brained students are more successful in learning geometry due to its spatial nature. Algebra requires logic, consistent thinking, which is an advantage for left-brain students. The right hemisphere does not understand the signs "subtract", "multiply", "divide" and is not able to perform these actions. Unless it copes with addition, and then if the tasks are the easiest, like 1 + 2 or 2 + 3. It does an excellent job with various tasks for generalization and systematization. Capturing a holistic image image instead of its step-by-step discrete analysis prevents the right hemisphere from mastering reading, which explains the failure in teaching reading by left-hemisphere methods. If a child has a left dominant eye (which is a sign of right hemisphere), he may not immediately learn how to navigate on a sheet of paper. Vision is arranged in such a way that the left-handed eye involuntarily falls on right side books and notebooks. Therefore, he reads the word from the end. He sees that it is nonsense, and does not dare to say it aloud. Parents or the teacher do not understand why the child reads with pauses, they rush him, injure him, while the child needs help.

The ability to actively reproduce speech in the right hemisphere is much less pronounced than to understand words. Children with right hemisphere dominance do not control the correctness of their speech. Activities that require constant self-control are performed poorly by them. IN oral speech there may be problems in grammar and word selection. Semantic omissions are possible, especially if the right hemisphere student is also impulsive. Children with left hemisphere dominance control their speech. The right hemisphere is completely ignorant of grammar. But the most literate are equal-hemispheric students. That's how different they are! B. Bely said well about their differences: "Right hemispheric people do not see individual trees behind the forest, and left hemisphere people do not see the forest behind individual trees." The maturation of the right hemisphere is proceeding at a faster rate than the left, and therefore in early period development, its contribution to psychological functioning exceeds the contribution of the left hemisphere. It is even argued that up to 9-10 years old the child is a right-brained being. According to some data, significant changes in interhemispheric interaction are noted by the age of 6-7, that is, by the beginning schooling. The impetus for the activation of the left hemisphere is considered to be the emergence of self-consciousness in the child, this occurs at the age of two. At the same time, stubbornness is most pronounced.

Society overestimates the role of the left hemisphere and logical thinking in the development of the mental activity of the child. School teaching methods train and develop mainly the left hemisphere, ignoring at least half of the child's capabilities. I. Sauniere (France) stated: "By training the left hemisphere, you train only the left hemisphere. By training the right hemisphere, you train the whole brain." It is known that the right hemisphere is associated with the development of creative thinking and intuition. The main type of thinking elementary school student is visual-figurative, closely connected with the emotional sphere. This suggests the participation of the right hemisphere in learning. Thus, the shift of interhemispheric asymmetry towards absolute domination The left-brain thinking strategy is not only a biological function of growing up, but also the result of cultural traditions, social influences, and learning. Such dominance can be achieved only at the cost of great efforts of the teacher, parents and student. But are these efforts always justified? Even the German teacher Herbard wrote that a bad teacher presents the truth, and a good one teaches to find it. A leading specialist in the field of neuropedagogy, for example, Professor N.N. Traugott says: "We must warn the school against left-brain learning. This educates people who are not capable of real action in a real situation." Professor T.P. Khrizman also warns: "Right hemispheres - generators of ideas - are disappearing. The question is serious: we need to save the nation." Professor D.V. Kolesov agrees with them: "True thinking is figurative, complex, when it is important not only to designate the concept, but also to understand it in a complex way." Evidence of the positive impact of the development of the right hemisphere on the general intellectual development of the individual is the latest research by American, Swiss and Austrian scientists who conducted experiments among children from five to fifteen years old. The control group followed the standard school curriculum, while the experimental program increased the number of music lessons by reducing the hours of math and language classes. For three years, children not only did not lag behind their peers from the control group, but even showed better results, especially in learning foreign languages(verbal-analytical thinking).

Already at birth, there are prerequisites for functional asymmetry of the brain. But studies have confirmed that the development of one or another hemisphere, despite the genetic predestination for dominance, is associated with the characteristics of education and development. That is, innate prerequisites are only the initial conditions, and the asymmetry itself is formed in the process of individual development under the influence of social contacts, primarily family ones. That is why education should be built taking into account the figurative thinking prevailing in children. And the most progressive and expedient is the development of both hemispheres of the brain. So candidate psychological sciences, leading researcher at the Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education Victoria Yurkevich believes that a non-rigid separation of hemispheric functions promotes creativity (creative thinking), and a rigid one reduces it. In the book by A. L. Sirotyuk "Education of children with different type thinking" says that the more efforts are made in the process of education to the dominance of logical-sign thinking (left hemispheric education), the more efforts will be required in the future to overcome its limitations. In other words, in order to liberate imaginative thinking and release creative forces, it is necessary to remake what was laid down in childhood. And re-education, as you know, is more difficult than educating. The author claims that in case of neuroses and psychosomatic diseases, there is a sort of partial withdrawal of the right hemisphere contribution, as a result, the ability to make non-standard decisions is reduced. In other words, if a child often gets sick due to constant overload and stress, then figuratively, that is, creative thinking he is developing poorly. And since the ability to imagine in childhood is a prerequisite for the thinking of an adult, then the child does not receive proper development. But an adult thinks that if the kid is ahead of his peers in knowledge and skill, then his thinking is also better developed. What happens when such a child graduates from school, and then from a higher educational institution and comes to work? Unfortunately, more and more often leaders of various fields note that modern young professionals with higher education less creative and independent in their decisions than their previous generation.

Marina Sultanova

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Have you ever heard that all people are two categories - "artists" and "thinkers". What does it mean? And the fact that some people have the best developed right hemisphere of the brain, which provides figurative thinking, while others have the left hemisphere, which is responsible for logical thinking. Of course, this theory has been subjected to scientific criticism many times, but at the same time, in the minds modern man the concept was firmly entrenched that the creative and logical beginning of a person directly depends on the predominance of the activity of the right or left hemispheres. Some psychologists and neurophysiologists believe that which hemisphere works better is directly reflected in a person's abilities, his character. Some scientists argue that a developed right-brain thinking has a much greater value. Why? You will find the answer in our material.

About the work of the two hemispheres

The researcher of the processes of intelligence and creativity, Paul Torrance, was among the first to pay attention to the peculiarities of the work of the hemispheres of the human brain. The scientist conducted an experiment during which 4 types of thinking were established:

  • left hemispheric thinking - that which is built on logic and analysis
  • right hemispheric thinking - where the thought process is driven by emotions and images
  • mixed thinking - where both the right and left hemispheres are equally active, each of which turns on at the right time
  • integrated thinking - when right hemisphere and left hemisphere thinking work simultaneously.

Torrance emphasized that among the selected types of thinking there are no good and bad: each has its own advantages and disadvantages. However, scientists have recently increasingly attached importance to the development of right-brain thinking.

How do you know which hemisphere is dominant?

You can find out which hemisphere dominates in you with the help of special tests. And the easiest way to find out is to listen to yourself. If you rely on intuition when making decisions, trust your feelings and sensations, if you are not particularly striving for human resource management, if music can cause you feelings, and a film can cause strong emotions, then your activity of the right hemisphere predominates. If you like being a leader and organizer, it’s not difficult for you to pronounce, you tend to analyze any problem, decomposing it into its components - you have a left-brain type of thinking.

Characteristics of right brain thinking

A person who is predominantly right-brained often uses an intuitive approach to solving problems. life problems and professional tasks. Such a person connects logic in situations of extreme necessity. For a right-brained person, high ideals and moral guidelines are valuable, he is inclined to philosophize. The "artist" does not like being controlled by someone: he prefers to act on his own initiative. For a right-brained person, relationships with others are important. Such a person is able to give birth to unique ideas, to create something new, beautiful.

It must be said that the classical education system is built in such a way as to develop predominantly left-brain thinking, almost completely ignoring the development of right-brain skills. This is expressed in the fact that children and students are taught only to memorize and reproduce information within the framework of curriculum, maximum - to think logically, and pay very little attention to the development of imaginative thinking, fantasy, intuition, creativity. Unfortunately, right-brained, creative thinking is not cultivated in traditional educational institutions and, as a result, students become ordinary "standard" adults. This approach significantly limits the process of personality development, makes it one-sided.

Why develop right-brain thinking?

Many scientists have emphasized the special value of right-brain thinking. One of the founders of scientific pedagogy, the German researcher Johann Friedrich Herbart noted that a bad teacher presents the truth, while a good one teaches to find it. Neuroeducator Natalia Traugott said that "the educational system must be warned against left-brain learning, as this educates people who will not be able to perform real actions in real situations." Professor T.P. Khrizman lamented that “right-brained people, generators of ideas, are disappearing. The question is serious: we must save the nation.

“An experiment in the field of pedagogy and psychology conducted by American, Swiss and Austrian scientists showed that schoolchildren began to excel significantly in all disciplines when the usual school curriculum reduced by increasing the hours of music lessons.

Recently, the issue of intensive development of right hemispheric thinking has been actualized. For example, the ability to think figuratively and comprehensively, to quickly generate ideas are the most important skills of a modern top manager, who often works in conditions of chaos and stress. The largest companies - banks, retailers, manufacturers - do not neglect the development of intuitive-sensory thinking of their employees, including the management team. Therefore, right brain thinking must be developed in order to succeed and improve the quality of life.

Exercises to activate the right hemisphere

"Recommendation. Intuition, inner figurative vision, an integrated approach - all these manifestations of right-brain thinking can be developed. You can do it on your own (with the help of well-known techniques, Michael Mikalko, Julia Cameron, Merili Zdenek and others), or you can do intensive creativity training in a group at a special training.

Start training your right hemisphere with simple exercises that are performed in pairs.

  1. Exercise "Images". Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Concentrate on your breathing: breathe deeply, calming down more and more with each breath and focusing on your own sensations. Inhale and exhale easily, freely. Feel that you are warm, cozy, comfortable and you breathe clean, fresh and cool air. So you calm down and tune in to a new activity. Now your partner will slowly read out the words that you need to feel, feel as realistic as possible. Focus on the content of the words. Speak the words to yourself and imagine what you hear in your imagination.

at first visual images: banana, river, forest, flower, bee, red, play, affectionate, craft, weave.

bodily images: stroking fur, melting snowflake, warm steam, walking on a soft carpet, hot water, sharp needle, fish scales, soft fluff.

And in the end - olfactory and tactile images: the aroma of fresh roses, the smell of hay, the smell of pine needles, the taste of a freshly cut orange, a slice of chocolate, canapes with large red caviar.

  1. Exercise "Proverbs". Your exercise partner thinks of some well-known proverb or saying and tries to explain silently, non-verbally (only with the help of facial expressions and gestures) what he thought of. You guess. Then, switch roles.

Good luck in developing right-brain thinking! What is your opinion: how is right-brained, intuitive-figurative thinking related to leadership?